[00:29] Hi [00:29] !hi | david_ [00:29] david_: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [00:29] Can someone help me with xorg.conf? [00:29] !ask | david_ [00:29] david_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:30] Can someone help me? My screen is stuck in 800x600 [00:30] !graphics [00:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics [00:30] !resolution [00:30] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [00:30] have you read that? [00:30] hold on [00:30] yes [00:32] how to add a folder to the $PATH in chroot? === abra is now known as mookee [06:19] is anyone even here? [06:21] ... [06:28] can't change settings for login window, on one username it gives me a permission error, on the other it give no error. anyone know how to change permissions for the login window? or at least how to enable error messages that have been disabled on a screen name? [14:13] I followed the instructions on psychocats.net to get back to a "pure" xfce; now, keyboard shortcuts involving the key (LeftWin) are not recognized. the keyboard shortcut modifier doesn't even recognize it as being pressed. any ideas on where I should start? [14:24] hi === maverick_ is now known as maverick`- [17:24] bye === Chris_ is now known as Guest1182 === Chris_ is now known as Guest90641 === Chris_ is now known as Guest41092 === Chris_ is now known as Guest57003 === Chris_ is now known as Guest55447 === Chris_ is now known as Guest43454 === Chris_ is now known as Guest56528 === Chris_ is now known as Guest83686 === Chris_ is now known as Guest71767 === Chris_ is now known as Guest96313 === Chris_ is now known as Guest28878 === Chris_ is now known as Guest24307 [22:04] how do i get network in my file manager [22:09] kerios: fusesmb