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stochasticCan someone take a look at this   http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/a2jmidid06:58
dholbachgood morning08:01
stochastichello, just curious if anyone can help me troubleshoot this error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/254295/08:07
iulianMorning dholbach.08:11
dholbachheya iulian08:12
slytherinsuperm1: ping, any idea how can I debug bug #414509 ?08:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414509 in nautilus-sendto "[karmic] Bluetooth plugin not initialised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41450908:17
superm1slytherin, sorry i'm not familiar with the nautilus-sendto code08:19
superm1slytherin, but i would suspect you probably want to make sure your phone is offering the right services08:19
superm1some phones dont advertise all the obex services at all times08:19
slytherinYes it does. I have used it in the past.08:20
superm1Ok. then that can be ruled out.  At least figure out the service identifier that your phone uses for obex then, and that's a starting point to look at the nautilus send to code08:20
superm1(there are a few different ones for obex)08:21
superm1you can use sdptool to query these08:21
slytherinI am thinking that the problem is with nautilus-sendto. Why don't I see the 'bluetooth plugin initilised' message.08:21
superm1you can use sdptool to query these08:23
superm1oops.  i was meaning to say you should probably forward this upstream08:23
superm1is that upstream pretty responsive about these kinds of bugs?08:23
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slytherinsuperm1: I will forward upstream if I know what the root cause is. Looking into nautilus-sendto code I found out that there are three conditions that may cause the plugin initialization to fail. Two of them are related to dbus. And I don't understand dbus very well.08:41
happyaronhi, how about your discussion on tor yesterday?08:59
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kkaji` http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139723800 NEW WEBSITE GAME,COME AND PLAY.09:38
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stochastichello, just curious if anyone can help me troubleshoot this error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/254295/  Is it a bug in libqt4-dev ?10:40
happyaronfreeflying: it's not very easy to get upstream happy on topic of tor as I was discussed with somebody in #tor10:41
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kaushalI am running Hardy and i have collectd running collectd |    4.3.0-1 | hardy/universe | source, amd64, i38611:23
kaushalthere are bugs in this version, as reported at #collectd11:23
kaushalso it has been fixed in 4.7 version of collectd11:23
kaushalcan i have 4.7 version of collectd ?11:23
LaneyKarmic has 4.611:23
ubottuDebian bug 541887 in collectd "update to 4.7?" [Wishlist,Open]11:24
kaushalLaney: can i have a .deb of 4.6 of collectd ?11:25
kaushalfor Hardy ?11:25
andvkaushal, you should request a backport in that case11:26
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:26
andvkaushal, we cannot provide you random .debs files11:26
Laneytry that procedure11:26
andvkaushal, or wait debian to package 4.7 and then ask the backport11:27
andvwhich should be the best way11:27
andvwithout having us to backport 4.6 then 4.711:27
slytherinkaushal: or you can file bugs you are facing on launchpad and the fixes for those bugs can be backported to hardy if possible.11:27
kaushalandv: so if use backport, i should be getting 4.6 :) ?11:28
andvkaushal, you should get karmic's version which is 4.611:28
kaushalah great11:28
slytherinandv: What was that LOL about?11:28
andvkaushal, but as I said, it's better to wait 4.711:29
andvfrom debian then ask the backport11:29
andvslytherin, about your phrase11:29
kaushalandv: do you want me to ask #debian ?11:30
Laneyno, don't11:30
slicerIs requestsync broken on karmic at the moment? It seems to just hang without any output at all.11:31
andvkaushal, no, the maintainer said it will be ready in the next few days11:31
Laneywhat are you trying to sync?11:31
andvkaushal, so just follow up debian bug @54188711:32
LaneyJust keep an eye on the Debian page and then tell us when it's out11:32
andvLaney, that's what I said11:32
LaneyI thought you were telling him to post there11:32
andvkaushal, when the upload is published follow the backport procedure and that's all11:33
andvLaney, no no :)11:33
andvLaney, the maintainer said the package is ready so11:33
slicerLaney: If that was to me, I'm tryint to requestsync mumble from unstable :)11:33
Laneyslicer: /me tries11:33
Laneyooh bug11:34
slicerLaney: Ah, so it's not just me then.11:35
Laneynah, that was a different bug11:35
Laneyrequesting the sync works fine11:35
slicerLaney: Oh. Then it IS me. *Sigh*11:35
Laney(requestsync --lp mumble)11:35
geserworks for me too11:35
* Laney didn't file it11:35
Laneygeser: try requestsync --lp mumble karmic11:36
geserI tried both with and without --lp, and both works11:36
slicerLaney: That's exactly what I did, and it just sits there doing nothing. *scratches head*11:36
mok0Excuse me for stupid question: what package contains /usr/bin/java ??11:37
slicerMaybe it's the network connection here, I'll try again when I get home.11:37
Laneymok0: isn't it managed by alternatives?11:38
mok0Laney: ah, yes, my alternatives are broken11:38
mok0Laney: thanks11:38
mok0My alternatives broke during a prior update, and it's been bugging me ever since11:39
kaushalandv: Thanks a Lot11:39
kaushali did added deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main universe multiverse restricted11:39
kaushaland did apt-get update11:39
kaushalbut it still shows the old version ?11:40
kaushalaptitude changelog show collectd11:40
andvkaushal, you didnt get the point then :)11:40
slicerOk, requestsync works over a tunnel, so that was just a network problem.11:40
andvkaushal, first of all you need debian to upload latest 4.7 release11:40
andvkaushal, then YOU ask the backport11:41
kaushalandv: i was referring to 4.6 :)11:41
kaushaland not 4.711:41
slicerHowever, it's pulling the version from unstable (1.1.8-3), but the changelog is from experimental (which is version 1.2.0~something).11:41
geserLaney: can you reproduce the requestsync crash? from the traceback it looks like it crashed in processing the rmadison output, so it shouldn't matter if you use --lp or not11:41
andvkaushal, it's a non-sense asking the backport of 4.611:41
Laneygeser: no, seems transient11:41
andvwhen we gonna have 4.7 soon11:41
Laneybut we should handle it and give an error instead of the trace11:41
geseras I assumed, rmadison (or the other side of it) has sometimes a small hickup11:42
kaushalandv: ah got it11:42
slytheringeser: Laney: I was having problem with requestsync 2 days ago. But I believe that problem was when trying to retrive information from Debian side.11:42
Laneya lot of Debian was down over the weekend11:42
kaushalso the steps are the same ?11:42
slytherinAlso Debian PTS was not accessible for two days.11:42
andvkaushal, let's wait debian for 4.7 then we sync the package11:43
andvthen we ask the backport11:43
kaushalandv: if there is a 4.7 version then i need to add deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main universe multiverse restricted and apt-get update ?11:43
kaushaland then run aptitude changelog show collectd ?11:43
andvkaushal, when the 4.7 is backported you can install it11:44
andvvia apt-get11:44
andvadding hardy-backports in your sources.list11:44
andvas you already did I guess11:44
happyaronhey, I've added a comment on that bug I reported related to Tor11:44
slicerAuhm. Is there a way I can force requestsync to fetch the correct changelog? :)11:44
kaushalandv: so the command aptitude changelog show collectd will show 4.7 version ?11:45
slytherinslicer: what do you mean by 'correct changelog'?11:45
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slicerslytherin: Try 'requestsync --lp mumble karmic'. It creates a request sync for 1.1.8-3 (unstable), but pulls the changelog from 1.2.0~something (experimental).11:46
andvkaushal, ye11:46
kaushalandv: great11:46
kaushalandv: so another 3-4 days ?11:46
andvdepends from Debian and from you11:47
andvto ask the backport11:47
slicerslytherin: I want 1.1.8-3, it fixes a crashbug in karmic. I really don't want 1.2.0~blah, sice it's in "experimental" for a good reason :)11:48
andvkaushal, are you sure you understood all I said?11:48
slytherinslicer: that may not be requestsync's fault, Still you can try 'requestsync -d unstable --lp mumble karmic'11:48
andvkaushal, if not just tell me to explain again, np11:48
kaushalandv: sure, I have a question11:49
slicerslytherin: Same result. http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/mumble shows the correct changelog though.11:49
kaushalso what i understand is that 4.6 too is not backported in Hardy ?11:50
kaushalfor example11:50
kaushalI know its not needed11:50
andv4.6 is NOT backported to hardy11:51
andvcoz it's we gonna have 4.7 soon11:51
andvso it's a non-sense/time-loss to backport 4.611:51
kaushalandv: Understood now11:51
slytherinslicer: the url being used to retriev changelog  is http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/m/mumble/current/changelog.txt I suggest that you wait for a day.11:51
andvkaushal, perfect :)11:51
andvkaushal, when 4.7 is in debian, ask to have it synced in ubuntu11:52
andvkaushal, then follow backport procedure11:52
Laneyslytherin: We could use pkg_version instead of current11:52
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:52
* Laney tries to change it11:52
kaushalandv: if i have questions i will definetly ask :)11:52
andvkaushal, feel free to ping me if needed11:53
slicerLaney: Send me a diff if you can get it to work? :)11:53
kaushalandv: is there a way to know when and which application are backported to Hardy ?11:53
andvkaushal, subscribe to backports ML11:54
kaushalah thats a Huge Traffic ML :/11:54
andvnot really huge traffic11:54
slytherinbackports ML is huge traffic?11:55
andvthat's not what I call huge traffic11:55
andv*-changes is11:55
andvbut not backports ML11:55
andvkaushal, anyway you gonna ask the backport yourself11:55
andvso you gonna be subscribed to the bug you wanna know about11:56
kaushalgot it11:56
andvkaushal, I guess you'll have tons of questions when you will have to ask the sync11:57
andvand the backport11:57
andvso please read the wiki pages related to those processes11:57
Laneyslicer: pushed, please test12:03
slicerLaney: Ah. Pull from where? :)12:05
slicerLaney: Excellent :) Request sent. Thank you :)12:08
Laneyno worries12:09
slytherinLaney: Who maintains reverse-build-depends script?12:12
jpdsslytherin: The MOTU, but it looks like ryanakca last worked on it.12:15
siretart`has anyone fun with debugging strange dependencies that confuse apt to hell? this is blocking my next ffmpeg upload and I'd really like to read some feedback on that...12:15
slytherinjpds: hmm, in jaunty it assumes presence of jaunty source lists. I wonder why. If you simply look for '.*_dists_.*_.*Sources' instead of '.*_dists_jaunty_.*Sources'12:16
slytherins/if you/it should/12:16
slytherinsiretart`: do you have error log somewhere?12:17
jpdsslytherin: Seems to look for my $source_pattern = ".*_dists_karmic_.*Sources\$"; in karmic..12:17
slytherinjpds: Yes. It is a problem then. I mean I can have the source lines for debian unstable, but they will not be used.12:18
jpdsslytherin: Might be worth filing a bug about.12:19
slytherinI will.12:19
siretart`slytherin: in a VM, add "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/siretart/ppa/ubuntu karmic main" and type 'sudo apt-get install vlc ubuntu-restricted-extras'12:20
slytherinsiretart`: ahh, I don't have access to any VM right now. :-(12:20
siretart`slytherin: in my tests, apt fails to find a valid solution for this problem. however, there *is* a solution which can be found by manually selecting the right (the -extra- and -unstripped- variants of libavcodec and libavutil)12:21
siretart`I *believe* that if I change the shlibs file and rebuild all reverse dependencies, apt would find the solution easier12:23
ryanakcaslytherin: Sorry, please fix it up if you want, I haven't touched it in aeons12:23
siretart`but I'd really like to have some comments if what I'm doing is at least a bit sane12:23
slytherinryanakca: I could fix it, but not very familiar with bzr. :-)12:24
ryanakcaslytherin: ah. You'll get the hang of it soon enough... pretty much change && bzr commit -m "Your message" && bzr push lp:~slytherin/project/branch_name and get someone to merge it into lp:project ;)12:25
slytherinhmm will try when I go home.12:25
slytherinjames_w: thanks for java3d sync. :-)12:26
ryanakcaAnyways, good luck and thanks. I'm off to work :)12:26
c_kornwhy is the diff.gz recreated at the beginning of the build process ? http://pastebin.com/d16d29c9912:37
azeemc_korn: likely because you asked dpkg-buildpackage about doing so (maybe through some tool)12:49
slytherinc_korn: where do you see it being recreated?12:56
c_kornin line 33. it does not happen for all packages. for some packages after the debian/rules clean target immediately the debian/rules build target is called without recreating the diff.gz. and I was not able to determine the difference which makes the diff.gz recreate12:58
slytherinc_korn: I don't think it is rebuilding .diff.gz.13:04
james_wNBS is pretty big currently if anyone fancies some transitions13:05
Laneymmm transitions13:05
c_kornslytherin: it is rebuilding it. I can clearly see the tarball being untared again and the diff being receated13:08
Laneyhuats: Do you plan on updating glom?13:09
slytherinc_korn: is that 'dpkg-buildpackage -b' in correct place?13:10
slytherinline 2813:10
c_kornslytherin: hm, I don't know where it is coming from. maybe just some odd sbuild bug13:13
huatsLaney: hum you told me you were doing it :(13:23
huatsthere is  a misunderstand there I think13:23
LaneyI thought you were13:23
huatsgo ahead if you want hen13:24
Laneyi'll put it on the list13:24
slytherinasac: Two questions. 1. Is there any plan to update obexd to latest upstream version? 2. Is libgeoclue-dev going to be moved to main? If not it needs to be removed from build-dep of gnome-bluetooth.13:24
dholbachAmpelbein: thanks :)13:35
Ampelbeindholbach: ;-) no problem.13:36
c_kornif I know that sources cannot be compiled for some architecture is there some way to prevent it from building. or is the usual approach to just wait until it crashes?13:37
slytherindamn, javadoc is horribly slow on powerpc.13:37
slytherinc_korn: the architecture field in control file.13:38
slytherinjames_w: there are two copies of libstax-java source in new queue. Can you please nuke one of them?13:43
james_wdoes it matter which?13:43
Laneycdbs works once more13:44
slytherinjames_w: I don't know. It is a new package synced from Debian. And I am not sure who synced which one.13:47
james_wshould be identical then13:47
slytherinjames_w: sizes do not look different.13:47
asacslytherin: not yet decided. i think we should do the mir for libgeoclue-dev14:04
asacthanks for spotting it btw14:04
asacslytherin: if you want to update obexd to latest give it a short14:04
slytherinasac: Ok. Will try tonight.14:05
slicerCan you no longer see the list of subscribers to a bug on launchpad?14:24
sistpoty|workhi folks14:24
Laneyslicer: you can14:25
sistpoty|workjust FYI: revu will be down for a few minutes (kernel upgrade)14:26
Laneydamn 'sploitz14:26
LaneyI should restart my vps really14:26
slicerLaney: Aha. Er. How? I just subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors to my bug, but it's not listed anywhere on the bug page.14:27
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Laneyslicer: It's where it always was... on the right14:28
Laneyseems ajaxified though, dunno how well it degrades14:28
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slicerLaney: Now you know; it doesn't :) Change of browser fixed it.14:29
Laneyslicer: get filin' a launchpad bug about that14:30
slytherinslicer: or better, fix launchpad code yourself. :-)14:37
slicerslytherin: AJAX? JavaScript? UI stuff? Pass :)14:38
blackmoonhi i i've make a deb package with a firmware (redistribution permitted but no source code available) for a usb wireless card, can i upload it on my ppa?14:42
james_wblackmoon: #launchpad will be able to tell you that14:43
blackmoonok, thank you james_w14:43
blackmoonanother thing, lintian gave me an "internal error: command failed with error code 123" anyone know someting about it?14:45
james_wblackmoon: what were the messages just before that?14:45
Laneyalright LP, I get the idea, the package is broken14:46
* Laney hisses14:46
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blackmoonjames_w: Now running lintian...14:47
james_wI'm not sure14:48
james_wI think there are debug flags to get it to tell you everything it is doing14:48
blackmoonjames_w: but i think that it's not a problem no more, because the guy in #launchpad say me that i can't upload a binary packages...14:48
james_wlintian -d14:49
happyarongeser: I added a comment on that bug14:50
bddebianHeya gang14:50
geserHi bddebian and congratulations for becoming a FTP master14:51
bddebianHeh, hi geser, thanks14:51
Laneyoh, argh, forgot that the new cdbs isn't in14:54
* Laney hides in shame14:54
james_wLaney/directhex: process-removals is suggesting we remove monodoc, should we?14:54
directhexjames_w, source package? yes14:55
james_w"ROM; Merged into other source by upstream"14:55
james_wjust source?14:55
directhexthe binaries should be provided by mono and mono-tools14:55
directhexcheck the binaries you want to remove - version numbers of 2.0 can go, 2.4 should stay14:56
james_w   monodoc | 2.0-2ubuntu2 |        karmic | source, all14:56
directhexi think you should only have 2.4's14:56
james_wno 2.4s14:56
directhexoh, it's only a metapackage14:57
directhexkill it14:57
james_wah, there's no monodoc package anymore14:57
james_wdon't you need a transitional package?14:57
james_wI guess not if it's only a metapackage14:57
Laneynothing should depend on it14:58
james_wgone anyway14:58
james_wno, I mean for users14:58
directhexjames_w, the deps appear unversioned14:58
directhexjames_w, i.e. the metapackage pulls in the current correct versions14:59
happyaronhave you made a decision on tor package?14:59
directhexso not worth fussing IMHO14:59
slytherinhappyaron: Did you ever ask anyone to make a decision?15:00
happyaronslytherin: I just seen some people are discussing about it, but I went sleep before it ends.15:01
slytherinhappyaron: a discussion does not necessarily means a decision was sought. You hould mail on the mailing list if you want a decision to be made.15:02
happyaronslytherin: is ubuntu-motu list okay?15:03
slicerWhat's the correct marking for a bug when the conclusion is pretty much "Are you serious? I'm not going to fix that." ? .. Invalid?15:05
slytherinslicer: isn't there a 'wont fix'?15:06
slicerslytherin: Not that I can see, no..15:09
slicerslytherin: That would have been ideal though.15:09
slytherinslicer: which bug is this by the way?15:09
slicerbug 38592315:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385923 in mumble ""Check for Updates" option should be removed" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38592315:09
slytherinslicer: and why is that bug invalid?15:10
slicerslytherin: It's not invalid, but if the user, manually, goes to click "Check for updates", I don't really consider it wrong that the program reports that a newer version exists.15:12
slytherinslicer: and does the program allow the user to actually upgrade?15:12
slicerslytherin: No, all it does is say "there's a new version available. Click here to go to the website where the tarball is.".15:13
slytherinhmm then I think it is ok. I thought it was auto upgrade similar to firefox15:14
slicerslytherin: The application has that, but that's already been disabled :) All that's left now is the response to manual user interaction.15:14
slytherinthat's fine then.15:14
juli__Hi all! I always use http://sf.net in watch files for SourceForge based products.. but it doesn't work now. Has something changed?15:21
artfwojuli__, does your problem look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/250008/ ?15:22
juli__artfwo, no.  like this: -- In debian/watch, processing watchfile line:  http://sf.net/ini4j/ ini4j-(.+)-all\.zip debian  debian/orig-tar.sh / uscan warning: In debian/watch, / no matching hrefs for watch line15:24
juli__artfwo, but several days ago everything was ok15:25
dholbachnhandler: if you could do me a favour, could you please sticky the UDW announce on karmic, packaging and community café?15:25
juli__it looks like there is no such zip files at all..15:25
artfwojuli__, I am getting "no matching hrefs for watch line" as well15:26
nhandlerdholbach: Did you make a forum post about it already?15:26
dholbachnhandler: yep15:26
dholbachjust a few secs ago15:26
Laneyslicer, directhex: There is wontfix for those in bug control15:26
nhandlerdholbach: Do you have a link to the forum post?15:26
directhexin lp?15:26
dholbachjust un seconde15:26
dholbachjust une seconde15:26
Laneyyes sir15:26
Laneyyou should be in it from your motu powers15:27
Laneyoh, that's quite soon15:27
* Laney should prepare15:27
Laneydholbach: good looking brochure!15:28
nhandlerdholbach: Did you have a post in the karmic forum?15:28
dholbachLaney: the design folks who did the layout are absolutely fantastic15:28
dholbachnhandler: one of them should be15:28
dholbachLaney: it took them a day what I couldn't achieve in a couple of weeks :)15:28
juli__artfwo, I have the same for http://sf.net/scantailor/scantailor-(.*)\.tar\.gz15:29
LaneyI'm terrible at that kind of thing15:29
dholbachLaney: same here - I was quite happy with I did before, but it looks very old compared to their brushed up version :)(15:29
artfwoI think there is a problem with uscan's sourceforge backend then15:29
slytherinjuli__: When you use a line that I believe it goes through some SF redirector on Debian side. May be the redirector is giving problem.15:29
LaneyAdobe InDesign though... tsk tsk15:30
dholbachoh well :)15:30
artfwothe redirector looks okay, judging by the output of uscan --debug15:30
nhandlerdholbach: Fridge post is up (I'll make the last changes in a little bit). Forum posts are getting stickied now15:31
* dholbach hugs nhandler15:31
dholbachthanks so much!15:31
artfwoby the way, my package (scantailor) binaries have just disappeared from the NEW queue? but they didn't show up in the repositories yet - how long does it take after they pass the queue?15:32
Laneynhandler: how can I get the forums to say I'm a member/developer?15:32
juli__artfwo, very strange:(15:33
geserartfwo: they should get published on the next publisher run (once hourly)15:34
juli__artfwo, do you have any working watch file.. to check with?15:34
directhexLaney, use pdfmod to hax the metadata into something more pleasing!15:35
artfwojuli__, 3 packages from sourceforge are all broken15:35
artfwogeser, thanks15:35
artfwoI think a bug needs to be filed against uscan15:35
LaneyGNU/Linux FreeGraphicsEditor RMS edition15:35
directhexLaney, I believe the abbreviated form is "emacs"15:35
slytherinartfwo: no, you don't need to file a bug15:35
slytherinartfwo: as I said it is probably the redirector on debian side that is giving problem.15:36
slytherinjuli__: Did you check cobertura rejection mail?15:36
juli__slytherin, thanks.. so we should wait15:36
slytherinwhen are usually the builds with depwait status are retried?15:37
juli__sladen, that is why I cares about sf.net:) I corrected a package. Now it uses w3c-dtd-xhtml package for the problem files. And I plan to delete them form upstream.15:38
juli__sorry, the previous message was for slytherin :)15:38
slytherinjuli__: Ok. Let me know when you have updated package. Or do you also have uploader rights for cobertura?15:39
geserslytherin: when the package they depwait on is available (no manual interaction is needed)15:39
slytherinso are there some kind fo triggers which restarts the build?15:39
juli__slytherin, no I don't. Actually TB haven't contacted me yet, so I think I don't have uploads rights even for nrtbeans15:40
juli__slytherin, as soon as sf.net is work, I'll check my corrections and let you know. Thanks!15:41
nhandlerLaney: I sent a PM to matthew and he took care of it for me15:51
richardmd ;)15:54
mhall119|workI'm making packages for a GDM and USplash theme17:36
mhall119|workshould the package change the default GDM and Usplash to use them?17:36
mhall119|workalso, I have a -desktop package that combined them, some other artwork and apps, if the individual gdm and usplah packages aren't setting themselves to be default, should the -desktop package be doing that?17:37
slytherinmhall119|work: no17:37
mhall119|workslytherin: https://launchpad.net/qimo is what I'm packaging for17:38
sladenmhall119|work: you merely offere a higher dpkg-divert value17:39
mhall119|worka what?17:39
Laneyaren't they alternatives?17:40
mhall119|workI don't think so17:41
mhall119|workGDM has an line in gdm.conf that tells which to use17:41
mhall119|workusplash might be, I'd have to double check17:41
Laneyusplash is17:42
sladenyes, update-alternatives, not dpkg-divert17:43
sladensee /var/lib/dpkg/info/usplash-theme-ubuntu.postinst  (which installs with a priority of 10)17:43
artfwoguys, I have filed a sync request for p7zip-rar some time ago, and now it shows in my uploads on launchpad - is it okay? I have not made any debdiffs or touch the package in any other way17:43
mhall119|workso  I should install with a higher priority than 1017:44
Laneyartfwo: what did you expect to happen?17:44
sladenyes, I think kubuntu/xubuntu use 20;  so use 3017:44
artfwoLaney, well I didn't expect I shall be the uploader17:45
mhall119|workhow about for GDM?17:45
Laneyartfwo: you made the contribution, its your credit :)17:46
artfwohmm, okay17:46
slytherinmhall119|work: why do you want to make it default?17:46
sladenmhall119|work: not sure;  the best thing to do is to hunt out a similar theme package and look at it's source!17:46
sladenartfwo: and in this day-and-age you gotten know *who* to blame ;-)17:46
mhall119|workslytherin: it's a kids-distro, and the GDM theme has a face browser17:47
mhall119|workI figured it would make it more kid-friendly to have it after install, rather than having to go to Admin panels to set it17:47
mhall119|workah, okay, looks like maybe GDM used alternatives too17:49
mhall119|workbut does the login-window configuration dialog change alternatives?  It doesn't seem to17:50
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arnd-arndnetHi, is there an irc channel related to ubuntu backports?18:18
mhall119|workarnd-arndnet: #ubuntu-backports?18:21
arnd-arndnetbut this channel is empty, or is this expected?18:22
mhall119|workah, you must have just created it18:22
mhall119|work /msg alis help  <- to search for channels18:22
hggdhyou can try #ubuntu-quality, or #ubuntu-testing18:23
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007
bddebianAnyone know who Rafael Proenca / cypherbios is?18:58
ximionbddebian: https://launchpad.net/~cypherbios18:59
fabrice_spbddebian, the maintainer of aptoncd. Why?19:00
slytherinfabrice_sp: Going forward, can you please subscribe me to all the sync bugs related to maven?19:01
fabrice_spslytherin, yes, sure. I was going to send an email to ttx, because I found a package that require a sync, that hasbeen modified by him19:02
fabrice_spyou can see all the required packages in my ppa (still trying to be able to build maven-plugin-tools, but I'm near)19:03
bddebianfabrice_sp: I'm trying to figure out if he is going to upload aptoncd to Debian any time "soon" (Since it's been over a year already).  We are going to remove libnautilus-burn soonish19:04
fabrice_spbddebian, I'm helping him with the packaging, and there is a version in the ppa, but I don't know about uploading to debian. I can send him an email, if you want19:09
bddebianfabrice_sp: Please do.19:10
fabrice_spslytherin, for the moment, I have 19 packages to sync from debian, and one to merge (and maybe another one, depending on the repsonse of ttx)19:11
slytherinfabrice_sp: which package is that?19:12
slytherinlet me take a look19:12
fabrice_spslytherin, ttx deleted a dependency, but the latest version in debian added 2 more19:12
fabrice_spslytherin, my concern is that ttx speaks about a MIR for classworlds, so adding more dependency is not welcome19:14
slytherinfabrice_sp: right, as per my discussion with ttx. We should only try to get maven stack in. Modifying other libraries to work with maven (installing pom etc) is for karmic + 119:17
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fabrice_spslytherin, so that mean that we need to change all the packages from debian to get rid of pom etc? Or the actual packages will stay as is (with the FTBFS)19:35
fabrice_spif they stay as-is, I'll stop playing with my ppa, to try to build maven-plugin-tools19:36
slytherinfabrice_sp: What I meant is that the libraries outside of maven stack should not be modified.19:37
slytherinfabrice_sp: ludovic is trying to integrate maven with debhelper so that the projects that use maven can build them against the system libraries19:37
fabrice_spslytherin, could you please have a look at my ppa (https://launchpad.net/~fabricesp/+archive/testbuild) 16 of the 20 libs are non maven, AFAIK19:38
fabrice_spjust to know what I should do19:38
slytherinlet me take a look19:39
fabrice_spthanks :-)19:39
fabrice_sp(except plexus-sec-dispatcher, all the other ubuntu1 version are not right)19:40
fabrice_spslytherin, ^19:40
slytherinfabrice_sp: following libraries are not related to maven - commons*, google*, neckohtml, netbeans. I am not sure about wagon.19:42
fabrice_spslytherin, wagon seems to be linked: "tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment "19:43
slytherinthen it is19:43
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fabrice_spslytherin, I already opened sync request for some of them (google, at least, so should I give you the bug numbers, so that you unsubscribe motu?19:44
fabrice_spbug #41284819:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412848 in libgoogle-collections-java "Sync libgoogle-collections-java 0~20080808-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (after #412352)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41284819:45
fabrice_spactually, it's the only one19:46
fabrice_spI was trying to get it built before requesting the syncs19:47
fabrice_spslytherin, so my next question is what am I suppose to do next? I have some dependency scheme of packages so should I request the sync for the ones  linked to maven ? Ofr freeze myself?19:49
slytherinfabrice_sp: go ahead and request syncs for packages related to maven19:55
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fabrice_spslytherin, ok. I'll subscribe you to them, then. And when a required package cannot be synced, what is the fix? (like libgoogle, for example)20:02
slytherinnothing, leave the package as it is in Ubuntu.20:03
slytherinor does other stack depends on google*20:03
fabrice_spI'll check, but that mean that we won't be able to fix all the FTBFS in maven  package20:04
fabrice_spslytherin, other packages depends on libgoogle ( libdoxia-java and  eucalyptus-javadeps)20:05
fabrice_spso we can't sync it20:06
slytherinbetter drop me and ttx a mail20:07
slytheringot to go now.20:07
fabrice_spok. Thanks slytherin20:09
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fabrice_spbddebian, Rafael is not active any more, so he won't upload the package to debian. I'll submit a diff to Ubuntu, but can't do it for debian20:12
fabrice_spthis is what the actual developer of aptoncd told me20:12
rugby471hi guys20:26
rugby471just a quick question20:26
rugby471the package f-spot20:26
rugby471what patching system does it use?20:26
rugby471what-patch gives me quilt20:27
rugby471however all the patch files contain @DPATCH@ and all the usual dpatch headers20:27
gesercheck the build-depends20:33
gilircould someone add me to the REVU reviewer team and ubuntu-universe-sponsors team please ? :)20:38
bddebianfabrice_sp: I can just grab it from Ubuntu or if you want to maintain it officially stick it on mentors.debian.net and I can sponsor for you if you want.20:42
pochuis it just me (or my dns) or half of the internet is down?20:43
pochueven http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ is down for me :)20:43
thermits there for me20:44
fabrice_spbddebian, the only problem is that as it's maintained in launchpad, there is no 'orig tarball. So I've written a get-orig-source. I'll upload it to debian, as soon as I understand how it works :-)20:47
c_kornhm, games usually depend on /usr/lib/libGL.so . can I add some dependecy to ensure that it exists ?20:50
sebnerc_korn: might be in libgl1-mesa-glx20:51
geserisn't depending on libgl1 enough?20:53
c_kornsebner: so can I safely make it depend on libgl1-mesa-glx ? or can this cause conflicts because my libGL comes from the nvidia drivers actually20:53
superm1shouldn't that be figured out automatically though by shlib deps for your binary?20:54
geserc_korn: does the nvidia package provide libgl1?20:54
c_kornI don't use the package but the installer from nvidia.com20:55
sebnerc_korn: I have both packages installed so I don't think there is a problem20:55
* sebner uses the driver from the archive20:55
c_kornsomehow it got not figured out by shlib deps. I got this error: loading libGL.so: QGL_Init: Can't load libGL.so from /etc/ld.so.conf: libGL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:58
gilligan_does anyone here have some insight into networkmanager ? I'm trying to to diagnose some problem with a GSM usb-stick where networkmanager is stuck in Stage 4 (IPV4 config) and never gets to Stage 5 (IPV4 config commit) -- same hardware works fine with Jaunty21:12
fabrice_spHi. Where can I find some resources that explains the differences between Debian and Ubuntu in term of packaging (that is: what should I do to an ubuntu package to upload it to debian?)21:22
sebnerfabrice_sp: basically it's 1) changelog 2) menu file , other than that just patches which are written for ubuntu21:24
dtchenanyone mind uploading http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/upload_queue/ please?21:25
fabrice_spsebner, and to take over an existing package? lintian is speaking about nmu, but I'm trying to upgrade a package, so I'm not sure NMU applies21:25
fabrice_spand I should upload source and binary?21:25
sebnerfabrice_sp: doesn't apply.21:25
sebnerfabrice_sp: where?21:26
fabrice_spto mentors.debian.net21:26
jbernard__would someone mind taking a look at a package on REVU? (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lua-iconv)21:26
sebnerfabrice_sp: AFAIK, uploading is the same as uploading to revu. just use dput21:27
fabrice_spsebner, ohh. in their FAQ, the example is done with the file ending with i386.changes, so I thought it was binary upload21:28
james_wdtchen: sure21:28
fabrice_spI'll upload the source then. Thanks!21:28
sebneryou're welcome :)21:29
dtchenjames_w: many thanks. it's build-tested, of course (i'm using it for work)21:30
fabrice_spbddebian, uploaded (http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/maintainer-packages?action=details;package=aptoncd) I'm sure I will have to fix things :-)21:30
james_wjbernard__: looks pretty good (though a watch file would be nice), but are you sure you don't want to get it in to Debian first?21:34
james_wyou are targetting Debian in the changelog and closing a Debian ITP21:34
yvan300hello motu guys :)21:39
jbernard__james_w: ive already uploaded it to debian, its in NEW right now21:39
jbernard__but i wanted to try and get it into karmic before the freeze21:40
james_wthat's fine21:40
james_wyou need to target karmic though21:40
jbernard__good call21:40
james_wand make it a -0ubuntu1 version, instead of -121:40
jbernard__what about the LP reference?21:40
james_wnah, that's ok21:40
james_wunless there is a bug filed21:40
jbernard__there was21:40
james_wyou can reference it then21:41
jbernard__ok, perfect21:41
yvan300you guys should really make the wiki a bit more straightforward21:41
jbernard__james_w: ill make those changes and re-upload21:41
jbernard__james_w: thanks!21:41
dtchenyvan300: sure, what do you take issue with specifically?21:41
yvan300dtchen, most of it actually, i am trying to catch along but it is so difficult, if you guys could make it a bit easier then more noobs would be able to learn the motu traid :D21:42
bddebianfabrice_sp: I have to head home, I'll try to hit it up when I get there21:43
james_w"you should really eradicate world poverty"21:43
james_wevery one agrees, we just need to know where to start21:43
fabrice_spbddebian, thanks!21:43
dtchenjames_w: thanks again21:46
james_wjbernard__: I now see your email address and feel a bit stupid :-)21:47
jbernard__james_w: no worries ;)21:49
jbernard__james_w: does the "-0ubuntu1" allow the debian package to easily override once it's in the archive? or could it be "-1ubuntu1"?21:50
james_wit should be -0ubuntu1, which will mean the tools that compare archives will see it as lower21:50
james_wand so it will show up as something to merge21:51
jbernard__ok, thats what I suspected, makes total sense21:51
james_wthe "ubuntu" stops it being automatically overridden, so it would need a "sync" requested when appropriate21:51
james_wdead easy to do though, so you can just ask in here when needed21:51
jbernard__got it21:55
jbernard__ive make the upload, so the pulse should pick it up shortly21:55
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james_wcan someone do a second review of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lua-iconv please?22:01
jbernard__doh, forgot -sa, no orig tarball got uploaded22:04
jbernard__should be fixed on the next pulse22:04
james_wI grabbed the old one anyway22:05
jbernard__ok, all looks good now22:06
james_wjbernard__: you have my advocation. Strictly we need a second to upload, though I'm tempted to bypass that in this case22:09
james_wit will only take a couple of minutes for someone else to review though22:09
jbernard__sounds good, thanks!22:11
iulianjames_w, jbernard__: I've just reviewed it and found nothing to complain about.  Do you want me do upload it?22:32
jbernard__iulian: i vote yes ;) but im not sure if it's up to me22:47
iulianjbernard__, james_w: lua-iconv has just been uploaded.23:02
* iulian heads to bed.23:02
iulianGood night.23:02
porthosewould a kind MOTU please ACK bug #415102 :)23:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415102 in ubuntu "Sync upnp-inspector 0.2.2+dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41510223:57

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