[01:48] awalton, thanks for the eel tip, seems to be working just fine :) now of to bed [01:49] MDC1, yw. === mac__v is now known as mac_v [08:23] morning everyone [09:22] good morning everyone [09:23] morning. [09:23] * hyperair stares at the clock [09:24] actually, evening. [09:24] hi hyperair [09:24] hi chrisccoulson =) [09:24] its still morning here (hopefully, else i shouldn't be at work otherwise) ;) [09:25] haha [09:33] hello chrisccoulson [09:33] hi seb128 [09:34] only 1 day left for you now ;) [09:34] one 1 work day before vac yes [09:34] not only one day left ;-) [09:35] yeah, only one day left would be quite bad actually;) [09:37] chrisccoulson, good job on the g-s-d bug [09:37] that confirms what the warning were suggesting [09:37] seb128 - no problem. i'll try and look at some more of those crashes over the weekend [09:38] it probably should be reassigned to libxklavier really, but i'll let upstream decide if they can fix it in g-s-d first [11:00] seb128 - i'll take the g-s-d 2.27.90 update if you like ;) [11:00] chrisccoulson, will you manage to do it today? [11:00] chrisccoulson, I would like to get it uploaded before my holidays [11:01] seb128 - what time will you finish today? [11:01] not sure, but I will probably do a round of uploads after dinner tonight [11:01] that should be ok then. i finish work here about 2pm, and then i'll get a chance to do it this afternoon if you like [11:02] hopefully before your dinner;) [11:02] ok, let's do that [11:02] cool [11:02] there is no hurry in any case, I might do some sponsoring during free slots this weekend too [11:02] heh, you should have a proper rest really;) [11:02] but I will try to not be working much during my vac [11:03] yeah [11:03] yeah, definately not [11:03] I will probably not be on IRC or read bugs [11:03] i switch off from work as soon as i leave the door of the office. i don't give it a thought all weekend ;) [11:03] but I might read private emails and look at pending updates every now and then next week [11:03] ie while pitti is still not back [11:03] the week after that I will be away [11:04] yeah. it's gonne be quiet here next week [11:20] seb128 - is the plan to ship both versions of policykit on the CD currently? [11:20] chrisccoulson, I don't think it's a plan rather a sideeffect of not having everything ported [11:21] gconf-editor has a patch upstream, it seems. so that would be one more down [11:21] why? [11:21] i just wondered [11:21] would be nice to get [11:22] there's still quite a few things depending on it - eg, gnome-system-tools and system-tools-backends is probably one we'd have to port ourselves, as it doesn't get much attention upstream and fedora don't even use these [11:27] chrisccoulson: yeah, it's pretty much only us and Debian carrying those [11:27] there was someone started cleaning up the bugs upstream recently though [11:28] james_w - yeah, g-s-t got a little bit of attention recently. but it's pretty much deprecated now, so i don't think anyone outside of ubuntu is going to put the effort in to port to the new polkit-1 api [11:29] I agree [11:29] i think we'll have to do that ourselves :-/ [11:33] have you looked at what porting typically requires? [11:42] who is the sound guy here? i was wondering why the pulse backend of libcanberra is not installed by default, and not even in main? [11:48] diverse_izzue: your question might be best answered by the audio team. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio [12:01] diverse_izzue, didn't you ask some days ago? [12:01] diverse_izzue, does it create any visible issue? [12:01] diverse_izzue, any to reply it's an oversight and is going to be fixed for karmic [12:15] Hi peeps, everytime i click on my launchers when logged in as a particular user, it loads opens it in text editor and not firefox. I want it to open in firefox? When i right click it there is no option to open with other program. When i goto /var/www/ and right click on insert.php it says open with firefox. So i pressume thats all correct. Now when I log in with another user it all works fine??? whats happening here and how [12:15] can i fix it === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [14:33] MacSlow, hello, have you seen bug 344385 ? it missed the milestone for jaunty and it's still an issue, can reproduce it everytime i connect to the wireless AP [14:33] Launchpad bug 344385 in notify-osd "Brightness notification works only with Human Icons " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/344385 [14:35] pedro_, that's an icon-theme (or packaging if you will) issue and not related to notify-osd itself [14:41] Guys I noticed something funky with gwibber. I'm not sure though if it is actually gwibber or the notification applet that it causing it is there a way to find out? this is what happen if I minimise gwibber for a bit http://www.davmor2.co.uk/gwibber.png [15:08] davmor2: you mean empathy? i don't see gwibber in that screenshot [15:10] dobey: no the long list of name on the right come from gwibber being the only app in the notification applet [15:10] but only when gwibber is minimised into it [15:12] dobey: right at the very bottom of the 260+ names is the name gwibber microbloggin client or something similar [15:12] huh, that doesn't seem right [15:13] dobey: I don't know any of the names either, which makes me believe that it must be the public tab on gwibber that is causing it [15:15] seb128 - just doing the g-s-d update now, so you should have it this afternoon [15:15] not much has changed actually - most of the changes are already in our version ;) [15:16] davmor2: i guess it's flooding with public notices [15:18] dobey: and that brings me back to is it a bug in the notification applet or gwibber or the integration of the one in the other [15:19] sounds like a bug in whatever code in gwibber is sending that stuff to the indicator applet [15:19] seb128 - just going through some of the patches we currently carry - 11_sleepkey.patch changes the sleep command to "gdm-signal -s". do we need this? (gdm-signal isn't installed anyway) [15:24] will karmic + 1 use package kit instead of updatemanager + synaptic + add remove apps? [15:26] MDC1: Appcenter [15:27] mac_v, got any link about it? [15:27] mac_v, is that something new or will it be based on package kit? [15:28] MDC1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppCenter , will be in Karmic , but fully replace all in Karmic+1 , it uses policy kit [15:28] mac_v, in your bug response template, could you change "Unfortunately a paper cut" to "However, a paper cut"? [15:28] mac_v, ok thanks [15:28] mpt: hehe... that was not my template , ;) [15:29] mac_v, I know :-) [15:29] I don't know where it's written down, but if it's on a wiki somewhere, then greta [15:29] great, even [15:29] MDC1: mpt is working on on appcenter , you an ask him any doubts [15:29] (My apologies to any Gretas in the audience) [15:29] MDC1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppCenter [15:30] reading now :-) seems like a good thing [15:31] mpt: i dont think it is in the wiki, the initial one was given to me by the team , then i just kept adding more lines [Dont worry though..., for more info...] [15:31] mpt: should i add it to the wiki? [15:32] chrisccoulson, I guess not [15:33] dobey: thanks [15:33] seb128: you uploaded the tomboy package with my patch, right? [15:33] rodrigo_, yes [15:33] rodrigo_, do you have upstream bug reference? [15:33] seb128: cool, thanks! [15:33] or a mailing list topic? [15:33] mac_v, that's probably a good idea (don't know where it would go, though) [15:34] seb128: no, only been talking with tomboy developers on irc [15:34] ok [15:37] mpt, what I've always wanted is the ability to click a link in the browser (like apt:// ) but it should also add the repository. Couldn't find anything about that in the wiki - will that feature be available? [15:37] mpt: here? > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses , the template i use> http://paste.ubuntu.com/253184/ < any changes or should i add it? [15:38] mac_v, that looks like a good place [15:38] MDC1: any idea you come up with add them to the comments page [15:38] mac_v, will do [15:38] mac_v, "I'm afraid" could become "So" (you're not really afraid;-), but otherwise that looks good [15:39] MDC1, not for 1.0. We need to figure out a way of calculating and conveying trust for repositories. [15:41] mpt: actually i *am* ;) ,sometimes people are so angry that their idea was invalidated,i got a couple of mails sent personally to me ! but that wasnt my wording either , [15:41] seb128 - thanks. i will remove that patch then. there is no key designated for sleep by default anyway, as that is handled elsewhere [15:41] mpt, i understand - good to here you're thinking about it :) [15:47] seb128: hi... would https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses be the right place for a papercut response template , or ? [15:50] asac: you around today? thought you were doing a swap day? === ember_ is now known as ember === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira [17:05] seb128 - g-s-d update is done now [17:05] chrisccoulson, thanks [17:39] bug 413660 may be an issue right now [17:39] Launchpad bug 413660 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/413660 [18:02] awe: yeah just in quickly. did you work on the LOCAL_BRANCH stuff yet? otherwise dont do it as i did the same code for other branches now ;) [18:02] and can just copy it over [18:03] let me know ... out again [18:07] asac: no, haven't touched the LOCAL_BRANCH stuff. I have updated to the latest git snapshots & was going to push my bzr branches and maybe dput to the trunk PPA [18:07] asac: also removed dbus-event files as discussed [18:07] asac: right now debugging why managed/unmanaged is broken [18:10] hggdh - thanks [18:11] seb128 - do you want to upload a fix for bug 413660 before you finish for the day? [18:11] Launchpad bug 413660 in brasero "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/413660 [18:11] it looks trivial for me to fix and it might create quite a few duplicates ;) === al-maisan_ is now known as al-maisan [21:22] hey seb128 - did you have a nice dinner? [21:22] chrisccoulson, hello, yes [21:23] but I'm just passing quickly [21:23] I've upload your g-s-d update [21:23] cool, thanks. i hope you enjoy your time off anyway [21:23] and enjoy drinking cocktails for 2 weeks ;) [21:24] thanks! [21:28] seb128 - this brasero crasher is fixed upstream now [21:29] it only seems to be triggered for people who upgraded from jaunty though, with stale CD entries in their fstab [21:29] i wonder if it's possible to clean those on upgrade :-/ [21:29] could question for #ubuntu-devel I guess [21:30] cjwatson probably knows [21:30] can you ping slangasek to see if he's still wanting to do sponsoring? [21:30] seb128 - can do. do you think we should get the brasero change in now rather than wait for a new tarball? [21:30] I just have IRC to this box I was not planned to do other updates today [21:31] no tarball next week and most users upgrades [21:31] would be nice to get it fixed [21:31] cool. i'm just building now and then will push to bzr [22:17] hmm.. can anyone running karmic confirm an issue with metacity; open a random window (not maximized) and then single click the title and then release, does your window move down 1px? [22:22] MDC1: can't confirm with unfree nvidia driver [22:25] Ampelbein, ok, maybe its virtualbox then.. thanks [22:25] i can't confirm that either [22:25] (in vmware though) [22:26] MDC1 - are you sure your mouse isn't broken ;) [22:26] chrisccoulson, hehee.. [22:27] works in jaunty (real desktop) [22:28] it must be a bug in jaunty + a broken mouse then. that would be the obvious explanation ;) [22:28] lol [22:28] you've not tried karmic live CD on real hardware have you? [22:28] does it happen there too? [22:29] has there been an agreement on how recent files inte filemenu should appear (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590661) - I'm thinking of patching eog as it too seems to have no icons in recent and the open with menu... [22:29] Gnome bug 590661 in general ""File" menu should show the icon of each recent document (regardless of menus_have_icons)" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [22:29] chrisccoulson, no, havent tried live cd.. but i did mess with metacity yesterday so it could be that.. but i thought i reinstalled the metacity package...