
rekthis fuckin mythtv at the boot keeps writing on the disk as i can see with iotop00:29
rek hep00:29
rek help... i killed it00:29
android6011can i schedule a recording by sshing in?02:21
android6011what would the command be?02:21
foxbuntuandroid6011, why not use mythweb?03:42
android6011foxbuntu: is mythweb installed by default?03:55
android6011nvm i found it. its perfect :)04:04
coolthreadswatch tv works just very choppy09:03
rekmythtv always write on the disk10:14
=== bogus is now known as Guest10136
linxehhi there, has anyone managed to get the imon/soundgraph lcd 15c2:0038 version working with jaunty 64bit? I've been going mad with various guides and getting nowhere :o18:37
reki need help18:43
mindomssaw u on mythtv-users. what does "ls -l /home/riccardo/.mythtv/mysql.txt" show ?18:44
rek-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1120 2009-08-15 01:47 /home/riccardo/.mythtv/mysql.txt18:49
mindomsand :18:51
mindomsps aux | grep -e myth18:51
rekps aux | grep -e myth18:52
rekriccardo  6836 12.6 10.3 230492 106796 ?       Rl   19:08   5:24 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/firefox http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Executive_Overview18:52
rekriccardo  7109  0.0  0.0   3004   756 pts/2    R+   19:51   0:00 grep -e myth18:52
mindomsso, you dont have a backend running.18:52
rekmindoms u r expert thx, however one day backend application run a  lot had to do sudo iotop to discover the pid and kill it an unistall it maybe18:53
mindomsmythtv and mythfrontend only start a frontend, that connect to a running backend. did you run mythtv-setup and completed it ?18:53
rekMythbackend must be closed before continuing.18:54
rekIs it OK to close any currently running mythbackend processes?18:54
mindomsi am eay less an expert than the people in #mythtv-user who tried to point you to the documentation. they just dont have time to do your stuff. but im trying18:54
rekthank you u are.... really kind18:54
rekIs it OK to close any currently running mythbackend processes?18:55
rekMythbackend must be closed before continuing.18:55
rekshould i go on ?'18:55
mindomsmythpbackend must be configured and RUNNING before you try to start mythfrontend18:55
mindomsbut mythbackend is not running on yoiur system18:55
rekdid mythtv-setup this is the output18:56
reki'm askin g u18:56
rekmythtv-setup preparation18:56
rekok i prress ok18:57
mindomsoh, sorry. right. click through that question18:57
mindomsdid you ever run mythtv-setup?18:57
reknow it ask fill database?18:59
rekbut we must be fast.-. my hd buzzes ad it will be destroyed18:59
mindomslet it run. afterwards mythbackend should be running19:00
reknow it ask fill database?19:00
mindomsgo on19:00
rek900kb/sec why???????19:02
mindomsokay, if you are scared aboutr your harddisk.19:02
mindomssudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend stop19:02
mindomsis the way to kill your backend19:02
rekno i'mm going on19:02
mindomssudo chmod $USER:$USER ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt19:03
mindomsah. bstupid19:03
mindomssudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt19:03
rekcannot connect to database19:04
reki do that19:04
mindomszthe second one. first was nonsense19:04
reki know19:05
rekhw did it19:05
mindomsdid it start up?19:06
rekthe setup yes19:06
rekcannot connect to database19:06
reknow i query u19:06
reki paste a lot19:06
rekpaste bin..i'm really  nervous19:10
rekmindoms: seen?19:10
* linxeh cries21:43
mindoms1whats up?!21:57
linxehantec microfusion case, soundgraph 15c2:0038 lcd / IR receiver, and approx 6 hours trying to get it to work :(22:01
linxehreally doing my head in now22:04
mindoms1just some googling... dunno if of any use:22:06
linxehhehe :)22:09
linxehbeen through that one :)22:09
mindoms1.. thought so. whats your distro?22:11
linxehI'm running mythbuntu 9.04 atm22:12
linxehthe drivers for it load, and the devices appear22:12
linxehand I can run mode2 on the devices, see a few IR bursts etc22:12
linxehbut then it dies until I reload the drivers22:12
linxehmany people seem to have that problem, but not really any solutions22:13
linxehthikning about trying the latest cvs, but it seems a bit extreme22:14
mindoms1hm. well. actually i wont be big help there... just googling :)22:14
linxehand then once the remote works, I want to get the lcd to work22:15
linxehits quite a nice case, but I dont see any point in setting up the backend on it and connecting it up to the tv until the remote works :o22:15

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