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huatsmorning everyone08:29
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone!09:20
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asachmm. any clue why alt+f2 does not work for me?11:58
asacusually i could run commands there ;)11:58
asacbut since karmic its broken somehow11:58
Laneyasac: It's something to do with gnome-panel and transparent backgrounds12:00
asactransparent backgrounds ? ;)12:01
* Laney shrugs12:01
Laneythere's a bug about it12:01
Laneyif you set it to no background or whatever and restart the panel it works again12:01
chrisccoulsonasac - bug 39882612:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398826 in gnome-panel "run application broken when setting background color set to "solid color"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39882612:02
asacmine is none ... but maybe it wasnt all the time12:03
LaneyIt's a good bug, I like it12:03
chrisccoulsonLaney - it's not a bug, it's a feature ;)12:03
Laneyenforced taste12:04
chrisccoulsonwhy would anyone want alt+f2 to work with a transparent background? ;)12:04
pochuwhy would anyone want a transparent background? :)12:04
asaci _dont_ have transparent  background here ;)12:05
asacits not working anyway12:05
pochutry changing it just in case ;)12:06
asacpochu: to solid color ;)?12:06
Laneyit breaks with transparent or background image12:06
Laneyonly none works12:06
Laney(I think)12:06
asacLaney: i have "system theme"12:06
LaneyI'm not on gnome here so can't tell what the optionsa re12:07
asaci my bottom panel is transparent ;12:07
* asac kills all panels12:07
asacindeed it works12:07
Laneyfun bug eh12:08
asacis it really gnome-panel dealing with that?12:10
chrisccoulsonasac - yes12:12
asacthat comes from X?12:12
asacguess metacity12:12
vuntzasac: metacity, yes12:13
vuntzand I have no idea why a transparent panel would make this stop :/12:13
vuntzlikely some stupid bug12:13
asacyeah. but this isnt taken over by compiz?12:14
asachmm compiz-0.8.2/plugins/gnomecompat.c:XInternAtom (d->display, "_GNOME_PANEL_ACTION_RUN_DIALOG", FALSE)12:15
LaneyI don't have any compiz12:15
Laneymetacity compositor though12:15
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rickspencer3hi gang13:37
rickspencer3vacation = over for rickspencer3 :)13:38
Laneyyou're in for a quiet week13:38
chrisccoulsondid you have a good vacation rickspencer3?13:41
rickspencer3chrisccoulson: yes13:43
rickspencer3I even got a nice sunburn13:43
chrisccoulsonwhere did you get the sun? i havent seen much sun here for a while ;)13:44
rickspencer3I went to Bethany Beach Delaware to visit my parents, they live at the beach/shore/seaside13:47
chrisccoulsoncool, so you're nice and refreshed for work now then ;)13:48
rickspencer3yeah, I think I'll need the refreshment :)13:48
kenvandifhey rickspencer313:59
rickspencer3hi kenvandif14:00
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* kenvandine is wading through 2000+ unread emails from being gone just a few days14:00
asacso how can one disable compiz forever? without touching gconf?14:00
asacany config file?14:00
kenvandineremove it :)14:01
asackenvandine: nah. i want to just disable it for one run ;)14:02
kenvandinemv /usr/bin/compiz.real /usr/bin/compiz.real.disabled :)14:02
kenvandinethe wrapper script should not even try if it doesn't exist14:03
kenvandinerickspencer3, have a good vacation i hope?14:05
rickspencer3kenvandine: sort of, yes14:05
rickspencer3the vacation was good, but the timing wasn't so great14:05
Laneyasac: it's in the appearence properties under visual effects14:06
kenvandinerickspencer3, so you went to delaware?14:06
* kenvandine was in PA, right on the delaware river14:06
rickspencer3kenvandine: yes, Bethany Beach, home the righteous sunburn14:07
kenvandineso i guess you got fried14:08
rickspencer3kenvandine: yes, I didn't do my back one day, the sun is so much stronger than in Seattle, I forgot what it can do to you14:09
* rickspencer3 reaches for back scratcher14:09
kenvandinewe did lots of swimming in the river, and it was always shady... which i am always thankful for14:09
asacLaney: but thats gconf ;)14:12
LaneyI thought you meant directly manipulating it14:13
rickspencer3asac: ArneGoetje kenvandine ccheney pedro_ Riddell we'll skip the team meeting today I presume?14:18
asacthanks a lot ;)14:18
Riddellrickspencer3: why's that?14:18
rickspencer3but activity reports would be quite useful14:18
asacrickspencer3: we could encourage anyone to add the stuff to wiki though14:18
asacso we can send out14:18
asacrickspencer3: can you setup the wiki page for today?14:18
rickspencer3Riddell: because many of us are on holiday, and I just got back, etc...14:19
* asac looks ... maybe its already there14:19
asachehe. even the template has a syntax bug ;) see Tony Espy's section14:20
rickspencer3asac: it's a wiki, you can fix it ;)14:21
asaci was trying to, but didnt find the template easily ...14:21
* asac checks one more time14:21
asacwe have DesktopTeam/Meeting/Template and DesktopTeam/MeetingTemplate14:22
asacwhich one do we want to keep?14:22
rickspencer3awac, I fixed the template14:22
rickspencer3but for the record : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/MeetingTemplate14:22
asacok. i will delete the other then i guess14:22
pedro_rickspencer3, sure, thats ok for me14:34
kenvandinerickspencer3, that works for me... i have quite a bit of catch up to do14:35
mvowoah, dbus restart -> kills gdm - impressive15:00
kenvandinemvo, not cool!15:03
mclasendbus restarts are overrated15:09
mclasengotta get dbus in the kernel to kill that idea off for good...15:09
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rodrigo_Riddell: did you upload evo-couchdb? it seems to not be in the archive yet?16:14
Riddellrodrigo_: seems I failed to do so, uploaded  now16:16
rodrigo_Riddell: ok, thanks!16:16
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albasheershello everyone17:07
albasheerswhich is the tom theme for linux17:08
albasheerswhich is the best theme for ubuntu 8.1017:09
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rickspencer3hiya bryce17:28
awehey guys!17:29
rickspencer3no team meeting today17:29
rickspencer3but please send me your activity report, or add to the wiki17:29
brycerickspencer3, ah ok17:29
brycehope you had a good vacation, rickspencer3?17:29
rickspencer3it was good, and I have the sunburn to prove it17:30
tedgHey bryce, my FDI file for setting my touchpad settings doesn't seem to work in Karmic.  Is there a new way to do that?17:30
brycetedg, should still work the same afaik17:30
brycetedg, perhaps tjaalton knows some techniques17:31
tedgbryce: Okay, I'll poke around and see if I can find something.  Perhaps a string changed somewhere.17:31
brycetedg, some stuff can be set via xinput now, so you could try that too17:31
tedgHmm, xinput.  That's likely to just get me into trouble :)17:31
mac_vtedg: what touchpad settings are you looking for?17:34
tedgmac_v: A few of them: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eted/%2Bjunk/macbook-pro-fdi/annotate/head%3A/10_synaptics_touchpad.fdi17:35
mac_vtedg: install gpointing-device-settings , most of the options you want can be set using that17:37
mac_vtedg: or if you want to set it manually, in gconf> /desktop/gnome/peripherals17:39
tedgOh, that's evil.  No Gconf schemas...  It just creates the values on the fly.17:41
tedgHmm, so I can get scrolling working.  But not tapping.17:49
tedgNeither right nor left click.17:49
rickspencer3kenvandine: have we already switched to gnome-scan>18:03
kenvandinerickspencer3, no... pitti wanted to wait until he returned18:13
dobeyjames_w: around still?18:40
james_whi dobey18:40
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dobeyjames_w: hi, just had a quick question of whether something would be considered a feature or a bug, since feature freeze is next week, and it's something i'd really like to get in u1, but not sure if we have time18:41
dobeyjames_w: but right now we don't support proxies fully... would lack of proxy support be a bug, or would adding full support be considered a feature?18:42
james_wit can be argued either way18:42
james_wif it's a small change then it sounds like the kind of thing that could get in next month either way you argue it18:43
dobeyright. which is why i wanted to get a more definite answer from ubuntu developers :)18:43
james_wif not then the sooner the better either way18:43
mac_vtedg: for the tap to work , you have to activate it from the gconf , there is a bug about that18:43
james_wI'm not on the release team, so I can't give you an definitive answer, sorry18:43
dobeyi think the change would not exactly be small18:43
dobeysince we have our own protocol built with google protobuf18:44
dobeyand we'd have to change that code18:44
dobeyjames_w: thanks :)18:48
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andreasn_asac, is there any PPA:s with Thunderbird Beta3 around?21:25
asacandreasn_: daily, but not the milestone21:33
andreasn_asac, ok, thanks21:35
dael99need somebody to make a review22:39
dael99watch this and tell me what you think22:40
dael99and the review???22:50
dael99maybe i'll start bothering someone....22:50
dael99can i contact here the Visions Team???22:55
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dael_99never mind.23:19

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