
tarvidubuntuone-client-applet doesn't appear to do anything when clicked03:11
tarvidis there anyway to upload more than one file at a time?03:13
=== ink_away is now known as CrazyShaman
* jblount yawns13:03
* thisfred siphons some of his coffee to jblount's cup13:03
jblountthisfred: Thanks, I'm trying to learn how to go to bed & wake up earlier, but it's taking some effort.13:06
* pfibiger closed the web browser that java applet was in a few minutes ago....wonder how long it'll take to decay and fall off the network?13:10
thisfredjblount: I just stuck with the jetlag, I hope it doesn't wear off :)13:10
jblountthisfred: :)13:10
facundobatistavds, hi13:57
vdshi facundobatista13:57
vdsfacundobatista: all the files inside one of my folders now have 0 bytes size13:58
vdsI checked the web ui 0 bytes there too13:58
vdsfacundobatista: 0 bytes also for all the people I've shared the folder with13:59
facundobatistavds, I will need to see the files13:59
facundobatistathe logs, sorry13:59
vdsfacundobatista: that's a good question, I use ubuntu one on different machines and those files have been there for a long time14:00
vdsfacundobatista: so I send you what I have on the machine I use more14:00
facundobatistavds, they've been a long time with 0 bytes, or they went to 0 bytes in the last few days, or you don't know?14:01
vdsfacundobatista: I don't know14:03
facundobatistavds, ok... we had two bugs that most probably could caused that, fixes for those were commited less than two weeks ago14:03
vdsI understand that's not a good bug report, sorry :)14:03
vdsfacundobatista: ok14:04
facundobatistavds, so most probably you were bitten by those issues (they weren't rare at all)14:04
CardinalFangDoes anyone know what version of couchdb gets oauth checking?14:05
vdsfacundobatista: ok thanks14:05
CardinalFangMy v 0.10.0~svn802936-0jh4 doesn't seem to.  I'm still testing, though.14:05
jdohow do I easily close or disable ubuntuone-client and syncdaemon now that I have no icon?14:06
jblountjdo: The interactions are hidden for now, but I was thinking about the same thing last night.14:07
CardinalFangHrm, maybe my version does.  It just doesn't auth as I expect.14:11
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountZOMG! Meeting time: Say me if you are in15:00
jblounturbanape, vds ?15:01
jblountI think that may be it, for today15:02
jblountDONE: Lots of code review, not much else15:02
jblountTODO: Continue work on modal dialogs, sort next steps to getting files web ui done-er15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:02
jblountteknico: Your turn!15:02
teknicoDONE: pair programming with thisfred on couchdb oauth, studied oauth15:02
teknicoTODO: fix a failing test in web contatcs, more pair programming with thisfred on couchdb oauth15:02
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:02
tekniconext: vds15:02
vdsDONE: started and proposed a branch to fix a problem with read only sync, started a second branch for sync date tracking, investigated a data loss issue with shared folder15:02
vdsTODO: land the approved branch, work on the other one15:02
vdsBLOCKED: no15:02
vdsurbanape: please15:02
urbanapeDONE: wrestled with YUI3. Lost.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Rematch. FEEL THE PAIN.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: none.15:03
urbanaperodrigo_ go go go15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: Some openSUSE packaging. Started Tomboy sync prefs changes. Submitted new evo-couchdb package depending on desktopcouch15:03
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Change tomboy syncing prefs interfmeace to show many servers. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. File bugs for missing evo-couchdb fields and summary of the fields it uses. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.2915:03
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:03
jblountMEETING ENDS15:03
jblountThanks everyone!15:03
urbanapeAlso, I'm heading out a little early today. Local news station wants to interview us about the video we did of Lex's first year.15:04
jblountAlong those same lines, I'm going to take a longish lunch to take in District 9 at pre-noon prices. I'll be working a bit late to keep up a reasonable amount of hours.15:06
teknicoanyone saying the slightest thing about DIstrict 9 before I've seen it will be executed remotely15:11
jblountI'm good at keeping quiet. I routinely have to watch things twice with the wife.15:12
teknicoI used to, but I stopped worrying, and learnt to love the fight ;-)15:14
pfibigerjblount: going to the mount dora multiplex?15:14
teknico(well, "love" may be an overstatement ;-) )15:14
jblountpfibiger: You sir, are a hater. I'll be heading to the lovely township of Leesburg.15:14
pfibigersay hi to the old people!15:14
jblountpfibiger: You realize that you live in Florida right? It's where people go to die.15:15
jblountJust because my county has a few extra, doesn't make it any less wonderful.15:15
pfibigerare you in the same county as __THE VILLAGES__!!!15:16
jblountpfibiger: No, they're in Sumter, which is basically The Villages ++ a few random rednecks.15:16
pfibigerThe Villages is pretty weird15:17
jblountStrangely, the theatre there gets lots of good small release-ish films. We saw 'Away we go' a few weeks ago there.15:18
jblountIt is strange though.15:18
rmcbrideSumter county == Scary.15:19
pfibigerjblount: did you see [500] "days" of _summer_ ?15:22
CardinalFangthisfred, you have aquarius' other script, yes?  test-valid-user.sh ?15:40
slestakim having a little problem with U1 on a 64bit 9.04 install.15:40
slestakthe client does not want to start15:41
slestaki dont see anything going to any logs,15:41
thisfredCardinalFang: yes, though have not tested that yet15:42
slestaki have 0.92.0+r146-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty installed15:43
slestakthe workstation has been up for a couple of weeks.  didnt want to reboot if there is sth that can be learned from this.15:44
CardinalFangthisfred, Hrm.15:44
thisfredCardinalFang: how can I help? That script does not work?15:47
joshuahooverslestak: you don't see any logs in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log ?15:53
slestakjoshuahoover: let me check that location, I was looking in /var/log16:03
joshuahooverslestak: cool16:03
slestakyes, quite a bit of logging there16:11
slestaktaking it all in16:11
CardinalFangthisfred, detailed email for you.16:13
thisfredCardinalFang: thanks, will read16:13
joshuahooverslestak: ok, why do you think it's not working? i ask because we changed the behavior of the ubuntu one applet, where it disappears after a period of inactivity16:14
slestakahh, that could be it.  just no applet.16:14
thisfredCardinalFang: just a quick question: this is not the group issue again, is it? That also gave an eaccess IIRC16:14
slestakI am pushing changes in from one workstaiton to my U1 storage, and I was going to make workstation 2 check for changes so they could begin downloading16:15
joshuahooverslestak: if you try dropping a file in ~/Ubuntu One/My Files/ and then @ the terminal run: u1sdtool --current-transfers16:16
CardinalFangthisfred, Eh, no.  That was a config file in /etc/couchdb .  This is something else.  Specifically, it's reading from /var/lib...  when I think it should be /tmp/couch1 .16:16
slestaku1sdtool is cool.  I had been using lsof to determine if and when it is transferring, grepping for .part16:19
slestaki have a spinning tray icon on w1, but sdtool says 0up, 0down16:19
joshuahooverslestak: hmmm...16:21
slestaki see some .partials in my folder in question16:21
joshuahooverslestak: ok, in your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log folder, do you see any exception logs?16:22
slestakok, i can explain that one, firewall related mp3 problem.  our corp fw blocked that dl so I got a 4k file with an http403 instead of my desired podcast.16:23
joshuahooverslestak: ah, ok16:23
joshuahooverslestak: so, are you expecting any files to be transferring right now?16:24
slestaki think it is synced up, i may need to update workstaion 1, it apparently is not in the same version of u1.16:24
joshuahooverslestak: yeah, we release at least once a week so it's best to update the client just in case :)16:24
slestakit is hard to tell, I keep my gpodder-download dir in U1, so I can propogate my podcasts to 3-4 machines that I may be at through the day.  I think it is good.16:25
popeythats a nice idea slestak16:25
slestaki was not aware of the new behaviour of u1-client16:25
slestakdoes the sdtool show dl detail, or just a count?  I would really like to see the queue if possible?16:25
slestakyes, i have 91.1 on the netbook16:28
slestakupdating it now16:28
joshuahooverslestak: the tool only shows the count...you'd have to monitor the logs for more details right now16:30
thisfredCardinalFang: ok, I suspect that this is a question for aquarius tomorrow then, or #couchdb. I'm pairing with teknico on the OAuth replication between desktop and cloud now, will have a detailed look at your mail after/16:31
CardinalFangthisfred, Okay.  I'm looking at your script...16:32
CardinalFangthisfred, ah, never mind.16:35
slestaki'm not complaining, great product16:38
CardinalFangthisfred, so, you get no "eacces" from you script at all?16:42
CardinalFangthisfred, if I change /var/lib/couchdb to be readable+writable by me, then it works.  :(*16:44
slestakjoshuahoover: after updating netbook from 91.1 to current, I get an Apport file to send.16:44
CardinalFangThat's definitely wrong.16:45
joshuahooverslestak: hmmm...not good16:45
slestakit is Linux Mint, not vanilla Jaunty16:45
slestakU` has worked on it to date.16:45
slestaklet me reboot it16:45
joshuahooverslestak: ok, i don't think it should matter that you're using linux mint but it's not something we specifically test against either16:46
slestaki had a little network hiccup in the last 10 minutes there, so I have changed from wireless to wired since the machine booted, that along with updating the client may be too much for it to handle.16:46
thisfredCardinalFang: that is very wrong yes16:54
thisfredCardinalFang: esp. since desktopcouch is supposed to be running 100% in userspace16:54
CardinalFangDangerous word, that "userspace".17:01
CardinalFangthisfred, Okay, summary email for you and aquarius, sent.17:02
CardinalFangthisfred, I'm going offline now.  I'll check back later.17:02
slestakjoshuahoover: after reboot it is ok17:05
joshuahooverslestak: good :)17:05
joshuahooverjblount: ping17:05
statiki don't know how i've never heard of daniel johnston before yesterday, but worried shoes is about the best song in the entire world17:51
teknicostatik, that's quite a claim :-)17:52
statikhi teknico!17:52
teknicostatik, wow, I want my three minutes back ;-P17:57
pfibigerstatik: speeding motorcycle is an important work, and i really like the songs about casper the ghost from the kids soundtrack17:57
pfibigerthere's a great yo la tengo bit where daniel johnston calls into a radio show they're doing (they had previously covered speeding motorcycle) and suggests they do it together over the phone. it's great.17:58
pfibigerit's on genius + love = yo la tengo18:00
sladencould somebody demilestone, and retag https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/340667 to 'ubunet', then retag it18:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 340667 in ubuntuone-client "plethora of fonts and capitalisation scheme in the file sharing web UI" [High,Confirmed]18:24
sladenremilestone it18:25
joshuahooversladen: i've got it18:25
=== facundobatista_ is now known as facundobatista
jblountjoshuahoover: pong18:39
joshuahooverjblount: :) ...i think i found my answer...was wondering about displaying machine names on the web but i found the bug where it was updated just a bit ago18:39
jblountjoshuahoover: Yeah, we're one step away. I actually need that to be reassigned to someone else, perhaps jdo will take pity on me.18:40
joshuahooverjblount: heh18:40
jblountWe're sending the names through the oauth handoff, it's just not getting saved to the database. As soon as we record it, it should show up in a sane way for everyone (check out 'make start' logged in as hola and go to /accounts/machines to see this)18:41
jblountjoshuahoover: ^^18:41
statikjblount, just sending the machine name is not enough I think. I want to have an edit box on the page where someone authorizes a machine where they can put in any description they want18:53
jblountstatik: Totally right, but the next step is saving the machine name, I can easily do an edit box, but I'm confused by how the oauth stuff is handled.18:55
jblountstatik: Nice defaults + easy customization == winner18:56
statikjblount, i wouldn't even worry about the machine name, just getting an edit box in there is the main thing18:56
statikand some text like "write a description of which machine you are authorizing so you'll be able to tell them apart later on"18:56
jblountstatik: I guess that's fine, I'm still a little lost on how to reproduce this process locally so I can test and play with it.18:59
joshuahooverjblount: unrelated to the current discussion, but...ever seen this error? https://updown.ubuntuone.com/1ff4f91b-2129-43da-b6f9-f6d1f47fbb5319:01
joshuahooverjblount: we probably shouldn't have things setup to display all the debug info, huh?19:01
jblountjoshuahoover: It should only show for you, cause you are logged in and a member of lp:~ubuntuone-hackers19:02
jblountjoshuahoover: Is that just a random uuid, or should it have worked?19:02
joshuahooverjblount: ah, got ya...ok...a user was complaining that they were getting errors19:02
joshuahooverjblount: supposedly clicked on from the web ui by a user19:02
jblountjoshuahoover: It would still be an error, but a cleaned up 500 page, not the stuff you are seeing.19:03
joshuahooverjblount: right, got ya...user said they get an: "unknown error (blank)"19:03
jblountjoshuahoover: Yeah, that make sense.19:05
joshuahooverjblount: i think the file he's accessing is an html file (if that matters)...bug #41464119:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414641 in ubuntuone-client "java script renders locally but not when downloaded from ubuntuone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41464119:06
jblountjoshuahoover: For what it's worth, html files don't work for me either.19:10
joshuahooverjblount: ok, got it...that's helpful to know :)19:10
jblountjoshuahoover: I get the same exact error, to be more specific. I'll comment on the bug as well.19:11
joshuahooverjblount: thanks!19:11
pjssilvaIs there a sensible way to wipe-out ubuntuone installation and start afresh?19:26
=== brianchidester_ is now known as brianchidester
jblountpjssilva: Sure! Start with this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/254659/19:43
jblountpjssilva: You'll also need to remove the Oauth token that Ubuntu One uses, although with recent changes to the "Passwords & Encryption" app, I'm not sure how to do this.19:44
pjssilvaI am trying it now...19:46
joshuahooverjblount, pjssilva: you can do this by going to Applications->Accesssories->Passwords & Encryption, click on the Passwords tab, remove the UbuntuOne token under the "Passwords: login" list19:46
jblountjoshuahoover: That doesn't work in Karmic for me, the passwords tab has one listing, for "login" that doesn't expand.19:47
joshuahooverjblount: ah, karmic...wasn't sure which version :)19:47
jblountjoshuahoover: Always karmic, everytime karmic, only karmic :)19:48
jblountUntil Loopy Llama gets started :)19:48
pjssilvaI've also did:19:48
joshuahooverjblount: heh...yes, except for all those users who are still on jaunty that we're supporting ;)19:48
pjssilvarm -r .cache/ubuntuone/19:48
pjssilvarm -r .config/autostart/ubuntuone-client-applet.desktop19:48
pjssilvaAnd removed the computer from my account.19:49
jblountpjssilva: yes, those should have been in my list.19:49
jblountpjssilva: You can also remove the software and reinstall if you like, but the experience shouldn't change because of that.19:49
joshuahooverjblount, pjssilva: the keys in karmic show up for me in passwords & encryption keys, under the Passwords tab...the tabs were moved around (at least on my install)19:50
pjssilvaSo far it looks good, it asked me to add the computer to the account. Let us see what the syncing gives me.19:52
jblountjoshuahoover: This is what it looks like for me: https://updown.ubuntuone.com/b6e7dd38-6ac7-49c5-a04a-590effdc584d19:52
joshuahooverjblount: and the other tabs don't show any ubuntu one keys?19:52
jblountjoshuahoover: Nope, those are 'keys' not passwords / tokens (which is where it was before / should be). It just lists my gpg and ssh keys19:53
joshuahooverjblount: strange...wonder why mine is different19:53
pjssilvaArgh... I got a folder that refuses to go away.19:56
pjssilvaI deleted it and it still appears in the web interface.19:56
pjssilvaI also tried to shutdown the sync daemon (u1sdtool -q) to force an update but it didn't work.19:57
joshuahooverpjssilva: are you getting any errors? anything in the log files (~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/)20:07
pjssilvaI get this:20:11
pjssilva2009-08-17 16:02:21,910 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - upload                       share:''                                       node:'c22b6938-c0dc-43d0-9977-175531f96d88'   upload(node="'c22b6938-c0dc-43d0-9977-175531f96d88'", hash="'sha1:9ec256794b96a8fe381e32ed1da71c74f0f82aa6'", fileobj_factory='<bound method FSKey.open_file of <ubuntuone.syncdaemon.sync.FSKey object at 0x9c5baf4>>', share="''", crc32='1441764211L', previous_has20:12
pjssilvah="''", size='2480') failure INTERNAL_ERROR20:12
pjssilva2009-08-17 16:03:08,392 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - upload                       share:''                                       node:'2dea833e-bcb8-4bd4-8cf5-82238b72f1eb'   upload(node="'2dea833e-bcb8-4bd4-8cf5-82238b72f1eb'", hash="'sha1:8cafcd409dc15bd7b8ea40b665db9781cd8906dd'", fileobj_factory='<bound method FSKey.open_file of <ubuntuone.syncdaemon.sync.FSKey object at 0x9c5bfcc>>', share="''", crc32='1448717863L', previous_has20:12
pjssilvah="''", size='301635') failure INTERNAL_ERRO20:12
pjssilvaI tried to trick Ubuntu One, by deleting the directory from the My\ Files folder. Creating a another directory with the same name to delete it again.20:18
joshuahooverpjssilva: and then you get those errors reported?20:19
pjssilvaIt did not work. I get the directory renamed by ubuntuone with the extension u1conflict.20:19
pjssilvaNo, from the timestamps the error come from the original deletion of the folder.20:19
joshuahooverpjssilva: are you still showing files/folders in the web ui?20:29
pjssilvaI have just tried to reset UbuntuOne again.20:30
pjssilvaThe directory appeared locally and I deleted.20:30
pjssilvaI am waiting some minutes to see if it goes away from the web ui.20:31
pjssilvaI got more interesting errors now:20:39
pjssilva2009-08-17 16:28:39,762 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - DEBUG - -:-:- - [-:-] ''/home/pjssilva/Ubuntu One/My Files/\xc3\x9altimo teste'' | Called delete_on_server20:39
pjssilva2009-08-17 16:28:40,599 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - WARNING - Unlink                       share:''                                       node:'20afe71e-f5d3-4131-9c7a-6ea41c4e4e7f'   Unlink(node="'20afe71e-f5d3-4131-9c7a-6ea41c4e4e7f'", share="''", parent="'a9bac824-0768-4d82-8664-d11e3438cb29'") failure DOES_NOT_EXIST20:39
pjssilva2009-08-17 16:28:40,599 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - DEBUG - Unlink                       share:''                                       node:'20afe71e-f5d3-4131-9c7a-6ea41c4e4e7f'   Unlink(node="'20afe71e-f5d3-4131-9c7a-6ea41c4e4e7f'", share="''", parent="'a9bac824-0768-4d82-8664-d11e3438cb29'") cleanup20:39
pjssilva2009-08-17 16:28:40,600 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: AQ_UNLINK_ERROR, args:(), kw:{'parent_id': 'a9bac824-0768-4d82-8664-d11e3438cb29', 'share_id': '', 'node_id': '20afe71e-f5d3-4131-9c7a-6ea41c4e4e7f', 'error': 'DOES_NOT_EXIST'}20:39
pjssilvaNote it says that it got the request o unlink the directory on the server and the server but the server answered DOES_NOT_EXIST.20:40
pjssilvaI think it is time for a bug report20:40
Chipacapjssilva: INTERNAL_ERROR is cause enough for a bug report20:40
joshuahooverpjssilva, Chipaca: yes, a bug report is due :)20:41
Chipacapjssilva: what does u1sdtool --refresh ~/Ubuntu\ One/My\ Files do?20:41
pjssilvajoshuahoover: (Note that the INTERNAL_ERROR did not happen this time)20:41
Chipacapjssilva: no, it happened during the Upload, right?20:42
pjssilvaChipaca: not completely sure.20:42
pjssilvaChipaca: tried the u1sdtool command. It didn't complain.20:42
Chipacapjssilva: did it fetch anything?20:43
pjssilvaChipaca: nope, the directory is clean.20:44
Chipacapjssilva: and it matches the server?20:44
pjssilvaBut the %$¨&*&@#@$#$ directory still appears in the web ui.20:44
pjssilvaI am going to refresh UbuntuOne once again to see if it downloads the weird directory again (and make sure it is reproducible).20:45
pjssilvaYes, it is reproducible. I am filling a bug report. Thanks for everyone that tried to help.20:49
jblounthopp_: hi!21:04
hopp_I need help with ubuntu-one-client.21:04
jblounthopp_: There are lots of eager and smart people hanging around, if you mention your problem, someone should be able to help :)21:04
hopp_i want to add my comupter to my ubuntuone account, so i push add computer button, then I'm asked for password for keyring21:05
jblountdobey: ^^ Would this be the default login password thingie?21:05
hopp_I desperate, I don't know the password, i've tried my account password, launch pad password21:06
hopp_jblount: yes, i hink, could be. the default keyring password thing21:06
joshuahooverhopp_: it's likely a password you set up a while ago21:06
hopp_i also had deleted default.keyring and created it again21:06
hopp_with and without password21:06
hopp_nothing is working21:06
joshuahooverhopp_: do you login to your pc or have it set to auto-login (without a password)?21:07
hopp_first option. i have to login21:07
hopp_ubuntu version 9.04 btw21:07
joshuahooverhopp_: ok, have you changed your login password over time?21:07
joshuahooverhopp_: hmmm...21:08
hopp_it's same all the time21:08
dobeyit's probably the old default keyring21:08
hopp_well i've alredy delted default.keyring couple of times21:08
dobeyand logged out and back in?21:08
hopp_this one ./.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring21:09
hopp_well, no21:09
dobeydelete it and log out and back in, then try again21:09
hopp_ok, does it work with empty password, too ? (no encryption)21:09
dobeyit can yes21:10
dobeygnome-keyring will let you do that when you create the keyring the first time21:10
dobey(generally the first time something tries to use it)21:11
hopp_ok, so, i should delete the keyring, log out, log in, then run ubuntu-one-client ?21:11
hopp_or create new default.keyring21:11
dobeydon't create a new default keyring21:11
hopp_alright, so hope, it will work now :)21:11
hopp_see you soon :)21:12
dobeyit should be using the "login" keyring instead21:12
mandaraif I link directory in 'My Files' instead of coping it, would it be sync with server?21:14
jblountmandara: We don't handle symlinks, but hope to have a way to do something similar sometime in the future.21:15
mandaradobey, jblount ok thanx!21:15
jblountHmm. Maybe better would be, "We don't handle symlinks in the way any reasonable person would expect" :)21:15
hopp_hi all, I'm back21:43
hopp_dobey: didn't work21:44
hopp_i've delted default.keyring, i logged out, logged in, run ubuntuone-client-applet21:44
hopp_it has redirected me to ubuntu one web page where i could add my computer21:45
hopp_then it has asked me again for default.keyring password21:45
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
dobeyhopp_: you still have a default.keyring?21:59
hopp_i've deleted it before i logged out22:12
hopp_The message goes like this: Enter password for default keyring to unlock: The application 'ubuntu-clientapplet'(/usr/bin/python2.6) wants access to the default keyring, nut it is locked. Password:22:16
dobeyif you open Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys, what keyrings does it show under your 'Passwords' tab, and in the preferences?22:19
dobeyok i guess it's not under prefs22:19
hopp_under the Passwords tab i have 3 columns table, the second column is named Name. there is only one row with text in name column 'Passwords:login'22:20
hopp_third column is Key ID which is empty22:20
hopp_by preferences you mean Menu Edit > Preferences ?22:21
hopp_oh, i haven't read your last line22:22
hopp_btw. i have this ubuntuone-client-applet process as <defunct> ( hopp      3364  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    22:28   0:00 [ubuntuone-clien] <defunct>)22:25
dobeyso you only see for login?22:25
hopp_yes, there's only login there22:26
hopp_i'm not able to unlock it either22:26
dobeyit might want the password for that22:26
hopp_but that's maybe issue for another channel :)22:26
hopp_hm, dobey do you have some other suggestions ?22:36
dobeyhopp_: afraid not right now :-/22:56
hopp_okey, i'm going to have good night sleep right now :), good night to you too ;)23:09

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