
johnjosephbachirhello -- i'm not very savvy with pgp -- if i've set up authentication with launchpad on one machine, how do i do the same on a second machine?00:49
thumperjohnjosephbachir: what are you wanting to do?01:29
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
johnjosephbachirthumper-afk: i want to check things out of launchpad02:47
johnjosephbachirbranch branches02:47
johnjosephbachiryou know. live the dream.02:47
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: Read-only access doesn't require any key setup, and writing requires *SSH* (not OpenPGP) keys.02:48
johnjosephbachirwgrant: reading--  that's what i assumed, but bzr branch lp:bzr.webdav says "Permission denied (publickey)"02:49
johnjosephbachirwgrant: writing-- i'm talking about this-- https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey02:50
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: You've run 'bzr launchpad-login', so it will try to use your SSH keys.02:50
johnjosephbachirbut maybe i've been led astray02:50
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: You have indeed been led astray.02:50
* wgrant finds the correct page.02:50
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: Read https://help.launchpad.net/Code/UploadingABranch?02:54
johnjosephbachirwgrant: thanks! so-- in the meantime, how do i fix my reading?02:54
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: Remove your Launchpad username from ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf02:54
* johnjosephbachir looks for a good pastbin02:56
johnjosephbachirwgrant: http://paste-bin.com/view/7e22179c02:57
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: Oh, right. launchpad_username in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf too.02:58
johnjosephbachirwgrant: working now -- thanks!!02:59
wgrantjohnjosephbachir: np02:59
johnjosephbachirif i want to change the parent branch of a branch, do i use pull --remember ? what if i have local changes, will they get overwritten?03:19
* johnjosephbachir tries it03:19
johnjosephbachir: )03:19
wgrantHow do I withdraw a merge proposal?05:36
lifelessmark it as eclined05:36
wgrantI can't seem to do that on my own MP.05:37
wgrantMaybe only the target's reviewers can.05:37
lifelessyes, I suspect so. Patch time.05:37
wgranthttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/project-3.0-fixes/+merge/10225 should be declined.05:37
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thumperwgrant: you can delete it06:08
thumperwgrant: we don't have a withdrawn, only rejected06:09
thumperwgrant: which you don't have rights to ...06:09
wgrantthumper: Deletion is wrong.06:17
lifelesswgrant: morally or functionally?06:27
wgrantlifeless: Both!06:56
wgrantIt doesn't make sense, and it erases informative history of that branch.06:58
lifelessif you don't want something merged, I'm not sure that delete is /wrong/06:58
lifelessunless you need the conversation kept06:58
wgrantI find history deletion reprehensible.06:59
lifelessso, before you put a lot of effort in, I've already suggested a bug/patch to let you decline yourself.07:00
lifelessbut that said, I think deleting things is often fine and appropriate. Its not at all the same thing as trying to remove historical records.07:00
lifelesscheap deletes makes fixing mistakes easier07:02
wgrantIndeed. But I'm not sure it's appropriate for this.07:03
lifelessare you arguing \/ merge reviews or this specific one07:03
=== henninge is now known as henninge-bbl
happyaronlaunchpad is hating me, slower and slower08:16
apparleguys I want to build a software which is not mine  using https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA plz help08:50
noodles775apparle: which software do you want to build?08:52
apparlenoodles775: http://ipmsg.org/index.html.en the GNOME2 version under UNIX08:53
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noodles775apparle: have you got a debian source package to build? If not, then I'd suggest the place to start is here: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage08:57
apparlenoodles775: what do you mean by debian source package.....................I only want the DEB for that software.........you only tell what to do08:58
noodles775apparle: I'm not sure I'm understanding what you want to do? If you want to build the software for debian/Ubuntu and provide it via a PPA, then I think the link I gave you is the place to start. Otherwise, I've misunderstood exactly what you want to do.08:59
apparlenoodles775: I just want a deb for that software.........I don't want to distribute it.......I don't know how to build a deb..and I don't have good enough connection to download the dev libraries09:07
wgrantapparle: To produce a .deb, you need to know how to construct a Debian source package and build it.09:08
wgrantAnd that's not a trivial task.09:08
apparlewgrant: can you make me the DEB file..............I only want one for that software09:08
wgrantNot really, no.09:09
apparlecan anyone make me a 32bit deb package09:10
noodles775apparle: OK, so you're looking for someone to provide that software. It looks quite out of date (the unix versions), I've just searched PPAs on Launchpad, and ipmsg doesn't appear in any.09:10
noodles775apparle: but is this the same application? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82345109:11
noodles775If so, it should already be part of ubuntu (see the second post).09:11
apparlenoodles775:yes its the same,but xipmsg as in the repositories is the X version without any features. The GNOME2 version has all the features.........can anyone add it to the uubntu repo09:13
noodles775apparle: I'd suggest perhaps trying to contact the maintainer of xipmsg. This really isn't the place to ask for people to package things for you.09:15
apparleAlso the Gnome2 version is not that old and works fine I had compiled it earlier.........but now I don't have good net to download all the dev packages to comiple it09:15
apparleI will check with maintainer09:16
apparlebut how to contact him.........09:16
noodles775apparle: if you right-click on the package in synaptic, you can view the maintainer's email.09:17
apparlenoodles775: I don't have synaptic I use kubuntu09:18
apparleand I don't see it in Kpackagekit09:19
noodles775apparle: After reading up, it's probably best *not* to contact the original maintainer, as noted here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/en/karmic/xipmsg09:26
=== geser_ is now known as geser
sladenhello people.  One of my packages in Universe uses a non-standard translations format.  Being Win32 originated, it uses an [ini] style syntax with  [Component]  and then  mystring = Ooops, the world went wrong   (newline terminated)10:55
sladen; comments   should be ignored, but preserved10:56
sladenshould I bother writing an importer/exporter for LP;  or to write a .po translator, or do something else, or not bother?10:57
intellectronicasladen: it's your lucky day. danilos is the best person to ask that question10:59
danilossladen, intellectronica: I just connected here, I'd need to see the question again :)11:00
sladensadly it's not on the end of http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/17/%23launchpad.txt  yet11:00
intellectronica(10:55:45) sladen: hello people.  One of my packages in Universe uses a non-standard translations format.  Being Win32 originated, it uses an [ini] style syntax with  [Component]  and then  mystring = Ooops, the world went wrong   (newline terminated)11:03
intellectronica(10:56:08) sladen: ; comments   should be ignored, but preserved11:03
intellectronica(10:56:48) sladen: should I bother writing an importer/exporter for LP;  or to write a .po translator, or do something else, or not bother?11:03
danilossladen: basically, it'd be fine to write an importer for Launchpad, but if it's not a format that's widely used in software, I wouldn't like to integrate it (i.e. more code to maintain for little benefits); writing a PO converter would probably work best, and you might even be able to use intltool-extract to parse those files if they are anything like .desktop files11:03
danilosintellectronica: sladen just pasted it for me privately, thanks11:03
sladendanilos: when upstream add/remove a string, they paste it into all of the language config files (untranslated)11:05
danilossladen: right, sounds like an ugly approach for them, but not our problem :) anyway, it should be simple to produce PO files out of those files, and we wouldn't have to worry about another set of bugs an importer would introduce (encodings, formatting, different formats around, etc)11:06
sladendanilos: (there isn't a "default"  and then an overlay).  So I guess I need to stuck the "original" back from en-US.cfg pre-pend that as msgid11:07
sladenI'll have a look at (extending) the Desktop file importer11:07
danilossladen: yeah, in general though, you'd only need to worry about English base one after you've done an initial import of translations11:08
danilossladen: note that there's no .desktop importer in Launchpad, we basically only support PO files and a limited subset of XPI files11:08
sladendanilos: and then (not having done this before) when/_how_ should I push the updates to launchpad?  Is it something I do manually, or can I include a script that launchpad runs to extract them (like dh_strip) on upload11:08
Davieysladen: you know LP can automagically import .pot/.po files from bzr and recommit changes made through rosetta?11:10
sladendanilos: if it's not "automatic", it something I probably need to run past upstream first before it gets into a giant tizz about who has the best (FSVO best) when translations overlap11:10
DavieyThey automagic level can vary by choice,to not recommit changes back - but allow downloading of a tarball for manual fun.11:11
sladenDaviey: okay, so I have a separate bzr branch with just tarballs and I thunk between that and the git for the package with some tailor fun11:12
sladens/just tarballs/just .po mashups/11:12
Davieysladen: yeah, a simple example of having a seperate translations branch cab be seen with byobu.. I use development focus trunk, for a project that is native to ubuntu11:14
Davieytrying to get translators is another issue :)11:16
sladenDaviey: I'm not really bothered whether they come;  there's 19 translations from upstream already, each with > 500 strings11:17
Davieysladen: that is good, one thing i should say - there is currently a bug that LP won't daily commit translations to a branch owned by a team.. so if that is your hope, you need to own it yourself - set up the autocommit, then restore ownership to the team.11:23
dpmDaviey: on the question of getting translators, the first thing is letting them know about your app and that it is translatable. Other than blogging about it, you can also announce your app on the launchpad-translators list (or ubuntu-translators if the project is Ubuntu-specific).11:26
Davieydpm: good thinking.. i did blog it, and that seemed to bring in some help.. but the ubuntu-translators might be a good idea.  As the project isn't yet in Ubuntu archives, it's not showing in general pool, making it somewhat hidden :(11:28
Davieyi'll try the ML, thanks11:29
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MrWizardhi... I can't seem to create a new account for my email13:26
MrWizardwhen I try it says: The email address ****@****.dk is already registered in the Launchpad Login Service (used by the Ubuntu shop and other OpenID sites). Please use the same email and password to log into Launchpad.13:26
MrWizardbut when I try to use "forgotten password", it says "Your account details have not been found. Please check your subscription email address and try again."13:28
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blackmoonhi i i've make a deb package with a firmware (redistribution permitted but no source code available) for a usb wireless card, can i upload it on my ppa?14:44
noodles775blackmoon: no, it's not possible to upload binaries without source.14:45
noodles775In the not too distant future it will be possible to upload binaries for unsupported architecture where the source is already present, but that won't help you :/14:46
bigjoolsnoodles775: I think he's asking if he can upload restricted software, in effect14:49
gesernoodles775: as I understood blackmoon, he made a deb for a firmware and asks if he can upload the source package for it to PPA although he doesn't have the source for the firmware (but permission to redistribute it)14:49
blackmoonnoodles775: so, i can use the kernel driver (with source code) but not the binary firmware, right? but without the firmware the wireless card doesn't work...14:49
bigjoolsI'm not entirely sure what our policy is on that, mrevell?14:49
noodles775Ah ok.14:50
blackmoongeser: yes, it is14:50
nh2I need some help creating PPA builds: my software compiles extra features for pulseaudio if libpulse-dev is installed (as it is locally), but it isn't installed in the LP build per default. How can I enable it?14:50
bigjoolsnh2: you need to add a build-dependency to your package14:51
gesernh2: add it to Build-Depends in your debian/control14:51
bigjoolsand it will get installed during the build14:51
noodles775Nice one, thanks james_w !14:52
blackmoonthanks james_w14:53
mrevellbigjools, blackmoon: If you're not providing the source code, you can't use the PPA to store/directly distribute the binary. The alternative is to use your PPA to distribute a script that fetches and installs a binary from elsewhere14:53
bigjoolsmrevell: see the above question, looks like it's ok14:54
bigjoolsit's just firmware14:54
blackmooni'm a little bit confused...15:02
blackmoonhttps://help.launchpad.net/PPATermsofUse  ref. to "DFSG Compliant" say that the source code must be included...15:04
blackmoon..but also for firmware?15:04
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=== rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: rockstar | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
nh2bigjools, geser: thanks16:42
bigjoolsblackmoon: I am pretty sure you're ok with the firmware if PPA follows the same ToS as Ubuntu restricted modules16:43
micahgintellectronica: why was the follow idea bad?17:00
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intellectronicamicahg: i don't think that it's necessarily bad, just that it's not something i think we want to do now17:01
intellectronicait will be very hard to get it right with security, for example, so it will require careful planning17:01
micahgWhat about project/distro admins only being allowed to follow17:02
micahglike bug control for Ubuntu17:02
micahgthat should alleviate the security concerns17:02
blackmoonbigjools: so i can upload it without run the risk of breach the Term of Use of PPA?17:03
intellectronicamicahg: well, you already can subscribe to bug mail for an entire project or package. that should cover that use case17:03
bigjoolsblackmoon: as I interpret it, yes17:03
micahgno, because you can't filter...wait...maybe you can17:03
micahgyou can filter on subscriber17:03
micahgand commenter17:04
blackmoonbigjools: ok, thank you17:04
micahgintellectronica: well, it requires getting more mail, but we can do it now...thanks17:05
micahgI'll advise the bug control team17:05
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kirklandhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/ <---   (Error ID: OOPS-1325EB207)17:24
kirklandbigjools: around, still?17:37
BjornTsinzui: have you seen kirkland's oops above?17:38
sinzuiBjornT: Yes, I fixed it Friday. I am still waiting for a reivew17:39
bigjoolskirkland: yep17:40
kirklandbigjools: i'm seeing the error above, when trying to access my upstream project17:40
bigjoolskirkland: see BjornT's comment just above :)17:41
kirklandbigjools: gotcha, thanks, i'll sit tight17:41
bigjoolser sinzui's in fact17:41
sinzuikirkland: only the index page is broken. You can access the page on bug or a deeper page without issue17:42
kirklandsinzui: thanks, i just noticed that ;-)17:43
sinzuikirkland: I hope to land the fix for our daily rollout to edge17:43
kirklandsinzui: cool17:44
bigjoolskirkland: don't forget you can disable redirection and use the main site if you need17:46
kirklandbigjools: ah, right, thanks.17:46
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ideamonkanyone experienced with translation in launchpad, i need some help...18:27
henningeideamonk: what is the problem?18:27
ideamonkwell i've completed translation of gwibber into hindi18:28
ideamonkit says 1 untranslated remaining18:28
ideamonkand its linked as this - https://translations.launchpad.net/gwibber/gwibber.dev/+pots/gwibber/hi/+translate?show=untranslated18:28
ideamonkim unable to understand it18:28
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
ondreji would like to ask how to delete a branch, that i have originally requested to have imported from cvs18:29
ondreji have a question open to ask for that, but it seems to have died without resolution: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7910718:30
henningeideamonk: those are the name of previous translators and they cannot be edited. Leave it as they are.18:31
ideamonkhenninge, allright ! thanks18:32
ideamonkhenninge, it says http://paste.pocoo.org/show/134827/18:32
ideamonkit says Translated so far: 99%18:33
henningeondrej: can't you click on the trash can icon next to the branch name?18:33
ideamonkwhen would it be 100%18:33
henningeideamonk: I am not sure actually18:34
ondrejhenninge, i do not own it18:34
ondrejit belongs to the vcs import team18:35
ondrejthis one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/cp2k/trunk18:36
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henningeondrej: I just deleted it. Dunno why that got held up so long ...18:45
ondrejhenninge, thanks a lot, resolved18:46
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mterryBug 414959 seems bad19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414959 in launchpad-registry "Many project front pages are giving OOPS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41495919:35
mterry(on edge)19:35
rockstarmterry, eep.19:39
matsubarasinzui, can you assing that one ^ to someone?19:42
rockstarmatsubara, ^^  Could you investigate this?19:42
beunomatsubara, rockstar, sinzui has the fix alraedy19:43
matsubararockstar, triaged, looks like a typo in the template19:43
matsubarabeuno, cool19:43
sinzuimatsubara: it's a dup, the fix is being playing now19:43
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matsubaracool. thanks sinzui19:44
thekorn_wow, this inline bug editing is really awesome!19:45
thekorn_super cool19:45
intellectronicathekorn_: glad you like it. and there's more coming19:45
thekorn_intellectronica, yes, it is great, I was a bit sceptic about all this JS things at first, but now it turns out all this changes are helpful and make the users daily work much easier19:53
thekorn_hmm, I think I just found a bug, this inline description thing allows me to create empty diffs19:54
thekorn_click on the pencil, change nothing, click the green check -> this creates a new activity log entry19:56
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mkanatgmb: Hey, I'm around if you have any questions for me.21:26
gmbmkanat: None at the moment, thanks - since you pointed out the bleeding obvious :). So far everything's working as I expected. I'll let you know if I run into anything, however.21:50
mkanatgmb: Okay, great.21:51
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jtatumI've been getting a timeout on a code.launchpad.net user page all day... Known isue?23:06
Ursinhajtatum, in which page?23:06
thumperjtatum: try edge23:07
jtatumedge works23:07
thumperjtatum: it is a known issue23:07
thumperjtatum: the fix has landed23:07
thumperjtatum: but not cherrypicked to prod23:07
jtatumthumper: OK - thanks :)23:08
Ursinhaomg, I love the new tabs23:08
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