
bazhangwindows-rules seems to be sergiumihai from -ru00:05
ubottuIn ubottu, Epsis said: gazebo is Are there girls in there? Cuz if there are i wanna do 'em!00:35
FlannelHe's going to cast magic missile at the darkness... and then get banned!01:35
CoringaoI would like to create a bot to my channel #ubuntugames04:41
Coringaocould you help me?04:42
CoringaoPici, ?04:43
CoringaoAmaranth, I would like to create a bot to my channel #ubuntugames04:44
Coringaocould you help me?04:44
macobazhang: what happened with MadGirl?05:37
bazhangmaco, a bot05:37
bazhangmike_144 is not making sense.05:41
ValkyrieI just wanted to say sorry.06:19
ValkyrieI feel lik a total dick for what i did a week ago06:19
Valkyrieit doesent help the buisness of ubunut, for new comers to walk in and see ubuntu getting spam dah hell out of06:19
bazhangValkyrie, you had a bot attack in #ubuntu ? here is the place to discuss06:29
bazhang #ubuntu: 2009-08-13T05:20:36 <valkyrie> Ubuntu got pwnd?06:30
Myrttithis is the bot spammer?06:30
* Myrtti walks away06:30
ValkyrieI just wanted to say sorry man.06:33
bazhangValkyrie, dont do that in #kubuntu06:34
Valkyriei just wanted to say sorry06:35
ValkyrieI feel bad06:35
* Valkyrie shrugs06:35
Valkyriei dont care if im unbnned06:35
ValkyrieI was a total dick, Having bots is a privelage, and not to be trifled with06:35
Myrttia bit strange you didn't figure that out before you ran them06:36
* Valkyrie chuckles lightly06:36
ValkyrieAnd i only ran one of them btw..06:36
bazhangits not funny Valkyrie06:36
Valkyriei know its not06:36
ValkyrieAgain, it hurts buisness06:36
Valkyrieand i feel like a dick for doing it in the first place06:36
MyrttiI need to go lie down, not feeling too peachy. brb06:37
* Valkyrie Sighs06:40
ValkyrieDo you guys atleast accept my apolagies?06:40
bazhangValkyrie, was there anything else you wished to discuss?06:46
Valkyrieaccepting my apolagy for trollin tha hell outa you guys? :'D06:46
bazhangValkyrie, it seems to be a less than sincere one, as you are laughing about it. If there is nothing else, please dont idle in this channel as per the topic.06:47
ValkyrieWho said i was laughing?06:47
macoValkyrie: [01:36:10] -*- Valkyrie chuckles lightly06:49
macoor should that be taken as "nervous laughter"06:49
* Valkyrie Shrugs06:50
ValkyrieI chuckles06:50
ValkyrieCause that person said i shoulda figured it out before06:50
ValkyrieCould be taken as nervous laughter?06:50
bazhangValkyrie, noted. please part the channel.06:51
ikoniadoes anyone know why chanserv re-banned bacta yesterday ?07:08
elkyfrom where?07:27
tsimpson-ot, it looks like a server sync issue: 2009-08-16T11:49:53 *** irc.freenode.net sets mode: +b bacta!*@*07:28
elkywell leave it until he notices.07:29
bazhangreally luis_ has had 3 warnings on language and keeps at it07:31
macoi already pointed out that he's talking to two ops too07:40
bazhangI'm just a helper in there.07:41
macohe thinks mashing shift and numerical keys gets around it07:41
macohey i didnt know i was an op in there til jussi01 told me a couple days ago07:41
macolike "youre a #kubuntu op right?" "no" "yes you are"07:41
* jussi01 bites maco :D07:42
bazhangfull out vetting I can see :)07:42
* jussi01 bites bazhang07:45
bazhangready? yep! go!07:46
bazhangkind of like I got for #ubuntu07:46
bazhangquick PM from LjL and boom07:46
macohe copied and pasted something showing id been made an op there a bit ago07:48
macoit said last edited 2 weeks ago, so apparently i was an op in there for two weeks and didnt know?07:49
bazhangwonder if the !factoid trigger for #kubuntu has you in it07:51
jussi01bazhang: you could fix that...07:55
jussi01bazhang: now you are sure you didnt break it?07:59
jussi01(ie. have you looked on the bans db?)07:59
bazhangjussi01, not sure what you mean ? there are some folks on that list I have never seen, and some that are clearly no longer active (ie LjL )08:00
jussi01bazhang: we have had people try change ops factoids and screw them up. hence my asking you to check that it doesnt say something stupid08:01
bazhangjussi01, I checked in PM with ubottu, via ops-#kubuntu08:03
jussi01aye, that works also.  :)08:03
FlannelEr, how would changing the factoid affect the bantracker?08:03
jussi01Flannel: it doesnt?08:03
jussi01I meant the factoid db... meh08:03
jussi01same website..08:04
tsimpsonit looks ok to me08:04
bazhang apokryphos fdoving Hawkwind trappist LjL dont know08:05
tsimpsonalmost anyway (2 or's) /me fixes08:05
bazhangwell apart from LjL08:06
bazhangtrappist I see in the channel, the rest offline apparently08:08
tsimpsonI haven't seen Hawkwind in a long time, and they don't appear to be on the access list anyway08:09
jussi01and isnt apokrohpys the orginal channel founder?08:09
tsimpsonthat was haggi wasn't it08:10
* jussi01 gets confuzzled08:10
tsimpsonhe has +votsriRfA though08:11
tsimpsonapokryphos is active in #k-devel, not so muck in #k08:15
tsimpsonhaven't seen fdoving in a while either08:18
jussi01me either08:19
tsimpsonI removed fdoving, apokryphos, Hawkwind,  LjL, haggai and fooishbar from the trigger08:23
mac_vany ops around , could some one add this to the bots> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:22
jussi01mac_v: is it an update to a factoid? or a new one?09:29
mac_vnew factoid09:29
jussi01mac_v: you can suggest factoids by simply saying !factoidname is <reply>bar09:30
elkyit should just be tacked on to !karmic09:30
mac_vhmm.. never tried it ,09:30
mac_v!releaseSchedule <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule>09:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
mac_v!releaseSchedule is <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule>09:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
jussi01mac_v: no !foo is <reply> bar09:31
mac_v!KarmicSchedule is <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule> bar09:32
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, mac_v said: !KarmicSchedule is <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule> bar09:32
mac_vjussi01: \o/ , can anyone do that ?09:32
jussi01mac_v: that doesnt add it, just sends it here, but yes, all can do that09:33
mac_voh , sending it here.. hmm, so now is it added or now its at the ops discretions?09:34
jussi01no, its at the ops discretion09:36
mac_vjussi01: i'm going to try it again just once, from ubuntu+1 just to see how it works09:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, mac_v said: !KarmicSchedule is <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule> bar09:37
jussi01mac_v: and you still have it slightly wrong09:37
mac_vhmmm nice... ok, ops can decide it later09:37
tsimpsonmac_v: <reply> is exactly "<reply>", not the actual reply09:37
jussi01you need the <reply> bit09:37
mac_voh! face palm09:38
jussi01change the bar for the actual reply09:38
tsimpsoneg !KarmicSchedule is <reply> this is the schedule...09:38
tsimpson<reply> makes the bot change the reply from "<factoid name> is <the reply>" to "<the reply>"09:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, mac_v said: !KarmicSchedule is <reply> The Release Schedule for Karmic is : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:40
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:40
tsimpsonit's already there09:40
mac_vhm... it didnt work earlier yesterday! or maybe we were all trying the wrong spelling09:41
mac_voh we just tried "schedule"09:42
tsimpsonit's a channel-specific factoid, for #ubuntu+109:42
tsimpsonthe bot translates !schedule to !schedule-#ubuntu+1 when called from that channel09:43
mac_vtsimpson: oh , ok , thanx, something we must have spelled wrong i guess09:45
mac_vthanx guys , bye09:46
tsimpsonthe only thing I see from +1 logs is "!gnome schedule", oh well09:49
Myrtti!away > richardcavellafk11:30
bazhang<indus> norpan111: i have made a ppa full of bad code on launchpad for users to try13:50
ikoniabazhang: verify that if possible14:08
ikoniabazhang: if it is - we need to get it pulled14:08
bazhanghe is joining14:14
bazhangindus, this was a joke?14:15
bazhang<indus> norpan111: i have made a ppa full of bad code on launchpad for users to try14:15
induswell, its obvious i didnt mean that14:15
indusyou think ill advertise it like that if u made it?14:15
bazhangapart from it not being funny, #ubuntu is not the joke channel.14:16
indusi was suggesting, its possible for people to make such a ppa no?14:16
ikoniawell the key thing is that it's not real, so no harm is done14:16
bazhangplease never repeat this again. and keep jokes to offtopic channel indus14:16
induswell, ok just want to clarify 100 % , ikonia and bazhang this is possible yes?14:16
ikoniaindus: PPA's are a bit of a funny subject as there are some bad ones out there, so it may be best to not suggest you've made a bad one14:16
ikoniayes, some PPA's do have bad / early development applicatios in them14:17
ikoniahence why it's not the best move to suggest you've made one yourself14:17
bazhangfull of malicious code no less14:17
induscan i suggest , we always warn about security risks of ppa in #ubuntu14:17
indusbazhang: iam sorry14:17
ikoniaindus: when PPA's are suggested, it's always a good idea to point out they can't really be supported14:18
induswhat about developer ppas?14:19
ikoniastill unsupported14:19
ikoniaunless you are "the" developer, in whcih case you're responsible for it14:19
indusfor example, many in karmic are suggesting using ppa's (in forums i mean)14:19
ikoniakarmics not even out yet, so that's a stupid suggestion14:19
indusi prefer waiting for the repos14:19
ikoniaunless it's discussing brining a PPA release into main14:19
indusok can i leave now?14:20
ikoniajust be mindful of the people you are talking to, it's easy to believe that you have a PPA full of bad code, and it doesn't paint you or the PPA projects in a good light14:20
indushmm true14:20
ikoniaindus: you can leave when you want, it's just a a request14:20
bazhangthanks for joining14:20
indusintention was not /or never to malign ppa's14:21
ikoniaof course not14:21
indusok thanks bye and good day :)14:21
ikoniathanks bazhang14:21
ikoniahe's a bit wild at times with his comments and attitude so it's best to knock it on the head now14:21
bazhangikonia, I'm glad he was more open to discussion this time14:21
=== v is now known as vorian
popey14:19:21 < indus> for example, many in karmic are suggesting using ppa's (in forums i mean)15:17
popeynot really15:17
popey14:19:35 <+ikonia> karmics not even out yet, so that's a stupid suggestion15:17
popeysome developers put code in their ppa before it hits karmic, so people can test wild stuff15:17
popeyiirc bryce does this with xorg stuff15:17
ikoniaas I said, unless being considered for inclusion15:18
elkyand it's not really something that should be suggested to people who are by all considerations, newbies.15:22
popeymissed that ikonia sorry15:26
popeyppas are not for newbies?15:27
ikoniaI don't think they are for new users personally due to the lack of support15:34
ikoniaI suppose it depends on what the quality of the content is15:35
macothe kubuntu backports ppa is advertised in #kubuntu15:44
maco(in the topic)15:45
ikoniaI know - I really dislike that15:45
ikoniaapparantly it's because it's too much hassle to get stuff into main15:45
macoi thought it was to let the users choose betwen 4.2 or 4.3 without having to also worry about the instability of karmic15:45
elkythat reasoning is a cross between facepalm and headdesk.15:45
elkymaco, regardless of why they're using a ppa for backports, how do you ensure that to a newbie who is unable to discern the quality of ppas, does not misunderstand what ppas are, and go on a ppa binge?15:49
jpdsikonia: s/main/backports/15:50
* genii sips and thinks about PPA binges15:50
DavieyThis is the users choice.  Whilst i agree that using PPA's from untrusted sources is bad, it's up to the user to choose what software packages they trust.15:51
macoelky: fair enough on the potential for misunderstanding15:51
elkyDaviey, is it the user's choice if they do not have the experience to know what it is they're 'choosing'?15:51
elkyi'll remember that if i ever get to get your signature on something. I'm glad to know you won't care about the small print.15:52
Davieyi'm not sure that is what i said.15:53
elkypersonally, i'm not a huge fan of 'choosing' things that i have not been fully educated on. When I do choose something risky unknowingly, i inevitably feel ripped off, abused, exploited...15:54
DavieyIf you compare the situation with other operating systems, rh *usually* (IME) has third party repos somewhere along the line. Windows *usually* has applications installed from unverified locations.  I'm sorry if that makes you feel abused, but this is rapidly going away from the terms of reference that should be discussed IMO.15:56
macoi think is why there's an area to explain your ppa on launchpad15:57
maco"WARNING: this ppa contains software for testing" versus "we're core-devs and thought you'd like to try some new stuff"15:57
genii"this is just stuff I'm experimenting with"15:58
DavieyOn one of my PPA's i have:15:59
Daviey* Not complete or ready for public consumption.. *15:59
DavieyIt is unfortunate that this is users control, and i agree there should be more warnings.. But the argument that it is a PPA and therefore inherently bad, is not a good stance IMO.16:00
jpdsDaviey: Yeah, well, doesn't mean they won't consume it in private.16:02
Davieysure, and that is a choice.16:02
ikoniaI think PPA's a great thing, I just don't think we should be pushing them as s solution,16:14
ikoniait's impossible to support them and the ammount of "I pulled it from a PPA and now X doesn't work" in #ubuntu is a reasonable level, mostly not because the package is broke, but because it pulls down deps that upgrade some core components16:14
popeyI'd be interested to know what the solution to Intel graphics driver sucking in Jaunty is that _doesnt_ involve a ppa16:14
elkypopey, something like the intel idiocy furthering the ppa habit does not make it any less a bad habit, really.16:16
ikoniapopey: that is a core issue, that should be solved in main16:16
popeyikonia: it isnt16:16
ikoniapopey: I'm tired of this "next release fix"16:16
ikoniapopey: expand on that please ?16:16
popeyinstall ubuntu 8.10 on a machine that has intel GMA type video hardware and you _will_ experience the most appalling video performance since warty16:17
ikoniapopey: I'm on it now16:17
popeyer, 9.0416:17
ikoniaI'm on 8.10 with an intel card16:17
popeysorry, silly me :)16:17
ikoniapopey: yes, I agree, 9.04 sucks16:17
elkyhe's aware of the issue, popey. he responds to the issue several times a day in #ubuntu.16:17
popeyand all the proposed 'solutions' 'workarounds' or whatever you want to call them..16:17
popeyok, I'll stop talking then elky16:18
popeyyou asked ikonia16:18
ikoniano no16:18
ikoniaplease continue16:18
ikoniaI may have miss-understood your commnet on the intel card16:18
elkyragequit? how mature...16:18
Davieyelky: throwing insults, how immature16:22
DavieyIf he is upset, then it's better he removes himself from the situation, no?16:22
DavieyAnd saying things like "ragequit? how mature..." REALLY is not constructive, is it?16:22
elkyone can remove themselves from a situation without being verbose about it. quitting a channel is verbose.16:25
elkywhat is the point of being verbose?16:25
Davieycommenting on it makes it further verbose, making the situation worse.16:27
DavieyWould it not have been better just to no comment?16:27
Davieycan you do that elky?16:27
elkyis that a rhetoric, or just being patronising?16:27
* maco hands out cookies16:28
macoeat the cookies, then you can call time in, once you're all sweetened up16:28
* Daviey removes himself from the situation.16:28
* mneptok does the Dance Of The Sugar-Plum Fairies16:57
macomneptok: have you heard The Vandals' rendition?17:01
mneptokmaco: no, for i am a beautiful and delicate snowflake.17:01
macopunk version of Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies17:02
Mike_lifeguardWhat's the process for updating ubottu's factoids?17:07
bazhangMike_lifeguard, you make a suggestion and if approved it is added17:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:08
PiciSecond link has the syntax to make factoid suggestions17:09
* elky cranks up the hairdryer and looks menacingly at mneptok.17:09
Mike_lifeguardSorry, I've already done that & the factoid hasn't been changed17:09
Mike_lifeguardIf there's a specific problem with the proposed change, it'd be nice to know so I can submit something better17:09
elkyMike_lifeguard, chances are it just slipped through without being noticed. try again now and we'll look at it.17:10
PiciMike_lifeguard: Unfortunately we don't have a method currently to keep track of pending suggestions, so yes, listen to elky17:10
Mike_lifeguardhm, that should be fixed :)17:11
ikoniaan hours gone by and no suggestion from mike_lifeguard19:01
Seeker`I know, I was waiting for that19:03
ikoniaprobably talking nonsense then19:04
PiciNo, he was talking about a factoid in #ubuntu before he came in here.19:04
ikoniayet he's not submitted anything while he knew we where watching19:05
Picihow pleasant.19:33
PiciThat was certainly colorful.19:34
macohe's in #ubuntu19:35
Picihe was just in -offtopic too19:49
geniiI guess we'll never know now which one he would have wanted changed19:52
Piciit was !xorg, he didn't like that it suggested ?dm19:52
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:52
geniiWell, ?dm makes it desktop-agnostic19:53
FlannelAs long as you understand it's a wildcard and not a literal "?"19:53
Flannelbut I don't think there's a better solution19:54
geniiTo have the same factoid with a one-letter change for 2 channels (at least #u and #k) doesn't make sense19:54
FlannelWell, even separating it by channels won't be sufficient, if you're using Ubuntu and kdm or whatnot.19:56
Flannel(because you installed kubuntu and let it do the default take-over, etc)19:56
ubottuprince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (liquid)20:55
macoikonia: i missed the line about him translating so i thought he was hitting on you20:59
ikoniaahh it's fine20:59
ikoniahe's only human ;)20:59
macoi was like "huh? why's ikonia ok with being hit on? *scroll* Oooo translating what the other one said"20:59
ikoniahey what do you mean "why" !!!21:00
maconot "why is ikonia being hit on"21:00
macobut rather "why is ikonia ok with it"21:00
jussi01ahh, no one would hit on ikonia... :P21:04
ikoniatroll in #centos #gentoo21:04
mneptoki banned him earlier in #maria21:07
ikoniain #maria ??? what is that21:07
mneptoklook out for [Vendetta], too21:07
mneptokikonia: oddly enough, it's the official channel of the Maria project21:08
mneptokbizarre naming, i know ...21:08
jussi01wth is maria?21:08
ikoniashe's about to be toast21:09
ikoniashe's hitting #rhel/#fedora/#centos/#gentoo/us with this crap21:09
mneptokjussi01: http://askmonty.org21:09
macowho what huh?21:13
maco<-- articulate21:13
jussi01mneptok: ahh, ok then21:15
=== maco is now known as MsMaco

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