
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ltspfsd07:39
alkisg!info ltspfsd07:39
ubottultspfsd (source: ltspfs): Fuse based remote filesystem daemon for LTSP thin clients. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.10-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 23 kB, installed size 168 kB07:39
alkisg!info ltspfsd-core07:39
ubottuPackage ltspfsd-core does not exist in jaunty07:39
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
alkisgI've debianized ~30 greek educational apps, and I'd like to put them in a DVD similar to the edubuntu add-on CD, so that when the users inserted the DVD, update-manager would be automatically invoked to install packages. How would I do that?14:27
dgroosGood Morning!14:42
dgroosSchools starting soon and server's ailing--I can't authenticate into Synaptic.14:44
dgroosWhen I try to launch Synaptic via the menu it won't let me authenticate, but when I sudo synaptic it works fine.14:45
dgroosI'm also having lots of problems getting FreeNX and iTALC working.  I wonder if the issue is connected?14:46
dgroosAlso, can't get firefox to launch as localapp with ltsp-localapps firefox, anymore.  it was working...14:48
dgroos...been googling for almost a week... no luck!14:49
sbalneavHow do you do authentication?14:51
sbalneavLocal password, ldap, etc?14:51
dgroossbalneav: I forgot to mention, I've only got this problem with synaptic on a thin client--on the server I can authenticate into synaptic!14:53
dgroosI use local password, at least I don't use LDAP14:54
dgroosAlthough!  I think this problem started when I added a program to start to look into ldap authentication...14:56
dgroos... and there were some installation questions it asked me when I was installing it--think I pretty much skipped through the questions...  I bet I messed up :(14:58
dgroosaccording to the old logs... It was: auth-client-config, libpam-ldap, and libnss-ldap that I installed.15:06
sbalneavyep, that would screw uyour config15:07
dgrooshmmm... from a bug report I think I found someone who might be able to help... I'll get back...15:20
alkisgI have a repository with educational apps, how can I put them in a DVD so that update-manager would be able to read the packages from it?16:05
sbalneavalkisg: Not sure.  Is it already an actual *repo* or just a collection of .deb's?16:09
alkisgIt's a repo16:09
alkisgI tried putting the /pool and /dist folders in a CD, but update-manager didn't like it :)16:09
alkisgAnd I'm seeing a reference about a /disk folder in the apt-cdrom man page, but I can't find any info about it...16:10
sbalneavNot sure, then.16:11
sbalneavI've created web repos before (long ago), but never a cddrom one16:11
alkisgIf you've done that long ago, I bet you haven't seen reprepro... it makes maintaning a repo really really easy16:13
sbalneavheh, I did it manually using apt and dpkg tools :)16:16
sbalneavThanks for the tip, I'll look into it.16:17
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=== rofl is now known as marvelous

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