
ubottuhggdh called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()03:09
MyrttiGreetings from the eight floor of Tampere University hospital, woke up when my iv was 'refilled'.03:10
naliothMyrtti: get out of there!03:11
MyrttiId rather stay, thanks :-)03:11
naliothyou'er not supposed to be sick, you know03:12
MyrttiApparently Ive been sick with this since 2005, so if this is the way to get rid of the agonizing spells of pain Ive had since then, so be it03:13
naliothyeah, well, get rid of that stuff (and go home)03:14
MyrttiWill do03:15
rwwmneptok: Make http://people.ubuntu.com/~mneptok/mnepolo.png work again. You're violating the right of larted people to see terrible terrible things.07:14
rww(Alternatively, can some op person change the lart link to a picture of Cthulhu or something?)07:15
mneptokrww: probably removed as i no longer work for the company07:20
mneptokhmmm ... but the dir is still there07:21
rwwmneptok: people.ubuntu.com is an Ubuntu Member thing, not a Canonical thing, iirc. Maybe someone decided you're "clearly offensive" :p07:21
mneptokit should still be on Uncyclopedia07:21
rww'tis. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/uncyclopedia/images/5/55/Mnepolo.png07:22
mneptokride that sexy horse07:22
* jussi01 shudders07:24
Madpilotrww, Cthulhu, related to Ubuntu even, but nowhere near as horrifying as that other pic: http://www.warbard.ca/temp/CthulhubuntuLogo.png07:25
rwwMadpilot: indeed. I petition for the restoration of mneptokness to lart. Also, while I'm here, someone fix the one where ubottu refers to herself as a guy. And approve my snarky factoid requests.07:27
rwwand buy me a pony :(07:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pony07:27
Madpilotmeh. the bot used to know that one07:27
ubottuNo, you can't have a pony. Much less so when you're magnetron07:28
jussi01rww: which one is that?07:28
Madpilotah, right, per-channel filtering. forgot that. the bot's much more fun in -ot07:28
rwwjussi01: which one what? Male ubottu lart?07:29
rww* ubottu pulls out his louisville slugger and uses DrDerek's head to break the homerun record07:29
jussi01hrm, ok, lemme see if I cant get those fixed... although might have to wait for a few days...07:32
rwwAlright. I will now return to the -offtopic lair from whence I came. Good day, folks.07:33
* rww tips his hat to jussi01, Madpilot, and mneptok07:33
ToXBoT_Flannel, you redirected my nick to fix_your_connection08:09
ToXBoT_I've fixed my connection.08:10
ToXBoT_So, can you please remove the redirection08:10
jussi01ToXBoT_: where is the redirection from?08:11
=== ToXBoT_ is now known as ToXBoT
ToXBoTjussi01, can you please remove the redirection?08:13
jussi01ToXBoT: patience ;)08:13
ToXBoTjussi01, I've been waiting since last 15days though.. :D08:13
ToXBoTjussi01, and I don't use any other nick to get in any ban channel(s)08:14
jussi01ToXBoT: Im working on it, patience.08:15
jussi01ToXBoT: you are good to go.08:16
ikoniahow can he have been waiting 15 days when this is the first time he's asked09:47
Daviey10:03:37 <Daviey> Hey, we tend to keep #ubuntu family friendly.. so no swearing, please :)10:04
Daviey10:04:02 <Immo_Phagg> where are the ladies bro10:04
DavieyFlannel: ^^10:04
FlannelI figured.  He was warned about an hour ago10:05
jussi01we banned him from -ot yesterday, he knows the drill.10:07
topyliiirc i removed him, no ban10:12
DavieyIt's actually kind of ironic, as i imagine his nick is also offensive as i imagine it means "I'm a Fag", which is an offensive/colloquial term for homosexual.10:15
DavieyI can't believe that nick is based on a real name.10:16
naliothit's a troll10:21
MyrttiPainkillers <310:57
BactaHi I would like to request an unbanning from #ubuntu-offtopic11:29
ikoniaBacta: Hi, I'm sorry - that's not going to happen at this time11:31
BactaMay I ask why that is?11:31
ikoniabecause you are a repeat offender who still causes problems in other channels11:32
ikoniaif this stance changes you will be notified11:32
BactaHave I caused a problem in the last week?11:32
ikoniaI'm not disscussing/debating it11:32
BactaDoes this mean I have to uninstall Ubuntu and go back to Windows?11:32
ikoniaif you chose to11:32
ikoniathat is of no concern on your ban11:33
BactaSo I'm not banned from using Ubuntu?11:33
ikonia#ubuntu the channel, I don't know without looking, ubuntu the linux distribution, please don't be silly -you know we have no control or interest in that11:33
naliothBacta: is there anything else we can help you with?11:33
BactaNot really..11:34
BactaWill I be kicked or can I leave on my own accord?11:34
nalioththen please respect our /topic11:34
elkyBacta, you wont be kicked if you leave of your own accord.11:34
Bactaxe cam on :)11:34
elkybye Bacta.11:35
elkyikonia, we got your mail, btw.11:35
elkyoops, wrong channel.11:36
ikoniaI'm putting more information together on that, but I've got limited logs due to the time period it was spread over11:36
elkywell, dialog, window, whatever11:36
ikoniaI know I know11:36
ubottuIn ubottu, Some_Person said: netspeak is "Please refrain from using excessive netspeak."11:51
bernardlychanhey guys how do i register my username with password?11:59
elkybernardlychan, that's something you should ask #freenode, as we're not a support team for their software, however, if you "/msg ubottu register" she'll give a hint.12:00
topylibernardlychan: this isn't really an appropriate channel to ask for support, but you'll get help from nickserv with /msg nickserv help12:01
Picistupid bot14:08
bazhangargh some tw kid trolling14:08
PiciIt looks like a bot to me14:08
bazhangdont know why my ban got two addresses though14:08
=== genii_ is now known as genii
bazhangthat was the kid running the bot I would guess theshahfactor/ancientsocrates14:35
bazhangis steil trolling?14:53
Pici!away > ayahuasktrip16:36
jussi01yay for server back again :D17:13
jussi01nice and quiet in here :D17:54
ikoniahow it should be17:59
* genii enjoys the sounds of silence18:02
jussi01fool said I you do not know, silence like the cancer grows...18:04
bazhangmadgirl seems to be a bot18:18
macoin a PM:18:55
macojeez he even sounds like marion barry!18:55
mneptokmaco: take off your bra and hand me the crack pipe.19:03
macook yeah that sounds more like him...19:03
mneptokoh ... wait.19:03
macodid you hear he got in trouble a month or two ago for stalking some lady?19:04
mneptokthis is #ubuntu-ops. not #skanky_alexandria_motel19:04
mneptokmaco: yeah. it's mind-boggling.19:04
mneptokhe'll be re-elected. he's pure Teflon. (and DC voters seem to like rap sheets)19:04
macoapparently he did a lot for old folks way back in the day before he was shown for being a womanizing arse so the old folks still vote for him19:05
macoand given dc's crime rate.... i guess there are a lot of people that feel like having a rap sheet makes you more human19:06
mneptokwhen i was in DC in 1992-1995, he was in jail for the motel/prostitute/crack debacle. makes me wonder how old these people are.19:06
macoits like when palin calls democrats "elitists" .. anyone without at least 3 arrests is an elitist :P19:06
mneptoki tried getting arrested for speeding, but i tried in Sweden. apparently the Swedes handle speeders somewhat diffeerently.19:07
jussi01Nafallo: do you have sweden on hilight or something?19:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu-server, Aison said: ubottu, but ebox is fine? I don't know it19:37
ubottuIn ubottu, mneptok said: ubottu, jpds is confused. please give him a pony.20:09
jpdsNafallo: mneptok wants to steal pony!20:12
* Nafallo spanks mneptok. leave her alone!20:12
* Nafallo gives jpds a snack20:13
* Myrtti feasts with a straw drink20:15
Seeker`om nom nom20:16
geniiI'm thirsty now for pineapple juice :(20:52
Flannelgenii: So, find yourself some pineapples!20:57
geniiMaybe I'll nip off from work a couple minutes to go find one20:59
FlannelI think it might be more prudent to take a four day vacation to travel to a pineapple plantation and purchase an entire truckload.21:06
* genii sips his little square box of reconstituted pineapple juice and considers a vacation21:17
macogenii: did your mommy get you one of those plastic boxes for your juice box so you dont squeeze it and squirt all over yourself?22:08
Seeker`maco: you a #u op now?22:11
maco#ubuntuforums, #ubuntu-women, #kubuntu22:11
Seeker`ah, ok22:12
Flannelmaco: They have plastic boxes for juice boxes now?22:16
macothey had plastic cases for around juice box when i was a kid 20 years ago22:22
Seeker`by "plastic" do youm ean foil backed cardboard?22:49
geniimaco: Hehe... I didn't know they made such things, but I could see them being useful.22:50
FlannelSeeker`: I think she means hard plastic boxes for them to sit in, so you don't accidentally fire juice out of the straw22:54
Seeker`never seen those23:00
Seeker`maybe i ould drink without emptying the contents everywhere23:00
* genii checks to make sure he really exists23:09
geniijussi01: I think core is conking out23:10
ikoniagents an eye on +1 would be wise for a while, I'm trying at the moment23:32

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