
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
crimsuni interrupted a `bzr push', and a subsequent `bzr push' informs me that i should use `bzr break-lock lp-45201360:///~crimsun/pulseaudio/ubuntu/.bzr/branch/lock'. when i use that command, i receive, ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-45201360:///~crimsun/pulseaudio/ubuntu/.bzr/branch/lock". any hints?00:09
crimsun(i am using bzr 1.17+4597+121 on current karmic)00:10
wgrantcrimsun: Drop the -4520136000:12
wgrantKnown bug.00:12
crimsunwgrant: thanks00:13
maxbloggerhead appears fairly dead, is there someone who can kick it?00:48
spmmaxb: "Launchpad Code Hosting over HTTP is currently experiencing issues" please be gentle with it atm :-)00:48
wgrantIt resprung its memory leak, I hear :(00:49
spmsomewhat. not anywhere near as bad as previously.00:50
spmmaxb: have kicked; seems happier.00:51
maxbmuch happier. quite snappy, in fact00:51
micahgDoes the LP team choose what to work on based on how many people select affects me too?01:21
thumpermicahg: sometimes01:21
micahgok, like bug 406454, should I bother trying get people to flag affects me too?01:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406454 in malone "[Usability] cannot figure out in which package version a fix was released" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40645401:22
kklimondahey, anyone here who could answer me a simple and probably banal question? :)01:50
kklimondaI was wondering why are packaging branches linked to bugs they are related to.01:51
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arandThere seems to be spam on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+question/67128 (hope this is the right place to report)01:56
hggdhand, it seems, on all questions touched by the person. But they are all oldish entries (most recent from 2009-0401:58
lifelesskklimonda: so that you can find the branch with the fix to merge it, and see what fixes are in a given branch02:01
lifelesskklimonda: or do you mean the main package branch for a distro-sourcepackage? thats probably a bug02:01
kklimondalifeless: I don't know what main package branch is (~ubuntu-branches/ ?) but it's not that.02:04
kklimondai think.. ;)02:04
kklimondalifeless: for example when I prepare a merge or update of some package and do debcommit to commit changes to my branch, then bzr push to LP this branch is going to be linked to all bugs it closes.02:04
kklimondaIt would be fine but if in my branch I keep only a debian/ subdir there are no actual fixes in it - only "metadata"..02:05
kklimondaI probably just don't get a concept02:05
arandassume -h.  Exit status is 0 if any line was selected, 1 otherwise;02:10
arandif any error occurs and -q was not given, the exit status is 2.02:10
arandsorry about that, -ignore.02:10
lifelesskklimonda: the concept with package branches is that they are good to build; so they aren't just the debian subdir02:12
wgrantI believe the distro team has stated that they don't like the idea of having debian/-only branches in the package branch namespace.02:14
mermahow can I join project team? I can't seem to find the option anywhere06:39
thumpermerma: you need to go to the team page06:40
thumpermerma: there should be a link there to join the team06:40
mermathumper, in launchpad's Overview?06:41
thumpermerma: which team are you looking to join?06:43
mermanvm I found it, thanks06:44
wgrantwin 306:50
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=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad Code Hosting is currently experiencing issues | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
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=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
Omega_I'm getting "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: ..." when trying to upload code to my branch...08:20
Omega_I'm somewhat new to bazaar and launchpad...08:21
spivOmega_: what command are you trying?08:21
Omega_bzr push08:22
Omega_I'll gladly take any guidance.  I'm trying to upload a project I'm working on08:22
spivOmega_: is that the full command line you're typing?08:22
Omega_Nono, here: "bzr push lp:porm"08:23
Omega_Hopefully your chat client doesn't render that as an emoticon!08:23
spivNo, it doesn't :)08:23
Omega_Anyway, I'm under the impression that the code has to be associated to ME before I can associate it to my project?08:24
spivCan you pastebin the full error message?08:24
Omega_It's short:08:24
Omega_bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/MYUSERNAME/Source/porm/".08:25
spivRight, you need a branch to push before "bzr push" can work.08:25
Omega_I suspect that I'm not locally managing any bzr project???08:25
Omega_Or branch08:25
Omega_and so the whole construct is just not there.08:25
Omega_Again, literally jumping into this head first.  I want to get my code out there.08:26
Omega_So I'm expecting some bumps.08:26
spivThat's right.  See http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html#putting-files-under-version-control08:26
Omega_Wow, this is going to get easier the more I use it I think.08:28
Omega_Are there any nautilus-based UIs in the repos?08:28
Omega_So now, how do I go about working from this rather than files on my HDD?08:30
spivThe bzr-gtk has a nautilus plugin, but I'm not sure if it gets installed by default (or if the performance bugs it had have been fixed).08:30
spiv"The bzr-gtk *plugin* ..." I meant to say.08:31
spivWhat's "this"?  The branch on Launchpad?08:31
Omega_Well, my code.08:32
Omega_I'm just trying to get my workflow back together here now.08:32
spivThe usual way of working is that you edit the files in your local branch, and "bzr commit" them from time to time.  To publish those commits, you use "bzr push".08:33
spiv(You can also reconfigure your local branch to be a direct checkout of the remote branch you push to, so that commits will be automatically made to the remote branch.)08:34
Omega_Yeah, I think I might want to do that.08:37
Omega_Really, I want the code on launchpad, and I just want to check it in and out of there.08:37
Omega_The local stuff is just what I'll be working on and checking back in.08:38
spivOmega_: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#using-checkouts may help08:39
Omega_perfect, thanks :)08:40
micahgare tags broken in LP edge?08:42
spivmicahg: bug tags?  They seem to be working ok for me.08:43
micahgI can't search with +tag08:43
micahgseems to be broken in regular LP also08:47
micahgwasn't the new feature +tag in the search box?08:47
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wgrantmicahg: -tag. + is implicit.09:17
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mrevellHi, my name's mrevell and I'll be your CHR today09:33
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: mrevell | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
bigjoolsmrevell: when was the last time you CHR-ed... :)09:35
mrevellbigjools: Whenever Muharem's day was, last week I think09:36
bigjoolsmrevell: sorry I thought this was an AA meeting spoof09:36
al-maisanmrevell: the 6th of every month09:36
mrevellhaha, sorry didn't spot that, hah09:37
mrevellal-maisan: Ah yes, that's it09:37
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Imperionquestion: why are only *my* revisions showing in the history of this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~catom-developers/catom/main10:50
Imperionsomething is terribly wrong here10:51
ImperionI'm pretty sure my friend did a commit or two...10:52
jtvmrevell: ^^^10:57
jtvImperion: did your friend also push those changes?10:57
Imperionjtv: yes10:58
Imperionthey were there yesterday10:58
jtvImperion: (calling mrevell in because he's today's help contact, see the topic)10:58
Imperioncould something have corrupted the commit history?10:58
jtvHard to imagine, given how reliable bzr normally is10:59
jtvdid your friend's push go to the right branch?11:00
ImperionI'm 100% sure that he pushed something two days ago11:00
jtvThere's also a chance that somehow the fact that the branch was updated got lost somehow...  May be worth for him to commit something (there's a commit option to let you do an empty commit) and push again.11:00
jtvThere are several delays in the loop before the changes become visible, but definitely shouldn't take days.11:01
mrevelljtv: Sorry, was afk for ten mins11:01
Imperionbetween revs 4 and 5, and 5 and 6 there were two pushes11:01
Imperionwhich are gone now11:01
jtvmrevell: isn't that always the way?  :)11:01
jtvDo you happen to know whether those changes ever showed up on this page?11:01
ImperionI'm 100% certain11:02
Imperioncould it have anything to do with a particularly long wait after I forgot to commit, and bzr push reported the branches had diverged?11:02
jtvif it says the branches have diverged, that means that the push doesn't happen.11:03
ImperionI know11:03
jtvBut I thought it was pull that said that, not push11:03
Imperionbut after that it took about half an hour before I could do a real push11:03
Imperionwith commit11:03
Imperionthe page just kept saying lp had to process the changes11:04
jtvThat at least is normal.11:04
Imperionit took about 30 mins11:04
Imperionthen it went away11:04
Imperionand then I could push11:04
jtvWe really need some Codehosting folks on this...  and not the ones on the night side of the planet.11:05
jtvmeanwhile, rockstar, got any bright ideas about this one?11:05
Imperioncould a local uncommit revert that?11:06
Imperions/that/someone else's revisions/11:06
Imperionor overwrite the same on my push?11:07
jtvImperion: we really need rockstar or abentley for this, but neither seems to be available and I've got a call waiting.11:07
jtvImperion: abentley should take a few more hours to come online; no idea when rockstar will be in but could well be sooner.11:08
danilosImperion: it seems one of you overwrote changes from the another guy11:09
jtvImperion: would you mind if I left you in the not very bzr-specific but otherwise capable hands of mrevell for the purpose of getting that help?11:09
Imperiondanilos: how could that occur?11:09
danilosImperion: if you look at our staging server (https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~catom-developers/catom/main), which is a test database which is a day or two behind, you can see revisions from your friend there there11:09
danilosImperion: by using "push --overwrite"11:09
Imperionnever used it11:10
ImperionI have an idea11:10
jtvOr the "use existing directory" option maybe?11:10
Imperiononly on first commit ever11:11
danilosImperion: it can also happen if you do not merge and commit changes when bzr reports that branches have diverged, but instead revert them11:11
Imperionquestion: what's the proper procedure when you want to push, but there's new code on the server?11:11
danilosor something like that, I am not a bzr guru either11:11
danilosImperion: in general, the proper way is to either 'bzr pull' and then resolve conflicts and whatelse, or simply do a 'bzr merge lp:~catom-developers/catom/main' and resolve conflicts and such11:12
Imperionwhat's the difference?11:12
danilos'bzr pull' variant should work only with more recent versions, I believe11:12
danilosat least that's my experience11:12
danilosif 'bzr pull' can't do it's job, you still have to use bzr merge11:13
ImperionI assume my friend's commit history is lost forever?11:14
jtvImperion: he may still have them locally11:14
danilosImperion: it's probably still alive somewhere on his computer, but I am not sure we have it11:14
jtvImperion: so tell him not to do _anything_ until real help arrives.11:14
danilosImperion: you'd really have to wait for our bzr experts to show up11:14
danilosheh, same thoughts jtv11:15
Imperionthe Launchpad hive-mind11:15
jtv<bee sounds>11:15
mrevellHeh, the good news is that abently should along in a couple of hours11:15
mrevellDamn mwhudson for moving to the NZ timezone :)11:15
ImperionI'll just create a new branch and move all the stuff11:17
Imperionyou can relax11:20
Imperionhe just pushed and the tree fixed itself11:20
Fly-Man-mrevell: Can you edit an url for me ?11:50
Fly-Man-can you remove the /trunk that was added to the url11:51
Fly-Man-welcome back mrevell_11:51
Fly-Man-mrevell: Can you edit an url for me ?11:52
Fly-Man-can you remove the /trunk that was added to the url11:52
Fly-Man-then I can start it again11:52
Riddelljtv: how do I get launchpad transltions to stop spamming me with import messages11:52
jtvRiddell: set up a procmail rule?11:53
mrevellFly-Man-: I've edited the branch URL11:53
Fly-Man-mrevell: Let's see if my hunch is correct11:53
Riddelljtv: seriously?  there's no way to tell launchpad I really don't want 1000 messages each day?11:54
Riddell(only slight hyperbolie)11:54
jtvRiddell: the landscaped changed a lot... it used to be the only way of getting proper feedback, and us guys got all the ubuntu mail, so there wasn't call for it before11:54
RiddellI don't want feedback when it works, I only care about feedback when there's a problem11:55
Fly-Man-mrevell: Okay, that didn't do the trick ...11:55
Riddelland feedback that leaves me no choice but to send it to /dev/null is stupid11:55
mrevellFly-Man-: abentley should be here in an hour or two, he's in Eastern Canada11:55
Fly-Man-mrevell: can you restore the /trunk again ?11:55
mrevellFly-Man-: He's most likely to be able to help11:55
mrevellFly-Man-: sure11:55
jtvRiddell: what I did is set up the mail filter to log and discard the success messages for ubuntu imports11:55
Fly-Man-I thought it was the problem there11:55
Fly-Man-but now it's just failing because it can't see the root11:56
mrevellFly-Man-: done11:56
jtvRiddell: (btw, in call as well)11:56
wgrantmrevell, Fly-Man-: SVN URLs need to have trunk on the end, if there is a trunk directory.11:57
wgrantOr they are pointless and broken.11:57
Laneyis exposing signed changesfiles (seen on +queue) a security problem? ie could I take a package from there and upload to Debian, for example?12:05
james_wthe distribution names are different12:06
wgrantSeries names, that is.12:06
james_wseries, yeah12:06
wgrantThey used to be exposed for PPAs. And yes, that was a big security problem.12:06
wgrantThat was eventually fixed.12:06
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dpmdoes anyone know if one can reply through e-mail to LP Answers in the same way it can be done with LP Bugs?12:28
wgrantdpm: Yes, but you can't change any metadata.12:29
dpmwgrant: thanks. I'm only intending to respond, so that should work fine, then :)12:30
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jmuxHi. I've set up Launchpad and now want to use sync-source to sync the Debian sources into my launchpad? I've found the ArchiveAdministration wiki page, but this references an update-source script in a ~/syncs directory. Is the content of ~/syncs available somewhere?13:39
jmuxOh - and is there a graphical view to manage a distroseries component list?13:39
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Riddelldanilos: bug 353648 is considered not-low priority to me16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353648 in rosetta "Template import success notifications shouldn't be sent to package uploaders" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35364816:50
AlexC_hey danilos, sorry to bother you - but you there? Appears those translations did not get imported again16:50
AlexC_doh, scratch that - they have, I think, sorry16:51
danilosAlexC_: they should have, I've just marked those with bad paths as 'deleted' so they get cleaned up16:51
AlexC_yeah was looking at wrong page, thanks =)16:52
danilosRiddell: can you please write your reasoning in the bug report (if you haven't already), and I'll see how we can re-prioritize it... in general, it's probably no big deal for anyone but eg. seb or you16:52
Riddelldanilos: added16:54
danilosRiddell: cool, thanks, I'll be looking into it later16:55
Fly-Man-Git imports fail after ± 180017:01
Fly-Man-and it keeps stalling there17:01
Fly-Man-if you have time, could you have a look if it's a intermittent thing or a hickup on the server side17:01
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=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
gary_posterFly-Man-: were you talking to someone in particular, or are waiting for anyone to reply?17:26
Fly-Man-gary_poster: Yes, I already had an answer to the Q by rockstar17:26
Fly-Man-He's gonna work on it17:26
gary_posterFly-Man-: cool17:26
Fly-Man-wrong window that I pasted it in17:26
gary_posterah ok17:26
Fly-Man-gary_poster: but so far, been able to setup the local version17:26
Fly-Man-having it do code imports17:26
Fly-Man-and have those imports in the branch17:27
Fly-Man-so now to find out what those other scripts in the cron-scripts folder do :p17:27
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compengi`how can someone report bugs on my code for example this https://code.launchpad.net/~compengi/+junk/Cirssi ?17:39
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tsimpsonby emailing you, or you can create a project for it and use LP for code and bugs17:43
kfogelEvery Launchpad account is automatically an OpenID provider URL, right?18:17
* kfogel sanity checks before depending on that information18:17
kfogelkiko: ^^  can you confirm?18:18
kfogelkiko: thanks18:19
kikoevery enabled account is yes18:20
kfogelkiko: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/blogger/thread?tid=03901103b68f7a91&hl=en18:21
kikokfogel, heh, good catch -- I just pasted in hy openid identifier and was done with it18:23
kikodidn't notice it was actually tricky to get right18:23
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kiko-fudto lunch n back18:23
kfogelkiko: enjoy.  see the followup I just posted there :-)18:23
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* kfogel is away: looooooooonch18:27
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alkisgI've uploaded a new version of a package (smc) to my ppa (https://launchpad.net/~alkisg/+archive/ppa) and it was published 12 hours ago and of course I got the ppa to my sources, but I don't "see" it with apt-get update/upgrade... What could be wrong?18:59
alkisgI copied this package from the Karmic primary archive to my ppa for jaunty series ("copy binaries") - could this cause the problem?19:00
tsimpsonalkisg: I don't see "smc" in that PPA (comix is the last package published)19:04
alkisgtsimpson: ooops sorry I meant comix :O19:04
alkisgSo now I have the jaunty version, comix 4.0.1-1, and sudo apt-get update / dist-upgrade etc doesn't get me the newer version19:05
tsimpsonalkisg: somehow, it seems to be in the universe component19:05
tsimpsonit should have been moved to main, you should file a bug19:06
alkisgAh, maybe copying the packages from Karmic did that19:06
alkisgI think there isn't an "uploader" defined in those packages19:06
tsimpsonyeah, but it _should_ copy to main for PPAs19:07
alkisgtsimpson: thanks, I'll file a bug19:07
tsimpsonno problem :)19:07
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