
mpthi evand, I'm watching someone installing Ubuntu for the first time on a Pentium M10:01
evandpainful experience?10:01
mptit's revealing some deficiencies in progress feedback10:01
mpte.g. we've been looking at a disabled version of the keyboard layout page with a busy cursor for the past two minutes or so10:02
* mpt realizes "Require a password to log in" is bad wording10:04
evanddo you have any suggestions, assuming that it would be difficult to give finer grained progress status?10:05
evandsure thing10:25
evandwow, lots done on ubiquity while I was away on vacation.  Thanks for the hard work, guys!11:22
StevenKevand: I was testing Wubi trying to install UNR, and the Install button is a no-op. It seems that Wubi is expecting the CD to identify itself as Ubuntu Netbook Remix, whereas in .disk/info it's Ubuntu-Netbook-Remix. Any suggestions?13:06
* evand digs13:06
StevenKevand: Trying to fix get_iso_info (or some such, I was digging a few days ago) to return the CD name without dashes results in an exception, but I don't remember which. :-/13:08
xivulonHi StevenK, I have been on holiday on and off, and have done little work but will resume these days13:09
StevenKxivulon: Hey!13:10
xivulonif you are around after 10pm london time, it's best for me as I can actually code13:10
StevenKThat's my tomorrow morning, which should be fine13:11
xivulonWhat is the content of .disk/info for UNR?13:13
StevenKUbuntu-Netbook-Remix 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Alpha i386 (20090817)13:14
StevenKFor example13:14
evandStevenK, xivulon: how about this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/254494/13:15
StevenKevand: I did something similar to that, and it blew up13:16
evandgotta run, lunchtime appointment13:16
xivulondon't remember if the match is against the name or the group name, in the latter case you have to replace '-' with ''13:17
xivulonit's a name check, so yes evand your patch should be ok, have to check whether the name is used to compose the ini file group name though13:21
StevenKxivulon: I'm happy to test it if you give me a .exe to try.13:22
StevenKWhen I tried to build Wubi, it didn't look the same at all13:22
xivulonbut don't think so13:23
xivulonStevenK, what happened when you tried to build it? Any error message?13:24
StevenKxivulon: Nothing like that, the .exe I ran only wanted to provide information13:25
StevenKxivulon: I'm not sure if I still have a copy of the .exe13:27
xivuloncannot test it now anyway13:27
StevenKxivulon: If you look at it when you can, that would be fantastic.13:29
kirklandevand: hiya14:21
kirklandevand: today's my first day back after holiday14:21
evandkirkland: no worries, hope you had a good time :)14:22
kirklandevand: absolutely!  i went back to the highlands14:22
kirklandevand: take your dame up there sometime, it's awesome :-)14:23
evandoooh, will do14:23
evandlooks very relaxing14:23
evandjust got back from Paris, which is nice, but certainly not the trip to take for a rest14:23
kirklandevand: i'm downloading the daily iso's now14:24
kirklandevand: did you commit http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/250846/ yet?14:24
evandkirkland: nope, I'm hoping you can give it a look over first14:24
kirklandevand: okay, i'm looking at it now14:24
evandI've tested it and it works for me, but your mileage may vary14:25
kirklandevand: okay, one thing ...  (and you're just repeating what i did) ...l14:28
kirklandevand: +error "There were no usable swap devices.  Exiting."14:28
kirklandevand: i'm wondering if that should be a warning, exit 0, instead of an error, exit 114:29
kirklandevand: b/c most systems i install have no swap space14:29
evandgood call14:29
kirklandevand: which is valid/secure14:29
kirklandevand: so this could be handled 2 ways14:29
kirklandevand: i think we should probably prevent ecryptfs-setup-swap from even being called, if there are no swaps14:29
kirklandevand: in which case, we can leave this an an error()14:30
evandactually, I'd prefer to call it in user-setup, if the encrypted option is selected14:30
kirklandevand: such that if a person (or process) is calling ecryptfs-setup-swap, and there is no swap, then error makes sense to me14:30
kirklandevand: "call it" = what?14:30
kirklandevand: call ecryptfs-setup-swap?14:31
evandsorry, to clarify, I'd like to execute ecryptfs-setup-swap in the user-setup-apply script if the encrypted home directory option is set, rather than executing it somewhere in partman's apply routines.14:31
kirklandevand: if so, then just put something like [ $(wc -l /proc/swaps) -gt 1 ] && ecryptfs-setup-swap14:32
kirklandevand: oh, yes, absolutely!14:32
kirklandevand: basically, in user-setup, then, only call ecryptfs-setup-swap if there are swaps to encrypt14:32
evandright, I'm just being pedantic on what the best place is to handle the "no swap" condition, but I think handling it in user-setup if you're keen on keeping "no swap" as an error condition in ecryptfs-setup-swap14:33
kirklandevand: do you have a system with encrypted-lvm?14:33
evandnope, but I can create one with kvm14:33
kirklandevand: i could be persuaded either way14:33
kirklandevand: okay, i just want to make sure that ecryptfs-setup-swap doesn't error out non-zero in cases where you're actually "okay"14:34
kirklandevand: ie, 1) no swap, 2) lvm-encrypted swap14:34
kirklandevand: throwing a warning is fine, i think14:34
kirklandevand: but exiting 0 would be proper, i believe14:34
kirklandevand: also, do we need to talk to mpt or someone about notifying the user at this point in user-setup that hibernation will be disabled?14:35
evandso are you happy to commit this upstream and release a new version, or should we carry a patch in ubuntu?14:35
kirklandevand: oh, no, i'll commit this upstream14:35
evandokay great14:35
kirklandevand: i'll do that this morning14:35
evandawesome, thanks14:36
mptevand, oh, sorry, I forgot to get back to you about the progress feedback14:36
kirklandevand: you bet, thanks for the enhancement14:36
evandI'll upload a version of user-setup as soon as we have that in the archive then14:36
kirklandevand: cool14:36
evandmpt: no worries14:36
kirklandevand: once this is there, let's ping kees, but he told me last week that he was cool displaying the option to encrypt home again by default14:37
kirklandevand: he wanted the default value to be "require a password to login"14:37
evandyeah, best to have him look it over early on14:37
kirklandevand: right14:37
kirklandevand: he wanted to get mpt14:37
mptevand, I think a good thing to do would be to switch panes instantly when you click Back/Forward, showing a spinner in the middle of the destination pane until its contents are ready14:37
kirklandevand: mpt's feedback on somehow *discouraging* users from the "no password" option :-)14:38
mptevand, completely unrelatedly, I realized while watching this morning that "Require a password" should probably be "Require my password"14:39
evandmpt: so just so I'm clear, you're on the keyboard page and the partition page is up next.  You press next, the partition page appears but all you see is the "Prepare disk space" heading, which, along with the buttons at the bottom, is disabled.  When the interface is ready, everything that was disabled is enabled, and the rest of the interface is shown.  Is that correct?14:40
evandmpt: okay, I'll make that change now14:40
evandkirkland: noted14:40
mptevand, yes, plus the spinner14:41
mptactually, I might have reported this before somewhere14:42
evandmpt: indeed, just left that out for brevity14:42
evandmpt: do let me know if you have a bug number for this already, otherwise I'll file one to track it14:42
* mpt waits for Launchpad to respond14:43
evandUbuntu, now booting faster than Launchpad page requests.14:44
kirklandevand: :-)14:45
kirklandevand: *that's* funny14:45
mptevand, found it: I suggested the same solution for bug 33675114:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336751 in ubiquity ""Starting up the partitioner" uses separate window misleadingly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33675114:46
evandkirkland: in fairness, I stole that line from Keybuk14:46
kirklandevand: heh, i'll slap him on the back, then14:46
mptevand, if you have a screenshot of the partitioning step handy, I can answer cjwatson's question in that report14:47
evanda little old, but probably still useful14:47
kirklandevand: okay, on second thought, I am going to make the no-swaps-available situation exit 0 with a warning in ecryptfs-setup-swap14:48
kirklandevand: your filter logic contains a bunch of smarts to determine if there's anything to be encrypted14:48
kirklandevand: and you'd nearly have to duplicate that in user-setup otherwise14:48
evandwell, it's your filter logic, but indeed14:49
evandgood call14:49
evand(or someone's from upstream)14:49
kirklandif [ -z "$swaps" ]; then14:49
kirkland        warn "There were no usable swap devices to be encrypted.  Exiting."14:49
kirkland        exit 014:49
kirklandevand: i think that makes sense14:50
kirklandevand: i'll document the behavior accordingly in the manpage14:50
kirkland(which doesn't yet exist, I see :-)14:50
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3376 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):14:55
CIA-33ubiquity: Use "Require my password" rather than "Require a password" for the14:55
CIA-33ubiquity: sake of clarity. Thanks Matthew Paul Thomas.14:55
mptevand, so the advanced one still looks like this? http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/images/gparted.png14:57
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3377 ubiquity/gui/qt/app.ui: Whoops. Forgot the necessary change for KDE for the previous commit.14:57
evandmpt: nope, not for a long time14:57
evandmpt: http://people.canonical.com/~evand/screenshots/ubiquity/1.12.3/4-manual-partitioning.png14:57
evand(the shot you posted was from when we xembeded gparted)14:57
mptah, thanks14:58
mptI should have guessed that from the previous URL :-)14:58
mptbbiab, meeting...15:00
=== saispo_ is now known as saispo
mptevand, I commented in bug 33675116:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336751 in ubiquity ""Starting up the partitioner" uses separate window misleadingly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33675116:27
mptevand, but that's only a subset of the general suggestion to use a spinner whenever loading the next page is taking too long (more than about 2 seconds)16:28
mptevand, do you want a separate bug report for that?16:28
evandplease, if you have time16:29
mptevand, implementing something like this might be really interesting for Ubuntu: http://blog.mozilla.com/metrics/2009/07/30/an-improved-experience-for-2000000-non-firefox-users/16:40
evandmpt: Colin mentioned a while ago that they had previously floated the idea of a "Problems installing?  Let us know here: http://url"-type message on the CD sleeve.16:42
evandI imagine following what Mozilla did wouldn't be too difficult16:42
evandjust need to get buy in16:42
evandI'm all for it, I'll start by asking Colin what he thinks16:43
mptbug 41491217:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414912 in ubiquity "Poor progress feedback when navigating Back/Forward slowly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41491217:32
eeejayhey evand18:28
eeejayevand: i have a merge request you will absolutely love18:30
eeejayevand: https://code.launchpad.net/~eeejay/ubiquity/bug_38698218:30
evandah cool18:32
evandI'll merge that now18:32
eeejayevand: sweet, thanks18:32
eeejayevand: one of the cases you gave me wouldn't work because of that bug :P18:32
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3378 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/segmented_bar.py):18:39
CIA-33ubiquity: Reset the internal pointer to the segment to be resized when18:39
CIA-33ubiquity: clearing the contents of the segmented bar in the GTK frontend18:39
CIA-33ubiquity: (LP: #386982). Thanks Eitan Isaacson!18:39
evandeeejay: ^ Thanks!18:40
eeejayevand: thank you ack18:40
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KamilionWhere does debian-installer load storage controller modules from when Detect Disks asks for modules and 'none of the above' is selected? (Which directory on a fat32 stick or floppy?)19:59
KamilionI've got a newer system with a LSI SAS2008 adapter supported by the mpt2sas.ko module. It exists in linux-image-2.6.31-5-server, but not in linux-image-2.6.31-5-generic which the Alpha 4 Server cd boots with. I've copied the module onto a USB stick, and insert it when the installer tells me to, but it never seems to find the .ko file. What directory am I supposed to place it in?19:59
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KamilionHm, getting an error: "Failed to determine the codename for the release." at "Install the base System". any ideas?20:30
Kamilionfound the cause, drive had become unmounted20:33

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