
Kelderto create bootable usb's with several distro's search for unetbootin00:00
amitmaliAfter i had installed ubuntu "inside windows" , when rebooted it apears initramfs and it stopped00:01
edbianamitmali: Using wubi?00:01
vishalHey guys, I am trying to configure OpenSSL on Ubuntu00:02
vishalcan I get some help?00:02
meisterlumpiask away00:02
Kelderits fairly hard to find people who support wubi because not many use it in a day-to-day situation, dual boot is preferable00:03
vishalwell...have you encountered this00:03
erUSULvishal: OpenSSL is a library it needs little if any configuration00:03
vishalVerify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)00:03
Berzerkerkaddi, and refreshing the netbook-launcher made it keep changes, worked like a charm.00:03
meisterlumpivishal: are you client or server?00:04
vishalmeisterlumpi : client00:04
vishaland I started the server using, openssl s_Server00:04
silentHi, I'm having trouble using a rtl8187b wireless card.  My connections changes constantly00:05
meisterlumpivishal: what kind of authentication?00:05
vishalwell...I created a PEM file n my own00:05
vishalusing openssl man pages00:05
raden_workanyone here a former opensuse user ?00:05
DoomHack2009code a resistance 200:05
tferrellhey - i've got issues with ubuntu recognizing my internet adapters (wired & wireless) if anyone could extend a hand00:06
vishalmeisterlumpi : any pointers?00:06
meisterlumpivishal: do you have a key file to log into the server or user and pass?00:06
vishalI generated a key as well...00:07
vishalmeisterlumpi : I generated a key as well00:07
Pilouhello everybody !!00:07
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
vishaland then merged the key and certificate into the pem file00:07
vishalmeisterlumpi :  and I generated the key and certificate both using the openssl utility00:08
meisterlumpi /msg vishal (private chat?)00:08
tferrellanyone willing to help with ethernet problems?00:08
vishalmeisterlumpi : great00:08
h4roI'm using xchat, it doesn't seem very well though, or maybe it's because I messed up my graphics.00:09
h4roWhat are you guys using?00:09
fbianconih4ro: pidgin00:09
tferrellplease, anyone?00:10
h4roYou sure? :\00:10
ewsubachirssi: it's terminal based00:10
dsnydersHi all!  My desktop is missing.  No icons, no menus, just a background screen and a mouse pointer.  xfix was of no help00:10
h4roI see.00:10
silenttferrell, what kind of problem?00:11
edbiandsnyders: Did you get any error messages when starting nautilus?00:11
dsnydersedbian, No, where would I find any error messages00:11
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Berzerkerkaddi, I have another problem00:12
Berzerkerwhen I try to download something, I get a box with an error in it.00:12
edbiandsnyders: You might wanna check the output (especially near the end) of "dmesg"00:12
pieceHi! I just tried to run some javafx examples but all i can see is the java logo...whats wrong?00:12
kaddiwhat does it say00:12
edbiandsnyders: PM me00:12
tferrelli've got a wireless adapter (dynex) and a lan adapater (linksys) and neither of them are appearing in my virgin ubuntu install00:12
ewsubachanyone know of a good free usenet reader?00:13
Berzerkerkaddi, XML Parsing Error: undefined entity00:13
BerzerkerLocation: chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/unknownContentType.xul00:13
BerzerkerLine Number 55, Column 7:00:13
Berzerkersorry, for multi-line00:13
FloodBot1Berzerker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
silenttferrell, have you tried running lsusb?00:13
kaddiBerzerker and you get that message when you try to download something, not at startup?00:14
Berzerkerkaddi, yes when I try to download something00:14
=== Kamus_Away is now known as Kamus_H_Zwisch
kaddiBerzerker close the window you have opened, open a terminal and type firefox-3.5 -safe-mode this will start FF in safe-mode, test if you get the same problem still00:16
crankharderis anyone familiar with setting up a daapd server? (firefly) -- Rhythmbox and itunes don't recognize it automagically -- any ideas?00:17
Berzerkerfigured out the problem00:17
kaddiok :)00:17
kaddiwhat was it?00:17
Berzerkerkaddi, it's the merkeet addon00:17
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Berzerkerkaddi, wasn't fully compatable with 3.5.2, even though it would say it is00:17
kaddiBerzerker good to know.  safemode will start FF with all addons  disabled, so you can quickly know if one of the addons is at fault. :)00:18
kaddijust as an info00:18
hobanhello everyone. What is the ubuntu equivalent to the "/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d" directory found on other distros? (place scripts there and they run upon login)00:19
hoban(system-wide...not the user's ~/.xinitrc)00:19
Berzerkerkaddi, yeah, btw, is there a way to add a shortcut to paste in terminal?00:19
ewsubachhoban: you mean /etc/rcX/ ? place scripts in there to run. where X is the runlevel00:20
ewsubachi mean rcX.d00:20
silentHi, what causes an invalid module format?00:20
kaddiBerzerker how do you mean? alt+f2 can be used to run comands, but not sure this is what you are looking for?00:20
hobanewsubach, no, those are symlinks to init scripts. I'm looking to run scripts when the user logs in to the GUI only00:20
prince_jammyshoban: if you use gdm as your login manager, you may add scripts to that.00:20
hobanprince_jammys, right, is there a more generic location? so if gdm is being used, or kdm, the scripts will still run?00:21
openbackI have a widescreen laptop (Dell Inspiron 710m with Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME) that was automatically  set at  1280x800 forever, and just recently, I'm stuck in 4:3 for some reason. My gdm is in the proper  resolution and  not my desktop. If I attempt to change my res, the display is squashed. Any idea how to fix this?00:21
guest_my audio disc is stuck in my drive...Help?00:21
edbianguest_: go to Places -> Computer.  Right click the drive and "eject"00:21
ewsubachguest_: physically stuck, like jammed?00:21
clustywhat is the name of the proggie that does the gnome user management ?00:22
guest_edbian thanks trying it00:22
ewsubachclusty: users-admin00:22
prince_jammyshoban: i'm sure there is a more generic solution, but i'd have to research it. man Xorg does mention xinit. check it out.00:22
clustyewsubach, thanks00:23
Berzerkerkaddi, like if I see a command I need to execute on firefox, and I need to run it in terminal, I can't ctrl+c and ctrl+v00:23
prince_jammyshoban: the login process is pretty darn complex with gui login managers and what not.00:23
guest_edbian nothing happened00:23
openbackBerzerker: paste in the terminal is Shift+Insert00:23
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hobanprince_jammys, yeah, that's why I'm looking for the ubuntu equivalent to the old mechanism that works on RHEL/SLES that I'm used to00:24
kaddiBerzerker you can just highlight the text you need and then use the middle mouse-button or click the left and the right button similtaneously to insert the text as well00:24
prince_jammyshoban: xinit also has its own man page. the question is in what order things happen, and whether it's even considered when people use login managers.00:24
nanotubehoban: there is a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc  give it a look00:24
edbianguest_: Try unmounting (again right clicking) then ejecting, or pressing the physical button on the drive.  Mix and max.  Try all the variations :)00:24
hobanprince_jammys, thanks00:24
hobannanotube, I'll go have a look. Thanks!00:24
guest_edbian trying00:25
nanotubehoban: also /etc/X11/Xsession00:25
Berzerkeropenback, and how about select all00:25
ewsubachguest_: does it say it's still in use? if so, you have to stop the progam that's accessing it00:25
nanotubehoban: good luck :)00:25
mykolahey guys. I have this problem in Ubuntu, CentOS, and FreeBSD and would like to know if you've run into it. If I don't run Xserver then everything acts ok. If I run Xserver, it acts great BUT if I use control+alt+F keys to switch to a tty, then It starts flashing spastically (white then black at around 10 Hz)00:25
edbianguest_: Other than that IDK why it would be stuck unless the drive is broken.00:25
openbackBerzerker: oooo, that I don't know!00:25
mykolathe problem persists until i go back to the GUI, and then switch back again to the terminal00:25
prince_jammyshoban: Xsession looks promising. I know that a user's .xsessionrc gets run on login through a login manager.00:25
Berzerkeropenback, doesn't exist as an option to set in the keyboard shortcut menu?00:25
guest_edbian cannot find app accessing disc will top tell mee?00:26
mykolait's not a really great problem, but if i don't use the tty in a session, then shut down the computer, it will flash like crazy for 4-5 seconds which is quite irritating00:26
edbianguest_: Top is a good place to look00:26
mykolaanyone seen this?00:26
hobanprince_jammys, good deal, I'll have a look now. thanks00:26
openbackBerzerker: specific to gnome-terminal? Not that I see00:26
nanotubeBerzerker: there are two paste buffers in x. one of them is ctl-c ctl-v, the other is select (selecting text autocopies) and shift-ins (to paste)00:26
jedcmykola, i never have00:27
nanotubeBerzerker: so i'm guessing for select and paste into gnome-terminal, you're looking for shift-ins00:27
Berzerkernanotube, yeah, found it as shift+ctrl+v00:27
mykolananotube: you can also highlight + middle click00:27
mrwesBerzerker, you can drag and drop on to the terminal window too00:27
mykolananotube: or if you emulate a 3 button mouse, press both mouse buttons00:27
nanotubeBerzerker: yea, shft-ctl-v is the same as shift-ins.00:28
nanotubemykola: yea, i know, that's actually what i use most of the time :) but he was asking for kb shortcuts...00:28
mykolananotube: aah, i missed that part. cheers :)00:28
openbackgah, my X is a bastard00:28
mykolawhere have we heard that before?00:28
openbackhey hey, X, not ex!00:29
guest_edbian could it be panel?00:29
edbianguest_: I doubt it.00:30
mykolaopenback: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or Xorg --configure?00:30
nanotubemykola: :)00:30
emil111Hello, I'm new to ubuntu and I have a question about running from a live CD00:30
nanotubeemil111: go ahead00:30
pharsalusFire away00:30
emil111I'm running from my live CD now and inside the laptop is a 2,5'' hard drive..   can I just take it out while the pc is on, since ubuntu isn't running on it?  do I have to unmount it first?00:30
mykolaemil111, that's a bad idea00:31
openbackmykola: would that do anything other than generate a new xorg.conf?00:31
nanotubeemil111: look to see what's mounted, using command "mount"00:31
emil111thanks ill check00:31
nanotubeif the hd is not listed as mounted, then theoretically, yes, you can take it out with no ill effects.00:31
guest_edbian can i kill it with xkill ?00:31
nanotubeemil111: ^00:31
mykolaopenback: nope. xserver either uses default options or what's in the xorg.conf file. there is no other way00:31
openbackmykola: I did try the dpkg-reconfige btw00:31
stinkyhello I just installed a new nvidia 9600 GSO grahics card and my intel card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC888 Digital [ALC888 Digital] Stopped working.00:32
fbianconiguest_: check if it works with 'sudo eject' if it does then fix your permissions and groups00:32
openbackmykola: My xorg.conf is the default, simplest one. No edits, no specifics.00:32
mykolaopenback: what exactly is the issue?00:32
edbianguest_: either "kill <pid>" or "killall <programName>00:32
emil111mount gave me 25 lines of output,  at least 3 of them I know refer to partitions of this HD I'm talking about00:32
mykolaopenback: hehe... you may be able to get rid of the entire file! :D00:32
Tinned_Tunaheya,  quick dhclient question: I'm trying to make my client machine take an IP of, but it's always getting, and keeps on putting DHCREQUEST of 172 ... out00:32
nanotubeemil111: then you better umount anything that looks like a harddrive. :)00:32
mykolaopenback: but seriously... what is broken?00:32
nanotubeemil111: pastebin your output00:33
guest_fbianconi edbian trying sudo eject00:33
mykolaemil111: why are we trying to take the live CD out again?00:33
nanotubeemil111: but question - is there a really good reason why you don't just shut down, take out the hd, then boot again? that would be... easier :)00:33
emil111what is pastebin?00:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:34
openbackmykola: My laptop display is 1280x800. It was fine before, but after a restart, it's now a centered 1024x768 once I log in (gdm is still right). If I attempt to change the res to 1280x800 in Gnome, It's squashed and on the left side of the screen only.00:34
mykolaopenback: hmm... if it was working before try this.00:35
mykolaopenback: got a terminal open?00:35
openbackmykola: yeah00:35
emil111sorry, I'm a bit slow00:35
drwhohi, does anyone know how I can go by changing the logical name of the wifi card?00:35
guest_fbianconi edbian can't set runas group vector: Operation not permitted00:35
emil111mykola: I'm not taking out the live CD, just the hard drive00:35
drwhoI keep getting wmaster000:35
Tinned_Tunaany one know where would be a good place to ask about dhclient issues; #dhclient was dead.00:36
mykolaopenback: first, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /var/tmp/xorg.backup (or anywhere you want to keep it)00:36
gverigAnybody knows a decent book/site/text on linux internals? Not necessarily down to lines of code but on the level that looks at schedulers, kernel modules, kernel/user process space, etc.00:36
drwhoand its suppoe to be wlan000:36
emil111nanotube: the reason is it would be quicker,  and I want to know if I can do it without destroying anything.... for curiosity, for learning :)00:36
openbackmykola: I'm not a total noob, so you can be abridged, lol00:36
pleed_I m trying to backup a folder with rsync, i m using rsync -a src dest, but it destroys my owner and permissions. shouldnt preserve rsync that with the -a switch?00:36
mykolaopenback: ok then, delete your xorg.conf file and reboot :)00:36
mykolaopenback: just wanna see what the defaults do for you00:37
guest_where do i find documentation in Ububtu answered questions?00:37
Berzerkerkaddi, also found a script that will change the branding of the browser to Mozilla Firefox and the logo of the application itself to the orange firefox00:37
emil111nanotube: more specifically, I'm chatting to peopel about hd's and want to check what mine is so I can google it, that's why I'd like to take it out without rebooting, if possible00:37
emil111the pastebin is here for my mount  http://paste.ubuntu.com/252821/00:37
emil111on the last few lines are /media/iomega and /media/disk  and a few others that are likely on that one00:38
kiaas_yay windows..can't find a device driver for a CD-ROM drive @.@00:38
phoenixzCould anybody PLEASE tell me that there is a normal alternative to openoffice? The package is beyond ... bad.. crashes every 5 minutes, makeup is impossible, NO compatability in word documents (yeah, they load, but from there on it stops) and I am fed up with deleting a character at the top of the page which causes the font of the text on the bottom of the page to change, and other nice "features" like that.. please please, is there an alternative? Im00:38
mykolaemil111: errm. i would not take components out of the computer like that while it's running. ever00:38
clustyhow can I add myself to some group?00:38
clustyconsole preferably00:38
mykolaemil111: although you COULD boot ubuntu back onto the laptop without a hard drive00:38
openbackmykola: ahh, but mine is the default: http://pastebin.com/m301ad93d00:39
mykolaopenback: hmm... you're right00:39
emil111mykola: thanks for the advice. I'm not gonna do it with this one but I'll try it with an old one I have, to see00:39
erUSULclusty: sudo adduser user group00:39
slacker_nlis there a way to find out which repo was used for a particular package?00:39
clustyerUSUL, user exists already00:39
mykolaopenback: xorg is a bit of a bitch, eh? :) there's another one you could do. lemme find the command00:40
clustyerUSUL, usermod -G g1,g2... ?00:40
nanotubeemil111: from your output, looks like you'd just have to umount the 4 items that start with /dev/sda00:40
clustyusermod <myuser>*00:40
mykolaopenback: if you know about your hardware00:40
emil111nanotube: thanks for this advice, I'm gonna try it00:41
mykolaopenback: run "xorgconfig"00:41
mykolaprolly with sudo powers00:41
nanotubeemil111: be careful not to get electrocuted by any live wires. :)00:41
emil111nanotube: not on this one though, Ill do a similar experiment with another HD00:41
mykolaopenback: it will give you a step by step dialog which will help configure x00:41
fbianconiguest_ if you are the actual system administrator you have lost your permissions, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:41
emil111nano: do you think it would be potentially damaging to the HDD in any way ?00:41
nanotubeemil111: ok... same idea applies.00:41
mykolaopenback: or at least, it does on old linux systems. I've not tried it on a newer one yet00:41
nanotubeemil111: if it is completely unmounted, then it should be fine.00:42
emil111nanotube: what about the other way around? If I start my laptop without a HD inside, boot Live,  run for a while and then decide to plug in a hard drive, would that be dangerous in any way for the drive ?00:42
guest_fbianconi thanks buddy cheers...later00:42
mykolaemil111: rule of thumb. removing and inserting hardware into a computer while it's running (unless it is designed to be removable) doesn't really work well00:43
pharsalusWhere is the .bash_profile file? It doesn't seem to be in my home folder...?00:43
emil111mykola: thanks00:43
mykolapharsalus: it's hidden. press control+h00:43
nanotubeemil111: also should be ok, theoretically. but generally, mykola is right, if it can be avoided, it's better to avoid.00:43
emil111this hard ddrive was external on USB but stopped working yesterday that*s why I put it inside instead. probably the usb/IDe cable is broken in some way since I have no trouble using it inside00:43
emil111haven't been able to install an OS on it yet though,, that's part of this experiment00:44
ewsubachwill installing debian packages in ubuntu work properly? or does it depend on individual packages?00:44
mykolaemil111: lol. you're just asking for the safest advice. if you're not too worried about it, then experiment all you want and share with us :D00:44
pharsalusmykola, using bash and typing ls -a while in my home directory, and it's not turning up still.00:44
eleci have a secondary fakeraid (nvraid) media raid 1 array that i use in windows and would like to use in linux. if i dmraid -ay the array will it do anything to the data on it?00:44
mykolapharsalus: then you don't have one in your home drive. there is still /etc/bashrc for global settings00:44
mykolapharsalus: if you ever feel that you need one, just make one00:45
emil111mykola: judging from the replies I get in here,  I won't risk this HDD with that experiment, but I'm gonna try it on the other old one that I don't care about.  only problem the old one isn't here, so I can't do it until a few days00:45
pharsalusI'll do that, cheers mykola :)00:45
emil111I would tell you how it goes if I could get back to you later00:45
elecalso whenever i install dmraid and reboot the system wont boot my 2.6.28-14 kern, i have to boot a previous kernel then uninstall dmraid00:45
mykolapharsalus: ^_^00:45
fbianconiguest_: after fixing sudo you need to fix your privileges in system/admininstration/users and groups00:46
emil111on to another question, does anyone have experience in Ethernet booting ubuntu?  I have googled an such but either get no good information or I don't understand it00:46
mynymlto make mplayer the default for video files, i really have to set it for every video file type? is there a simpler way?00:46
nanotubeemil111: ok, good luck :) in general if it is unmounted it should be pretty safe - but if you value your drive and data, better to avoid, as mykola suggests.00:47
mykoladunno about that. but here's a really good website that installs debian on your (previously) windows box via network00:47
mrwesmynyml, run nautilus, preferences | multi media00:47
mykolawrong link :P00:47
FloodBot1mykola: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
emil111nanotube: thanks again.00:47
mynymlmrwes: thanks00:48
mykola>.< go away floodbot00:48
nanotubemykola: haha, that's a cool url :)00:48
mrwesmynyml, nod00:48
chargrimsevening all00:48
mazda01whats the best and easiest to use lightweight desktop manager? i only have 256 of ram, i have tried LXDE, Icewm, XFCE4-session, and all have items in them that take up precious system resources like the panels. lxpanel takes up a lot, xfce4-panel has a memory leak and i don't like the file manager in icewm, any thoughts?00:48
mrwesmazda01, JWM00:48
nanotubemazda01: try openbox00:48
chargrimsanyone able to assist me with a HDMI output that is not sending sound? I've been googling for hours!00:48
mykolamazda01: i love me some fluxbox. but evil is even more lightweight (openbox and fluxbox take similar resources and are both based on blackbox)00:49
ewsubachwill installing debian packages in ubuntu work properly? or does it depend on individual packages?00:49
nanotubemazda01: or for a /really/ lightweight setup, try fvwm00:49
mrwesmazda01, http://joewing.net/programs/jwm/00:49
mykolamazda01: there's also afterstep, which is light00:49
emil111oh, the computer also cannot connect to internet00:49
openbackmykola: sorry, got caught up. Hmmm...I guess I could try that...but its worked for over a year and I've never heard of this issue.00:49
emil111it's running winxp now but no cd drdive, no usb boot and no internet00:49
mazda01nanotube: openbox is used in LXDE, can i just use plain openbox? i am trying to find e17 but i can't find it in the repos?00:49
emil111I would make a boot image or a recovery partition on it if I knew how00:50
mykolaopenback: dunno what to say :(00:50
openbackmykola: and the thing is, my gdm is at the proper resolution, so shouldn't that mean something else is doing it?00:50
newserhello, I have been having problems with the video player. When I try to play any file, it suddenly closes, and does not play any video file. I am using the standard video player. Anyone familiar with this problem?00:50
mykolamazda01: e16 is much lighter than e17, which is chock full of "features" like panels and animations ;)00:50
emil111newser: try LCV00:50
mzzopenback: did you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere?00:50
blknitedoes anyone know how to reset the sudoers file -- I have added myself to a group and now no sudo and (default) no root passwd....:(...It is a complexed raid setup so I do not want to reinstall if I can help it00:50
newserhow can I set vlc to be my default video player?00:51
openbackmzz: http://pastebin.com/m301ad93d00:51
mazda01will check out jwm, looks promising. thanks00:51
openbackmzz: oh, log, sorry00:51
mykolaopenback: hmm... if gdm is right then yes, something else would be causing the rest of gnome to be off. unfortunately, i don't know what.  have you tried reinstalling all of gnome? :)00:51
emil111newser: I don't know how to do it for all files, but if you play a specific file you can right click and "open with" something, and then choose VLC for default00:51
emil111for that file type00:51
emil111someone else probably knows better00:51
ian1990i need to get sound drivers for my hp dv600:52
GPLi've installed sendmail, it says the email is sent, but i cant find the email :(00:52
ShapeShifter499can someone help with vga/video card bios flashing?00:52
ShapeShifter499I just want the video card not the whole motherboard00:52
mykolablknite: have you accidentally removed yourself from the "wheel" group? if you have, just edit /etc/group and put yourself back00:52
mazda01mrwes: after i compile jwm, should it just show up in my wdm login manager as an option?00:53
openbackmzz: http://pastebin.com/m54a7039500:53
TwinkletoesLogrotate question... is /etc/logrotate.d/ anything to do with the package "logrotate" or is it just used by sysklogd when rotating log files specified in syslog?00:53
ian1990i need to get sound drivers for my hp dv600:53
mrwesmazda01, I believe it's in the repositories00:53
mrwesmazda01, no need to compile, then just choose that from your session at login time00:53
openbackmykola: no, I didn't go that far00:53
mazda01also, which file manager is the lightest, i like pcmanfm but i can't figure out how to add more commands to the right click context menu00:53
mykolaopenback: :( i'm out of ideas00:54
blknitemykola: no root?00:54
mykolaopenback: if you have the hd space, see if it works in any other window manage00:54
openbackmykola: :( thanks, though!00:54
mykolablknite: you need to be root to edit that file00:54
mykolablknite: aah... right.00:54
mykolablknite: fire up a recovery shell00:55
mykolablknite: we can give you CLI instructions if you like00:55
blknitemykola: Please00:55
maddinHey there, I want to image my windwos partition with partimage, used a live cd to do that, but it would not do it, question: does the partition i save the image to have to be bigger than the than the imaged one, even if the compressed image would fit easily?00:55
stinkymy sound quit working after installing Nvidia 9600 GSO. Is there some way to disable sound from going to the graphics card then to the DVI hdtv?00:55
Berzerkerwhen pidgin tries to play a sound, it just makes popping noises and not the actual soudn.00:55
hafizhello guys00:55
stinkyI just want old intel sound to work again00:55
mykolablknite: allright. are you using the affected computer right now, or are you on another one?00:56
hafizi cant connect to my wireless network. whenever i try to refresh. it doest show any wireless spot. but it works fine in vista00:56
* ShapeShifter499 "heeelllooooo.................................." *echoes*00:56
blknitemykola: I'm on a good box..the other is next to me00:56
mzzopenback: ok, can you pastebin the output of "xrandr --verbose" too?00:56
hafiznow im using Wicd, but the lan works perfectly00:56
willzzzok guys i need some recommendations00:56
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
willzzzany solution for remote desktop which is faster than VNC over a 2Mbps WAN Link (from Office->Home)00:57
openbackmykola: ahh, I just thought to make a new user, and that works fine in Gnome...what else messes with X?00:57
mykolablknite: great :) reboot and select the recovery option from grub when it comes up (you may have to hit escape)00:57
mzzopenback: if I read the log right it detects a 1280x800 panel, so something else is interfering, most likely00:57
stinkyif someone gets my sound working I will donate $25 to Ubuntu in your name 8)00:57
ian1990i need to get sound drivers for my hp dv600:57
guest_fbianconi cannot access users groups through'sytem..."00:57
mvsnhello.. im wondering is there any way to broadcast the music played from ubuntu over the network so other workstations (linux/windows) can synchronize in and play through other speakers?00:57
mykolaopenback: O.o your new user works well?00:57
willzzzthis is a VPN from Office-><Home, I need a solution which compresses data faster than the VNC... currently using embedded gnome-VNC and itś slow as molasses over the WAN link00:57
openbackmykola: yup00:57
mykolaopenback: delete the .xinitrc from your old users home, maybe that was a problem?00:57
ShapeShifter499can someone help????00:57
willzzzi heard about NX, any users have experience?00:57
hafizsomeone could help me with my wireless?00:58
dsnydersHi all!  My desktop is missing.  No icons, no menus, just a background screen and a mouse pointer.  xfix was of no help00:58
openbackmzz: did you see that? A new user created in Gnome has the resolution fine. Something in my account is affecting it somehow :'/00:58
mykolablknite: it should drop you into a simple root shell00:58
chargrimscan anyone help with a HDMI connection which is not outputting sound?00:58
mzzopenback: yeah, that makes sense. Does system -> preferences -> display let you correct it?00:58
maddinHey there, I want to image my windwos partition with partimage, used a live cd to do that, but it would not do it, question: does the partition i save the image to have to be bigger than the than the imaged one, even if the compressed image would fit easily?00:58
Berzerkeranyone heard of my problem?00:58
openbackmzz: no, in my account the res will change, but the display is squeezed into the left-hand side of my screen.00:59
mykolaopenback: backup all of your personal data from your home directory00:59
openbackmykola: I don't have an .xinitrc00:59
mykolaopenback: then delete that user and create a new one, same name :D01:00
quickstarthello all01:00
mzzopenback: see earlier question about xrandr output then01:00
stinkyhi quickstart01:00
quickstarthow do you install realplayer on ppc anyone know how01:00
quickstarthey stinky how are you01:00
openbackmzz: http://pastebin.com/mebf674101:00
mzzmvsn: pulseaudio's website claims it can do that, and if you install "paprefs" you might be able to configure it using that. Can't walk you through that though.01:00
stinkymy sound stopped working after installing a nvidia 9600 :(01:01
mzzopenback: does "xrandr -s 1280x800" do the squeezing thing too?01:01
buckythat stinks01:01
mykolablknite: you still there? :)01:01
openbackmzz: I'll try it01:02
blknitemykola: yes...got a phone call...01:02
Tinned_Tunaif I want my networking to start on boot and bring my wireless interface up, what should I do?01:02
Zappois Tcl installed by default?01:03
stinkyIf i dont have sound, then I have no music, if I have no music I will have to talk to my fat wife.... please help me :(01:03
mykolablknite: k then :) when you are in the root shell, nano /etc/group01:03
blknitemykola: in the shell..THANK YOU!01:03
maddinHey there, I want to image my windwos partition with partimage, used a live cd to do that, but it would not do it, question: does the partition i save the image to have to be bigger than the than the imaged one, even if the compressed image would fit easily?01:04
shane2peruhey everyone, working on a Gateway box, with driver problems, it has an intel 82845G I'm on hardy01:04
pharsalusNight all01:04
openbackmzz: yeah, the display only took up about 7/8 of the width, also with some drawing errors01:04
x3017xthere is nothing quite like reviving a dead ancient laptop with ubuntu mini01:04
haf1zguys, somebody could help me with my wireless not working at all? but the lan work perfectly?01:04
shane2peruthe tty's have so large of font I can even see the whole screen, making it virtually impossible to work there01:04
mykolablknite, you got it from here? :D01:05
mzzopenback: hmm, can you save that change anyway (using system -> preferences -> display) and/or ctrl+alt+f1 out and back in or something?01:05
shane2peruall my googling turns up really old info, does anyone know anything about the intel 82845G graphics card, and Ubuntu?  Odd to me to have problems with intel01:05
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.01:05
dsnydersHi all!  My desktop is missing after a reboot this morning.01:06
shane2perugotta love ubottu. :)01:06
nerdy_kidhi, I think wu-ftpd is using ssl and i was wondering how to make it not use it.... thanks in advance01:06
openbackmzz: ok, I did that, same thing01:07
quickstartanyone know how to configure samba to print to a winbox01:07
mzzopenback: straaaange. Compare "xrandr --verbose" output while logged into the working and the nonworking account (*after* switching the nonworking one to squeezed instead of too-small resulotion)?01:07
mzzresolution, even01:07
ctmjrTinned_Tuna: do you know how to bring your wireless up via cli?01:08
bastidrazorZappo, on 9.04 no.01:09
drwhoCan anyone help me with a master0 problem?01:09
Zappobastidrazor: OK01:09
shane2peru!82845 | shane2peru01:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 8284501:09
blknitemykola: yes, thank you - you saved me hours and tears :)01:09
bastidrazorZappo, you can find out what packages you installed with 'apt-cache policy packagename'  in a terminal01:09
nerdy_kidanyone know if wu-ftpd uses ssl be default?01:09
guest_edbian thankyou very much buddy. got the disc out.cheers n beers.later mate.01:09
Tinned_Tunactmjr, Thanks, but I've figured it out now :-)01:09
mykolablknite: works now? :D01:10
mzzopenback: "diff -u" is your friend, in case you didn't know that yet01:10
ctmjrTinned_Tuna: ok01:10
mykolablknite: nice ^_^01:10
mykolablknite: for the future though, you may wanna password your grub... you know... easy root access and all? :)01:10
Voltairehello guys how goes things today01:11
Voltairequite apparently01:11
blknitemykola: will do - thanks again01:11
mzzmykola: passwords on grub are of limited utility (they only help for the case where they have physical access, can reboot, but cannot boot off external media, which means they must not be able to reset the bios password preventing that)01:11
eleccan anyone help with dmraid: i have a nvidia array and a single disk. the nvidia array is just for data while the single disk holds the os etc.. the problem is that dmraid picks up metadata on the single disk and thinks its part of a via array but ignores it (?) and says it'll use the nvidia array instead.. so then when i reboot something strange happens and it says invalid block device (which im guessing its trying to read from the nvidia arr01:13
openbackmzz: hmm...I'm not sure what I'm looking for, though.01:14
openbackmzz: you're saying put both accounts into the higher res and diff those outputs?01:14
Kingsy101can someone tell me why when I uninstalled wine I still have it in the menu? all that seems to happen is the logo has changed from a wine glass to a folder01:14
dsnydersHI all.  Can I launch a program in tty1 and have it show on the x display?01:14
mzzopenback: yep01:15
aaron424do I have to set the nvidia x server everytime I reboot?\01:15
mzzopenback: that is: iiuc one defaults to that, the other switches to something nonsensical and corrupts if you switch it back01:15
nerdy_kiddoes ubuntu run a sftp server by default?01:16
troxoropenssh-server will provide that service01:17
nerdy_kidtroxor thanks in that case wu-ftpd is using ssl and i was wondering how to kill it...01:17
troxor`/etc/init.d/wu-ftpd stop` ?01:18
mzznerdy_kid: keep in mind that "sftp" usually refers to the ssh thing, which is *not* the same as ftp-over-ssl01:18
haf1zsomebody can help me with Wicd pls? my wireless is not working at all. cant get any wireless spot01:18
zassomebidy knows how to use nslookup?01:18
mzzzas: "nslookup ubuntu.com"01:18
zasi have problems ON linux (on windows works perfect) when i trie to doa transfer zone in a DNS server01:18
zasnslookup tell me that ls is not implemented when i try ls -d xxx.com01:19
x3cionI've a problem with bash script. How can I find out if a string is in a string? .. or something like that01:19
nerdy_kidmzz maybe this is ftp over ssl then... I can login using ftp but commands like ls wont work unless i use sftd01:19
ctmjraaron424: you can run it as sudo and save it to x then it will save the configuration01:19
openbackmzz: hmm, the modes seem to be different (If I'm assuming properly as to what the hex codes in parntheses are)01:19
mzzopenback: pastebin the diff?01:19
openbackmzz: oops: http://pastebin.com/m4993b24c And I just realized that even though I ran "xrandr -s 1280x800" before dumping the non_working log, it shows 1024x768 as current, when the display did change01:21
dsnydersHelp!  My desktop is missing!01:21
openbackdsnyders: does Alt+F2 do anything?01:21
buckyzas nslookup 67.Red-88-5-252.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net01:22
haf1zany1 can help me pls01:22
zasbucky,  ??01:22
mzzopenback: that's very weird. I don't think the hex numbers matter, but this looks like a driver bug (probably one of those intel regressions I keep hearing about)01:22
dsnydersopenback: Alt+F2 does nothing01:22
Voltaire whats up haf1z01:23
zasbucky, nslookup works but the commands of finger, root, ls, and help not!01:23
openbackdsnyders: then that's it for me, lol, sorry01:23
haf1zVoltaire: my Wicd cannot working01:23
haf1zVoltaire: i cant get listing for wireless01:23
haf1zVoltaire: but the wired connection work great01:23
SealedWithAKissDoes anybody know anything about the screen capture software xvidcap? Whenever I press record the application closes. It saves an 0 byte MPEG file to my home dir - that's it.01:24
VoltaireHaf1z: hmm, did you get drivers for the card01:24
dsnydersopenback: what is alt-f2 supposed to do?01:24
openbackmzz: crap. Is the Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME driver part of the kernel?01:24
haf1zVoltaire: im not so sure bout that. Coz the other day i just install it01:24
aaron424ctmjr: thanks01:25
openbackdsnyders: I've had gnome crash sometimes and alt+F2 brings up the "Run command" prompt. I run nautilus in there and all comes back01:25
VoltaireHaf1z: ah ok what type of computer are you running off of01:25
ctmjraaron424: np01:25
haf1zim running hp tx2032au01:25
haf1zVoltaire: im running hp tx2032au01:26
openbackmzz: because I'm wondering if I upgraded the kernel before this happened. It's a little confusing as to where drivers come from package-wise sometimes01:26
haf1zVoltaire: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/wicd-wired-and-wireless-network-manager-for-ubuntu.html <- wbsite that guide me for the Wicd installation01:26
mzzopenback: only a small part is, unless you're using kernel modesetting, which I don't think you are01:27
mzzopenback: this is a regular jaunty kernel?01:27
openbackmzz: yeah01:27
mzzopenback: no kernel modesetting then01:27
buckyzas M$ has a brain dead implementation of dns ... if you /join #dns they have some good docs in the /topic and the people are very good at helping on this subject01:27
mzzopenback: weird bug, not sure what's up there01:27
SealedWithAKissDoes anybody know anything about the screen capture software xvidcap? Whenever I press record the application closes. It saves an 0 byte MPEG file to my home dir - and that's it.01:28
openbackmzz: well thanks for all the help, at least I'm closer with the new info!01:28
popeySealedWithAKiss: i think xvidcap has been broken in ubuntu for a while01:28
popeySealedWithAKiss: you might want to try gtk-recordmydesktop instead01:28
Voltairehaf1z: ahh that ones a little dated01:29
wwalkerhow do I start the ssh daemon on ubuntu from the command line?  I thought it would be /etc/init.d/sshd start01:29
SealedWithAKisspopey,  thanks.01:29
wwalkertrying to help a friend remotely01:29
popeySealedWithAKiss: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2009-June/013251.html take a look at that also as an alternative01:29
Voltairehaf1z: which version reason of linux did you get01:29
openbackwwalker: I think you need to drop the "d"01:29
popeySealedWithAKiss: it details using ffmpeg to create lossless video screencasts, it works well, I've used it01:29
losherwwalker: lose the 'd'  -> /etc/init.d/ssh start01:30
haf1zim running 9.0401:30
haf1zVoltaire: im running 9.0401:30
openbackwwalker: from sshd, I mean01:30
b3rz3rk3rwwalker, an easier way would be to get teamviewer (via WINE)01:30
b3rz3rk3rwwalker, or FreeNX (my fav as it uses SSH too)01:30
JRobertoboa noite01:30
samosaLol I have been owned ;-(01:31
JRobertospeak portuguese01:31
losher!pt | JRoberto01:31
ubottuJRoberto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:31
samosaDual boot xp/ubuntu01:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr01:31
Voltairehaf1z: hmm well just as a heads up I'm a little out the area I know particulary well, I've never had to use wireless with any distro01:31
bucky!br | JRoberto01:32
ubottuJRoberto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:32
samosaWhen I try to boot in ubuntu it said windows missing Hal.dll01:32
haf1zVoltaire: thx for ur time buddy01:32
Voltairehaf1z: but you don't need it wicd to run a wireless connection01:32
samosaSo I replace it and now I cant boot in either os01:33
losher!grub | samosa01:33
ubottusamosa: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:33
Voltairehaf1z: assuming you have the drivers for the card you should be able to simply configure and connect to it01:33
samosaSo now I am typing on my itouch :(01:33
haf1zwill update the drivers01:33
samosaI installed win first then ubuntu01:34
openbackmzz: gah! I made a typo, it is saying the proper resolution, but still different modes, if that means anything: http://pastebin.com/d63676e2001:34
Voltairehaf1z: try looking in the connection manager thats should be at the the top menubar, where it says autoetho01:34
dsnydersopenback: I've tried running nautilus on tty1, but it seems to be not installed.  For Xfce should it be?01:34
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loshersamosa: if you're seeing "windows missing Hal.dll" messages while booting ubuntu, I'd say something went wrong with your grub install....01:35
crankharderhow come when I add a DAAP share to rhythmbox it doesn't stick after I close rhythmbox and reopen it?01:35
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selfFlechmen: hi.01:35
openbackdsnyders: no, as I said, that's for gnome. I don't know Xfce01:35
losherdsnyders: is /usr/bin/nautilus there?01:36
FlechmenHello, self, I was begining to thing I was alone01:36
openbacklosher: he's using Xfce01:37
dsnydersopenback: when the login prompt comes up, I've tried kde, xfce and gnome. It's always the same, a screen with a mouse pointer and nothing else.01:37
selfFlechmen: Aww, common'01:37
Guest50536can someone help me with a white scree i get when i try to enable compiz?01:37
Guest50536.nick rodimus01:37
samosaI cant boot in either OS xD01:37
=== Guest50536 is now known as rodimus
selfself: Never assume someone isn't watching.01:37
selfYeah that was weird01:37
selfFlechmen: Ask the question already01:37
FlechmenThat doesnt really help me then01:37
openbackdsnyders: weird, sorry, I'm not That good of a troubleshooter, lol01:37
beanDoes wine have a gui like bootcamp for OSX?01:37
losheropenback: I don't know about Xfce specifically, but you can run nautilus with other wms. If it's there, it might be worth trying...01:37
dsnyderslosher, no, there is no /usr/bin/nautilus01:38
wwalkeropenback: losher: b3rz3rk3r: thx, turns out it wasn't installed (aptitude ...openssh-server)01:38
openbackdsnyders: but if you have gnome as an option for your session, then you should have nautilus. Is this a new installation?01:38
FlechmenHow can I adjust the sensitivity on a trackpoint mouse on a Lenovo T61 laptop running Mint 7?01:38
* self notes Mint 7 is the same base as 9.04, and noone there seems to know01:38
selfConsider it an "upstream" question ;)01:38
bastidrazor!mintsupport | Flechmen01:39
ubottuFlechmen: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org01:39
losherdsnyders: then it isn't installed. YOu could install it & see if it runs with Xfce. Dunno if that's a supported combination though...01:39
FlechmenSelf told me to come here01:39
buckyFlechmen: good then mint has all the gui configuration tools in System Preferences and Administration01:39
beanDoes wine have a gui like bootcamp for OSX?01:39
* self ponders if anyone has used 9.04 on a T6101:39
T3CHKOMMIEi love linux!!!!!01:40
a_ham_sandwitch@bean no it runs windows apps on ubuntu01:40
skryingswordI am running 9.04 on an hp dv9000 amd64 laptop with an nvidia graphics card and I have a screen resolution problem. anyone else?01:40
dsnydersopenback: I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 last night.  Everything seemed fine.  This morning, the system requested a reboot, and my desktop disappeared.01:40
buckyFlechmen: letsee  hmmm... System=>Preferences=>Mouse01:40
Flechmenbucky: Changes nothing01:41
buckyFlechmen: i guess it doens't work the same01:41
beana_ham_sandwitch, Thanks!01:41
openbackdsnyders: sounds like a bad upgrade if you had gnome and are missing nautilus now.01:41
a_ham_sandwitch@bean your welcome01:42
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dsnydersopenback: that would have been my first thought if things were not working after the upgrade last night.01:42
a_ham_sandwitchcould you not just aptitude install ubuntu-desktop01:43
bean@a_ham_sanwitch , "Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer" is this what I need?01:43
losherdsnyders: were you running gnome or Xfce, or something else?01:43
FlechmenBucky: the settings are there but they don't seem to change anything on the trackpoint.01:43
skryingswordI am running 9.04 on an hp dv9000 amd64 laptop with an nvidia graphics card and I have a screen resolution problem. any idea how I can get my screen back to normal?01:43
dsnyderslosher: xfce01:43
a_ham_sandwitch@bean yes thats it but i recamend adding the wine repos01:43
losherdsnyders: since it's not working now anyway, I guess you've nothing to lose by reinstalling Xfce...01:44
bean@a_ham_sanwitch , Okay, I'll google it.01:44
kermithow do i get the side of my touchpad to scroll like a mousewheel?  i sware it was working at first but isnt now, it's an Alps touchpad.01:44
woody_my symnatics touchpad dose not work very well and gsymnaptics gives me errors and my ati 200m integrated video on my laptop has very crappy performance and a lot of times when I come out of sleep mode stuff quits working , most of time the keyboard....I love ubuntu but not going to replace a good laptop for one that is more compatible. wish I could make this work better so I dont have to go back to XP01:44
jondavis_hay does anybody know how i can get a shell account for ubuntu linux01:45
GnuSebHello there, I'm having trouble installing the UNR version from the flashdrive, when i go to my laptops boot manager it only lists internal cd/dvdROM drive and notebook hard drive,01:46
inx-mdgjondavis_: what's a "shell" account?01:46
samosaI am back, using a livebootcd.01:46
beastyare you serious ?01:46
jondavis_yall should know what it is01:46
losherjondavis_: google "shell account for ubuntu linux". First hit...01:46
samosalosher: sorry, what do I do? grub?01:47
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:47
JaykulDoes anyone know what could cause my root (/dev/sda1) to abort mounting or remounting with the error:  mount: block device .... is write-protected, mounting read-only01:47
jondavis_well what about telnet01:47
loshersamosa: yes, you want to (re)install grub...01:47
a_ham_sandwitchgoogle reinstall grub01:48
inx-mdgjondavis_: what is it you are trying to accomplish?01:48
losherjondavis_: what about it? (telnet)01:48
thelostfaithI'm attempting to somehow work with an external drive of mine that is formatted exFAT. Is there any software/trick/etc to allow me to access my drive?01:48
scuffewsubach fixed thanks buddy01:48
losherJaykul: usual cause is hardware errors, sorry. Download & run the manufacturers test disk...01:49
jondavis_i work from home but i also have a laptop @ work when i need to use it01:49
Jaykullosher: ugh01:49
jondavis_i need something like telnet01:49
cordorhelp, i can't get focus on the desktop. i think something to do with the workspace. i tried to reboot, doesn't work.01:49
losherJaykul: yeah, not pretty. Sorry...01:49
Iormangundglasses should help focus01:50
inx-mdgjondavis_: is the laptop at work windows?01:50
JaykulWell, I can try that. If nothing else I can eliminate it ... and worst case, it should be well within RMA dates01:50
jondavis_yes it is @ work01:50
jondavis_but it is not windeos os01:50
woody_I tested ubuntu 9.10 and it seemed to have fixed the synaptics touchpad so it worked real good but had problems with other things so I am back to 9.04. is there a way to install touchpad drivers from9.10 to my 9.04 ?01:50
scuffedbian fixed... disc ejected...duno why...interested in IDK...what is it?01:51
inx-mdgjondavis_: ?01:51
losherinx-mdg: sometimes it's like pulling teeth....01:51
jondavis_the laptop that is @ work is also ubuntu linux01:51
prince_jammys!ssh | jondavis_01:52
ubottujondavis_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:52
inx-mdgjondavis_: so to summarize, you want to use your ubuntu computer at home to telnet into your work laptop running ____ os?01:52
prince_jammysjust use ssh. telnet is history.01:52
jondavis_thay are bouth ubuntu linux01:52
prince_jammysjondavis_: read that howto for how to login in remotely with ssh.01:53
inx-mdgjondavis_: oh, I thought you said it was windows01:53
jondavis_no it is not windeos01:53
samosalosher: May I pm you?01:53
inx-mdgjondavis_: ssh is what you want01:53
newserhello, I just installed skype, and it is showing a problem with audio01:53
newseranyone knows how to fix this?01:54
jondavis_ok how do i use ssh01:54
=== bucky is now known as Guest13911
loshersamosa: no pm's please. I'm happy to try and help you on the main channel though...01:54
scuffedbian ya there01:54
prince_jammysjondavis_: read the howto in that link i sent you.01:54
inx-mdg!ssh | jondavis_01:54
ubottujondavis_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:54
samosaok lol, i am stuck on first step. fdisk -i does not work ? :s01:54
=== bucky_ is now known as bucky
GnuSebcan i partition for dual booting from wubi, leaving windows untouched?01:54
inx-mdgjondavis_: see links in ubottu post01:54
D3RGPS31is there a way to launch certain applications with certain window managers :o01:55
loshersamosa: that's sudo fdisk -l (lower case L). Is that any better?01:55
D3RGPS31(like wine with openbox)01:55
buckysamosa how about l as in L01:55
buckynot i01:55
prince_jammyseffdisk elle01:55
samosaoh, thx losher , bucky01:56
buckysamosa: sudo fdisk -l01:56
jondavis_I tell you what how about yall walk me thro it all01:56
jondavis_so i can get it right01:56
prince_jammyshow about we don't?01:56
thelostfaithI'm attempting to somehow work with an external drive of mine that is formatted exFAT. Is there any software/trick/etc to allow me to access my drive?01:56
ZappoWhat do i install to get Tcl01:56
bastidrazor!info tcl01:56
ubottutcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.16-2 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 68 kB01:56
jondavis_walk me thro the ssh01:57
jondavis_pm me plese01:57
dsnydersopenback, losher:  I've installed nautilus, and rebooted.  My icons are back, but no toolbars.01:57
buckysamosa: L for list01:57
inx-mdgjondavis_: I don't have ssh setup - sorry.  Maybe someone else can tutor you further01:57
prince_jammysthat way we'll make mistakes, instead of you reading the step-by-step howto.01:57
jondavis_then some one help me set up ssh plese01:58
jondavis_pm me01:58
MOUDHey all01:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about batch01:58
bastidrazorZappo, tcl is the packagename01:58
jondavis_i will be gratfull if yall can01:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bat01:58
mazda01dsnyders: do you have metacity installed?01:58
Zappobastidrazor: ok01:58
losherdsnyders: that's a bad sign. It implies you lost nautilus during the upgrade. I wonder what else went missing....?01:59
MOUDHow can I create a file that will install multiple programs one after another automatically without user interference ?01:59
veasmkiiis it possible to configure "mail" to read gmail or other pop/imap accounts?01:59
inx-mdgveasmkii: I hear mutt is better at gmail02:00
dsnydersmazda01: Yes, it seems that I do.02:00
samosaI cant distinquish between hd partitions, i have 3 of them, under "system" 2 are labelled as HPFS/NTFS and 1 is labelled as W95 Ext'd (LBA).02:00
losherMOUD: you can write a shell script containing lines says "apt-get install <program-name>" but some packages need user intervention. No way round that....02:00
jondavis_yo help me plese install the ssh02:00
jondavis_i dont need to miss up02:01
jondavis_i need know how02:01
newserI have a problem with audio playback on skype, anyone knows how to fix it?02:01
loshersamosa: time to paste the output of fdisk -l to paste.ubuntu.com02:01
inx-mdgjondavis_: you willing to read a little bit about ssh?02:01
prince_jammysjondavis_: at the machine that will be listening for connections:  sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:01
jondavis_i have02:01
MOUDlosher: I see. Do you have a shell script example so that I can create mine?02:01
veasmkiiMOUD: you could try "sudo apt-get --assume-yes install xchat" inside a .sh script02:01
inx-mdg!ssh | jondavis_02:01
ubottujondavis_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:01
veasmkiithanks inx-mdg02:01
jondavis_I need some one to walk me thro02:02
inx-mdgveasmkii: your welcome :)02:02
MOUDveasmkii, you mean that I have to sh first?02:02
SeperoDoes lint or a program like lint exist for checking C source code?02:02
MOUDhello a_ham_sandwitch02:02
losherjondavis_: we're pretty keen on DIY here....02:03
inx-mdgjondavis_: prince_jammys gave your the first instruction above02:03
veasmkiiyou could create a bash file, and run that with sudo, then it would have sudo privileges, i think. I don't think its the best way to do it because it's the only way i know currently :)02:03
jondavis_will some one walk me thro about installing ssh02:03
a_ham_sandwitchwould anyone know how to make alsa work after resume on a thinkpad t3002:03
samosalosher: sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252853/02:03
veasmkiithat way it would only ask the first time, or simply use && to combine alot of commands02:03
prince_jammysa_ham_sandwitch: while you figure it out, try sudo alsa force-reload02:04
veasmkiiapt-get install xchat && apt-get install firefox02:04
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  install the open ssh server.. and there ya go.02:04
dsnydersjondavis_: what happened when you did the sh02:04
jondavis_I am spend ing more time ask 4 help than yall helping me out02:04
jondavis_one on one02:04
avi_HI TO ALL02:04
dsnydersjondavis_: sorry, sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:04
jondavis_pm me02:04
prince_jammysand way more than time you're spending reading the guide, which seems to be zero.02:04
loshersamosa: that's a bit odd. Usually ubuntu installs on an ext3 type filesystem. I only see NTFS filesystems on that disk. Did you do a wubi install or something like that?02:04
Dr_Willisjondavis_:  like dsnyders said. Installing the ssh server takes about 1 min...02:05
ctmjrdsnyders: are you trying to get gnome running or xfce?02:05
samosalosher: wubi install?02:05
guest2 can u help find and intall ubuntu webcam drivers02:05
dsnydersctmjr: at this point, either one02:05
losherjondavis_: we're trying to teach you to fish (and failing...). And you're spending more time asking for help than reading the howto...02:05
loshersamosa: let's step back a bit. What os are you running, and how did you install it?02:06
guest2im looking for 1810 Ricoh on hp pavillion dv900002:06
ctmjrdsnyders: ok this will install the bare minimum of gnome sudo apt-get install gnome-core if you want xfce apt-get install xfce402:07
D3RGPS31is there a way to launch an application with a different window manager (wine with openbox)02:07
Dr_Willisso did it work jondavis_ ?02:07
haf1zguys, is it possible to run windows application on ubuntu?02:07
Dr_WillisD3RGPS31:  that dosent make a lot of sence...02:08
Dr_Willishaf1z:  with wine - yes.02:08
samosalosher: win xp, two drives C:\ (windows) and E:\ (other stuff), used ubuntu live cd to install ubuntu on E:\ ...which is the one which wont boot.02:08
D3RGPS31Dr_Willis: how?02:08
haf1zDr_Willis: wine is the best?02:08
Dr_WillisD3RGPS31:  the window 'manager' handles all windows on the current desktop. You dont set it up for a 'per app' basis. what are you trying to do exactly?02:08
guest2how do i get my laptop webcam working??02:08
Dr_Willis!wine | haf1z02:08
ubottuhaf1z: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:08
samosalosher: oh sorry, but am not running xp right now, cuz it wont let me boot, so i am running ubuntu on cd right now...02:09
inx-mdgguest2: what kind of laptop?02:09
samosalosher: 8.0.402:09
dsnydersctmjr: Yes,  I've started an apt-get install gnome.  It's running now.02:09
guest2hp dv900002:09
D3RGPS31Dr_Willis: borderless applications without losing my desktop02:09
loshersamosa: ok, bad news. fdisk only sees one drive. And it looks like it's the C: drive. There's no sign of the E: drive. I'm wondering if it has failed completely?02:09
SeperoDoes lint or a program like lint exist in the repositories for checking C source code?02:10
inx-mdgguest2: Have you checked www.ubuntuforums.com and searched on hpdv900 webcam?02:10
Iormangundhi, how can i remove dependencies that where installed cos of an app?02:10
Dr_WillisD3RGPS31:  there are tricks/tools to  remove the 'window decoration' for specific apps. devilspie i think is one such tool. some window managers support such features via the menus/settings also.. compiz also mayu have such a feature02:10
Iormangundthere a command line for it?02:10
samosalosher: it is 1 500gig hardrive, but there is C and E in , like been split , when windows was working it showed C (60gig) and E (440gig)02:10
MOUDCan anyone pastebin an example of shellscript to install 3 programs in a row?02:11
inx-mdghi prince_j1mmys :)02:11
histoAnyone know where there is a feature list or changelog for xubuntu+1?  I've already asked in #xubuntu02:11
samosaE (400)*02:11
samosasome space reserved or something..02:11
Dr_WillisMOUD:  4 lines, first one  #!/bin/bash , next 3 lines.. of the format 'sudo apt-get install program1'02:11
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
MOUDI see. And how do I run it?02:11
Dr_WillisMOUD:  changing program1 to be whatever package you want.02:11
samosalosher: no wait, it does see both02:12
ctmjrdsnyders: ok good luck hope it works02:12
Dr_WillisMOUD:  same as any other scriopt. make it executable and ./scriptname,  or 'bash scriptname'02:12
Dr_WillisMOUD:  bash basics. :)02:12
dsnydersctmjr: So do I02:12
guest2ubuntu forums came up empty02:12
BoredKenderwhat would you say would be the most efficient way to clone my current install onto another drive? install is on a USB HDD and I want to clone it onto the internal drive02:12
samosalosher: if i go to "PLACES" and under "COMPUTER" there it shows 2 media's , one is 437 gig and other is 62 gig.02:12
MOUDDr_Willis: thanks. I never had to use bash so that's why I never cared about. Thanks :)02:13
inx-mdgguest2: is your hp a netbook?02:13
guest217" laptop02:13
Dr_WillisMOUD:  the script is basicially identical to the commands you would type at teh terminal.02:13
guest2built in webcam02:13
inx-mdgguest2: you are running 9.04?02:13
Dr_Williswebcams for me - either work with no hassles.. or are totally Unsupported. :(02:14
guest2yes 9.0402:14
MOUDDr_Willis: ah02:14
samosalosher:  i think its installed on /dev/sda5            7650       60800   426935376    7  HPFS/NTFS ?02:14
Dr_WillisMOUD:  rather straightforward for simple things. :) i have scripts setup for new installs to install the few dozen or so packages i always want.02:14
ubottusongbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird02:14
MOUDDr_Willis: that's exactly what I want to do.02:15
samosacuz it has most blocks02:15
loshersamosa: ok. I see /dev/sda1 (a windows partition, about 61G) and /dev/sda5 (another windows partition, about 426G). That isn't what I hoped to see though. I had hoped to see a windows partition (sda1, looks ok) and then a linux partition (ext3) and a swap partition (linux swap)02:15
Schmittyhow do I edit the colors of the terminal within the terminal.02:15
inx-mdgguest2: do you what kind of webcam it is?02:15
guest21810 Ricoh02:16
zhengHI, all, do you install Ubuntu-8.04 from a  USB Stick successffully?02:16
inx-mdgguest2: do you know what kind of webcam it is -02:16
histo!usb | zheng02:16
ubottuzheng: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:16
=== Tetracomm is now known as spasticbeetle
samosalosher: yes, so its either the second or third one?02:16
SchmittyHow do I change the colors of a console session02:17
MOUDDr_Willis: let's say I want to get xfce4, after it I want to get all the packages, is there a way to do that without sudo-ing every single package?02:17
samosalosher: maybe its second cuz the first is defnitly windows and it is ntfs and so is last one, so that means second one is linux cuz it is not ntfs?02:17
samosasecond one*02:18
ctmjrSchmitty: gnome terminal?02:18
Dr_WillisMOUD:  it asks for root password after first sudo.. but not the rest.02:18
Dr_WillisMOUD:  or sudo scriptname,02:18
samosaubuntu was installed on the bigger partition....so its gonna be a 400K one.02:18
Schmittyctmjr: no just xterm02:18
meLonI could use some help getting my once-working-but-now-not-working wifi card to work.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=778314902:19
loshersamosa: no, the 2nd partition is an extended partition (ext'd). It's not a real partition, it's just a placeholder for the 3rd. partition. That part, at least, looks normal :-)02:19
loshersamosa: ok, can you open /dev/sda5 and see the files in it?02:19
MOUDDr_Willis: no no, I mean like  sudo apt-get install xfce-*    (where * means all the packages)02:19
guest21810 Ricoh02:20
Dr_WillisMOUD:   xfce has the 'xubuntu-desktop' meta package.02:20
Dr_Willis!info xubuntu-desktop02:20
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.82 (jaunty), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB02:20
samosalosher: open like this mkdir /media/root? (am a total nub lol)02:20
inx-mdgguest2: 1810 Ricoh webcam?02:20
MOUDI see.02:20
inx-mdganyone here have experience with a 1810 Ricoh webcam?02:20
MOUDWhich is better, icewm or xfce4 ?02:21
MOUDWhich is better, icewm or xfce4 ? (in terms of more windows like desktop and customisable)02:21
samosalosher: i tryed /dev/sda5 , and it says : "bash: /dev/sda5: Permission denied"02:21
losher\samosa: please open a terminal window and type 'sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt'02:22
roffeI've been having trouble getting kde 4.3 working... is it worth more hassle?02:22
inx-mdgguest2: I don't know how to troubleshoot a webcam - don't have one, but maybe the 9.04 wiki would have a troubleshooting guide for webcams02:22
samosalosher: nothing happens?02:22
inx-mdgguest2: what application were you trying to use with your webcam?02:23
guest2ok thanks ill try it02:23
Ratman_2009Hello, can anyone point me to a free video tutorial on linux/unix?  I know the basics but would really like to sharpen my skills.02:23
loshersamosa: now do 'ls -l /mnt'   Do you see any files...?02:23
rodimusanyone here getting a white screen while trying to enable compiz?02:23
Bridger987Ratman_2009 >  What aspects of linux/unix would you like to see a video on?02:23
inx-mdgRatman_2009: INX live CD02:24
randy_Setting up 2 nic cards in ubuntu server02:24
inx-mdgRatman_2009: setup with tutorials02:24
inx-mdgRatman_2009: its CLI02:25
darkangelhey im using vlc and trying to copy a dvd of mine and its not taking the sound, only the video02:25
Ratman_2009Bridger987 - Mostly command line02:25
loshersamosa: ?02:25
Bridger987Ratman_2009 >  http://ubuntuclips.org/taxonomy_term_9.html02:25
samosalosher: Yes! :) I see many folders, and also the ubuntu one. (where its installed)02:26
darkangelany suggestions?02:26
inx-mdgRatman_2009: www.inx.maincontent.net02:26
Trinidad_its really quite in here tonight02:26
Ratman_2009Bridger: Thank you02:26
Ratman_2009inx: what is inx live cd?02:26
randy_Can anyone help me setup 2 nic cards in ubuntu server 9.04. One for the internet with static ips and the other one for the intranet with dynamic ips (
inx-mdgRatman_2009: live CD of cli distro with tutorials02:27
loshersamosa: that's good. that means the files are probably all there. But your installation is incorrect. I think you need to reinstall ubuntu from scratch. Before you do, are there any ubuntu files you need to preserve? If so, we can copy them somewhere safe...02:27
darkangelis there a vlc help room???02:27
ZappoDoes anyone here use eggdrop?02:27
xidarianis the epiphany-webkit package screwed up for everyone or jsut me, on jaunty02:27
inx-mdgRatman_2009: see videos at website posted above02:27
emil111Hello, I'm a new ubuntu user and I have a few quesitons on running the live CD02:27
Zappoor know how too?02:27
Ratman_2009inx- okay, thanks02:27
inx-mdgRatman_2009: your welcome!  :)02:27
ctmjrSchmitty: sorry phone you still here?02:27
innomenHey guys, how painless is it to set up a lan folder share between ubuntu and xppro?02:27
innomenand recommended apps?02:28
mintsoupsamba :D02:28
Schmittyctmjr: yes i'm still here02:28
innomenwith the default network thing i get a "failed to get list form server" error02:28
rahuscreentlet tutorials02:29
xidarianfrom my experience samba is really well integrated into ubuntu and jsut works, so i can't really help you configure it02:29
emil111I'm running ubuntu live from teh CD and every time the cd drive stops spinning my computer becmoes so slow, because as soon as I want to do anything it has to start spinning the cd firt02:29
emil111is there any way to work around this, I'm not able to install it on my HD yet02:30
samosalosher: not really, i dont have any files i need to back up.02:30
inx-mdgemil111: what's your computer specs?02:30
Schmittyctmjr: I know' xterm-fg white -bg blue' but that only changeds that instance. I want to change the default02:30
xidarianemil111, you could install onto a large thumb drive, but CDs are really slow, the live disk isnt' mean for regular use, just trying ubuntu out02:30
randy_join /network02:31
randy_join #network02:31
emil111xidarian: thanks, I should have got a live usb stick but I'm stuck with this live cd now until I fix my hd02:31
darkangelcan anyone give me some vlc media player help??02:31
emil111I have the netbook remix on a usb but huge gfx trouble with that one02:31
emil111darkangel: what help do you need02:31
xidarianemil111, I think you can make one if you have a big usb stick you dont' mind wiping02:31
inx-mdgemil111: you can close Gnome-Do and Tomboy notes and and the updater and that might help02:31
emil111inx-mdg it's a dell  with intel 1.6ghz  processor, 2gb ram etc02:31
MOUDI have to get some sleep now. Thank you very much people for the help.02:31
xidariandarkangel maybe, be more specific02:31
emil111inx-mdg  thanks, how do I close gnome-do and tomboy notes? I cannot see that they are open02:32
darkangeltrying to stream/save a dvd to my hard drive and i can copy the video but im not getting any sound02:32
xidarianemil111, maybe you can make the live CD load completely into ram, not sure if ubuntu live cd has that though02:32
inx-mdgemil111: right click on the icon and choose "quit"02:32
ctmjrSchmitty: i use setterm -foreground green background -black -store as an example02:32
inx-mdgemil111: in the case of Tomboy notes, choose remove from panel02:32
samosalosher: why is it installed incorrectly?02:33
randy_Can anyone help me setup 2 nic cards in ubuntu server 9.04. One for the internet with static ips and the other one for the intranet with dynamic ips (
samosalosher: i just followed the wizard :s02:33
emil111inx-mdg: can't see that either is running02:33
dsnydersctmjr, losher, I've got it working again, after apt-get installing gnome.  Now it's back to fighting xorg and nvidia about my resolution.02:33
loshersamosa: then I recommend you free up  /dev/sda5 and when you reinstall, tell it to use the free space on the drive, and make sure the filesystem type is EXT3 and allow it to add a swap partition. The automatic partitioner should take care of this (but I wonder how come it went wrong on your first attempt?). Just be sure *not* to allow it to overwrite /dev/sda1, because that's where your...02:33
losher...windows system is.02:33
xidariandoes anyone here have epiphany-webkit installed on jaunty?02:33
losherdsnyders: good progress!02:33
inx-mdgemil111: gnome-do is a little purple square icon on the right side of the panel02:33
inx-mdgemil111: tomboy notes has a little yellow sticky note looking icon on the left side of the panel02:33
loshersamosa: dunno what went wrong with your first attempt. It wasn't a server or an 'alternate CD' install, was it?02:34
inx-mdgemil111: update is the padlock icon02:34
ctmjrSchmitty: oops it should be -background black -store02:34
emil111inx-mdg: I don't think I have either on , can't see anything liek you describe02:34
emil111not running netbook remix if that's what you think of02:34
inx-mdgemil111: are you running a gnome desktop?02:34
emil111sorry if I confused you there02:34
emil111inx-mdg: ubuntu live from cd02:34
Dr_Willisgnome-do has settings to show or not show the systtray icon. :)02:34
emil111inx-mdg how can I tell if it's a gnome desktop ?02:34
inx-mdgemil111: you using netbook launcher?02:34
xidarianemil111, if you downloaded the standard ubuntu live CD its a gnome deskto02:35
emil111inx-mdg ubuntu live desktop iso   the one downloade02:35
Schmittyi ran the command without error but it didn't seem to change the color of new terminal sessions ctmjr02:35
samosalosher: I limited the ubuntu partition to 17 gig, cuz althout its a big 400 gig, I have a ton of games/movies for windows on it that take about 300 gig.02:35
inx-mdgemil111: then its gnome02:35
emil111is anyone familiar with archives and why it takes so logn to put a large (500Mb) file into an archive, even with no compression ?02:35
xidariananyone using epiphany with webkit backend on jaunty?02:35
ctmjrdsnyders: everytime i upgrade i always have to reinstall the nvidia drivers02:36
ctmjrSchmitty: run it without store and see if it changes02:36
randy_join /list02:36
Schmittyctmjr: nope, and didn't change new instance either02:36
Schmittyctmjr: i also traied the -default tag as well to no avail02:37
samosalosher: do i have to still reinstall? i explain, why it did not take entire drive.02:37
emil111nvermind about the archives, I was confused02:38
loshersamosa: oops. That should have shrunk the 400G partition & added a couple of new partitions for ubuntu. Clearly that didn't happen. You know, if you mess about with partitions like this, you risk losing all your movies & games. If I were you, I'd beg/borrow/buy and additional small disk for messing with ubuntu....02:38
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
emil111back to my slow live cd, I'll just have to live with it for hte moemnt ahead and then install to HDD I suppose02:38
dsnydersctmjr: I'll burn that bridge when I get there.  It's still doing updates.02:39
SeperoDoes lint or a program like lint exist in the repositories for checking C source code?02:40
pleed__emil111: already tried to use an usb stick?02:40
ctmjrSchmitty: that's weird can you try just setterm -foreground green see what happens02:41
samosalosher: lol, i know, i will keep that in mind for future, but i really need a quick fix now T_T02:41
losherSepero: lint exists. I believe it's called splint in Ubuntu. Dunno if it's any good...02:41
dsnydersSepero: yes there is a lint program.  You probably need to install a developer version02:41
Schmittyctmjr: nothing02:41
=== repoman is now known as phantasmik
Seperolosher: ah yes, splint. thank you02:42
Schmittyctmjr: if i do a 'xterm -fg green then I get a green background but only for that one window02:42
thiebaudeim editing using nano, how do i save what im editing?02:43
Schmittyctmjr: I'm sifting through the xterm man pages but I'm not coming accross a way to set it the default02:43
samosalosher:  what should i do now? pls help.02:43
Dr_WillisSchmitty:  'xterm' and many apps make use of the .Xdefaults file to set default settings for them02:43
loshersamosa: since you have valuable data on that disk, and we don't know why it went wrong, I hesitate to advise you further. It sounds like you installed wubi (this installs ubuntu as a windows application).02:43
jcmarini! firestarter02:44
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist02:44
Dr_WillisSchmitty:  ok tutorial on it --> https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECN/Support/KB/Docs/UsingTheXdefaultsFil02:44
jcmariniubottu rocks02:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rocks02:44
SchmittyDr_Willis: I don't see this file in my home directory02:44
Dr_WillisSchmitty:  then logically... MAKE IT...02:44
jcmarinidon't ya love it02:45
donavan_I want to install a program in wine and all the howtos are for 32bit and in running 64bit ... does wine care ?02:45
Dr_Willisdonavan_:  dosent care here... 'wine path/to/program.exe' works for me.02:45
stabuanyone think they can help with a karmic display problem?02:45
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:45
Dr_Willisdonavan_:  64bit wine works fine for me  so far.02:45
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:45
samosalosher: lulz, screw the data..I just need my win back for work. '< (I can re install the stuff , not that important.)02:46
donavan_Dr_Willis ... cool thanks02:46
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:46
ctmjrSchmitty: i found this it might help it might have to do with your graphics card i am at a loss here http://limestone.uoregon.edu/woven/HOWTO/mini/Colour-ls-6.html02:46
samosabrb, i am gonna try one last thing.02:46
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:46
scott1hello I just need to get adobe flash working ? what is the ubuntu restricted pack?02:47
loshersamosa: Well, you can do fixmbr to make windows boot again. Or you can try reinstalling grub. But since you're not real familiar with Ubuntu, I think you need to do the windows fixmbr trick...02:47
Schmittyctmjr: I can set the colors t my liking for one instance. My problem is I cannot set it as the default02:47
scott1says error i38602:48
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:48
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:49
emil111is there a search function in ubuntu like in windows +02:50
scott1I am a newbie at this flash does not work any help?02:50
inx-mdgscott1: what version of ubuntu?  Is this a new install?02:51
inx-mdgscott1: yes to both?02:51
=== spasticbeetle is now known as Tetracomm
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:52
scott1new install get error from adobe when installing flash02:52
inx-mdgscott1: did you add the Medibuntu respository?02:52
scott1no what is that sorry Im new02:52
inx-mdgscott1: google "ubuntu 9.04 wiki" and look for "Medibuntu"02:53
scott1k hold02:53
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:54
spOare all scripts in rc1.d-rc5.d  ran at boot?02:54
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games (Savage 2, Tremulous, Warsow ...)02:54
SealedWithAKissMost user-friendly video editing suite that runs under Linux, anybody?02:54
LioN_LXsomeone can help me with audio delay on games, I'm using Jaunty02:55
inx-mdgLioN_LX: can you explain the problem further?02:55
meLonI am having trouble getting my wireless card working after playing with WiFi Radar.  Not sure whats going on.  More info is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=778314902:55
gbrentHow can I setup squid to use multiple outgoing IP's02:55
copywriterguys guys02:55
majukReplacement RAID device is always marked as 'non-fresh' at boot and rejected from the RAID. Event count appears to be incorrect. Re-added device several times to no avail. Any advice?02:55
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GnuSebis there an .iso unr dvd available for jaunty?02:56
scott1no luck on google02:56
scott1for that02:56
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:56
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copywritermy ubuntu install on my home pc has been at 82% installing it says configuring apt02:56
copywriteri rebooted five times and tried the 64 bit, 32 and the 8:04 lts, same thing02:57
copywriterwhat should i do, just wait02:57
copywriteror unplug the network cable from the pc02:57
copywriteris that normal or just something with me02:58
majukcopywriter: apt is the application database. Could take a while to get it up to date. How long are you waiting?02:58
mattgyverI would like to create a separate user to give access to a smb share on my computer with different privelages, how may i do this?02:58
nnutterIn the even that an upgrade goes bad and I want to reinstall the system is there any reason why having a separate partition for /home would be significantly better to just mounting the filesystem and nuking everything but /home?02:58
copywriterbeen forever, lilke 5 minutes so far02:58
copywriterbut it's the 7th install02:58
copywriteri'll leave it runing to see what happens02:59
majukcopywriter: Patience is a virtue.02:59
scott1well I like this but its been 3 days now no flash working.02:59
copywriter:) i just thought something was wrong02:59
majuk5 minutes. Kids these days.03:00
* majuk shakes head03:00
Berzerkerscott1, how did you install it?03:00
ZappoDoes anyone know how to edit/verify me eggbot config file?03:00
inx-mdgscott1: what kind of PC you have?03:01
scott1tryed to install off flash site no good 1 386 error03:01
scott1thats all I want out of this its been 3 days now  no luck03:01
ctmjrSchmitty: everything i have read on the subject say's to but store at the end and it should make it the default i know that does not help any sorry03:01
inx-mdgscott1: this isnt' a Power PC is it?03:02
Berzerkerscott1, but how did you try to install it?03:02
scott1deb file03:02
Berzerkerscott1, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:02
scott1gdebi installer03:03
Berzerkerscott1, type that line I said into terminal03:03
scott1Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'03:03
Schmittyctmjr: oh that's fine. I'll live03:03
scott1thats the error I get03:03
scott1its annoying03:03
Berzerkerscott1, type that line I said into terminal03:03
scott1what line?03:04
haf1zscott1: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree nspluginwrapper03:04
Berzerkersudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:04
Berzerkerhaf1z, he doesn't even have it installed...03:04
Berzerkerhaf1z, what would removing it do?03:04
haf1zBerzerker: i experienced this b403:05
apoleo12Ok, when I have a friend over, using my machine and I have hiom on his own account.. and did fast-switching.... but evidently it frozed. and had to reboot... why is that? Anyone had that problem?03:05
haf1zBerzerker: just trying to help him03:05
scott1no good03:05
Berzerkerscott1, define "no good"03:05
haf1zscott1: wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
binarystardoes anyone know " A server : redirect server to b , B server : a lot domains , A, B server diffrence IP class. i want each mrtg per domains" help me03:05
scott1I go to terminal under  apps?03:06
Berzerkerscott1, under accessories03:06
inx-mdgis there an IRC channel for linux gamers?03:06
scott1I paste that line in and nothing03:06
Berzerkerscott1, open terminal, and type in "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"03:06
Berzerkeryou hit enter03:06
Berzerkerthen type in your password03:06
Berzerkerinx-mdg, gaming on linux? bahah03:07
Berzerkerinx-mdg, jk, no idea. :P03:07
scott1bash: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree: command not found03:07
binarystarhelp help :'(03:07
inx-mdgBerzerker: LOL :)03:07
scott1thats what I get03:07
Berzerkerjust type it03:07
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:07
Berzerkerdon't paste it in03:07
inx-mdg!linux gamers03:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linux gamers03:07
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Berzerkerinx-mdg, google it or something03:07
scott1ok hold03:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about buy-a-mac03:07
Berzerkera mac?03:08
jedcscott1, that is your prompt, if it didnt say anything and went to that then whatever you did probably worked03:08
Berzerkerthat's even funnier03:08
Berzerkerjedc, he tried an apt-get, so no it didn't work lol03:08
meLonI have a "disabled" wireless card.  I have no idea how it became disabled, or how to enable it.  I have a post here with some information:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=778314903:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Berzerker03:08
jedcscott1, my bad hehe03:08
scott1well it didnt work03:09
meLon$sudo lshw -C >> network*-network DISABLED03:09
scott1my god just want flash but i cant complain still better than gates03:09
haf1zBerzerker: is that possible for me to paste website here as a refference?03:09
inx-mdgscott1: sorry, I missed part of the conversation - what kind of PC?03:09
haf1zBerzerker: is that possible for me to paste website here as a refference for others?03:09
Berzerkerscott1, you have to give us a little more information than it didn't work03:09
scott1amd 64 bit03:10
Berzerkerscott1, what does "it didn't work" mean03:10
Berzerkerhaf1z, just wait.03:10
scott1I copied that command line you gave me and pasted it in terminal03:10
scott1entered my pass didnt work03:10
Berzerkerok what does "it didn't work" mean, what happens when you enter your pass03:10
kiaas_why does changing volume on VLC...not change the volume?03:11
scott1 command not found03:11
scott1thats what I get03:11
inx-mdgkiaas_: depends on what you have set to control volume - master or PC speaker or what03:11
a_ham_sandwitchscott1 make shure you check your spelling03:11
ZappoDoes anyone here use eggbot?03:11
bruenigZappo: no03:12
Berzerkerscott1, ok give me a second03:12
haf1zscott1: are you using 64bit linux?03:12
meLonZappo :D03:12
Berzerkerhaf1z, yes he is03:12
scott1is that the problem?03:12
kiaas_inx-mdg, master front is set. but both master front and front work.03:12
ray66Is there a way to reposition a splashscreen from lower right corner to center of screen03:12
Berzerkerscott1, http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
Berzerkerscott1, download that03:12
kiaas_inx-mdg,  But not from VLC. I have to change the whole system's volume, and I don't want to do that03:13
inx-mdgkiaas_: what is your desktop sound icon set to?03:13
kiaas_inx-mdg, master front03:13
haf1zscott1: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html <- take a look here. this may help you then03:13
inx-mdgkiaas_: hmm......03:13
Berzerkerhaf1z, I already posted a link for him03:13
haf1zBerzerker: sory for that03:14
BerzerkerCopyWriter, yay.03:14
CopyWritermy next challange is to get this working, i was googling and did an lspci it returned Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder03:14
Zappodoes anyone know what to edit eggbots config file with?03:14
inx-mdgZappo: what's eggbots?03:15
BerzerkerZappo, what kind of file is it?03:15
boingfulThe only place on the Internet where grammar, spelling and punctuation actually matters: http://www.anontalk.com/03:15
Berzerkerjust edit it in pico03:16
Berzerkeror vm03:16
inx-mdgZappo: or nano03:16
a_ham_sandwitchor gedit03:16
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Berzerkerinx-mdg, pico is nano. ;)03:16
Slimcea_boyHow can I get rid of the confirmation dialog for restart/shutdown etc?03:16
inx-mdgBerzerker: I didn't realize that LOL03:17
Zappocan i do it with the default text editor?03:17
s__anyone kno how or is it possible to install the .net 3.5 framework on ubuntu?03:17
DoomHack2009blacktrack vs nubunutu version super hacking super03:17
BerzerkerZappo, you could. if it's not in the home folder, you'll have to gksudo it, easier to edit in a terminal text editor03:17
BerzerkerZappo, sudo pico <file)03:18
inx-mdgBerzerker: whats the difference between gksu and gksudo?03:18
CopyWriteranybody knows how to set this up 01:06.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1) i don't have the slightest idea where to start using 8:04lts03:18
a_ham_sandwitch@copy righter what is it in03:19
Berzerkerinx-mdg, gksu doesn't require password for anything else dealing with that program. gksudo might make you enter a password again03:19
inx-mdgCopyWriter: what exactly is that thing?03:19
inx-mdgBerzerker: oh03:19
CopyWriterit's a tv in card03:19
ctmjrCopyWriter: tv tuner?03:19
CopyWritertv tuner03:19
inx-mdgCopyWriter: oh!03:19
bogglesHey I'm running the netbook remix, I'm having trouble...any gurus want to PM and help me out?03:19
Slimcea_boy!ask | boggles03:20
ubottuboggles: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:20
Slimcea_boy!pm | boggles03:20
ubottuboggles: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:20
inx-mdgboggles: just throw your question in the ring03:20
ZappoBerzerker: how do i save the file?03:20
Berzerkerinx-mdg, gksudo is just a preliminary sudo to run the program initially run the program in admin mode. editing a text file might require another sudo03:21
BerzerkerZappo, in pico?03:21
DrDuckUbuntu runs on Linux, am I correct?03:21
ZappoBerzerker: yes03:21
bogglesSure, how do I install deb files. I used to be able to just open the file on my other ubuntu but now I can't install it. I have the songbird .deb and want to install it.03:21
Berzerkerboggles, what model are you on?03:21
inx-mdgBerzerker: that would be confusing03:21
bogglesEEEpc 1000hd03:21
mermaDrDuck, yes03:21
BerzerkerDrDuck, lol? Ubuntu is linux03:21
ctmjrCopyWriter: here's your start http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page03:21
BerzerkerZappo, Ctrl+x, then hit y to overwrite then enter03:21
ZappoBerzerker: ok03:22
CopyWriterthanks ctmjr03:22
inx-mdgCopyWriter: good luck! :)03:22
shane2peruis it possible to not load a Desktop manager and still run a graphical app?03:22
savanny1976u_Hi, I'm using "Ubuntu 9.04", I just install "Nvidia GeForce GTS250". I tried "Envy" to install the driver, Came to find out that "Envy" support up to Nvidia 180. I went to "Nvidia" website to download the driver but I couldn't get it to work. Can anyone please help me figure this out?? Thank you..03:22
s__anyone kno how or is it possible to install the .net 3.5 framework on ubuntu???03:22
DrDuckBerzerker: Would it be easier for me to carry out my programming needs with Ubuntu, ie: I'm learning C and k&R assumes you're using the linux OS.03:22
BerzerkerDrDuck, not really. I learned C just fine in windows.03:22
* Berzerker hides03:22
a_ham_sandwitch@berzerker lol03:23
inx-mdg!.net 3.503:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about net 3.503:23
danbhfives__: linux has mono03:23
boggles how do I install deb files. I used to be able to just open the file on my other ubuntu but now I can't install it. I have the songbird .deb and want to install it.03:23
Berzerkerif you're going to learn .net, it's better to do it in windows.03:23
Berzerkerboggles, sudo apt-get install gdebi03:23
ctmjrsavanny1976u: get rid of envy first then try the nvidia drivers03:24
DrDuckBerzerker: Really? I thought K&R assumed you had linux, as with other guides/books. I have yet to find one which assumes you're running Windows. Would it be smart to keep ubuntu and windows on one comp :D03:24
danbhfives__: and I've heard that linux has good support for the C# language, but less support for all the APIs03:24
bogglesWhat apps/tweaks do you guys reccomend for ubuntu netbook remix?03:24
BerzerkerDrDuck, if you have a big enough hard drive, it wouldn't hurt03:24
DrDuckBerzerker: dual core sounds good ehh?03:25
CaptainCrooki dont windows is better in learning... the only thing i've ever learned from windows... is click there there and there then do this then click there then reboot...03:25
Berzerkeroh look.03:25
Berzerkersomeone is bashing windows lol03:25
mizerydeariaKubuntu: GIMP shortcut doesn't appear in 'Graphics' or any section in the KDE Applications menu.  How can I add it manually?03:25
inx-mdgs__: http://channel9.msdn.com/forums/Coffeehouse/259086-First-install-of-net-35-on-Ubuntu-Linux/RSS/03:25
savanny1976u_Tried that, didn't work, I even tried a "Nvidia" live Cd using "wine", that didn't work either..I'm not sure what I did wrong??03:25
DrDuckI'm enjoying my ubuntu experience thus far, it's similar to apple lol.03:25
bogglesWhat apps/tweaks do you guys reccomend for ubuntu netbook remix?03:26
samosaDrduck lol03:26
afedprly xubunut03:26
a_ham_sandwitch@mizerydearia try right clicking the applications and edit menus03:26
afedxfce i mena03:26
ctmjrsavanny1976u: what did not work getting rid of envy?03:26
jedcDrDuck, ubuntu is great for learning programming though, its awesome when your like, oh, i need this compiler, ok "sudo apt-get install <compilername>" and you are good to go03:26
FloodBot1afed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
BerzerkerDrDuck, GNOME is similar to aqua, since Aqua is based on GNOME, KDE is more like Aero (Windows)03:26
afedFloodBot1: suck a fUCK03:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about UNR03:26
Berzerker!ubuntu netbook remix03:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:27
inx-mdg!netbook remix03:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook remix03:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:27
mizerydeariaa_ham_sandwitch, That doesn't seem to work03:27
Hermidwho knows anything on wifi on ubuntu03:27
jedc!language | afed03:27
ubottuafed: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:27
inx-mdgHermid: be more specific please03:27
afed!language | jedc03:27
ubottujedc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about triggers03:28
ajushihi, how can i install libcgi-perl in jaunty if apt-get says "Package libcgi-perl is not available, but is referred to by another package." ?03:28
afedwhat other triggers are there03:28
mizerydeariamm, found menu editor03:28
danbhfive!usage > afed03:28
ubottuafed, please see my private message03:28
Hermidit wont let me connect to WPA or WEP encrpted netowkrs03:28
sheitany help installing flash03:28
Hermidi can only connect to open systems03:28
Berzerkermizerydearia, yeah Preferences > Main Menu, you can add it in03:29
mizerydeariastrange.  More applications appear in the menu editor than in the actual menu03:29
Berzerkersheit, what kind of system are you running03:29
a_ham_sandwitch@sheit you whant to install flash plugin nonfree03:29
inx-mdgHermid: does your wifi card support WPA/WEP?03:29
mizerydeariaGIMP appears in the menu editor, but not the mneu03:29
Hermidmy card is an IPN 222003:29
afedjedc: that is p. passive aggressive, if your kids are here ircing with us and you don't want me to say fuck, just say so directly03:29
sheitonly get a black box when trying to view flash on websites... firefox... ubuntu 9.0 32bit03:29
jedcsheit, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:29
Hermidyes it will connect to WPA and WEP networks under windows03:29
luckyonefedora users are dicks03:29
afedluckyone: s/are/suck03:29
bogglesfedora hats are pretty sick imo03:29
sheitjedc, thanks03:29
MeditatingFrogsheit:  do you have the flash plugin installed?03:30
inx-mdgHermid: do you know what kind of chipset the wifi card has?03:30
luckyoneseriously - f them03:30
Berzerkerjedc, SS!03:30
jedcafed, i dont have kids, or mind, but i respect others who do...03:30
Hermiddont know03:30
sheitMeditatingFrog, from flash.com yes but doesnt work03:30
HermidI will have to check03:30
Berzerkerjedc,  I call shenanigans03:30
afedjedc: well irc is no place for anyone too sensitive to be exposed to naughty words03:30
devkhadkaluckyone:  fedora users are masters while ununtu are kids03:30
afedjedc: when you have kids make sure to firewall their machines from irc03:30
jedcBerzerker, huh?03:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:30
Berzerkerjedc, stole my support. :P03:31
jedcafed, this is a community support channel03:31
MeditatingFrogsheit: install with aptitude, if that doesn't work, synaptic package manager, search for "flash"03:31
jedcBerzerker, lol hehe03:31
majukdevkhadka: What does that make Gentooers?03:31
luckyonedevkhadka: nah - they are just pricks03:31
boggleswhats a good IM client for ubuntu that supports webcams?03:31
luckyonemajuk: gods!03:31
dragonWhen I run sudo apt-get upgrade, I see the following.. how can I upgrade those packages from CLI?03:31
dragonThe following packages have been kept back:03:31
dragon  linux-image-server linux-restricted-modules-server linux-server03:31
a_ham_sandwitch@sheit also turn on multiverce and universe03:31
Berzerkerboggles, eh...skype?03:31
sheitMeditatingFrog, thanks03:31
danbhfivedragon: dist-upgrade03:31
jedcdragon, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:32
bogglesberzerker, can i get that from apt-get?03:32
HermidInProComm IPN 2220 wireless chipset I think03:32
jedcdanbhfive, now you've done it to me! :p03:32
devkhadkaluckyone: fedora i think is the best destro and master in development of linux now a days03:32
Berzerkerboggles, uhm. no.03:32
Berzerkerboggles, skype.com03:32
Xenogiaanyone here used kernelcheck?03:32
inx-mdgHermid: type lspci in a terminal and see what it says03:32
sheita_ham_sandwitch, what are those?03:33
inx-mdgHermid: unless its USB, then type lsusb03:33
Berzerkerboggles, I think some repositories have it. but by default, ubuntu doesn't have it. easier just to install from the deb.03:33
luckyonedevkhadka: you are wrong03:33
savanny1976u_What meant is, I tried to download the driver before I install Envy, Now I removed envy again ( Using Synaptic )..I Download the Driver from "Nvidia.com" but I don't know how to use "Tar" to extract and download, I'm new with Linux..Thank you "ctmjr" for replying can you help me with 2nd step ??03:33
luckyonedevkhadka: yum sucks too03:33
HermidInProComm IPN 2220 wireless chipset03:33
jedcmajuk, ricers! http://funroll-loops.info/03:33
Hermidnot that03:33
Berzerkersavanny1976u, tar -xvf03:34
HermidOCOMM IPN 2220 Wireless LAN Adapter03:34
Berzerkersavanny1976u, tar -xvf <filename>03:34
elioenaiCan anyone here help me with the irc platform irssi for a second? just pm me03:34
Xenogiai am having issues with qt3 dependencies and kernelcheck03:34
apoleo12sorry I have to run this again...03:34
Xenogiaanyone had any of these issues before03:34
devkhadkaluckyone: i agree the ununtu community have grown these days but it is fedora to make ununtu and debian based other grow03:34
apoleo12When I have a friend over, using my machine and I have hiom on his own account.. and did fast-switching.... but evidently it frozed. and had to reboot... why is that? Anyone had that problem?03:34
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Berzerkerapoleo12, never. no idea. sorry.03:34
apoleo12Or I would say if anyone would try using fast switching and giving problems let me know!03:34
majukjedc: lol, I used to live on BreakMyGentoo.net before it got shutdown03:35
ToStItOsanyone know where jtaji is03:35
Xenogiahow do i go about upgrading to the kernel in ubuntu 9.04 for x-fi support?03:35
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apoleo12Berzerker: I figured you dont know but... so many ppl here.. and i'd guess half are sleeping heh03:35
Hermidmy laptop has an intel chipset03:35
sheitthanks guys..flash working now03:35
majuksheit: Highfive03:35
TechnovikingXenogia: You will have to compile your own kernel03:35
jedcsheit, great, glad we could help03:35
Berzerkerapoleo12, yup. :P03:35
inx-mdgHermid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6568003:35
Berzerkersheit, gl03:35
redvamp128okay quick question I have a swap on drive 1 and I would like to add it to automount03:35
Xenogiahey technoviking how do i go about that?03:36
inx-mdgHermid: check the first link03:36
apoleo12Berzerker: by any chance you use fast switching?03:36
Berzerkerapoleo12, no, I do not.03:36
sheitsay bye bye vista03:36
apoleo12no reason to eh?03:36
redvamp128I know I have to edit the fstab but which one and if it is on the sda and the second partition03:36
TechnovikingXenogia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile03:36
Berzerkerapoleo12, yeah lol03:36
Hermidi have it working with ndiswrapper03:36
sheitwill adobe photoshop, illustrator or indesign run on ubuntu at all? using wine or any other program?03:36
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majuksheit: Photoshop works pretty well in Wine03:37
Xenogiasheit: use virtualbox with xp maybe03:37
Hermidit only connects to open wireless networks03:37
redvamp128sheit check the winehq application database03:37
musikgoatredvamp128: /dev/sda2 none swap sw 0 003:37
majuksheit: Can't speak towards other Adobe products.03:37
apoleo12hehe i understand. tho its kinda benifit me... despite of this problem... it frozed so bad after 2-3 switches.03:37
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inx-mdgHermid: that's the link for the linux driver03:37
redvamp128musikgoat:  so I would ope which fstab03:37
inx-mdgHermid: without ndiswrapper03:37
inx-mdgHermid: your welcome :)03:38
musikgoatredvamp128: you should only have one,  /etc/fstab03:38
sheitthanks guys will check out info you all provided..  creative suite products last of my switch from windows03:38
ignatiusis there anyone running ubuntu 9.04 willing to attach the file /boot/grub/menu.lst to an email and send it to chickens_for_the_win@hotmail.co.uk please?03:38
redvamp128I just edited it once a long time ago just could not remember the where03:38
XenogiaTechnoviking: I tried using kernelcheck but had some issues with it03:38
musikgoatredvamp128: ahh03:38
ignatiusi may have edited that file without making backups beforehand :P03:38
jedcsheit, give gimp a shot too, people say not quite as good as photoshop, but maybe give it a shot03:38
bogglesis ubuntu tweak worth the time?03:39
Xenogiai prefer gimp actually03:39
Xenogiaboggles: ubuntu tweak definetly makes a lot of changes a much easier process03:39
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elioenaiBefore i reinstalled ubuntu, in irssi every room i was in's chat would show up, and it would say what channel it came from if it wasnt the one i was currently in.  Now it doesnt do that anymore, how can i change it back to the way it used to be?03:39
jats1ignatius: If you post your menu.lst and any errors/relevant info I think I can fix yours.03:39
TechnovikingXenogia: the x-fi are only in 2.6.3103:39
peb20000i was wondering if anyone wants a free copy of my mirc script just msg me and i will send it03:39
redvamp128isn't there a command I can check the fstab03:40
XenogiaTechnoviking: thats the kernel i want, the wiki page is just a little confusing for me03:40
apoleo12peb20000: must be an exploit or something bad with it03:40
apoleo12especially when its for windows lol03:40
musikgoatredvamp128: you want to see whats in it?  cat /etc/fstab03:40
jedcredvamp128, "less /etc/fstab"?03:40
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ignatiusJats i'm on my phone saying this due to  destroyed grub menu lol, so that is slightly problematic03:41
savanny1976u_Thank you Berzerker, I have done that, then what's the next step?03:41
sheitjedc, I dont mind using gimp but work with other designers as i print for them and get alot of work in adobe products03:41
Berzerkersavanny1976u, then run the .sh03:41
Berzerkersavanny1976u, I think it extracts an .sh...03:41
jedcsheit, ah i see03:41
Berzerkersavanny1976u, sudo ./filename.sh03:41
brian_does anyone know how i could add firefox bookmarks to the gnome panel03:41
sheitjedc, wish gimp/inkscape/scribus would support opening these files.03:41
redvamp128I haven't had to do that since I tried intrepid and now I am on jaunty but went back to hardy, but jaunty seems to be better -- but I thought there was a command that could check to make sure there were no errors03:41
sagaciwhat are the benefits or disadvantages of using apt-get compared to aptitude03:41
sheitjedc, thanks man.03:41
musikgoatredvamp128: no there isnot03:42
Xenogiasheit: if you desperatly need to use those apps, just vm windows xp and install those products.  Virtualbox 3.0.4 also has hardware acceleration.  Check it out03:42
Slurpeeapt-get will get the specific version you list03:42
jedcsheit, it is usually do to the format being proprietary, i.e. not gimps fault03:42
inx-mdgelninja: set "windows auto remember" to on03:42
Slurpeeaptitiude install will find the latest repo version and download03:42
Berzerkersavanny1976u, follow the instructions and tell it to overwrite your xorg.conf. I'll be back in a bit.03:42
redvamp128sheit:  I would about wine and applications -- check the winehq application database03:42
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musikgoatredvamp128: you can pastebin it and ask someone to review03:42
apoleo12 /wii03:42
sheitjedc, def agree..03:42
sheitredvamp128, checkin out wine now.03:42
sheitredvamp128, photoshop looks like a go not sure of the other two yet.03:42
jats1ignatius: ah, I can't help you then. Although I could probably hack together a working file for you if I knew 1)What drive Ubuntu's /boot is on 2) what version of the kernel you have.03:43
mizerydeariahmm, After restarting KDE environment, it seems to crash on startup.  I installed many applications since last restart (24hrs, newly installed system).  Is there a way I can diagnose what is wrong and fix it?  How can I prevent X frm starting?03:43
jedcsheit, yes, if it doesnt work that well in wine you can alway use a virtual machine to run windows03:43
savanny1976u_Which directory should use, i'm doing everything as a root.03:43
DrDuckHow do I find out whether I'm running 64bit or 32bit linux?03:43
redvamp128sheit:  suggestion if you are going to run wine-- bookmark that site also ask in room #winehq plus personally I use winetricks and play on linux03:43
musikgoatredvamp128: are you sure that your swap partition is the second partition?  you should confirm with "fdisk -l /dev/sda"03:43
loshersagaci: this comes up regularly, and never converges i.e. the diffs are not worth discussing. Use whichever you prefer...03:43
sheitjedc, have separate computer with xp/vista dual boot so im safe just trying to use as much as I can via ubuntu....03:43
mrwesDrDuck, from a terminal type lsb_release -a03:43
redvamp128should be that is the hardy partition and until today03:43
redvamp128this drive was not on here03:44
sheitthanks all...03:44
mizerydeariamm, nm, I got to a terminal03:44
DrDuckmrwes: how do I reach the terminal?03:44
jedcsheit, cool cool03:44
musikgoatredvamp128: so try mounting it03:44
mrwesDrDuck, Applicaitons | Accessories | Terminal03:44
redvamp128wait it says sda503:44
ignatiusheh jats1, no worries. cheers for offering but i'll have a look at it again tomorrow03:44
musikgoatredvamp128: ahh, its a logical partition03:44
redvamp128/dev/sda1   *           1        4773    38339091   83  Linux03:44
redvamp128/dev/sda2            4774        4865      738990    5  Extended03:44
redvamp128/dev/sda5            4774        4865      738958+  82  Linux swap / Solaris03:44
musikgoatedit /etc/fstab03:44
redvamp128sorry for the multiple03:44
redvamp128so I need to make it sda503:45
apoleo12you're on solaris??03:45
DrDuckmrwes: doesn't say whether im 64x or 32x03:45
musikgoatno that is the fdisk cold03:45
jedcredvamp128, why are you mounting the swap partition? the system will use it automatically03:45
redvamp128one thing I need to do is before saving put two returns at the end of the file right03:45
redvamp128jedc it mounted the one on my Sdb but not the larger swap on Sda03:46
musikgoatredvamp128: no03:46
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musikgoatredvamp128: pastebin your fstab03:46
redvamp128hold on03:46
jedcredvamp128, ah, just make sure the cursor is on the line after the last line of text is what i always do.03:46
mrwesjedc, fdisk -l always shows the swap partition03:47
redvamp128hold on am installing pastebinit03:47
musikgoati love that util!03:47
tsrk_how can I see what ports I'm listening on?03:47
jedcmrwes, ?03:48
redvamp128musikgoat:  and others does that look right03:48
brian_im having a hard time  navigating in the terminal via  cd/03:48
brian_any tips or anything to help03:49
redvamp128brian_:  tab always helps with the first letters03:49
musikgoatredvamp128: it looks like you have a swap already, you're aware of that, right?03:49
brian_im trying to get into a folder called gnomolicious-0.6  in my home folder03:49
redvamp128yes but I want the one on sda also03:49
musikgoatredvamp128: ok03:49
musikgoatredvamp128: then its fine03:49
inx-mdgbrian_: tab completion03:49
musikgoat!tab | brian_03:49
ubottubrian_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:49
apoleo12mrwes: theres no -l switch for using fdisk03:49
redvamp128okay wish me luck am going to try a reboot03:49
musikgoatredvamp128: wait03:50
musikgoatyou can "sudo swapon /dev/sda5"03:50
jedcbrian_, also, you can use pushd and popd to quickly switch back to where you were (its like a stack), also .. is up a directory and . is the current directory03:50
musikgoatredvamp128: then you can "cat /proc/swapspace" to see if it mounted03:50
boingfulDiscuss anything anonymously without registering an account at the only place on the Internet where grammar, spelling and punctuation actually matters: http://www.anontalk.com/ (or https://www.anontalk.com/ for immediate encryption).03:50
inx-mdgbrian_: at the command line type "ho" and then press tab03:50
ToStItOsjtaji: Thanks for your help so much appreciated my modem is working:)03:50
flynchenvince/gnome document viewer needs a bookmarking feature... anyone know of one? or is there another pdf reader that I should try?03:50
inx-mdgbrian_: sorry , you said home folder - type g and a tab03:51
redvamp128no dice on the swapspace03:51
musikgoatredvamp128: sorry swaps03:51
redvamp128/dev/sdb5                               partition73091680752-103:51
apoleo12what is that??03:51
inx-mdgbrian_: if you have other folders in your directory starting with "g" keep pressing tab until the right filie name shows up.03:51
apoleo12where does that white blocks come from?03:52
brian_how would i nav to  cd /home/gnomolicious-0.603:52
worldwarcheese1tuxwulf: Hey man, guess what I'm on right now?03:52
redvamp128musikgoat:  so I should change that one to 2 then03:52
ToStItOsJtaji you are a great  help03:52
tonydejosephHey cheese lets get rollin here03:52
inx-mdgbrian_: are you in your home directory?  type "pwd" without quotes and it should show /home/brian/03:52
jedcflynch, dont know about features, but could try epdfview, gv, okular, or qpdf, i havent used any of them though03:53
megamanx1978Hi can anyone help me with a xfce problem?03:53
jats1brian: try using 'locate' to find the precise location of a folder. Tab completion might work in your case(hit tab twice). Also 'ls' shows you what's in the current directory.03:53
musikgoatredvamp128: the the higher priority should be on the swap on the same disk03:53
jedc!ask megamanx197803:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:53
jedc!ask | megamanx197803:53
ubottumegamanx1978: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:53
flynch@jedc thanks for the suggestions, will check em out03:53
musikgoatredvamp128: but you only have one in that paste03:53
inx-mdgbrian_: type the letters "gn" and press the tab key03:53
mrwesapoleo12, hrmm... fdisk -l (lower case L) certainly03:53
bogglesi dont understand the appeal of amarok03:53
bogglessongbird is so much easier to understand.03:53
inx-mdgbrian_: sorry cd gn then press tab03:54
ToStItOsJtaji: thanks again03:54
jedcmegamanx1978, what is your problem?03:54
megamanx1978I lost my taskbar in xfce and I dont know how to get it back03:54
redvamp128musikgoat:  I wanted it to also use the one on the second patition of the first hard drive03:54
jedcmegamanx1978, at the bottom?03:54
redvamp128musikgoat:  so that would be /dev/sda2 then right03:54
musikgoatredvamp128: try sudo swapon /dev/sda2, if thats where its at03:54
brian_i dunno nothign happens03:55
musikgoatredvamp128: but you said in fdisk that it was sda503:55
worldwarcheese1tonydejoseph: Aright. Has anyone here had the problem where they couldn't reach Alt+F2?03:55
brian_is the home folder the same one as the one with  my name03:55
redvamp128invalid argument03:55
inx-mdgbrian_: you said you are in a console/terminal or are you in the gui?03:55
redvamp128I think the swap is already on sdb503:55
worldwarcheese1Or any of the alts to get to a command line only itnerface?03:55
musikgoatredvamp128: yes03:55
inx-mdgbrian_: /home/Brian/03:55
apoleo12mrwes: strange that fdisk command fdisk -l returned nothing03:56
musikgoatredvamp128: if you have another swap on /dev/sdb5, you can enable that as well03:56
inx-mdgbrian_: type "pwd" and tell us what is says03:56
losherredvamp128: swapon -s will verify which swaps are enabled...03:56
mrwesapoleo12, sudo fdisk -l :)03:56
musikgoatapoleo12: sudo before the command03:56
musikgoatthanks losher03:56
ctmjrsavanny1976u: sorry had to leave did you get your problem fixed?03:56
apoleo12gee would ve knew that03:56
redvamp128okay I think I got it now03:56
brian_i got it thanks03:56
apoleo12how'd I know wheitehr program needs SU??03:56
jedcmegamanx1978, hmm, there should be a panel thing under settings manager i think03:56
inx-mdgbrian_: now make sure where your file is by typing "locate gnome....."03:56
brian_sorry for being new03:57
inx-mdgbrian_: whatever the whole name is03:57
redvamp128I changed it to sda5 (and then did the swaps) and it says good for both03:57
inx-mdgbrian_: and see if it is in /home/Brian/03:57
brian_im learning a little day by day someday i will know all03:57
redvamp128musikgoat:  so I guess now I reboot to see if it automounts03:57
musikgoatredvamp128: yup03:57
jedcmegamanx1978, if you cant find it you could try alt + f2 then launch xfce4-panel03:57
inx-mdgbrian_: we've all been there brian_03:57
jats1brian_:doubt it :)03:58
ToStItOsJtaji: u there03:58
megamanx1978Do you mean the right click settings menu?03:58
innomenany idea what my movies would be quiet and everything else is painfully loud? I'm using vlc and its set to 200%03:58
Schmittyxmms doesn't play mp3s....03:58
ToStItOsmegaman alt and the F2 button03:58
losherbrian_: they invent stuff faster than you can learn about it. Get used to it....03:59
megamanx1978Ok logging into xfce brb03:59
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stonerfilms are less compressed than music, if your watching them off a dvd they will appear quiet03:59
mneptokSchmitty: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:59
boggleswhat are the extras>?04:00
innomenstoner is there a way to compensate?04:00
innomenits not off a dvd but it is a large high quality file04:00
Berzerkersavanny1976u, get it fixed?04:00
stonerwell you can turn up the pcm to +12 db04:00
jedcinnomen, try typing alsamixer in a terminal and make sure pcm and front are up most of the way04:00
innomenstoner, how would i got about doing that in general?04:00
stonerbut remember to turn it down when you play music04:00
stonerdo you know the command line04:00
innomenjedc, so that will basically just turn everything up?04:01
inx-mdgbrian_: hows it coming?04:01
redvamp128musikgoat:  thanks it worked-- now it shows 2 swaps04:01
losherinnomen: so it's just the one file, or is it all video files?04:02
megamanx1978ok I am back04:02
jedcinnomen, yea, the volume controls the master, pcm will scale it up or down basically04:02
musikgoatredvamp128: cool04:02
innomenstoner, yes, jedc, i see no "front" but pcm is now 20% higher04:02
innomenlosher i've noticed a trend but i cant say for sure, all04:02
redvamp128musikgoat:  i had done it one time but could not remember the exact command-- since I only have 256mb of memory -- it likes to use the swap04:02
jedcinnomen, cool, that should help, but you might get crackling if it is at 100%04:02
Schmittywhat whould happen if i put a a shell script with init6 inside of the rc.1 folder?04:02
Ububeginis there any version of matlab , which can run in ubuntu... Mostly for image purposes04:02
stonerinnomen do you have master04:02
innomenjedc, noted, is there any app which could give volume controls to spesific apps maybe?04:02
innomenstoner, yes i shows a master04:03
losherinnomen: do you encode them yourself, or download them?04:03
RegressLessUbuntu 9.04, how can I find out where my tv tuner is on my system?04:03
ToStItOsJtaji: hey04:03
stonerturn it up04:03
innomenlosher, download, stoner, i turn it up when i watch them if i turn it up now and someone emaisl me the speakers will blow up04:03
stonerif there is an equalizer on vlc you could turn up the pre amp04:03
megamanx1978I tried alt+F2 it brings up the run command what do I type now?04:03
innomenstoner, hmmm thats a good idea04:03
innomenone moment04:03
jedcinnomen, im not sure, but most media playing programs have their own volume control04:03
losherRegressLess: type dmesg in a terminal window and look for it to  mention "tuner"04:03
sheitwhat command would be comparable to ipconfig?04:04
jedcmegamanx1978, "xfce4-panel04:04
musikgoatsheit: ifconfig04:04
ToStItOsmegaman I believe it was xfce-panel let me double check04:04
musikgoatsheit: for interface04:04
sheitmusikgoat, thanks04:04
innomenjedc, yea vlc has one but it's maxed, however i have not tried the equlaizer thing04:04
innomenbrb thanks guys04:04
sheitmusikgoat, will help find wireless mac04:04
musikgoatsheit: yes, your hwaddr is your MAC04:05
megamanx1978It worked ty very much04:05
sheitmusikgoat, wlan0 would be wireless adapter?04:05
musikgoatsheit: most likely04:05
brian_now im trying to install this program but i navigated to it in the terminal then did  setup.py install but it says command not found04:05
sheitmusikgoat, thanks04:05
mardoctIf wlan0 isn't wireless, something is very wrong04:06
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sheitlol. thanks mardoct.04:06
megamanx1978I was about at the point of reinstalling my os lol04:06
jumpkickhow can I "arrange icons by modified date" on the desktop?04:06
jedcmegamanx1978, cool, if it keeps not appearing on boot you should add it to startup applications04:06
jedcmegamanx1978, on login i mean04:06
tonydejosephHey, So im having this NVidia Driver issue for a while. I cannot compile the kernel it says - any help? Shoot me a message, thnx04:06
musikgoattonydejoseph: do you have build-essential installed?04:07
innomenok the graphic equalizer thing did the trick04:07
mardoctTo compile nvidia, you need to shut down the X server and run it as root04:07
tonydejosephI do sir04:07
innomenfull preamp makes it even with everything else04:07
tonydejosephand I have shut down the x server04:07
innomenthanks guys04:07
jedcinnomen, great :D04:07
RegressLesslosher: it says it a lot:P04:07
innomeni'll be back, again and again04:07
tonydejosephand installed it correctly, It even compiles the kernel forme and tells me everything was successful04:07
tonydejosephupon restart ittells me over and over again that I cannot compile the kernel04:07
losherRegressLess: try dmesg | egrep -i tuner04:08
zetheroo1where can one find the cause of a kernel panic?04:08
mardoctthe kernel, or kernel module?04:08
tonydejosephim sorry kernel module04:08
mardoctCan you get into a terminal?04:08
spOhow do i test to see if i remember my gpg password correctly?04:08
losherRegressLess: um, what exactly do you mean by "where it is" on your system?04:08
kanuhais facebook campatable with linux?04:09
mlissnerI have a partition on a drive that is showing up in fdisk as HPFS/NTFS and in gparted as ext3. Does anybody know what's going on?04:09
musikgoatsounds like dkms is getting in the way tonydejoseph, but i haven't learned the arts of dkms manipulation04:09
zetheroo1In Jaunty my CAPS light is no longer working!!!04:09
mardoctFacebook works with firefox, which works with linux.04:09
zetheroo1and my wireless sucks!04:09
jedckanuha, facebook is a webpage, so it works exactly the same04:09
tonydejosephhmm dkms? I haven't seen any of that, and mardoct, any ideas?04:10
RegressLesslosher: I'm trying to setup mythtv. By default the capture source is looking at my webcam ( /dev/video0 ) instead of my tuner.04:10
kanuhajedc, yeah I know, facebook itself works, but mafia wars looks bad with linux browsers04:10
jedckanuha, firefox is cross-platform04:10
ToStItOsHexbomber what kind of network set up do you have04:10
HexbomberThere has gotta be some ubuntu network guru's here. Anyone wanna take a few minutes and try to help me setup my wired network on 9.04 :|04:10
MANAexcuses me , how to change the password of evolution04:10
loshermlissner: never heard of that before...04:10
mardoctI'd try running the driver install again. I've never had any problems with it. Are you sure it's the right version for your GPU?04:10
jedckanuha, facebook looks great for me04:11
jedcHexbomber, it doesnt just work if you plug it in?04:11
tonydejosephMardoct: I went to the nvidia site and downloaded the linux 32 bit version for the mx440 like two weeks ago04:11
mlissnerlosher: Hmmm...it seems to be something about the disk label...I just found a thread on linuxquestions: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/after-formatiing-to-ext3-still-shows-as-ntfs-373728/04:11
Berzerkerkanuha, linux browsers like firefox?04:11
tonydejosephive reinstalled it a number of times04:11
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losherRegressLess: the tuner is usually at /dev/video0. If that's in use, I'd try /dev/video1 next....04:11
kanuhajedc, do you use the application "mafia wars" in facebook04:11
loshermlissner: interesting...04:11
mardoctThere's more than one driver version, though.04:11
Hexbomberkanuha, I'm level 166 in mafia wars :|04:12
jedckanuha, no, sorry, i dont use many facebook apps04:12
sheithow do i figure out my laptops graphics card to find driver that may run compiz?04:12
musikgoatHexbomber: i'm a black mage in mafia wars04:12
tonydejosephright, I mean im not sure how nvidia sets up linux drivers for each separate series or if there are general series (like for the mx and fx series in mycase)04:12
stlsaintim having a hard time finding video conversion software for ubuntu...and suggestions?04:12
Berzerkersheit, what kind of laptop do you have?04:12
bogglesanyone got any suggestions for my exceptionally slow graphics on my new netbook? it's beyond the fact that it's a crappy video card...04:13
jedcsheit, if you go to System->Administration->Hardware drivers it should have any proprietary drivers you can install04:13
mardoctSheit: Ubuntu usually already detects it and you can get the driver from the restricted drivers window.04:13
tonydejosephbut im sure there are many versions of the nvidia driver, i just have an old card04:13
kanuhaHexbomber, how does mafia wars look with firefox, it doesn't render right for me04:13
samosaHexbomber: Only? I am on level over 9000!04:13
sheitBerzerker, its a old hp...04:13
Berzerkerhow old?04:13
sheitBerzerker, pavillon ez450004:13
loshersamosa: see mlissner's msg above. I wonder if that's what happened on your drive...04:13
jedcboggles you could turn off visual effects under System->Preferences->appearance if they are enabled04:13
sheit4 years old id say..04:14
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stlsaintim having a hard time finding video conversion software for ubuntu...and suggestions?04:14
musikgoatstlsaint: ffmpeg04:14
th482can anyone tell me what are the openssh dependencies? i need to install it in a pc without internet and maybe without DVD with repos04:14
jedcstlsaint, what format are you trying to convert?04:14
losherstlsaint: convert from what to what?04:14
sheitjust checkin as last time i installed drivers through there i could not get in ubutu and had to reinstall04:14
th482(im without ubuntu right now)04:14
zetheroo1sorry to say but Ubuntu is proving to be a further let-down with each new release ... :(04:14
jedcth482, apt-cache show openssh will tell you04:15
kanuhaHexbomber, how does mafia wars look with firefox, it doesn't render right for me04:15
zetheroo1Kernel Panics since Intrepid ... and no help in sight ...04:15
mrweszetheroo1, that's your experience with it04:15
RegressLesslosher: before when you told me to type those commands in a terminal it kept saying "Unable to initialise tuner". Does it mean that ubuntu isn't seeing my tuner?04:15
mlissnerlosher: yep. that thread fixed it. Friggin' weird.04:15
mizerydeariaHow can I list all packages that are installed?04:15
megamanx1978This may be a dumb question but I forgot where the startup applications menu is jedc04:15
mlissnerlosher: One thing fixed...04:15
jedczetheroo1, maybe you are expecting it to be too much like windows?04:15
musikgoatzetheroo1: sound's like a hardware problem04:15
th482jedc, would you mind telling me? i'm with a Fedora and no friend online with ubuntu04:15
mardoctkanuha: If it isn't rendering correctly, it's the web browsers issue.04:16
zetheroo1musikgoat: no its an Ubuntu problem04:16
nburnsHi all - I'm running compiz with the atlantis plugin and things are looking great.  I'm looking for a way to remove my wallpaper so I can see the atlantis plugin at all times, not just when I am rotating my desktop.  I can change transparency settings on the cube, but then I lose my icons - is there a way to keep the icons and have a transparent wallpaper?04:16
jedcmegamanx1978, im not sure in xfce, in gnome it is in System->preferences, so something similiar04:16
mrwesmizerydearia, sudo dpkg --get-selections > installed.software04:16
jedcmegamanx1978, it might be called sessions or something04:16
zetheroo1been using Ubuntu for 3+ years ... and never had these issues ...04:16
jedcth482, yea, hold on04:16
th482jedc, thanks a lot!!04:16
kanuhamardoct, yeah, I just came here to see if anyone else was having the same problem04:16
bogglesanyone got any suggestions for my exceptionally slow graphics on my new netbook? it's beyond the fact that it's a crappy video card...04:16
zetheroo1I am using a Thinkpad R61 and had Hardy running fine ...04:17
musikgoatzetheroo1: if it was, then everyone would have them, since you have them, its your hardware,  have you tried a clean install?04:17
Berzerkerboggles, what kind of video card?04:17
losherRegressLess: that's bad. if it can't initialise the tuner, it won't admit it exists. What card is it?04:17
bogglesIt's just an onboard intel graphics.04:17
bogglesbut my system is operating super slow.04:17
zetheroo1musikgoat: I only do clean installs ... and its not just me04:17
Berzerkerboggles, GMA?04:17
b3rz3rk3rBerzerker, nice nick ;)04:17
bogglesi think so.04:17
jedcth482, well it depends on a bunch of libs04:17
Berzerkerb3rz3rk3r, way to steal it. :)04:17
zetheroo1musikgoat: do a search for Ubuntu and kernel panics with Intrepid and Jaunty04:17
bogglesI know how slow that card is, but still it shouldn't be going as slow as it is.04:17
th482jedc, maybe it would be better if I use a DVD with the repository, right?04:18
Berzerkerboggles, check out GMABooster04:18
zetheroo1musikgoat: there are MANY people having these issues since Intrepid04:18
megamanx1978and what directory is the xfce4-panal?04:18
musikgoatzetheroo1: do a search for any linux distribution and kernel panics,  and you will find almost as many04:18
RegressLesslosher: WinTV-HVR 850 usb HDTV adapter04:18
bullgard4What does effect asserting System > Administration > Network > (Network Settings) > Unlock > Copnnection > Wired Connection > Properties > (eth0 Properties) > 'enable roaming mode'?04:18
jedcth482, i bet it is included in a cd, dont need dvd, its a pretty standard package04:18
zetheroo1musikgoat: and whats worse is that there is no way to figure out why its happening as everyone has different hardware ... and nobody seems to know how to find the cause ...04:18
vikbI recently modified the video mode on boot up to a much higher resolution than what it was 640*480 and 8 bits since then the boot up in not working properly04:19
Viking_hello everyone04:19
th482jedc, ok, i will try it, thanks a lot....04:19
vikbhow do I restore the defaults?04:19
mardoctkanuha: You can try running sudo rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:19
zetheroo1musikgoat: that is besides the point! This is about something happening since Intrepid that has been causing a lot of users issues ... and not just some small issue like an LED not working ... but Kernel Panics!04:19
jedcmegamanx1978, you can just put the command, since it is in your path, you dont actually need to find it in the system04:19
mardoctIt should load your old xorg.conf to what it was before to make it work like it did before.04:20
stoneryh, boggles04:20
Viking_i been having problems with skype on my ubuntu 9.0404:20
musikgoatzetheroo1: i'm sorry to hear about your problem... have you tried other distro's to see if its the way ubuntu builds its kernel, or if its something that is distro-independent?04:20
Viking_cant get mic to work04:20
jedcmegamanx1978, but it is in /usr/bin if you really want to know :p04:20
zetheroo1musikgoat: OpenSuse, Fedora and Linux Mint .. no Kernel Panics04:20
Viking_any ideas04:21
stlsaintMusikgoat: tried it and it sucks...im uninstalling as we speak04:21
musikgoatzetheroo1: what about debian lenny or something?04:21
nburnsHi all - I'm running compiz with the atlantis plugin and things are looking great.  I'm looking for a way to remove my wallpaper so I can see the atlantis plugin at all times, not just when I am rotating my desktop.  I can change transparency settings on the cube, but then I lose my icons - is there a way to keep the icons and have a transparent wallpaper?04:21
Viking_i did adjust alsamixer settings04:21
zetheroo1musikgoat: the travesty is that there is no clear way to find the cause for these KP's04:21
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musikgoatstlsaint: lol, ffmpeg is very difficult to use, but it does the trick when its used right04:21
jedczetheroo1, they also fixed a lot of things im sure, just different bugs heh04:21
stlsaintjedc: losher:  conver from say avi to mov any format really04:21
bogglesBerzerker, I have a Asus eeepc 1000hd, I can't figure out what graphics card I have...04:21
bogglesits not listed on any of the specs.04:22
Viking_any idea is appreciated04:22
Berzerkerboggles, on the website, the only one in color when you click "download" is what you have.04:22
Berzerkerboggles, should be a GMA95004:22
zetheroo1jedc: oh certainly ... but what is the point of fixing something and breaking other things?04:22
jedcstlsaint, ffmpeg and mencoder can do most things, but for practicality i usually find the exact command line command to use online, or a script someone else has already made04:22
musikgoatzetheroo1: i would start blacklisting all your modules and see if you can avoid the panic with a certain module disabled...04:22
jedczetheroo1, such is software development04:22
zetheroo1jedc: and I am talking about wireless and graphic cards ... stuff that was working before ... and now is useless ...04:23
stlsaintmusikgoat: true it is difficult...way more work than im willing to put into04:23
Berzerkerboggles, yes, it's a GMA950.04:23
losherRegressLess: is that a supported card? I've never had any luck with usb...04:23
skylerhow do i open up a list of services/applications, like the task manager04:23
musikgoatstlsaint: what are you trying to convert, and what do you want to convert it to?04:23
mardoctkanuha: Come to think about it, I never use rename. You can use sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old, press cntrl + x and rename it to xorg.conf and save it.04:23
jedczetheroo1, that is not all ubuntu, if you are using proprietary graphics drivers for instance04:23
zetheroo1jedc: that's not true ... and if it is then someone needs to find a new hobby04:23
vikbis there anything that I could do.... in the startup-manager program or somewhere to restore the default video mode04:23
stlsaintyea i had a script but everything it converted had no movie stream file after it was converted04:23
zetheroo1jedc: not using proprietary drivers04:23
stonerskyler, its system -> administration -> system monitor04:24
stlsaintmusikgoat: really any file format...avi,mov,etc etc04:24
jedczetheroo1, maybe that would fix your problem then.04:24
stlsaintprolly mainly avi to mov or wmv04:24
zetheroo1musikgoat: I think its the wireless card ... when its disabled system seems fine ... but so what? ... now I am without wifi? ... that's useless ...04:24
musikgoatstlsaint: handbrake might be an option04:24
skylerthanks, stoner ;)04:24
stonerno worries skyler04:24
musikgoatzetheroo1: no, but now you have found the culprit... what wireless, broadcom?04:24
stlsaintis that in repos?04:25
musikgoatstlsaint: i don't know04:25
stonerand there's a button somewhere to list root processes you might want to tick that04:25
jedczetheroo1, have you checked System->Administration->Hardware Drivers?04:25
vikbany small tip that I can employ?04:25
nburnsHi all - I'm running compiz with the atlantis plugin and things are looking great.  I'm looking for a way to remove my wallpaper so I can see the atlantis plugin at all times, not just when I am rotating my desktop.  I can change transparency settings on the cube, but then I lose my icons - is there a way to keep the icons and have a transparent wallpaper?04:25
Viking_anyone get skyp to work in Ubuntu 9.0404:25
zetheroo1musikgoat: Atheros ... working perfectly in Hardy ...04:25
bogglesBerzerker, how do i go about installing gmabooster?04:25
zetheroo1jedc: uh ... why would I do that?04:26
Berzerkerboggles, you don't install it04:26
musikgoatzetheroo1: and which driver?  i think there are a couple choices for atheros drivers,  have you checked?04:26
Berzerkerboggles, you open a terminal, and cd to the directory, then type chmod +x GMABooster04:26
jedczetheroo1, im using an atheros card on a macbook pro that is working fine04:26
Berzerkerboggles, then type sudo ./GMABooster to run it04:26
RegressLesslosher: I don't know. I've been fighting for a week straight--hours each day--to find something that works better than the crap software that came with it. I'd take it back, but radioshack won't take it. I'm done tonight. If you've got any advice or anything else to say please pm me because I won't read it here. Thanks for trying to help.04:26
boggles"cd to the directory" you're going to have eo explain that one.04:27
jedczetheroo1, which wasnt true 3 releases ago incidently04:27
zetheroo1musikgoat: ath5k ... that is the default one in Jaunty04:27
Berzerkerboggles, where did you download it?04:27
Berzerkerboggles, to I mean.04:27
zetheroo1musikgoat: but its a completely rubbish driver04:27
Berzerkerboggles, then type cd Desktop04:27
bogglesand i extracted the files04:27
zetheroo1jedc: what chipset and what driver?04:27
Berzerkerboggles, cd = change directory04:27
jedczetheroo1, way way better than what you used to have to do with madwifi or ndiswrapper04:27
BerzerkerI've found madwifi works better for ath cards, ndiswrapper for everything else04:28
zetheroo1jedc: see that's the kicker ... there are many who have the same hardware who are not having issues and then others who are ... so maybe its a combination of hardware that makes the issue ...04:28
mizerydeariaHow can I restart KDE?  `/etc/init.d/kdm restart` results in Stopping K Display Manager: kdm not responding to TERM signal (pid 3666).04:28
Berzerkerbtw, awesome app of the day: Deskbar Applet.04:28
musikgoatzetheroo1: try madwifi for a while, see how that works out04:28
BerzerkerIt's spotlight for ubuntu04:28
jedczetheroo1, are you sure its the wireless card?04:28
BerzerkerOS X users will know what that is04:28
musikgoatzetheroo1: get rid of your problem at least04:28
zetheroo1jedc: I only recall having to do that with BC chipsets04:29
bogglesberzerker, I did that. Nothing happened.04:29
Saber_can someone help me? i have just disabled my ati drivers from envyng and now it is saying "input not supported" during boot up04:29
Berzerkerboggles, yes nothing is supposed to happen, it should say ~/Desktop now though04:29
zetheroo1jedc: no .. but when wireless is disabled the system stays on for more than 5 min04:29
bogglesDo I need a reboot?04:29
Berzerkerboggles, now you're in the Desktop directory04:29
nburnsHi all - I'm running compiz with the atlantis plugin and things are looking great.  I'm looking for a way to remove my wallpaper so I can see the atlantis plugin at all times, not just when I am rotating my desktop.  I can change transparency settings on the cube, but then I lose my icons - is there a way to keep the icons and have a transparent wallpaper?04:29
bogglesI typed chmod +x GMABooster04:29
Berzerkerboggles, no you don't understand, you don't install this program, you just run it in terminal04:29
zetheroo1musikgoat: yeah, I am many others would really like to ...04:29
stonersaber_ if you look in /etc/x11/ there chould be a copy of the xorg file04:30
bogglesI typed in chmod +x GMABooster04:30
Berzerkerboggles, now you have to cd into the GMABooster folder04:30
Berzerkerboggles, so cd GMABooster04:30
bogglesnot a directory.04:30
bogglesshould I have left the zip file as a zip file?04:30
Berzerkerboggles, ok, then I guess all the files are not in a folder, just on your desktop04:30
Berzerkerboggles, no04:30
jedczetheroo1, Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01), with default drivers04:30
Saber_stoner: thanks i'll have a look04:31
Berzerkerboggles, you have all the files on the desktop? GMABooster and data.bin, etc.04:31
stonertry restoring the backup04:31
Berzerkerboggles, ok, so you typed chmod +x GMABooster (that makes it executable)04:31
zetheroo1jedc: Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)04:31
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stonerand ten type start x04:31
stoner* startx04:31
bogglesI have now done that.04:32
mardoctBerzerker: I bet he could just do this with the GUI04:32
Berzerkerboggles, ok, now type sudo ./GMABooster04:32
Berzerkerboggles, and follow the instructions04:32
Berzerkermardoct, do what with the GUI?04:32
bogglesit worked04:33
boggleswhat do you reccomend I clock my core to?04:33
mardoctBerzerker: make it executable and run it.04:33
Berzerkerboggles, if you're plugged in, 400mhz04:33
Berzerkerboggles, overclocking uses more battery04:33
Berzerkerboggles, so leave it at 166 if you're on battery.04:33
Berzerkermardoct, it's a CLI program though04:33
Berzerkermardoct, no GUI.04:34
mardoctBerzerker: Oh, my bad.04:34
bogglesheres a little challenge, i need a script that will turn my clock down when I unplug my laptop.04:34
bogglesmy clock speed*04:34
jedczetheroo1, it looks like this is the same issue, no solution there though http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120643004:34
Foxhey will someone msg me so I can see how this works?04:34
Berzerkersee how what works?04:35
mardoctFox: For one thing, type in someones name to make the line more visible to them.04:35
mardoctFox: Like I just did.04:35
Foxmardoct cool04:35
Berzerkeryou can start typing the name, and hit tab to autocomplete.04:36
Foxdidn't work04:36
bogglesberz, thanks so much my computer is working so much better.04:36
mardoctfox it worked for me. You don't see it04:36
Berzerkerboggles, no problem dude.04:36
bogglesdo i just type in sudo ./GMAbooster to change it again04:36
jedcFox, see my pm :p04:36
Berzerkerboggles, you have to cd into that directory again04:37
mardoctfox: Other than putting the username of who you are talking to in, it's just type a message and hit enter.04:37
Berzerkerboggles, so cd Desktop, then do that04:37
bogglesif i restart......will i need to do it every single time04:37
Berzerkerboggles, I'm not sure, I think so.04:37
brodymcdhow can I enable hdmi out to my tv from ubuntu 8.10 on a dell laptop 1526 inspiron?04:37
Foxyep works thanks04:37
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bogglesthat sucks.04:37
Berzerkerboggles, test it, by restarting then type sudo ./GMABooster --detect to test the speed after04:37
boggleshow can I make it permanent.04:38
Berzerkerboggles, if it's 166 again, it resets04:38
vikbHow do I improve the video modes?04:38
vikbfor Ubuntu to use while booting04:38
bogglesyeah.........but how can I make it permanent.04:38
Berzerkerboggles, if it resets, I don't think you can make it permenant04:38
mardoctFox: So, did you have a problem to fix, or just learning IRC?04:38
boggleshow do i check when i restart.04:38
Berzerkerboggles, just restart, get back to the desktop and open the program again, but put --detect at the end of sudo ./GMABooster04:39
Berzerkerboggles, so sudo ./GMABooster --detect04:39
Berzerkerboggles, you can do it now to see what it does04:39
boggleshow the hell do you remember/know all of this stuff?04:40
Viking_anyone have skype working on Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit04:40
Foxwow this is cool!!04:40
Berzerkerboggles, uhm...lol?04:40
BerzerkerViking_, 64-bit? no. I'm on 32-bit.04:40
Berzerkerboggles, dunno, just do I guess04:40
FloodBot1boggles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
Viking_ok berzerker is your working fine04:41
bogglesit can be set to auto in windows apparently.04:41
Viking_i seem to have problems since UBUNTU 9.0404:41
Viking_No problems wih 8.10 version04:41
Foxso how do i send files and screenshots over irc?04:42
jedcboggles, the trick is we get really good at using google :p04:42
Viking_i have everything working exept skype04:42
RegressLesslosher: I said I was done, but one more thing: Could this help me? http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=f89bc32974a4376e8393001484af28d8c3350ab404:42
stoneri cant remember who was using vlc but if you install ubuntu restricted extras you can use the default media play to play video04:42
mardoctFox: depends on the program you use for IRC. For me, I i right click the username04:42
Berzerkerboggles, yeah, windows has a GUI04:43
dayojust update adobe-flashplugin from the command line. is there anyway to restart firefox from the command line?04:43
jedcmardoct, cool, i didnt even know you could do that :p04:43
mardoctdayo: I know killall firefox shuts it down and firefox starts it up04:43
dayomardoct: ok, i'll try that04:44
mardoctjedc The more you know.04:44
ethicxI have 3 NIC cards how do I find out which one is eth1 or eth2 etc etc??04:44
jedcdayo, you can find the pid of a process by pgrep <processname>, then kill <pid> to kill it04:44
Berzerkerdayo, killall firefox only kills it, AFAIK, you can just type firefox & to start it again04:44
mardoctBerzerker: I just learned a new trick. Thanks04:45
Viking_anyone have good luck in recovering lost partition04:45
CaptainCrookwhat packages do i need to install to run the yahoo! games applets04:45
Berzerkermardoct, heh.04:45
hellhoundcan someone point me to a howto on configuring a logitech g5 mouse buttons to get the tilt to work in firefox and other buttons, etc.  I found one before but after searching google for an hour i can no longer find it04:45
bogglesBerz, there has to be a way to auto script this....04:45
mardoctethicx: If they are different peices of harware, just run ifconfig04:45
Berzerkerboggles, there is. test if it actually resets though.04:46
mardoctethicx: It tells you info on each of your cards04:46
jedcboggles, you can just but it in a script, then add it to startup applications04:46
bogglesit does.04:46
Berzerkerboggles, if not, I know a way to make it startup.04:46
bogglescare 2 share?04:46
ethicxmardoct: yes they are, but they have static ip's04:46
dayojedc: that usually leaves the lock file in place, and then ff won't start unless i delete the lock.04:46
Viking_any help appreciated04:47
Berzerkerjedc, what's the default text editor in ubuntu?04:47
ethicxmardoct: and it wasn't me who set them up so I need a way of telling which one is which..04:47
dayomardoct: Berzerker: killall did the trick. then i started it up manually :-)04:47
jedcBerzerker, gedit i think?04:47
Berzerkertonsofpcs, gui04:47
Berzerkerjedc, aye.04:47
mardoctdayo: Glad to be of service.04:48
jedcdayo, hmm, that works for me, if you want to nuke the process you can use kill -904:48
mardoctethicx: Do you only need to know which one is active?04:48
Berzerkerboggles, hit alt+f2, then type gedit and hit enter04:48
dayoanyone know any good guide to set up some kind of systray (trayer?) with wmii on gnome?04:48
mlissnerIs there a way to find the error message when a disk that mounts fine with mount -a doesn't mount on boot?04:48
Berzerkerboggles, then type these 2 lines: cd Desktop, then sudo ./GMABooster 400 &04:48
Berzerkerseparate lines04:48
XerranCan someone please tell me if method B would work?: http://pastebin.com/d6bf2056a04:48
ethicxmardoct: no, I need to know which one belongs to the ip given inside /etc/network/interfaces04:49
jedcboggles, with no comma04:49
CaptainCrookwhats the name of the java packages that enables yahoo! games?04:49
Berzerkerwe're querying.04:49
Foxok i only have 512meg of ram. what can I do to use less ram?04:49
mardoctethicx: Run ifconfig. It lists what the IP04:49
CaptainCrookethicx,  yeah but JRE what? i'm using firefox shiretoko...04:50
ethicxFox:don't use a GUI for a desktop!04:50
mardoctFox: Do you use bluetooth? If not, remove it. Same for CUPS (printing)04:50
jedcCaptainCrook, im not sure, ive never heard of that, it looks like yics is yahoo chess04:50
mneptokFox: Xubuntu?04:50
Foxdoes xubuntu work as good ?04:51
mneptokCaptainCrook: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:51
jedcFox, make sure visual affects are set to none in System->Preferences->Appearance04:51
mneptokFox: yes. it's quite usuable04:51
Berzerkerwhat's the name of the java package to install java?04:51
mardoctFox: Xubuntu is more or less a carbon copy with a less featured desktop04:51
CaptainCrookmneptok,  whats in it?04:51
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:51
mneptokCaptainCrook: Java, for one04:51
Berzerkerctmjr, TY kindly.04:52
ethicxmardoct: I know! but my question is how can I find out what eth1 is on the back of the server!04:52
Foxjedc visual effects are none04:52
ctmjrBerzerker: your welcome04:52
mardoctethicx: Oh! You mean which one is which physically!04:52
jedcFox, like mardoct says, you can use xfce instead of gnome, it is more lightweight for older hardware04:52
faisal-alsubaie_ما فية روم عرب04:52
ethicxmardoct: yes sir, sorry if I was misleading.04:52
KittyBootsHow do I get an application to automaticaly start?04:52
stonerright jave is in ubuntu restricted extras04:52
stonerinstall that04:52
Viking_any idea04:52
Foxwhat is xfce and how do I get it?04:53
mardoctethicx: Well, assuming only one is plugged into a network, the one with the IP is the one plugged in in the case.04:53
jedcFox, you dont need to reinstall though if you want to , just sudo apt-get install xfce, then choose sessions->xfce before logging in, it will ask if you want to make it default, probably try it out first though04:53
|TwistedX|can someone answer this quick question?04:53
mardoctethicx: I imagine there's a way to find out which PCI slot each one is in. I don't know it off hand, so I'll try looking around.04:54
jedc!ask | |TwistedX|04:54
ubottu|TwistedX|: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:54
|TwistedX|its an ez one04:54
* CrAzYoNi Night all :)04:54
Viking_CTRL+BK8,2 Hello!04:54
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eoraptor013Hey folks, two questions: what's the standard COM1 dev, and how would I have found that out for myself?04:54
ethicxmardoct: yeah that's more less what I wanted. I'm looking around too...04:54
jedceoraptor013, what is COM1?04:55
|TwistedX|installing side by side (to xp), the xp files are untouched?04:55
eoraptor013Serial port 1. What M$ would call com104:55
automan070192hey does anyone know how i can play wmv movies04:55
Berzerker|TwistedX|, yes04:55
jedc|TwistedX|, yes, make sure you choose the installer option to resize the xp partion, not use the whole thing for ubuntu04:56
nvantreeckI have a problem, my system will only boot from a live CD, it will not boot on its own.  Any ideas?04:56
jedc|TwistedX|, you probably want to defrag windows before install also04:56
ctmjr|TwistedX|: yes but you should defrag it first if it has been installed for any leagth of time04:56
mardoctethicx: I found lspci, but that seems hard to decipher at a glace.04:56
b0wmenvantreeck: did you changed the bios so the pc boots from cd?04:57
jedcautoman070192, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:57
|TwistedX|ok thanks, needed to be sure04:57
b0wnvantreeck: did you changed the bios so the pc boots from cd?04:57
nvantreeckI changed it to boot from the first hard drive.  It just hung.  It did not start grub.  Changed it back to boot from the CD and can boot from a live CD only.04:58
loshereoraptor013: probably /dev/ttyS0, though the naming varies. I would google 'ubuntu serial port'....04:58
ethicxmardoct: yup you are on the right track cause someone else suggested that too04:58
jedcnvantreeck, when you installed did it install grub on the mbr?04:58
ethicxmardoct: i'll just have to decipher it somehow =D04:58
eoraptor013Of course! I'm tired; that's my excuse for not thinking of Google first. Thanks.04:58
nvantreeckI installed grub on the MBR. Used gparted to check and every thing seems ok.04:58
user_how to log into root04:59
automan070192it said couldnt find packages04:59
Foxis xfce4 the same thing as xfce? I only see xfce4 in synaptic package manager04:59
losherethicx: disconnect them, then reconnect one by one, using ping from another machine to see which address comes back. Then label them...04:59
jedcFox, yes, that is what you want04:59
jda2000If I install Ubuntu on an IMac g3, Will I still be able to set the Power-on time for the box?04:59
stoneruser_ sudo (command)04:59
mardoctethicx: It doesn't list which PCIe slot my network card is in for me. If it's the same for you, it's useless.04:59
Berzerkerjda2000, like uptime?04:59
mardoctethicx: If you want to do it in less elegant manner, just pull them all out one at a time.05:00
ethicxlosher: sounds like a bulb just lit up..thanks05:00
SchmittyOk. So I got out of class today and went back to my dorm roomand this guy I have never seen before was on my ubuntu box. He stood up and walked towards the door and said he loaded a sinister lkm on my box. Then he ran down the hall. What do I do?05:00
jedcuser_, sudo bash is basically root, if you really want to enable root as a user you can do sudo passwd and create a root password, but this is not recomended05:00
jda2000Berzerker, I mean the time that the box will power up by itself.05:00
ethicxmardoct: yup, that's what I'm doing now. Thanks guys.05:01
Berzerkerjda2000, oh you mean like a scheduled boot up?05:01
jda2000Berzerker, Yes.05:01
Berzerkerjda2000, should be able to05:01
jedcSchmitty, you find him and rip off one of his appendages... :p05:01
stonersudo -s is root05:01
SealedWithAKissMost user-friendly video editing software that runs under Linux, anybody?05:01
jda2000Berzerker, Cool, Do you know the package that can do it?05:01
MikeChelenanyone tried ubuntu with Nvidia ION, GeForce 9400M?05:01
Schmittyjedc: right!05:02
MadGirlkdenlive is probably working! w00t05:02
brian_it need to do this  any help05:02
brian_make symlink /usr/bin/dockbar.py pointing to /usr/lib/dockbar/dockbar.py05:02
jedcSchmitty, are you sure he did something and isnt just bs'ing you? i dont even know what that means to tell you the truth05:02
mardoctethicx: Too bad it came to that. Oh well.05:02
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brian_how do i do this   make symlink /usr/bin/dockbar.py pointing to /usr/lib/dockbar/dockbar.py05:02
Schmittya Loadable Kernel Module05:02
Berzerkerjda2000, linux by default has a function, IIRC05:02
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mardoctbrian make a symbolic link05:02
hunterrosehey guise, I gotta question: is there a way to move the password hashing from MD5 to SHA2 on ubuntu?05:02
brian_ya   how05:03
Schmittya Loadable Kernel Module viruses he probably the worst thing that can happen05:03
* jda2000 Looks up IIRC05:03
Schmittyworser than obama getting elected05:03
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Foxwhen does xfce4 start? is it a grub bootloader program? I am pretty sure it doesn't run inside of gnome05:03
jedcSchmitty, yes, i googled it, and he could probably do it if he had physical access to your machine, but you could probably get him expelled or something so... im inclined to think he might have been bsing you05:03
losherSchmitty: lord knows what he might have done. To be absolutely secure, you'd need to reinstall the os. And install a locking screensaver...05:03
Berzerkerjda2000, If I recall correctly lol05:03
mardoctbrian: do it like this   ln /original/file /new/link05:04
Berzerkerjda2000, it's a phrase abbreviation05:04
jedcFox, at the login screen, click the options thing to the bottom left, then choose session, pick xfce05:04
user_cant i log as root05:04
mardoctuser_: Not recommend for security reasons.05:05
mardoctuser_: But possible.05:05
jedcSchmitty, first rule is if someone malicious gets physical access to your machine, it isnt yours anymore unless your reinstall05:05
Schmittyjedc: losher , lol you guys crack me up. If some dude i didn't know was in my room I would probably break a chair over his head.05:05
bullgard4Firefox 3.0.13 does not remember its bookmarks since I visited a local Linux community last night. How to troubleshoot?05:05
jda2000Berzerker, Ok, I found IIRC.        --- is there an API or app to set the auto power-up time?05:05
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mardoctuser_: Why do you need to login as root?05:05
SealedWithAKissMost user-friendly video editing software that runs under Linux, anybody?05:05
eoraptor013[Schmitty] boot from the CD then examine /etc/init.d/ on the machine. (I forget how to attach the computer file system to the live CD, but I know it's possible). You'd be looking for an entry with a recent date/time.05:06
user_every time when doing configurations its ask for password05:06
SmithXdoes anyone know how to close out of a room with irssi without closing the entirety of irssi or disconnecting?05:06
jedcuser_, if you enable root as a user, its the first account a cracker will try to guess the password for, and then its just how good your password is05:06
mardoctuser_:  For a good reason05:06
Berzerkerjda2000, built in I think, haven't used it, google it05:06
smokinjuanfirefox 3 & 3.5 save files that are invisible to nautilus but visible to ls - anyone got a fix?05:07
ethicxmardoct: some things don't come as easy as other don't they!? =D05:07
jedcuser_, you really do not want to use the computer normally as root, then you lose all security05:07
extorIs there any such thing as a standard ubuntu rescue kernel and initrd? I wanted something similar to knoppix but basically what I would do is put the kernel and initrd in my /boot and have it come up and mount itself in ramdisk with an ip/subnet/gw that I configure it for. And then I can ssh to it and even reformat the hard drive?05:07
eoraptor013[Schmitty] One problem though: He might be smart enough to change the date/time,05:07
user_but i must know how to do it05:07
jda2000Berzerker, Hmmm...   That's how I started....05:07
Schmittyeoraptor0 how would you change the date and time05:08
mardoctuser_:  I'm looking online for the tutorial I saw to keep sudo from asking for a pssword.05:08
user_bze am a administrator for a windows network and we gonna move to linux05:08
Foxhow do you change your name on irc?05:08
jda2000Berzerker, IRC was my last hope.05:08
eoraptor013There are utilities for such.05:08
Berzerkerjda2000, don't really know, never used scheduled startup05:08
jedcSchmitty, for instance he could have booted his own linux distro from usb or live cd, done absolutely anything (put any files or executable code anywhere on the comp)05:08
mardoctethicx: Unfortunatly05:08
Schmittyjedc: he said if I tried to fix it, he would kill me05:09
jda2000Berzerker, Is there a nice place to go to browse the kernel source?05:09
smokinjuansudo su05:09
eoraptor013[Schmitty] As others are saying, the only certain way is to reinstall.05:09
user_in windows we can easily log into administrator05:09
mikegerwitzuser_, if you need to run commands as root, type "sudo su", run the commands from the command line, then type "exit" when you're done. If you're using GUI apps, then just enter the password when it's asked for, or maybe someone else can help you get rid of that (but it's not recommended)05:09
majukHmmm... so on reboot, one of my drives keeps having it's event counter reset, thus marking it as 'non-fresh' and mdadm kicks it out of the RAID, meaning I have to rebuild it every boot. Help?05:09
user_and do the configurations05:10
eoraptor013Schmitty, what the hell school are you in and who is this guy?05:10
brian_ok i need to copy a folder and placce it in ~/.config/awn/applets05:10
Schmittyeoraptor0: lol.05:10
losherSchmitty: now that I know you're an obama hater, I'd help him...05:10
stonerwell windows is very insecure user_05:10
Schmittylosher: lol05:10
brian_what is the squigle line mean05:10
eoraptor013[losher] There is that...05:10
bullgard4What does effect asserting System > Administration > Network > (Network Settings) > Unlock > Connection > Wired Connection > Properties > (eth0 Properties) > 'enable roaming mode'?05:10
Berzerkerjda2000, not the best person to ask lol05:10
smokinjuanfirefox 3 & 3.5 save files that are invisible to nautilus but visible to ls - anyone have a fix?05:11
brian_what folder is  ~05:11
user_but who hacked the microsoft05:11
Schmittyobama is going to outlaw linux alltogether. Or tax it and give the money to people on welfare05:11
jedcjda2000, by power up you mean boot?05:11
Berzerkerbrian_, /home/yourname05:11
loshersmokinjuan: got an example of such a filename?05:11
mardoctuser_:  apparently man sudo_root says how05:11
FoxHow does one change the name they are known by here in IRC?05:11
jda2000jedc, yes.05:11
eoraptor013[losher] Indeed, given that the perp threatens to kill him, I'm beginning to think he's a troll...05:11
jedcSchmitty, i think you are joshing me :p05:11
stonerwhat do you mean i know how to hack windows05:11
SchmittyFox: /nick nick05:11
BerzerkerFox, /nick newnick05:11
user_ok ill check it05:11
smokinjuangnaural_1.0.20090808-1_i386.deb and thanks05:11
losherSchmitty: enough. way off-topic & worse still, boring...05:11
jedcjda2000, not sure but you might check out sbm, never used but just found it in repos it might be able to05:11
Schmittyjedc: thankyou for a good time.05:11
mikegerwitzsmokinjuan - "ls -a"05:11
jda2000jedc, cool!  I'll look at that.05:12
smokinjuanls sees it without switches - just nautilus that misses it05:12
jda2000Berzerker, Thanks.  Bye.05:12
Foxthat name change didn't work :(05:12
jda2000jedc, Thanks, bye.05:12
mikegerwitzAh oops I read it backwards ;)05:13
losherfox: then you did something wrong....05:13
jedcFox, if its in use it wont let you, also many names are registered05:13
FoxI typed "/Fox FoxStang" and it didn't work05:13
smokinjuan-rw-r--r-- 1 joe joe 86688 2009-08-14 00:03 gnaural_1.0.20090808-1_i386.deb05:13
jedcFox, type /nick FoxStang05:13
SchmittyFox: you must type /nick FoxStang05:13
=== Fox is now known as FoxStang
=== Schmitty is now known as Obamaniac
brian_where would ~/.config/awn/applets  be05:14
smokinjuanbrina_ your home director\y05:14
mardoctuser_:  Here you go http://maestric.com/doc/unix/ubuntu_sudo_without_password05:15
Cigehey, I'm making a conky script, and I don't know whether for the network, I need eth0, ath1,... i have no clue.  I'm using an external usb wifi, is there a command to show me what I need?wifi05:15
jedcbrian, ~ means your user directory, directories and files starting with a . are hidden, show hidden files in nautilus to see them, of ls -a in a terminal05:15
loshersmokinjuan: weird. A nautilus bug? Or worse still, a nautlius feature?05:15
CigeOther than that, It's shaping up fine05:15
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bullgard4What does effect asserting System > Administration > Network > (Network Settings) > Unlock > Connection > Wired Connection > Properties > (eth0 Properties) > 'enable roaming mode'?05:16
smokinjuanlosher thats what i thought  - compiz is on here and it does screwy things05:16
user_ya is came to root05:16
jedcCige, eth0 is ethernet, if you type iwconfig what does it say? use pastebin05:17
mardoctuser_:  Just do sudo visudo and add YourUsername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to the end and save it.05:17
entropy_how do I run the .sh on my dektop?05:17
smokinjuani can still right click create an empty doc on the desktop, shows up just fine - seems to be firefox05:17
Cigejedc: so if I use iwconfig it will show me my network?05:17
smokinjuanand it seems to have happened after i ran firefox through wine05:18
losherbullgard4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager   --- Looks like a bug, it should probably only apply to wireless connections05:18
mardoctentropy_: Make sure it is executable Check permissions tab when you right click it and go to properties05:18
Cigejedc: ok, so i'm using wlan0, thanks!05:18
jedcCige, it will show you your interfaces, the one that is connected to wireless is the one you want05:18
jedcCige, cool05:18
Cigejedc: yeah, that did it, thanks for the help05:18
mardoctentropy_:  If it is, double click and choose run in terminal05:18
bullgard4losher: Ah! Thank you.05:18
loshersmokinjuan: all that flashy gui stuff is badly engineered and tends to be buggy....05:19
user_i have installed ubuntu 9, using the install in windows command so how can i get the files which are saved in windows without log into windows05:19
smokinjuanlove the desktop zoom though05:19
stoneryes you can user_05:19
smokinjuanthough most of it is pointless05:19
entropy_mardoct: which should be set to exec? owner, group, others05:19
entropy_nm got it05:19
mardoctuser_: go to places > Computer and go into your windows partition05:19
jedcuser_, did you install using wubi? inside windows?05:20
mardoctentropy_:  Owner needs to be checked. Other's don't matter.05:20
stonerbut you might have problem writing to ntfs partitions05:20
losherbullgard4: on second thoughts, moving from office to office & plugging in your wired laptop to different networks could also be considered a form of wired 'roaming' I suppose...05:20
x3017xanyone using the ion3 window manager?05:20
mardoctuser_:  Your files should be in documents in settings or a similar folder05:20
Berzerkeruser_, you should be able to access the Windows partition in the file browser05:20
jedcuser_, ok, you cant then, wubi installed it like a normal application in windows, mainly for trying it out05:20
bullgard4losher: Yes, I would think so too.05:20
FoxHey jedc and shmitty, thanks I am now using xfce. How do I check the computer's status like RAM, CPU, and Network?05:21
user_inside windows but when boot its ask for os to boot05:21
BerzerkerFox, look for system monitor05:21
Jeruvyuser_: from places can you see your ntfs disks?05:21
Foxyea I can't find it05:21
jedc Fox, system monitor, im not sure where in the xfce menus05:21
stonerif not try using the mount command05:21
mardoctuser_:  You can boot Ubuntu but still get at the files on the Windows partition05:21
HellMindwhere I should specify the DISPLAY var for a single user?05:22
jedcmardoct, he installed inside windows using wubi05:22
losherHellMind: it's usually set automatically. What are you trying to do?05:23
mardoctjdec IT doesn't do a regular install? Never tried it.05:23
HellMindisnt set because is a virtual xserver05:23
user_no ntfs partion can be seen05:23
stoneruser_ create  a directory go on to the command line type in ls /dev/sd* and ls /dev/hd* find the relevent partion and type mount /dev/sda1 /dirname/05:23
jedcmardoct, me neither, but no it doesnt, most ubuntu users dont use it05:24
jedcmardoct, it installs it like a windows app is my understanding05:24
HellMindI want to run a program that start on a display05:24
HellMindlook my command line wine /home/games/mohaa/maximo/moh_Breakthrough_server.exe +set dedicated 1 +set g_gametype 2 +exec maximo.cfg +ip +set net_port 12206 +set sv_maxclients 20 +set net_gamespy_port 1230605:24
HellMindbut DISPLAY is empty05:24
jedcstoner, he used wubi, so its not in a different partition05:24
smokinjuanlosher restarting x fixed it...  just for the future, you have any ideas?05:24
mardoctjdec: Oh. That sounds a bit retarded, but then again I find building pcs trivial.05:25
losherHellMind: it's just a shell variable. Set it in .bashrc or manually in the shell...05:25
mardoctjdec: Hard to sympathize with people that find partitioning scary for me.05:25
jedcFox, were you able to find the system monitor?05:25
loshersmokinjuan: sounds like a dumb nautilus bug....05:25
jedcmardoct, hehe, i was scared the first time, especially on the mac05:26
qdbnow update manager says 904 is available. what will it say when 910 will be available?05:26
smokinjuanyep.  ok, thanks for the help.05:26
user_dev/hd says no such files05:26
qdbwhen 910 is released05:26
ethicxgood night everyone.05:26
mardoctjdec:  I have multiple backups. I have no fears.05:27
jedcqdb, if you are upgrading i think you need to upgrade to 9.04 before 9.10, but a fresh install would probably be easier05:27
jedcmardoct, yea, i've always been terrible/lazy at backing up :p05:27
qdbthank you05:27
losherHellMind: how do you start your virtual xserver? Is it vnc or something else?05:27
mardoctqdb: It's my opinion you should just save your data somewhere and do a fresh install05:27
stonerapparently your using wubi so it doesn't matter user_05:27
entropy_looks like I need to sudo run this script. how do I do that? I'm in the directory in the terminal05:28
Berzerkerjust type sudo in front of it05:28
mardoctjdec:  Just get an external hard drive, plug it in every night and set up cron to copy everything over.05:28
Andwho install ghost system in virtualbox?05:28
jedcuser_, you cant log into ubuntu without logging into windows because ubuntu is installed inside windows, its not running directly on the computer05:28
mardoctjdec:  I also backup to a second internal hard drive because I'm paranoid.05:29
Andhello.....i cannot go into the win7 system (virtualbox)05:30
jedcmardoct, hehe, i have a seperate partition for /home so its not that important and only thing i care about are backed up on my university servers anyway, btw my nick is jedc not jdec :p05:30
abhifxcan some1 tech me how to use xmame05:30
FoxOk I found the system monitor. Does 224 mb out of 512 sound right for just running05:30
HighLordObsiwoohoo! finally finished downloading the 64bit version05:31
Foxirc and system monitor?05:31
BerzerkerFox, yes, it does.05:31
mardoctjedc: Woops. Sorry. ... ... I don't trust any backups I can't physically access. 404s come at the worst times05:31
jedcFox, yes, it will slow down a lot if you run really heavy programs like eclipse of something05:31
abhifxcan some1 tech me how to use xmame05:31
lexxyhey just a question05:32
jedcmardoct, yea, but as long as i can get at it eventually im ok, mainly just src files everything else is just software05:32
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lexxyhas anyone here used unetbootin05:32
jedcmardoct, and wonderfully free and easy to install with apt05:32
mardoctjedc: You don't have anything else? I reinstall my OS/s all the time. This particular ubuntu install is about 7 hours old. I keep some scripts around to automate getting flash and codecs. Couldn't live wihtout them.05:33
lexxyreason?::::>>> I am wondering whether it is possible to have a full installation of a Windows XP OS on a USB stick! any ideas \??05:33
Berzerkermardoct, uh...why? lol05:33
Berzerkerlexxy, probably not, Windows XP is kind of bloated.05:34
mardoctjdec:  Partly because I do some "harmless" experiment a lot, or because I keep deciding to put XP back on for games or to try the Windows 7 beta. I've also done a lot of distro hopping.05:34
lexxywell, true Berzerker  but on a hypothetical it is possible05:34
Berzerkerlexxy, it is, yes.05:35
jedcmardoct, not really, i have some media, but all my music is on a different server at home, and the movies, well, they were free too *cough, i reinstall a lot too, but now just using vm's for windows 7 beta and having a seperate partition for /home makes everything easy05:36
mlissnerAny good tricks out there for detecting USB storage devices?05:36
Berzerkerlexxy, check out this guide: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-5928902.html it's old, but that might work.05:37
jedcmardoct, really i need to back up more, but cant justify buying an external right now :p05:37
mlissnerThe one I have isn't showing up at all after a hard reboot of hte computer it was connected to05:37
nicks007Hello , i am using ubuntu 9.04, today encountered a problem , it is showing "x server couldn't start " .. i tried " sudo dpkg-recofigure xserver-org " . after typing this a screen appears which asks "use kernel framebuffer device interface ?" i want to respond . but my computer goes hang. what should i do ?05:37
lexxywell, Berzerker  I am just considering the idea partly because of the benefits of USB sticks and surely as it is possible it would be somewhat helpful in some situations as Linux has already had more of a niche in this than MICKEYSOFT05:37
mardoctjdec:  Get a gmail account or 7. You can store files in your 7GB inbox easily and for free.05:37
jedcmardoct, lol05:38
Berzerkernicks007, it hands, you can tab to select an answeR?05:38
DarwinSurvivorI'm having problems connecting to an ubuntu machine05:38
mardoctjdec: Do it and consider yourself an internet squatter.05:38
nicks007Berzerker, let me try05:39
DarwinSurvivorIt will not let me ping/ssh/http it until it pings me first05:39
lexxyBerzerker,  cheers for that link.05:39
speedxxxcoreI'm logged in on a server through ssh, with forwarding of X, thing is when I start an app say xclock, I can't then type in the terminal. How do I start the apps in "background" having them running in xforward mode, but still having the ability to type in terminal an run other apps?05:39
jedcDarwinSurvivor, with another ubuntu machine? and through ssh?05:39
DarwinSurvivorI removed network manager (installed WICD) and the problem went away for a few weeks, but now it's back05:39
DarwinSurvivorjedc: i'm running archlinux, but i've had the problem connecting from pretty much anything05:40
jedcspeedxxxcore, xclock &05:40
speedxxxcorejust the & sign?05:40
user_my laptop have one partion and both windows and ubuntu install on it05:41
DarwinSurvivorjedc: the connection drops as if the machine was turned off :(05:41
jedcspeedxxxcore, yes, but it will still kill it if you close the terminal05:41
speedxxxcorejedc: thanx alot! =)05:41
mardoctDarwinSurvivor: Are you getting a error message.05:41
kevin_I can't find my send/receive icon in my evolution email client.05:41
jedcspeedxxxcore, no problem05:41
XerranI can't believe there still is no thermal driver for AMD K10's :(05:41
jedcDarwinSurvivor, huh, and the ubuntu box is running an ssh server?05:41
DarwinSurvivoron the client? the only message I get is that the machine cannot be found05:41
DarwinSurvivorjedc: if i ping from the server to the client, the client can then connect05:41
DarwinSurvivorjedc: but if i don't connect for about an hour, i can no longer connect anymore05:42
jedcDarwinSurvivor, is this on a lan?05:42
DarwinSurvivorjedc: yes05:42
DarwinSurvivorjedc: i've tested it on 2 networks (home and school)05:42
whirmonHello!, Some one here have installed the UNR (Ubuntu Netbook Remix) in his/her Netbook?05:42
stoneruser_ maybe you can try sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/user/diryoucreated05:42
jda2000Hi, Guys!  I'm back.  The answer to my question was on an iMac the powerpc-utils package provides a bootsched command that tells your iMac when to power on.05:42
jedcDarwinSurvivor, thats weird05:42
DarwinSurvivorwhirmon: i have, what do you need to know?05:42
stoneri know you can mount the same partions twice so it might work05:43
DarwinSurvivorjedc: you're telling me! I thought it was just network manager being stupid since the problem went away after installing wicd, but now it's back05:43
Xerranthats a point, how do you ping a IP in terminal?05:43
jedcDarwinSurvivor, is it a laptop? maybe going to sleep? maybe getting a new ip address?05:43
Xerranin windows I would do ping -t then the ip05:43
mardoctXerran: ping -website05:43
DarwinSurvivorjedc: asus eee, and it's fully awake05:43
mardoctXerran: Still works05:43
jedcXerran, ping <ip>05:44
Xerranmardoct: thx05:44
mardoctXerran: No problem05:44
Guest39048anyone know how to enable audigy4??05:44
Guest39048the sound doesnt work05:44
=== Guest39048 is now known as s_
jda2000Cool! my iMac just turned on as scheduled!05:45
jedcjda2000, awesome, so that thing worked?05:46
jda2000It is now a nice clock-radio05:46
gogetajda2000: lo05:46
jedcDarwinSurvivor, i dont really have many ideas, try googling around, thats what im doing05:46
jedcjda2000, what is the name of that program that you are using?05:47
whirmonBye! follow me at twitter @whirmon05:47
DarwinSurvivorjedc: i have googled around. i found about 2 other people that had the same problem, but neither of them seems to have ever figured out what was wrong05:47
jda2000bootsched from powerpc-utils05:47
commander_how can i get open office 3.1?05:47
commander_i have 3.005:47
zetherooI am going to buy an Intel mini pci-e wifi card for my laptop to replace the Atheros one ... is there a particular model of Intel card that works really well in Linux? ... or is it more or less all of them that are good?05:47
DarwinSurvivori spent about an hour on the #iptables channel a few weeks ago, and the only thing they could come up with was removing network manager, which worked for about 2 weeks05:47
jedcjda2000, thanks05:48
vikbimprove ubuntu boot speed05:48
jda2000jedc, no problem.05:48
vikbafter login ubuntu takes a while to login is it because of services or packages installed?05:48
jedcjda2000, did you try sdm? it didnt work?05:49
DarwinSurvivorjedc: the machine is running netbook remix, are they any differences (other than GUI) between that version and the standard ubuntu version?05:49
Berzerkervikb, a  lot of startup programs?05:49
lstarnesvikb: almost all services that start start before the display manager05:49
jedcDarwinSurvivor, im not sure, but i doubt it, i think its just supposed to be more space efficient screen wise05:49
DarwinSurvivorjedc: damn. this problem is REALLY annoying05:50
jda2000jedc, I looked at it.  it said it was platform-independent  I was looking specifically for something to program an iMac power management unit.05:50
bullgard4Since I visited a local computer club I have no longer Internet access. '~$ route' does not show a line starting with 'Destination=default'. I did 'sudo ifconfig eth0 down'. I did 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up'. Still '~ route' does not show a line starting with 'Destination=default'. How to fix that?05:50
BerzerkerDarwinSurvivor, I'm running UNR, what's your problem?05:50
DarwinSurvivorjedc: especially since it's supposed to become a production server in a few weeks where nobody will be there to ping every person trying to connect to it05:50
jedcjda2000, oh ok, well thats good since i dont have an imac hehe05:50
DarwinSurvivorBerzerker: it won't let me connect to it (ping/http/https/ssh) until it pings me first05:50
Berzerkerconnect to what?05:51
ipatrolI'm considering installing Virtual box on my Windows and running Ubuntu on it05:51
DarwinSurvivorBerzerker: the eee runing netbook remix05:51
jda2000jedc, If it is a PC.  You might be able to set a startup time in the bios?05:51
vikblstarnes: disabling samba bluetooth cups will it help speeding up the boot?05:51
lstarnesvikb: maybe05:51
Luriais there a graphical wifi analyzer for linux in the ubuntu repos?05:51
DarwinSurvivorBerzerker: I am using it as a web server (managing it via ssh), but it appears offiline unitl it pings me. Even trying to ping it fails as "Destination Host Unreachable"05:51
jedcjda2000, its actually a macbook pro, but i would prefer to do it in a manner that is cross platform so i could do it on anything05:52
lstarnesvikb: just be careful with which services you disable05:52
entropy_Oh, I once knew a LADSPA plugin in the libasound2-plugins package that was then being seeked. It was then four weeks since an update and the Jaunty user began to reek; they foamed at the mouth and raised their pitchforks, and headed to #pulseaudio, depraved, vengeful, and huuuuuuuuuuungry.05:52
BerzerkerDarwinSurvivor, Odd, I don't have that problem, but I'm also not on an Eee.05:52
ipatrolIs there a version of Ubuntu that is best on virtual machines?05:52
DarwinSurvivorBerzerker: the hardware shouldn't make a difference, unless the network card is being VERY stupid05:52
jda2000jedc, if you have other boxes up on a lan perhaps you can use Wake-on-lan?05:52
vikblstarnes: I still feel ubuntu has slowed since the time I installed ... I installed the KDE desktop packages as well.... does that hinder gnome boot speeds?05:53
kbpwhat to type int apt-get to install gnuc?05:53
BerzerkerDarwinSurvivor, it could make a difference.05:53
DarwinSurvivorBerzerker: i have read of a couple other people (via google) with the same problem with ubunut, but they never got it fixed05:53
kbpI tried apt-get install gnuc but it doesnt work05:53
lstarnesvikb: it might05:53
jedcLuria, im not sure what you mean, only thing i know of is System Monitor shows you your network usage05:53
DarwinSurvivorBerzerker: but why would a network card refuse incoming packets from machines it has not pinged in the last hour?05:53
lstarneskbp: what is gnuc?05:53
afedi wanna bang pam from the office05:53
jedcDarwinSurvivor, did you install netbook remix? or did it come like that?05:54
DarwinSurvivorjedc: i installed it05:54
Luriajedc, i mean like kismet. i need to see the mac addresses of the aps around me.05:54
vikblstarnes: I have even uninstalled a few base packages like games and other s/w not required?05:55
lstarnesvikb: that's not a question, that's a statement05:55
Berzerkerjedc, I don't think any netbook has an option to have UNR installed by default. :P05:55
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jedc Luria, you could try wifi-radar, i havent used it but i see it in the repos05:55
FoxOk, my ram appears to be fine but the CPU is pegged at 100%. Can anything be done in XFCE to help cpu processes?05:55
Luriai know *how* to do it, im looking for a gui program that does it...05:55
Luriaok, ill look05:55
lstarnesvikb: check your boot logs to see what services start and what you don't need to use05:55
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jedcBerzerker, ok, wasnt sure, i know they ship some with ubuntu05:55
vikblstarnes: sorry question mark came by default... and how do I check that?05:56
Berzerkerjedc, think the minis are the only ones that have ubuntu,05:56
jedcFox, are you runnning a program that is doing a lot of work?05:56
jedcBerzerker, i though an eee pc's shipped with it05:56
lstarnesvikb: you could check dmesg, or look in the console using ctrl+alt+f1 (switch back with ctrl+alt+f7)05:56
speedxxxcorecan one still find gutsy repos?05:57
jedcBerzerker, arent those mini's?05:57
Foxjedc, irc, synaptic, firefox, and system monitor. I figured a pentium 4 1.7ghz could handle that but maybe not. What do you think?05:57
speedxxxcorejust like to install some apps on my old gutsy rig05:57
lstarnesspeedxxxcore: you could try http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu05:58
jedcFox, if synaptic is installing something then it could easily be at 100%05:58
ipatrol/facepalm can I get me question answered?05:58
lstarnesspeedxxxcore: but you really should upgrade to a newer version, like 8.0405:58
Berzerkerjedc, no I mean the Dell mini line05:58
Berzerkerjedc, I know the mini 9s and 10s can ship with ubuntu05:58
lstarnesipatrol: any version of ubuntu should work in a virtual machine05:58
jedcBerzerker, oh, i know at least a few others did, had the option, i think the aspire one for instance05:58
Berzerkeripatrol, normal ubuntu 9.04 32-bit works fine in any VM05:58
ipatrolIs any better than any other?05:59
Berzerkerjedc, I think Acer uses Linpus linux.05:59
Berzerkeripatrol, no.05:59
Berzerkerjedc, Asus Eees use Xandros05:59
jedcBerzerker, i know people who have gotten ones w/ ubuntu, i even saw a news story about a woman who couldnt sign up for classes online because she couldnt figure out how to use it... /snicker06:00
trakcyiaWhen I try to run mobile media converter I get permission denied in terminal.06:00
trakcyiaI have tried sudo and su06:00
trakcyiamy command is as follows /usr/share/applications/mmc.desktop06:00
lstarnestrakcyia: that's not an executable06:01
lstarnestrakcyia: that's a desktop launcher file06:01
trakcyia1starnes Oh thanks06:01
lstarnestrakcyia: the actual program you want is probably mmc06:01
lstarnestrakcyia: which may be /usr/bin/mmc or /usr/local/bin/mmc06:01
trakcyiacommand not found. perhaps it is in bin or sbin06:01
lstarnestrakcyia: it might also be installed somewhere else06:01
jedctrakcyia, if its in your path all you need is mmc06:02
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trakcyiadid an updatedb and locate, Gosh they put that in a weird path.06:03
trakcyiaNow let's see why it's really not running.06:03
ipatrolWhat does a standard distribution of Ubuntu come with?06:03
trakcyiaIt worked, Rawr.06:03
trakcyiaI'll link the icon to it's oddball path thanks so much for the help06:04
jedcipatrol, ubuntu comes with a package manager that will automatically download and install any software you want that is in the repositories06:04
trakcyiaSweeeeeet it's working06:05
jedcipatrol, there are open source programs for most anything06:05
jedctrakcyia, :D06:05
hunterrosejedc: is there an open source program to run Crysis at the highest setting :D06:06
trakcyiaThe dev put it in /opt/MIKSOFT/MobileMediaConverter/lib/mmc06:06
trakcyiaThat is so windowsy06:06
ljyaneshi, gn06:06
madmax_Xhunterrose: build the right host and run it in a bartpe vm06:06
jedchunterrose, i assume that is a game, so no unless it is well supported in wine, i dont even try to convert gamers, but i had wow running better in wine than osx06:06
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jedchunterrose, i did say "most" anything heh, had to leave some wiggle room06:07
ljyanesI'm having troubles on my desktop, I have a Intel Core 2 Duo processor E7200, when I look into /proc/cpuinfo it is listing just one Processor can anyone tell me what may be wrong there?06:07
hunterroseis there open source program to take over the LHC and destroy the world with a blackhole>06:08
ljyanesI'm trying to run it on my C2D but it just detects one core xD06:08
MegaryuuDSWindows Vista06:08
madmax_Xhunterrose: sudo apt-get install LHC-Control06:08
LeverageIs there any way i can tell if ubuntu is using my computer to its full potential?06:08
madmax_XLeverage: add desklets for your cpu speed and ram usage06:09
ljyanesLeverage: System -> Administration -> System Monitor?06:09
Leveragethank you06:10
schenghi, everybody06:10
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spO how do i test to see if i remember my gpg password correctly?06:10
DarwinSurvivorjedc, Berzerker: do either of you have any ideas how I can fix (or at least debug) this problem?06:10
Guest90214\Name ajudd4u06:10
spOwhy do people use sudo instead of su  now adays?06:11
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jedcDarwinSurvivor, i just dont know very much about networking, i use ssh and ifconfig a little bit thats all06:11
schengi met a problem when restart my ubuntu: message: kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0)06:11
DarwinSurvivorjedc: ok06:11
edbiansp0: It's just personal preference.06:11
lstarnesspO: sudo is more secure and more configurable, plus it uses the user's own password instead of the password of another user06:11
schengsomebody know why ?06:11
jedcDarwinSurvivor, there might be logs with something useful06:11
spO how do i test to see if i remember my gpg password correctly?06:12
DarwinSurvivorjedc: where?06:12
ljyanesspO: it's a matter of how much commands you need to put on su06:12
lstarnesspO: you can test if yout gpg password is working correctly by doing something that requires it, like signing or decrypting something06:12
jmarsdenspO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo  for info about sudo06:12
schengi just update the grub, but met the panic problem...06:12
ljyanesspO: when I'm configuring something I just go for sudo su06:12
spOhow do i see the dmesg of my previous runtime ,  ie the dmesg before my previous shutdown?   i want to analyze what errors it gave me at shutdown06:12
lstarnesljyanes: sudo -i is preferred over sudo su06:13
ljyanesspO: when I just need to install something i go for sudo apt-get06:13
schengwho knows how can i restart my pc ?06:13
ljyaneslstarnes: whats the difference?06:13
jedcsp0, if you enable su then you can log in as root, which is the first account anyone will try to guess the password for when attempting to compramise your system06:13
lstarnesljyanes: sudo su calls sudo, su, and a shell.  sudo -i calls sudo and the shell without adding su06:13
jedcsp0, more secure if they dont know the username with sudo powers06:13
jedcsp0, you can use sudo bash also06:14
lstarnesljyanes: also, sudo -i is under the control of /etc/sudoers06:14
ljyaneslstarnes: still dont get the difference...06:14
OkropNickscheng: reboot06:14
spOwith su -i , i think if i created a new file or directory, it would use the username of my regular user instead of root user06:14
jedcschenge, in a terminal06:14
FoxIs there a way to clean out the cache in XFCE, like I can on my PALM?06:14
ljyaneslstarnes: what processor do you have on your PC?06:15
lstarnesljyanes: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+06:16
DarwinSurvivorjedc, Berzerker: I am getting quite a few firewall hits from my router (eee's log file)...06:16
jedcFox, that wont make it any faster06:16
schengOkropNick : after reboot ,i choise another kernel, and get "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot"06:16
DarwinSurvivorjedc, Berzerker: could that be causing the router to not put it in the table or something...?06:16
SchighSchaghhow can I change the default *system* paths to search of header files?06:17
ljyaneswhat does cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor outputs there?06:17
ljyaneslstarnes: what does cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor outputs there?06:17
OkropNickscheng: it means that system was not hibernated, thats all06:17
lstarnesljyanes: http://pastebin.com/f4fe2b65406:17
schengOkropNick: so how could i fix this ?06:17
savanny1976u__Hi everyone, I'm about to go crazy here!!! I'm using ubuntu 9.04 . I installed "NVIDIA GTS 25O", downloaded the driver from "nvidia.com" 2) killed X 3) logged as root 4) located the driver @ home/ubuntu/Desktop 5) tar it 6) compiled the kernel downloaded the driver than update7) restarted X . I'm still getting the same Error" Failed to initialize the Nvidia Kernel" and "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration". Am06:18
savanny1976u__I missing something or this a bug????06:18
jedcDarwinSurvivor, hmm, if you are trying to use the internet ip then you need port forwarding set up on the router, if its just the local ip, then its just a matter of the ports being open on your computer, so that is weird06:18
treadhey guys.  i just got a usb sound card to use instead of the one on my mobo.  How do I tell Ubuntu which to output sound to by default?06:18
DarwinSurvivorjedc: no, i am using the local ip (
ljyaneslstarnes: I have a E7200 wich is supposedly Dual Core but cpuinfo is just listing one of them, any ideas on how to fix this? or is it correct?06:18
OkropNickscheng: it's not a bug, it's just a notice that system was not hibernated, so it's doing normal boot, not resume from hibernate state06:18
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)06:18
_saberHow do i go about using span mode in dual screen using ati?06:19
jedcljyanes, does system monitor show 1 or 2?06:19
DarwinSurvivorjedc: Berzerker: nope, I've disabled the firewall (cleared iptables), but i still can't connect06:19
lstarnesljyanes: what does it say in the "cpu cores:" line?06:19
schengbut it goes command login, not ui things...06:19
SchighSchaghhow can I change the default *system* paths to search of header files?06:19
ljyanesjedc: 106:19
schengOkropNick:but it goes command login, not ui things... i mean how could i get the ui login ?06:20
kyle_hey guys im a bit of a linux noob  tried it many many times in the past but this time im fed up with M$ and jsut have a couple questions06:20
ljyaneslstarnes: no cpu_cores line06:20
jedcDarwinSurvivor, honestly i usually reinstall when nothing gets it to work, but it might not fix the problem, it could be that the network card is dropping somehow im notsure06:20
mrh0057savanny1976u__ look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for an error message06:20
lstarnesljyanes: it's a space, not an underscore06:21
SchighSchaghkyle_ most everyone here is fed up with M$!06:21
Zelda@kyle_ !ask06:21
OkropNickscheng: have you reconfigured something?06:21
anr78I have installed Ubuntu on a machine that keeps spontanously booting. Which logs can I check after it boots back up?06:21
DarwinSurvivorjedc: if I ping one of my machines, that one can connect to it, but not the others (until I ping them as well)06:21
spOls -l shows when a file is created but not when it was last modifed06:21
ljyaneslstarnes: its the same, its not listing it...06:21
lstarnesanr78: maybe /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg06:21
kyle_well its probably simple question cause im so used to windows,  but i noticed when i install a program with synaptics most of the time it puts a nice icon in the menu for me to launch the prog with.. but some dont06:21
kyle_how do i execute the ones that dont?06:21
jedcDarwinSurvivor, that is very strange behavior06:21
kyle_im assuming through the terminal06:21
Zeldagay! the bot thing isnt working.06:21
jmarsdenspO: man ls and check the options for displaying ctime and mtime and atime ...06:22
DarwinSurvivorjedc: can you think of anyone else (another channel maybe) that would have more information?06:22
jedczelda, you do !ask | kyle06:22
lstarnesZelda: that's because you didn't do it right.  It's !factoid | person, like !ask | ljyanes06:22
Zeldaoh.. thanks06:22
lstarnesljyanes: there might be a bios setting related to it06:22
schengOkropNick: yes, i met this problem and do some changes to grub menu, and usplash.conf, by the way, there are several imgs under boot. i don't know to make it correct...06:23
kyle_lol havent been on irc in a while so im to !ask before my question?06:23
lstarneskyle_: no.06:23
jedcDarwinSurvivor, you might be able to get help from the debian guys, but they might tell you to come here, or hope someone more knowledgable is on tomorrow or something06:23
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lstarneskyle_: !ask is just a factoid that the bot (ubottu) uses to tell people to ask their questions06:23
DarwinSurvivorjedc: ok06:23
ljyaneslstarnes: ok, so just by checking the bios if that was the problem Ubuntu is going to detect it automagically?06:23
schengOkropNick: i don't know ^how^ to make it correct...06:23
jedc!ask | kyle_06:23
lstarnesljyanes: it should detect it automatically06:23
ubottukyle_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:23
OkropNickscheng: try to restore backups of these files and try again :)06:24
lstarneskyle_: for most applications not in the main menu, there is a way to run them through terminal06:24
schengOkropNick: where is backups ?06:24
kyle_i know but how exatly06:24
jedcDarwinSurvivor, sorry we couldnt be of more help06:24
ljyanesok, so i will be right back, im going to check on that...06:24
lstarneskyle_: type its comamnd name in the terminal06:24
schengOkropNick: and how to restore ? sorrry, i am not familiar with these..06:24
SchighSchaghkyle_ a lot of linux programs don't have UI... they're just command line programs. that's actually one of the nice benefits of linux... you can have a kick-ass command line program, and then others can come and use that program in different useful ways (such as adding a graphical UI)06:25
kyle_and if i dont know the command name, example i installed webcam-server   so what would the ocmmand line be or where could i find it?06:25
lstarneskyle_: you could try typing part of the command then pressing tab06:25
spOis there something other than dmesg that shows shutdown messages?  because my dmesg log files do not show the errors  that i could my last shutdown06:25
OkropNickscheng: there is a chance that you have these fikes with ~ as a last letter of name in the same directories06:25
savanny1976u__rh0057, "fatal server error: no screen found"06:25
lstarnesspO: check /var/log/syslog06:25
jedckyle_, i.g. "firefox06:26
jedcin a terminal will start firefox06:26
jedce.g. i mean06:26
FloodBot1jedc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:26
SchighSchaghkyle_ in synaptic, you can actually right click on a package, and one of the menu items lets you see what files were installed by that package... I often use that feature to find out what exactly was installed06:26
OkropNickscheng: let's start private chat06:26
kyle_ok so more often than not the program name will also be the command?06:26
kyle_cool thanks06:26
lstarneskyle_: usually it will be the same as the program name or it will be something similar06:26
kyle_heres a more advanced question06:27
BlandCapitalist1Could anyone help me with the "burning" of a .img file to SD card that is connected via the USB port of an HTC Touch Pro?  The card mounts and can be formatted, but when I go to ImageWriter, all I see in details is that the volume, sdd, unmounted successfully, after which nothing appears even after waiting 30 minutes with no further interaction.06:27
savanny1976u__and "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA Kernel module"06:27
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jedckyle_, usually the package name is the name of the command, unless the package is just a bunch of scripts usually called something like something-utils06:28
savanny1976u__Any idea?? is this a bug?06:28
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: have you tried opening the .iso as an archive, and then copying the files over to your SD card?06:28
lstarnessavanny1976u__: you weren't using the official restricted drivers for ubuntu, were you?06:28
kyle_i got WoW working under wine but the framerate sucks,  and i read in a forum if you run WoW as its own xserver that it gives better frame rates and i tried the commands given but it doesnt work or it tells me i dont have permission   any ideas. i could be wrong but im thinking i need to shut down the current xserver and start it from jsut a basic terminal?06:29
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: also, instead of uparchiving the .iso, you can also mount it as a folder06:29
jedckyle_, if it says you dont have permission put a sudo before the commands06:29
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: mount -o loop path/to/iso path/to/folder/to/mount/at06:29
BlandCapitalist1SchighSchagh: I figure I could do that, but the disk might not boot into Moblin06:29
kyle_i tired that and it still said something like i dont have permission to start an xserver06:30
anr78This is what /var/log/syslog says before my system goes down http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d563fe8b6. Nothing spooky here?06:30
savanny1976u__No, I can't see a support for Nvidia 200 series,06:30
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: I would try copying it like that, then use some separate tool to set the boot flag on the disk06:30
BlandCapitalist1SchighSchagh: And that command would mount the img to "sdd?"06:30
BlandCapitalist1Okay, I will give that a try.  Do you know what I could use to set the boot flag?06:30
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: erm, try gparted06:31
BlandCapitalist1Oh, I didn't realize it could do that.  Thanks06:31
savanny1976u__"Hardware drivers" is recommending that Use (version 180)06:31
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: no, you don't want to mount the image to the disk directly. you want to mount it somewhere locally, then copy it from that folder to the disk06:31
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: no copying takes place when you mont06:32
BlandCapitalist1Okay, got it06:32
mib_mibCan someone help me resize my Ubuntu Partition? Here is what I have in GParted: http://drop.io/brk4lbr  ..... I already made a new extension but I need to merge it somehow with the original one?06:32
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jedckyle_, try starting wow with "wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/World\ of\ Warcraft/Wow.exe -opengl" see if that helps at all06:33
SchighSchaghmib_mib: not all partition types can be reformatted... let me see what you have...06:33
ipatrolWe should change our TLD to .org06:33
jedckyle_, see if it helps to turn visual affects to none in System->Preferences->Appearance also06:33
mib_mibSchighSchagh: i have vista, and i use vmware, so i used vmware to extend the partition size to a total of 20 gb (it was 8 gb before), that wokred fine using vmware tools, but now i need to extend the ubuntu partition inside the virtual machine06:34
courtneyysupp supp supp ?06:34
courtneyyanyone talking ?06:34
mib_mibSchighSchagh: so i am trying to extend this ubuntu virtual machine to 20 gb total06:34
ipatrolThis channel is always busy06:34
jedckyle_, you might be able to get better advice in the #wine channel also06:35
kbpmib_mib: if you would like to extend the "extended area" to cover all those unallocated space (and then u can create a partition), then you must unlock it first (the locked key is there). I06:35
kyle_would that be cause im in gnome while trying to do this?06:35
courtneyyheyy heyy heyy !06:35
ipatrol#wine is +i06:35
kyle_well ive tried putting the opengl command into the wow config.wtf file and turning off the compiz stuff but opengl seemed to give me worse performance06:35
courtneyyi have compiz fusion06:35
lstarnesjedc: I think it's #winehq06:36
courtneyyi also have wine06:36
courtneyyi have it to run aim off of06:36
treadHi, can anyone help with this?  I tried google, but I can't figure out how to switch between sound cards so Ubuntu will use my USB sound card.  Can anyone help?06:36
mib_mibkbp: how would i go about doing that? is it because it is currently active?06:36
treadSystem > Preferences > Sound doesn't work06:36
SchighSchaghmib_mib: okay... so you want to merge your 7.61 GiB with your 12.00 GiB?06:37
kyle_i jsut wanted to know how you can run wow as an xserver like is it possible with gnome running or would i say have to sorry to get MS on ya  boot to a command propt then go from there06:37
mib_mibSchighSchagh: Yessir06:37
spOdoes installing ati/fglrx need any customization to install on a custom kernel?06:37
SchighSchaghmib_mib: the problem is that swap partition in the middle... I'm not sure how to merge non-congruent blocks, but I'm pretty sure it's actually possible in linux06:38
kbpmib_mib: as it contains swap thing, if u would like to unlock, the easiest way is boot up using CD and use gparted.06:38
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mib_mibSchighSchagh: so can i unmount the swap and the ext3 in the middle, and then create the again afterward?06:38
SchighSchaghmib_mib: what I would suggest is delete the swap partition (you may have to first disable it and reboot before you can delete it), then merge the two partitions, then create space for the swap partition at the beginning of the disk06:39
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mib_mibSchighSchagh: is it possible to create a swap partition before a disk?06:39
SchighSchaghmib_mib: also, I'm not sure about resizing the partition the system is running off of... pop in a live CD to do all your partition mods06:40
SchighSchaghmib_mib: you should just create a new disk in VMware for the swap partition06:40
SchighSchaghmib_mib: then you won't run into this problem again if you ever resize in the future06:40
SchighSchaghmib_mib: and yes, I generally place my swap partition at the start of the disk06:41
mib_mibSchighSchagh: hmmmm okay.... so boot up with a live cd, delete the 'extended' partition (which include the swap partition), create a new swap partition at the beginning of the disk, and merge the two06:41
ftab_is there any free website available, using which I should be able to test my site on different browsers?06:41
mib_mibgoing to try that now06:41
SchighSchaghmib_mib: something like that. good luck06:42
mib_mibftab: http://browsershots.org/06:42
mib_mibSchighSchagh: okay thanks, i copied the whole vmware installation so if something goes wrong i have a backup06:43
kbpmib_mib: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page Boot up use partimage. Simply just resize the "extended area" to cover that space. then create a partiion. no need to delete or wateva06:43
SchighSchaghgood plan06:43
kermithow can i get the scrolling feature of my touchpad working?06:44
ftab_mib_mib that's really good thank you :-)06:44
mib_mibkbp: i tried that already but didn't work too well06:44
mib_mibkbp: because the stuff was inbetween06:44
ftab_but I have to wait for that, is there any which can give a direct response ?06:44
mib_mibftab: you could download the browsers yourself and look at it....06:44
kyle_so no ideas with running wow as an xserver?06:45
ArmageddonUbuntu is not recognizing my power off push button how do i make it recognize it ?06:45
SchighSchaghkyle_ wow as in world of warcraft? you should check out winehq, and they should have all the info you need to get it running right06:46
kbpmib_mib: Im not sure what you mean the stuff was in between but yea if it's fine just do like that SchighSchagh  suggested06:46
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: i am not sure WOW will run on wine !06:46
SchighSchaghArmageddon: I'm pretty sure it's categorized as either gold or platinum on winehq's app database06:47
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: if you say so06:47
mib_mibkbp: okay06:47
=== heroid_ is now known as heroid
BlandCapitalist1SchighSchagh: I changed only the boot flag after mounting the disk and copying the files.  My Netbook did not recognize the "USB HDD" as a bootable device.  Might it have something to do with the file system I chose (Fat32)?06:48
ArmageddonAnyway, my Ubuntu does not recognize my power Off push button, how can i fix that ? my Laptop doesn't power off just restarts when it comes time to do so06:48
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: fat32 is actually your best bet probably... are you sure your laptop is able to boot off that kind of disk?06:48
SchighSchaghArmageddon: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=17421 :)06:49
BlandCapitalist1SchighSchagh: off a USB external?  yes, otherwise there would be no way to reinstall the operating system.06:49
klickerhi guys anyone know any pdf converter06:49
Zeldanight everyone.06:49
klickerto html or chm ?06:49
klickerhi guys anyone know any pdf converter to html or chm '?06:49
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: i would be greatful if you could help me with my problem cause WOW is not something i play06:50
SchighSchaghBlandCapitalist1: erm, most laptops rely on CD's for reinstalling OS06:50
SchighSchaghremind me what your set up is?06:50
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: so it works :)06:50
BlandCapitalist1SchighSchagh: It may have a specific problem with SD cards.  Yes, but this is a netbook.  I apologize if I did not mention that previously.  The model is Acer AOA15006:50
SchighSchaghArmageddon: I don't know much about that your problem, sorry :(06:51
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
perturbedhow do i have keyboard shortcut to open terminal ...in openbox ?06:51
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: see why i hate BIOS's which are Windows Specific ?06:51
SchighSchaghperturbed: I went to System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts to set Ctrl + F2 to open a terminal for me :)06:52
=== Phantom is now known as Guest45896
perturbednot gnome06:52
SchighSchaghArmageddon: let me take a look at the netbook...06:52
kbpcould anyone confirm that pidgin cannot connect to MSN at the moment?06:52
klickerhi guys anyone know any pdf converter to html or chm '?06:52
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: go ahead06:52
richardcavellkbp: Ekiga can06:52
richardcavellkbp: I'm on with Ekiga right now06:53
hdzI have lexmark x2600 ran out of color ink in cartridge, i bought new black cartridge but in windows every print it says cant print without color catridge with the blank ink catridge but it lets me bypass it, in ubuntu linux 8.04.3 it doesn't let me print at all cuz of no color catridge or set to black, there's only grayscale, how can i bypass and make it print black only06:53
SchighSchaghperturbed: don't know then, sorry. I would suspect there's something similar?06:53
kbprichardcavell:  I have never heard about Ekiga :)06:53
Guest45896lag got the best of me.  I didn't get my ident command sent in time lol06:53
=== Guest45896 is now known as Phantm
=== Phantm is now known as Phantoom
hdzplus this new update from cupsys to just cups is worse then before, but there has to be an lpotion to override continuance of printing like in windows06:54
perturbedcan anybody tell me which tray is that in the screenshot ...http://offload1.icculus.org:9090/openbox/2/shots/full/shit1k.jpg06:54
hdzor at least maybe install with crossover?06:54
perturbedi want to install that tray06:55
SchighSchaghArmageddon: how did you say your SSD is hooked up again? I think you mentioned something about an in-between device?06:56
mib_mibSchighSchagh: So i started up vmware from a knoppix live-cd iso - does this use swap? Because when i try to delete the swap partition it says it is mounted06:56
PhantoomI am completely dumbfounded!06:56
=== Phantoom is now known as Phantom
SchighSchaghmib_mib: actually, yeah live cd's will often try to use swap partitions if they're available... try to unmount it06:57
entropy_What's all this "the macro [sic] is obsolete - you shold run autoupdate"?06:57
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: no, i have a Toshiba Laptop with Phoenix BIOS and as i've read over the net that it used to have problems with Phoenix BIOSes when it comes to linux so both my Power OFF Push button and my Bluetooth card are not recognized by Linux06:57
=== Phantom is now known as Guest9315
Guest9315what what?06:57
Guest9315Did anyone see my change my nick to Phantom just now?06:58
SchighSchaghArmageddon: crap I was thinking of blandcapitalist1's problem06:58
SchighSchaghI fail06:58
richardcavellGuest9315: yes06:58
Guest9315It said wrong password for Casper :S06:58
ljyanesGreat it was the BIOS06:58
ljyaneslstarnes: tnx :)06:58
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: hopefully ubuntu does something about it in the karmic06:58
Guest9315I was trying to id my password to my nick, but it said wrong password for Casper :S06:58
mrm0rbid99been out for awhile anybody know the next estimated release date for 10.4?07:00
r2_are there any channels on this server specifically for making music?07:00
=== Guest9315 is now known as motnahP
coz_mrm0rbid99,  yeah hold on07:00
SchighSchaghArmageddon: it's not surprising to have a bluetooth card that's unsupported in linux... does the power button not do anything, or restarts your compy instead of power it off?07:00
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: no i'll explain later, for now i have work07:01
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: when an OS doesn't recognize your push button it restarts instead of shutting down07:01
SchighSchaghArmageddon: sorry I could be more help. I need to sleep too07:01
ArmageddonSchighSchagh: its ok dude, its Open Source :) i understand im not a new user07:01
mib_mibSchighSchagh: So i deleted the swap partition, but now qtparted does not have a 'resize' option avaialable for the first partition - do i need to unmount it as well?07:02
coz_mrm0rbid99,   well actuall the 10.04  is 2010  april :)07:02
SchighSchaghmib_mib: yes, definitely unmount any partitions you want to resize :)07:02
mib_mibSchighSchagh: ah okay thanks07:02
shadoesbi need help wot my sounds07:02
shadoesbcan anyone help07:02
shadoesbim a noob to this07:03
coz_mrm0rbid99,  not sure if that is going to change however07:03
motnahPHere's my issue:  I keep having to restart ubuntu in order to hear sound.  It's like ubuntu keeps forgetting that the soundcard is there. o_007:03
shadoesbmy sound dont even work07:04
coz_motnahP,   mm  you might also want to ask in #alsa channel07:04
mib_mibSchighSchagh: for some reason it doesn't let me resize this partition, here is what i have http://drop.io/brk4lbr07:07
yowshigrr i cant get audacious to play xmms isnt in the repo does anyone know what i can replace them with?07:07
motnahPI was listening to some music earlier, then left to go see my sister, and now I'm back, and there's no sound ...07:07
hdzI have lexmark x2600 ran out of color ink in cartridge, i bought new black cartridge but in windows every print it says cant print without color catridge with the blank ink catridge but it lets me bypass it, in ubuntu linux 8.04.3 it doesn't let me print at all cuz of no color catridge or set to black, there's only grayscale, how can i bypass and make it print black only07:08
SchighSchaghmib_mib: hmm haven't used qtparted...07:08
rskiHello i have 2 problems. If i change xorg.conf to have 16bit depth, gdm stops working. and if i start X manually and make it 16bit via the commandline, the audio stops to work. how to hunt from here?07:08
SchighSchaghmib_mib: I notice the word "active" under status for sda1.... that should be there, methinks07:08
jhesketh_Hi.. Anybody know a way (through a udev, hal or other rule) to stop drives from being mountable except for thumb drives? i.e what I need is to allow access to thumb drives and not any other media such as SD cards, hard drives etc07:08
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
DarwinSurvivoruggh, mention ubuntu in the #debian channel, and it's like you walked in with the plague!07:09
mib_mibSchighSchagh: that should or shouldn't be there?07:09
mib_mibSchighSchagh: i could download gparted, but i'm not sure where it would go07:10
mib_mibSchighSchagh: using the live cd07:10
iofafohey guys I'm on Ubunt 8.04 hardy, I need bleedy-edye/unstable packegs.  what's the source.list url's ?07:11
rskiiofafo: there isn't one.07:11
Luriasigh, last night it was using win7 to setup ubuntu, tonight, the other way around...07:11
iofafowell, I need something that's better07:11
iofafoanything newer ?07:11
rskiiofafo: use gentoo or arch.07:11
iofafoI can't, VPS07:11
rskisucks to be you then07:12
iofafowell you're wrong07:12
rskihow am i wrong07:12
iofafoanyhow, anyone else have the answer?07:12
rskifucking retard07:12
bullgard4Will there be Ubuntu classes tonight?07:12
rskithere isn't an anwswear.07:12
user_what u wanna rski07:12
MadGirli think / is single line comment, /* starts multi-line, and you can do //* ... //*/ so that adding or removing the leading slash will change the block-level comment.07:13
rski /??07:13
MadGirl/ is probably single line comment, /* starts multi-line, and you can do //* ... //*/ so that adding or removing the leading slash will change the block-level comment.07:13
mib_mibSchighSchagh: so i made it inactive07:13
hdzanyone know how to force a black printer to force printing w/black catridge even though it will require both black and color installed to print07:13
iofafoalright guys07:13
iofafoso currently, I have deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe for my hardy url......... is there anything that will update packages to a newer version that that URL supplies?07:14
rskiiofafo: no07:14
motnahPrski, trust me when I say this:  you might not want to swear.  I know this from experience.07:14
treadfor  those interested, the solution to System > Preferences  > Sound not working was to use gstreamer-properties.  Then it started using the sound card I told it to.07:14
Kartagishello. even though I have bound Lock Screen to F12, it doesn't work. how could that happen?07:14
rskii might i might not, sure. :)07:14
iofafohow is that possible at all07:14
iofaforski: I'm pretty positive I've done this before07:14
hdzcat your /var/log/messages or syslog07:15
rskiiofafo: blocked07:15
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:15
hdzsomething with my upgrade from 8.04 to 8.04.3 changed my cupsys to work with straight cups and i cant print with black cartridge anymore07:15
rskiyou have not done that before iofafo07:15
hdzcan i force black in any way07:15
rskimaybe with another distro, like debian.07:15
hdzusing lpotions or anything else07:16
kvsingh, hdz07:16
* DigitalKiwi hard pressed to believe any decent VPS only supplies ubuntu 8.whatever07:16
RazorCuti want to detele all partitions on a harddrive07:17
hdzare you telling me "," in return to my ?07:17
kvsinghi was trying out something07:17
hdzyeah i'm no bot07:17
Vincemanwhat option in the message filter in Evolution Mail is the X-spam-status flag?07:17
hdzreally having a problem with this07:17
hdzit's ridiculous07:17
mib_mibCan someone help me with Extending a partition using QTParted? Here is what i have, but the 'resize' is greyed out: http://drop.io/brk4lbr07:18
mib_mibI have unmounted all partitions, and set them to inactive, and i am currently booted through a knoppix live CD07:18
hdzin windows it says install color catridge and it will work, but gives option to override and print black, so there has to be something in ubuntu for lexmark x2600, but i haven't found anything on web07:18
hdzi really don't wanna reinstall everything upgrade to 9.04 cuz i cant use options for my nvidia07:19
hdzanyone familiar with stunnel07:19
RazorCutanybody there? echo07:19
RazorCuti want to erase my desktop harddrive07:19
RazorCutthis is my laptop07:19
RazorCutmy desktop drive wont let me load windows xp nor ubuntu07:20
hdzput disk in boot off cd and erase everything07:20
RazorCutthe disk can touch the drive07:20
hdzor cat /dev/zero /dev/hda107:20
yowshii need an audacious style player anyone know of any?07:20
RazorCuteverytime it trys to do do something i get error 0x0000007b07:20
mib_mibwtf is an audacious style player07:20
RazorCutor somethinglike that07:20
RazorCuthdz, where do i type in that?07:20
iofafoif I install packages from a lenny source to my Hard 8.04... what might happen?07:21
iofafogaurnteed to break?07:21
hdzrazor dont do that07:21
hdzi was kidding07:21
mib_mibRazorCut: just boot from the live cd and wipe your hard drive, the easiest way.07:21
spOwhat is a fusion device?07:21
hdzjust reboot with cd and use the parted program from linux, or you can use winblowz too07:21
hdzor qparted07:21
RazorCuti get errors07:21
mib_mibhdz: you have experience with qtparted?07:21
hdzbut better to do it with live cd or boot off c07:22
RazorCutblah blah I?O errors07:22
hdzqtparted and the other parte07:22
RazorCutok where can i get this live cd from?07:22
hdzi think cfdisk is better then qtparted07:22
hdzqtparted turns off swap07:22
RazorCutjust give me a link for something07:22
mib_mibhdz: can you check this out and see why I can't extend this partition? http://drop.io/brk4lbr07:22
perturbedi have a question07:23
hdzdownload the alternative livecd for ubuntu07:23
mib_mibRazorCut: people don't like helping people who don't help themselves07:23
perturbedis it that i cannot run a n application in the background without the task bar ?07:23
DigitalKiwicfdisk and qtparted are barely in the same category :/07:23
hdzprob cuz it extends the 1024 boundry07:23
perturbedis it that i cannot run an application in the background without the task bar ?07:23
hdzi didn't check the url i'm still trying to get my question answered07:23
mneptok!repeat > perturbed07:23
ubottuperturbed, please see my private message07:23
RazorCutmib_mib u r a sh!t07:23
RazorCuthdz u r cool07:23
hdzrazorcut are you reinstalling everything07:23
mneptokRazorCut: be nice, or begone07:23
perturbedi didnt repead .. i corrected myself :P07:24
perturbedrepeat *07:24
danielkois there a GUI tool to configure the videocard? I'm testing karmic koala on virtualbox, and would like to make it use the virtualbox driver07:24
hdzthen just boot with windows or moreso, ubutu cd and it will do that for you07:24
hdzyou dont have to go the full process either07:24
hdzor boot with just dos disk and format c:07:24
RazorCuti have unbuntu installer cd07:24
hdzor cfdisk07:24
hdzor fdisk07:25
RazorCuteverytime i select start ubuntu or unubtu step07:25
RazorCuteverything loads07:25
RazorCutthen i get errors07:25
RazorCutok brb let me try and see what happens07:25
mneptokRazorCut: did you checksum the CD?07:25
Vincemannobody uses Evolution Mail?07:25
RazorCutckecksum the cd? explain please07:25
hdzcd has errors then07:26
hdzreburn iso07:26
MadpilotVinceman, lots of people do. what's your specific question?07:26
mneptokRazorCut: use md5sum to esnure the CD is correct07:26
perturbedwhat is a dock ?07:26
mneptokRazorCut: or use the menu option at boot to check for errors07:26
Vincemanwhat option in the message filter window is the X-spam-status flag?07:26
hdzanyone know how to change printer options to make black ink print enforced07:26
RazorCuti did that07:26
hdzyeah better to use menu hit f4 for it07:26
hdzor f607:27
RazorCutand it found like 29000+error07:27
hdzthen you need to fix your mbr07:27
hdzgo to bootdisk.com07:27
mneptokRazorCut: so there's your problem07:27
hdzfix your mbr07:27
RazorCuti have grub07:27
hdzand format your drive07:27
FloodBot1hdz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
MadpilotVinceman, not sure - have you checked the manual? (07:27
mneptokRazorCut: you have a bad CD burn07:27
wizzalguien de mexico07:27
mneptokRazorCut: download another CD image using BitTorrent and burn it again. at the slowest speed possible07:27
Madpilotubottu, es | wizz07:28
ubottuwizz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:28
hdzfdisk /mbr from dos disk then format c: or load windows OS and install then overwrite with ubuntu install, but if you have crc error your cd has errors on it, you need a new cd07:28
hdzdo what mneptok said07:28
hdzcuz he's right07:28
hdzor burn knoppix image to usb flash do same thing07:29
motnahPaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosing: Failed to connect: Connection refused07:29
VincemanMadpilot, the manual is a really small file07:29
MadpilotVinceman, yeah, it's not great. I use Evolution, but don't do a lot of filtering or sorting automatically in it.07:30
RazorCuthdz i like the idea of installing mbr, can you help me with that?07:30
yowshii need an audacious style player anyone know of any?07:30
rskiyowshi: xmms07:30
VincemanMadpilot, but you have to keep everything clean, in your real house you can't have opened mail from years ago laying around either07:31
mneptokRazorCut: you cannot do anything with Ubuntu until you have a CD that actually works07:31
anr78Anyone know there whereabouts of the repository that offers the latest nVidia-drivers for Ubuntu?07:31
yowshirski: not in the repo?07:31
LoafersWhat is the difference between hardy-proposed and hardy-backports?  Arn't they the same since they both offer pre-released updates?07:31
rskiyowshi: nope07:31
MadpilotVinceman, the accounts I run thru Evolution are low-volume enough I just sort manually.07:31
Luriaam i understanding the download page correctly: 9.04 amd64  is no longer based on the alt cd and is now a live cd?07:32
RazorCutmneptok should i download ubuntu live cd?07:32
motnahPThat's what comes up when I click the Test button on the Devices tab.07:32
RazorCutbtw, AMD07:32
RubyIs Xorg.conf in etc/X11 important07:33
MadpilotRazorCut, the Desktop CD is a liveCD...07:34
=== vic is now known as Guest11852
RubyI deleted it because I was trying to save my NVIDIA X server settings and it wasnt letting me due to xorg.conf, and I decided to delete it and see if it would work then07:34
RubyDumbass move I know07:34
=== Vincent is now known as Guest72216
RubyBut how important is it and is it possible to download another?07:35
=== motnahP is now known as Phantom
Besogonhello all. Can I make Cdrom writable through nfs?07:35
VincemanMadpilot, they didn't invent the X-Spam status flag for nothing, I would really like to use it!07:35
=== Phantom is now known as Guest22565
RazorCuthttp://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download          does this link contain ubuntu live cd?07:35
Berzerkersomeone wanted me?07:36
BerzerkerRazorCut, yes07:36
VincemanBerzerker are you famliar with Evolution Mail?07:36
VincemanI tried all options, it just doesn't work!07:36
MadpilotRazorCut, "Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop" is the liveCD07:36
BellinXFelonhey i am  having problems burning any kind of dvd with any software in jaunty, the drive burns a cd just fine but wont burn dvd07:36
Berzerkeryes, but I like Thunderbird better.07:36
ajushihi, when doing a "createlang plperl -d mydb" i get the error "/usr/local/stow/pgsql/lib/plperl.so: undefined symbol: boot_DynaLoader" how do I fix this?07:36
BerzerkerVinceman, sudo apt-get install thunderbird07:36
BesogonCan I make Cdrom writable through NFS? (May be Samba will help) Do anyone know?07:37
SchighSchaghdoes anyone know if ubuntu supports HDMI? ie, would I have any trouble plugging an HDMI monitor into the HDMI port on my GTX260?07:37
MadpilotRazorCut, the other one is too, actually, but 9.04 is the newest version of Ubuntu07:37
Rubycan someone please tell me I'm starting to feel worried07:37
BerzerkerSchighSchagh, shuld.07:37
BerzerkerSchighSchagh, should.*07:37
BerzerkerRuby, tell you what?07:37
kamarulguys, just nw i run this command sudo make install , but it still progressing. is there anyway for me to stop it07:37
kamarulguys, just nw i run this command sudo make install , but it still progressing. is there anyway for me to stop it07:37
SchighSchaghBerzerker: that's what I figure, but I've actually never used the HDMI port in windows either...07:37
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:37
RazorCuti hate this, my download speed drops like there is no tomorrow, from 1MB/sec to 750KB/sec07:38
RubyIs etc/X11/xorg.conf imporant07:38
RubyIf so how imporant is it and can I ah, downloading another07:38
BerzerkerSchighSchagh, why do you have an HDMI port lol I don't have one on either of my GTX260s.07:39
Vincemanis thunderbird much better than evolution?07:39
Guest22565RazorCut:  are you SERIOUSLY complaining about 750KB/sec?07:39
BerzerkerVinceman, I found it works better.07:40
BerzerkerVinceman, little more intuitive interface.07:40
BerzerkerRuby, yes xorg.conf is important lol07:40
BerzerkerRuby, it manages your display manager.07:40
Rubyhow can I get another?07:40
dca Hi my hibernate not working.. its showing the login screen..help plaese07:40
BerzerkerRuby, you need another?07:40
RubyYeah, I deleted it while trying to update nvidia X server settings, because I was having a problem with it07:41
DigitalKiwixorg.conf is optional if you're lucky07:41
RubyI should have renamed it07:41
BerzerkerRuby, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:41
RubyThanks for helping me repair my retarded mistake07:41
yowshigrrr xmms keeps saying my analogue port is busy07:41
Rubyuse framebuffer device interface?07:42
yowshiRuby: huh?07:42
BesogonCan I make cdrom be writable ith Samba/NFS?07:42
BesogonCan I make cdrom be writable with Samba/NFS?07:42
geirhaRuby: Try the recommended value. If it doesn't work, run the reconfigure again and choose the opposite on that q07:43
Vincemando you guys use these keyboards that have like 10 Ctrl-C memories in them?07:43
=== Guest22565 is now known as Phantom
RubyAlright it made another07:43
=== Phantom is now known as Guest25591
RubyI'm going to restart because portal is screwing with my display07:43
geirhaVinceman: ctrl-c memories?07:44
dca  Hi my hibernate not working.. its showing the login screen..help plaese07:44
RubyUnless you have any idea how to end portal without being able to tab to it07:44
SchighSchaghBerzerker: crap you're right. all I have is a DVI to HDMI adaptor07:44
geirhaRuby: What's portal?07:44
BesogonVinceman, You mean thomething like MS Word text buffer? No.07:45
BerzerkerSchighSchagh, was gonna say lol07:45
ionixHey guys, what smart card do you recomment to use on Ubuntu? I already have the reade07:45
SchighSchaghBerzerker: there is a third, circular port... looks like S-Video?07:47
=== Guest25591 is now known as ^Phantom^
BerzerkerSchighSchagh, indeed.07:47
BerzerkerSchighSchagh, I have DVI going out to my monitor.07:47
peppoany Python folk/Quod Libet users here? my QL seems to have recently stopped working. some GStreamer and or mp3 decoder issue: http://pastebin.com/ma54280907:48
RubyAlright how do I reboot x server07:48
peppospits out those error in the thousands07:48
^Phantom^How do I kickstart my soundcard?07:48
geirhaRuby: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:49
BerzerkerRuby, ctrl+alt+backspace07:49
Berzerkerthen startx07:49
SaraphimHi guys. I'm having trouble diagnosing an intermittent network problem. When starting my PC with Jaunty it will either work or it wont (everything pinged has destination unreachable.) Trouble is, whether it's in a working state or not, ifconfig, route and ethtool ALL give the same output. Does anyone have a pointer on where to go from here?07:50
SaraphimOh and weirdly, ethtool -t will sometimes flip the state of the ethernet.07:50
^Phantom^Ubuntu forgot it's there and now ubuntu is refusing to output any sound.07:50
pelle_Where do you change your login-password?07:50
kiaas_is there anything like VMware Fusion for linux? I know that particular program is available on mac os x.07:50
Saraphimpelle_: passwd in a terminal.07:50
Berzerkerkiaas_, Crossover works on linux, if you want a VM environment, check out Vbox.07:50
kiaas_Berzerker, I'm using Vbox, it's nice, but I'd like a bit more integration07:51
Berzerkerkiaas_, don't know of anything else then.07:51
Saraphimkiaas_: How about vmware workstation?07:51
kiaas_Berzerker, k. WINE doesn't work with 1 specific program well enough. and I'd like it to "look" the same to the users as running it natively, similar to WINE.07:52
mib_mibSaraphim: vmware works on ubuntu for sure07:52
RubyAlright I restarted07:52
Saraphimmib_mib: I know, was telling kiaas. ;)07:52
Berzerkerkiaas_, try crossover then07:52
RubyTo get to the problem at hand07:52
mib_mibSaraphim: o. sorry.07:53
RubyWhen I try to save my NVIDIA X server settings07:53
RubyIt says "Unable to remove old X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.07:53
kiaas_I doubt it'd work in crossover, but I may as well try. I have the LameDuck version around here.07:53
^Phantom^The main sound control thing is there, but all applications that use sound are acting like there's no sound card even installed on my system.07:53
Saraphimkiaas_: In case you missed it, VMWare workstation works in Ubuntu and has unity support and the likes.07:53
BerzerkerRuby, exit the settings window. open a terminal, type sudo nvidia-settings.07:54
kiaas_Saraphim, I did miss that, thanks, I'll see if they have a trial around here.07:54
BerzerkerRuby, without the "."07:54
Kartagiseven though I have bound Lock Screen to F12, it doesn't work. how could that happen?07:54
dca  Hi my hibernate not working.. its showing the login screen..help plaese07:54
RubyAlright, thanks guys.07:54
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
deepis there any vlc player version for ubuntu 907:55
Saraphimdeep: Yep, vlc.07:55
TheFunkbombdeep, yes.07:55
deepis it available in vlc site07:55
Saraphimdeep: It's in the repos, you can get it with synaptic.07:56
Saraphimdeep: Or you can "sudo aptitude install vlc"07:56
Berzerkerdeep, sudo apt-get install vlc07:56
TheFunkbombI have a question about VLC and gnome-do docky.  Is there anyway I can make gnome-do docky bring up the actual video window?07:56
BerzerkerSaraphim, apt-get > aptitude :P07:56
deepcan i try it on terminal07:56
Berzerkerdeep, yes.07:56
SaraphimBerzerker: I haven't taken the time to figure out the differences yet but I hear aptitude is better at managing dependencies internally? Might be blatant lies. :)07:57
BerzerkerSaraphim, there's no difference lol. one is an alias for the other. but I think apt-get is easier to say out loud than aptitude lol and certainly easier to spell :P07:57
deepthank u men07:58
RazorCutWhen installing ubuntu from live CD, do i need to have internet connected to the desktop?07:59
deepits working07:59
Saraphimdeep: Much obliged.07:59
BerzerkerRazorCut, no.07:59
deepno u dont07:59
schenghi, is there someone use the 2.6.30 on ubuntu ?07:59
Berzerkeryes I am someone use 2.6.30. :P07:59
^Phantom^I'm going to post a screenshot of my desktop with a sound player and the main sound thing on my top taskbar to show you what I'm talking about...08:00
RazorCutcan i install ubuntu live cd with a usb flash drive?08:00
RazorCutplease give me guide08:01
Berzerkerit wasn't a yes or no question lol08:01
Berzerkerwhich OS are you on08:01
RazorCutwindows xp home edition08:01
user_how to install xchat on new pc08:02
indususer_: sudo apt-get install xchat08:02
RazorCuti have this program08:02
Berzerkeruser_, sudo apt-get install xchat08:02
BerzerkerRazorCut, use this: http://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/0.2/0.2/+download/win32diskimager-RELEASE-0.2-r23-win32.zip08:02
BerzerkerRazorCut, unetbootin didn't work well last time I tried it.08:02
indususer_: or try sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome which is a simpler version less options08:02
=== Vincent is now known as Guest6767
kiaas_I liek mah opchuns.08:03
Berzerkerindus, hmm, SS?08:03
BerzerkerI am intrigued.08:03
user_ok man08:03
indusBerzerker: SS?what is08:03
Berzerkerindus, screenshot08:03
indusBerzerker: for what08:03
indusBerzerker: i think u address wrong person08:03
pipii am polish welcome all :-)08:04
induspipi: jak sie masz'08:04
Berzerkerindus, no I was wondering if you had any screenshots of xchat-gnome vs. xchat08:04
Berzerkerindus, I found some by googling though08:04
pipiindus siema ty tez z polski?08:04
indusBerzerker: well,iam using xhat gnome08:04
Berzerkerindus, I'm using xchat full, wanted to see the difference, found a picture.08:04
pipiindus ty tez z polski? :)08:04
indusBerzerker: some options like color etc dont have,along with some other sounds etc i think08:05
induspipi: no08:05
SchighSchaghpipi indus I think there's a #ubuntu-polish or something you should go to08:05
pipihehe ;PP08:05
indusSchighSchagh: why? to wander aimlessly?08:05
SaraphimHi guys. I'm having trouble diagnosing an intermittent network problem. When starting my PC with Jaunty it will either work or it wont (everything pinged has destination unreachable.) Trouble is, whether it's in a working state or not, ifconfig, route and ethtool ALL give the same output. Does anyone have a pointer on where to go from here? Strangely, ethtool -t will sometimes flip the state.08:05
induspipi: do u have an ubuntu support question08:05
sanjaiAcer Aspire 4520 -- ubuntu 9.04 32bit,  wireless not detected Atheros driver, help me08:06
pipispeak you polish?08:06
FloodBot1pipi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:06
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:07
SchighSchaghSaraphim: my first thought is make sure all the other components of your network (cables, routers, hubs, switches, etc) all check out08:07
tleuseri can't08:07
indus!pl > pipi08:07
ubottupipi, please see my private message08:07
pipitleuser :)08:07
RazorCutBerzerker do i need to format flash drive before burning ubuntu on the flash drive?08:07
tleuseri can speak english08:07
SaraphimSchighSchagh: Everything checks out, if I reboot the computer or run ethtool -t eth0 it will start working.08:07
indussanjai: did u try from system>admin>hardware drivers08:07
indusRazorCut: no08:07
sanjaiindus: yes i activated them08:07
pipiubottu i speak english :PP08:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:08
indusRazorCut: most are preformatted fat 32 even though ubuntu will say ms dos format or something08:08
induspipi: ubottu is a auto bot,not human08:08
tleusernice to meet u08:08
pipiNO !!!08:08
induspipi: what is the question you have08:08
RazorCut.... this win32 disk imager only has .img type08:08
RazorCuti downloaded iso08:08
pipii am humman !!08:08
tleuserU are human08:09
tleuseri know08:09
BerzerkerRazorCut, it should detect the iso also...does it not?08:09
pipiwhy you think I am bot?08:09
induspipi: tleuser please stick to ubuntu questions08:09
RazorCutno it does not08:09
pipiok bye bye :(08:09
tleusernew friend08:09
SchighSchaghSaraphim: looks like ethtool -t will by default do an offline test, which takes your controller offline, so I guess it starts back up correctly...08:09
Saraphim^Phantom^: Have you tried --video-on-top ?08:10
vaioHey can someone help me set up my dual monitors?08:10
SchighSchaghSaraphim: if you have dual-boot, does anything like this happen in other OS's?08:10
vaiomy external says it isnt getting a signal08:10
kyle_yay i got wow running properly now08:10
SchighSchaghkyle_ nice!08:10
BerzerkerRazorCut, strange. try unetbootin then, maybe that will work for you. It probably didn't work great for me because I used an .img and unetbootin uses .isos only08:10
Berzerkerkyle_, lol...08:10
SaraphimSchighSchagh: There used to be a windows partition on it which never had any issues.08:10
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:10
kyle_on an ati card at that08:10
tleuserwhat your name08:11
SchighSchaghSaraphim: okay, that definitely narrows down the possible causes by confirming it's not anything with any of the hardware08:11
vaiohow do i set up my extrnal monitor on my laptop?08:11
SchighSchaghSaraphim: has it always been like this on ubuntu?08:12
SaraphimSchighSchagh: Yes, I am thinking driver issue. I know that it is sometimes working but only breaks on Ubuntu startup since I can start the computer over WOL, but still have no net in Ubuntu.08:12
SaraphimSchighSchagh: Yes.08:12
Mrokiihello. I am looking for a dvc-c-card for Ubuntu (one that is available in Germany, preferably). At least I *think* I need a dvb-c-card...08:13
SchighSchaghSaraphim: hmm. this isn't a fix, but might be a good enough workaround: add a script to your startup sequence that checks if ethernet started up correctly (by trying to ping something), and run ethtool -t until ping succeeds08:14
^Phantom^^ someone please tell me why the media player is acting like there's no sound card installed when it is clear that there is one there, and it is turned all the way up?  Or at least tell me how to pinpoint the problem, or just restart the sound?08:14
SaraphimSchighSchagh: Yeah, I guess I will have to do that. Should be sufficient to place it in /etc/networks/if-up.d?08:14
SchighSchaghSaraphim: I should think so, yes08:15
BellinXFeloncan anyone help me i cannot burn a dvd in kubuntu 9.0408:15
SaraphimSchighSchagh: Thanks for your help. :)08:15
SchighSchaghSaraphim: sure. you might also think about filing a bug report or some such if you can track down who makes the driver08:16
user_when i browse the network shortcuts are created but cant delete, so how to delete them08:17
SaraphimSchighSchagh: I'll have a go with it myself some more before I do that. I also posted on the forums - maybe someone has experienced the same issue.08:18
Kartagiseven though I have bound Lock Screen to F12, it doesn't work. how could that happen?08:19
Berzerkerbecause it doesn't work.08:20
treadhey guys, does anyone know how to get wine to use a different soundcard? both my soundcards are alsa, and winecfg will only let me choose the default alsa card.08:20
^Phantom^^ someone please tell me why the media player is acting like there's no sound card installed when it is clear that there is one there, and it is turned all the way up?  Or at least tell me how to pinpoint the problem, or just restart the sound?08:20
deephow to install xchat08:20
Berzerkerdeep, sudo apt-get install xchat08:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat08:20
deepwhen i browse network shortcuts are created, how can i delete them08:22
deepwhen press delete its says cant08:22
deepya u know that08:23
^Phantom^deep: try right clicking them and click Unmount if it shows up on the menu.08:23
loquitusAnybody know why I might not be able to connect from machine A to machine B using ssh, where I am trying passwordless login? I added A's id_rsa.pub to B's authorized_host's, but despite this, I am asked for a password. Note that B is a machine behind a firewall, so in fact the firewall is port forwarding to enable access to B.08:24
deepya its working PHANTOM thanks man08:24
Berzerkerloquitus, ports open?08:25
Berzerkerloquitus, argh reading ftw.08:25
loquitusBerzerker: umm... I can do the ssh with the password. the point is to do it without08:25
lstarnesloquitus: does the key itself have a passphrase?08:26
Berzerkerloquitus, no idea. the only thing that comes to mind is the first s means secure for a reason lol08:26
loquituslstarnes: no. I did not provide a passphrase08:26
geirhaloquitus: Run ssh with one or more -v options when you connect. The verbose messages might give a clue.08:26
^Phantom^Not a problem deep.08:26
RazorCutI would like to be able to boot ubuntu live cd from a flash drive08:26
RazorCutto install fresh on a harddrive08:26
RazorCutmy desktop08:26
BerzerkerRazorCut, unetbootin08:26
Berzerkeruse it08:27
RazorCutdid not work08:27
RazorCutusb detected08:27
loquitusgeirha: want to see? I have the verbose on08:27
RazorCutsetup does not start08:27
Berzerkerwhat happens?08:27
rudy986hi There!! i'm looking for a backup software..i need to "sync" the contents of two external HDD..wich software do you suggest?08:27
RazorCutblack screen08:27
=== scriptwarlock is now known as whitehat
Berzerkerdid you try doing it from the distribution download option?08:27
RazorCutwith _ on to left corner08:27
RazorCuthow does that work?08:27
Berzerkerthe first option08:27
Berzerkeryou choose the OS then version08:28
Berzerkerat the top of the window08:28
eokerudy986: Take a look at rsync, duplicity and unison.08:28
^Phantom^how can i kill and then restart the sound?08:28
geirhaloquitus: Sure, I can give it a look.08:28
RazorCuttake in mind i will not be installing it on my laptop that has access to the internet i'm installing it on my desktop that has no access to the internet08:28
RazorCutbecause i haveno OS08:28
rudy986eoke: ok, do i find theme in supported packages in add/remove?08:28
RazorCutnow i want to start boot from flash drive08:29
RazorCutdoes that work?08:29
^Phantom^i want the sound to come back on :(08:29
eokerudy986: Yes but google them first to find the one that's right for you.08:29
geirhaRazorCut: You may need to enter the bios and tell it to boot from USB08:29
BerzerkerRazorCut, and...you can't burn it to a CD?08:29
RazorCuti don't have an empty cd right now08:29
rudy986eoke: ok, i'm working..thank u very much!!08:29
cubiczeefucking microsoft tubes08:30
RazorCutyes i told my bios to boot from usb-zip08:30
RazorCutfuk all OS cubiczee08:30
Berzerkeryeah people should just run computers off!08:30
Berzerkerthat's the spirit!08:30
cubiczeewell, gotta use somethin08:30
cubiczeeto take the mind of hacking08:30
geirha!paste | loquitus08:30
ubottuloquitus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:30
RazorCutnow where were we?08:30
cubiczeemaybe we'll go back to dbase III08:30
cubiczeeand procedural08:30
RazorCuti need a software that makes ubuntu boot from zip drive08:31
cubiczeecan we plz plz plz clean gates in kansas08:31
loquitusgeirha: sorry08:31
RazorCuti have ran windows xp from zip drive08:31
RazorCutbut i did a really long method08:31
RazorCutbefore it worked08:31
cubiczeewin 98 maybe, lolz08:31
loquitusgeirha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/252966/08:31
RazorCutnow i need a guide on how to do it for ubuntu08:31
cubiczeecats, this stuff is goin 1024 on ec2 in india very shortly for 10 cents an hour08:32
gandalfcomeI am tarring one directory that contains two directories, I want to exclude one directory. I thought moving it would be a good idea. It doesnt let me move it. Operation not permitted. Is there a way around that?08:32
bazhangcubiczee, watch the language and stay on topic08:32
cubiczeefind me if you want in, I hate walmart, I hate mcdonalds, and I won't support closed software, closed standards, locked doors, or blocking of free info exchange among the world08:32
bazhangcubiczee, please stop08:32
cubiczeesorry for the f-bomb, it's been 15 months of hell08:32
cubiczeeso here is my vision, for my OWN company08:33
bazhang!ot | cubiczee08:33
cubiczeewhich is managed in STL08:33
ubottucubiczee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:33
BerzerkerRazorCut, unetbootin should work. use the download option08:33
cubiczeesry, venting08:33
geirhaloquitus: It appears the server has public key authentication enabled at least. Are you sure you've named the file correctly on the server? ~/.ssh/authorized_keys08:34
cubiczeehonestly I just wanted to get this garmin working so I could review it08:34
cubiczeebut it won't connect08:34
loquitusgeirha: yep. just did a log check on server and got this: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for file authorized_keys08:34
cubiczeeand I don't feel like writing drivers, lolz08:34
Tyrathhi folks08:34
Tyrathhow do I change the default pine folder for saved attachments?08:35
geirhaloquitus: Ah, you'll need to fix that then. It should be owned by you, and only writable to your user08:35
nickjohnsonIf I set the 'session' in the login screen to xbmc (or something else not the default), will Gnome's media autorun functionality still work?08:35
nickjohnsonOr will gnome not load at all?08:35
BellinXFelonhow can i upgrade my distro to 9.10 through terminal08:35
cubiczeeyou guys prefer thunderbird these days, I need imap and am tired of gmail08:35
bazhangBellinXFelon, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support08:35
Tyrath- the default is home, but I wanted to make it ~/Downloads08:35
lstarnesBellinXFelon: you should not upgrade to 9.10 until it is released in October, unless you can handle an unstable system08:36
geirhaloquitus: Is it the only key in authorized_keys?08:36
cubiczee<-- hasn't even had access to gmail account in days, lolz08:36
loquitusgeirha: yep08:36
bazhangcubiczee, this is not a chat channel. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat08:36
BellinXFelonlstarnes : will it be a LTS?08:36
lstarnesBellinXFelon: no08:36
lstarnesBellinXFelon: currently, the next LTS is 10.04, but it might be delayed to a later version08:36
geirhaloquitus: Remove the authorized_keys file on the server, then recreate it with: ssh user@host 'cat >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub08:37
Berzerkeromg les paul died. nooooo08:37
geirhaloquitus: The permissions should be right if you create it that way08:37
BellinXFelonlstarnes : what should i do though because i want to change the distro so i can burn dvds, i cant do it in 9.0408:37
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lstarnesBellinXFelon: do you know if that is possible in 9.10?08:38
BellinXFelonlstarnes : i have no idea08:38
=== Guest45742 is now known as phishie
BellinXFelonlstarnes : I cant even burn an install dvd08:39
lstarnesBellinXFelon: what are you using for the burning?08:39
* etyrnal_ slaps ndiswrapper08:39
* etyrnal_ slaps ndiswrapper really hard08:39
* Berzerker slaps etyrnal_ 08:39
BellinXFelonlstarnes : i have used nero linux, xfburn, k3b, gnomebaker, brasero08:39
BellinXFelonlstarnes : they all failed08:40
loquitusgeirha: fixed it with permissions... damn thing is now asking the passphrase for the id_rsa key08:41
randy2009hello, how can i check which ports are listening on my ubuntu server?08:42
randy2009i googled, and the sugestions didn't wrok08:42
geirhaloquitus: Then it's working :)08:42
lstarnesrandy2009: sudo netstat -lp08:42
loquitusgeirha: the point of this is non-interactive connection right? it is still asking me something.08:43
randy2009i can't see the port numbers08:43
randy2009if i do that08:43
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: maybe the fact that you can't burn dvd's has nothing to do with the burning software.. but more with your hardware (eg not a dvd burner..)08:43
geirhaloquitus: You still need to provide the passphrase, but you can store it in a key agent08:44
randy2009i only see [::]:www and [::]:ssh etc08:44
randy2009not real portnumbers08:44
loquitusgeirha: I don't have a passphrase, as in I did not provide one when I generated the key08:44
geirhaloquitus: It's also possible to have a blank passphrase on the key08:44
slacker_nlgeirha: can be done real easy putting a key on a remote server: ssh-copy-id $server08:44
loquitusgeirha: so why is it asking for one then08:45
BellinXFelonslacker_nl : it is a dvd burner, it worked in 8.04 and still burns cds in 9.04, just not dvds for some reason08:45
lstarnesrandy2009: those are the names of the services associated with those ports in /etc/services08:45
frankpandarandy2009: use -n08:45
zer0coolmy soundcard doesnt work on ubuntu08:45
zer0cooli have ATI radeon08:45
=== aprilhare_ is now known as aprilhare
geirhaloquitus: Normally gnome will intercept it and offer you to store the passphrase08:46
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems08:46
geirhaslacker_nl: Ah, that's much better. Thanks :)08:46
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: can you do sudo lshw > /tmp/lshw.log  and look for dvd in that .log file08:47
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: then look for capabilities:08:47
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: what does that tell you?08:47
slacker_nlgeirha: yw08:48
loquitusgeirha: ah08:48
BellinXFelonslacker_nl : one sec im doing it08:48
geirhaloquitus: If you're on a server without gui; man ssh-agent08:48
albechanyone successfully installed Jahshaka??08:48
albechit looks very interesting08:49
slacker_nlwhat is that?08:49
BellinXFelonnl_slacker : can i pastebin it08:49
zer0coolanyone help me please08:49
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: you can, but i guess its one line, so you ca paste it here as well08:49
shashwatpnswhenever i check for updates in the update manager or when i perform "sudo apt-get update" in terminal i get displayed the same message "Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg08:50
shashwatpnsFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/free/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz208:50
shashwatpnsFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2  Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead." Help plz08:50
FloodBot1shashwatpns: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:50
zaggynl!ask | zer0cool08:50
ubottuzer0cool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:50
BellinXFelonit said a couple things,08:51
bazhangshashwatpns, disable those repos as they no longer exist08:51
BellinXFelonnl_slacker : it said PCI, SCSI, and something else successively08:51
BellinXFelonnl_slackerim gonna have to get back to you on this tomorrow08:51
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: could you pastebin that whole *-cdrom bit?08:51
shashwatpnsbazhang: how do i???08:51
slacker_nlBellinXFelon: use the forums otherwise, tomorrow is saterday and i bet my gf wants my support then :)08:52
BellinXFelonslacker_nl : ok i will thanks08:52
zer0coolmy sound doesnt work, i have ATI Radeon soundcard , Running Ubuntu 9.04 speaker built in with the laptop dont work, but headphones work08:52
mmahergood-ubuntu-morning :D08:52
bazhangshashwatpns, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and place a # in front of those, save then sudo apt-get update08:52
shashwatpnsk thnks08:53
=== Mickael_ is now known as Mickow
slacker_nlzer0cool: check if your speaker is not muted08:53
slacker_nlzer0cool: had a similar problem on my laptop :/08:53
bazhangshashwatpns, you will then need to upgrade as that version is end of life08:53
Immo_Phaggsup fags08:54
bazhang!upgrade > shashwatpns08:54
ubottushashwatpns, please see my private message08:54
zer0coolslacker_nl, by running the alsamixer command ?08:54
bazhangImmo_Phagg, stop that08:54
slacker_nlzer0cool: no, by running kmix :)08:54
mmaherwho loves ubuntu? :D08:54
zer0coolslacker_nl, its not muted08:55
slacker_nlshashwatpns: are you using dapper as desktop or as server?08:55
deepis there any antivirus for ububtu08:55
slacker_nlzer0cool: mkay.. then i don't know08:55
geirha!antivirus | deep08:55
ubottudeep: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:55
slacker_nldeep: clamav08:55
Ahadieldeep, There's no need generally08:55
zer0coolslacker_nl,  lmao, thats all u could say ?08:55
shashwatpnsslacker_nl: i am using jaunty08:55
bazhangshashwatpns, then please pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list so we can see any other problematic sources08:56
slacker_nlshashwatpns: ok, since those freecontrib repo's are mentioning dapper08:56
bazhangshashwatpns, at paste.ubuntu.com08:56
MadGirlit has been said that hello is this right syntax? routes_eth0=("-net netmask default via") ?08:56
slacker_nland bazhang told you do upgrade08:56
slacker_nlzer0cool: yes08:56
bazhangyangjia, hello08:57
yangjiais there anyone here?>08:57
zer0coolslacker_nl,  wow, thats helpful08:57
shashwatpnsk    ## Add comments (##) in front of any line to remove it from being checked.08:57
shashwatpns    ## Use the following sources.list at your own risk.08:57
shashwatpns    deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse08:57
shashwatpns    deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse08:57
shashwatpns    ## MAJOR BUG FIX UPDATES produced after the final release08:57
FloodBot1shashwatpns: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:57
shashwatpns    deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse08:57
loquitusgeirha: needed ssh-agent08:57
loquitusworks now08:57
bazhangshashwatpns, not here; paste.ubuntu.com08:57
slacker_nlzer0cool: pay me and I'll investigate it for you08:57
BriGuyhello all08:57
geirhaloquitus: Excellent :)08:57
slacker_nlzer0cool: this is free support and I decide who I support with what problem08:58
zer0coolslacker_nl,  no thank you08:58
bazhangslacker_nl, zer0cool please take chat elsewhere08:58
zer0coolbazhang, i was just trying to get help08:58
bazhangzer0cool, then be patient08:58
shashwatpnsk i have pasted there08:59
zer0coolbazhang, i did and slacker_nl said i have to pay him to get help08:59
bazhangshashwatpns, please give us the url08:59
shashwatpnsi am a newbie :- http://paste.ubuntu.com/252976/08:59
slacker_nlshashwatpns: according to your sources.list you are running dapper (6.06) and not jaunty09:00
bazhangshashwatpns, those are all dapper repos, what does lsb_release -a say in terminal09:00
BriGuyhello.  Does anyone know how to set a mirror for the network install manually.  i am trying to use another mirror as it is much faster than the ones available in the list..but every time I try it just says it doesn't have the right file.09:01
slacker_nlshashwatpns: lsb_release -c or -r tell you?09:01
shashwatpnsbut i have jaunty09:01
bazhangshashwatpns, paste.ubuntu.com with the output of lsb_release -a09:01
slacker_nlthat is what lsb_release tells you?09:02
slacker_nlshashwatpns: ok09:02
slacker_nlshashwatpns: run sudo perl -p -i -e 's/dapper/jaunty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list09:02
Flannelslacker_nl, shashwatpns: no.  Don't do that.09:02
slacker_nlshashwatpns: then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade09:03
slacker_nlFlannel: why not?09:03
perscitusHow do i remove KDE4 from Ubuntu (gnome)?09:04
DaZ-perscitus: you don't want to09:05
Flannelslacker_nl: I didn't see the lsb output.  Although, I'd still be suspicious.  If that's the case, it means there's jaunty sources in sources.list.d/09:05
bazhang!puregnome > perscitus09:05
ubottuperscitus, please see my private message09:05
bazhangDaZ-, that's not helpful09:05
TwoTwentyyea mean r3emove all of kde409:05
shashwatpnshappened so, one of my friend was showing me haw easy was wep to crack and so why should we use wap,so i followed his instructions and at that time he told me to change me apt/sources.list , but i have its backup at apt/sources_backup.list09:05
perscitusbazhang-->  there surely more packages then that09:05
TwoTwentyubottu can you send me that PM you send to perscitus09:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:05
DaZ-perscitus: just remove qt &+ dependencies09:06
bazhangperscitus, try that, that will pull in a ton of stuff09:06
perscitusDaZ--->  im keeping QT09:06
slacker_nlshashwatpns: could you pastebin that backup sources.list?09:06
TwoTwentywhen having a stock ubuntu and install kde4 there is no way to rempove all it put on ?09:07
TwoTwentyshort of pissing around with dselect09:07
bazhang!puregnome > TwoTwenty09:07
ubottuTwoTwenty, please see my private message09:07
bazhangTwoTwenty, in future you can /msg ubottu !factoid09:07
shashwatpnshere :- http://paste.ubuntu.com/252982/09:08
pkkmhow to get time from NTP server (not adjust the system clock, just get it as HH:MM)09:08
perscitusbazhang--> werent you bazbang? Anyways, thanks. I know i have to install ubuntu-desktop. then remove bunch of crap from that as well, like openoffice.09:08
bazhangperscitus, you have gnome now?09:08
perscitusbazhang-->  I also did autoremove09:09
TwoTwentybazhang Im new to IRC09:09
shashwatpnsslacker_nl : here is my backup sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/252982/09:10
bazhangTwoTwenty, no matter, simply type /msg ubottu !puregnome and another window will open for you to PM with the bot09:10
TwoTwentyis the bot smart09:10
perscitusbazhang-->  uh, install ubuntu-desktop wont work if it is already installed.09:10
TwoTwenty /msg ubottu !puregnome09:10
=== BriGuy is now known as zz_BriGuy
bazhangTwoTwenty, no space before /09:11
zer0coolwhat a thought09:12
perscitusbazhang-->  and it leaves out kubuntu artwork09:12
FloodBot1zer0cool: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
shashwatpnsanyone here knows a linux distro for sony erricson k320i?09:13
ecolitanhow do I tell apt to completely ignore a package09:13
zer0coolecolitan, you lick the screen09:14
ecolitaneven though it is broken and has an unmet dependency, i want to leave it that way09:14
bazhangzer0cool, that is not helpful09:14
slacker_nlshashwatpns: just use that sources.list (the backup), put it back and sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade09:14
ecolitanthanks for your sage advice zer0cool09:14
remoteCTRL1hi guys!09:16
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
remoteCTRL1can anyone recommend me a nice handy app for drawing diagrams and workflows?09:16
perscitusecolitan--> use synaptic and lock it09:17
mmaherremoteCTRL1: dia09:17
Mickowdia +109:17
remoteCTRL1mmaher: aha? thanks i'll look into that:)09:17
=== zoom is now known as Guest73892
shashwatpnsk slacker_nl09:17
remoteCTRL1Mickow: whats dia +1?09:17
mmaherremoteCTRL1: :D09:17
MickowremoteCTRL1: dia =)09:17
Guest73892how can i change ma nick.09:17
remoteCTRL1Mickow: mmaher ok i don't get it but never mind:)09:18
slacker_nlGuest73892: /nick newnick09:18
zer0coolGuest73892,  you lick the screen09:18
prodigelhi all. I'm using ubuntu jaunty, updated to day. I'm using xkeycaps to switch caps lock with escape, but lately it screws my arrow keys. Is there a better alternative to xkeycaps/xmodmap09:18
slacker_nlzer0cool: really? be funny elsewhere09:18
perscitusecolitan-->  if you use synaptic, select installed package. then Package menu and Lock Version.09:18
Guest73892not working i guess09:19
ecolitanperscitus: trying now :)09:19
perscitusecolitan-->  it's useful when new version is more buggy then old.09:19
=== slacker_nl is now known as slacker_nl|test
=== slacker_nl|test is now known as slacker_nl
slacker_nlworks for me09:19
UbubeginIs there a openmatlab or sort of, which I can run in Ubuntu09:20
ecolitanperscitus: yeah the package is 3rd party and has "broken" but works perfectly fine09:20
perscitusbazhang--> It's possible to purge Gnome from ubuntu install?09:20
bazhangperscitus, and replace with what? you want an xserver at all?09:21
Guest73892help me to change my nick09:21
perscitusbazhang-->  uh kde4?09:21
bigwookiehey, i got a problem09:21
remoteCTRL1mmaher: that dia thingie looks veeery nice, thanks once more, dude:)09:21
bigwookiei want to ste a envirovement variable09:21
bazhangperscitus, you want purekde? did you not just request to remove it?09:21
Saraphim... And you know you've made an ugly hack when your script contains the line if [ $(ping -c 1 | grep "64 bytes from" | wc -l) -eq 0 ]09:21
bigwookieand use a left arrow key09:21
lstarnesGuest73892: to which nick?09:21
MadpilotGuest73892, type "/nick NewNickHere" without the quotes and with your new nick in the obvious spot09:22
=== Guest73892 is now known as ZOOM
berdy1019hi, everybody09:23
=== ZOOM is now known as Guest53791
bigwookiei want to set a env var with setenv, and use a left arrow charakter in it, howto? i mean ^[[A won't work09:23
perscitusGuest53791-->  zoom is registered and protected09:23
=== Guest53791 is now known as SOMIT
berdy1019has anyone here  learned python twisted09:23
perscitusbazhang-->  but i might change my mind09:24
ecolitanperscitus: nah still no luck09:24
bazhangperscitus, by having -->next to nick, no one is highlighted09:24
SOMITbest explorer for ubuntu?09:24
perscitusbazhang-->  or would it be better to install Kubuntu.09:24
ecolitanperscitus: aptitude still complains about the broken package and the dependancies09:24
jonah1980hey guys can anyone please help me get wifi working on my eee 1101ha which i installed kubuntu on? i have no ethernet on it either so need to copy files from another machine, installed ndiswrapper and tried the xp wlan driver but can't get it installed. please help09:25
=== SOMIT is now known as _ZOOM
perscitusbazhang-->  xchat bug. Doesnt allot for space before -09:25
vulnerablehello, anyone know about backup HDD?09:25
_ZOOMhey tell me any other better explorer other than mozilla09:25
rww!browser | _ZOOM09:25
ubottu_ZOOM: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)09:25
_ZOOMhey tell me any other better explorer other than mozilla?09:25
bazhangperscitus, then I may miss many of your messages09:25
rww!backup | vulnerable09:26
ubottuvulnerable: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:26
perscitusbazhang.->  but ill cheat09:26
lstarnes_ZOOM: I think you mean a browser09:26
ShishKababHi. Does anybody know of a good shell hex editor?09:26
mmaherShishKabab: xxd09:26
bigwookieShishKabab: hexedit09:26
_ZOOMwhich one is best im using mozilla ..already ..?09:26
Saraphim_ZOOM: Matter of preference.09:26
_ZOOMya a browser09:26
ShishKababThanks! Will try them both.09:26
bazhang_ZOOM, there is no best09:26
zaggynlalternatives are firefox, opera, chrome, lynx09:26
_ZOOMur riht09:27
perscitusecolitan.->  Then fix it09:27
Saraphim_ZOOM: It's up to you. Try them out. Your taste. I prefer firefox, some prefer chrome, etc.09:27
DigitalKiwiuzbl is best! because of the name09:27
perscitusbazhang.->  does this work?09:27
vulnerableubottu: i wanna backup my HDD 120G contain vista+ubuntu to the new 300G HDD09:27
bigwookie:/ isn't it possible to use a left "key" in a env var?09:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:27
_ZOOMim new to ubuntu09:27
_ZOOMless idea09:27
zaggynlhttp://lwn.net/images/ns/Uzbl.png huh that's pretty minimal indeed09:27
bazhangperscitus, yep; /msg ubottu purekde purexfce to see how to get those (one at a time)09:28
=== gaveen_ is now known as gaveen
_ZOOMis there chrome for ubuntu?09:29
lstarnes_ZOOM: it's availabel as chromium09:29
_ZOOMden i need to reinstall i already had dat09:30
_ZOOMnot working09:30
Naradahow can i check my web cam plz09:30
RorZaHow do I reset my root password ?09:31
mmaherRorZa: passwd09:31
lstarnesRorZa: you normally shouldn't have a root password09:31
perscitusbazhang.->  It wouldnt be good idea to use purekde on ubuntu install would it?09:31
_ZOOMlinux rocks!09:31
RorZaI get this ...09:32
bazhangperscitus, you wish an install without any DE?09:32
RorZa(current) UNIX password:09:32
RorZapasswd: Authentication token manipulation error09:32
perscitus_ZOOM.->  there is also alpha from Google but wouldnt reccomend it.09:32
Naradacan eny one help me09:32
shadeslayerwhat package is the gstreamer backend in?09:32
Naradai want to check my cam09:32
bazhangNarada, check if it is supported09:33
bazhang!webcam > Narada09:33
ubottuNarada, please see my private message09:33
Naradainbilt it09:33
copproI need to do a manual filesystem check on /usr. How can I get Ubuntu /not/ to run its recovery console and thus tie up /usr? Does it involve manually typing my boot commands?09:34
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras  <--- Narada09:34
Naradaubottu hello09:34
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:34
mmaherubottu: hi09:34
Naradahow can check inbilt web cam09:34
pkkmHow to get time from NTP server (not adjust the system clock, just get it as HH:MM)?09:34
_ZOOMhow to login cyberroam from terminal?09:35
_ZOOMhow to login cyberroam from terminal?09:35
dpyhi guys09:35
dpydoes anyone know what is wrong when my custom .desktop file doesn't show its specified icon (works on other machines)09:36
dpyinstead I get the contents of the file as an icon09:36
Naradahow can check my webcam09:36
shadeslayer!info cheese09:37
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB09:37
shadeslayerNarada: ^^09:37
dpyproblem solved: Mark as trusted09:37
perscitusbazhang.->  Would you reccomend purekde method on Ubuntu install or just install Kubuntu?09:38
_ZOOMhow to login cyberroam from terminal?09:39
Naradahow can download09:39
Naradahello cheese09:39
_ZOOMhow to login cyberroam from terminal?09:40
neo8848just installed ubuntu jaunty, i did the reload via synaptic, i did  sudo apt-get update on a terminal, any idea why php5 doesn't show on the package list?09:40
shadeslayer_ZOOM: if you find a way,do tell me to :P09:40
_ZOOMur from where?09:40
ecolitanis there a way to tell apt that a package is installed, when it's not09:41
_ZOOMshadeslayer: where r u from?09:41
shadeslayer_ZOOM: india09:41
Naradahow to enable my webcam09:41
shadeslayerNarada: install cheese09:41
threethirtyhi all09:41
Kartagiswhat do you suggest I install for SOCKS?09:41
_ZOOMi mean place me too india..09:42
perscitusecolitan.->  try removing?09:42
Naradashadeslayer  how to install09:42
ecolitanperscitus: removing what exactly?09:42
Naradashadeslayer hello09:42
shadeslayerNarada: sudo apt-get install cheese09:42
_ZOOMcan anybody tell me shortcuts for ..compiz effects?09:43
threethirtyim running fluxbox and need to have gnome-screensaver launch at startup i added 'exec gnome-screensaver &'(without quotes) to my startup file but it doesnt seem to work, any ideas09:43
Berzerkershadeslayer, having fun? :P09:43
randy2009how come i can't change to a user that exists? root@ubuntu: su -l nagios09:43
Naradawhat is the softwate see cam09:44
shadeslayerBerzerker: hehe....09:44
randy2009it stays @ root09:44
_ZOOMcan anybody tell me shortcuts for ..compiz effects?09:44
ecolitanrandy2009, does the user have a shell in /etc/passwd ?09:44
shadeslayerBerzerker: looks like its 101 day09:44
Naradashadeslayer hello09:44
shadeslayerNarada: yes09:44
shadeslayerNarada: open a terminal09:44
Berzerkershadeslayer, and we're just getting started. :)09:44
Naradaok it is installing09:44
soigi'm having this error when updating: "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7C5BAD1320A0D1DA" how can i fix this, please?09:44
shadeslayer!gpgerr | soig09:45
ubottusoig: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »09:45
_ZOOMkeyboard shortcuts for compiz?09:45
randy2009ecolitan: yes09:45
_ZOOM keyboard shortcuts for compiz?09:46
shadeslayer_ZOOM: um,install ccsm for all the shortcuts09:46
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:46
Berzerkersoig, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 20A0D1DA09:46
Berzerkersoig, then try again.09:46
ecolitanrandy2009, what shell? is it /bin/sh or /bin/false ?09:46
ecolitanrandy2009, ahh09:46
ecolitanrandy2009, change the shell to /bin/sh09:46
Naradahello shadeslayer09:46
Naradait instaled09:47
BerzerkerNarada, open it.09:47
shadeslayerNarada: ok press alt+F2 and type cheese09:47
Naradahow can i check09:47
=== jon is now known as Guest47130
Naradathanks a lot friend09:47
shadeslayerBerzerker: if this continues i might /kill my self :P09:47
shadeslayerNarada: please stop that09:48
randy2009thnx ecolitan09:48
shadeslayerNarada: if cheese cannot detect the webcam,its probably not supported09:48
=== jon_ is now known as Guest12141
randy2009./bin/false is for systemusers?09:49
ecolitanrandy2009, bin/false is no shell09:49
ecolitanrandy2009, for security, it's a null argument09:50
Naradaok shadeslayer it is warking09:51
Berzerkeryay it warks.09:51
shadeslayerNarada: good :)09:51
Naradai got it09:51
Naradathanks a lot09:51
soigshadeslayer & Berzerker: thanks, i'll try that09:52
Berzerkersoig, took you long enough ;)09:52
inertialHey I'm having a problem with amdcccle (ATI Catalyst Control Center) not saving my "Big Destkop" settings when I restart or log in or log out.. it just goes back to "Clone"09:52
Berzerkerthere's your problem.09:52
ecolitanis there a way to tell apt that a package is installed, when it's not? Alternativly I need a way to tell apt to TOTALLY ignore a broken package with unmet dependancy09:53
=== jon is now known as Guest78139
Naradashadeslayer : is there is any path to get web cam09:53
=== Guest78139 is now known as rodimus
BerzerkerNarada, path?09:53
chalcednyinertial, good luck with it, i gave up09:54
Berzerkerinertial, I found your problem.09:54
Naradawithout typing cheese09:54
Berzerkerinertial, don't use ATI lol09:54
shadeslayerNarada: path to get webcam?09:54
shadeslayerNarada: nope09:54
inertialchalcedny: ah that's too bad09:54
MANAwhere could i get help in Chinese09:55
chalcednyinertial take a look at xrandir instead09:55
Naradaok thanks09:55
Berzerkerdunno if that exists.09:55
Berzerker!ch | MANA09:55
ubottuMANA: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.09:55
inertialchalcedny: well it doesn't seem so bad because it does work, i just have to set it each time.. it just seems like it's not saving the configuration09:55
BerzerkerLOL that wasn't it.09:55
randy2009if i do ls -la i get the rwx etc, what does P mean? (1st digit)09:55
indusBerzerker: lol09:56
inertialcn is chinese09:56
indus!cn | mana09:56
ubottumana: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:56
Berzerkergoogle.ch is chinese google though >.<09:56
randy2009!nl | randy200909:56
ubotturandy2009, please see my private message09:56
peppotany pointers for reducing choppiness with PulseAudio 0.9.14 and jaunty on hda-intel hardware?09:56
Berzerkeroh wait not it's not.09:56
Berzerkerpeppot, lots of people have problems with it, haven't seen any solutions09:56
peppotBerzerker, was fine until some updates ago. now music is unlistenable09:57
Immo_Phaggwho here's a girl?09:57
Berzerkerdunno. I don't use it personally.09:57
BerzerkerImmo_Phagg, ...09:57
indusImmo_Phagg: this room is unisex09:58
indusImmo_Phagg: do u have a support question?09:58
ShishKababJust wondering. Are all people on IRC volunteers or are some people paid to be on the bigger channels like #ubuntu, #debian, #httpd, etc?09:58
BerzerkerI get paid09:58
Berzerkerdunno about the other guys09:58
zaggynlI get paid too09:58
zaggynlgood stuff09:58
indusShishKabab: all volunteers09:58
zaggynloh wait, I wasn't supposed to say D:09:58
Berzerkera billion dollars a second09:58
zaggynl(actually I'm at work IRCing)09:59
indusShishKabab: though,some users in the channels might have jobs with some big companies09:59
inertiali use irc at work for work purposes...09:59
ShishKababOk. It's a really nice system. Other people can save you hours of Googling.10:00
kamarulwhat application do i need to use to download utube vid in linux?10:00
Berzerkersrsly u guys10:00
Berzerkeru guys10:00
_ZOOMhow can i change boot screen image?10:00
induskamarul: use the forefox add on video download helper10:00
Berzerker_ZOOM, download one10:00
Berzerkerthen go to Administration > Login window10:01
Berzerkerthen local tab10:01
indusBerzerker: that is not how you change boot screen image10:01
Immo_Phaggits a sausage fest in here dudes lets get us some poon10:01
laeeqashahidhello.. I installted ubuntu netbook on my hp mini 2133, desktop icons/wallpapers etc responds too slow.. although panel works fine but big big problem with desktop area and icons.. plz plz plzzzzzzzz help me out this as its been 2 week i m looking for some help... plzzzzz10:01
Berzerkerindus, it's how I did it10:01
Immo_Phaggwhos with me10:01
ecolitanis there a way to tell apt that a package is installed, when it's not? Alternativly I need a way to tell apt to TOTALLY ignore a broken package with unmet dependancy10:01
kiaas_On the internet, men are men, women are men, and 14 year old girls are FBI agents.10:01
=== TheShahFactor_ is now known as TheShahFactor
indus_ZOOM: u need to create a 16kb image and place it in /boot/grub folder10:02
indus_ZOOM: image type xpm10:02
Berzerkerindus, I'm sure he means the LOGIN screen.10:02
Immo_Phaggwho wants to fuck me10:02
indusBerzerker: he is asking about the boot screen image10:02
indus!ops > Immo_Phagg10:02
ubottuImmo_Phagg, please see my private message10:02
Berzerker_ZOOM, you mean the boot image? or login screen image?10:02
inertialthere's usually an image file in the boot partition you can change....10:03
kamarulindus: i checked the addon. no video download helper found10:03
induskamarul: search for it, its there somewhere10:03
kamarulindus: ok10:03
* zaggynl ^5s Flannel 10:03
* Berzerker 10:04
Berzerker lulz10:04
TonyMontanawhat I do10:04
_ZOOMif i want to put ma image in grub?10:04
laeeqashahidheeeeeeeeelpppppppppppp plzz10:04
indus_ZOOM: try this http://fosswire.com/post/2009/2/personalise-your-grub-boot-menu-with-a-custom-image/10:05
laeeqashahidis dare noone to help me..10:05
kamarulindus: i found it10:05
bovewhich software should I use for a virtual ftp server on ubuntu 8.10? Need php management10:05
laeeqashahidits been 2 weeeekks]10:05
inertial_ZOOM: it's possible, you can use grub to do it.. i'd tell you the commands but i have to go10:05
laeeqashahidno buddy helped me10:05
induskamarul: its a great add on,not sure if its legal though10:05
kamarulindus: do you have any idea so i can remove my ubuntu10:05
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, you need to calm down10:05
kamarulindus: since i have 9.04 in laptop10:05
induslaeeqashahid: whats your problem10:05
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, we have other people to help also.10:05
_ZOOMlater than ill add u in friend list10:05
induskamarul: remove ubuntu?10:05
lstarnesbove: ssh+sftp might be better10:05
laeeqashahidbut its more den 2 week10:05
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, ok but you need to wait in line like everyone else10:06
kamarulindus: yes, i have ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04 along..so i think im going to remove ubuntu 8.0410:06
lstarnesbove: there are several ftp daemons, including proftpd and vsftpd10:06
bovelstarnes: I need ftp protocol support10:06
_ZOOMinertial : i m adding u tell me later den10:06
induskamarul: if you format the partition,it gets removed10:06
laeeqashahidplz help me.. or otherwise i have to swicth back to dat stupid windows...10:06
induskamarul: cant really remove an OS like some software10:06
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, so what do you mean your icons are slow?10:06
induslaeeqashahid: what is your proble,10:06
laeeqashahidicons and the menu on desktop resonds trooo slow10:07
induslaeeqashahid: that is not enough info to trouble shoot10:07
laeeqashahidu can see 2 columns on desktop menu.. and in the middle the icons10:07
induslaeeqashahid: you have a slow syste,?10:07
laeeqashahidhp mini 2133... 1.8GHz Via CM-7 and 2GB ram10:08
laeeqashahidall other application run very very smooth10:08
induslaeeqashahid: u running ubuntu netbook remix?10:08
cemcI would like to run some commands before standby, where do I need to put them ?10:08
laeeqashahidonly its the menu on desktop which is slow10:09
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, ok10:09
laeeqashahidim running remix version for netboo10:09
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, I want you to follow my instructions very carefully.10:09
_ZOOMBerzerker : i need to change background of grub10:09
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, and I want confirmation after every step I tell you to do. and for god sakes, stop asking for help.10:09
laeeqashahidremember.. im, new to ubuntu10:09
indus_ZOOM: i already gave you the link, did u read it?10:09
Berzerkeropen a terminal.10:10
laeeqashahidsorry.. i ll not ask for help anymore10:10
slacker_nlthere is an application that will tell you which key you've pressed, eg multimedia keys, anyone know the name of it?10:10
slacker_nlcli based app10:10
Berzerkerlaeeqashahid, open a terminal10:10
kamarulindus: sory. dc jz nw. act b4 this i got probs with my vista. then i format it.tot the ubuntu wil erase as weel10:11
zirodayslacker_nl: xev?10:11
induskamarul: please use proper english10:11
induskamarul: dc jz nw whats all that10:11
indusBerzerker: nothing funny,but i dont understand sms lingo10:12
slacker_nlziroday: ty!10:12
kamarulindus: i have a problem here. i want to remove my ubuntu 8.0410:12
_ZOOMcan i use any other client instead of linuxdcpp to connect to dc++?10:13
induskamarul: ok,when you format a partition,it erases everything on that partition10:13
induskamarul: i dont see what the issue you are facing is10:13
kamarulindus: hang on, letme get you into the situation 1st.10:13
kamarulindus: the other day my vista was crashed. then i have to reformat my vista. then, i got my vista back10:14
zhxkwhats the meaning of p and v in package relationships10:14
kamarulindus: so i start my laptop. its automatically boot to vista. theres no selection either vista or ubuntu.10:15
lstarneszhxk: p is a package that hasn't been installed.  v is a virtual package that contains nothing and often is a meta-package that installs other packages10:15
kamarulindus: i assuming that my ubuntu is gone already10:15
induskamarul: aaah ok10:16
alexidoiadoes anyone use the connect to server feature as ftp client ? I found out that it is almost impossible to get and change the permissions of files and directory on the distant server, I always use the terminal for this, is that a but of gnome  ?10:16
Berzerkerkamarul, when you reinstalled vista, it rewrote the master boot record10:16
induskamarul: vista has over written the grub boot loader10:16
Berzerkerkamarul, your ubuntu partition is not gone, you just can't boot into it10:16
induskamarul: give me the output of sudo fdisk -l10:16
kamarulindus: but then, after i installed 9.04. grub loaded, it showns theres 8.0410:16
indus!paste | kamarul10:16
ubottukamarul: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:16
[504]hii all10:16
Berzerkerindus, how do you expect him to do that? lol10:16
CQhello, I have a laptop with Vista and Ubuntu, and want to share files between them.... would a truecrypt file stored on the NTFS partition work well? is NTFS stable enough to handle that?10:16
BerzerkerCQ, yes.10:17
alexidoiadoes anyone use the connect to server feature as ftp client ? I found out that it is almost impossible to get and change the permissions of files and directory on the distant server, I always use the terminal for this, is that a but of gnome  ?10:17
kamarulindus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253016/10:17
induskamarul: ok then whats the problem ? u see ubuntu10:17
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Berzerkeralexidoia, don't spam.10:17
CQBerzerker: cool, that solves a few problems at once, I wasn't sure if NTFS R/W was considered stable enough for that kind of use10:17
alexidoiaBerzerker: easy bosy10:18
kamarulindus: i see ubuntu, but now i want to remove 8.04 from my system10:18
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induskamarul: well,you need to figure out which partition your 8.04 is on10:19
induskamarul: probably sda5 or 710:19
SkyNetMasterhi, im getting all the time locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE and other LC_* error have tryed to reinstall reconfigure but the problem remains, any deas how to fix this problem?10:19
induskamarul: why do u want to remove it?10:20
kamarulcoz i have 9.04 inside and its better to have a space10:20
kamarulindus: i mean more space10:20
induskamarul: well,do u know which partition 8.04 is on?10:20
Chris_i wish linux did abetter job with multiple drives10:20
induskamarul: you installed it,so you should know10:21
alexidoiaSO no one use the connect to server feature ????10:21
Chris_so you could install to added drives10:21
=== Chris_ is now known as cdoublejj
binB4SHHi someone has new ImageMagick packages for jaunty?10:21
kamarulit could be on no 510:21
[504]Somebody uses format SVG?10:21
kamarulindus: no 5 i gues10:21
alexidoia[504] I do10:21
induskamarul: guess?10:21
induskamarul: ok whichever, using a live cd you can format the partition10:22
alexidoia[504]: what about it ?10:22
kamarulindus: did u remember the other day u help me out with my bootloader10:22
induskamarul: i did? maybe yes10:22
binB4SHI tried to call ImageMagick from within php, (php5-imagick) and it gets stuck up on getImageProfile('iptc') function :/10:22
alexidoiabinB4SH: that is ##php10:22
kamarulindus: yeah, you help me out about the boot problem when i got NTLDR missing10:22
induskamarul: ok great10:22
binB4SHalexidoia: It looks like it's a bug in ubuntu packages10:22
binB4SHbecause on my server same command works.10:23
induskamarul: i think you can help yourself now, gparted will format a partition for you, you already know it10:23
alexidoiabinB4SH: can't be if its a php package10:23
binB4SHAnd I run there CentOS 5.310:23
[504]Browsers correctly perceive all SVG? I have a problem in IE6..10:23
binB4SHalexidoia: Yes it can :-) the php extension only maps API calls.10:23
alexidoia[504]: as code not as images10:23
ideamonk_hey guys, my friend has accidentaly deleted all his partitions, is there a way he can recover them ??? there is one ntfs partition and one ext4 to be recovered... is there any live distro that can help recover it ???10:23
CQkamarul: do a sudo fdisk -l to list all partitions. Print that list. Then do a 'df' to see what's currently used and mounted. then go to /mnt and make a directory old_os. then mount the other partitions that you don't know about there and see what's on them.10:23
kamarulindus: let say i deleted the 8.04, will it my boot ?10:23
Berzerkerkamarul, yes.10:24
erUSUL[504]: ie6 is *old* *crap* it neeeds a plugin10:24
alexidoiabinB4SH: then ask the guy from the package in question10:24
indusCQ: or you can just manually go into each partition's /boot and check whats version10:24
erUSULideamonk_: testdisk or gpart instalable on the ubuntu livecd can be used to recover partitions10:24
kamarulindus: for your info, it use the grub base on 8.0410:24
erUSUL!info testdisk | ideamonk_10:24
ubottuideamonk_: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1451 kB, installed size 4532 kB10:24
induskamarul: thats ok, we can always reinstall grub10:25
erUSUL!info gpart | ideamonk_10:25
ubottuideamonk_: gpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-7 (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 104 kB10:25
Berzerkerideamonk_, run these programs from a linux live CD10:25
kamarulindus: bottomline is use gparted?10:25
ideamonk_ubottu, thanks :)10:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:25
induskamarul: yeah from live cd10:25
godmodegrafixubotto, thanks10:25
ideamonk_Berzerker, thanks10:26
induskamarul: its called partition editor in menu when u boot live cd10:26
godmodegrafixit didnt say it to me :(10:26
Berzerkeryou spelled its name wrong.10:26
kamarullive cd of ubuntu/10:26
induskamarul: but i suggest use CQ's advice10:27
ron__USE WHAT10:27
kamarulindus: CQ's advice. but i dont understand10:27
Berzerkerron__, can I help you?10:27
kamarulCQ: can help me out with what said just now?10:27
bullgard4What is a suitable tool to view the contents of a SQLote3-database file?10:28
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induskamarul: CQ even though i dont understand what good is df ,it only shows space used10:28
unicorn_I have a silly question. How can I watch a DVD movie? I need to install the correct codec, right?10:28
gartral!dvd | unicorn_10:29
ubottuunicorn_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:29
indusunicorn_: just open the movie with totem movie player ,and it will search and install codecs automatically10:29
CQindus: df shows what's curently mounted and used10:29
barfIs there a way for me to forward my local USB port in Cyprus through ssh to my office iTunes on the Maldives?10:29
unicorn_indus, I tried. I shall try again.10:29
gartralindus: totem = slooow10:29
CQkamarul: what don't you understand?10:29
unicorn_Should I give VLC a try?10:29
indusCQ: hmm but how do we figure out which partition is 8.04 or no10:29
kamarulabout the df?10:29
indusunicorn_: gartral totem is best at auto codec installation10:29
CQwell, if you're booted into 9.04 it's the other one ... :)10:29
kamarulCQ: "df" part10:30
zhxkhow to see package depends?10:30
unicorn_indus, what is the easiest way to install that?10:30
indusCQ: heh yeah that i know,thats why i asked him he can just manually go to the /boot of each partition10:30
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erUSULbullgard4: the sqlite command ? you have to know some SQL though10:30
shashwatpnswhen i gave the command sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to get KDE session i got the foll errors :-http://paste.ubuntu.com/253019/ Help please10:30
CQkamarul: df shows you which partitions are mounted where, so if you're currently booted into 9.04 you'll see all partitions that are part of that installation listed with a DF10:30
indusunicorn_: its already installed ,its the default movie player in ubuntu, go to menu>soundand video>movie player10:31
erUSULbullgard4: or try to make a connection from openoffice there may be some tutorial in the web about it10:31
indusunicorn_: just double click on dvd and it will run10:31
CQindus: sure, this is a double check just in case...10:31
induskamarul: ok so you understand now?10:31
unicorn_I am installing the restricted codecs. I'll see if that helps me out.10:31
induskamarul: do a mount command in terminal to see whats mounted, right now you using 9.04 i believe10:32
kamarulindus:, CQ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/253023/10:32
kamaruldoes it means 9.04 is on sda710:32
ramiHello I am on a T400 Thinkpad using Jaunty, have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400, having trouble with: glxgears gives me 45 fps only10:33
induskamarul: maybe yes10:33
induskamarul: can u go into /dev/sda5 and see whats in there10:33
induskamarul: just navigate to /media/disk10:33
bullgard4erUSUL: My Firefox 3.0.13 does not remember its bookmarks. There I'd like to explire the places.sqlite file.10:34
kamarulindus: /media/disk http://paste.ubuntu.com/253024/10:34
induskamarul: i mean just go to that /boot and see if its 8.0410:35
korielwhich kernel is shipped with 9.04?10:35
erUSULbullgard4: iirc you can export the file as a big html file... (at least you can in ff3.5) Bookmarks>Organice Bookmarks>Export html10:35
binB4SHalexidoia: Well I gonna upgrade to Karmic, maybe they fixed it there.10:36
erUSULkoriel: 2.6.2810:36
afedkil/exec l10:36
afedLinux razor 2.6.28-14-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Sat Jul 25 00:28:35 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux10:36
afedthat is the 9.04 kernel10:36
afedat present10:36
afedsince i last rebooted10:36
afed 05:36:33 up 4 days, 10:48,  5 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.35, 0.2310:36
koriel...I need 2.6.30...can I upgrade if I use ubuntu?10:36
kamarulindus: its 8.0410:36
joaopintokoriel, if you wait for 9.10, yes :)10:37
induskamarul: ok then delete it its sda510:37
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afedkoriel: apt-get install kernel-package and use those tools to build a package for 2.6.3010:37
joaopintoupgrading to a newer kernel on a current release is not recommended10:37
induskamarul: from live cd10:37
koriel...can't do that10:37
afedjoaopinto: why in the fuck not10:37
erUSULkoriel: there is a ppa for vanilla kernel.org kernels iirc10:37
indusCQ: thanks for the tips10:37
joaopinto!language | afed10:37
ubottuafed: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:37
afed!language | joaopinto10:37
ubottujoaopinto: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:37
joaopintoafed, because there may be incompatibilities with userland tools10:37
erUSULkoriel: is intended for beta testers but...10:38
kamarulGparted is in the menu rite10:38
deepi confgure may yahoo mail with ubuntu mail evaluation but send/receive not working10:38
afedjoaopinto: for example?10:38
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joaopintoafed, for example, if you use virtualbox and the modules fail to load with the newer kerenel, and do not ask for more examples, it's a general recommendation, you really should not do it unless you are experienced with building kernerls10:39
afedrebuild the modules for virtualbox duh10:39
Ali_nzis there any secret to deleting unused partition and slack space on a XP HDD to make it one big partition? I tried it but then could not boot, computer was left asking for boot media post bios10:40
Ali_nzusing gparted10:40
joaopintoafed, you are assuming the modules will rebuild with the newer kernel, duh10:40
bullgard4erUSUL: Firstly, I do not use Firefox 3.5. Secondly, export and import functions do not function in my Firefox 3.0.13 for unknown reasons. I am going to find outwhat is the reason for this bug.10:40
afedany package that requires kernel modules ought to come with scripts for doing that10:40
DaZ-he's right, duh10:40
kaddiSwithing to 6.30 is currently the only way to get ubuntu running close to smoothely on intel hardware10:40
afedthat's really a bug in debian/ubuntu10:40
afedvmware, for example, builds modules whenever you install it for the kernel you are running10:41
DaZ-using .30 isn't problem10:41
zhxkhow to see package depends?10:41
joaopintoafed, please do not be ignorant, it is not about the tools, some modules break to build because they use specific structures or functions that are changed accross kernel versions10:41
mwt116ciao a tutti10:41
erUSULbullgard4: ok; fair enough... then use the sqlite command line utility. read some docs maybe tere are some commands to check integrity or tu dump the db as plain text etc...10:41
zetheroois there a list of intel wifi cards that are compatible with ubuntu?10:42
hateballzhxk: aptitude show <package> and look for Depends10:42
hateball!hcl | zetheroo10:42
ubottuzetheroo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:42
joaopintobut well, I am dropping this debate, this is not the place, our oppinions on the subject are clear :)10:42
erUSULbullgard4: i use one from time to time to optimize the db files (read it somewhere) «  for f in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/*.sqlite; do sqlite3 $f 'VACUUM;'; done »10:42
afedjoaopinto: what you are describing is a bug10:42
afedjoaopinto: third party modules ought only use documented external interfaces that do not change10:43
ravinduUrgent help ,Is there any cases that ubuntu server has implemented in IBM Tower server with clustering support10:43
Ali_nzthere any gparted pros here?10:43
indusAli_nz: maybe i can help10:43
DaZ-pros don't use gparted <:10:43
erUSULafed: no it is not a bug i a known kernel policy out of tree modules may (and do) brake between kernel versions is a fact of life joaopinto is right here10:43
ArmEagleHi, does the (most recent) Ubunty Live CD ( or for that matter a vanilla Ubuntu installation) play mp3 files? I'm asking because Fedora doesn't (vanilla) and I want a LiveCD that does.10:44
bullgard4erUSUL: I am just told that the SQLite_Database_browser should allow me to peek into SQLit3 databases-10:44
Ali_nzindus: hi man. I resized a XP/NTFS partition - I increased its size my merging with slack space. But now when I try to boot it in the XP computer it complains no boot media available?10:44
afederUSUL: then they shouldn't be out of tree modules10:44
erUSULbullgard4: ok; i did not know about it10:44
ravinduUrgent HELP???10:44
apoleo12Does Hardy Ubuntu include DNS and DHCP server?10:44
hateballArmEagle: mp3 support is not on the livecd because of license restrictions. Have you thought about using ogg/vorbis? :)10:44
DaZ-ArmEagle: mint does i think10:44
DaZ-and it's almost the same :f10:45
ArmEaglehateball sure, if radio/webstreams would use it..10:45
ArmEagleDaZ- mint? I've never heard of that..10:45
deepubuntu evaluation mail client not working10:45
erUSULafed: but nvidia and ati drivers are (becouse they are closed source) the same goes for VBox vmware and a ton more.10:45
DaZ-ArmEagle: ubuntu with codecs10:45
DaZ-for lazy people;10:45
hateballArmEagle: Well assuming you have internet access, you could just apt-get the package then10:45
deepi configure with my yahoo.mail10:45
afederUSUL: misbehavior on the part of nvidia, ati, vbox, vmware10:45
erUSULapoleo12: yes10:46
ArmEaglewell i'd have to install it every reboot again then..10:46
deepenybody say why10:46
ravinduUrgent help ,Is there any cases that ubuntu server has implemented in IBM Tower server with clustering support10:46
ArmEaglebut thanks DaZ-, i'll look into Mint10:46
hateballArmEagle: Yep. You could always remaster a cd to suit your needs tho10:46
afedravindu: what in the hell are you even talking about10:46
apoleo12erUSUL: oh? Ok so does both have to be installed or can it be used seperately?10:46
erUSULafed: so? what's your point?10:46
afedcan you say hell in here10:46
apoleo12like MS windows10:46
hateball!language | afed10:46
ubottuafed: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:47
afedis there a bot macro for someone to passive agressively tell me what words are not allowed in here10:47
afedhateball: thanks ass10:47
hateballafed: You're welcome sir10:47
afed!thank | hateball10:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank10:47
zetheroodoes anyone know what is the best mini pci-e wireless adapter to run in Ubuntu?10:47
afedzetheroo: ralink10:47
ravinduhow to implement ubuntu server on IBM Tower server with clustering support any resources?10:47
joaopintoafed, you just need something that you cleary don't have, good manners, and lack of experience on this channel10:47
zetherooafed: oh I thought intel was ... so ralink make mini pci-e adapters?10:48
erUSULapoleo12: you can have both installed (bind an ics dhcpd) there is even a program that can act as both (dnsmasq )10:48
DaZ-it's hard not to hate this bot <:10:48
kamarulindus: im inside the gpart nw. just delete or move?10:48
erUSUL!info dnsmasq | apoleo1210:48
ubottuapoleo12: dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.47-3 (jaunty), package size 12 kB, installed size 112 kB10:48
afedzetheroo: yeth10:48
afedi bought one a while ago10:48
induskamarul: well,partitioning is your choice, you hve to decide what you want to do10:48
joaopintoravindu, it really depends on the type of cluster you are looking for, clustering is not an easy subject, you will nee to find some detailed documentation,10:49
apoleo12erUSUL: Im running hardy.. would it be still good until the lts ends?10:49
Ali_nzi think the prob is I am deleting the partition with the boot flag10:49
zetherooafed: I had a look on Ebay and could not find anything under mini pci-e ralink10:49
ramiHello I am on a T400 Thinkpad using Jaunty, have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400, having trouble with: glxgears gives me 45 fps only10:49
erUSULapoleo12: good in what sense ?10:49
Ali_nzso setting the resized partiton as bootable10:49
TiMiDodoes ubuntu come with amd 64 kernel?10:49
erUSULTiMiDo: the 64 bit version does10:49
DaZ-TiMiDo: ...yes? :f10:49
kamarulindus: should i delete the linux-swap s well?10:49
zetheroois anyone here using the Intel 4965 wireless adapter? mini pci-e ...10:49
afedzetheroo: trying to find you one hango n10:50
TiMiDohow do i download it?10:50
apoleo12erUSUL: Just in a general sense10:50
hateballzetheroo: I'm using that chipset, but in a laptop10:50
afedzetheroo: mmm i can confirm that a mini pci-e 4965 works10:50
zetheroohateball: yes .. its for a laptop10:50
erUSULapoleo12: as long as it is supported it will get security updates etc... so it will be good10:50
afedzetheroo: had one in a lenovo X61, worked just find under ubuntu 9.0410:50
zetherooafed, hateball: in ubuntu 9.04?10:50
ravindu<joaopinto> got any documentation10:50
afedzetheroo: yes10:50
TiMiDohow do i download it?10:50
apoleo12so I got time for the next version anyway ;)10:51
joaopintoravindu, nope :(10:51
kamarulindus: should i delete the linux-swap s well?10:51
zetherooafed ok ... I think I'll get that one and give the Atheros the boot!10:51
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.10:51
hateballzetheroo: Yes, however N has been broken for me since Intrepid10:51
erUSULTiMiDo: the kernel or the whole distribution ?10:51
ravinduplease anybody can help me?10:51
hateballzetheroo: but B/G works fine10:51
hvnqke_workI installed a fresh Ubuntu yesterday, and today I installed apache. I did not meddle with any configurations whatsoever. Apache2 segfaults when trying to start it.10:51
zetheroohateball: what is N? is that a faster channel?10:51
lstarnesTiMiDo: the amd64 kerbel is only available with the amd64 edition of ubuntu10:51
hateballzetheroo: yeah, it's not finalized yet, but it used to work anyhow :)10:52
kamarulindus: cant delete it. it say need to unmount10:52
induskamarul: i told you, use live cd10:52
zetherooafed, hateball : there are 3 antenna sockets ... my system only has 2 I think ... Thinkpad R6110:52
kamarulim inside live cd10:52
induskamarul: aah ok no problem, unmount it from desktop or places wherever10:52
induskamarul: open file browser and unmount it,it will be on left side along iwht other locations10:53
induskamarul: or if u see the partition mounted on desktiop,right click and unmount iot10:53
afedzetheroo: leave the center unconnected then10:53
afedzetheroo: sub-optimal but the best way to do it10:54
kamarulindus: what to unmount? i dont nything to unmount10:54
zetherooafed: ok.... someone on a different room told me that this intel card is not as powerful as the Atheros I have now ... dunno what to make of it all ...10:54
kamarulindus: what to unmount? i dont see anything to unmount10:54
afedzetheroo: on the 4965 the middle is recieve only, the outside connectors are transmit/recive10:54
GPLok, a silly rated fair question  : i want Nautilus Desktop to work, i dont wanna replace it, i just want to hide the icons from the desktop, any HOW-TO's ?10:55
afedzetheroo: not as much transmit power, inconsequential unless you're shooting for maximum range, ignore10:55
zetherooafed: sub-optimal? should I manually install a pigtail? :)10:55
afedhaha yeah10:55
afedpull a pigtail out of another laptop and route it somewhere10:55
ddndoes somebody manage with bluetooth connections? because mine is not so straighforward10:55
zetherooIntel 4965: will it make a big diff?10:55
afedif you can there's no reason not to10:55
induskamarul: go to places10:56
zetherooafed :) .... I have two pigtails from another system ..10:56
induskamarul: or just unmount it from gparted what else10:56
afedyeah go for it10:56
kamarulindus: unmount is not an option.10:56
induskamarul: sudo umount /dev/sda510:56
zetherooafed: cool thanks for your help and insight :) ...10:57
afedzetheroo: no prob10:57
afedzetheroo: i actually swapped my 4965 for an atheros, in my thinkpad10:57
zetheroohateball: thanks to you too ...10:57
zetherooafed: really?10:57
afedzetheroo: to try and get it to work on OS X10:57
afedzetheroo: hackmac lol10:57
zetherooafed: you using that Atheros card in Jaunty?10:57
afedno i'm using it in my desk drawer doing nothing10:58
kamarulindus: not mounted10:58
induskamarul: then whats the issue, try gparted again10:58
afedrunning OS X on a thinkpad turned out to be more trouble than it was worth10:58
afedso i put the 4965 card back in10:58
induskamarul: whats the output of mount10:58
kamarulumount: /dev/sda5: not mounted ubuntu@ubuntu:~$10:59
induskamarul: output of mount10:59
induskamarul:give me a screenshot of gparted window also10:59
zetherooafed: and the Atheros was no good in Jaunty right?10:59
indus!paste | kamarul10:59
ubottukamarul: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:59
afedzetheroo: no i think it worked too11:00
afedzetheroo: i don't recall11:00
afedzetheroo: i sold that lappy i can't test it now11:00
zetherooafed: oh I see ... works for me but I get Kernel Panics ...11:00
kamarulindus:  moment pls11:00
zetherooafed: so no fun11:00
bullgard4sqlitebrowser does not list direcories whose names begin with a dot. How to dodge this trouble?11:00
afedlol fucking linux11:01
_zoomshut up11:01
indusafed: mind the language11:01
afedthe adults are having a conversation here indus11:02
GPLafed : adults need not use abusive words.11:02
lstarnesafed: use of foul language is not allowed under the rules of this channel11:02
afedi did't use any abusive words11:02
zetherooafed: ha11:02
=== Qster_ is now known as Qster
indusafed: i guess that word is part of everyday vocabulary then11:03
afedit is11:03
kamarulindus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253048/ http://imagebin.org/5955811:03
afed"put the god damn next to the mother fuck" is what we say over in the linux mines11:03
afeda little salty11:03
mwt116come faccio a parlare in privato?11:03
afedbut when you're linuxing it up 18 hours a day it gets a little rough11:03
quentusrexWhat is a fast way to copy a lot of large and small files from one server on a lan to another server?11:04
quentusrexI have ~1TB to copy...11:04
quentusrexyeah, thats what I'm using.... :(11:04
bullgard4!language | afed11:04
ubottuafed: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:04
quentusrexwas hoping there would be a faster way...11:04
mwt116ce qualche italiano?11:04
afedyou have gigabit ethernet?11:04
afedjumbo frames?11:04
induskamarul: umount -a11:05
quentusrexnope... standard 100meg11:05
afedyank the disk out of the server and put it in the other server11:05
afed100 megabits = 12.5 megabytes per second11:05
quentusrex~1.1TB at max of 9MB/s ....11:05
kamarulindus: umount -a output http://paste.ubuntu.com/253054/11:05
quentusrexand no way to see a global status...11:06
quentusrexI can't even see an estimate when it might be done...11:06
afedyou need -v options11:06
Vincemando you care about the environment?11:06
afedread the man page for rsync to see what you need to use to see progress11:06
induskamarul: aah of course sorry11:06
quentusrexcan I stop an rsync and have it start back from where it left off?11:06
induskamarul: restart gparted and try again11:06
kamarulindus: its ok indus11:06
afedbut you can really truly transplant a disk faster11:06
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kamarulindus: whats next11:07
quentusrexafed: I'm using: rsync -av --progress11:07
induskamarul: try again with sda511:07
quentusrexafed: I can't transplant these disks...11:07
induskamarul: i was wondering if there is anything in places11:07
kamarulindus: i want to delete sda5 but i get this Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 511:07
quentusrexI'm copying from a 1.1T system with smaller ~300GB drives, raid 5, to a larger system with raid 5 drives...11:08
afedquentusrex: --progress isn't showing you what you want?11:08
quentusrexit's only showing file by file progress11:08
induskamarul: aah ok then unmount  711:08
quentusrexI was hoping for a global progress....11:08
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quentusrexan estimate when it might be finished...11:08
kamarulindus: get the same result Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 711:08
afedmaybe did you try it without?11:08
induskamarul: ok wait11:08
induskamarul: can u unmount sda211:09
quentusrexafed: just tried the one command....11:09
indus!it > mwt11611:09
ubottumwt116, please see my private message11:09
kamarulindus: no option for unmount11:09
kamarulindus: i only can get the information or manage flags for sda211:10
induskamarul: hmm i dont know what next11:10
induskamarul: but i know its a simple oversight, keep trying this11:10
induskamarul: unmount swap etc11:10
kamarulindus: where is it?11:11
MadGirlhmmm... it is showing all errors or that emerge -uDNvt @system @world does bring up (brought) up packages... but it seems maybe not all of them .... or it is a recent problem or a problem because we usually assume you are working from a root terminal, unless we tell you to logout of the root terminal11:11
induskamarul: well it shows swap in gparted11:11
induskamarul: linux-swap11:11
kamarulo ok11:11
quentusrexafed: nope, doesn't show what I want...11:11
kamarulindus:  do you mean swapoff?11:12
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:12
eiimHi all. I've just taken my Ubuntu laptop out of suspend, and the disk has been going crazy for about 10mins. Is there a way to tell what process is using a lot of disk IO? Similar to top, but for disk access?11:12
afedquentusrex: sux, rsync is still the best way11:12
afedquentusrex: you could do other things but your 100BaseTX is still the limiting factor11:12
kamarulindus: 3 option when i right click, it is Swapoff | Information | Manage flag11:12
quentusrexafed is there a decent way to have a mixed network?11:12
afedquentusrex: just use a calculator and clock to estimate time left11:12
quentusrexof 100meg and 1000meg on a network?11:12
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afedsure, a gigabit switch will do that11:13
ntneiim: system monitor?11:13
induskamarul: hmm i dont know , try unmount 6,7,811:13
afedthey're all backwrd compatible11:13
quentusrexafed: on a per port basis?11:13
ntnsystem -> administration -> system monitor11:13
induskamarul: i gtg now11:13
afedbut if both your servers are not 1000Base then your transfer is not going to go any faster11:14
kamarulany1 can help me out11:14
ntnwith what?11:15
eiimntn: ah, ta11:15
quentusrexthanks afed11:15
ntneiim: no probs, just add the other stuff you might need by going to edit -> preferences11:15
kamarulntn: why i cant unmount my sda11:15
kamarulntn: it says Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 511:16
jerroomekamarul: because it's probably in use11:16
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jerroomekamarul: which cmd do you use ?11:16
kamaruljerroome: sudo umount /dev/sda711:17
kamaruljerroome: i try to use gparted but negative11:17
jerroomekamarul : what does the mount cmd display ?11:17
kamarulumount: /dev/sda7: not mounted11:17
kamaruljerroome: umount: /dev/sda7: not mounted11:17
jerroomekamarul : so it isn't mounted ...11:18
GPLany package suggestions for a local web server ( For Testing Purposes Only ) . When in windows , i was using WAMP 2.0 package, but in Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope, i really dont have a clue ?11:18
kamaruljerroome: then i going to delete that partition. but fail11:18
kamaruljerroome: u may check this http://imagebin.org/5955811:19
jerroomekamarul : start the machine with a livecd and do it again11:19
kamaruljerroome: im on live cd11:19
K_a_Thi all.. can some please HELP me.. i have no sound on my laptop when i install any Linux.. I am running Ubuntu now. I have a toshiba satellite P100.. I know the worst kind for linux11:20
afedquentusrex: no prob11:20
deepevolution error when press send/receive its ask for authentication11:20
deepsaying cannot contact the server11:21
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kamaruljerroome: do you have any idea?11:21
jerroomeone moment11:21
deepjerroome do u know about evolution11:22
_zoomhow to reload bootex in ubuntu of windows xp11:22
_zoomhelp me11:22
_zoomcannot boot xp now11:22
jimcooncatssh'ing into a computer, what command will give me cpu and other temp readings?11:22
jimcooncatthat is, temperature11:22
Mrokiihello. A question from a (still) Ubuntu-newbie: Why doesn't synaptec remove the invisible (that is with a "." as the first filename-chaar) configuration-folders, if I choose to remove an app completely?11:24
jerroomekamarul : pastebin what mount prints on stdin11:24
deepanybody know here about ubuntu evolution11:24
jerroomedeep : no11:24
deepanybody ?11:24
gartralMrokii: you need too right click and select "Completly remove" this also known as a purge11:24
ntnjimcooncat: hddtemp11:24
Mrokiigardar, I *do* choose that, but still those config-files are there11:25
deepare u all bigineers11:25
gartralMrokii: sounds lie a bug11:25
kamaruljerroome: dont understand11:25
kamaruljerroome: do you mount outut?11:25
jerroomekamarul : yes11:25
Mrokiigartral, I would say so too11:25
kamaruljerroome: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253064/11:25
MrokiiIt's really annoying11:26
roscoin 9.04 I cannot change password even in single user mode (token error), for root or for a standard user. What's the problem ?11:27
jimcooncatthks ntn11:27
induskamarul: hi11:27
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induskamarul: any luck11:27
jerroomekamarul : sorry, have never seen that before and I don't have a clue11:27
kamarulindus: no luck buddy11:27
kamarulindus: even jerroome  cant help me out11:28
kamaruljerroome: anyway thx for your time11:28
jerroomekamarul : have you tried with fdisk ?11:28
induskamarul: i would like to see the output of mount again11:28
kamarulindus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253064/11:28
jerroomeindus : http://paste.ubuntu.com/253064/11:28
kamaruljerroome: tried b4. no luck11:28
induskamarul: what do u see on your desktop11:28
gartralMrokii: this is why i don't use GUIs for mantinence11:29
Slartrosco: do you have the entire error message?11:29
indusgartral: hello how  r u11:29
kamarulindus: icon of Examples and Install11:29
gartralindus: bored11:29
roscoslart: passwd: authentication token manipulation error11:29
induskamarul: can u go tomy computer and tell me what u see11:30
roscothe passwords are the same, I'm sure, /etc/shadow is readable, the account isn't locked11:30
Mrokiigartral, can I use something like "sudo apt-get remove" instead?11:30
kermitis this wireless activity light controllable in software, on a latitude??  i wish it'd stop flashing.11:30
jhesketh_Hi. When using the live CD Nautilus will list my Hard Drives. I'm just wondering what process mounts these drives as it only does it when you click on them and it would need to be root to do so?11:30
gartralMrokii: it would be sudo apt-get purge, but that's what I use11:30
lee2hi all11:30
lee2strange problem11:31
Mrokiiokay, thanks, I will try that next time and see how it works11:31
Kartagiswhat do you suggest I install for SOCKS?11:31
lee2I have pci card right that I insert11:31
kamarulindus: easy for you http://imagebin.org/5955911:31
lee2when I do this, when I reboot my machine network card is not loaded11:31
jerroome!fstab > jheskteth11:31
lee2althoug its in lspci11:31
K_a_Thi all11:31
eviljussi01!language | bmf11:31
Slartrosco: hmm.. this thread looks promising.. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/passwd-authentication-token-manipulation-error-236955/11:31
ubottubmf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:31
lee2anyone any ideas11:31
induskamarul: its mounted, you see all that 60 gb media etc?11:31
kamarulindus: yeah11:32
jerroome!fstab > jhesketh_11:32
ubottujhesketh_, please see my private message11:32
induskamarul: one ofthose is 8.04 just right click and unmount11:32
K_a_Tcan anyone help with my sound problem? i have none11:32
lee__sorry back11:32
lee__did anyone catch my question?11:32
induskamarul: u know size of sda5 i hope11:32
kamarulits 10gb11:32
jhesketh_jerroome: I'm talking about on the live CD where the hard drives have no entries in fstab. I'm guessing it'd be the same process that handles USB drives11:32
kamarulindus: its 10gb and right clicked on 60gb media..no unmount selection11:33
Bloei have a problem when a start synaptic11:33
ideamonk_Guys we did gpart and its report shows all the partitions correctly, so how do i get them back ???11:33
BloeXauthorization not found11:33
H_semi_virgembom dia11:34
induskamarul: 10gb media? right click properties and see where its mounted11:34
erUSULideamonk_: gpart has a switch to writte the discovered partition table11:34
erUSULideamonk_: look its docs11:34
kamarulindus: how to get the information?11:34
ideamonk_erUSUL, thanks11:35
erUSULideamonk_: http://www.brzitwa.de/mb/gpart/index.html#help11:35
induskamarul: in properties it shows location11:35
silv3r_m00nwhich netbook wud be good acer , samsung or hp11:35
ideamonk_erUSUL, -W right ?11:35
erUSULideamonk_: yes; that's what the web page says11:36
kamarulindus: http://imagebin.org/5956111:36
ddndoes somebody manage with bluetooth connections? because mine is not so straighforward11:36
roscoSlart: It was something else, / was mounted read only. remounting as rw solved my problem. Thanks11:36
induskamarul: damn 111:37
induskamarul: NO IDEA now11:37
peppotvery choppy playback w PA 0.9.14 with tsched=0 on hda-intel on jaunty. solutions?11:37
kamarulis there any probs when i install11:37
induskamarul: hmm go to /media11:37
induskamarul: see whats there11:37
majnooni there a way to set xorg settings with a gui ??11:38
kamarulindus: isit possible to type ls -l /media ?11:38
induskamarul: thanks11:38
kamarulindus: output .  ..  .hal-mtab  .hal-mtab-lock11:38
induskamarul: aah no , thats a different /media i think11:38
induskamarul: do one thing, click on install button on desktop and tgry from there11:39
kamarulindus: i get into filesystem > media theres nothing11:39
kamarulindus: that wil lead me to install ubuntu11:40
induskamarul: no,it will take you to partition editor then abort installation11:40
kamarulindus: ok..loading to partioner11:41
jerroomejhesketh_ : still there ?11:41
unicorn_I need to download the most up to date version of Adobe Flash. How might I go about doing that?11:41
jhesketh_jerroome: yep11:41
jerroomejhesketh_ : create a other squashfs an burn another iso file11:41
jerroomejhesketh_ : command mksquashfs11:42
ntnunicorn_: http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer/11:42
ntnthen choose ubuntu and the deb then install it11:42
kamarulindus: Prepare disk space window11:42
jhesketh_jerroome: I want to disable access to internal hard drives in the computer and still allow thumb drives to be available11:42
induskamarul: hmm now do it11:42
jhesketh_jerroome: I'm guessing this is best done through udev at this stage11:42
kamaruldo what11:43
kamarulindus: do what?11:43
induskamarul: well,create partition11:43
backtrackerI want to execute some perl script every minute so I added => */1 * * * * root /bin/laden/script.pl <== to a file called "cron.root" and then I wrote => crontab cron.root11:43
backtrackerBut nothing :S11:43
induskamarul: its the gparted window u see now11:43
unicorn_I'm running a 64 bit version of Ubuntu Studio. Help me with Flash? LOL11:43
ntnunicorn_: I just told you11:44
indusunicorn_: labs.adobe.com/flashplayer10.html11:44
jerroomejhesketh_ : even for changing udev rules, you will have to change the squashfs by including the your rules file11:44
ntnunicorn_: http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer    <-11:44
jhesketh_jerroome: yes, I'm making a live CD11:44
indusunicorn_: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
kamarulindus- http://imagebin.org/5956411:45
TheSilentWarrioris the xubuntu group gone?11:45
TheSilentWarriorchannel *11:45
jerroomejhesketh_ : I thought you were simply using one11:45
jhesketh_jerroome: heh, sorry didn't point that out. I'm making a liveCD that will have limited access to media11:45
jhesketh_(well attempting to anyway)11:46
kamarulindus: are u there?11:46
jerroomejhesketh_ : I would just modify the fstab file and disable root account and sudo command11:46
induskamarul: yeah select manual11:46
induskamarul: then delete the sda5 partition so it will be free unformatted space,then do whatever u want11:46
kamarulindus: we'll c..hope it works11:47
jhesketh_jerroome: I tried that already in practice... seems pmount or gnome-volume-manager or something still has enough permissions to mount it11:47
TheSilentWarriori just turn on my xubuntu and the top bar and the lower bar are gone, how can i fix it? pretty much only have desktop wallpaper and few auto-opened windows! help!11:47
unicorn_indus, is there page with directions to install it?11:47
unicorn_TheSilentWarrior, try alt tabbing? Haha.11:47
kamarulindus: what is swap-linux for?11:47
GPLany package suggestions for a local web server ( For Testing Purposes Only ) . When in windows , i was using WAMP 2.0 package, but in Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope, i really dont have a clue ?11:47
TheSilentWarriorunicorn_, omg!11:47
TheSilentWarriorunicorn_, i can change view ports and alt tab just fine =)11:48
induskamarul: its virtual memory kinda11:48
hvnqke_workkamarul, swap space is used to store temporary stuff that would usually be stored in your RAM, when you're out of RAM.11:48
ntnunicorn_: ...why not just install the deb?11:48
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:48
indusunicorn_: iam your directions :)11:48
kamarulindus:  should i delete it since i deleted the sda5?11:48
unicorn_I'm such a newb. I have Windows 7 installed. I just felt so guilty using it. :p11:49
Zukawhy wont netbeans stay running?11:49
induskamarul: well, leave one swap space or ubuntu wont boot11:49
kamarulindus: doesnt necessary to keep it rite?11:49
Zukathe splash opens11:49
Zukathen thats it11:49
ntnunicorn_: go to the site, download the deb, double click on it and it'll install11:49
induskamarul: necessary :!11:49
ntnthen restart firefox and use it11:49
Zukai got it through add/remove applications11:49
hvnqke_workZuka, start it through a terminal and pastebin the output11:49
indusunicorn_: i gave you the link to 64 bit flash11:49
Zukasorry, but... how?11:49
Zukai'm new to ubuntu11:49
ntnindus: are they using 64 bit architecture?11:50
kamarulindus: it works!11:50
hvnqke_workZuka, applications->assecories->terminal11:50
indusunicorn_: create a folder called plugins in the .mozilla direcotr11:50
hvnqke_workZuka, write netbeans11:50
unicorn_Will I have to remove any old installs of flash?11:50
jerroomejhesketh_ : I don't have more hints, good luck !!11:50
Zukai know how to get to the terminal11:50
kamarulindus: shall i quit it now?11:50
induskamarul: yeah iam a genius11:50
jhesketh_jerroome: no worries. thanks for your help!11:50
induskamarul: yeah quit11:50
hvnqke_workZuka, and then it will write stuff in the window. copy and paste that to pastebin.com and give us the link11:50
backtrackerI want to execute some perl script every minute so I added => */1 * * * * root /bin/laden/script.pl <== to a file called "cron.root" and then I wrote => crontab cron.root11:50
kamarulindus: thats u indus11:50
Zukabut just "netbeans" doesnt do anything11:50
kamarulindus: you save my ass again11:50
indusntn: yes11:50
backtrackerBut nothing :S11:50
fredlhas there been any mention anywhere of a recent update breaking the ICH7 audio driver?11:50
indusntn: its alpha version but its a bad or as good as the 32 bit11:50
kamarulindus: let if thing 100% works. im going to restart11:50
induskamarul: okies11:51
indusunicorn_: are you following me or someone else? one at a time only11:51
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TheSilentWarriori just turn on my xubuntu and the top bar and the lower bar are gone, how can i fix it? pretty much only have desktop wallpaper and few auto-opened windows, help! please11:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about socks11:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about socks511:51
unicorn_indus, I will follow you. My question is: Do I need to uninstall flash first? I'm having problems with flash chat on blogtv.com11:51
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Kartagiswhat do you guys suggest I install for SOCKS?11:52
indusunicorn_: ntn yes need to uninstall all previous flash instalaltion11:52
indusunicorn_: just do a sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree11:52
ntnunicorn_: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/05/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-using-nspluginwrapper.html11:52
fredlI seem to have a problem with a Realtek ALC883 mixer which recently stopped working correctly under Ubuntu. The hardware is fine, it still works in Vista.11:53
indusntn: thats the 32 bit plugin,it has many issues11:53
ntnhttp://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/11/install-native-64bit-flash-player-10-on-linux.html           oops11:53
ntnthis one was what I meant11:53
indusntn: hehe11:53
HorusofozHey :) Is it possible to install Ubuntu to an external hard drive and run/boot from it without affecting a host system (XP)11:54
indusHorusofoz: of course11:54
Horusofozindus: Can you link to a guide please?11:54
indusHorusofoz: aaiyaah guides,11:55
PointManif I want to get security updates for my 8.04 lts server edition i just do apt-get update ? Im concerned about the latest kernel attacks11:55
indusHorusofoz: no guides as of now11:55
putkinhow can i join this server over xchat? irc.de.euirc.net:6667.11:55
indusHorusofoz: there is nothing special about what you wantto do, no need to worry its common11:55
ntnHorusofoz: it is, just point it to the external hard drive when you install it, or just use something like wubi if you want to dual boot easily without messing around with it11:56
lstarnesputkin: /newserver irc.de.euirc.net 666711:56
indusHorusofoz: you basically have 2 drives,internal and 1 external, want ubuntu on external and boot from it11:56
fredlI seem to have a problem with a Realtek ALC883 mixer which recently stopped working correctly under Ubuntu. The hardware is fine, it still works in Vista. What's the best way to proceed?11:56
Horusofozindus: What if the external drive is formatted as NTFS. I mean I am happy to wipe it in favour of Ext4 but not sure how. Do I move the ISO to the drive then reboot with it plugged in?11:56
Horusofozindus: Oh and if I do this do I need to clear all files from the drive before the reboot?11:57
thedongi'm using a laptop what version of ubuntu should i use? ubuntu desktop or ubuntu remix?11:57
indusHorusofoz: you have a live cd with you?11:57
HorusofozI have an ISO11:58
indusHorusofoz: hmm cant boot with an iso, u need to burn it to a cd now11:58
Horusofozindus: Ubuntu 9.04 ISO and Kubuntu one11:58
HorusofozBurning now :)11:58
=== SickPsyc^ is now known as SickPsyc
indus!image | Horusofoz11:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about image11:58
indus!iso | Horusofoz11:58
ubottuHorusofoz: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:58
indusaah wrong link nvm11:59
=== prepress is now known as Ariman
indusHorusofoz: remember, installing an OS requires formatting a drive, make sure you have backup12:00
fredlI seem to have a problem with a Realtek ALC883 mixer which recently stopped working correctly under Ubuntu. The hardware is fine, it still works in Vista. What's the best way to proceed?12:00
ziro`how can one define a system wide env variable12:00
HorusofozThe drive is an old back up of my PortableApps.com (Windows) drive - Now I'm happy to wipe it for Ubuntu :)12:00
ziro`regardless of user12:00
Horusofozindus: The drive is an old back up of my PortableApps.com (Windows) drive - Now I'm happy to wipe it for Ubuntu :)12:00
indusHorusofoz: aah ok cool,just insert live cd,boot from it then hmm do a manual install so u get to install ubuntu to that external hdd12:01
indus!partition | Horusofoz12:02
ubottuHorusofoz: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:02
Horusofozindus: Not sure I want to partition. Just want the drive to be solely Ubuntu12:02
indusHorusofoz:ya i mean format sorry12:03
funflex\join #baobab12:03
ArimanHi, I'm new here. I'm looking for HELP. I need to upgrade old 7.10 ubuntu server to 8.04.3. Can anyone help me ?12:03
fredlAriman - good luck finding help here.12:03
ziro`so, defining system wide environment variables? how12:04
Arimanwhy? - ? it's not the right place?12:04
oldude67yes its the right place12:04
oldude67fredl, are you using pulseaudio?12:05
fredloldude67 - yes I am.12:05
=== remus is now known as prodigel
Arimanso i try to upgrade from CD  - sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade - didnt work - update-manager not installed12:05
oldude67fredl, have you tried using alsa instead?12:06
oldude67pulseaudio is being really weird right now for a lot of people.12:06
Horusofozindus: Theoretically would it be possible to "partition" the 150 GB external drive into 2 75 partitions, then install Ubuntu on one and Kubuntu on the other? And have it set so when the pc is booted with the drive plugged in I get the dual boot option?12:06
oldude67Ariman, have you done dist-upgrade?12:07
Slart!upgrade | Ariman12:07
ubottuAriman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:07
fredloldude67, yes, I was under the impression that I *was* using Alsa but after you asked I checked if pulseaudio is running and it is.12:07
hareldvdafter installing flash player v from: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/thankyou/?installer=Flash_Player_10_for_Linux_(.deb) in FF add ons plugin the version stamp is still 9.0.r999. How can I check if FF uses the right version?12:07
Slartfredl: just to clarify... pulseaudio uses alsa.. they are not alternatives.. pulseaudio is a layer on top of alsa12:08
fredlSlart, ah okay. Was responding to oldude67's question...12:08
ntnhareldvd: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/12:08
Arimandidn't work because 7.10 onlyne ( apt-get ) is down12:08
Slarthareldvd: uninstall the flash player version from the repos.. you might have to delete the actual plugin manually too12:09
Arimanso - no software support online12:09
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.12:09
prodigelhi all. If I connect to a remote host via ssh(fish) in mc I cannot access directories containing spaces. I'm using ubuntu 9.04 updated to day12:09
hareldvdSlart, How do I uninstall and delete?12:09
fredlSlart, oldude67 - either way, I merely get a crackling sound from my laptop speaker while the hardware is okay. Where do I begin to troubleshoot that?12:10
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:10
ntnhareldvd: apt-get remove then delete it from the .mozilla folder and so on12:10
SlartAriman: support ended in april.. that's why the repos are removed.. you need to change to the archived repositories.. there's nothing about that in the upgrade link?12:10
ntnthe plugins folder12:10
oldude67!sound > fredl12:10
ubottufredl, please see my private message12:10
hareldvdntn, which file from .mozilla?12:10
Slarthareldvd: synaptic.. search for adobe.. use the "remove completely"12:11
ntnhareldvd: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/      can you see your version here?12:11
fredltnx oldude6712:11
garymcHi peeps, everytime i click on my launchers when logged in as a particular user, it loads opens it in text editor and not firefox. I want it to open in firefox? When i right click it there is no option to open with other program. When i goto /var/www/ and right click on insert.php it says open with firefox. So i pressume thats all correct. Now when I log in with another user it all works fine??? whats happening here and how can i fi12:11
garymcx it?12:11
Slartfredl: hmm.. I would start by searching the ubuntu forums for your laptops manufacturer/model.. see if anyone else has asked the same question..12:11
hareldvdntn, Yea, it's 9.0.r999 not the one i just installed.12:11
SlartAriman: I think the repository you need to use is called old-releases.ubuntu.com  .. use that to run a upgrade.. then you can update to the next version12:12
i00nsuhello guys12:12
ArimanI'll try now whit thsi old-releases.ubuntu.com12:12
oldude67Slart, even tho pulseaudio is using alsa it has many bugs in it, i had to delete it from my computer to get my sound to work and im running ich5 intel sound.12:12
ntnhareldvd: libflashplayer.so12:12
ntnhi i00nsu12:13
gartralany command i can run too find out the modelnumber for the hard drive im running?12:13
hareldvdntn, Not there. I'll search on the whole disk.12:13
Slartoldude67: pulseaudio has its share of problems.. true.. same with alsa..12:13
oldude67Slart, agree12:14
Slartoldude67: especially with the ICH cards.. there seems to be a gazillion different models.. each needs slightly different settings to work in the driver..12:14
ntngartral: sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda12:14
garymcanyone? ^^12:14
indusunicorn_: so did u finish?12:14
Slartgartral: try the smart commands.. I think they give quite a lot of hardware info12:14
iPoRnis there another folder with "xchat" scripts for the auto-load, or the only folder is the ~/.xchat2 ?12:15
poisonkillerdoes anybody know, how to make VPN autoconnect on login?12:15
=== DaZ- is now known as DaZ
axionI have 2 audio hw devices, how do I get pulse/alsa to forward soun d from hw:1 to hw:0 without using some form of player such as sox ?12:15
NantoRokuseikenhi any programs such as MathType for linux? i want to be able to write my mathematical functions easily12:16
i00nsudoes anyone knows howto reset the visual configuration of ubuntu? I am using compiz, but if I walk to a secound desktop the main painel desapper, and all windows in task panel still there12:16
axionNantoRokuseiken, try some form of TeX12:16
Dr_WillisNantoRokuseiken:  i think there are.. but ive never used them. LaTeX has some math typesetting features also.12:16
ddnI got this, what can I do? Can't open HIDP control socket: Protocol not supported12:16
Slartaxion: not really an answer to your question.. but if you have something using pulseaudio you can just change it to play on hw:2 using the pulseaudio device chooser (package padevchooser)12:17
NantoRokuseikenDr_Willis: well i dont have time to learn latex. :( either i ll find a program to do my job or switch to windoze for the moment and use ms office12:17
Slartaxion: but if something is playing a sound using alsa I don't think there is a lot you can do about it in pulseaudio12:17
axionSlart, yeah.. but the problem is to connect hw:1 to hw:012:17
Dr_WillisNantoRokuseiken:  check the package manager.   Theres likely to be some tool for that.12:18
axionhw:1 only has inputs12:18
SlartNantoRokuseiken: openoffice has some math typing ... but latex is nicer =) why not try Lyx.. that's what I use for reports and such12:18
NantoRokuseikenSlart: i know that.i want something better12:18
Dr_WillisLyx - thats what i was thinking of. :)12:18
Slartaxion: can you tell me what you are trying to do? what is playing the sound.. and so on12:18
Slart!info lyx12:19
ubottulyx (source: lyx): Document Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (jaunty), package size 2928 kB, installed size 7808 kB12:19
SlartDocument processor.. sigh.. that sounds soooo boring =)12:19
Dr_Willisdosent Openoffice also have the feature as well12:19
Dr_Willistexmacs - WYSIWYG mathematical text editor using TeX fonts12:19
SlartDr_Willis: mm... it has some support.. like Microsoft Office.. kind of.. but the result isn't as nice as latex12:20
axionSlart, I have a cardbus analog tv card, and I need to get the audio from it's input hooked up to the input of the general audio card12:20
dwarderhow do you recompile mysql to add cp1251_general_ci charset?12:20
dwarderam i need to recompile it?12:20
dwardermysqldump: Character set 'cp1251_general_ci' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file12:21
Slartaxion: oh.. I see.. hmm.. you could probably do it using the dmix software mixer.. but I'm not sure if that will play nice with pulseaudio12:21
dwarderor can i hust specify it in /usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml12:21
dwarderhust == just12:21
neo8848hey guys, a bit of help with jaunty, i cannot see apache/mysql/php/eclipse in my synaptic package list, i've been able to finish installation of these via apt-get-install? i did the reload, i did apt-get update on cli, what's up?12:22
garymcanyone know ho wi change a file association12:22
garymcsome reason it has changed?12:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmi9c12:22
jrib!defaultapp | garymc12:22
ubottugarymc: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.12:22
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:22
axionSlart, the following line works, but then the tv-app has no control over the volume: sox -q -c 2 -s -r 32000 -t alsa hw:1 -t alsa -r 32000 hw:012:23
garymcubottu: I done that, but when i click on the launcher with just this one user, it opens in text editor12:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:23
Dr_Willisaxion:  i think theres some extra pulse audio mixers you can install that let you controll the volume on a per app basis..12:23
Slartaxion: looks nice.. sox is a nifty little tool.. but I don't know how to fix the volume problem12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pavucontrol12:23
Slart!info pavucontrol12:23
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 64 kB, installed size 376 kB12:23
rekhow can i remove all myth packages?12:24
Dr_Willis paprefs pavucontrol    - one of those...12:24
rekhow can i unistall it and reinstall mythtv correctly12:24
Dr_Willisrek:  MythTV installs a lot of things it needs. :)   uninstalling/reinstalling normally dosent 'fix' things in linux.  tell the channel the exact problem, also check the #mythbuntu channel perhaps.12:25
axionSlart, Dr_Willis when I check with several plugins, the equalizer shows there is sound activity, it's only not possible to pass-thru on the mixer12:25
rekthe channell is pretty silent12:25
rekdr_willis i deleted some files so it's difficult12:25
Dr_Willisrek:  apt-get has some options to force a reinstall of all files..  i recall.12:26
Slartapt-get install --reinstall12:26
rekcan i telly da problem?12:27
Dr_WillisIts often best to state the actual problem. :) not ask how to do this, or that.. when you are  not sure of the actual fix for the ORIGINAL problem. :)12:27
axionSlart, Dr_Willis that is a software mixer12:28
Slartaxion: pulseaudio is a software mixer.. pavucontrol is just a gui for controlling it12:29
axionSlart, how can I configure pulseaudio to loop sound from hw:1 to hw:0 ?12:30
Slartaxion: that I don't know.. as far as I can tell your sox solution is the best one so far12:30
axionhmm "dd if=/dev/dsp1 of=/dev/dsp" also works..12:32
Dr_Willisthats one of the more original uses for dd - that ive seen in a LONG time....12:32
solaimanhow can i integrate xchat using ruby12:32
* DaZ agrees12:33
Dr_Willismy old old old tv tuner card.. had a little cable i pluged out from the tv card.. into the sound card. :) classic...12:33
Dr_Willissolaiman:  clarify to the channel what you wish to do exactly?12:33
Mba7ethguys when ever i open my terminal .... a message pop up saying " you have new Mail"12:36
Mba7ethhow can i open it ?12:36
Travis-42how do I get command line aptitude to tell me the changelog for an update?12:36
lstarnesMba7eth: mail12:36
unicorn_I broke my flash in firefox trying to install the 64 bit version. YIKES.12:36
=== UdontKnow is now known as root
Travis-42ah, never mind12:37
anr78In the window selector I have set it to only show windows from the current workspace, but it still shows windows from all workspaces12:37
axionDr_Willis, too bad the tv-card only has inputs..12:37
unicorn_Now when I visit  youtube or myspace firefox just closes.12:37
Mba7ethlstarnes: that simple :) thanks alot dude12:37
ArimanSlart: 10x12:38
kaddiunicorn_ have you tried simply uninstalling flash and reinstalling the correct version?12:38
benoitcis there any problem with catalyst amd64 on ubuntu karmic. would like to test but I'va black screen at startup12:39
benoitcalso thought that radeon 2400 HD pro was supported by radeon driver now with dri :/12:39
kamarulguys, is it possible to change theme in ubuntu 9.0412:39
kamaruldoes theme works in 9.04?12:42
IdleOnekamarul, System>Appearance12:42
kamaruli only see login window?12:42
kamarulIdleOne: no theme menu12:42
IdleOnekamarul, System>Prefferences>Appearance12:43
unicorn_kaddi, Yeah, it's a flash issue causing firefox to crash on pages with flash embeds.12:43
kaddiunicorn_ many (but not all) flash issues appear when more than one flash utility is installed. Make sure you uninstall all Flash related packages: flashplugin-nonfree, swfdec-mozilla, swfdec-gnome, mozilla-plugin-gnash, gnash. with sudo apt-get remove --purge <packagename> and then use "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer" without the ""12:47
MOUDHey all12:50
MOUDFacebook doesn't display correctly on Firefox 3.0.13 and Firefox 3.5.2 (Shiretoko).  I have Java6-JDK and Flash nonfree installed. How can I fix this?12:52
Dr_WillisMOUD:  got a url for me to check?12:53
MOUDyou mean a pic of the display or the facebook website?12:53
Dr_WillisMOUD:  a url of a facebook site. :) ive never been there.. i can check in my browsers see if it also affects me.12:54
MOUDhello ILMAN512:55
ILMAN5i tried to install lampp12:55
ILMAN5but i get alot of errors12:56
ILMAN5y can it be simple with linux?12:56
IdleOneILMAN5, it wouldn't be fun if it was. Do you have any other questions that are easy to answer?12:56
erUSUL!lamp | ILMAN512:56
ubottuILMAN5: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:56
ILMAN5i know!!12:57
ILMAN5i download it12:57
ILMAN5extract it12:57
ILMAN5now i run it like this:12:57
WintoDo we have any KDE Apache GUI ?12:57
ILMAN5sudo lampp start12:57
ILMAN5no ! its without a gui12:57
ILMAN5how can i show you the log ?12:59
IdleOneILMAN5, how did you install LAMP?12:59
erUSULILMAN5: no you did it wrong. You do not dl anything you just go to Admin>Administration>Synaptic -- Menu Edit>Select packages by task --> lamp server12:59
ILMAN5i just donwload it13:00
ILMAN5and extract13:00
IdleOneok well then you cannot run it13:00
IdleOneyou need to install13:00
ILMAN5okay how ?13:00
erUSULILMAN5: we do not support 3rd party lamp setups like xaamp13:00
IdleOnego to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and read13:00
unicorn_kaddi, thanks. I'll keep trying.13:00
fredlI found a fix for the crackling soundcard....13:00
zaggynlah what fixed it?13:01
kaddiunicorn_ you can also try and run FF from commandline and see if it throws an error when it closes, that might give you a hint of what is happening13:01
ILMAN5The program 'apache2' can be found in the following packages:13:01
fredlit's hardly a structural solution.... but *somehow* my PCM volume must have been reset to 0 instead of 100.13:01
ILMAN5 * apache2-mpm-event13:02
ILMAN5 * apache2-mpm-prefork13:02
ILMAN5 * apache2-mpm-worker13:02
FloodBot3ILMAN5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:02
ILMAN5 * apache2-mpm-itk13:02
ILMAN5Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>13:02
todd_chamberyHi all13:02
megaimpulseAny help with connecting to the internet on the latest ubuntu server via wlan?13:02
unicorn_kaddi, how would I do that?13:02
ILMAN5which one should i choose?13:02
todd_chamberyis there a way to disable the gnome taskbar from minimizing on click?13:02
IdleOneILMAN5, if you refuse to read the help we are trying to give you then you will never get LAMP installed. go to this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and READ13:02
kaddiunicorn_ are you using Firefox 3.0 or 3.5?13:02
ILMAN5i read this13:02
buchany applications are great for media, something like ie winamp or whatever13:02
fredlit just totally doesn't make sense to me that a crackling soundcard would be fixed by turning up the PCM volume though.13:03
zaggynlsure it does13:03
IdleOneILMAN5, you have not13:03
todd_chamberyI want the taskbar button to only "bring to front"13:03
ILMAN5can u help me on private?13:03
fredlwell if there's no PCM volume you shouldn't hear anything right?13:03
fredlanyway, it's an acceptable workaround I guess.13:03
kaddiunicorn_ press alt+f2, type terminal, a terminal will open, into that terminal type firefox and hit enter. Firefox will open. Go to a website, that make firefox crash and check if some info was written into the terminal13:04
unicorn_I'm working on a new install of ubuntu studio 9.04 64 bit13:04
IdleOneILMAN5, don't private message me please13:04
cutouthi I just download myeclipse tool using gwget and it is in tar.gz and when trying to extract it i get gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error13:04
cutoutgzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error13:04
cutouttar: Unexpected EOF in archive13:04
cutouttar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now13:04
FloodBot3cutout: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
cutoutsorry for the flooding13:05
=== testz3urfhdj is now known as ukev
bruce927Hey, does anyone else experience a really loud crackling sound when pidgin makes a noise?13:05
cutoutis there a away to fix this http://paste.ubuntu.com/253112/13:06
unicorn_kaddi, ran it from terminal. Got this: Segmentation fault13:06
MOUDis there an itunes alternative for linux?13:06
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee13:06
Paavi2_0bruce927: yes, i have. you have to turn down your levels at the mixer...13:06
CQis there any way to wake on lan only with a specific knock sequence or specific data? i.e. I have a home server that I want off, but want to be able to wake and access remotely13:06
MOUDthanks IdleOne13:07
mrwesMOUD, Rhythmbox, it also supports Daap shares -- BTW, it's the default player13:07
cutoutis there a way to fix currpted tar files13:07
kaddiunicorn_ hehe, well that doesn't look good. :/ it's probably a bug... you might try FF-3.5 and see if it works any better. Just type sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 to install and then type firefox-3.5 to start it, visit the page and see if it works any better13:07
mrwesMOUD, Oh...it also has a Last.fm plugin13:07
MOUDI don't use the Store thing of itunes, I just want to be able to sync music to it13:07
mrwesMOUD, works great with my IPOD 120gb Classic13:08
MOUDhey ce_canteeg13:08
eraggocutout: dowloading it again?13:08
unicorn_kaddi, it was working fine until I tried to uninstall all traces of flash. :p13:08
unicorn_I'll upgrade to the new firefox.13:08
cutouteraggo:  1,4GB13:08
kaddiunicorn_ I thought you said it started when you installed flash?13:08
MOUDmrwes: is there any necessary plugins for it?13:08
eraggocutout: have fun :)13:08
megaimpulseAnybody know how to get ubuntu server on the web via a wireless card?13:08
bruce927I found out, apparently it's due to using pulseaudio. It's find when I swapped to ALSA13:09
mrwesMOUD, they're all included13:09
ukevmegaimpulse: wpa or wep?13:09
nmvictor2Hi, Got a problem here, I wanted to upgrade to jaunty using alternate install but changed mt mind when the update crashed due to some error in the CD,however my my update notification icon still record the hundred of packages that were to be fetched from the CD as available update.how do i deal with this since everytime i try to update my system, the packages are included.How do I deal with this?13:09
cutouteraggo: thanks :) is there a good download manager for ubuntu13:09
MOUDmrwes: thans13:09
megaimpulsewep i believe13:09
eraggocutout: to be honest. I don't know :(13:09
ukevthen it is simple, just use iwconfig to configure the ssid and the wep key und after that use ifconfig to set up your ip address or use dhcp13:10
megaimpulseThanks a bunch13:10
ce_canteeghi jga13:10
Pharsalusukev, Sorry to interject, does configuring using 'iwconfig  ...' save the information if you reboot?13:11
bruce927Is there a way of reducing the sensitivity scrolling with a trackpad?13:11
ukevno iwconfig does not save the information13:12
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
ukeveither you can add the iwconfig command to your local boot file or use the configure files for setting up iwconfig13:12
buchcan anyone try connect to my ftp, need to see if its working?13:12
Pharsalusbruce927, menu>preferences>mouse and on the general tab, look at Pointer Acceleration/speed.13:13
unicorn_kaddi, the problem started after I uninstalled flash 32 bit and installed flash 64 bit.13:13
aeturnusbuch, sure. address?13:13
bruce927Ah, thanks pharsalus13:13
hafiz1how to get back the thrash back to menu/13:13
kaddiunicorn_ and FF is 32bit or 64bit?13:14
ShishKababI remember that there was some way to start a bash session don't doesn't save your history. Does anyone know how to that?13:14
buchaeturnus: i PM'ed you13:14
masquerademib mib13:15
unicorn_kaddi, I'm not certain. I just installed Ubuntu Studio 64 bit a few hours ago.13:15
unicorn_I didnt change it.13:15
kaddiunicorn_ how did you install the flashplugin first time?13:16
MOUDmrwes: how do I add songs to it? I'm trying to drag and drop but it doesn't seem to work.13:16
unicorn_It was already installed I believe.13:16
mrwesMOUD, add songs to Rhythmbox?13:16
unicorn_I was having problems getting blogtv.com chat to load.13:16
MOUDmrwes: add songs to ipod using rhythmbox13:16
unicorn_Which is a flash based chat and video site.13:17
kaddiunicorn_ and you uninstalled and reinstalled and now it just crashes?13:17
mrwesMOUD, is the IPOD mounted and shows up in Rhythmbox?13:17
MOUDyes, and the songs on it are also shown13:17
obhk__what would be the ideal set of programs to work with e-mail from the command line (IMAP and remote SMTP)?  In the past I had mutt, ssmtp, mailx, nail, etc. but it's really confusing13:18
mrwesMOUD, hrmm....I just drag and drop from my library on the right panel to the IPOD icon on the left panel13:18
ubottumongeron: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:18
unicorn_kaddi, yes. Let me try to reinstall flash 32 bit.13:18
mrwesMOUD, do you enable the IPOD plugin via Edit | Plugins ?13:19
aethelrickobhk__: when you say "work with" do you mean as a user or from scripts etc?13:19
mongeronI have Ubuntu 7.04 installed on my remote server, and I'd like to upgrade it to a newer supported version.13:19
bazhangMOUD, I've found banshee to be more effective as an iPod transfer mechanism13:19
mongeronHowever, the do-release-upgrade tells me that no supported distributions are available.13:19
eraggomongeron: update-manager?13:19
mongeronI am using only shell there, no GUI.13:19
GreenwellHi all.. Many times when i start up jaunty, my computer will restart suddenly after a few minutes of use. After it restarts, it will sometimes restart again while booting Ubuntu. Once in every 3-4 restarts, I get a "working bootup", like now, which doesn't restart.13:19
MOUDmrwes: yes, it's enabled by default13:20
GreenwellI've checked heat all the time and this is not a heat problem. I've checked the logs and seen nothing before the reboot.13:20
kaddiunicorn_ I don't think you ever had 32bit flash on the system. If your ubuntu version is 64bit they will have used 64bit packages imho.. but I don't know ubuntu studio very well13:20
GreenwellI am using Wubi13:20
obhk__aethelrick: just as a user, chechk e-mails and write them13:20
mongerondo-release-upgrade does the same thing as update-manager, but it doesn't find any usable distributions.13:20
kaddiunicorn_ maybe try #ubuntustudio as well, they should know which flash version is installed by default on ubuntu studio13:21
mrwesMOUD, no idea then -- which IPOD are you using?13:21
GreenwellAny ideas? Thanks..13:21
unicorn_Thanks for the help guys.13:21
MOUDbazhang: the problem is that I have to download 37MB of packages and my internet is not that fast to download, my little sis in a hurry13:21
MOUDmrwes: ipod nano 8GB13:21
aethelrickobhk__: I've used mutt and pine before but I've always used local postfix as my SMTP relay, which in turn was configured to send mail to an upstream SMTP relay13:21
bazhangMOUD, well good luck then; I've had issues in the past using rhythmbox to sync iPod (ie not worked well at all)13:22
eraggomongeron: you installed core?13:22
mongeroneraggo: Yes, it is installed.13:22
aethelrickobhk__: is the machine your using a mail server itself? or are the mail accounts on a different box?13:22
MOUDbazhang: thanks13:22
mongeroneraggo: update-manager-core13:22
tonsofpcsso i'm trying to burn a cd with naut cd burner and it has my drive locked in a spin while it 'prepares to burn' and has been 'preparing' for over an hour13:22
eraggohmm.. is it "completely" up-to-date?13:23
mongeronWell, apt-get update cannot find any updates, since 7.04 has been removed from the mirrors.13:23
mongeronBecause it is no longer supported.13:23
eraggotry upgrade?13:23
obhk__aethelrick: no, my nachine is not set up as a mail server, my university provides my e-mail13:23
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mongeronupgrade finds no things to update.13:24
mongeronIdleOne: No help, it finds no packages to update.13:24
obhk__aethelrick: I had thunderbird configured to read and write e-mail, I would just like to do the same but from the command line13:25
kaddimongeron did you do a apt-get update first?13:25
kaddimongeron sorry13:25
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades mongeron13:25
kaddiignore me, ol13:25
GreenwellAnyone can help?13:25
aethelrickobhk__: maybe try alpine?13:25
FloodBot3Tobbe_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
bazhangGreenwell, with what13:26
IdleOneGreenwell, yes anyone can help13:26
aethelrickobhk__: I found it a bit more user friendly than mutt13:26
GreenwellSorry, I wrote three lines before.. Here it is again:13:26
GreenwellHi all.. Many times when i start up jaunty, my computer will restart suddenly after a few minutes of use. After it restarts, it will sometimes restart again while booting Ubuntu. Once in every 3-4 restarts, I get a "working bootup", like now, which doesn't restart. I've checked heat all the time and this is not a heat problem. I've checked the logs and seen nothing before the reboot. I am using Wubi13:27
mongeronIs it safe to update /etc/apt/sources.list with Ubuntu 8.04 package lists, and then run apt-get update / dist-upgrade?13:27
kaddiwhat does it mean, when I run apt-get update and some of the line have "Ign" in front? Are they ignored? and if so why are they ignored?13:27
bazhangmongeron, check the link I sent you13:27
L][NKmorning everyone13:27
L][NKHas anyone here tried to connect ubuntu to a windows 2008 domain?13:28
obhk__aethelrick: well, I used mutt before, went fine to read e-mail, but I couldn't get it to write e-mails through remote SMTP13:28
mongeronbazhang: Thanks, that's the thing I couldn't find.13:28
obhk__aethelrick: on the ohter hand, sending with nail or mailx was no problem either13:28
kaieI use a jaunty live system on a usb stick. something got app while installing security updates. when starting gdm, I now get weird display. can't switch to text console. Please, is there any kernel boot option I could use to prevent gdm to start, have system stay at text console?13:28
obhk__aethelrick: but I would like to be able to send and read in the same environment13:28
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kaies/got app/got messed up/13:29
fiXXXerMetI am using apt-mirror to mirror jaunty, karmic, and -backports and -updates.  I am currently using 9.04 but would like to upgrade to 9.10 using my local karmir mirror.  How can I do this?13:30
xerox1hi, i would like to switch my machine to standby; but there is no option when i am in the shutdown-menue; what am i missing?13:30
Dr_Williskaie:  you could disable the gdm service.. some how.. that pervents gdm from starting.13:30
ddnhi all13:30
kaddiwhat does it mean, when I run apt-get update and some of the line have "Ign" in front? Are they ignored? and if so why are they ignored?13:30
ddnhow can add the hidp module?13:30
bazhangGuest80324, dont paste that here13:30
Dr_Williskaie:  but  i know of no 'boot option' to do that. other then the single/rescue mode options13:30
ufukhey there13:30
herenbdyheya, I want to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix using a DVD, as I don't have a usb drive large enough for the USB .img provided (I lost it), can I burn the .img file to DVD even though it's intended for a USB drive?13:30
kaieDr_Willis, I read that I need a working system to disable the service, like using bum. But I can't get to a point where I can run any commands. Preventing gdm using a boot option is my only hope13:31
Dr_Williskaddi:  they are allready current/up to date.. so not redownloaded13:31
tavii try to run counter strike source13:31
taviand don't work13:31
kaieDr_Willis, what is the single/rescue mode option?13:31
taviso i tried from console13:31
kaddiDr_Willis thanks :)13:31
Dr_Williskaie:  theres cli tools to manage the sysv init scripts.. or delete the 'gdm' scripts from /etc/rc2.d/ manually I think13:31
tavibut this is what i get13:31
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vostii want to install a tv card, can anyone help13:32
bazhangtavi, this is with wine?13:32
ufukmy system sometimes logs itselfs out13:32
kaieDr_Willis, I can't get this system into a state where I can edit commands. I need a way to pause the boot process and get me a shell, or prevent Gdm13:32
ufuklast time it was during running my vm with windows13:32
bruce927Does anyone know a program to make a disk bootable?13:32
bazhangtavi, did you check the appdb13:32
Dr_Williskaie:  theres no 'restore/rescue' boot option at teh grub menu?  thats the normal way to do it.13:32
Dr_Williskaie:  or boot a live cd.. and access the installed os that way13:32
tavibut is a game for linux that doesn't work too13:32
tavibazhang: ?13:32
MOUDHow can I listen to online radio (via browser and via media player) ?13:33
Dr_Willistavi:  you did install the proper 3d drivers for your video card?13:33
tavithey are13:33
Dr_WillisMOUD:  i tend to use streamtuner or tunapie for that.13:33
bruce927also,, does anyone know an app for mounting isos?13:33
kaieDr_Willis, the system I refer to is a live system. A live usb starter with casper-rw area. I use it as a portable OS13:33
bazhang!appdb | tavi check here13:33
ubottutavi check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:33
Dr_Willis!iso | bruce92713:33
ubottubruce927: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:33
tavifrom sistem administration hardware drivers13:33
tavibazhang: is counter strike source13:33
MOUDDr_Willis: is there a difference between the two?13:33
tavithat surely works13:33
Dr_Williskaie:  ahh. i forget how you mount a casper-rw area..   if it has a grub menu, you can edit the boot lines and append a 'single' to the end of the kernel= entry and that 'should' boot to the cli. in single user mode I think13:34
bruce927Cheers Dr_Willis13:34
Dr_WillisMOUD:  yes. they are 2 different programs. :)13:34
=== ufuk is now known as kismet
Dr_Willis!info streamtuner13:34
ubottustreamtuner (source: streamtuner): A GUI audio stream directory browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.99-15ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 488 kB, installed size 2112 kB13:34
Dr_Willis!info tunapie13:34
ubottutunapie (source: tunapie): Lists audio and video streams from Shoutcast and Icecast. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.13-1 (jaunty), package size 45 kB, installed size 332 kB13:34
MOUDDr_Willis: hehe. I mean in terms of compatibility13:34
kismethey can anyone help me13:34
Dr_WillisMOUD:   they just find you radio/tv streams....13:35
kismeti don't know.. how but sometimes my ubuntu logs itselfs out13:35
kaieDr_Willis, I'M able to manually edit the kernel boot command line. I have already tried to add "1" for runlevel one. Let me try to use "single"13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tunapie13:35
MOUDDr_Willis: thanks, I'll install both then.13:35
bazhangtavi, what version of wine13:35
vostiwhere can one find tv card drivers and application?13:35
Dr_WillisMOUD:  i got them set to play the streams in whatever player i like. To get shoutcast streams working right. Might need a tweak. sicne shoutcast changed some things the other day13:35
Dr_WillisMOUD:  theres other players that have stream finder features in them also.13:36
kismethow can i find the problem13:36
bazhangkismet, regular install or wubi13:36
MOUDDr_Willis: thanks, I'll do some googling too13:36
bazhangaaron11, hello13:37
kismetwhat is wubi.. i just installed normal ubuntu13:37
bruce927What's the command to check your version of wine?13:37
herenbdywine -v13:37
eraggobruce927: wine --version?13:37
bazhangkismet, it logs you out for no reason at all?13:37
eraggoah :D13:37
bruce927Cheers eraggo13:37
neo8848how to know what version of subversion is running in my system?13:37
kismethm that is what i don't realy know bazhang..13:37
herenbdysvn --version13:38
xerox1i would like to switch my machine to standby; but there is no option when i am in the shutdown-menue; what am i missing?13:38
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neo8848thanks, it didn't appear when i did svn --help13:38
bazhangkismet, but it does log you out for no apparent reason? is that the issue? heat-related or something other13:38
kismetbazhang, it logs me out and than i am on the log in screen, last time it loged me out was during running my virtualbox with xp13:38
pozicWhy would anyone use cle over rlwrap?13:39
L][NKhey guys, can someone point me to a good AD connection guide(s)? im having some trouble trying to connect ubuntu to windows 2008 AD.13:39
bazhangkismet, only using vbox? at any other instances?13:39
a1234567890andraw anyone there13:39
pozicI don't know cle, but rlwrap seems to do what it should do. If they both do the same, why are both packaged?13:39
TuxMan1hii all13:39
kismetno o don't think that it is heat ( if you mean temperature) related.. temperature is always relative low13:39
kismetbazhang, no only one instances13:39
IdleOnepozic, choices13:40
kismeti use also compize bazhang,13:40
bazhangkismet, so when using vbox only then; what version of virtualbox and what version of jaunty; does this happen with compiz off as well? could be a conflict13:40
pozicIdleOne: choice is bad when two things are exactly the same. It might be that the licenses are different, but in that case, just package up the most liberal one.13:40
TuxMan1is there any tool to get a pixel's color of an image???13:40
pozicTuxMan1: you mean in a script?13:41
TuxMan1a script or some command like tool13:41
bazhanga1234567890, yes, do you have a support question13:41
a1234567890anyone needs the driver code of ubuntu13:41
IdleOnepozic, they may have slight differences, I couldn't really say but if rlwrap is working fine for you then stick with it13:41
pozicTuxMan1: not that I know of, but if you write a little C with any random image library, you can.13:41
kismetit used to appear if i pres alt+tab if my compize was activated.. and i changed it from 'static application switcher' to 'application switcher'13:41
bazhanga1234567890, the driver code? what do you mean13:41
TuxMan1I know C....13:41
TuxMan1ok so seems i'll have to do it myself13:41
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herenbdywhere can I get a CD/DVD image of Ubuntu Netbook Remix? ubuntu.com only provides a USB image (.img)13:42
kismetnow with normal 'application switcher' with compize it doesn't logs me out with alt+tab, bazhang13:42
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dns_Hallo ich hab folgendes Problem wenn ich meine Paketveraltung starte13:42
herenbdyI don't actually have a USB drive large enough to hold it, but plenty of DVDs13:42
a1234567890access under social security levels international13:42
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bazhangdns_, #ubuntu-de for German13:42
dns_oh sorry13:42
bazhanga1234567890, that does not make sense13:42
dragonrigscontinous talk ok13:43
kismet3.04 virtualbox version and, bazhang, 2.6.28-11-generic13:43
bazhangdragonrigs, what?13:43
maruzzu__esiste un canale ubuntu in italiano?13:44
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:44
bazhangmaruzzu__, #ubuntu-it13:44
kismet9.04 jaunty bazhang13:44
herenbdyand why do they provide a CD .iso for karmic koala, but not jackalope? :/13:44
hexa-i have a desktop with an 82G33/G31 VGA Controller. Ubuntu 9.04 uses Vesa-Driver by default, which only offers a software renderer for opengl. What would be the right driver?13:44
a1234567890vga controller bug 2134513:45
hexa-a1234567890 are you talking to me?13:45
bazhanga1234567890, a hardware bug?13:46
a1234567890vga needs cHip drove.13:47
bazhangkismet, have you updated to the latest kernel? that one is a bit behind13:47
bazhanga1234567890, please take chat elsewhere.13:47
bazhang!tw > a123456789013:47
ubottua1234567890, please see my private message13:47
IdleOneleast form a complete sentence13:47
bazhanghe's Chinese13:47
kismetwait bazhang13:49
a1234567890international social levels not bought:finland's,southKorea's,Japan's,Thailand's,Indonesia's,Burma's,Philippines's,SriLanka's,India's,Nigeria's,Lebanon's stuff,black market exists,animals,bugs exists,terror areas.Social21432.international.norm.13:50
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ubuntu_what is the command in terminal to see partitions? -l lpst? i dont remember13:50
bazhanga1234567890, this is the WRONG channel for that.13:51
kismeti have an compiled kernel which i usually would like to keep because it is undervolted13:51
kismeti have an compiled kernel which i usually would like to keep because it is undervolted bazhang13:51
bazhangkismet, ah, that might be the issue then.13:51
bazhangkosmic, ??13:52
kosmicyou are abou to install software that CANT BE authenticated13:52
kosmicwhat's this stuff13:52
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bazhangkosmic, when doing what13:52
kismetreally???? bazhang13:52
kosmicthe ubuntu updater wants to install libldap-2.4-213:52
kosmicwhich it says is not an authenticated package13:53
bazhangkosmic, that is a gpg error then13:53
ubuntu_hey whats the command to see partitions in terminal ? something with -L i need to see so i can restore grub13:53
_nano_Hi, I installed lxde on top of ubuntu. I hear sound events on maximizing and minimizing windows. Is there a way to stop them? I couldn't find it in obconf. Google couldn't help me as well :(13:53
kosmicbazhang: yeah? it happened on debian a week ago too (different packages)13:53
bazhang!gpgerr > kosmic13:53
a1234567890it authorized,authored 21439.13:53
ubottukosmic, please see my private message13:53
kosmicdifferent computer too!13:54
Kingsy101dor someone who is knew to ubuntu is there a tutorial out there to help me get a localhost setup on my ubuntu PC ? it needs phpmyadmin and php513:54
eboyjr!lamp | Kingsy10113:54
ubottuKingsy101: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:54
kosmicbazhang: i didn't add any custom repositories. never have13:54
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bazhangkosmic, I get those on occasion as well, nothing to worry about if you have standard repos13:55
bazhangkosmic, ie safe to ignore13:55
i00nsuppl, there is some sweet pack that have the best security apps like backtrack distro and others use, but to implement them without making a new instalation O.S, ?13:56
Picikosmic: It usually just means that something failed to update when doing apt-get update.  Usually if you try that again and then try your normal upgrade procedure it will not error out again.13:57
bazhangi00nsu, which packages? please be specific13:57
rob__Hi, I'm having a video driver issue in 9.04, with an intel 845G, using the intel driver. When x starts the screen goes blank with the backlight still on and the computer is responsive but shows nothing.13:58
JayCoyotehello Ubuntu13:58
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lectronMy sound is all screwy again since around the time libass3 was updated. Can't keep it installed or I have no audio at all. Leave it uninstalled now, and audio's back to the pre-Jaunty crapfest it used to be, forcing alsa reloads several times a day. Ugh.13:58
kosmicPici: ah, i ran aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade, no errors13:59
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binB4SHHi I'm trying to build imagemagick from source package using pbuilder and I get this13:59
binB4SHThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:59
binB4SH  pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: liblqr-dev-1-0 which is a virtual package.13:59
binB4SHWhat can I do to come around this?13:59
binB4SHI'm on karmic13:59
a1234567890hacker 213 inside dialogue13:59
ddnhow can add the hidp module?14:00
benchikhow can i install glade 3.6 on ubuntu hardy?14:00
insomen4ohow to disable the screensaver in 9.04 ?14:00
Kingsy101ok, I have installed LAMP and did sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin after that..14:01
CrAzYoNiWhat suggestions do you have for me about FTP client application that supports SSL connection?14:01
hafizguys, whats the best torrent client for ubuntu?14:01
Kingsy101if I go to http://localhost  it responds with "IT WORKS" how do I access phpmyadmin ?14:01
b3rz3rk3rinsomen4o, just set your screensaver to "blank screen"14:01
CrAzYoNihafiz, I prefer Deluge14:01
bazhangbinB4SH, #ubuntu+1 for karmic issues14:02
hafizdoes bittorent has it own in ubuntu version>14:02
i00nsubazhang: all... listed in backtrack distro or others... i know that are too much, maby some i will never use't, but in my point of view, i will like to have them all implemented on my gnome ubuntu instalation, so if i need to explore some venurability according to my needs, i don0t need to install or look for one, as i have them all... but thinking there is a sweet pack like the lzm pentest file that they did implemented in bt3 slax based..14:02
binB4SHthanks bazhang14:02
binarymutantmy libnotify isnt working correctly, "libnotify-Message: Error getting spec version" anyone know what this means?14:02
insomen4ob3rz3rk3r: i've set it, but games freez after 2 hours (the time for the screensaver)14:02
nnullhafiz, try transmission14:02
bazhangi00nsu, no such metapackage for Ubuntu, you need to install individually14:02
CrAzYoNihafiz, with your package manager search for torrent client you should get couple... :)14:03
benchikare there glade 3.6 backports for hardy?14:03
lectrondefinitely second the rec for deluge14:03
shahzadi need help about hibernate problem14:03
mizipzorwhats the name of the mono package that will let me run .net applications under wine?14:03
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shahzadhi everybody: i need help related hibernate problem in my ubuntu jauty14:04
Mangohi guys, I use Ubuntu and I'm looking for a comfortable keyboard. A lot of people suggested the Apple keyboard, so I decided to get one. Is there any problem with Ubuntu?14:04
i00nsuok, thanks14:04
nnulli thought mono was used to avoid needing wine14:04
b3rz3rk3rinsomen4o, check under your power options, that fullscreen apps disable the screensaver, and set your turn off screen value to something higher14:04
Kingsy101can someone help with my phpmyadmin problem ?14:04
nnullKingsy101, ##php you may have more luck14:05
b3rz3rk3rMango, they have problems with firmware hacks. thats all i know14:05
shahzadanybody could solve my hibernate problem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>14:05
PiciKingsy101: Whats the issue?14:05
WintoHappy Independence Day.....14:05
Kingsy101when I go on http://localhost/phpmyadmin it says that its trying to download a phtml file14:05
b3rz3rk3r!question | shahzad14:05
ubottushahzad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:05
Kingsy101you see I installed LAMP then sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin14:05
Kingsy101then I used the commadn14:06
bazhangshahzad, please be patient, giving more clear details helps14:06
Kingsy101sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/phpmyadmin14:06
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PiciKingsy101: You shouldnt need to do that14:06
shahzadactually i unable to hibernate in my ubuntu jauty14:06
Kingsy101and now http://localhost/phpmyadmin says you have chosen to open a phtml file14:06
Kingsy101Pici - so what should I do from here ?14:06
shahzadwhen i press hibernate it goes to black screen and then shutdown14:07
bazhangshahzad, how much ram14:07
Kingsy101remove phpmyadmin and start again ?14:07
a1234567890phpmyadmin is a diagnosis problem,that means diagnize problem exists about ship set drive by the operation system,the os driver need to turn on.14:07
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, thats what hibernate does14:07
PiciKingsy101: Make sure you have done the following: sudo a2enmod php5; sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart14:07
mizipzorwhats the name of the mono package that will let me run .net applications under wine?14:07
Kingsy101Pici - k 1 sec I will do that now14:07
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shahzadb3rz3rk3z: no actually it does not hibernate but shutdown14:08
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, so when you start it up again your application that were open on shutdown are no longer there?14:09
Kingsy101Pici - ok I have done that.. it says I already had php5 enabled and it looks like the apache server has re-started14:09
shahzadb3rz3rk3z: dear i know the diff between hibernate and shutdown, it goes for shutdown14:09
tim__bdoes anyone know how to prevent the gnome panel from being displayed on display 1? i have an extra monitor to the left of my notebook. when i also put it to be the left half of my wide desktop all panels are moved to it.14:09
hafizguys, whats the best torrent for ubuntu?14:09
b3rz3rk3rhafiz, deluge, imo14:10
tim__bNeed to have the extra Monitor to be the left half of the wide display but not to be the primary display14:10
bazhanghafiz, no best, try some out14:10
hafizok bazhang14:10
bigwookieyou know any very good terminal games, like nethack but a little bit easyer , the genre of the game si not important14:10
Kingsy101Pici - what now?14:10
MadGirli heard now was there any way to move the battery indicator all the way to the right? to keep the system icons separate from the program icons?14:10
mizipzori take mono isnt in ubuntus package repository?14:10
bazhang!best > hafiz14:10
ubottuhafiz, please see my private message14:10
Kingsy101Pici - it still says the same thing when I try to log onto localhost/phpmyadmin14:10
PiciKingsy101: Can you try it again?14:10
PiciKingsy101: Did you remove the symlink that you had created?14:10
Kingsy101oh no I didnt14:11
hafizin terms of space. deluge need a minimum space ?14:11
bigwookiei need a terminal game to spend time ;D14:11
shahzadi unable to hibernate in my ubuntu jaunty14:11
Kingsy101Pici - how do I remove that? sorry to ask but I didnt really knew what it did, it was just something I found in a forum14:11
mizipzor"E: Package mono has no installation candidate" ... did i write the name wrong or is there something wrong with sources.list?14:11
bazhangshahzad, please dont repeat so quickly14:12
PiciKingsy101: Just delete /var/www/phpmyadmin14:12
Kingsy101Pici - ok I have deleted that, now it says Not Found14:13
zirodaymizipzor: the package doesn't actually exist. What are you trying to install?14:13
bazhangmizipzor, monodevelop ?14:13
shahzadbazhang:nobody is resolving so what should i do14:13
mizipzorziroday: trying to run .net applications through wine14:13
IdleOneshahzad, be patient14:13
mizipzorziroday: i was asked to install "mono"14:13
bullgard[Ubuntu 9.04] My Pidgin appears after each reboot anew although I exited it before. What should I do so that it does not open automatically at every reboot?14:13
PiciKingsy101: Does /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf exist?14:13
zirodaymizipzor: err mono isn't required for .net applications in wine. You need to install .net in wine :)14:13
bazhangshahzad, repost every twenty minutes or so, add many more details to your question14:13
Kingsy1011 sec14:13
mizipzorziroday: maybe they missunderstodd my question then :p i take there is no package for .net i just download the regular windows file?14:14
Kingsy101Pici - it doesnt look like it, I did a gedit command and the file was blank14:14
Kingsy101I did sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and it seemed to install14:14
zirodaymizipzor: correct, the folks in #winehq can direct you on the exact procedure better.14:14
hafizguys, there;s a sound like an error every time i want to reboot or shutdown. does this happen to you as well? ubuntu 9.0414:15
zirodayhafiz: how are you rebooting?14:15
mike3For the life of me I can't get "talk" to work! It has been working for months and all of a sudden took a shit. Can somebody please help?14:15
mizipzorziroday: actually, i was just told to "install mono"... has been silent ever since14:15
bazhangmike3, please watch the language14:15
noisei dont understand why the volume  is low,but i have it in the maximum?14:15
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, how big is your swap partition?14:15
vivxonehow to remove the other useless packages which are installed with some applications14:15
zirodaynoise: is PCM volume raised as well?14:15
hafizziroday: its just the same. either you reboot from terminal or gui14:16
PiciKingsy101: Okay, does /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf exist?14:16
shahzadb3rz3rk3z: 2 gb14:16
noisePCM ?14:16
zirodayhafiz: it sounds like the pc speaker is going off, which is the correct behaviour I believe.14:16
noiseyes its in max.14:16
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, and you have 2GB of RAM installed too ?14:16
Kingsy101Pici - yes14:16
shahzadb3rz3rk3z: yes14:16
hafizziroday: but it seems more to error. its like a beep14:17
zirodayhafiz: that is correct, if you don't want to ever hear the pc speaker you can blacklist the module14:17
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, you may want to try increasing your swap size by a little bit. Ubuntu forums comments seem to suggest that would help14:17
bazhangTheShahFactor, hi14:17
PiciKingsy101: okay do the following then: sudo ln -s /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpmyadmin ; sudo a2ensite phpmyadmin ; sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart14:18
shahzadb3rz3rk3z: how could i extend it by taking space from other ext4 partition i had14:18
TheShahFactorbazhang Howdy!14:18
hafizziroday: how am i going to blacklsit the module?14:18
zirodayhafiz: add the line "blacklist pcspkr" to your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist14:19
Kingsy101Pici - when restart apache does this warning matter14:19
Kingsy101apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName14:19
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, yes. id reccomend a live version of Gparted available here: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:19
rrittenhouseI am trying to make my computer use vlan 4095 in ubuntu but it's giving me an out-of-range error. Is there a reason for this?14:19
PiciKingsy101: Nope, thats fine.14:19
Kingsy101cool beans 1 sec then14:20
kannan02how to access pendrive in my virtual xp( i installed ubuntu as host)14:20
ltcabralhey im using ubuntu but i need to test some stuff in suse, should i use a virtual machine or just install it too?14:20
rob__so after removing compiz and compiz-core as per a forum suggestion, my i845G now works fine with the intel driver14:20
shahzadb3rz3rk3r: i got gparted in my ubuntu14:20
hafizziroday: wont it effect my sounds?14:20
Kingsy101Pici - ok, apache still works (I can see the IT WORKS msg) but localhost/phpmyadmin comes up with a you have chosen to open a phtml file from http://localhost again14:21
zirodayhafiz: no, only your pc speaker14:21
Dr_Williskannan02:  you need to use the vbirutalbox  from the virtualbox homepage to have 'usb' support for that.14:21
hafizziroday: im using laptop btw14:21
zirodayltcabral: that's really your choice. Each have there advantages14:21
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, right, but you wont be able to edit your current partition because it is mounted. so you need the live cd to do so14:21
ltcabralziroday: what are?14:21
kannan02virtual box home page means??14:22
benchikno one knows about the backport?14:22
bazhangkannan02, virtualbox.org14:22
zirodayltcabral: vms are easier to deploy and remove, and can be run at the same time as the host system. Full installs run faster, and have more flexibility.14:22
Dr_Willis!virtualbox | kannan0214:22
ubottukannan02: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:22
Dr_Williskannan02:  non free edition has that and other features14:22
shahzadb3rz3rk3r: i need to resize my swap partition so i unmount it first, and then resize it, is it possible14:22
Jangalhello I have problem with gnome. after opening Computer from Places, nautilus closes and all icons from desktop disapear14:23
JangalI get this in syslog Aug 14 16:20:33 FreshBox kernel: [  424.724509] nautilus[4394]: segfault at 630000 ip b76dff76 sp bfd58070 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2104.0[b7689000+c3000]14:23
hafizziroday: how about if im using laptop. will it take effect/14:23
kannan02thank u for the replies;)14:23
Kingsy101Pici - any ideas ?14:23
zirodayhafiz: it will just remove the pc speaker sounds14:23
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, no, you will need to unmount your ext4 and resize, to get space for your swap first, then give more swap space. so you need the livecd. its a small dl14:23
zirodayJangal: what does running "nautilus" in the terminal output?14:24
hafizziroday: it suppose to be blacklist.conf rite?14:24
PiciKingsy101: hrm...14:24
=== genii_ is now known as genii
GPLhow to start file-browser , with administrative privileges ? tried sudo nautilus but didnt work :(14:24
hafizziroday: when i open /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist it is empty14:24
masquerade_Jangal: seems like nautilus crashes14:24
zirodayhafiz: no, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist14:24
zirodayhafiz: that is fine14:24
GPLanybody , who could sort this out ?14:24
zirodayGPL: gksudo nautilus --no-desktop14:24
shahzadb3rz3rk3r: actually the ext4 from which i wanna get space is not a root containing drive. so that i m asking is it possible to get space from it for my swap14:25
b3rz3rk3rGPL, gksu nautlius14:25
Jangalmasquerade_, there is no Computer in nautilus14:25
masquerade_Jangal: execute nautilus from a terminal, do the same again and paste the output14:25
Steilhow do i make my computer look like vista?14:25
GPLziroday: b3rz3rk3r: thanks.14:25
=== masquerade_ is now known as masquerade
JangalHow can I access it after opening nautilus?14:25
masqueradeSteil: google is your friend14:25
masqueradeJangal: acess what?14:25
Jangalthere is icon Computer in Places14:25
Jangalin gnome14:25
bazhangmasquerade, please dont recommend google here14:25
JangalBut there is no Computer icon in nautilus14:25
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, yes it is. just resize it first, then use the space for more swap14:25
masqueradeJangal: isnt ther e a symbol on the top?14:26
bazhangSteil, gnome-look.org themes14:26
masqueradebazhang: oke, but this was such an obvious question14:26
Jangaloh, found it :D14:26
GPLb3rz3rk3r: ziroday: didnt work either.14:26
masqueradeJangal: okay, then do the same thing that you did before natuilus crashed14:27
PiciKingsy101: Can you make sure that /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf has the following line: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php314:27
Jangalmasquerade, http://pastebin.com/m201b135014:27
Awsoonncd #ubuntu-bugs14:27
masqueradeJangal: thanks a lot, ill have a look14:27
bazhangGPL, why do you want to do that?14:27
Awsoonn<.< sry about that....14:27
b3rz3rk3rGPL, whats the error?14:27
AncientSocratesdoes evony.com online mmoprg have malware?14:27
ubottuAncient: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:27
Jangalok thx :)14:27
zirodayGPL: err that will open a nautilus window with root permissions, what are you trying to do?14:27
bazhangAncientSocrates, thats offtopic here14:27
PharsalusI've always wanted to do that! :p14:27
GPLbazhang : installing wordpress onto root, hve to move a few files14:27
Steilbazhang: can you link me to vista looks?14:27
Kingsy101Pici - yea it does14:27
Kingsy101<IfModule mod_php5.c> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps14:27
GPLziroday, the command just runs , no window opens up14:28
bazhangSteil, just look for the most downloaded, its up there14:28
Steilcan you send me link?14:28
Steilmy english no good14:28
bazhangSteil, bit busy atm14:28
PiciKingsy101: And that file is symlinked from /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ as well?14:28
jonny_bHello....Sometimes when typing on a web page a search box pops up at the bottom of the browser like a search this page thing.I dont know how i activate it each time so can someone tell me how to get rid of it?14:28
Steilplease im at work14:28
Kingsy101Pici - I have no idea14:29
Steilmy boss going fire me put linux on computer at work14:29
Kingsy101how do I check ?14:29
Steili need help14:29
mike3I'm trying to get talk to work and it's not working. :) I have tried both inetd.conf and xinetd.d conf files. Both are not working. The weird thing is, that talk has been working no problem for the last 2 months.14:29
GPLziroday: LAMP is installed as root, so to do anything like moving files , editing them or such, it's necessary to login as root :(14:29
IdleOneSteil, bad idea14:29
masqueradeJangal: do you automount devices?14:29
Steilplz help14:29
Daveycan anyone help me with my hardy python install issue? http://pastebin.com/m3f067e3a14:29
PiciKingsy101: ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf14:29
Steilif i get fire14:29
Steili have no job14:29
Steiland my wife and kid starve14:29
Jangalit is not mounted14:29
Steilwell i dont have kid yet14:29
Steilbut my wife be mad14:29
FloodBot3Steil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:29
Jangalunless I press on it14:29
b3rz3rk3rjonny_b, thats an option in Firefox which you can disable from the tools menu14:29
Jangalbut then it mounts automatically14:29
Jangalntfs partition14:29
IdleOneSteil, please stop14:30
jonny_bok b3rz..thanks14:30
masqueradeJangal: oke...14:30
Kingsy101Pici - lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 2009-08-14 13:58 /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf -> ../mods-available/php5.conf14:30
zirodayGPL: when doing gksudo nautilus --no-desktop does a window appear requesting for your password?14:30
rrittenhouseI am trying to make my computer use vlan 4095 in ubuntu but it's giving me an out-of-range error. Is there a reason for this?14:30
GPLziroday :( Nope.14:30
jcmarinijust installed GRR rss reader. anyone know recommended apps?14:30
Jangaloh, and masquerade do you know how to get back desktop icons without restarting X?14:30
ddnhow can add the hidp module?14:30
masqueradeJangal: try "   sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends   "14:31
heniohello people I have strange problem on ubuntu 9.04, when I play BSD Robots 2.26.1 sometimes robots after move draw in new position but last position i also drawn. Can anybody help me?14:31
workhi! i have a problem with my network configuration. can somebody help me please?14:31
masqueradeJangal: the desktop icons should actually come back when nautilus is restarted14:31
GPLziroday: the command just runs , sometimes it asks for a password, sometimes not.. depends upon the time-out [based when i previously logined as root or entered the password]14:31
PiciKingsy101: This is a reach, but could you try to close your browser and try it again?14:31
masquerade!ask | work14:31
ubottuwork: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:31
Jangalmasquerade, gvfs-backends is already the newest version.14:31
shahzadb3rz3rk3r: i have resize my ext4 and get 2 gb space from it as unalocated space. now how could i add it in my swap space14:31
zirodayGPL: yes that is correct, but nautilus should still open up. I'm not sure sorry14:31
masqueradeJangal: i am not sure, but i think reinstalling this backage should help. i will test it, one second14:32
Kingsy101Pici - sure14:32
b3rz3rk3rshahzad, using the gparted livecd just extend the swap space14:32
Kingsy101Pici - yea still no chaage14:32
masqueradeJangal: no, this does not make sense, you would have to install nautilus.14:32
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows-vista.html Steil14:32
masqueradeJangal: im sorry, i cant help you with this14:32
b3rz3rk3rbreakfast time, bbl14:33
masqueradeb3rz3rk3r: bon appetite14:33
worksorry. I am setting up a local webserver on ubuntu server. Now it's installed in VMWare, but it can't resolve domain names. If I ping google.de, it doesn't work. If I ping the IP address of google it works. I am new to linux.14:33
shahzadb3rz3rk3r: once again i have to use live cd. no other solution?14:33
ikoniaAncientSocrates: what ?14:33
bazhangAncientSocrates, no its offtopic here14:33
AncientSocratesevony online14:33
AncientSocratesa @@ game14:34
bazhangAncientSocrates, please stop14:34
ikoniaAncientSocrates: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only14:34
IdleOne!ot > AncientSocrates14:34
ubottuAncientSocrates, please see my private message14:34
PiciKingsy101: I'm really not sure what to suggest at this point, thats nearly the same setup as my site and I have phpmyadmin working14:34
heniohello people I have strange problem on ubuntu 9.04, when I play BSD Robots 2.26.1 sometimes robots after move draw in new position but last position i also drawn. Can anybody help me?14:34
AncientSocratesubuntu sucks14:34
IdleOneAncientSocrates, thank you, move along now14:34
Steilok i found the thing look like vista but i cant figure it make work14:35
Steilplz hel pme boss is coming in 20 minutes!!14:35
masqueradeJangal: maybe theres something wrong with the computer:/// prefix14:35
mazda01how do i register a nickname again? i tried /help register in xchat but it said no such command.14:35
zalethAUSTRALIA CONF 1800 658 960 PIN 86898214:35
bazhangSteil, follow the instructions on the link I gave you.14:35
zirodaymazda01: /msg nickserv register help14:35
lstarnesziroday: that's not it14:35
masquerademazda01: type /msg nickserv register help14:35
bazhangzaleth, ??14:35
lstarnesmasquerade: /msg nickserv help register14:35
Sneaky-JesusSteil: Why did you install Linux on work computer?14:35
zalethconference bazhang14:36
masqueradelstarnes: oh, oke^^14:36
zirodaylstarnes: oh woops, I always get something the wrong way round :)14:36
lstarnesmazda01: /msg nickserv help register14:36
JayAFKI've been given a Sony Vaio notebook ModNum PCG-9G1Lthat has had it's hdd wiped ("Operating System not found").  I've been told that it was running linux before.  I've downloaded Ubuntu 9.04 but am currently out of blank CDs.  I've heard that it's possible to install OS via USB.  Comments via /msg are good.14:36
Jangalmasquerade, ok thank you.14:36
BoohbahSneaky-Jesus: i installed gentoo on my work computer14:36
workit's my local developer machine14:36
mazda01REGISTER protegees01 dansnewaddress@gmail.com14:36
bazhangmazda01, use the server window14:37
masqueradeJangal: no prob14:37
Kingsy101Pici - so what should I do? uninstall everything and start again or something ?14:37
lstarnesmazda01: you need to put "/msg NickServ" before that, and you should probably change your password14:37
GPLJayAFK, sure, try Ubuntu Live USB Creator and load the iso image onto your USP stick , and look in your bios, if it supports Boot from USB, btw, most computers do so..14:37
mazda01wow, that was stupid, it just put my password in pain sight.14:37
KeifferHi. How can i get a list of all my installed packeges in Synaptic? I want to reinstall my Ubuntu but to have all the programs too14:37
=== JayAFK is now known as JayCoyote
lstarnes!cloning | Keiffer14:38
ubottuKeiffer: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:38
PiciKingsy101: The only other thing we didn't check was to see that /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load exists, but I bet it does..14:38
ltcabralhey i need a virtual machine to run suse, whats a good one in ubuntu?14:38
mazda01lstarnes, trying to change it now.14:38
bazhangltcabral, virtualbox-ose in repos14:38
jack__since i installed linux, my windows xp cant connect to w lan anymore14:38
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:38
ikoniajack__: linux has no bearing on your windows install14:38
kaosushijinikonia: Unless it corrupts your NTFS filesystem14:39
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:39
Kingsy101LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so  <-- thats the contents14:39
hafizhey guys14:39
=== pam__ is now known as pam
hafizis taht 9.04 distribution is on?14:39
jack__so ubuntu has nothing to deal with it?14:40
ikoniajack__: correct14:40
IdleOnejack__, not normaly14:40
bazhanghafiz, please clarify14:40
jack__oke thanks, than i have to find another way14:40
ikoniajack__: two seperate operating systems that don't touch each other14:40
hafizi just update my update manager14:41
binarymutantwhat's the point in sources.list.distUpgrade ?14:41
jack__oke then i download the service pack and install it again. hope that this will hepl14:41
JayCoyoteoh yes, I 'd be installing from an HP Pavilion that's on the ancient side.14:41
jonny_banother question,when i type if i accidently hit the touch pad i continue typing else where...so anoying if you havent realised it...how can i change this?14:41
GPLjack_ : ##windows is a better place to ask about it.14:41
hafizbazhang: is new distribution 9.10 is available?14:41
PiciKingsy101: I'm really not sure whats going on then, it looks like it should be working.  You could try asking again in a bit, or maybe seeking help in #httpd (apache's channel)14:41
kaosushijinHas anyone been having trouble with Hamachi lately?14:41
bazhanghafiz, not until October14:42
lstarnesbinarymutant: that might be saved from the previous version of ubuntu that you were using14:42
JayCoyotethe HP is running XP Home14:42
hafizo ok14:42
heniois there anyone willing to help with strange problem ;) ?14:42
GPL.ask | henio14:42
binarymutantlstarnes, ty14:42
IdleOnehenio, does it concern ubuntu?14:42
IdleOneask away14:42
hafizhey, does ubuntu need anti virus?14:43
henioI have strange problem on ubuntu 9.04, when I play BSD Robots 2.26.1 sometimes robots after move draw in new position but last position i also drawn. Can anybody help me?14:43
ntnhafiz: no14:43
IdleOnehafiz, no14:43
geirha!antivirus | hafiz14:43
ubottuhafiz: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:43
ntnhafiz: you can install one anyway if you really want to called clamav14:43
bazhanghafiz, not usually unless you are a mail server for windows or such14:43
henioits kind of graphics problem14:43
bazhanghenio, give many details14:43
masteraslanfor some reason my firefox will not boot with out sudo any ideas?14:43
GPLhafiz : no, but if you share your desktop with friends, and share a lot of files over the internet, it's recommended to install one .14:43
hafizthx for the info guys14:43
Kingsy101Pici - np, Thanks for the help man :)14:43
SteilSneaky-Jesus: i did it cuz every1 told me it was better than windows14:43
Steilbut it look different14:43
Steilim going to get in troube;14:43
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:44
hafizdoes virus from windows can affect linux?14:44
lstarneshafiz: generally, no14:44
ntnhafiz: no14:44
IdleOneSteil, DO NOT INSTALL LINUX if the computer does not belong to you14:44
Sneaky-JesusSteil: it's not that simple, it's a completely different OS from Windows, virtually everything is different14:44
hafizbut its not necessary to instal rite?14:44
lstarneshafiz: they could possibly affect applications in wine14:44
Steili dont have windows disc14:44
hafizi just uninstall my wine14:44
Steildoes someone have windows disc i can put on?14:44
hafizSteil: what windows?14:44
Steilor how do i get the work programs to run again?14:44
MadGirlhmmm... windows is wrong14:44
IdleOnehafiz, no14:44
Irishmanlukesteil: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LiNsta+(LiNsta+is+Not+Vista+%3B-)?content=4269714:45
Steilit call citrix something14:45
henioI am talking about this old fashion Robots game, when I move robots relocate so new robot is drawn after each move, however many times robot is also drawn on previous place14:45
bazhangSteil, of course not. please take chat elsewhere14:45
hafizSteil: windows version?14:45
Steilhafiz: i think it windows NT14:45
Sneaky-JesusSteil: Ask the IT staff at your work14:45
Steilit says built for windows NT on the box14:45
Steilwe dont have IT14:45
ntnhenio: try turning compiz off14:45
bazhanghafiz, Steil #ubuntu-offtopic please14:45
Steilim just the guy here14:45
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:45
Steilim at work i need it fixed14:45
IdleOnehafiz, we do not distribute windows here14:45
Steili work at home14:45
FloodBot3Steil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:45
hafizsory for talking bout windows anyway14:46
JayCoyoteSteil *is* their IT guy14:46
Steilboss is coming to look at my computer14:46
hafizjust mean to help14:46
Steilbecause i ahvent been doing work14:46
GPLIdleOne: LOL @ windows distribution.14:46
bazhangSteil, please stop14:46
ajudd4utry to install wine14:46
iplaythisgamI'm trying to mount an iso "sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop filename destination"  gives wrong fs type  error.  When i do "file filename"  it comes back as data.  How do i mount this type of .iso?14:46
_zoomhelp me >>  dual boot..--->> for XP BOOTMGR misssing?14:46
ajudd4uthat might work for his programs that run on windows14:46
ntn_zoom: what?14:46
geirhaiplaythisgam: Then the iso is corrupt. Not much to do about that.14:46
Steilhow i put wine?14:47
heniowell after turning visual effects to none, robots work perfectly14:47
Irishmanlukesudo aptitude install wine ?14:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:47
Pici!enter | _zoom14:47
ubottu_zoom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:47
iplaythisgamive come across 3 in the last 2 days from different sources like that. Sure theres not another possibility?14:47
ntn_zoom: put your xp cd back in, go to the command prompt for it and type Bootrec.exe /FixMBR14:48
ntnto fix it14:48
geirhaiplaythisgam: Are you sure they are supposed to be isos, and not some proprietary windows disk image format?14:48
_zoomntn, : but dats gives error 18 of maximum cylinder support by bios14:48
bazhang_zoom, ##windows for windows help14:49
ntn_zoom: what are you trying to dualboot? ubuntu and windows?14:49
IrishmanlukeSteil: not everything will run in wine, however you could run windows on top of ubuntu in a virtual machine using vboxx14:49
iplaythisgammight be a rip off a blueray would that screw things up?14:50
ntnIrishmanluke: I love vbox :314:50
_zoomntn, : windows xp and ubuntu 9.0414:50
vivxonehow cani install computer janitor in my ubuntu 8.0414:50
vivxoneits is utility provided in ubuntu 9.0414:50
ntn_zoom: did you try fixing the mbr like I said? and it gives you that error still?14:50
ntnwhy not just use grub?14:50
Steilhow is vbox use?14:51
_zoomntn, : i fixed MBR and den my grub was gone i driectly boot into xp14:51
IrishmanlukeSteil: first sudo aptitude install vbox14:51
thiebaudevivxone, was it in synaptic?14:51
Steilwhat is sudo?14:51
MadGirli guess sudo is NOT root14:51
ntnSteil: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/VirtualBox2.png <- it looks like this14:51
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:51
bazhangIrishmanluke, its virtualbox-ose14:51
geirhaiplaythisgam: No, but the program that made the image may14:51
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
ntnit's free to download from http://www.virtualbox.org14:51
ntnI recommend you get it from the site, and not from the repo14:52
ntnas the repo one doesn't have proper usb support and so on14:52
IrishmanlukeSteil: first go to applications, accesories terminal and then type sudo aptitude install vbox-ose14:52
_zoomntn, : again i restored grub but again got same error of BOOTMGR,,,,,errors14:52
vivxoneno its preinstalled in ubuntu 9.04 and i want to install  in  ubuntu8.0414:52
bazhangIrishmanluke, thats not the correct command14:52
Isaacariahhello all14:52
DoomHack2009install audio nubuntu14:52
Steilirish there is not that there14:52
Steili am using ubuntu edgy eft14:52
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bazhangDoomHack2009, #nubuntu for nubuntu support14:52
DoomHack2009 comman install audio nubuntu14:53
ntnSteil: ...what are you trying to do?14:53
IrishmanlukeSteil: oh sorry wrong package name sudo aptitude install virtualbox-ose14:53
JayCoyoteso.  not going to get a reply.  thanks a lot.14:53
iplaythisgamhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/253158/      how would i tell what prog made it?14:53
Steilthere is not terminal14:53
Steilin applications stuff14:53
Steilim using edgy eft ubuntu 1014:53
bazhangSteil, that is no longer supported14:53
ntn_zoom: there shouldn't be any bootmgr errors...try reinstalling ubuntu again and make sure you check to see that grub is being installed14:53
Steilhow i change?14:54
geirhaiplaythisgam: Ask the source (person who made it)14:54
ntnSteil: what are you trying to do?14:54
Steili want wine14:54
vivxonehow cani install computer janitor in my ubuntu 8.0414:54
bazhangSteil, dont use the enter key as punctuation14:54
Steilso i can d my work14:54
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:54
_zoomntn:plz come to private chat..14:54
vivxonehow cani install computer janitor in my ubuntu 8.0414:54
vivxoneits preinstalled in ubuntu 9.04 and i want to install  in  ubuntu8.0414:54
ntnSteil: ...download virtualbox, install xp inside of it14:54
ntnuse xp properly14:54
ntnwithout wine14:54
thiebaudevivxone, it might not be available for 8.0414:55
Steilthey tell me my ubuntu 10 is not support14:55
Steilits edgy guy eft14:55
ikoniaSteil: edgy has end of lifed14:55
ntnSteil: http://www.virtualbox.org   <- go download it14:55
ntnit is supported14:55
vivxoneare y  sure14:55
vivxoneare u sure14:55
Steilhow do i get alive ubunut?14:55
thiebaudevivxone, might not14:55
IdleOneSteil, www.ubuntu.com14:55
ikoniaSteil: download a supported version, such as 8.04 or 9.0414:55
_zoomntn:reply plz14:55
vivxoneany one here14:55
bullgard[Ubuntu 9.04] My Pidgin appears after each reboot anew although I exited it before. What should I do so that it does not open automatically at every reboot?14:55
vivxoneto tell me14:55
bazhangvivxone, yes14:55
vivxonehow cani install computer janitor in my ubuntu 8.0414:55
Steilwhy do i want version 414:55
vivxoneits preinstalled in ubuntu 9.04 and i want to install  in  ubuntu8.0414:56
ikoniavivxone: what's the problem14:56
Steili already have 1014:56
ikoniaSteil: you don't you want 8.04 or 9.0414:56
ikoniaSteil: use 9.10 if you want, but it's not supported14:56
Pharsalusbullgard, remove it from menu>prefernces>startup Applications14:56
bazhangikonia, he means 6.1014:56
Steilo i see14:56
PharsalusSorry, menu>system>pref... etc14:56
Steilk can i just change this one to that one14:56
ikoniaSteil: 6.10 is end of lifed, which means no longer in active support14:56
Steili dont have any empty cds14:56
ikoniaSteil: it would be better to do a clean install but you can go through a long upgrade process14:56
ikonia!upgrade > Steil14:57
ubottuSteil, please see my private message14:57
bazhangSteil, yes. get it from www.ubuntu.com14:57
IdleOneSteil, edgy is version 6.10 not version 10 ( there is no version 10 yet)14:57
vivxonebazhang : is it possible  :-D14:57
Steilwhen does version 10 come out?14:57
ikoniavivxone: is what possible ?14:57
Isaacariahxchat, like it14:57
IrishmanlukeSteil: what you really need is a windows install for work, when you installed ubuntu, you used the entire disk?14:57
bazhangvivxone, not likely14:57
geirhaSteil: To upgrade 6.10 to a supported version you have to first upgrade to 7.04, then to 7.10, then to 8.0414:57
ikoniaSteil: version 10 does not exist14:57
w0rmh0leI am a version 1.1.0 PyBorg14:57
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:57
bazhangw0rmh0le, ??14:58
vivxoneikonia : to install computer janitor in ubuntu 8.0414:58
SteilIrishmanluke: yeah i downloaded sex stuff on computer so i erase whole computer14:58
ikoniavivxone: what is computer janitor ? I'm not aware of that application14:58
sanguisdexI am installing ubuntu for me mom and she is a user of windows classic can any one poit me to a theme that would make her most confortable?14:58
TniffocWhat option should I use with "mdf2iso" in order to turn a package which includes a .mdf and a .mds file into a .iso file?14:58
ikoniasanguisdex: search gnome-look.org see what works for you14:58
sanguisdexikonia: fair enough14:59
bazhang!give me a test14:59
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!14:59
* thomg gives me Bill Gates' underpants14:59
bullgardPharsalus: There is no Pidgin entry in System > Preferences > Startup Applications > (Startup Applications Preferences).14:59
sanguisdexwill do14:59
vivxoneikonia : its an application givenin ubuntu 9.04 to remove the packages autmatically which i am not using or r no longer in use14:59
bazhangthomg, disable that script please14:59
ikoniavivxone: then don't use it if you're not using it14:59
TniffocWhat option should I use with "mdf2iso" in order to turn a package which includes a .mdf and a .mds file into a .iso file?14:59
ikoniavivxone: ubuntu has a package manager that is very good14:59
ikonia!synaptic > vivxone14:59
ubottuvivxone, please see my private message14:59
minttuxis it possible to enable and config vnc from command line?15:00
Dr_Willisminttux:  yes.. by using a vncserver like vnc4server, or tightvnc15:01
TniffocWhat option should I use with "mdf2iso" in order to turn a package which includes a .mdf and a .mds file into a .iso file?15:01
bazhangTniffoc, dont repeat so quickly15:01
Kingsy101can someone help me? I was just trying to get apache and phpmyadmin working on my ubuntuu machine, when I did a re-start now my machine wont boot15:01
thomgbazhang I apologize... I wasn't aware of it.15:01
geirhaminttux: You might want to look at !freenx as well15:01
minttuxDr_Willis: the ubuntu has one of them in remt desktop15:01
Kingsy101it comes up with a couple of error msges aftr the bar nearly gets to full on the screen that says ubuntu (you know the orange bar)15:02
minttuxremote desktop15:02
Kingsy101one error is No resume image, doing normal boot15:02
Kingsy101then it gives me an option to log in which works but its just command line15:02
Steildoes anyone know where i can make webcam go on webpage15:02
Steiland record video same time15:03
TniffocWhat option should I use with "mdf2iso" in order to turn a package which includes a .mdf and a .mds file into a .iso file?15:03
HorusofozHey :) I installed Ubuntu 9.04 to an external hard drive thinking it would be stand alone. However when I rebooted I got GRUB error 21 without the drive plugged in. Can anyone tell me how to remove GRUB from host system (Not mine) and install ubuntu to my external hard drive and have GRUB on it so that I can install Ubuntu to it and run on any pc that boots from USB.15:04
iplaythisgamgeirha  i found an mds would that help?15:04
geirhaiplaythisgam: No idea what that is15:05
marcelo_hi, I've sent a mail to mail gmail using mailx, How long does it take to this e-mail to come to my gmail?15:06
Isaacariahdont suppose I can set xchat to save my network/channels list and auto rejoin next time I run?15:07
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Megra_marcelo_, it's quick, but your mail may be stopped by spam-filters ...15:08
ecolitanhow can I modify the control file of a .deb file ?15:09
DoomHack2009merci a tous15:10
marcelo_Megra_, Sendmail is configured by default to let send remote e-mails?15:10
GPLis phpmyadmin included in LAMP package ? i could'nt see phpmyadmin @ http://localhost/phpmyadmin15:10
shay27Hello , i installed Ubuntu 9.04 & windows xp on the save hdd, i would like to scan my windows partition from virus from time to time , does ubuntu have some tool for scanning virus on ntfs/windows system ?15:10
bazhangIsaacariah, sure you can, go to network list under xchat and edit the freenode server joined channel list15:11
HorusofozCan anyone help remove grub please?15:11
Syirrusshay27: no that I'm aware of15:12
Isaacariahthanks bazhang15:12
TniffocWhat option should I use with "mdf2iso" in order to turn a package which includes a .mdf and a .mds file into a .iso file?15:13
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=== Omlet[AFK] is now known as Omlet
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can install the packages that are there in my system in my friends system15:14
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:14
Micheiluh, G'day, I'm trying to find out more information about configuring of Video4Linux2's v4l2src script/command thing.. and #v4l doesn't seem to be of much help15:14
bullgardIs there a NetworkManager backport available for Ubuntu 8.04.3?15:15
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; i didnt understand the code15:15
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Kingsy101can someone help me? I was just trying to get apache and phpmyadmin working on my ubuntuu machine, when I did a re-start now my machine wont boot15:15
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Kingsy101it comes up with a couple of error msges aftr the bar nearly gets to full on the screen that says ubuntu (you know the orange bar)15:15
Kingsy101has anyone seen this error before - init:trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/**a very long number with letters here seperated by -***15:15
Kingsy101thats one of the errors15:16
Kingsy101I am stuck and I need to get on my pc15:16
oguncakhi friends. how can i assign the microsoft button on my keyboard as the applications starter (as the ubuntu start menu key)???15:16
IdleOnePerryArmstrong, copy and paste aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages ( in Terminal ) then move the text file it creates to your friends computer15:16
Adremelech|LaptoKingsy101, i doubt it has anything to do with apache and phpmyadmin15:16
Kingsy101but its just kicking me out to ths command line prompt15:16
Kingsy101yea I know I was just saying that wwas the last thing I did before I re-started15:17
MicheilKingsy101: I'm possibly wrong, but usually anything to do with /dev/ is one of the devices attached to your computer15:17
zaggynlKingsy101: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100490615:17
Kingsy101so its a hardware issue?15:17
MicheilKingsy101: did you plug in any extra hardware?15:17
bullgardoguncak: The Ubuntu start menu key is Alt+F1.15:17
pottedmeatwhat is better?  openoffice or staroffice15:17
Guest26759for ubuntu 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28-14-generic, how can I get the ehci_hcd module so that I can use modprobe ehci_hcd in order to be able to see my usb hdd ("320GB my passport") ?15:17
Micheilpottedmeat: I think openoffice, but I've not really used staroffice15:18
oguncakyes allright.. thanks.. but cant i change that the way i want it to be?15:18
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; okk...i didnt mean this one...i want to transfer some packages like vlc etc...so how do i do that15:18
mazda01Guest26759, that module should just load by default, are you saying that it's not loaded?15:18
bullgardoguncak: Yes, you can. But I do not know, how (at this moment).15:19
IdleOnePerryArmstrong, you can download packages from packages.ubuntu.com15:19
onexusedCurrently, the volume, mute keys on my laptop control the PCM channel, no matter what I set gnome volume control's channel to.  How can I change which  one the volume and mute keys affect?15:19
oguncakthanks bullgard.15:19
KittyBootsHow do I find out the dpi of my resolution?15:20
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; the fact is my friend doesn't have internet connection...i have the packages in my system...but i dont know at which location are the  packages...that i can copy in my removable drive and install in his system15:20
mazda01onexused, are you using gnome alsa mixer?15:20
Guest26759mazda01: if I do lsmod | grep ehci_hcd, nothing is shown, so I would say it is not loaded15:20
alankilaKittyBoots: measure the inner area with a ruler and divide the horizontal resolution by that value?15:21
alankilaEDID values are supposed to contain the physical dimensions, so maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log says something about this15:21
onexusedmazda01: It appears so.15:21
mazda01onexused, actually, it's under system, preferences, sound, then just click multiple things like PCM, Master by holding the control key, that will then make those things change when you use the mute and volume buttons i believe15:22
IdleOnePerryArmstrong, in /var/cache/apt/archive15:22
HorusofozCan some please help. I installed Ubuntu to an portable external hard drive. I thought it would be a portable OS however when I removed the drive and rebooted the pc there was a GRUB 21 error and XP would not load. Can some please help:-(15:22
onexusedmazda01: That solved my problem.  Thank you very much.15:23
mazda01Guest26759, yeah, i would say it's not loaded then. you can add it to /etc/modules.conf if ubuntu uses that still15:23
mazda01onexused, no problem, just pay it forward15:23
Pehrzwagoonko tää nyt se irkki?15:24
mazda01Guest26759, i guess debian an ubuntu use the /etc/modules  file, so put it in there15:24
bazhang!fi | Pehrzwago15:24
ubottuPehrzwago: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)15:24
genii!fi | Pehrzwago15:24
Micheilwhere would I find the config files for Video4Linux 2?15:24
IdleOneHorusofoz, insert the windows cd and chose to repair windows, when prompted type fixmbr and windows should reboot normally15:24
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; i checked it...but i dont seem to find the vlc package though vlc is installed in my system15:24
Guest26759mazda01: ok, but what shall I put in the /etc/modules? :)15:24
Kingsy101thanks that post worked great ;)15:25
IdleOnePerryArmstrong, then go to packages.ubuntu.com and download it15:25
HorusofozIdleOne: I don't have a XP disc. It came pre-installed on the machine :(15:25
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; can you tell me why isn't there in my syste,15:25
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; can you tell me why isn't there in my system15:25
IdleOnePerryArmstrong, because you dont need it once it is installed15:25
Guest26759mazda01: just simply add a line with ehci_hcd ?15:26
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; so you mean it gets deleted automatically once it is installed15:26
IdleOnePerryArmstrong, no but you probably ran the computer janitor or did a apt-get autoremove and it deleted the package15:27
PerryArmstrongIdleOne; so once i remove it from my repositore and try to reinstall it..then it has to download again..which generally doesn't happen15:27
lyhana8why does jaunty doesn't detect my touchpad ?15:28
bazhangPerryArmstrong, why not just remaster a livecd with the packages you want15:28
bazhang!remaster > PerryArmstrong15:28
ubottuPerryArmstrong, please see my private message15:28
Kingsy101one thing tho, its a stupid one really, I have just done apt-get install gdm again cos it got removed and now there isnt a little log-out option to the right of the clock.. how do I get this back ?15:29
HorusofozIdleOne: Is there another possible avenue?15:29
IdleOnenone that I know but that doesnt mean there isnt15:30
IdleOneHorusofoz, ^^15:30
KurlonQuestion, got a system that doesn't want to mount root at boot thanks to it being a USB device, and the module not being part of initramfs... cute.  I'm in the initramfs busybox, is there much I can do from here or do I get to try and re-rig this by reinstalling and manually adding that module in before rebooting?15:30
Kurloncute, won't even let me mount /boot...15:31
StupidWeaselHumm, is there an easy way to revert to xserver 1.5 without having to install Intrepid?15:31
PerryArmstrongbazhang; thats cool...i think aptoncd is also good15:31
StupidWeaselThis laptop has a Ati X200M chip, and the drivers have been depreciated. xserver 1.6 hates the most recent drivers.15:33
Micheildoes anyone at all know about configuring webcams using v4l2?15:33
piksiis there a way to automount nfs partitions automagically only after connecting to a certain lan network?15:33
StupidWeaselThe open drivers work, but I get the feeling that the CPU is taking up an awful lot of the work :(15:33
deadprogrammerhello ubuntu people15:33
* StupidWeasel throws a phoenix down at deadprogrammer =P15:34
Kingsy101so does anyone know what I need to install to get that little GUI logout back in the top right corner ?15:34
shashwatpnswhen i open the root terminal,I put my passwaord and then .............................. nothing happens. Help Pleas15:34
Micheilpiksi: if you have those drives attached to a machine, which has an ssh server, you could trying using sshfs/fuse, that works pretty good15:34
deadprogrammeranyone have experience with troubles related to upgrading module-init-tools?15:34
Micheilpiksi: otherwise, try looking into fstab options15:34
tarassI have dozens of images that I'd like to print, is there a command line way to aggregate all files into a big pdf or .ps?15:34
Micheiltarass: there is a utility for that.. let me find it's name15:35
StupidWeaselF-spot is also fairly good at bulk printing. But it's graphical.15:35
=== Shinobi is now known as Guest78314
_zoomwhy my compiz doesnt work in kubuntu but it works in ubuntu15:36
tarassBtw, do you know any soft that would split and then print a very large image?15:36
fluurp_zoom: have u already installed the compiz managerß15:36
piksitarass: rasterbator15:36
Guest26759mazda01, you still there?15:36
Micheiltarass: Try pdftk15:37
tarasslol, lpr does it!!!15:37
Micheiltarass: it has joining and splitting options, as well as a heap of other stuff15:37
migg137how do i use hotkeys to rotate my screen15:37
piksi_zoom: why are you trying to use compiz under kubuntu when kwin has its own compositing?15:37
_zoomfluurp, : ya but it was not working in kubuntu15:37
_zoomjst testing15:37
Kurlonok, making progress... I've got wget and ifconfig... but no way to set a route...15:38
=== akos is now known as Guest34955
Micheiltarass: pdftk has lots of other stuff besides just that.. like compression, encryption, and decryption15:38
Guest26759anyone has any idea on why the modprobe ehci_hcd returns FATAL: Module ehci_hcd not found. ?15:38
Guest26759(regarding ubuntu 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28-14-generic)15:39
Kingsy101can someone tell me how I add the little button to the right of the clock that said log out ?15:39
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Kingsy101its gone for some reason15:39
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MicheilKingsy101: right click on the panel and select add15:39
MicheilKingsy101: it's just another panel widget / item15:39
Kingsy101Micheil - I have tried that15:39
Kingsy101its not the right thing15:39
Micheilit should be there15:39
LunixedI have recently installed ubuntu 9.04 . today i installed the nvidia drivers and ccsm . When i try to rotate the desktop cube only 2 sides of desktops appear but my number of workspaces are 415:39
Kingsy101if you add log out to the panel that shows up as just a square red button15:40
bazhangLunixed, you need to set in ccsm not on workspace switcher15:40
majnoonok here what happened ;; i goofed up libGLcore.so what packages i need to fix it ??15:40
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aamir_where is sql room , i am new in this msger15:40
HarmKuiaamir_ #sql15:40
Kingsy101whereas the thing that was on there before actually said the words logout and gave you a little drop down menu of things to do.. like log out suspend shut down15:40
Micheilaamir_: try ##sql15:40
aamir_thank you sir15:40
Kingsy101Micheil - do you know what I mean ?15:40
mazda01Guest26759, it appears in the forum here: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1233936  looks like he solved it by upgrading his kernel15:41
LioN_LXNeed help with audio delay in games15:41
Kingsy101or does anyone know what I mean for that matter ?15:41
deadprogrammerwhen apt-get upgrade fails, is there a simple way to revert?15:41
random-hunteranybody know of a channel for ubuntu games?15:42
majnoonok here what happened ;; i goofed up libGLcore.so what packages i need to fix it ??15:42
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Guest26759mazda01, yes, I've read that already, but he also mentions that he has graphic problems after that kernel upgrade15:42
axos88Hi! In makefiles, how can i make a variable be calculated at startup, not when it's referenced? I would like to do something like date := `date +%y%m%s%H%M%S`, but it's only expanded when referenced, the so date will be different...15:42
Guest26759mazda01, I was just wondering, wh can't I load the module manually?15:43
Guest78314firefox wont play audio thru my usb headset15:43
LioN_LXNeed help with audio delay in games15:43
oldude67Guest26759, what video card do you have?15:43
tarasscan you control printing quality with lpr?15:44
fluurpgoddamn, my winxp is running stable like a rock unlike my ubuntu15:44
Guest26759oldude67, a very old one, nVidia GeForce 4 or something like that15:44
pleasuredomguest78314 try to use pulse audio server15:44
majnoonwhat package contains libGLcore.so ??15:44
Guest78314<pleasuredom> how do i do that?15:45
geniimajnoon: Query packages.ubuntu.com to find out15:45
LioN_LXNeed help with audio delay in games15:45
_zoomcan i play cs in ubuntu?15:45
fluurp_zoom: install WINE15:45
LioN_LX_zoom, yes with cedega or wine15:46
Padhualt+ctl+ arrow keys to rotate work space15:46
bazhangcheck the appdb _zoom15:46
pleasuredomguest 78314 install with synaptic15:46
=== JP is now known as Guest37367
bazhang!appdb > _zoom15:46
ubottu_zoom, please see my private message15:46
LioN_LX_zoom, yes with cedega or wine15:46
LioN_LXNeed help with audio delay in games15:46
MicheilKingsy101: I don't think it exists anymore15:46
Guest26759also, is there a place with something like a milestone or release date for the next ubuntu kernel image ?15:46
_zoombut it lags a lot15:47
Micheil_zoom: use virtualbox?15:47
bazhang_zoom, check in #winehq15:47
Kurlonok, wget functions, woot!15:47
Micheilrepartition and install windows on one partition?15:47
LioN_LXNeed help with audio delay in games15:48
mazda01Guest26759, it appears as though it's not installed on your system. have you done a sudo find / -name ehci_hcd15:48
MicheilLioN_LX: yeah, try using PulseAudio sound server instead of Arts, Alsa, or Jack15:48
MicheilLioN_LX: pulse is a low-latency audio server15:48
mazda01Guest26759, it's weird, i just checked my lsmod | grep ehci   and that module isn't loaded for me either but my usb drive plugged in is seen15:48
id10t'lo all15:48
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LioN_LXMicheil: but pulse just kill my sound15:49
Guest26759mazda01, no, I've done an updatedb and a locate ehci_hcd but nothing is found15:49
id10ti've got a kiosk system using 8.10 and I can't keep the screen (X) from blanking...15:49
MicheilLioN_LX: have you got it configured correctly?15:49
id10tany suggestions?15:49
Micheilid10t: hmm.. turned off the screensaver?15:49
_zoomhow can i make my own chat client free of cost?15:49
Kurlonback in the installer, so I didn't lock myself out... now I just get to reinstall from scratch again, joy. : )15:49
Dr_Willisalso depends on what games. i guess15:49
Guest26759mazda01, well, maybe your usb device is not using ehci_hcd?15:49
Micheil_zoom: write it yourself15:50
LioN_LXMicheil: without pulse everything just works fine... just the games don't work correctly15:50
Dr_Willis_zoom:  make an irc client.. or learn about jabber perhaps.15:50
Micheilor learn Strophe / JavaScript15:50
id10tMicheil, yup, at least i think so - the kiosk user is locked down, no panels, etc. so I made the change on a un-restriced account and copied the resulting .gconf directories/files to the kiosk user (and then fixed permissions)15:50
SirFunkhey, i have this client (well.. had like 2 years ago) who is a total computer-moron. Well now he needs help. He's running linux. I have ssh setup on his computer but it seems that int he last 2 years there has been some changes to his network (new router/reset router) so i can't ssh throuhg his firewall. There's no way that i can talk him through configuring port forwarding on his router. Are there any clever ways i can get remote access to his compute15:50
SirFunkr that are EASY for him to setup?15:50
LioN_LXMicheil: I'll try with pulse...15:51
Micheilid10t: umm.. why not un "lockdown" it, and then fix it?15:51
Padhumodeprobe is an command for loading modules on the fly. it require vendor and product id and also pointer15:51
mazda01Guest26759, yeah, mine is using usb_storage15:51
id10tSirFunk, if you have a server out there with ssh he could do a port forwarding on the command line - just email him the command15:51
id10tMicheil, well, its not fixing the un-restricted user either15:51
SirFunkid10t: the router is a linksys or some kind of off the shelf job.. not a linux router15:52
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Micheilid10t: I don't know then.. I'm busy trying to find the config files for V4L15:52
SirFunkid10t: oh, did you mean ssh port forwarding?15:52
id10tSirFunk, you can forward ports from a remote host to your local machine via arguments on a ssh command ... ssh -R2222:localhost:22 username@remotehost15:52
SirFunkyeah that's a good idea15:53
id10tMicheil, well, thanks for the help15:53
SirFunki'll have to make him an account on my server15:53
MicheilSirFunk: you could use dropbox and a shared file, or irc15:53
fluurpcould it be, that my nvidia8600 can cause a "system freeze" ?15:53
Micheilor any other IM application15:53
Guest26759mazda01, look at my dmesg after boot time and after usb hdd is plugged: http://paste.ubuntu.com/251359/15:54
Micheilwhere would I find the config files for Video4Linux 2?15:54
SirFunkid10t: that command would make port 2222 on my server forwarded to 22 on his desktop, right?15:54
Guest26759mazda01, it keeps shutting itself down every 2 seconds and restart again15:54
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  the 'drop.io' site also has a neat chat feature15:54
SirFunkDr_Willis: checking that out now15:54
id10tSirFunk, believe so, it will be listening on localhost 222215:54
SirFunki need to see his screen15:54
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  see http://drop.io/dr_willis15:55
cordorI added pidign into start up application, but pidign doesn't autostart.15:55
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  well in that case you JUST made it a lot harder... :)15:55
id10tSirFunk, that can be done via screen15:55
Micheilcordor: check your system log, it mightn't be starting correctly15:55
SirFunkDr_Willis: heh, yeah well i ahve vnc setup on his server too15:55
SirFunki think tryign to get him to type in the ssh command is the best bet15:55
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  vncing over the wild internet is not secure.15:56
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  ssh tunnles are good for that. :) but it will be slow/sluggish15:56
SirFunkDr_Willis: right, the problem was his firewall is nolonger port forwarding right, so i can't ssh in15:56
SirFunkbut i think ssh reverse portforwarding will be the right answer15:57
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  he can ssh tunnle out to yours I think was suggested...15:57
Dr_WillisSirFunk:  or have him enable port forwarding..  I guess...15:57
Padhuremote desktop is the one. it require vnc server15:57
cordorMicheil: thanks, which one do i look into?15:59
SirFunkDr_Willis: he's a complte computer moron.. he could never figure out what his local IP is let alone know how to enable port forwarding15:59
Micheilcordor: all of them15:59
mazda01Guest26759, i am looking into now. there's tons of google hits15:59
Padhutunnel in ssh is more secure15:59
MicheilSirFunk: ifconfig15:59
Micheilthat'll find the local ip15:59
Guest26759mazda01, interesting, I've been googling on this myself as well, but found nothing useful16:00
Micheiloh man.. I wish I could workout how to configure video4linux so I could get this webcam working16:00
ntnGuest26759: on what?16:01
Guest26759ntn, on "ubuntu my passport", "ubuntu ehci_hcd" and others16:01
Padhuhamachi is the one for webcam16:02
Micheil(small question, does one have to act like a new user or a whiny teenager to get help on things that should be pretty simple to find..?)16:02
MicheilPadhu: hamachi?16:03
MadGirli think hamachi is the one for webcam16:03
Guest26759ntn, my passport is the name of the usb hdd, it's made by western digital (I also searched after "ubuntu western digital my passport")16:03
MicheilMadGirl: Hamachi?16:03
MadGirlHamachi is probably the one for webcam16:03
GPLInstalling phpmyadmin for LAMP on Ubuntu :-- which option should i choose : Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?  Yes or No ? --16:03
mazda01Guest26759, have you looked at lsusb? do you have both usb 2.0 and 1.1 hubs? have you tried different usb ports?16:04
MicheilGPL: umm.. I wouldn't use the PMA install from the ubuntu repos, it's several versions out of date16:04
GPLMichell : hmm, okay :)16:04
GPLMicheil: phpmyadmin removed16:05
GPLMicheil: now from where should i install it16:05
MicheilGPL: then just go to their website, download it, and extract it into /var/www/ or whatever your webroot is16:05
GPLoh good Michell : only extraction will do ??16:05
MicheilGPL: then you need to edit the config file (as it should tell you in the README inside the package)16:05
mazda01GPL, i used dbconfig-common. there's an issue where the phpmyadmin symlink doesn't get created though I think and you'll have to create it in /var/www/.  just install phpmyadmin and then see if you can access it through web browser, if not then do sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin16:05
Guest26759mazda01, yes, I've both 1.1 and 2.0 usb, but did not try different usb hubs16:06
MicheilGPL: phpmyadmin is a php webapplication16:06
GPLMichel: yeah.16:06
mazda01Guest26759, i would try a different hub, maybe it only works on 2.0 or 1.1. you may get lucky. otherwise it appears to be a serious bug for people, maybe upgrading the kernel will help?16:06
Guest26759mazda01, the lsusb shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/251343/16:07
danbhfivemazda01: that's not an issue, that is a feature I believe.  It comes disabled by default.  I'm pretty sure to enable: sudo a2ensite phpmyadmin16:07
mazda01Guest26759, oh, what do you mean a different hub? you've tried both 1.1 and 2.0 that should mean you tried both hubs i would think.16:08
cordorMicheil: no, i didn't find anything about pidign16:08
Micheilcordor: okay16:08
dpratt71is this a good forum for a question about configuring a virtual monitor under ubuntu?16:08
Micheiltry checking your session saved16:08
Micheildpratt71: good luck16:08
dpratt71@Micheil: thanks :)16:09
mazda01danbhfive, i don't know about sudo a2ensite phpmyadmin, i just created the symlink and I was good to go.16:09
Guest26759mazda01, no, sorry...I meant different USB slots or ports or...16:09
danbhfivemazda01: yeah, I know that will work.  But it doesn't use the supplied apache.conf file.  Anyway, it was just FYI16:09
cordorMicheil: it complains about i don't have /var/log/gdm, would it be the reason why pidign error message doesn't show up?16:10
Micheilshouldn't be16:10
mazda01danbhfive, you're saying that if I create a symlink it doesn't use which apache.conf file?16:10
KittyBootswhat are the commands I will need to display all running processes and kill them16:11
dpratt71I don't think it's too complicated for a non-noob, but I'm ignorant of most things ubuntu/linux and the xrandr examples I've seen look like voodoo16:11
mazda01KittyBoots, ps aux shows all running processes. im sure there's a better way. issue man ps to find out different syntax. you can kill a process by issuing sudo kill PIDHERE16:12
mazda01dpratt71, so what is your question?16:12
* Kurlon grows old and dies waiting for 120gb to mkfs.ext2 over USB1.1...16:12
majnoon is there a way i can fix the libGLcore thing from a livve CD ??16:13
mazda01majnoon, what's wrong with it?16:13
dpratt71well...the VM monitor works, but the res is stuck @ 800x60016:13
dpratt71I want to go to 1024x768 at least16:14
majnooni borked libGLcore basically16:14
dpratt71examples of how to do that ref xorg.conf...I get the impression that's not relevant for Ubuntu recent16:14
mazda01dpratt71, so what don't u understand about xandr?16:14
majnooncan't run X16:14
danbhfivemazda01: hmmm, well, e2ensite won't work, but the file is /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf16:14
majnoongdm works ok but no run gnome16:15
mazda01majnoon, and you're missing libGLcore? you should be able to copy that file from the livecd and put it on your mounted system. i would think anyway.16:15
majnoonnm it just gnome16:15
dpratt71I typically see xrandr command lines that include a bunch of numbers...I don't know what the numbers represent nor how to know what the values should be for a VM monitor16:16
mazda01danbhfive, i didn't need to mess with /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf. what do you need to do in there?16:16
dpratt71is there a noob-friendly xrandr tut?16:16
bazhanghttp://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 dpratt71 ?16:17
danbhfivemazda01: well, you be able to add a symlink to that file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and it will enable the website.16:18
dpratt71also, I'm just curious: the xorg.conf stuff seemed a lot more straightforward...why did they go away from it?16:18
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dpratt71@bazhang: checking it out, thanks16:18
shawn_hi guys16:18
zirodaydpratt71: because it should all be all auto-configurable nowadays. However you can still use xorg.conf if you want to16:19
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shawn_Any  idea how long it actually takes to get an order from Shipit?16:19
shawn_Any  idea how long it actually takes to get an order from Shipit?16:19
fornix2-3 weeks i suppose16:20
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shawn_does anyone know how long it actually takes?16:20
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dpratt71will changes to xorg.conf automatically take effect, or do I need to enable it somehow?16:20
IdleOne4-6 weeks according to shipit shawn_16:20
bazhangshawn_, no fixed number, depends where you live16:21
danbhfivedpratt71: I think you have to restart x16:21
IdleOneI usualy get my cd's in 2 weeks16:21
shawn_I have been waiting for 12 weeks now.16:21
fornixdpratt71: you will need to restart X server. you can do it with $ sudo /etc/init.d/xdm restart16:21
bazhangshawn_, one to two months at most16:21
fornixdpratt71: if that doesnt work, try replacing xdm with gdm16:21
dpratt71@danbhfive, @fornix: ok, thanks16:21
shawn_does shipit have an email address?16:22
dpratt71can I assume that restarting the machine will have the same effect?16:22
cemchi. I have a suspend/resume problem with my laptop16:22
IdleOneshawn_, check the site they probably do16:22
m4they, is there a preferred (recommended) way to get gcc 4.4.0 going in jaunty, for a 2.6.30 compile?16:22
shawn_I checked. I have either missed it or it is hidden.16:22
cemcit's suspending ok, but when I resume it, sometimes it just sits there, the hdd working like crazy for 10 minutes, I can't do anything with it16:22
m4tjust use the karmic package, or...?16:23
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shawn_it is kind of frustrating.16:23
xlqm4t: if you have a need for an unstable compiler then surely you can figure out how to compile it :)16:23
fornixcemc, by any chance are you using a hp laptop?16:23
cemcfornix: yes16:23
fornixcemc, hp pavilion series?16:24
shawn_and any word on making the newer versions of Ubuntu as stable as the older ones?16:24
cemcfornix: HP Compaq 8510p16:24
m4txlq: heh, my methods/means are not necessarily the preferred/correct route, hence my question16:24
shawn_An upgrade from a stable version to an unstable version is not an upgrade16:24
fornixcemc i had a similar problem with my suspend/resume, i fixed it by adding one argument in my grub menu.lst.16:24
thaihello I install proxyfoxy as add on for my firefox. however I don't want it any but if I uninstall it the can not connect to the internet any more because of some proxy block. Does any body know how to cleanly remove proxyfoxy???thanks16:24
IdleOneshawn_, I'll go out on a limb here and say that every version is made as stable as it possibly can be. I doubt that they try to make the next version worse16:24
cemcfornix: which argument ?16:25
xlqIdleOne: they don't *try*, no :P16:25
fornixcemc, let me search16:25
cemcfornix: it's suspend mind you, NOT hibernate, I never done that16:25
cemcjust good old suspend/resume. and it's not doing at every resume, only when I really am in a hurry...16:25
shawn_<IdleOne> there are massive graphics problems in Jaunty and now I hear that those issues haven't been fixed with Karmic.16:26
rohtieI can't resize my windows partition for some reason16:26
shawn_<IdleOne> they need to find out what makes Jaunty unstable and fix it in Karmic, If not, they shouldn't release Karmic16:27
fornixcemc, my problem was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1135185 Your's doesn't seem related. as i had this problem everytime16:27
IdleOneshawn_, your right16:27
cemcfornix: yeah, I don't think so either, mine does this just occasionaly16:27
shawn_I like to use blender and it just won't work in Jaunty but they haven't fixed it with karmic. It really sux.16:28
rohtieBlender works fine with me16:28
xlqshawn_: can't you compile it?16:28
rahul_farziartisi hv nokia 6233 but i hv a problm ..my cell phone not connectd through the usb data storage16:28
Kurlonshawn_: If the problems are upstream with xorg for example... Ubuntu can't just wave the 'fix0red' wand over it.16:28
shawn_compiling it isn't the problem. I can install it fine. The graphics are all wonky.16:29
Kurlonso bark at whomever maintains your graphic driver...16:29
rohtieI need to make more space for my ubuntu partition16:29
IdleOnemight try asking nice like16:29
rohtiebut i can't resize my windows partition16:29
shawn_It isn't the drivers it is the operating system. I am not the only one having the issue.16:29
xlqrohtie: why can't you?16:29
IdleOnebark usually gets you barked back at16:29
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shawn_People with better systems than I have had trouble that NOBODY is willing to remedy16:30
rohtieI booted from the live cd and tried to resize it there16:30
IdleOneshawn_, then why don't you lend a helping hand and try to remedy16:30
Kurlonshawn_: So fix it yourself.16:30
Guest78314firefox/programs wont play audio thru my usb headset16:31
shawn_I havge tried, but I don't code so well.16:31
KurlonSo... practice makes perfect.16:31
|saacariahrohtie, the ubuntu installer will give you options to resize the partitions16:31
rohtieso i have to install one more time?16:31
KurlonIt's open source, noone is under any obligation to lift a finger for you.16:31
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shawn_The thing is, the people who can fix it, won't16:31
KurlonThey don't have to.16:31
xlqKurlon: open source doesn't imply anything about project structure16:31
xlqI think you mean free software16:32
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Kurlonxlq: Point taken, I do mean free software, my bad.16:32
shawn_<Kurlon> so screw the people who have problems with the software they write? BAD form16:32
IdleOneshawn_, the people who can fix it are trying. my car wont start I know it wont start because it hasnt started in a month, that doesnt make it any easier for me to get it started16:32
shawn_no pride in craftsmanship16:32
Kurlonshawn: You're not under any obligation to use it, use something else16:32
firecrotchshawn_: You have to remember that the majority of people working on free software are doing so for free, in their own time.16:32
GransusIs anyone here who can help me?16:33
KurlonGransus: Gotta ask your question first, before we can answer.16:33
Kurlon: )16:33
firecrotchGransus: There are 1395 people who can potentially help you :)16:33
GransusWell, i want to put ubuntu on my laptop, and i downloaded it16:33
GransusNow i have the foler16:33
shawn_<Gransus> Fix it yourself16:33
rohtie|saacariah: I just need to make my ubuntu partition bigger16:33
IdleOneshawn_, dont be a tool16:33
bazhangshawn_, that is not helpful16:33
KurlonGransus: What did you download, an ISO image or something else?16:34
Guest78314<rohtie> use a live cd16:34
rohtiei did16:34
shawn_Tell kurlon that16:34
rohtiebut it wont let me reisize my windows partition16:34
yellabswhere can i find the package gtksplit for ubuntu?16:34
GransusI downloaded http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download16:34
yellabsor xlsplit16:34
Guest78314is your windows partiton mounted when trying?16:34
mazda01Gransus, what folder?16:34
firecrotchrohtie: Do you have enough free space on the partition to shrink it?16:34
Guest78314unmount it16:34
Guest78314then try16:34
IdleOneshawn_, your being argumentative that is why he answered you that way. we cant help you fix your graphics issue ( btw you havent explained the issue yet)16:35
shawn_God Damn it. Someone tells me to fix it myself and NOBODY says a fucking thing. I say it and someone jumps down my throat.16:35
Gransusthe folder i get when i extract the thing i downloaded16:35
rohtienone of them works16:35
xlqGransus: what did you download?16:35
firecrotch!language > shawn_16:35
ubottushawn_, please see my private message16:35
KurlonOh, you don't need to extract it16:35
IdleOneshawn_, grow up16:35
xlqGransus: what was the name of the file you downloaded?16:35
Gransusi downloaded this http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download16:35
KurlonGransus: You don't extract that image, you burn it to a cd.16:35
bazhangshawn_, watch the language16:35
dpratt71ok, playing a bit with xrandr and I have a simple question: if I am trying to do "--admode", how do I know what is a valid value for the "output" parameter?16:35
rohtieshould i burn a gparted live cd and try again?16:35
xlqrohtie: doesn't the LiveCD have gparted?16:36
qdbdoes ubuntu run with 64 mib of memory and does xubuntu?16:36
rohtieyes it has16:36
peonycan someone tell me hoe i can find what dev/xx file my keyboard would use/16:36
firecrotchGransus: Note that you can't just copy the image to a CD like you would any other file16:36
GransusSO i need to burn the zip as an image?16:36
rohtiebut maybe it works in the gparted live cd16:36
Guest78314<rohtie>do you still have your ubuntu live cd? you could use that16:36
Kurlonqdb: You'll  need to use the alt installer at the very least...16:36
bazhang!requirements > qdb16:36
ubottuqdb, please see my private message16:36
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* ayahuasktrip is away: Away16:36
rohtiei used that one >_>16:36
firecrotchGransus: it shouldn't be a zip file. it should be a .iso file16:36
xlqGransus: a zip?16:36
rohtieas i said it doesn't work to resize the windows partition on the live cd16:36
yellabsoh i can use cat16:37
xlqpeony: keyboards don't have device nodes16:37
Gransus I downloaded it from the website, and it is a zip file16:37
Kurlonrohtie: Have you defragg'd that partition before trying to shrink it?16:37
xlqGransus: this might help you get started: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation16:37
Picishawn_: Could you try to describe your problem beyond 'the graphics are wonky'?16:37
Gransuscalled ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i38616:37
rohtiehow do i do that through ubuntu?16:37
Guest78314<rohtie> xD i asked was the windows partiton mounted when you tried. when a partition is mounuted you cant resize it16:37
xlqGransus: is it called ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso?16:37
rohtiei tried both mounted and unmounted16:37
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xlqGransus: I assume you're using Windows, in which case Windows is probably hiding half the file name.16:38
Gransusoh ok16:38
Gransusi will try this16:38
mazda01Gransus, you can't burn a zip file as an image. you need to download a .iso file16:38
Gransusim installing it on a laptop so i can be in here at the same time lol16:38
xlqGransus: good idea :)  Right-click on the file you downloaded, click on "Properties", and it should show you the full file name in there.16:38
EruditeHermithi, does anyone know where the page with info on what is being built by the build machines is?16:39
rohtiemy windows os doesn't work ayways, maybe i should just delete it16:39
RanyAlbeg Hi , i cant download a file using wget. i execute wget "http://...." and i only get 13.k of file instead of 8.4MB . what is the problem?16:39
mazda01Gransus, unless you're using wubi, which is an .exe you run from within windows that will install ubuntu for dual booting16:39
sinanI am having trouble with my bluetooth. I don't see the icon on the top right corner, and "hcitool scan" returns "Device is not available: No such device". lsusb shows the bluetooth device, though. Any ideas?16:39
firecrotch!burniso | Gransus16:39
ubottuGransus: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:39
GransusAhhhh no guys i got it16:39
Gransusits an iso, not a zip16:39
mazda01RanyAlbeg, do you haev enough space to where you're downloading the file?16:39
Gransusjust says i can open it with winzip which is what threw me off16:39
KurlonSchaweet, burn that puppy to disk!16:39
mazda01Gransus, then, use an image burner program like alcohol 120% or similar16:40
RanyAlbegmazda01: yea. i even use that wget in a loop for many files and always i get 13.k 13.k ....16:40
GransusWell so far what my friend told me was true, ubuntu community is much more helpfull than the windows community lol16:40
mazda01RanyAlbeg, what is the wget link?16:40
IdleOnenot according to shawn__16:41
rohtieany ideas of what i should do?16:41
mazda01how do i get xchat to not show me when people join or leave the room?16:41
RanyAlbegmazda01: http://rapidshare.com/files/133740827/ASP.NET.2.0.Cookbook.2nd.Edition.zip16:41
KurlonAnd I appologize if I was a bit hard on shawn... I'm a #freebsd old timer... that schtick just rubs me the wrong way.16:41
GransusOne thing i remember from last time i used ubuntu, is i couldnt get it to connect to my wireless network, can someone help with that when i get it installed on the laptop ?16:42
xlqRanyAlbeg: that's an HTML file16:42
Kurlonmazda01: If you google 'irssi hide join part' the third hit or so is a list of ways to do that by irc client.16:42
RanyAlbegxlq: but when i enter this in a web browser i get the file i want16:42
IdleOneKurlon, I wouldnt worry about it to much but yeah the old RTFM answer is not acceptable here :)16:42
lstarnesmazda01: regular xchat, or xchat-gnome?16:42
xlqlstarnes: What *is* xchat-gnome? It just seems like a 'tarded up version of xchat.16:43
bazhang!quietirssi | mazda0116:43
ubottumazda01: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS16:43
KurlonIdleOne: Aw man... but I had a macro for it and everything! :P16:43
qdbthank you16:43
=== Shinobi is now known as Guest22539
bazhangmazda01, xchat right click hide on channel name16:43
xlqRanyAlbeg: you probably need to give wget some cookies or something.16:43
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GransusHow do i change my name?16:44
KurlonGransus: In IRC?16:44
bazhangGransus, your nick here? /nick newnick16:44
IdleOne./nick mynewnick16:44
=== Gransus is now known as Gransus_
IdleOneno .16:44
IdleOnethere ya go16:44
Gransus_didnt work16:44
KurlonRTF... wait, I didn't say that16:44
FloodBot3Gransus_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:44
xlqRany...he's gone :\16:45
IdleOneGransus_, it did work, it added a _ to your name16:45
xlqHis page contained "correct" used in an adverb context :\16:45
Gransus_I noticed idle16:45
KurlonSo, no spaces in your name, some punctuation isn't allowed, and there is a length limit16:46
xlq/me doesn't quite know why people have difficulty with '/' as the first character of their message16:46
mazda01lstarnes, not sure which one, i figured it out by right clicking on the channel name, then clicked the Hide Join/Part messages16:46
mazda01bazhang, thank you16:46
bazhangmazda01, you are welcome :)16:47
xlqxchat's nick-colouring is really useful. Anyway, drifting back on topic...:)16:47
marionbarryHas anyone ever heard of chinanet and/or Telnet?....if so who are they?...and what do they do?16:47
xlqmarionbarry: well telnet is a remote terminal protocol...16:48
Halitechmarionbarry, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telnet16:48
marionbarryxlq<<what is a remote terminal protocol?16:48
KurlonOk, bbl, time to stuff my face while the soekris churns16:49
xlqmarionbarry: telnet has been mostly superseded by ssh16:49
lstarnesmarionbarry: a protocol used for interacting with a terminal or command line on another computer16:49
Halitechmarionbarry, its a way of remotely controlling a computer on the command line16:49
lyhana8hi, my touchpad doesn't work on jaunty while it was on hardy16:49
macomarionbarry: if youre in alabama, why use the Mayor For Life's name?16:49
mazda01_how do i switch between channels in irssi, anyone please help?16:49
macomazda01_: alt+ buffer #16:50
Gransus_So anyone want to help me again?16:50
macomazda01_: or esc (let go) #16:50
lyhana8my xorg.conf is empty where should I look for conf about my touchpad ?16:50
macomazda01_: or /win 23 (or whatever number)16:50
lstarnesmazda01: or /window number16:50
marionbarrymaco<<<not familiar with that term...what do you mean by that?16:50
lstarnesmazda01: I have /w aliased to equal /window16:50
macomarionbarry: Mayor For Life is the nickname in DC for Marion Barry16:50
Gransus_Who wants to help me set up a dual-boot with ubuntu on this machine?16:50
xlqGransus_: just ask16:50
Gransus_cuz i have NO idea where to start16:51
bazhangGransus_, install windows first16:51
Gransus_I have windows installed16:51
mazda01_maco: i am pushing alt1 but that's not switching. sorry i don't understand16:51
macoGransus_: boot from the ubuntu cd16:51
HalitechGransus_, there's 2 ways of doing it http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/wubi16:51
xlqGransus_: have you got partition(s) ready for Ubuntu?16:51
Gransus_No, i dont know how to16:51
macomazda01_: ok then try hitting escape, letting go, and hitting a number16:51
mazda01_maco: nevermind, i got it now. thanks16:51
marionbarryMaco<<<How did you know i'm in Alabama?16:51
macomarionbarry: because you joined and it said your isp was in alabama...16:51
mazda01_maco: i had to push, alt and the plus symbol and then a number.16:52
Halitechmaco, maybe they are using a proxy ;)16:52
macoGransus_: just boot from the ubuntu cd and click the install thing. youll get to a screen where it offers to dual boot and you drag the little handle to decide how much of your hard drive is windows and how much is ubuntu. that it16:52
macomazda01_: thats unusual... but ok...16:52
Gransus_but i dont want to lose anything i have on windows atm16:52
xlqmaco: really? Nice!16:53
macoGransus_: i think htat question is like the 4th qustion it asks16:53
Gransus_dont i need to make a new partition first?16:53
mazda01_maco: well you said alt+buffer number. didn't you mean the alt and the plus symbol when you said that?16:53
macoGransus_: itll do it for you16:53
bazhangGransus_, the installer cd will handle it16:53
quidnuncAnybody know how I can add a filter to logcheck? Does logcheck parse all the files in ignore.d.server?16:53
xlqGransus_: you shouldn't lose anything, but it's still probably best to make backups of your most important files.16:53
hwildeI have multiple SSIDs in the network manager, how do I set the default one to use on boot?16:53
]Spectre[Hi,it seems that the output sound level of my asus x51r laptop is lower respect of the level that I listen under windows xp16:53
macomazda01_: no i didnt. i meant the alt key and the buffer number16:53
bazhangGransus_, back up nonetheless16:53
hwilde]Spectre[, alsamixer16:53
HalitechGransus_, the new Ubuntu installer will ask how you want to install, use guided and it will give you a slider to move around, give it at least 10gig or you will run out of room16:53
macoGransus_: just dont try to make the windows partition smaller than the amount of data you have on it :P16:53
]Spectre[hwilde,what i need to do ? run it from the console ?16:54
Flimflamthat's a secret16:54
mazda01_maco: is there a way to get irssi to always hide the joins, quits and what not? i did /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS to get it to hide that stuff but I am guessing that's only for this session of irssi.16:54
marionbarryMaco, Xlq<<<I was reading on SkullBox.net that Hackers Use Telnet to hack into peoples computers16:54
hwilde]Spectre[, yep run on console,  see if you can turn up the maser or pcm volumes16:54
xlqhwilde: I don't know. I don't want to offend anyone here, but if you're having trouble with NetworkManager, you could try using wicd instead.16:54
macomazda01_: dunno i never tried making mine do that. i liked to know when im talking to someone and they suddenly drop out16:54
xlqmarionbarry: if you're not running a telnet server, then nobody can log in!16:54
hwildeNetworkManager just seems to go in alphabetical order, how do I set the default SSID to the one I want ?16:55
xlqmarionbarry: I'll rephrase that.16:55
mazda01_maco:  good point16:55
xlqmarionbarry: if you're not running a telnet server, then it's not a problem!16:55
]Spectre[hwilde,perfect, the master was at 100% but not the "front" tab16:55
macomarionbarry: its just a way of logging in remotely. so is ssh. in either case, youd need to have a server for logging in that way installed and running16:55
hwilde]Spectre[, yeah I had that with my headphones.  enjoy16:55
mazda01_marionbarry: you can see which ports are listening with netstat -pant16:55
marionbarryWell is anyone familiar with Chinanet and what they do and why they are always roaming in my computer as unknown?16:55
xlqmarionbarry: are you Chinese?16:56
lyhana8where do I configure my touchpad ?16:56
hwildelyhana8, system-> preferences-> mouse16:56
Picimarionbarry: Are you asking why you are getting hits on your firewall from addresses in China?16:56
Halitechmarionbarry, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChinaNet - the official chinese network16:56
xlqmazda01: look at /save and irssi's configuration system for more persistency16:56
marionbarryWell i use netstat that's built in gonome and the whois and when I do I'm always seeing unknown traffic such as Chinanet and Telnet even when I'm not surfing the web16:56
Halitechmarionbarry, ChinaNet is China Telecom's internet service, and is one of two major commercial networks approved by the State Council to be a national Interconnecting Network in 1996, under Order No. 195, "Interim Regulation on International Interconnection of Computer Information Networks in the PRC", the other being ChinaGBN. ChinaNet is managed by the Data Communications Bureau of the Ministry for Posts and Telecommunications, and provides16:57
Halitechinternet service in all 31 provincial capitals.16:57
Picimazda01: Aditionally, irssi's help channel can be found in #irssi, they are very helpful tehre.16:57
xlqmarionbarry: how are you connected to the Internet?16:57
Qvintvsmost ruby-related packages in apt seem to have a 1.9 version, a 1.8 version, and a plain version (eg, irb, irb1.8, irb1.9). are the packages w/o versions in their names the latest version?16:57
mazda01Pici, ok, thanks. also thanks to xlq16:57
xlqmarionbarry: it sounds like it's just some other people's traffic on the wire, which you can safely ignore.16:58
prince_jammysQvintvs: no16:58
lyhana8hwilde: I'm looking for some conf file as it's not currently active (no cat /dev/input/m* output)16:58
macomarionbarry: very likely theyre just systems in china that are part of a botnet. the usual.16:58
prince_jammysQvintvs: the ones without version numbers are metapackages16:58
hwildelyhana8, what type of laptop16:59
xlqmarionbarry: is your computer connected directly to the telephone socket, or do you have a router?16:59
jigsAfter setting "pppoeconf" I lost Network Manager in the taskbar. Also local area connection (auto eth0) wasn't working. So I reinstalled network manager using "sudo apt-get remove network-manager" and "sudo apt-get install network-manager". Network Manager now appear in the taskbar by unfortunately my "Auto eth0" connection is lost, and for unknown reasons I can't set-up a new one.16:59
jigsCould somebody possibly help me?16:59
jigsThanks in advance.16:59
FloodBot3jigs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
prince_jammysQvintvs: and they depend on debian's current ruby, which is 1.816:59
marionbarryPici<<<Yess that's exactly what I'm saying....why am I getting hits from china,Luxemborg etc....and I'm connected to the internet via comcast highspeed cable....I have a lot in internet problems with comcast on a daily basis and each time it's Telnet or Chinanet that is interferring with my updates and downloads16:59
jigspls help16:59
lyhana8hwilde: acer aspire 5500, touchpad was working on hardy 2 days ago16:59
Qvintvsprince_jammys: ah, ok17:00
Picimarionbarry: Its just normal botnet stuff, as long as you're on Linux you should be fine.  That traffic shouldn't be causing any issues with your normal connection.17:00
jigsI lost auto eth0 somebody help17:00
mazda01jigs, you can edit the /etc/network/interfaces file  by using a text editor. here's an example of mine: http://pastebin.com/f68405db217:00
hwildelyhana8, did you maybe hit Fn+ F7 and disable the touchpad?17:01
marionbarryWell it does and I'm always getting partially encrypted connections on HTTPS sites17:01
Halitechmarionbarry, do you have any other computers on your connection? do you have a wireless router?17:01
lyhana8hwilde: already try that17:01
mazda01jigs,  you'll haev to use sudo as that file is owned by root.17:01
jigsmazda01 just sec, I will upload it17:01
mazda01jigs, example if you're using gnome. gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces17:01
hwildelyhana8, sry that's as far as I know17:01
jigshere is mine17:01
mikebeechamhi guys...every time Update Manager tells me there are updates, it responds shortly afterward with a number of packages that cannot be updated as they are not authorised.  Is there any way I can remove these?17:01
lyhana8hwilde: thanks to try :)17:02
xlqjigs: you could also try using wicd as an alternative to NetworkManager17:02
mikebeechamit offers me partial upgrade only17:02
marionbarryyess I have a wireless router a linksys router but I have even bigger problems when I hook up my router...it takes my computer about 20 minutes to go online when I hook up my router17:02
jigsxlq could I download it using apt-get install wincd?17:02
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Halitechmarionbarry, do you have any security on your router? ie. wep, wpa, wpa2?17:02
xlqmikebeecham: have you been installing third-party packages?17:02
marionbarryyess all of that17:03
mazda01jigs, i dont' use network manager, i just set mine up manually. so I really can't help as i am unaware what the manual entry is for. maybe change that to dhcp?17:03
mikebeechamxlq...a couple., yes17:03
mazda01jigs, so it would be: iface eth0 inet dhcp17:03
mikebeechambut the update manager does not tell me what these files relate to17:03
marionbarryand since i've complained I wasn't able to configure my router via web browser17:03
marionbarrycomcast is full of privacy issues17:03
xlqmikebeecham: maybe commenting out the third-party repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list will help. Either that, or get the public keys for those repositories.17:03
xlq<marionbarry> and since i've complained I wasn't able to configure my router via web browser17:04
Halitechmarionbarry, I would almost do a reset on the router, sounds like  you may have been hacked and someones been using your connection17:04
jigsmazda01 I wasn't using it at all, but it was convinient because I could easilly connect to my ADSL connection17:04
xlqIs this your router?17:04
jigsnow I must use pon dsl-provider17:04
hwildemarionbarry, do you experience the same issues when booting from the ubuntu livecd ?17:04
jigsalso, should I add iface eth0 inet dhcp at the end>?17:05
jigsmazda01 I will remove network manager now17:05
xlqjigs, mazda01: I think jigs might not be using eth0...17:05
mikebeechamxlq: trying that now thanks17:05
amigojapanis there a way to graphically configure the virtual resolution in ubuntu like in sax2 on suse?17:06
jigsxlq before I was using auto eth017:06
jigsxlq would install wicd help?17:06
xlqjigs: so you're just using plain ethernet?17:06
hwildejigs, ifconfig -a17:06
marionbarrywell I've been using comcast since 2006 of December 1 and I bought a brand new HP desktop with dual processors and complete media center that's has all kinda usb and fire wire docking stations....and I almost returned it because of comcast...I mean when I started to run windows vista I reall had to learn how to take all the syncronization software off because someone was in sync with me and resetting all my fonts and pc17:07
marionbarrysettings and deleting my emails17:07
hwildemarionbarry, do you experience the same issues when booting from the ubuntu livecd ?17:07
jigshwilde here is http://pastebin.com/d44686cab17:07
l3dxhow do I give an additional user full access to a directory?17:07
xlqmarionbarry: what's Comcast got to do with that?17:07
hwildejigs, ok then it is showing as eth0   (xlq, mazda01)17:07
marionbarryAnd yess I dont care which operating system I use especially ubuntu live or what I'm always having privacy issues17:08
xlql3dx: chgrp other-user the-directory && chmod g+rwx the-directory17:08
hwildemarionbarry, if you have the same issues running on the LiveCD then it is a problem with your router or comcast17:08
jigsis this network intefaces problem?17:08
mazda01jigs, so you want to use eth0 or not? i don't understand. it appears like you're using dialup17:08
xlqmarionbarry: "someone was in sync with me and resetting all my fonts and pc" - that's definitely your problem, not Comcast's.17:09
jigsI am using dsl connection17:09
jigsbut, I lost my local network17:09
mazda01jigs, it is connected to your ethernet port?17:09
xlqmarionbarry: either that, or it's Windows operating as usual :P17:09
jigsmazda01 yes17:09
mazda01jigs, then you do need eth0. set it to dhcp then.17:09
jigsok I set it now17:10
jigshow to restart it17:10
marionbarrywell comcast have a lot to do with it....I mean they have me hooked up to a remote internet connection with all these nodes and Sometimes I'm even hooked up to Cox Cable when I run IP address strace...comcast do a lot of interferring with peoples downloads and spying17:10
jigsto see if changes get17:10
mazda01jigs, unless you do want a static ip, then set it like mine but leave out the dns servers unless you use opendns17:10
FloodBot3jigs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:10
xlqjigs: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:10
jigsok, ty17:10
xlqjigs: I think it's that, anyway17:10
mazda01jigs, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:10
amews_ajIf I prefere win, but like to use ubuntu as well, is there anything limiting by using VirtualBox for ubuntu ? Anything I should be aware - missing features ?17:10
archergetting kicked back into gdm ? anyone ? it happens at random intervils17:10
mazda01xlq, beat me to it. ha ha17:10
hwildearcher, run updates17:11
xlqamews_aj: certain cpu-intensive things can be considerably slower17:11
marionbarrywhen I was using my router I would see other people hook up in the neighborhood when I do and when I log off they would log off and when I started using Kubuntu on my wireless laptop I would Often see a Hidden Network17:11
xlqamews_aj: you also won't get full 3D graphics acceleration.17:11
mazda01anyone else have firefox hang on them when trying to upload photos to facebook?17:11
amews_ajxlq: VirtualBox does give 3d hardware acc.17:12
archerhwilde, ok i dont actauly use ubuntu i use archlinux but iam sure its a gnome/gdm problem , and iam fully upgraded , trying my luck every where :P17:12
xlqmarionbarry: well, the Internet being the Internet, your traffic goes out for all to see. There are many techniques to avoid it: encryption, tunnelling, tor ...17:12
hwildearcher, disable compiz and all that fancy stuff17:12
jigs_seems like now my network start working. Thank you very much for the help guys17:12
xlqamews_aj: Does it? Didn't know that!17:12
mazda01jigs, no problem. jigs. just pay it forward17:12
hwildemarionbarry, buy a new router, change all the settings, reinstall ubuntu with new passwords, and then drop comcast and get a different ISP.17:12
jigs_mazda01 I would get tutorial to learn about network intefaces17:13
jigs_and edit for myself17:13
amews_ajxlq: So in that case it all comes down to performance?17:13
archerhwilde, never thought of that thanks17:13
xlqjigs_: glad to hear it :)17:13
hwildearcher, it's probly the window manager crashing.17:13
xlqThank you, lino, for your visit. Come again soon! :\17:14
marionbarrywell seem like when I find out a new way to keep my privacy they find out a new way to get in....I wish I could get a new ISP...they dont have what I prefer which is dsl in my area..as far as me changing all my passwords I do that every couple of days if not daily17:14
amews_ajxlq:  What cpu intensive tasks would you think about?17:14
xlqjigs_: did you remove NetworkManager?17:14
hwildemarionbarry, if you don't have any servers running then no one can get in.17:14
macomarionbarry: just because the traffic exists doesnt mean theyve gotten in...17:14
mazda01jigs, go for it. i told you the basics. it's either static or dhcp. if static you need to tell it the ip and the dhcp server, your internal ip of whatever is handing out ips17:14
jigs_xlg now I would do that using sudo apt-remove network-manager17:15
macomarionbarry: and your isp wont change that17:15
xlqamews_aj: compiling, signal processing (eg. audio)...but virtualization is getting better and better.17:15
xlqamews_aj: in fact, my information may be a bit out of date now :)17:15
l3dxxlq: thanks!17:15
amews_ajxlq: I might do some compiling, but mostly tiny apps that I code by myself? That shouldn't be that much of an issue right? No huge apps of course.17:15
marionbarrywhat do you mean about servers?....I only have major problems when I do a update on ubuntu then that's when I start having privacy issues17:15
zuz_i wish there was a way to make this videocard faster  :(17:15
macomarionbarry: botnet bots go out after any and every IP...thats just how it is. as long as you dont have some stupid anonymous login setup and your security patches are installed, youre fine17:15
MOUDHey again17:16
hwildemarionbarry, if you don't install anything to open up ports and listen then no one can break in.17:16
mrphoenixhi all17:16
macohwilde: unless they own your network card at layer 217:16
marionbarryeven when I use vista or ubuntu I have problems...when I use vista I keep having all my updates modified and software I download17:16
sdfhello anyone good with video capture cards?17:16
xlqamews_aj: should be fine. One problem you might experience is some keyboard shortcuts will be used by the host OS or VirtualBox itself, so sending them to the guest is a bit tricky.17:16
xlqamews_aj: just go and try it!17:16
hwildemaco, plz.17:16
macohwilde: it happened to apple17:16
amews_ajAlready tried, and seems to work fine now. However I am maybe going to use it on computer science education, so I hope I won't run into troubles that way.17:17
olvaphow do i change chanel?17:17
MOUDwhat's a good web browser other than FF and Opera?17:17
olvapjoin #cakephp17:17
olvap\join #cakephp17:17
rodimuscan someone tell me why there is no gtnome splash screen in jaunty jackelope?17:17
xlq/join #cakephp17:17
mazda01olvap, /join #channelname17:17
brummbaermarionbarry, have you looked at a rootkit hunter? rkhunter is good.17:17
Brack10MOUD: There is none except Chrome17:17
xlqI accidentally #cakephp :P17:18
MOUDBrack10: google chrome?17:18
_zoomdepends on u17:18
MK13what changes are made to make the ´ symbol have to be press twice? it get annoying even though it is easier to make ¨é,ǵ,é,í¨ (which i dont use)17:18
xlqMOUD: Konqueror, Epiphany17:18
rodimuscan someone tell me why there is no gtnome splash screen in jaunty jackelope?17:18
xlqMOUD: and links :)17:18
mazda01does firefox stall when trying to upload photos to facebook for anyone else?17:18
sdfhello anyone good with video capture cards?17:18
marionbarryI'm not familiar with root kit hunter and dont know how to install anything on ubuntu, at least the way I was installing stuff on ubuntu dont even work anymore...I tell ya now everytime I try to updated firefox to the latest browser on ubuntu it want let me do it17:19
xlqMK13: do you want to turn off the dead keys?17:19
MK13xlq: yes17:19
=== zuz_ is now known as Zuz|GoPatriots
mazda01it's getting very old, i click on "add more photos" in facebook and then firefox just sits there trying to load there broken photo uploader. then I have to enable the simple photo uploader where it only does 5 at a time.17:19
xlqMK13: your keyboard layout is set to an 'international' layout variant. You can change the keyboard settings in Settings -> Administration -> Keyboard17:19
mazda01marionbarry, can you even use sudo?17:19
xlqMK13: or is it Settings -> Preferences -> Keyboard? It's somewhere there.17:20
marionbarryyes I can use sudo17:20
brummbaermarionbarry, 'sudo apt-get install rkhunter' from terminal, or if you can get the net you can download a .deb file online.17:20
amews_ajxlq: do you think it is too risky to use a VM for Computer Science education work stuff..? So far it seems fine17:20
mazda01marionbarry, then what is the error you get when trying to upgrade firefox?17:20
marionbarryok hold on17:20
xlqmazda01: what's Facebook using? Is it using Java, maybe?17:20
user101which package should i install for configure: error: Please install GL development package.17:20
Zukait doesnt want to show you a gnome splash screen17:20
mazda01xlq, no idea.17:20
user101I have libmesa1 already17:20
Zukabecause you insulted its mohter17:20
MK13xlq: fixed, thnx17:20
* Zuka scrolls down17:20
xlqamews_aj: risky? In what way?17:20
MK13xlq: i can live w/out the euro sign :)17:21
Zukaxlq, facebook uses PHP and some fancy CSS17:21
xlquser101: libmesa1-dev?17:21
Qvintvsis there an opposite to the -nw flag for emacs (ie, explicitly tell emacs to run in a window)17:21
amews_ajThat I will run into issues that something they want us to use won't run properly in the VM17:21
user101xlq : already installed17:21
xlqZuka: uh..client side17:21
Zukaand javascript17:21
xlquser101: what's already installed?17:21
macouser101: libgl1-mesa-dev maybe?17:21
silv3r_m00nhi there17:21
xlquser101: oh, that package. Sorry, hard to keep track of everyone :)17:21
silv3r_m00nhow do I install mod gzip for apache17:21
macouser101: itll be something ending in -dev17:21
silv3r_m00nwhat is the package name ?17:21
user101maco: oh right thanks17:21
Zukai know because i've basically dont a mockup of it before17:21
xlquser101: you can search for files in packages.ubuntu.com17:22
macoZuka: for its uploader17:22
Zukain CSS, you have a property on divs17:22
amews_ajxlq: That I will run into issues that something they want us to use won't run properly in the VM17:22
Zukauh, oh, try flash, may be java17:22
marionbarryBrummbaer<<..How do I use this software rkhunter...I got it to download now17:22
brummbaersudo rkhunter -c17:22
xlqamews_aj: I can't think of anything.17:22
user101xlq: no there is nothing called libmesa1-dev17:22
Zukatheres an html uploader and a flash one, i think17:22
brummbaerrootkits can boot before OS and do all kinds of malignancy, so it's good to check.17:22
brummbaerif you said this is happening in multiple OS' it could well be a rootkit17:23
shashwatpnshappy independence day to all pakistanis and in advance happy independence day to all indians.both for thier completion of 62 years of independence.Wait a sec only about a 53 years for pakistan17:23
Zukathe last few months, facebooks been going more flash oriented17:23
MOUDanyone here using facebook?17:23
xlqZuka: ahh I see. mazda01: it might be flashplayer acting up then17:23
Zukai quit facebook17:23
bazhang!ot | shashwatpns17:23
ubottushashwatpns: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:23
user101xlq:  and I already have libgl1-mesa-dev17:23
Zukathe only friends i have are annoying teens17:23
macoMOUD: its best to just use the boring uploader or whatever they call it17:23
Zukai'm glad i'm not an annoying teen17:23
Zukai'm just a smart teen17:23
xlqI never used facebook.17:23
Zukadont bother17:23
xlquser101: hold on a sec, I haven't forgotten you :)17:24
Zukaif you do, its just endless quiz apps for your friends to annoy you with17:24
anr78Anyone here with an osx/ubuntu dual boot who have changed their uid in osx to match the one in ubuntu?17:24
Zukasome genius made an app that lets idiots make quiz apps17:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:24
macoMOUD: if you want to upload pics, maybe itd help if i point out that F-Spot (the included photo manager) can do mass upload to Flickr, Picasa, and Facebook17:24
mazda01xlq, i don't know what it is but it's a pain in the butt17:25
mazda01to upload photos17:25
Zukaor you can get a webserver and just dump them in the htdocs folder! :D17:25
macomazda01: see what i said about F-Spot making things eaiser17:25
Zukaapaches not hard to set up, xampp is even easier17:25
xlqanr78: You can change your UID by editing /etc/passwd. You've then got to chown all your files (you can do that with 'find') .. probably best to do it in maintenance mode, when you're not logged in as your non-root user.17:25
mazda01maco, huh? i missed your post about fspot.17:25
anr78xlq: a bit too late for that ;-) I followed this : http://osxdaily.com/2009/02/19/mac-os-x-change-your-user-id/17:25
macomazda01: fspot can mass upload to flickr, picasa, and facebook, so dont bother with their flash/java/stupid mass uploader17:26
xlqanr78: that's not very good. It's chowning *all* your files in your home, regardless of whether you actually own them or not :(17:26
Zukafacebook = annoying shithole17:26
mazda01maco, oh, iphoto can to but i didn't realize that fspot could do that. thanks for the tip17:26
maco!language | Zuka17:26
ubottuZuka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:26
Gransus_ok that failed lol17:26
macoZuka: we have a policy here of being respectful17:26
MOUDmaco: no, it's not that. It's because Facebook isn't displayed correctly17:27
mazda01Zuka, that's your opinion. thanks for sharing17:27
xlqGransus_: what happened?17:27
Gransus_I tried to set it up to dual-boot using the disc like you guys said17:27
anr78xlq: I agree, but in my home I don't think it mattered much.17:27
silv3r_m00nhi there17:27
Zukano little kids here know how to work ubuntu17:27
silv3r_m00nI installed apache from synaptic....what package do I install for mod gzip ?17:27
xlquser101: hmm, your configure script is being a bit vague.17:27
Gransus_and i had no idea what i was looking at lol17:27
Bad_Andyhey noob question...how come when i try to use DSL on ubuntu my connection manager says "device not managed" and wont connect17:27
Bad_Andyi know the dsl works, im on it now17:28
HalitechBad_Andy, wireless or wired?17:28
anr78xlq: but I seem to have files outside my home as well, so I was wondering if "sudo find / -user OLDUID -exec chown NEWUID {} \; -print" sounds good17:28
Crayboffdoes anyone have an easy way to share internet with an xbox via ethernet cable? it's easy in windows, you just check a box, but how would i go about doing this in ubuntu? something with firestarter?17:28
Bad_Andyits wired dsl, its a normal desktop pc17:28
xlqanr78: maybe17:28
rodimuscan someone tell me how to enable my gnome splash screen?>17:28
silv3r_m00nwhat is the synaptic package for mod_gzip ?17:29
Gransus_So, when it says to set up new partitions guys, i tried to make a new partition table cuz that was kinda the only option17:29
Gransus_but i had no idea what to set anything as17:29
Bad_Andyi added the dsl connection with the correct user name and PW but it just wont connect17:29
xlqsilv3r_m00n: where does apache keep its modules?17:30
user101xlq:  got it  :-) libglu1-mesa-dev17:30
barcode_gnomes power button disapeered :(17:30
xlqGransus_: don't create a new partition table!17:30
mazda01silv3r_m00n, http://schroepl.net/projekte/mod_gzip/17:30
Gransus_lol ok17:30
macoGransus_: dont choose manual partition17:30
ltcabralwhats the command to run firefox and open that screen to create new profiles?17:30
lstarnesxlq: I think it's/usr/lib/apache2/modules/17:30
Gransus_Well, the only other option was to overwrite all of vista17:30
xlqltcabral: read firefox --help17:30
wildc4rdevening all17:30
silv3r_m00nxlq: means ?17:30
macoGransus_: there should be a "guided: use whole disk" option and an option for a guided dual boot17:31
macoGransus_: manul is the 3rd option17:31
macoGransus_: unless...are you using the text installer?17:31
Gransus_only 2 options17:31
barcode_is it possible to repair gnome?17:31
macoGransus_: was it a live cd and you could click around, or was it blue and red and grey text and you had to tab around and use the spacebar and stuff?17:31
Picisilv3r_m00n: mod_deflate has replaced mod_gzip in apache2, to enable it: sudo a2enmod deflate     It is installed with the default apache2 install.17:31
Gransus_Its a live cd17:31
xlqbarcode_: no. It's completely broken. Buy a new one :D17:31
Gransus_that i downloaded17:32
user101what are the problems faced to port a source build executable from ubuntu to centos17:32
Gransus_from ubuntu.com17:32
silv3r_m00nPici: let me check17:32
rodimuscan someone tell me why ctrl alt backspace does not work anymore?17:32
xlqPici: well done :)17:32
Pici!dontzap | rodimus17:32
ubotturodimus: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.17:32
lstarnesbarcode_: you might just need to add the applet back to the panel17:32
Picirodimus: Because the xorg developers removed the feature17:32
marionbarrywould someone familiar with rkhunter please check this pastebin out   http://paste.ubuntu.com/253252/17:32
barcode_ i turned my computer off and turned it on and got these gnome errors and nowi  dont have a power button, and there was no applet :X17:32
lstarnesbarcode_: right-click on the panel, select "add to panel", then look for the quit applet17:32
Gransus_can someone who knows alot about dual booting private chat me?17:33
silv3r_m00nPici: now how to check whether it is really working or not ?17:33
lstarnesmarionbarry: check /var/log/rkhunter.log as well17:33
xlquser101: are you referring to copying an executable you compiled on one distro, to another, and running it?17:33
user101xlq: yes17:33
xlqGransus_: is it possible to show us a screenshot?17:33
thiebaudeGranis, the first option on the live cd is install side by side17:34
xlq<silv3r_m00n> xlq: means ?  - what?17:34
marionbarryLstarnes<<how do I check var/log/rkhunter.log?17:34
Gransus_ok sec17:34
lstarnesmarionbarry: do you know how to look at a file?17:34
Gransus_let me go look at what it gives me again17:34
dudleyiIf anyone has any free time, what would make an Ubuntu instance constantly run at 100%?17:34
Gransus_and i will come back17:34
Picisilv3r_m00n: You'll need to configure it once you enable it, see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_deflate.html for the settings17:34
thiebaudeGransus_, 3 options on the live cd17:34
marionbarrynot all that familiar but I do know how to look at some not all17:34
Bad_Andydoes anyone know why ubuntu says "device not managed" for my wired connection? pretty sure my network card works but i cant get ubuntu to connect with it17:34
dudleyiStraight after the login screen, my CPU constantly runs at 100%17:35
dudleyiand it's maddening.17:35
xlqbarcode_: what errors?17:35
MadGirlerrors are here17:35
lstarnesmarionbarry: it's basically a plain text file17:35
thiebaudedudleyi, check in system monitor to see whats up17:35
lstarnesdudleyi: check the system monitor (system > administration > system monitor)17:35
dudleyiI checked17:35
macoBad_Andy: does dsl involve dialing junk?17:35
dudleyiand anything that I have running in focus17:35
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xlquser101: well, nothing's guaranteed. Sometimes it'll work fine. Sometimes it'll say "No such file or directory" because of missing libraries. Sometimes it'll break in obscure ways. It all depends on what libraries it was linked against.17:35
macoBad_Andy: if so you might need ppp stuff...17:35
AhtenusCould someone please check their /etc/pule/daemon.conf and check what default-fragments and what default-fragment-size-msec is set to?17:35
dudleyiis always at 80%+17:35
xlqdudleyi: an Ubuntu instance? What?17:36
marionbarrylstarnes<< can you tell me how to check the var/log/rkhunter.log?17:36
barcode_xlq: there were several of them in a popup box, i cant remember what they said :<17:36
dudleyiI tried using terminal to monitor the processes17:36
thiebaudedudleyi, what processes are using that much17:36
lstarnesmarionbarry: do you know how to view a text file?17:36
Bad_Andyits normal broadband i think17:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about top17:36
dudleyidamned thing told me TOP was running at 60%17:36
xlqBad_Andy: what device is it?17:36
Bad_Andyits a gigabyt ethernet card onboard my motherboard17:36
macoBad_Andy: ive only ever used cable internet, so im not sure.  you have a phone line go into a modem, then an ethernet cable come from modem (possibly through router) to your computer?17:36
Bad_Andyya exactly that maco17:37
thiebaudedudleyi, in system monitor > show all processes17:37
dudleyiGive me a bit, I'll bring the tablet over here to say it in real time.17:37
user101xlq: thanks17:37
xlqAhtenus: I removed pulseaudio at the first opportunity.17:37
dudleyik, thanks thiebaude. one sec17:37
thiebaudedudleyi, ok17:37
macoBad_Andy: any chance there's a stanza about eth0 in your /etc/network/interfaces ?17:37
Bad_Andyand i have to enter a user name and PW but theres no dialing17:37
macoBad_Andy: oh.17:37
Ahtenusxlq: Ok, why? Does it suck?17:37
MarcekWitam jest ktoś z Polski17:38
Bad_Andyyeah it says it recognizes a eth0 interfac i think17:38
dudleyiAlso, trying to install the nvidia drivers for this laptop is proving to be impossible,17:38
Bad_Andybut i cant get it to ping anything17:38
macoBad_Andy: oh... there's authentication? weirdness17:38
macoBad_Andy: ok i think this is what that ppp stuff is for17:38
dudleyiConstant "NVidia Beta Drivers logo" loop until X just tells me I'm running in low graphics mode.17:38
macoBad_Andy: maybe the "pppoeconf" command will help?17:38
Marcekplease device x3100 intel ||| No english17:38
xlqAhtenus: it has been said that PulseAudio is a solution looking for a problem.17:39
Bad_Andyya like in windows i use the local area connection thing to connect17:39
anr78should "sudo find / -user 501 -exec chown 1000 {} \; -print" change to ownership of all files owned by user 501 to user 1000?17:39
macoMarcek: polska? #ubuntu-pl17:39
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:39
xlqAhtenus: all it produced for me was a series of clicks, which is fun to listen to, but sometimes I really do want to hear what I'm doing.17:39
Bad_Andyso enter like, "ifconfig ppoeconf"?17:39
dudleyithiebaude, I'm booting up the laptop17:39
macoBad_Andy: no, "pppoeconf" is a command17:39
dudleyiit usually takes about 5 minutes for it to boot17:39
dudleyibut, I had an older ubuntu version on it and that one ran fine17:40
xlqMarcek: /join #ubuntu-pl17:40
dudleyinow this one just shits itself constantly.17:40
thiebaudedudleyi, 8.04 LTS17:40
Bad_Andyill try and goof around with that and see if i can get it working, thanks17:40
Marcekokey thanks17:40
dudleyiCould have been. I installed it last year.17:40
barcode_is theyre a way i can just reinstall gnome?17:40
thiebaudedudleyi, im sticking with the LTS's17:40
dudleyiI installed 9.04 via PXE17:40
dudleyisince this tablet has no onboard CD drive17:41
Ahtenusxlq: Ok, my sound is all Scratchy when using mumble but i changed thouse settings and it whent away but now there isn't any sound from flash videos17:41
Bad_Andyi think my DSL uses DHCP though17:41
dudleyiok. I can't boot into gnome so I'm using terminal17:42
xlqAhtenus: try installing libflashsupport17:42
Halitechdudleyi, whats the specs on the laptop?17:42
dudleyione sec.17:42
xlqAhtenus: read the PulseAudio section here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio17:42
xlqAhtenus: oh, that might be out of date :\17:43
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Crayboffdoes anyone know how to allow internet sharing? I'm currently using network manager and i'd like to share my wifi connection with my xbox by connecting my xbox with my laptop with just an ethernet cable17:43
xlqCrayboff: yes, I know how17:44
Crayboffxlq, would you mind telling me how?17:44
Ahtenusxlq: To bad didn't help to install libflash...17:44
dudleyithere are the specs of the tablet17:44
dudleyiTOP is running now off terminal, without gnome running and it'd giving me normal readings.17:44
xlqCrayboff: well, you need to assign IP addresses to the ethernet interfaces, and then set up routes between them, and enable NAT17:45
simohayhaHi, can anyone please tell me how I can copy protect a dvd? I know it does not work but I just want to protect it from average users.17:45
xlqsimohayha: DRM is useless.17:45
Crayboffxlq: is there an easy way to do that?17:45
dudleyixlq, wrong.17:45
Kurlonsimohayha: If you want it to play in regular DVD players, you're out of luck17:45
dudleyiIt's VERY uselesss.17:45
xlqCrayboff: not sure, I do it in a shell17:45
xlqdudleyi: heh17:46
Craybofflike is there something i can do with firestarter or whatever17:46
dudleyiThe average user is hip to DRM already.17:46
dudleyiYou want to protect your DVD from grandmas17:46
xlqAhtenus: well, I'm not sure really, since I removed pulseaudio and I use plain ALSA (or JACK sometimes)17:46
simohayhaI know its useless but my goal is to protect from average users from burning it with nero17:46
dudleyiand I think they have no interest in actually ripping anything.17:46
Ahtenusxlq: Humm ok but thanks anyway17:46
Ahtenusxlq: I'll try googleling some more17:47
mdwrightWhen using startx as one user it tries to use the .XAuthority file of a different user, which he clearly doesn't own. My $HOME variable is set correctly, and I'm not sure what else to do for this problem.17:47
xlqsimohayha: I highly doubt anyone in the Linux community would bother to implement the *reverse* of libdvdcss :)17:47
Halitechdudleyi, instead of gnome maybe install xfce and see how it works17:47
dudleyivesa is the default failsafe driver, right?17:47
parapanghelescuhi there fellows just first one from my side ...I'm using jaunty as a OS but being new to linux ....should I install an antivirus software ?????17:47
xlqdudleyi: I think so17:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm17:48
dudleyiHalitech, I had ubuntu installed with gnome on this system before. It ran like butter.17:48
xlqparapanghelescu: there's usually no need to bother.17:48
consealparapanghelescu: I've never been bothered with viruses, but you can always install clamav or something like that.17:48
simohayhaxlq, I understand. Is there anything available on any other distro?17:48
Halitechdudleyi, same version or an older version?17:48
xlqsimohayha: what are you referring to?17:48
dudleyiThe HDD died and I had to replace it, and install ubuntu on it via PXE. Now Gnome is acting like crap.17:48
dudleyiI believe it ws 817:49
dudleyiI have 9 on it.17:49
xlqparapanghelescu: from what I gather, people use anti-virus software on Linux to delete viruses from servers that people have uploaded17:49
parapanghelescuI had the same opinion collected from other users until I found out this ...AVG Antivirus Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD17:49
dudleyixlq is right. That's what antivirus softeware is used for on Linux17:49
parapanghelescuxlq > hmmm ...could be so17:49
dudleyiJust because the server isn't affected by the code doesn't mean it still isn't a carrier.17:50
xlqsimoha...HE'S GONE TOO! :(17:50
Halitechdudleyi, I've tried installing 9.04 on systems that had 8.04 and 8.10 previously and 9.04 ran like molasses uphill, worked great in 8.04 and 8.1017:50
dudleyiAh, damn.17:50
dudleyiIt's going to be a trial to get 8.04 on this system.17:50
xlqdudleyi: you could try using a more minimal desktop17:50
Halitechdudleyi, try sudo apt-get install lxde for a nice lightweight de17:50
dudleyiThe only computers I have nearby is this old iBook (which PXE is retarded on)17:51
xlqdudleyi: I use fluxbox for a window manager, xterm for a terminal, etc. and my computer's pretty fast17:51
thiebaudedudleyi, or fluxbor, openbox etc17:51
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox17:51
dudleyiand a gateway without an internet connection17:51
dudleyiYeah, I used to use xfce17:51
xlqdudleyi: unfortunately, in my opinion, xfce is no longer lightweight.17:51
dudleyiI would suppose. I've not used it in a while.17:51
xlqlxde looks like it wants to be Windows XP :(17:52
thiebaudedudleyi, i use openbox with 8.0417:52
Halitechdudleyi, I used to use Ubuntu, then changed to Xubuntu, upgraded my system to an amd 5200+ and still use xfce17:52
dudleyiI was about five minutes from just trashing my ubuntu installation and trying my hand with arch17:52
=== vic is now known as Guest43396
dudleyibut decided to give this a try17:52
dudleyiI'm having a little fight with xorg.conf so nvidia's drivers17:53
edoceohow to rebuild the initrd? using the aptittude toosl?17:53
xlqCrayboff: there are some threads about Internet connection sharing in Ubuntuforums: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ubuntu+internet+connection+sharing17:53
Kurlonedoceo: update-initramfs -u I believe17:54
Crayboffxlq: thanks17:54
edoceoKurlon: yep - thx17:54
xlqSomeone ought to write a nice graphical tool for connection sharin g:)17:54
dudleyiI just wanted to get this working so I have a device I can do service tech calls with that's immune from people's virus infested networks.17:54
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Halitechdudleyi, try the LXDE interface, nice and light and won't require a reinstall17:56
xlqdudleyi: you have mentioned nothing about your X.org problem17:56
mazda01xlq, i don't use ics, but i thought firestarter was a gui for enabling ics?17:57
MOUDI have a Toshiba laptop with a Synaptic touchpad, where can I find the driver for ubuntu?17:57
dudleyimy x problem seemed easy to fix, but now it's acting all weird.17:57
dudleyiI though dropping down to the failsafe config would help17:57
HalitechMOUD, gsynaptic in add/remove17:57
dudleyibut it's still pulling the nvidia logo loop.17:57
mazda01Halitech, i think lxpanel takes up to many resources. i am currently using jwm with pcmanfm17:57
fluurpi have trouble with myself and ubuntu, coz it keeps freezin from time to time17:57
xlqmazda01: "gtk program for managing and observing your firewall" - doesn't look lik eit17:57
Halitechmazda01, didn't notice it on my old sony laptop (k6-2 550)17:58
thiebaudemazda01, i use pcmanfm also17:58
MOUDHalitech: thanks17:58
mazda01xlq, i know what it says but i am pretty sure it has the ability to enable ics17:58
xlqCrayboff: mazda01 thinks firestarter might help you17:58
mazda01thiebaude, if you use pcmanfm, do you know how to add more commands to the right click context menu?17:58
xlqI haven't got a file manager installed :\17:58
thiebaudemazda01, i sure don't17:59
Crayboffooh cool17:59
KapliHi, anyone know if it's possible to download and install ubuntu 08.10 ?17:59
thiebaudemazda01, i only use it so i dont have to bring up nautilus in openbox17:59
mazda01Halitech, i notice every little program on my server which only has 256 ram, it's running smbd and mysqld and mythtv-backend so I can't afford little panels and what not17:59
xlqKapli: if it were impossible to download and install Ubuntu 8.10, nobody would use it!18:00
KapliWhy not?18:00
mazda01thiebaude, yeah, i sure wish i could find out how, then pcmanfm would fit my needs. i sometimes use thunar also. do you know how to set the coulmns in pcmanfm so that it shows owner and permissions?18:00
neneonlineHi, anyone could give a hand with sata-hotplug in 9.04?18:01
xlqKapli: because nobody would be able to get it installed!18:01
thiebaudemazda01, i dont know much about that18:01
KapliI don'ẗ get it, cant they get it installed?18:01
xlqKapli: what problem are you experiencing?18:01
mazda01neneonline, i dont' think sata hot plug works. i haven't tried since feisty though18:01
jnfulleranyone know if there are any rooms for the new kernel exploit and how to patch?18:01
KapliATI wont update their drivers18:01
xlqKapli: you probably missed the humour, sorry.18:01
thiebaudemazda01, not sort by premission?18:02
Kapliso I cant get 3D stuff in 09.0418:02
detrixHello everyone.  I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my wifes laptop (a netbook).  problem is, I created an account for my self, but I can not connect wirelessly to my home network.  It seems I do not have access to the wep keys.  How do I allow other users to have access to the wep keys?18:02
armence_Hey all, my computer just restarted apparently of its own accord, is there some sort of log file or something I can look at to see what may have happened?18:02
mazda01thiebaude, i just want to open pcmanfm and show detailed list and have it show permissions and owner of files and directories18:02
KapliSo I was thinking why go all the way back to 08.04 if its possible to just go back to 08.10, but I cant find a download for 08.10 only 08.0418:03
mdwrightwhy would Xauth be looking in another users home dir?18:03
KurlonOk, doing an 'alt' install over serial on a Soekris 4800... I'm at software selection.  What does the 'Basic Ubuntu server' collection provide?18:03
smorarKapli: where are you looking?18:03
mazda01armence_, you can check out /var/log/kern.log and other log files in /var/log/18:03
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neneonlinemazda01: Thanks, I will give up then... find it confusing that in http://linux-ata.org/software-status.html#hotplug it says that it is fully working18:03
dudleyikurlon, basic server software18:03
MOUDI'm getting the following error:  GSynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics     The problem is that I can18:03
KapliI tried googling "download ubuntu 08.10" and also checked the ubuntu website but canme up with nothing =/18:03
Halitechmazda01, I use it on older systems but they aren't running myth or any data base apps so have a little "extra' ram18:03
dudleyimysql, an httpd, an ftpd18:03
Jeruvyarmence_: /var/log/messages and kern.log would be the first to check.18:03
xlqdetrix: I'm a bit confused. Is the wireless connection working for one user on your netbook, but not for another user?18:04
revygttamI want to create a new user account which may access a specific smb share on my server with read/write permissions only.  How may i achieve this?18:04
Kurlonok, so it's not basic as in the min userland, cool18:04
MOUDI'm getting the following error:  GSynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics     The problem is that I can't find the SHMConfig option on xorg.conf18:04
jnfullerI downloaded the sources for 2.6.28 and patched 2.6.28-9 but I'm hesitant to apply it on my laptop because the official ubuntu kernel on this machine is 2.6.28-14-generic #47 and I am wondering what to do about the restricted modules18:04
Kurlonsounds like a skip to me then18:04
user101are there any efficient xen servers having ubuntu virtual root space which can take care of 32 and 64 bit packages18:04
jrib!synaptics | MOUD18:04
ubottuMOUD: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad18:04
user101web hosting servers I mean18:04
armence_Jeruvy, mazda01 Are there any specific messages I should look for in those log files?18:04
xlqKapli: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation18:04
user101and how cost effective are they18:04
MOUDjrib:  ok18:04
mazda01neneonline, well, if you don't have the chipsets that it says it DOESN'T support, then libata should support it.18:05
detrixrevygttam: no, its trying to connect but keeps popping up the window asking for the wep key, the key is entered correctly...18:05
thiebaudemazda01, i change view as Detailed List, then click on the permission tab and under that the items changed18:05
marionbarrybig security repository problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/253263/18:05
mazda01armence_, maybe something like, system going down or anything that says segfault18:05
armence_mazda01, Thanks18:05
Kaplinvm, i found it here http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ :D18:05
xlqdetrix: have you got the wireless working on the netbook before?18:06
detrixxlq: my wifes account it works..18:06
xlqmarionbarry: what problem?18:06
MadGirli think problem is it just decided to stopp working here. an ebuild failed and now emerge gives me '/usr/bin/emerge: line 8: try:: command not found'. am i stuck doing a full rebuild?18:06
okayhi. i cant get dvd's to play on ubuntu. can anyone help?18:06
bazhangMadGirl, emerge? this is #ubuntu18:07
MadGirlOK, bazhang18:07
xlqokay: you need to install libdvdcss18:07
xlq!libdvdcss | okay18:07
ubottuokay: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:07
Kurlonmarionbarry: Update lynis as it suggests, then re-run the audit.18:07
stoner1okay, install libdvdcss18:07
KurlonAnd that warning is pretty minor.18:07
GPLhow to terminate a running GUI process [completely] and in a recommended way, it its' launched from the terminal. ..18:07
detrixxlq: with my wifes account I updated everything with no problems, its just when I log in I cant connect because of wep secruity.18:07
stoner1or go on add/remove programs and install ubuntu restricted extras18:08
xlqdetrix: this isn't an EeePC is it?18:08
okaywhat do i type in console to install libdvdcss?18:08
marionbarryKurlon<< how do I update lynis?18:08
smorarKapli: http://ubuntu.saix.net/ubuntu-releases/18:08
Halitechokay, sudo apt-get install libdvdcss18:08
bazhangokay, get from medibuntu.org18:08
apoleo12hello! Im typing this via LiveDC to attempt repairing the grub error 15... and this is important... I wanted to know since my HDDs are all sd's instead of hd type. Here is the question is that the linux root partition is at sdc5 according to fdisk. to edit the menu.lst, I see all of it are hd(2,4)... Im not sure for sdc5 would be to repersent in menu.lst pls help?18:08
okayk thx guys18:08
bazhangHalitech, that wont work without the medibuntu repos and its libdvdcss218:08
detrixxlq: not technically, it a walmart or acer version of the EeePC18:08
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Kurlonmarionbarry: Not sure, I've never used it myself.  Just noted that it reports it's out of date in that audit.18:09
xlqokay: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8509718:09
dudleyiNow X gives me the "Your screen, graphics card and input device settings could not be detected" error.18:09
Halitechbazhang, d'oh, I knew that, I just installed it yesterday on a new install18:09
xlqdetrix: you might have more luck installing the kernels provided at http://array.org18:09
mazda01thiebaude, huh? now. all of a sudden it's showing all the details. i must have had compact list on before18:09
marionbarryok thanks18:09
bazhangHalitech, :)18:09
sdfanyone knows that expresscards comes in usb mode and pciE mode ?18:09
sdfbecause i am looking for a tv card that is in pciE mode18:10
okayhalitech: it says "sudo: apt: command not found"18:10
sdfand i cant find one for linux18:10
sdfany help?18:10
bazhangokay, go to medibuntu.org and download the .deb18:10
Halitechokay, its sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2  you need all of it18:10
xlqapoleo12: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Naming-convention.html18:10
Halitechokay, but you need the medibuntu repos enabled first18:10
okayk thx18:11
arandokay: You can use the script in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh wothut having to use the medibuntu repo (Warning, illegal for some)18:11
xlqokay: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu18:11
mazda01okay, you can't just issue sudo apt, you need to specify the full command. sudo apt-get (option) (packagename)18:11
bazhangokay, easier just to download the single deb (ie no need for repos)18:12
=== armence_ is now known as armence
arandokay: that provided you have installed the libdvdread4 from the ubuntu standard repos first (which you'll need anyway, I think)18:12
BonnerI have an odd problem, I have a wireless card that's recognised and detects networks fine. However won't connect to them18:13
qp_pqif I have cron on ubuntu do I still need anacron(actions scheduler) and atd(actions scheduler) ?18:13
xlqIt's very hectic in here, I'm starting to get a headache.18:13
BonnerUbuntu 9.04 by the way18:13
apoleo12xlq: Ok ive read the link... but sdc is not applacible?18:13
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  grub used the hd#,# nameing convention. Ubuntu uses /dev/sd## nameing convention.    sdc5 Might be hd2,418:13
qp_pqI'm looking on unclogging my system of services for it to run faster18:13
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  those services add very little load to a system.18:14
qp_pqDr_Willis, what should I look for then to make my ssytem run faste ?18:14
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  you would gain more by using a minimal window manager.18:14
qp_pqif I have apmd(power management) and acpid(power management) can't I just leave apmd out ?18:14
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  how are you even benchmarking the improvements?18:14
qp_pqDr_Willis, using wmii18:15
xlqqp_pq: disable visual effects (compiz) if you're using them.18:15
qp_pqDr_Willis, I don't benchmark them , how should I benchmark them ?18:15
qp_pqxlq, done18:15
parapanghelescuso thanks for the answers for the antivirus question ....now a second question ...some sort of a ..."best" ressource for linux software ? smth like download.com ????18:15
masquerade!flash | masquerade18:15
ubottumasquerade, please see my private message18:15
qp_pqxlq, no big improvements by the compiz disable18:15
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  i doubt if you are going to gain much from all your effort.  :)18:15
dudleyiTo connect to a wireless AP that uses DHCP in terminal I need DHCPD installed?18:15
Halitechparapanghelescu, getdeb.com18:15
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  whats your system specs?18:15
bazhangparapanghelescu, ubuntu repos18:15
qp_pqDr_Willis, asus eeepc 1000hg18:16
xlqparapanghelescu: most software you'll ever need is provided by Ubuntu's package management system.18:16
risalatNeed help with dual boot18:16
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  my acer aspire one is quite speedy  using the Ubuntu netbook remix and gnome desktop.18:16
MadGirlhmmm... anyone is using xorg-server with USE=minimal?18:16
bazhangMadGirl, USE flags?18:16
MadGirlUSE flags are sourced from: profile, package defaults, make.conf, package.use (each overrides flags set in locations to the left)18:16
dudleyi'cause I already set the Essid18:16
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  there are eee/netbook optmized disrtos and the "Ubuntu netbook Remix' variant.18:16
dudleyiand ifconfig eth2 up18:16
xlqMadGirl: This isn't Gentoo!!!18:16
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  Im using th UNR on the AAO.18:16
dudleyibut I still don't get a connection.18:17
apoleo12Dr_Willis: strange is that menu.lst is set right and I still get error 15 (hd2,4) as it set there18:17
qp_pqDr_Willis, using Ubuntu with eeepc kernel18:17
bazhangMadGirl, bot?18:17
MadGirlit has been said that bot is just an eggdrop.18:17
kiaas_Well, WINE totally made my system unusable for a mine or 3. Took a while to get to a different virtual terminal to kill it,18:17
xlqbazhang: O_o18:17
bazhangrisalat, no caps needed18:17
parapanghelescubazhang > thanks for the repos but .....it is only my impression or is true that the repos do not provide the latest version and most of the  times  only some important security updates ????18:17
masquerade!ask | risalat18:17
ubotturisalat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:17
Halitechrisalat, defrag windows TWICE then create an empty partition in windows, then boot the live cd and use manual partitioning and install in the empty space18:17
Dr_Willisapoleo12:  if you have several sata drives and use the bios menus to select one to boot.  that drive might become hd0, (or in ubuntu terms sda)18:17
bazhangparapanghelescu, well repos provide stability18:17
xlqparapanghelescu: that is true, because it would be a lot of work, keeping up to date, without breaking everything.18:18
apoleo12Dr_Willis: yeah I have a few sata drives... but the bios is just right as I recalled18:18
risalatI have both the OSs insta''ed18:18
Dr_Willisqp_pq:  i doubt if you are going to notice any noticeable improvement for all your tweaking.18:18
xlqparapanghelescu: there is a new version of Ubuntu released every 6 months. If you *really* want a newer version of something, you can compile it yourself.18:18
Dr_WillisNight all - bed time for the Dr.18:18
bazhangMadGirl, ubuntu18:18
MadGirlsomebody said ubuntu was the one for me. good luck all.18:18
Halitechrisalat, well then you need to explain what the issue is you're having18:19
parapanghelescubazhang > I have an issue with Pidgin this days , being unable to change files with YM ....and the Pidgin staff made all the fixes and releases a new version which is not present on the repos ....18:19
marionbarryKurlon<<< how do you update lynis?18:19
xlqWhose is MadGirl?18:19
manuelrazzarihi, my Ubuntu server was hacked through one of those PHP shell scripts. How can I find what was done there? Can I look at www-data's user logs? How? How do I know if we're hosting something evil?18:19
bazhanga bot18:19
xlqbazhang: not who is, whose is18:19
parapanghelescuxlq > I can understand that ....but how about my problem with Pidgin for example ???18:19
jribmanuelrazzari: well you need to wipe the drive and reinstall imo...18:20
ramosNeed help burning mpgs to dvd...can someone help me out or tell me what program they're using?18:20
bazhangparapanghelescu, certainly in that case yes18:20
jluhello, where does memtest (run from grub startup menu) save its log?18:20
risalatI can't reinstall the grub18:20
apoleo12xlq: think that my bios has to do something with this problem of mine?18:20
Halitechramos, devede18:20
parapanghelescubazhang ? thank you18:20
bazhangparapanghelescu, there are backports, PPA, and other sources as well (not supported here though)18:20
xlqparapanghelescu: what Pidgin problem?18:20
ramosHalitech: just install with package manager and it works?18:21
armenceOK, my computer shut down unbidden about 1-3 hours ago while I was out and I am trying to find some sort of evidence of what happened... I can't find anything a segfault in kern.log or really anywhere else and I am starting to wonder if it might have been something like a very brief power-outage... Is there any way to find out?18:21
Halitechramos, yup. should pull in the dependencies18:21
manuelrazzarijrib: I was hoping for a less drastic measure :(18:21
ramosHalitech: sweet...thanks18:21
dudleyiokay. this is just annoying. I'll give arch linux a try.18:21
xlqapoleo12: probably not18:21
jribmanuelrazzari: well if someone mailicious had control of your system that's the only sensible measure you can take18:21
parapanghelescuxlq > I cannot exchange files with YM ....on the ubuntu repos there is an old version ...and on the Pidgin webpage they already released another version which is also fixing the issues with YM18:22
bazhangrisalat, sure, lets keep it in channel though18:22
bazhangrisalat, windows installed first?18:22
Blu-Rayalguien que me ayude a configurar mi tarjeta de video?18:22
bazhangrisalat, then you need to restore grub18:22
bazhangBlu-Ray, #ubuntu-es por espanol18:22
Blu-RayHD4870 problemas con drivers18:22
xlqparapanghelescu: ahh right. If I were you then, I'd first try to find someone who is providing .deb packages of the new version for Ubuntu, and if I can't find anyone, I'd compile it myself.18:22
Blu-Raytanks bazhang18:23
risalati tried with the Live CD18:23
apoleo12hrm then how do I get rid of this error 15? since menu.lst and bios seemed right? want me to show yuou my menu.lst?18:23
apoleo12maybe doesnt help much but... least try?18:23
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub risalat have a look see here18:23
xlqapoleo12: ok, pastebin it and I'll have a look.18:23
risalatI did have a look18:23
apoleo12will do brb18:23
risalatwait till i show you what happened18:23
Guest22739exist for linux ?18:23
xlqapoleo12: actually it might help more to paste the output of echo /dev/{h,s}d*18:23
parapanghelescuxlq > maybe ...except I am not so advanced :D18:24
xlqparapanghelescu: it's not that hard, reall18:24
xlqparapanghelescu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo18:24
parapanghelescuxlq > I'll already downloaded the sources ...and I'll try to do that over week-end18:24
apoleo12xql: what?18:24
ikonia4/last madLyfe18:24
xlqapoleo12: did you alter this yourself?18:25
apoleo12well already did in pastebin18:25
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apoleo12it been left like that nothing has been altered... what make you think that?18:25
revygttamHow may i give another user access to a network share?18:25
xlqapoleo12: have you added/removed hard disks?18:25
risalatbazhang take a look18:26
xlqrevygttam: is this with samba?18:26
mdwrightHas anyone run Xvfb on Jaunty?18:26
xlqapoleo12: has it ever worked?18:26
revygttamxlq, either smb or through nautilus if possible18:26
apoleo12worked? as in booting in?18:26
apoleo12x: define worked18:26
akshayiam getting grub error 1718:26
xlqrevygttam: nautilus can act as a samba client. Consult the samba documentation for how to configure the samba server. I don't know offhand, sorry.18:26
akshayhow to resolve it18:26
parapanghelescuxlq > thanks for the link bro'18:27
xlqapoleo12: has it ever booted into Ubuntu?18:27
uber_nooberakshay: reintstall grub using a live disk18:27
akshayhow to that18:27
xlqparapanghelescu: no problem, good luck :)18:27
akshayiam too new18:27
apoleo12yes I always have been booting into just fine. despite of the stops18:27
akshayto dat18:27
akshayto do dat18:27
Pici!enter | akshay18:27
ubottuakshay: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:27
xlqapoleo12: the stops?18:27
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips
bazhangrisalat, you dont appear to be following that restore grub how to18:28
akshayiam getting grub error 17 how to resolve it18:28
risalatwhy do you say that?18:28
Trabhey, I have a friend trying to install Firefox 3.5 on Hardy x64, but the repo only goes up to 3.0.18:28
xlqapoleo12: I might be misunderstanding the problem. What's wrong?18:28
bazhanghttp://is.gd/1jkNY Trab18:29
uber_nooberakshay: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/grub-error-17-debianubuntu/18:29
akshayiam getting grub error 17 how to resolve it18:29
entropyguys, what's the status on Jaunty LADSPA plugins in the libasound2-plugins package? It seems they need to be updated for Pulseaudio's EQ, and it's been quite some time. May I get an update?18:29
apoleo12after POST then windows bootloader (Windows XP pro:Ubuntu) 15 sec (selected ubuntu) then to the grub loader till it doesnt find the file.18:29
xlqTrab: the firefox in jaunty is 3.0.1318:29
Trabtahnks bazhang18:29
uber_nooberakshay: first place to look is google then here18:29
Trabxlq really? I had 3.5...I must have custom installed it18:29
uber_nooberakshay: fnp18:29
xlqapoleo12: so, when did this problem start?18:30
apoleo12xlq: the problem is error 15: file not found... in grub18:30
cyrus_mcI am using ubuntu netbook remix. I have a gtk theme that on my home system I just install but adding the link to the gtkrc file to my ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file (I use gentoo on my home PC)18:30
apoleo12since I installed ubuntu about 6 weeks ago18:30
=== fred_ is now known as Guest55830
xlqapoleo12: when did you start having this problem?18:30
cyrus_mchow do I install the same gtk theme within ubuntu18:30
apoleo12xql: since I installed ubuntu about 6 weeks ago18:30
xlqcyrus_mc: what is the theme called? There's probably a package for it.18:30
uber_nooberapoleo12: http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/grub-error-15-debianubuntu/18:31
cyrus_mcthe package is MurrinaFancyCandy18:32
jnfullerI got an answer to the question I asked here in #ubuntu-kernel, thanks all18:32
emil111Hello, I could use some help to create a live usb stick. it looks so easy but it isn't working18:32
DoomHack2009install drivers nvidia linux18:32
masqueradehi, i have problems with audio in ubuntu after a fresh jaunty install. the sound is playing, but not cleanly. (here is my alsa information http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e64b61ae1fb9e2a661ebcabc15bb5a9156fa5f95 )18:33
xlqmasquerade: the problem is probably with PulseAudio.18:33
apoleo12uber: Ive seen this before and its part of my resolution resource... but it about to be no use for it... I dont understand this18:33
masqueradexlq: yes..? im sorry, can you provide me some more detailed information so that i can look for a way to fix it..?18:33
apoleo12wait now let me emphasize myself again once more...18:34
xlqcyrus_mc: install gtk2-engines-murrine and install MurrinaFancyCandy manually18:34
xlqmasquerade: I don't use pulseaudio, so I can't really help.18:35
xlqmasquerade: you could try removing pulseaudio and see if the problem goes away.18:35
masqueradexlq: okay, thanks a lot, ill try it18:35
cyrus_mcxlq - so when I download the MurrinaFancyCandy gtk tar package, how do I install it manually18:35
DoomHack2009install drivers nvidia linux on va sur le terminal18:36
xlqcyrus_mc: I'm not sure. Being a Gentoo user, I thought you'd be able to work it out ;)18:36
xlqDoomHack2009: français -> #ubuntu-fr18:36
Pici!fr | DoomHack200918:36
ubottuDoomHack2009: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:37
xlqPici: I must remember that one :)18:37
xlqcyrus_mc: you could check to see if the theme is in murrine-themes18:37
xlqcyrus_mc: it is!18:38
Picicyrus_mc: Just drag the tar file onto the theme window in Gnome18:38
xlqcyrus_mc: ok, you can just install murrine-themes18:38
xlqcyrus_mc: sudo aptitude install murrine-themes18:39
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xlqToo much #ubuntu, bye everyone18:40
derenrichnooo xlq18:40
masqueradexlq: it does not work either18:40
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:40
Guest85734hey all, im still having a problem connecting to my hinet ADSL in Taiwan, i think its because i need to use PPPoE or something18:40
runpain2_how do i use the root for nautilus18:41
apoleo12Ok Im not too sure about this but correct me if Im wrong...  please check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/253289/ and i have a feeling it has to do with fstab?18:41
Yanick_hi, I'm using Eclipse and trying to commit some work over SVN, eclipse kept throwing svn errors about some files out of sync (I'm the only commiter on the project at the moment) so I did an "Override and commit" but the damn thing deleted all my changes! how can I restore the deleted files? I'm runnin Ubuntu 9.04 amd64 with ext418:41
electroare there any docs for installing vmware-tools in 9.04 ?18:41
Guest85734can anyone tell me why when i try to use "pppoeconf" in the terminal18:41
derenrichrunpain2_: gksu nautilus ?18:41
Guest85734it says "please become root"?18:41
Guest85734and how to fix this?18:41
xlq!sudo | Guest8573418:41
ubottuGuest85734: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:41
uber_nooberapoleo12: so ur ubuntu is on the third disk fifth partition?18:42
Guest85734ok thanks ill try that, any other advice about using18:42
runpain2_Thanks derenrich i for got18:42
xlqcyrus_mc: cp /usr/share/themes/MurrinaFancyCandy/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ~/.gtkrc-2.018:42
ipatrolHelp! I accidentally changed my screen dimensions and now I can't click the accept key to change them back!18:42
Guest85734"pppoeconf" its pretty much fire and forget?18:42
xlqipatrol: well you could try pressing escape. You can also move windows around by holding down the Alt key and dragging them.18:43
apoleo12Uber: Uhmmm AFAIK it has to be on disk#3 first partition18:43
marcelo_hi, I've installed the package root-system 5,18 via apt-get but the last release is 5.24(from the root web site),  Why last release is not availble via apt-get, should I ask root team for upgrade root in ubuntu/debian servers?18:43
ipatrolI don't have enough window space to move the window18:44
ipatrolAnd I can't make it small enough18:44
xlqapoleo12: unlike FreeBSD (grr) you can install Ubuntu on any partition.18:44
ipatrolI's only occupying 1/4 of the screen18:44
xlqipatrol: you can hold down the alt key and drag the window18:44
sdfpress ALT18:44
sdfthen click on the window18:45
sdfand move it18:45
ipatrolDid it, it works18:45
xlq!upgrade | marcelo_18:45
ubottumarcelo_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:45
apoleo12xql: yeah I heard about that... I would day its good but... only if I understand what has grub went wrong... I plan on putting some directories on a few partitions... or wud that make me sound insane?18:45
xlqmarcelo_: sorry, wrong factoid18:45
ipatrolI have it runing in Virtual Box18:45
xlqmarcelo_: upgrades aren't provided until the next Ubuntu release18:46
xlqsdf: linebreaks save the day :D18:46
ipatrolHow do I change the resolution to 3s bit?18:46
sdfanyone knows a good expresscard for tv18:47
ipatrolHow do I change the %$^&# resolution!?18:47
xlqapoleo12: it is quite common for / to be on one partition, /usr to be on another, /home to be on a third, etc.18:47
nicks007Hello ! i am using 9.04 , today i encountered a problem when i start my computer it is showing "x server couldn't start " what should i do ?18:47
Yanick_I'm using Eclipse and trying to commit some work over SVN, eclipse kept throwing svn errors about some files out of sync (I'm the only commiter on the project at the moment) so I did an "Override and commit" but the damn thing deleted all my changes! how can I restore the deleted files? I'm runnin Ubuntu 9.04 amd64 with ext418:47
apoleo12xql: Ill keep in mind!18:48
sdfanyone knows a good expresscard for tv18:48
dyjdrtrtjdAlsa somewhat works, and i have removed pulseaudio because it is totally broken with my hardware18:48
xlqYanick_: I don't know. Sounds like you need to learn how to use SVN ;)18:48
marcelo_xlq, I do not want to upgrade ubuntu just a package I've installed. But it does not seem that newer versions of this package is available via apt-get even though in their web-page it is.18:48
dyjdrtrtjdbut when I do amixer I get ALSA lib pulse.c:272:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused18:48
dyjdrtrtjdHow do I make amixer/asound no try to go to pulseaudio18:48
ipatrolHow do you change the resolution to that of your actual screen?18:48
dyjdrtrtjdseriously wtf18:48
Yanick_xlq: very funny.... "Override and commit" is NOT suppose to revert!!!18:49
dyjdrtrtjdi reconfigured the packages18:49
dyjdrtrtjdIs ubuntu incapable of having alsa be primary?18:49
* apoleo12 is drilling to find out what is he missing...18:49
xlqYanick_: SVN is horrible - you can only commit on the very head (SVN doesn't support non-linear history) so you need to merge before committing.18:49
xlqYanick_: #subversion18:49
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xlqdyjdrtrtjd: what?18:50
xlqdyjdrtrtjd: oh, just remove pulseaudio18:50
Yanick_xlq: the question was not about svn, it's about recovering the deleted files removed by eclipse18:50
xlqYanick_: #eclipse18:50
apoleo12xql: do you know this file device.map?18:50
dyjdrtrtjdxlq, I already did that, but i figured it out: asoundconf unset-pulseaudio18:50
AJC_Z0When I connect to a network using DHCP with Network Manager, I'd like to join a second network for which I use "sudo ip addr add dev eth1". What's the correct way to automate that?18:51
Yanick_xlq: if I was on Windows, I would download undelete and restore the files. This has nothing to do with svn or eclipse, but Linux18:51
ipatrolHow do I fix the resolution?!18:51
xlqipatrol: 32-bit is the bit-depth, not the resolution.18:51
ipatrolHow do I change it from 29 to 32?18:51
ipatrol*16 > 3218:51
xlqYanick_: oh, you want a file recovery program?18:51
marionbarrycan anyone tell the correct command to update lynis?18:51
xlqipatrol: doesn't the settings dialog allow you to do that?18:52
Yanick_xlq: amonst other thing. I have downloaded foremost, but I doN,t know how to restore PHP files, is it the same as restoring txt files?18:52
ipatrolVirtual box is whining18:52
xlqYanick_: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Ext2fs-Undeletion-4.html18:52
ipatrolAnd the Ubuntu screen is only taking up 1/8 of the total screen18:52
xlqYanick_: http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html18:53
Yanick_xlq: I'm on ext418:53
xlqYanick_: PHP files *are* text files18:53
Yanick_xlq: then I can just restore with foremost using txt as extension?18:53
apoleo12yan: no .php18:54
xlqmarcelo_: you are probably reading the project's page18:54
Yanick_I'll give it a shot18:54
steven__hi. i am have issues with formatting a floppy. any help?18:54
xlqsteven__: bit vague...18:54
steven__i need it for a bios flash18:54
apoleo12xql: guess you couldnt help much and or too busy cuz mine is pretty much complocated.... =-)18:55
marcelo_xlq, Should I ask them to upgrade the package in ubuntu servers? Who is responsible for this?18:55
apoleo12xlq: erp18:55
steven__im using the KDS Floppy Formatter18:55
sdfsteven install mtools18:55
xlqmarcelo_: the project is separate from Ubuntu. When the project makes a new release, an Ubuntu maintainer needs to package it for Ubuntu. Then it's got to be tested. This takes time and a lot of effort, so new versions of packages are only released in the next Ubuntu release, unless the new version has a fix for a security problem.18:56
sdfsteven__ install mtools18:56
sysdocis there ati support for 9.10?18:56
steven__is that in synaptic?18:56
xlqapoleo12: no luck?18:56
steven__k. brb18:56
Picisysdoc: 9.10 support is in #ubuntu+118:56
nicks007"x server couldn't start " how to fix it ?18:56
natrixnatrix89Hi guys.. A stupid question, but could you please help? What function can i use to write a variable in to a file? in PHP?18:56
sysdocpici sorry i meant 9.0418:57
jribnatrixnatrix89: try ##php18:57
marcelo_xlq, I understand, I am going to install it from source instead. Thank you.18:57
apoleo12xlq: not really Im looking ath 3 different files... and seemed that are consistent I guess18:57
sdfnicks007> reboot in recevry18:57
sysdoclookin to run compize with ati video card18:57
natrixnatrix89channel doesnt work now..18:57
jribnatrixnatrix89: huh?18:57
jbwivguys, I'm having odd "du" behavior on jaunty. See http://pastie.org/584288. du -sh reports 4.0k for directory, but if I move it to /tmp and run it again, it shows 114M. The /tmp number is correct. Anyone know what might be going on here? tia18:57
firecrotchnatrixnatrix89: Look into fopen and fwrite18:57
nicks007sdf, i tried but not working18:57
jribnatrixnatrix89: i'm in it now18:57
sdfwhat video do u have?18:58
natrixnatrix89jrib: it says overflow..18:58
Picisysdoc: Depends what model card you have, but generally yes.18:58
nicks007sdf, ATI18:58
xlqapoleo12: three different files? What?18:58
xlqsysdoc: doesn't fglrx work for you?18:58
sdftry reinstalling glrx18:58
jrib!register | natrixnatrix8918:58
ubottunatrixnatrix89: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode18:58
sdfwith envy-ng18:58
firecrotchnatrixnatrix89: $f = fopen('file.txt', 'w');  fwrite($f, 'text_to_write');  fclose($f);18:59
masqueradecan anyone help me with stuttering/cracking audio?18:59
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
xlqsysdoc: or radeonhd (for new cards)18:59
sdfnicks007> install Envy-ng18:59
apoleo12xlq: menu.lst, device.map and fstab18:59
natrixnatrix89firecritch: thanks18:59
firecrotchnatrixnatrix89: you're welcome! :)18:59
natrixnatrix89found it in the manual.. Thank you..18:59
xlqmasquerade: did you try removing pulseaudio?18:59
=== sdf is now known as djamil
masqueradexlq: yes18:59
xlqapoleo12: GRUB doesn't read fstab18:59
apoleo12I realize that19:00
Yanick_when I type "foremost -t php -i /dev/sda3" it just prints the help screen. I type "foremost -i /dev/sda3" and now it's doing something; does it search for *any* deleted files?19:00
bullgard4Is there a NetworkManager backport available for Ubuntu 8.04.3?19:00
apoleo12but like i said it seem consisent19:00
masqueradexlq: any more ideas?19:00
nicks007sdf, it shows command mode but i couldn't install anything as it is showing errors like couldn't access apt etc.. although i am trying as root19:00
djamilnicks007> did u apt-get update ?19:01
delamanim havint trouble connecting remotely to my MySQL server,  im following these steps http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-enable-remote-access-to-mysql-database-server.html  however when i go to change the "bind-address" after making the changes and when i go to restart mysql, mysql will not start, it says "FAIL"19:01
xlqmasquerade: no. Someone else might, though.19:01
masqueradexlq: yes, but theres no one else around :)19:01
vkwould anyone have an answer to why 'shutdown 0' locks up the os at the end of shutdown and a gui shutdown doesnt?19:01
xlqmasquerade: search for information about your sound device and ubuntu19:01
djamilnicks007> u need networking UP19:01
nicks007djamil, no19:01
xlqmasquerade: there are hundereds of people in here! :O19:01
djamilnicks007> do it , u need networking UP19:02
sysdocxlq, Havent tried fglrx yet was just asking as I had seen in here that there wasnt fgrlx in the new release19:02
masqueradexlq: is there an audio support channel?19:02
masqueradexlq: i mean active19:02
xlqsysdoc: oh, interesting.19:02
MOUDHello again19:02
Coldbane2010_hey how do you install drivers in ubunut19:02
Picisysdoc: Do you get drivers offered if you go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers?19:02
xlqdelaman: look at /var/log/mysql... or something19:02
djamilColdbane2010_> u need to copile them19:03
apoleo12xlq: Im thinking of booting into windows to take a look at the disk manager to see where its exactly at (root part) cuz as I recalled its on disk 3 and partition is the first which is left side portion19:03
apoleo12do I make sense/19:03
djamilColdbane2010_> u need to compile them19:03
xlqnicks007: have you left another package manager open?19:03
Picidjamil: Er... no you don't.19:03
djamilPici lol yes u do19:03
xlqColdbane2010_: what sort of drivers?19:03
djamilPici unless binary pack19:03
Picidjamil: It depends what 'drivers' (modules) you want.19:03
nicks007djamil,  will Envy-ng installation work ?19:03
sysdocPici,  I havent installed yet, wanted to ask 1st so I'd know which ver to install. Would like to install  9.04 to take advantage of the ext4 file sys19:03
masqueradei have problems with audio in ubuntu after a fresh jaunty install. the sound is playing, but not cleanly. its stuttering/cracking. (here is my alsa information http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e64b61ae1fb9e2a661ebcabc15bb5a9156fa5f95 )19:03
djamilnicks007> it should yes19:04
xlqapoleo12: you can have a look. It also won't do any harm to keep changing menu.lst and see what works.19:04
nicks007xlq, this is because of power cut19:04
Picisysdoc: Well, we'd be able to help more if you could tell us what ATI model card you are using.19:04
apoleo12the menu.lst is harmless? can I make changes to see if I get it to work?19:04
murlidharhi all ..how should i synchorize my time with internet ???? i am using openbox session only !!!19:04
macomurlidhar: install ntp19:04
xlqmasquerade: do you know what sound device you have?19:04
murlidharmaco: ty19:04
xlqapoleo12: it's sensible to make a backup of menu.lst. But if GRUB has the wrong disk numbers, it'll just fail. It won't mess anything up.19:05
xlqapoleo12: GRUB only ever reads from the hard disks (except when chainloading, possibly)19:06
vkwould anyone have an answer to why 'shutdown 0' locks up the os at the end of shutdown and a gui shutdown doesnt?19:06
murlidharmaco: errr how should i start using it to synchronize it ?19:06
xlqvk: what do you mean, "locks up the OS"?19:06
apoleo12xlq: it seem already automatically backed up...menu.lst.backup... good thing eh?19:06
xlqvk: also, do either of "telinit 0" or "poweroff" work?19:06
xlqapoleo12: :)19:06
J_A_Xanyone ever had their xserver flicker when opening apps with wine?19:06
apoleo12whats a chainloading?19:07
vkxlq: when the system is shutting down, right before the ubuntu logo clicks off and the pc shuts down. it locks up19:07
Kurlonok, try #2 at Ubuntu on this soekris... wish me luck19:07
xlqjbwiv: are you sure /tmp/index didn't already exist?19:07
vkxlq: i have not tried any of the other shutdown commands19:07
macomurlidhar: i think just run "sudo ntpdate" to force a sync19:07
jbwivxlq: yes, I am19:07
xlqmaco, murlidhar: ntpd changes the time gradually to avoid problems19:08
=== marvinp is now known as me
masquerade i have problems with audio in ubuntu after a fresh jaunty install. the sound is playing, but not cleanly. its stuttering/cracking. (here is my alsa information http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e64b61ae1fb9e2a661ebcabc15bb5a9156fa5f95 )19:08
jbwivhere are my filesystems: http://pastie.org/58430019:08
=== me is now known as marvinp
xlqjbwiv: what is mounted on /tmp?19:08
murlidharxlq: 14 Aug 23:38:06 ntpdate[2894]: no servers can be used, exiting19:08
macoxlq: well yeah..if youre like hours off...19:08
jbwivxlq: see http://pastie.org/58430019:08
nanotubevk: try "shutdown -h now"19:08
xlqjbwiv: yeah, just saw it19:08
KurlonThis is looking more promising...19:08
xlqmasquerade: do you know what audio device you've got?19:08
apoleo12xlq: sorry but whats a chainloading?19:09
murlidharxlq: i ran and this is what it came19:09
jbwivonly difference is /home is a crypted fs...and that's where the erroneous data is being shown19:09
djamildo man date first to have appriximate good hour19:09
masqueradexlq: yes19:09
apoleo12never mind I ll look it up19:09
xlqmasquerade: what is it?19:09
vknanotube: will try that next shutdown.19:09
djamilthen ntupdate19:09
xlqapoleo12: it doesn't matter for now19:09
masqueradexlq: nvidia mcp6719:09
murlidharapoleo12: googling it might help u ....since u will understand it more clearly19:09
xlqapoleo12: point is, it's unlikely GRUB will mess anythin gup19:09
nanotubevk: ok. look also at "man shutdown" for other options...19:09
masqueradexlq: need time to type^19:09
djamilman is your Man !!!!!! guys19:10
xlqjbwiv: your problem is indeed weird19:10
xlqjbwiv: perhaps you have sparse files19:10
WinterWeavermy bluetooth does not seem to work, Is there any specific method to switching it on?19:10
jbwivI'm going to reboot and see if that helps ;(19:10
shachafUgh. This keeps happening. DNS addresses keep getting resolved to the wrong IPs and then cached.19:10
shachafIs there anything I can do about that?19:10
djamilrestart networking19:10
sethiCan anyone help me figure out why my ubuntu is constantly running at 100%?19:11
djamilcheck ISP problems19:11
shachafdjamil: Isn't that a little excessive? It's just one address.19:11
djamiltype TOP19:11
sethiAnything I have on focus uses 70%19:11
jbwivsethi: try top19:11
sethiI have TOP running already19:11
djamilwho is consuming?19:11
shachafdjamil: ISP? It's not the DNS server to blame here.19:11
sethiupdate-apt-xapi is using 70%19:11
sethia bit ago it was gconft ro something19:11
djamildns is at your ISP19:12
KurlonSoekris up and running, woot19:12
xlqmasquerade: it could be that your hardware isn't yet supported fully19:12
nanotubevk: np :)19:12
djamilxql yes19:12
lolekhi there19:12
sethiI've checked TOP at multiple times and it still shows 100%19:12
masqueradexlq: i would be surprised, because the computer is about 3/4 of a year old19:12
sethieven though just terminal is running with Gnome19:12
shachafdjamil: I've tried a bunch of DNS servers. But the point is that, however Ubuntu got the wrong IP, it's caching it now.19:12
djamilbut which process is taking that much?19:12
Mrokiihi all. I'm trying to get the Eurosport-player working on 9.0.4 (and on Firefox). I have tried several tips from the net, including possibly conflicting plugins, but nothing helped...19:13
sethiright now, it's update-apt-xapi19:13
lolekguys i'm looking for some software to manage my bluetooth gsm connection i.e. i don't want to make it by typing, but i just want to click :D19:13
xlqmasquerade: bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36575419:13
murlidharmurlidhar@slynux:~$ sudo ntpdate asia.pool.ntp.org19:13
Qvintvsis there a way to make an alias definition non-recursive? ie, if I do alias name='def here', 'def here' won't be searched for aliases.19:13
nanotubesethi: try turning off desktop effects...19:13
murlidhar14 Aug 23:42:56 ntpdate[3010]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting19:13
djamilits not Ubuntu, it s your network config that is wrong19:13
sethiThey're not on, nanotube19:13
FAJhi just did an update on my jaunty computer and now my wifi (was using ath9k) isn't working.  fell back to ndiswrapper and it works, but i cannot get the ath9k to work again.  help?19:13
MrokiiCurrently, the only plugin I have installed for wmp-files is the mplayer-one.19:13
sethiI don't even have the nvidia drivers installed because they suck so much.19:13
masqueradexlq: a bug. damn. thanks anyways a lot for looking and for the help!19:13
xlqQvintvs: it's shell-dependent. Consult your shell documentation/support.19:13
djamilhow do you know its wrong IPs ?19:14
xlqUgh, bye19:14
djamilarent you connected here?19:14
HalitechFAJ, try the madwifi drivers19:14
combohello, there. have little problem with wget. when I want to download 'xyz.rar' file it downloads '1c63a7bf375854eee9d3a0d14900c05d' ?? how to fix it :/ please help somebody..19:14
FAJhalitech; sudo apt-get install madwifi?19:14
nanotubecombo: which file are you trying to download? post a linky.19:15
sethiAnyone have an idea?19:15
djamilcombo: wget ? or browser?19:15
nanotubecombo: and post your full wget command that you're using.19:15
HalitechFAJ, not sure19:15
djamilits a script, use the browser19:15
FAJHalitech:  just installed madwifi-tools19:15
smarfhello, I'm trying to set up rinetd. But it's not listening (using netstat). I stopped apache..19:16
smarfany ideas?19:16
combonanotube: here You go... that's e.g. only, cuz all files are same way http://rapideo.pl/pliki/22617/lv-223.part2.rar19:16
djamilthey are protected19:16
combonanotube: my command is 'wget http://rapideo.pl/pliki/22617/lv-223.part2.rar' ;P19:16
djamiluse the browser19:16
nanotubecombo: ok let me try...19:16
smarfanyone please?19:16
combodjamil: hm, but i have about 100 files, and want download them at once with 'wget -i ./file_with_link.txt'19:16
nanotubecombo: same here. must be some redirect at that url...19:17
sysdocPici, The ati card is a Radeon 3100 on a brand new laptop19:17
djamilu cant, they done it on purpose19:17
djamilits a protection against leeching19:17
* lolek gives smarf an ice cream... - here it is... don't cry.... :D19:17
jbwivxlq: surprisingly, rebooting fixed the du issue19:17
combonanotube: but with webbrowser works all fine ;/19:17
smarflolek, it's so easy to setup, and I can't have it running, it's so annoying really!!19:17
comboin any browser ;/19:17
djamilcombo, u see19:18
smarfsorry for repeating myself but..19:18
djamilbecause its script aware19:18
nanotubecombo: well, it seems that it's still downloading the file... so just rename it after it's done.19:18
combodjamil: got to be some simple way to download that 100 files :(19:18
Picisysdoc: Probably, the Ubuntu hardware compatibility list has the 3200 listed as being compatible, so the 3100 probably is as well.19:18
loleksmarf: yeah... i know this feeling, when you can't find a girl to lower your pressure :D19:18
smarflolek, yeh that too:p19:18
djamilename them as he says19:18
combonanotube: thought that already :) hm... ok try to download some sample and do that :)19:18
combodjamil: ok, will try to rename ;)19:19
FAJHalitech:  didn't work;  it seems like the ath9k isn't even modprobing.19:19
combohehe, that's nice solution ^^19:19
nanotubecombo: another thing to try - you can use the "downthemall" extension for firefox. that makes it easy to queue a bunch of downloads at once.19:19
FAJb/c lshw tells me that the network is unclaimed if not using ndiswrapper19:19
djamilcombo: yes !19:19
strongsouli installed xubuntu 9.04 now , an di dont have sound playing up when i play .avi or .divx clips19:19
strongsoulhow can i rectify this ?19:19
combonanotube: ok, will install that extension after experiments with renaming ;)19:19
djamildoes the sound work  for other apps?19:20
combodjamil, nanotube: thanks for help You guys ;)19:20
bhaskarhello i am using jaunty. recently i have a problem with add\ remove it is not starting giving error of software management system19:20
bhaskarsomebody has to help me out19:20
firecrotchbhaskar: what is the exact error message you're getting?19:20
rekhypno sent my a pvt19:20
rebecca_can some one help me? I just installed ubuntu on my dell laptop but I can't seem to make the wireless work.19:20
GuinnesssI need some security related help...19:21
djamil<bhaskar> apt-get update19:21
HalitechFAJ, try sudo modprobe ath_pci19:21
=== lolek is now known as somebody
rekprova netweork manaager19:21
somebodybhaskar: what do you need?19:21
firecrotchGuinnesss: what kind of help?19:21
rekvedi se ti vede le reti19:21
FAJHalitech: tried that too, i have done both, but when i rmmod ndiswrapper, ath_pci doesn't catch either.19:21
Pici!it | rek19:21
ubotturek: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:21
marcelo_hi, where do I find headres of X11 in ubuntu? Specificaly x11/extension/shape.h?19:21
rekahahah  pici19:21
bhaskarfailed to check for installed and available aplications19:21
rebecca_I have a dell D600 can some one help me get the wireless working?19:22
=== somebody is now known as lolek
blackrooti have a slightly problem with bind9.. i know i should ask in #dns or ##linux but no one answered so i test my luck here. error is described and zone files are pasted at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253301/  --  my reverse won't work and i can't figure out that error19:22
djamilrebecca_ lspci19:22
rebecca_what do i need to do?19:22
djamilrebecca_ lspci19:22
rekiwconfig scan list19:22
strongsouldjamil, ok now when i went to mixer and enabled it soud plays, but very very low sound19:23
rebecca_02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)19:23
strongsoulmy volume is at full level19:23
strongsouland in mixer its full19:23
strongsoulbut i hear very very low sound19:23
rebecca_rebecca@rebecca-dell:~$ iwconfig scan list19:23
rebecca_iwconfig: unknown command "list"19:23
Guinnesssbasically on my system I can SSH in. I have a friend who wants an account, but he shouldn't be able to access files other than his home dir. So I have set up a group called local and now I want to set files he shouldnt access to have 'local' as a group. Is this the way to go?19:23
reklist scan19:23
Soliloquial2010 is the year of desktop linux!19:24
bhaskarwhat should i do firecrotch19:24
rebecca_rebecca@rebecca-dell:~$ iwconfig list scan19:24
rebecca_iwconfig: unknown command "scan"19:24
firecrotchbhaskar: from the terminal, sudo apt-get update    then sudo apt-get -f upgrade19:24
bhaskarthat doesnt work for me19:24
nasserhello fellow humans !19:25
nanotube!hi | nasser19:25
ubottunasser: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:25
firecrotchGuinnesss: do you want this user to be able to run programs and stuff like that?19:25
bhaskarfirecrotch: that doesnt work19:25
rebecca_rebecca@rebecca-dell:~$ iwconfig19:25
rebecca_lo        no wireless extensions.19:25
rebecca_eth0      no wireless extensions.19:25
rebecca_wmaster0  no wireless extensions.19:25
rebecca_wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"Trogdor"19:25
FloodBot3rebecca_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:25
rebecca_          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated19:25
{HaRiTh}who has some experience with ubuntu servers ?19:25
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: Lots of people :)19:26
{HaRiTh}i installed 9.04 on virtualbox19:26
{HaRiTh}i need to access it from my host machine19:26
Guinnesssfirecrotch, yes, but only general system stuff /bin kind of things19:26
nasserwhat's the coolest thing in 9.10 alpha 4 ?19:27
bhaskarsome one help me19:27
fluurpthe name19:27
Picinasser: That discussion is in #ubuntu+119:27
rebecca_rek: did you see http://paste.ubuntu.com/253308/19:27
kins_josemy system restarts when i perform a hibernate/suspend immediately after hibernating/suspending.could someone help?19:27
nasserPici oh okay19:27
rekopen network manager19:27
rebecca_I don't have NM I have wicd19:28
rekhave u installe da firware for your chipset?19:28
nikrzdhello piplz19:28
ZxcvbI am trying to slow down a mouse, but this line doesn't work for some reason <match key="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer:system.hardware.product" contains="Targus">19:29
shah16I always get the error 'gtalk0 Network error' while signing into gtalk from EMPATHY, i'm really not able to figureout what the problem is.. im using pidgin, but im not able to place voice calls from pidgin.. what might be the problem in empathy?19:29
{HaRiTh}someone with me here ?19:29
nasserhey nikrzd19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hypno19:29
nikrzdubuntu cool systems ???19:29
rebecca_used System>Admin>Hardware19:29
Zxcvbif I use <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.keys">, it works but for all mice19:30
firecrotchGuinnesss: a better way perhaps would be to chroot the user to their home directory and bind mount /bin and other dirs to a directory within the user's home dir19:30
MeditatingFroganyone know if it's possible to open multiple instances of totem?  I prefer it as my music player because it uses less cpu19:30
nikrzdanyone ubuntu good system ????19:30
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:31
fluurpnikrzd: yes good system19:31
Guinnesssfirecrotch: Thank you, I will look into that method!19:31
nikrzdthe cool you anderstand my =)19:32
=== unforgiven512-aw is now known as unforgiven512
nikrzdBad english =(19:32
{HaRiTh}i installed 9.04 on virtualbox , and i need to access it from my host machine which is also ubuntu , but i can't do this , any ideas ?19:32
bhaskarany body that could help me regarding add/remove i wanted to install a video supportingg messenger19:32
Picinikrzd: There is a russian channel if you're interested, #ubuntu-ru19:32
=== unforgiven512 is now known as unforgiven512-aw
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: Access how? via ssh?19:33
WebcamWonderAnything specific anyone would like for me to know before I do a highly customized 8.10 upgrade to 9.04?19:33
shah16bhaskar: tell me, whats ur issue19:33
rebecca_rek any help?19:33
nasserbhashkar, is u want something like the video in MSN, forget it :P try SKYPE :)19:33
nikrzdNo i want read yours channels =) lern english =)19:33
nikrzdfree =)))19:33
{HaRiTh}firecrotch, no from my host machine to the guest machine19:33
nanotubenikrzd: good strategy ;)19:33
nikrzdthanks =)19:34
rekhave u installe da firware for your chipset?19:34
rekrebecca_ the firmware19:34
bhaskarshah16 i hve a problem with starting of add /remove it give me error of system management failure19:34
Zxcvbdoes anyone know how to slow down just one specific mouse?19:34
nanotubeZxcvb: stop moving it around?19:34
nanotubeZxcvb: :P19:34
InfectedWithDrewI deleted ~/Desktop and now my desktop shows the contents of /home.  Can I get the desktop to go back to showing the contents of ~/Desktop?19:35
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: create the directory again19:35
Zxcvbnanotube: the problem is that my bluetooth mouse is too fast and hard to control, though the touchpad is fine19:35
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: mkdir ~/Desktop19:35
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{HaRiTh}firecrotch, do you know how to do so ?19:35
nefaInfectedWithDrew: mkdir ¨/Desktop ?19:35
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: What do you mean? If the virtual machine is running, you should just be able to access it from the window that its in19:35
InfectedWithDrewnanotube: I'm using a symlink for ~/Desktop actually.19:36
nanotubeZxcvb: yea, i figured - just could'n resist making a joke. :) sorry i don't know how to do that ...19:36
nikrzdçðÿ =)19:36
shah16bhaskar: run without quotes 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'19:36
Zxcvbnanotube: I should be able to make a fdi file for just that mouse, but doing so doesn't work19:36
{HaRiTh}firecrotch, i need to access lamp19:36
{HaRiTh}firecrotch, also need to ping the virtual server19:36
rebecca_I used the b43 driver. What do you mean by the firemware?19:37
nefaInfectedWithDrew: symlink to what?19:37
Isaacariahhi is it ok to ask a question regarding arp poisoning here or is there another channel more appropriate?19:37
nikrzdrealy problem =)19:37
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InfectedWithDrewnefa: /mnt/data/My \Documents, it's an NTFS mount that Windows uses for D:\19:37
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: you'd access it just as you would access any other server, using its IP address. example: ping if thats the IP of the virtual machien19:38
nanotubeIsaacariah: just ask, and see if anyone knows what you need19:38
pasteeaterhow can i use "git" to retrieve a certain revision?19:38
nefaInfectedWithDrew: i don't get it ;-)19:38
Anarhisthello, is it possible to install ubuntu from an iso image directly without burning onto disk?19:38
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Isaacariahok basically im experimenting with ARP poisoning on my home network, basically to see if you really can do the whole transparent proxy/flipping images malarky. everythings in place, including squid, which works when pointing any network client to my ip manually, bu19:39
{HaRiTh}firecrotch, ok , do i need to install any other things right after the server installation ?19:39
Isaacariahbut ARP poisoning doesnt seem to, even though the host computers arp table (arp -a) shows it has19:39
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: Did you install apache, mysql, openssh, etc during the install process?19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isoinstall19:39
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:39
{HaRiTh}firecrotch, yes19:39
bhaskarshah16: status database area is locked by another process19:40
bhaskar this error is dhown19:40
Isaacariahany reasons why the table would update but the browser would still point at the current gateway's MAC?19:40
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: then you should be all set, I guess19:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about installiso19:40
InfectedWithDrewnefa: I deleted ~/Desktop, then did ln -s /mnt/data/Desktop ~/Desktop which created a symlink to my Windows Desktop folder.  (I mis-typed earlier)19:40
Isaacariahive had it working once, on a different network, but no luck at all now19:40
{HaRiTh}firecrotch, ok thanks for your response19:40
tbryantI can't get my NowPlaying Screenlet to work with Rhythmbox, can anyone help? (It works with Banshee)19:40
firecrotch{HaRiTh}: You're welcome !19:40
shah16please close the synaptic (add/remove) while running the above command : bhaskar19:41
nikrzdanyone speak with my =)19:42
rebecca_So i have the driver installed for my wifi card and it lists different APs but when I try to connect to one it fails19:43
nikrzd[lease =)19:43
KamilionHowdy, trying to install Alpha 4 onto a new supermicro server, having trouble getting it to see the MPT2 SAS controller. Anyone have any clue on how to get this to work?19:43
bhaskarshah16:Errors were encountered while processing:19:43
bhaskar ymessenger19:43
bhaskar" this is last line of error in terminal19:43
radioman-ltnikrzd, whuts up ;}19:43
shadeslayerwhat package should i install for gstreamer to detect .avi and .xvid files?19:44
nikrzdlearn english =)19:44
nikrzdi'am from russia =)19:44
shah16bhaskar: what are u running? paste the whole thing in pastebin.com and send me the link19:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer19:45
AnAntHello, how can I make issue message dynamic ?19:45
trashpanickaah, mira tú19:45
LunixedI have installed NVDIA and compiz recently . My desktop panel shows 4 workspaces but when i turn with Alt+ctrl+left_Arrow It turns as a paper i.e it has only 2 virtual desktops . How do i fix this. I want it to be a desktop cube19:45
trashpanickthis is what i was looking for!19:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:45
trashpanickjust like in the nineties!19:46
radioman-ltnikrzd, lithuania, not so far ;}19:46
shadeslayergoldins: for me?19:46
bhaskari am using jaunty shah16: and i am completely new and wanna something like yahoo messenger in jaunty with web cam19:46
InfectedWithDrewLunixed: enable the 3D desktop cube options in compiz.19:46
goldinsshadeslayer: yep19:46
LunixedYes it is enabled InfectedWithDrew19:46
shadeslayergoldins: hold on19:46
nsahoois anyone having erratic keyboard behavior?19:46
shadeslayerdidnt work19:46
LunixedEven i changed the settings in ccsm general settings to be 2x2 desktops19:46
Lunixednsahoo,  me19:47
nsahoosome times keys are getting stuck, or keystorkes dropped19:47
shadeslayergoldins: im on KDE,and was trying to get the mini player plasmoid to work19:47
InfectedWithDrewLunixed: There are really honestly multiple plugins you have to enable to get it to behave correctly, and I forget which ones they are.  But if you enable just the cube it doesn't do anything XD19:47
shah16bhaskar: use skype for video chats..19:47
nsahooLunixed: amen brother, any fix so far?19:47
Turlhi, is it safe to uninstall gstreamer0.10-schroedinger ? gstreamer-plugins-bad wants it uninstalled19:47
MOUDI am connected to a wi-fi antenna and I use it to connect to the internet through PPPOE. (like DSL). How can I create a internet connection using my username and password?19:47
LunixedWhere do i find those plugins?19:47
Lunixednsahoo, I havn't19:47
kyle_heres a question,  i compiled wine from the source and installed it,  and no im not sure how to uninstall it , i tried apt-get and it says its not installed but i know it is cause the wine command works in the terminal19:48
shah16bhaskar: i've asked u to paste the terminal output.. in pastebin.com19:48
nsahooLunixed: I wonder whether it's an X problem or kernel19:48
TurlMOUD: on your router's config I guess?19:48
digitalaxisDoes anyone know how to connect to a wireless connection using ubuntu 9.0419:48
trashpanickun ninja!19:48
LunixedNo idea , installed ubuntu today and while typing long sentences my cursor goes back to any random position19:48
digitalaxisWait wrong question19:48
bhaskardo u get it shah16:19:49
MOUDTurl: no, there's no router. It's like a "Create a new connection" on windows19:49
Kurlonkyle_: apt-get only works with apps installed through it, you're going to have to manually remove wine on your system if you built/installed from source.19:49
TurlMOUD: then your pc is hooked to the modem? or how?19:49
shah16bhaskar: paste me to link19:49
digitalaxisWho here knows how to get it so you can get the "box" effect with the 4 windows, and move it around etc, i did it in an older version19:49
trashpanicki haz problems too19:49
kyle_ok so how would i do that?19:49
InfectedWithDrewdigitalaxis: !compiz19:50
MOUDTurl: instead of a DSL modem I am connected via wireless to a Wi-Fi antenna, and I use an username and password to connect to the internet.19:50
InfectedWithDrewEr, shouldn't ubottu do something now?19:50
digitalaxisdo i type that in the terminal infected?19:50
shadeslayergoldins: ??19:50
TurlMOUD: the "wifi antenna" is a router I guess19:50
InfectedWithDrewdigitalaxis: I was trying to get ubbotu to give you some info but I guess I'll type it all out.  Install Compiz from Add/Remove and configure it.  Make sure you have your proprietary graphics driver installed first.19:51
KurlonTurl: I think he's in an area with commerical WiFi, doing PPPoE over it for auth/accounting.19:51
goldinsshadeslayer: I don't use KDE, nor have I ever wanted to get plasmoid to work19:51
MOUDTurl: ok, suppose it's a router, how can I create a PPPOE connection so that I can use my username and password?19:51
digitalaxisok thankyou:)19:51
CoJaBo-AztecIs it possiblt to set up an account for SSH that is only permitted to do port forwarding, not run commands and stuff like that?19:51
trashpanicki want to acces to a server and its not in my xchat serverlist!19:51
rebecca_can some one please help me with my wireless? 9.04 on a dell d60019:51
mik3yTalkd just quit working. Can somebody help19:51
bhaskardid u get shah16:19:52
kyle_so anyone know how to remover wine manually?19:52
TurlMOUD: access your router admin (usually and configure your user/password there19:52
kyle_or is it a long process19:52
KurlonTurl: He doesn't have a router19:52
trashpanickok so i quit19:52
KurlonTurl: He needs to do pppoe on his laptop/pc OVER his Wifi connection.19:52
KurlonWhich I dunno how to do via Ubuntu or I'd offer instructions.19:52
IdleOneevery time I try to listen to a .pls file in whatever player the player crashes. any suggestions?19:53
digitalaxisI just downloaded compiz, where does it save to? i cant find it19:53
MOUDTurl: it's not my router, it's my ISP router and I don't have direct access to it (to modify it I mean). I just want to create a PPPOE connection.19:53
CoJaBo-AztecIdleOne: Tried VLC?19:53
IdleOneCoJaBo-Aztec, not yet19:53
TurlMOUD: have you tried to create it in the DSL section on the network manager?19:54
CoJaBo-AztecIdleOne: VLC and Mplayer are usually the best at supporting unusual formats.19:54
IdleOneCoJaBo-Aztec, installing vlc now19:54
MOUDTurl: yes, the problem is that I don't know how to use it to connect19:54
TurlMOUD: click on the nm applet and it should say sth like "connect to ..." I guess19:55
ejvrebecca_: have you searched the ubuntuforums.org ?19:55
MOUDI think that I missed the "connect to... " option. I'm just finishing installing ubuntu and I'll try it. Thanks for the help19:56
cmartwhat works with ipod touch 3g19:56
InfectedWithDrewI deleted ~/Desktop and now my desktop shows the contents of /home.  I re-created ~/Desktop but still no luck.  How can I make the desktop show the contents of ~/Desktop again?19:56
TurlMOUD: never used the DSL feature, sorry if it isn't that way. You might want to ask on the ubuntu forums.19:56
ejvrebecca_: it is more helpful to us, if you determine an exact error, not "my wireless isn't working", do some searching and see what you can come up with first.19:56
TurlInfectedWithDrew: did you try to relogin?19:56
InfectedWithDrewTurl: Of course.19:57
IdleOneCoJaBo-Aztec, thank you. vlc is now my player of choice19:57
MOUDTurl: I see. thank you very much for your time19:57
Turlnp MOUD19:57
CoJaBo-AztecIdleOne: Its now mine too :)19:57
bhnbfhgDiscuss anything anonymously without registering an account at the only place on the Internet where grammar, spelling and punctuation actually matters: http://www.anontalk.com/ (or https://www.anontalk.com/ for immediate encryption).19:58
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty19:58
ejvrebecca_: also pastebin the output of "lspci" when you have a moment (pastebin.com)19:58
CoJaBo-AztecSpam? o_O19:58
mroccan anyone help me with a sound issue?  i can't get sound from my headphone port.  i don't think anything is muted.19:59
SeperoHow do I obtain autoconf.h for the latest kernel?20:01
digitalaxisI just installed compiz, and turn on all the cube settings and such20:01
digitalaxishow do i scroll out to  see the cube20:01
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mrocdigitalaxis: usually, hold down the two mouse buttons and move the cursor20:02
IdleOne!compiz > digitalaxis20:02
ubottudigitalaxis, please see my private message20:02
Turldigitalaxis: ctrl+alt+drag usually20:02
mrocdigitalaxis: sorry, wrong one.  ctrl-alt-mouse button 1 and move cursor20:03
digitalaxisI cant even get to the cube lol20:03
mrocdigitalaxis: ah.  did you set the number of sides for the cube to 4?  i think it defaults to 2...and thus, not a cube.20:04
digitalaxishow do i do that20:04
Keifferselinux destroyed my little precious ubuntu20:04
mrocdigitalaxis: do you have the CompizConfig Settings Manager installed?20:04
mrocdigitalaxis: go to general options -> desktop size tab,   change horizontal size.20:05
MOUDHow can I change my wireless mac address?20:06
dudleyimy system is constantlly running at 100%20:06
runpain2_how do i fix the screen saver configuration when every time i try to open it it logs me out the screen saver i had choosen was the picture folder and every time it starts to run it logs me out is there a text file i can edit to change that20:06
dudleyiand top is only showing five processes that are using actual %20:07
runpain2_hello folks20:07
dudleyiand all of them add up to about 20%20:07
digitalaxisI did that and it still only shows 2 on the lower right20:07
runpain2_how do i fix the screen saver configuration when every time i try to open it it logs me out the screen saver i had choosen was the picture folder and every time it starts to run it logs me out is there a text file i can edit to change that20:07
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007
dudleyiHow cna I find anything else that's using up my CPU?20:07
rebecca_I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my Dell D600 and installed the b34 driver. I use wicd. When I tell it to do a scan it lists my AP. but then it won't connect. Can some one help me? lspci see: http://debian.pastebin.com/me2d924e20:07
mrocdigitalaxis: silly question, but did you also enable the "rotate cube" plugin?20:08
nanotubedudleyi: for one, use "htop", it's better than top :)20:08
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty20:08
b3rz3rk3rim currently repurposing an old PIII 750Mhz laptop, trying to get ubuntu server on it. When booting the alternate install cd, i just get kernel panics. help?20:08
b3rz3rk3rre purposing*20:08
siwyhalo jest tu kto z pl??20:09
runpain2_how do i fix the screen saver configuration when every time i try to open it it logs me out the screen saver i had choosen was the picture folder and every time it starts to run it logs me out is there a text file i can edit to change that20:09
=== BlaSux is now known as Stiletto
dudleyiWill i be able to see everything with htop?20:09
Chousukeb3rz3rk3r: repurposing is the correct spelling; but I can't help with your kernel panics. :/20:09
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apoleo12the menu.lst has nothing to do with grub error 15!!20:09
sammyI've moved my root partition (and with it /boot) and running update-grub doesn't seem to update the bootloader20:09
b3rz3rk3rChousuke, hah, thx. wasnt sure there20:09
Chousukeb3rz3rk3r: Your install CD might be corrupted, or just have an incompatible kernel.20:10
runpain2_how do i fix the screen saver configuration when every time i try to open it it logs me out the screen saver i had choosen was the picture folder and every time it starts to run it logs me out is there a text file i can edit to change that20:10
HellMindI need something like xosview but with a more detailed net graph20:10
runpain2_!screensaver config20:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:10
Chousukeb3rz3rk3r: or the hardware might be somewhat broken.20:10
sammywith my groot= set as /dev/sda7 (where my new / and /boot is) is update-grub installing grub on /dev/sda7 and not /dev/sda1?20:10
runpain2_!screensaver configuration20:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:10
b3rz3rk3rChousuke, iv tried a few other distros just for kicks, some boot, some dont. I was previously using it as a freebsd server20:10
mrocdigitalaxis: can you explain what you mean by "it still only shows 2 on the lower right"?20:10
runpain2_how do i fix the screen saver configuration when every time i try to open it it logs me out the screen saver i had choosen was the picture folder and every time it starts to run it logs me out is there a text file i can edit to change that20:11
user101what is device name for webcam20:11
Chousukeb3rz3rk3r: does the panic output hint at anything?20:11
Chousukeb3rz3rk3r: ACPI, perhaps? :P20:11
digitalaxison my desktop, on the lower right where you switch between windows, there are only 2 options20:11
marcelo_hi, I trying to install some software from source and during the compilation process I get the error message:/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib64/libgslcblas.a(sasum.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC, any idea how to fix this?20:11
__theIdiotBox!patience| runpain2_20:11
ubotturunpain2_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:11
b3rz3rk3rChousuke, just get: not syncing: Attemted to kill init!20:11
Chousukeb3rz3rk3r: :|20:11
b3rz3rk3rChousuke, exactly20:12
HellMindI need something like xosview but with a more detailed net graph20:12
dudleyiok so, looking with HTOP, I see about seven processes that are using %20:13
mrocdigitalaxis: ah, right.  the workspace switcher.  it's been a long day.  so you see two there and the settings in compiz show a horizontal desktop size of 4?20:13
KurlonHellMind: gkrellm?20:13
dudleyiand all of them done add up to 100%20:13
ejvrebecca_: could you pastebin the output of dmesg | grep bw4320:13
dudleyiyet, gnome is telling me 100% is being used20:13
HellMindlet see20:13
Oli``Is it possible to use the latest (beta) nvidia driver and have it auto-recompile its kernel module when the kernel changes (like the repo version kind of does)?20:14
rebecca_ejv: dmesg | grep bw43 has no output20:14
user101what is device name for webcam on jaunty /dev/dsp ??20:15
apoleo12regarding to error 15: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253320/20:15
lstarnesuser101: /dev/dsp is used as a sound output20:15
dudleyimy system is so sluggish and nothing is being shown to take up all of the CPU20:15
dudleyiI don't get why this is so retarded...20:15
user101lstarnes: webcam??20:15
lstarnesuser101: /dev/dsp has nothing to do with webcams20:15
runpain2_where is the file for screensaver in gnome20:16
KapliHi, is it just me or is they key server down?20:16
dudleyiunder htop, it shows htop itself using the most %20:16
nanotuberunpain2_: probably somewhere in gconf20:16
ejvrebecca_: system > administration > hardware drivers > activated the broadcom b43 wireless driver, and it failed right?20:16
Kurlondudleyi: Pastebin a screenshot of htop20:16
rebecca_no is passed20:17
dudleyikurlon, if you can wait thirty minutes. sure...20:17
dudleyibecause that's how long it takes for firefox to boot up on this laptop.20:17
rebecca_b43 is active20:17
digitalaxismroc, is it possible to let u remote connect in ubuntu?20:17
Kurlondudleyi: I use a 386 as a workstation, I have patience. : )20:17
mrocdigitalaxis: that's odd.  i don't know that i can offer much help in your case.  try adding the proper number of workspaces by right clicking on the workspace switcher and choosing preferences?20:17
ejvrebecca_: im sorry, dmesg | grep b4320:17
dudleyii don't.20:18
dudleyijust take my word for it.20:18
dudleyiHTOP is using 2120:18
dudleyignome terminal is using 1620:18
dudleyiand X is using 5 and sometimes shoots up to 40%20:18
mrocdigitalaxis: i don't know if it would help to reload the window manager...do you have fusion-icon installed?20:19
dudleyiI have a Intel Centrino 1.5Ghz and it's being used 100% all of the time.20:19
digitalaxisnever heard of it20:19
Kurlondudleyi: what is your idle and 'wa' precentages?20:19
MetalHeadDeadi need some help with synaptic package manager and add/remove programs not refreshing their lists20:19
Turldudleyi: go use lynx20:19
dudleyihow do I get that info>?20:19
dudleyiuptime is at 19mins20:20
Kurlonregular top spits it out20:20
dudleyiXorg is using 43% constantly.20:20
ravilhi all20:21
dudleyii don't see the wa20:21
apoleo12the menu.lst has nothing to do with grub error 1520:21
apoleo12regarding to error 15: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253320/20:21
KurlonOn the cpu line, should have id and wa listed20:21
mroccan anyone help me with a sound issue?  i can't get sound from my headphone port.  i don't think anything is muted.20:21
MetalHeadDeaddisregard, problem solved20:21
dudleyiid is 33.320:21
dudleyiwa at 0.020:21
jetsaredimis there a version of usb-creator for jaunty20:22
ejvrebecca_: is the wireless activated in the bios? i've heard that on the d600's, wireless is deactivated, and there are no indicator lights. try also, function+f2 keys and reboot20:22
Kurlondudleyi: ok, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz20:22
dudleyinow Xorg is using 50%20:22
masqueradeis it possible to remove all gnome-panels? after killalll gnome-panel, it restarts20:23
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty20:23
rebecca_i can do iwlist wlan0 scan20:23
rebecca_hit fn+f2 and it fails20:23
rebecca_hit fn+f2 again and it works20:23
ejvrebecca_: so... it's working?20:24
dudleyiit returns20:24
dudleyiIntel Pentium M Processor 1500mhz20:24
bhaskar_help me in add/ remove20:24
dudleyicpu Mhz 1500.0020:24
Kurlondrat, so much for that theory20:25
agussmanNot sure if this is an ubuntu or an apache question, but why are 2 of my apache2 processes run by root and 2 run by www-data?20:25
ejvKurlon / dudleyi : cpuinfo in proc is not always accurate20:25
masqueradebhaskar_: whats your question again?20:25
bruce927Can anyone recommend the best desktop manager to use on a netbook? GNOME feels a bit cramped20:25
dudleyiyeah. I didn't underclock the CPU at all20:25
ejvdudleyi: is this an AMD chip?20:25
rebecca_it won't connect though20:25
masqueradebruce927: there is a special netbook remix for ubuntu...?20:25
dudleyiIntel Centrino20:25
runpain2_still cant find the file for the gnome-screensaver that i can edit to fix problem20:25
bhaskar_masquerade: wait for aminute20:26
ejvrebecca_: verify in the bios, gotta check everything20:26
bruce927I might as well try it. Can I change to it from within normal ubuntu?20:26
Kurlonejv: I'm wondering if ACPI has forced the cpu to it's lowest speed and isn't letting it clock up?20:26
masqueradebhaskar no prob20:26
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty20:26
apoleo12when Im in grub... I cannot edit anything in those lines...20:26
ejvdudleyi / Kurlon : I know that some chips are using smarter tech, for example, my AMDx2 64 Kuma at home is 2.8ghz per core, yet cpuinfo, only tells me it's operating at 1400mhz sometimes20:27
di||itanteejv: thats because its throttled by the OS20:27
rebecca_the bios reports active20:28
FranVarincan someone assist with accessing an HP F340 on a Windows network?20:28
dudleyiI don't mind my system being throttled20:28
ejvrebecca_: ok, then I suggest trying b43-fwcutter, via synaptic or aptitude20:28
dudleyiit's just that I'm getting SLOW performance straight off the boot20:28
dudleyiSoon as I hit GDM, it crawls.20:29
ejvi don't think it's throttled by the OS itself, but by it's physical load20:29
arleslieMy Verizon Access card isn't being detected in Ubuntu any more, Verison: 9.04, just updated about 30 minutes ago, it worked before I closed the lid of my laptop and I restarted and its still not being detected.20:29
ejvif it's not in use, it powers down20:29
dudleyiI can see the login text field about ten seconds before the login wallpaper shows up20:29
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rebecca_b43-fwcutter was installed when i activated the driver20:29
di||itanteejv: its the powernow daemon20:30
ejvand it's still not working?20:30
ejvwhat in the heck....20:30
shah16why this line included in jaunty's sources.list ?? deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio feisty main  http://pastebin.com/d39b6d56c20:30
FranVarincan someone assist getting a windows printer working correctly?20:30
InfectedWithDrewFranVarin: are you using Samba?20:31
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FranVarinyes, I configured via the wizard selected samba. I see the job show up on the windows machine but, printer errors out20:31
Guest77148anyone know how to amke the screen bigger?20:31
ejvrebecca_: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/131370-debian-lenny-problems-getting-wireless-work.html20:31
ejvor use ndiswrapper20:32
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty20:32
ejvim out of ideas though20:32
FranVarininfectedwithdrew: you still there?20:32
dudleyiSo no one has any more ideas why my CPU is running at 100% constantly?20:32
Etha1flash? :D20:32
InfectedWithDrewFranVarin: I don't know much about samba I was just making sure you were using it XD20:32
ner0xAnyone familiar with linmodems?20:33
FranVarininfectedwithdrew: thanks... looks like some kind of driver problem i think20:33
Etha1I wanted to know is there any documentation about someone using ubuntu on the latest iMac ? I can't find any.20:33
ejvwireless under ubuntu requires persistence sometimes20:33
bumbulahi al,suche jemand der mir im raum ffm gegen bezahlung mit linux weiterhilft...hab von windows die faxen dicke20:33
ejvso keep at it, there are fixes available20:33
kermosdudleyi: what does task manager say is using the cpu?20:34
ejv!german | bumbula20:34
ubottubumbula: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:34
bumbulaah ok  sorry20:34
dudleyikerm, I cannot use gnome's system manager20:34
jerkmanhey, im trying to setup dynamic dns through my router, but all i get from my registered hostname is my router login page20:34
Etha1Danke ubottu :D20:34
dudleyiit runs too slow20:34
kermosdudleyi: then use top or htop20:34
dudleyiI tried htop, it says 43% by Xorg20:34
Guest77148my screen resolution is currently 1280x1024 (max) but i need it at 1920x1080. any suggestions?20:34
jerkmanGuest77148: can your monitor support it20:35
Guest77148it asks for it20:35
dudleyiand this is a system which I had ubuntu installed onto20:35
deanyjerkman, if you try access it from your lan then it will .20:35
dudleyithe hdd died, and I got a new one and reinstalled. Now I'm faced with this constant 100% load.20:35
blackrooti have ipv6 tunnel setup from tunnelbroker.net ..everything is working great, but how do i add more ipv6 ip's (from the block i was given) and what interface should i add them to?20:35
runpain2_please help me i would like to turn the screen saver off if i can20:36
Guest77148any help???20:36
jerkmandeany: localhost works, and my domain through dyndns.com doesnt20:36
arleslie[Mobile Broadband] Verizon modem not being detected but the CD part is - Ubuntu 9.04 [Updated 1 hour ago]20:36
deanyjerkman, access it from another internet IP, if it still goes to router login page, then your router has remote management enabled (port 80) turn it off!20:36
jerkmandeany: i have setup port forwarding through my router, ah ill try it20:36
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MitchMHow do I change the stdout for a running program?20:37
bumbulai all...looking for someone in frankfurt main...need help with linux ubuntu...i am a windows user and want to switch the platform  and of cause not for fee20:38
deanyjerkman, I have dydns too,  its a dynamic domain name thats pointing to your ip, so if you try access it from the same IP, it`ll goto your router page20:38
MitchM(i was running an apt-get upgrade and my session timed-out, it is now asking for prompt but I don't have that terminal anymore).20:38
jerkmandeany: remote management is off, but looks like the default port is 8080 anyway...20:38
bumbulai pay20:38
AcidBurn123what are the best DVB players other than Kaffeine and MythTV? I don't want a media center DVB player, I want something like Kaffeine BUT not Kaffeine cuz it freezes a lot :(20:38
troxorMitchM: I'd suggest doing those types of things in screen20:38
troxoror nohup20:38
MitchMtroxor, i agree - for future reference I will do that.20:38
mroccan anyone help me with a sound issue?  i can't get sound from my headphone port.  i don't think anything is muted.20:38
arlesliebumbula, are you wanting to dual boot or just a standard install?20:38
MitchMtroxor, any solution for me now?20:38
bumbulawith wine20:39
bumbulaif possible20:39
* b3rz3rk3r lolz @ AcidBurn123 .. i need to watch that movie again.. so good20:39
sheitHow do i install smbfs to mount network drive to folder20:39
arlesliebumbula,  are you sure your hardware is linux compatible20:39
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troxorMitchM: eh, you might be able to just kill the process, remove the lockfile, and try again. This probably isn't the best way, but I'm adventurous :)20:39
AcidBurn123b3rz3rk3r: are you zeroCool?20:40
MitchMtroxor, well - i'm looking for something a little cleaner :)20:40
b3rz3rk3rCrash override20:40
bruce927Is there anyway to swap from normal ubuntu to the netbook remix one from within an installed system?20:40
bumbulai am chatting right now with you  ubuntu 9.04 but i dont know how tu install soething (winamp with streamripper for example20:40
b3rz3rk3rAcidBurn123, thx, im going to go and put that on now.. hehe20:41
troxorbumbula: try audacious, and rubyripper20:41
AcidBurn123b3rz3rk3r: Crash Override- the black man?20:41
arlesliebumbula, please add my name before your messages20:41
arlesliebumbula, so ppl know you are being helped and it organizes the chats20:41
AcidBurn123b3rz3rk3r: ah yeah it's the same zeroCool20:41
b3rz3rk3rAcidBurn123, tut tut.. go and watch it again.20:41
b3rz3rk3rAcidBurn123, yeah there we go ;)20:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:41
bumbulaarleslie  ok  this is damm fast here to follow20:41
AcidBurn123b3rz3rk3r: mess with the best die like the rest20:41
sheitstupid question... how do i make a directory in /media20:41
sheitfrom terminal20:42
b3rz3rk3rPici, yeah sry Pici you;re right20:42
Picisheit: sudo mkdir /media/somedir20:42
th0rsheit: sudo mkdir /media/<foldername>20:42
arleslie!install | bumbula20:42
ubottubumbula: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:42
sheitthanks forgot to use sudo20:42
dudleyiSo I turned off dynamic switching in the bios to see if that'd help my system stop being slow20:42
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out20:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:43
bumbulaits already installed guys   but i am new in this linux stuff etc (windows user  3ds max)20:43
Do-m-pieHi, does anyone have a sollution for sleepd not starting in jaunty?20:43
dudleyiman, Ive not seen one of those in years.20:43
FLeiXiuSI have a br0 interface that's receiving an IP from some where and I have no idea where.  It's obviously set statically.20:43
FLeiXiuSBut I cant find the config file.20:43
dudleyia br0 interface?20:43
dudleyido you call it br0ham?20:44
RetardedpopeI want to upgrade ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04, but the upgrade button is gone. How do I get it back?20:44
FLeiXiuSdudleyi: fail, it's a bridge for openvpn.20:44
ejvbr0 = bridge 020:44
KelderRetardedpope: in software sources make sure you have checked the version update option20:44
rautamiekkaAcidBurn123: sorry to be late to answer your question, but have you tried SMplayer ? It's by default installed on EeePC90020:44
blackrootwhen i have ipv6 tunnel setup, and want to add some more ip's, what interface should i add it to? eth0, or sit0/sit1?20:44
sheitmount error: fstab.....    [mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab20:44
sheitmount error: can not change directory into mount target /media/TvSerie20:44
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty20:44
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SirFunki have messed up my sound setup, is there any way to make ubuntu resetup my sound as it would have been on a vanilla install?20:45
arlesliebumbula, to add and remove programs use Add and Remove Programs in the "Programs" list20:45
AcidBurn123rautamiekka: no I don't know SMplayer20:45
AcidBurn123rautamiekka: does it run S-DVB easily?20:45
mroci can't sound from my headphone port, and i can't figure out the problem.  it's driving me nuts.  can someone please help me?20:45
mkanyicy_hi everyone. I've just installed a clean Ubuntu 9.04 and I dont want to spoil it by any KDE application. Is there a GNOME/GTK based application I can use to listen to my music AND manage my collection via MySQL (like amarok)? My collection is very huge.20:45
th0rsheit: you need a blank line at the end of fstab, and make sure /media/TvSerie exists (check the spelling)20:45
mizerydearia`apt-cache --installed` <-- what else do I add so as to list all packages that are installed?20:46
sheitth0r, thanks cap issue on directory name20:46
mizerydeariamizerydearia, dpkg --get-selections > installed-software20:46
arlesliebumbula, did you get my last message?20:46
mizerydeariamizerydearia: ah, thanks!20:46
bumbulaarleslie i tryed everything...all i need is someone to install wine winamp and a ..sorry fucking streamripper  thats all i need20:46
sheitth0r, how do i delete directory from terminal20:46
Flare183!language | bumbula20:47
th0rsheit: sudo rmdir dirname20:47
ubottubumbula: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:47
sheitth0r, thanks20:47
bumbulai know  sorry20:47
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:47
arlesliebumbula,  to install winamp just download their installer and run it, if it asks for a progarm to run it, select Wine, if not in the list just type it.20:47
sheitth0r, awesome works great thanks20:48
arlesliebumbula, or to install streamripper, open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install streamripper20:48
junk1hello, one question: when I run xrandr there are no named outputs.. I can see three different resolutions (modes): 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480, but I'm missing the normal "VGA-0", "HDMI-0" and such... anyone know why?20:48
AcidBurn123I can't find any S-DVB player like ProgDVB on Linux20:49
bumbulaarleslie  yepp i tryed but as a windows user it confuses me total i dont even know where downloads are after downloading  i am a total new linux user20:50
arlesliebumbula, if you are using firefox, the downloads should be downloaded to your desktop20:50
przemek_Helo friends20:51
dravekxanyone know a good channel for computer hardware?20:51
przemek_J have a problem do you help me?20:51
Picidravekx: ##hardware20:51
dravekxjust curious20:51
Pici!dvb > AcidBurn12320:52
ubottuAcidBurn123, please see my private message20:52
przemek_J;m Polish so I dont good speak english20:52
Pici!pl | przemek_20:53
ubottuprzemek_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:53
MitchMtroxor, i tried doing a clever kill -SIGTTIN <pid>20:53
p1und3rhey im trying to convert some avi videos i took in fraps... i can't seem to get it to convert to anything, eventually it has to become .flv, can anyone point me in the right direction?20:53
AcidBurn123Pici: Then only players that are close to my needs and to ProgDVB is Kaffeine and mythtv which booth don't work for me. Kaffeine freezes a lot and mythtv is a media center20:53
apoleo12hey I want to talk about grub here... when there's a stop at error : 15.. I cannot edit the lines?20:53
bumbulaareslie   ok..thats true....and now...strange descriptions how to install this etc etc  thats the reason why i try to find someone...for money...to explain...i can ask..he explains20:53
p1und3ri used ffmpeg to convert it to a .mov, but flash didn't recognize the file20:54
anr78Anyone mounting a HFS+ partition from Ubuntu? I need an fstab-line20:54
przemek_I download a Ubuntu 9.04 64bit. This program dont have in my computer :(20:54
PiciAcidBurn123: Sadly, I don't know anymore about dvb than that factoid :/20:54
arlesliebumbula, just click the icon on the desktop twice20:54
PiciAcidBurn123: Someone else may be able to help if you're patient enough though... or you may try looking on the forums as well.20:54
AcidBurn123Pici: thnx20:55
apoleo12i think I feel y'all being annoyed by me :P20:55
bumbulaareslie  aeh icon  dektop??20:55
arleslieprzemek_, do you have a 64bit processor, it should be compatible with your computer, if its not it just simpley wont work, I do recommend the 32bit unless your running more then 2gb of ram20:56
arlesliebumbula, yes that icon20:56
maryHello!  Has anyone else gotten an error in thunderbird regarding certificates - we noticed this after a firefox 3.0 branding update a couple of days ago.20:56
JenniferBHi folks :) how can I scroll the history on the output of an running application? I notice that when I go resized the terminal window (putty) .. i can see more of this.. is there any command to move up and down for this?20:56
sheithow do you install icon sets20:56
bumbulaareslie  i have only 2 icons   a bassdrive link and my nas20:56
th0rJenniferB: history | less20:57
guntbertJenniferB: try shift+pgup20:57
arlesliebumbula, in Firefox download manager right click and click "Show in Folder"20:57
JenniferBth0r: I cant run any commands when teh app is running..20:57
maryHello!  Has anyone else gotten an error in thunderbird regarding certificates - we noticed this after a firefox 3.0 branding update a couple of days ago.20:57
AcidBurn123przemek_: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=grub+error+1520:57
rautamiekkaAcidBurn123: Sorry I dont know cuz default EeePC's with modified Xandros Linux doesnt support much.20:57
guntbert!themes | sheit, maybe that helps20:58
ubottusheit, maybe that helps: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:58
JenniferBguntbert: I tried but that was like regular scrolling20:58
th0rJenniferB: what app? You asked about the history in the terminal, right?20:58
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty20:58
guntbertJenniferB: then I misunderstood, isten to th0r20:58
JenniferBI also mentioned an application.. that is running..20:58
hmm1233hi does any one use coolit cpu cooling systems?20:58
JenniferBthe application is running.. and occsionally it outputs some stuff..20:58
sheitubottu, looking at icons on gnome-look.org20:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
maryHello!  Has anyone else gotten an error in thunderbird regarding certificates - we noticed this after a firefox 3.0 branding update a couple of days ago.20:59
apoleo12is grub repairible???20:59
JenniferBthese stuff I can some of.. but since the run-app command is always visible .. they are kind of hidden under neath.. if I resize my window I can see more.. but still not engouh.. i think there is a way to scroll that stuff20:59
arleslieapoleo12, yes grub is repairable, what seems to be the problem20:59
JenniferBam I making it difficult to understand? :D21:00
bumbulaareslie  ok i guess i understand but cant find this downloadmanager right now....but in this way i can see where the stuff i downloaded is21:00
kyle_does anyone know how i can remove a version of wine that i compiled and installed?21:00
arlesliebumbula, open firefox and hit Cltr+J21:00
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty21:00
bumbulaareslie ok21:00
rautamiekkakyle_: try searching Wine using Aptitude or Synaptic21:01
maryAnyone noticed security certificates changed in their firefox 3.0?21:01
rautamiekkakyle_: then purge it21:01
sheitati or nvidia graphcis card better on ubuntu21:01
kyle_lol im a linux noob is there a terminal command i should use?21:01
maryand thunderbird21:01
rautamiekkakyle_: aptitude search wine21:02
anr78is there a gui-tool or something for mounting partitions?21:02
rautamiekkakyle_: or just open "sudo synaptic" and look for Wine21:02
bumbulaareslie ok i try ctrl+j  nothing...but ctrl+y is fine i guess21:02
rautamiekkakyle_: if you found it using Aptitude, issue "sudo aptitude remove --purge wine"21:02
blip-hi all,  is there a way to do an 'apt-get upgrade' but skip certain packages ?    I want to upgrade everything, except the kernel related packages21:03
apoleo12arleslie: the path cannot be changed...21:03
arlesliebumbula, I have no idea, please post your question again and see if someone else can help you, I'm not in linux right now so I can't help as much as I want to.21:03
jerkmanblip-: the graphical updater does that21:03
Kelderkyle_: you probably compiled it in your /home folder, remove that as well after you removed it in aptitude - next time you want to install wine and you want the latest, add a repository for it instead of compiling it yourself, much quicker and much more foolproof21:03
blip-jerkman: oh yeah synaptic, forgot about it. thanks21:03
arleslieapoleo12, do you have a Ubuntu Live CD21:04
apoleo12yea I do21:04
rautamiekkablip-: you could open either Aptitude or Synaptic and forbid the packages21:04
bumbulaareslie no problem  thx for your help :-)   and i go back to 3dsmax21:04
kyle_i only compiled it myself to try and use the hardware cursor patch for WoW  but all that did was make my cursor disappear21:04
apoleo12I was in liveCD earlier21:04
blip-thanks rautamiekka21:05
sheiti want to turn on visual effect but the last systtem i turned it on would never boot back into ubuntu..21:05
arleslieapoleo12, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?action=show&redirect=WindowsDualBootHowTo#Recovering GRUB after reinstalling Windows21:05
kyle_if anyone knows anything about the hardware cursor patch that might make the cursor appear then i wouldnt have to uninstall wine21:05
kyle_im jsut trying to redo it incase i missed something21:05
Kelderkyle_: shame, did you try it with both game settings as well? in game you can also choose hardware cursor or not21:05
Brazzanyone here have got STEAM to run on jaunty?21:06
kyle_not with opengl you cant and opengl is the only way wow will run decently21:06
arleslieapoleo12, that link is for dualbooting but it should restore grub21:06
rautamiekkakyle_: by my memory, WOW works great under Wine with no other tricks than forcing it to use OpenGL21:06
kyle_i got wow to run good its jsut the laggy cursor and under opengl you cant enable hardware cursor21:06
Kelderthink he has it running fine, just tweaking21:06
Brazzrautamiekka: that was before 3.2.021:06
guntbertapoleo12: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#Backup,%20Repairing%20and%20Reinstalling%20GRUB ?21:07
rautamiekkaBrazz: oh, they did that much changing in 3.2.021:07
Rehashhi how can i change identd?21:07
apoleo12arleslie: actually i installed windows last year first then ubuntu a few weeks ago21:07
apoleo12arleslie: actually I installed windows first last year... then ubuntu a few weeks ago....21:08
Brazzrautamiekka: as I was reading on appDB many people are having troubles to get wow running after 3.2.021:08
shankyany help with desktop effects could not be enabled.21:08
apoleo12but Ill consider this  anyway21:08
Brazzrautamiekka: the only ones that I have seen running wow perfectly are them using Karmic (9.10) not jaunty21:08
arleslieapoleo12, well this should fix it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?action=show&redirect=WindowsDualBootHowTo#Recovering%20GRUB%20after%20reinstalling%20Windows21:08
JenniferBLet me try again: I am running an application.. it keeps putting out some output once a while. I can see some of it only. Since it's running, I can't see all output ever made because I can always still see the command that I used to run the application in the same window...21:08
Brazzkyle_: hey mate, have you got STEAM running?21:08
JenniferBthe output is somehow in a "frame" that starts on the next line after the run-app command. I am running screen by the way...21:08
kyle_yeah like i said i got it to run decently its just the cursor and im even using an ati card21:08
rautamiekkaBrazz: Right. I havent played/used WOW after some time cuz brother quit using Ubuntu21:09
kyle_like i said im new to linux21:09
apoleo12Ok thanks guys...21:09
gogetarautamiekka: use the wine repos not the jaunty ones wow runs great then\21:09
Brazzrautamiekka: have you got STEAM running?21:09
rautamiekkaBrazz: I did have it running under Wine. Laggy but worked.21:09
kyle_heres what i did21:09
shankyany help with desktop effects could not be enabled.21:09
Brazzrautamiekka: what's your videocard?21:09
kyle_under the ubuntu wine wow sucked21:09
arleslieUbuntu 9.04 isn't detecting my usb modem, but its detecting the removable drive filesystem part of it.21:10
kyle_so i downloaded the winehq 1.27 and it worked great21:10
rautamiekkaBrazz: Brother's computer has got GeForce 9500 GT. My own has 8600 GT21:10
Kelderi never noticed cursor lag in opengl wow thru wine, but i did have big trouble running ventrillo reliably at the same time - was back in wow version 2.4 though21:10
kyle_then i followed the steps on the ubuntu forums on how to force a hardware cursor and thats when all went south21:10
gogetakyle as i said use the winehq repos21:10
Brazzrautamiekka: I have an old ATI card, jaunty's nightmare21:10
guntbertJenniferB: screen *is* different! type ctrl+a <ESC>21:10
MetalHeadDeadwhy is firefox 3.5 not an automatic update?21:10
Brazzrautamiekka: hehe can't wait til karmic is out.21:10
dudleyiHow can I connect to a wirelsss AP with just terminal21:11
kyle_yeah i did use the winehq repository21:11
dudleyiI set the essid, and ifconfig eth2 up21:11
arleslieMetalHeadDead, I don't think 3.5 is released for linux yet, and also FireFox doesn't auto update to 3.521:11
dudleyibut I get no positive responses with ping21:11
FlannelMetalHeadDead: Because massive changes to default programs don't happen with Ubuntu releases.  Jaunty shipped with 3.0, it'll stay with 3.0.  3.5 is available in the repos.21:11
kyle_still had laggy cursor tho, but my fps went from 15 to 40 ish21:11
kyle_on an ati hd320021:11
Kelderkyle_: i think your best bet is to revert your changes for now (use the repository version again) and ask for more info in the thread you found21:11
guntbertJenniferB: then use the cursor keys21:11
JenniferBguntbert: THanks ! that worked!! :D21:12
kyle_yeah thats what i figured ,,, the problem is uninstalling wine now21:12
MetalHeadDeadflannel, thanks i just found on tuxarena.com how to upgrade21:12
guntbertJenniferB: its called copy mode - glad to help21:12
arleslieUbuntu 9.04 isn't detecting my usb modem.21:12
gogetakyle_: did you install dx921:12
kyle_i tried using synaptic and it jsut seemed to sit there an do nothing21:12
FlannelMetalHeadDead: just install firefox-3.521:12
kyle_lol i didnt know you could lol21:12
JenniferBhow big is this buffer? does it log everything for ever or is there a limit?21:12
jrock2004Hello I am looking for a tool that can show me what port is eating my bandwidth. Any ideas?21:12
arandMetalHeadDead: 3.5 will never be default for jaunty, it will be for karmic 9.10 though21:12
kyle_ok so, i should install wine,  then install dx9 then wow and try it ????21:13
gogetakyle_: you can get it easly in winetricks21:13
kyle_is that a program?21:13
Keldernot sure what dx9 would do if you run it in opengl mode anyway?21:13
arandMetalHeadDead: and it is always available as codename "shiretoko" as the package firefox-3.521:13
scott1ok back again I had to get off last night to tired... still have not installed flash wont install any help? running ubuntu 64 bit21:13
gogetakyle_: yea a script packs google it21:13
kyle_sorry for the noobness21:13
arandscott1: so currently no flash packages installed?21:14
scott1got error i38621:14
guntbertJenniferB: I don't know, maybe you find something in man screen21:14
scott1deb installer21:14
anr78If I turn off journaling on my OS X partition, will Ubuntu automatically be able to write to it?21:15
arandscott1: and you want the ubuntu default (from adobe originally) or the adobe pre-release version.21:15
jrock2004Hello I am looking for a tool that can show me what port is eating my bandwidth. Any ideas?21:15
gogetakyle_: also running without pixel shaders help21:15
guntbertJenniferB: you can read that in http://www.samsarin.com/blog/2007/03/11/gnu-screen-working-with-the-scrollback-buffer/21:16
scott1I dont know but I cant use napster and you tube21:16
scott1havent been able since last week Im new at this sorry21:16
nanotubeJenniferB: iirc, the default scrollback is something on the order of a few hundred lines... not too big.21:17
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shankyany help with desktop effects could not be enabled.21:17
arandscott1: try the ubuntu deafult first then: Go to system>admininstration>synaptic package manager.21:17
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JenniferBook.. thanks for helping me.. can I search this btw :S (hehe)21:17
scott1k im there21:18
nanotubejrock2004: try ntop maybe21:18
arandscott1: There search for "flash" and install the package named "flashplugin-installer".21:18
jrock2004nanotube: will that do network wide of just that PC?21:18
nanotubeJenniferB: you mean, search in the history buffer?21:18
kyle_ok so im having a problem, i uninstalled wine with synaptics but terminal is telling me its still installed21:18
arandshanky: are your video card drivers working ok?21:18
kyle_im assuming its reading the one i compiled21:18
teaquholy cow this is alot of people here21:19
nanotubejrock2004: just the comp that's running ntop.21:19
rebecca_I have a d600 from dell I just installed ubuntu9.04 and have activated the b43 driver. I checked and the driver included a firmware. I installed wicd and tried to connect to my AP to no avail. I then updated the firmware for my BCM4306 rev 3. and tried to connect again no joy. Any help?21:19
shankyarand, its a old laptop and seem to run ubuntu fine..21:19
teaquanyone wanna help a newcommer?21:19
nanotube!ask | teaqu21:19
ubottuteaqu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:19
jrock2004nanotube: ah well I am not sure which of the 40 computers are doing it, so I guess ntop would not work for me. Thanks for the idea21:19
shankyarand, just trying to enable desktop effect but get that error21:19
nanotubejrock2004: there must be a router somewhere on your network. look at the router logs.21:20
JenniferBno.. I found it on the link from gunbert .. it's \ .. thanks!!!21:20
scott1ok thanks for the help I will let you know if it works21:20
niktarisdoes anyone know why on the remix version there is a .deb pool21:20
nanotubejrock2004: or even run ntop on the router...21:20
arandshanky: yes, but to get compiz desktop effects you will need 3d accelerated graphics (normally this will be enabled by installing non-default video drivers)21:20
freemonttrollWould appreciate help from gurus: Is it possible to upgrade from MySQL 5.0 to 5.1 on Ubuntu Hardy? I ran sudo apt-get update / dist-upgrade and then install mysql-server mysql-client, but I was told that I already have latest version. I can't seem to find a backport of mysql 5.1 for hard heron ...21:20
teaquwell all i wanted is some guidens with how to activate wine, switching my keyboard to English (usa) keyboard layout21:21
teaquthat sorta thing21:21
nanotubefreemonttroll: hmm, first: have you enabled the backports repo? second, if yes, and it's not there,  maybe look for a PPA for mysql on launchpad.21:21
emil111Hello, I have huge trouble installing ubuntu desktop21:21
emil111Could someone help me ?21:21
emil111Hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu with Wubi, for hours, and it just won't work. Currently I completed the install but after boot into ubuntu it gives me " 0.000000 Unknown boot option 9.04: ignoring"   " 0.000000 Unknown boot option i386.iso: ignoring"21:21
nanotube!wine | teaqu21:22
ubottuteaqu: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:22
dudleyistill cannot figure out how to kill whatever is using 100% of my CPU21:22
freemonttrollnanotube, I'm new to ubuntu, how do I enable backports via terminal?21:22
Intergalacticteaqu to change keyboard settings, click on System, Preferences, Keyboard21:22
nanotubefreemonttroll: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, uncomment the lines that say "backports"21:22
guntbertdudleyi: install and use htop21:22
guntbert!info htop21:22
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 54 kB, installed size 196 kB21:22
arandshanky: could you run the command "glxinfo" in a command-line terminal and paste the output to www.pastebin.ubuntu.com ?21:23
Kelderdudleyi: there is a system monitor in administration - or you can do it in the terminal, top to see what it is and then killall it21:23
freemonttrollnanotube, there's no such line in there. What do I need to add in?21:23
freemonttrollnanotube, btw, I'm pretty sure mysql 5.1 is not in the hardy backports21:23
skeemerhi, i'm following the tutorial (https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html) and it worked perfect on a 9.04 server, but i get "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)" on the very first step on a 8.04 server. any ideas?21:23
freemonttrollnanotube, see this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/40356221:23
heoHow can I determine the alllowed time for my commmand?21:24
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arandfreemonttroll: It would probably be easier to do it from the software sources application in the administration menu.21:24
rebecca_I have a d600 from dell I just installed ubuntu9.04 and have activated the b43 driver. I checked and the driver included a firmware. I installed wicd and tried to connect to my AP to no avail. I then updated the firmware for my BCM4306 rev 3. and tried to connect again no joy. Any help?21:24
freemonttrollarand, I'm sshing in .. .this is a cloud server21:24
guntbertheo: "allowed time"?21:24
arandfreemonttroll: ah, excuses.21:24
heoguntbert: yes, I need to automate things like "yes | rm -r .git"21:25
nanotubefreemonttroll: yea, doesn't look like it's in backports. (you can check yourself on http://packages.ubuntu.com )21:25
nanotubefreemonttroll: well, let me see if i can find a mysql ppa21:25
scott1still dont work21:25
heoguntbert: I  need there some command that will kill the "yes"-command or ...21:25
heo... give "n"   as an input.21:25
freemonttrollnanotube, thx21:25
Flannelfreemonttroll, nanotube: 5.1 isn't in Karmic yet (or Jaunty), it won't be backported until that at least.21:25
arandscott1: so no youtube videos after restarting firefox?21:26
scott1said it installed but napster dont work I think shockwave is trying to work instead of flash21:26
freemonttrollFlannel, what version of Ubuntu do I need to run mysql 5.1. My app has hit a bug in 5.0 and I must upgrade.21:26
* ramma waves21:26
nanotubefreemonttroll: i guess your best bet is to just install the packages straight from mysql.com21:27
rammaAny conky savvy people here?21:27
freemonttrollnanotube, thanks I'll give that a shot21:27
guntbertheo: sorry, no idea - but maybe #bash is a better place for your problem?21:27
Flannelfreemonttroll: That bug may still be fixed in 5.0 in Ubuntu.  File a bug report, etc.  Do you have a bug number that can be referenced?21:27
arandscott1: and if you search for flash in synaptic is flashplugin-installer the only package currently installed?21:28
freemonttrollFlannel, I don't have the bug number handy, but I do know that I'm not running into the issue on my other dev box which has 5.121:29
Flannelfreemonttroll: 5.1 is still only in universe in Karmic.  I don't know what the rationale is for that.  But I suggest filing a bug on LP, and seeing if that particular patch can't be applied.21:29
rebecca_any one?21:29
nanotubefreemonttroll: here's the downloads list on mysql: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#downloads  either grab the "non-rpm" packages and untar, or grab the "generic rpm" and install with "alien" (alien converts rpms to debs)21:29
rammaAnyone know if there's a way to exclude seconds from the conky battery_time variable?21:30
freemonttrollFlannel, nanotube thx for your help!21:30
arandscott1: Ok...strange. We could try going for the alphaversion from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html then. First you'll have to uninstall the flashplugin-installer package.21:30
Crash1hdhow can I get the size of a folder including all subfolders in command line?21:30
nanotubeCrash1hd: du -sk .21:30
scott1how do I uninstall sorry like I said Im new at this linux but I must say its much better than bill gates21:31
nanotubeCrash1hd: or more generically, "du -sk path/to/folder"21:31
U238Willywhy isn't there a ubuntu command line primer?21:31
nanotubeU238Willy: there is. linuxcommand.org21:31
U238Willylet me check that.21:31
Crash1hdnanotube: thanks21:31
rebecca_any one21:32
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty21:32
guntbert!bash | U238Willy and see the last ink21:32
ubottuU238Willy and see the last ink: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:32
arandscott1: use synaptic again, right-click on the package and select remove.21:33
Flannelramma: You might try asking in #conky21:33
rammaFlannel: Will do, thanks.21:33
U238Willy here are the man pages for Fedora Core 4 presented in both alphabetical and functional order.21:33
arandrebecca_: probably no one around has answers, trying the forums might be the next step?21:34
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty21:34
U238Willythere are so ... so many good command line progs21:35
guntbert!bash > U238Willy and see the last ink21:35
ubottuU238Willy, please see my private message21:35
U238Willynot a good lineup.. i know many.. i just wish i could see a cool list of more.21:35
rebecca_I've looked in the forums there dont seem to be any posts with this issue21:35
IdleOneU238Willy, but nothing ask for help with something or got to #ubuntu-offtopic to chat21:36
arandrebecca_: well, then start a new one ;)21:36
synackfinhow do I tell which version of ubuntu I'm using?21:36
U238Willyi mean come on.. i use cp/mv/diff/rsync/various console progs.21:36
synackfin`uname -a` doesn't say21:36
shankyhow do i know if im in safe graphics mode21:36
U238Willybut.. i'll be quieit21:36
guntbertsynackfin: sb_reease -a21:37
IdleOnesynackfin, lsb_release a21:37
ikanoborisynackfin: cat /etc/issue21:37
* guntbert has a broken 'l' key it seems21:37
JenniferBguntbert: is there a way to output the screen output to a file ?21:37
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games with Jaunty21:38
ikanoboriJenniferB: Of any shell command like this: `echo 'foo' > file.txt` wil redirect stdout to a file.21:38
JenniferByes.. but I wanted to put it in the $HOME/.screenrc file so its done automatically ... so I only have to look at that file instead21:39
Slart!info pastebinit21:39
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB21:39
guntbertJenniferB: I believe yes, try ctrl+a H or ctrl+a h - have a look at man screen, search for key bindings21:39
InfectedWithDrewI need help getting my microphone to work on my Acer Aspire One.21:40
nickjohnsonIs there any support in Ubuntu for a minimal boot image (one that contains only what's absolutely required to run the installer, fetching everything else over HTTP)?21:40
guntbertikanobori: JenniferB was talking about screen21:40
Keldernickjohnson: sure, look for unetbootin21:40
Slart!minimal | nickjohnson21:40
ubottunickjohnson: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:40
ikanoboriguntbert: Yes, I got that much from her response.21:40
nickjohnsonOh, thanks :)21:40
nickjohnsonI looked in the standard FTP and couldn't find it21:40
ikanoboriJenniferB: You want to paste the current view in screen into a file?21:41
synackfinguntbert, idleone, ikanobori: thanks21:41
marcelo_hi, I am trying to build a program with make but it is using gcc ... -m32 and I would like to make it use -m64, export CFLAGS=-m64 did not help me. How should I make it use the right flags?21:41
emil111hello, is there a support for WUBI or can I ask questions here about installing ubuntu with wubi?21:42
elecim looking for a desktop calendar widget that accepts ical urls and looks nice.. rly just the one here would do but i cant find it anywhere http://clarkbw.net/blog/2006/12/08/mashing-google-calendar-and-gnome/21:42
homovitruviusin ubuntu, how do I make so that xmodmap is run on my ~/.xmodmaprc ?21:42
JenniferBikanobori: I was able to change the defscrollback 5000 ..  I want that output to be written to a file.. or if I can view it wherever it is..21:43
InfectedWithDrewI need help getting my microphone to work on my Acer Aspire One.21:43
IdleOneask emil11121:43
Intergalacticare you using linpus on your acer aspire one?21:44
asodinnI've been googling this all day and havnt had any luck.  I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a desktop environment for linux, that consists of nothing more than a web browser. perferably workable on DSL, but Ubuntu will be ok to start.21:44
TetracommHello, I am having an extremely frustrating problem which I can't find a solution to, My messengers (Xchat and Pidgin) take a long time to realize that the internet connection is disconnected, and instead of disconnecting normally like in Windows, why is that?21:44
TetracommIt is giving me a headache.21:44
guntbert!wubi | emil111 have you seen21:45
ubottuemil111 have you seen: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:45
U238Willyasodinn, if you're looking for low-end21:45
ikanoboriJenniferB: Afaik you can only access it through the copy mode (C-a [) which has vim-style navigation, you can then copy text and save it into a file (by pasting it in some eidtor).21:45
emil111I've spend two days trying to install ubuntu next to my XP from live cd and from USB key. the install completes but then I get either an error with the GRUB bootloader, or other problems, either way I can't boot into ubuntu and I have to repair my xp to be able to use that.   SO I went for WUBI as another try and this also installs and completes with no problem.21:45
U238Willytry xubuntu21:45
emil111but cannot boot21:45
ikanoboriJenniferB: I believed the scrollback buffer is 'in memory'.21:45
fluurpi think i have the same problem like Tetracomm21:45
InfectedWithDrewI need help getting my microphone to work on my Acer Aspire One.21:45
emil111boot after installing WUBI  gives me "0.000000 unknown boot option  9.04: ignoring"       "0.000000 unknown boot option  i386.iso: ignoring"21:45
ks3JenniferB, It's in the man page. Ctrl-A + H starts logging to a file, or starting screen with the -L argument starts it automatically.21:46
JenniferBikanobori: ook.. but I think there should be a way :P21:46
natrixnatrix89Can I ask a html related question? could you please help? if i create many divs in a row.. like <div>content</div> div>content</div> div>content</div> div>content</div>  They appear all in one column (like <div><br><div><br><div> etc). Does anyone know, how to manage them to be in one row, and then in next line, when neccesary?21:46
ikanoborinatrixnatrix89: #html21:46
asodinnits not specificly low end that I am looking for, I pretty much need it to have nothing but a web browser, for end user specifics.21:46
ikanoborinatrixnatrix89: Also it a CSS specific question: #css.21:47
natrixnatrix89ikanobori: but its silence in there21:47
guntbert!ot | natrixnatrix8921:47
ubottunatrixnatrix89: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:47
natrixnatrix89thought guys here could know..21:47
ikanoborinatrixnatrix89: I know perfectly fine, I just won't answer in *this* channel.21:47
LioN_LXNeed help with sound delay in some games21:47
IdleOneLioN_LX, try giving more specific info on your issue. it might help others to help you21:48
U238Willyasodinn, xubuntu comes with firefox and very little else loaded.21:48
JenniferBks3: ook.. great.. can I automate this somehow.. can I run a script for this ( i am already running a script for the app that starts the output so that would be great)21:48
Intergalacticnatrixnatrix89: it'll display as you want in one line if you put the < at the start of the opening <div> tags21:48
LioN_LXIdle0ne, I've an audio delay when I start to play some game21:49
danbhfiveLioN_LX: what game?21:49
IdleOnemuch better21:49
shankyhow do i install a zip icon set from gnome-look21:49
LioN_LXdanbhfive, Savage 2 and Tremulous21:50
U238Willy!xubuntu | asodinn21:50
ubottuasodinn: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:50
LioN_LXdanbhfive, Savage 2 and Tremulous21:50
ks3JenniferB, Probably? I'd imagine you could run your script with "screen -L /path/to/script", or just start screen as "screen -L" instead of just "screen".21:50
danbhfiveLioN_LX: does savage 2 use openAL?21:51
LioN_LXdanbhfive, humm21:51
odonatais it possible to have fail2ban to mail to an "external" account, without having to set up a complete server?21:51
LioN_LXdanbhfive, I don't know man21:51
danbhfiveLioN_LX: whats the package name?21:51
LioN_LXdanbhfive, Savage2Install-1.5.0-i686.bin21:52
BonnerAny chance I could get a hand with my wireless?21:53
mloHow I can boot my ubuntu 8.10 after deleting 'evolution' and other libraries by accident?21:53
guntbertodonata: I guess #smtp would be the better pace for your problem21:53
BonnerFore some reason, the card seems to work fine and detect networks, but it refuses to connect to them21:53
BonnerI can't figure it out21:53
shankyinstall icon packs from gnome-look help?21:53
danbhfiveLioN_LX: that's not a package, o well.  I suspect if you follow the directions for openal on pulseperfectsetup, it may get tremulous working.  For Savage, I dunno.  Maybe some of the other sound systems on PPF: http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup#OpenALApplications21:53
InfectedWithDrewAnybody want to help me get my microphone working on my Acer Aspire One?21:53
odonataguntbert: good hint21:53
guntbertodonata: :)21:54
LioN_LXdanbhfive, but pulseaudio kill my sound21:54
odonatajust chanserv there :(21:54
odonatamajor b00 :D21:54
danbhfiveLioN_LX: ah, ok, I assumed you were using pulse21:54
LioN_LXdanbhfive, no... I'm using ALSA21:55
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Goosenethi @ all21:55
odonatathe idea was to have just something to send mail with, not have any incoming.21:55
archae0pteryxI'm having trouble figuring out how to start multiple desktops for multiple remote users ... I don't x11vnc isn't right because thats the local console, and the thin client interface isn't right because the remote computers aren't thin clients and aren't booting remotely.  I tried Xephr and gdmflexiserver but couldn't get them to work21:55
odonataarchae0pteryx: have u been lookin at freenx ?21:56
archae0pteryxNo, I haven't heard of that one21:56
odonatarunning over SSH21:56
odonataits fast too.21:56
bob489hi, i am trying to get my i7 running w/ ubuntu... i wanted to know which disk i should download21:56
asodinnalright I'll check it out U23821:56
archae0pteryxodonata: does it work for multiple users, if it doesn't x11vnc seems just as good21:57
odonatau could pick a database of users, or just use system users.21:57
odonatayea ofc21:57
archae0pteryxodonata: thank you, I'll give it a try21:57
odonatau get an xsession21:57
guntbertodonata: there is always "mail" to send mai...21:57
U238WillyBonner, do you know what chipset you have and have you checked out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported21:57
gogetabob489: 64bit cd21:58
BonnerU238Willy: It's a Marvell chipset. I had to fight to get it to work, and it seems to work fine21:58
BonnerIt just won't connect to anything. It has me buggered21:58
odonataguntbert: to just mail the output of fail2ban thingy?21:59
U238Willyouch... I've connected some d-links, linksys, and broadcoms.21:59
bob489gogeta: the standard one should work though?21:59
bob489or do i need the alt install?22:00
BonnerThis is a Netgear piece of crap22:00
BonnerEven getting my Broadcom card to work on an Arch install was easier than this :P22:00
U238WillyBonner, jaunty or intrepid?22:01
marcelo_I am getting into trouble when compiling with gcc using option g++ -m32 does amd64 supports 32 bit programs?22:01
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BonnerIt says something about ndisgtk oin the link you posted me. I'll give that a poke around22:02
leachim6|nb-I installed ubuntu netbook remix, is there a way to disable maximus in regular mode, but keep it enabled in netbook mode?22:03
guntbertodonata: I'm realy only fishing around as I never used fail2ban, but you can pipe the output of a program to mail22:04
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KamilionHow do I build loadable kernel modules for an installer CD? I have a system here that wants "mpt2sas", but it is not on the installer CD.22:04
gogetastop boring me22:05
arandBonner: I got a netgear card working using ndiswarapper, might be a different card though, and this was on puppy linux.22:05
Flannelgogeta: Is there something we can help you with today?22:06
gogetaFlannel: lol wating on the good questions to come in22:06
Flannelgogeta: Alright.  Please be a bit more polite while you wait then.22:06
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gogetaFlannel: if i dont fall asleep at the helm22:08
arandBonner: I think I used these drivers: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=290470#290470 along with ndiswrapper.22:08
arandBonner: but again, that might well be a completely different make than your card.22:09
gogetaarand: you can ask the bot for ubuntu wifi docs and guids22:09
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guntbertodonata: try ls | mail <your account>, it works22:10
BonnerWell I get hardware present, driver present22:10
BonnerSo no problems there22:10
gogeta!wifi | Bonner22:11
ubottuBonner: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:11
arandBonner: ah, well then the issue might be otherwise.22:11
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gogetajust look up your card\22:11
saltairhi how do I get java to work on my ubuntu?22:12
saltairi have 9.0422:12
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:12
gogetasaltair: install it22:12
nztalwhats the normal way to awaken a computer from hibernate ?  the power button as if you were turning it on ?22:12
gogetanztal: yes22:12
guntbertnztal: yes22:12
saltairwell I know I need to install it, but it seems to have trouble installing..22:12
dudleyiwhy is apt-check using 80% of my CPU?22:12
BonnerSomething else to note22:12
Intergalacticsaltair, is it to play games on your browser... e.g. runescape?22:12
ipatrol6010My terminal is complaining that /sbin/mount.vboxsf doesn't exist when it does22:12
nztalgogeta, guntbert, thank you.22:13
BonnerThe card only works with the WICD network manager22:13
saltairuhh well its the painting thing but i can test that too22:13
IdleOne!java > saltair22:13
ubottusaltair, please see my private message22:13
BonnerUsing Network-manager, I get nothing out of it22:13
arandsaltair: in what way does it not install?22:13
armenceIs there somebody who could help me out with enabling wsgi and cgi (python and perl) on my apache2 web server? I have tried to google those things, but I have yet to succeed22:13
dz0I'm trying to install ubuntu server on a 64bit amd with SATA disks, and I get "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block"22:13
dz0help please22:13
gogetanztal: you need the java plugin as well for stuff to work inside firefox22:13
guntbertdudleyi: are you checking with top/htop?22:13
Intergalacticyou might need to install a java equivalent (it is supported by Sun too) calls Icedtea22:13
saltairarand, I did it via terminal22:13
saltairarand, but i couldnt click ok to get it installed..22:14
nztalgogeta, firefox ?  i was speaking of hibernate22:14
saltairI used this site http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-904-jaunty.html22:14
ipatrol6010How to I get the terminal to see and recognize the file that exists?22:14
prince_jammyssaltair: press tab and then OK22:14
nztalgogeta :)22:14
prince_jammyssaltair: you need to hit tab to get to the ok button22:14
IdleOnesaltair, use the tab key to select OK ( make it blue ) then enter22:14
saltairyep thanks22:14
leachim6|nb-how do I disable maximus without uninstalling it?22:14
saltairwell i get this now22:15
saltairE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:15
IdleOneso run that command22:15
IdleOnesudo dpkg --configure -a22:15
ZzeissBad_Andy: So- you're on in Windows now?22:15
Wast3d2009I got a problem...22:15
Wast3d2009I try to unrar22:15
Wast3d2009with unrar -e file.rar22:16
Wast3d2009But it isnt working22:16
Wast3d2009What i do wrong?22:16
guntbert!rar | Wast3d200922:16
ubottuWast3d2009: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:16
gogetaWast3d2009: might be a bad file22:16
ipatrol6010My terminal is partially blind, help!22:16
ipatrol6010It doesn't see a file22:16
Wast3d2009gogeta no no instead of upacking it shows me a list of commands...22:17
ikanoboriipatrol6010: 'see'22:17
leachim6|nb-...is it a hidden file...22:17
leachim6|nb-does it begin with a dot?22:17
ipatrol6010As in know that it exists22:17
ikanoboriipatrol6010: What is the filename?22:17
gogetaWast3d2009: no -22:17
ipatrol6010A file that exists, the terminal says it does not22:17
ipatrol6010Gimme a sec...22:17
leachim6|nb-what is the file name22:17
gogetaunrar e file.rar22:17
arandipatrol6010: what file are we talking about here?22:17
Wast3d2009gogeta lol ok ^^22:17
Wast3d2009gogeta worked lol22:18
leachim6|nb-maybe sbin is not in your path22:18
Wast3d2009gogeta what a dumb typo ^^22:18
ipatrol6010How do I add it?22:18
ikanoboriipatrol6010: Pastebin the output of your terminal when you enter this command: pwd && ls -a22:18
ipatrol6010How do I add sbin to my path?22:18
gogetaWast3d2009: most linux stuff uses - unrar is a very rare one also once you ave installed unrar the gui can unrar now to22:18
ipatrol6010Gimme a sec22:18
ikanoboriipatrol6010: While you are in the folder where you should 'see' the file.22:19
gogetaWast3d2009: save some typin22:19
Wast3d2009gogeta i had all... but i used -e which was a common typo...22:19
ikanoboriipatrol6010: Also pastebin the output of stat /sbbin/mount.vboxsf22:19
gogetaWast3d2009: right click and extract will work now to22:19
ikanoboriErrr, /sbin/mount.vboxsf offcourse.22:19
Wast3d2009gogeta SSH only for me ;)22:19
gogetaWast3d2009: ahh22:19
ipatrol6010root@username-ubuntu:/home/username# mount -t vboxsf Shared /Home/username/Sharing22:20
ipatrol6010/sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such file or directory22:20
ipatrol6010So what's the problem?22:21
arandipatrol6010: So the file in question is not there?22:21
orochihaving a problem with the fast user switching applet in jaunty...when i select the option to lock the screen it won't work on the first try because gnome-screensaver apparently isn't running, on the second try it works...any ideas?22:21
ipatrol6010The file in question is there22:21
saltairhow do you fix broken packages?22:21
ipatrol6010But if I call it in the terminal, the terminal says it's not there22:21
unopipatrol6010, echo $PATH22:21
=== NacH is now known as fred315008
ikanoboriunop: $PATH has nothing to do with this.22:22
coffeebean[2]I need help installing any drivers for ATI graphics card in ubuntu while offline.22:23
ikanoboriipatrol6010: You know what that command does, do you?22:23
ikanoboriOr are you typing this from a tutorial?22:23
ipatrol6010A manual page22:23
unopipatrol6010, ls -l /sbin/mount.vboxsf22:23
ipatrol6010What does that do?22:23
baxter_kylieHi. Is the alternative gui to ubuntu netbook remix an installable package in a normal 9.04 installation?22:23
ikanoboriipatrol6010: Pretty much the same as I asked you to do earlier on.22:23
ikanoboriIt lists the file.22:24
ipatrol6010bash: -l: command not found22:24
unopipatrol6010, there's an  ls  preceding -l22:24
ipatrol6010no, lemme try that22:24
unopipatrol6010, did you mean  vboxfs  instead ?22:24
ipatrol6010-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 10536 2009-08-14 14:43 /sbin/mount.vboxsf22:25
InfectedWithDrewI need help getting my microphone to work on my Acer Aspire One (250 model)22:25
ikanoboriAfaik you need to do mount.vboxsf Shared /home/shared22:25
ipatrol6010So enter mount.vboxsf Shared /home/shared ?22:25
coffeebean[2]baxter_kylie: check this tutorial, I didn't read much but it might help: http://markusthielmann.com/blog/installing_ubuntu_netbook_remix_ubuntu_hardy_80422:26
ipatrol6010mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such file or directory22:26
coffeebean[2]InfectedWithDrew: is it a regular microphone, or a usb one?22:27
skazi21101can somebody help me with the sound in 9.10. Headphones don`t pay anything but speakers okey22:27
skazi21101how fix it&22:27
InfectedWithDrewcoffeebean[2]: It's built into my computer22:27
ikanoboriipatrol6010: Then the last argument does not exist.22:27
ipatrol6010But it does22:27
ikanoboriipatrol6010: What is the output of stat /Home/username/Sharing22:28
coffeebean[2]InfectedWithDrew: Hmm... so did you try running it with any programs, like Audacity perhaps?22:28
baxter_kyliecoffeebean[2]: Thanks.22:28
coffeebean[2]baxter_kylie: no prob.22:28
rabarwhen I try to run orbited from upstart via "sudo start orbited" , it starts and then immediately stops saying "start: orbited main process terminated with status 2 " ..any idea why this would happen?22:29
InfectedWithDrewcoffeebean[2]: Yes, sound recorder and Skype.  I've messed with my levels and such.  I get the feeling you can't help my particular situation because I'm on a wonky computer.22:29
bullitquick question22:29
baxter_kylieQ: Does anyone know of good media organization software? (This is mostly for DVD and Record collections). I know there are some decent tools that I read about years ago but I can't remember any now.22:29
U238Willyskazi21101, open volume control by right-clicking on the speaker icon (upper right) go to switches and look for headphone sense.22:29
ikanoboriipatrol6010: Does that do antyhing?22:29
bullitQ : how to change the permissions of a directory ?22:29
skazi21101there is no headphones22:29
coffeebean[2]baxter_kylie: You could try Fluendo media center.22:29
ikanoboribullit: Command line or graphical?22:30
skazi21101U238Willy: there is no headphones22:30
bullitikanobori : either , just a quick fix , commandline would be better22:30
ikanoboribullit: With the chmod/chown commands.22:30
ikanoboriman chmod/man chown, or google them.22:30
U238Willyskazi21101, you're using a headphone jack on your card?22:31
skazi21101U238Willy: yes22:31
coffeebean[2]Hello, I need help installing drivers for ATI graphics card while offline.22:31
skazi21101U238Willy: it 9.10 not 9.0422:31
guntbert!9.10 | skazi2110122:31
ubottuskazi21101: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:31
coffeebean[2]When I try installing, I always get problems.22:31
=== basti2 is now known as basti
U238Willyyep... don't work with 9.10 sorry22:31
skazi21101U238Willy: i see. going #ubuntu+122:32
baxter_kyliecoffeebean[2]: Ahh. Good program but too advanced for my grandfather (80yr old who's decided to get his first computer). He just wants to organize his old EP collection.22:32
bullitikanobori , i thank you , permissions is fixed22:34
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
coffeebean[2]baxter_kylie: Hmm... sorry, what's an EP again?22:34
* guntbert thinks we watch something like a bot race22:35
oddyI LOVE UBUNTU22:35
nanotubebaxter_kylie: try any of the suggestions in this thread: http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/06/21/011521422:36
coffeebean[2]oddy: Yay! It's awesome!22:36
nanotubebaxter_kylie: e.g., gtktalog22:36
baxter_kyliecoffeebean[2]: Extended Play -- vinyl records. :)22:37
baxter_kylienanotube: thanks.22:37
joseoi como vai vc22:37
littlespywhen will gnome 2.26 be in portage?22:37
Andre_Rehi, i have a problem22:37
nanotubejose: oi22:37
nanotubelittlespy: wrong distro :)22:38
Andre_Rei want to install a new font but if i enter fonts:// into nautilus it can't find the folder22:38
bullitQ : If changing permissions , how to change the permissions of an entire folder ?22:38
josevc esta bem22:38
nanotubebullit: chmod -R22:38
ikanoboribullit: -R for recursive chmod.22:38
ikanoboriSame goes for chown.22:38
KapliHi, does anyone know if there are any other Xorg logs than the ones in the /var/log folder?22:38
nanotubeikanobori: same goes for many things :)22:38
=== adam is now known as Guest50352
bullitQ : plz elaborate on what Recursive means (not a native speaker)22:39
nanotubeKapli: just those, afaik22:39
nanotubebullit: recursive in this case means "this dir, and everything under it"22:39
Guest50352which cli command allows me to edit user information created with useradd22:39
KapliWeird, because I just installed ATI proprietary drivers and when I rebooted I came into some weird mode and I could view xorg logs that said what was wrong22:39
nanotubeGuest50352: usermod ?22:39
ikanoborinanotube: This directory, everything in it, and all directories in the directories in it.22:40
ikanoboriErr. bullit ^^22:40
coffeebean[2]built: I know that Recursive is something that tends to repeat in an acronym, like GNU, where the G in GNU is GNU.22:40
nanotubeikanobori: :)22:40
KapliI could either start ubuntu in low graphics mode, view logs and change some stuff or troubleshoot22:40
bullitok thanks guys22:40
nanotubebullit: np :)22:40
coffeebean[2]built: or like WINE, where the W stands for WINE.22:40
bullitcoffeebean , i dont get that ? is it phun intended ?22:41
coffeebean[2]built: WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator22:41
coffeebean[2]built: something like that.22:41
Bow2`Shinocant get youtube videos to play audio on my usb Headset22:41
nanotubebullit: coffeebean[2] is talking about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_acronym22:42
ikanoboribullit: Recurrance is something that repeats itself.22:42
ikanoboriRecursive means keep applying this until you run out of options.22:42
coffeebean[2]nanotube: Yep, I was talking about that.22:42
InfectedWithDrewHow do I compile this tarball I have?22:43
nanotubecoffeebean[2]: those /are/ fun :)22:43
coffeebean[2]Need help with installing ATI Drivers for ATI Radeon HD 9800.22:43
skryptI just installed GRUB2 via apt-get and now I can't boot into ubuntu, but I can boot to windows.22:43
skryptHow can I fix this?22:43
coffeebean[2]I need to install it offline.22:43
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: extract the tar, and read the README file inside (there usually is one)22:43
joseoi vc esta bem22:44
nanotubejose: do you have a question?22:44
bullitstupid thing is , for some weird reason, the program i am using still cant write logfiles to that directory22:44
Guest50352nanotube: seems usernod was what I was looking for but how the hell do I change comment with it? Usernod -c username "comment"??22:44
h4fhi all . is there a auto keyboard layout switching program in Ubuntu ?22:44
InfectedWithDrewnanotube: Nothing useful in the readme22:45
nanotubeGuest50352: read "man usermod" for usage details22:45
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: well, the "usual" thing is to run "./configure; make; make install"22:45
h4fhi all . is there a auto keyboard layout switching program in Ubuntu ?22:45
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: btw, what tarball are you trying to install?22:46
Intergalactich4f System, Preferences, Keyboard to change layouts22:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:46
h4fIntergalactic: I know that. but I need it to be switched automaticly22:46
Intergalacticmmmm have fun with that22:46
arandh4f: and then go to advanced layout setting and set a shortcut key for switching?22:46
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: hmm... look on the project website for installation instructions, that's probably the best bet, if there's no "configure" in the directory.22:47
arandh4f: "layout options" was the thing.22:47
nanotubebullit: which directory, and what program, and how are you running the program?22:48
h4f arand: I am typing in one chat with 1 layout in second with 2 layout. some time I messed up. I need a tool which will recognise in which language I am typing and will change layouts accordingly22:48
nanotubeh4f: no tool can read your mind.22:48
h4f nanotube: yeap but it can recognise WORDS22:49
InfectedWithDrewnanotube: There's nothing on the project site either.  Do I cd to ~/Desktop or to ~/Desktop/whatever-directory-this-software-is-in22:49
arandh4f: hum, that will be tricky...22:49
bullitnanotube : i am reluctant to tell you the program, but as far as i know it starts with sudo, then it drops it sudo rights and it is suddenly unable to write logfiles22:49
h4farand: there was a program like that in windows :(22:49
nanotubeh4f: how would it know if you want to type "hello" or "ncdoe" (for example)? wouldn't it keep switching layouts on you whenever you need to type some unusual combinations?22:50
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: the latter.22:50
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
nanotubebullit: well, if the program is doing something weird, who knows what's going on...22:51
Bow2`Shinocant get youtube videos to play audio on my usb Headset. PLz help :322:51
h4f nanotube: yeap hello = руддщ in russian. so it can recognise that word руддщ in russian does not exist and swich auto to English layout22:51
h4f  nanotube: and the other way round привет = ghbdtn22:52
h4fdoes any one understood at least what I want :D22:53
nanotubeh4f: i understand what you want... but i think there's no software like that - at least not that i'm aware of. just set the layout switch hotkey to something easy, and use it :)22:54
arandh4f: seems like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xneur might be worth diggin into.22:54
mlissnerHas anybody ever experienced problems getting banshee to load? It seems like the GUI is having issues. I replaced banshee's .gconf and .config files from a backup, and did an aptitude reinstall banshee, but no progress. Any ideas?22:55
h4fnanotube:  yeap but as I am keeping typing in 2-3 languages it gets really annoying . and I am messing things up22:55
gjli've justed booted the 9.10 alpha 4 live cd, but i get taken to a terminal login prompt22:56
gjlis that to be expected?22:56
emil1111hello, I am desperately trying to install ubuntu desktop but it won't work. I have checked the md5 and it's good for the live cd I downloaded. I tried installing from live cd, from usb boot , with WUBI and nothing does it. Does any one have a suggestion or a forum thread you can point me to ?22:56
nanotubeh4f: if you're a coder, you could fairly easily make a prog like that. just have to have it monitoring your keyboard input, and load it up with a few dictionaries.22:56
emil1111for anyone who saw me yesterday, I was running ubuntu on the live cd then, that works fine, but install is impossible22:56
phrostbiteWhat program do I use to burn an iso?22:57
coffeebean[2]emil1111: you trying to install with wubi?22:57
gjli've justed booted the 9.10 alpha 4 live cd, but i get taken to a terminal login prompt22:57
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emil1111coffeebean[2] : yes that's what I 'm currently trying22:57
gjlis that to be expected?22:57
emil1111it gets stuck in "creating the virtual disks"22:57
h4fnanotube: seems that there is already a solution "xneur"22:57
arandphrostbite: infrarecorder on win, brasero/k3b on ubuntu22:57
coffeebean[2]emil1111: what version of windows?22:57
emil1111xp sp322:57
phrostbiteThank you arand22:58
coffeebean[2]emil1111: hm...22:58
nanotubeh4f: cool :)22:58
h4farand: thank. that seems exactly what I wanted22:58
coffeebean[2]emil1111: you burnt the disc already?22:58
gjlis anyone out there running ubuntu 9.10 alpha 4?22:58
emil1111coffeebean[2]:  yes I have22:58
TwoTwentyI tried it on my netbook22:58
danbhfive!910 | gjl22:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 91022:59
emil1111coffeebean[2]: I have a burned live cd,  I've made a usb boot with the tool from inside ubuntu live,  and I'm trying to run wubi22:59
IdleOnenanotube, Im not a coder but would it not be easier to have the program monitor the window and then have it set the appropriate layout. would involve some setting of preferred layout for the windows at first22:59
danbhfivegjl: you should ask in #ubuntu+122:59
gjlok, thanks22:59
nanotubeIdleOne: but windows always change... would be certainly /easier/ to implement, but /not/ easier to use.22:59
emil1111the live cd works fine for booting and running live, but for install, it does install and then there is some error iwth the GRUB bootloader and it gets stuck trying to boot22:59
arandh4f: glad to help, kinda dissapointed it doesn't support swedish, I wanted to give it a spin :)23:00
IdleOnenanotube, the window titles don't normally change or maybe they do. in any case he found his answer23:00
coffeebean[2]emil1111: I'm still thinking that it has to do with a corrupt cd.23:00
coffeebean[2]emil1111: hold on let me check.23:00
emil1111coffeebean[2]: sure23:00
InfectedWithDrewnanotube: I broke my entire sound system.  Next time I will not bother with compiling from source.23:00
nanotubeIdleOne: no, i mean windows themselves. you open a new tab - there's a new window. you close irc and tomorrow open it again, have to reset again... etc. but yea, xneur seems to do the trick quite nicely.23:01
ascheelCan someone tell me how to cat a man page to stdout?23:01
h4fnanotube: arand: thanks works great23:02
nanotubeascheel: man whatever | cat23:02
ascheelnanotube thanks!  :)23:02
nanotubeInfectedWithDrew: well, i guess you better reinstall from the repos the alsa package23:02
IdleOnenanotube, well #ubuntu is always #ubuntu then set the pref layout and save that for next time it is opened. lol not sure why Im still on this23:02
ascheelnanotube: That works awesome23:02
coffeebean[2]emil1111: try downloading wubi and installing it.23:02
th0rnanotube: I gotta ask...what does that do for you that 'man' doesn't?23:02
nanotubeIdleOne: i guess... but when you write email, always new windows, so would be useless. :)23:03
nanotubeth0r: not for me, for ascheel, because he asked.23:03
nanotubeIdleOne: no prob, it's fun to think about it :)23:03
gjlemil1111, have you tried installing after you boot the live cd environment?23:03
nanotubeascheel: np :)23:03
ascheelth0r: Some terminals don't let you scroll back up to the man page, so you have to bring it up in a idfferent terminal window.23:03
seanthegeekI have a new otherboard installed in my box that is now using ipv6 out of the box, now xorg wont work23:03
ascheelth0r: where if I stick it in the same terminal, its' far easier to reference23:04
seanthegeekcan someone help?23:04
ascheelth0r: or some pages, I just want to | it to grep23:04
nanotubeascheel: even if you press "b" while in man page?23:04
th0rascheel: you know you can search within 'man'23:04
nanotubeascheel: which should scroll back by one page23:04
nanotubeascheel: try also "man man" :) very helpful23:05
ascheelyeah, I know I can search it, but if I'm already back at the CLI out of the man page, I can't re-reference it without going back into man.23:05
ascheelsometimes I just want it in my terminal windows as part of the scrollback23:05
nanotubeascheel: well, then you're good to go with |cat :)23:05
nanotubewell i'm outtahere. ttyl y'all.23:06
emil1111coffeebean[2]: : when I try downloading wubi it gets stuck trying to download the .iso.  FAQ says it'e behind a firewall and to DL the iso myself, which I did23:06
ninjaslimhow can i set a custom .Xdefaults to be sourced always when a terminal is opened?23:06
InfectedWithDrewnanotube: I have to compile it with certain options according to the ubuntu documentation23:06
tim1Hey, I have a problem with my headphones not working23:06
H8sMikeMooreemil1111 - just burn the iso image to a disk and use it that way23:06
wesleyhello guys, have a dell dimension 8300 with an audigy 2 zs, and ubuntu wont play audio, but it did...??23:07
emil1111gjl: yes I tried installing from live boot that and got some I/O error  with a comment "probably because of cd error or hard drive error"23:07
tim1My headphones don't work but my speakers do23:07
H8sMikeMooreemil111- make sure you burn the disc as slow as possible23:07
H8sMikeMooretim1 - it might be a driver issue23:07
emil1111H8sMikeMoore: I'll try burning a new cd and doing it slow23:07
emil1111ill get back here after I try those things23:08
coffeebeanemil1111: it's best if you download wubi.23:08
H8sMikeMooreemil1111 - make sure you burn it as an iso image.23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audigy23:08
emil1111coffeebean[2]: I did dl wubi but wubi cannot dl the .iso23:08
H8sMikeMoorei personally think wubi sucks23:08
IdleOne!info audigy23:08
ubottuPackage audigy does not exist in jaunty23:08
h4fhow do I mount an *.mdf file ? mount FXCLUB.mds /media/image/ -t iso9660 -o loop says wrong FS type23:09
h4fsame think with ьва23:09
coffeebeanemil1111: copy the wubi isntaller right in the same folder as the iso.23:09
emil1111coffe: done that23:09
galrix1is there a way to fix GNOME Power Manager without reinstalling?23:10
wesleycan anyone help me i have an audigy 2 zs, will not work in ubuntu 8.10 no matter what23:10
Maruzzu__ubuntu ita?23:10
luckyMaruzzu__: italia? #ubuntu-it23:10
Maruzzu__canel ubuntu italiano?23:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:10
tim1Okay fixed the sound23:10
tim1But I have static now :/23:10
emil1111is there an image host like pastebin where I don't have to log in ot host images?23:10
coffeebeanemil1111: so the installation didn't work still?23:10
tim1Any fixes for the static sound in my headphones?23:11
Maruzzu__lucky: thanks23:11
luckyemil1111: try imageshack.us23:11
emil1111got this now http://sv.tinypic.com/r/15mhcls/323:12
wesleyplease, can anyone please help, ubuntu 8.10 with an audigy 2 zs sound card. it's not the hardware.23:12
tim1Can anyone help me with my headphone problem?23:12
mlissnerHi, anybody have any ideas on how to get the banshee player's gui to show up? It seems like it's broken...23:12
tim1I have a constant static noise23:12
tim1It's only solved when I turn the volume all the way down, or muting the master or headphone channels23:12
emil1111saying "permission denied. please check rev18...log"   which is 700Mb txt file can't even open it23:12
emil1111wubi-9.04-rev128.log   771Mb23:13
H8sMikeMooretim1 - it might be a driver issue23:13
mlissnerI've tried reinstalling mono-runtime and banshee, but neither is working.23:13
tim1I remember installing some updates a few minutes ago, and *bam*, static23:13
tim1Also, can you help me with it?23:13
tim1I'm a newb to Linux23:13
H8sMikeMooretim1 - it was working prior to the update?23:14
wesleyi guess im gonna have to go back to windows, too bad.23:14
tim1The static only came after the updates23:14
ascheellol wesley.  So you don't find answers in 10 minutes so you leave?23:14
ascheel!patience | wesley23:14
H8sMikeMoorewesley, goto ubuntuforums.org23:14
wesleyum, ive been working on this for 3 days.23:14
ubottuwesley: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:14
ascheelwesley: you tried help.ubuntu.com?23:14
CaptainCrookhehehe if you don't computing maybe windows is good for you...23:15
H8sMikeMooretim 1 - i suggest going to ubuntuforums.org theyre better suited to answer23:15
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tim1I already checked23:15
tim1I googled and everything23:15
H8sMikeMoorepost a question23:15
H8sMikeMooreregister on the forums and ask23:15
tim1Okey doke23:15
IdleOnewesley, http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D194203&ei=HeKFStH2H5Wltged3NznDA&rct=j&q=audigy+2+zs+ubuntu&usg=AFQjCNGBdBB_z3WIr4PVNwrP-dhYI3quYg&sig2=DPJag4-0ZnIPoDmy5vEw1Q23:16
IdleOnefirst link in google23:16
wesleyi dont think you understand, i have gon throughout the entire library of data at ubuntu.com. other os's can play audio just fine on this, ubuntu cannot. im in need of help, even been on the boards with this. forgive me for this, but ubuntu is in the alpha-beta stages at best it seems to me23:16
H8sMikeMoorewesley - i garuntee you dont have your driver installed. goto the forums and ask someone for help23:17
ascheelwesley: I use it for my primary workstations both at work and for gaming at home.  /shrug23:17
IdleOnewell then I say we all drop ubuntu and go to another os23:17
wesleyi did, guess what, the driver is installed, guaranteed...23:17
H8sMikeMooreit mightbe out of date23:17
ascheellol easy there killer.  People are trying to help you out.23:18
wesleyohh, and every once in a great while ubuntu makes noise through these speakers, then it does not23:18
H8sMikeMoorehow did you install it?23:18
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H8sMikeMooreare you talking about ubuntu or the sound driver23:18
mujoI have a problem booting after an update to 2.6.27-14, it cant find the root device and falls back on busybox, I tried rootdelay=90 and it doesnt work23:18
H8sMikeMoorebecause most drivers for ubuntu do not come on cd, you must download them23:18
ascheelwesley:  Which Ubuntu you on?23:19
wesleycreative has no driver for ubuntu. or linux for that matter. i installed the driver myself, followed instructions on ubuntu.com23:19
H8sMikeMoorewesley, go into the terminal time alsamixer and make sure everything is turned up.23:19
H8sMikeMooreubuntu comes with volume down by default23:19
H8sMikeMoorei dont know why23:19
H8sMikeMoorealso, wesley, chances are someone made a driver for your hardware that isnt employed by creative23:20
wesleyyeah, i tried that too, for  some odd reason it only shows pulse audio instead of the audigy, and only gives me 1 mixer channel which always says off, and i dont know how to turn it on there. i did use ubuntu's mixer audio volume program and went into properties and set everything to maximum, after turning all oprtions on23:20
H8sMikeMooredo it in the terminal23:21
H8sMikeMoorejust try the terminal way first before we rule it out23:21
wesleyi just did, but ok23:21
kassahis there a good repo for getting more current copies of php and/or subversion?23:21
wesleyyeah pulseaudio only, 1 chennel only23:22
ascheelkassah: my advice is to ask in #php and #svn where to get their most recent releasses.23:22
H8sMikeMooreif you go into the terminal and type alsamixer what do you see23:22
wesleyHBsMikeMoore, are you talking to me? i typed in the infor twice already...?? but, once again, pulseaudio, 1 channnel only23:23
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H8sMikeMoorewesley, im asking you what you see if you go into the terminal and type alsamixer23:23
ascheelwesley, copy the entire screen H8sMikeMoore is taking you to and put it in http://paste.ubuntu.com please23:23
wesleysorry for  comeing off angry, but i am. 8.04 works on here. 8.10, and now 9.04, dont.. and 8.04 only played once in a blue moon23:24
ascheelwesley: getting angry at this channel isn't going to fix the channel, but it WILL cause you problems.  Just chill out since it's very obvious people are trying their best to help you out.  Don't get P-O'ed at them.23:24
ascheelisn't going to fix the problem*23:25
mlissnerascheel: Sometimes it makes you feel better though.23:25
ascheelmlissner: I have a stock of puppies in my garage to kick around to help me with that.23:26
wesleybut it's an image, how do i use images with ubuntu's paste binm23:26
ascheelit's not an image.  It's text.  Select it and copy it.23:26
mlissnerascheel: you've clearly thought of everything. Wait. You can't kick puppies around!23:27
ascheelmlissner: sure you can.  Just not great dane puppies.23:27
wesleyreally, hoiw do you do that in the terminal window?23:27
ruben23hi after i install samba on my ubuntu desktop what step should i do to make file sharing with windows client and also access windows share storage..23:27
mlissnerascheel: Indeed. You have thought of everything.23:27
ascheelwesley, copy the entire screen.  Just highlight it like you would any text.  Right-click and copy23:27
H8sMikeMooreascheel - i have a feeling wesley is trying to change his audio properties with a graphical user interface as opposed to the terminal and its causing a problem23:27
mlissnerwesley: drag across it, and then it's control + shift + c23:27
ascheelH8sMikeMoore: I'm kinda thinking so, too23:27
wesleyno, i am using alsamixer via the terminal.23:28
mlissnerH8sMikeMoore: I have a feeling pulseaudio is involved somehow.23:28
H8sMikeMooreits possible23:28
ascheelwesley, *bonk* get us that text!  :)23:28
H8sMikeMooreim jsut trying to rule this out before i go any further23:28
psi-jackOkay, so I download an ISO image and run md5sum -b on it, a couple times, why the heck does the md5 hash keep returning different results?23:28
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ascheelpsi-jack: sounds like a drive going bad right in front of your face23:29
mlissnerpsi-jack: You sure the iso is done downloading?23:29
ascheelpsi-jack: either that or the file is still downloading23:29
wesleyok now do i give you this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/253386/23:29
ascheellol mlissner.  You beat me to it23:29
psi-jackmlhshino, ascheel: It's done downloading.23:29
ascheelthat's exactly right, wesley.  :)  Let us look at it a sec23:29
wesleythanx for helping me23:30
colloguyafter running memtest from grub, are the logs saved somewhere?23:31
ascheelH8sMikeMoore: there ya go.  I think you're more on the up-and-up on this than I am.23:31
A4O_91counter strike free download for linux ubuntu help please !23:31
IdleOneH8sMikeMoore, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5378511&postcount=12 might be helpful to you and wesley23:31
NickDeNegerhi, i'm using ubuntu 9.04 with Seperate X Screen only when i start an application via the menu at my second screen the application still pops up at my first screen. Only firefox starts up at the right screen?23:31
ascheelA4O_91: Counterstrike is not free software.  I would advise you try valve's website to look for a Linux client.23:31
skazi21101how can i open *.tib file in ubuntu?23:31
mlissnerpsi-jack: I got nuthin' else in that case.23:31
wesleythe strange part is everything else on ubuntu, (gui wise) says the proper sound card, except for alsamixer23:32
psi-jackAight, I'll try downloading to a different drive, and see if that changes the outcome.23:32
ascheelNickDeNeger: in my experience, applications start up on the screen where your mouse is23:32
psi-jackCould be one of my drives on the lvm stripe is in fact going bad.23:32
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AciagoUbuntu is not reading M2 (SONY's Memory Stick for cell phones) cards... how can I make it read it????23:32
fryfrogYou know how the xorg.conf file is blank now, xorg sets itself up?  Is there a way to get it to write the currently used config it detects to the file so I can modify it?23:32
psi-jackSony? Toss it out the window.23:32
Terminus_EstIs there any link with rules of this IRC?23:33
ascheellol, while 'toss it out the window' is funny, it doesn't help the issue at hand.  ;P23:33
wesleyhmm, maybe im getting ahead of myself, but what if i set it to pulseaudio, it seems to like it...??23:33
ascheelTerminus_Est: not sure, but as long as you keep it Ubuntu support related and PG rated, you'll be good to go23:33
CerrdorAfter upgrading to Jaunty flash will not work how can I fix this23:34
IdleOneTerminus_Est, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:34
Cerrdorit is a known bug23:34
psi-jackascheel, heh, yes, it does, IMHO. I stopped dealing with Sony since they finally got caught steeling people's private information in nearly every single DVD they produced.23:34
ascheelCerrdor: have you tried this again:  sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree23:34
A4O_91please website valve free download for linux ubuntu help please !23:34
CerrdorI purged it then reinstalled and nothing23:34
Aciagopsi-jack I understand, but currently I can't do that... and it's the only thing that keeps me in dual boot...  : (23:35
ascheel!google | A4O_9123:35
ubottuA4O_91: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:35
mlissnerwesley: Do you mean that if you set it to pulseaudio, it works?23:35
Terminus_EstIdleOne and ascheel: Thanks!23:35
ascheelbah, not the answre i was looking for.23:35
arandascheel: Cerrdor: use flashplugin-installer instead, -nonfree is an old transition package.23:35
wesleyyeah, i hate windows with a passion, but any os that cant use an actual pci linux  modem, (not winmodem, all  chipset) is still beta in my book. sorry guys23:35
ascheelTerminus_Est: you're welcome but not sure what I helped you with.  :)23:35
r33tfux0rGood Evening, CPU use is pegged at around 60% going to Xorg.  Have killed vino-server, installed the updated intel drivers, tried disabling anything going into xorg including compositing.  Any suggestions on next steps?23:35
ascheelarand: transition package?  Not sure what you mean23:35
IdleOneascheel, because the answer you expected is not accepted here23:35
NickDeNegerascheel: hmm then something is going wrong big time. When i start an application at my secondary screen it still showsup at the primary screen. When an application starts I see in both windows list panels that the application is starting but then when it starts it places the application at screen023:35
moth_is there a way to change the size of icons in menu bar23:35
NickDeNegeralthough i started it at screen123:35
skazi21101how can i open *.tib file in ubuntu?23:36
wesleyno i mean that ubuntu wants to set it as either pulseaudio or ich5, not ever an audigy, i had to force it to except my card....23:36
ascheelNickDeNeger: sorry I don't know anything beyond that.  :(23:36
NickDeNegerascheel: oke np thanks anyway :)23:36
Cerrdorflashplugin-installer is already the newest version.23:36
mlissnerwesley: It's likely more complicated than you realize. Most of the drivers for windows are made by the manufacturer. Those for linux are often not made at all. So if the card is standards compliant, it will usually work. if not, it has to be reverse engineered....and may not work.23:36
IdleOneCerrdor, you restarded the browser?23:37
A4O_91pff please link google no free valve for linux ...23:37
mlissnerwesley: in any case, lack of a driver isn't exactly ubuntu's fault - it's the card manufacturer's (more than likely)23:37
wesleythe funky thing is this audigy card works on dsl 4.10 even, dsl!23:37
Cerrdor4 times now23:37
H8sMikeMoorethis is true mlissner23:37
CerrdorI am purging the flashplugin-installer now23:38
H8sMikeMoorewesley did you say it worked in previosu versions of ubuntu23:38
Cerrdorand reinstall see if that works23:38
mlissnerwesley: But I digress.23:38
mlissnerH8sMikeMoore: Do you know if in fact he should set the thing to pulseaudio?23:38
H8sMikeMooremlissner - i have no idea ive only ever used alsa23:38
wesleyyeah, as a matter of fact it did, and then didnt. i actually upgraded because days of searching and beggin  for help from peoiple got me know wheree, but i can boot to my cute little dsl mini disk and i have sound23:38
ascheelA4O_91: CounterStrike is not free software and this channel will not provide links for it illegally.  I recommend you look into purchasing it and then you can ask #wine how to run it in Linux23:39
H8sMikeMoorewesley - just to try it, see what happens when you boot to a live cd of the latest ubuntu23:39
ascheelA4O_91: that's assuming there is in fact no linux client available23:39
mlissnerH8sMikeMoore, wesley: That might be overkill.23:39
H8sMikeMooreif it works on the live cd, then that means something in ubuntu got corrupted23:39
wesleythat doesnt work, did that already, but if i mess around with it some then i can get sound, kinda, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesnt.23:40
mlissnerwesley: Tell us again what version of ubuntu you're running23:40
wesleydsl is able to play sound out of it using the ich5 driver, but it cant play anything but audio files on xmms23:40
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mlissnerwesley: What are you trying to play besides audio files?23:41
mlissnerwesley: Cause that kinda sounds like your card is working.23:41
wesleyyoutube footage, hulu stuff, all audio.23:41
wesleyohh and ubuntu cant even play audio filesd23:41
mlissnerwesley: You lost me. Didn't you just say it CAN play audio files on xmms?23:41
NickDeNegerascheel: One last question, when you switch to another screen with you mouse you still see the mouse pointer at the point where you left the other screen?23:42
ascheelthe livecd can, mlissner23:42
H8sMikeMoorewesley - what program do you use to play audio (vlc etc)23:42
wesleyno dsl, er "damn small linux" can23:42
mlissnerwesley, ascheel: Ah.23:42
josuecomo convierto viedo por consola23:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:42
wesleyi got one of those cutsy little business card cd's and thats sadly one of the best distro's iive ever seen23:42
mlissnerwesley: what do you see if you pull up Preferences > Sound? And what version of Ubuntu are you running?23:43
ruben23hi after i install samba on my ubuntu desktop what step should i do to make file sharing with windows client and also access windows share storage..23:43
itoalguien me puede ayudar a configurar pidgin, gracias23:43
H8sMikeMooreI would like to see what happens if he opens an audio playing program through the terminal and then tries to play audio23:43
IdleOne!es | ito23:43
ubottuito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:43
IdleOnede nada23:44
H8sMikeMoorewesley what program do u use to play aduio files23:45
wesleyi see the audigy 2 zs and the audigy multi channel setup on all 5 spots23:45
mlissnerwesley: Is that what you see when you open the Preferences > Sound?23:45
docgnomeanyone able to get adobe air running in 64 bit ubuntu?23:45
mlissnerwesley: OK, so you're on ubuntu 9.04, right?23:46
wesleynope, but almost, i actually have the upgrade running now, i am trying everything. currently 8.1023:46
ChessguyI have samba share working for my ntfs partition of my desktop and laptop so I can access My Documents, etc. I was wondering if there was a way to set it up so these folders automatically sync with each other.......grsync give an error23:47
mlissnerOK. Well, we shouldn't really get too far down the help road if you're in the middle of an upgrade because that's going to be tearing your computer apart and putting it back together.23:47
Immo_PhaggWhat's crappening?23:47
ChessguyImmo_Phagg: pewp23:47
mlissnerwesley: Nevertheless, do you have the test buttons in the sound preferences dialog?23:47
Bow2`Shinocant get youtube videos to play audio on my usb Headset. Plz help :323:48
wesleyhmm, yeah, if set everything either alsa or oss, it makes a noise, but no sounds ever play.23:48
mlissnerwesley: You mean the test buttons make noise? This is a good thing, if so.23:48
Retardedpopethe upgrade button in the update manager is gone and I want it back....23:48
mlissnerwesley: what about if you set them to pulseaudio?23:49
wesleythey make a high pitched "boop" like noise23:49
H8sMikeMoorebow2 - have you installed the flash player?23:49
RetardedpopeI want to upgrade23:49
docgnomeanybody? adobe air on 64bit ubuntu?23:49
wesleybut i never rebooted after doing so23:49
mlissnerwesley: Hmmm...that's interesting. Put them on alsa then.23:49
H8sMikeMoorewesley what type of audio files are u trying to play?23:50
mlissnerwesley: the history of sound technology in linux is OSS > ALSA > Pulseaudio. DSL probably worked because it was using OSS or ALSA, not the latest.23:50
=== Ogre is now known as Guest33417
mlissnerH8sMikeMoore: He's all yours.23:50
H8sMikeMooreokay heh23:50
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Chessguy<-------------------loves GIMP23:51
mlissnerI'm going to throw my hat in the ring for assistance. Does anybody have any ideas how to get banshee to work? It suddenly stopped loading for me today. Running banshee --debug yields no answers.23:51
kiheikevhaving trouble with installing mplayer-mozilla and 8.04 hardy heron23:51
wesleycurrently nothing, but i wasa trying to use ich5, since thats what the diagnoses tool tells me i got, if i reboot after everything is set to alsa, i can get that high pitched sound to play23:52
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kiheikevI get depends errors23:52
mlissnerWhen I start banshee, it gets about halfway through loading the GUI, then gets stuck.23:52
OgreGuys, I'm really new to Ubuntu, and I'm trying to get the Desktop Cube in compiz to work, and I set the Unfold hot key to <Control>z but when I press that nothing happens23:52
wesleyshould i come back after 9.04 is installed?23:52
mlissnerwesley: It'd be wise, yeah. You're trying to debug a moving target otherwise.23:53
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Ogrebut if I change the workstations from 2x2 to 4x1 it works, but it's not a cube, it shows them all next to each other23:53
IdleOnewesley, would be best to try and resolve the issue once the os is installed23:53
mlissnerBanshee help? Anybody?23:53
wesleyok thanx, ill be back unless the update solves it, (crossed fingers :P)23:53
ChessguyI have samba share working for my ntfs partition of my desktop and laptop so I can access My Documents, etc. I was wondering if there was a way to set it up so these folders automatically sync with each other.......grsync give an error23:53
Retardedpopedoes the upgrade method for ubuntu server work for ubuntu desktop as well?23:53
mlissnerwesley: Great. Fingers crossed here too.23:53
quietshamanGood eve all... major naive newbie (to Ubuntu) here. Is anyone available that could answer a question or two?23:54
kiaas_Retardedpope, you mean sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade?23:54
MkaJust installed Ubuntu 9.04, I cant get the 3D compiz cube working.23:54
ascheel!ask | quietshaman23:54
ubottuquietshaman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:54
kiaas_Retardedpope, because if so, yes.23:54
ChessguyMka: under add/remove programs search "ccsm" install that23:54
Retardedpopekiaas_: no, the do-release-upgrade23:54
OgreGuys, I'm really new to Ubuntu, and I'm trying to get the Desktop Cube in compiz to work, and I set the Unfold hot key to <Control>z but when I press that nothing happens. but if I change the workstations from 2x2 to 4x1 it works, but it's not a cube, it shows them all next to each other23:55
ChessguyMka: then configure it from that23:55
kiheikevCan someone help me with sound on a 8.04 heron install?23:55
RetardedpopeI'm trying to upgrade to 9.0423:55
BerzerkerRetardedpope, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:55
IdleOneRetardedpope, dist-upgrade23:55
MkaChessguy: installed ccsm and enabled 3D cube from it but it does not work. other features of compiz do work23:55
ChessguyMka: i'm out :P23:56
RetardedpopeI haven't used this computer for a while and know it seams like I'm gonna be using it again, so I want to upgrade it23:56
ChessguyMka: middle clicked?23:56
quietshamanwell....I wiped out my network icon from the panel on a new install of ububtu. I now don't know how to get it bck...you know the little green icon that lets you view available networks and wireless connections?? Help23:56
Chessguyand drag23:56
MkaChessguy: yep23:56
ChessguyMka: ok beyond that i'm newb :P23:56
MkaChessguy: Ok thx23:56
ChessguyMka: sry23:56
Berzerkerquietshaman, do you have other notifications show up?23:57
Immo_PhaggI have been banned in #windows, and #hardware, can someone help me get back in23:57
Immo_PhaggWho can help23:57
BerzerkerImmo_Phagg, no one, go away.23:57
IdleOneImmo_Phagg, no we cant23:57
docgnomeImmo_Phagg: if you got banned you probably deserved it.23:57
Immo_PhaggYou can and you will23:57
Immo_PhaggNo I didn't I wasn't even n23:58
Berzerkersomeone ban him please.23:58
IdleOneImmo_Phagg, try #ubuntu-offtopic23:58
quietshamanyes...all else is ok. I accidently hit "delete from panel"23:58
Immo_PhaggI am already there23:58
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ascheelImmo_Phagg: do you need help on using Ubuntu?  If not, your questions won't be able to get any answers in here.23:58
MkaChessguy: Aaah!, I got it to work on ccsm, was bit panicking. cheers. I'm out.23:58
Berzerkerquietshaman, well the network icon should be attached to your other notifications, so if you removed that, you should have removed other notifications23:59
nacho__how can i change kubuntu to ubuntu??? i think that is the cause that my laptop gets hot and shuts down23:59
ChessguyMka: awesome bye! :)23:59
docgnomenacho__: you can install the ubuntu-desktop package23:59
fryfrogAnyone know anything about screen rotation with intel driver?23:59
quietshamanmaybe I removed all notifications....I have battery status indicator, screen brightness widget, etc.23:59
luckynacho__: you can install the ubuntu-desktop package, however it is very unlikely that it is the cause of your laptop's overheating.23:59
fryfrogI've tried Option "Rotate" with "CW" and "right" with no luck :/23:59

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