
=== mrooney|w1 is now known as mrooney|w
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directhexoh, alpha 4 released01:28
directhexhow's the cd size?01:28
TheMusodirecthex: If its oversized, a file should be present in the dir stating clearly that a disk is oversized.01:31
directhexTheMuso, i meant from a "did any langpacks have to take a flying leap this time round" perspective01:31
TheMusoLook at the seeds. :p01:31
TheMusoLooks like it01:31
crimsunTheMuso: pulse 1:0.9.16~test4-0ubuntu5~ppa3 from our ppa is good for main upload01:37
crimsuni'll be fixing the segv and fpe bugs on the bus tomorrow and saturday01:37
crimsun(well, minus the -jack stuff)01:38
TheMusocrimsun: Just uploaded your most recent changes to the bzr repo.01:40
TheMusoand to karmic01:40
crimsunTheMuso: thanks01:41
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eddelCan a package in universe have a Recommends: on a package in multiverse?  In Debian, main can't Recommend non-free. Can I here?03:44
lifelessI"m not sure03:47
lifelessit should be documented in the wiki03:48
eddelI found the chapter and verse in the Debian Policy but this ain't Debian so ...   Pointers would be appreciated.03:54
* ojwb would think the same logic applies - recommends is quite a strong relationship, and something which depends that strongly on something non-free isn't really free itself03:56
jtimbermaneddel: there's an ubuntu policy manual too04:01
crimsunTheMuso: it's probably a really good idea to push 1:0.9.16~test4-0ubuntu604:05
dEddjtimberman: Thanks, Section 2.2.3 is equivalent to what Debian has:  pkg in universe _must not_ require a pkg outsitde main + universe. That's what I needed.04:05
jtimbermancan you 'suggest' it though?04:06
ojwbpresumably, though it would be better to suggest a free alternative if there is one...04:09
TheMusocrimsun: righto, will do that now.04:17
crimsunTheMuso: many thanks!04:21
TheMusocrimsun: np04:21
stonerjust out of interest do you think anyone would be interested in a command line media play that indexes your music collection04:45
stoneronly i've made on04:45
stonerone *04:45
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Dyno3421in python, calling os.path.join('folder_name', image_name) keeps just returning folder_name/image_name. is this normal? I'm trying to load an image with pygame, but it's a no go since the path isn't valid06:19
StevenKDyno3421: Yes, it's normal, but this isn't the channel for questions like that.06:19
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ebroderWhen I have one package that can completely replace the functionality of another, is that when I use conflicts/provides/replaces?06:52
ebroderI guess I know I want conflicts and provides, but I can never remember how replaces works06:52
ScottKebroder: If they can be co-installed, you probably just want provides.06:53
ebroderScottK: They can't be co-installed06:53
ebroderI'm specifically shipping config files. One is the primary and default; the other is alternate versions of the same config files06:54
ScottKebroder: Then conflicts or use update-alternatives perhaps06:58
ebroderBut should it also Replace the other package?06:58
ScottKReplaces allows it to over-write files provided by the other package.07:00
ebroderOk. That sounds like what I want07:00
dholbachgood morning07:01
TheMusoAnyone having problems with bzr branches on launchpad? Looks like I am getting connection refused...07:22
TheMusohrm seems fine now.07:23
lifelesssome rollout issue07:27
lifelessfixed now, but they will be trying again later07:27
TheMusoah ok07:30
mdkecould someone have a look at ubuntu-docs_8.10.3 and maybe let it into intrepid-proposed?08:12
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cjwatsonScottK,ebroder: FYI the "overwrite files provided by another package" meaning of Replaces does not apply in the presence of Conflicts; since two packages that conflict can't even be unpacked at the same time, it would be meaningless. The policy manual has explicit language about what Conflicts+Replaces together mean09:37
seb128jdstrand, hey09:53
seb128jdstrand, the evince apparmor profile create issues, I assigned the bug to you09:53
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AnAntHobbsee: Hello, please don't forget to upload irssi12:03
liwhmm, something pops up a dialog every time I log into my desktop machine, telling me I have a broken hard disk -- while I appreciate the sentiment, I'd like a way to turn that off (unless that's been fixed in the past 48 hours?)12:39
amitkliw: +112:39
liw(I've alread dealt with the bad sectors, and have nothing on the broken hard disk I am worried about)12:39
liwhm, let's upgrade and reboot and see if it is fixed now12:40
liw(fsck... *sigh*)12:41
liwnope, still there12:45
liwhm, no obvious process that's showing the dialog -- how do I figure that out?12:49
liwer, never mind, the window title is explanatory12:50
chrisccoulsonliw - it's part of the gdu notifier. and i think there's already a bug report about the notification12:52
liwchrisccoulson, there's #512152 which seems to be about the warning being triggered by mistake, at least originally12:54
chrisccoulsonliw - yeah. theres also one about the non-expiring notificaion, causing notify-osd to display it as an ugly fallback dialog12:55
liwwell, I think a dialog is appropriate, if my disk is actually failing12:56
liwbut I'd like to not be nagged about it on every login12:56
liw(also, I'd like launchpad not to muck up my arrow/paging keys)12:57
cjwatsonliw: I think edge no longer does ...13:01
liwcjwatson, good, then I'll get the fix too, eventually :)13:04
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chrisccoulsonliw - the notificaion is currently only a dialog by accident, due it not using notify-osd correctly. but, yes, i agree that it should be a dialog anyway13:06
chrisccoulsonand it will be a more helpful dialog when it is fixed correctly13:06
mjrHello hello; recent gnutls upgrade apparently broke md5-signed certificates. This is all fine and well, except, you know, when you happen to have one on disk that you kinda trust for putting it there yourself, and then ldap authentication breaks large system-wide.13:08
mjrprobably configuring to ignore that, but I thought I'd mention that the change is really potentially rather disruptive13:09
mjrand therefore perchance not a thing to do in a minor update13:10
cjwatsonliw: bug 107242713:10
cjwatsonliw: bug 10724713:10
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1072427 could not be found13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 107247 in malone "Launchpad bug pages trigger caret browsing in Firefox and other Gecko browsers" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10724713:10
liwcjwatson, *nod*13:11
mjr(at least not inspiring much confidence in Ubuntu's stability around here in, oh, the birthplace of Linux)13:13
jdstrandseb128: re evince/apparmor> ack. I'll have it fixed shortly13:17
seb128jdstrand, thanks13:18
liwmjr, I know nothing about gnutls, but... do you mean it dropped support for md5-signed certificates?13:18
seb128doesn't seem there was any gnutls change in karmic13:19
jdstrandmjr: this is likely bug #30526413:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305264 in openldap "gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30526413:20
phish3hey I just updated a package for karmic and uploaded it to my ppa13:23
phish3now I'd like to provide the same update for juanty13:23
phish3how should i do that?13:23
liwphish3, add a changelog entry to say you're uploading to jaunty, and upload the new source package?13:24
liw(that's a guess)13:24
phish3liw: I'll try13:24
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liwhal's going away; what's today's replacement for "gnome-mount --unmount -h /org/freedesktop/..."?13:49
seb128liw, devkit-disks --unmount ...13:51
liwindeed; thanks!13:52
seb128you're welcome13:52
mjrjdstrand, thanks13:55
dezHi all14:04
dezHi, I want to join the ubuntu development community. anyone could help me?14:06
iuliandez: Please see /topic.14:06
dezok, thanks iulian14:07
mjrjdstrand, except it happened today and we seem to be up-to-date with gnutls, 0.3 today probably broke it14:14
jdstrandmjr: you are running intrepid?14:15
phish3what's the best way to get build deps from a control file or where one would run debuild14:15
phish3*get and install14:16
liwphish3, "apt-get build-dep"?14:16
liwelse run dpkg-checkbuilddeps and parse output?14:16
jdstrandmjr: 2.4.1-1ubuntu0.3 was only pushed yesterday14:16
jdstrandmjr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls12/+bug/305264/comments/70 explains the situation wrt md5. This is going to be discussed in an as yet to be published usn14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305264 in openldap "gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation" [High,Fix released]14:18
phish3liw: that'd work if i had the package14:18
phish3built already14:18
phish3the deps changed though14:18
phish3so now I need to go fetch new ones....14:18
liwphish3, there might be something in the devscripts package14:19
mjrjdstrand, oh yeah, true, intrepid, sorry, forgot to mention14:20
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jdstrandmjr: unfortunately our hands were rather tied wrt upstream's handling of the CVE that started that bug. In the end we needed to fix the security issue and that was the only way to do it. as I said, this is going to be discussed in the next security notice for gnutls (another update is pending)14:22
jdstrandmjr: I apologize for the inconvenience14:23
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s0u][ightcjwatson ping14:28
phish3liw: thanks for the tip, mk-build-deps btw14:29
s0u][ighthttp://pastebin.com/m7ab3cd19 gnome-keybinding-properties crashes14:29
cjwatsons0u][ight: yes?14:29
s0u][ightcjwatson take a look at the link14:30
cjwatsons0u][ight: I don't know anything about gnome-keybinding-properties; I don't know why you're asking me14:30
s0u][ight:s it's a bug i discovered, i never submitted a bug before14:30
s0u][ightbtw thanks about easybcd helped me a lot14:31
s0u][ightcjwatson seems to be fixed in git, sorry for bothering you14:34
sorenCan I somehow check for the existence of a function in posix shell?14:34
sorenAh, "type" reveals it.14:37
mjrjdstrand, well, we worked around it, will have to follow the situation then14:39
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jdstrandmjr: the situation should be over now-- people like yourself unfortunately need to workaround it/update the md5 certificates. also note that upgrading to 9.04 (or later) would have caused the same problem for you later even if the change did not occur in 8.10. but I know it is a pain14:43
AnAntHobbsee: thanks15:35
AnAntHello, is there a channel for notify-osd ?15:38
AnAntor is the guy working on notify OSD here ?15:38
PiciAnAnt: #ayatana might be the place to ask15:40
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phish3can I specify multiple distributions in debian/changelog?15:55
phish3ex: pulseaudio (1:0.9.16~test4-0jenewton2) jaunty; urgency=low -> pulseaudio (1:0.9.16~test4-0jenewton2) jaunty, karmic; urgency=low15:56
james_wphish3: space separated, but it's not supported by the archive software15:57
phish3james_w: best solution?15:57
james_wupload twice?15:57
phish3I'm still wrapping my head through it and making progress but ubuntu build system is a bit harder than opensuse's imo15:59
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slangasekScottK: bug #339313 isn't marked as fix released, though; could you follow that up?16:25
ColdWindany dev interested in latex can sponsor bug #409673 ? it's breaking major functionality on pdftex, pdflatex and programs based on these like kile (I guess a few more too)16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931316:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409673 in poppler "latest poppler prevents pdftex/pdflatex from working correctly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40967316:25
ScottKslangasek: Doing the LP Foo now.  It's complicated due to package renames.16:26
slangasekScottK: ok16:26
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ograScottK, i guess you could use an xorg.conf with Driver fbdev16:41
ScottKogra: OK.  I'll try it.16:41
ograNCommander has the HW to do testing for you though and he cares for KDE usually in the mobile team16:42
james_wif a package uses pycentral include-links then it seems hard to make it available for other python versions16:45
james_whas anyone else seen this?16:45
james_wI've installed python2.4 in a karmic chroot and can't get setuptools to be available under 2.416:46
MacSlowkenvandine, and idea what might be causing gconfd-2 eating up the CPU if one does "compiz --replace"?16:49
ograMacSlow, kill metacity16:49
ograit keeps running16:49
* ogra had the same prob, seb128 nicely educated me16:50
MacSlowogra, trying...16:50
MacSlowhow odd is that?!16:50
ograknown bug though16:51
MacSlowogra, any clues why that's happening?16:51
ograno, but seb128 might have researched it, he pointed me directly to the workaround16:51
seb128there is a bug open on launchpad16:52
seb128chrisccoulson knows details16:52
ograMacSlow, ^^16:52
chrisccoulsonyes, its because metacity doesn't set the RestartStyleHint correctly when exiting16:52
chrisccoulsonso gnome-session just respawns it again16:53
cjwatsonjames_w: XS-Python-Versions doesn't do it?16:53
cjwatsonjames_w: I was wondering if lsb_release needs to be available for more than current16:53
james_wXS-Python-Version: 2.5, 2.616:54
james_wso will it refuse to bcompile for 2.4?16:54
james_wI guess it's set to that so it doesn't use 2.4 at build time, and so python2.4 can be demoted16:54
james_wI can imagine some modules importing lsb_release, but I don't know of any, and I imagine lsb-release calls are far more common16:55
cjwatsonjames_w: is there any reason why you can't use include-links (to suppress some of the byte-compilation) *and* make some additional symlinks manually16:56
james_wmanually at build time, or manually after installation?16:56
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james_whmm, seems no modules were set-up for python2.417:00
james_wI tried to do an rtinstall as well17:00
cjwatsonI meant build-time17:01
happyaroncan tor added in karmic17:01
happyaronit seems to be an mistake that it has been deleted from Jaunty, some one told me that's to delete 0.1.x but 0.2.x is deleted now17:02
james_wcjwatson: yeah, you probably could17:02
happyaronand here I've filed a bug, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/41365717:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413657 in ubuntu "Please sync tor (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]17:03
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keesmterry: so... I *was* getting kernel messages, but when I did a restart of rsyslog, they stopped (but no errors that I can find...)17:09
mterrykees: Oh, good...  :-/17:10
james_wah, you can't rtinstall 2.4 because it's not in "supported-versions"17:10
keesmterry: the dd seems to be running, though17:10
mterrykees: that's good.  how did you restart rsyslog?  reload/hup or restart?17:10
keesmterry: stop/start17:10
keesmterry: the dd is restarting as well.  *scratch head*17:12
mterrykees: I'm not sure either...17:12
keesmterry: if it shows up in "dmesg", I should expect to see it out of syslog, yes?17:12
mterrykees: I don't think that's universally true.  I'm getting kernel messages, but not everything in dmesg17:13
mterrykees: oh, maybe i am17:13
mterrykees: the way i usually test kernel message is just tailing /var/log/syslog and unplugging usb17:14
keesmterry: dd appears to be buffering?17:16
keesread(0, "<6>[78582.176041] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, address 3\n<6>[78582.176197] gspca: disconnect complete\n", 512) = 9817:16
keeswrite(1, "<6>[78495.781527] device br0 entered promiscuous mode\n<6>[78496.856514] device br0 left promiscuous mode\n<6>[78536.296047] usb 4-1: USB disconnect, address 2\n<6>[78536.296173] gspca: disconnect complete\n<6>[78543.456518] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3\n<6>[78543.643728] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice\n<6>[78543.646665] gspca: probing 046d:089d\n<6>[78543.646669] zc3xx: Sensor MC501CB\n17:16
keesnote the time offsets...17:16
keesand I just got a huge hit of sutff into syslog17:17
kees(which corresponded to the "write")17:17
mterrykees: the latest version uses bs=1; i would think that wouldn't buffer17:17
keesmterry: I have 4.2.0-1ubuntu217:18
keesit shows:17:18
kees  start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $KMSG_PIDFILE --exec /bin/dd -b -m -- if=/proc/kmsg of=$KMSG_PIPE17:18
mterrykees: upgrade to 4.2.0-2ubuntu1!17:18
keesmterry: ah-ha!  4 hours new.  :)17:19
mterrykees: when I ported the dd stuff from sysklogd to rsyslog, I inexplicably dropped the bs=1 line.  not sure how, because I can't believe I retyped that line by hand17:19
keesmterry: okay, well, cool.  I'm sure that'll solve my issue.  thanks!17:20
mterrykees: OK, well that's good then.  One mystery down17:20
mterrykees: yeah  :)17:20
phish3any idea on one can see what position in the queue one's ppa packages are for being built?17:26
bdrung_dholbach: yesterday i was the complete day afmk17:37
jdstrandasac: fyi, not sure if you saw it, but I requested a merge for my apparmor/firefox work. (see bug #382917)17:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382917 in firefox-3.5 "ship opt-in enforcing apparmor profile for firefox" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38291717:45
jdstrandasac: it is disabled by default and opt-in only (as the bug says), so risk of regression should be quite low17:46
cjwatsonLaney: I can't remember if I said, but I think the ghc6 stuff on powerpc is as far as I can get it with retries alone. haskelldb-dynamic highlighting-kate haskell-curl haskell-pcre-light remain17:46
dholbachbdrung_: that's fine - no worries17:49
* dholbach heads out for the WE now - take care17:49
asacjdstrand: great thanks for the update. I will let someone merge it.17:51
* asac out again17:51
jdstrandlamont`: it would be great if we could get bug #412751 fixed. There is a debdiff in the bug. What do think? Shall I just upload? do you want a git commit? can you apply the debdiff to git? please advise17:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412751 in bind9 "bind9 should reload the named apparmor profile, not all of apparmor" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41275117:51
lamont`jdstrand: most cool.17:52
lamont`I'll apply the debdiff and upload, prolly tonight if that works for you?17:52
jdstrandlamont`: that would be fantastic. no huge rush. thanks!17:53
lamont`there are a couple of other things already committed in the git tree to roll along with that, so upload is kinda pending these days17:53
jdstrandI thought there might be, so wanted to ask :)17:53
Laneycjwatson: Thanks, I'll catch up with it on Sunday18:01
LaneyI think I've gotten as far as I can without serious investigation on other arches too18:01
Laneywhat remains are package that FTBFS for various reasons18:01
Laneyand one or two that are blocked on broken cdbs18:02
directhexLaney, there's a different kind?18:07
norsettois there any plan to make automake1.10 available in karmic or we just forget about it?18:17
cjwatsonthe Debian maintainer seems to think it's appropriate to supersede it entirely with 1.11, and only have one version18:18
cjwatsonthis doesn't seem out of order to me18:19
omahahello all18:20
norsettocjwatson, ok, so we forget about it, thx18:20
cjwatsonif there are problems that can't be fixed with 1.11, it might be appropriate to reintroduce 1.1018:20
cjwatsonbut I'd rather do that if need be rather than just 'cos we're paranoid18:20
omahais anyone familiar with the status of a touchscreen calibration util for evdev?18:21
omahai'm under the impression that some work was done: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyTouchscreenHandling18:21
omahaor was at least intended....18:21
omahai'm about to write an app that would replace this utility, unless it already exists :)18:22
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seb128chrisccoulson, sorry I need to go for dinner now but maybe there is still some us guy there working who could sponsor18:43
seb128slangasek, want to sponsor a nautilus fix for chrisccoulson?18:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's ok. i'm still investigating it some more actually. there seems to be something confusing going on from GDU18:44
seb128need to run18:44
chrisccoulsonso, nothing to sponsor just yet ;)18:44
slangasekseb128: can do18:52
slangasekor not18:52
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sebnerslangasek: I'm wondering who has the next archive admin job (buglist is pretty long and growing) :P19:28
slangaseksebner: the rotation is documented on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration19:29
sebnerslangasek: ah, so I'm looking forward to monday seeing you in action ;-P19:30
ebroderDoes anybody have an example d-i preseed file that sets an empty root password?19:30
ebroderI've tried setting user-setup/password-empty and user-setup/allow-password-empty both to true, but it doesn't seem to be enough19:30
slangaseksebner: it's still Friday, perhaps jdstrand is doing some today19:31
cjwatsonthere are some things d-i just won't let you do19:31
jdstrandI do plan to work on it today, but a bit later19:31
cjwatsonif you want to do this, you'll have to set it to a dummy value and change the password directly from preseed/late_command19:32
sebnerjdstrand: do you really want to take away all the sync bugs for slangasek? :P19:32
ebrodercjwatson: Ok. I kind of thought that was how I was reading the user-setup scripts; just wanted to be sure19:32
jdstrandheh, well, I'd like to... but whether or not I'll be able to is another question entirely19:32
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slangasekmathiaz: so if you remove mysql-client-5.0 first, does the dist-upgrade work?21:04
mathiazslangasek: hm - that would remove mysql-server too21:05
mathiazslangasek: let me try that21:05
slangasekwell if it's a dependency, I guess there's no hope for that21:05
slangasekI mean, yeah it works, but it doesn't help us narrow down the problem any :)21:05
mathiazslangasek: right - and I think dist-upgrade should be supported21:06
slangasekI was just wanting to isolate if it was a problem with the client vs. server packages, but if the server deps on the client, that doesn't help21:06
mathiazslangasek: considering that FF is around the corner would it make sense to upload the new package now and sort out the upgrade later?21:06
slangasekI think that'd be ok21:06
mathiazslangasek: ok - so I'm going to upload mysql-dfsg-5.1 today21:07
mathiazand then I'd need some AA to do the override.21:07
* slangasek nods21:08
ccheneyer is copying files in gnome terminal supposed to qualify as inactive for the sake of power management putting the system to sleep?21:16
ccheneyit put one of my machines to sleep in the middle of a huge copy and now i get to do a long fsck :-\21:18
ebroderIf I'm using the Jaunty d-i to install an older release, do I need to set both mirror/suite and mirror/udeb/suite? How badly are things going to break if they're not the same?21:24
cjwatsonI'm not convinced that's even possible21:25
cjwatsonI wouldn't recommend setting mirror/udeb/suite - that's for bits of the installer itself21:25
cjwatsonthe way to go about it would be to set only mirror/suite21:26
ebroderBut just setting mirror/suite should work?21:26
niktariswhy are there .deb files on the remix version ?21:32
niktarisdoes it use d-i for installation or does it use the ubuquity ?21:33
cjwatsonubiquity uses a small number of .debs too21:34
cjwatsonebroder: it's worth a shot, but it is by no means guaranteed21:35
chrisccoulsonhey slangasek - still available to do some sponsoring? i'm just building and testing this brasero change to fix a nautilus crash that seb128 mentioned earlier21:35
chrisccoulsoni will push to bzr once i've tested it21:35
slangasekchrisccoulson: yep21:36
chrisccoulsonthanks :) i'll let you know once i've pushed the change21:36
mdkecould someone have a look at ubuntu-docs_8.10.3 and maybe let it into intrepid-proposed?21:41
niktariscjwatson, hi, while trying to build a custom remix version I am curius as of how important these .deb files are.21:42
chrisccoulsondoes anybody know what happens to CD drive entries listed in /etc/fstab on upgrade if the device node is different after the upgrade to karmic?21:43
cjwatsonniktaris: they're used for a variety of things which are conditionally installed; on your own head be it if you leave them out. :-)21:46
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: I think update-manager has a rune to try to adjust them ...21:46
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - thanks. i've spoken to some people who have stale entries in their fstab after upgrading. we just discovered it because it was a trigger for a nautilus crash i've just been looking at21:47
niktariscjwatson, I don't need to remove them I am just thinking if I should add mine too, even though they will be already installed in the .squashfs system :)21:48
cjwatsonniktaris: if they're in the squashfs, you don't need to include them separately too21:49
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: at most update-manager does it, so they may not have used that to upgrade21:50
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - yeah, that's possible. thanks21:50
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: I noticed today that mvo committed some code to upstream apt a little while back to add a more dynamic way to handle those, so we have some hope of making this go away eventually, although the upgrade problem remains21:51
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
chrisccoulsonthat will mean the CD entries going away entirely won't it?21:51
ebroder...huh. So I set mirror/suite to hardy...and still got a Jaunty machine21:55
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: right21:57
cjwatsonebroder: may just not work21:57
ebroderI guess not. Oh well21:57
cjwatsonfeel free to figure out why :)21:57
cjwatsonDEBCONF_DEBUG=developer may produce a more helpful (or at least verbose) syslog21:57
niktariscjwatson, thanks22:05
chrisccoulsonslangasek - i pushed the brasero change for sponsoring to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/brasero/ubuntu22:19
slangasekchrisccoulson: grabbing22:20
mdkeslangasek: do you think you might be able to have a look at poking the ubuntu-docs package in the intrepid-proposed queue through if you get a moment later?22:23
slangasekmdke: yes, I have some time blocked this afternoon for SRU processing22:23
mdkeslangasek: awesome, thanks22:23
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_away
arandslangasek: May I likewise plug the goffice package in ibex & jaunty queue?22:31
a|wenmathiaz: regarding the mysql-server 5.1 upgrade ... running apt-get with debug-options on the package-resolver doesn't reveal anything to note; it seems that apt's resolver simply isn't smart enough (aptitude safe-upgrade works fine)22:40
jdstrandslangasek, james_w: I couldn't get to archive work today. I'm gonna try to do some over the weekend though23:07
jdstrandslangasek, james_w: fyi only...23:07
slangasekjdstrand: ah, cheers23:09
slangasekchrisccoulson: uploaded23:12
chrisccoulsonslangasek - thank you23:12
ccheneygrr i somehow broke my OOo build without even knowing wtf i did :-\23:34
ebroderDoes anybody still have a good writeup on how to do a fully unattended dapper install with a preseed URL (not file)?23:39
ebroderI can't find any kernel command line arguments that will bypass the kbd-chooser/method prompt23:39

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