
DanaGSo, I see the whole screen flicker, because it redraws continuously... at about 1 or 2 FPS.00:00
lifeofguenterhmm that does not sound good00:00
DanaGyeah, I went back to non-gfxboot.00:01
EagleScreenplease anyone with karmic and /home in ext4 partition can help me?00:33
EagleScreenI need the /etc/fstab line for /home in ext400:34
EagleScreenanyone can paste it for me, please?00:34
DanaGUUID=02ba95db-853e-49df-b90e-294c806cac54 /homeext4relatime 0       200:35
DanaGI'm not sure on the options, though -- I've changed mine.00:35
DanaGI think the default may be relatime,errors=remount-ro00:35
DanaGBut the "0    2" is correct -- makes it check it after root.00:35
rippsIsn't everybody's UUID unique?00:35
DanaGyeah, to get your uuid, 'sudo blkid '00:36
EagleScreeni am interested in options and in <dump> <pass> integers00:36
EagleScreendo you think this is right?00:38
EagleScreen/dev/sda4/home ext4 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 200:39
Spee_derIs there a way with the Karmic kernel 2.6.31.-5 #24 in the command line to tell it to NOT look for the battery state please ?? This is where it is locking up on boot.....00:41
Spee_derI finally got to the boot menu list screen..... Phew.....00:41
DanaGEagleScreen: looks about right to me.00:42
billybigriggerEagleScreen, default for ext4 on my system is just relatime00:54
billybigriggerUUID=ac555012-2a40-4641-9b85-373f8db7e929 /home           ext4    relatime        0       200:54
EagleScreenthanks billybigrigger00:54
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 12898 in Serial ATA "External drive on eSATA are not considered as removable/hotplug" [Normal,Rejected: invalid]01:06
DanaGInvalid?  Hah!01:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 12127 in hald "HAL does not consider eSATA drives to be hotpluggable" [Normal,New]01:08
J-_Is there anyway to reconfigure pulseaudio in kubuntu?01:43
J-_why doesn't PulseAudio Preferences work in Kubuntu karmic?02:50
DanaGI've been wondering that, myself.02:55
crashsystemsIs anyone aware of a bug in Karmic that causes the screensaver not to turn on? I just searched on Launchpad and did not find anything.02:58
billybigriggeranyone having problems with flash and chromium?03:00
crashsystemsbillybigrigger: not much, no. it is not perfect, but not much worse than flash in firefox03:01
billybigriggerwhere is your flash .so located?03:01
billybigriggerand are you using the newest update alpha of flash?03:02
crashsystemsI'm using the generic flash 10 32 bit from adobe.com03:02
billybigrigger64bit right?03:02
crashsystems10.0 r3203:02
crashsystemsI'm on 64bit ubuntu, but using 32 bit flash.03:03
crashsystemschromium for linux is always built 32bit03:03
mase_workare kubuntu karmic issues discussed in #ubuntu+1 also or is it only for ubuntu ?03:03
Mactabilisanyone running UNR on a Samsung NC10 ?03:04
billybigriggermase_work, +1 chat is here only03:05
kurisutoQuestion:  I want to install version 5.8 of Catalyst (a Perl-based web development framework).  I've got Ubuntu 9.04 installed.  Ubuntu 9.04 has Catalyst 5.7 (an old version).  I see that Karmic has Catalyst 5.8.  Is there some way I can take advantage of that Catalyst 5.8 package from Karmic to install Catalyst 5.8 in my Ubuntu 9.04 installation?  Or is that definitely impossible?03:05
Mactabilisnoone testing the unr koala on a nc10 ? :(03:06
billybigriggeryou can't run karmic packages in jaunty03:06
crashsystemskurisuto: I think that would depend upon what Catalyst in Karmic was dependent upon, and the version numbers03:06
DanaGugh, naming collision with ATI drivers.  =รพ03:07
kurisutoIs it an unwise thing to try to do, in general?03:08
crashsystemsI think the worst thing that would happen is that you'd have a broken package to uninstall03:08
kurisutoAny pointer as to how I'd go about trying it?03:09
crashsystemsdownload the package and see if it will install03:09
Mactabilisanyone using karmic UNR at all ? :)03:10
billybigriggeranyone here use gnome-shell?03:12
danbhfive1Mactabilis: Im testing the bootup time on a eee1000HE03:13
Mactabilisdanbhfive1 hows the netbook-launcher running for ya ? Mine crashed like every 5min. If I remove a favortie -> crash, if I select "Services" --> crash, and so on. Did you notice something alike ?03:14
danbhfive1Mactabilis: actually, I've been avoiding using it, since my fan didn't seem to be spinning up03:15
Mactabilismh, I see. Anyone else who tried karmic UNR ?03:16
mase_workMactabilis:  what is UNR ?03:22
x1250billybigrigger, 'you can't' is too much, and probably false. You can, but it may not work.03:23
Mactabilismase_work Ubuntu Netbook Remix03:23
mase_workah ok03:24
DanaGI wish Ubuntu would export find_task_by_vpid in their kernels.03:24
billybigriggercatalyst 5.8 is debian testing03:26
billybigriggeryou could easily request a merge on launchpad and have 5.8 built for karmic :P03:26
billybigriggerPackage libcatalyst-perl squeeze (testing) (perl): The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework03:27
billybigrigger5.80007-1: all03:27
billybigriggeroh, he left a few mins ago haha03:27
DanaGntfs-3g is giving me a mere 500 kilobytes per second on a (same-drive) copy.  That's utterly pathetic.03:53
DanaG... especially considering my 5-megabit-down internet connection... is 640 kilobytes.03:58
DanaGNTFS-3G is actually slower than my internet connection!03:59
SodaPhishgreetings all04:00
billybigriggerDanaG, USB?04:15
DanaGNope, SATA.04:15
billybigriggeri've found USB transfers deadly slow lately04:15
DanaGhmm, I've just had issues with ntfs-3g, always.04:16
DanaGIt's always been dog-slow.04:16
DanaGWhen SATA is slower than internet... yeah, that's bad.04:16
DanaGAnd it bogs down the rest of the system, too... as if it were an old, old old system.04:16
DanaGoh, I forgot I had set the thing to do a backup at 6 sharp.04:23
DanaGSun Aug 16 20:23:30 PDT 200904:23
DanaGor rather, 6PM.04:23
bjsniderDanaG, do you have a powerful cpu in that rig?04:25
bjsniderknowing you it's probably something obscure with no linux driver04:26
DanaGbjsnider: actually, this is my EliteBook -- Core 2 Duo.04:52
spo is user2 part of group user2 even though  my /etc/group file says  user2:x:1002:      (without user2 being behind the last :)05:12
mpontillospo: if that is user2's primary group, yes. you can verify with "sudo -u user2 groups"06:13
SeverianHowdy.  I am setting up a physical machine to use for testing of Karmic.  The installer won't work if I create a root jfs filesystem.  Is only jfs broken at present?06:56
SeverianI am using the apha-4 alternate installer, if that makes a difference.06:57
nhasianwhere can i go to edit the sounds for system events in karmic?07:12
Severiannhasian, Sound preferences don't have many options in karmic.07:22
Severiannhasian, I can help you a little with sounds, but I don't know the proper way to change them.  I just know how to hack it.07:24
ghindoDoes anybody else have trouble rendering certain websites with the new Firefox?07:47
nhasianSeverian, haha i thought they had moved the options somewhere.  you mean editing the sound events in the gui are missing completely?  thats just funny.08:17
nhasianSeverian, I was hoping to add the sound events to empathy as it appears they are missing altogether.08:17
AnAntHello, does alternate installer support WPA connections ?08:18
Severiannhasian, You can't change the events at the moment.  I assume some other dialog will appear later.08:18
nhasianSeverian, I'll keep my fingers crossed.08:18
nhasianSeverian, thanks for your help i'm heading off to bed08:19
Severianbye, nhandler08:19
AnAntHello, what's a good method to copy package selections from one machine to another ?08:47
SeverianAnAnt, In Synaptic, go to File/Generate Package Download Script   on the first machine.  Run that script on the second machine.08:48
AnAntany other way ?08:58
reki need proprietary drivers for nvidia for jaunty09:02
rekthey worked with hardy but now.... i'm stuck09:02
hifisee the topic, this channel is for karmic, the next release09:03
hifijaunty support at #ubuntu09:03
rekthey sent me here09:03
AnAntrek: theck the X swat PPA09:03
spois there a list of changes of karmic?09:04
spowhen is the next karmic relases, after the alpha 3 one09:04
AnAntrek: ask on #ubuntu-x09:04
spowhen does alpha 4 or beta come out?09:04
AnAntalpha4 is out09:04
spowhen does alpha 5 or beta 1 come out?09:05
Ngspo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:06
mac_vspo: what is it you are really looking for?09:06
mac_vanyone tried gnome-shell? i simply cant get it to run! :(09:07
NgAnAnt: on one machine, do "dpkg --get-selections >packages.txt", then on the other machine you can do "dpkg --get-selections <packages.txt" and you'll get exactly the same package set, which may include removals, so you might want to grep out just the install ones from the list09:07
NgAnAnt: sorry, the second command should have --set-selections, not --get-selections09:08
spowhen did alpha 4 come out?09:09
spomac_v, i want better usb power management09:09
spoie to shut down usb hard drives configuration09:09
sposo i don't have to pay for more elecriticity09:10
mac_vspo: so what does it have to do with the alpa release cycle?09:10
spomac_v, why do you ask so many questions?09:11
spomac_v, are you trying to intimidate me?09:12
mac_vspo: when you are asking for something alpha4 , then alpha 5, it really seems a weird... just asking what you want would get you better answers09:13
AnAntNg: thanks09:13
spomac_v, how come you are all up in my face and besides me?09:14
AnAntspo: I think he asked a reasonable question09:15
robin0800lapic command is not reconized anymore the log file tells me to enable it09:16
Ngspo: alpha 4 came out on the date shown in the wiki.ubuntu.com URL I just told you about :)09:16
spois it possible to turn off a usb hard drive through an OS like ubuntu or windows?09:18
mac_vNg: are you one of the ops? could you add the release schedule url to the bots09:19
Ngmac_v: I'm not09:19
Severianspo, try the normal hdparm command for spinning down drives and see how it does.09:19
AnAntNg: what if some packages don't exist , will that cause an error ?09:19
AnAntNg: should I run apt-get after --set-selections ?09:20
sposeverian, thank you, You have beent he most helpful person in this channel to me , ever09:20
NgAnAnt: probably "apt-get install" would apply the selections. non-existent packages should be ignored09:20
AnAntNg: thanks09:21
AnAntHello, in alpha3 PC beep was working on my laptop, yet in alpha4 it doesn't, is this a kernel or pulseaudio issue ?09:21
spoanant, alpha 4 has been released. I helped release it too.09:21
SeverianThe ubuntu channel seems more helpful, in general.  Sorry for your experience.  I have not had much luck here, but I did get one good answer.  I just try to be patient.09:21
sposeverian, i was just kidding/teasing the other people in here,  about what i said to you about you being the most helpful person to me , ever in this channel09:22
Severianspo, that last one was for you.  The other thing I have noticed is that the testing for the next released version has been more problematic this cycle.  But, that is why I test, to try to find a few bugs.09:23
Severianspo, then nevermind.09:23
AnAntNg: hmm, apt-get install didn't apply selections09:24
AnAntnor -f install , nor dist-upgrade09:24
NgAnAnt: hrm. it's a while since I've done that, I suggest a quick google :)09:25
AnAntNg: dselect-upgrade ! according to dpkg man page09:26
Ngah yeah09:26
spoi wish there was a way for OS systems to turn off USB drives by stopping the motherboard from supplying power to usb ports09:29
spodoes karmic have implementations to control motherbaord power?09:29
spogood night09:30
spoi am going to shutdown09:30
Spee_derGood morning all....09:33
Spee_derI'm still stuck on this kernel 2.6.31.-6.17 hanging on * Check battery state. How to tell grub ? kernel ? to bypass this call please ?09:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmicschedule09:35
mac_v!KarmicSchedule is <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule> bar09:37
mac_v!KarmicSchedule is <reply> The Release Schedule for Karmic is : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmicschedule09:42
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:42
AnAntwhy the # in command ?09:42
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mac_vi dont know just trying to figure it out with the ops09:44
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:44
mac_vah. no need i guess09:44
=== geser_ is now known as geser
Red_eepsWell....  I managed to jump through that hoop, finally.... ..10:01
slacker_nlanyone else having troubles with the newest kernel, flash and ff3.5?10:27
slacker_nlff just borks on me10:27
mac_vslacker_nl: what's the problem in flash ? sound?10:39
slacker_nlmac_v: it loads slow, and shutsdown ff10:40
slacker_nlFF is unable to do anything, need to shutdown and then can continue10:41
mac_voh... i dont know about that10:41
slacker_nl.5 kernel everything works fine10:41
slacker_nl.6 fail :(10:41
shadeslayerhey guys10:54
shadeslayerim upgrading to alpha 4,anything i should know about? ( anything major is broken,etc,etc )10:55
shadeslayerok i guess thats a no....10:57
mac_vshadeslayer: from jaunty? or from alpha3?10:58
shadeslayermac_v: im doing a clean install of alpha 411:00
* shadeslayer waves iso11:00
mac_vshadeslayer: ok, currently running?11:01
shadeslayerjaunty + KDE 4.311:01
mac_vshadeslayer: oh , kubuntu , i dont know11:01
shadeslayermac_v: ok,your in gnome? anything broken there?11:02
shadeslayermac_v: last time i visited (alpha 2) they said some updates broke hal.....11:02
mac_vpulseaudio , has major issues11:02
shadeslayerno problem cuz KDE uses phonon11:03
shadeslayerthe only thing haunting me are the dev packages i used to compile some software will have to reinstalled11:03
shadeslayermac_v: ok just rebooting with a bootable pendrive....see you soon in karmic :)11:04
slacker_nlno big issues with kubuntu11:16
cumulus007Hi, my cups won't start anymore11:18
cumulus007cupsd: Child exited on signal 15!11:18
cumulus007cupsctl: Unable to connect to server: connection refused11:18
cumulus007is the error message when I do /etc/init.d/cups start11:18
shadeslayeroh man oh man11:22
shadeslayeri cant stop ogling11:22
shadeslayerKubuntu 9.10 wont be less than heaven11:23
suitshadeslayer: I *absolutely* agree!11:23
cumulus007Kubuntu 9.10 is delicious :)11:24
shadeslayersuit: i just need to install the nvidia drivers.... strange thing though....  jockey-kde works fine on the live CD but not on the installed system o.011:24
shadeslayercumulus007: yeah11:24
suitEarlier I went from Karmic Kubuntu to Karmic Kubuntu to try out what's new there and sheeeeesh what a world of difference.11:24
suitshadeslayer: You got a NVidia non legacy card by any chance?11:24
shadeslayersuit: huh???11:24
suitWow, typos.11:24
suitI went from Kubuntu to Ubuntu to try that out.11:24
shadeslayersuit: legacy?? i have a 8600M GT11:24
shadeslayerdont think its legacy11:25
shadeslayersuit: gnome seriously needs to do a 3.011:25
suitshadeslayer: Then I recommend you don't install one of the drivers recommended by the inbuilt hardware menu thingie11:25
suitMy performance went through the roof after installing the 190.18 ones11:25
shadeslayersuit: sure....ill install it via apt11:25
shadeslayersuit: you compiled them i guess?11:26
suitThere's a handy guide I bookmarked, real quick and easy stuff: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99097811:26
shadeslayerkpackagekit notifications are awesome11:27
suitMan, it's such a culture shock. I tried KDE exactly once and that was about 3 years ago. Couldn't stand it.11:27
shadeslayersuit: and i guess you migrated to KDE 4.3 ?11:28
shadeslayer83 updates11:29
shadeslayerand its been 3 days11:29
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=== richardcavell|af is now known as richardcavellafk
* shadeslayer checks out other things11:29
shadeslayerugh..same notifications for the volume up and down thing.....they should use kosd11:30
cumulus007shadeslayer: neat-looking osd's for the volume is planned for 4.4 afaik11:31
shadeslayeroh good11:31
shadeslayeri need to fstab..... my data partition wont mount with locale en-IN11:31
shadeslayercumulus007: did dolphin have the tab thing earlier?11:34
cumulus007shadeslayer: the tabs have been avaliable since.. uhm, a loong time ago :)11:35
shadeslayerdidnt notice them then11:35
cumulus007File -> new tab11:36
cumulus007or ctrl + T11:36
shadeslayerok so got my partitions to mount11:39
shadeslayernow to install irssi and the restricted packages :)11:39
shadeslayerand btw the boot was like 2 secs11:47
shadeslayersuit: yeah,it booted *alot* faster than 9.04,heck even the USB drive was quicker12:01
suitCan't even begin to elaborate how much I love KDEs take on 'wobbly windows'. Just smooth. Elegant.12:01
shadeslayersuit: i cant do that right now :(12:02
suitw/ Compiz I'm always afraid my window has a stroke, even after tweaking it12:02
shadeslayersuit: you recommend which nvidia drivers?12:03
shadeslayerEdit August 03 2009: Latest nVidia 190.xx (BETA) 190.18.13 OpenGL 3.2 Drivers: Download12:03
suitRight. Since you're using Karmic you don't seem to have a problem with beta software, heh12:03
slacker_nldon't like kpackagekit after a quick peek tbh12:03
suitI'm using 190.18.13, too. Runs like a charm.12:03
shadeslayersuit: lol.... this my first time with alpha software...learning by breaking ftw12:04
shadeslayersuit: although i have used Beta 9.04 and some other SVN software12:05
suitOnly thing that bugs me about KDE is the window resizing.12:05
suitBut even that got considerably smoother for me with the 190.18.13 drivers.12:05
shadeslayersuit: hmm....well ill be compiling aurorae in a few mins,you could try that12:05
suithehe, i'm using aurorae12:06
shadeslayersuit: oh cool!12:06
suitwith the Airglass-black theme12:07
shadeslayersuit: they should use aurorae by default,kwin just looks bad with KDE :(12:07
shadeslayerit spoils the air theme12:07
suiti heard alot of people like the oxygen stuff that comes with 4.312:08
suiti'm not one of them tho12:08
shadeslayersuit: i just dont like the window decorations12:08
shadeslayerthe devs could have done a better job of them12:09
shadeslayerreturn of kaffeine yayy12:10
suitAgree. Btw, I absolutely worship the KDE devs. Just had a look at past roadmaps etc and it's crazy how much they changed in so little time12:10
shadeslayersuit: *agree*12:11
suitalright, gotta jet12:12
suitnice talking to a fellow fanboy, heh12:12
shadeslayersuit: hehe12:12
jonickhi anyone using karmic unr?12:20
zirodayHow do you enable (experimental) 3D rendering with radeonhd drivers?12:27
shadeslayer16:57 < ziroday> How do you enable (experimental) 3D rendering with radeonhd drivers?12:27
shadeslayerstupid irssi12:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr12:29
jonickI was just wondering whether video perfomance on intel 9xx cards was much better than jaunty, i have three machines with intel 9xx cards, and flash player is poo with them :-)12:35
shadeslayerjonick: its supposed to get better12:35
jonickhmm, wonder whether to install to try it, it's ext4 in karmic yeah ?12:36
shadeslayerjonick: yep12:37
shadeslayerjonick: ext 4 is also available in jaunty12:38
jonickhmm, had problems trying to install fedora on this bx using ext4, the partitioning went squiffy...... I didn't realise that jaunty was using ext4....12:38
TheInfinityper default it used ext312:39
shadeslayerjonick: its not deafult,you will have to manually partition12:39
TheInfinity(and i always would recomment ext3 until now ;) )12:40
jonickAh... Thats what I thought. I'm sure mine ext3, so that means no upgrade path from jaunty to karmic?12:41
shadeslayerjonick: you can convert it to ext412:41
shadeslayerjonick: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto12:42
jonickI'm a bit nervous after fedora thang :-/12:42
shadeslayerjonick: its a risk youll have to take.....looks safe though12:43
jonickah, well.... don't have too much on /home to loose :-)12:43
jonickany way... gotta go do some work... C U l8r12:44
shadeslayerjonick: sure12:44
AnAntHello, in alpha3 PC beep was working on my laptop, yet in alpha4 it doesn't, is this a kernel or pulseaudio issue12:49
shadeslayerAnAnt: modprobe pcspkr12:49
AnAntshadeslayer: it is loaded12:49
shadeslayerAnAnt: hmm.... maybe its muted in kmix?12:50
AnAntshadeslayer: I unmuted it in alsamixer12:50
shadeslayerit doesnt work here either :P12:50
AnAntshadeslayer: it worked in alpha312:50
AnAntshadeslayer: do you think that's a kernel issue or pulseaudio/alsa issue ?12:51
AnAntshadeslayer: I just want to know where/how to submit a bug report12:51
shadeslayerAnAnt: maybe... i just insalled A4 today12:51
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command ยซ ubuntu-bug <package> ยป If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:51
AnAntshadeslayer: yeah, I meant which package ?12:52
shadeslayerAnAnt: the kernel i guess12:52
AnAntok, thanks12:52
shadeslayerAnAnt: or the pcspkr module12:52
AnAntwell, that's part of linux-source12:52
shadeslayerAnAnt: then then the kernel would be the package12:54
shadeslayerAnAnt: how do you test the beep? (im using /beep in irssi)12:54
AnAntshadeslayer: in a tty1 I press backspace !12:55
AnAntshadeslayer: well, are you using the latest kernel ? 2.6.31-6 ?12:55
shadeslayerAnAnt: im upgrading.....12:56
AnAntso am I12:56
shadeslayerinstalled like 20 mins ago12:56
AnAntso, whoever finishes upgrade first will report the bug ?12:56
shadeslayerAnAnt: linux-headers-2.6.31-612:56
shadeslayerAnAnt: itll be you....i have a 128 kbps connection :P12:56
AnAntok, it seems about an hour still till I finish12:57
AnAntI'll notify you of the bug number if you're online (if you didn't beat me to it)12:57
shadeslayerAnAnt: ill poke around some more.....12:57
shadeslayerill be here if theres no power outage12:57
shadeslayerAnAnt: do you know how to set the resolution of a tty?13:02
AnAntI don't need to in karmic13:02
shadeslayerAnAnt: its set already?13:03
shadeslayerAnAnt: im guessing you live in India?13:04
AnAntshadeslayer: I know that my nickname sounds Indian, but I'm far from India or being Indian13:05
AnAntshadeslayer: yeah, karmic sets a very good resolution for tty13:05
shadeslayerAnAnt: yeah....i have a friend named Anant so i was curious,im from India btw13:06
AnAntshadeslayer: are you a KDE user ?13:10
shadeslayerAnAnt: KDE 4.3 FTW!!!!13:10
shadeslayerAnAnt: im a fanboy :P13:10
shadeslayerAnAnt: what do you use?13:10
AnAntanyone noticed that when opening a new tab in gnome-terminal, the PWD is / ?13:10
AnAntshadeslayer: gnome13:10
AnAntshadeslayer: I noticed that you mentioned kmix, so I guessed that you use KDE13:11
shadeslayerAnAnt: you can edit the profile to use whatever folder you mention13:11
AnAntshadeslayer: how's that ?13:13
shadeslayerAnAnt: right click the terminal13:13
shadeslayerAnAnt: edit current profile13:14
BluesKaj'morning folks13:14
shadeslayerBluesKaj: here too? you have karmic?13:14
shadeslayerBluesKaj: just migrated today :)13:14
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BluesKajok good13:15
AnAntshadeslayer: I mean, I can't find a relavant option in profile13:15
shadeslayerAnAnt: Intial Directory :13:15
BluesKajgonna install jaunty on my laptop then wait for the karmic officail release . The hardware probs with intel etc should be solved by then I hope13:16
shadeslayerBluesKaj: so youre downgrading ?? okies13:16
BluesKajnope, I'm on our desktop atm , but our laptop is gonna become a dual boot machine as well13:17
BluesKajmy desktop actually ...wife has her own desktop13:17
shadeslayerBluesKaj: ah..Karmic+Jaunty...cool13:18
BluesKajwife is srtictly Vista ...afraid of linux :)13:18
shadeslayerits always been that way,women never want to get their hands dirty13:19
BluesKajwell, it's her pc , she paid for it :)13:19
BluesKajkarmic is quite stable except for a few plasma glitches now and then , but it recovers quickly13:20
shadeslayerplasma ftw13:21
richardcavellAnother day, another 80 megs of updates.... X(13:21
shadeslayerrichardcavell:make that 100 MB for me13:21
AnAntshadeslayer: ok, I'm a few mins away now13:21
AnAntwhat's FTW ?13:21
shadeslayerAnAnt: for the win13:22
richardcavellshadeslayer: I've decided not to download any more updates until the next milestone, or if they fix pulseaudio13:22
shadeslayerrichardcavell: aw... i have xine13:22
* shadeslayer smothers richardcavell in xine13:22
* richardcavell is grateful to be able to hear anything at all, even if while being smothered13:23
shadeslayerrichardcavell: haha....nice13:23
AnAntrichardcavell: fix pulseaudio ?13:23
richardcavellAnAnt: I can't fix it13:24
richardcavellIt seems that when I run Steam/wine at startup, it hogs the sound system somehow13:24
AnAntrichardcavell: I see13:25
richardcavellAnd if I then quite Steam/wine, I get sound back but it's tinny and garbled13:25
richardcavellIt's an exercise just to show me how much I miss sound.  You don't appreciate how much you enjoyed something until it's gone.13:25
shadeslayerany idea when theyll be introducing a new network manager widget?13:27
BluesKajnever, I hope , until they fix it13:28
shadeslayerBluesKaj: yeah...13:28
shadeslayerBluesKaj: the one in karmic is gnomes nm-applet right?13:28
BluesKajdunno , I just recommend wicd13:29
shadeslayerwicd doesnt always work13:29
AnAntwicd ?13:29
BluesKajbeen using it since the jaunty widget-network fiasco13:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd13:30
shadeslayer!info wicd13:30
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2484 kB13:30
BluesKajI've been informed that some atheros chips won't  wicd13:31
BluesKajbut I guess the widget network manager in karmic is more stable from the reports I've seen13:32
AnAntshadeslayer: for kernel it is: ubuntu-bug linux13:33
norpan111karmic WILL break? what is that?13:38
norpan111Is it so unstable?13:39
norpan111can someone tell something about big news in karmic?13:39
platiusnorpan111; http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha413:41
AnAntshadeslayer: seems a pulseaudio issue13:48
AnAntshadeslayer: I just found that last successful kernel is the same as alpha4's kernel13:49
AnAntshadeslayer: hmm, even pulseaudio's version is the same13:54
AnAntwhat is this ?@13:54
shadeslayerAnAnt: uh..so? i use xine,never used pulseaudio13:57
shadeslayerAnAnt: :P13:58
AnAntanyways, the bug report is LP 41479513:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414795 in linux "PC beep no longer works in Karmic alpha4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41479513:58
shadeslayerAnAnt: cool...ill comment13:58
slacker_nlthat is not a bug13:59
slacker_nlpc beep is aweful14:00
slacker_nlgood riddens!14:00
shadeslayerAnAnt: dude do you have a script or something for uploading all the info you attached there?14:00
shadeslayerslacker_nl: heh..its useful for some and not useful for others...all about choice14:00
shadeslayerAnAnt: have a look....ill add anything you need :)14:05
slacker_nlshadeslayer: still hate it though :)14:05
shadeslayerAnAnt: i think you gave the wrong audio device.... it should be playback not capture14:08
AnAntI didn't give, it was autogenerated by ubuntu-bug14:08
shadeslayerAnAnt: ohl14:09
AnAntthe only thing I wrote is till the line: I'm not sure ....14:09
shadeslayerAnAnt: hehe14:09
Ian_Cornehmm is there any bugreport i can subscribe to which will notify me when i can use fglrx again? :)14:23
scizzo-anyone else noticing that gconfd-2 is taking up a lot of cpu usage?14:25
* Ian_Corne is trying fglrx on -614:30
andresmhhas anyone installed the new kernel 2.6.31-6?14:33
andresmhany issues to report?14:33
Ian_CorneI've installed it14:35
Ian_Cornenot yet rebooted14:35
BluesKajother than chromium plugins crashing , no14:35
padmanI have, no sound no lm-sensors14:35
andresmhoh sound, oh sound14:38
shadeslayerandresmh: me....and no14:38
shadeslayeri have sound14:38
BluesKajas do I14:39
andresmhi lost mic functionality since a few updates ago :(14:39
BluesKajfunctionality , oh you mean use14:40
scizzo-I have sound also14:41
* shadeslayer mumbles about the microblogging widget14:43
millunanybody knows if INTEL GM965 would run out of the box on Karmic Koala? with 3D14:53
shadeslayerhey anyone on KDE ?15:06
shadeslayercuz i think dolphin just broke15:20
kaddiHi, I was here yesterday with a broken karmic upgrade, basically I got no image when I booted into kernel *.31, while everything was fine with kernel *.28. Some people tried to help and I wanted to let them know, that I found a workaround. When I boot the kernel with the option "nomodeset" it runs fine.15:20
shadeslayerkaddi: KDE user?15:21
shadeslayerkaddi: can you run dolphin with the latest updates?15:21
kaddishadeslayer, define latest updates. I upgraded yesterday, but am not on a nightly build or anything.15:22
kaddidolphin runs fine, I have version 4:4.3.0-0ubuntu315:22
shadeslayerkaddi: lets see....there was a kernel update today and some workspace updates15:22
kaddiok, probably haven't gotten those then15:22
christian_lappyhey guys15:22
shadeslayerkaddi: i can run dolphin with kdesudo but not as a normal user15:23
christian_lappyi tried to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.10 alpha 4...15:23
christian_lappybut i got the jaunty upgrade15:23
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: yes....15:23
christian_lappyshadeslayer: ahhh..15:23
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: you can upgrade only via 9.0415:23
christian_lappyshadeslayer: ah, thanks for the info15:24
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: no problemo15:24
christian_lappyshadeslayer: can i upgrade directly to 9.10 then without rebooting ?15:24
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: yeah sure15:24
christian_lappyshadeslayer: nice :-)15:24
kaddishadeslayer, it's proposing updates for bluetooth, I'm installing them now, but a priori nothing related to dolphin. I'll let you know though15:25
shadeslayerkaddi: sure,i had that update too :)15:25
christian_lappyhope my system does not get completely borked ;-)15:25
kaddiit's more fun when it does ;)15:25
christian_lappykaddi:, lol15:25
christian_lappyso, is alpha 4 already somehow usable ?15:26
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: quite stable imho15:26
kaddishadeslayer, anything special to make dolphin crash? I just started it, clicked a couple of folders, everything seems fine15:26
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: i updated today15:26
shadeslayerkaddi: it times out....15:26
shadeslayerkaddi: http://pastebin.ca/153257415:27
christian_lappyis there any way to upgrade from 9.04 32bit to 9.10 64bit ????????15:27
shadeslayerkaddi: it opened15:27
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: complete reinstall15:27
shadeslayerkaddi: but but...its completely black :P15:28
shadeslayeroh there they are15:28
kaddiwho's completely black? :p15:28
shadeslayerkaddi: dolphin15:28
kaddiah, dolphin15:28
christian_lappymy lappy is still upgrading to 9.04 ....15:28
shadeslayerits very slow15:28
kaddisry, kinda slow sometimes.15:28
kaddinope, can't reproduce that, sry. It's working as it should on my end15:29
christian_lappybrw, can i use the netbook edition on non-atom cpus ?15:29
kaddichristian_lappy, I know how you're feeling, I did an upgrade marathon over the week-end... it was incredibly slow.. and it got slower the closer I got to karmic ;)15:30
christian_lappymy lappy is kinda out-dated15:31
christian_lappytherefor replacing packages takes time15:31
shadeslayerkaddi: is it possible to set the tty resolution15:31
kaddimine too ;) and I must say karmic absolutely rocks to this aspect.. its using <200Mb of RAM and does nicely with my intel centrino processor :)15:32
christian_lappykaddi: wow, thats great15:32
christian_lappyhope kubuntu is equal15:33
kaddithis is kubuntu ;)15:33
kaddishadeslayer, I would think so, but no clue how to do that :p15:33
christian_lappymine is a pentium415:33
shadeslayerkaddi: it can be done by editing the grub menu.lst.....but with grub 2 i have no idea15:34
LeftmostA few applications are showing Turkish as an available language on my system. I do not have the Turkish locale installed. Why is this?15:36
shadeslayerkaddi: so everything working fine after the upgrade ?15:37
kaddishadeslayer, did you upgrade or install ?15:37
kaddibecause I seem to still have the old grub115:37
shadeslayerkaddi: i did a clean install,and then updated the system15:37
shadeslayerclean install of Karmic15:37
shadeslayerkaddi: its recommended that every alpha be a clean install right?15:38
kaddishadeslayer, this is the first time I ever use an alpha, so I wouldn't know ;)15:38
kaddiI did an upgrade from jaunty15:38
shadeslayerkaddi: me too :)15:38
christian_lappyoh man, still upgrading15:38
shadeslayerchristian_lappy: get a ISO and do a clean install15:39
christian_lappyshadeslayer: whyyyy ?15:39
AnAntshadeslayer: hello15:39
shadeslayerkaddi: ill do a reboot in 20min after kubuntu-restricted-extras is done15:39
kaddiand set aside the kernel-issue mentioned earlier, I think my wireless stick is no longer recognized.. but I havne't looked into it15:39
kaddiso it might be easily resolvable15:39
christian_lappykernel issue ?15:40
shadeslayerAnAnt: oh hey,the beep worked once here....dont know how though 0.o15:40
AnAntshadeslayer: huh ?15:40
AnAntshadeslayer: any hint ?15:40
AnAntshadeslayer: what were you trying ?15:40
shadeslayerAnAnt: i compiled some nvidia drivers and then during the reboot there was this beep sound from the pcspkr15:40
kaddichristian_lappy, I wasn't getting any visual output after the upgrade with the new kernel, but found out, that disabling ksm enabled me to use the new kernel15:40
AnAntshadeslayer: are you sure it wasn't beep from the BIOS ?15:40
ikoniayou dont compile nvidia drivers - they are closed source15:40
shadeslayerAnAnt: i.e after the compile and before the shutdown15:41
shadeslayerAnAnt: yep15:41
AnAntshadeslayer: well, tried another reboot ?15:41
christian_lappyikonia: you compile the kernel module !15:41
shadeslayerAnAnt: nope...15:41
AnAntshadeslayer: anyways, I still think you need to set the bug status to confirmed15:42
ikoniachristian_lappy: the libC interface is built, the actual module is closed15:42
shadeslayerAnAnt: im currently having issues with dolphin,ill just reboot in about 20 mins :)15:43
kaddianyone has any experience with a dwl-g122 usb-stick from d-link and karmic? I know it was plug and play under gutsy, but is no longer recognized in karmic15:45
bjsniderit probably is recognized15:46
shadeslayerkaddi: wth, i typed dolphin in krunner a min ago and it opened up now15:46
bjsniderthere could be a problem loading the driver15:46
bjsniderhal is being replaced with devicekit, so not everything is smooth on the hardware front right now15:46
christian_lappyfingers crossed for my wlan card15:47
AnAntshadeslayer: but the beep didn't work again, did it ?15:47
bjsnideryou could modprobe the driver yourself if you know what it is15:47
shadeslayerAnAnt: nopt15:47
kaddibjsnider, I don't realy. :/15:48
bjsnidertry looking it up15:48
bjsniderit might be ath5k, but i'm not sure if that driver was supposed to run usb sticks or not15:49
kaddibjsnider, lsmod shows a rt73usb which looks a lot like a ralink driver to me, that's probably it, no?15:52
bjsnideri dunno. google it15:53
kaddiit is15:54
kaddiso the problem is probably somewhere else, as wicd is still showing "no networks available" and  ifconfig isn't showing the card15:54
shadeslayerthats bad :P15:55
christian_lappykaddi: maybe some missing proprietary fw missing ?15:55
kaddishadeslayer, I know, especially as I've never had serious trouble with wifi and don't have a clue about it :p15:55
kaddishould be fun :D15:56
shadeslayerkaddi: btw does your microblog widget work?15:56
bjsniderkaddi, modprobe the driver from the console15:57
kaddii can add it and it displays on the screen.. :D what does it do?15:57
shadeslayerkaddi: lol,you can update twitter and identi.ca15:57
shadeslayerkaddi: my configure button wont go away...15:57
kaddibjsnider, modprobe -l returns kernel/drfivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.ko15:58
kaddishadeslayer, maybe it'll disappear once you twitter something?15:58
shadeslayerkaddi: nope15:59
kaddito bad :p15:59
shadeslayerkaddi: it didnt even show the update15:59
bjsniderkaddi, modprobe rt73usb15:59
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kaddibjsnider, that doesn't return anything16:00
shadeslayerbjsnider: uh,sudo modprobe16:00
bjsniderit isn't supposed to16:00
bjsniderit means the driver is now loaded16:00
shadeslayerkaddi: dolphin seems to have catched up :P16:02
kaddibjsnider, that didn't change anything though. :/ Still not showing at ifconfig16:02
kaddishadeslayer, nice :D16:02
christian_lappykaddi: what does dmesg say ?16:03
suitKMix is only saving my channel options made through the GUI. Anyone got an idea?16:04
suitKMix is only saving my channel options made through the GUI _until I reboot_. Anyone got an idea?16:04
kaddichristian_lappy, this might be relevant: rt2x00usb_vendor_request: Error - Vendor Request 0x0a failed for offset 0x000 with error -19.16:05
* kaddi is off to google16:06
christian_lappykaddi: doesnt soung good..16:06
kaddithere's a bugreport about it, but no info or work around what soever :/16:08
kaddihmm, blacklisting the ralink-software and trying some generic driver is probably not going to work, either, no?16:09
shadeslayerdamn it16:10
shadeslayeri just lost sound16:10
* kaddi hasn't actually tried sound yet16:11
shadeslayerit was working till i install kubuntu-restricted-extars16:11
kaddiwell that's new for a change :D16:11
solomonis it a known prob for the display to go wonky after resume in karmic?16:11
kaddiusually it's the other way round ;)16:11
shadeslayerkaddi: haha16:12
kaddisound is working here, though the speakers are aweful :p16:13
BluesKajkaddi in some cases the sound is looping back to reconvert fro digital to analog and back again , strange happenings ...everyone curses pulseaudio but it runs under alsa very well if it's setup to.16:26
kaddiBluesKaj, I was actually refering to the speakers of my laptop and not to anything weird happening to the sound... it's a 6year old notebook, which had bad speakers to begin with.. so you can probably imagine ;)16:27
BluesKajlaptop spkrs are crappy no matter how new :P16:27
AnAntHello, I think something is wrong with pulseaudio on alpha4 indeed16:28
AnAntsound works only if output device is oss16:28
AnAntanyone noticed this ?16:32
kaddiAnAnt, amarok is working fine here with pulseaudio as default and I'm up to date with all updates16:39
inthevidualquick opinions on the current state of karmic? :) is it usable if you know your way around linux? longtime sid user16:39
AnAntinthevidual: yup, so far I got some minor issues with sound & PC beep16:39
nhasianupdate manager decided i needed a bunch of kde stuff today.  even though i've never installed kde or any kde apps.16:55
christian_lappyi would starting being sceptical if it someday tries to install IE8 ;-)16:56
kaddior safari for that :p16:56
nhasiani think i'm gonna skip updating for a couple of days and see if it gets cleaned up.16:56
kaddinhasian, aren't some kde apps like amarok preinstalled by default even in ubuntu?16:57
nhasiankaddi, not to my knowledge.  rhythmbox is installed by default.  not amarok16:57
BluesKajamarok needs the medibuntu repos16:59
kaddihmm my memory must be playing tricks on me then17:00
kaddicould anyone explain to me what xv is? I'm trying to determine if this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/395932 is the bug I experienced when my PC stayed completely blank after booting the new kernel. The workarounds certainly worked for me17:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 395932 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855] No Xv support for 82852/855GM (KMS bug)" [Unknown,In progress]17:04
mac_vcwillu: i'v actually submitted a new icon , for the indicator applet , the design team likes it but probs higher up :)17:38
derekShey guys, are there any guides available for optimizing ubuntu+1 for ssd? I am guessing with ssds growing in popularity, ubuntu+1 should have ways to optimize for it?18:09
stephankHello! I have a laptop that uses snd-hda-intel, and I think ICH8 chipset. One of the things with this thing is that 100% volume results in crackling sound. However, I can't figure out, how to set the volume to the 'sane' maximum, which is actually around 74%? Instead of using sliders to find a hidden sweet spot, now I'm turning to alsamixer all the time.18:30
mac_vstephank: are you running karmic/jaunty?18:42
stephankmac_v: karmic18:43
BluesKajstephank, no kmix vol ctrl in the panel?18:43
stephankBluesKaj: gnome-volume-control-applet is there18:43
mac_vstephank: hmm... there have been a lot of probs after the recent pulse audio updates , you should report a bug , if not already reported18:44
BluesKajor the gnome equivalent of the sokr icon in the panel'18:44
stephankmac_v: okeedo18:44
BluesKajthe vol ctrl doesn't work ?18:45
BluesKajstephank, that vol ctrl mis the same one alsa uses for it;s main input18:46
stephankBluesKaj: well, the issue is that I can't set my volume to the maximum, because I get crackling sound when I do that18:47
stephankit used to not be a problem when it only adjusted the master volume, but now it also adjusts the pcm volume.18:47
BluesKajstephank, you arent supposed to set it to max , 70% should be enough , otherwise you're distorting the sound18:48
stephankBluesKaj: I guess the reason I do that is because I have external speakers, with an external volume control.18:50
BluesKajno matter , you clip the output amp if you increase it too much18:52
KamilionI've got a newer system with a LSI SAS2008 adapter supported by the mpt2sas.ko module. It exists in linux-image-2.6.31-5-server, but not in linux-image-2.6.31-5-generic which the Alpha 4 Server cd boots with. I've copied the module onto a USB stick, and insert it when the installer tells me to, but it never seems to find the .ko file. What directory am I supposed to place it in?19:38
Kamilion(Where does debian-installer load storage controller modules from when Detect Disks asks for modules and 'none of the above' is selected?)19:40
ripps_Why can't evince open compressed archives anymore?19:43
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nztalhas alpha 4 improved a good deal better than alpha 3, there were some issues on alpha 3 that i caught with the proposed repository open, that weren't that great, network-manager-gnome was broken.  luckily i had a wicd deb locally on my hard drive to get functioning19:54
nztalat that point, i fell back to jaunty, though i'm not sure how things are rolling along now19:54
BUGabundonztal: most of us update daily19:55
BUGabundowe don't compare milestones19:55
BUGabundoits useless19:55
BUGabundocause so much changes between them19:55
nztali see.  is it wise for me not to enable proposed at the alphan 4 point ?19:55
PiciThere shouldn't be anything in -proposed19:56
hggdhwell, I would not expect -proposed to be active right now for Karmic...19:56
hggdhsince everything is, for all that matters, proposed19:56
nztali've had some not so bad luck in previous alphas, i usually had proposed enabled at the time.  network-manager-gnome was a little scary having been broken19:56
BUGabundonztal: there aren't any other pocket other then main and universe during devel cicle19:57
BUGabundonztal: I break my NM daily19:57
nztalmain and universe between milestones you mean ?19:57
nztalooh ok :)19:57
BUGabundoeven bisecing from GIT upstream19:57
BUGabundoas long as you have a set of debs with you that work, you should be safe19:57
BUGabundoof course, if you don't have enough experience, you are not expected to be running devel version19:58
BUGabundounless you really want to help fix somehting that bothers you19:58
nztalgot it.  i can actually put karmic on my laptop, as it is forced to use wicd.  i can't see to use the native network-manager-gnome and not have dns issues at starbucks.  i've not heard of a fix other than use something else19:59
BUGabundoseveral of us, run them so we can ensure a certain feature, app, hw works on final release19:59
BUGabundonztal: how about using opendns.com ?19:59
nztali realize that.  i've usually adopted at the alpha3 stage the past few releases.  i dont believe opendns would be fixing that issue.  its a somewhat rather odd way of logging in, its unencypted, and i authenicate with home dsl credentials.  when i've looked at /etc/resolv.conf, it doesn't look too ordinary20:00
nztalthrough the web that is20:00
BUGabundoits a web catchall gateway to generate a token20:01
nztaloh i see ok20:03
nztalyes, that hasn't worked out with the native network manager too well and i didn't see any solutions using google.20:03
BUGabundothere aint nothing in NM to make that hard20:05
nztali've considered a very inexpensive "tethering" type option for my laptop, though i'm unsure of any providers that would allow that without a contract, using a 3g adaptor, and with preferable on a pay as you go basis.  i know that support is actually built into network-manager-gnome its just a matter of getting the settings right.  dont think i could afford an actual contact/subscription.20:05
BUGabundoyou should get a connection to the open AP20:05
BUGabundoand then autenticate via web20:05
nztalyes.  i am able to connect to the local ap, i had issues though, where i couldn't get anywhere else, past logging in.  thats when coming to starbucks, after logging in at home, on the same laptop.  i've tried all sorts of troubleshooting including opendns.  its just a funny authentication that way20:06
diverse_izzuehey all. my screensaver on karmic never comes up. anyone else experiencing that?20:28
KamilionHm, getting an error: "Failed to determine the codename for the release." at "Install the base System"20:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 312505 in pulseaudio "Pulseaudio inhibits suspend and hibernate" [Low,Fix released]20:31
ikoniathats an interesting bug 31250520:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312505 in pulseaudio "Pulseaudio inhibits suspend and hibernate" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31250520:33
DarthArachidesI am having trouble with fixed width fonts on a basic setup done from netbook20:37
DarthArachideswhat all packages should I install?20:37
DarthArachidesxterm gives the error message:"xterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1"20:37
DarthArachidesis this karmic specific, or is it easy to miss font packages starting from netboot install?20:38
norpan111i dont really see much difference in 9.10 just more error msg :P20:38
DarthArachidesoops, should have been netboot in the first case too20:38
norpan111I heard new theme etc?20:39
norpan111but i dont see anything..20:39
norpan111Not slightest difference20:39
norpan111Have a idea?20:39
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norpan111Wich versoin of gnome is in karmic?20:40
PiciIt will be 2.28 by release.20:41
norpan111but now?20:42
norpan111My nautilus windows etc, is not affected by theme change?20:42
norpan111Like human-theme...20:42
norpan111There is no human-theme when right click20:42
norpan111Or anything, just apps really20:42
ikoniawhy are you using 9.10 if you don't know what's in it ?20:43
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:43
norpan111Well gotta try to know eh ikonia  ? :P20:43
ikoniaerrr no20:43
ikonianot if it's unstable and you don't know what's in it20:43
norpan111Somebody know why its this way?20:43
Picinorpan111: I don't understand what you're asking.  What does the version of gnome have to do with the human theme?20:43
ikonianorpan111: why "what" is "this" way ?20:44
norpan111Pici,  nothing, it was a different questin ;D20:44
norpan111ikonia,  why human-theme does not affect anything but apps.. when right-click, the menu is wrong20:44
ikonianorpan111: it's a theme - it's only going to effect the look, I actually thought the 9.10 theme had not been released yet20:45
Picinorpan111: If you feel that it is not working properly like it did in a previous version of Ubuntu then you should log a bug.20:45
norpan111it looks like "simple" controlls20:45
ikoniaPici: it's just the place holder theme I believe, the 9.10 has not been finished yet20:46
ikonia(the last time I checked)20:46
Piciikonia: I wasn't aware that we were even getting a theme refresh this release.20:46
Kamiliondoes karmic support the 'toram' boot param?20:46
norpan111can 9.10 be reversed then20:46
ikoniait's been discussed on the forums a bit so I "believe" there is, but I'm not %10020:46
ikonianorpan111: no20:46
ikonianorpan111: that's the situation for upgrading without understanding what you're doing20:47
nztalkarmic made alpha 4, just yesterday ?20:48
guntbertnorpan111: just to play with it use a virtual machine20:48
kaddinztal really?20:49
ikonianztal: looks that way20:49
nztali was looking at the release schedule20:49
nztallooks that way :)20:49
ikonianztal: not got it yet, but it looks released20:49
kaddihow do you test which alpha release is running on your system?20:49
kaddii just upgraded yesterday, I'm wondering if I'm running alpha 3 or 4 now20:49
nztali tend to get the daily builds, if i need it on media.  this laptop is going back to karmic at this point, it doesn't require gnome's network-manager20:49
ikonianot sure if lsb_release shows it20:49
ikoniacan normally work it out from the kernel20:50
ikoniakaddi: if you upgraded/keep it up to date, you'll be running 520:50
kaddilsb_release doesn't it says "developpment branch" but not which alpha20:50
nztali think i heard there wouldn't be a LTS release until one or two releases after karmic20:50
kaddiikonia ok, it's what I figured. I just thought that by "I haven't got it yet" you meant, that it hadn't reached the reps yet20:50
ikoniakaddi: not sure about the repos, cd seems out20:51
ikonianztal: 9.10 isn't lts20:51
kaddiikonia I did a upgrade from the repos, ah well... I'll get it eventually ;)20:51
nztal9.10 is karmic isn't it ?  i know this one wouldn't be a LTS20:51
BUGabundoKamilion: no kernel has had support for toram for many cycles, even after I pushed a bug and a thread on the devel MLs21:06
DanaGinteresting... the pulseaudio suspend script tries to sudo with uid ##100021:07
DanaGyeah, two pound signs.21:07
BUGabundoDanaG: that's two bugs then21:08
BUGabundoshould not _guess_ the user uid21:08
DanaGIt does "for each".21:09
kaddiBUGabundo I managed to get that kernel bootet, had to disable KSM and everything was fine. FYI :)21:09
BUGabundothanks kaddi21:09
BUGabundodid u file a bug on it yet?21:10
BUGabundokaddi: $ ubuntu-bug linux should do it21:10
kaddiBUGabundo I think there is already a bug report on it, reported in july, apparently KSM was enabled when karmic switch from alpha2 to alpha3 and it immediately got noticed21:12
bjsniderfglrx support for the 2.6.29 kernel was only released today.21:15
DanaGoh yeah, so that 9.8 is out now?  spiffy.21:17
DanaGProbably still misses find_task_by_vpid.21:18
DanaGI wish Ubuntu would re-export that in their kernels.21:18
norpan111my install is not broken, its just acting little wierd with the themes. And im about to report bug21:25
norpan111everything has the same theme until it requires a password for mounting a device, then everything gets ugly21:26
BUGabundonorpan111: known21:27
geohottrying to install nightly on ps321:28
BUGabundobug on udev21:28
geohotcan't find install cdrom21:28
BUGabundogeohot: eheheheh21:28
BUGabundogeohot: you mean daily LOL21:28
geohotyea i saw the bug, but it's old21:28
norpan111BUGabundo,  its known?21:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 322600 in ubuntu "Ubunto instalation gets error "Couldn't find a valid Release file or this file could not be read" in PS3 system" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:29
norpan111gutsy ps3 BUGabundo  ?21:29
geohotbut it said it was fixed in 8.1021:30
geohotthis is 9.1021:30
BUGabundogeohot: don't confuse norpan111 !!!!!21:30
norpan111Im already confues =/ fail21:30
BUGabundoyou guys are talking about Diff bugs ok?21:30
norpan111i have no idea21:30
BUGabundoI know21:30
BUGabundogeohot: yours is a new one, prob a regression from that one,21:31
BUGabundopff the name is wrong21:31
norpan111Is there someting i can do about it?21:31
norpan111that everything except apps is ugly-wierd theme21:31
* BUGabundo feels like to cut a finger on everyone who writes ubuntu with an 'o'21:31
norpan111becaus its pronounced???? that way21:32
BUGabundonorpan111: one of your bugs is the udev one21:32
geohotanyone know how it was fixed last time?21:32
norpan111maybe ill just reinstlal ubuntu ,D21:32
norpan111I never listen to warnings like " 9.10 will break!!"21:32
BUGabundoI usually reserv that as a LAsT chance21:33
BUGabundomost probs can be fixed21:33
norpan111Well im noob, i should not play around with these things xD21:33
norpan111Cuz i just irritate everyone on irc :P21:33
Kamilionthe only way to become not-a-noob is to play around with things.21:34
bjsniderif you are new to it, then install and use jaunty21:34
norpan111thats what i said to ikonia21:34
norpan111He did not agree21:34
Kamilionbut RTFM and search google first.21:34
norpan111I had jaunty ;D and broke it with 9.1021:34
KamilionWe help those who help themselves :)21:34
norpan111I never should try out 9.10...21:34
StR|SangrealKamilion: i am noobing around with things for quite long, and ... it somehow doesn't bring any success... xd21:34
Kamilioncommon thing. backup your /home and do a fresh install of karmic.21:34
KamilionStR|Sangreal: then approach from a different angle. Go play in Debian's sandbox, or go try out Linux From Scratch, tinker a bit with Gentoo...21:35
norpan111now i should download illegal movies21:35
BUGabundospending a cycle on ubuntu-user ML will teach you many many things21:35
norpan111bye guys!21:35
BUGabundoit was my first real learning spot21:35
BUGabundooh one more??21:36
StR|Sangrealyeah, there is no royal path in wisdom...21:36
BUGabundohow many time will I have to say * there is NO need to put HOME on a diff partition *21:36
bjsniderthere is21:36
BUGabundostop spreadig MissInformation21:36
BUGabundobjsnider: we already discussed this21:37
BUGabundoit waint21:37
BUGabundobelieve me , or keep up the old school21:37
mac_vBUGabundo: why no need for separate /home?21:37
BUGabundomac_v: its been like this since hardy21:38
KamilionPersonally, I put my /home on a seperate partition, but *I* use LVM and need to extend the volume occasionally as my users increase their usage. A *DESKTOP* machine is perfectly fine with /home on the / partition.21:38
BUGabundofrom that point on the installer is capable of removing old system files, and put a new system21:38
BUGabundowithout thouching user space files21:38
bjsnideri don't trust it21:38
hggdhfolks, calm there. There is no need to, but it does not mean it cannot be done21:38
mac_vi find have a separate *the most* useful feature , helps reinstalling without loosing info or settings21:38
KamilionBUGabundo: I am wary, once I made a simple mistake and told it to format the wrong partition in the installer.21:38
bjsniderand i want the system files located separately at the start of the drive so they're accessed faster21:39
BUGabundoKamilion: grub2 supports now full disk LVM without need for /boot on ext221:39
KamilionAlso, LVM snapshots.21:39
KamilionOoh, does it?21:39
KamilionCrap, I *JUST* installed 9.10 with a 256MB /boot outside of the LVM :/21:39
BUGabundoKamilion: that is solved with BACKUPs not with partitions21:39
BUGabundoKamilion: RTFM21:39
KamilionAlso, home on certain machines are mounted via NFS21:39
Kamiliondepends on the user.21:40
BUGabundothat's buggy as help AFAIN21:40
bjsnideri wouldn't do that. too slow21:40
StR|Sangrealhave a nice time up there :)21:40
KamilionI don't make the NASA rules, I just follow them. :P21:40
KamilionTechnically I'm not even supposed to be running beta operating systems, but I'm forced to run karmic because jaunty doesn't support my SAS2008 6gbit controller.21:41
bjsnideryou could use jaunty with a karmic kernel21:42
bjsnideror a kernel from a ppa21:42
Kamilionor roll my own21:42
bjsnidertoo much time21:42
Kamilionbut nobody will tell me how to load a .ko from a usb stick in debian-installer21:42
Kamilionprobably likely that the bus-factor is high for that procedure21:43
KamilionCause the Alpha 4 server install disc boots with the 2.6.31-5-generic kernel, and the mpt2sas.ko only exists on the 2.6.31-5-server kernel (But generic will load the module if I copy it to the right place and depmod -a)21:44
BUGabundobjsnider: you really like to bend the rules right21:44
bjsniderwhich rules are those?21:45
mac_vPici: no new theme for karmic , *maybe* the icon theme would be changed to Humanity , theme wise, kwwii working on a new one only for Karmic +1 or LTS21:46
hggdhKamilion, if the modules was not built with the kernel, there are good chances it will not work21:46
Kamiliongeneric and server are built from the same source, just with a different config. In my case, loading the -server module on -generic worked since the module has no other dependancies.21:47
hggdhah, OK. So what was your problem?21:48
KamilionI've got a newer system with a LSI SAS2008 adapter supported by the mpt2sas.ko module. It exists in linux-image-2.6.31-5-server, but not in linux-image-2.6.31-5-generic which the Alpha 4 Server cd boots with. I've copied the module onto a USB stick, and insert it when the installer tells me to, but it never seems to find the .ko file. What directory am I supposed to place it in?21:48
* Kamilion simplifies: Where does debian-installer load storage controller modules from when Detect Disks asks for modules and 'none of the above' is selected?21:49
bjsniderwhy does the server image boot with the generic kernel?21:49
DanaGhmm, can you nust manually 'cp' it and 'insmod' it?21:49
hggdhI would say the same one under the server21:49
Kamilionit tells me to insert a floppy or USB stick21:49
Kamilionbjsnider: I wish I knew. If it booted with the -server kernel, I'd have no problems :)21:50
hggdhKamilion, heh. And you have, I guess the module already in disk...21:50
bjsnideryou could replace the kernel on the iso and burn it with the server kernel i suppose21:50
mac_vBUGabundo: the installer has those settings? to not remove users old config? i never realized that !21:51
Kamilionyeah, pulled down the linux-image-2.6.31-5-server deb package from packages.ubuntu.com and yanked the file out and hucked it on my usb stick, copied it to /lib/modules/<ver>-generic/kernel/drivers/scsi/mpt2sas/mpt2sas.ko, ran a depmod -a, modprobed mpt2sas (sucessful) and installed to LVM.21:51
* hggdh stops booting the server VM21:53
kaddiwhat exactly is Xv? If someone says his graphic driver is unable to provide xv, does that mean he doesn't get a visual output?21:53
Kamilionbut the thing is, A: debian-installer tries to mount /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdb1, and B: I don't know what directory the file should be under to be found by debian-installer even if it did correctly mount the right partition on /media21:53
hggdhso all we are left with is open a bug asking for the module to be built with the -generic image21:53
Kamilionhggdh: Well, why is the server install cd starting up with the -generic kernel instead of the -server kernel?21:54
KamilionCan I boot with a -server kernel from the existing CD? (are both on there and I just missed it?)21:54
bjsnidercheck the manifest list21:54
hggdhKamilion, this is a question for the server maintainers21:54
KamilionI had already assumed I needed to file a bug, but I'm still figuring out which package to target the bug on, and attempting to write a reproduction case so I don't just get 'not enough info, bug closed'21:55
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
Kamilionsolve problem, file bug, submit patch.... :)21:56
hggdhyou should not get the bug closed this way, only get it as incomplete21:56
Kamilioneither way, I shouldn't waste the server-maintainer's time.21:56
hggdhlet me recoup a bit: you booted the server install, and it came with the desktop kernel?21:56
hggdhthen -- to my humble view -- this is the bug21:57
hggdhI would expect the server install to boot the server imiage21:57
bjsniderwhere's the iso image you downloaded?21:57
KamilionAye. But which package to file the bug on? the -generic kernel or the -server kernel? Or ubiquity?21:57
BUGabundostarting in karmic the image is the same21:58
hggdhit this runs under ubiquity, then ubiquity21:58
BUGabundothe entire kernel system change21:58
kaddiBUGabundo maybe you could help me out quickly. this is the bugreport I think describes my bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/395932 The workaround sure works for me. However I can't find what "my graphics driver is unable to provide xv"  means. Does it mean, there is no visual output?21:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 395932 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855] No Xv support for 82852/855GM (KMS bug)" [Unknown,In progress]21:58
hggdhor simply open a bug asking for the module to be provided21:58
BUGabundoto have only 2 or 3 kernels21:58
kaddiI don't want to open up a duplicate for a known bug...21:58
BUGabundohggdh: can you help kaddi? busy replying to work emails21:59
bjsniderKamilion, this is the list of files on that iso: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-4/karmic-server-amd64.list22:00
bjsniderit includes the server kernel22:01
Kamilionokay... I'll poke around with the isolinux menu then22:02
bjsniderclearly the wrong kernel is being chosen at boot time22:02
vesayth1Hello folks, I have a couple issues with karmic on my laptop but I'm not sure just yet if I should drop a bug on them or whether or not they've been addressed (i haven't found anything on them)22:02
vesayth1I think the most important one for me is DNS doesn't seem to be resolving when I connect to my home server via OpenVPN22:03
vesayth1Server is running on Jaunty 64 bit, this laptop is running Karmic 32 bit22:03
Kamilionvesayth1: Do you have a proper push of the dns servers? Some openvpn packages don't by default.22:09
vesayth1Kamilion: yes, the problem doesn't seem to be on the server side22:10
vesayth1Kamilion: before upgrading to karmic, it worked fine. And I just checked to ensure that it still works on my windows partition and it does22:10
kaddiI think this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/395932 describes my bug, the workaround sure works for me. However I can't find what "my graphics driver is unable to provide xv"  means and so am not sure if I should post in that thread or create a new bug. Does it mean, there is no visual output?22:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 395932 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855] No Xv support for 82852/855GM (KMS bug)" [Unknown,In progress]22:11
Kamilionalso, I had to add a entry to my openvpn config to push the local domain, otherwise I could only do FQDN lookups even if the DNS server IP was pushed22:11
vesayth1I've pushed the local domain as well as the opendns nameservers22:12
Kamilionahh, that's why. OpenDNS has no idea what your local domain's internal IPs are.22:13
Kamilionyou need to push your local DNS server and set that up to use opendns as an upstream DNS server to get local hostname resolution.22:13
vesayth1Ok, but that doesn't explain to me why it works in Jaunty and Windows22:13
vesayth1was there a change in Karmic that makes it resolve differently?22:14
KamilionNot sure. I'm in the middle of installing Karmic now myself.22:14
Kamilionor, trying to, if I didn't get distracted every time I'm waiting for the bios to prompt me to push F11 to boot from CD.22:15
vesayth1it happens22:15
vesayth1i guess I'll go play with my config for the server, unfortunately i don't have physical access to it right now as I'm in Mississippi and it's in Florida >.>22:15
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
vesayth1but i'll have to make due with ssh i suppose22:16
Kamilionserver bioses take too long to boot... hehe22:16
Kamilionvesayth1: just mentioning my own pain points with openvpn and dns.22:17
Kamilionwill yours do fqdn lookups currently?22:19
Kamilionoh, oh!22:19
vesayth1I'm not sure, I'll have to take a look22:19
KamilionYou said 'it works in jaunty and windows' -- does that mean you're using winbind to do local hostname resolution via samba?22:19
Kamilioncause that would 'bypass' the problem of opendns not knowing your internal ips, if your nsswitch.conf is consulting wins or mdns before full dns22:20
vesayth1yes i'm using winbind on my samba share22:20
Kamilionand with a fresh install of karmic, you wouldn't have samba or winbind installed off the bat22:21
vesayth1well, I didn't install Karmic on the server22:22
Kamilioni mean on the client. You still need samba/winbind to do wins resolution22:22
vesayth1and this wasn't really a fresh install on the client22:22
vesayth1I did the upgrade22:22
vesayth1but i'll double check to see if those are installed22:23
vesayth1hmm, winbind is but not samba22:23
Kamilionbjsnider: Hm, I can't seem to find any other bootable kernels on the A4 server cd, just the installable package22:25
bjsniderthat sucks22:25
Kamilionyup. Guess I'll file the bug then.22:25
bjsnidernot much choice at this point22:26
bjsnideris there a daily-live server iso?22:27
KamilionNot sure.22:27
bjsniderif so, maybe they can fix it quickly22:27
vesayth1ok that doesn't seem to help22:27
vesayth1installing samba22:27
vesayth1not sure if my last 2 messages went through22:27
vesayth1but installing samba didn't seem to work22:27
maxbIs there ever a "live" "server" iso? I don't think so22:27
Kamilionvesayth1: they went through. But that's too bad that it didn't work. I'll give it a shot myself in a bit once I get Karmic installed22:28
vesayth1maybe I should try a fresh install22:30
BluesKajmaxb, the servers are repositories of linux images and applications that can be installed by updating or upgrading depending on your desires22:30
vesayth1maybe that will get my wireless working as well22:30
Kamilionvesayth1: might your wireless require some firmware somehow? bc43xx or such?22:31
BluesKajoh server versions , maxb ..now i gotcha ..there are if you search22:31
vesayth1Kamilion: it's Atheros. There's a workaround for my problem, I have a script that runs modprobe -r -f ath5k and then modprobe ath5k22:32
vesayth1and that fixes it22:32
vesayth1But I don't want to run that script every time I boot22:32
vesayth1it's listed in bug 39556522:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395565 in linux "atheros wifi not working with kernel 2.6.31-1" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39556522:32
BluesKajvesayth1, I run wicd with atheros , works well22:33
BluesKajon my laptop that is22:33
kaddivesayth1 das ath5k support usb sticks as well?22:33
vesayth1BluesKaj: I think we had this conversation yesterday, but I'm leery of doing that as I need to be able to use my OpenVPN as well22:33
vesayth1kaddi: I have no idea22:33
kaddiok, thanks anyway :)22:34
kaddiI have a ralink usb-stick that does get recognized by karmic (modprobe shows rt73usb running), but it is not listed in ifconfig and I can't see any wifi networks..22:35
Kamilionhttp://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/usb-gadgets/bd55/ <--- ralink like that?22:35
vesayth1kaddi: try lspci and see if it shows up that way22:35
bjsnidervesayth1, that bug was fixed22:35
vesayth1bjsnider: Yes I know but apparently not completely22:36
kaddiKamilion its a dwl-g122 and it's a LOT slower than what you linked22:36
Kamilionahh, the dlink22:36
vesayth1bjsnider: they were suggesting doing some things with rfkill, but those directories don't even exist on my laptop22:36
kaddiKamilion yeah sorry, I keep mixing them up22:36
BluesKajvesayth1, why are you worried , it's anetwork manager that acyaully easier to configuer than the kde one22:36
vesayth1BluesKaj: I guess I'll give it a try22:37
kaddivesayth1: it does not show up in lspci, but it does show up in lsusb22:37
morecowbelli just installed karmic (UNR) but the netbook desktop keeps crashing. how do i bring it back?22:38
vesayth1kaddi: sorry that's what I meant22:38
kaddivesayth1 :)  so what does that mean for me?22:38
kaddivesayth1 ok, all is fine, it just magically appeared in wicd o.o22:39
vesayth1kaddi: you said it's an atheros based card right?22:39
vesayth1kaddi: oh alright ^^22:39
Kamilionguess it just needed a prod, heh22:39
kaddihehe, I tried prodding it this afternoon and it wouldn22:40
kaddit do squad.. Now I haven't touched it for hours and it works :p22:40
vesayth1Ok, I just installed wicd, how do you configure vpn through this?22:41
morecowbellis there a channel for the netbook version of ubuntu?22:45
morecowbellthe netbook interface crashed (i just installed karmic) and i don't know how to bring it back without rebooting22:46
morecowbellnevermind...the command is netbook-launcher :D22:46
kaddilet's see what happens after a reboot :p22:47
vesayth1Yeah i'm not seeing a way to connect to openvpn with wicd22:58
vesayth1network-manager was much easier to work with in that regard22:58
jaysonsantosHello people, I was installing flashplayer-plugin-installer and then my pc reboot because I kicked my power cable. Now when I execute sudo dpkg --configure -a in my Karmic VM I'm receiving this message http://paste.ubuntu.com/254768/23:14
* BUGabundo checks23:17
BUGabundooh oh23:18
BUGabundocorrupt apt db23:18
jaysonsantosBUGabundo Can I rebuild that ?23:18
BUGabundomayb make a copy, remove that line,23:18
BUGabundoand try to distupgrade23:19
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
jaysonsantosBUGabundo but i'm using the last development distribution23:20
BUGabundoyeah I now23:21
BUGabundoaptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade23:21
jaysonsantosBUGabundo I just erased that line, /var/lib/dpkg/updates/* and /var/lib/dpkg/avaliable* and that worked23:24
jaysonsantosthank you23:24
BUGabundotry to purge and reinstal the affected package23:24
BUGabundoa sudo dpkg --configure -a23:24
BUGabundodoesn't hurt either23:24
rleedsI don't remember this being a problem in jaunty, so I ask here, but it might be totally unrelated. Emacs GTK, when I have certain files open in different programming languages, adds a language-specific menu to the menubar, but it comes up as empty these days.23:26
rleedsI don't know when it started happening.23:26
rleedsAnyone else experiencing this?23:26
rleedsI thought it was just a problem with erlang-mode but I'm eding a c++ file today and get the same problem.23:26
rleedsAlso, I've been googling like hell for something similar, but find it nowhere, which is the only reason I even suspect ubuntu of being at fault at all, though I'm going to ask in #emacs as well.23:27
bjsniderrleeds, why don't you reporteth a buggeth on the packageth?23:29
rleedsbjsnider: because I want to verify that it's actually a problem in ubuntu first and not just something stupid I did.23:30
bjsniderjust wipe out the local config directory and you'll be certain of it23:30
rleedslet me try moving my emacs config away23:30
bjsnidermaybe ~/.emacs23:31
bjsnideror whatever23:31
rleeds.emacs.d, close enough23:31
bjsnidereven if you did this through your local config, i still think it's a bug. it blanked out this menu you want23:31
rleedsbjsnider: yeah. it's happening with default config too.23:32
bjsnider'tis a bug, it is23:32
rleedsI figured someone in here used emacs and could verify it quickly, though.23:33
BUGabundorleeds: we are happy enough to test just one OS at a time :)23:34
rleedslol, BUGabundo23:34
Kamilionblah. Debian-installer's LVM wizard is broken.23:35
Kamilionwell, not so much the wizard, but...23:36
Kamilionfor some reason it sees two identical western digital WD1001-FALS Black 1TBs as different sizes. But if I add a 8MB partition to the start, then they show up as identical. but as soon as I delete the dummy partition, lvm wigs out again.23:37
Kamilionheh, and saving the debug log ends up with a 4.5MB partman log, hahaha23:40
bjsniderare those 10k rpm drives?23:42
KamilionDon't think so, I think they're 7200 RPM, but they're supposed to have 32MB cache and some kind of a second arm processor on the controller board for 'higher performance'.23:43
robin0800_Kamilion: 8Mb is usally the default dummy partion when you install windows and use its partion editor23:43
KamilionI ended up just spawning a shell and using fdisk directly. Creating the lvm partitions manually and then using pvcreate and vgcreate, then went back to the installer to populate the vg.23:44
bjsnideri  thought the 1001 designation might signify 10k rpm23:45
Kamilionbjsnider: AFAIK, it's the size. Shows up as 1.001 TB23:46
KamilionYay! it's booting from the whole-disk LVM!23:46
suitSo, I just booted into a black screen with Kubuntu. Alt+F2 works and I can start programs from there and see them, too. Just no desktop, no taskbar, no widgets. Any ideas?23:48
rleedsbjsnider: in case you're curious, I submitted it as bug 41510123:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415101 in emacs22 "Emacs language menus are blank" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41510123:55

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