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xivulon1StevenK hi00:04
xivulon1what modules are usually required when creating grub2 in order to access the fs?01:37
StevenKxivulon: What's up?05:21
CIA-33ubiquity: superm1 * r3379 ubiquity/debian/changelog: release 1.99.7 into karmic06:37
xivulon1evand, do you know what grub2 modules I should build in? I don't seem to be able to see my fs.08:07
evandxivulon: no idea, sorry09:04
xivulon1evand who might know? I loaded all possible modules but it seems that no device at all is visible09:06
xivulon1this is within virtualbox09:07
evandcjwatson, but he's on vacation.  I'd try the grub mailing list.09:07
xivulon1evand, the issue seems to be with the ordering of the modules in grub-mkimage, but not sure yet how to find that out, probably inside of grub-install somewhere09:24
CIA-33wubi: Agostino Russo * r143 trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs):10:16
CIA-33wubi: * Add grub modules in correct order10:16
CIA-33wubi: * Fixed grub.cfg files10:16
CIA-33wubi: * Ignore '-' in distro name (thanks Evan Dandrea)10:16
CIA-33wubi: * Fixed typos in tasklist10:16
xivulon1evand, StevenK ^10:17
evandgood deal, uploading that now10:17
xivulon1it will probably not be able to boot, but should go a bit further than before10:18
xivulon1have to go now, see you10:18
StevenKevand: I'll give that a test tomorrow10:29
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3380 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py): Adjust the way the locale is passed to ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu.11:58
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3381 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog control): Depend on cryptsetup for encrypted home directory support.13:10
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3382 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):13:12
CIA-33ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: user-setup13:12
CIA-33ubiquity: 1.27ubuntu7.13:12
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3383 ubiquity/debian/real-po/ (80 files): debconf-updatepo13:15
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3384 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.99.813:31
ryanakcaWhere does checking the username get done? My guess for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/413147 is that I need to check the username UserSetup.run() ?13:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 413147 in ubiquity "Installer allows invalid usernames" [Medium,Confirmed]13:56
evandryanakca: it's a mix of the usersetup ubiquity component and the user-setup debian-installer component14:13
evandhttp://people.canonical.com/~evand/tmp/ubiquity-diagram.png - is an awful drawing I came up with of how everything is pieced together14:14
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kirklandevand: howdy14:56
evandkirkland: hi14:56
kirklandevand: i was just about to start testing today's iso's14:57
kirklandevand: is the swap stuff ready for my testing on there?14:57
evandkirkland: not yet, I'm about to do a spin, but there might be uninstallable issues on the livefs, so I'm checking that out first14:58
kirklandevand: ah, okay14:58
kirklandevand: i should wait then?14:58
evandeverything is in place though.  As soon as we get an up-to-date livefs, it should work14:58
evandI'll keep you posted14:58
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superm1you're gonna have a hard time getting a new iso made16:14
superm1on ttf-bitstream-versa's LP page: "Deleted in karmic-release  (Reason: (From Debian) RoM; superseeded by ttf-dejavu)  "16:14
superm1oh wait, you're on top of that already aren't ya, i just saw a meta upload :)16:15
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NCommanderIs there anyone around who can help merge base-installer/libdebian-installer changes for me/17:48
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xivulonhmm grub2 stops soon after loading the kernel, while displaying [Linux-bzImage,... ]23:04
xivulonany idea how to understand what is happening?23:05

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