
=== mrooney|w1 is now known as mrooney|w
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lamalexkenvandine: is empathy in karmic going to have adium support? or geoclue? or libchamplain?05:36
lamalexadium theme that is05:37
mac_vmrooney|w: hi... synaptic is either way going to be replaced in Karmic+1 , IMO , there is no need for a papercut09:53
mac_vwe caould just let the task in synaptic remain and be fixed in synaptic09:53
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
* MacSlow -> lunch13:40
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mac_vdjsiegel: i think you misread my comment yesterday14:27
djsiegelmac_v: which one?14:27
djsiegelI bet I did :)14:27
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mac_vdjsiegel: my reply was not about share / instal but rather a reply to "shouldn't the response be from the perspective of the respondent?"14:29
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mac_vdjsiegel: just dont be too hasty in saying someone is bikeshedding  :/ 14:30
djsiegelmac_v, the bug is fixing the unknown antecedent of "them"14:31
djsiegeland your comment was that "share the disk" and "use the entire disk" are not phrased from the same perspective?14:31
mac_vdjsiegel: yeah that was fine but adding the "I" , was not14:31
djsiegelok, I see14:32
djsiegelWhat do you propose instead?14:32
djsiegelDoes it make a difference to users?14:32
djsiegelIs it harder to use, or less beautiful right now?14:33
djsiegelIf it communicates the choice (users can understand it without difficulty), it is bikeshedding unless there's an alternative that you can provide that is unambiguously better14:33
djsiegelso do it! :)14:33
mac_vdjsiegel: installers , do not use  "I" , but since it is an installer , it will be in almost all the guides , and will be quickly pointed out14:33
djsiegelInstallers do not use "I"?14:34
djsiegelInstaller starts with "I"!14:34
djsiegelmaybe Ubuntu's installer should be all about "I"14:34
mac_vthats what i said , if you want all as response ,  "I"  then the 3 need to be changed14:35
djsiegelSo, you think the options should not be from the perspective of the user?14:35
mac_vI havent seen an installer , which has options like that14:35
mac_vdjsiegel: i think rather than , patching it up , Evan canfix it properly14:36
djsiegelmac_v, that's fine, but what is your proposal14:36
djsiegel"show me the code"14:36
mac_vah... just a sec14:36
djsiegelstop arguing these fine details, and just give the improved suggestion14:36
djsiegelI understand your hesitancy to use "I", but it's possible that using "I" makes the software friendly, easy to use and understand14:37
djsiegelthere is no inviolable law of nature set against the use of "I" in software installers14:37
mac_vdjsiegel: Share the disk with existing installations [ allows choosing between them when You start the computer]14:37
djsiegelok, so, you've added a parenthetical voice14:38
djsiegelI argue that it's now harder to read14:38
mac_vok i give up14:38
djsiegel"share" is imperative14:38
djsiegelthe user is telling the installer to share14:38
djsiegelthen it shifts in voice back to the installer14:38
mac_vdjsiegel: the words within brackets are explanations , similar to the [advanced]14:39
djsiegelbut I do think it's more grammatically correct than my suggestion14:39
mac_v3rd option14:39
djsiegelShare the disk with existing installations, choosing between them when I start the computer14:39
djsiegel"choosing" seems the wrong tense14:39
djsiegelShare the disk with existing installations; allow me to choose between them when I start the computer14:40
djsiegeltwo commands14:40
djsiegelbut the semi-colon is recondite14:41
kholerabbiShare the disk with existing installations and allow me to choose between them when I start the computer14:41
djsiegelyes that's good14:41
djsiegelwe're getting longer and longer though14:41
kholerabbiSorry, I actually haven't a clue what this is about.14:41
djsiegelnp, good suggestion kholerabbi14:42
djsiegelhmm, I'd prefer a comma14:42
djsiegelShare the disk with existing installations, allow me to choose between them when I start the computer14:42
djsiegelmac_v, better? ^14:42
mac_vdjsiegel: better , 14:43
djsiegel"share the disk", "allow me to choose", "use the entire disk"14:43
djsiegel"specify partitions manually..." is the odd one out14:43
kholerabbiwtf is empathy telling me "doesn't" is bad spelling O.o14:44
mac_vdjsiegel: "Let me specify manually"14:46
djsiegelhmm, we're supposed to avoid "letting" the user take action14:47
djsiegelit makes the user feel like the computer is in control instead of vice versa14:47
MDC1"custom design"14:48
mac_vdjsiegel: "Choose advanced options"14:48
djsiegeltoo vague14:48
djsiegel"Use special partitioning (advanced)"14:48
kholerabbi'advanced' should be avoided14:49
mac_vkholerabbi: advanced needs to be mentioned so that novice users dont mess up14:51
mac_vdjsiegel: i think it sounds good , or "Use advanced partitioning"14:52
djsiegel"Use advanced partitioning...14:53
djsiegeland no need for "(advanced)"14:53
djsiegelgreat! want to update the bug?14:53
djsiegelpost a new comment with just the suggestions and a small comment, let the "mockup" argue itself14:54
kholerabbi"Share the disk with existing installations, allow me to choose between them when I start the computer"... I'm tired, so might be nit-picking, but "allowing" sounds more correct than "allow".14:58
mac_vdjsiegel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/400047/comments/1415:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 400047 in hundredpapercuts "Installer's "Install them side by side" option is vague and confusing" [Undecided,Confirmed] 15:07
AnAntis it possible for an app using notify-OSD to disable "truncation" capability from notification daemon ?15:41
AnAntif not, how can I know the maximum length of text before it gets truncated ?15:42
mac_vAnAnt: apps cant override the truncation , i think the limit is in the wiki > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD , if not, ask MacSlow 15:45
MacSlowcorrect, apps cannot override that15:45
MacSlowAnAnt, the reason is to avoid spam15:46
AnAntI see15:46
AnAntso, is messaging menu only for messaging (IM / email ...) apps ?15:50
AnAntback to the first question, the wiki says that maximum text length is 10 lines15:53
AnAntnow, how long is a single line?15:54
hyperairhmm regarding that messaging menu, it appears to be using some strange font hinting that results in the text having a shade of purple15:55
mac_vhyperair: lol ... bug # ?16:08
hyperairdidn't file one16:08
* hyperair is lazy16:08
hyperairyou can go file it for me =D16:09
mac_vhyperair: hehe... WFM , so i cant complain ;p16:09
AnAntis there a wiki for messaging menu ?16:09
mac_vAnAnt: search the wiki , there is a page16:10
mac_vmpt:  about the nautilus spatial mode , are you fixing it or ... ?16:14
hyperairspatial mode?16:15
hyperairis that the strange mode that opens a new window with every folder?16:16
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
mptmac_v, no, I haven't done anything about that17:06
mac_vmpt: ah... should i file a bug?17:07
mac_vupstream that is17:07
mptmac_v, sure17:08
mac_vmpt: any other alternate name for spatial mode?17:08
mac_vi'll add that to the bug17:08
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mptmac_v, as I suggested yesterday, I think the "Open" item should always be there to open in a spatial-mode window, and the "Browse" item always there to open in a browser-mode window17:09
mptso, no need for a special term17:10
mrooney|wmac_v: yeah that sounds reasonable18:49
mac_vmrooney|w: i usually invalidate any synaptic bugs , letting mvo deal with it at his leisure ;)18:51
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
mrooney|wmac_v: did you see those 20 papercuts all filed by the same person last night, with the entire bug in the description19:18
mrooney|wlooks like fun!19:18
mac_vyeah... i have them all bookmarked , to be invalidated ;p most are just new idea!19:19
mac_vmrooney|w: you should have seen papercuts initaily , every person would file 10 bugs , all new ideas! once they know wht it is actually they stop19:20
mrooney|wI wish it was clearer that papercuts are just a task and that the bug also needs be placed in the right package19:21
mac_vmrooney|w: pls , invalidate them , i just got tied up with , with a few crashes in my sys. ,19:22
mac_vmrooney|w: this should make things easier > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Invalid%20One%20Hundred%20Paper%20Cuts19:22
mrooney|wI am at work ATM so I may not get to them :)19:22
mac_vmrooney|w: np ... ok... ;) , i'll get to it later19:23

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