
Riddelllex79: could do, in bzr?00:00
lex79no, Riddell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent/+bug/41452000:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 414520 in ktorrent "Merge ktorrent with debian unstable" [Undecided,New]00:01
Riddelllex79: it's missing the KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT export00:03
lex79oh :(00:03
Riddelllex79: can you fix that and also diff the current ubuntu and your proposed debian directory?00:04
lex79ok I'll do00:05
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lex79Riddell: there is not KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT in our ktorrent 3.2.2 rules00:11
lex79so, we should add?00:11
Riddelllex79: tsk00:17
Riddellit should be00:17
Riddellexport KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT=extragear-network_ktorrent00:17
Riddellit's in ktorrent-3.2.1+dfsg.100:17
apacheloggerRiddell: so, what about making the lang-packs depend on kde-l10n?00:37
apacheloggeror make language-selector install it00:37
apacheloggerotherwise one wont get any localized content00:37
apacheloggersomeone please revu http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kubuntu-firefox-installer00:38
Riddellapachelogger: I asked arne to do that and I thought he had00:44
apacheloggerdoesn't seem like it00:44
apacheloggerat least I didn't have kde-l10n-de installed :S00:44
apacheloggermaybe poke him again? :)00:44
apacheloggerthere was again uberfuzz on the german kde translators list since one of the largest german tech magazines complained in a review of KDE 4.3 about the lack of translations, which of course was occuring because the reviewer used jaunty + 4.3 without updated l10n00:45
ryanakcaapachelogger: I think you'll want to install firefox without recommends... otherwise you pull in a bunch of GNOME crap (ex: synaptic, gksu, gnome-app-install, etc.)01:38
ScottKapachelogger: Mysql 5.1 is in Main now, so perhaps making the Amarok packaging not so insane would be good.01:39
* ScottK is currenlty looking at Akonadi.01:40
ryanakcaapachelogger: Maybe a kubuntu / firefox metapackage?01:41
ryanakcaapachelogger: All the gnome crap comes from the firefox -Depends-> firefox-3.5 -Recommends-> ubufox -Depends-> apturl -> { python, python-central (>= 0.6.11), gconf2, gksu (>= 2.0.0-1ubuntu3), gnome-app-install, gnome-icon-theme (>= 2.14.0-1), python-apt, python-glade2 (>= 2.6.3-2), python-gobject, python-gtk2 (>= 2.6.3-2), python-vte (>= 1:0.11.15-4), synaptic}01:43
EagleScreena firefox-kubuntu metapackage would be nice01:46
nixternalgetting rid firefox would be nicer :)01:57
ScottKMake a KDE web browser that doesn't suck.02:01
nixternalMake a web browser that doesn't suck.02:01
nixternalthere fixed it for you :)02:01
claydohwhy can't konq use whatever webkit bits arora or whatever is using?02:15
ScottKIt's non-trivial.02:16
* ScottK doesn't recall the details.02:16
* claydoh is surprised the ability to add it ala webkitkde wasn't built-in02:21
nixternalScottK: install webkit-kde, then set webkit in the file settings of konqi02:22
nixternalI haven't been impressed with webkit yet that we have, as it doesn't work all that great sometimes02:22
* claydoh is avoiding the khtml vs webkit debate02:22
claydohnixternal: I agree there02:23
* claydoh is avoiding the recent developer debate on khtml/webkit rather02:23
nixternalI am waiting for Chrome to be complete for Linux...sadly those evil Google people probably have the 2nd best browser going right now, could be #1 though02:23
nixternalOpera is a great browser :)02:24
claydohI don't like its look02:24
seeleopera isn't free as in speech02:24
nixternalme either02:24
claydohthats either opera or chrome :)02:24
nixternalseele: this whole "free as in speech" thing gets to me now...as long as it works that's all I care about, or am starting to care about02:24
seeleisn't it an ubuntu policy to ship only free software?02:25
seeleoh. hmm02:25
nixternalie. the kernel02:25
seeleopera *is* a great browser02:25
nixternalthe kernel has plenty of non-free bits in it02:25
nixternalwe won't ship non-free applications by default anytime soon I don't think02:25
seelei think shipping opera is non-free enough to make enough loud people complain02:26
nixternalwithout a doubt02:26
ryanakcaimho, having a notice saying "XYZ is non-free, blah blah, do you really want to install it. Ubuntu hasn't reviewed it, etc, etc." when installing something non-free should suffice. If you don't like it, don't install it. Let those who want to install it...02:30
ryanakcas/\.\.\.$/ install it.../02:31
EagleScreenshould Debian Sid debbotstrap and cdebootstrap know about karmic dist?03:55
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micmordbug 415191, can someone confirm/solve this? Thanks.08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415191 in akonadi "[karmic] akonadi server depends mysql-server-core-5.0 no more available on karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41519108:43
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apacheloggerryanakca: that is the plan, that is why it currently installs firefox :P09:19
apacheloggerScottK: bug 415191 is what you were looking at for akonadi?09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415191 in akonadi "[karmic] akonadi server depends mysql-server-core-5.0 no more available on karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41519109:20
apacheloggerRiddell: bunzip2 amarok*bz2; lzma -9 *tar .... just for the record, that is what ought to be done for recompressing bz2 to lzma :P09:24
apacheloggerScottK: if the mysql packaging was allowing for sensible use by amarok ...09:27
apacheloggerneeds mysql-data-5.1 containing the share crap, since that is the only stuff amarok needs at runtime09:27
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Riddellnixternal: it's very much ubuntu policy to ship only free software10:39
Riddellthe only exception is for hardware enablement since free software is no use if you have nothing to run it on10:39
* apachelogger hugs icrecream10:45
* jussi01 steals apachelogger's icecream10:46
Mamarokjussi01: me!10:46
* apachelogger asks the scheduler to restart :P10:46
Mamarokhm, ccache will have to do for now :(10:46
* jussi01 is grumbly. can someone test/confirm my bug now?10:46
apacheloggerMamarok: markey and you should cluster up10:47
Mamarokapachelogger: hm, we should use one of the old computers lying around here and use it as a server, but the only decent one is the msi...10:48
apacheloggerwell, even a cluster with slow nodes is probably faster than the faster node on its own10:49
apacheloggerin my experience if you have a halfway decent machine in the pool and build on a somewhat slower, the linking will take more time than the actual build ;-)10:51
markeygold ftw10:52
apacheloggermarkey: is it really faster?10:54
apacheloggerlike, noticable10:54
markeyseems faster to me10:55
markeyand really painless too, install package, done10:56
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markeydented this the other day:10:59
markey"ext4 + gold linker + ccache makes for very nice compile speed. full rebuild of amarok with clean build dir, two cores (-j3): 2m9.444s"10:59
markeyoh btw, kde always gets stuck on logout, on karmic11:03
markeyI guess that's known11:03
smarterI heard some guy with a heavy linked app went from 8 hours to 40 minutes using gold11:05
apacheloggermarkey: now imagine ssd in that mix :D11:10
smarterand quad core :p11:12
apacheloggerwouldn't help much since ccache is in the mix :P11:13
apacheloggerseele: http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/kubuntu-firefox-installer2.ogv11:30
apacheloggerlol, my netbook builds amarok in 7m46s11:32
seaLnew00t after 2 months of no sound my AD198x is now detected again in karmic \o/11:44
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ryanakcaneversfelde: Could you give me a ping when you get around to reviewing that Contributor Agreement please? According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installer/Development , I can't contribute to ubiquity if I don't sign it, but imho, the agreement is rather vague and point 5 is just wierd... "I will execute any documents and perform any acts that Canonical requests from time to time [...]". But then, it might just be my lack of legal ...14:04
ryanakca... education that's causing the alarm bells to go off in my head.14:04
fox__привет всем14:14
fox__есть кто из русских14:14
ryanakcaHi fox__14:15
ryanakca!ru | fox__14:15
ubottufox__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:15
fox__я не могу там зарегится14:16
cbra u tebja nickname registrirovali?14:16
fox__я ввожу его, и не ргится14:17
cbrmhmh... nje ponimaju :)14:17
fox__ne mogu zregistririvatsa14:18
fox__a fig ego znaet14:18
fox__kak tam nado14:18
cbruhm, net nado registrirovat, reshim +R net sto ja dumal14:23
fox__   /msg fox register <password> <email>  kuda eto pisat14:24
cbrja dumaju sto eta nje nado14:24
fox__a kak14:24
cbrto pishesh eta sdjes14:24
cbr /join #ubuntu-ru14:25
fox__506 #ubuntu-ru Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel14:25
cbrSyntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>14:26
cbr  /msg NickServ REGISTER bar foo@bar.com14:26
cbrtõ pishes /msg nickserv register tvoiparol tvoiepotshta14:26
fox__now poprobuy14:26
cbri posle etovo /msg nickserv identify tvoiparol14:27
fox__sps vse prochlo14:32
MsMacocbr: what's ponimaju? sounds familiar...14:53
MsMacoooo ok14:53
MsMacoyeah i think i probably said ne ponimaju a lot at one point then...14:54
cbrmy russian is shabby :p14:54
MsMacoits been 3 years since i studied it...and i only studied it for a year...so mine's certainly worse14:55
cbrit's been 2 years since i studied it and i studied it for 7 years14:55
cbrbut i'm still no good at it :p14:55
fabo_Riddell: ping15:03
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Riddellhi fabo15:13
faboRiddell: adenilson replied about googledata. he'll fix the issue asap. he wants to know if he needs to roll out a new release tarball ?15:16
Riddellfabo: I'm happy enough that it's in upstream SVN (Debian ftpmasters may vary I guess)15:19
fabofine, no need to do another release for this quick fix. I upload -2 to Debian, inform ftpmasters and ask to adenilson the related commit. thks.15:21
JontheEchidnagood morning15:22
Riddellhello JontheEchidna15:32
Riddell_Sime: http://www.pyside.org/  !15:46
_SimeRiddell: dude, that is sooo 30 minutes ago.15:47
nixternalwow, that is insane15:51
nixternaldon't know if it is good or bad15:51
Riddellmm, agree15:53
nixternalahh, the openbossa peeps are behind it15:54
nixternalwould have been good if they worked with riverbank on pyqt, as i think it might be a bit late to toss another binding in the pool and have it super successful, or the defacto standard15:54
nixternaland...it seems to have Nokia backing and funding15:55
Riddellif Nokia wanted LGPL bindings I'm not sure why they didn't just throw some money at the riverbank guy15:58
nixternalmaybe he didn't go to Nokia and these guys did?15:58
_SimeRiddell: it sounds like they tried to reach some kind of agreement.16:00
nixternalya, I read that16:00
nixternalseeing as openbossa has been working with nokia for a bit, that is probably how it all started16:00
nixternalPySide has better API docs for sure :)16:01
nixternalmore noob friendly16:02
EagleScreenhow is possible that jaunty to be unknown suit for debootstrap 1.0.15? http://paste.ubuntu.com/255189/16:14
RiddellEagleScreen: no debootstrap experts here I fear, you may have to ask elsewhere16:22
EagleScreenRiddell: my problem is that my pbuilder is using cdebootstrap, not debootstrap, and cdebootstrap does not know about jaunty and karmic16:23
fox /msg nickserv register 123456 goufra@gmail.com18:01
lex79Riddell: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/394059/pkg-kde-tools_0.4.11ubuntu3.debdiff18:07
lex79JontheEchidna: o/18:08
apacheloggercan we haz bzr branch for pkg-kde-tools?18:08
lex79apachelogger: hi :) can you check my debdiff? now Debian uses "include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/debhelper/kde.mk" so I think we should add "kubuntu-desktop-i18n/kubuntu.mk" in debhelper/kde.mk18:10
apacheloggerlex79: they are what?18:11
lex79uhm ?18:12
apacheloggerI don't understand what you  meant by debian uses kde.mk18:13
apacheloggerare they using it all over the place or something?18:13
lex79see pkg-kde-tools 0.4.11, there are two folder now, makefile/1/cdbs and makefile/1/debhelper, and Debian team now uses kde.mk from makefile/1/debhelper to build package18:14
lex79kubuntu-desktop-i18n/kubuntu.mk is define only in makefile/1/cdbs/kde.mk and not in makefile/1/debhelper/kde.mk18:15
lex79rules of ktorrent for example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255247/18:16
lex79export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT=extragear-network_ktorrent18:16
lex79has no effects because is not define in /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/debhelper/kde.mk18:16
apacheloggernot that I am up-to-date18:17
apacheloggerbut isn't only universe stuff supposed to use kde.mk?18:17
apacheloggerAFAIK only debian-qt-kde.mk includes the i18n magic18:18
apacheloggeror maybe not :D18:19
lex79no, also makefiles/1/cdbs/kde.mk uses i18n18:20
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wstephensonJontheEchidna: no problem, i needed a kubuntu person and yours was the first mail in the browser completion19:05
wstephensonso i am looking for nightly builds of knetworkmanager in a PPA or something19:06
JontheEchidnaI could throw up daily (or at least every-other-daily) snapshots in the experimental repo19:07
wstephensonif nobody is doing that already i could do that myself.  i would do it in the OBS but i don't think our jaunty, edgy etc builds will have kde 4.3 packages to build against.19:07
wstephensonevery 2 days would be fine19:07
wstephensonyesterday some poor dude got back to my needinfo 2 weeks later with a load of really detailed debug -  using kubuntu packages from july 27 :/19:08
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: lp:~kubuntu-netbook/kubuntu-netbook/nightly20:10
apacheloggeryou really just need to exchange the packaging and change the values in the script to fit the different usecase20:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kubuntu-firefox-installer: fullscreen or not?20:11
apacheloggerit's install vs. exit, so I for one think that fullscreen makes sense ... looks way better that way ;-)20:11
JontheEchidnawhat is kubuntu-firefox-installer?20:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/kubuntu-firefox-installer2.ogv20:13
apacheloggeras suggested by seele in the last meeting20:13
JontheEchidnaoh, I missed that one20:13
JontheEchidnaI suppose I should read up on the minutes20:14
JontheEchidnaand/or IRC logs20:14
apacheloggerit's http://aplg.kollide.net/images/logos/snapshot2.png or http://aplg.kollide.net/images/logos/snapshot3.png20:15
apacheloggerI for one think that that ubiquity theme looks way more sensible in fullscreen, and I can't think of a real benefit of having it not fullscreened20:16
smarterQuick note: for old/low-end netbooks(like the eee 701), Firefox is really unusable(at least if you wanna multitask), so a quick note about it being a bit heavy-weight would be appreciated20:17
apacheloggersmarter: we are thinking about making it default :P20:17
smarterArora ftw :p20:17
apacheloggerI have been told arora is heavier than firefox20:18
smarterfullscreen gets in the way of the user, he wants to browse the web, not anwser your question, even if you use a fancy(and non-standard :P) theme20:18
smarterwell, my eee certainly doesn't think so20:18
apacheloggersmarter: I don't ask a question :P20:18
apacheloggerjust offer a choice20:18
apacheloggertake it or leave it20:18
apacheloggerlatter is quite litterally, though the former will eventually imply the latter since the installer replaces itself with package-install ;-)20:19
apacheloggerinstall-package even20:19
smarterstill, it forces the user to think, which is bad :]20:20
smarterI think this is a bad solution for a real problem: KPackageKit sucks atm20:20
apacheloggernot necessarily, whatever he does, he will end up on his desktop :P20:21
apachelogger...also, since the user has to start the installer20:21
smarterif it was better, someone we would lookup for Firefox would end up installing it using KPackageKit, without us having to do it for him20:21
apacheloggerfor that they first need to understand a whole lot things about linux20:22
apacheloggera) no exe download b) package manager c) package manager gui20:22
apacheloggerpossibly more20:22
smarterwhich is another problem: we need a "tour" to let the user discover that(that's been bothering me for a long time)20:23
smarterthe "welcome" plasmoid could help, if it actually did anything :p20:23
SiDiHello people20:23
* apachelogger giggles about the welcome plasmoid20:23
apacheloggerit is a bit like duke nukem :D20:24
apacheloggerhola SiDi20:24
smarterafaik, the Kubuntu Doc is in quiet good shape, but it's completely invisible to users20:24
smarternot to mention khelpcenter sucks20:24
SiDii've got a purely philosophical questions for you. How do you Kubuntu developers keep in touch with what happens in Ubuntu Foundations, and how do you anticipate changes in Ubuntu's core, if you do ?20:24
smarterSiDi: well, we're subscribed to the main Ubuntu development mailing lists and connected to the main Ubuntu development IRC channels, so if people communicate enough about their changes, we usually know20:25
jjesseplus there are kubuntu devs that are memebers of the foundations team20:26
smarterand there's regular meetings in real life with presentations which help see what everyone is doing20:26
smarterplus the planet20:26
SiDiI'm coming from #xubuntu, and we noticed that we tended to learn things after they were done :)20:26
smarterwell, we do too sometimes :]20:27
SiDiSo, ubuntu-announce and ubuntu-devel are compulsory steps.20:27
SiDiAre there other mailing lists we should watch ?20:27
* apachelogger notes that -announce is heavily underused considering its main usecase20:28
SiDiSomething else. Do you guys think there is a way for us to be informed about what is planned in the foundations and desktop teams before everything is released to public ? We dont have many people so when we need to do something we usually need a lot of time :/20:30
jjessewo is "we"20:30
jjessemeant who is "we"20:31
apacheloggerSiDi: bitch and moan about the lack of pre-change information20:33
apacheloggerb'n'm usually works for me very well :)20:33
jjesseand you are quite good at it20:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, smarter: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kubuntu-firefox-installer revu plz20:34
* apachelogger removes margin since it looks weird on full-wide-screen20:34
SiDiapachelogger: ok, that's more or less what the xubuntu devs already do, but it doesnt seem to have much impact :D20:34
apacheloggerwell, you have to do it out in the open, so that everyone who possibly contributes to the lack of information reads about it20:35
apacheloggerand gets this certain feeling of anger that most of the time results in bettering oneself20:35
SiDior they can also find that these xfce guys are very noisy and annoying :d20:36
apacheloggeryou certainly can't be more noisy and annoying than me :P20:36
SiDialright, we're safe then :P20:38
smarterapachelogger: heh, nice attempt to push korondum scripts into the default install :P20:41
apacheloggersmarter: they are in the default install20:45
apacheloggerdue to plama script stuff20:46
smarteryep, but nothing actually uses it20:46
apacheloggerwell, kfi does :P20:46
smarterare all the fancy graphisms from the Installer?20:47
Riddelllex79: adding kubuntu.mk seems like a good idea assuming it works, you've tested it?20:48
apacheloggersmarter: yup, it actually uses a copy and changes some stuff via patches20:49
lex79Riddell: yes I tested it and woks :)20:49
smarterthat screams for a common package20:50
apacheloggersmarter: I'd agree if there was a thrid app ;-)20:50
smarterapachelogger: language-selector-qt could benefit from being sexier20:50
apacheloggerit could also use some usability20:50
smarterConflicts: firefox, firefox-3.0 , firefox-3.520:51
apacheloggereverytime I use it I feel like fighting20:51
smarterWhat happens when you upgrade to 9.10, get that package and have firefox already installed?20:51
smarterapachelogger: yep20:51
smarterno point in separating the download/install and setup thing20:51
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apacheloggersmarter: didn't try yet,  I suppose we either need to special case it in update-manager or make those 3 packages conflict+replace kfi since conflict+replace should always overrule conflict I suppose20:53
smartermeh, special cases suck20:53
smarteroh, machine-readable copyright format, never used it before, has it finally been integrated into the spec?20:54
apacheloggerthough I for one find it even more human-readable20:54
apacheloggermostly because it follows a clear structure :)20:54
Gonlast karmic update has broken mysql-server D:20:55
smarterapachelogger: couldn't we have a kubuntu-firefox package that Depends: kfi | firefox | firefox-bla ?20:56
smarterGon: they just switched from 5.0 to 5.120:56
Gonyes, but, if i want to install 5.120:56
apacheloggersmarter: more like kubuntu-firefox that gets installed by kfi20:56
Gonbreaks akonadi, kaddressbook, ...20:57
smarterI guess some rebuilds await us20:57
smarterapachelogger: yay, makes more sense20:57
smarterso, I'll let you do that :p20:57
apacheloggerbranding firefox20:58
* apachelogger shudders20:58
apacheloggerI'll probably go as far as adding my oxygen theme :P20:58
Gonsudo aptitude remove mysql-server-5.020:59
GonSe ELIMINARÁN los siguientes paquetes:20:59
Gon  akonadi-server{a} kaddressbook{a} kdebase-workspace-bin{a} kdebase-workspace-data{u} korganizer{a} kubuntu-desktop{a} libxklavier15{u}20:59
Gon  mysql-server-core-5.0 plasma-widgets-workspace{a}20:59
Gonsome packages has 5.0 as dependency20:59
smarterapachelogger: has it been updated for 3.5?21:00
smarterGon: they need to be rebuild with 5.121:00
apacheloggersmarter: yes, not released yet though21:00
apacheloggernext version will be done with all revised scripts, that multiple-icons-in-one-file approach cracks me up21:01
apacheloggeralready got a simple script that magicks oxygen icons into a one-file structure21:01
apacheloggersmarter: if you want to test http://aplg.kollide.net/install.html21:01
apacheloggerNightrose: ^ as well21:01
smarterlooks good21:02
smarterapparently it changed the font size of the UI text, is that intended?21:03
apacheloggerds packages should overrule whatever the stylesheet does IMHO21:04
apacheloggerfor that matter, the ubiquity sheet should be changed to use relative font size shifts rather than defining absolute values21:04
apacheloggerthat way fonts would be bigger where needed, relative to the default-settings21:05
apacheloggersmarter: or are you talking about firefox? ;-)21:06
SiDiapachelogger: are you talkin about the ubiquity slideshow ?21:06
apacheloggerSiDi: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot044.png21:06
apacheloggerabout that21:07
smarterapachelogger: I am :p21:07
SiDiapachelogger: oh ok21:07
apacheloggersmarter: lemme see21:07
apacheloggersmarter: not intent21:07
apacheloggerat least I don't have a patch for that21:08
smarterwell, maybe I'm just imagining things :p21:08
apacheloggersmarter: maybe the font size depends on the icon size ... since KDE uses 22 where GNOME would use 24px it is possible that the font size got resized automagically :D21:08
apacheloggerthat would my only guess21:08
smarterheh, that's possible21:09
smarterhow do you choose the font size? Hard code to 22?21:09
apacheloggerfirefox is themed via css, so yes, I suppose one could hardcode it21:09
apacheloggerbut I was talking about icons ;-)21:09
smarterI mean icon size21:10
apacheloggerI don't21:10
* smarter is kinda tired :p21:10
apacheloggerfirefox just uses what it gets21:10
smarterthe "Customize Toolbar" window has the "Restore Default Settings" button cut because it goes past the right border of the window21:12
smarterI guess that's a qtcurve bug21:12
apacheloggerpossibly firefox21:13
apacheloggerthat happens when you don't layout your widget :P21:14
apacheloggergrids ftw!21:14
Nightroseapachelogger: thanks :)21:17
apacheloggerNightrose: you better give feedback :P21:17
Nightrosehehe ok21:18
Nightroseafter i had food21:18
* apachelogger uploads amarok without internal mysql stuff21:20
apacheloggeroh dear21:20
apacheloggerthis will cause a horrible break21:20
apacheloggersmarter: so, do I have a go for kfi?21:35
smarterwell, as I said, adding a dummy package to depend on the actual installer OR firefox-* would be better than a Conflicts21:36
apacheloggeryeah, that needs to be sorted later though21:37
apacheloggerI just want it in main for starters :D21:37
smartermaybe you could just remove the conflicts and add the Depends line when we get to do a kubuntu-firefox21:37
apacheloggersmarter: could do, but otherwise the worst that could happen is that firefox gets removed, which can be easily reinstalled anyay ;-)21:38
apacheloggerwhich of course would force karmic tests into giving feedback21:38
apacheloggerwhich is not necessarily a bad thing I suppose21:38
smarterheh, that's a bit machiavelic :p21:39
Riddellapachelogger: how will that cause a break?21:39
smarteras long as that gets sorted, +1 from me, do you want an ACK?21:39
EagleScreeni think it should be called firefox-kubuntu, people will look for packages starting with 'firefox' to isntall firefox21:40
apacheloggerRiddell: kfi conflicts firefox, firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, so our expectation is that update-manager will nuke firefox* in favor of kubuntu-firefox-installer21:40
apacheloggerif already installed that is21:40
apacheloggerEagleScreen: right, just that it is neither firefox-kubuntu nor kubuntu-firefox21:41
smarterREVU says "#  The GNU General Public License is mentioned in debian/copyright but there seems to be no copy of it included in the source tarball, which is a requirement for it. (Note: The file may be there but have an uncommon name; please double-check before trusting this warning)."21:41
apacheloggerdon't trust revu21:41
apacheloggervery poor license finding I must say21:42
smarteroh, yep, the files are in there, good job ;)21:42
smarterhmm, it looks like I don't have REVU powerz21:43
smarterwhich is weird since I'm pretty sure I did the merge account thing a while ago and reviewed packages21:44
apacheloggerNightrose: neon trunk is as good as it will get ... I'll branch and start 100% refactor in which I'll drop multi-distro support and publisher support (i.e. pushing the tarballs via ftp or file moves to some webserving location for download, which IMHO is completely pointless and thus was never used)21:44
apacheloggerunless you think they are useful of course :D21:45
apacheloggersmarter: you should poke someone in the eye I suppose :)21:46
claydohis it possible to have a kde3 app (kmymoney via my ppa) have its help/docs in kde4's help center?21:46
apacheloggerbut, revu buttons now look like buttons in konqueror21:46
apacheloggerwhich IMHO is much more important than actually being able to revu :P21:46
apacheloggerclaydoh: should be by default21:46
claydohso my paths must be wrong then :)21:47
apacheloggerour KDE 4 shares the doc path with KDE 3, so KDE 3 apps should show up in KHC21:47
apacheloggerunless you don't use CDBS and screwed up or the desktop file doesn't actually contain the necessary entry to make it show up in KHC21:47
smarterbah, I'm off to bed, I'll dig into REVU doc tomorrow21:48
apacheloggersmarter: nini21:48
apacheloggerclaydoh: btw, do you want to write some sensible description for the kubuntu-firefox-installer?21:48
claydohapachelogger: that's probably it21:48
claydohapachelogger: sensible?21:48
Nightroseapachelogger: you deserve lots of cookies you know that right?21:53
apacheloggeras a matter of fact, I do, everyone else just doesn't seem to know ;-)21:53
apacheloggerclaydoh: well, more sensible that what I use now ;-)21:54
claydohapachelogger:  wher's yours?21:58
apachelogger"Firefox delivers safe, easy web browsing. A familiar user interface, enhanced security features including protection from online identity theft, and integrated search let you get the most out of the web."21:59
apacheloggeras seen here http://aplg.kollide.net/images/logos/snapshot2.png21:59
Nightroseapachelogger: can't install your theme - not compatible with my ff version :(22:01
apacheloggeronly works with 3.522:01
apacheloggerwhat are you using?22:01
Nightroseafraid to upgrade because of extensions22:04
apacheloggerNightrose: then you can obtain the theme from addons.mozilla.org anyway :P22:04
Nightroseah i have that one...22:04
Nightrosethought is was an improved version22:04
apacheloggerwell, it is, but only for 3.5 :P22:06
claydohapachelogger: Firefox is the popular, award-winning web browser that is used by millions for it's ease of use, security features and many available addons. It provides a familiar user interface and a rich, safe browsing experience.22:09
ghostcube-_- damn rc6 isnt working as expected grml22:09
apacheloggeris that clear enough why one would want to have firefox?22:10
apacheloggerRiddell: please take a look at kubuntu-firefox-installer in new, cuddles, hugs and thanks :)22:10
claydohapachelogger: well it sounds nice :)22:11
apacheloggerno doubt on that :D22:11
=== rofl is now known as marvelous
Riddellapachelogger: firefox-installer.png is not GPL22:17
ryanakcamaybe "Firefox is the popular, award-winning web browser used by millions for it's {simplicity,ease of use}, security features and many available addons. <ETC>"? Anyways, the 'that is' seems redundant imho22:24
claydohryanakca: I agree22:29
apacheloggerthere comes the headache22:30
apachelogger"Mozilla does not grant you any rights to the Mozilla and Firefox trademarks or logos"22:31
apacheloggerunaltered binary (if we assume that the icon is an affected binary) - check22:32
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose I should just mention that it is a registred trademark of mozilla and provide a URL to further information?22:40
apacheloggerbecause, as I see it, since it is a ® anyway, it is not covered by the MPL22:40
claydohanother lame packaging question: using cmake for a kde3 app, any gotchas I may need to look for and learn to overcome?22:45
claydohkmymoney2 is releasing 1.0 tomorrow22:45
claydohhaven't tried using cmake to build it in a long while22:45
* apachelogger likes how the firefox-3.5 copyright doesn't say anything about the logo and/or the trademark even though it is redistributed via the debian directory22:47
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255400/22:53
apacheloggermaybe we should just use the unoffical branding :P22:54
Riddellapachelogger: that'll end up in multiverse as it is22:55
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll use the unoffical branding for now23:00
apacheloggerThe default logos in CVS which are built into Firefox and Thunderbird by default (i.e. the globe without the fox, and the original blue bird) are explicitly not protected as Mozilla trademarks. The files themselves are available under the mozilla.org tri-license; you can do anything you like with them under those terms.23:00
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255414/ for mentioned globe without fox icon23:14
Riddellapachelogger: that looks fine23:16
apacheloggerok, uploading new version then23:16
apacheloggerRiddell: in new again23:20
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose asac would be the person to poke about the trademarks stuff?23:21
lex79Riddell: launchpad bug 41452023:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414520 in ktorrent "Merge ktorrent with debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41452023:23
lex79or apachelogger :P23:23
apacheloggerlex79: kubuntu_02_qt_phonon.diff was applied upstream?23:27
lex79apachelogger: changelog says: Add patch debian/qt_4.5.2-1_phonon_ftbfs_fix  which workarounds a FTBFS against Qt 4.5.2-1 (Closes: #537023).23:29
ubottuDebian bug 537023 in ktorrent "ktorrent: FTBFS: videowidget.h:67: error: ISO C++ forbids" [Serious,Closed]23:30
apachelogger    - Add debian/patches, debian/patches/series, and23:32
apachelogger      debian/patches/kubuntu_02_qt_phonon.diff since Kubuntu uses the Qt23:32
apachelogger      Phonon instead of KDE Phonon23:32
apacheloggerI am not sure those 2 patches really try to kill the same problem23:32
apacheloggerif the FTBFS modestas was fixing also got fixed by ScottK, I am wondering why former only fixed it in 3.2.3 and latter in 3.2.2 ... so I would conclude that kubuntu_02_qt_phonon.diff aint got anything todo with the other one23:34
apacheloggerI might be wrong, but sure would like that to be investigated ;-)23:34
lex79apachelogger: btw should I add kubuntu_02_qt_phonon ? is it still need? I dropped libphonon-dev to ensure build against libqt4-phonon-dev23:37
lex79wrong? :)23:37
apacheloggerwell, I don't know since ScottK poorly documented the patch :P23:38
lex79yeah :)23:38
apacheloggerlex79: ask ScottK, if his change indeed fixed the same FTBFS modestas fixed for 3.2.3 then we can happily leave it out23:39
Riddellcompile it and see surely23:39
* apachelogger would hope that lex79 already did that :)23:44
lex79apachelogger: build fine with ScottK's patch23:54
ryanakcaapachelogger: That a DEP-5 copyright file? Not that it matters, a kubuntu firefox installer will never get into Debian, but last I heard there was a boycott against it, DDs refusing to sponsor packages with it, etc.23:56
lex79now try building without any patches :P23:56

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