
johnc4510The new issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available:00:29
johnc4510The RSS feed for the Planet seems to be broken again...it's not updating02:15
nhandlerjohnc4510: Remember, there is usually a delay for the RSS feeds. RainCT's post showed up in Google Reader for me. I'm still waiting on paultag's02:19
johnc4510nhandler: the cron job on the server doesn't seem to be updating...i posted the UWN about 3 hrs ago03:06
tychejohnc4510: let's face it.  I always knew you were somewhat out of it.  But to not even be on the planet?03:13
tycheHee hee03:13
nhandlerJust a heads up, I'm preparing the UDW Fridge post Daniel requested15:25

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