[00:03] color test [00:03] ahhh [00:10] Any word on kubuntuforums coming back online [00:15] hi, I can't get sound with smplayer and vlc doesn't seem to work on KDE-4.3, any help ? [00:22] join #kubuntu-offtopic [00:51] hello, i wanna delete my sda2 partition of my disk (which contains my vista) with Gparted, but the option is locked, can someone help me pls [00:57] luis_: how are you starting Gparted? You have to run it as root (privileged user) [00:57] sudo gparted [00:57] i am root [00:57] oh ok [00:57] or try gksudo gparted [00:57] somebody who knows why my laptop display shows white screen with stripes while shutdown ubuntu? [00:57] everything works but this is anoying [00:58] no dschulz, problem keeps [00:58] option blocked [00:59] luis_: mmm have you tried with cfdisk program from command line? [00:59] open a konsole or gnome-terminal window and type 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda' [01:00] that will automatically erase my sda2? [01:00] no, the program will list you your partitions [01:01] but if you ask, yes, you have to be cautious, navigate the buttons on the bottom of the window with the arrow keys [01:02] notice that there's no need to delete the partition [01:02] you just need to change the partition type [01:02] luis_- is the partition mounted? [01:02] Dragnslcr: good question :) [01:02] yes Dragnslcr its mounted [01:03] you have to unmount it [01:03] There's your problem right there [01:03] You can't modify mounted partitions [01:03] sudo umount /dev/sda2 [01:03] dschulz: i wanna delete it because if i have virtual box emuling windows, why wasting 60GB in a system i will not boot anymore :) === Mapk is now known as Eyeslooker [01:03] look, if you are going to delete, you will need to create a new partition anyway [01:04] you can just change the partition type and the reformat as ext3 [01:04] no, i will make bigger the linux one [01:04] or ext4 if you prefer [01:04] the partition type is just a flag that identifies which kind of filesystem you have in that partition [01:05] im not saying that actually deleting the partition is wrong. Im just saying that you dont really need to do that [01:05] oh holda [01:06] u r telling me than if i reformat as ext3 [01:06] linux will be able to use it? [01:06] yes [01:06] because the 2 r different partions, 1 is sda2 and the other 1 sda3 [01:06] sure [01:08] can you list your partitions with 'fdisk -l /dev/sda' and paste in pastebin, please? [01:09] fdisk -l /dev/sda [01:09] could not be open [01:09] oops, 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' [01:09] lol.. [01:09] without the quoutes [01:10] what was the large texts copy pages? [01:10] bin.com or something, dont remember [01:10] pastebin.com ? [01:10] that :) [01:11] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com also works [01:12] this [01:12] http://pastebin.com/m72264871 [01:12] will look [01:14] sda3 es una particion extendida, y probablemente sda5 y sd6 son particiones *logicas* "dentro" de sda3 [01:14] good, u know english, i was thinking u maybe could not understand "fin" and "Bloques" lol [01:14] srry :) [01:14] well then what we do? [01:15] u know spanish* [01:15] yes, much better than english indeed :) [01:15] cool :D because i am panamenian ;) [01:15] ok lets proceed, what we do then? [01:15] i'd recommend you to start with cfdisk [01:16] changing the partition type [01:16] i want linux to take all the disk [01:16] ok, but all your other partitions are linux right now [01:16] it it possible to install Adobe Flash Player 10 in Kubuntu 8.04? [01:16] i tried to rezise sda5, but it says it cant be unmounted cause u have to unmount also "/" wtf?! [01:16] the only 'evil' partition is sda2 right ? [01:16] oh lol yes [01:17] eagle, sure [01:17] ok, the other partitions are in use right now [01:17] i think [01:17] you cant touch them [01:17] oh... [01:17] there's no need also [01:17] carpii_: some help please, any way i have tried has worked for me, Konqueror and Firefox cannot see the plugin [01:17] thats why i cant unmount it :/ [01:17] oh, good then [01:18] okay, if we r not going to use gparted, what i do? [01:18] i'd recommend you to get rid of sda2 [01:18] eagle, i didnt do anything special. I just have firefox 3 and installed adobe-flashplugin package [01:18] ok, so i delete it with gparted :) [01:18] and forget about the other partitions [01:19] if you insist with gparted.. right [01:19] carpii_: i use 64bit and that package is only for 32bit [01:19] but wait [01:19] lets do it with the other program then ^^ [01:19] i dont recommend you to actually *delete* the partition [01:19] oh ok, i dont know about 64 bit [01:20] [19:18] i'd recommend you to get rid of sda2 [01:20] yes or no? [01:20] no, wait [01:20] ill try to explain [01:20] get rid by reformating, not by deleting the partition [01:20] there's a big difference [01:21] oh LOOL [01:21] what i recommend you is to 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda' then [01:22] then u could say "reformat", not "get rid", i was actually just going to click apply after clicking delete partitoon ;) [01:22] then select the sda2 partition [01:22] partition* [01:22] the thing is than gparted has a graphical mode, so i can simply click: Reformat as ext3 [01:22] the sda2 [01:22] un momento [01:23] que [01:23] whats the best quicksilver type app [01:24] file search/launcher [01:26] theres a gnome one called gnome-do [01:28] i was lookin at launchy i have beagle but b dont like it [01:30] hola [01:30] :) [01:37] hiiiiiii [01:43] if i remove the jaunty backports source and do a dist-upgrade, will apt remove 4.3 and restore 4.2? [01:45] d === root is now known as root_ === Phrea is now known as PhreazZ [02:00] Something has gone terribly wrong with my KDE. I tried to upgrade to Karmic Alpha 4 using the backports, but now when I login I have no window decorations, no wallpaper, and cannot type anything. (I am in Gnome at the moment..) === kal is now known as kalenedrael === patrice is now known as Patrice === thumper is now known as thumper-afk === prefrontal_ is now known as prefrontal === william is now known as Guest43836 [02:53] yes [03:06] hi all. how do i make kde 4.3 use compiz instead of kwin automatically. i'm not getting anywhere on google. [03:12] why compiz ? [03:12] kwin is better [03:12] and better integrated [03:12] compiz is buggy with KDE [03:19] kwin is buggy right now on my system and compiz is running better. i love kwin, but it needs to mature more. [03:19] compiz is working fine with kde 4.3 so far. a little better than kwin [03:21] sorry for the late reply. found something on google that tells me how to change the window manager on startup (finally). going to try. be back soon [03:25] goes i got an issue here, why copiying files from Home to a CD-RW goes SOO slow, its alwasy 0 B/s [03:25] is there a way to fix that?! [03:25] copying* [03:26] ????? [03:30] luis_: can't say i've run into that before. which version of kubuntu are you using [03:30] and which application ? [03:31] replacing kwin with compiz on startup worked like a charm [03:32] i wished kwin worked better on my system (old ati card). i liked being able to enable and disable compositing with a key stroke [03:35] the kde team outdid themselves with kde 4.3. its excellent! [04:05] im looking for somthing better thaN kmenu or lancelot any ideas [04:10] I wanna updrade to KDE.4.3 [04:10] can someone help me pls¿? [04:11] ??? [04:11] There's a link right in the topic [04:11] oh [04:11] thx [04:12] do you guys ever get these distorted line across the screen but go away once you move somthing in them, i get it alot in konceroro [04:12] konqueror [04:16] hi [04:20] hey [04:26] ive been getting these distorted horizonal lines some kinda bug anyone els see them [04:28] ive been getting these distorted horizonal lines some kinda bug anyone els see them [04:33] d === _roconnor is now known as roconnor [04:49] does anyone els get parts of the screen will get scrambled [04:49] untill i move the mouse over it or click === hemathor_ is now known as hemathor [05:01] brian_: I used to get that a lot, but I've only seen it once since 9.04 === jacob_ is now known as Guest58302 === Guest58302 is now known as oddenodin [05:21] jak [05:25] downloaded ubuntu....restarted PC....boot screen did not load...went straight to windows every time [05:25] got warning while installing...."Windows no disk" ??? [05:26] downloaded ubuntu....restarted PC....boot screen did not load...went straight to windows every time [05:26] got warning while installing...."Windows no disk" ??? [05:26] mike_144, did you md5 the iso burn at very low speed, do the disk integrity check [05:27] your speaking japanese to me....I downloaded with the 9.04 disk [05:28] !md5 | mike_144 [05:28] mike_144: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [05:28] mike_144: when you boot the cd, there's a "check disk" option. did ya do that? [05:28] So i need the CD in when i reboot? [05:28] mike_144, you need to compare the md5 hash of the iso to the one on the ubuntuhashes page [05:29] when i booted the CD a windows warning popped up that said "Windows no disk" [05:29] i clicked continue like 10 times it then began to install [05:30] no "check disk option" came up [05:31] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes mike_144 [05:31] thank you [05:32] sounds like a bad burn, or a corrupt iso mike_144 [05:34] LOL! that is like asking me to read Japanese man...WTF....I downloaded the CD..why won't it work [05:35] mike_144: Are you sure your computer is set to boot from CD? [05:35] mike_144, a bad burn, means an incorrectly burned cd, a corrupt iso means that the downloaded file was in someway not complete, no need for the language [05:35] the CD was sent from ubuntu...it's an official CD [05:36] mike_144, you said earlier you downloaded the CD [05:36] downloaded ubuntu.. [05:36] yes....it went all the way thru but when it rebooted it never gave me a choice of which OS to use [05:37] mike_144: Are you sure your computer is set to boot from the CD? [05:37] how do i do that [05:37] i shouldn't have to boot from CD should I [05:37] bios boot priority. :) [05:38] mike_144, to install ubuntu of course you need to [05:38] I downloaded Ubuntu......It does not give me the choice at boot like it is supposed to [05:38] !bios [05:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about bios [05:39] you know...when i restart my PC [05:39] mike_144: Most likely you just have to set your BIOS to boot from the CD. [05:39] hould i uninstall and try again...then look for check disk? [05:40] should^ [05:40] mike_144, uninstall? you said it never installed? [05:40] it did install^^^^ [05:41] but it will not give me a choice of "windows" or ubuntu" at restart [05:41] When booting up hit F1, keep on hitting it. It could be a different key too. A bios utility will come up. You gotta search around for the bios priorty, or boot priorty, move the CD ROM to the top. [05:41] I'm trying to google to see what keys to press. Sometimes it's different [05:41] escape [05:42] for boot screen [05:42] delete is often used [05:42] i've seen f12 as well [05:42] it's escape [05:42] on mine [05:43] there, you have choices to go by. Change the boot order, restart, put in CD and install [05:43] change the boot order??? [05:43] yep [05:44] how [05:44] make sure to change it back once you have installed [05:46] mike_144: What manufacturer is your motherboard? [05:46] pentium? [05:46] intel [05:46] HP [05:46] Pavilion [05:47] Try F1 [05:48] Restart the computer, keep pressing F1, or whatever keys were mentioned. Don't wait til Windows shows up. [05:49] ok i uninstalled....and put the disk in to install and a warning popped up "Windows-no disk" exception process message c00000013 parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c [05:49] My bios says, "boot" in the bios. Again, it's probably different [05:49] heh [05:50] when i click continue like 10 times it begins the install though [05:50] mike_144: Probably something is interfering with autorun. It is best to boot directly from the CD rather than trying to run it from within Windows. [05:50] how do i boot direct? [05:51] Click start > shutdown > restart. While restarting press F1 repeatedly. [05:52] mike_144: For an HP, usually you reboot with the CD in the drive, press ESC as soon as you see the BIOS screen, and select the CD drive as the boot option. [05:52] with the ubunto disk in [05:52] Sure. [05:52] Doesn't really matter right now [05:52] mike_144, so it is not installed yet then [05:52] no i uninstalled [05:53] and put the disk in to install and a warning popped up "Windows-no disk" exception process message c00000013 parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c [05:53] mike_144: Have you tried booting from the CD yet? [05:53] i don't know what that means man [05:53] mike_144: For an HP, usually you reboot with the CD in the drive, press ESC as soon as you see the BIOS screen, and select the CD drive as the boot option. [05:54] "booting from the CD" [05:54] mike_144, what is your native language [05:54] mike_144: Let me search for a video on installing ubuntu on youtube. [05:54] english [05:54] mike_144: The BIOS screen is usually the HP logo, or whatever displays _before_ windows starts to load. [05:54] booting from CD means starting computer from CD and NOT hard disk DRive [05:55] yes and "escape" brings me to the boot page [05:55] hey, does anyone know an error where kdm log gives you this: XKB: No components provided for device Virtual core keyboard [05:55] mike_144, and there you change the 'Boot' order. [05:55] mike_144: Then select the CD drive option, and it should boot from the Ubuntu CD. [05:56] ok...i'll try [05:56] mike_144, how did you install it the first time? [05:57] bazhang: I think he installed it from within Windows. [05:57] mike_144, was it wubi? as CoJaBo-Aztec is suggesting? a file inside windows? [05:58] it is an official Ubuntu disk sent by mail to download [05:58] 9.04 [05:58] mike_144: http://alturl.com/fcxa It also explains wubi. Looks kinda cheesy [05:59] my frien installed it with no prob on toshiba lap top [05:59] By, "looks kinda cheesy" I ment the videos. ;) [06:00] k i'll check...disk is downloading now === thumper-afk is now known as thumper [06:11] is there an easy way to revert back to kde 4.2 after doing an upgrade to 4.3? [06:12] l [06:17] Hey.. === Lul is now known as Valkyrie [06:17] Anyone here an op in #ubuntu.. [06:18] i kinda need to talk to you if you are.. [06:18] Valkyrie: #ubuntu-ops [06:18] Thank you. [06:22] the kde 4.3 is ok? [06:22] i want to download it [06:22] e.o There not talking [06:23] 4.3 is good [06:24] get it now what are waiting for argh [06:24] there is no bug? [06:24] is there* [06:24] all software has bugs [06:24] Yup [06:25] sorry for my english [06:25] 4.3 has some nice new features though :) [06:25] hmm [06:25] ok [06:25] Maco, There not talking..i-i kinda need to apolagize..for what i did to #ubuntu [06:25] Valkyrie: do you have a ban? [06:25] i will download now [06:25] xD Yes [06:25] ...i kinda..with some friends.. [06:25] Spammed the hell out of #ubuntu with bots [06:25] e.o [06:26] It was stupid [06:26] and i feel bad [06:26] hello, can someone explain me step by step how to upgrade to KDE 4.3 in kubuntu 9.04? [06:26] i tried the link up, but i dont know what to do [06:27] Valkyrie: *grumble* reading the banlist is tough when its all IPs [06:27] Yea [06:27] Well [06:27] i cant see find which op banned you [06:27] My ip dooesent show [06:27] so i dont know who to poke [06:27] luis_: lemme look [06:27] My ip doesent show [06:27] so it should be easy [06:27] cg.shawcable.net is my isp [06:28] luis_: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list [06:28] so sort through with those that have that end to it [06:28] luis_: paste the "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main" line at the end of it [06:28] luis_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [06:30] kdesu command not found [06:30] ... [06:30] sudo [06:30] try sudo [06:30] that should be part of default [06:30] oh lol [06:30] do you have gksudo instead? [06:30] doug__: youre not supposed to use sudo on graphical apps [06:31] if you installed ubuntu then added kubuntu to it, you may have gksu/gksudo [06:31] i don't know so [06:31] kdesudo doug__ [06:31] i installed kubuntu, not ubuntu [06:31] ah bazhang has it [06:32] bazhang: kdesu used to exist, didnt it? [06:32] luis_, kdesudo bazhang: did gksu go away too? [06:32] maco, it seems to not be installed by default though (kdesudo) [06:33] maco, also there, oddly optional for Ubuntu as well [06:33] maco, after posting the line in kate, a lot of extra text appeared, is that okay? [06:33] ... [06:33] WOW [06:33] Really?!? [06:34] uhh? [06:34] Thats not cool [06:34] r..r [06:34] Valkyrie, ?? [06:34] Valkyrie: wrong channel? [06:34] Valkyrie, you had a bot attack in #ubuntu ? here is the place to discuss [06:34] 23:30 <+bazhang> #ubuntu: 2009-08-13T05:20:36 Ubuntu got pwnd? [06:34] 23:30 <+Myrtti> this is the bot spammer? [06:34] 23:30 <+bazhang> yep [06:34] 23:30 * Myrtti walks away [06:34] Valkyrie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:34] e.o sorry [06:34] anyway.... [06:34] Refuse to talk to me [06:34] luis_: extra text appeared where? in kate? [06:34] yes [06:35] a w/e [06:35] pressed save already [06:35] luis_: what sort of extra text? [06:35] i am upgrading right now [06:35] ok [06:37] who da fuck was that guy [06:37] luis_, no need for that language [06:38] Hi guys, anybody here to help me about HP printers? plz [06:38] mansoor, make and model? [06:38] Laserjet P1005 [06:38] oh and maco, there was no need for a public key or something? [06:39] http://linuxprinting.org mansoor please check the printer db there [06:40] actually i installed it & printed some pages but after a week i tryed to print some other pages but it dosnt work 4 me! i installed latest HPLIP driver+plugin also but problem still yet! [06:40] mansoor, did you try to setup the printer again after removing it? [06:40] ei maco, what was the command for full upgrade? [06:41] yeah, i tryed 3 time but nothing affect! [06:41] mansoor, I had the same problem, set up a pdf printer first, then the HP one, and it worked [06:42] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers mansoor you may wish to read this as well [06:42] actually here is a PDF printer at the moment [06:42] GUYS, what was the full upgrade command pls [06:42] luis_: "sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade" [06:42] thx dude [06:44] luis_: the key isnt strictly necessary, but if you want to be able to check that the packages are coming from the kubuntu devs you can import it [06:44] itll work without it, but its a security thing you may want [06:44] okay [06:45] btw [06:45] why u cant download 2 things at the same time? [06:46] why u always need to wait for one thing to finish... (talking about packages) [06:46] luis_, just put them in a queue sudo apt-get install vlc vrms [06:47] luis_: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 8AC93F7A [06:47] luis_: thatd get the key [06:49] so after i restart... [06:49] i will get kde 4.3? [06:50] or log out and log back in [06:51] its 12:51 here [06:51] pretty late... [06:51] dont know wtf i am doing awake if i must go to high school tomorrow... [06:52] but i am a little drunk so i will wait until i finish download... [06:53] where are you from, luis_? [06:53] Panamá... [06:53] u? [06:53] i tryed to check device informations in HP Toolbox but "Unable to open device hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_P1005?serial=BB0GW8X." [06:53] Brazil [06:53] : here [06:53] thats cool, we r twin brothers lol [06:54] wtf i did just say....DAMN.... [06:54] heueheuheue [06:54] its 02:54 here [06:54] oh.....good [06:54] u got 2 hours more than mine [06:54] jejejeje........ [06:55] the good thing about downloading in the night [06:55] is than u got the max of ur download speed [06:55] downloading at 3:00 PM is BULLSHIT [06:55] 1:55 here... so doug__, youre in that far east tip of canada? [06:55] !language | luis_ [06:55] luis_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [06:55] omfg... [06:56] mansoor, lets keep it in channel [06:56] -03 [06:56] mansoor: maybe try using the normal cups printer config instead of the hplip thing? [06:56] sorry, you was busy & no one replied, so i messaged you in private. sorry again [06:56] luis_, thats 3 language warnings. stop with the cursing [06:56] from greenwich [06:57] particularly when there are two ops staring at you :P [06:57] i dont give a... [06:57] OH NEVER MIND [06:58] actually CUPS commands dosnt work for me! i installed with HP driver available in 3rd party websites & that seems fine & worked verry well for me [06:58] i will install kde 4.3 [06:58] mansoor, follow maco 's advice and use the cups utility, never been able to use the 'hp toolbox' here [06:58] bye [06:58] but after a period of a week, it left working so i installed it via HPLIP [06:58] but problem is same yet! [07:00] mansoor, well that HP printer works without question, odd that you would need a 3rd party driver though. [07:00] bazhang: the hp one used to work back in like...2006, 2007...and its still nice for ink levels...but it relies on some weird way of detecting the printers that tends to decide to change at random or osmething [07:01] maco, it often told me that I was out of ink when I was using fresh cartridges [07:01] its printer dependent [07:01] i removed printer via System->Administration->Printing at the moment & want to install it again [07:01] some printers dont have the ability to report ink levels. then it always says empty [07:01] my mom's old one was like that [07:01] wich way is the best to install again? [07:03] thats the tool i'd use for it [07:03] needing a 3rd party driver is surprising for an hp though [07:03] in 8.04 and newer, the hp's ive tried are auto-detected and auto-setup when i plug them in via usb [07:04] wait a while & let me find that article that i installed my printer via that guide! [07:08] look at this: http://blog.dipinkrishna.info/2009/07/install-hp-printers-in-linux-ubuntu.html [07:09] are you using ubuntu or kubuntu? [07:09] just remembred the autodetect stuff is ubuntu only [07:09] wtf is that??? [07:09] actually i installed Ubuntu but downloaded K after that [07:10] why the hell are they having you compile all that? and...jesus, ubuntu includes this stuff! [07:11] i didnt know that :-s im verry new to linux & its just 2 mounths im using linux! [07:11] * maco takes cluebat to that website [07:12] * maco also dislikes this color scheme [07:13] so what do you advise me to install my printer finally? [07:14] *maybe* that sites right about needing extra ppd's for laserjets v. inkjets (i only have inkjets here)...but compiling cups? yikes [07:15] 8-| i cant run that commands about CUPS! here isnt any CUPS command working for me! [07:15] id just do it through systemsettings -> printer configuration [07:15] plug it in usb, go through new printer, etc. [07:15] sometimes your exact model isnt listed but one thats close is and will work [07:15] i installed several time that way but still not working :-( [07:16] in my case, i have an HP PSC 1610 but i tell it its a 1600 [07:16] my one is listed but dosnt work! [07:16] but worked at one point? [07:16] yea [07:16] just 1st time after installation [07:17] id delete /etc/cups/printers.conf [07:17] and then install the printer so that gets regenerated [07:17] im guessing something wonky's in there (or its corrupted) [07:18] actually here isnt any thing in this file! [07:18] here are just 2 lines!! [07:19] # Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.3.9 [07:19] # Written by cupsd on 2009-08-17 10:30 [07:19] so if it goes "does it exist?" sees that it does, then tries to use the non-existent config by just assuming htat there's usable data in there....thatd break it [07:20] it should be closer to a dozen lines long [07:20] i removed the file but im in Gnome @ the moment, let me logout & go back to K desktop [07:21] i'll back in just a while [07:23] ok guys im back in K desktop right now [07:24] so what do you advise me to do? [07:24] system settings -> printer config [07:24] New Network Printer? [07:24] go through that thing without it already having a weird blankish config and see if that makes a difference [07:24] is it a network printer? [07:25] or usb? [07:25] no its just a small office local printer [07:25] USB [07:25] oh! i remember what was weird about hplip. it actually cared *which* usb port i used [07:25] but here isnt any option else! [07:25] if i plugged it into a different usb port than the one i set it up with, it wouldnt see it [07:26] look, here are just 2 Options in New printer section, 1st: New Network Printer. 2nd: New Printer Class [07:27] awww there's mold on my pita [07:28] :-/ *grumble* its nealy 3am so i cant plug in my printer and walk through it, or ill wake up my boyfriend [07:28] bazhang: ? [07:29] maco, hi [07:29] what was the command to get the java and flash player plugins for firefox? [07:29] oops :-S [07:29] sudo apt-get install flashplayer [07:29] i thought it was adobe-flashplayer [07:29] luis_, all the codecs? kubuntu-restricted-extras [07:29] the plugin, not the program... [07:29] oh yes [07:30] yeah, maco is right :-D [07:30] thx bazhang [07:30] i wish restricted extras included openjdk instead of sun [07:30] since its what people use to get all that stuff [07:30] why da **** i cant use 2 java apps at the same time [07:30] if you want to use openjdk and everything else be from restricted extras, its harder [07:30] i cant reproduce 2 youtube videos cause [07:30] bazhang, maco, anybody hav any idea to solve my pro? [07:30] 1 always is without sound [07:30] SUCKS [07:31] bazhang: do you know how to get through the printer config ? i cant do it with a sleeping person here [07:31] luis_: i still think pulseaudio is good for getting around that, but the kubuntu devs and ubuntu devs disagree on its utility [07:32] devs? [07:32] kubuntu devs say amarok doesnt work right with pulseaudio, but i see no evidence of that [07:32] devs = developers [07:32] mansoor, system administration printing [07:32] who da $@&! r the devs [07:32] oh LOLZ [07:32] bazhang: hes in kde [07:32] to the $@&! with them [07:32] !language > luis_ [07:32] luis_, please see my private message [07:32] i will install pulse audio [07:32] thx [07:33] luis you need libflashsupport [07:33] maco, I'm in gnome atm [07:33] mansoor: no he doesnt [07:33] i guess it works fine after installing that [07:33] what was the page than explains u how to use the kubuntu restricted extras [07:33] mansoor: libflashsupport was to force flash to go through pulseaudio before they figured out how to do it right. it also makes flash less stable and no longer exists in ubuntu [07:33] someone remember? [07:34] !codecs > luis_ [07:34] luis_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [07:34] luis_, please see my private message [07:34] Any equivalent to sockstat on Ubuntu? [07:34] thx [07:34] maybe im wrong but after libflashsupport installation, sound works pretty fine in flash! but i dont have any problem yet & no need this lib! [07:34] noa_: it would help if you told us what sockstat does [07:35] after my 1st time installation when i hadnt sound in flash, i just restarted my pc & every thing working fine! [07:35] mansoor: it doesnt exist in current ubuntu [07:35] tsimpson: I need to check what is in my port 80 [07:35] mansoor: it was an 8.04 workaround and was gone by 8.10 [07:35] bazhang, im in printer configuration but how i haveto install my local printer? [07:35] here are just 2 options [07:36] (in new printer section) [07:36] noa_: netstat can list all open ports and what is listening on it [07:36] mansoor: im rather close with the person who does ubuntu sound stuff [07:36] 1st: "New Network Printer" 2nd: "New Printer Class" [07:36] mansoor: maybe this is kde suckage :-/ system-config-printer-gtk may be the thing to use after all [07:36] noa_: "sudo netstat -lnp" will list all the open ports and the program which opened it [07:37] but it installs Local Printers also [07:38] i installed this way 1st time [07:38] can someone explain me step by step how to enable multiverse so i can use the restricted extras pls? [07:38] which one do you suggest? Printer Configuration or HPLIP Device manager? [07:38] !repos [07:38] The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [07:38] luis_ are you on Kubuntu or Ubuntu? [07:39] Kubuntu [07:39] luis_: remember that bit about editing /etc/apt/sources.list ? do that agian, this time removing the # from start of lines that start in "deb" and end in "multiverse" [07:39] Application->System->Software Source [07:39] holda [07:40] maco [07:40] kde 4.3 just finished installing [07:40] let me restart and then u explain me :) [07:40] both of my & macos way are same but maco provide you the terminal based but i talled you the graphical way! [07:42] hey, maco, im installing my printer but location field is fully empty, so haveto set it manually? [07:43] location usually means like when youre in the office "near bob's desk" "by the snack machine" so you know where to walk to [07:45] look, here are 4 fields. "Printer Name: HP_LaserJet_P1005" "Description:" Location:" "PPD file: drv:///hp/hpcups.drv/hp-laserjet_p1005.ppd" [07:46] yeah so location is like "living room" or "basement" or what have you [07:46] literally where the heck is it in the house [07:47] its in my computer desk ;-) so it no needs to be complete? [07:47] if you only have one printer it sounds silly. if you have 5 its useful to know which part of the house/office it printed to [07:47] and description could be like "photo printer "print scan" "giant laser thing" [07:47] hi [07:48] actually i have just a couple of printers & they are differend models, 1st one is in my desk (Laserjet) & he secound one is in 1st floor in my daddys room (Deskjet) [07:51] Can anyone make me a i386 DEB package for a source............I don't have good net connection to download all the libraries [07:51] i installed it again but some thing wrong here! in HP Device manager, Supplies section dosnt contain any information [07:52] & in status section it says that device is busy! [07:52] tsimpson: I found a bot that blocks the port 80. How can you get rid of it? [07:53] noa_: what do you mean? [07:53] hi there! Really annoying problem: In KDM 4.2.2 (Kubuntu 9.04) after entering my login name and password, I'll be redirected to the same login form again, so i'm not able to login! Any ideas or solutions? [07:53] apparle: look at launchpad's PPA system [07:53] tsimpson: I want my apache running again [07:53] noa_: what is stopping it? [07:54] dirtbag666: dos it give you any error? [07:55] mansoor: nope, just shows up the empty login screen again [07:55] tsimpson: where to look [07:55] mansoor: is there perhaps a log only for kdm? [07:56] apparle: you sign up for launchpad, and you get a PPA (Personal Package Archive) [07:56] !ppa [07:56] With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [07:56] dirtbag666: /var/log/kdm.log [07:57] dirtbag666: /var/log/kdm.log [07:57] mansoor: damn, its empty [07:57] tsimpson: not sure, the only unknown ip at port 80 is I have no idea whether it is related to the problem. It would be cool to know how to find out. [07:58] tsimpson: I can't open the link through konqueror [07:59] dirtbag666: look at this: http://olympus.het.brown.edu/cgi-bin/dwww?type=file&location=/usr/share/doc/kdm/README.gz [07:59] noa_: are you behind a router or firewall? you need to make sure the port is unblocked and forwarded to your internal IP if so [08:00] apparle: you mean https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart ? [08:02] tsimpson: yes [08:02] tsimpson: I also can't open gmail............but I can open google [08:03] apparle: works fine here [08:03] mansoor: thx for the link, but I can't see any usefull information? [08:06] tsimpson: I don't.............I am unable to connect to many pages [08:09] tsimpson: I just noticed I can't connect to encrypted site................why I don't know [08:13] good day [08:13] mine amarok doesn't plays music :( but when I check the sound configuration of the KDE - everything is fine :( [08:14] zipito: install libxine1-ffmpeg [08:14] !info libxine1-ffmpeg [08:14] libxine1-ffmpeg (source: xine-lib): MPEG-related plugins for libxine1. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 395 kB, installed size 852 kB [08:14] apparle, when using xine mine kde doesn't plays a sound [08:15] zipito: so which backend you use.............gstreamer?? [08:15] apparle, yes [08:15] and when I verity sound it plays [08:16] then you must install the gstreamer plugins............wait I'll see and tell you the name [08:19] zipito: I am not sure............try gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg [08:19] zipito: why does the sound not work in xine..............do you use OSS drivers?? [08:20] Guys has anyone played kollision...................its an awesome game [08:21] apparle, I don't know - I have pulseaudio - and it was fine on the Gnome - now I've switched to KDE - and now sound with xine - after that I've install additional backend - and sound is on [08:23] zipito: I have heard that pulseaudio is not good with xine...............did you try changing the default device in System Settings when you use xine [08:24] zipito: anyways.............there is no problem if gstreamer works for you.............install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg [08:34] tsimpson: I went to the link through firefox...........it says the software should be yours [08:35] tsimpson: but I want to make deb of gnome2 version of http://ipmsg.org/index.html.en [08:35] apparle: you can package any open-source app [08:35] tsimpson: yes it is open source [08:36] then you can publish it in your PPA [08:36] tsimpson: I mean I don't know the license bu they have provided the source on the site [08:39] apparle: it's BSD licence: see the COPYING file [08:39] gidday all ... been kubuntu'ing since 2004 .. thought i mite say hi and join the channel. Just bought a neo freerunner (oha phone thingy) ... joining their server/channel as a regular too. anyone here using one? [08:40] it's open source, so you can publish it [08:45] tsimpson: I didn't understand exactly PPA system...........do I have to create a PPA for every software.............or only one [08:46] davetv: probably best to popon over to #kubuntu-offtopic for general discussion [08:46] ahh ok - thanks --- what is this channel specifically for? [08:46] apparle: 1 ppa can hold many peices of software [08:46] davetv: kubuntu support - see /topic [08:47] apparle: each PPA is one repository, which can hold many different software. you can have several PPAs if you want [08:47] apparle: you can get support for PPAs (and Launchpad in general) in #launchpad [08:48] hmmm support hey ... ok... i'll play .... how can i run kubuntu on my neo freerunner GTA02? ;) [08:52] is there a kubuntu for arm processors? [08:55] !info app-install-data [08:55] app-install-data (source: app-install-data-ubuntu): Ubuntu applications (data files). In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 6354 kB, installed size 23360 kB [08:59] davetv: Is there any ubuntu for ARM?? [09:00] yeah ... arm architecture - got a 480*640 screen [09:00] ie not x86 [09:01] been playing with tis toy i bought [09:02] currently unning qtextended-improved ... qt based as is kde [09:02] running* [09:07] what is this I get while upgrade [09:07] Unknown media type in type 'all/all' nnUnknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'nnUnknown media type in type 'uri/mms'nnUnknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'nnUnknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'nnUnknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'nnUnknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'n [09:09] buys what is this unkown media type and stuff [09:09] *guys [09:15] Hi there. I am trying to set up Kmail with my GPG-Keys. When signing it alwas says, that its missing the passphrase. I installed kgpg and kleopatra. How the hell is this ment to work? [09:19] since upgrade to 9.04 my wireless receiver is not working anymore [09:20] net work manager says wlan interface unavailable [09:20] hurray, those latest kde 4.3 packages fix the silly soprano/sesame dependencies [09:20] k 9.04-64 [09:20] it workef in 8.10 [09:21] is there a best approach to solve this issue [09:25] Hi! I need to make a re-partition the drive my Kubuntu isntall is on. [09:25] (I need to make a new partiton, I'm adding ARCH) [09:46] guys plz help me setup HDD automount on startup [09:49] !fstab [09:49] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [09:49] !Partitions [09:49] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [09:50] apparle, do you want to mount a partition? [09:51] kavurt: no I want to setup the system such that all HDDs are mounted automatically mounted on startup [09:51] Do the instructions to setup fstab differ if I have WUBI installtion [09:52] I don't know anything about wubi, have you tried already? [09:53] do you have partitions in fstab? [09:53] kavurt: no [09:53] you should add them [09:53] kavurt: tell me what options shoudl I put for NTFS drives [09:54] wait [09:55] /dev/ /media/ ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 [09:56] and you should install ntfs-3g package, if not installed [09:57] kavurt: it must be installed by default in 9.04 [09:58] ok [09:58] but you can check [09:58] aptitude search ntfs-3g [09:58] if it has an i in front, it means installed === andi is now known as Guest85443 === Guest85443 is now known as well_puzzled [10:13] kavurt: Job done [10:13] perfect [10:14] suggest a KDE good theme for firefox [10:14] hi! i'm having trouble finding some settings... where can i find the options like "hide applications from other desktops in the taskbar" and "never group windows from the same application"? [10:16] Anyone knows a console imap email client? [10:17] hw_: i think mutt supports imap [10:17] dazza: right click on empty space in taskbar and select task manager settings [10:18] ah! thanks apparle :D [10:18] the reason i couldn't find it is because i don't have any space in my taskbar :p [10:18] i could only right-click on the panel itself [10:19] dazza: :) [10:22] suggest a KDE integration addons for firefo [10:22] x [10:30] hi [10:30] anybody knows if INTEL GM965 would run out of the box on Karmic Koala? [10:30] with 3D effects === cmege_away is now known as cmege [10:44] * cmege is back. [10:45] hmm installed pptp packages for networkmanager, added my vpn account, but when I click on the connection icon, nothing happens === jemand is now known as Guest33519 [11:00] how install kde 4.2.3 ? [11:02] sudo aptitude search kde 4.2.3 [11:02] if you will not find anything, download sources and compile yourself :) [11:02] Tokeiito: and from repo? [11:04] well just wait untill it shows up as update for current one. also try to ask google about that: google.com?q=kubuntu+kde+4.2.3+installation [11:09] how to install java for firefox [11:11] apparle: should be installed by default, afaik. is java and javascript activated in the firefox preferences? [11:12] how to check java [11:13] apparle: you mean, how to check if it works properly? [11:14] when I goto this website http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml I get "something is wrong, java is not working" [11:16] apparle: hmm. you're right. let me think over it again [11:18] apparle: what is the output of "java --version" in terminal? [11:19] Hy @ all [11:19] where will chat with me? [11:19] KelloggsFrosties: bash: java: command not found [11:20] janpeter: hi [11:20] Holy damn. KDE kicks Gnome out of the water..when did that happen? Last used it at 2.something. Highly awesome now. Had to get that out real quick. :) [11:20] hy apparle can you speak german? [11:22] anyone speak sabubus? [11:22] I speak klingon [11:22] !de | janpeter [11:22] janpeter: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [11:24] apparle: strange. even with java installed i get this message. [11:25] KelloggsFrosties: which ms [11:25] KelloggsFrosties: which msg?? [11:26] apparle: oh sry. the message in firefox on the testing site [11:26] KelloggsFrosties: which java do you have sun-java-jre?? [11:28] apparle: okay. installing sun-java6-plugin does it. [11:28] apparle: sorry. i was quite sure, that it is installed by default [11:28] KelloggsFrosties: so you can see java alright?? [11:29] apparle: yes. i can. [11:29] KelloggsFrosties: I am installing it [11:30] apparle: okay. it will install the sun-jre. this takes a while [11:30] KelloggsFrosties: ya I know [11:37] the kaffeine in jaunty repos is of KDE4 or KDE3 [11:44] Anyone got any experience with Active directory ? i'd like to sign myself up to the AD here at the office. what should i do ? [12:02] for flash player how good is the deb file form adobe site [12:02] !flash | apparle [12:02] apparle: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash === MarkieMark1_ is now known as MarkieMark1 [12:04] shadeslayer: I was wondering how good is the deb from dobe site [12:04] apparle: havent used it even once since the repo works like a charm [12:05] shadeslayer: but as in the site when I click on the link i get unkown protocol [12:06] apparle: no idea there [12:10] where can i find additional desktop effects? And is it maybe better to use compiz then native decorator thing? [12:10] is there a way to start applications just as quassel minimized on session startup? [12:11] kde 4.3 btw [12:11] theadmin: K > system settings > Desktop > Desktop effects tab [12:11] KelloggsFrosties: K > System settings > advanced tab > autostart [12:12] shadeslayer, i'm not asking where to find desktop effects, i'm asking whether i can find additional ones. [12:12] theadmin: um...nope [12:13] theadmin: what more do you want? you can replace the window decorations with aurorae [12:14] woah what is this thing? And there is some nice stuff on gnome's window decorator for instance, like, uh, window burning when you close it [12:14] !info kwin-style-aurorae [12:14] Package kwin-style-aurorae does not exist in jaunty [12:14] um [12:15] theadmin: its there in karmic,so youll have to compile them for jaunty...hold one [12:15] theadmin: theyre like emerald beryl,only they look better with KDE [12:16] theadmin: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Aurorae+Theme+Engine?content=107158 [12:16] shadeslayer, that's the source? [12:16] shadeslayer: thanks. but the problem is not starting the program, but starting it minimized [12:17] KelloggsFrosties: there would be some command to start it minimized,it also should be supported by the app itself [12:17] theadmin: the page is loading very slowly here [12:17] shadeslayer, lol, familiar problem [12:19] How do i make update notifier go away forever? I removed kpackagekit cause that thing does not quite work [12:20] theadmin: actually im downloading 100 MB of updates in the background,on my 128kbps connection [12:20] theadmin: yeah,thats the sourc [12:20] e [12:21] !pm > theadmin [12:21] theadmin, please see my private message [12:22] 16:51 < shadeslayer> !pm > theadmin === eli__ is now known as Elirips [12:33] isn't there any shockwave plugin for firefox [12:33] apparle, there is flash, is that what you need?... Or exactly shockwave? [12:34] !shockwave [12:34] Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave [12:37] theadmin: I am not sure whetherI need it or not...........just a habit from windows..install firefox then flash and shockwave and java [12:37] theadmin: where is shockwave needed [12:38] apparle: some web games....mostly dead now i think [12:38] apparle, you hardly need it now. But you can get java, it's in kubuntu-restricted-extras package along with other useful stuff. And flash, uh... wait, i'll get the package name [12:38] !info flash [12:38] Package flash does not exist in jaunty [12:38] I have got flash and java [12:39] I tried to install the kde 4.3 backport, but kde doesn`t appear in the gdm session chooser. what can I do? [12:39] !info flashplugin-installer [12:39] flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia) [12:39] theadmin: ++ [12:39] swf files need shock wave or not?? [12:40] apparle, they need flash [12:40] apparle: gnash for that [12:40] ciao [12:41] which is better gnash or flashplugin-nonfree [12:41] of course [12:41] you know which is best [12:41] currently I have flashplugin-nonfree and its working smooth [12:41] apparle: gnash is open source,flashplugin-nonfree is closed source [12:41] fabio123: I don't know [12:41] apparle, that all that should matter. If works then whatever. [12:41] gnash won't be able to play everything [12:42] or at least things look weird [12:42] is gnash stable enough....................I would love open source as I go for ATI drivers but is it good right now or should I wait [12:42] i have a question about kde 4.3 [12:42] apparle: try both... choose the one you like [12:43] as for ati... [12:43] open or closed? [12:43] fabio123: shoot! [12:44] apparle: ".I would love open" [12:44] ah ok... [12:44] gwenview is broken [12:44] and i know is a kubuntu issue [12:44] fabio123: is it? [12:45] * shadeslayer didnt realise that.. [12:45] how can I give make command from kate.....I don't want to open konsole everytime to test a c program [12:45] try it in the kde 4.3 [12:45] apparle: theres a terminal at the bottom of kate [12:45] Uh where did that thing come from? Some "Computer janitor" in System section of "applications"... I did not install that [12:46] theadmin: do you have gnome? [12:46] fabio123: I use open source drivers for ati................tried fglrx in feisty and since then I am using open source [12:46] shadeslayer, had, i thought i removed it... something left i guess [12:46] theadmin: yep [12:46] theadmin: do you want !purekde ? [12:46] theadmin: Getting Back to a Pure KDE on Ubuntu [12:47] shadeslayer: Can I assign a shorcut for comile like "Meta+c" [12:47] shadeslayer, :D that's exactly how i removed it [12:47] theadmin: look here : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde [12:47] apparle: idk [12:47] shadeslayer: what?? [12:47] apparle: i dont know [12:48] shadeslayer, yeah, yeah, this stuff. Exactly it, but not everything was removed. Well, i'll remove everything that is left myself. Or will try to [12:48] theadmin: sudo apt-get remove computer-janitor;sudo apt-get autoremove [12:50] shadeslayer, what are the package names for "USB Startup disk creator" and "Hardware drivers" things? [12:50] I will be pure KDE as soon as there KDE firefox :) [12:50] theadmin: usb-creator and jockey-kde [12:51] apparle: use rekonq [12:51] apparle, uh, sudo apt-get install firefox not working for ya? [12:51] apparle: rekonq is an awesome KDE+WebKit browser [12:52] voraratis [12:52] shadeslayer, uh, it now says that "syslinux" package is no longer needed, uh, what is this package, it looks like necessary [12:53] oh [12:53] !info syslinux [12:53] syslinux (source: syslinux): Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 394 kB, installed size 860 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia) [12:53] theadmin: its not :) [12:54] theadmin: Ya it is obviously working but now its not pure KDE :) [12:55] Anyone got any experience with Active directory ? i'd like to sign myself up to the AD here at the office. what should i do ? [12:56] frost_ that sounds like a windows term... uh... [13:00] :) [13:00] it is [13:01] frost_: this channel is for kubuntu support, does trhis relate somehow? [13:01] It is allso doable on linux, but i havent found a guide yet, that solves it [13:01] jussi01: there are apps gdm/kde/linux whatever version that supports this. [13:02] thats why i ask here. I ute kubuntu, so i thought maybe this would be the place. [13:02] use* [13:02] didnt find any "Active directory and linux" irc channel. [13:02] ahh [13:03] im retarded, but im not smart. [13:03] if you catch my drift [13:03] ill see if i can reformulate this question for tomorrow [13:03] frost i got it [13:04] you do ? [13:04] You want to setup activedir on Kubuntu [13:04] es [13:04] yes* [13:04] you know how ? [13:05] frost_ well, i'll see what i can do. I don't but Google knows all [13:05] theadmin: Google gave me nothing but pain and headaches. [13:05] frost_ http://anothersysadmin.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/howto-active-directory-authentication-in-ubuntu-804/ this looks like it [13:05] didnt find a plain guide for setup, just allot of freetext about the subject [13:06] checking. thanks [13:08] hej guys....my skype is using 100% of my cpu while using pulseaudio...with snd_intel not, but then I can't talk...any ideas? [13:10] many applications I am using are far too large for my screen (1024X600) Is there avirtual zoom or shrink these programs? way to [13:11] I have tried google, found many complaints but no solutions... [13:11] is this a normal chat room or is a help chat? [13:12] paulo, support chat ; other chat in #kubuntu-offtopic [13:12] !ot > paulo [13:12] paulo, please see my private message [13:13] 'morning folks [13:14] BluesKaj: morning [13:14] hi shadeslayer === marius is now known as Guest30080 [13:18] no ideas? [13:18] Daro: all i can give you is !skype [13:18] !skype > Daro [13:18] Daro, please see my private message [13:19] thanky you [13:20] many of the applications are too large for my small screen (1024x600 [13:20] how can I fix this ? [13:22] what version of kubuntu [13:24] 9.04 [13:25] what_if in systemsettings you can adjust the appearance options [13:26] what_if setting your fonts smaller will usually scale down the windows too [13:31] what_if if you have applications that dont take these settings into effect, go to terminal and type "kdesudo systemsettings" then set them again. they will effect root owned applications [13:32] what_if last thing is that enabling force font dpi sometimes works too. usually for font too small though [13:41] I need assistance with Steam on Wine [13:43] i7_inferno: what happened [13:44] nothing happens =( apparle [13:44] i7_inferno: which game [13:44] apparle steam itself [13:45] err:shell:SHCoCreateInstance failed (0x800401f0) to create CLSID:{a07034fd-6caa-4954-ac3f-97a27216f98a} (Query file associations) IID:{c46ca590-3c3f-11d2-bee6-0000f805ca57} (unknown) [13:45] i7_inferno: I don't know...........on my computer CS and CZ work fine with wine [13:45] err:shell:SHCoCreateInstance class not found in registry [13:45] i7_inferno: tried reinstalling [13:45] yep [13:46] tried remove, reboot, install, reboot, play [13:46] apparle the steam window comes up and it goes through a full update bar.. then now it doesnt work [13:46] apparle that was immediatly following install [13:47] i7_inferno: did you install directx?? [13:48] good point... i definatly did not [13:48] damnballs [13:48] i7_inferno: But does steam require directx?? [13:49] apparle, Steam does not. Games on Steam do, however, well, some of them [13:49] i7_inferno: so give it a try [13:49] theadmin, you are right I will need to eventually for TF2 [13:50] apparle I just wish i knew what i was doing with wine. I havn't done much with it yet. [13:51] i7_inferno: then its simple get to know what you are doing :) [13:51] i7_inferno: But I seriously suggest if you want to do gaming its better to have dual boot windowsXP [13:52] apparle im confused about drivers for wine... do I need to download the win drivers for my card? [13:52] i7_inferno: no need to [13:52] i7_inferno: did you install drivers for you card in linux?? [13:52] apparle I want to move all my applications to linux... TF2 and Photoshop are the only ones i need that dont have a linux installer [13:52] woah woah people enough. Discuss wine in #winehq please [13:53] sorry theadmin [13:53] please dont smite me [13:53] i7_inferno: try GIMP as a replacement for firefox [13:53] hi guys. i need some help with the gnome spell checker udner kubuntu..any one has any epxerience with it? [13:54] apparle gimp isnt going to cut it for my needs. there are photoshop plugins available but not everything i use [13:55] zeltak - dont know if this helps http://blog.barisione.org/2006-12/spell-checking-in-gnome/ [13:56] thx i7_inferno ill take a look [13:56] i7_inferno: then I dunno.............but I suggest you keep trying with GIMP and someday you will be able to make it work for whatever you want [13:56] i7_inferno: and try at #winehq seriously [13:56] apparle joined it about 10seconds ago [14:01] when is rekonq goint to be included in repos....is it better than arora?? [14:03] apparle, in the next release karmic, discussion in #ubuntu+1 [14:03] bazhang: and is it better than arora?? [14:04] apparle, it's almost a clone of arora [14:04] apparle, no idea, not tried the next release as it is still Alpha [14:04] it works , but it's boring [14:04] arora?? its ok but i like rekonq [14:05] si any of them comparable to firefox [14:05] apparle: rekonq is like Firefox without addons [14:05] apparle: but it uses webkit ( same as safari ) [14:06] shadeslayer: then I'll be waiting for it [14:06] shadeslayer: and what abt arora......why do you think rekonq is better?? [14:07] apparle: you can compile it ( if you want it ) [14:07] apparle: rekonq is better looking [14:07] and what is this webkit?? [14:07] !webkit [14:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about webkit [14:07] webkit is a mac browser dev program [14:07] apparle: its a open source project ( http://webkit.org/ ) [14:09] ok................won't compile as I have slow net and can't wait for long time to download all the DEV files [14:10] i <3 compiz........... you should too [14:11] apparle: up to you... its just better looking than arora.... arora looks really good in Karmic though :) [14:11] gtg [14:11] k [14:24] hi [14:26] hi slow-motion [14:26] hi i7_inferno [14:28] anybody know why shadows cannot be disabled in KDE4? === v is now known as vorian [14:31] vbgunz because i touch myself [14:31] vbgunz my shadows are disabled... but then again all effects are off [14:32] with effects on and shadows disabled shadows are persistent and cannot be disabled :/ [14:35] how would i make a rip of some audio of a dvd-video [14:39] !rip | harjot [14:39] harjot: To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh [14:40] its not an audio cd [14:40] its a dvd-video [14:40] !info dvdrip | harjot [14:40] harjot: dvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.9-0.0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1386 kB, installed size 3088 kB [14:40] ok will try that [14:51] anybody knows if INTEL GM965 would run out of the box on Karmic Koala? with 3D [14:52] millun, ask in #ubuntu+1 [14:53] ok [14:54] * genii hands BluesKaj a coffee [14:55] hey genii , thx :) [14:55] Anytime :) [14:56] genii, I'm over in offtopic , wanted to ask you something === eli_ is now known as Elirips [15:06] What is the easiest way to switch between two monitors, I was able to do it before with my nvidia settings but it was quite difficult and I ended up having to reboot afterwards [15:07] MTGap: um theres a key you need to press on laptops ( fn+something ) [15:07] I'm not using a laptop though I just have two monitors I want to switch to the smaller one for games since I don't have a good gpu [15:08] MTGap: nvidia? [15:08] yes nvidia [15:09] I was able to switch the monitors with the nvidia settings but it took to long [15:09] !twinview | MTGap [15:09] MTGap: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings [15:09] yes I know but it doesn't work so well is there something with kde specificaly [15:09] hmm [15:09] !dual [15:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about dual [15:10] I'm not trying to use the monitors both at the same time [15:10] !cake [15:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about cake [15:10] damn [15:10] even i know its a lie [15:10] !xrandr | MTGap [15:10] MTGap: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 [15:10] MTGap: thats all i got [15:24] Mamarok: Wicd is awesome! [15:24] roconnor: glad you like it :) [15:25] is there some reason it isn't installed in Kubuntu by default? [15:25] roconnor: it would be even better when it can do usb dongles [15:26] robin0800: usb wireless network um cards? [15:26] roconnor: no usb broardband dongles [15:27] oh [15:27] is that something that network-manager can do? [15:29] not in kde though not tried recently OK in ubuntu untill alpha 4 now broke have to use gnome-ppp [15:30] robin0800, I use a belkin usb dongle with my pc using wicd [15:31] Is there any chance to get decent compiz running on KDE 4.3?Should i even try it,or you cant have em both? [15:32] BluesKaj: I thought wicd had no mobile support yet? [15:33] robin0800, been using it on my laptop for over 3mos [15:34] atheros card besides [15:34] BluesKaj: for broardband ? [15:37] hey what's up everyone? [15:38] i'm trying to use the Scripted HTML plasmoid, but it always fails to install [15:38] i tried creating a new user and installing it under that user, but it still fails [15:38] scripted image plasmoid works [15:39] what should i do? [15:39] What is git doing? "resolving deltas", what does it mean [15:39] deltas are changes between different versions [15:41] robin0800, broadband yes, DSL high speed here , thru a 2wire router [15:43] hi [15:43] robin0800, I'm using wicd on my lartop as we speak , just removed the widget network manager in favour of wicd. I'm now dual booting Vista nad jaunty [15:43] err laptop [15:43] i am new to ubuntu can any one help [15:43] to support [15:43] !ask | sanjiv_ [15:43] sanjiv_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:44] sanjiv_: first of all : Welcome ! [15:45] sanjiv_: second of all : What seems to be the problem? [15:45] thanks [15:45] how to uninstall kubuntu and need to install xubuntu [15:45] BluesKaj: That sounds like wireless not GPRS [15:45] sanjiv_: ok are you sure you want xubuntu? [15:46] not sure but i thought its good [15:46] which one is good actually [15:47] sanjiv_: if you want bling go for KDE,if you want a minimal Desktop go for Xfce [15:48] robin0800, this chat is about regular connections not 3g stuff...wish you guys would mention that when asking [15:49] sanjiv_: also a new release of KDE was made,so i think you should try that out,more at : kde.org [15:49] ok shandeslayer [15:49] i installed kubuntu ,edubuntu , xubuntu now i want to remove xubuntu then [15:49] how do i totally remove a downloaded widget? [15:50] i've closed it, but it's still in my widget list [15:50] i can delete it from the plasmoids folder, but it still shows up in the widget list [15:51] sanjiv_: see : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde [15:51] hola buenos dias :) [15:52] sanjiv_: just copy the whole command to remove xubuntu and paste it in a konsole [15:52] jimmy51_home, the widget list just shows what's available , if installed it will have red dash [15:52] no habla nadie español aca? :) [15:52] !es | richardmd [15:52] richardmd: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [15:52] ok shadeslayer [15:53] ;) === sac_ is now known as OveRRide [16:03] are plasmoids a beta feature? [16:05] I can't seem to use a different monitor with nvidia-settings without change my x configuratoin [16:05] I'd like it to be the same I don't want to switch the monitors permanently [16:18] question .... i cant seem to figure out how to turn on xdmcp is it only by config files [16:29] still I have mine problem with sound in KDE [16:29] when I use xine as the backend - in the dragon player everything is fine [16:29] but in amarok there is no sound :( [16:29] Hi, any idea where i can find images of 9.10 alpha4? I tried http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/karmic/alpha-4/ but those images boot into gnome [16:33] linuxhippy: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha4#Download%20Alpha%204 [16:34] Karmic support and discussion is in #ubuntu+1 [16:35] Pici: this question is so simple, you don't have to redirect me. but thanks anyway [16:35] linuxhippy: It was for future reference === adam is now known as Guest2468 [16:38] ;) [16:39] where is the tarball downloaded by flashplugin-nonfree downloaded..... [16:41] hi [16:41] some1? [16:42] g_giulio: what [16:43] only if some 1 is here... [16:43] nobody response... [16:44] g_giulio: Best to just ask what question you really have rather than wait [16:45] g_giulio: If you have a question just ask someone will answer you if they can help [16:45] wow!!!!! I've been without sound in KDE for 2.5 months - the problem was with misconfigure ~/.xine!!!! - removing that made me a happy listener [16:45] ok thanks to all! [16:45] it's sample... [16:46] i can't run my java enviromentall machine... [16:46] i've just installed but [16:46] ciao [16:46] 1list [16:47] i can't make the link... [16:47] zipito: thats nothing compared to me...........2 years without soundcard detection in any distro.........at last I found "options snd-atiixp ac97_codec=0" was to be added to alsa-base.conf [16:47] some 1 can help me please?thanks [16:48] apparle, this times I thinks that windoze or apple would be a better... but IF [16:48] g_giulio: which package did you install and what do you mean I can't run the java VM......are you trying to run jar file?? [16:49] ok i 'm giving more info: [16:49] firefox 3 update; [16:49] original java on sun site [16:50] zipito: I can't afford a mac and I don't want to use pirated windows... :) [16:50] http://java.com/it/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=it&host=java.com [16:50] this site up... [16:51] apparle, I've been happy mac user - unless I've been robbed and mine 2 macs was stolen - now I'm using PC - and I think KDE is a greate competitor to MAC [16:51] I mean in the interface [16:51] zipito: no ways...........have a look at KDE4.3........I am just waiting for Karmic [16:51] how can i display a webpage on the kde desktop? [16:51] apparle, I'm already on KDE 4.3 on mine jaunty [16:52] yes apparle!!! KDE FOREVER!!! [16:53] zipito: and you think windows would look better............never [16:53] apparle, I think MAC looks a bit better - WINDOZE is dead [16:53] zipito: never see a new one [16:54] some 1 can help me with java VM?Please thanks! [16:55] i've a problem with the link to do after the installation... [16:57] g_giulio: I can't read the page...........I don't know other languages [16:58] g_giulio, we support kubuntu questions here , try another chat that can help with virtual OS's etc [16:59] apparle: sorry it's Italian but the sense is that i've to do a link(after the installation)to link the directory when is firefox an the directory where is java VM... Do you know anything? [16:59] g_giulio: apt-get install sun-java6-bin [16:59] g_giulio: that will install java 1.6 without having to download and install it [17:00] blueskaj: i've try but no1 reesponse... [17:00] g_giulio: why do you want to install java from main page............use the ubuntu repositories [17:02] thanks to all but with ubuntu repo, doesn't work...and apt-get ,too!!! [17:03] g_giulio: did you get the private msg?? [17:04] apparle:one for 1 millisecnd...where is now? [17:04] with a sound... [17:05] g_giulio: where did you install firefox 3.5 [17:07] g_giulio: see there must have opened another tab with my private msg [17:07] this is the question!!! i really don't know... [17:07] normally with a normal distro!!! [17:07] where is normally installed? [17:12] Hi, I'm having problems accessing /media/disk. I mounted /dev/sdb1 to that folder. Dolphin will only show the contents in root mode. I tried "sudo chmod 777 /media/disk" and I tried changing permission in Dolphin as root, but that doesn't seem to work. [17:16] rw, ntfs ? [17:16] no, fat32 [17:18] rw: The entire device partition will always belong to root. Because the udev system makes it so each boot. You need to make a subfolder which belongs to user which wants to write there. [17:19] genii: Thanks, I'll try that [17:20] hy everybody [17:20] haven't heard of many fat32's lately [17:20] hi [17:20] BBL [17:22] I have seriouse problem with graphic in new kubuntu 9.04 [17:23] for example konversation is not in theme colors [17:23] allow === sat53 is now known as afif [17:24] hi, i'm trying to plug a TV on my laptop under KDE4 and it doesn't work, despite it was last week with the same laptop with KDE3 [17:24] any advice [17:24] is there any applet which shows global mouse coordinates? [17:24] bye === sean is now known as Guest37357 [17:25] you trying with twinwiew [17:25] i've an ATI [17:25] then I dont know. [17:26] but there is GUI application for that [17:26] I just dont know the name === kb is now known as Guest33079 [17:29] G'day everyone from New Zealand. Anyone able to help me get online with Konqeror? OK with Firefox. Using KDE with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. [17:31] Problem raised its head when I tried to access online help from "Kpovmodeller" > Konqueror >"could not connect to host...."HELP! [17:33] beagleburt: Does the same URL work in firefox? [17:34] genii: Yes === nicky is now known as Guest223 [17:35] beagleburt: Are you using some proxy? [17:35] genii: No [17:35] Hm [17:37] genii: et al.: I am a bit confused re KDE & KDE4 - have downloaded a mixture of the two....maybe this is screwing things up? [17:38] beagleburt: It's quite possible, yes. [17:39] beagleburt: For a time the two versions on same box were distinguished by one having it's settings in ~/.kde and the other in ~/.kde4 but now kde4 also uses just the hidden .kde directory also [17:39] genii: Hm? Do you recommend to uninstall ALL the KDE4 programs? ...or ALL the KDE programs? [17:40] Apologies on reply lag, etc. Work is requiring me here on and off. [17:40] genii: that's ok - i understand [17:41] Hi all [17:41] Hi arash [17:41] I have installed Kubuntu 9.04 on my Vostro 1510 laptop.The soundcard does not work [17:42] i cant play or hear any sound [17:42] beagleburt: I would suggest to try something like to move the file ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc to a temp spot and then it will try to make a new fresh one next time Konq runs. [17:43] beagleburt: If you are going to remove a version of KDE... since 3 series will no longer be supported or maintained but the kde3 older apps should still run under kde4, I would keep the kde4 [17:43] genii: ok - Thankyou! I will go & try that out... [17:43] Can anybody help me with that? [17:44] arash: Are you getting the speaker icon on the bottom bar? [17:44] yes I have it [17:45] genii: thanks again for your wisdom. By the way what is the correct protocol for temporarily leaving IRC to do tasks? [17:45] arash: Click one time on it, then click on the Mixer button. Make sure that the PCM slider is not at zero [17:45] beagleburt: /away [17:45] its not at zero.. [17:46] genii: TKU - 'bye 4 now === kaddi_ is now known as kaddi [17:47] hello [17:47] hi there. i've got a stupid question: i want to copy all images (*.jpg) which lie in different folders into one other folder via shell. "cp -r *.jpg ~/folder" selects just the images in the current directory. shouldnt -r select all images also in subdirectories?? [17:47] arash: That is the most common one (that the PCM or WAV slider is muted or at zero). The next common one is that the soundcard is an intel HDA one [17:47] i am thinking in update to backported KDE 4.3, any problem with it? [17:47] Ok thanks for guide.. [17:47] arash: For the HDA cards there is an !intelhda factoid from the bot which has some instructions on compiling ALSA for it [17:48] thanks I will check for that.I have another more serious problem and that is with my wireless card. [17:48] i am currently connecting to internet via cable.my wireless card does not work also [17:49] i check forums all have problems with Broadcom wireless cards on Kubuntu [17:49] arash: The Broadcom cards are notorious for problems under Linux [17:49] Do you know how i can make it fuction?its really annoying [17:49] arash: is when connecting to wpa? [17:50] wpa ? wireless personal you mean ? [17:50] It doesnt function at all. [17:50] arash: can you see any wireless network with network-manager applet? [17:50] arash: When no native Linux drivers seem to work, the last resort is to use the program ndiswrapper which emulates a Windows networking layer. It requires the .inf and .sys files off a Windows driver disk for the adapter [17:51] EagleScreen: I am on my second day with linux .Where should I check for that ? [17:52] genii: ndiswrapper where can I find and how install it ? [17:52] arash: Broadcom wireless has Linux native driver, dont use ndiswrapper [17:53] Work, AFK 5-10 minutes [17:53] EagleScreen: where can i find it ? I cheked System/Hardware Drivers [17:53] arash: K-Menu -> Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers [17:54] it says there is Boradcom Wireless STA driver activiated [17:54] but it does not work [17:54] should I deactivate it and replace another driver? [17:55] arash: the wl kernel module is the driver, it must be loaded [17:55] how ? [17:55] arash: open Terminal and use pastebin [17:55] !pastebin [17:55] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [17:56] ok i have openned up a terminal shell [17:56] pastebin us the output of the command 'lsmod | grep wl' [17:57] hello all, using kubuntu jaunty, can anyone tell me the package I should install to get the simplified "add/remove programs" application? any issues using it in kde? (need this for family members, want to avoid adept/synaptic if possible) [17:57] any problem using KDE 4.3 bakports? i want to know if it is a good idea to update [17:58] Minstrel: if it still exists, it must be inside Adept package [17:59] maybe someone knows application which shoes mouse cursos coordinates? [17:59] EagleScreen: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/254614/ [18:00] okay arash now pastebin the output of 'iwconfig' [18:00] eagle: thanks, is it discontinuted in Ubuntu then? just to be sure we're talking about the same thing, I mean the program that has 'popularity' ratings and such and just some basic software categories to choose from [18:01] EagleScreen: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/254617/ [18:03] yes Minstrel it was a module of Adept, and Adept is deprecated in flavour of kpackagekit [18:03] eagle: this app here to be specific (http://www.movingtofreedom.org/images/2007/03/ubuntu-add-remove-applications.jpg) [18:03] arash: you wireless card seems to be well installed [18:04] Minstrel: actually it was a part of Adept and adept is not installed by default since 9.04......Kpackagekit is...... [18:04] EagleScreen: whatabout those no wireless extenssion alerts ? [18:04] Minstrel: that is the gnome frontend, if you want it you have to isntall amny Gnome stuff in kubuntu, you really want it? [18:05] arash: you have two cards, one is wireless (eth1) and other is cable (eth0) [18:06] unfortunate about adept being dumped , think i might install it anyway, kpackagekit really is kinda flaky [18:06] arash: can you see the network-manager applet in your taskbar? [18:06] eagle/apparle: the family would be a bit confused using adept I think...or maybe even synaptic (yes gnome also I know)...its a fresh install so I dont mind installing some gnome libs and seeing how well it runs if I just knew what the package name was [18:06] EagleScreen: no i cant.When I open network manager from Network Setting in start menu [18:06] okay Minstrel i will try to find the package [18:06] it does not show any wireless or wired connectoin [18:07] arash: run 'sudo aptitude -R isntall network-manager-kde' [18:07] I don't know.............I myself neither use synaptic not kpackagekit nor adept.........I use konsole and apt-get [18:07] arash: run 'sudo aptitude -R install network-manager-kde' sorry by isntall* [18:08] EagleScreen: sorry for being to primitive.. what does it mean by install*? [18:09] i typed bad the command in the first line [18:10] Minstrel: i think it is gnome-app-install [18:10] aha that i correct it the first time : ) [18:10] apparle: same here, trying to make the wifes new pc experience easy :) [18:10] EagleScreen: ok NOw its done.it downloaded some packages and has installed them [18:11] arash: run 'knetworkmanager' [18:11] Minstrel: I suggest you give her everything installed so she doesn't need to do anything [18:11] and see if an applet apperas in the pannel [18:12] yes something appears [18:12] apparle: planning to as much as possible (skype, IM, multimedia codecs, OOo), but I wanted something there in case she has some need I didnt forsee and I'm not around, or just gets bored and wants to play cribbage :g [18:13] arash: right-click on it and tell us if you see your wireless networks [18:13] aha now it displays something [18:13] EagleScreen thank you so much for yorur time and patience [18:13] can I share my internet connection over bluetooth?? [18:13] I really appreciate it [18:13] eagle: thanks very much, i'll give it a whirl at home, with no-install-recommends hopefully to cut down on the gnome clutter [18:23] hi everyone [18:24] !hi | bhabalinux [18:24] bhabalinux: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [18:24] thank you [18:24] where are you from? [18:25] bhabalinux: Ubotu is a bot. [18:25] bhabalinux: Ubottu is a bot. [18:25] eh is it? [18:26] i m new here [18:26] why am I getting this after I changed my source [18:26] Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [18:26] bhabalinux: Ubottu is a bot, ubunturos, is not :) [18:26] ok [18:28] How can I see packets that are rejected by iptables by IP address? [18:28] is there an iptables log? [18:32] rmrfslash: you need to tell iptables which packages should be logged before [18:33] I added :INPUT ACCEPT --jump LOG --log-level 4 [0:0] to my iptables config [18:33] this is not enough? [18:34] llutz: here's the first few lines of my iptables config file http://pastebin.com/m6cae5c8f [18:34] llutz: sudo iptables-restore iptables.config [18:35] hello, does someone know hot to generate c code with glade 3? [18:41] genii: tried mv'ing konquerorrc & reopened Konqueror, but it still won't access web. Am using "Synaptic": should I install ALL KDE4 programs before removing ALL KDE3 programs? + I discovered a library that did not have (KDE) nor (4) in its name, but was needed to support KDE3 applications under KDE4. I am getting confused & wonder if there is any "easy" way to replace ALL KDE3 programs/Libraries/Utilities?etc with KDE4 versions? [18:47] How to get Strigi working in Kubuntu? It never works, the "enable strigi" checkbox always unchecks itself :( [18:47] I've tried 9.04 and 9.10 [18:53] beagleburt: I believe in 8.04 the kde3 install is named kubuntu-desktop and the kde4 is something like kubuntu-kde4-desktop [18:53] Apologies on lag, work is very busy. [18:55] genii: thankyou & please do not feel the need to apologise - your work is first priority! [18:58] plz help I am getting this after 'sudo apt-get update' [18:58] W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B5nW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2nW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-security Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not === appare is now known as apparle [19:01] W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B5nW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2nW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-security Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is no [19:01] plz help [19:01] i wonder where i can configure my already installed printers in kubuntu/kde4. The printer dialogue allows only to add a new one? [19:02] and the cups webinterface doesn't show my via-kde-installed-printer [19:02] I think I deleted the publick key key somehow === init is now known as Guest45731 [19:04] well, i think i solved it MANUALLY by editing the cups config [19:04] thats strange [19:04] apparle: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 40976EAF437D05B5 && gpg --export --armor 40976EAF437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add - [19:05] apparle: That should help with the first NO_PUBKEY message. The NODATA one I have not seen yet [19:05] genii: the last '-' is also there? [19:06] apparle: Yes [19:22] How do I use gnome's network manager with KDE4? I used to be able to (8.10 versus 9.04) just by running nm-applet or linking it in my KDE autostart, but now it doesn't work and KDE4's network manager is truly a steaming pile of feces [19:23] evening lads [19:24] I'm new to KDE... is it just me or is 4.3 really sluggy so far? [19:24] im trying to get strigi to work and when i enabled it i got a error that says failed to contact strigi indexer nepomuk.services.nepomukstrigiservice: no such name [19:24] Wrekk, KDE, gnome, XFCE, wherever, "it runs sluggy" is not even close to a bug report or something anybody can diagnose or fix for you [19:25] check 'top' [19:26] poutine: not really here to report a bug ... just asking ... I run GNOME and it works fine for me... just asking if its a general thing or if I should do some tweaking [19:27] Wrekk, yes, it's a general thing, we introduced "Runs Like Crap, Every Time" feature in 4.3, we do hope you like it [19:29] poutine: I'm sorry if I offended you in some way [19:29] Wrekk, you didn't offend me, you just made the most useless statement with 'It runs sluggy', I'm not a dev for KDE or kubuntu, but I am a programmer for a living, and I really hate people like you [19:29] if you can't get more specific than 'it runs sluggy', don't even bother [19:29] you're a useless twat [19:30] poutine: Thats uncalled for. [19:30] Pici, yeah, suck my dick [19:30] okthen [19:30] !guidelines > poutine [19:30] poutine: I'm sorry for my stuid newbie remark/question.... [19:31] Wrekk: he's gone [19:31] Wrekk: his attitude is not acceptable around here [19:31] Wrekk: Your comment was fine. [19:31] Pici: thanx [19:31] I'm not a programmer, just a meer dba :P [19:32] dont need to be a programmer to use a computer :P [19:32] non-programmers are annoying [19:32] the world would be better if only programmers used computers [19:32] poutine: if youre going to be like that you can get right back out of here [19:32] Pici: you dont have to apologize for poutine... [19:33] what did I do now? [19:33] poutine: support & encouragement are the rule here [19:33] !guidelines [19:33] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [19:33] yeah, 2 pages is too much to read to use an IRC channel [19:33] how about I just state, you can all fuck off and suck my nuts you cock sucking faggot dick lickers [19:33] thanks [19:33] ugh [19:34] what an arse [19:34] might be a ban there? :) [19:34] Wrekk: yes pici banned him [19:34] youd THINK when there are two ops staring you right in the face youd learn to WTFU [19:34] *STFU === desudesudesu is now known as desu [19:35] marco: he was just a programmer, dont be to hard on him :) [19:35] i guess he thinks everyone should be a programmer [19:35] :) [19:35] Wrekk: being a programmer is no excuse to look down on non-programmrs [19:35] amen [19:36] exactly. what if your mechanic called you a moron for telling him your car had a 'shimmy' and rattle [19:36] ? [19:36] and told you to fix it yourself [19:37] anyhow... KDE 4.3 isnt really as responsive as gnome on my dell xps ... is there something I can check or do to improve performans? [19:37] taking of the gui here :) [19:37] i'm heading to raquetball, but i'd say run glxinfo [19:37] glxinfo and make sure 3d acceleration is on [19:37] hardware accel, that is [19:37] thanx... don that :) [19:38] hey , anyone here down with M-Space ? have a question ? [19:38] got me then [19:38] * jimmy51_home heads off to raquetball [19:44] hi - has anyone made some experience with coLinux/andLinux? [19:46] miglo: might wanna look and see if either has their own irc channel [19:48] maco I already did, but there are only a few people and no one is responding :-( [19:52] what is this WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!n libgvfscommon0 gvfs libsoup2.4-1 libsoup-gnome2.4-1 gvfs-backendsnInstall these packages without verification [y/N]? nn [19:55] Hi :-) When KDE starts up, my keyboard stops working. Xorg.0.log contains "(EE) HID 046a:0023: Read error: No such device" and "(II) config/hal: removing device HID 046a:0023", after unplugging and replugging the keyboard, it works again, What can I do? [20:02] best games for (not so powerful) computers? [20:13] HELLO ... === bsenapat is now known as bsenapat__ === bsenapat__ is now known as bsenapat === bsenapat is now known as __Joker === __Joker is now known as bsenapat === bsenapat is now known as __Joker [20:31] hello i wanna install the kubuntu restricted extras, i already deleted the # in the lines of the source list finishing in multiverse, what more i do? [20:35] luis_ open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update [20:36] that will update your sources, so that all the packages from multiverse are read. [20:37] then you can check what version of kubuntu restricted extras you want to install by typing: apt-cache policy kubuntu-restricted-extras [20:37] if it proposes you a version, then you can go ahead and install it using "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" [20:40] Does Kubuntu 9.04 Alternate come with openssh installed and running by default? === peppe is now known as Guest11572 [20:45] kaddi, thx dude [20:45] no dude, but your welcome ;) [20:45] oh, thx lady :) [20:46] Psi-Jack_: client is installed by default, yeah [20:46] Psi-Jack_: no servers (except the X server) run by default though [20:47] I see. [20:47] and alternate is just the name of the CD [20:47] No wonder I can;t get to my desktop workstation since I installed Kubuntu. [20:47] the system is the same whether you install from alternet, live, net, or pxe [20:47] hehe [20:47] *alternate [20:47] Ahh well, will just have to wait to fix that when I get off work. ;) [20:48] dont forget fail2ban ;) [20:48] Eh. [20:48] It's in the DMZ. [20:49] No direct access to it, an eBox server handles all the front-end routing, and from there, the servers get routed to appropriately by redirection, the workstation itself is not directly tied to except by occasional UPnP handle. === roconnor_ is now known as roconnor === aaroncampbell_ is now known as aaroncampbell [21:22] oh my... after de new actualization i cant longer connect to kubuntu with konversation ¬¬ [21:22] $!%& this [21:23] can someone help me fix this pls' [21:24] I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Maybe you should try the channel for your native language [21:24] uhh? [21:24] the thing is [21:24] 1 new actualization just come few minutes ago [21:24] than included an update for konversation [21:25] installed that, now after this, it deleted the conf to auto connect to the kubuntu channel [21:25] and i dont know the ports and channels name to connect... [21:25] net... etc [21:27] hello?! [21:32] salut tt l monde [21:34] bonsoir à tous, j'ai un petit problème qui est sur le point de me faire criser... plasma plante lorsque j'éjecte un périphérique... une idée ? [21:36] redmorgan: #ubuntu-fr [21:36] houcine: #ubuntu-it [21:37] maco: oups sorry bad chan thanks... [21:38] EI MAKO! [21:38] i need your help dude === body is now known as Guest17310 [21:38] maco I believe houcine is also speaking french ;) [21:39] linux has the troubleshoot with java than it cant have more than 2 java applications with sound, always 1 has the sound, and if u want the other 1 with sound u need to close and open again firefox, i donwloaded pulse audio but i dont know how to use it [21:40] i need to fix the problem, can someone help [21:40] me pls [21:41] HELLO?! [21:42] oh my god... [21:42] kaddi: oh. salut reminded me of italian [21:42] LuisJa: is pulseaudio running? "ps -ef | grep pulseaudio" [21:43] also, my nick has a c, not a k. and im not a dude. [21:43] mako with a k is a dude though [21:43] luis@Kubuntu:~$ ps -ef | grep pulseaudio [21:43] luis 4872 1 0 15:34 ? 00:00:04 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog [21:43] luis 5109 3902 0 15:43 pts/1 00:00:00 grep pulseaudio [21:44] the only thing i wanna know is if pulse audio will let me hear sound with more than 1 java app at the same time... (ex Playing java games and listeting to a youtube video) [21:45] someone got the answer pls????? [21:46] maco I might be wrong, but I read it as "salut tous le monde", which would be french. I don't know italian, so I can't say if you could also fit in some italian meaning :D === sarah is now known as Guest7031 [21:49] the only thing i wanna know is if pulse audio will let me hear sound with more than 1 java app at the same time... (ex Playing java games and listeting to a youtube video) [21:52] kaddi: i dont know either of 'em [21:52] hehe, I see :D [21:52] LuisJa: youtube is flash, not java [21:53] though...hmm are both in browser? [21:53] i wonder how pavucontrol handles two streams inside firefox [21:53] take a look in pavucontrol (probably need to install it) and check that all streams are available in playback [22:03] question .... i cant seem to figure out how to turn on xdmcp is it only by config files [22:12] !xdmcp [22:12] xdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it [22:13] !xdmcp | Ritzerisk [22:13] Ritzerisk: please see above [22:13] good ol bot [22:13] !botsnack [22:13] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [22:13] !xv [22:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about xv [22:14] mee seeng ;) [22:14] a tragedy [22:14] i think ive been there .... [22:14] hehe [22:15] i know absolutly squat aboot it === kaddi_ is now known as kaddi [22:16] I'm trying to understand a bugreport to see if it is a bug I had myself, but I can't understand "my graphics driver is unable to provide xv". Would that mean he has no visual output? [22:21] hola a todos [22:22] take a look in pavucontrol (probably need to install it) and check that all streams are available in playback [22:22] hola sheol :) [22:22] uhh??? [22:22] !es | sheol [22:22] sheol: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [22:22] maco then why when u get java plugin youtube runs without need of flash [22:24] LuisJa: install pavucontrol. run it. go to playback tab [22:25] how do i recover a file i deleted by mistake === desti_T2 is now known as desti [22:27] mako wtf [22:27] i downloaded pavucontrol [22:28] and when i click show all streams [22:28] bye [22:28] only 1 appears [22:28] so firefox is considered one stream? [22:28] and im not going to be highlighted if you keep using benjamin's nick [22:29] then [22:30] mako then how da fuck i make firefox multiple $%&@!"* streams [22:30] i mean maco* [22:30] LuisJa: im not sure if it can be split :-/ i thought you were using java applications [22:30] is kububtu a fundamentally different OS from ubuntu or does it just use a different GUI? [22:30] and dont swear [22:30] hackulator: different gui [22:31] I AM using java applications [22:31] java [22:31] hackulator: different default apps [22:31] Runescape [22:31] etc [22:31] youtube videos is java too [22:31] LuisJa: runescape is an applet inside firefox [22:31] no, youtube is flash [22:31] dude [22:31] if youtube dont needed java [22:31] i could round runescape and youtube at the same time [22:31] the thing is [22:31] i thought you meant a standalone java application [22:32] if i run youtube video, i cant run FROSTWIRE or RUNESCAPE [22:32] and vicerversa [22:32] cant run, or have no sound in them? [22:32] NO SOUND [22:32] i dont know all the ins-and-outs of pulse the way dtchen does [22:32] no sound is because you cant get sound out of two apps at once period [22:33] pulseaudio can fix it, but im not sure if it can handle two things that are both just "firefox" as far as its concerned [22:33] mistake [22:33] SUCKS hard... [22:33] sorry, PA can fix "two apps at once" [22:33] dunno if it can fix "two of the same app" [22:33] hang out in #ubuntu-audio-help maybe [22:35] oh my $$$$$$$ god dude [22:35] in windows u can, dont know why u cant here =/ [22:35] or at least [22:35] let charging a youtube video, after u finish sawing 1 [22:35] u see the other with sound [22:35] LuisJa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:35] BUT THAT ALSO IS NOT POSSIBLE :@ [22:36] lol in kubuntu audio help they r only five users... [22:36] that's because its not an official channel [22:36] dtchen is the only one in the whole project that knows this stuff inside & out at every layer of the stack [22:37] he's taught me maybe 1% of what he knows [22:37] who da... is that guy [22:37] where i can find him [22:38] test === ubuntu is now known as tranquil [22:38] and its amazing users need to do a lot of crap to hear sound i various things at the same time... [22:38] in* [22:40] so thats all? [22:40] no solution? [22:40] wait around [22:40] he's at work right now [22:40] and then he'll probably be hacking well into the evening on sound bugs that have been reported === rig_ is now known as rig [22:41] i dont really use java (for sound...just for school stuff) so ive never had the problem youre having [22:41] ..i also dont use sun's java [22:41] dunno if that makes a difference [22:41] maybe if you report it as a bug youll get more attention [22:42] ehhm dude [22:42] then what u use to hear videos in internet [22:42] or frostwire [22:42] or limewire [22:42] ETC... [22:42] LuisJa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:42] i use flash for youtube [22:42] and i use bittorrent for my legal downloading needs [22:42] (well not adobe flash, as it's closed source, but anyway...) === maco is now known as MsMaco [22:54] !ssh [22:54] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) === kaddi_ is now known as kaddi [23:21] anyone can help me with k3b? [23:23] harjot, what is the problem? [23:27] cause i want it to play on dvd player etc... [23:27] so is it fine 2 burn the cd as data cd but with mp3 [23:28] how can I find out my ip? [23:28] ifconfig [23:28] theatro: u know what to do? [23:29] Hmmm Aight... How do I change the DPI? [23:29] It's driving me crazy!! [23:30] All the text in all windowses are severely oversized [23:30] harjot, can you repeat the problem, you got disconnected and only half of your text made it through [23:31] Aight, got the problem with text-size fixed [23:31] So... You wrote something else just before I quit mIRC [23:31] I had to disable ACPI in Kubuntu Live [23:31] And someone said something else? [23:32] Aight... I'll take it from the top [23:32] GRUB wont install [23:32] I run Windows 7 as my main OS [23:33] And I've tried both the Desktop and Alternate disc [23:33] how can I use a non standard port with ssh-copy-id? [23:37] i keeep getting disconnected!?!?!?!? [23:37] can i just burn the mp3 file directly to a cd? [23:37] in data cd mode? [23:37] and will it play in a dvd player etc... [23:37] harjot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:37] ideas? [23:37] theatro: u there? or am i disconnected again? [23:38] harjot, that is how you burn mp3s to a disk yes, as data [23:39] but you should check the manual of your players to see if they support CDs with mp3 or just audio CD [23:39] data cd mode is fine so i dont have to use audio cd mode?> [23:40] sure, as long as your player can read it [23:42] ok [23:43] wwill a car player support mp3? [23:43] also depends on what you got [23:43] again you need to check the device manual [23:43] ok thanks [23:43] also will usually say MP3 real tiny on the interface :) [23:51] So, I just booted into a black screen with Kubuntu. Alt+F2 works and I can start programs from there and see them, too. Just no desktop, no taskbar, no widgets. Any ideas? [23:52] suit: did you try to reboot? [23:52] A couple of times [23:53] suit: 9.04 or 8.04? [23:53] guessiing 9.04 [23:53] type in [if u can get a terminal] plasma [23:53] harjot: command not found [23:54] Hi all I am currently installing kde4.3 on jaunty and was wondering if there is anyway which I could guarantee a clean session of kde without things from my gnome start up also loading like gnome-do? [23:54] n^pjfgsodfwxLFSED§¨elf [23:54] fopr [23:54] kezjfekh === jason is now known as Guest98030