
asac_fta: did you create xul/ffox branches yet?00:00
asac_maybe we want to start using the new approach: trunk is always trunk ;) ... and then when they spin of branches we do branches ;)?00:00
asac_dont think it matters much ;)00:01
asac_fta: how about renaming our ffox to 3.5/3.6 finally?00:01
BUGabundofta: what do I need to make this vids play on chromium ? http://p.bugabundo.net/00:01
asac_at least we should get it done before we release 3.5 as stable ;)00:01
asac_(or even 3.6 ?;)00:01
ftaBUGabundo, it plays fine for me00:02
asac_we have to manage to get to a point for karmic+1 where we can do major version upgrades for security i guess00:02
BUGabundoI mean, do I need to enable anything? like codecs?00:02
asac_otherwise we (I) will have endless pain00:02
asac_backporting stuff00:03
ftain /etc/chromium-browser/default i have CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--enable-plugins"00:03
BUGabundofta: I prob don't00:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
fta$ bzr push --remember lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head00:14
ftaUsing default stacking branch /~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.2.head at lp-45207824:///~mozillateam/firefox00:14
ftaCreated new branch.00:14
ftaasac, ^^ ??00:14
BUGabundoasac: any test for me on MM/NM ? I didn't manage to try the diff00:17
asacfta: whats the question. the stacked branch?00:21
asacthats because if you dont say anything, bzr will try to stack on top of the branch that is associated with current development focus series in launchpad00:22
asacstacked branch just meanst that you dont upload everything to launchpad. only those commits not in the stacked branch00:22
asacment to make things like branching faster on first upload00:22
ftai know what a stacked branch is, but i don't know where it's getting that information from00:23
asacfta: it defaults to what i said. otherwise you can specify it on command line explicitly somehow00:30
asacbut i didnt get that working when i tried00:30
asacbut could be that it was just broken at that point as it was quite hot00:31
asacBUGabundo: thats ok. the patch wouldnt work anyway. it basically was the other way around00:31
asacBUGabundo: please sudo apt-get build-dep modemmanager ... then git clone the modemmanager upstream branch and run the following commands:00:31
asacsh autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/local_mm00:31
asacmake install00:32
asac(if last command fails because of permissions, just run sudo make install, but ry without first)00:32
asacthen i give you a patch that adds more debugging output00:32
* BUGabundo awakes00:32
asacBUGabundo: cloning mm is: git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/ModemManager/ModemManager00:32
asaccd ModemManager00:33
asac... then the autogen stuff and so on from above00:33
BUGabundoasac: calm down00:33
asacfta: looks good00:33
BUGabundoI'm still adding a source to my source.list00:33
asacBUGabundo: the whole procedure will take 3 minutes00:33
asac(after installing build-deps)00:33
ftai mean, the bot is ready00:33
asacfta: kick it off ;) ... or does it have a --dry-run feature ;)00:34
asacwas kidding00:34
asacfta: howa bout renaming our ffox branches?00:34
asacdo we want to defer that until this is set up?00:35
ftayes, esp. that i'm not there this w-e00:36
asacok lets defer it then00:36
* BUGabundo waits for aptitude to finish updating00:39
fta#include "third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h"00:43
fta#include "third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h"00:43
asacwell done ;)00:43
ftagrrr, we don't have that in our system zlib dev00:43
asacminizip sounds like a different project?00:43
asacapt-cache search minizip00:44
asaczlib-bin - compression library - sample programs00:44
asacNow, with version 1.23 and 1.14 of zLib, the Minizip library is inlucded in the contrib/minizip directory.00:44
BUGabundostep one done00:44
asacBUGabundo: my own step 1?00:44
asacthe build-dep?00:44
fta!info zlib1g-dev00:44
BUGabundonow git00:45
ubottuzlib1g-dev (source: zlib): compression library - development. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (karmic), package size 159 kB, installed size 380 kB00:45
asacso do we have 1.23?00:45
BUGabundosudo apt-get install git-core00:45
asacYou need the source code of Zlib (zlib123.zip  or zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz. Fo00:45
BUGabundobash: git: command not found00:45
asacwhat a version mess ;)00:45
fta!info zlib-bin00:45
ubottuzlib-bin (source: zlib): compression library - sample programs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (karmic), package size 49 kB, installed size 132 kB00:45
ftano idea00:45
asaci assume we have 123 aka 1.2.3 aka 1.23 ;)00:45
asacseems the 123 name is for old windows crap ;)00:46
asacguess no long names supported;)00:46
ftaso i can't drop the zlib sources from the tarball :P00:47
asaczlib-$ ls contrib/minizip/00:47
asacChangeLogUnzipioapi.c  iowin32.c  Makefile   minizip.c  mztools.h  unzip.h  zip.h00:47
asaccrypt.hioapi.h  iowin32.h  miniunz.c  mztools.c  unzip.c    zip.c00:47
asacfeels like we need to package the headers up somewhere00:48
asaclet me check00:48
ftathey are not shipped in -dev00:48
asaci see that ;)00:49
asacjust want to check why00:49
BUGabundostep two brgan00:50
asacfta: they build it, but dont make install it for some reason in rules00:50
BUGabundogit complete00:50
asac       $(MAKE)00:51
asac        $(MAKE) CC=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc OPT="$(CFLAGS)" -C contrib/minizip00:51
asac        $(MAKE) prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr install00:51
asac        install -d debian/tmp/lib00:51
asacsounds bogus00:51
asacfolks dont use prefix for that ;)00:51
asacmight not matter, but for libtool and stuff it hurts00:51
asaccat contrib/minizip/Makefile | pastebinit00:52
asacits not ment to be installed as it seems ;)00:52
asacits not even a lib or something. just a binary.00:53
BUGabundo /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 77-mm-ericsson-mbm.rules 77-mm-zte-port-types.rules '/lib/udev/rules.d'00:53
BUGabundo/usr/bin/install: cannot remove `/lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-ericsson-mbm.rules': Permission denied00:53
BUGabundo/usr/bin/install: cannot remove `/lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-zte-port-types.rules': Permission denied00:53
BUGabundomake[3]: *** [install-udevrulesDATA] Error 100:53
BUGabundoguess I need sudo00:54
asacso chromium rips stuff out of existing binaries now00:54
asacBUGabundo: yeah00:54
asacBUGabundo: ok after that you should be able to start the build modemmanager like sudo ./src/modem-manager --debug (after stopping NM, killing mm etc. as usually)00:54
asacso basically similar to how you did before ... just with ./src/modem-manager ... instead of just modem-manager00:55
asacBUGabundo: check that it works and then wait for 2-3 minutes ;)00:55
asachave to run somewhere first00:55
asacBUGabundo: so wget http://paste.ubuntu.com/253420/plain/01:04
asacand apply the file like: patch -p1 < FILENAME01:04
asac(in ModemManager dir)01:04
asacmake; sudo make install01:04
asacBUGabundo: wait a sec01:11
asacrather use that one01:12
asacthe other fails to build ;) ... hackish me01:12
asacBUGabundo: still there ;)?01:12
asacfta: did anyone ever complain about our move to migrate daily users to 3.5?01:26
asacexcept the one who catched the temporary issue?01:26
asacmaybe noone uses < jaunty01:29
asacor it was a perfect job ... what i cannot yet believe01:29
asactoo bad ... armel dead01:29
asaci guess we will never get tbird out01:30
asacbut all dailies ;)01:30
asacmakes me a bit happier01:30
asacthe armel situation frightens me though for sure01:30
asacfta: hmm. actually i think we need to put 3.0 in the daily for the < karmic users to get fully migrated01:31
asacnow i am not even sure what state they are in01:31
asaci think we dont have enough distinct icons for dailies anymore01:33
asacshiretoko branding for 3.5 ... minefield for 3.6 ... 3.701:33
asacgranpardiso fo 3.0 ;)01:33
asacwe need to put the version on it01:33
asacgood that we can edit the icons ;)01:33
asacmaybe we want to patch the number in during build by getting it automagically ?01:34
ftagasp http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30345461/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.firefox-3.7_3.7~a1~hg20090814r31579%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:36
ftaApplying patch awesome_browser_branding_install.patch01:36
ftapatching file browser/installer/unix/packages-static01:36
ftaHunk #1 FAILED at 273.01:36
asacconvert -font helvetica -fill black -pointsize 30 -draw 'text 70,25 "3.6"' firefox-3.6.png firefox-3.6-new.png01:38
asacguess thats not the best approach ;)01:38
* asac wonders if one can teach quilt to dump the .rej files after failure so one can see how bad it is in the build log01:39
* asac checks out the latest branches01:41
asacfta: 3.7 depends on 1.9.2-dev01:55
* asac looks at the packages patch01:56
ftayep, missed that one01:56
ftaasac, ^^ fixed01:58
ftaasac, #44201:58
ftawoww, 442 commits for a single package :P01:59
asacok let me update then before committing patch fix01:59
asacyeah. things getting old ;)01:59
asacnow i cannot test build anymore ;)02:00
asacfta: so do we stop documenting diverged patches in changelog for 3.7+ ?02:01
asaci mean unless for things that are getting released in to the archive02:01
ftawe should, it's useless for the end users02:01
ftabzr log is enough02:02
asacok i agree. thats why i am asking02:02
ftalol chromium, 284 commits in less than 280 days02:02
ftamaybe i should give it a rest and stop improving it02:03
asacsometimes going slower, but bigger steps is more efficient. yes.02:04
asacespecially to prevent burnout ;)02:04
ftaxulrunner-1.9.3 amd64 is ready, if it's the one you need02:05
asacbut there also is the risk, that you get distracted by all the new time and the fall behing ;)02:05
asacfta: no. i already committed stuff02:05
asacfta: ok 3.6 seems to build ... /me should have looked at the real state02:09
asacwhy dont they display the puzzle piece on frontpage ;)02:10
asacfta: wanna kick 3.7 again=02:10
asaci looked there and thought 3.6 had the same brokenness02:10
asacbut it was wait depend02:10
ftayes, it's been like that for months02:10
asaci know02:10
asaci was just a bot and thought they probably landed stuff on both branches02:11
asacmost likely we will see the same breakage in a few days there too02:11
asacso bugabundo probably failed ;)02:13
pace_t_zulufta, you there?02:23
ftasort of02:23
pace_t_zulufta: would you mind pastebining your ~/.dput.cf file?02:24
asacthx for rekicking 3.7 ;)02:24
asachmmm. why did todays prism build just fail on karmic?02:24
asacrun-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute ../../dist/bin/shlibsign.02:25
asacwhy is that in there?02:26
asacnss leftover?02:26
ftapace_t_zulu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/253445/02:27
ftaold style probably02:27
pace_t_zulufta, ty02:29
ftaasac, Estimated repository size: 9.0 GiB (90.41%) of 10.0 GiB02:33
asacyeah. we should bump it02:33
asacanyone ever complained ... yet?02:35
ftaabout what?02:37
asacresource consumption ;)02:37
Jazzvafta: I think I fixed prism for karmic daily (couldn't sleep, so I got back to that)02:47
asacJazzva: why did it fail ?02:47
Jazzvawhat does $(wildcard $(MOZ_XPI_FILE)) do?02:47
asacJazzva: probably checks if a file exists02:47
asacif it doesnt exist it returns empty02:47
asacotherwise the filename02:48
Jazzvabecause of change in mozilla-devscripts "$(MOZ_XPI_FILE)" => "$(wildcard $(MOZ_XPI_FILE))"02:48
asacor a list of  filenames if the XPI_FILE would be a pttern02:48
asaclet me check02:48
Jazzvawell, I noticed prism build on jaunty (which has m-d 0.12), and failed in karmic, which has 0.14, and I looked into diff and played around a bit, and found that after returning to $(MOZ_XPI_FILE) it builds locally02:49
Jazzvas/prism build/prism built/02:49
asacJazzva: maybe this would help too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253451/ ?02:50
Jazzvaasac: I'll try that now02:51
ftaall my attempts to make the chromium tarball smaller are ruined after a few days.. http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-tarballs-1.png02:54
asacfta: "all" is kind of an exaggeration02:54
Jazzvaasac: not working...02:55
asacin nature nothing is a straight line02:55
asacJazzva: same issue?02:55
ftaasac, I drop more that 50% of the files now02:57
asacJazzva: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253453/ that works for me (e.g. make echo)02:58
ftaand i completely skip some huge deps (not counted in the 50%)02:58
asacJazzva: o sorry. remove the $(..) from the calls02:58
asace..g just $(call XPI_FILE)02:59
asacbut shouldnt matter02:59
asaci mean the previous worked too02:59
asacJazzva: what is MOZ_XPI_FILE in prism?02:59
Jazzvaasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/253455/ here's the output :)02:59
asacJazzva: you need to put the file in the PWD named as Makefile02:59
asacor use make -f FILENAME echo03:00
asacbut you have 1.2.3. ;)03:00
asacmake --version03:00
asacGNU Make 3.8103:00
Jazzvathough, when I type "man sh", it shows me dash's man page...03:00
Jazzvabut I thought dash is default03:00
asacworks in dash too03:01
asacJazzva: is that the output from the last thing i pasted?03:01
Jazzvanow I'm confused...03:01
Jazzvaasac: yes03:01
asachttp://paste.ubuntu.com/253454/ ?03:01
asachttp://paste.ubuntu.com/253454/plain/ ;)03:02
asacJazzva: oh03:02
Jazzvaasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:02
asacJazzva: you need a file called COPYING in the current dir ;)03:02
* asac feels completely off ;)03:03
Jazzvahmm... ok, that was it :)03:03
asacwildcard COPYING doesnt give you anything if the file doesnt exist03:03
asacwhich is the principal idea03:03
asacJazzva: so what is MOZ_XPI_FILE in prism?03:03
Jazzvait's specifically named so in debian/rules, so xpi.mk should use that...03:04
asacand does that exist?03:04
asacJazzva: maybe a typo?03:04
Jazzvaasac: well, it should exist once it's build (which is before unzip)03:04
asacbut does it exist in top level dir?03:04
Jazzvaasac: let me check03:04
Jazzvaasac: no, it's in ./dist/xpi-stage/refractor.xpi03:05
asacJazzva: we should do that03:06
asachmm. so thats why its broken everywhere03:06
asaci thought we copy it to top level dir in some kind of post-build rule in rules03:06
Jazzvaasac: well, at least now it's only broken in karmic :)03:06
asacJazzva: but thats odd03:07
asacmaybe < karmic it failed silently?03:07
asacand we just dont have refactor xpi packaged?03:07
Jazzvaasac: prism built ok in PPA in < karmic03:07
asacyes. but it could just have failed silently somehow03:08
asacprism is more than the .xpi03:08
asacthe .xpi is just a supplemental thing03:08
asacJazzva: so refractor.xpi:: build/prism03:08
asaccheck that out03:08
asacthat basically should take care that its copied to top level dir03:09
asacyou sure its not in there?03:09
asac(in debian/rules)03:09
Jazzvaasac: unzip -d temp-xpi-SeaQkIOD ./refractor.xpi ... that's from jaunty log...03:09
asacbut does it exist in karmic too?03:09
asacit should03:10
asaci mean we copy it right there in the rules03:10
asacmaybe the dependency does not properly trigger03:10
asacoh yeah03:10
Jazzvaasac: yeah, it was copied to top-level in jaunty03:10
asaci think i know whats going on03:11
asacthe wildcard evaluates to NOTHING03:11
asacand hence the copy never happens03:11
JazzvaI see...03:12
asacstamp-unzip-%: $(XPI_FILE)03:12
asacthat one does not trigger the copy from the prism rule because at that time the .xpi does not even exist03:12
Jazzvaso, to remove wildcard from XPI_FILE, and to test if that file exists in stamp-unzip-%, and to give error if it doesn't?03:14
asaci think we should use a different hook in prism03:15
asacthat will fix it03:15
asacand then also think about what to do with the $(XPI_FILE) requirement in xpi.mk03:15
asacJazzva: try to hook that copy thing into common-post-build::03:16
asacinstead of refractor.xpi::03:17
asacyou dont need the build/prism part then03:17
asacnice fox03:17
asacmust be cold there ;)03:18
Jazzvaok, trying that now03:19
asacJazzva: ok i am off. we can check that tomorrow. but i think the common-post-build:: target is the way to go03:41
Jazzvaasac: ok... i'm off too. at least we know why it fails :).03:42
Jazzvagood night03:42
pace_t_zulufta, still around?04:29
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
bdrungasac: do you have time to merge the new upstream release branch of adblock-plus?11:04
andvhi all20:26
andvasac, I've sent a mail for you20:26
andvasac, feel free to read it when you have some free time20:26
BUGabundoasac: I'm back to good old really old working version22:38
asacBUGabundo: did you get the log at least?23:16
BUGabundoforgot to upload it :)23:17
BUGabundowell for my defence, I was networkless23:17
BUGabundoto the bug report, of course23:17
BUGabundono idea23:17
BUGabundowas going to ask you the same23:17
* BUGabundo turns to FF awesome bar23:17
asacwhy do you think i remember your bug id more than you ;)23:18
asacbug 41333323:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413333 in modemmanager "[huawei] MM wont connect, keeps nm.applet spinning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41333323:18
asacbug 41257023:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412570 in modemmanager "[novatel] modemmanger does not connect to 3G network, icon keeps spinning. " [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41257023:18
asacluckily modemmanager bug list is short ;)23:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 413333 in modemmanager "[huawei] MM wont connect, keeps nm.applet spinning" [Undecided,New]23:18
asacBUGabundo: there is no new log23:18
BUGabundoI filed it on MM??23:18
BUGabundowasn't it on NM?23:19
BUGabundoasac: ill upload it NOW23:19
asacthere is no new log BUGabundo23:19
asacah ok23:19
BUGabundoasac: I had no network23:19
BUGabundountil now23:19
BUGabundoand was way all day23:19
BUGabundodriving karts23:19
BUGabundoand taking pics with my android23:19
asacjust because of this modemmanager thing? cant believe it ;23:19
asacah ;)23:19
BUGabundoasac: http://p.bugabundo.net/23:19
asacuse ogg23:21
BUGabundoasac: I wish Android provided that codec23:21
BUGabundonot even PNG :(23:21
asackart on sand?23:21
asacwe only have tarmac things here ;)23:21
asacoh thats miniature ;)23:21
BUGabundoremote controled cars23:22
asacBUGabundo: thats not a log with my patch23:22
BUGabundosome of those go as fast as 80KM/H23:22
asacyeah ... but wouldnt be a sport for me ;)23:23
BUGabundo-rw-r--r-- 1 bugabundo bugabundo 5.2K 2009-08-15 01:00 /home/bugabundo/Desktop/mm2.log.txt23:23
BUGabundoit must be23:23
BUGabundoits the one I ran last night before bad23:23
BUGabundoasac: is it not correct?23:28
asacdoesnt feel correct23:28
asacBUGabundo: did you capture all output on console?23:28
BUGabundothat's the log from MM23:28
asacBUGabundo: but how did you produce the log?23:29
BUGabundoasac: $ sudo killall modem-manager; sudo ./src/modem-manager --debug 2>&1 > /tmp/mm2.log.txt23:29
asacyou sure you did build it and ran sudo make install ?23:30
asacthe log is crazy23:30
asaci mean it uses the same registration method it used in the successful log23:30
asacand there is no sign of any of my g_message additions23:30
BUGabundoasac: AFAIK and can remember from such a late hour, yes I run it all OK23:31
BUGabundoI even reported it, as I was doing it23:31
asacBUGabundo: in the build tree run git diff23:31
asacand paste what you get23:31
BUGabundoremember I said make install failed and that I used sudo make install??23:32
asacbuzt that was the first build23:32
asacbefore applying the patch23:32
asacyou most likely never applied the patch ;)23:32
BUGabundoasac: nothing out of git diff23:32
asacyes then you didnt even finish what i said ;)23:32
asacyou tested the test build and not the one with the patch23:32
asacbut letes do that later23:32
asacnot today ;)23:32
asacenjoy your net23:33
asac(for now)23:33
BUGabundobut I would raise the priority23:33
BUGabundoanyone with NM from archive has no MM working23:33
BUGabundoanother user on +1 just reporting it too23:33
asacnot many complains yet ;)23:33
asactwo bugs ... thjats it23:33
asacbut most probably filed against NM23:33
BUGabundoppl have no idea what MM is :)23:34
* penguin42 wiggles23:35
BUGabundohey penguin4223:36
BUGabundoasac: you have another extra 1 min?23:36
BUGabundoprobs with 3.0 -> 3.5 migration23:36
asacmost likely i cannot be helpful23:36
penguin42bug 41413923:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414139 in firefox-3.5 "[Karmic] firefox 3.5 bookmark upgrade failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41413923:36
BUGabundoseems it deletes existing 3.5 profiles :(23:36
BUGabundoasac: it is all fta handy work??23:37
asacthats bad luck for him then ;)23:39
asaci dont think its a problem. for now i think that he just is confused and actually wanted to use 3.023:40
* penguin42 has been running 3.5 for a few months23:40
BUGabundoasac: I _think_ I was affected too, and may have lost 3 one year old profiles :(23:40
* BUGabundo checks23:40
asacwe dont delete anything in that script23:41
asacso it cant be gone23:41
penguin42BUGabundo: That makes me feel a lot better, I'd been feeling guilty for not checking this earlier when you told me last week23:41
penguin42asac: I'm up for suggestions where to look23:41
asacread the bug23:41
BUGabundoI have NO 3.5 otet23:41
asacif you disagree read the script and find the bug ;)23:42
BUGabundoother then the test migration one23:42
asacBUGabundo: thats because your 3.5 folder was renamed to firefox23:42
asacand the previous firefox renamed to somehting else23:42
asacso you are now using it23:42
BUGabundoasac: I'm cecking firefox23:42
BUGabundoonly one profile there23:42
penguin42asac: firefox -ProfileManager only shows one profile23:43
BUGabundonot firefox.3.*5*-replaced/23:43
BUGabundopenguin42: that's expected23:43
BUGabundoasac: I'm using 3.6 :)23:43
penguin42asac: I grep'd for one of the terms that was in the old firefox 3.5 bookmarks and it wasn't there23:44
asacBUGabundo: thats all fine for you23:45
penguin42confusingly the firefox directory has two  blah.default directories, with one of them containing very little23:45
asacpenguin42: yes ... that means you have two profiles23:46
asacthat might be a bug indeed23:46
penguin42hmm time to give you a find .mozilla output23:46
asacpenguin42: no need23:46
asacpenguin42: whats in your firefox/profiles.ini ?23:47
asacactually its in the firefox folder, so there probably isnt really a bug in it23:47
asacpenguin42: do you hav two profiles in there?23:48
penguin42asac: The profiles.ini points to my 6zz0n38z.default which is the only one23:48
asacdo the names match the folders that are in firefox/ ?23:48
asacpenguin42: kind of odd. add a new entry like23:48
asacwith the other name in Path23:48
asacand start profile manager ... then select "test"23:48
asacmost likely thats the profile you are missing?23:48
asacwhatever you do also backup stuff ;)23:49
penguin42asac: No, the other directory, hxj2fgu2.default only has adblockplus and localstore.rdf in - no other contents23:49
asac_00:49 < penguin42> asac: No, the other directory, hxj2fgu2.default only has adblockplus and localstore.rdf in - no other contents23:50
asac_-> then i dont know.23:50
asac_check the copy script23:50
penguin42asac_: I'm fairly sure the old 3.5 stuff has gone23:50
penguin42where does the script live?23:51
asac_penguin42: sure you didnt use firefox-3.6?23:51
asac_often and add the bookmarks there?23:51
penguin42about says 3.5.223:51
asac_penguin42: i mean before23:51
asac_do you have firefox-3.6 installed?23:51
asac_maybe you used that rather than 3.5 and so your 3.5 profile was pretty empty still23:52
asac_the script is /usr/bin/firefox23:52
asac_there lives the code that does the migration23:52
penguin42never used it23:52
asac_but if you have firefox-3.0-replaced then it just copied the firefox-3.5 to firefox after moving that to the -replaced file23:52
penguin42ok, go back a few steps23:53
penguin42prior to this script, if I was running both firefox and firefox 3.5 where would they keep there stuff?23:54
penguin42sorry, firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.523:54
asac_.mozilla/firefox-3.5 and firefox23:54
asac_the latter for 3.023:54
BUGabundoasac firefox-3.0-replaced is a bad name for a 3.5 profile :)23:54
asac_BUGabundo: itst the old firefox 3.0 profile23:56
asac_if you would have said: "i want to keep using the stable firefox profile" then there would have been firefox-3.5-obsoleted23:56
asac_or -abandoned i think23:57
* penguin42 reads script23:59

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