
PeterDarknessHey all, quick question. How do I change the keybinding (ctrl-alt-backspace [logout]) ? I keep nabbing it. :S01:40
histoIs there info anywhere on xubuntu 9.10 ?  I can't seem to find anything on it.02:09
histoex: what sort of changes/features are being added.02:09
PeterDarknessNot many folks talkin tonight sadly :\02:16
histoFound some stuff int he wiki02:17
crazygirforces: nope, rdp02:50
megamanx1978Hi ppl03:50
megamanx1978Can someone help me with a xfce problem?03:51
HexbomberI recently acquired a server, and am trying to setup my wired network on it (static IP), it has an integrated network card, but it'04:05
Hexbomber's really slow, and I installed a PCI network card, but now neither of them work. :( I'm running xubuntu 9.04, anyone willing to spend some time and try and help with it?04:06
frenzyPlease set the POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR environment variable. For example: export POSTGRESQL_LIB_DIR=/opt/MyPostgreSQLInstallation/lib04:53
yesitisjustmeany software that will detect hardware without having to open computer?07:50
Besogonor apt-get install hardinfo07:53
DigitalFOhi, I have a bootable USB with xubuntu on it. It boots like a live CD, how can Install xubuntu to the computers HDD13:23
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DigitalFOI bet there is already everthing on board when xubuntu is running, but I don't know how. I googled for hours.13:26
SiDiDigitalFO: is it a Live USB key or a real system ?13:30
SiDiDigitalFO: i'm not sure at all, but maybe you can install 'ubiquity' from your USB key and then launch it. It's the package containing the installer13:30
DigitalFOI made it with UNetbootin13:31
DigitalFOit boots directly to the desktop13:31
DigitalFOthe ubuntu help page said it would be persistent on the usb stick, but it is not13:32
SiDiThere is a checkbox for this on the unetbooting app13:37
SiDiYou need to check something like "allocate space for my settings and documents"13:37
DigitalFOI am using the windows version, I can't see it there, but my primary problem is how do I install it to the hard disc?13:39
DigitalFOthe stick only worked when I let UNetbootin download the image, when I selected the Image I downloaded manually it said "currupted or invalid" at boot up13:43
DigitalFOwell I will go on and search if there is no easy way to install it from USB13:45
DigitalFOoh I just have to go to "System" and then "Install" lol14:04
benchikis there a glade3.6 backport for xubuntu hardy?14:21
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SiDibenchik: no idea, but if there is for ubuntu hardy there will be for xubuntu too14:40
SiDiyou shall ask on #ubuntu14:40
chris_inmy logout-windows there is the checkbox missing "save session for further logins"17:57
chris_how can i retrieve the checkbox17:57
chris_I'm using xubuntu 9.0417:59
zacharyhello, I cannot find the wxgtk version of VLC in the repositories18:27
ketcoAnyone know where I can download Automatix?21:54
ketcogetautomatix isn't online anymore21:54

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