
bazhangIdleOne, hi00:31
IdleOneheya bazhang00:32
FlannelIdleOne: How can we help you today?00:33
IdleOnesorry was just parked here00:33
IdleOnethought we were having an issue before in ubuntu but it solved itself00:34
IdleOneI'll leave the chan now00:34
IdleOnethanks guys00:34
mneptokThe new MSI netbooks are so thin and light ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiNaadVOQEM02:26
macoSeeker`: Flannel: apparently they make ones with handles nowadays O_o mine was just box-shaped. http://www.mydwinkbox.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=202:37
Seeker`troll? or just no clue?02:53
bazhang'then what'  'do I use'02:54
Seeker`keep an eye on paige, I reckon02:58
macoi hope thats not my siste02:58
macotwogirlsinlove.net? definitely not my sister.02:59
Seeker`thats what makes me say to keep an eye on them :)02:59
bazhang<aman> i just got this room by mistake02:59
maco(my sister's name is paige)02:59
bazhang* aman has quit (Connection reset by peer)03:00
macoer nobody called !language on aman?03:00
bazhangmaco, many times ?03:00
macooh i saw a f-bomb that went unresponded to, but it was a few minutes ago so it seemed a little late for me to send one03:01
bazhangthat was when he was muted03:01
bazhangafter 3 prior warnings by myself alone.03:01
macohow come i can see him when he's muted?03:03
bazhangnot banned?03:03
macono i mean i saw him drop an f bomb. if he was muted, i didnt think itd show up in the channel at all03:04
macootherwise what does mute mean?03:04
Seeker`that was before he was muted03:04
macooh. so bazhang means "that caused the mute"?03:05
macohe said"when he was muted" so i got confused03:05
Seeker`I have 2 instances of him saying f*ck in my backlog03:05
Seeker`one I responded to personally03:05
Seeker`the second is what triggered the mute03:05
macoah ok03:05
bazhangthe last was the mute causer03:05
bazhang<aman> bazhang i know the fucking basic03:06
bazhang<amanhora> i think ur bot03:19
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
Picithe bot flooded out after it rejoined04:18
tsimpsonit'll come back04:18
PiciI know04:19
ubottufirecrotch called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (I hate having to use this trigger but)05:47
Berzerker(what do I do here..? lol)06:19
bazhanghang one second06:19
bazhangBerzerker, what has he been up to?06:20
Berzerkerhe's just a troll06:20
Berzerkerand he's decided to target me06:20
Berzerkerwith is trolling. just overall off-topic in the #ubuntu channelo and annoying.06:20
Berzerkerhe was trolling a lot yesterday as wel.06:21
Berzerkerexcuse my horrible typing to night.06:21
bazhangno worries :)06:21
bazhanghe has stopped in #ubuntu for the moment. we'll keep a close eye on him howerver06:23
Berzerkerso are you not supposed to be in here unless you have an op inquiry?06:24
bazhangthanks for the heads up Berzerker06:24
bazhangBerzerker, was there anything else? we try to keep this channel free for operator/abuse issues06:31
BerzerkerI'll leave then. :)06:32
bazhangthanks :)06:32
Berzerkerbah. screw it lol06:32
bazhangnow trolling elsewhere as well07:11
BearshareI need help09:11
BearshareI was banned in #ubuntu-offtopic and I would like to go back09:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Mart||n said: !enter what is a  gline09:11
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (Bearshare)09:13
th0rdoes someone have to officially complain about Mart||in and Bearshare?09:15
BearshareI have a complaint though09:16
sblunixWhat did Bearshare do?09:16
Bearshareor more of a question09:16
BearshareI didnt do a thing09:16
sblunixlol, this is quite depressing09:16
Bearsharei have a question09:17
sblunixshould I have an answer?09:17
BearshareI was banned in #ubuntu-offtopic for no reason I would like back in09:18
Flannelsblunix: How can we help you today?09:18
sblunixBy staying happy?09:18
topylisblunix, th0r: are you sure you need to be on this channel?09:18
sblunixI have no need to be on this channel09:18
Flannelsblunix: If you have no business here, please don't idle here.  Thanks.09:18
sblunixbut, I figure, Hi OPs :)09:18
sblunixoh noes09:19
sblunixI'm getting booted09:19
BearshareHow do I get the list of ops for certain rooms09:19
topyliwhy do you need such a list?09:20
BearshareTo get unbanned from rooms09:20
FlannelBearshare: With regard to -offtopic, why would we let you back in?09:21
Bearsharebecause I was banned without reason09:21
topyliwas this under another nick?09:23
topylioh yes, i see your long history of bans/kicks now09:24
Bearshareok and09:25
topyliwhy do you think we should remove the ban?09:26
Bearsharebecause im good on the inside09:26
topylii'm not very interested in what you're like on the inside. it's your outside that keeps polluting our channels09:27
Bearshaream i like public enemy number 109:28
topyliif you don't know what i'm referring to, i see no reason to believe it's going to change any time soon09:28
Bearshareit shall you have my word09:28
Bearshareok so how bout it09:31
topylii'm not convinced at this time. you come here claiming you were banned for no reason. now you're offering your word against tons of evidence to contradict it09:31
topyliso the ban stays for now09:33
topyliBearshare: if there is no other matter on your mind, please leave this channel for now09:37
BearshareI would like the ban lifte09:37
Bearsharewhat were the reasons for the bam09:37
topylitrolling, foul language, insulting other users. starts with your nick and continues in almost everything you have said on ubuntu channels09:40
BearshareI am turning a new leaf, I swear09:41
naliothBearshare: is there anything else we can help you with?09:41
BearshareHey nalioth what was that code again for retrieving the list of channel ops?09:42
naliothBearshare: #freenode awaits09:42
naliothBearshare: is there anything else we can help you with in here?09:42
BearshareMy voice was taken from me in #freenode09:43
nalioththen i guess you're out of luck.  if there's nothing more we can help you with in here, please respect our /topic09:43
Bearsharegive me a voice09:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu, sblunix said: !medibuntu is A repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons. Downloadable By Entering http://paste.ubuntu.com/253564/ into the terminal10:01
ubottuBoohbah called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:10
ubottusblunix called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:10
ubottuoldude67 called the ops in #ubuntu (Bearshare  rude,foul language and off topic)10:13
ubottudragonrigs called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:13
bazhangMyrtti, you doing okay?11:24
MyrttiYeah, the nurse took the iv drip off just now and I had my first food since thursday11:26
MyrttiThe iv port is still on my hand just in case I relapse and they need to give meds11:26
MyrttiSuprising how liberating it is to be without the drip stand :-)11:27
bazhangdid they diagnosis what was causing this all?11:27
bazhangerr diagnose11:28
bazhangyou still in the uk btw?11:28
MyrttiPancrea and gall bladder inflammation caused by a gall stone that passed from their common tract. Going to have gallbladder removed in a month in a keyhole operation11:30
MyrttiIve been in Finland for a month now11:30
bazhangoh my goodness.11:30
bazhangI cant believe they had you traveling with that.11:32
MyrttiThey didnt know11:32
MyrttiI didnt know11:33
bazhangmy god I'm glad they caught it.11:33
MyrttiMy own stubborness was the main cause for not getting it discovered earlier11:34
MyrttiIve had the pain episodes since june 200511:34
MyrttiJust got more and more often recently11:35
bazhangall the numbness, the pain was related to this then presumably.11:36
MyrttiMight be11:37
bazhangI recall you saying you had hip pain before and numbness.11:37
MyrttiProbably unrelated, our family has a history of sciatica and joint aches11:39
MyrttiBut Im happy the cause for this is now solved11:41
ubottudragonrigs called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:46
bazhangwow ban list is full11:47
nikoa +L one ?11:49
bazhangjack_sparrow has a ton in there. wonder if we can remove them11:53
nikothere is somes on +d list11:53
bazhangrealname ban ?11:54
bazhanghaven't seen him around for many months11:54
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)11:59
nikoalso akick list contains some11:59
bazhang* irc.freenode.net sets ban on *!?=a1234567@* I just removed that one11:59
nikonetsplit issue perhaps12:00
bazhangI recall jack_sparrow used to lart all his bans12:03
bazhangie /cs l nick12:04
jgoohow to stop twm from asking where to place new windows12:12
bazhangjgoo, this is not a support channel12:12
jgooah, some faggot in ubuntu took offense to something no doubt, ah, they can go fuck themselves12:13
jgoocheers bazhang12:13
jgoowho was it btw?12:13
bazhangjgoo, you are forwarded here12:14
jgoowhich faggot?12:14
bazhangjgoo, no need for that language12:14
jgooI know ffs - any indiction why?12:14
jgoobazhang, I think you'll find language is what seperates us from the lower ordesr of animalia12:14
bazhangjgoo, please refrain from it on ubuntu channels12:14
jgooaaanyway, twm, get - so how do you stop twm from asking where to place windows? kinda retarded12:14
naliothplease refrain from it in civilized society12:15
jgoobazhang, not in the mood, so, 1) who / why or 2) twm12:15
naliothjgoo: this is not a support channel12:15
jgooI like 212:15
jgoonalioth, original - not going to win this one though12:15
jgoo2 or gtfo12:15
* nalioth goes for gtfo12:15
bazhangany objections to clearing jack_sparrow's bans out?12:16
naliothare they old?12:17
bazhangmost certainly as he has not been on in ages12:17
naliothgo for it12:18
bazhangthanks Myrtti for the list12:18
naliothi think we need to look at the ban list in -offtopic12:19
jussi01+1. all those with bans in -ot, please review and remove if necessary.12:29
bazhangall of jack_sparrow's bans removed (that I could see with matching the pastebin); what about the forwards to #ubuntu-es and LjL's bans?12:40
bazhangseems like a ton of #ubuntu-read-topic as well by fb's12:40
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:58
nikofloodbot don't work or ?13:14
bazhangslow it seems13:15
PriceChildI believe it is because of the split earlier, one of them is confused.13:27
bazhangseems to be in emergency mode13:28
PriceChildseems they're out now, but one of them is still confused13:30
PriceChildnot sure how to restart it though13:30
bazhangwhat a charmer (mart||n)14:30
elkyis there anyone else around for -ot?15:39
elkytopyli, Seeker`?15:39
Bilbo_BagginsSo, can I ask why I was actually kicked from ubuntu-offtopic?  Some may say I used excuses, but I just said what I said as it was said.  If I am in any kind of real error (aside from free thinking), I truly and honestly wish to know how.15:45
Bilbo_BagginsNo one?  I can run the log for you all and pastebin it.15:46
elkyi'm the only one around at the moment.15:47
Bilbo_BagginsFigured.  Hows it going... God.15:47
Bilbo_BagginsYou cannot define.  You just ramble on about excuses and blah, blah blah, but have no real pertinent things to stab me with.15:48
Bilbo_BagginsAnd, so, you ignore me.15:49
Bilbo_Bagginsas I do you.15:49
Bilbo_BagginsTry sending me a tell.15:49
elkyYou wished for wars to come into the homes of everyone alive and burned them. You insulted every female in the channel by saying they're simple and that finding them is enough to 'get some'. You scare me, to be honest.15:50
Bilbo_BagginsFirst off, I said I apologized for what I said to you before, and wether you wish to belive it or not, I meant it.  Second, now, I only wish to help....and my sacasim is on the same lines as Douglas Adams.  If you cannot take that, the I guess Hitching a ride is not for you.  Enjoy the rest of your short life....all of our lives are short, (just "Actually" think about it, for a minute, if your not afraid).15:54
elkyI fail to see how telling people to find women and 'get some' is helping.15:54
elkylet alone how calling women simple helps anything.15:55
elkythis has nothing to do with what you did last time you were drunk on irc. this entirely about what you've done today15:55
elkySeeker`, hi, care to review the past 40 mins of -ot and weigh in here?15:56
Seeker`give me a few mins15:57
Seeker`sorry, I'm trying to deal with low blood sugar at the same time16:04
Seeker`in my opinion, Bilbo_Baggins' comments are deeply inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic16:05
Seeker`and while what he said may be open to different interpretations, the most common interpretation of what he said could easily be seen to be offensive16:06
elkyand was to several people.16:06
Seeker`and I believe that the common interpretation is what was actually menat16:06
Seeker`the other stuff afterwards was just backpeddling16:07
Bilbo_BagginsSo, Sir or Maam, my question now is you said that "what was actually menat"  (assuming meant)....so my question is this....you can discern what I mean?  You can and elky, know what no one can know?  How?  I honestly wish to know.16:10
elkyBilbo_Baggins, come back in a week's time from now with a genuine apology and your ban will be reviewed.16:10
Seeker`I cannot know for sure what you meant16:10
Bilbo_BagginsExactly....so why do you ostricize me for it when I attempted to explain it?16:11
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Seeker`but seeing as you clearly aren't illiterate, I would imagine that you would have used different, less ambiguous wording if you did actually mean something different16:11
Bilbo_BagginsWhy, I tried to keep it simple.....but I failed.16:12
Seeker`why keep it simple for that one line, where you were so verbose about wanting to watch people burn?16:12
elkyi'm really not sure what other interpretations there are for "I hope that the wars that everyone fights for come to the homes of everyone that live......May the world burn."16:12
elkyespecially when followed with "I just want to eat popcorn and watch as my body and the bodies of everyone else go up like tinder."16:13
Bilbo_BagginsForgive me.  Because, then I was getting irritated.  I did not know how to express what I was wanting to say and I was being burned for everything I "did" say.  (That, is RL for me and the way it works for me....because I am so ungodly literate, and I hate it).16:14
Bilbo_BagginsRL = Real LIfe.16:14
Bilbo_BagginsI just used the short for typing purposes.....16:15
elkyexpressing your desire to burn people alive isn't a good idea.16:15
Bilbo_BagginsI am who I am.  I am not out to troll, I am not out to get anyone.  I am angry, at times, but at other times I am not.  Who isn't.  My Literacy actually is a handicap because others are not so.....so.16:16
Bilbo_BagginsAND I MEAN THATR>16:16
Bilbo_BagginsTHAT even..... sry16:16
elkyBilbo_Baggins, my decision stands. Come back in a week with a thoughtful apology and your ban will be reviewed at that time, not before.16:16
Bilbo_BagginsBut I cannot EVEN FIT IN IN circles of "Geeks"  So I am "Honestly" torn.......and bleeding.16:17
Bilbo_BagginsAnd I do not mean "Geek" as an insult.16:17
Bilbo_Bagginsjust the oposite.16:17
Bilbo_BagginsThat is as honest as I know how to be.16:18
elkyWe cannot provide counselling.16:19
Bilbo_BagginsThis is a little "offtopic" but have you ever seen the movie "Anger Management"  Think of Adam Sandler as a numbers geek (I can sing too, I love Italian Arias!  =D )16:19
Bilbo_BagginsCaro Mio Bein.... I can sing it!  =D16:19
Bilbo_BagginsDon't know what it is saying, but I can sing it....LMAO16:20
elkyBilbo_Baggins, come back in a week.16:20
Bilbo_BagginsWell enough for a collegiete level vocal major......(but I didn't finish, due to thing I will never repeat to anyone but my mother and my little brother).16:21
Bilbo_BagginsNot really bad, but bad enough for me.16:21
Pricey Bilbo_Baggins Is there anything else we can help you with?16:22
Bilbo_BagginsI just wish to know why I was kicked from offtopic.16:22
elkythat has already been explained to you.16:23
PriceyBilbo_Baggins: Please take your time to reread hte logs of this conversation :)16:23
Bilbo_BagginsSeeker kind of explained it, but If it it just because what I said was taken construed....then I just wish to know why it was construed.16:23
Bilbo_BagginsI've read it.16:23
Seeker`The comments about watching the world burn were deeply inappropriate for that channel16:24
Seeker`and I can't see any other possible interpretation for what you said about that16:24
Bilbo_BagginsCan you tell me why.....?  I've read the ubuntu agreement.16:24
elkyBilbo_Baggins, you made comments that were of a mortally threatening nature. You then made comments that were very disrespectful to women.16:25
Bilbo_BagginsBut, in all seriousness, the world will one day burn.... I belive this.  But I did not bring that up due to religion.16:25
elkyBilbo_Baggins, please go away and sober up. In one week's time, come back here and apologise. If you do that, your ban will be reviewed at that time, not before.16:26
Pricey!guidelines > Bilbo_Baggins16:26
ubottuBilbo_Baggins, please see my private message16:26
Bilbo_BagginsHere's the catch......there is a way out....It's not the latter day saints, it's not the Catholic church.  Its the Christ......but that is just me.....please, I hope I am in a safe place to say that.16:26
PriceyBilbo_Baggins: Thanks very much for your time. However I don't appreciate these constant tangents. Please reread the logs of this channel if htere is any confusion.16:26
PriceyBilbo_Baggins: Please do return in a weeks time like elky requested.16:27
elkyBilbo_Baggins, this is not a channel for idling in.16:31
Tm_TMyrtti: I hope you get better soon (just reading logs)16:45
ikoniacome someone tell me why bilbo_baggins is tollerated ?17:03
ikoniathis is another serial troll and we appear to be humouring his nonsense17:03
Priceyikonia: tolerated?17:04
ikoniapresistantly reviewing his bans and explaining things to him17:04
PriceyThis was a fresh ban, no?17:09
ikoniathe point I'm saying is the guy is banned on average 3 - 4 times per month17:09
ikoniaand each time it's "come back in a week and we'll review it"17:09
PriceyKeep the ban for longer then.17:09
ikoniaI'd like to see that17:09
ikoniathe guy has no interest in participating so I see no reason - as with bacta to keep allowing the inevitable disrution17:10
bazhanghe and bilok /aka immo_phagg etc17:10
ikoniabazhang: they are "new" though, they may get bored, this guy keeps coming back with no intetion other than being a problem17:11
bazhangikonia, 3 klines and multiple bans in a short time (5 bans today alone)17:11
ikoniaThor_allmighty: hello, how can we help ?17:12
Thor_allmightyHello. I was just looking for the Supreme Ruler17:12
ikoniaThor_allmighty: do you have a real question / problem we can help with ?17:13
Thor_allmightyThe guy who owns freenode17:13
ikoniaThor_allmighty: #freenode is the correct channel to talk to freenode staff17:13
Thor_allmighty#ubuntu is not affiliated with freenode??17:13
ikoniaThor_allmighty: #ubuntu is a channel on the freenode network, #freenode is the channel to talk to freenode staff members17:14
Thor_allmightyI see. Well, I'm going there now.. thanks!17:15
ikoniano problem,17:15
Thor_allmightySo, they can give me Op?17:15
ikoniaThor_allmighty: I don't know what your talking about, I suggest you speak to the freenode staff members (voiced) in #freenode17:15
ikoniaThor_allmighty: this channel is only for #ubuntu related issues17:15
ikoniaThor_allmighty: anything else you need from this channel ?17:17
Thor_allmightyno, thank you!17:18
ikoniaThor_allmighty: no problem, if you check the topic we ask that when you have no other issues you need to disscuss here that you leave the channel so we can deal with people who do need help17:18
Thor_allmightya, ok17:18
Thor_allmightybye bye17:19
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
MyrttiDumdi dum19:32
tuhidhello, it seems that I have been banned at the #ubuntu channel, I don't know why.21:14
tuhidcan someone give a reason?21:15
Picituhid: We ban java irc clients due to some abuse that we have gotten in the past, please use a normal irc client or http://webchat.freenode.net21:28

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