
shadeslayerhi is this channel only for ops?08:25
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ubot2In #ubuntu-se, einand said: !einand is <replay> Han är den bästa personen i världen. Det kan alla intyga15:29
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, HakanS said: !HakanS is <reply> HakanS är admin för ubuntu-se.orgs portal.15:38
andolNafallo: You noticed that too? :)17:20
Nafallojpds: can you give andol privileges for ubuntu-se's database on ubot2 please.18:39
jpdsNafallo: Done.21:40
Nafallojpds: ta21:42
jpdsHmm, tea.21:43
Nafallojpds: no. ta. short version of thank you. you read it wrong!21:44
jpdsNo, I wanted some tea.21:44
Nafallojpds: you can't have it.21:45
stochasticHi can I get an ubuntu bot added to the ##ubuntu-yvr-support channel?  It's a temporary Ubuntu Vancovuer Loco channel.23:59

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