
apacheloggerRiddell: ok, I am drunk :P00:03
apacheloggerRiddell: add LGPL and you get an ACK00:03
RiddellI did00:05
Riddellthe .orig should be updated00:05
RiddellMessages.sh too now00:05
Riddellnot yet00:05
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, rainct changed the revu <buttons> to <input>, since the latter actually gets rendered as buttons by konqueror00:08
apacheloggershoudl be arriving soonish00:08
Riddellthe debdiff only diffs the debian directories it seems00:10
Riddellapachelogger: on plasma-widget-facebook could you see if it works at all, the packaging is less important than it installing and being able to run00:17
apacheloggerRiddell: in previous versions of revu it included a whole diff, which makes a lot more sense for most reviews IMHO00:24
apacheloggerRiddell: acked00:25
apacheloggerRiddell: I don't have a facebook account so I could only test installing + init00:26
Riddellapachelogger: but plasma can load it?00:27
apacheloggerRiddell: no, the packaging is wrongish00:29
apacheloggerfor some reason the package the is rather empty00:29
apacheloggeroh, it is not00:29
apacheloggerRiddell: the desktop file is wrong name + wrong directory00:29
Riddellapachelogger: /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/plasmoids/facebook/metadata.desktop ?00:29
apacheloggeraye, should be in share/kde4/services/plasma-applet-facebook.desktop (I think, i.e. please sanity proof)00:30
apacheloggerRiddell: ok, checkout revu00:36
apacheloggerfinally the buttons are actually themed00:36
* apachelogger finds that quite awesome00:36
Riddellwell it works for me where it is00:36
apacheloggeryeah, but the the buttons looked like crap :)00:37
Riddelllooks like a button to me00:37
apacheloggeryeah, didn't before00:38
apacheloggermore like someone puked or something00:39
slacker_nlis there a way to find out which repo was used for a particular package?00:41
Riddellslacker_nl: apt-cache policy <package>00:41
slacker_nlRiddell: i want to know which packages i have installed are from $repo00:41
RiddellI'm not convinced by your moving of the facebook .desktop file, where does the code go?00:41
slacker_nlRiddell: was hoping some kind of dpkg -l --show_repo command ;)00:42
Riddellhmm, to complex this, time for bed00:50
* apachelogger gives Riddell a good nice kiss and pulls the blanket up to Riddell's ears00:52
a|weng'night all around (head hits pillow...)01:07
shtylmanryanakca: yay for ubiquity bugs :)02:04
shtylmanany feed back on the fullscreen installer? do we like it being fullscreen yea/no?02:15
ryanakcashtylman: I like it, as long as the minimize icon remains02:21
shtylmank...that it shall02:22
kub1"kdebase" is not installed on my recently installed KU 904 with todays apt-update.  Shouldn't it be??? - I got no reply in #KUbuntu, anyone here know the answer?02:29
apacheloggerryanakca: I could even live without a minimize icon ;-) ... that said, if the user goes straight to the installer (i.e. not via the live session) will the minimize icon not be displayed?02:41
kub1Anyone know when KU904 will get the functionality like in adept, the gui apt mgr in KU 804? ie, something better than KPackageKit?02:45
ryanakcaapachelogger: I would assume so, but I'm not the one writting it ;)02:46
apacheloggershtylman: ^02:49
apacheloggerryanakca: I though you tested it :P02:49
ryanakcaapachelogger: I did today. Took all morning ;)02:51
shtylmanapachelogger: yes...if in install only mode..you cannot minimize02:52
apacheloggerI love the installer then02:52
shtylmanif this is not the case a bug should be filed :)02:52
apacheloggerI totally went crazy02:52
apacheloggerso did my best friend02:52
apacheloggerway too awesome :)02:52
* apachelogger buries shtylman in cookies for that02:52
shtylmanthats the reaction I was hoping for :)02:53
apacheloggerwell, with that kind of improvement what else could you expect02:54
apacheloggeralso, I wonder how ubuntu can top that :P02:54
shtylmanI don't know if they will try to ... not everyone would like the installer to be like that..I am sure some people prefer the app looking one02:55
apacheloggerwell, trust me on that, $bestfriend is a  hardcore usecase user, so if he likes it, you can be sure it fits at least 90% of the target audience02:56
shtylmangot a few more improvements to add to it...then it will be where I envisioned it when I started this frontend skinning02:58
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
ScottKJust got back from seele's birthday party.06:29
ScottKDid anyone test an updated knetworkmanager snapshot with the new -workspace?06:39
macoi got home first and i used public transit!06:42
ScottKYou live way closer than I do.06:47
macoare you a columbia person?06:57
ScottKEllicott City (past Columbia)06:57
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=== slacker_nl|test is now known as slacker_nl
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
Riddellasac: did you work out what was still needed for a working knm?11:45
asacRiddell: nothing new needed. just what i told initially ... you need to bump knetworkmanager to trunk if you bump workspace to latest from branch ;)11:56
asacit worked perfectly here when using the trunk with the workspace version that has the patch applied11:57
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
asacconfirmed it yesterday11:57
* asac is on swap day though11:57
Riddellstop looking at your computer then!11:58
LureRiddell: any plans to merge latest pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.4.11) into karmic? google-akonadi package from debian would like it11:58
* Lure is still confused by quassel connect and konversation doesn't when at work12:00
RiddellLure: I've no plans but it shouldn't be hard12:00
LureRiddell: is there any concer as to newer packages, as it has bigger changes - may cause build-from-source problems for some packages12:02
LureRiddell: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/p/pkg-kde-tools/pkg-kde-tools_0.4.11/changelog12:02
Riddellhmm, debhelper 7 complexity12:02
LureRiddell: I may look into merging it and trying it out in my ppa with akonadi, then you can decide what to do12:03
* Lure does not know, as I am not following packaging changes lately12:04
RiddellLure: the kubuntu changes should all be factored out into kubuntu.mk now so it should just be a case of including that into kde.mk and debian-qt-kde.mk12:05
Riddellbut I could be wrong12:05
Riddellasac: well it's working today although it wasn't yesterday for me, so I'll package that up12:05
LureRiddell: it does look like, yes12:05
asacRiddell: you need scottk workspace and latest knetworkmanager12:06
asaci just tried to put the trunk bump patch intot he package and added it to series12:06
asacbut seems that the package doesnt apply any patches ;)12:06
asacso take care ;)12:06
asacyou will know what to do ;)12:07
asacjust package latest trunk and all will be fine if you also have latest 4.3.0 workspace12:07
Riddellasac: go and do holiday things!12:08
asactill next week then12:08
Nightrosehmmm I wonder if it is better to install firefox or chromium on the eeepc wrt space12:29
Nightrosei need one of them for google gears but am short on disk space12:30
Nightroseanyone know which of them would need more disk space?12:30
apacheloggerNightrose: chromium doesn't support gears yet I think12:32
Nightrosebah not?12:32
Nightrosei thought it was build in..12:32
apacheloggerreally don't thik so12:32
Nightrosehmm ok - that'd make the decision easy12:33
* Nightrose will check at home12:33
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
ScottK2Riddell and NCommander: KDE/Qt Main retries on armel are done and we're into Universe now.  Amarok and kdeplasma-addons have real build failures that need investigating by someone that knows what they are doing.13:05
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
Riddellrocking stuff ScottK13:09
Riddellapachelogger: plasma-widget-facebook needs that .desktop file in both places to work, sneaky13:20
apacheloggerRiddell: true13:39
apacheloggerit's the very same in .kde ... if you just move the plasmoid to .kde/share/plasma it won't get in the list13:40
apacheloggerso plasmapkg -i will install the source _and_ add a desktop file for ksycoca to be found13:40
Riddellapachelogger: yep13:41
RiddellI wonder what this does http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/akonadi-resource-googledata13:41
apacheloggerRiddell: akonadi resource for google calendar and contacts13:42
apacheloggeri.e. syncs desktop with those13:42
Riddellthat sounds very useful13:43
ScottKRiddell: It's in Debian already.13:44
ScottKWe just need to sync/merge some depends first13:45
RiddellScottK: packages.d.o doesn't see it13:46
ScottKRiddell: It's still in New.  Sorry.  The packaging is in qt-kde team svn.13:48
ScottKRiddell: I've got a copy of the md5sum identical tarball locally for it.13:51
Riddellok so we can archive Tonio_'s one from revu13:51
ScottKWe need the newer kde-pkg-tools Lure was mentioning earlier and libgcal synced and then I should be able to just upload it.13:53
ScottKRiddell: ^^13:53
* Tonio_ is finally in canada13:54
ScottKHello Tonio_.  Welcome to North America13:54
Tonio_ScottK: :)13:54
cbraha! now i know why totem wont play videos @ firefox anymore13:54
Tonio_I'm there for 6 weeks, nothing to do in the evening13:54
cbrubuntu dropped the xine backend13:54
cbrand gstreamer is an epic fail (tm)13:55
Tonio_I'm finally done with all the administrative stuff...13:55
ScottKTonio_: Did you try plasma-netbook yet?14:02
Tonio_ScottK: not yet, I was planning to test this WE, since I have basically nothing to do here :)14:05
Tonio_ScottK: needs testing and default settings I guess14:05
Tonio_ScottK: does it come by default with kubuntu-netbook right now ?14:05
ScottKTonio_: Needs some help with hacking on it too14:06
Tonio_ScottK: kk14:06
ScottKAs of Tuesday14:06
Tonio_ScottK: well, I was really out of the game since now cause I had priorities, but that's over now14:06
ScottKUpstream is very open to contributions.14:06
Tonio_ScottK: you can count on me for this we14:06
Tonio_ScottK: especially since I'm on the same time zone than you now (or almost)14:06
ScottKWhere in Canada are you?14:07
ScottKThe main then is to help upstream get plasma-netbook as finished as we can.14:07
Tonio_ScottK: nearby montreal, sherbrooke14:08
ScottKTonio_: So you are in -0400 now, right?14:09
LureScottK, Tonio_: you were interested for akonadi-googledata, right?14:12
Tonio_ScottK: yep14:12
LureI have debian package with updated libgcal and pkg-kde-tools (merge) in my ppa14:12
Tonio_Lure: yes, but it doesn't work as well as I expected14:12
Tonio_Lure: right now I'm a lot more interested in the akonadi-syncml plugin14:13
LureTonio_: calendar works for me, not sure about recurring events yet14:13
Tonio_Lure: but it would be nice to have both14:13
Tonio_Lure: there are gsoc projects so should be over in septembedr14:13
ScottKLure: It seems like something we should have.14:14
ScottKTonio_: Same TZ as me then.14:14
Tonio_ScottK: oki ;)14:14
Tonio_ScottK: I have packages on my ppa for those akonadi plugins14:15
Tonio_those may not be svn up to date anyway14:15
ScottKThe google data one I have the md5sum identical tarball from Debian and their packaging so once the depends are updated, I can just upload it.14:16
LureScottK: in my ppa it is exact package from fabo14:18
ScottKOK even14:18
LureScottK: if you can review pkg-kde-merge in my ppa it would be great14:19
Lureor Riddell ^^^14:19
ScottKLure: I really need to focus on $WORK today.14:19
ScottK(and am not currently succeeding)14:19
LureScottK: no problem, for Riddell this actually means work ;-)14:19
LureScottK: I know the feeling ;-)14:19
RiddellScottK: /quit may help  :)14:20
Riddell_Sime: aren't you ment to be on holiday?14:20
RiddellQuintasan: what's the status of   http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-applet-flickr ?14:20
_SimeRiddell: wifi baby!14:20
QuintasanRiddell: It's already in repos14:20
_Simethe beach is just 20-30 meters away.14:20
LureRiddell: here is link: https://edge.launchpad.net/~lure/+archive/ppa14:21
LureRiddell: whenevr you have time ;-)14:21
RiddellQuintasan: groovy, archived on revu14:21
Lure_Sime: stop teasing us! ;-)14:21
RiddellLure: will do14:21
QuintasanRiddell: You can nuke packages?14:21
LureRiddell: are you archive-admin still? Then you can also take care for bug 411679 ;-)14:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411679 in libgcal "please sync libgcal 0.9.2-1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41167914:22
* Quintasan got some packages to nuke14:23
apacheloggerdidn't I like kill the KHC search?14:24
apacheloggera drage it is14:24
_Simecya, have to go snokeling... B-)14:26
RiddellQuintasan: I can archive on revu yes14:26
Quintasannah, I want them to disappear from there14:27
Quintasananyone is working on aurorae?14:27
Riddellnot that I know of14:33
QuintasanThen I will try to package it14:37
RiddellQuintasan: we already have kwin-style-aurorae14:37
Riddellin the arhicve14:37
RiddellI don't know if it's the latest version14:37
QuintasanI wanted to ask that :O14:38
* mgraesslin uploaded a new tarball to kde-look today so it probably isn't14:38
Quintasanwell, I'm up for updating it if I find diff.gz14:39
RiddellQuintasan: apt-get source or get it from launchpad14:39
* Quintasan is still on jaunty14:40
Riddellhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-googlecalendar needing review (still to poke upstream into including COPYING file)14:40
* apachelogger needs a bug status dont-care-geek-crap14:41
apacheloggerRiddell: code does neither contain copyright nor license statements either14:42
Quintasanhurr durr, why do I always forget about dget -x?14:43
Riddellapachelogger: as I just said :)14:43
apachelogger3) according to kde-look 1.1.1 is out, I suppose upgrading makes sense14:46
apachelogger4) copyright header seciton should be Upstream-Name: Upstream-Maintainer: ...14:46
apacheloggerRiddell: ^14:46
LureRiddell: thanks for libgcal sync14:46
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose kde.mk could use some fancy feature to auto-create a symlink form metadata.desktop to the services directory14:48
apacheloggerRiddell: speedcrunch does not localize14:51
Riddellapachelogger: it should, it has enough .qm files in /usr/share/speedcrunch/locale14:52
apacheloggersorry, that statement was incomplete14:54
apacheloggerbug 36628514:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366285 in speedcrunch "Kubuntu - setting "Country or region" is ignored by applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36628514:54
apacheloggerit does not localize when KDE country settings are changed14:54
apacheloggerRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubiquity/kde-desktop-file/+merge/1015514:57
QuintasanYay for broken kernel in jaunty and nonworking fglxrx in karmic :S14:57
apacheloggerRiddell: can we do something about that at all?14:58
apacheloggerRiddell: it appears that the decimal symbol is set via the qm file14:59
apacheloggerso unless the lang is switched, there is little chance to get the decimal symbol changed14:59
apacheloggerRiddell: the window name of systemsettings is not translated15:03
apacheloggerI suppose that is caused by desktop file stuff15:03
dpmapachelogger: I've started tagging Kubuntu translation bugs as (imaginatively enough) 'kubuntu' in the ubuntu-translations project in order to keep track of them (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bugs?field.tag=kubuntu) what you are mentioning would be a good candidate to be reported15:12
apacheloggerdpm: I'd rather fix it right away ;-)15:13
dpmoh yeah, that's always the preferred approach :-)15:14
ScottKConnecting now via knetworkmanager15:27
ScottKasac: ^^^15:27
ScottKRiddell: ^^^^15:27
ScottKThis is with wpa-psk15:27
ScottKapachelogger: Would you please add kubuntunetbook to the kubuntu group on identi.ca?15:34
ScottKIs that how that works?15:34
apacheloggerScottK: is kubuntunetbook a group or what?15:37
RiddellScottK: awooga15:39
ScottKapachelogger: No.  It's just me 'denting about netbook stuff15:40
macoScottK: then you add yourself to it15:49
macogroups are join, not invite15:50
macosegphault's talking about making a plasma frontend to gwibber15:57
macosince he's writing a daemon + tack-on gui version now for gnome15:58
macoand um the µblog plasmoid is useless...doesnt post...only shows your own updates...15:58
Riddellmaco: that would be cool15:58
smarterthen it should be fixed15:58
macohe said he looked at the current plasmoid's code and its fubar :P15:59
apacheloggerRiddell: ok, the problem is that some (almost all?) desktop files define -capation "%c" as exec argument, easiest solution would probably be to strip that in the cdbs magic16:00
apacheloggerthis will not work for say gnome apps that define -capation16:00
Riddellapachelogger: I've never understood the need for that16:00
apacheloggerit is not16:00
apacheloggermaybe it is faster or something16:00
Riddellno it's not, an app knows its own name regardless16:01
Riddellmaybe it's used before the app has started though16:01
Riddellapachelogger: where did nuno mention that Kubuntu wasn't part of the branding idea?16:01
smarterfor the taskbar entry while the cursor is bouncing?16:02
apacheloggerRiddell: in a quey we had16:02
macobranding idea?16:02
ScottKRiddell: Still crashy however (knm).  Two crashes awaiting retrace right now.16:02
Riddellneversfelde: new plasma-widget-plasmaboard out16:03
RiddellScottK: I don't think I've ever had it crash on me16:03
ScottKRiddell: OK, we'll see what the backtraces say.16:03
apacheloggerRiddell: I am not sure where that -capation stuff gets filled in from though ... my best guess is somewhere within kservicegroup, which creates a kdesktopfile object and then creates a kconfigroup using its desktopGroup() function, from that it apparently gathers the capation16:04
apacheloggerm_strCaption = config.readEntry( "Name" );16:04
macoRiddell: plasma-widget-plasmaboard?16:04
apacheloggerRiddell: but for me anything underneath kdesktopfile just becomes more and more cryptic16:05
Riddellneversfelde: on screen keyboard16:06
smarterreminds me I have to look at it16:07
smarterand adds to it some features from Kvkbd16:08
apacheloggerwell, it appears to implement kconfig and puts all the information into a kconfiggroup obviously16:08
apacheloggerbut I have no idea where to hook into kconfig in order to create a fallback if resolution from desktop file content fails16:08
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe you have more luck :)16:09
* apachelogger needs to take a shower16:10
asacScottK: nice. finally all the bits are up ;)16:11
* asac off again for swap day ;)16:12
ScottKasac: Yes.  Enjoy your day off.16:12
ScottKapachelogger: I did join the kubuntu group, but kubuntunetbook doesn't show up as a member?16:14
ScottKPosts don't show up either.16:14
ScottKCan someone check if wep works with today's knetworkmanager?16:16
RiddellScottK: working for me16:16
ScottKKewl.  You really should upgrade to wpa16:16
RiddellI usually don't use any encryption, but my neighbours started using gnutella so had to change that16:19
apacheloggerScottK: I dont think that is how groups work16:22
apacheloggeryou'd need to have !kubuntu in the posts16:22
ScottKI see.16:23
ScottKGot it.16:23
ScottKQuintasan or lex79: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kde4+bluetooth+files+open?content=108869 might be worth packaging.  I can confirm blueman works way better than kdebluetooth right now.16:43
neversfeldeRiddell: I am not at home till end of next week, but I will have a look at it after I return.16:51
lex79ScottK: I have not bluetooth in my desktop, so I can't test the package if I do, maybe Quintasan has a notebook17:03
ScottKlex79: I can test it.17:04
macohey wait i heard we can use osx dashboard widgets on kde17:12
SputRiddell: in Germany, recently the police have raided and searched a home and took all network equipment with them because the guy supposedly ran an open WLAN17:17
Sputat least that's what they gave him as a reason why they wouldn't need a judge to grant permission to search his home17:17
Sput"Imminent Danger because of an open WLAN"17:17
jussi01mmm, IM hungry17:20
Riddellhttp://community.zdnet.co.uk/blog/0,1000000567,10013420o-2000498448b,00.htm  "17:25
Riddell"Kubuntu Netbook Release Coming"17:25
Riddellshtylman: bzr diff -r 3364..3365  on ubiquity, lots more changes for timezones for kde frontend17:28
lex79Riddell: can you upload digikam, kipi-plugins, choqok and kde-style-qtcurve from bzr ? :) thanks17:32
Riddellsomeone's been busy17:33
Riddelllex79: choqok 0.6.6-0ubuntu1  where's the new .orig.tar.gz?17:35
Riddellan actual download link preferred17:37
lex79Riddell: http://mirror.umoss.org/download.ospdev.net/choqok/choqok/0.6.6/choqok-0.6.6.tar.bz217:38
Riddelllex79: got links for the other ones (if I need them)?17:40
lex79Riddell: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/digikam/digikam_1.0.0~beta3.orig.tar.gz17:42
lex79Riddell: http://home.freeuk.com/cpdrummond/QtCurve-KDE4-0.67.5.tar.bz217:44
Riddelllex79: the get-orig-source in kde-style-qtcurve doesn't work, could you fix it or remove it?17:49
lex79Riddell: ok I'll do17:49
Riddelllex79: rest uploaded17:53
lex79Riddell: also I've soprano-backend-sesame 2.3.017:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412786 in soprano-backend-sesame "New upstream release soprano-backend-sesame 2.3.0" [Undecided,New]17:54
Riddelllex79: super17:56
Riddelllex79: uploaded, thanks17:58
lex79Riddell: launchpad bug 40772718:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407727 in kphotoalbum "Sync kphotoalbum 4.0.2-1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40772718:07
Riddellryanakca: about?18:15
lex79Which the difference between /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/debhelper/kde.mk and /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/cdbs/kde.mk ?18:21
lex79pkg-kde-tools 0.4.11 introduced /debhelper/kde.mk, we should switch to this for new packages?18:21
Riddelllex79: debhelper/kde.mk is scary debhelper 7 stuff, I'd ignore it for now18:25
user321Hello All, this is Max from the web browser project: http://dooble.sf.net  - We currently try a linux deb release.18:27
user321Maybe someone wants to support that, we use Qt and Webkit, currently two members of this community encouraged me, to ask here in the forum18:27
user321With the follwing idea:18:28
user321we have a desktop integrated in the browser, the Dooble Desktop18:28
user321and one idea is to make the browser the desktop of a linux kernel, so that apps an be started from the browsers desktop, like google android18:29
user321if kde apps then want to use an own main window, then nothing changes, and if they want to plug in into one browser tab, that is as well possible18:29
user321if you want to have a look , try a compile out of the SVN with Qt environment with qmake just dooble.pro file18:30
user321it is one click to compile, but deb package needs longer18:30
user321our contact mailinglist is: "dooble-team" <Dooble-team@lists.sourceforge.net>,18:30
user321join if you like18:31
user321screen movie is here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8m316_dooble-web-browser-sumaawardsapplic_school18:31
user321we have desktop, 45 languages and not an addicted google search attitude.18:32
Riddellagateau: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/konversation-devel/2009-August/002915.html18:32
user321SVN http://dooble.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/dooble/18:32
agateauRiddell: I gave an explanation about this in your blog comments, can you paste it there/point them there18:33
agateau(I am not subscribed to konversation-devel@ and about to be on holiday)18:33
Riddellyeah, you french and your 35 hour week :)18:34
RiddellI'll reply to him18:34
agateauRiddell: :) are you being jealous?18:34
agateauRiddell: new kmail patch with almost-completely-working configuration ui available on my page18:41
agateauTime for holidays18:42
Tonio_Riddell: :) as I already said, even for most french, 35 hours a week is just a legend :)18:42
Tonio_agateau could confirm this I guess :)18:42
Tonio_agateau: hi, btw18:42
RiddellTonio_: unlike you Canadian slackers :)18:42
agateauhi Tonio_18:42
agateauyes, I confirm!18:42
Tonio_Riddell: haha18:42
smarterhey Tonio_18:43
Riddellagateau: rocking18:43
Riddellagateau: bon vacance18:43
agateauRiddell: thanks!18:43
smarterRiddell: *bonnes vacances18:43
Tonio_agateau: going on vacations ? have fun then18:43
Riddellsmarter: but but, it's only one vacance18:43
agateauRiddell: it's like being on holiday*s*18:44
ryanakcaRiddell: I'm at work, but yes18:44
RiddellI only every go on one holiday at a time18:44
agateauanyway, daugther is waiting for me, have to go for real now18:44
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
LureRiddell, asac: thanks for working k-n-m - wpa2-psk works for me now19:40
ulaashi! mp3 is broken?19:41
ulaashi! mp3 is broken?19:41
ulaasyay! stupid irc colors...19:43
ulaasLure: how, where ,when?19:44
ulaasLure: ah you are talking about the kde3 knm19:47
Lureulaas: no, kde4 knetworkmanager in karmic19:47
ulaasLure: the beautiful plasmoid?19:48
Lureulaas: no, standalone app (tray icon)19:48
Lureulaas: plasma is being developed19:48
ulaasthats qt3...19:49
ulaasany info on mp3?19:50
a|wenulaas: nope qt4.5/kde4 knetworkmanager19:50
ulaasa|wen: ok! i am listening...19:51
a|wenyou mean the mp3 in general (the libs)?19:51
ulaasa|wen: i have xine and gst backends. still no mp3 from amarok19:52
ulaasxine-ui also cannot playback. (yes the ffmpeg plugin is installed)19:52
ulaasno wonder this is an alpha :)19:53
ulaasa|wen: one by one please :) knm.. where is that?19:53
a|wenulaas: default in karmic since a week or two ago ... starts automatically and is in the systray19:54
ulaasa|wen: hmm package name? i am a ubuntu-desktop convert19:54
a|wenulaas: do you have kubuntu-desktop installed?19:57
ulaasa|wen: sure! thats the easiest way to from gnome to kde  :)19:57
a|wenshould be pulled in as a depends or recommends from that ... but has been fixed very recently (and needs restart of kde i think)19:58
ulaasa|wen: you are positive that it goes ok with wpa2 psk ?19:59
a|wenplasma-widget-networkmanagement it's called20:00
* a|wen is in the process of testing on his own karmic install20:00
ulaasi will give it a try20:08
QuintasanRiddell: ping21:14
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
a|wenevening _StefanS_21:54
ScottKRiddell: Point for quassel on upstream responsiveness.  One of davmor2's alpha testing bug was committed in the upstream git based on conversation here before a bug even got filed (and it's in the archive today).22:44
lex79a|wen: plasma-runner-amarok needs one final ack in revu if you have time22:58
a|wenlex79: i'm taking a look23:08
Monika|Khttp://googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=KDE&word2=Gnome ha!23:20
a|wenlex79: check revu23:33
lex79well, thanks :)23:34
a|wenyw :)23:36
Quintasana|wen: I have update ready for kwin-style-{crystal,aurorae} ready, I should do something like filing a bug etc. or just poke someone?23:39
a|wenQuintasan: new upstream release?23:39
a|wenQuintasan: upload to REVU ... and either file a bug or poke someone or both23:40
Quintasanhurr, updates to REVU?23:40
shtylmanRiddell: yea...I see that and I am quite unhappy with the changes actually... I don't like the strong coupling between the timezone class and the frontend...I prefer to keep it through signals/slots, it also makes testing the timezone independently of the frontend easier...23:41
Quintasanhi shtylman23:41
shtylmanhe also introduced unnessesary loops I think23:41
shtylmanQuintasan: hey23:41
a|wenQuintasan: well, it works ... you can dsc the package there (which you can't if you upload it in LP); LP is usable for debdiffs but not anything more23:42
Quintasana|wen: I put it to REVU, now who should I poke?23:43
shtylmanbut if it works...it works I suppose23:43
a|wenQuintasan: package in main or universe?23:43
shtylmanI actually think the changes wern't needed to support what he was doing...he just chose to change it23:44
shtylmanalthough I could be wrong on that23:44
lex79upload new upstream release to revu is not need, I've never done23:44
shtylmananyhow.... I assume these changes were done to remain consistent with his changes to the way the backend handles the timezones23:45
Quintasanlex79: too late anyways :P23:45
* Quintasan should get REVU admin to delete his old stuff23:46
a|wenQuintasan: go poke some MOTU23:46
* a|wen runs and hides :P23:46
Quintasana|wen: poke23:46
a|wenlex79: revu not needed; any other place where you can dget the package from is fine23:49
lex79Quintasan: next time, you can open a new bug in LP "New upstream release name_of_the_package version xyz" and attach diff.gz,dsc,tar.gz and subscribe to "Ubuntu sponsor for universe sponsor"23:50
lex79Quintasan: example launchpad bug 41373623:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413736 in plasma-widget-plasmaboard "New upstream release plasma-widget-plasmaboard 0.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41373623:50
Quintasanwell, I forgot a|wen is a MOTU but he blown up his cover :P23:50
lex79a|wen: yes23:50
a|wenQuintasan: looking at crystal now ;)23:51
Quintasanlex79: thanks23:51
lex79no problem23:51
* Quintasan needs to work on his dh-only package23:52
a|wenlex79: well, you can do that ... but I rate it a pain having it in LP as you can't download it (and I know I'm not the only one)23:52
Quintasana|wen: I heard you need to do at least one dh-only package before getting into MOTU, asking out of curiosty, what did you do?23:53
a|wenQuintasan: huh, I didn't hear about that ... iirc python-uniconvertor is dh-only23:56
* Quintasan checks backlog to determine who the hell told him that23:57
a|wenQuintasan: version of crystal package is wrong23:57
Quintasanargh, should be 0ubuntu123:58
* shtylman debates doing a clean install of alpha4 ... should I?23:58
lex79apachelogger jokes :P23:59
QuintasanI think I'm going to epic troll him one day :>23:59

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