
asacfta: i think the idea would be to make a substantial amount of patches. try to upstream them and if unresponsive make "cdbs2" project ;)00:05
asacor cdbsng00:05
bdrungasac: i am back00:07
bdrungasac: did i miss something?00:07
asacactually i dont know00:07
asacjust came back a few minuites ago ;)00:07
bdrungasac: the feature to use the first binary package name by default for MOZ_XPI_PACKAGE_NAME is already in version 0.1400:07
asacbdrung: ;)00:07
asacwell done00:07
bdrungasac: i was the complete day away00:08
asacthats good ;)00:08
asaci mean really ;)00:08
asactomorrow i will be away i hope00:08
bdrungasac: now i have to read 58 mails :)00:08
asacthats still managable00:09
bdrungasac: when i am off the mail flood is lower :)00:10
ftaasac, it seems we have our own branch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/cdbs/karmic00:11
asacwhat is the "ubuntu-branches" team?00:11
asacnever heart of it00:11
asacyeah. so start developing00:12
asacalso we should commit the change we had in firefox i think00:12
micahgoh, will there be a TB anytime soon asac?00:13
asaci need to uploade it to -security ppa now that you say that00:13
micahglast release for FF 3.0.13, I couldn't d/l from security ppa for about 13 hours after it was built00:13
micahgidk why00:13
asacprobably a publishing bug i guess00:14
micahgI'll bug the LP admins if it happens again00:14
asachmm. armel build queue doesnt look good00:14
asaci guess i should get that up asap00:14
asacyeah ... do that00:14
micahgok, enjoy your day off if I don't mention it later asac00:15
asachehe. yeah.00:15
asacfeels like i will upload tbird tomorrow :/00:15
asacbut thats ok. own fault. forgot completely even though getting mails about that for a while00:16
micahgI saw it yesterday on the Mozilla Planet blog00:16
BUGabundothanks for the ping00:20
asacoh you are there ;)00:20
BUGabundoI am00:20
asaci would have replied here then ;)00:20
BUGabundoim everywhjere00:20
BUGabundoI was going to ask you something00:20
asacabout 3g? ;)00:20
BUGabundobut my brain already shutdown00:20
BUGabundono idea :(00:20
asacthats good00:20
asacrest is good for you and me ;)00:21
BUGabundofyi 3G is a bit unstable00:21
BUGabundowhen I downgraded it fixed00:21
BUGabundobut won't work after hiberna00:21
asacdowngraded NM?00:21
BUGabundonow with all upgrade I guess I upgraded again00:22
asacyeah hibernate could be mm ... but also linux more likely00:22
BUGabundoasac another guy with the same MM bug as me https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/41257000:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412570 in modemmanager "modemmanger does not connect to 3G network, icon keeps spinning. " [High,New]00:22
BUGabundogot that on identica00:22
BUGabundoguess that what I have too00:22
BUGabundoahhh now I recall00:22
BUGabundoloved htat paux de faul joke you did with multisearch addon00:23
asacyou see the same problem?00:23
BUGabundodamn you must have been mad00:23
BUGabundowith all that ppl poking at you and saying nasty stuff00:23
asacwhich one? ;)00:23
BUGabundoasac I see. it keeps spining00:23
* BUGabundo is too sleepy to keep two conversations00:24
BUGabundoback to MM00:24
BUGabundoasac I see. it keeps spining00:24
BUGabundoseems very similar to what the bug describes00:24
BUGabundonothing even remotely useful in the logs00:24
asacBUGabundo: you need to run modemmanager with --debug00:25
BUGabundowill do next time I plug the dongle00:25
BUGabundobetter ask that on the bug too00:25
* BUGabundo is toooo sleepy to read http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2008/Apr/0250.html but its nice to see how lame ISPs and Manufactures are00:26
asac(driver: 'option1')00:26
BUGabundoDefault key algorithm in Thomson00:26
BUGabundoasac that bug already has debug log00:27
BUGabundois it useful?00:27
asaci think so ... yes.00:27
ftaasac, are your nm branches ready?00:28
BUGabundothen no need for me to debug it00:28
asacfta: not for LOCAL_BRANCH00:29
asacbesides from that i would think so.00:30
asacthey produce good orig.tar.gz on get-orig-source00:30
asacBUGabundo: if its exactly your issue then yet00:30
asacBUGabundo: you sure you have novatel?00:30
BUGabundoguess so00:30
BUGabundoby the description and symptoms00:30
BUGabundowhat's that?00:31
asacwell... the description and symptoms dont really matter00:31
asacits the log that must match00:31
asace.g. fail at the same point after the same series of commands00:31
BUGabundoill get mine now00:31
BUGabundojust a sec00:31
BUGabundodongle in hand00:31
BUGabundowhat you need?00:31
ftaasac, once everything is there, give me the branch urls, and where i should push (i need perms) - in an email00:31
BUGabundoI'm on wifi, so what ever we do that may affect that , let me know ahead00:31
asacfta: yes. i would think monday00:32
BUGabundoasac: where do you want me to start?00:32
asacBUGabundo: wifi can interfere. but as long as you have a good thing thats ok00:32
asacgood connection00:32
BUGabundonm stop,00:32
BUGabundomm --debug?00:33
asacBUGabundo: yes. then sudo killall modem-manager; modem-manager --debug 2>&1 > /tmp/mm.log.txt00:33
asacBUGabundo: yes. then sudo killall modem-manager; sudo modem-manager --debug 2>&1 > /tmp/mm.log.txt00:33
BUGabundobefore or after pluging the dongle?00:33
asacBUGabundo: dont plug it in00:34
asacthen do that00:34
asacthen plug in ;)00:34
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore00:38
BUGabundoasac http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/112892/mm.log.txt00:38
BUGabundoasac it is as if it connects00:39
asacso different plugin -> different bug ;)00:39
BUGabundostarts with red lead (3G) then falls to GPRS00:39
BUGabundotransfer speed stays at 000:40
BUGabundodiff bug, but exactly same behaviour00:40
BUGabundolets see how long until a triagger dupe them00:40
BUGabundofilling now00:40
asacBUGabundo: please add [huawei] to the title00:40
asacand [novatel] in front of the other00:41
BUGabundoPackage modem-manager does not exist00:41
asacBUGabundo: also please downgrade and do the same and attach the log from the successful attempt ;)00:41
BUGabundo$ ubuntu-bug modemmanager00:41
asacthat probably makes it trivial00:41
BUGabundo[] added to both bugs00:42
BUGabundodowngrading now00:44
BUGabundoasac will I have to reboot ?????00:45
asacBUGabundo: no.00:45
asacat least i hope so00:45
asacstop NM kill mm and start with --debug  ... then start nm00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413333 in modemmanager "[huawei] MM wont connect, keeps nm.applet spinning" [Undecided,New]00:48
BUGabundokilling NM now00:48
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundois this thing on???00:52
Mook_sbBUGabundo: yes, it is00:54
BUGabundooh ok00:54
BUGabundowhy aint the bot replying ??00:54
BUGabundoasac https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/41333300:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413333 in modemmanager "[huawei] MM wont connect, keeps nm.applet spinning" [Undecided,New]00:54
BUGabundoupdated with new log00:54
BUGabundotake a look please00:54
BUGabundoasac also I still get hitted by that very annoying bug where the 1st connect doesn't work00:56
BUGabundoand re-connecting just disconects00:56
BUGabundothat should be visible in those logs00:56
asac** (modem-manager:27265): DEBUG: (ttyUSB1): probe requested by plugin 'Generic'00:58
asac** (modem-manager:27265): DEBUG: (ttyUSB1): --> 'AT+GCAP<CR>'00:58
asac** (modem-manager:27265): DEBUG: (ttyUSB1): <-- 'AT+GCAP<CR><CR><LF>+GCAP: +CGSM,+DS,+ES<CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>'00:58
BUGabundothat's tells me nothing00:58
BUGabundoI can only read 1000:58
asacits different ;)00:58
asacseems like the successful one tries to use manual CREG01:01
asacand the unsuccessful one uses unsolicited CREG01:01
BUGabundothat affects many many users01:02
BUGabundowho don't understand why they are "connected" but don't have net01:02
BUGabundoI noticed it clearly01:02
BUGabundobecause I have an applet01:02
BUGabundoand since it stays at zero, I immediately reconnect01:03
BUGabundoasac if you don't need anything else01:04
BUGabundoI'm going to bed01:04
BUGabundoim up in 6 h01:05
asacmany many users is exaggeration01:08
asacits karmic01:08
asacwe have to flash things out01:08
asacit claims your port as a secondary por01:08
asacthats wrong01:08
asacand fixing that will fix it i guess ,)01:08
BUGabundoI didn't say that bug was karmic only01:08
BUGabundoI see it too on jaunty01:08
BUGabundoill request a couple of logs01:08
bdrung_Jazzva: thanks for the man pages. -devscripts is now lintian clean. :)02:02
Jazzvabdrung_: no problem :)02:03
bdrung_Jazzva: but why didn't you use utf-8 for your name in the man page?02:05
bdrung_Jazzva: btw, you can wrap long lines.02:05
Jazzvabdrung_: I figured it autowraps, and just left them as they are (though it's cleaner if I wrap them...)02:06
Jazzvabdrung_: as for the utf-8... I have no idea... I think I just started without š and ž, and then I was lazy to change :).02:07
bdrung_Jazzva: :)02:07
bdrung_good night02:08
Jazzvagood night02:09
Jazzvai'm off too02:09
ftabdrung_, you should not have touched changelog, some tools use diffs to show new revs, you broke them02:11
bdrung_fta: which tools?02:12
asacfta: whats broken?02:20
asacfta: what context i mean?02:21
asacfta: you mean the cleanup of previous changelog?02:21
ftait's like rewriting history02:21
asacfta: well. its just line wraps ;)02:22
asaci didnt even know that mozilla-devscripts is maintained by a bot02:22
asacotherwise i would have been more careful02:23
asacfta: what tool is broken now?02:25
asacok off for today.02:35
=== mac__v is now known as mac_v
Kamping_Kaiserhi team.07:00
Kamping_KaiserI was hoping to confirm that Ubuntu removes mozillas proprietary crash reporting module07:00
Kamping_Kaiserfrom Thunderbird.07:01
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
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=== ejat is now known as e-jat
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
asacKamping_Kaiser: we dont remove it ... we have it disabled11:28
Kamping_Kaiserasac: so (aiui) its in the source tarball, but not included in the binaries?11:30
asacKamping_Kaiser: we strip binaries out of tarball. also we strip non-free stuff that we are aware off11:31
asaccheckout our tarball and if you see something that is not free let us know+11:31
asacvi ./toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/COPYING11:32
asac-> thats a free license11:32
asaci dont think its proprietary afaik11:32
asacat least not the client side11:32
Kamping_Kaiserasac: thanks. that was my understanding of what happened, but I thought before I close the bug in question I should double check.11:33
asacKamping_Kaiser: yeah. if the user has specific files in mind we should check that11:34
Kamping_Kaiserasac: None that I'm aware of. If some come to light, I'll get it investigated. thanks for your help11:35
asacif user is just ranting. close the bug11:39
ftaasac, reed is "on indefinite leave from the Mozilla project" ?15:20
asacfta: hmm. how do you know?16:11
asacfta: i think he has some study things still going on16:11
ftain bugzilla16:12
asachmm. i think he would probably even mark a leave of 3 weeks like that ;)16:12
asacmaybe we should send him a mail ;)16:15
ftaasac, he subscribed us to mozilla 510358 yesterday16:18
ubottuMozilla bug 510358 in Socorro "Accept crashes from Fedora distro Thunderbird builds" [Enhancement,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51035816:18
ftathat's how i found out16:18
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
asacupdated https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44777116:26
ubottuMozilla bug 447771 in Tracking "allow Linux distributions to submit crash reports to crash-stats.mozilla.com" [Normal,New]16:27
asaclets hope we can move forward16:27
asacok out for some pre-dinner and relaxing in sun16:27
micahgtyn0r: Can I help you?17:18
tyn0rOn ubuntu with Thunderbird 3.0b4pre install with the ppa mozilla-daily, when i install the french xpi (http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/nightly/latest-comm-1.9.1-l10n/thunderbird-3.0b4pre.fr.langpack.xpi) It doesn't change thunderbird in french ... Any ideas to make it works ?17:20
tyn0rOnly add the french dictionnary ...17:20
micahgsorry, I don't have any experience with i18n17:20
tyn0rMaybe it's the wrong file ?17:20
micahgidk if the lang packs are working yet for tb317:21
tyn0rok thanks ... i'm going to mail the ml !17:21
tyn0rso why give them ?17:21
micahgwell, they might be :)17:21
micahgI really don't know17:21
asactyn0r: check that "matchOS"="true" in the preferences of tbird17:22
asacalso ensure that LANG=fr17:22
asacin your env17:22
tyn0rin the preference menu .. .?17:23
asactyn0r: in the advanced config editor search for matchOS17:23
asacits false17:23
asacthats a packaging bug actually17:23
asacset that to true17:24
micahghi asac, I thought you were off :)17:24
asacmicahg: i am ;) ... just checked if anything blew up :)17:24
micahgshould I ask you about ff-kde blueprints or wait til monday?17:24
tyn0rso i put intl.locale.matchOS => true ?17:24
tyn0rand restart th ?17:24
asaccould be that having that in your user config doesnt help17:24
asacyou might need to put it in /etc/thunderbird-.3.0/pref/...17:25
asacbut first try to set it in your user account17:25
asactyn0r: remember that if installing a .xpi it will hide your system extensions/translations forever. so as soon as we have proper translations support for tbird, remove your .xpi again17:26
tyn0rso matchOS to true ... restart and nothing ... i had to edit something in my ~/.thunderbird-3.0 ?17:26
asactyn0r: you have to edit it here i guess: /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0b4pre/greprefs/all.js17:27
asacunfortunately that will get overriden on every update ;)17:27
tyn0rok i'll tri17:27
asacthe packages are not properly hooked up17:28
asacwith system configs yet17:28
asactyn0r: are you sure your whole desktop is in french `17:28
tyn0ri didnt have the directory : /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0b4pre/greprefs/all.js17:28
tyn0ryes it's in french17:28
asacyou didnt have that?17:28
asacls /usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0b4pre/greprefs/17:28
asacall.jssecurity-prefs.js  xpinstall.js17:28
asacthats what i have17:29
asacyou sure you have our package installed?17:29
asac/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0b4pre/greprefs/all.js -> thats a file not a dir17:29
tyn0rno thunderbird dir in /usr/lib ...17:29
asactyn0r: then you dont have our package17:29
asacand we cannot help you ;)17:29
asacinstall thunderbird-3.0 package17:30
asacfrom our ppa ;)17:30
tyn0ryes install by an apt-get install thunderbird-3-gnome-support17:30
tyn0rit's done !17:30
tyn0roups ...17:31
tyn0rsorry my term was in a ssh on my server ...17:31
tyn0rso in this file i had to change ?17:32
asacthe option we discussed17:32
asacits already in there17:32
asacjust set to "false"17:32
tyn0ri had to remove the french xpi from the addon menu ?17:33
tyn0rpref("intl.locale.matchOS",                 false);17:33
asacyes that needs to be true17:33
tyn0rWorks fine !17:33
tyn0rthanks !17:33
tyn0rand so, when the release will came up, i had to change this to false and install the future thunderbird-3-language-fr (exemple)...17:34
tyn0rIt's a quite good work that you make !17:36
asactyn0r: no. so on every update you get this will get changed17:36
asactyn0r: back17:36
asacwe will change it in the package17:36
tyn0rthanks ... (i'll post the trick in my blog for all french thunderbird 3 users !)17:36
asacjust ping us if it breaks on next update17:36
asacso i remember to fix it17:36
tyn0r& bye17:36
asactyn0r: well17:36
asactyn0r: if you tell that to users, please tell them that they must remove the addon when we get real translations17:37
asacat some point it will break tbird badly17:37
asace.g. when tbird strings changes17:37
tyn0ryes ... because the xpi is remplace with a real package ? as in firefox !?17:37
asacit might break the complete UI17:37
asactyn0r: no. its just that the xpi you installed wont get auto updated17:37
asacso when string changes in tbird, you dont have all strings translated17:38
asacand in some situation that will bust the UI17:38
tyn0rnoted !17:38
tyn0rthanks for your help !17:38
asaceven if it doesnt break they should remove the addon as they will not get any system translations otherwise ;)17:38
asacand latest for 3.1 it will break for sure :)17:38
asacok off too17:38
asacno problem17:38
asacjdstrand: ok requested review from fta for packaging aspects. when he is happy i am happy and you can ask anyone here to merge it in (or bug me on monday)17:53
asac(on apparmor merge request)17:53
jdstrandasac: thanks17:57
mac_vhi... is there a way to backup Firefox History  ?18:13
bernhardis there somebody who can tell me when the official bits of firefox 3.5.x will be available for ubuntu 8.04 ?19:24
ftaasac, Jazzva: still red.. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30320748/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.prism_1.0b2%2Bsvn20090813r49078-0ubuntu1~umd2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:20
Jazzvafta: I'll take a quick look now21:22
micahgfta: are you going to branch into 3.6 and 3.7 for nightlies?21:50
ftamicahg, yes, i was waiting for it to start but it apparently started21:52
fta*ERROR* 3.7~a1~hg20090814r31562+nobinonly doesn't match ^3\.6(\~|\.). Abort21:52
ftaand i need to rebranch 3.6 to Namoroka21:54
micahgyep :)22:00
micahgI just e-mailed asac about getting namarooka into karmic22:01
micahgRC is scheduled for end of October22:01
ftawhich just a1? lol22:04
micahgfta: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Namoroka22:05
pace_t_zulumicah sounds like it belongs in karmic+122:05
ftai will close 1.9.2~a1 and 3.6~a1 anyway (even if it doesn't go to karmic), it's better to fork the branch at a milestone22:06
pace_t_zuluyou guys able to use code.launchpad.net ?22:07
pace_t_zului get a timeout error22:07
micahgtry again22:07
micahgsometimes the servers are overloaded22:07
micahgthere's already a xul2.0?22:08
micahgoh, that's old22:08
pace_t_zulumicahg: it has been this way for days... i think it's because i am a beta tester.. "As a member of the Launchpad Beta Testers team, you're more likely to experience them"22:10
* micahg is also a beta tester22:10
micahgactually I haven;t had problems recently22:10
pace_t_zului cannot access http://code.launchpad.net/~fta22:11
ftamicahg, yes, after 3.0 they did 4.0->3.1->3.5   (1.9 => 2.0->1.9.1)22:11
ftaand during 3.1, 3.2->3.622:12
Jazzvafta: I won't be able to look into this more tonight. I experienced this type of things with some extensions, but it's not the same cause of problem. It seems like the XPI_FILE parameter is lost somewhere (even if there is valid MOZ_XPI_FILE in debian/rules). If no one gets to it, I'll check it tomorrow about 11, 12.22:34
pace_t_zulufta: i am unable to view your code through launchpad... could you pass along the location for your bot scripts and confs?22:35
pace_t_zuluah code.edge ... ty fta22:36
BUGabundohey guys23:04
pace_t_zuluhey BUGabundo23:09
BUGabundohey pace_t_zulu23:09
pace_t_zulufta:  just now tried to set up the ppa bot... haven't had time to work on it since you first showed me23:09
pace_t_zulufta: almost have it working23:09
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: micahg wants ff3.6 in karmic... what do you think of that?23:10
BUGabundodon't be stupid23:11
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: sounds like a karmic23:12
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: sounds like a karmic+1 kind of thing23:12
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: FF3.5 just landed in karmic23:13
BUGabundonot sure what the roadmap for 3.7 or 4 will be23:13
micahgBUGabundo: 3.6 is supposed to be out in Nov23:13
BUGabundodidntknow there would be a release for 3.623:14
BUGabundoonly 3.7 and 423:14
pace_t_zulumicahg: but karmic is out in october...23:15
micahgjaunty had 3.5 before release23:15
pace_t_zulumicahg: but 3.0 was default23:15
micahg3.5 is default in Karmic23:16
pace_t_zulumicahg: 3.6 could be in main but the 'firefox' meta should point to firefox-3.5 ... not firefox-3.623:16
pace_t_zulumicahg: well i agree with you then23:16
micahgnah, throw it in universe23:16
micahgi don't care23:16
micahgjust get it in there23:16
pace_t_zuluas long as firefox => firefox-3.523:16
micahgI'll talk to asac Monday23:16
pace_t_zulumicahg: you can get it from the ppa23:16
BUGabundonot enoug test for 3.623:16
BUGabundoforget that idea ok ?23:16
micahgBUGabundo: 3.6 isn't trunk anymore :)23:17
BUGabundomaybe in universe23:17
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo: micahg's idea is actually a good one... it'll help karmic+123:17
BUGabundobut it would be too much work to put on the team23:17
* micahg can help :)23:17
* pace_t_zulu can help too :)23:18
BUGabundoon karmic+1 we can put 3.6 on universe23:19
BUGabundoand then replace 3.5 before FeatureFreeze23:19
micahgBUGabundo: karmic + 1 it'll be the default :)23:19
BUGabundoor even 3.7 or 423:20
micahgok, I'm off23:26
ftaor Chromium ;)23:39
BUGabundofta: are 64build ready?23:45
ftano update today either23:46
ftathe tree was closed for almost 48 hours23:46
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asac_fta: nice... i see the "version" safety net worked ;)23:56
asac_22:52 < fta> *ERROR* 3.7~a1~hg20090814r31562+nobinonly doesn't match ^3\.6(\~|\.). Abort23:56
asac_22:52 < fta> *ERROR* 3.7~a1~hg20090814r31562+nobinonly doesn't match ^3\.6(\~|\.). Abort23:56
BUGabundohey asac23:56
BUGabundofta: so why was the tree closed?23:57
BUGabundofta: what do I need to make this vids play on chromium ? http://p.bugabundo.net/23:57
asac_too many reds/orange most likely23:57
asac_the schedule looks really slick23:58
asac_just one alpha23:58
fta120 commits on top of red, today's sheriff was mad and closed the tree23:58
asac_then beta1/2 in sep and RC in 09?23:58
asac_err oct23:58
asac_i dont believe it yet :)23:59
asac_i guess folks think now that 3.7 is trunk they can throw in crazy stuff23:59

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