
ubot4In #ubuntu-ph, dsdeiz said: !gates is <reply> Magkaibigan kami ni bill gates.. :)04:50
ubot4In #ubuntu-ph, dsdeiz said: ubot4: !gates is <reply> Magkaibigan kami ni bill gates.. :)04:51
elkyDeindre1, what is the URL for your profile on launchpad.net?09:29
Deindre1elky: https://launchpad.net/~flavia-weisghizzi09:30
Deindre1elky: My registred nick is Deindre09:31
elkyPricey, nalioth, jussi01 can we have a member cloak set on Deindre1, please. Thanks!09:31
Deindre1elky: not Deindre1 , Deindre... sorry09:32
elkyDeindre1, you'll need to swap to that nick then.09:32
elkyor at least have it set as the primary nick for your group of nicknames.09:32
Deindre1ok one second...09:33
Deindreelky: ok09:33
Deindrenoe is correct09:33
Deindrenow is09:33
elkyDeindre, ok. We still need to wait for staff, so just hang around here and one of them will get to you when they are at their computers.09:34
jussi01getting to it now.09:34
naliothDeindre: please set an email09:34
Deindreelky:  perfect.. thank you very much09:34
nalioth  /msg nickserv help set email09:35
Deindre(I'm not very used in english irc....):)09:35
elkyDeindre, we understand. take your time.09:37
Deindrenalioth: it make an error message09:37
naliothDeindre: /msg nickserv set email Deindre@whatever.XX09:39
Deindrenalioth: ok I made09:41
naliothDeindre: please check your email  :)09:42
DeindreI verified my e-mail09:42
Deindrenalioth: elky thank you very much for your patience :)09:44
naliothDeindre: no problem - you're welcome  :)09:45
DeindreI'm a jounalist, not a technical09:46
jussi01Deindre: you are cloaked. thanks for using freenode :)09:48
Deindrethanks to you for all09:48
Deindrehave a nice day09:48
Deindreand sorry for my slowness09:49
jussi01Deindre: all good. enjoy.09:49
ubot2In ubot2, anyqs said: Error: "Your" is not a valid command.11:21
ubot2In ubot2, anyqs said: Error: "Your" is not a valid command.11:21
ubot2In ubot2, anyqs said: Error: "Your" is not a valid command.11:22
ubot2In ubot2, anyqs said: Error: "Your" is not a valid command.11:22
Myrttioh dear god11:24
DJoneshmmh, a whois on anyqs shows n=supybot@  Does that suggest a bot is trying to talk to another bot :)11:30
DJonesThats great thinking11:31
DJonesMyrtti: by the way, somebody mentioned we should be saying happy birthday to you last week,11:32
Myrttiyeah - unfortunately I was hospitalised on the day so I'm supposedly having a second attempt on it today...11:32
DJonesHope your recovered and enjoy it today, i'd have said something on the day, but i was too busy having family round for mine11:33
Prettohey to all, coringao is here to setup his cloack, who can help?15:25
erUSULis he amemeber ?15:25
ubottuTo setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup15:26
erUSULCoringao: set up the nick as said in the webpage ( email adress secondary nick etc)15:26
erUSULCoringao: also give the url of your launchpad page15:26
CoringaoerUSUL, yes15:28
erUSULCoringao: launchpad url ?15:28
CoringaoerUSUL, https://launchpad.net/~coringao15:29
erUSULCoringao: ok; wait until "the ones who can" (tm) give the cloak...15:30
erUSULPricey: jussi01 nalioth PING cloak15:30
* erUSUL everybody asleep today....15:38
erUSULCoringao: had to reboot; still no reponse ?15:53
PrettoerUSUL, yes, no response yet15:54
PrettoerUSUL, coringao does not speak english :D15:54
PrettoerUSUL, i am helping him on that15:55
erUSULo milhor podo intentalo en galego. é semellante ó portugues ;)15:55
PrettoerUSUL, hehhehe... better keep it english :D15:55
CoringaoerUSUL, ok amigo15:57
PicierUSUL: neither of them can approve cloaks, only elky or I currently.16:04
erUSULPici: noted...16:04
PicierUSUL: We changed that pretty recently, so I wouldnt expect you to know, just an fyi.16:05
PrettoPici, so, can you do that now?16:05
PiciPretto: I can request a staffer do it ;)16:05
PrettoPici, thank you :D16:05
PrettoPici, UdontKnow on #ubuntu-br  can do that?16:06
PrettoPici,  I mean, after your request16:06
nhandlerCoringao: Enjoy your cloak16:16
Prettothank you guys16:16
Coringaonhandler, thaks my friend.:)16:17
CoringaoerUSUL, nhandler thanks16:21
erUSULCoringao: no problem16:22
CoringaoerUSUL, :)16:22
m4vanother bot spamming with pms in #ubuntu-es, like before. if any staff can take a look at el1za I'll be thankfull22:19
nikom4v: who ?22:24
pitiniko: el1za22:24
m4vjust parted now22:25
naliotha chatterbot22:25
m4vis the usual supremos spam, but they are using pm this time. instead of flooding the channel.22:26
naliothm4v: /help ignore  :|22:27
naliothget your channel ops to take care of it  :|22:28
nikonalioth: it's a know issue on #ubuntu-es22:29
m4vI don't need /ignore, and I did that before writing here, erUSUL must be sleeping or away22:29
nikom4v: ask founder to give you some rights22:33
nikoas usual :)22:33
m4vI never tried to get op in u-es because I don't agree with the way p3l|c4n0 handles the channel at the momment.22:45
m4vnor do I like talking to him.22:48
jpdsm4v: Who's the trouble?23:12
m4vjpds: nobody atm, the bot left.23:18

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