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greporyis there a google calendar or something that i can subscribe to that will give me bugdays and the like?00:43
greporybecause that, my friends, would be awesome.00:43
mrooney|w1grepory: that is true, a calendar with bugsquad/control/qa meeting would be neat00:47
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greporymrooney|w: super useful.  and bug days.  basically any of these events that i get e-mails about.  or even just attaching ics invites would be handy.00:48
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hggdhI think there is one somewhere...00:52
hggdhwell here it is: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar but it is not listing bugsquad meetings right now (we moved out of -meetings into here00:54
micahgI thought they were thinking about that with the fridge00:54
greporythat is so awesome00:55
greporyi guess a separate QA calendar that isn't so noisy would be nice, too.00:57
greporyor i can just turn off the ubuntu calendar when i don't want to see it. :)00:57
greporyor just copy events from the fridge calendar to a calendar of my own when i want to attend.  regardless.. very nice.00:58
greporyshould bug 358339 be set to confirmed?  i'm not sure there needs to be more action taken on it01:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 358339 in notify-osd "Use a slight gradient in notifications" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35833901:21
crimsunit's already assigned to someone, so i'd let mpt adjust status01:22
greporyi think that most of the remaining new bugs are in situations like this one.01:23
greporyor not.01:23
micahgIf anyone thinks that bug 406454 would be helpful, maybe you should select This bug affects me too01:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 406454 in malone "[Usability] cannot figure out in which package version a fix was released" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40645401:30
hggdhjust did it01:31
* kklimonda too :)01:31
kklimondaI also don't like that package branches are linked to bugs :/01:32
micahgthat can be helpful for packagers :)01:33
micahgso they don't have to work to hard to patch something01:33
micahgyou can just branch the branch and then they can pull the revision with the patch (or something of the sort)01:34
bdmurraykklimonda: why don't you like it?01:35
kklimondabdmurray: when I click on a branch linked to bug I'd expect to get to the page where I can see a branch that fixes a bug and not packaging branch linked to 3 dozens of other bugs01:38
micahgkklimonda: that's the branch home page01:40
micahgmaybe LP 3.0 would have better UI01:41
micahgkklimonda: on the LP-dev list, they are talking about 3.0 UI right now, maybe you want to sign up and comment?01:42
kklimondamicahg: I know where does the link take me. What I don't get is how is packaging branch linked to actual fix of a bug if it doesn't contain a fix itself and only a "metadata" (i.e. debian/ directory)01:42
bdmurraykklimonda: could you provide an example?01:43
micahgkklimonda: so whoever is going to fix it, knows where to pull the code from for the most updated version01:43
kklimondabdmurray: for example https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/transmission/ubuntu01:44
kklimondabdmurray: now, I don't see a connection between this branch and fix for any SIGSEGV.01:45
kklimonda(for example)01:45
micahgkklimonda: it can load the latest upstream source code01:45
micahgand show you the latest ubuntu/debian dir associated01:46
kklimondamicahg: hmm?01:46
micahgso depending on where the changes are needed you can make them01:46
bdmurraythese are more interesting01:46
micahggenerally, an ubuntu fix will become a patch in the debian dir01:46
bdmurrayand https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/transmission/karmic01:47
kklimondabdmurray: I agree - here at least I have whole code so I can actually try to find a piece that fixes a bug01:47
micahgmaybe the wrong branch was linked?01:48
bdmurrayyes, that's what I would think01:48
kklimondano, both branches - ~ubuntu-desktop/<package>/ubuntu and ~ubuntu-branches/<release>/<package>/ are now linked to bugs01:49
micahgkklimonda: maybe ask the maintainer of the branches the purpose?01:49
kklimonda(I think it's a step forward and so my understanding is that it's still work in progress..)01:49
kklimondaI think I'll have to take to james_w about his work on bzr-buildpkg and whole vcs-pkg idea. I'm really interested in it01:53
crimsunandresmujica: you probably want to idle in #ubuntu-audio-help03:07
crimsunsince you're triaging these linux+pulseaudio bugs03:07
andresmujicadone :)03:08
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dholbachgood morning07:01
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Awsoonnfresh install of karmic with encrypted home, first login gives an error "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/dereck/.ICEathority" what package whould this be reported against?14:28
dezHi, I just want to start helping on ubuntu development and thought the first step should be bugfxing. anyone can help me with some questions?14:38
pedro_dez, best place to ask is #ubuntu-devel14:39
pedro_here we discuss bug management rather than fixing14:39
pedro_look at the topic14:39
dezpedro_: sorry I have just joined this channel because I read it on bugsquad/gettingInvolved webpage14:40
Awsoonndez: I'll take any questions you have in either channel14:42
Awsoonnwelcome to the community :)14:42
dezAwsoonn: thanks :)14:43
dezAwsoonn: the point is that I am computer engineer and since I have beed using ubuntu for years I want to start helping14:43
dezAwsoonn: and I really don't know how to start... :P14:44
Awsoonngreat! I assume you know c/c++?14:44
Awsoonnawesome, well the best way to start is to find somethign that annoys you and fix it. It's prety generic advice I know, but it works. :)14:45
dezAwsoonn: I assume there is a bug list or something like this, right?14:45
Awsoonnof course, http://launchpad.net14:45
Awsoonnthere are a few 100,000 bugs there though14:46
dezcool! so this will be my entrance point... :)14:46
Awsoonnwhat kind of area of development are you most interested?14:46
dezI prefer working on core features, but for starting I will be glad to help on whatever needed14:47
Awsoonncool, I am interested in the same area. You can do it to, my first patch ever was in apt afterall, and it doesn't get much more core than that. :)14:49
dezyes, you are right :)14:49
dezI supposse the first fix is hard to implement, mostly in the how-to-start and how-to-pack-it rather than the coding side14:51
Awsoonnyou might even try fixing a typo for your firxt bug just to learn the workflow. :)14:52
dezI will check the buglist and then read some info. I will come back with more questions later14:54
dezmany thanks Awsoonn :)14:54
Awsoonnanytime ;)14:54
dezAwsoonn, is there any page where the bugfixing workflow is explained?14:55
Awsoonnyes and no, there is a 'bug fixing tutorial' somewhere in there14:56
* Awsoonn looks for the link14:56
dezAwsoonn, many thanks again.14:58
ColdWindcans omeone raise importance on bug #409673 ?16:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 409673 in poppler "latest poppler prevents pdftex/pdflatex from working correctly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40967316:22
ColdWindseb128: ping? ^^^16:22
seb128ColdWind, changing status will not make any difference16:22
seb128it just needs sponsoring16:22
ColdWindit affects basic functionality of pdftex, pdflatex, kile, and probably other programs based on those16:22
ColdWindseb128: ok :p16:22
seb128try asking #ubuntu-devel16:22
seb128I would upload if that was not so much to download16:23
ColdWindthanks seb12816:23
charles_is there anyone here who can do admin-type work on brainstorm.ubuntu.com?18:26
Picicharles_: Have you tried asking in #ubuntu-brainstorm ?18:27
charles_yes, I'm asking there too :)18:27
charles_just trying to cast a wider net18:28
PiciJust making sure ;)18:28
chrisccoulsonhggdh - can you trigger bug 413660?18:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 413660 in brasero "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41366018:33
hggdhchrisccoulson, under gnome it was immediate, and made the system unusable. Under kde, I could18:33
hggdhat will18:33
chrisccoulsonhggdh - would you mind posting the output of "gvfs-mount -li" to somewhere like pastebin?18:34
chrisccoulsoni can see where the issue is but i'm just interested;)18:34
chrisccoulsonit seems to be related to the fact you have a GVolume without an associated unix device path, which is quite believable, but I'm not sure of what sort of volume that would be18:36
hggdhchrisccoulson, http://pastebin.com/f3525b31318:36
chrisccoulsonhggdh - thanks18:38
chrisccoulsonas suspected, you've got a volume with no unix-device property18:38
chrisccoulsonthat's wierd though :-/18:38
chrisccoulsonwould be good to attach that to the bugzilla report18:38
chrisccoulsonhggdh - do you have a CD in your drive?18:42
hggdhchrisccoulson, I *should* not, let me check18:49
hggdhnope, no CD loaded18:49
chrisccoulsonhggdh - thanks. i just chatted to davidz on #gnome-hackers and he said that nothing should assume that a GVolume has a unix-device property. so the fix i have on my computer here seems correct18:50
hggdhcool. Fix to libbrasero, or to Nautilus?18:52
hggdhchrisccoulson, if you want me to test it, no prob. I can build it here18:56
chrisccoulsonhggdh - if you don't mind building it, the patch i was going to propose is here: http://pastebin.com/m49c2478019:08
chrisccoulsoni've got to disappear to make some dinner now19:08
hggdhchrisccoulson, will build it19:08
hggdhok, now building a2~ppa1 to test (locally)19:19
hggdhhuh? I am getting "only garbage was found in patch input". Time to look at it :-(19:22
hggdhchrisccoulson, it works. At least, so far ;-)20:42
chrisccoulsonhggdh - thanks for testing. it's fixed upstream now too, although there are some extra checks in the upstream fix too21:03
* albert23 just verified the upstream patch :-)21:04
hggdhchrisccoulson, welcome. At least now I have a working gnome ;-). I guess we can wait for the upstream fix (we do have a bypass)21:09
chrisccoulsonhggdh - upstream already fixed it too. i'm going to push the change to bzr now - probably not a good idea to wait for the next upstream tarball with this one ;)21:10
hggdhchrisccoulson, personally, I agree with pushing it now, since I am not sure on what conditions will cause the error (yes, I did understand the patch, but am still unsure on *why* I got it21:12
hggdhand a lot of people did not21:12
hggdhalbert23, so you are all set?21:12
albert23hggdh: yes I am21:13
hggdhcool. One more bug bites the dust21:13
chrisccoulsonhggdh, you got it because the GduVolumeMonitor on your machine lists a GVolume without a unix-device property (that's as much as I can say, as I'm not sure why that volume doesn't have this property though)21:13
chrisccoulsoni chatted with davidz, and he said that property is not mandatory21:13
albert23hggdh: do you also see a non existing cdrom drive in nautilus? I think that might trigger the bug?21:13
chrisccoulsonso it's totally normal for it to be not there21:13
chrisccoulsona non-existing cdrom drive could be related actually21:14
chrisccoulsonyou mean there is an icon for a drive which isn't there?21:14
hggdhchrisccoulson, yes. But I *do* have a DVD/CD unit21:14
albert23If I click it it says /dev/scd1 does not exist, which is correct, the real cd is scd021:14
chrisccoulsonalbert23 - could you post the output of "devkit-disks --dump" and "gvfs-mount -li" somewhere (pastebin)?21:15
chrisccoulsonhggdh - in your case then, i think there is probably no other issue than the brasero bug :)21:15
hggdhbloody brasero, mesays21:15
hggdhI correct myself -- there is a cdrom0, pointed to /dev/hda21:17
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that is a bit wierd then21:17
hggdhI wonder if this is a left over, this machine has gone through Hardy to Karmic upgrades21:19
albert23chrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253344/ is devkit-disks21:20
albert23and http://paste.ubuntu.com/253346/ is gvfs-mount21:21
chrisccoulsondo you have a CD drive anywhere in your /etc/fstab?21:22
hggdhthere you go!21:22
albert23chrisccoulson: arg, yes indeed21:22
hggdhyay. Certainly a left over21:22
chrisccoulsoncould you try deleting it?21:22
hggdhmuch better, now21:23
albert23chrisccoulson: yes, it's gone now21:24
hggdhso, I guess, this might impact only users that have been upgrading since before devkit21:24
chrisccoulsonalbert23 - fantastic:)21:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i will mention this to pitti when he's back and ask him what he thinks21:24
hggdhbtw, my fstab entry was for /dev/hda, so there21:24
BUGabundohey guys23:04
plarsbdmurray, or anyone else that might know... I'm curious if there are any documented policies concerning a pragmatic support to old bugs, for instance, bugs that say "hey I tested this daily build of {hardy, intrepid, jaunty, etc} and it won't install for me"23:27
plarsis it realistic to go through the process of "install the final intrepid image and see if it was still broke", wait 3 months for them to never respond, then mark it invalid?  Or is there any problem with saying "hey, sorry this went so long with nobody responding, but we're in karmic now.  Would appreciate your further testing with karmic and file a new bug if it's still not working for you"23:29
mrooney|wplars: I think either is acceptable23:34
mrooney|wIf the bug sounds easy to reproduce, I'd try to verify on a livecd / VM23:34
mrooney|won Karmic23:34
plarsmrooney|w: my particular issue is with bugs that are very very old, and on things like daily images for a past release cycle23:35
plarsmrooney|w: right, on current release it's a whole different story23:35
greg-gthe most common thing done is option 2, if it is fixed in Karmic/$DevVersionOfUbuntu and really important to backport to older supported releases, they can file  a SRU23:35
mrooney|wplars: yeah it doesn't matter so much if it is fixed in Intrepid final, unless it is important enough to warrant an SRU23:35
* greg-g nods23:36
* mrooney|w waves to greg-g23:36
greg-gheya mrooney|w, how goes?23:36
mrooney|wpretty good, how about yourself?23:37
plarsto take the notion a step further...23:38
plarswould it be worth considering writing a quick script to generate a list of all the bugs file before hardy development started23:39
plarsexclude things like bug#1 of course23:39
plarsand have a bug day where that list is searched for bugs that are obviously against versions where support has long expired23:39
plarsand close them with some friendly stock reply23:39
greg-gmrooney|w: doing really good, actually. :)23:40
plarsI don't think you could just script the whole process... there may be some things lurking in there that are clearly reaching further than the current release23:40
greg-gplars: bugs filed from that era could still be around23:40
greg-gno reason why a bug in vrsion 1.2 in some package isn't inherently  valid in version 1.9 in Karmic23:41
greg-gwhich is why we need someone to test the test case for each bug in Karmic23:41
plarsgreg-g: true, but I suspect there's a lot of cruft that could easily be removed23:41
plarspackages that don't exist any more, image doesn't work, etc23:41
greg-gif the package doesn't edist anymore in any support Ubuntu version, then yeah23:42
plarsadditionally - unless someone is willing to go back and retest, the bug is not going to progress23:42
greg-gwell, again,  the prefered/most common method is to test in development, and if fixed and need to backport, do an SRU23:42
greg-gno need to test old images of Ubuntu until the fix is in Karmic23:42
greg-gof course, I'm not the bugmaster23:43
plarsgreg-g: but in this case, if the bug was against a version for which an SRU can no longer be filed...23:43
greg-gplars: make sure that the bug is not present in Karmic, still.23:43
plarssorry, it's friday afternoon and I'm just being philosophical :)23:43
greg-g'tis cool :)23:44
greg-galways test in Dev, move on from that outcome of that.23:44
greg-gdoes my reasoning make sense?23:48
plarsof course, just thinking about the general volume of bugs problem23:49
greg-gyeah, that one is a tough one to deal with.23:50
greg-gI've mostly just tried to find packages that I use a lot myself and sign up for the bug mail so i can stay on top of it (in theory)23:51
greg-gwe just need more of that and $some_awesome_new_process23:51
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