
mdgGiddorah: I think you edit the grub menu to noacpi...00:00
thiebaudein the bios00:00
edbianrealityiswhere: Good idea!00:00
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:00
BrianELoving the reference lol00:00
Giddorahthiebaude: I couldn't find it in my bios tho :(00:00
Flare183Giddorah: Yes, edit the boot line right after the Kubuntu screen comes up for the live cd.00:00
nosek_I'm back, sorry... got dc'ed. ...00:00
GiddorahFlare183: I just type acpi=off in it?00:00
legend2440edbian: i think this site will convert pub to pdf.    http://convert.neevia.com/00:01
GiddorahFlare183: Then press enter, and it should still go into live?00:01
Flare183Giddorah: I'm pretty sure, yes.00:01
Flare183Giddorah: Yup00:01
edbianlegend2440: Thanks00:01
GiddorahFlare183: I'll brb after trying00:01
Flare183Giddorah: Alright.00:01
nosek_thiebaude: /dev/sda5 should boot also...00:01
mdgAnyone know wat ISP mode is?00:01
IdleOnewhen editing /boot/grub/menu.lst to include a splash image do I use (hd0,0) or UUID?00:02
edbianmdg: Internet Service Provider?00:02
nosek_IdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu.com/254792/ how can I make, so it will also boot from NTFS partition?00:02
mdgedbian: yes that's one definition, but my computer flashed a message to log out of "ISP mode"00:03
edbianmdg: MMmm.  Never heard of it.  Is it part of the bios?00:03
mdgedbian: ??? I've never seen this before either...00:04
nosek_http://paste.ubuntu.com/254792/ how can I make, so it will also boot from NTFS partition?00:04
IdleOnenosek, you want to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and put your windows at the top of the list. but please be careful, editing that file can make your system unbootable. ( make a backup of menu.lst)00:05
IdleOneohhhh also00:05
crzedmonkhi anyone help me with flash?00:05
crzedmonkI apt get and installed but it did not work00:05
crzedmonkI am using iceweasel00:05
nosek_IdleOne: just how to add it... I have never worked on linux b4...00:05
EagleScreencrzedmonk: how are u using iceweasel in Ubuntu?00:06
IdleOnenosek go to Places>Computer>boot>grub and open menu.lst copy and pastebin it00:06
thiebaudeEagleScreen, i used it in debian lenny00:06
EagleScreenyes, in Debian, but it is not in ubuntu00:06
sebsebsebcrzedmonk: Iceweasel in Ubuntu that's a bit silly00:06
kronixblognewb was recently diagnosed with AIDS. At first he was open about it on IRC, but now he denies he ever talked about it, which suggests he's going through some kind of breakdown. If you could please reassure him that AIDS isn't always terminal (AIDS patients live on for 20+ years in some cases), it'd be a big help. Thanks.00:07
crzedmonkoh hey00:07
crzedmonkI am runnind debian00:07
FloodBot1crzedmonk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:07
EagleScreenoh that explain it00:07
sebsebseb!ops |  kronix00:07
ubottukronix: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:07
realityiswherecrzedmonk: you may need to manually put the libflash.so (download it from adobe) into the iceweasel /usr/lib/ area00:07
EagleScreencrzedmonk: whay dont you ask in #debian channel ?00:07
crzedmonkcause I thought I did00:08
nosek_IdleOne: ok, I made a copy of menu.lst on my Desktop00:08
kronix!ops | sebsebseb00:08
ubottusebsebseb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:08
IdleOnekronix, that is so much worse then offtopic00:08
EagleScreencrzedmonk: do you know the debian-multimedia repository?00:08
kronixSorry, didn't mean to post that here IdleOne.00:08
IdleOnekronix, np00:08
edbiankronix: Why did you ops sebsebseb ?00:08
Dekkardknock off th trigger..sánnoying00:09
kronixedbian: what does that do?00:09
sebsebseb!troll |  kronix00:09
ubottukronix: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel00:09
crzedmonkI guess now00:09
nosek_IdleOne: ok, I made a copy of menu.lst on my Desktop00:09
FloodBot1crzedmonk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:09
IdleOnekronix, repeating the bot message to the user who sent it to you is also botabuse00:09
sebsebsebPici: yeah that and what he put00:09
IdleOnenosek_, can you pastebin it please so we can see if windows is listed00:09
funkyHatlike: pastebin the output of lspci -vv00:10
likewait Funkeh`00:10
Funkeh`excuse me?00:11
kamokowIm hosting a XAMPP server for development on my Ubuntu desktop, and when I use .htaccess to require a password (in .htpasswd), if I try to connect, when I enter the login credentials it just loops and tries to make me enter them again over, and over, and over. Any idea on what might be causing this?00:11
thiebaudenosek_, there is no windows entry in there00:11
funkyHatFunkeh`: tab fail00:11
mrwesDoc is in the house00:11
Funkeh`take more time to think inbetween tab+enter :P00:11
BrianEkamokow: Pastebin your .htaccess and .htpasswd00:12
thiebaudewassup doc00:12
* Dr_Willis gets out his operating gear00:12
Luniskamokow: with your password removed, of course00:12
kamokowwell my htpasswd is just username:password00:12
BrianELunis: Well, that's given ;)00:12
kamokowand ill pastebin my htaccess00:12
Dr_WillisModem/router/comthing crashed my whole network.. Must of been the thunderstorms in the area.00:12
nosek_but I have windows installed on my drive... wait a sec, http://paste.ubuntu.com/254799/00:12
LunisBrianE: some people don't think about stuff like that, it's actually kinda suprising o.o00:12
BrianEErm... kamokow, it *is* encrypted, right?00:12
moustafaAnyone has used USB modem with ubuntu?00:12
IdleOneok can someone help nosek with getting grub to list windows.00:12
dAnjounikolaj: just highlight me in here00:13
kamokowYes it is ^_^00:13
* Dekkard looks at his vintage zoom v.92 serial modem00:13
likeim fetching funkyHat00:13
nikolajdAnjou: test00:13
Dr_Willisnosek_:  the default  /boot/trub/menu.lst has an example  of booting windows from the first hard drive in its 'comments' near the top. Try uncommenting that entry and see if  it boots windows for you. If not you will need to change some of the hd#,# line00:13
xenoterracide_what's the command for running a packages configure again?00:13
nikolajdAnjou i think that worked00:13
dAnjounikolaj: yeah, bold and blue now00:13
Dr_Willisoopd  thats /boot/grub/menu.lst00:14
fredeCan someone help me with remiving the joined and leaving messages, so only the chat appears?00:14
BrianExenoterracide_: dpkg-reconfigure package-name00:14
dAnjoufrede: what client?00:14
nosek_what if it doesn't boot up? how can I manually change it? Using LiveCD or what?00:14
fredei jost installed ubuntu first time ever00:14
xenoterracide_BrianE: ty00:14
edbianfrede: Isn't it great?00:14
ASlfreTWeNaS!!!!! FloodBot1, [biabia], [criipt], [daemon], [DMC], [t0rc], ]K[^Omegadoom, ]RandoM[, ^Phantom^, _bugz_, _chaky_, _ruben, _Therock_, `Matir, a2, AaronMT, ablyss, aboyz, acdimalev, ace_, Acsia, ada2358, AdamKG, adante, addchild314, aduarte_, aegis, aeturnus, afed, AfterDeath, agussman, Ahadiel, ahma, Ahmuck-Sr, aiOn`, AJ_Z0, AJC_Z0, Ajedrez, akgraner, akiniemi, Akkarin, akv, Al2, AlanBell,00:15
fredeso far its been great, only just started00:15
edbian!ops ASlfreT00:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops ASlfreT00:15
yoyahackquien habla español00:15
ASlfreTSi yoyahack eres MaS ToNtO Ke TiRaRtE Un PeO I DeCiR Me Lo E CoMiO00:15
fredegetting flash to work was a bit tricky00:15
IdleOnenosek_, in other words line 39 to 42 inclusive revove the # http://paste.ubuntu.com/254797/ thank you Dr_Willis00:15
nosek_Dr_Willis:  what if it doesn't boot up? how can I manually change it? Using LiveCD or what?00:15
fredebut i managed00:15
ASlfreTArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!! ArRiBa EsPaÑa!!00:15
BrianEBy the way, just as a random point... Am I the only one that thinks the font change between 8.10 and 9.04 is horrible?00:15
yoyahackasl qu habla español00:15
GiddorahThat Ubuntu Live is running alot slower is a good sign that acpi is turned off, right?00:15
yoyahackaslfret me ayudas00:15
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife80
edbian!ops | ASlfreT00:15
ubottuASlfreT: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:15
dAnjoufrede: i just asked the missing information, sry, can't help you with that00:15
=== nosek_ is now known as nosek
arand!es | yoyahack00:16
ubottuyoyahack: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:16
BrianEyoyahack: Yo, pero aqui hay que hablar en ingles... Si no puedes hay #ubuntu-es ;)00:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:16
moustafaMy USB modem should be in /dev/ttyUSB# right?00:16
kamokowlol 1313 people in the chat00:16
thiebaudei got that wrong00:16
kamokowAnyways, here is my .htaccess: http://kamokow.pastebin.com/d44fe9e4000:16
BrianEmoustafa: **ttyusb, file and device names are case-sensitive in Linux ;)00:16
legend2440frede: if you right click #ubuntu is there an option  for Show join/part messages?00:17
moustafaBrianE, ah, thnx00:17
Giddorahthiebaude: My kubuntu live is running alot slower this reboot. I added the acpi=off option to the startup line. It's a good sign right?00:17
thiebaudeGiddorah, it sure is00:17
fredelegend2440: thank you very much00:17
thiebaudenot the slower part00:17
Giddorahgiddorah: how come acpi=on is default?00:17
legend2440frede: your welcome00:17
Giddorahthiebaude: that isn't a side-effect of running without acpi?00:17
thiebaudeGiddorah, not sure00:18
Giddorahthiebaude: Anyways, thanks for the help so far, you have been great :)00:18
BrianEGiddorah: You won't be able to hit the power button to show a shutdown dialog ;)00:18
GiddorahBrianE: But it's only the installation that can't handle acpi, right? The system will handle it when it's installed? Or have I misinterpreted everyone? :P00:19
joel_join #kattdodarn00:20
^Phantom^is there other ways other than xsane to use a scanner in ubuntu?00:20
sebsebsebjoel_: why?00:20
BrianEkamokow: Is /opt/lampp/htdocs/inusa/theory/.htpasswd readable by Apache (www-data)?00:21
IdleOnesebsebseb, usually new users forget to put a /join in front of that00:21
sebsebsebIdleOne: true or it's  channal promotion for some random channal on purpouse00:22
GiddorahStill the same error00:22
Giddorah"Failed to run "grub-install (hd0) This is a serious error."00:22
IdleOnesebsebseb, yeah could be but chances are that xchat loaded and he started typing /join and then #ubuntu auto joined as it does in ubuntu and the rest got typed in here00:22
sebsebsebIdleOne: yeah00:23
likefunkyHat,   im here00:23
IdleOnesebsebseb, had he said it 3 times then I would say it was spamming00:23
^Phantom^are there ways other than xsane to use scanners with ubuntu?00:24
bruenig^Phantom^: sane00:24
fredeIf i wanna start out making some very light websites on ubuntu, what app should i be getting?00:24
bruenigalso stop with ^00:24
bruenigfrede: an httpd00:25
BrianEbruenig: Not necessarily00:25
=== harjot_ is now known as harjot
^Phantom^other than sane.00:25
BrianEI think he's talking about a WYSIWYG editor00:25
lstarnesfrede: some lighter httpds include nginx and lighttpd.  I think the former might be a bbit better00:25
sebsebsebIdleOne: ok00:26
lstarnesfrede: apache2 is the standard httpd for linux/unix systems00:26
GiddorahHmmm... Why does my installation try to install grub to hd0 and not sda where my mrb is?00:26
fredebut thats like the server program right?00:26
lstarnesfrede: an httpd is a web server program00:26
edbianGiddorah: That's your problem!  Simply run "grub-install /dev/sda" from a live CD!!00:26
BrianEfrede: There's an application named "KompoZer" that does what you're thinking about00:27
lstarnesfrede: it's another name for hyper-text transfer protocol daemon00:27
Giddorahedbian: How can I get a shell in kubuntu?00:27
BrianEfrede: You can install it by going to Applications -> Add/Remove Applications then searching for "KompoZer", checking the checkbox and clicking 'Install' ;)00:27
fredeBrianE: sounds like what i need atm00:27
BrianESorry, not install; "Apply Changes"00:27
LunisFor some reason my gnome panel's cpu scaling applet stopped working. i'm stuck in "Performance" and I can't scale back to OnDemand (or any other profile) any more ever again :(00:27
edbianGiddorah: IDK where it is.  It's called kterminal I think00:28
fredethough i might trying to host my own at some point00:28
lstarnesedbian, Giddorah: I think it's called konsole00:28
aaron424I can't enable desktop effects even with hardware drivers and a geforce 9500 gt00:28
lstarnesGiddorah: it's probably under a menu like accessories or system tools00:28
mib_mibhi all, so i just sucessfully expanded my partition, but in the process i had to delete the swap partition and create it again; however, my computer seems to be running slower now - my only guess is that it isn't using the newly created swap partition? Do I need to somehow let ubuntu know about this, or does it automatically detect it and use it?00:28
Giddorahould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.00:29
aaron424is there a terminal command that I can use to find out some more information00:29
Giddorahedbian: How can I fix that?00:29
likeany one can help like a lsusb -vv in a WP5540U tablet http://pastebin.com/m14fcae600:29
^Phantom^are there ways other than xsane to use scanners with ubuntu? (other than sane)00:29
BrianEaaron424: After installing the proprietary driver for your 9500GT, did you reboot? Other than that I can't see how it wouldn't enable...00:29
lstarnesGiddorah: it probably has to refer to the partition's device node in /dev00:29
legend2440mib_mib: in terminal type  free -m  is swap listed?00:30
Giddorahlstarnes: How can I find that out? :S00:30
koolkatCAN anyone explain what LVM is me?00:30
aaron424BrianE: I did reboot, a few times actually00:30
aaron424by the way, I'm using ubuntu 9.04 64 bit00:30
lstarnesGiddorah: to find your root partition: mount | grep "on /"00:30
mib_miblet me try that00:30
edbianGiddorah: "grub-install" looks in /boot/grub/menu.lst  when it runs.  Right now you are running the live CD.  There is no /boot/grub/menu.lst.  You have to mount your ubuntu partition on your hard drive00:31
lstarnesGiddorah: you could also try mount | grep "on /boot"00:31
majukkoolkat: an OS-driven filesystem of sorts.00:31
majukkoolkat: But that's not really all that accurate to describe it that way.00:31
Giddorahedbian: Right, I have to mount my ubuntu partition00:31
Giddorahedbian: Is there a simple way to do that? (a)00:31
edbianGiddorah: Than you use the "-root-directory=/path/to/ubuntu mount"  look at "man grub-install"00:31
GiddorahI'm sorry, I'm a real newbie :(00:31
edbianGiddorah: Yeah. PM me00:31
koolkatmajuk: is better than regular filesystem formatting00:32
ArcitensDoes anyone have any experience with either the Cybook Opus/Gen3 or Foxit eSlick e-book readers? I'm curious how well if all they work with Ubuntu and how well they handle PDFs. Or any other good e-book readers for Ubuntu for that matter...00:32
lstarneskoolkat: LVM is a partitioning scheme, not a filesystem format00:32
poutineLVM is like BSD slices?00:32
koolkatlstarnes: what does that mean?00:32
majuklstarnes, koolkat: Yea, that's  it.00:32
lstarnespoutine: somewhat00:32
lstarneskoolkat: it's used for managing partitions00:33
koolkatmajuk: is better than regular filesystem formatting?00:33
poutineit just puts the block limits and partition table in the care of the OS rather than the disk's partition table eh00:33
majukkoolkat: The formatting is used on top of LVM.00:33
lstarneskoolkat: it's not filesystem formatting00:33
likehttp://pastebin.com/m14fcae6 any ?00:34
koolkatlstarnes: hows it works>00:34
poutine"better" is a highly subjective word that you'll almost never get an answer to, komputes00:34
majukkoolkat: Google is your friend00:34
lstarneskoolkat: I honestly don't know00:34
poutinekoolkat I meant00:34
churlwhen I restart or shutdown, my computer gets hung up for several minutes at this screen with the message:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/254807/ (something with CIFS and my network card)00:34
lstarnes!lvm > koolkat00:34
ubottukoolkat, please see my private message00:34
fredei there somekind of virus proctection i should install?00:34
lstarnes^Phantom^: sane is probably the only method00:35
lstarnesfrede: you don't need virus protection on linux systems\00:35
poutinelstarnes, uh, sure you do00:35
komputesI like to eat poutine, but I didn't say anything... did you mean koolkat ?00:35
BrianEfrede: 99% of users will be fine without one, though if you're paranoid there are some commercial products out there00:35
poutineif not just viruses, rootkits, etc00:35
BrianElstarnes: That's naive00:35
poutineclamav is non-commercial00:35
poutineand freely available00:35
BrianEI'm talking about on-access :)00:36
lstarnesfrede: you might need protections against things like rootkits (rkhunter and chkrootkit are tools for checking for rootkits)00:36
poutineand there's things like tripwire, snort, and chkrootkit for other issues that plague linux systems00:36
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as AllUnderHeaven
lstarnesfrede: there is also clamav, which can be used for basic scanning for windows viruses in windows files00:36
=== vic is now known as Guest68797
=== Krenari is now known as Krenari[away]
majukI lurve LVM /lurve00:38
fredesounds like i better use my time getting to know my way around ubuntu, before i worry about viruses00:38
edbianfrede: Bottom line.  I use linux therefore I don't worry about viruses :)00:38
sebsebseb!virus |  frede00:38
ubottufrede: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:38
=== AllUnderHeaven is now known as MidsummerDawn
poutineedbian, considering the amount of linux vulnerabilities, I'd say you're naive00:39
MidsummerDawnOk, don't freak out.00:39
fredesebsebseb: ty, i better read that00:39
MidsummerDawnI'm just unregistering a few of my nicks.00:39
poutineubuntu has had more security advisories than windows vista :)00:39
sebsebsebfrede: at this time you don't need a virus scanner,  well  unless your running a email server, and so have a  reason to  scan for Windows viruses, which  only infect Windows00:39
majukpoutine: Vulnerability != Virus00:39
lstarnespoutine: that's because ubuntu has more third-party applications installed by default00:39
poutinemajuk, vulnerabilities lead to worms, which are by definition, viruses00:40
lstarnespoutine: it's not a virus unless it replicates and propagates00:40
poutinelstarnes, that definition is outdated00:40
poutinedefinitions of english words go based on popular usage00:40
poutinesame reason 'hacker' includes script kiddies and such nowadays00:40
Pseudo_BobI have a Sound Blastery Audigy series sound card- the Creative Labs site doesn't have Linux drivers.  Are there any other places I could find drivers for it?00:41
sebsebsebfrede: there's Wine and something else another opensource OS  that has been designed to be Windows like, where  a Windows virus might partially run,  but hardly work in that case,   but basically Windows viruses are only a Windows issue00:42
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as AllUnderHeaven
sebsebseb!wine |  frede00:42
ubottufrede: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:42
biovorePseudo_Bob: which audigy card?00:42
BrianEsebsebseb: ReactOS?00:42
sebsebsebBrianE: yep00:42
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: "Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value"00:43
sebsebsebBrianE: still alpha, but one day big :)  I guess00:43
mib_mibhi guys, so i created a new swap partition, but when i do free -m it says Swap:  0   0   000:44
mib_mibDo i need to link up the new partition some how?00:44
xenoterracide_do I have to do anything to make sure that my iptables rules are stored between reboots?00:44
churlwhen I restart or shutdown, my computer gets hung up for several minutes at this screen with the message:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/254807/ (something with CIFS and my network card)00:44
majukmib_mib: swapon /dev/XXX ?00:44
biovorexenoterracide_: in general yes..00:45
BrianEsebsebseb: I've had a nosy before, it looks VERY nice and will one day be big (hopefully) :)00:45
BimboHouse93weee ce qualcuno italiano che mi puo aiutare?00:45
mib_mibmajuk: ah okay let me try that00:45
prince_jammys!it | BimboHouse9300:45
ubottuBimboHouse93: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:45
prince_jammysciao ciao00:45
FloodBot1BimboHouse93: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
sebsebsebBrianE: a nosy before?  you mean you checked it out before?   yeah I have in the past Live CD  and I think VM as well,  by the way we are off topic00:45
JAke1How can I create a subdomain to locally test out DNS stuff on my own computer?00:46
biovorePseudo_Bob: that card should work out of the box..00:46
biovorePseudo_Bob: uses opensouce kernel module.00:46
mib_mibmajuk: so i have an 'extended' partition, and inside that i have the swap, so do i do swapon /dev/<extended partition> or /dev/<swap inside extended>00:46
sebsebsebBrianE: did I actsaully boot from the Live CD,  well whatever00:46
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: So the reason I don't have any sound is something else?00:46
majukmib_mib: Inside.00:46
BrianEsebsebseb: So we are! And sorry, "to have a nosy" is colloquial for "look around" / "check out" in Northern Ireland ;)00:47
biovorePseudo_Bob: kernel module is emu10k100:47
mib_mibmajuk: okay thanks00:47
majukmib_mib: Mmm hmm, np00:47
biovorePseudo_Bob: the mixer on the emu10k1 is funky..00:47
=== aiOn` is now known as RonDutt
xenoterracide_so ubuntu doesn't have an iptables script that restores? I have to add some stuff to the interface rules?00:47
biovorePseudo_Bob: open a shell and type alsamixer and up the levels in that..00:47
mib_mibmajuk: nice, i didn't realize swap mattered that much, I thought i had enough memory00:47
xenoterracide_hell I'll do it later this shouldn't need rebooting tonight00:48
MsMacoxenoterracide_: if you enable ufw you can put iptables restore syntax in /etc/ufw/before.rules00:48
MsMacoxenoterracide_: or just use ufw00:48
MsMacoxenoterracide_: its a ipfw-like wrapper for iptables00:48
^Phantom^ubuntu shows it as Primax USB Scanner...00:48
majukmib_mib: You're welcome. :)00:48
legend2440mib_mib: in order for swap to be mounted automatically you need an entry in the  /etc/fstab  file. if you dont have one00:49
mib_miblegend2440: okay i should check that out00:49
funkyHatlike: which version of ubuntu are you using?00:49
legend2440mib_mib: in terminal  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab00:49
majukmib_mib: Oh, yea, don't forget to add it to fstab. swapon just adds it immediately to the swap pool.00:49
HedosHello. Trying to help somebody with Ubuntu on MSN. How can I tell him to open a console?00:50
HedosCause I don't know the menu structures or shortcut by heart and don't have access to Ubuntu atm.00:50
majukHedos: alt+f2, then type in "xterm" or similar00:50
realityiswhereApplications menu, accessories, terminal    also works00:50
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: What exactly should be raising?00:50
biovorePseudo_Bob: its probably a mixer setting.00:51
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: Also, shouldn't that be showing up in Hardware Drivers?00:52
skritelo there all00:52
HedosThanks majuk00:52
HedosWhat's a simple text editor available by default in Ubuntu?00:52
biovorePseudo_Bob: if you open a shell and type 'sudo lsmod | grep emu10k1'    you get and text back?00:52
realityiswheregedit, Applications menu, accessories, text editor   Hedos00:53
majukHedos: Mousepad00:53
Pseudo_BobHedos: Applications> Accessories> Text Editor00:53
Hedosthanks a lot00:53
mib_miblegend: it seems like it is in the fstab, here is the output: http://pastebin.com/d6181ca59   do I need to add something besdies this?00:53
spoi right click on dolphin and i add  gksudo to the commandline to start the program and it doesn't load ,  so , i have to load everything gksudo from terminal?00:53
spois there a way i can make my whole x session sudo?00:53
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: Lot's of it.00:53
lstarnesspo: that is really not a good idea00:53
biovorePseudo_Bob: then the driver is there :-)00:53
mib_mibHedoes: i like 'gedit'00:53
biovorePseudo_Bob: its a configuration issue..00:54
mib_mibHedos: 'gedit'00:54
legend2440mib_mib: no that is fine but to be sure type  sudo blkid in terminal and make sure the uuid in fstab matches what blkid gives you00:54
skritehey all, i am looking for  a good how to for putting my home folder under revision control, pref svn.  know of a good tutorial?00:54
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: How do I de-issue the configuration?  :)00:54
=== Lunis is now known as Lunis|AFK
fredewhy isn't jdownloader in the application list?00:55
MsMacoskrite: er...youd just initialize an svn instance there then...00:55
biovorePseudo_Bob: the problem I had with my audigy 2 was that it would be stuck in mute..  you can seems to only fix it with the command line alsamixer application00:55
MsMacoskrite: bzr's quite a bit more popular in the ubuntu world though00:55
biovorePseudo_Bob: the gui fails to work correctly..00:55
MsMacoskrite: (mostly because its what we use for development)00:55
skritebzr, ok00:55
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: The Master is at full in the command line mixer.00:56
biovorePseudo_Bob: how about pcm, surround, etc..00:56
skritei did not know i could create a repository for the directory i am in.00:56
froesdo you guys know if there is a PCM equalizer for linux ??00:56
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: Should I just crank 'em all for good measure?00:56
biovorePseudo_Bob: make sure there isn't a MM on the bottom.. (thats muted)00:56
MsMacoskrite: to do bzr, youd install it then do "bzr init; bzr add" then any time you want to make a "checkpoint" type "bzr commit"  and itll ask you for a commit message...thatd be like "just changed setting for ___" so you can know what youre going back to00:56
biovorePseudo_Bob: yup.. I would start a mp3 or something.. and just mess with it untill it works..00:56
mib_miblegend2440: ah it doesn't! i guess i need to replace the one in the fstab with the new one. Thanks!00:57
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: Sounds good.  Thanks :)00:57
skriteok, cool00:57
MsMacoskrite: "bzr init; bzr add" will initialize in your current directory and recursively add everything under it00:57
RPG_MasterI am putting in a CD-ROM and I get this error message: mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only00:57
RPG_Mastermount: /dev/sr0: can't read superblock00:57
skriteso i guess i need a free bzr host00:57
skritethanks MsMaco00:57
MsMacoskrite: launchpad is one00:57
ayahuascaRPG_Master:  need to be root to read that00:57
legend2440mib_mib: yes change the one in fstab so it matches. thats why it didnt auto mount and you had to type swapon command00:57
skriteoh cool00:57
MsMacoskrite: though im not sure you want to put all your personal files up there...00:58
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
RPG_Masterayahuasca:  I tried that, didn't work00:58
DarkMage27I need help with my ipod touch 2nd gen. I don't want to use ituns. What to do?00:58
MsMacoskrite: AFAIK, there's no real setup involved in a bzr host. you can just use free server space and push to it00:58
Pseudo_Bobbiovore: There are some turned off- won't let me raise them with the arrow keys.00:58
mib_miblegend2440: ah its all coming together, thank you.00:58
RPG_Mastermount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: /dev/sr0: can't read superblock00:58
RPG_MasterThere you go. in one line00:59
legend2440mib_mib: your welcome  next time you reboot you can make sure it mounted  with free -m  command00:59
MsMacoskrite: no prob00:59
sebsebsebDarkMage27: http://www.osalt.com is a nice site, but  http://www.linuxeq.com is better when it comes to telling you about programs that can be used instead of Itunes00:59
DarkMage27sebsebseb: thanks01:00
cremasteri just installed jre  6 and i'm trying to find out where the java bin is located01:00
sebsebsebDarkMage27: no probs01:00
cremasterthis is in order to get eclipse/pdt running01:00
cremasteri tried eclipse -vm /usr/bin/java but GCJ is still picked as the virtual machine01:00
sebsebsebDarkMage27: obviosuly get the program from the repo  or a ppa,   and  install in other ways if you can't do it that way01:01
BrianEcremaster: I just did that last night, I could probably help01:01
biovorecremaster: /usr/libexec/alternitives/<something>   I belive01:01
MK13i dual boot Ubuntu/Vista and I wrote file to the vista partition, and it turns out that Vista was in hibernation and now the files no longer show, and suggestions?01:01
DarkMage27sebsebseb: I tried to use gtkpod and it doesn't work on mine01:01
biovorecremaster: You can set the sun java to be the default by changing it by setting it as the alteritive01:02
sebsebsebDarkMage27: oh  well  you can sync  with banshee and such01:02
sebsebsebMK13: hmm  well  the Windows  file systems aren't that good01:02
DarkMage27sebsebseb: banshee just freezes my system. :(01:02
sebsebsebMK13: also this channel isn't for Windows support,  try ##windows01:03
BrianEcremaster: If I recall, Eclipse PDT requires the JDK...01:03
MK13sebsebseb, does ubuntu have an ntfs fs check?01:03
MK13sebsebseb, i am working from ubuntu tho :P01:03
biovorecremaster: try running 'sudo update-java-alternatives -l'    then 'sudo update-java-alternatives {java-version}'01:03
Dr_WillisMK13:  linux dosent really have tools to do a proper ntfs fileshstem check/fix. best to use windows for that01:03
BrianEI'll be back in a second, switching to XFCE01:03
uninvertedI'm having trouble removing the 'timidity' package.01:03
james_/whois james_01:04
MK13Dr_Willis, k, thnx01:04
Dr_WillisMK13:  its best to reboot to windows.. shutdown windows and DONT use hibernate/suspend from windows.01:04
uninvertedI get "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal."01:05
Dr_WillisOne of the many reasons i dont use hibernate/suspend under any os. :(001:05
uninvertedBut I also can't reinstll it.01:05
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sebsebsebDr_Willis: lame he disappeard on us01:05
legend2440mib_mib: one more thing to check. in terminal type  gksudo gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and make sure the uuid in there matches the swap uuid. if it doesnt the progress bar will not work01:06
losheruninverted: you can try editing /var/lib/dpkg/status and remove the timidity paragraph. Then dpkg should forget all about it. Then reinstall it, then (finally) remove it...  Make sure you backup a copy of the file before you edit it01:08
legend2440mib_mib: if you do have to edit the    resume  file. then in terminal type   sudo update-initramfs -u so change takes effect01:08
msseverI'm trying to put the Netbook Remix image on a flash drive, but imagewriter keeps hosing my partition table. How can I write the image manually?01:09
detrixdoes the memtest on the grub menu just keep going.  do I have to manually stop it?01:10
sebsebseb!usb |  mssever01:10
ubottumssever: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:10
sebsebsebdetrix:  yeah it can do stuff for a rather long time01:10
br34ldetrix: you have to press ESC for reboot01:11
br34ldetrix: manually01:11
kermithow can i get the scrolling feature of my touchpad working?01:11
sebsebsebdetrix: I think your meant to run it for a few hours  at least,  for  proper results01:11
MrPiracyhwo can i set /etc/fstab so it will mount an HFS partition?01:11
msseversebsebseb: I've already been there, but I don't get a bootable result01:12
msseversebsebseb: I've verified the md5sum of my downloaded image01:12
sebsebsebmssever: unetbotin01:12
detrixyeah!!! it been 4 hours now...  thanx01:12
msseversebsebseb: Looks like that's only for ISO images01:12
sebsebsebdetrix: why are you using it?01:12
msseversebsebseb: Do you know how to do this manually? I can use dd to copy the image across, but somehow I've got to do something with the MBR, right?01:18
sebsebsebmssever: no I don't01:18
msseverWhy, oh why, isn't the Netbook Remix available as an ISO, like all sensible distros? It's easy to write ISOs to whatever media I want.01:19
biovoremssever: it is..01:20
msseverWhere? I looked for it, but couldn't find it01:20
biovoremssever: I downloaded it for 9.10 here.. beta release..  let me see if I can find the link again..01:21
GsUsis there a driver to use my motorola 5101 modem on ubuntu01:21
professor_choasanyone got filesystem encryption working and if so how not to break hibernate01:21
GsUsis there a driver to use my motorola 5101 modem on ubuntu?01:21
biovoremssever: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-4/karmic-netbook-remix-i386.iso01:21
msseverbiovore: Oh, Karmic might be different... I never looked at that01:21
biovoremssever: thats the alpha of the next version..01:22
GsUsis there a driver to use my motorola 5101 modem with comast on ubuntu?01:22
msseverbiovore: I'm not too keen on running Karmic yet, but it might be my only choice01:22
biovoreGsUs: thats an external box right?01:23
biovoreGsUs: using the ethernet port.. not the USB..01:23
GsUsexternal modem u mean01:23
biovorebiovore: It should work..  just need a working nic card on your computer..  the box works via dhcp..01:24
GsUscan also use the USB if it works01:24
DarkMage27How do I find where my ipod is mounted?01:24
legend2440mssever: here is the latest iso  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/01:24
^Phantom^Can I force ubuntu to use my scanner?01:25
GsUsso is there anything01:25
coz_^Phantom^,  which manufacturer of the scanner?01:25
biovoreGsUs: can try to force linux to re-aquire the a network address by doing "sudo dhclient"01:25
GsUshow o i do that01:26
biovoreGsUs: open up a shell and type that it..01:26
=== ubuntu is now known as Giddorah
Viss_hey fellas, I got quick question in reference to boot problems caused by doing an upgrade from dapper to jaunty.01:27
GsUsnot that familiar with the OS01:27
GiddorahHowdy :)01:27
Viss_well, its more of a grub question01:27
biovoreGsUs: its call "terminal" and its under accessories.01:27
edbianGsUs: "Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal"01:27
GsUswriting it down01:27
tom___ /q01:27
^Phantom^coz_: Memorex01:28
legend2440mssever: there is a  img file available. i think you can convert it to iso   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloading?release=unr-newest&mirror=http%3A%2F%2Fmirrors.ccs.neu.edu%2Freleases.ubuntu.com%2F&arch=i38601:28
danlI have a friend trying to get rid of grub and ubuntu because she tried and hated it. The vista disk wont boot to do a fixmbr, can the ubuntu disk rewrite a windows mbr?01:28
Dr_Willisdanl:  the 'super grub disk' (a live cd/disk) is supposed to be able to.01:28
DarkMage27How can I find out where my ipod is mounted?01:29
danlThanks, Dr_Willis, will look into that01:29
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GsUsU think i'll be able to do it runing the live cd01:29
Dr_Willisdanl:  or track down a  real vista cd (you dont need the matching serial # just the disk) from a different machine and try its  repair features01:29
msseverlegend2440:  Do you know how to convert img to ISO? My problem is that the only tool I have to write an IMG is broken, so IMG files are worthless to me01:29
insaanDarkMage, try /media01:29
GsUsbefore i do a clean install01:30
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Dr_Willismssever:  for the ubuntu netbook remix? you cant do that..its over 700mb in size01:30
danlDr_Willis: I would, but she lives west coast, and I am east coast01:30
Dr_Willisdanl:  try the super grub disk.. or ask in windows01:30
danlok, thanks01:30
eboyjrHello. When I apt-get update, it says that it can't resolve wap.metropcs.net ... but I need to use that proxy so I can connect to the Internet through my cell phone. What can I do???01:31
sphinxcan somone direct me to a linux support channel?01:31
coz_sphinx,    #linux01:31
eboyjrsphinx: ##linux01:31
majukeboyjr: Resolve it yourself and use the dereferrenced IP?01:31
coz_sphinx,   yep just type     /join #linux01:31
msseverDr_Willis: Oh, I see. I guess they need to trim the fat, then.01:32
coz_mssever,   there is a karmic daily build of UNR  iso  but it download with errors and it is also biger than a cd01:33
eboyjrmajuk: How can I do that? For now I just want to use a direct connection, but it seems like it is still using the proxy01:33
coz_sphinx,   are you using xchat?01:33
Bsimspidgin file transfers do not work... any ideas?01:33
mssevercoz_: Size isn't important since I plan to write to flash, but I prefer stable over alpha01:34
coz_mssever,  if you want to try  UNR   open syanptic pacakge manager  hit Search  and type   Remix01:34
professor_choasanyone got pidgin working with google chat01:34
coz_mssever,  you can install UNR through synaptic01:34
majukeboyjr: You just totally lost me. I thought you *needed* to use the proxy and it *wasn't* working? Now you *don't* want to use the proxy and it *is* working?01:34
Pseudo_BobHow do I check whether or not my video card drivers are installed?01:34
mssevercoz_: That won't help me install on a netbook, though... Or will it?01:34
coz_mssever,  I couldnt find stable UNR  iso just the karmic one01:35
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coz_mssever,  mm  well UNR isnt going to be much smaller   it is just running the gui over gnome as far as I know01:35
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, what kind of gfx card?01:35
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: An ATI Radeon x30001:36
coz_professor_choas,   how about this   http://lifehacker.com/260087/set-up-google-talk-with-gaim-er-pidgin01:36
[criipt]!find import01:36
ubottuFound: bzr-cvsps-import, bzr-fastimport, moblin-media-import, mythimport, openoffice.org-pdfimport (and 1 others)01:36
MySecondChoiceISwhat other browsers are available for linux01:36
Jason2gsHow can I 'fake a webcam', so that I stream a 'webcam' to someone/something, though instead of a webcam feed, it's a video.01:36
mssevercoz_: I've never run it, but I expected it to be trimmed down a bit considering that netbooks have less power than other machines. But maybe I'm wrong01:36
MySecondChoiceISthat dont eat the piss out of my processor01:36
Flare183!browsers | MySecondChoiceIS01:36
ubottuMySecondChoiceIS: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)01:36
eboyjrmajuk: Well sorry.. I was thinking I didn't want to use it, but now I know I need to. How can I get apt to work with my proxy? I have almost no idea how proxies work and how to dereference and etc01:36
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob,    lsmod | grep fglrx01:36
Jason2gsThat was supposed to be a question mark at the end, sorry.01:37
MySecondChoiceISwhat is a fast browser? for ubuntu?01:37
eboyjrMySecondChoiceIS: Midori and Chromium01:37
coz_mssever,  no it really isnt trimmed at all from what I can tell   in fact it slowed down the system  a bit actually.... there are other  netbook linux  like  crunchbang linux  base on ubuntu and openbox  which I have installed on one of my desktops here01:37
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  firefox 3, 3.5 , opera,  seamonkey, Kde's, chrome.01:37
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Doesn't return anything.01:37
eboyjrMySecondChoiceIS: Firefox can work just fine01:37
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  and perhaps some others i overlooked :)01:37
coz_mssever, ` crunchbang is definitly trimmed down01:37
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, indeed. No drivers loaded then.01:38
Viss_I've just upgraded an ubuntu installation from dappter to jaunty, and the primary disk (/dev/sda) has been partitioned using extended partitions. It contains /dev/sda1, which has sda5 and sda6 inside of it. I need to know how to tell grub to boot from that. At the moment I have "root hd(0,4)"  and "root = /dev/sda5" in the boot parameters, but it drops to a busybox shell. I've also tried swapping it to hd(0,0) and root=/dev/sda1 and sda6, but it doesn01:38
Viss_t seem to work.01:38
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, an easy way to install drivers for Ubuntu for nvidia or ATi is to install Envy01:38
coz_mssever,    http://crunchbanglinux.org/01:38
MySecondChoiceISNo firfox sucks just fine01:38
MySecondChoiceISits incredibly slow01:38
gabangiei provide help desk for windows and mac , any body know someway to provide ubuntu sopport?01:38
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: links201:39
trevorjgabangie: bomgar01:39
insaanPseudo, install it from "System > Administration > Hardware Drivers"01:39
MySecondChoiceISI feel like compared to windows everything runs slower on ubuntu?01:39
MySecondChoiceISwhy is that?01:39
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  thats debateable.. but go try the others if you want. Opera, chrome,  or some other FF variant.01:39
coz_mssever,  crunchbang is an iso or a .img  I used the     .iso here01:39
gabangielike crossloop or teamviewer01:39
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  i find my linux system MUCH faster then windows.01:39
eboyjrMySecondChoiceIS: Look how to install chromium-browser from ppa01:39
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Alright.  Well, I tried getting downloading the driver on the ATI site, but for some reason you can only download the 64 bit version.01:39
mssevercoz_: I've heard of crunchbang, but I'm not a fan of their environment. Though perhaps I shold look at it and install what I want on top of that base01:39
gabangiewithout fowarding any port !01:39
Dr_WillisGoogle has their own repos for the linux chrome browser now.01:39
Flare183MySecondChoiceIS: haha Linux crushes Winblows anyday01:39
comrade_tuttleHey I just started using Ubuntu today and I'm having a bit of issues with the terminal and with sound. Could some one possibly help me out with these?01:39
coz_mssever,  however if you are planning to also run compiz you cant use crunchbang01:39
trevorjgabangie: I work at a technology firm, we use bomgar because you can remote into mac, linux, or windows PCs01:39
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Explain.01:39
eboyjrcomrade_tuttle: What is your problem so everyone can see01:39
trevorjgabangie: without forwarding ports, or any of that bs01:39
mssevercoz_: I definitely want compiz, if my netbook can handle it01:39
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, you can find it in Synaptic or install via:  sudo apt-get install envyng-core01:40
coz_mssever,  I like both openbox and fluxbox  so this wasnt difficult to get used to other than no compiz01:40
gabangietrevorj,  great , is it fast?01:40
mssevercoz_: for me, compiz is a great usability enhancement01:40
trevorjgabangie: is your internet connection fast?01:40
coz_mssever,   well even ubuntu UNR suggests turning off compiz because of possible conflict with clutter01:40
mdgcomrade_tuttle: type "alasmixer" in the terminal01:40
comrade_tuttleSound will only work with media files, not on any program or web, and with the terminal when i try to change directory it says that the folder/file doesn't exists01:40
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, that should give you a driver that matches your architecture - it might not be the most up to date version as ATi's site but should at least be 32 bit to match your system01:40
mssevercoz_: clutter is the UNR desktop?01:40
trevorjgabangie: then ye01:40
^Phantom^ how many pixels x pixels is 2400dpi?01:40
gabangiei own isp01:40
trevorjgabangie: s01:40
coz_mssever,  ubuntu UNR  has its own slight animations01:40
mdguse the arrow keys to move left/right and up/down to adjust settings01:40
Dr_WillisUNR 's special interface and compiz does not play well together.01:41
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Alright, it's downloading.  You're the person who's been able to suggest anything :O01:41
trevorj^Phantom^: dpi != resolution01:41
Dr_Willisbut i disalbe that UNR special interface anyway01:41
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Here's the thing with the terminal, there is no spaces. You have to use it like this: file\ name01:41
coz_mssever,  no clutter are the libraries used to handle the gui  and movements   although not taken to full capability for sure01:41
comrade_tuttlealasmixer: command not found01:41
Flare183comrade_tuttle: sudo apt-get install alsamixer01:41
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, heh, I'm sure many in here could help. :)01:41
detrixany ideas why I lose compizfusion.  I get it all set up and working, and about 20min later its disabled.01:41
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: spell it correctly01:41
gabangietrevorj, do i have to buy the product?01:41
trevorjgabangie: yes01:41
mdgoops alsamixer01:41
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: lsmod | grep fglrx still doesn't return anything.01:41
gabangieor is it for free?01:41
trevorjgabangie: nope, not free.01:41
Flare183detrix: It crashed on ya.01:41
trevorjgabangie: but it works.01:42
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, right right, did you run Envy?01:42
gabangiehow does it work? like crossloop?01:42
trevorjgabangie: crossloop is crap01:42
Pseudo_BobPff, yeah of course!01:42
coz_mssever,  you could try  "slax"   I am not sure if compiz can be used for that  netbook release01:42
comrade_tuttleits telling my apt-: command not found01:42
trevorjgabangie: logmein is just as bad01:42
^Phantom^let's say i scanned 8.5 by 11 inch thing @ 2400dpi...01:42
msseverwell, my downloaded has completed, so I'm going to reboot and see if my current iteration has yielded any results. Thanks for the help, everyone.01:42
Flare183comrade_tuttle: sudo apt-get01:42
Flare183not :01:42
Dr_Willismssever:  you can enable compiz on the UNR. but it can conflict with the special UNR interface.01:42
mssevercoz_: slax...Now there's a blast from the past01:42
gabangietrevorj, i saw nomachine has good performace too01:43
mssevercoz_: slackware was the first distro I used, years ago01:43
trevorjgabangie: there really isn't anything free for that sort of thing that I'm aware of01:43
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Just "envy" doesn't do anything.  How do I run it?01:43
coz_mssever,  it is a dereiviative of slackware for netbooks01:43
comrade_tuttlestill telling me command not found01:43
jiohdisomeone told me not to use sudo su... but I forget what they told me to use instead....?01:43
gabangiei just read that i did nt try it yet01:43
Dr_WillisPseudo_Bob:  try envy<tab> to find the proper command01:43
trevorjgabangie: nomachine has good performance, yes, but you still need to install a client01:43
Flare183jiohdi: YOu mean sudo -i?01:43
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: open a terminal. type "alsamixer" (no quotes)01:43
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  sudo -i or sudo -s01:43
trevorjgabangie: with bomgar, you don't. They just go to your website, run a small ~100k app01:43
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: LOOK at the spelling01:43
trevorjgabangie: and you're in01:43
jiohdiFlare183: no it was something starting with a g01:43
Dr_Willis!tab | comrade_tuttle01:43
ubottucomrade_tuttle: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:43
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, well, lets give you a GUI instead of just text interface, do:   sudo apt-get install envyng-qt01:44
jaysonsantosHello people, anyone know the name of that program which get a mp3 hash and auto identify it's id3 tags ?01:44
trevorjgabangie: plus the client works on mac, linux, or windows as well =)01:44
Dr_Willis!sudi | jiohdi01:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudi01:44
Dr_Willis!sudo | jiohdi01:44
ubottujiohdi: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:44
gabangietrevorj, great that sounds great01:44
comrade_tuttleunfortunetly I'm getting the same results01:44
coz_here is a list of the more common netbook distributions   http://www.internetling.com/2009/02/14/top-5-netbook-linux-distributions/01:44
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: if you want sound from Flash and other web stuff, quit all running media apps before opening the web browser.01:44
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:44
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Oh yeah, everybody look at the newb who needs a GUI because he can't handle the text interface01:44
gabangietrevorj, does it use some password or something?01:44
trevorjgabangie: you login from anywhere via a client01:45
trevorjgabangie: with your username and password01:45
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, looool ;)01:45
jiohdiDr_Willis: thanks01:45
trevorjgabangie: you can have as many users as you want, but you can only have as many logged in as you have licenses01:45
trevorjgabangie: they run about a grand a pop01:45
Flare183comrade_tuttle: sudo aptitude install <package name>01:45
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, until you have a good handle on the shell, GUI is your friend :)01:45
Flare183[t0rc]: That's true.01:45
trevorjgabangie: this is per-user btw, you can have be remoted into as many client pcs as you want01:46
Dr_WillisIt pays to spend the time and LEARN the shell ! :001:46
gabangietrevorj, usually i dont have more than 2 users at the same time01:46
DigitalKiwicli > gui01:46
Flare183Dr_Willis: That's true, as well.01:46
trevorjgabangie: nah, I mean it's per helpdesk member01:46
trevorjgabangie: not per client PC01:46
DigitalKiwimneptok: hi01:46
gabangietrevorj, how much does it cost?01:46
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Eh, whatever.  It's downloading now.  Looks like it'll take a while...01:46
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, not to mention, using GUI's until you're used to the shell will protect you from doing some nasty things which are easily done from shell01:47
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, it's only about 10MB. Not a biggie01:47
trevorjgabangie: about a grand a pop iirc, with all support and updates in the future included01:47
mneptokDigitalKiwi: heya01:47
comrade_tuttlewhere can i download ALASmixer. I do not believe i have it01:47
trevorjgabangie: it runs on a self-contained server01:47
trevorjgabangie: they ship you a rackmount01:47
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Oh, duh.  I have some podcasts downloading as well as the entire discography of Muse.01:47
trevorjgabangie: =)01:47
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Not that I have sound or anything.01:48
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: ALSAMIXER!!! A L S A M I X E R!01:48
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Wait a sec, do you have the repo's setup correctly?01:48
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: one LAST time. SPELL IT CORRECTLY!01:48
jasonruizwhat are you talking about trevorj?01:48
comrade_tuttlerepo's? sorry im entirely new to linux01:48
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: open a terminal. type "alsamixer" (no quotes)01:48
Flare183!universe | comrade_tuttle01:48
ubottucomrade_tuttle: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:48
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: LOOK at the spelling01:48
trevorjjasonruiz: helpdesk software that remotes into mac windows or linux boxes01:48
DigitalKiwi[t0rc]: how are you to learn cli if you use gui?01:48
trevorjjasonruiz: bomgar01:48
professor_choasgive the guy a break guys01:48
comrade_tuttleok i have it running now what01:48
professor_choasthis is what Ubuntu is for - for people new to Linux01:48
gabangietrevorj, i dont think it is worth it to me cuz i dont have that many customers maybe 5 ppl01:48
comrade_tuttlepebkac ftw01:48
jasonruizi sadly work at a helpdesk, but we dont support linux01:48
professor_choassave that for the red hat and debian channels :-)01:49
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as AllUnderHeaven
trevorjgabangie: it's worth it when you support over 2000 PCs01:49
trevorjgabangie: with 7 people01:49
bazhangtrevorj, gabangie take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic01:49
gabangieyes sure but what can i do for now?01:49
Sky3RNQuelqu'un sait comment installer un serveur privé WOW 3.13 sous KimSufi ici ? /amsg01:49
blackest_knight1i have the ultimate answer  thanks to bing for any question you could think to ask01:49
poutinedell's ubuntu ventures have thus far been a failure01:49
mdgcomrade_tuttle: try switching your S and A = alSAmixer (all lower case)01:49
professor_choasare you guys talking about real situations where Ubuntu has been deployed organisation wide?01:49
[t0rc]DigitalKiwi, egg before chicken? :P  You naturally have to venture out someday my friend. You have a point though - experimenting and playing with the shell are the best teachers.01:49
Pseudo_Bob10kB/s.  Awesome.01:50
trevorjbazhang: how is it offtopic? we're talking about remoting into linux boxes?01:50
DigitalKiwiubuntu seems to discourage shell usage by default01:50
Flare183Pseudo_Bob: That's just fails....01:50
majukpoutine: How do you mean?01:50
Flare183DigitalKiwi: man -k is your friend.01:50
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, but if you really don't want to wait, type: sudo envyng -t01:50
jiohdianyone know why my remote desktop server will not run?01:50
bazhangtrevorj, this is support only, not chit chat.01:50
comrade_tuttleOkay, I'm in alsa now what am I looking for?01:50
majukjiohdi: Holding your face wrong.01:50
^Phantom^i have intensely lagged down my system with this scan01:50
DigitalKiwiand if i want to rm my / i should bloody well be able to! ;_;01:50
sudobashhow would we know about your setup?01:50
trevorjbazhang: sure thing.01:50
^Phantom^Are there scanner backends other than xsane?01:51
nErVeHello everybody, I am having a freezing problem..http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste is the output of dmesg | tail -n 5001:51
Dr_WillisDigitalKiwi:  is it ok if we pop up 4 UAC ok dialogs first?01:51
gabangietrevorj, how 7 ppl can handle 2000 pc?01:51
poutineDell's ubuntu netbooks strive in one department: returns01:51
mdgcomrade_tuttle: use the left/right arrow keys to move from from left to right and the up/down keys to adjust volume01:51
trevorjgabangie: /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:51
nErVeI was wondering if anybody was willing to help me out here.01:51
majukjiohdi: We are not psychic and cannot diagnose your problem with 0 details, chucklehead.01:51
JoshStrobl0_0 anyone care to help me out? On Firefox I am attempting to listen to Youtube videos (and watch) and all I get is video and no audio01:51
Dr_Willis^Phantom^:  xsane is a 'frontend' to the SANE system I thought01:51
Dr_Willis!info xsane01:51
ubottuxsane (source: xsane): featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). In component main, is optional. Version 0.996-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 300 kB, installed size 840 kB01:51
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, if you're serious about using Linux, you'll want to read up on BASH: http://oreilly.com/catalog/debian/chapter/book/ch13_01.html01:51
bazhangmajuk, please be civil01:51
jiohdimajuk, you are aparently not civil either01:51
jasonruizyeah, i work in a group of about 12 tier 2s, and dozens of tier 1's supporting a client of over 800001:51
jasonruiz7 and 2000, you guys got it rough01:51
blackest_knight1poutine: thats not what dell say01:52
poutineit's clear ubuntu's days are numbered, http://HannahMontana.sourceforge.net01:52
JoshStrobl0_0 anyone care to help me out? On Firefox I am attempting to listen to Youtube videos (and watch) and all I get is video and no audio01:52
Seeker`!ask | nErVe :P01:52
ubottunErVe :P: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:52
IdleOnemajuk, no name calling please01:52
koolkatare mplayer and movieplayer the same thing?01:52
mdgcomrade_tuttle: once you have looked things over and are satisfied with settings, press the Escape to exit alsamixer01:52
Flare183koolkat: No01:52
^Phantom^I am confused a bit here, so I am sorry for not getting things right if I don't01:52
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: I'm not sure whether I am or not yet :P  I'll start on that though while I wait for this to download though.01:52
edbianpoutine: I saw a hilarious review of that! lol01:52
majukkoolkat: No.01:52
nErVeHello everybody, I am having a freezing problem..http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste is the output of dmesg | tail -n 5001:52
Flare183!ot | poutine01:52
ubottupoutine: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:52
edbiankoolkat: no01:52
braniffJoshStrobl: is your volume turned up?01:52
DigitalKiwiDr_Willis: I wrote a program for uploading text files to one of a few different pastebin sites, it has an option --vista which asks a random number of times (between 1-10) if you are sure you want to upload in a number of different ways01:52
bazhangpoutine, dont spam here01:52
jiohdiok, the remote server says its running, but when I go from my other desktop to try to view it... it does not show up in the server list and when I put in the address manually, it says it closed01:52
JoshStroblall the way01:52
hypoalleranyone know how to get my modem recognized by ubuntu?01:52
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, a wise choice :)01:53
JoshStroblon my sound and computer too01:53
eboyjrmajuk: Can you help please?01:53
braniffJoshStrobl: do other programs play sound?01:53
CaptainCrooki want to save my project files in a (restricted directory)... but don't want to run the entire app under root...  any other way than the pain of saving in non restricted then acquiring priviledge then copying to the restricted directory?01:53
JoshStrobl i even downloaded the new adobe and gnash but it didn't help01:53
^Phantom^i got a 20336x27976 pixel image from that scan01:53
nErVeHello everybody, I am having a freezing problem..http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste is the output of dmesg | tail -n 5001:53
mdghypoaller: what kind of modem - windwows soft modem?01:53
^Phantom^Talk about overkill O_O01:53
sudobashjiohdi you need to scan the other host with nmap (sudo apt-get install nmap) and see if it is running01:53
jiohdithat is all the info I have... the remote desktop seems to be running but the viewer cannot find it01:53
gogetahypoaller: !dialup01:53
=== ubuntu is now known as Giddorah
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up01:53
sudobashnmap -v -v -sT IPOFREMOTEHOST01:53
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: I did just buy the xkcd shirt covered in Linux commands the other day.  That might help :D01:53
hypoallermdg: it;s a us robotics01:53
braniffJoshStrobl: do other programs play sound?01:53
comrade_tuttlevolume is up on everything, i exited out and ran Nexuiz and still no sound01:53
nErVeHello everybody, I am having a freezing problem..http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste is the output of dmesg | tail -n 5001:53
olafquestion ??? Songbird is compatible with ubuntu ?01:54
JoshStroblbran> what do you mean?01:54
sudobashthat will let you know what open ports (remote services) are open01:54
hackulatorCaptainCrook: you can either run as root or change permissions on the directory01:54
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, XD they might be a bit upside-down however ;)01:54
Flare183olaf: Yup01:54
DigitalKiwihttp://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.xhtml useful shell commands =D01:54
majukeboyjr: I don't understand what you're trying to do, sorry man.01:54
mdghypoaller: is it serial port? (I hope so)....01:54
bazhangolaf, yes01:54
eboyjrSongbird is compatiable01:54
JoshStroblmy audio player01:54
Flare183!songbird | olaf01:54
ubottuolaf: songbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird01:54
JoshStroblfor music01:54
eboyjrmajuk: Alright01:54
JoshStroblbut for some reason online videos don't01:54
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Well yeah, that's so you can look down while wearing it!01:54
jiohdisudobash, which machine do I run that one, the server or the viewer?01:54
eboyjrI am trying to get apt to work with wap.metropcs.com proxy so I can use my phone as Internet01:54
nErVeHello everybody, I am having a freezing problem..http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste is the output of dmesg | tail -n 5001:54
blackest_knight1http://www.blindsearch.fejus.com/?q=why+is+windows+so+expensive&type=web bings top answer is because lady gaga is a hermaphrodyte (seriously)01:54
braniffJoshStrobl: the youtube video has a volume adjuster in it...Is this maxed?01:54
CaptainCrookhackulator,  any way to ask for a password when saving in restricted instead?01:54
Flare183!repeat | nErVe01:54
ubottunErVe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:54
nErVeI am having a freezing problem..http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste is the output of dmesg | tail -n 5001:55
erika1984has anyone01:55
hypoallermdg: I don't know. It's inserted in my pci slot01:55
JoshStrobli told you everything is maxed01:55
JoshStrobland other programs work01:55
mdgoh pci!'01:55
erika1984had problems with ubuntu freezing up01:55
JoshStroblbut online videos when i try audio it doesn't01:55
IdleOne!patience > nErVe01:55
ubottunErVe, please see my private message01:55
hackulatorCaptainCrook: not that I know of01:55
JoshStroblyet the video itself does01:55
ayahuascaubuntu sucks!01:55
sudobashwell you could do it from server like this nmap -v -v -sT but that is just going to tell you what services are open but not seeing if it is viewable from the remote computer because the ports may be blocked or something like that01:55
bazhangblackest_knight1, what does that have to with ubuntu support. dont paste random stuff here01:55
hypoallermdg: i take it you don't know?01:55
braniffJoshStrobl: do you know how to check your mixer settings?01:55
IdleOneayahuasca, thank you, move on now01:55
Flare183ayahuasca: Don't hate.01:55
JoshStroblyes I already checked01:56
JoshStroblotherwise i wouldn't be here01:56
erika1984third time i had to turn off my pc an reboot ubuntu01:56
mdgI've not dealt with a PCI modem - only serial and pcmcia01:56
mdgserial and pcmcia always work01:56
mdgPCI can be windows software driven - almost never work01:56
braniffJoshStrobl: omfg? well fuck you then! this is free help dumb motherfucker!!!01:56
kismethey there01:56
JoshStroblis it just ubuntu that has problems with this or does kubuntu, xubuntu, etc01:56
IdleOnebraniff, chill dude01:56
majukWhoa now, who's uncivil?01:56
Flare183!ops | braniff01:56
mneptokJoshStrobl: quit all media apps. quit the browser. restart the browser. no audio?01:56
ubottubraniff: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:56
JoshStroblbraniff> stfu bitch01:56
nErVeIdleOne: how long do you suggest i should wait before just quiting on that freeze thingy01:56
erika1984has anyone else dealt with the problem01:56
bazhangJoshStrobl, stop that01:56
kismetanyone know why i can't download build-dep01:56
JoshStroblthen stfu01:56
sudobashso do nmap -v -v -sT hostip01:56
blackest_knight1bazhang:   totally off topic but when i read it i had to share and its 2 am01:57
IdleOnenErVe, I suggest you wait 10 minutes before asking again01:57
hackulatorerika1984: did you install something between the time when ubuntu worked and when it did not or has it just never worked for you?01:57
JoshStroblstop acting like a dick01:57
ubuntuhow do i find out what wireless card i have?01:57
comrade_tuttleI'm really sorry for being a newb here, but could some one pm me with help? I'm getting really lost among the clutter01:57
Picikismet: What command are you trying?01:57
nErVeIdleOne: people are just arguing on useless stuff than trying to help01:57
Flare183ubuntu: lspci | grep Network01:57
mneptokcomrade_tuttle: quit all media apps. quit the browser. restart the browser. no audio?01:57
mdgubuntu: at a command line type "lspci" (without quotes)01:57
bazhangblackest_knight1, that's no excuse. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat01:57
kismetPici: I am trying sudo apt-get install build-dep01:58
IdleOnenErVe, it happens but just because you ask for help doesnt mean anybody knows the answer. please try to be patient01:58
kismetPici: and i get a E: Couldn't find package build-dep01:58
GiddorahAny grub-experts around for some serious helping me getting my grub to work? :)01:58
Picikismet: build-dep is not a package... its an argument to apt-get for downloading build dependencies.01:58
sudobashubuntu: lspci, iwconfig, ifconfig01:58
kismetoh i see01:58
kismetnooob :D01:58
Picikismet: such as: apt-get build-dep packagename01:58
mdghypoaller: not sure what advice to give you other than go for serial modem01:59
hou5tonI know this involves Studio, but I'm having webcam / sound volume / taking video issues on the regular Jaunty.  Would a clean install of Studio maybe fix those things for me?01:59
majukGiddorah: Please provide details.01:59
kismetthank you Pici01:59
jiohdisudobash, ok I got the nmap now what?01:59
kismetthat solves a lot Pi01:59
sudobashdo you have the host ip that you are trying to connect to?01:59
blackest_knight1aptitude install packagename tends to work well01:59
boss_mcnErVe: your link goes nowhere...01:59
sudobashdont say it01:59
sudobashplug it in here: nmap -v -v -sT hostip01:59
jiohdisudobash, yes01:59
comrade_tuttleStill lacking sound on everything but movie player and rythmbox01:59
Giddorahmajuk: My grub isn't working. It is a new installation, but my grub is severely broken. It wouldn't install from the ubuntu-setup. Refuses to install. And me and a friendly dude in here has tried getting it up and running for 30 minutes now but we hit a wall. Care to take a look?01:59
sudobashinstead of hostip put the ip but make sure you type it correctly02:00
nErVeboss_mc: http://scsys.co.uk:8002/paste02:00
hypoallermdg: k thnx02:00
comrade_tuttleIs there a driver or something i need to get? I'm running a Audigy2z5 soundcard02:00
mdghypoaller: your welcome - wish I had better news02:00
[t0rc]Giddorah, I often find that issues when getting to the GRUB part are caused by a poorly burned CD.02:00
majukGiddorah: Please provide details of the PROBLEM, not the circumstances.02:00
sudobashit will bring back all the open ports usually vnc is like 5800 or 5900 - 591002:00
nErVeboss_mc: http://scsys.co.uk:8002/3261902:00
Dr_Williscomrade_tuttle:  audigy 2Zs ?02:00
boss_mcnErVe: that goes to a form02:00
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Pm me I might me able to help.02:00
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, is it done installing ?02:00
mdgcomrade_tuttle: what happens when you turn the sound up via the panel sound icon?02:00
nErVeboss_mc: this will work http://scsys.co.uk:8002/3261902:00
* Flare183 can try anyway02:01
jiohdisudobash :Failed to resolve given hostname/IP:,jiohdi-bkup.local.  Note that you can't use '/mask' AND '1-4,7,100-' style IP ranges02:01
hackulatorgenerally if your install is broken off the bat its a problem with your install media02:01
boss_mcnErVe: nothing obviously wrong with it02:01
sudobashnmap will usually tell you it is vnc (remote desktop) or whatever but that works on port number mapping which you can change the ports02:01
weslycan anyone tell me how to edit the code for a script file02:01
sudobashjust try: nmap -v -v -sT
Giddorahmajuk: It won't install. I'm quite a newbie, so I can't really explain it. We've set it up to what it should be like, and when I try to run grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sdc it just says it can't open /boot/grub/device.map with the 494: =: unexpected operator message02:01
Flare183wesly: Depends on the type of script file.02:01
sudobashand it will tell you what open ports are there02:01
Dr_Williswesly:  script file is just an ascii file. use whatever text editor you like..02:01
comrade_tuttlenothing the volume is maxed out on the panel volume control02:02
hackulatorwesly: you can use vi FILENAME to open it, or some other editor02:02
nErVeboss_mc: My ubuntu freezes a lot now a days, I have to rebbot to get it workin i tried alt+ctrl_f1 or lt+prnt+k02:02
wesly /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default       thats what i need to edit02:02
stianhjGiddorah: why don't you use the graphical installer?02:02
Giddorahstianhj: How do I do that?02:02
Lenin_CatI get a segment falt when I try to run blender02:02
stianhjGiddorah: which version of Ubuntu are you trying to install?02:03
emil111Hello. I've been trying for days to install ubuntu butthere is always some problema nd I'm not going to try anymore at the moment. Still curious to try linux though, can anyone recommend me something as close as possible to ubuntu?02:03
boss_mc!reisub | nErVe02:03
ubottunErVe: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key02:03
Giddorahstianhj: Newest kubuntu, I'm in live-mode now. With acpi=off :)02:03
Dr_Williscomrade_tuttle:  for my Creative Audigy PCI cards in the past.. if i was using the Digital out i had to use the 'alsamixer' controlls and enable some checkbox at the bottom i recall. Ive used audiguy2, and 2zs (internal pci) with no hassles on other machines02:03
boss_mcnErVe: rather than just alt+prnt+k...02:03
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: It's a third of the way done...  I think there's something wrong with my internet.02:03
bergeronI'm not sure if I'm in the right place02:03
Flare183!hi | bergeron02:03
ubottubergeron: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:03
stianhjemil111: Linux Mint, CrunchBang Linux, xubuntu, kubuntu02:03
bazhangemil111, try in ##linux, this is Ubuntu support only.02:03
stianhjGiddorah: just run the installer on the desktop..?02:03
bergeronbut can anyone teach me how to set up XDM?02:04
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, well if you don't want to spend your time downloading that GUI02:04
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, you can just use the shell line to do it all02:04
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Also, when I was reading that Shell tutorial you sent me, I found the tab function and got envy running.02:04
boss_mcnErVe: but I cannot help with the freezing other than to send you here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/341363/comments/4402:04
Giddorahstianhj: It fails on the Grub-Installation step02:04
MySecondChoiceISlololololol pseudo bob02:04
Dr_Willisemil111:  you coudl always test out ubuntu in 'virtualbox' on windows.. or some of the dozen+ very good 'live cd' type disrtos.02:04
stianhjGiddorah: what is the error message?02:04
[t0rc]MySecondChoiceIS, ?02:04
nErVeboss_mc: Suggest me a place where i can take my query02:04
FlimflamI'll soon find out02:04
Giddorahstianhj: Grub failed to install on hd0, this is a serious error02:05
Giddorahstianhj: Or something like that02:05
stianhjGiddorah: are you dual-booting with windows?02:05
Giddorahstianhj: Yes, or I want to02:05
boss_mcnErVe: tbh, you'd be best off asking here in a few hours or tomorrow, you'll need someone with some knowledge to help guide you through some debugging steps02:05
Flare183I thought it was supposed to be /dev/sda102:05
Flare183or something like that02:05
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: I apparently have something running that won't let me install it.02:06
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, all right, well then just use the text interface. you did: sudo envyng -t      right02:06
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Yup.02:06
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, right right, that other download you have running, is preventing it02:06
nErVeboss_mc: Thanks buddy will do that.Cheers02:06
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Closed that and it didn't work still.  Let me try it again02:06
stianhjGiddorah: and rebooting doesn't give you grub? i've had the devices.map error before, but grub still installed02:07
Giddorahstianhj: I get straight into Windows 7 when I reboot02:07
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Same error.  Only other things I have running are Firefox, Transmission, and Banshee02:07
lvzimmerhi! I am having problems at the boot with karmic02:08
bazhanglvzimmer, #ubuntu+1 for that02:08
lvzimmerbazhang: thanks02:08
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, do you have Synaptic open?02:08
cjaeAnyone know about mtpfs, I see you need it to mount an mtp device like the sony walkman, I am trying to put mp3's on, but I seems no to show up  sudo mkdir /media/sony, sudo mtpfs /media/sony ???02:08
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: Nope.02:09
mdgcjae: install mtp-tools02:09
Pseudo_Bob[t0rc]: I can give you the full error message if you'd like.02:09
[t0rc]Pseudo_Bob, yeah, lets do that, but PM me it02:09
mdgcjae: along with gnomad202:09
jiohdisudobash, thanks that seems to have done the trick02:09
cjaemdg I did both of those02:09
mdgcjae: when you plug it in and start gnomad2, what happens?02:10
cjaemdg I think I must be mouting it wrong of something02:10
GiddorahError 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS02:10
GiddorahUhm... What does that mean?02:11
stianhjGiddorah: try removing the pratition(s) you made for linux in the partition editor step of the installer02:11
nositelicensebad geometry on the HDD02:11
mdgcjae: when you plug it in - does a dialog box pop-up?02:11
stianhjGiddorah: and then use the Guided option - Use largest continuous free space, or whatever it's caleld02:12
mdgcjae: that's without gnomad202:12
veelocwhat does atm stand for02:12
veelocnvm i was trying to make a point.02:12
Giddorahstianhj: That options doesn't occour, since when I've deleted the partitions and go back... The partitions are there again02:12
stianhjveeloc: automatic teller machine, at the moment, a** to mouth02:12
hulloanyone know how to make the desktop a file listing (details view)02:12
hulloinstead of desktop icons02:13
hackulatorGiddorah: if you need to fix the partitions on your machine I would suggest making a gparted boot cd and fixing them with that02:13
Dr_Willishullo:  err.. you mean the default desktop yousee? or in a file manager?02:13
stianhjGiddorah: delete them in Windows 7 then..02:13
hullodefault desktop02:13
stianhjGiddorah: run the program diskmgmt.msc02:13
fredejust had my first system crash. I went into System->Display, and it just kinda froze....02:13
JoEelMexne1 been able to install city of heroes using cedega lately on ubuntu 9.04 64 bit?02:13
cjaemdg, it just says connecting and nothing comes up in ubuntu02:14
GiddorahSigh... So much work... I've been here since 8pm and it's 3am now... And still no go... :(02:14
mdgcjae: plug it in and at a command line type "lsusb" and see if it shows up in the output list02:14
Dr_Willishullo:  i doubt if thats doable.02:14
stianhjGiddorah: press the Windows button and just type in diskmgmt.msc and enter.. you'll be able to delete partitions from there02:14
Giddorahstianhj: I'm in kubuntu live02:14
stianhjGiddorah: use Windows 7 to remove the partitions02:14
cjaemdg, not there02:15
mdgcjae: it is plugged in via USB right?02:15
Giddorahstianhj: There's no way to remove them from within Kubuntu?02:15
cjaemdg, yes02:15
^Phantom^Are there anything other than sane that can communicate with a scanner?02:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mtpfs02:15
stianhjGiddorah: yes you can, but you seemed to have problems with it02:16
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  i normally use just the old 'fdisk' command to delete partitions, be sure to 'w'rite chantges to disk after using these partitioning tools.02:16
morecowbellanyone know how to connect to an exchange 5.5 server with evolution?02:16
cjaemdg, last time I had it plugged in it said connecting mtp on the device02:16
mdgcjae: have you installed all the medibuntu stuff?02:16
GiddorahDr_Willis: Thank you :)02:16
Dr_Willis^Phantom^:  if theres a SANE alterantive - ive never heard of it.02:16
ugliefrog                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        02:16
ugliefrog                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        02:16
ugliefrog                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        02:16
FloodBot1ugliefrog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
mdgcjae: ah, so it did say connecting mtp once02:16
cjaemdg, yes restricted extra and the medibuntu repo02:16
GiddorahDr_Willis: FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder02:17
cjaemdg, on the device n ot in ubuntu02:17
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  whats saying that?02:17
mdgcjae: is it plugged in now?02:17
GiddorahDr_Willis: cfdisk02:17
cjaemdg, yes02:17
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  try just 'fdisk' ?02:17
grendal_primeIm dinking around with remote x sessions.  This is all a bit confusing.  I have two machines on the same trusted network.  Im very accustomed to sshing into a machine and running xapps from that machine, is remote x using xdmc and different or (faster)?02:17
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  you want to totally erase this disk? or what exactly?02:17
cjaemdg, lsusb sees it now02:18
Dr_Willisgrendal_prime:  you can do 'xdmcp' to get a remote 'session' or 'ssh -X' to login and run single apps remotely.02:18
GiddorahDr_Willis: I want to remove two partitions... /dev/sdc5&602:18
mdgcjae: it does - that's good02:18
nositelicenseanyone ever have ubuntu 9.4 cd work on one box & get a read errror on the next " same usb dvdr" on both :/02:18
hackulatorGiddorah: go to gparted.sourceforge.com, download and create a boot CD, boot of of it and open Gparted and you will be able to edit/delete/create your partitions as necessary02:18
mdgcjae: try starting gnomad202:18
hackulatorsorry, thats gparted.sourceforge.NET not .com02:18
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Dr_WillisGiddorah:  try 'fdisk /dev/whateverthedeviceis'  and see if you can delete  them with 'd' be CAREFULL to not delete the wrong things02:18
grendal_primeya Dr_Willis si i want the remote session deal.02:18
cjaemdg, no jukeboxes found on usb bus02:19
grendal_primeim reading a huge how to on this..is it much easyer with the ubuntu tools?02:19
Dr_Willisgrendal_prime: you can set up XDMCP where at the gdm login screen on the local box thers a 'xdmcp chooser' and you can pick what machine to  log into.02:19
mdgcjae: do you have rhythmbox?02:19
^Phantom^Is it possible that a different linux distro might be able to communicate with my scanner?02:19
Dr_Willisgrendal_prime:  its about a 5 min job. :) edit the gdm.conf and  thats about it. i recall.02:19
morecowbellanyone know how to set up evolution with exchange 5.5?02:19
cjaemdg, no02:19
mdgcjae: doing some research - hold on...02:20
UnNaturalHighdoes anyone here know how to get the backlight to turn off?02:20
grendal_primethe confussion comes in with just understanding what is the server and what is the client..02:20
Dr_Willis^Phantom^:  its possible a differnt/newer version of SANE might have support for your scanner.. Chexck the SANE homepage to see how well supported your scanner.. do actual research dont just jump around trying things. :)02:20
cjaemdg, something wrong with hal in 9.04 or anything02:20
GiddorahDr_Willis: No partitions is defined yet02:20
mdgcjae: do you have amarok?02:20
cjaemdg, yes02:20
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  Huh?  be a bit more verbose/concise in what is saying what messages...02:21
bobodoes anyone know how i get openGL 2.0 on jaunty with  an intel graphics card?02:21
mdgcjae: in amarok, under preferences - you can adjust settings for mtpfs02:21
Dr_Willis!intel | bobo02:21
ubottubobo: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.02:21
grendal_primei have a machine at work say for instance...i also have a laptop that has remote access to the same network via a vpn.  If i want to vpn to the network at work, then run the apps on my desktop machine from my laptop, the machine at work would be the server and my laptop would be the client correct?02:21
GiddorahDr_Willis: I typed fdisk /dev/sdc5, it asks for a command. I type "d" and it says that02:21
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  you did it wrong.. you dont use /dev/sdc5  you use dev/sdc02:21
GiddorahDr_Willis:  Well, actually I added sudo02:21
GiddorahDr_Willis: Sorry about that02:21
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  common mistake.02:22
GiddorahDr_Willis: Unable to open dev/sdc5... Guess I have to do this outside of Ubuntu02:22
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Dr_WillisGiddorah:  hmm.. sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc   gives what exactly?02:22
commander_hey guys i just got cairo dock as well as AWN but i want to know is how do i get the stsckd spp for it/02:22
cjaemdg, dont see it in preferences02:22
Lenin_Catwhen I try to run blender I get a segment falt02:22
commander_stacks app for it?02:23
GiddorahDr_Willis: Shows me 6 partitions02:23
stianhjGiddorah: the disks are probably mounted since you just tried to install to them..02:23
GiddorahDr_Willis: sdc1 through 602:23
jiohdiI am trying to run ubuntu on an old pentium III system I p/u from a flea market... it says it only has 245Mb of ram, is that even possible?02:23
mdgcjae: do you see anything like plugins?02:23
stianhjjiohdi: stay away from gnome and kde..02:23
Giddorahstianhj: Says "umount: /dev/sdc5: not mounted02:24
jiohdistianhj, how can I run ubuntu without gnome?02:24
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  may wan tto try a live cd i guess.. normally i dont recall fdisk careing if its mounted or not.02:24
stianhjGiddorah: if you'd done as i said ten minutes ago, you'd be done by now02:24
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  select a different window manager at the GDM login? :)02:24
GiddorahDr_Willis: I am using kubuntu-live02:24
Giddorahstianhj: Yeah yeah... Thanks :P02:24
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  fdisk /dev/sdc gives  what error exactly?02:25
jiohdidr willis, what is a GDM login and where does it give me a choice?02:25
GiddorahDr_Willis: Unable to open /dev/sdc02:25
stianhjjiohdi: or better yet, don't install GDM02:25
MySecondChoiceISWhat browsers are available02:25
Lenin_Catcan someone help me =_=02:25
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  its the login screen you use and it has a menu.02:25
hackulatorGiddorah: just download and use a gparted boot cd to mess with your partitions, like I said before, it is very easy and works well02:25
MySecondChoiceISbrowsers ubuntu02:25
Flanneljiohdi: 245 = 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1, so probably not.02:25
MySecondChoiceISgood god02:25
Flannel!browsers > MySecondChoiceIS02:25
ubottuMySecondChoiceIS, please see my private message02:25
cjaemdg, no02:25
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  explore the login screen a bit..  do a 'sudo apt-get install icewm' and there SHOULD be some sessions menu somewhere that includes gnome, icewm, and others.02:25
jiohdiflannel, that is what I thought, the lowest s/b 25602:25
[t0rc]!flood > MySecondChoiceIS02:26
LinuX2halfwhy does my computer felt sluggish when the computer is on longer than a hour?02:26
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  firefox and its variants, opera,  chrome.  are what i got installed right now.02:26
hackulatorprobably because you are downloading too much porn02:26
jiohdidr willis, I am not that familiar with linux... if I change to icewm, can I still run things like firefox?02:26
mdgcjae: I believe in Amarok, just below the menu bar are some icons02:26
stianhjjiohdi: crunchbang linux uses ubuntu as a base, and openbox as a window manager.. uses much less RAM than standard ubuntu with gnome..02:26
bazhanghackulator, that is not appropriate for here02:26
Flannelhackulator: Not only does that not make sense technically, it's not necessary either.02:26
jamieleshawHello, does any one know a good pcoket-style calculator for ubuntu'02:26
mdgcjae: you can have it try to locate your "jukebox" with one of those icons02:26
arandLinuX2half: test closing and reopening firefox?02:27
Dr_WillisGiddorah:   you did do  sudo fdisk /dev/sdc ?02:27
yoyonedjamieleshaw: gcalctool02:27
hackulatorsorry, just my standard response to "my computer is slow, what causes that?"02:27
GiddorahDr_Willis: Yes02:27
jiohdistianhj, does that require a full new install?02:27
[t0rc]jamieleshaw, I've never had pockets in linux... :( I feel left out.02:27
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  this is getting weirder and weirder.. sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc works.. but sudo /dev/sdc dosent ........02:27
stianhjjiohdi: have you already installed ubuntu on it?02:27
majukjamieleshaw: Pocket-style? I mean, +/-/*/%?02:27
jamieleshawLike win calc02:28
jiohdistianhj, yes... already installed and it runs...mostly02:28
GiddorahDr_Willis: Wait... Now it works... AIght... I got the partitions removed02:28
GiddorahI'm gonna try the setup again02:28
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  ? Magic?  or perhaps a flakey02:28
arandjamieleshaw: is the default one not ok?02:28
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  ? Magic?  or perhaps a flakey drive.. check 'dmesg' command to see if it has any error type info02:28
majukjamieleshaw: xcalc?02:28
bonez46help, I need to print from win xp pro, to ubuntu 9.04.. ubuntu is the host running vbox and xp pro is the guest OS.. and since vbox doesn't 'do' parallel ports.. I have to print to a shared printer, The printer is a laserjet 3p , and it is shared and others on the network can print to it, just not from this vbox machine..02:28
GiddorahDr_Willis: Probably a bad computer commander :P02:28
LinuX2halfarand: okay, it takes approximately 4 seconds for it to open and it close faster.02:28
MySecondChoiceISis there a Chrome for linux02:28
stianhjok, do what Dr_Willis said, install icewm or openbox.. reboot (or restart X) and when you get to the login screen, press F10, and you can choose to use icewm instead of gnome02:28
jamieleshawarand: It's great, just need one the same as pocket calc02:28
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  'PEBKAC'02:28
^Phantom^there's an .99602:29
majukjamieleshaw: Maybe gcalctool ?02:29
mdgmajuk: the gnome calculator, under view, has 4 other options02:29
jiohdistianhj, will do...02:29
jamieleshawmysecondchoiceis: Yes there is02:29
^Phantom^how do i 'make' things again?02:29
GiddorahDr_Willis: Can't say that I see anything wrong there02:29
LinuX2halfarand: but I just open up my computer so it would only seem normal.02:29
mdgcjae: how you coming?02:29
GiddorahDr_Willis: Nothing says "Error"02:29
Dr_WillisMySecondChoiceIS:  i said earlier that Google has repos up now for their Linux CHROME.02:29
arandLinuX2half: I was thinking maybe FF was eating up resources, and reopening would clear that...02:29
stianhjjiohdi: on such and old computer, it might be better to choose one of the more lightweight distros02:29
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  not sure what had it confused then.02:29
MySecondChoiceISwhat is a repo?02:29
jamieleshawWell, i'm looking for a calculator where "100+3%" is the same as 100*0.03""02:30
cjaemdg, amarok froze and cannot find what you are talking about it the new amarok and I hate it02:30
Dr_Willis!repo | MySecondChoiceIS02:30
stianhjMySecondChoiceIS: repository02:30
ubottuMySecondChoiceIS: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:30
GiddorahDr_Willis: Can I PM you?02:30
jamieleshawThat is like pocket calc02:30
Dr_WillisGiddorah:  about to leave for work in 10 min..02:30
GiddorahDr_Willis: Aight :)02:30
MsMacojamieleshaw: thats how gcalctool *used* to do it til people who dont know math complained too loudly02:30
LinuX2halfarand: how do I know whats eating my resources? Are you talking services?02:30
Giddorahstianhj: Got time for some private help? :)02:30
mdgcjae: both amarok and rhythmbox have pretty good support for mtp02:30
stianhjGiddorah: ok02:30
mdgcjae: are you running KDE?02:30
Xerran1Is it easy to restore an ubuntu -vista dualboot using clonezilla?02:30
MsMacojamieleshaw: you can probably install gcalctool from hardy02:30
jamieleshawmsmaco: So how does it do it now?02:31
cjaemdg, yes02:31
MsMacojamieleshaw: now it does it like 100+(0.03*100)02:31
jamieleshawmsmaco: Can I get a copy of hardy one?02:31
MsMacojamieleshaw: which is obviously not the same as 100 plus 3 percent...it the same as 100 plus 3 percent *of 100*02:31
MsMacojamieleshaw: yeah, on packages.ubuntu.com02:31
jamieleshawmsmaco; yeah I know02:31
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cjaemdg, it keeps scanning my nusic folder which is huge and it takes forever, it think it has something to do with it being ext4, it seems to stuggle with under 10 gigs02:32
jamieleshawmsmaco: looking now02:32
^Phantom^it's not letting me "make" xsane02:32
groove_Hi everyone.  Where is a good room to talk about backtrack?02:32
mdgcjae: yes the scanning thing when you start is annoying02:32
mdgcjae: I think you can set to scan when you tell it to02:33
hackulatorcjae: you can set how often it scans your file system but I cannot for the life of me remember where right now02:33
jamieleshawHow Do I uninstall currenct gcalc?02:34
cjaemdg, a lot of linux programs are getting dumbed down way too much02:34
cjaemdg, but thats neither here nore there02:34
MsMacojamieleshaw: after you get the deb for the old one, install it with "dpkg -i --force-downgrade gcalctool*.deb"02:34
yoyonedcjae: while I doubt it is the problem, you can mout an ext4 partition as ext3 or even ext2 and see if performance improves02:34
mdgcjae: I'm trying to remember the mtp-tools commands....02:34
jamieleshawgreat & thanks02:34
lakcajjamieleshaw, apt-get --purge remove gcalctool02:34
LinuX2halfwhats a Qt setting?02:35
^Phantom^I extracted that, but it's not letting me 'make' it...02:35
cjaemdg, cool02:35
br34lwhere can i see, that im cloaked?02:35
rewtbr34l, /whois yourself02:35
yoyonedgroove_: #remote-exploit02:36
mdgcjae: mtp-detect02:36
gabe_I'm having something strange happen02:36
br34lrewt: aww, yea its already in the status window ... thnx ;)02:36
cjaemdg, it working02:37
^Phantom^There's a new version of xsane, but I can't install it.  Can I please get some help?02:37
MsMacojamieleshaw: no problem. i tried explaining math to the reporters of those bugs02:37
jamieleshawSo will "100+3%" return 103 now?02:37
cjaemdg, sorry gott pop spilt in kb02:37
MsMacojamieleshaw: it should return 100.0302:37
gabe_someone is trying to hack into my computer02:37
ubottugabe_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:37
gabe_with vnc02:37
mdgcjae: I don't know what you just said LOL02:38
MsMacojamieleshaw: thats how it behaved in hardy. in either inrepid or jaunty it was changed to return 10302:38
hackulatormdg: he said he spilled soda on his keyboard :-p02:38
mdghackulator: oh02:38
cjaemdg, pop in keyboard bear with me02:38
cjaemdg, LIBMTP PANIC: Could not open session! (Return code 767)02:39
mdgcjae: not a problem - just playing with mtp-tools02:39
gabe_yoyoned: Okay, I'm sorry. What's happening is this: I enabled remote connection, and then someone from a mystrious IP connected to my desktop02:39
cjaeUnable to open raw device 002:39
cjae mdg02:39
cjaeoops sorry02:39
apollos84yum search coolness02:39
yoyonedgabe_: then disable it02:39
mdgcjae: perhaps you are missing some mtpfs files yet02:39
gabe_yoyoned: I did02:39
gabe_yoyoned: But I want to know who this person is02:40
^Phantom^ maybe i should just reboot into windows everytime I want to scan something02:40
spoi don't have problems sharing windows 7 directories, but i cannot share a printer so that Ubuntu can see it, i don't understand02:40
LinuX2halfwhats sea monkey web browser?02:40
LinuX2halfis it mozilla based browser?02:41
jamieleshawYes, it's mozilla based02:41
apollos84I'm using it as we speak02:41
godmodegrafixwelcome to linux02:41
yoyonedgabe_: it is unlikely you can find out.  he could have been using something like tor to hide his real IP, but knowing his IP would oly get you his general area02:41
LinuX2halfso whats the difference between the two browser mozilla and sea monkey?02:42
cjaemdg, well usually use aptitude to install but just checked with synaptic and libmtp8 is there too02:42
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gabe_yoyoned: I'm just really freaked out right now, excuse me if I sound rude or anything02:42
mdgcjae: mtpfs stuff too?02:42
cjaemdg, yes02:42
arandLinuX2half: if it's simply a matter of ram and CPU% you should be able to locate it using just system gnome-system-monitor or "top" terminal command.02:42
cjaemdg, and qlix too will try that again02:43
br34lgabe_: just disable it and, thats it..should be done...02:43
mdgcjae: try mtp-detect and see what happens02:43
mdgcjae: I'm guessing gnomad is not working because you are using KDE and you would have to install all that gnome stuff02:44
jiohdistianhj: I have icewm running, can I run my remote server from there?02:45
cjaemdg, gonna try a reboot and see brb02:45
LinuX2halfarand, okay, thanks then02:45
br34lbtw, whats "more stable" ? kde or gnome?02:45
godmodegrafixtheyre both stable02:45
mdgcjae: okay02:45
bazhangbr34l, matter of speculation, discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic02:45
godmodegrafix*rolls eyes*02:46
kismethello again...02:48
kismetmy command make menuconfig doesn't work why?02:49
spoUbuntu is not showing or deteching my network/remote printer that is directly connected to my windows machine.02:49
kismeti try to undervolt my system with phc-linux02:49
IdleOnespo, what brand?02:49
Fahenboa noite pessoal!02:50
godmodegrafixit doesnt work because you are a program..02:50
cjaemdg, reboot got it02:50
godmodegrafixprograms cant talk02:50
kismet?? what do you mean02:51
mdgcjae: okay02:51
godmodegrafixyou know damn well what i mean02:51
godmodegrafixyou, program..02:51
kismetno i am not... why should i be a programm?02:51
gogetanice i found a fix for those with bios disabing wifi02:51
Faheni need some help in here! my temp folder is full and i cant clear it02:51
pos69sumanyone ever try to hook your ubuntu machine to an flat screen tv?02:51
Faheni dont know how to proceed02:51
godmodegrafixbecause you are kismet02:51
mdgcjae: with walkman plugged in, type mtp-detect and see what happens02:52
Picigodmodegrafix: Please stop.02:52
slacker-hi, do you guys have a pastebin?02:52
Picislacker-: paste.ubuntu.com02:52
godmodegrafixok :(02:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:52
kismetwhat ever... dose anyone know... why my command make menuconfig not work02:52
Picikismet: 'kismet' is also the name of a Linux program for looking for wifi.02:52
kismetmake: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'.  Stop. <= this is what i get02:52
spoi got my printer to work now02:52
godmodegrafixI'm sorry Pici, I have forsaken you...02:52
IdleOnespo, good job02:52
kismetyeah i know that it is also a programm but it is also my nixk02:53
IdleOnegodmodegrafix, you seem to read more like a program then anybody else here02:53
cjaemdg, do you use kde? it show up in device manager, but the songs are all in folders so a drag and drop probably will not work02:53
ipatrolI completly FUBARed my 02:53
ipatrolStupir emoji keyboard02:53
slacker-One of my servers had a kernel panic last night. Here's the log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/254848/ Any suggestions?02:54
kismet?!?! seems like nobody knows it?!02:54
godmodegrafixIf you mean that in the sense that I have been thought out and tailored, yes. Yes, I am.02:54
ipatrolI installed python3.1 and it ruined sever programs02:54
mdgcjae: I use gnome.02:54
ipatrolIt made them python scripts02:54
mdgcjae: only one way to find out - try02:54
gogetaif anyone has issues with wifi being disabled after the last update lemmie knoe i have a fix02:54
pos69sumhi - trying to hook my linux machine up to my flat screen tv02:55
pos69sumi have a vga to vga cable running from the computer to the tv - when i try it i get 'ivalid format'02:55
IdleOnegodmodegrafix, that means you follow commands well I assume. please keep the chit chat to a minimum and let's try to focus on ubuntu support02:55
ipatrolThen it fubared sudo and gksudo, meaning I couldn't fix it02:55
pos69sumi know this means my resolution is too high02:55
libtechpos69sum: maybe the resolution on your computer is tet too high02:55
pos69sumbut i'm not sure how to change the resolution02:55
pos69sumsince i can't get anything on the screen02:55
ipatrolI have to now reinstall the entire OS02:55
libtechpos69sum: have a monitor ?02:56
kismetmake menufconfig???02:56
IdleOneipatrol, you have a seperate /home?02:56
pos69sumtried rebooting to recovery mode/root prompt02:56
ipatrolI have a VM02:56
pos69sumthen i reconfigured xorg.conf02:56
ipatrolI put ubuntu on VirtualBox02:56
godmodegrafix#!/bin/bash sits_back_in_the_corner {echo "sigh"; echo ":("; }02:56
pos69sumbut when i try to start x, i get 'invalid format'02:56
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pos69sumnot sure how to startx in low resolution02:57
kismetanyone uses phc-linux02:57
gogetathis is the ubuntu channel02:57
cjaemdg, all of a sudden it not in device manager and mtp-detect will not work, same error message as b402:58
kismeti know that this is a ubuntu channel.. i do use ubuntu02:58
kismetphc-linux is an undervolting tool02:58
gogetamdg: i found your wifi fix02:58
IdleOnekismet, #linux-phc02:58
cjaemdg, seems opening  gnomad2 mucked something up02:58
gogetamdg: so your not alwayas pulling the battery on your compaq to reset wifi02:59
cjaemdg, just going to move mp3's  to /windows and boot that OS03:00
* cjae sighs03:00
vedusthink I already know the answer. dual boot ubunutu/xp using grub. system rebooted and got grub errors trying to boot either os. fixed ubuntu by editing grub menu. drive moved down a number. bios sees old xp drive but neither ubuntu nor gparted see it.03:00
godmodegrafixHow many people did you guys convince today into installing Ubuntu onto their desktops/laptops/netbook?03:01
mdgcjae: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=801483 look at this first03:01
mdggogeta: hi!03:01
pianistbabywhat is the command name of system monitor? i want to kill it03:01
libtechgodmodegrafix: 4203:01
mdggogeta: compaq?03:01
lanzelloththe wifi manager applet is garbage!03:01
gogetamdg: someone had compaq thought it was you03:02
lanzellothis there alternative?03:02
th0rlanzelloth: wicd03:02
mdglol - nope not me03:02
libtechlanzelloth: wicd03:02
godmodegrafixlibtech: nice, you dwarf my 503:02
lanzellothkk thx03:02
gogetamdg: the last update in ubuntu disables wifi in the bios and bugs some pcs like compaqg and mine i found a fix03:02
mdggogeta: that's very good to know :)03:02
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gogetamdg: add  pciehp.pciehp_force=1 pciehp.pciehp_poll_mode=1 ro grub03:03
mdggogeta: but that's got to be annoying too03:03
lanzellothlibtech, th0r: does it integrate with the gnome libnotify thing?03:03
lumondwhat is ubuntu ranking in the latest distro list?03:03
cjaemdg, looks like ill do that ... thanks for you time ,,,appreciated03:03
th0rlanzelloth: don't know...don't use gnome03:03
gogetamdg:  pciehp.pciehp_force=1 pciehp.pciehp_poll_mode=1      to grub03:03
libtechlumond: distrowatch.com03:03
kernelpaniklumond, first03:03
mdgcjae: your welcome!  and good luck :)03:03
gogetamdg: after thw quite line03:03
MySecondChoiceISI can't load videos on opera in ubuntu for some reason03:03
MySecondChoiceIShave flash installed03:03
MySecondChoiceISit works fine in firefox03:04
FloodBot1MySecondChoiceIS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:04
kernelpanikfirst since many years :}03:04
lanzellothok i found out it is03:04
gogetamdg: overrides the new settings03:04
lumondwhich commercial vendor is the latest one using ubuntu in its product?03:04
gogetamdg: and setting ro makes it so ubuntu cant change it03:04
mdggogeta: that happens to eeepc and acer netbooks?03:04
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gogetamdg: yea03:04
mdgohh - we should be seeing deexannihilation1 then03:05
gogetamdg: but in eee you can turn it back on compaqs you cant03:05
gogetamdg: there dumbed down bios03:05
kernelpanikslackware is rank 1303:06
godmodegrafixill check03:06
MySecondChoiceISHi, I cannot play flash videos (ie: youtube, metavideo whatever) on opera, however it works fine in firefox wtfrite??? help!?03:06
gogetamdg: i think it happons to many laptops i had a compaq user hear with the same issue and we had to pull his battery to reset the bios03:06
mdggogeta: oh03:07
ipatrolThe whole root thing is just UAC for ubuntu03:07
mdggogeta: the backup battery or the regular battery?03:07
gogetamdg: so when people come hear with issues of my wifi died after update give them that grub line03:07
dennispudwillI'm having problems with getting my screen savers to work, I'm new to unbuntu an learing has a I go03:08
gogetamdg: fixes it so your not always in the bios to tuen wifi back on03:08
iceD[R]Hello! i'm use ubuntu 8.04 . . . i've install apache + php + mysql now, but i've a problem, for acces my documentroot in /home/user/directory i'm change default of /etc/apache2/sites-avaible, someone can help me?03:08
bobohey guys‎ i just randomly lost sound from my jaunty any help?03:09
mdgthat's good to know - writting it down...03:09
spoif i have a remtoe printer connected to windows, then ubuntu has to use smb to print to that remote printer, right?03:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:09
dennispudwillHas anyone used Wine? I'm trying to use some of my windows programs in unbuntu but no luck so far03:09
bmwracer0anyone use 3+ monitors?03:09
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.03:10
jiohdidennispudwill, some programs work very well, like firefox can be installed under wine to fool sites that require xp03:10
IdleOnespo, ubuntu uses samba to talk to the windows machine and CUPS to print. if I understand it correctly03:10
jiohdidennispudwill, some programs you dont even have to install if you have them on a xp partition you can just drag them and they work03:10
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jiohdianyone know if remote desktop server works under ice?03:12
richardcavell9.10 works heaps better for Intel graphics - but it's still buggy03:12
gogetajiohdi: vnc qorks under anything03:13
jiohdigogeta, how do I start it under ice?03:13
gogetajiohdi: install the realvnc server and start it03:13
MySecondChoiceISHi, I cannot play flash videos (ie: youtube, metavideo whatever) on opera, however it works fine in firefox wtfrite??? help!?03:14
MySecondChoiceISHi, I cannot play flash videos (ie: youtube, metavideo whatever) on opera, however it works fine in firefox wtfrite??? help!?03:14
jiohdigogeta, the one already in the system will not work under ice?03:14
Xerran1Anyone use clonezilla?03:14
gogetajiohdi: dunno03:14
gogetajiohdi: it should however03:14
jiohdiice does not have the same menu so I cannot find things as easily03:15
MrMacPlusneed some advice, just got a thinkpad and I need to decide between jaunty or karmic03:15
gogetaMySecondChoiceIS: you probly have to reinstall it so it adds the plugin to opra03:15
th0rjiohdi: x11vncserver and realvncserver (or tightvncserver) are different animals03:15
jiohdith0r which one is native to ubuntu and how do I make it work under icewm?03:16
MrMacPlusalso is there any difference between the minimal cd and installing server w/o any extra software?03:16
gogetaMrMacPlus: jaunty is stable kermic alpha03:16
MrMacPlusgogeta: I understand that03:16
IdleOne!minimal | MrMacPlus03:16
ubottuMrMacPlus: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:16
MrMacPlusubottu: I understand that too03:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:17
IdleOneMrMacPlus, the server version has no GUI the minimal and LiveCD versions do03:17
boborichardcavell: so should i replace 9.04 with 9.10 or is it still to early?03:17
richardcavellbobo: What graphics setup do you have?03:17
MrMacPlusI just want ubuntu w/o a gui03:17
Flannelbobo: Karmic is still alpha software.03:17
IdleOnebobo, if you have to ask then it is to early03:17
th0rjiohdi: don't know what you mean by 'native'. I think x11vncserver is installed by default. You start it with 'x11vnc -display :003:17
gogetabobo: if you dont mind a unstable os03:17
FlannelMrMacPlus: Grab the alternate CD03:17
MrMacPlusI don't want a gui Flannel03:18
FlannelMrMacPlus: The alternate CD can install a system that has no GUI.03:18
stianhjis there any fix yet for intel 4500MHD graphic cards? blender doesn't work properly for example..03:18
MrMacPlusI have the server install and want to know if it will do the same thing03:18
FlannelMrMacPlus: minimal and server will work too if you've already got them yeah.03:18
FlannelMrMacPlus: The server CD by default includes the server kernel, which you may not want (and may not work on all "desktop" hardware)03:18
gogetaMrMacPlus: heh well server comes w some server tools the min cd is just a base03:19
IdleOneMrMacPlus, any version you want will do fine but karmic is not ready :)03:19
Flanneler, with all, some esoteric peripherals, etc.03:19
FlannelMrMacPlus: The minimal CD is the alternate CD without packages on it, it instead downloads what it needsfrom the internet during the installation process.03:19
boboYes, i know Karmic is still alpha, but i mean i upgraded to jaunty at like beta 2 or something so yeah i just thought it might be the same03:19
mdgwhat's the difference between VNC, VPN and SHH?03:19
gogetaFlannel: but if you slect base only thats what you get03:20
boborichardcavell: i have intel chipset and its buggy as anything03:20
Flannelgogeta, MrMacPlus: server CD gives you the *option* of installing server programs.  But you likely will want to swap out the kernel03:20
Flannelgogeta: Yes, just like the alternate CD03:20
richardcavellbobo: What version specifically?  Do you know?03:20
MrMacPlusif I install the server without selecting any extra software will it be the same as the minimal w/o selecting additional software?03:20
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gogetaMrMacPlus: the alt cd does that as well as the minmul03:20
th0rmdg: vnc allows you to run a graphic desktop from a remote location. VPN allows you to create a secure tunnel to a remote location, and SSH allows you to access the command line of a remote location using encryption03:21
FlannelMrMacPlus: No.  You'll have the server kernel instead of the generic kernel.  But the rest will be, yes.03:21
boboumm.... idk how can i check?03:21
richardcavellbobo: lspci | grep Graphics03:21
gogetaMrMacPlus: go with alt or mini to get a base desktop kernel03:21
mdgthanks th0r !03:21
MrMacPlusis having the server kernal going to alter my user experience though?03:21
boboIntel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0703:21
FlannelMrMacPlus: depends on what you want to do with your computer.  It is relatively trivial to change it after you install though, so don't worry about it.03:22
mdgMrMacPlus: are you installing on a PPC?03:22
gogetaFlannel: why are you making it harder03:22
richardcavellbobo: I can't vouch for that series.  Yours is more advanced than mine (GMA 950)03:22
MrMacPlusFlannel: sudo apt-get install linux-generic-kernel?03:22
richardcavellbobo: But I will say that Karmic works heaps, heaps better on my machine than Jaunty so far as graphics are concerned03:22
FlannelMrMacPlus: linux-generic, and then remove the -server stuff, yeah.03:22
richardcavellbobo: Unfortunately Karmic is still buggy as anything03:22
Flannelgogeta: I could ask you the same thing.  He already has the server CD.03:22
gogetaFlannel: oh03:23
richardcavellbobo: But at least when things crash they don't bring down my whole computer03:23
bananahandstrying to run xorg with radeonhd 4830 on debian squeeze, neither vesa or fglrx are working, I deleted my xorg.conf and I am runing from bash, tried all backup ones and they all failed. Anyone familiar with this problem?03:23
Awsoonnis there any open source software that will let me take multiple video feeds and switch/mix them live?03:23
bobothats good. Well, i suppose ill wait til the beta comes out for it03:23
MrMacPlusso do those commands after each other?03:23
richardcavellbobo: It's still very very buggy.  I have about 30 bugs on launchpad right now03:23
bonez46sharing ubuntu printer with networked xp pro? anyone?03:23
mdgMrMacPlus: there are lots of install options from alternate CD, just press tab key and run through them03:23
MrMacPluswell do them after each other if I get any problems03:24
FlannelMrMacPlus: Install generic kernels, reboot to the generic kernel, then remove all the server kernels03:24
MrMacPlusFlannel: how do you boot into the generic kernels?03:24
boboYeah, but like i said earlier, I upgraded to jaunty at beta 2, and although i had a hiccup or two, it wasn't that big so I'll probably do the same for karmic03:24
ipatrolHow do you install stuff not in the repositories?03:25
FlannelMrMacPlus: Choose it at the GRUB menu (the menu you get right after you POST)03:25
mdgMrMacPlus: when you get to yaboot prompt just press tab and review all your options - you don't need to install server stuff and then uninstall03:25
stianhjis there any fix yet for intel 4500MHD graphic cards? blender doesn't work properly for example..03:26
Flannelipatrol: That depends on the software you're trying to install.03:26
MrMacPlusmdg: you assume I'm using a mac. ;)03:26
mdgMrMacPlus: even on an intel, press tab and you will see lots of options - just keep pressing tab03:26
ipatrolWhat is the linux equivilant of a Windows installer package?03:26
mdgMrMacPlus: yes, I assumed Mac - sorry03:26
stianhjipatrol: for ubuntu it's .deb files03:27
Gneaipatrol: depends on the distribution.03:27
Gneajaunty is not a distribution, it is a version of a distribution.03:27
MrMacPlusmdg: I do own more macs than can be healthy but I'm just going to be using linux on my thinkpad I just got03:27
MrMacPlusthanks everyone for the help03:27
ipatrolIs there a way to install repository stuff without using the terminal?03:27
mdgMrMacPlus: my first laptop was a thinkpad - a whopping 166 Mhz :)03:27
Gneaipatrol: yes.03:28
Flannel!synaptic | ipatrol03:28
ubottuipatrol: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:28
MrMacPlusmdg: thinkpad a20m, 800mhz03:28
stianhjipatrol: yes, by downloading .deb files and clicking them..03:28
mdgMrMacPlus: that should work nicely03:28
Gneaipatrol: by double-clicking on it in nautilus, it should bring up the package installer. just click the mouse a few times and it will install.03:28
ipatrolWhat is the add/remove thing in the applications menu?03:28
stianhjipatrol: a way of installing software in the repositories03:29
Flannelipatrol: that's another method of installing things from the repositories.03:29
insaanipatrol, you can use the add/remove or:  System > Administration > Synaptic package manager03:29
Gneaipatrol: a different method of installing or removing software03:29
IdleOneipatrol, it's a redundant way of doing it IMHO but works just as well as Synaptic03:30
Gneaipatrol: there is no one-size-fits-all, there are different ways of accomplishing the same goal, depending on the situation.03:30
ipatrolDoes thunderbird come with jaunty?03:31
rednano12Don't think so.03:31
rednano12You probably need to install it.03:31
Gneaipatrol: no, but jaunty comes with thunderbird.03:31
biovoreipatrol: not installed be default.. in the repos though..03:31
th0ripatrol: yes, it is available in the repos03:31
stianhjipatrol: just search for it in the add/remove thingy03:31
ipatrolI did03:31
zvacetipatrol : it is in synaptic03:31
IdleOneipatrol, up top you need to change it to all available apps03:31
stianhjipatrol: right next to the search box, select "All available software"03:32
rednano12I would actually recommend UbuntuZilla.03:32
ipatrolBut I saw lots of add-ons, but thunderbird was missing in add/remove03:32
ipatrolEven when set to all03:32
rednano12If you want the newest version, UbuntuZilla is probably your best bet.03:32
stianhjipatrol: it should be the top one when searching03:32
ipatrolNo, it was not03:32
ipatrolEnigmail was on top03:32
ipatrolThunderbird itself was not there03:33
Gneaipatrol: it's in the repositories, it's available to be installed03:33
zvacetipatrol: do you have all repos enabled03:33
biovoreipatrol: its called mozilla-thunderbird in the repos03:33
insaanipatrol, it's there named: Mozilla Thunderbird Mail03:34
ipatrolDud that too03:34
Flannelipatrol: it'll be further down, its package is mozilla-thunderbird.  enigmail is on top because it mentions thunderbird like five times in its description03:34
ipatrolDoes software already installwd03:34
qe2eqeIs there an easy way to gauge which of two programs (that do the same thing) is 'lighter'?03:34
ipatroled disappear from add/remove?03:34
rednano12It isn't in Add/Remove03:34
Flannelipatrol: no, because then you wouldn't be able to remove it03:34
stianhjipatrol: no.. they're just checked03:35
rednano12Go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic03:35
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ipatrolThunderbird isn't in add/remove?03:35
stianhjipatrol: there is a checkbox on the left of applications.. the ones installed are checked..03:35
rednano12I have no idea.03:35
rednano12It makes no sense to me.03:35
ipatrolIt ought to be put there03:35
stianhjI have it here..03:35
insaanit is there03:36
rednano12I don't have it either...03:36
stianhjno it's in canonical's repos03:36
rednano12What version are you guys on?03:36
ipatrolIs it a bug?03:36
rednano12I'm on 8.0403:36
insaanthe name is Mozilla Thunderbird Mail/News03:36
rednano12If that's the name then I have ti.03:36
zvacetrednano12 : jaunty and it is in synaptic simple as that03:36
ipatrolThat suddenly appeared in my menu while I was searching, strangly03:36
IdleOneipatrol, the matrix changed something03:37
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lightnessups sorrry03:37
ipatrolRight now I uninstalled Ubuntu because FUBARed it03:37
innomenhey guys, what do i do after this "svn co https://kabikaboo.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kabikaboo kabikaboo" ?03:37
ipatrolIn installing python3.1, sudo and gksudo and other programs were turned into python scripts, strangly03:38
C-S-Binnomen: compile or run it03:38
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innomenC-S-B, can you give me the basic command?03:39
innomenhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/kabikaboo/develop is where it came from03:39
rednano12It depends on what you are installing.03:39
ipatrolThe shbang turned from #! /bin/bash to #! /usr/bin/python03:39
biovoreinnomen: you probably got source code that needs to be built..  depends on the source code tree what the procedure is..  there is somethimes a readme03:39
innomeni've compiled something literraly once before i should have all the stuff to do it03:39
FrankpandaI'm using jailkit to run MLDonkey P2P client in chroot. in /var/log/message have lots message.03:39
FrankpandaAug 18 10:40:14 CentOS kernel: printk: 627 messages suppressed.03:39
FrankpandaAug 18 10:40:14 CentOS kernel: 4gb seg fixup, process mlnet (pid 1485), cs:ip 73:4342239ab03:39
IdleOneinnomen, https://launchpad.net/kabikaboo/+download03:40
innomenbiovore, i assume i have everything i need because a deb version of the app is already installed and runs03:40
biovoreinnomen: nope.. not the case..  probably need a bunch of -dev packages as well03:40
innomenIdleOne, yea i dont want the deb he made changes that i want to apply based on one of my bug reports03:41
IdleOneinnomen, I see03:41
innomenBiosElement, well i'll go get them as needed i just need ot know how to begin03:41
kermithow do i tile a bunch of windows?03:41
innomenbiovore, last message meant for you heheh03:41
IdleOnekermit, in xchat?03:42
IdleOneyou dont03:42
kermitin xwindows03:42
rednano12My system's sound just died.03:44
rednano12I know it isn't the speakers.03:44
rednano12All I get is a buzzing noise.03:44
IdleOnewhat did you do?03:44
innomencome on guys, it has to be somewhat simple, there are no instructions, i'm supposed ot already know this, isnt it like make installed something or other?03:44
bsytkohi peeps, I'm looking for a utility to synchronize folders between my external HD and my PC, any help?03:45
innomenmake install*03:45
rednano12@IdleOne, nothing.03:45
innomenbsytko, grsync03:45
rednano12@innomen, I believe it is ./configure03:45
rednano12then make03:45
rednano12then make install.03:45
IdleOneinnomen, probably ./configure make and make install03:45
rednano12Any idea with my sound?03:45
bsytkoinnomen: ty I'll check it out03:45
IdleOnerednano12, you did nothing ?03:46
innomenbash: configure: command not found03:46
rednano12I watched a couple videos.03:46
rednano12That's it.03:46
IdleOneinnomen, install build-essential03:46
rednano12I was watching the Inkscape screencast in Totem, then the sound suddenly died.03:46
IdleOneinnomen, the command is ./configure03:46
rednano12Now it doesn't work in anything.03:47
innomeninnomen@Mercy:~/kabikaboo$  ./configure make03:47
innomenbash: ./configure: No such file or directory03:47
IdleOneinnomen, command #1 ./configure03:48
innomenquit assuming i know the rest, explain it to me like i'm a toddler :)03:48
IdleOne#2 make03:48
IdleOne#3 make install03:48
rednano12innomen: Run these commands in order.03:48
innomenbash: ./configure: No such file or directory03:48
rednano12Ah, lag.03:48
ctmjrsudo make install03:48
poseidonDoes apt-get have something like aptitudes --with-recommends argument?03:48
rednano12try sudo apt-get install build-essential03:48
rednano12That might help.03:48
biovoreinnomen: its a svn checkout.. probably have to do ./autoconf.sh or something first..   there should be a readme somewhere..03:49
isabellfinnomen: if download from source control, you often need to "bootstrap" the package before "configure" can work03:49
innomenbiovore, if it's there i dont see it http://sourceforge.net/projects/kabikaboo/develop03:49
IdleOneit's a .py I believe03:49
biovoreinnomen: <rednano12> ./bootstrap.sh  <-- how about that?03:49
Ben64why would you want to run an unstable version?03:49
innomen"0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."03:50
innomeni alreayd have build essentials03:50
rednano12Alright then.03:50
rednano12Try ./bootstrap.sh03:50
innomenBen64, why do i prefer cinnimon over vanilla?03:50
biovoreits a python03:50
zvacetinnomen:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7300151 see if it help03:50
biovoreinnomen: got a dir called trunk there?03:50
Ben64innomen: not relevant03:50
innomenbash: ./bootstrap.sh: No such file or directory03:51
innomenBen64, Exactly :)03:51
innomenbiovore, yes03:51
Ben64more like, why would you fly to columbia, get cocaine, put it in a condom, swallow it03:51
Ben64instead of buying it from the guy in the park03:51
biovoreinnomen: cd trunk/code/03:51
IdleOneBen64, because it's fun lol03:51
biovoreinnomen: ./kabikaboo.py03:51
biovoredone :-)03:51
innomenbiovore, one moment03:51
mzuverinkBen64, especially when according to a todays Slashdot story cocaine is on 90% of US currency  http://news.slashdot.org/story/09/08/17/1449219/Up-To-90-Percent-of-US-Money-Has-Traces-of-Cocaine03:52
IdleOneguys no drug talk please even if it is news it's offtopic03:53
innomeninnomen@Mercy:~/kabikaboo/trunk/code$ ls03:53
innomendocument.py  file.py  kabikaboo.py03:53
innomeninnomen@Mercy:~/kabikaboo/trunk/code$ kabikaboo.py03:53
innomenbash: kabikaboo.py: command not found03:53
FloodBot1innomen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:53
kamokowIve been trying to setup a dialin server on Ubuntu 9.04. All of the tutorials i find wont work under 9.0403:53
kamokowAny ideas?03:53
IdleOneinnomen, type the exact command you are typing in terminal for us here please03:53
bastidrazorinnomen, use ./kabikaboo.py03:53
innomeninnomen@Mercy:~/kabikaboo/trunk/code$ sudo ./kabikaboo.py03:53
innomensudo: ./kabikaboo.py: command not found03:53
biovoreinnomen: ./kabikaboo.py   need the ./ infront03:53
innomenbiovore, yea, no dice03:54
biovoreinnomen: python kabikaboo.py   ?03:54
ctmjrinnomen: try python ./file name .py03:54
biovoreinnomen: probably needs a +x (set it executable)03:54
innomenctmjr, what, that exaclt i actually type "file"?03:55
innomenbiovore, where does the +x go?03:55
LpcnewI need a help...  i install into my ubuntu the Xubuntu... now, every time i turn on my ubuntu my resolution is 800x600  =(  and i have to change every time to a biggest resolution...03:55
innomenbiovore, python kabikaboo did something but apears ot have failed03:55
IdleOneinnomen, exact error?03:56
biovoreah ok..  probably missing something..03:56
innomenglib.GError: Failed to open file 'forms/main.xml': No such file or directory03:56
biovoreyup.. its missing something..03:56
innomenbiovore, should i make any of this as a bugreport or is it just me not knowing whats up?03:56
biovorewell we havn't read the readme or build list..   this source is ment for devs.. it not a stable thing at this point..03:57
biovorebleeding edge..03:57
innomenbiovore, its not like that he made a change based on a bug i reported03:57
jgornickHey guys, when trying to mount my CIFS share to my FreeNAS share, how can I make it so all file perms relate the the user connecting?03:57
innomenbiovore, and thats all, its a fix for my issue03:57
innomenbiovore, i just do not understand the process of compiling, and regardless of it being a good idea i want to know how to do it03:58
biovoreinnomen: look in some of the othere directoriys you got..03:58
ctmjrinnomen: so it's a patch?03:58
biovoreinnomen: there isn't anything to compile.. its all python scripts...03:58
robysathJust installed ubunto desktop 9.04. mp3 audio playing works. installed flash and video works but no audio. any ideas?03:58
innomenbiovore, ok03:59
biovoreinnomen: its just a question of which one you need to run..03:59
innomenctmjr, i'm not entierly sure of the distinction, i'm just following the only instruction given03:59
innomenbiovore, ahhh alright03:59
IdleOneinnomen, we assumed it needed to be compiled, that was our mistake04:00
bmwracer0anyone use 2+ displays here04:00
innomenIdleOne, well it seems liek it would be, svn is a code database right?04:00
Lpcnew<innomen> biovore, i just do not understand the process of compiling, and regardless of it being a good idea i want to know how to do it04:00
biovoreinnomen: go up 2 directories where trunk was.. you have a code directory.. try the py files in there..  looks more like what it should be..04:01
innomenhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/kabikaboo/develop <---<did anyone look there? can someone look? maybe i'm missing something obvious04:01
innomenbiovore, i see code and .svn in the truck directory, looking...04:01
LpcnewI need a help...  i install into my ubuntu the Xubuntu... now, every time i turn on my ubuntu my resolution is 800x600  =(  and i have to change every time to a biggest resolution...04:01
biovoreup one more..04:01
biovoreinnomen: code is at the same level as trunk..04:02
innomen/home/innomen/kabikaboo/code ?04:02
biovoreinnomen: https://kabikaboo.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kabikaboo/code/04:02
innomenoh oh04:02
biovorethats the dir you should have checked out..04:02
Lpcnewi need a help, can anyone help me?  =)04:03
innomenoh wow04:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:03
biovoreinnomen: worked?04:03
innomeninnomen@Mercy:~/kabikaboo/trunk/code$ python kabikaboo.py just launched the program hehehe04:03
innomenso yes, i guess04:04
innomenbiovore, yea that did it, it shows as v1.2 (the old was 1.1.104:04
nikolaus1how do I add the pci=nomsi command to see my sata drive04:05
innomenis there some way i can use this to update the installed version i got from the deb? or should i just launch it this way and wait.04:05
biovoreinnomen: I'd just wait..04:05
innomenlike is it "safe" to run it like this all the time? (never done it this way before)04:05
innomencool cool04:05
biovoreinnomen: yeah.. just inconvenent04:05
innomenthanks for your help guys04:06
IdleOneinnomen, looks like a neat program04:06
innomenbiovore, hey no worries if he fixed my issue, plus i'll know how to keep up04:06
biovorenikolaus1: If I had to guess.. I think you need to add this to the kernel boot line in grub..04:06
Lenin_Cathow do I drain my memory cache?04:06
nikolaus1biovore, yes, thats what I need to do04:06
innomenIdleOne, oh god it owns, :)04:06
biovoreinnomen: svn update will be your friend :-)04:06
innomenbiovore, heheh indeed04:07
LpcnewI need a help...  i install into my ubuntu the Xubuntu... now, every time i turn on my ubuntu my resolution is 800x600  =(  and i have to change every time to a biggest resolution...04:07
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:07
biovorenikolaus1: when grub boots..  press esc and press 'e'  add the pci= thing to the end of the kernel line..  the enter, then press 'b' to boot.04:07
nikolaus1ill try it04:07
estHi all, are there any native linux tool that can modify Win32 .dll or .exe like ResHacker?04:08
biovoreest: reshacker will probably work under wine..04:09
estbiovore: Sorry I can not install wine on one of the servers. Any native app for that?04:10
biovoreest: not that I know of..04:10
biovoreprobably are though..04:11
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nikolausdidnt seem to work, but checked the file, and it isnt in there04:14
nikolausill google some more04:16
innomenWell guys i have writing to do with the shiny new program :P04:16
innomenthanks much :)04:16
biovorenikolaus: you can also edit the /boot/grub/menu.list file as root and add it in there..04:16
nikolausI could, but were to add it?04:17
biovorenikolaus: on the end of the line that says kernel /boot/<stuff>04:17
mst__hi all!04:19
nikolausit wont let me through konquror04:19
nikolausill try on boot again, see if there is a save option?04:20
biovorenikolaus: yeah.. need root permissions..   kdesu konquer in a shell will give you a root file browser..04:20
donavan_anyone know of a journal/diary program that can either use an external drive for storage or is encrypted/password protected04:24
cellofellowdonavan_: Zim+Ecryptfs might work.04:24
cellofellowdonavan_: Zim has a Calendar plugin that04:24
cellofellowdonavan_: that's great for journals.04:24
nikolaustype that in terminal window?04:24
pepperphdbiovore: you should remind people how dangerous that is when you tell them that04:26
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biovorepepperphd: probably right..04:26
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nikolausso whats the deal, dangerous04:28
jronhas anyone gotten samba to work in 9.04? I'm using the same config from an alpha release and can't connect to the share from my windows machine... any ideas? I'm going crazy testing 100s of configs I feel like I'm missing something.04:28
Jkessleri got it running04:28
Jkesslerbuilt a fileserver for the local newspaper using 9.0404:28
Ububeginwhats the standard protocol to install from source... Is it 1) ./configure 2) make install 3) make... Am i right ?04:29
jronJkessler, and you can connect to it from windows using accounts on the linux box (no ldap)04:29
nanotubedonavan_: maybe try lifeograph, or rednotebook04:29
pepperphdnikolaus: that command will allow you to delete any file on your FS04:30
jronJkessler, got that config or guide handy? I'm about ready to throw my file server out the window...04:30
nikolauspepperphd, that command did not work04:30
Jkesslerjron: lol.  i'll ssh in and get it04:30
nanotubedonavan_: lifeograph seems to have encryption feature. rednotebook seems not to... but could just be stored in a truecrypt volume or something.04:30
jronthanks, Jkessler04:30
C-S-BUbubegin: you'll want to make before make install.04:31
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C-S-BUbubegin: also try checkinstall instead of make install.04:32
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pepperphdnikolaus: you probably didnt type it correctly, or dont have kde installed04:32
nikolausI am running kde 4.2, on ubuntu 9.0404:33
biovorenikolaus: kdesu kedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:34
UbubeginC-S-B: but if make doesnt work... there's no point in proceeding to make install , right04:34
biovorethat work?04:34
pepperphdand you typed kdesu konqueror?04:34
nikolausill try04:34
tarvidleft mouse clicks quit working04:34
nikolausyess pepperphd, thats what I typed04:34
tarvidhow do i get them back?04:34
nikolauskdesu command not found04:35
alecwh1How do I find out what my kernel version is?04:35
C-S-BUbubegin: what do you mean?04:35
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C-S-BUbubegin: as in make failing? then yes you would need to fix that before make install/checkinstall04:36
tarviduname -a04:36
UbubeginC-S-B: there was some errors and it exited the folder.....  k, tks dude04:36
alecwh1tarvid: thanks. :)04:36
poentIf i'm having trouble getting WoW to work under wine on ubuntu wheres the best place to ask?04:36
C-S-BUbubegin: what was the error?04:36
ctmjrpoent: there is a wine channel do not know how helpful they are #winehq04:37
pepperphdnikolaus: try kdesudo04:38
Flannelpoent: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft has some troubleshooting stuff, see if your problem is on there (also, make sure you've followed those instructions)04:38
ipatrolI was told Ubuntu uses a lot of Python, how can I help?04:38
Flannelpepperphd, nikolaus: it's kdesu04:38
owen1when installing a package with make/make install, will it not show up in dpkg -l ?04:38
Flannelowen1: correct.04:38
Flannel!checkinstall | owen104:38
ubottuowen1: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!04:38
owen1Flannel: got it04:38
owen1nice, checkinstall sounds good04:39
nikolausthis seems to be working but loaded the web browser, let me try the folders04:39
tarvidhttp://www.bordeauxgroup.com/ for WoW04:39
poentFlannel: Yeah i was following the guide there to begin with. I'm having an issue with the installer that wasnt addressed (as far as i can tell)04:39
Flannelpoent: Ah, your best bet is #winehq then, they should be able to help.04:40
UbubeginC-S-B: http://www.pastebin.org/9891 ... here is the error04:40
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UbubeginC-S-B: is it even a fixable error.. seems very cryptic too me..04:41
nikolausok got it in there, restart time04:42
pepperphdFlannel, kdesudo worked for him. maybe kdesu has been replaced in kde 4.2 with kdesudo?04:42
bruenigyeah Flannel04:42
C-S-BUbubegin: im not sure why it's failing, you have all the dependencies?04:43
biovoreUbubegin: where you getting that source?04:44
adredhi, how to view all devices (mounted and unmounted) via command line?04:44
Ububeginbiovore: from the octave packages directory.... http://sourceforge.net/projects/octave/files/04:45
Cyber-Doggso... i just installed ubuntu04:45
Cyber-DoggI have a BC4306 in my box04:45
UbubeginCyber-Dogg: welcome to ubuntu community dude04:45
Cyber-Doggthanks :-)04:45
Cyber-DoggI went into the networking controls and setup the wireless04:46
Cyber-Doggbut I don't see how to tell it to connect anywhere04:46
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: can you see the wireless networks?04:46
Cyber-Doggwhen I look at ifconfig, wlan0 isdown04:47
EagleScreen!pastebin | Cyber-Dogg04:47
ubottuCyber-Dogg: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:47
Cyber-Doggand when I do an ifconfig wlan0 up I get can error04:47
nikolausits in there, but it still didnt work04:47
nikolausback to square 104:47
EagleScreenpastebin us the output of command 'iwconfig'04:47
Cyber-DoggLOL... I can't exactly copy and paste it online :-)04:48
Cyber-Doggno connection on that box04:48
Veronikaanybody here?04:48
Cyber-Doggwmaster0 : no wireless extensions04:48
biovoreCyber-Dogg: that broadcom card has propritary firmware ubuntu can't distrubute with OS..  but you can try this method.  http://www.foogazi.com/2008/04/28/how-to-enable-bcm43xx-in-ubuntu-804/04:48
nikolausdamn chap motherboard04:48
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: cant you pastebin?04:48
HordekingHi. Can anyone help me? I'm having an interesting problem. Whatever application I'm working with kind of fades, and seems to lock up momentarily. Can anyone tell me what is happening?04:49
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: pastebin output of 'lsmod | grep wl'04:49
Veronikahello, i want to ask one question.... i have installed kubuntu, but i want to try ubuntu... how can i reintall it - i have just one partition on my notebook. no data there, so maybe format? is that possible? and if yes - how04:49
HordekingSeems to cause everything else to lock up, too04:50
kismet1hey... dose anyone know where my linux-source files are04:50
Cyber-Doggthat's what I was looking for :-)04:50
bonez46what would cause a linux box to be visible in the Add Printers dialogues.. within Win xp pro. and yet, the shared printer on that linux box to NOT show , to not be visible to print to?04:50
Hordekingkismet1: No.04:50
Cyber-DoggI had to do that with gentoo04:50
nikolauswell im giving up for the night, time to drink some mead, for a nightcap04:50
Cyber-Doggwill i need ndiswrapper?04:51
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: you dont need ndistwrapper, there is Linux native driver for your card, but it is privative04:51
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Veronikashould i wait for the answer?04:52
Cyber-Doggthe sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter says can't find package04:52
tarvidHordeking, I am guessing compiz says the machine is busy and you should wait04:53
EagleScreenVeronika: what was your question?04:53
Pseudo_BobHey, can anyone help me configure Wine?04:53
Veronikaor recommend me a link04:53
hackooVeronika: no you can go04:53
Hordekingtarvid: That doesn't sound right to me.04:53
Veronikahello, i want to ask one question.... i have installed kubuntu, but i want to try ubuntu... how can i reintall it - i have just one partition on my notebook. no data there, so maybe format? is that possible? and if yes - how04:53
biovoreVeronika: you can install the gnome desktop by installing the package ubuntu-desktop  ( you can have both at the same time installed )04:53
EagleScreenVeronika: you can install ubuntu alongside kuubntu, just installing 'ubuntu-desktop' package04:54
Hordekingtarvid: Especially when I'm not doing anything that really requires a lot of horsepower04:54
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: what is your ubuntu version?04:54
tarvidi am guessing the desktop is busy04:54
Veronikabiovore: i want to uninstall it04:54
biovoreVeronika: complete OS reinstall?04:54
Veronikahackoo: hahaha... great fun :s04:55
IdleOneVeronika, if there isnt anything on the drive you want to save then pop in the ubuntu cd and go for it04:55
Veronikabiovore: yes04:55
bonez46is this thing ON?04:55
Veronikai have downloaded ubuntu live cd04:55
ctmjr!puregnome | Veronika04:55
ubottuVeronika: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal04:55
IdleOneyou can install from the live cd04:56
Cyber-DoggI'm doinig a reload on packages now04:56
Veronikabiovore: but i cant boot system from that04:56
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: did you install b43-fwcutter?04:56
IdleOneor try what ubottu just told you04:56
Cyber-Doggit couldn't find it04:56
Cyber-Doggbut I just hooked up the wired connection04:56
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: you do not need it04:57
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: you need the restricted wl driver04:57
Cyber-Dogghow do I get that?04:57
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: wl driver is inside linux-restricted-modules package04:57
Veronikaand... can i boot the system from live cd on pc without OS?04:57
FlannelVeronika: Yep04:58
HordekingHow can I set up a runlevel 2 to be a text login? I've deleted the link to the gdm script, but when I telinit 2 (from runlevel 3), GDM doesn't die.04:58
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: you already have it installed (surely)04:58
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Cyber-Doggok, so then what do I need to do?04:58
Cyber-DoggI can pastebin stuff now too BTW04:58
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: pastebin output of command 'iwconfig' please04:59
fxhpI have a bash script I'd like to run at boot, where is a good place to call it from?05:00
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EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: please paste well the links05:01
andresjhey, i'm trying to find out how to play, using Haskore, a Haskore.Music.GeneralMIDI.T. any ideas? I found Haskore.Interface.MIDI.Write.fromGMMusicAuto, but i'm not sure how to generate a "Context time dyn Note"05:01
th0rfxhp: research run levels and /etc/init.d05:01
edbianfxhp: There is a whole procedure for running scripts at boot time05:01
andresj*, wrong place!05:02
owen1where can i read about the parameters for ./configure ?05:02
edbianfxhp: check out "man update-rc.d"05:02
AnActivishey I'm helping my friend install dual boot windows and ubuntu and I'm getting a blue screen when I try to boot from the xp install cd its saying i should run chkdsk /f but I don't have a windows partition to run this with, any suggestions?05:02
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: okay, your card is almost ok05:02
dre360is there any patch for ubuntu for the kernel exploit05:02
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: pastebin 'lsmod | grep wl' and also 'lsmod | grep b43'05:02
mannytu.bashrc is where you would run a startup script from term...05:03
yurifurywhats the easiest way to view pdfs within firefox 3.0 on ubuntu 9.0405:03
azraelgnosisHello, my friend is trying to install Ubuntu, but he gets a blank screen error05:03
azraelgnosisthe same error occured when he tried to install linux mint05:03
azraelgnosishowever, openSUSE worked fine05:03
Cyber-Doggnothing for grep wl05:04
canthus13azraelgnosis: Might try some different boot options. like -nolapic05:04
edbianazraelgnosis: Is it a blank screen?  Or is it an error about a blank screen?  Be more specific.  What is a "blank screen error"05:04
Cyber-Doggthat's for grep b43 (obviously)05:04
* canthus13 had a jam-up on his laptop until he played around with his boot options.05:04
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: so you are already using the b43 free driver05:04
azraelgnosisedbian: it's like hte computer and the monitor aren't communicating anymore05:04
azraelgnosiscanthus13: we tried -nolapic. a different error occured05:05
edbianazraelgnosis: It just goes blank then?  Nothing is printed to the screen?05:05
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: the final pastebin is 'dmesg' to see if there is firrmware issues (full dmesg output)05:05
canthus13azraelgnosis: Boot nosplash and see what comes up.05:05
canthus13might get a clue there.05:06
azraelgnosisedbian: the monitor displays "monitor is working fine, check connection to computer"05:06
canthus13Something is turning off the video card.05:06
azraelgnosiscanthus13: we can try that05:06
canthus13azraelgnosis: Does a live CD boot fine?05:06
yurifuryi can't install adobe reader on ubuntu 9.04? when i visit the adobe website it just downloads a .bin file and i can't ./ it05:06
azraelgnosiscanthus13: no, same issue05:07
EO_I have a problem that's driving me insane.  My mouse can only click on some areas of the screen in KDE.  What could have caused this???05:07
canthus13azraelgnosis: Can you boot to a command prompt?05:07
ctmjrazraelgnosis: in the install main menu after you choose the language press f4 then safe graphics mode then install05:07
AnActivis hey I'm helping my friend install dual boot windows and ubuntu and I'm getting a blue screen when I try to boot from the xp install cd its saying i should run chkdsk /f but I don't have a windows partition to run this with, any suggestions?05:07
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE05:07
canthus13azraelgnosis: If you can, go to /var/log and check out messages.005:08
azraelgnosiscanthus13: um, I don't think so05:08
azraelgnosisctmjr: we can try that05:08
canthus13azraelgnosis: YOu get a grub menu, right?05:08
EO_biovore: and it also happens in gnome.05:08
neko_why doing nothing takes around 20% of my cpu with pikes at 100% ?05:08
azraelgnosiscanthus13: umm?05:08
canthus13azraelgnosis: The screen that shows up and gives you different options to boot.  Normal, safe, etc.05:09
azraelgnosiscanthus13: yes05:09
* EO_ re-tests under GNOME.05:09
canthus13azraelgnosis: Hit escape there, and boot into recovery mode.05:09
andresjneko_: maybe you have unnecesary services up? programs that keep working (say, a music player)05:09
Cyber-DoggEagleScreen: http://pastebin.ca/153336005:09
stickboyif i have a program running, say burning or ripping a cd, on one account and then switch accounts (without logging off) will that continue or will it stop?05:09
neko_i have check this05:09
azraelgnosiscanthus13: trying the safe graphics mode currently. If that doesn't work, we can try that05:10
canthus13azraelgnosis: Then check /var/log/messages.0 (or any other messages files besides just messages)05:10
canthus13azraelgnosis: Cool.05:10
andresjstickboy: it will continue.05:10
neko_the processus that make this pike05:10
stickboyandresj, thanks05:10
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neko_is hal-subsystem05:10
andresjstickboy: no prob :)05:10
Cyber-DoggEagleScreen: I see the firmware messages in dmesg05:10
canthus13bah. What's the command to restore your fonts again? I cat'd an archive accidentally. :P05:10
azraelgnosiscanthus13: the safe graphics mode appears to be working05:11
azraelgnosisctmjr: thanks05:11
canthus13azraelgnosis: Good. You may need to search for a workaround to get graphics working properly once it's installed.05:11
cmannsHey ya05:11
ctmjrazraelgnosis: your welcome and have fun05:11
andresjneko_: hal... you might do good to post this on the forums or launchpad answers. or hang out here to find somebody who knows more about HAL. I can't help you too much with that, I'm sorry. although it might have to do with a specific device you have connected/inside your computer05:12
EO_well it seems to have magically fixed itself in gnome now.  Given a couple days, the mouse will be unusable here too though.  What a weird ass problem.05:12
azraelgnosiscanthus13: oh, um, you guys will be able to help with that I presume?05:12
cmannsI used unetbootin to make a live cd on a 1gb usb drive... I used X-ubuntu iso, should be the same as ubuntu as I read on the ubuntuforums.... anyways anybody know why a live cd would just drop to the terminal and complain that /root n such doesnt exsist?05:12
neko_andresj what i wondering05:12
Veronikawhat is the command to format whole hdd please05:12
andresjVeronika: to errase the whole hdd or to put a filesystem in it?05:12
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: you need the b43 firmware or use wl restricted driver05:13
neko_also i wonder if it can happen because of a bugged hd05:13
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: lets try first installing the firmware05:13
neko_what is the command to check if the hd is in good health ?05:13
canthus13azraelgnosis: We can try. :) A lot of times, there are guides online for it.05:13
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: is your OS 32 or 64 bits?05:13
canthus13azraelgnosis: What graphics card is it?05:13
fxhpedbian: apparently ubuntu is moving away from runlevels and init.  For upstart...05:13
azraelgnosiscanthus13: alright05:14
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: try  $ sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter05:14
azraelgnosiscanthus13: GeForce ... he's looking for details05:14
andresjVeronika: it is `dd if=/dev/null of=/your/device`. but be careful cuz ther is no revert operation :P05:14
Cyber-DoggEagleScreen: done :-)05:14
azraelgnosiscanthus13: GeFroce 9500 GT05:14
insaanandresj, not /dev/zero ?05:14
Veronikaandresj: there are no data except OS05:14
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: did it report any error, or was it fully installed?05:15
ctmjr!nvidia | azraelgnosis05:15
ubottuazraelgnosis: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:15
Cyber-Doggfully installed05:15
Veronika"format" does not exist? :D05:15
andresjneko_: i know of the command to see if the filesystem is good: fsck. to check the hard drive itself the best i've found is a bootdisk... but i might be just ignorant in that :P05:15
Cyber-Doggand now, ifconfig up works05:15
canthus13azraelgnosis: Ah. Lotsa guides for nvidia.05:15
andresjVeronika: why are you trying to format your hard drive?05:15
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: can you alreadu see your wireless networks near you?05:15
andresjVeronika: keep in mind that if you try to format the hard drive in which Ubuntu is installed (and u are running it) your computer will hang/crash/do-weird-things at some point.05:16
Matr|Xhi i have problem with my windows partition05:16
choppyhorseis the uuid in grub specific to myself or to the different kernel versions?05:16
Veronikaandresj i have made a big *** have erased just half of the system... :D i think its much more easy to format it atall05:16
Cyber-DoggEagleScreen: how do i look fo that?05:17
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: use network-manager applet05:17
dre360that's a bitch05:17
andresjVeronika: aaah... well you shud run from a live cd first, and then format the hdd. if not the errasing might not finish. then again, the installer will errase it all anyways, if you tell it to.05:18
Veronikai have burned it05:18
dre360try gprated05:18
dre360to formarted the hdd05:18
Cyber-Doggwhere is network-manager?05:18
Cyber-DoggI see network connections05:18
choppyhorseto answer my own question, it is to me05:18
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: Add widgets -> Network management05:19
canthus13azraelgnosis: Does the video card have dual outputs?05:19
Matr|Xubuntu cant read windows partition05:19
Matr|Xroot@Box:~# mkdir -p /mnt/windows ; mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows05:19
Matr|XUnexpected clusters per mft record (-1).05:19
Matr|XFailed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument05:19
Matr|XThe device '/dev/sda1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.05:19
Matr|XMaybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a05:19
FloodBot1Matr|X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
Matr|Xpartition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around?05:19
EagleScreennot, sorry that is for Kubuntu, Cyber-Dogg, you should have an applet to configure the network in the taskbar, and it should show the wireless nets near you05:20
DacvakGah, my grub file just randomly stopped working. I can't get into Ubuntu. I don't know how to edit it from LiveCD. Gah, I don't know what to do...05:20
Cyber-Doggthen nope05:20
Cyber-Doggnothing listed there05:20
Cyber-Doggnetwork connections05:20
DacvakCould someone here help me?05:20
dre360use the live cd to boot then edit the grub-menu file05:21
Matr|Xput the live cd05:21
DacvakI'm in the live cd mode now05:21
DacvakThat's what I'm typing with.05:21
dre360dacvak what up05:21
Matr|Xsudo bash05:21
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: it is network-manager-gnome05:21
DacvakHey. Trying to get grub to work.05:21
DacvakHow can I edit it from livecd?05:21
dre360what are you doing05:21
Cyber-Dogghow do I launch that?05:21
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: try from a terminal05:21
dre360let use know more05:22
DacvakFor some reason grub decided to completely stop working. I literally have no idea why.05:22
Cyber-Doggcommand not found05:22
canthus13Dacvak: Hmm. Can you burn a supergrub CD?05:22
canthus13Dacvak: It would be the easiest way to fix it.05:22
DacvakWhen I boot, it just, like, launches grub. It says "grub>" and that's pretty much it.05:22
afedUNUNTU ????????????!!?!!!!?????!!!!????////05:22
DacvakI don't really have access to CDs right now.05:22
C-S-BDacvak: grub-install /dev/sdX05:23
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: it may be nm-gnome05:23
DacvakPlus my menu.lst file was custom made to also dual-boot into windows05:23
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: use TAB key to autocomplete names05:23
DacvakC-S-B: I tried reinstalling grub but I don't think it worked.05:23
dre360boot the live cd then su mount /etc/sda then cd to /boot/menu-list and edit the file05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about past05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastpain05:23
Cyber-Doggi did05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastepain05:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:23
EagleScreenanyone using Ubuntu here? how is the executable for network-manager-gnome'05:24
Dacvakdre360: In mounting /etc/sda, it says it can't find /etc/sda... Perhaps it's called something else?05:24
C-S-BEagleScreen: alot of people might use ubuntu here05:24
canthus13Dacvak: DO you have any old copies of menu-list?05:24
Matr|Xwe all using ubuntu05:25
C-S-BDacvak: /dev/sda05:25
Dacvakcanthus13: I believe i do.05:25
EagleScreencan you please check which is the command that run network-manager-gnome?05:25
canthus13Dacvak: Try one of the old copies.05:25
DacvakC-S-B: That didn't mount either.05:25
Matr|Xplz see this eroor http://paste.ubuntu.com/254901/05:25
canthus13Dacvak: just mv menu-list menu-list.backup105:25
dre360ls -l the /dev/ an | grep disk to find the hss05:25
dre360sorry hdd05:25
Dacvakcanthus13: I don't know how to get to those backups05:25
canthus13Dacvak: then cp <oldmenu-list> menu-list05:25
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: any advantage?05:26
canthus13Dacvak: Mount the drive, then they should be in /boot/grub, I think.05:26
DacvakI can't figure out how to mount the drive right now...05:26
Ace__Hi, i have a problem with ubuntu i just installed, i hear n sound05:26
C-S-BDacvak: sudo mkdir /media/sda && sudo mount /dev/sda /media/sda05:26
dre360what live cd are u using05:26
canthus13Dacvak: Oh. menu.lst, not menu-list. :)05:26
Ace__the songs are playing and all, but i dont hear any sound including system sounds05:26
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: syrely you already have network-manager-gnome running and it is the applet for network in the top pannel05:26
canthus13Dacvak: What C-S-B said.05:26
C-S-BDacvak: but the live cd should have already mounted the drive05:26
dre360same thing :)05:27
dre360no it won't05:27
DacvakI think it mounted it now05:27
dre360the live cd would only mount the swap and ram05:27
Ace__Hi, i have a problem with ubuntu i just installed, i hear no sound05:27
C-S-BDacvak: cd /media/sda/boot/grub05:27
canthus13Ace__: try killall pulseaudio from command line and see what happens.05:27
EagleScreenAce__: what is a system sound?05:28
Matr|Xroot@Box:~# mkdir -p /mnt/sda1 ; mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda105:28
Matr|XUnexpected clusters per mft record (-1).05:28
DacvakWow, wtf, this menu.lst is completely different. There's nothing bootable on it.05:28
Ace__login sound and other sounds EagleScreen05:28
canthus13EagleScreen: Boot music, bells, etc.05:28
Ace__there is absolutely no sound05:28
Ace__canthus13, the terminal is installing packages atm05:28
Matr|XUnexpected clusters per mft record (-1).05:28
canthus13Ace__: Open another one./05:28
dre360apt-get update05:28
Ace__oh sorry i am new canthus13 , what do i exactly type?05:28
dre360or control panel05:28
kermitsynaptics touchpads are extreemly common yet the scrolling feature on mine doesnt work, is this intentional for some reason?  (like a buggy driver)05:28
* canthus13 has 8 open right now.05:28
EagleScreenAce__: check you have installed alsa-base and ubuntu-sounds05:29
Ace__EagleScreen, how05:29
canthus13Ace__: Go to applications > Accessories > Terminal05:29
Ace__i know canthus13 :p but what to type there05:29
masakaI have a problem switching users if DVD (or CD) is mounted. Jaunty 9.04, amd6405:29
canthus13Ace__: alsamixer05:29
EagleScreenAce__: with System -> Administration -> Synaptic05:29
cevariefHi, how to remove some menu from start menu ?05:29
canthus13Ace__: Make sure everything is turned up correctly.05:29
EagleScreenCyber-Dogg: you can test wl driver instead of b4305:29
th0rkermit: install gsynaptics05:29
azraelgnosismy friend has a IDE hdd and a SATA hdd. He wants to install Ubuntu on the SATA but not the IDE, however the IDE is the master hdd. does he need to make a GRUB partition on the IDE to boot from there?05:29
dre360ubuntu menu-edit05:29
canthus13Ace__: If they are, try killall pulseaudio05:29
Matr|Xi have problem with the boot menu i cant log into windows05:29
Ace__yes it is canthus1305:29
Matr|Xplz helppppppppppppppppppppp http://paste.ubuntu.com/254901/05:30
cevariefmenu-edit can only hide it ?05:30
dre360use vm05:30
dre360windows :)05:30
canthus13Ace__: Just quit out of alsamixer, type killall pulseaudio, and then try some sounds.05:30
Matr|Xhelpppppppppppp http://paste.ubuntu.com/254901/05:30
canthus13Matr|X: Hang on. Looking.05:30
Ace__canthus13, song seems to be playing on rythmbox but no sound05:31
Matr|X    Name        Flags      Part Type  FS Type          [Label]        Size (MB)05:31
Matr|X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------05:31
Matr|X    sda1        Boot        Primary   NTFS             []              16779.5805:31
FloodBot1Matr|X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
DacvakCrap, I just searched and I totally don't have a grub menu.lst backup. Any idea how I could go about creating a new one?05:31
th0rMatr|X: the error is stated right there in pastebin....sda1 isn't an ntfs drive05:31
canthus13Ace__: What sound card are you using?05:31
Matr|Xi cant find sda105:31
Matr|Xits not mounted05:31
dre360you can find all the app in control center05:32
Ace__how do i check canthus1305:32
Matr|Xin cfdisk i can see05:32
canthus13Ace__: Do you know how to use pastebin?05:32
Matr|X    sda1        Boot        Primary   NTFS             []              16779.5805:32
MindVirus1Hi. My sound crackles.05:32
dre360Martix what happened05:32
canthus13Ace__: Go to a command prompt, type lspci, and paste the output05:32
webbihow to clean apt-get cache05:32
th0rMatr|X: mount needs, I think, ntfs-3g, not ntfs05:32
masakaCan anyone help me? User session gets killed (all processes gone) if I switch user with a DVD (or CD) mounted05:32
Matr|Xso wht i can do now05:32
dre360apt-get autoremove05:33
webbidre360: that was for me?05:33
canthus13Matr|X: What he said. mount ntfs-3g05:33
DacvakMan, I just installed ubuntu 3 days ago. I finally got everything working great, installed a dual boot of windows, and configured everything... And then suddenly grub just borks up and I can't do anything. Why is Ubuntu so perfect in every aspect, but then just a few things completely mess everything up? ;_;05:33
dre360try it05:33
FlannelDacvak: You lost grub when you reinstalled windows, you mean?05:33
DacvakGrub was fine. I even configured it to dual boot.05:33
Matr|Xthis is my problem to05:34
canthus13Dacvak: That's wierd.05:34
Ace__i noticed you it canthus1305:34
FlannelDacvak: What happened then?  What's the problem?05:34
dre360dude don't dual boot with windows if you don't know what you are doing05:34
Matr|Xi lost grub then i renstal grub now i cant find the windows partation and i cant log to windows05:34
DacvakAll I did was normally shut down my laptop about an hour ago, and when I booted it back up, grub didn't work anymore.05:34
canthus13Ace__: Eh? Noticed it?05:34
dre360you can have problem05:34
Ace__yes /notice canthus13 message05:34
Ace__using that command05:34
Lunks[irc]How can I get my optical S/PDIF output to work? I'm using an ASUS with NVidia Chipset motherboard.05:35
canthus13Ace__: Ah. found it.  I don't have irssi configured to tell me about notices.05:35
Ace__ah :P05:35
dre360dacvak in the boot folder the may be a backup of your boot nano the menu* file05:35
canthus13Ace__: Intel 82801.05:35
Ace__ok, now what then canthus1305:36
FlannelDacvak: pastebin your menu.lst and the output of `sudo fdisk -l` (that's an L)05:36
canthus13Ace__: You using Jaunty?05:36
Ace__i have completely removed windows and installed ubuntu, so i hope you can get my sound workin05:36
Dac-iPhoneDammit. Somehow the freaking screencap thing infinitely kept taking screens and I had to shut down.05:37
kermitth0r: i did, it says the driver isnt in the xorg.conf ... A) my /etc/X11/xorg.conf is very bare, it doesnt look like the real conf, and B) is there some reason it wouldnt have been installed by default?05:37
Dac-iPhoneThis is Dacvak, by the way.05:37
Lunks[irc]How can I get my optical S/PDIF output to work? I'm using an ASUS with NVidia Chipset motherboard.05:37
Dac-iPhoneIm rebooting in livecd now.05:37
afedprove it05:37
Ace__When i tried Wubi, my sounds were fine on ubuntu, but then my windows got corrupt canthus13 ,and flash sounds wouldnt work there but others were working, and now when i shifted to ubuntu here, no sound would work05:37
dre360got the menu list05:38
Dac-iPhonedre360: Will it work for me?05:38
canthus13Ace__: Open volume control.05:39
th0rkermit: research gsynaptics and synclient....there are one or two lines that have to be added in xorg.conf to get it working...something if I remember right about shmconfig? or something like that05:39
canthus13Ace__: Edit > preference05:39
Matr|Xeny help here05:39
canthus13Is External Amplifier checked?05:39
mrpocketsCan I use a PCI-E GeForce 9600GT with dual heads, and stick a dual head PCI VGA card in, for 4 monitors?05:40
Ace__its open now canthus13 sir :P05:40
Dac-iPhoneMan, this always happens. I try so hard to make the official switch to ubuntu, but then a few days in something irreperable happens and I always switch back to windows. :(05:40
canthus13Ace__: Try sound now.05:40
dre360does anyone know of a good packet analyzer for linux05:40
firecrotchmrpockets: sure :)05:40
th0rkermit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34519205:40
firecrotchdre360: wireshark05:40
canthus13Ace__: There are a couple of possibilities. THis is one, jack sense may also be a problem.05:40
mrpocketsfirecrotch, they don't have to be identical cards/05:41
Ace__canthus13, nothing05:41
Ace__no sound05:41
canthus13Dac-iPhone: That happened to me until Gutsy. Been smooth ever since.05:41
firecrotchmrpockets: No, they don't05:41
canthus13Ace__: Ok. Put it back the way it was, then go back to a terminal.05:41
Dac-iPhoneI just want grub to work. :(05:41
dre360a packet analyzer to extract files mp3 jpg and etc05:41
Ace__wait, did i have to edit anything in sound prefrences canthus13  ?05:42
dre360like netwo\rkNetWitness05:42
canthus13Ace__: Yeah. Sorry. :) Check the Enable external amplifier option. :)05:42
dre360NetWitness i mean05:42
DacvakOk, I'm back in LiveCD mode.05:43
dmizeri've lost the ability to run commands via ssh. all i get is "sudo: unable to execute /bin/su: Input/output error" for example05:43
DacvakHow exactly do I mount my hard drive again?05:43
DacvakWait, it already is mounted.05:43
Ace__and still nothing canthus1305:43
canthus13Ace__: Ok. THen uncheck it and go back to a terminal.05:43
Ace__i'm at terminal now05:43
myselfhas anyone here gotten pcsx2 to work in linux? I need help05:44
myselfits a ps2 emulator05:44
Dacvakdre360: I'm in my menu.lst file now.05:44
Lartza_I am trying to burn cd in semi-minimal ubuntu05:44
dre360try df -h to see what hdd is mounted the su mount /dev/sd* etc05:44
Lartza_wodim says no such file or directory, cannot open scsi driver05:45
DacvakI only have one hard drive, and it's mounted properly.05:45
Dacvakdre360: I located my menu.lst file.05:45
FactoringHumaniti'm trying to get a cron job to run daily on a server but the only time the job runs is when there is a user logged into it.   We can't have a user logged in all the time so how do you get a cron job to run with no user logged in?05:45
dre360did you all update your kernel05:46
Ace__canthus13, i'm at terminal :p05:46
dre360from the exploit05:46
canthus13Ace__: Hmm. Just thought of something. Line jack sense won't be an option with pulseaudio. :(05:46
Dacvakdre360: Actually this just happened after I updated Ubuntu.05:46
Ace__what would that mean?05:46
dmizeri've lost the ability to run commands via ssh. all i get is "sudo: unable to execute /bin/su: Input/output error" for example05:46
DacvakNow that I think about it, I updated Ubuntu, then magically grub no longer worked.05:46
SnakDocFactoringHumanit you place script in /etc/cron.daily05:47
canthus13Ace__: Gimme a minute.05:47
dre360ubuntu make's a backup of the menu list before anything05:47
canthus13Ace__: Try sound with headphones and see if it works.05:47
FactoringHumanitSnakDoc    well the thing is we need it to run at 3 am and not midnight so i used crontab to do it05:47
Ace__just a sec05:47
DacvakWait, I have access to my hard drive but it's not mounted.05:48
Ace__no luck canthus1305:48
Dacvakdre360: Where can I find that backup?05:48
dre360what version is your ubuntu05:48
canthus13Ace__: Ok. It's prolly not a jack sensing issue then.05:48
Dacvak9.04 64bit05:49
SnakDocFactoringHumanit create script to test time and run it hourly then?? i don't know past that never had anything that was that time sensitive05:49
Ace__really makes no sense to me, no kind of sound is playing05:49
dre360give me a min05:49
FactoringHumanitSnakDoc     i guess that could work     basically just add in a couple lines of time checking code and put it in cron.hourly05:49
SnakDocFactoringHumanit that was my guess i never knew that crontab require a user to be logged in so..05:50
firecrotchcron doesn't require a user to be logged in05:50
dmizeri've lost the ability to run commands via ssh. all i get is "sudo: unable to execute /bin/su: Input/output error" for example05:50
canthus13Ace__: Not sure where to go from here.  Try putting up a post on ubuntuforums.org. More people will have a chance to look at it.05:50
FactoringHumanitneither did i but even testing to have it run every minute i would only get results if there was someone logged in to the server05:51
MySecondChoiceIShi when I open gedit from the console is there anyway to detach it from that console so i can use it for other things05:51
* canthus13 couldn't find anything else that would apply.05:51
canthus13Ace__: Might take a day or so to get an answer.. Might take 10 minutes, just depents on who is reading.05:51
Ace__,aybe something in prefrences>sound could be wrong canthus13 ?05:51
canthus13Ace__: Could be. It can't hurt much to play with the settings.05:51
graham_Hi all. any chance of any help/advice on installing nvidia graphics drivers. been having a nightmare attempting it for few days now. kinda wearing me out.05:51
dre360i am sending you my menu list so you can get a little help05:51
Ace__and do i need to be registered to post05:51
canthus13Ace__: Yep.05:52
MySecondChoiceIShi when I open gedit from the console is there anyway to detach it from that console so i can use it for other things05:52
canthus13Ace__: registration is painless. :)05:52
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: invoke it as 'gedit &'05:52
MySecondChoiceISwhat does & do?05:52
firecrotchFactoringHumanit: it's probably a PATH issue when a user is not logged in05:52
canthus13MySecondChoiceIS: Runs it in the background.05:52
MySecondChoiceISand it outputs a number is that PID?05:52
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: "detach it from that console so i can use it for other things"05:53
MySecondChoiceIScharlie@charlie-desktop:~/Documents/OpenGL$ gedit &05:53
MySecondChoiceIS[1] 1520705:53
canthus13MySecondChoiceIS: Not sure. use ps to find out. :)05:53
FactoringHumanitfirecrotch:   so where would i try putting it then? just in the root directory or would /etc be better?05:53
meshuggahsomeone is muslim here?05:53
canthus13MySecondChoiceIS: Jusgt tried it, and apparently so.05:54
graham_I've did all the usual things, I've installed the latest graphics drivers, attempted to configure them. but every time I do it, system won't boot into desktop. Only thing I can do then is reinstall the complete os.05:54
firecrotchFactoringHumanit: well, you could make your script use absolute paths in it, or at the top of your crontab, you can set the PATH variable05:54
ChessmanHey all, I'm running Jaunty on a Powerbook G4, ppc. When I attempt to logout of the gui, shutdown, reboot, sleep, etc., the powerbook hangs at a black screen and never completes the command. I have updated the OS, and searched the web, to no avail. Any pointers on where to get started to fix this problem?05:55
dmizeri've lost the ability to run commands via ssh. all i get is "sudo: unable to execute /bin/su: Input/output error" for example05:55
FactoringHumanitfirecrotch:   i'm pretty sure i'm using an absolute path to it     the path is /home/jerry/scripts/del/<script name>05:55
meshuggahHey, I am not running Ubuntu, but i need an advice from a muslim please, i need to know which good quran i can download in english and not a too big file, please, thank05:55
th0rChessman: if the installed system works, and the "improved" drivers crash the system....I would say that is a no-brainer05:55
Dac-iPhoneI will do anything if someone could help me simply boot into my computer.05:56
firecrotchFactoringHumanit: and absolute paths within the script?05:56
th0rmeshuggah: not here05:56
graham_I've tried editing the xorg.conf, running all the usual progs to configure it from the command prompt. but no joy. seems it doesn't put the correct info into xorg. conf.05:56
meshuggahth0r whynot?05:56
th0rmeshuggah: this is ubuntu support05:56
Chessmanth0r, What improved drivers?05:56
canthus13graham_: Will it reboot?05:56
Ace__canthus13, ill set up a post too05:56
Ace__but any ideas?05:56
meshuggahth0r, serious? oh so sorry05:56
Ace__or anyone else here?05:56
graham_yep, reboots ok, but only to the command prompt.05:56
canthus13Ace__: I can't think of anything else.05:56
canthus13graham_: Hmm.05:56
* meshuggah hgs th0r 05:57
MySecondChoiceIShow can I open my xorg log file?05:57
Ace__what should my defaul mixer track be canthus1305:57
canthus13graham_: have you read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102235905:57
Chessmanth0r, I haven't installed any other drivers. However, it is a Mac Powerbook, powerpc.05:57
th0rChessman: sorry...wrong video question....should have gone to graham_05:57
invaderzimsome think that can i help me! pleas05:57
MySecondChoiceIShow can I open my xorg log file?05:58
rashed2020Anyone have a good tutorial on using mkiniramfs?05:58
Chessmanth0r, Roger that.05:58
dmizeri've lost the ability to run commands via ssh. all i get is "sudo: unable to execute /bin/su: Input/output error" for example. logging out and logging back in does not correct the problem.05:58
canthus13Ace__: Ace__ Master, prolly. Although you won't get much sound if PCM is turned down or muted,05:58
Dac-iPhoneHere's my problem: after I installed recommended ubuntu automatic updates, it completely effed up grub and now I can boot into ubuntu or windows. It was handling two partitions on the same drive, dual-booting. I desperately need to simply be able to boot into my computer.05:58
graham_Thanks, just checking that url out. been trawling the net for days, I reckon I've tried pretty much everything. but been a newb to the os doesn't help.05:58
firecrotchDac-iPhone: what kind of error do you get?05:59
canthus13dmizer: Can you run them through a regular terminal?05:59
Dac-iPhoneI've edited my menu.lst file in grub to theoretically allow me to boot into windows, but it gave me an error when I tried that.05:59
MySecondChoiceISnvm I figured it out its like sudo gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log &05:59
dmizercanthus13: i'm unsure, as the system is remote.05:59
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: xterm +sb -fg yellow -bg black -e 'tac /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less'05:59
Ace__everything is turned up05:59
Dac-iPhonefirecrotch: Ubuntu is no linger listed in my boot menu in grub.05:59
canthus13dmizer: Hmm. Hows teh disk usage on the system?05:59
canthus13dmizer: Any completely full partitions?05:59
dre360what error06:00
majukDac-iPhone: You probably botched your menu.lst. pastebin it06:00
dmizercanthus13: i don't think so, but i'll check.06:00
MySecondChoiceISlol th0r what does taht do?06:00
Dac-iPhonemajuk: Give me one sec. Logging on to livecd06:00
Ace__canthus13, i installed restrcited extras but still yt says i dont have flash on firefox06:00
dmizercanthus13: no, most is at 48%06:00
majukDac-iPhone: And what error would be useful as well.06:00
canthus13dmizer: Hmm.06:00
firecrotch!grubfix | Dac-iPhone06:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grubfix06:00
th0rMySecondChoiceIS:  how can I open my xorg log file?06:00
timmanhow do i get a list of all the packages i have installed ontopp of the base install?06:01
firecrotch!fixmbr | Dac-iPhone06:01
ubottuDac-iPhone: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:01
canthus13Ace__: Reboot. Every once in a while, ff doesn't recognize flash until then.06:01
MySecondChoiceISThat was insane tho06:01
dre360wait you got windows and ubuntu in a dual boot system ?06:01
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: did you try it?06:01
canthus13dmizer: Ok. Which commands in particular aren't working?06:01
firecrotchDac-iPhone: Even though that's for if you bork it by installing windows, it'll help you fix your GRUB06:01
izeazalhi all. when i right click the ubuntu icon and click 'edit menus' nothing happens. any ideas?06:01
DacvakThis is Dac-iPhone. I'm on LiveCD now.06:01
FactoringHumanitfirecrotch:   the absolute path in the scripts shouldn't be a problem as all i am doing is accessing a mysql database to drop a table06:02
DacvakGive me one sec and I'll pastebin my menu.lst06:02
dmizercanthus13: anything that requires sudo. also, ssh isn't working06:02
firecrotchtimman: dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt  will give you a file with all the packages installed06:02
dre360nerdcore "my girlfriend is a hacker"06:02
MySecondChoiceIS&Thor Yes06:02
canthus13dmizer: Hmm.06:02
MySecondChoiceISth0r yes06:02
MySecondChoiceISth0r: yes06:02
dmizercanthus13: that's what i've been doing ... heh.06:02
MySecondChoiceIShow do I red that stuff06:02
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: and did it display the log file?06:03
Ace__its working now thanks canthus1306:03
Ace__just this no sound issue is making me mad06:03
timmanfirecrotch: thanx06:03
canthus13dmizer: Have you made any major changes?06:03
dre360don't get mad06:03
dre360trouble shout06:03
Dacvakfirecrotch and majuk: http://pastebin.com/m79fd3d5 That's after trying to edit it to boot into windows with the exact settings that worked before.06:04
canthus13Ace__: No prob. flash is annoying sometimes.06:04
dmizercanthus13: had a kernel update a little while back, but i've had successful ssh sessions since then. otherwise, it just sits there and runs virtual machines.06:04
dre360i will have a look at it06:04
dmizercanthus13: dmesg also does not work, and i can't view any log files.06:04
canthus13dmizer: How old are the hard drives?06:04
dre360nerdcore "my girlfriend a hacker"06:04
majukDacvak: Dude... you took out the Ubuntu boot option06:05
dmizercanthus13: most are less than a year.06:05
qcjnhi, conky, only appears on one destktop...it start at start up..when i kill conky, and restart via terminal...it appears on all desktop ?06:05
majukDacvak: It's not there. At all.06:05
canthus13dmizer: Not likely to be an issue, then.06:05
Ace__canthus13, should i try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957806:05
Dacvakmajuk: I didn't do crap. It did it by itself.06:05
Ace__the "Part A: Common instructions (Hardy, Intrepid & Jaunty)" commands06:05
canthus13Ace__: Definately a good place to start.06:06
Dacvakmajuk: Hence why I can't boot into Ubuntu. Everything was fine, Ubuntu ran automatic updates, and then stuff got effed up. I didn't edit anything myself.06:06
canthus13Ace__: I completely forgot about that post.06:06
firecrotchDacvak: mount your ubuntu / partition, chroot into it, and run sudo update-grub06:06
canthus13dmizer: Bah. google is useless for your problem so far. :P06:06
Ace__canthus13, can i pm you06:07
dmizercanthus13: tell me about it. lol06:07
Dacvakfirecrotch: I don't know how to mount my ubuntu partition. I mean, it's already available on LiveCD without me doing anything. I don't know if that means it's mounted. Either way, I don't know what chroot means. =(06:07
th0rMySecondChoiceIS: http://pastebin.com/f78a9097106:07
C-S-BDacvak: chroot changes your root directory06:07
canthus13dmizer: try e2fsck on your partitions.06:07
DacvakSo what would I have to type?06:07
dre360http://pastebin.com/md96ff4e that06:07
firecrotchDacvak: it's mounted then.  Whatever the mountpoint is for it it, type  sudo chroot /that/mountpoint06:08
dre360is my grub menu-list06:08
Dacvakdre360: That's what mine used to look like.06:08
dmizercanthus13: heh, that ought to keep me busy for a while. i have 6TB of disks.06:08
majukDacvak: I see what you did now. You did say you hand-edited it after it wouldn't work, yes?06:08
canthus13dmizer: Oh crap.06:08
dre360cut out all the ###### an copy the real stuff06:08
majukDacvak: Rawr, yea, either way, do what firecrotch said06:08
dre360to pastbin06:09
Dacvakmajuk: After the problem already started, I just commented out the windows partition and changed which partition booted (hd0,1) which worked before.06:09
emiliohello, someone able Spanish?06:09
Dacvakfirecrotch: Sorry to be such a noob, but how do I find out what the mountpoint is for the ubuntu partition?06:09
dre360this is all grub needs to boot titleUbuntu 8.10, kernel
dre360kernel/boot/vmlinuz- root=UUID=c48f45ec-6dfd-4ab6-a640-ae48283cac38 ro vga=0x31706:09
FloodBot1dre360: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
dre360no prob06:10
Dacvakfirecrotch: I'm pretty sure it was installed on sda1, if that makes any difference.06:10
firecrotchDacvak: Open that partition in the file browser. in the location field, it will show the mountpoint06:10
firecrotchit'll likely be /media/something06:10
lobfhey fellas06:10
dre360kernel          /boot/vmlinuz- root=UUID=c48f45ec-6dfd-4ab6-a640-ae48283cac38 ro vga=0x31706:10
Steilis there way to patch my ubuntu to play dvd?\06:10
lobfyou know how to get wolf 3d running on ubuntu?06:10
firecrotchemilio: you'll have better luck in #ubuntu-es06:11
br34lemilio: join #ubuntu-br06:11
lobfwolfenstein, that is06:11
br34lor es :)06:11
Dacvakfirecrotch: When I open it up, it just says Location: /media/disk06:11
dre360replace the uuid06:11
majukDacvak: That's it.06:11
theatroSteil, go to medibuntu.org and read the info there06:11
firecrotchDacvak: then thats the mountpoint!06:11
emilio you'll have better luck in #ubuntu-es06:11
emilio<br34l> emilio: join #ubuntu-br06:11
firecrotchDacvak: sudo chown /media/disk06:11
Dacvakso I type sudo chroot /media/disk?06:12
firecrotchchroot, sorry06:12
Dacvakfirecrotch: "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error"06:12
Dacvakfirecrotch: That's after I typed sudo chroot /media/disk06:13
suyashhow to rename disk volume06:13
troxordepends on the filesystem type, iirc06:13
majukfirecrotch: Isn't it $chroot /media/disk /bin/bash ?06:13
dmizercanthus13: can't unmount partitions to scan them. heh.06:14
firecrotchmajuk: no no06:14
majukfirecrotch: Rawr, nvm then06:14
canthus13dmizer: Ugh.06:14
firecrotchmajuk: actually that may work....06:14
theatrosuyash, what filesystem ?06:14
Dacvakfirecrotch: What should I type in terminal, then?06:14
dmizercanthus13: guess that means i'm just gonna have to wait until i can get on site. :(06:14
firecrotchDacvak: try sudo chroot /media/disk /bin/bash06:15
dre360this is ubuntu everything is sudo su06:15
myselfhas anyone here gotten pcsx2  (playstation 2 emulator) , the linux package, to work in linux???06:15
DacvakDidn't work. Same error.06:15
theatro!ntfsprogs | suyash06:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfsprogs06:15
firecrotchDacvak: Okay, that suggests to me that /media/disk isn't your ubuntu partition06:16
firecrotchDacvak: cd /media/disk06:16
theatrosuyash, find this package, it is possible that it has a tool to do that, ntfsprogs06:16
Terryhey guys06:16
majukHey Terry!06:16
Terryi can't run photoshop cs3 setup on ubuntu 9.006:17
Dacvakfirecrotch: I only have two partitions.  One is 200gb (Ubuntu) one is 100gb (Win7). I'm 100% positive of this. When I open up the 200gb one in file browser, the location is /media/disk06:17
thurstonHi guys, can anyone guide me how I can hide icons from the desktop. I need the desktop to be plain with just a picture.06:17
chris_i tried to install an ati graphics driver and now i just get line on the screen when it tries to boot up. How can i revert back to the default graphics driver?06:17
Terrymajuk, i can't run photoshop cs3 setup on ubuntu 9.006:17
dre360df -h to see where it is mounted06:17
Dacvakfirecrotch: I did cd /media/disk and I'm currently in that.06:17
dre360ls -l06:17
majukTerry: Oh yea, I saw, my advice would be 'use GIMP'.06:17
Terryfrom package manager?, majuk06:18
firecrotchDacvak: now do ls  (lowercase L) and tell me if you have etc, boot, home, var, and the rest06:18
DacvakI do.06:18
DacvakI'm in /media/disk/boot/grub06:18
majukTerry: Indeed. GNU Image Manipulation Program. Similarly powerful and useful.06:18
dre360you are getting there06:18
firecrotchDacvak: Well, I suppose you can just fix your menu.lst by hand....06:19
DacvakI've been trying to do that. I don't know what to type.06:19
Terrymajuk, its complicated06:19
dre360that's what i have been telling him06:19
majukTerry: Everything is. Adapt.06:19
Dacvakfirecrotch: I tried editing it like it was before with the Windows 7 partition. That was on (hd0,1) and all I did to get it to work the first time was uncomment it in the menu.lst file. It worked fine. When I did the same thing this time, it didn't boot.06:20
majukdre360: Dude, use someone's name, no one knows who you're talking to.06:20
Terryphotoshop is in my course...majuk, i need to run setup, but i can;t throught wine also, what to do?06:20
chris_Terry: use gimpshop. it makes it look like photoshop06:20
dre360Dacvak for the longest time not06:21
* br34l is away: Away06:21
Terrywhere can i get gimpshop?, majuk06:21
th0rTerry: how did you try to install photoshop?06:21
dre360boot menu talk here06:21
Terryth0r, right click on setup open with wine, nothing happen06:21
DacvakWhere'd firecrotch go? :(06:22
th0rTerry: did you check the winedb to see if photoshop should run? If so, open a terminal and type 'wine /full/path/setup.exe' and see what error shows up06:22
firecrotchDacvak: I'm here still06:22
dre360Dacvak do you know what is your hdd uuid06:22
Dacvakdre360: No, I do not.06:23
chris_how can i revert my graphics driver to default so i can boot up?06:23
Heartsfanganyone around?06:24
majukDacvak: Just a thought, you are booting from the same architecture LiveCD as you used to install the system, yea? (x32 or x64)06:24
Dacvakfirecrotch: I don't have the information for menu.lst that I need to boot into Ubuntu. I don't know the uuid and kernal stuff... I tried booting into windows the same way it should have worked before, and that just didn't work.06:24
dre360i will pastbin the main info06:24
Dacvakmajuk: No. I'm using a 32bit LiveCD and 64bit Ubuntu. I was told before it doesn't make a difference?06:24
Terryth0r, tell me please, i have setup in /file system/media/soft/adobe/setup.exe06:25
majukDacvak: Well that's why you can't chroot06:25
HeartsfangJust to spam a bit, im under x64 9.04 and it wont even let me start x with a pair of 8500 gt vid cards....one single is fine06:25
=== lamer12505712351 is now known as cevarief
Dacvakmajuk: Want me to boot using the 64-bit LiveCD?06:25
majukDacvak: Get the correct LiveCD version and you can chroot and fix it with that command firecrotch was giving you.06:25
izeazalhi all. when i right click the ubuntu icon and click 'edit menus' nothing happens. any ideas?06:25
Dacvakmajuk and firecrotch, hold those thoughts and I'll be right back with the correct LiveCD.06:26
br34l"they owe u nothing, they just kick your nooby butt"06:26
majukDacvak: kk06:26
maciushey can anyone tell me if sapphire Radeon HD 3870 works with ubuntu buying a new video card soon maybe tomorrow using x1900 now but after reading a few forums it seems theres no hope of running drivers for it with ubuntu 9.04 and not downgrading ol :P06:26
th0rTerry: is that a space in 'file system'? if so, open a terminal and type 'wine /file\ system/media/soft/adobe/setup.exe' and see what error shows up (if any)06:26
dre360Dacvak http://pastebin.com/m731c63806:26
majukmacius: IMO, you're better off getting nVidia if you're looking for Linux compatibility.06:27
Dac-iPhoneBtw, the boot error for windows is Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format.06:27
Heartsfangso any idea how to set up SLi? without one of the cards installed....wont let me boot with two06:28
jgornickHey guys, any idea how I can clear contents in a file?06:28
Heartsfangx says primary device is not pci if i do that, even unbridged06:28
Terryth0r, let me tell u first that i have wubi installed with windows xp, and in ubuntu when i goto my computer, there are many drives06:28
jgornickThrough terminal obviously.06:28
jgornickI am already finding the correct files, I just want to clear out the contents of them.06:28
mermajgornick: make a new empty file and replace it06:29
mermatouch filename06:29
zeltak_morning guys :) i need some help with an apt-get upgrade error http://pastebin.ca/153341006:29
th0rTerry: can't help much with wubi...I know it is a different animal. Why not run photoshop in windows? running it in wine is just asking for headaches if you have an alternative06:29
jgornickmerma, using find, how can I execute two commands at once?06:29
majukjgornick: cat /dev/null > $FILE06:29
jgornickmajuk, not a bad idear :)06:30
=== nabeel is now known as Guest65224
majukjgornick: I have my moments.06:30
mermayeah I just realized the touch method doesn't work06:30
phillI need some help on installing Ubuntu on a new Asus laptop. I'm pretty sure this Asus has a secret "recovery" partition. Anything I need to know about that? I'm going to try a dual boot with Windows Vista and Ubuntu, then Windows 7 and Ubuntu in October.06:31
jgornickmajuk, Didn't seem to work :)06:31
majukjgornick: I tested it on a text file, worked fine.06:31
jgornickmajuk, Something like: find . -type f -name "*.txt" -exec cat /dev/null > {} \; ?06:32
Dacvak_firecrotch and majuk: Back, in 64-bit now.06:32
th0rphill: before nuking the recovery partition, make a set of recovery cd's06:32
nh2what is the program/package that lets me make the touchpad settings in the mouse settings dialog?06:32
phillth0r: Got it, what's the recovery partition anyway?06:33
majukjgornick: Do it the other way, cat /dev/null > `find command`06:33
theatrozeltak_, have you tried reinstalling autokey?06:33
Dacvak_firecrotch and majuk: I just chroot'd successfully into my Ubuntu partition.06:33
=== Dacvak_ is now known as Dacvak
firecrotchDacvak: sudo update-grub06:33
jgornickmajuk, Do I need to wrap the find command in ticks?06:34
th0rphill: microsoft no longer supplies the cd's....they put the stuff on a separate partition so you can make your own cd's. If you nuke the partition before making your recovery cd's, you will have a hard time getting a set from asus or microsoft06:34
majukjgornick: The backticks ` ` tell Linux to take the output of the find command and feed it into the command cat /dev/null. So yes.06:34
RickZillaHow long will it take GIMP 2.6.7 to hit Synaptic?06:34
th0rphill: there should be an option in the menus for making the restore cd's06:34
Dacvakfirecrotch: I did that. Let me pastebin you what it did.06:34
jgornickmajuk, Very cool.06:34
jgornickThank you for the clinic :)06:34
majukIt work?06:34
majukI mean, it should, but who knows. :D06:35
zeltak_theatro: yeah even from a deb file and thats how i got the current error. i think i used a intrepid ppa by mistake06:35
jgornickmajuk, ambiguous redirect error.06:35
phillth0r:That's pretty lame, what ever happened to good ole install cd's :( I'm such a 90's child I guess. :) After I make a set of these install cd's (I think four? Jesus) I can nuke the partition and reinstall Windows using them?06:35
zeltak_that worked for a few months up to the latest upgrade06:35
theatroremove and install the correct one06:35
majukjgornick: Hmmmm. :-\06:35
Dacvakfirecrotch: http://pastebin.com/m6e302e9f  And I checked my menu.lst file. It seems unchanged.06:35
Steilhey guys i cant use spankwire.com with ubuntu can anyone help?06:35
th0rphill: that's the theory...I have never tried it out personally06:35
zeltak_i tried apt-get remove autokey and updated the sourcelist to jaunty with no sucess06:35
pepperphdSteil: joking?06:36
Steilit doesnt work06:36
Steilit work on windows but not ubuntu06:36
pepperphddoes youtube work for you? if not, you may need to install/update flash06:36
Steilyoutube works06:36
Steilredtube works too06:36
Steilbut spankwire wont work06:36
majukjgornick: Unfortunately I'm only a part-time CLI junkie, not sure what's causing that. What command specifically are you issuing?06:37
zeltak_theatro: this is the error i got before the manuall tinkiring http://pastebin.ca/153341406:37
phillSteil: Let's keep redtube out of this for reasons we both know :)06:37
Steilphill: can you help me fix spankwire?06:37
Dacvakfirecrotch: Did you get that pastebin?06:37
jgornickmajuk, cat /dev/null > `find . -type f -name "*.txt"`06:37
br34lhe needs it really baaaaddd06:37
phillSteil: May I suggest craigslist?06:37
Myrttibr34l: don't feed the discussion06:38
Steilwhy craigslist?06:38
firecrotchDacvak: yes, I did, trying to figure this out06:38
phillSteil: nevermind, what's the problem? Flash not working?06:38
majukjgornick: Yea, that looks right. Maybe it won't do the ` ` with the redirect.06:38
RickZillaI don't get it...I d/l a file from getdeb.net with a .deb suffix, the deb installer opens it, but the "install" button is grayed out...what's up with that?06:38
Steilyoutube and redtube work but spankwire doesnt work06:38
Steili dont nkow whats wrong06:38
Dacvakfirecrotch: Thank you so much06:38
theatrozeltak_, check this  https://launchpad.net/~cdekter/+archive/ppa06:38
alankilaRickZilla: perhaps the deb is not self-sufficient: you can't install it without all its prerequisites. Just guessing.06:38
firecrotchSteil: is your flash player up to date ?06:39
MyrttiSteil: which version of flash did you have again?06:39
zeltak_theatro: thats the ppa i was installing from06:39
alankilaa standard way I deal with rogue debs like that is dpkg -i foo.deb and then when it fails on the dependencies, apt-get -f install will fetch & install them if fetchable06:39
theatrozeltak_, have you run apt-get clean ?06:39
majukDacvak: Well, the error suggests that your /etc/fstab is bad.06:40
RickZillaalankila: Thanks. I'm also trying to install another part of this app (GIMP), and it's telling me that the dependency isn't satisfied...but I try to install what it's missing, and that's the part that's grayed out06:40
dre360Dacvak a i get is that the /etc/fstab is not seeing the hdd with uuid check your hdd uuid06:40
zeltak_yup and apt-get purge and autoclean. i suspect there is a conflicit between intrrepid and jaunty and somehow it cant update to jaunty06:40
alankilaWhat version is gimp at these days?06:40
Steilfirecrotch: i use the one that it did06:40
Steilhow do i check which it is?06:40
nh2alankila: 2.6.6-0ubuntu1 in the ubuntu jaunty repo06:40
Dacvakmajuk and dre360: What can I do about that? I didn't cause anything, this is a brand new laptop, and it only started after Ubuntu automatically updated.06:41
alankilaDidn't they have some new fancy transformations model coming for all edits or something06:41
alankilaI have been thinking I should play with that06:41
firecrotchDacvak: your best bet is probably going to be to just reinstall grub completely06:41
dre360Dacvak then nano the /etc/fstab file and double check it is the same number06:41
Dacvakfirecrotch: How can I do that?06:41
firecrotch!fixmbr | Dacvak06:41
ubottuDacvak: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:41
sigmonsaysFlimflam, Hi06:42
mibhi. i have just did apt-get souce gcc but im not sure what to do next06:42
Myrttimib: what do you really want to do?06:42
FlimflamI'll think about it06:42
Myrttimib: compile gcc?06:42
alankilanh2: actually I was looking at the upstream because this RickZilla guy is installing it from rogue debs rather than repos06:42
mibi want to install the source code and access to the test cases06:42
mibive actually got gcc installed and working06:42
mibi need to get the source code and the test cases06:42
alankilalooks like gimp 2.6.7 is the latest stable and 2.7.0 is some random snapshot. Ew.06:42
Myrttimib: you've got the source code now, should be in the directory you run the command in06:43
mibwhich directory?06:43
nh2alankila: right, 2.7 is a developer snapshot which is not stable06:43
mibi try to whereis gcc06:43
miband it returns me /usr/local/bin06:43
alankilaRickZilla: what version are you installing, then?06:43
miband some other paths06:43
Myrttimib: do you have the terminal where you entered the command in still open?06:43
RickZillaalankila: Yeah, I'm only going up to the latest stable...the package isn't in the repository yet06:43
RickZillaalankila: 2.6.706:43
RickZillaIt's not in the repo yet06:44
mibi have Myrtti06:44
Myrttimib: "ls gcc*"06:44
RickZillaI might try uninstalling 2.6.6 in the repo, then trying the .deb package06:44
alankilaRickZilla: try doing "dpkg -i gimp-2.6.7-etc.deb" from the command line06:44
alankilait will tell you in surprising clarity why the package is not installable so we can stop guessing06:45
calmbolacan anyone help me please?  i want to know how to do this command on ubuntu: dpkg -l | grep atlas | awk {’print $2′} | xargs apt-get remove –purge -y06:45
mibMyritti: it is http://pastebin.com/d286bc0a06:45
RickZillaalankila: I'll try that next, uninstalling the repo version first seems to be working...Thanks for your help06:45
calmbolai installed some libraries and apparently they were incompatible... i uninstalled, but seems that there is still some stuff on here06:45
calmbolai found a form that said to do : dpkg -l | grep atlas | awk {’print $2′} | xargs apt-get remove –purge -y and it would fix it06:46
Dacvakfirecrotch: I'm having problems with this tutorial you sent.06:46
calmbolabut that doesn't work on ubuntu06:46
alankilaRickZilla: the system would uninstall the repository version in any case when you supply a new version, or die in a conflict, so there's generally no need to06:46
Myrttimib: so there you go, the sources are in the directory gcc-defaults-1.3206:46
Dacvakfirecrotch: it said to type mount /dev/sda1 /media/root06:46
alankilacalmbola: may be --purge, not that longdash-purge06:46
Myrtticalmbola: you've copypasted wrong kind of dashes06:46
Dacvakfirecrotch: When I did that, I got an error saying "mount: only root can do that"06:46
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mibgcc-defaults-1.32 as in /usr/local or what is the full path..sorry being noob06:46
Myrttimib: in the directory where you typed in ls gcc*06:47
Myrttimib: type in pwd in that terminal06:47
majukDacvak: Most commands are going to require super-user access that you get by prceeding the command with 'sudo'06:47
firecrotchDacvak: Make sure that you're not still in your chroot from earlier06:47
DacvakOh, duh.06:47
calmbolaalankila, or Myrtti i get this: awk: {’print06:47
calmbolaawk:  ^ invalid char '�' in expression06:47
DacvakMy bad. =P06:47
Myrtticalmbola: wrong kind of '06:48
alankilaone typically writes it '{print $2}' too06:48
mibMyritti, so that means where i did the apt-source thats' where it would be loaded into?06:48
Myrttimib: correct06:48
calmbolathank u sooo much06:48
silv3r_m00nwhat is the md5 of ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix .img06:48
alankilayes, it looks like wrong kind of '. That's bad: you are copypasting commands from some fancy text-upgrading blog that probably converts every quote and stuff like that to unicode stuff06:49
calmbolasaved my program!06:49
RickZillaI guess I could have checked the files to see what was upgraded between gimp 2.6.6 and 2.6.706:49
mibMyrtti, have you used any gcc before??so for now, i can only find the source code but not the test cases06:49
Ace___can anyone help me, i am using jaunty, i have no sounds06:50
Myrttimib: I have used gcc before but only the precompiled one, not have played with any test cases...06:51
Pseudo_BobHey, my sound card driver's installed, the levels on the alsamixer are all turned up, but I still have no sound.  What could be causing this?06:52
Dacvakmajuk and firecrotch: I followed the guide and reinstalled grub. Hopefully the next time I enter this chat it won't be with a LiveCD... brb...06:52
Ace___i have same problem as Pseudo_Bob06:52
Pseudo_BobAce__: Good news!  I fixed it.06:52
Dac-iPhoneDidn't work.06:52
kermithow do i tell if my laptop has bluetooth?06:52
Dac-iPhoneSame freaking error.06:52
Dac-iPhoneReinstalling grub did not work.06:53
Dac-iPhoneI cant believe this.06:53
Pseudo_BobAce__: Sort of.  Normally I plug my speakers into the green jack but I tried the white one and it randomly worked.06:53
alankilakermit: try to find bluetooth on the long output of lshw06:53
kamilhi guys06:53
Pseudo_BobAce__: lol.06:53
firecrotchDac-iPhone: Well, back to the live CD, I guess06:53
Dac-iPhoneBooting into it now.06:54
th0rkermit: ls /etc/init.d | grep blue and see if it returns bluetooth06:54
kamilanyone knows how to switch between app that runs in tray ?06:54
shashwatpnshow do i install guest additions in virtual box? Can anyone help please06:54
kamilI installed alltray and it's cool but I'm really used to shortcuts06:54
alankilath0r: not good enough; that one has bluez-utils or something doesn't guarantee actual bluetooth support...06:54
Dac-iPhonefirecrotch: Ive got my first day of classes tomorrow, and I need to have a fully functional computer. I spent 3 days getting this one to my liking. Be honest with me, what are the chances I'll have to reinstall everything?06:55
th0ralankila: next step was going to be to try to turn it on06:55
alankilath0r: right, ok.06:55
firecrotchDac-iPhone: 0 - we'll get you up and running06:55
Dac-iPhonefirecrotch: :) ok, I really hope so. I should have been asleep 2 hours ago.06:56
shashwatpnsHELP PLEASE!!! How do i install guest additions in virtual box?06:56
majukDac-iPhone: What was the error? The same thing?06:56
Dac-iPhoneshashwatpns: Its in a drop down menu when you're running a virtual desktop06:56
Myrttishashwatpns: is ubuntu your guest or your host?06:56
Ace___i love you Pseudo_Bob06:56
Ace___marry me06:56
Ace___would you belive ive tried all linux experts06:56
FloodBot1Ace___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:56
Ace___and you are the one that solved it06:56
alankilaI guess something like "hcitool scan" might say something other than "Device is not available: No such device" if you do have bt. Unfortunately I don't have BT on my systems.06:57
th0rshashwatpns: http://www.google.com/search?q=install+guest+additions+in+virtualbox+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a06:57
shashwatpnshost myrtti06:57
Dac-iPhoneYes. It didn't change my menu.lst at all. It was just trying to boot into windows again.06:57
Myrttishashwatpns: and the guest os is what?06:57
shashwatpnsmyrtti:win xp06:57
Myrttishashwatpns: have you already tried the methond Dac-iPhone suggested?06:58
mibthanks Myrtti06:58
Dacvakfirecrotch: I'm back.06:58
zeltak_guys i really really need help. i think my sys is screwed and i need some stuff for work today. it has to do with an apt-get upgrade issue06:59
Pseudo_BobAlright, so I have a new problem.  When I plug in headphones into the white jack of my sound card, I get extremely staticky sound in one ear.  The rest of the jacks don't work, and I have to turn the PCM Front value on alsamixer up to in the red to be able to hear anything.  Really weird...06:59
firecrotchDacvak: Welcome back :)06:59
shashwatpnsmyrtti:i ve gone to devices>install guest.... but nothing happens07:00
kermitth0r:  i meant if i have the hardware or not07:00
majukDacvak: What kind of hard drives? SATA or IDE?07:00
Dacvakfirecrotch: Let's see if I can't get out of here sometime soon. :)07:00
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kermitalankila: oh, thanks07:00
Dacvakmajuk: It's a brand new laptop, so I'd assume SATA07:00
majukDacvak: Right, lappy.07:00
th0rkermit: if you have the bluetooth init script, then try 'sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart' and see if it starts up07:00
Pseudo_BobAnybody have any suggestions on what might be causing that?07:01
majukDacvak: Get into a terminal and run the command 'mount'07:01
Myrttishashwatpns: ok, check if there's a shortcut on the desktop of your guest, or a cd in in the file manager. if not, I can't help you more because I've not run XP in virtualbox or other virtualisation in ages07:01
kermitalankila: the word bluetooth isnt in lshw, but i have the bluetooth light on the laptop..07:01
Dacvakmajuk: A bunch of stuff came up. Want a pastebin?07:02
majukDacvak: paste me the line that says "/dev/XXXX on /media/disk type yadda yadda yadda"07:02
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Myrttikermit: many laptops that don't have the bluetooth chip still have the light just because it's cheaper for the manufacturer to make similar casing07:02
majukDacvak: Oh. Kittens.07:03
shashwatpnsmyrtti: I am not getting what you are saying07:03
Myrttikermit: check the laptop specs from the manufacturer site07:03
alankilakermit: okay. Is there a physical switch for it? My laptop has a switch for bt, even though it doesn't actually have the hardware. Perhaps in your case the hardware is connected via internal USB bus but disabled until you press some button07:03
Dacvakmajuk: Kittens?07:03
Dacvakmajuk: That's either really good or really bad.07:03
kamildoes anybody know how to switch apps in alltray with keyboard shortcuts ??07:03
firecrotchDacvak: Your ubuntu partition is mounted? pastebin the contents of the /etc/fstab file from your Ubuntu partition (not the live version)07:03
erocan someone help me im runing a 750a motherboard and im not geting a display though the on board video card07:03
majukDacvak: Yea. Does your Ubuntu partition still show up as mounted? I guess I don't know how Ubuntu handles auto-mounts.07:03
Dacvakmajuk: I haven't done anything since I rebooted into LiveCD. Everything is stock. Want me to try and mount my ubuntu partition?07:04
majukDacvak: Oh, yea. Sorry, thought it mounted by default.07:04
kermitalankila: maybe, i might have turned it off in bios, at least now i know where to see if its enabled, thanks!07:05
alankilakermit: try execute a command "hcitool scan"07:05
P_KableHi. How can I figure out on what /dev node is my dvd burner please ?07:05
kermitalankila: no such device.. i flipped that switch.. ill check bios and see if that works07:05
Dacvakmajuk: I mean, the drive is available on boot. I don't know if that means it's "mounted"07:06
majukDacvak: Yea, if it's available, it's mounted.07:06
Dacvakmajuk: Like, I can get into it with file browser. Does that mean it's mounted, or do I still need to do stuff?07:06
qpoiHow can I reduce the brightness of my laptop LCD below zero?07:06
P_Kableanybody please07:06
majukDacvak: And it should show up in that 'mount' list with the /dev/ location I thought...07:06
firecrotchDacvak: it's mounted if you can browse it.  Can you pastebin /etc/fstab  from your hard drive please?07:06
majukDacvak: Uhh... I dunno.07:06
Dacvakfirecrotch: What's /etc/fstab?07:07
majukqpoi: Turn it off?07:07
qpoimajuk: setting it to 0 is still too bright for me at night07:07
majukDacvak: A file07:07
qpoimajuk: 0 is an illusion07:07
mzuverinkit shows up in /media07:07
qpoimajuk: i'm using 'echo -n 0 > /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness' to make the adjustment07:07
majukqpoi: Off. There shouldn't be power to it at all.07:07
firecrotchDacvak: it's a file that tells ubuntu about the hard drives that it should mount at boot07:07
qpoimajuk: I want it on--just not so blaringly bright.07:08
bastidrazorP_Kable, possibly /dev/sr007:08
Dacvakfirecrotch: Gotcha. Pasting.07:08
majukqpoi: Then I have no ideas for you.07:08
qpoimajuk: what controls that aforementioned brightness file?07:08
qpoimajuk: what package?07:08
root mmm07:08
majukqpoi: No idea.07:08
=== root is now known as Guest97655
firecrotchDacvak: oh gee, there goes my theory on the problem :(07:09
Dacvakfirecrotch: You know what would be cool? If you could just remote desktop into my computer is fix it for me. =P07:09
qpoimajuk: do you happen to know the package name for standard intel graphics drivers off hand?07:09
Dacvakfirecrotch: Bummer. :(07:09
qpoimajuk: perhaps there's a custom tool to do it with the official inteld rivers07:09
majukDacvak: Ok, your drive assignments don't agree.07:09
Guest97655dacvak: ssh in?07:10
P_Kablebastidrazor=> thanks, worked07:10
majukDacvak: In grub, your XP drive is referenced as hd(0,0), or first drive, first partition, which sould be sda1, which is what your fstab says you install Ubuntu to.07:10
Dacvakmajuk: I only have one drive, and Windows is installed to (hd0,1). That's what I used in menu.lst before to boot into Windows. (Also, it's windows 7)07:11
kamilCan somebody tell me how to switch between applications in system tray ?07:11
majukDacvak: no, hd($DRIVE#,$PARTITION#)07:11
DacvakWait wait wait wait....07:12
majukDacvak: So you have one drive (sda) with multiple partitions (sda1,2,3,etc)07:12
DacvakMy menu.lst SHOULD be (hd0,1) for windows. Not (hd0,0)07:12
Dacvakmajuk: Yes.07:12
qpoiLooking for anyone familiar with the LCD brightness setting (laptop, Intel graphics). Holler if willing to help.07:12
majukDacvak: Well, there you go. :)07:12
Dacvakmajuk: Give me a quick second. I'm going to change that menu.lst file to change (hd0,1). That won't fix me booting into Ubuntu, but maybe I can boot into windows. Brb.07:13
nikolamHm, how do you change icons for files? Yesterday for some reason all text files turned into "Wine" cup ... ;)07:13
DacvakBrb. Talk to me on iPhone if you need anything.07:14
majukDac-iPhone: It should fix both. Because if your menu.lst has Ubuntu booting from hd(0,1) which.07:14
majukwhich would clearly be wrong if this is right.07:14
majukDid that make any sense? lol07:14
Dac-iPhoneMajuk, I booted into windows.07:14
majukDac-iPhone: Yea you did. :D07:15
Dac-iPhonemajuk: Theres nothing in my menu.lst for ubuntu though. Windows is now my only option.07:15
majukDac-iPhone: Right, because you commented it out. Look right below the Windows boot entry (if you can)07:15
Dac-iPhoneI didn't comment it out...07:16
Dac-iPhoneMaybe it did automatically?07:16
majukDac-iPhone: Fine, the system did, either way.07:16
Dac-iPhoneOk, lemme check. Boy I hope this works.07:16
Dac-iPhoneBooting back in now.07:16
majukDac-iPhone: It is currently commented out, so uncomment it, change the root assignement on the Ubuntu entry and you should be set.07:16
C-S-B_Dac-iPhone:  been reduced to using his iphone for irc now?07:17
Dac-iPhoneYes. Lol.07:17
C-S-B_Dac-iPhone: won't be touching menu.lst in the future :P07:17
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
Dac-iPhoneIm going to make like 35 backups of it.07:17
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: not without creating a backup first07:17
C-S-B_Dac-iPhone: you do know that you can use grub without a menu.lst to boot an os07:18
Dac-iPhoneLet's just remember, im not the one who borked it. Everything was fine, ubuntu did some updates, then, dead.07:18
alankilaIt's possible to try editing the grub boot commands in the grub shell as well07:18
ActionParsnipDac-iPhone: you can play with any config file you like, just make a simple copy before you play. If you damage the file, you can roll back07:18
alankilayou don't have to do a full boot livecd, edit, save, reboot sort of cycle.07:18
Guest97655ubuntu sucks07:19
ActionParsnipGuest97655: dont use it then07:19
C-S-B_Guest97655: contructive, why?07:19
alankilaof course, I'm expert in modifying grub commands in the grub shell then forgeting to put them in the damn menu.lst when I actually have the system booted up. One minute memory or something.07:19
kermit1my  bios says bluetooth is enabled, and i have a bluetooth light.. i think this laptop has it, but i dont see evidence of it in linux07:19
Guest97655I've always liked suse07:19
majukalankila: lol, me toooo. Been booting that way for 3 months. :D07:19
ActionParsnipGuest97655: then use suse07:19
C-S-B_alankila: exactly!07:19
ActionParsnipGuest97655: there are a million distros of linux, all will appeal to everyone and noone07:20
majukHey guys, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS07:20
Dac-iPhoneDude, majuk, that commented thing was only an example. That's not my actual bootable thing fir Linux.07:20
ActionParsnipmajuk: i eat trolls for breakfast, and its 7:22am here07:20
Dac-iPhoneI don't even have /dev/hda207:20
Guest97655lol, just kidding. I just wanted to see what people would say :)07:20
C-S-B_Dac-iPhone: does grub-install /dev/sda not auto detect boot and create a menu.lst?07:21
alankilakermit1: ok, but if there is no trace of bt in hardware then it's a bit hard for linux to work with it. Try with lsusb and lspci, do you have anything that even remotely looks like bt there? I think lshw should cover both in any case, though07:21
ActionParsnipGuest97655: then you just made yourself look like a fool07:21
Dac-iPhoneIt does not.07:21
|uspenok|Video cart ATI, doesn't see my TV from the bpx, what i must to do ?07:21
majukDac-iPhone: /dev/S<-------da207:21
majukNot hda07:21
ActionParsnip|uspenok|: install ati viedo drivers07:21
|uspenok|ActionParsnip: done07:21
Dac-iPhoneMajuk, it's on sda1, though.07:21
Guest97655ActionParsnip: at least i was amused. :p07:22
|uspenok|ActionParsnip: Catalist doesn't see07:22
majukDac-iPhone: I don't even have /dev/hda207:22
MyrttiGuest97655: move along then.07:22
majukIt's not hda207:22
majukIt's sda207:22
ActionParsnip|uspenok|: then use the aticonfig tool to configure the display07:22
Dac-iPhoneI know. What im saying is that it's just a generic example.07:22
DacvakLike, it more than likely won't work07:22
majukDac-iPhone: Well, I mean, try it.07:22
stoojMyrtti: do you still use your E90 for SIP calls?07:23
majukDac-iPhone: And if it doesn't work, we can figure out why.07:23
Myrttistooj: N95, and yes, sometimes07:23
ActionParsnipGuest97655: this is support channel, take it to offtopic next time you need "amusing", thanks07:23
MyrttiActionParsnip: too late07:23
DacvakDon't I need stuff like a uuid or something? I remember looking at the menu.lst before, and the linux options looked nothing like this.07:23
stoojMyrtti: Awesome. I'll need to find your blog post about it07:23
majukActionParsnip: Dude, did you get a discount at the Troll-food store? Geez.07:23
ActionParsnipMyrtti: its a warning to others too :)07:23
stoojMyrtti: Was trying to get it working on mine last night, but failing rather spectacularly07:24
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C-S-B_Dacvak: uuid is just another way of referring to your drive.07:24
ActionParsnipmajuk: i have the patience of a saint07:24
DacvakOk. I'll give this a try, then.07:24
majukActionParsnip: And the wit of a Saint Bernard. :P07:24
firecrotchDacvak: http://pastebin.com/ma9c21cf   is my menu.lst for booting ubuntu07:24
ActionParsnipmajuk: they are usually 13 year old boys whos dads probably beat them so they get their jollies here07:24
Myrttistooj: ekiga.net accounts will need direct connection to Internet with public IP address.07:24
ActionParsnipmajuk: i'm pushing 30 so i'm a little more chilled07:24
firecrotchDacvak: Substitute in the proper UUID from /etc/fstab and the correct kernel location07:25
C-S-B_firecrotch: lets not confuse things with uuid for the minute :P07:25
Dacvakfirecrotch: Can I just pastebin you a bunch of that stuff and have you pastebin me back something to try, since I don't really knnow what I'm doing?07:25
majukDacvak: Seriously, I think that boot entry that is there will work, I would try it before trying to author your own.07:26
C-S-B_Dacvak: pastebin your /etc/fstab07:26
Dacvakmajuk, I'll give it a try. While I'm doing that, I'll pastebin my /etc/fstab just in case it doesn't work.07:26
majukC-S-B_: It looked fine. That's how I figured out his menu.lst was borked07:26
DacvakMy fstab: http://pastebin.com/m5b9a688b07:27
qp_pqwhat do I need to set iin order for my monitor to not go on sleep to save power ? (I'm on power cord btw) and this is a laptop...07:27
majukC-S-B_: You already did champ. I looked at it, recall? ;)07:27
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majukDacvak: ^^07:27
pikeypl_hello all.07:27
jgornickmajuk, Thanks for the help tonight.  I didn't end up figuring out the problem so just removed the files, then manually recreated them.07:27
majukjgornick: Balls. :\07:27
C-S-B_majuk: im failing :P07:27
DacvakAnd here's my fdisk for good measure: http://pastebin.com/m306dd12507:28
majukC-S-B_: Me toooooo.07:28
kavenfanI want to rename my U-Disk, but failed. Who can help me?07:28
C-S-B_Dacvak: can you ls your /boot dir?07:29
ActionParsnipkavenfan: whats a U-Disk?07:29
majukDacvak: Yea dude, that all looks good, try the fix, TRY IT, /TRY IT/!07:29
Dacvakabi-2.6.28-11-generic     System.map-2.6.28-11-generic07:29
Dacvakconfig-2.6.28-11-generic  vmcoreinfo-2.6.28-11-generic07:29
Dacvakmajuk, just so you know, this is what I'm trying: titleLinux07:30
Dacvakkernel/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro07:30
majukI'm getting anxious.07:30
DacvakDoes that look good to you?07:30
FloodBot1Dacvak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
majukYes. For the 8th time.07:30
DacvakK. trying. brb.07:30
majukkk. luv07:30
alankilakavenfan: disk names are usually filesystem labels07:30
netskillsiihello everyone i am a n00b at debian and need help, i currently installed Debian and i am currently with no sound, everything else works fine.07:31
C-S-B_majuk: that says hd0,0 as his root? Linux is on hd0,107:31
ActionParsnip!label > kavenfan07:31
ubottukavenfan, please see my private message07:31
alankilaare you talking about something like that? Unfortunately GNOME can't rename volumes, you need to drop down to shell and see if you have some way to set the label for whatever filesystem you have. I think not all fses can be relabeled after format, even.07:31
majukC-S-B_: No, it's not. /dev/sda1               1       25537   205125921   83  Linux07:31
ActionParsnipkavenfan: without replys from you all we can do is guess. We await your details07:31
Dac-iPhoneWtf, it didn't even list Linux as an option.... Let me try again. Rebooting into livecd.07:31
herenbdyhow can I disable the automatic mounting of internal drives? ubuntu keeps trying to mount this NTFS partition at login, and asks for authentification each time07:31
C-S-B_majuk: which in grub world would be hd0,107:31
ActionParsnip!label > alankila07:31
ubottualankila, please see my private message07:31
herenbdythis partition is NOT in my /etc/ftsab07:31
majukC-S-B_: Negative, grub starts at 0,007:32
majukNot 0,107:32
bolzano_1989Hello , hopefully someone can help me. I try to use sudo but whenever I see the "[sudo] password for <username>", it hangs and I cannot type anything . I try Enter and type the password but it's too fast, when I finish typing the password=> enter => it shows : bash : <my password> : command not found . :( please help me .07:32
qp_pqActionParsnip: UFO Disk...07:32
Dac-iPhoneC-S-B_: Windows is on sda2, which is confirmed (hd0,0)07:32
error404notfoundusing keyboard how can i open a dir in a new tab in nautilus07:32
qp_pqActionParsnip: duh...07:32
C-S-B_majuk: yeah, I was being a twonk, i just realised i was looking at the wrong partition.07:32
innomenanyone else haveing trouble with the facebook plugin for pidgin? whats is a hosts file (apprently supposed ot be in etc/hosts but i have no such folder)07:32
bazhangnetskillsii, #debian not here07:32
ActionParsnipqp_pq: oh right. ive never heard of that..07:32
majukDac-iPhone: hd(0,1), smart stuff07:32
Dac-iPhoneMy bad07:32
Dac-iPhoneStupid iPhone keyboard. ;)07:33
majuks'ok, I'm here to keep it all straight. :D07:33
netskillsiisorry, thanks i was just wondering if i could get some help since ubuntu is based on debian.07:33
ActionParsnipDac-iPhone: i irc on my g1 phone sometimes, its sweet07:33
ActionParsnipdead easy07:33
L3dPlatedLinuxfor the love of linux I have been trying to set a ftp up and god darn it linux is starting to make me pull my hair out everything is set right and filezilla keeps saying Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server"07:33
Dac-iPhoneThat's because a real keyboard is way better than this virtual crap.07:34
bolzano_1989Hello , hopefully someone can help me. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 . I try to use sudo but whenever I see the "[sudo] password for <username>", it hangs and I cannot type anything . I try Enter and type the password but it's too fast, when I finish typing the password=> enter => it shows : bash : <my password> : command not found . :( please help me .07:34
kavenfanit is a USB flash disk07:34
ActionParsnipDac-iPhone: well you will be brainwashed by apples garbage07:34
L3dPlatedLinuxgadmin-proftpd is what I am using07:34
MystaMaxIs QGTKStyle in the repos for 9.04?07:34
Dac-iPhoneNah. Im jailbroken.07:34
ActionParsnipL3dPlatedLinux: i find proftpd pretty easy07:34
stoojMyrtti: that might be the issue07:34
majukL3dPlatedLinux: Sounds like your router isn't allowing FTP traffic.07:34
majukL3dPlatedLinux: *incoming FTP traffic, that is07:34
ActionParsnipkavenfan: the label factoid that ubottu said will sort you out07:34
stoojMyrtti: Much obliged07:34
majukL3dPlatedLinux: And by traffic I mean connections. Clarification fail.07:35
C-S-B_bolzano_1989: you dont get any feedback until hitting enter when sudo prompts for password07:35
ActionParsnip!label | kavenfan07:35
ubottukavenfan: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.07:35
kavenfansort you out? I don't got that07:35
majukDacvak: : So what's the story, yo?07:36
kavenfanthank you ActionParsnip, I'm reading that now07:36
alankilaSomeone should update ubottu to not put "." after URL. Just blindly following the link will fail07:36
DacvakWell, majuk, we need a new theory. I just checked my menu.lst. It has linux set up like you said. However, it wasn't even listed as an option when booting.07:36
ActionParsnipnp kavenfan07:36
DacvakEven when I hit esc07:36
rashed2020Can anyone help in creating an initramfs?07:36
majukDacvak: pastebin your current /etc/fstab07:37
C-S-B_majuk: with all the info we have, we could right him a new menu.lst...07:37
DacvakWhoa, wtf. That changed a lot.07:37
Boohbahrashed2020: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Initramfs07:37
DacvakI'm just going to post it here. It's only 3 lines -    aufs / aufs rw 0 007:37
Dacvaktmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 007:37
Dacvak/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 007:37
majukDacvak: Shit, sorry, I meant menu.lst07:37
firecrotchDacvak: http://pastebin.com/ma9c21cf   - replace the uuid in both places with the uuid of your / from /etc/fstab  and the kernel and initrd with the latest one that you have in your /boot07:38
majukC-S-B_: You're infecting me! :P07:38
C-S-B_majuk: it's one of those days isnt it?07:38
firecrotchDacvak: That should get your ubuntu to boot07:38
majukC-S-B_: Seriously.07:38
rashed2020Boohbah: So I don't even need to use mkinitramfs?07:38
DacvakCurrent menu.lst http://pastebin.com/m5869746607:38
majukfirecrotch: He doesn't see it as an option in Grub07:38
Boohbahrashed2020: what?07:39
firecrotchDacvak: you're hitting ESC to get to the grub menu, correct?07:40
DacvakYes, I am.07:40
C-S-B_Dacvak: is your kernel in /boot07:40
rashed2020Boohbah: The link doesn't mention using mkinitramfs anywhere, which is what (afaik) is used to create a new initramfs in Ubuntu.07:40
Dacvakfirecrotch, where can I get my uuid again? I actually think I pastebin'd it before...07:40
majukDacvak: Uhhhh... k, I dunno. I think you were right, that was an example and you need to author a new one.07:40
C-S-B_Dacvak: blkid07:40
DacvakC-S-B_: I'm not sure?07:40
firecrotchDacvak: /etc/fstab07:40
apparlehi guys .......is it neccessary to make a diffrent /boot partition and even if not neccessary what are its advantages07:41
james_Hi, I'm having a problem whereby I try doing anything in terminal, xchat or gedit where either the gui flickers or terminal writes random rubbish. Heres pics: http://i25.tinypic.com/1zr2j42.png http://i32.tinypic.com/2z73jmb.png07:42
majukapparle: System integrity and security, largely.07:42
majukapparle: But no, by no means necessary.07:42
Dacvakfirecrotch: I'm trying it with my replaced uuid now.07:43
apparlemajuk: plz explain what do you mean by system integrity and security...............plz explain a little more07:43
james_it would seem my f9 key is sticking, but it doesnt occur on my other os07:43
ActionParsnipapparle: it means that if you want rid of the OS then grub and its config will still stand07:43
majukapparle: If you install /boot on a seperate partition, you can unmount it during normal operation, mean it can't be altered or tampered with because it's unavailable. Hence, secure and integrity....um...ish.07:44
kermit1alankila: nothing in any of those :(07:44
C-S-B_Dacvak: your menu.lst is all wrong, your menu entries should be at the bottom for a start, then you need to direct grub to your /boot directory and to the kernel files,07:44
C-S-B_I'd start fresh...07:44
bolzano_1989@C-S-B_ : Yes, it hangs when it promts for password07:45
=== kermit1 is now known as kermit
majukapparle: Similarly, if your system corrupts itself for whatever reason, your kernels in /boot would be protected, thus allowing you to still start the system (hypothetically)07:45
majukDacvak: Nice.07:45
majukDacvak: UUIDs do it?07:46
DacvakCrazy thing is, it was actually majuk's method that ended up working.07:46
DacvakThe uuid's didn't show up.07:46
DacvakAt all...07:46
DacvakWhatever, it works now. It doesn't have the gui splash screen, but whatever. =P07:46
C-S-B_majuk's? the world has come to end!07:46
poentHow can i enable file sharing between ubuntu and vista over my LAN?07:46
C-S-B_Dacvak: out of interest what did you do to fix?07:46
kermitpoent: samba07:46
majukC-S-B_: I've got whiskey and a gun, I'm ready for the fall-out.07:47
C-S-B_poent: samba07:47
ActionParsnipapparle: its not essential but it is fun. If you make /boot too large too then you will waste space so plan it wisely, depends how many kernels you intend to keep onto07:47
Anon591heyy how do u change yur namee on this?07:47
ActionParsnip!samba | poent07:47
firecrotch!samba | poent07:47
ubottupoent: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:47
poentgroovy, thanks07:47
DacvakC-S-B_: Give me one sec to double check.07:47
=== RR is now known as Fire
majukDacvak: Well glad we could clear all this up for you. :D07:47
ActionParsnip!nick | Anon59107:47
ubottuAnon591: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode07:47
majukAnd by 'we' I mean 'me07:47
apparlemajuk: ActionParsnip: how to create this boot partition is manual paritioning........and how to reuse it again while doing a fresh install...........and what size it should be..............I don't know much about kernels07:47
=== Anon591 is now known as nick|
firecrotch@lart majuk07:48
colloguyhow do I close one instance of the terminal widget, while keeping the other instance running?07:48
firecrotchOh fantastic, it's disabled in here :(07:48
DacvakC-S-B_: I'm not entirely sure.07:48
ActionParsnipapparle: just create a small partition and mark the mount point as /boot in manual partitioning07:48
colloguyerr terminal screenlet07:48
majukfirecrotch: lol07:48
ActionParsnipapparle: i'd do some research into suitable sizes07:48
BesogonDoes anybody know How it's possible to change and generate UUID (for my USB-sticker for example)?07:48
DacvakAnyway, it seems to be working fine now. Majuk, firecrotch, I thank you both so much for your help.07:48
nick|anyone live in nsw?07:48
ActionParsnip!uid | Besogon07:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uid07:48
majukDacvak: Nooooo problem man. Nice sticking with it. ;)07:49
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:49
firecrotchDacvak: You're welcome! Told you we'd get you working :)07:49
C-S-B_Dacvak: what about me...07:49
majukC-S-B_: WHAT ABOUT YOU?07:49
firecrotchDacvak: Beware though - if you update your kernel, you may run into problems again07:49
DacvakAnd ESPECIALLY C-S-B!!07:49
C-S-B_I confused myself and everyone else, I played my part...07:49
DacvakNow while I'm in here, here's a quick question... Can I shrink my Ubuntu partition (200gb) and create just some normal diskspace for both ubuntu and windows to share?07:50
majukapparle: like 50mbs is probably more than enough, especially if you're only booting one version of Linux07:50
C-S-B_Dacvak: you may want to work out why grub-install isnt auto generating a menu.lst as well07:50
C-S-B_majuk: my ubuntu / is only 20gb07:50
firecrotchDacvak: You can shrink your ubuntu partition, yes.07:51
BesogonActionParsnip, I'v seen that (blkid and vol_id) are reflecting exist information about devices but not change.07:51
majukC-S-B_: Would you like a cookie? :P07:51
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: wow that loads, mine come in at 5Gb and I have loads of space spare07:51
C-S-B_ActionParsnip: do you have space for any expansion?07:51
Untouchab1eHi guys07:52
Untouchab1eI am dual booting Vista and Ubuntu07:52
DacvakYeah, I've already shrank it once with gparted. What do I have to format the new partition to to have it be read/recognized/usable by both ubuntu and windows? You know, if I need to share files between the two OS's (that are dual-booting)07:52
C-S-B_ActionParsnip: plus it was a 120GB drive, left a nice round-ish 100 for home07:52
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: they have about 1.5gb free so yeah07:52
Untouchab1ebut now I have to install Windows 7 x64 and how will I fix the boot loader afterwards?07:52
firecrotchDacvak: FAT3207:52
majukDacvak: NTFS will go both ways. So will FAT3207:52
Untouchab1eso, when installing Windows AFTER Ubuntu, how to get the choice of which to boot at startup?07:52
C-S-B_Untouchab1e: grub-install07:52
DacvakSo I just create a new NTFS partition, then?07:52
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: that makes sense. I like to have it all nice and compacted :)07:52
Untouchab1eC-S-B_, how?07:52
DacvakSounds good to me.07:53
firecrotch!fixmbr | Untouchab1e07:53
ubottuUntouchab1e: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:53
C-S-B_Dacvak: you should help Untouchab1e lol07:53
Untouchab1efirecrotch, thanks07:53
Untouchab1eDacvak, I would recommend NTFS07:53
DacvakAlright, well, I'm going to go to sleep before I balls anything else up.07:53
DacvakOnce again, thanks guys.07:54
DacvakSee you all later. =)07:54
firecrotchDacvak: Your other option is to install the windows ext3 driver07:54
zeltak_hi, guys i need help big time. my whole apt-get system seems broken :(07:54
C-S-B_zeltak_: whats wrong with it?07:54
firecrotchDacvak: Goodnight :-D07:54
majukfirecrotch: That work well? I am SO paranoid to give Winblows access to my Linux drives07:54
DacvakLater =)07:54
majukfirecrotch: Direct access, anyway07:54
firecrotchmajuk: I never got it to work, but I didn't put too much time into it07:54
zeltak_well its a long story C-S-B_but basiclly i tried to upgrade a package (autohotkey) and things went form bad to worse07:55
C-S-B_majuk: i got so worried about windows i took it off my system :)07:55
majukfirecrotch: Pffft, quitter.07:55
comrade_tuttleHey, I'm still having an Audio issue, for those who were here earlier this evening, I have managed to get audio working in all media files and web browser but it still will not work on any program like Nexuiz or any of the Tux games. As a recap i already have pulse audio and the rest of the packets needed and my driver is working fine. But For some odd reason sound won't come through. Partially the problem was the sound was being07:55
zeltak_right now i cant install anything and i get this message:07:55
firecrotchmajuk: well I ended up getting rid of Windows, so... :P07:55
majukC-S-B_: I'm in the midst of my 6th Oblivion run-through, I can't axe Windows!07:55
zeltak_E: The package autokey needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:55
Dac-iPhoneGod dammit!!!07:56
Dac-iPhoneIt's not working again!!!07:56
majukfirecrotch: PFFFFFT, super-quitter.07:56
Dac-iPhoneWhy do the Linux gods hate me so?07:56
C-S-B_zeltak_: have you tried apt-get autoremove?07:56
firecrotchDac-iPhone: Same error?07:56
majukDac-iPhone: You don't wipe with penguin-friendly TP07:56
ActionParsnipcomrade_tuttle: have you set the default sound device in sound settings?07:56
zeltak_yup tried that tried purge tried autoclean..everything.. :(07:56
seik_listening to music07:57
Dac-iPhoneIt's like im on a 1-boot lag. Now firecrotch's method came up instead of majuk's.07:57
herenbdycan anyone explain what the nsis package does? the title is: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (modified for Debian), but when I install the package, no nsis executable is to be found anywhere on my system07:57
seik_usin windoz07:57
linuxson25Hi everyone07:57
herenbdyunless it's under a different name?07:57
comrade_tuttleActionParsnip: i have and i have moved the streams to the audigy card and away from the mother board but still no sound on the programs07:57
linuxson25Just wanted to let you know....my sound problem has been sorted...well, sort of07:57
ActionParsnipcomrade_tuttle: thought itd be an audigy07:58
seanius_anyone here running UNR on an HP mini 110 1036NR?07:58
majukherenbdy: Nullsoft are the makers of WinAmp... but I don't think they ported it to Linux...07:58
comrade_tuttleActionParsnip: does linux not like those sound cards or something?07:58
Dac-iPhoneIm so sad.07:58
herenbdymajuk: they also make an installer creatiion program (NSIS)07:58
bakhtiari have problem in connecting yahoo messenger in ubuntu 8.1007:58
ActionParsnipcomrade_tuttle: creative cant even support windows properly07:58
ActionParsnipcomrade_tuttle: they can be a massive pain07:58
firecrotchDac-iPhone: Back to the live CD :)07:58
bakhtiaralso not entering in chat room07:59
firecrotchbakhtiar: Using pidgin?07:59
Dac-iPhoneIm going to try majuk's method again and try booting twice, even though that makes no freaking sense.07:59
majukherenbdy: OH, I got you. I don't know what the executable name would be or how to find it. I am teh loszar.07:59
zeltak_C-S-B_: everytime i try to install stuff  get this error: http://pastebin.ca/153347807:59
firecrotchbakhtiar: read the channel topic in #pidgin07:59
comrade_tuttleActionParsnip: agreed to that, but is there a fix or anything? its a pain to play DM games with out any sound, let alone any online game with out sound07:59
C-S-B_zeltak_: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq autokey07:59
majuk...I said to boot twice? lol, alright then.07:59
herenbdymajuk: I just found it.. the executable is called "makensis"08:00
majukherenbdy: Makes sense.08:00
majukmakesense :D08:00
firecrotchbakhtiar: you're welcome :)08:00
herenbdymajuk: lol08:00
ActionParsnipcomrade_tuttle: ive seen folks using OSS with some success. I dont use them as the support is crap. all my onboard soundcards work out of the box :)08:00
linuxson25How do you completely remove a kernel, and then re-install it?08:00
herenbdylinuxson25: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-(insert version here)?08:00
herenbdylinuxson25: that's what I use to get rid of old kernels after I upgrade08:01
comrade_tuttleActionParsnip: so bluntly stated, I'm SOL....08:01
ActionParsnipcomrade_tuttle: if you run: lspci you can search for your card and maybe find a guide or too08:01
linuxson25herenbdy: Thanx. Does that remove it competely? Configuration files and everything?08:01
C-S-B_zeltak_: did you try the command?08:01
apparlecomrade_tuttle: which card do you have08:02
herenbdylinuxson25: I think so08:02
C-S-B_linuxson25: you might need to purge08:02
comrade_tuttleapparle: Creative Labs SB Audigy08:02
linuxson25herenbdy: Will give it it try :)08:02
C-S-B_zeltak_: ?08:02
zeltak_yeah sorry C-S-B_08:02
Dac-iPhoneMajuk or firecrotch, could someone pastebin the examples in menu.lst? In going to try making that other one again.08:03
zeltak_i did try autoremove of course08:03
linuxson25C-S-B_: And how is that done again?08:03
C-S-B_zeltak_: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq autokey08:03
zeltak_k trying it now thx08:03
majukDac-iPhone: http://dpaste.com/82003/08:04
C-S-B_linuxson25:  apt-get purge <packagename>08:04
Dac-iPhoneMajuk, can you paste the generic examples given?08:04
zeltak_C-S-B_: here is the outout error i get: http://pastebin.ca/153348108:04
ActionParsnip!info autokey08:04
ubottuPackage autokey does not exist in jaunty08:04
Dac-iPhoneThe ones you had me try. With (hd0,0) and stuff.08:05
zeltak_it wont remove the package for some reason08:05
=== yht is now known as Yudha_HT
Someoneis1hey guys, i need some help. when i try to install a driver patch for my wireless card, it said i dont have permission to access something08:06
C-S-B_zeltak_: well that *should* have forced it08:06
linuxson25C-S-B_:Will I first need to boot into an earlier kernel version before I do this?08:06
ActionParsnipzeltak_: find a deb for it and reinstal it using the deb, then remove it08:06
majukDac-iPhone: You can use root hd(#,#) in place of that UUID stuff08:06
poentwhen setting up samba when it talks about the "ShareName" is it talking about the folder on the server?08:06
C-S-B_linuxson25: probably best08:06
zeltak_yeah i know :( something is VERY wrong in the apt-get :)08:06
firecrotchDac-iPhone: Here is my menu.lst http://pastebin.com/m74b0e18c08:06
ActionParsnippoent: thats the share name of the folder08:06
linuxson25C-S-B_: Thanx, will try08:06
majukDac-iPhone: Like this http://dpaste.com/82005/08:07
C-S-B_poent: no, just the name you want to give the share08:07
firecrotchDac-iPhone: Note that I don't have Windows installed on my machine though08:07
tonytiger123hello i am new here08:07
C-S-B_firecrotch: a man with sense!08:07
jmiteI'm running the karmic alpha 4. does anybody know why hal is still enabled and udev is not be default?08:07
comrade_tuttleIf some one could pm me with even the possibility of a fix, that would be rad08:07
zeltak_C-S-B_: any idea what to do next?08:07
firecrotchC-S-B_: Thank you :-D08:08
majukA man without flowers to pick.08:08
firecrotchjmite: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic discussion08:09
ActionParsnip!hi | tonytiger12308:09
ubottutonytiger123: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:09
C-S-B_firecrotch: though im disapointed that you aren't rolling your own kernel...08:09
tonytiger123hello ubottu thanks for the welcome08:09
jmitefirecrotch: didn't know it existed, will go there. thanks!08:09
tonytiger123hello action too08:09
ActionParsniptonytiger123: ubottu is a bot ;)08:09
comrade_tuttleWould turning off the analog/digital switch for my sound card do anything?08:09
tonytiger123oh but you are not actionparsnip08:09
ActionParsnip!ubottu | tonytiger12308:09
C-S-B_zeltak_: like ActionParsnip said, try and find an autokey deb and install and uninstall that.08:09
ubottutonytiger123: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:09
jon_high9000hello. I`m having a problem setting up a manual Static IP address. i have everything else filled in just not the network address. anybody know what that is and where it can be found?08:09
ActionParsniptonytiger123: no, i'm a dude08:10
silv3r_m00nhi there08:10
tonytiger123prefer to talk to dudes than bots08:10
firecrotchC-S-B_: Why bother? :) I hated all that work with Gentoo08:10
zeltak_C-S-B_: thx i actaully did that before..maybe thats one of the things casuing problems?08:10
silv3r_m00nI have samsung n110 netbook and when I put in 9.04 netbook usb drive it doesn't detect it....and simply boots xp08:10
silv3r_m00nwhat do I do08:10
ActionParsniptonytiger123: we use her to say stuff we have to say LOADS as there are many common issues08:10
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: try pressing F11 then selecting USB08:11
tonytiger123I have a tech question about my ubuntu installation 9.04, can I ask you?08:11
ActionParsnip!ask |  tonytiger12308:11
ubottutonytiger123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:11
majukfirecrotch: blasphemy!08:11
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: gentoo rocks :D08:11
zeltak_C-S-B_: and ActionParsnip, this is the error i get when manually installing the deb : http://pastebin.ca/153348808:11
firecrotchtonytiger123: there are 1313 actual people in the room :)08:12
majuksilv3r_m00n: Make sure USB booting is enabled in BIOS. Or that your mobo is capable of it at all.08:12
tonytiger123wow, hello all 1313 people.08:12
poentthere's only one bot in here?08:12
majukpoent: I doubt that.08:12
firecrotchpoent: 2 that I know of.... ubottu and FloodBot108:12
ActionParsnippoent: no theres floodbot too08:12
zeltak_i think one of the problems is that the autokey package is lingiring from intrepid08:13
zeltak_(line 5)08:13
firecrotchA couple of FloodBots actually, but you get the point08:13
rwwpoent: ubottu, Floodbots, and ubuntulog08:13
tonytiger123I accidentally chown'd my entire /var/ directory and all children to my user:group - tony:tony.  Does anyone know if this is "end of the world" serious, or relatively easy to fix?08:13
C-S-B_zeltak_: im a little stumped...08:13
firecrotchtonytiger123: it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.08:13
zeltak_yeah so am i LOL...i hope my system is not hosed...08:13
=== shampoo is now known as shampoonator
firecrotchtonytiger123: in other words - you'd have to manually change everything back08:14
ActionParsniptonytiger123: you could chown it to root:root but you'd need someone to output their output of: ls -la /var    to verify that it is correct08:14
majukfirecrotch: Every time I try to sing the fast part in that song, I end up singing "Ain't Goin Down Till the Sun Comes Up" by Garth Brooks.08:14
majuk /ot08:14
tonytiger123So it would be best to get a reference of someone else's ls -laR /var/ and then manually change everything back?  No automated way to do it?08:15
Dac-iPhoneIm screwed. No idea why it's not working. It was working great. Now it's not.08:16
firecrotchtonytiger123: did was it just everything in /var or everything in the subdirectories too?08:16
jon_high9000 hello. I`m having a problem setting up a manual Static IP address. i have everything else filled in just not the network address. anybody know what that is and where it can be found?08:16
linuxson25C-S-B_: Hi. Rebooted into an earlier kernel version, and tried the purge command, but it couldn't find the package. So I am guessing it was completely removed?08:16
ActionParsniptonytiger123: if ALL are root:root you can use: sudo chown -R root:root /var08:16
linuxson25C-S-B_: The thing is....I had problems with my sound, and messed up my ALSA config some or other way. Then someone told me to boot into another kernel08:16
tonytiger123everything in /var/ and all subdirectories too08:16
chervaanyone who worked with dm-raid ( FakeRaid ) ?08:16
firecrotchActionParsnip: Not everything in /var is owned by root08:16
Dac-iPhoneIm too freaking tired for this.  How could it work one second and not the other? :(08:16
dcahi friends.. Flickr slideshow is not working in my ubuntu.. it shows a balnk screen08:17
ActionParsniptonytiger123: you could even do that and then make the little changes to match someones output08:17
comrade_tuttleIf any one can help me with a sound card issue please message me. I can't find anything to fix it on the net and as far as my box is concerned it should be working.08:17
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: i know, thats why we need someones output to see what isnt so it can be applied08:17
majukDac-iPhone: Computer Goblins.08:17
dcaAnd also Youtube videos are playing very slow08:17
dcaits is stuck08:18
Dac-iPhoneIm just upset that your method is no longer working. :(08:18
tonytiger123ActionParsnip: I like the idea of putting everythign to root:root and then looking for the differences, e.g. I think /var/lib/mysql is a mysql user08:18
firecrotchJust looking at the permissions on stuff in my /var, it would be faster to reinstall08:18
C-S-B_zeltak_: i think the only way is to use dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <package>08:18
ActionParsniptonytiger123: exactly so we need the output of someone whom hasnt been messing with stuff so we can see what is default08:18
C-S-B_zeltak_: you might need to manually delete problem files08:18
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: is it complex?08:18
linuxson25C-S-B_: Now I am trying to get that other kernel back up and working, but just plainly re-installing it doesn't seem to do the job08:19
tonytiger123I have some friends who I work with who can help me with getting a reference ls -laR /var/08:19
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: i've not lookd at it as i dont go playing with stuff like that08:19
zeltak_can u point me to a manuall or a how to on how to manually delete08:19
linuxson25C-S-B_: Am I missing something here?08:19
tonytiger123Thanks for the help, I appreciate it08:19
firecrotchActionParsnip: Yeah, I've got stuff owned by root, my user, polkit, messagebus, avahi, etc08:19
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: can you pastebin the ownerships for tonytiger123 please08:19
C-S-B_linuxson25: you need to ensure grub is updated with the new kernel info08:19
linuxson25C-S-B_: How would I do that?08:19
dca hi friends.. Flickr slideshow is not working in my ubuntu.. it shows a blank screen08:20
C-S-B_linuxson25: grub-install <device grub is installed>08:20
dcaplease help08:20
tonytiger123ownerships of ls -laR /var/ would be cool if someone has 9.0408:20
linuxson25C-S-B_: And by re-installing a new, downloaded version of an up to date kernel...which is only like a couple of Kb's...would that really sort out my sound again?08:21
tonytiger123I need to be careful when I sudo things in future.  Lesson learned.08:21
C-S-B_zeltak_: i dont have one sorry, that command forcefully removes packages, i think a py script is stopping yours maybe. you could try and rid of that?08:21
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: can you please provide a pastebin: ls -la /var | pastebinit08:21
C-S-B_linuxson25: a kernel is more than a few kbs08:22
Dac-iPhoneHey, I think I figured it out. Folder was misspelled. Should be ok now.08:22
C-S-B_linuxson25: and your sound, no doubtful08:22
Dac-iPhoneThanks again guys.08:22
firecrotchActionParsnip: Working on it :)08:22
tonytiger123actionparsnip firecrotch  - can it be a recursive one, ls -laR?08:22
timingI need to do a security update, but the packages can't be authenticated. what shall i do?08:22
dca hi friends.. Flickr slideshow is not working in my ubuntu.. it shows a balnk screen08:22
ActionParsniptonytiger123: i believe -la is recursive08:22
JacenHi all. Hoping someone here can help me. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspire 4720z laptop. A few updates ago, the volume control wheel stopped working. Anyone have any idea what's going on?08:22
firecrotchtonytiger123: ls -laR is uploading right now08:22
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: cheers fellah08:22
Bob_DoleDon't some of these kernels get up to 22mb?08:22
zeltak_C-S-B_: do you know how i find whcich script is casuing this?08:23
poentwhats the terminal command to edit a file?08:23
linuxson25C-S-B_: Ok....that command to update the grub....just get some info on that08:23
Bob_Dolepoent..what kind of file?08:23
Dac-iPhoneIt worked. Im good now. Thanks again to those who helped. See you all later.08:23
poentno extention08:23
Bob_Dolepoent, nano should would.08:23
Dextorionpoent try nano, or vim08:23
DextorionBob_Dole beat me to it08:23
firecrotchtonytiger123: http://pastebin.com/m4482e4f4   WARNING: it's 14000 lines08:23
ActionParsnippoent: sudo nano /etc/fstab08:23
ActionParsnippoent: unless you just want read access, in which case you can omit sudo08:24
Dextoriongoodmorning btw08:24
jon_high9000hello. I`m having a problem setting up a manual Static IP address. i have everything else filled in just not the network address. anybody know what that is and where it can be found?08:24
ActionParsnipfirecrotch: yikes08:24
tonytiger123thanks, I'll diff/grep it for the differences08:24
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: what is the ip address and subnet mask08:24
C-S-B_zeltak_: can you post what you get from sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq autokey08:24
linuxson25C-S-B_: the device you were refering to.....correct syntax for that? Be something like 0.0 or something?08:24
lobakhow to view installed program using apt-get?08:25
ActionParsniplobak: dpkg -l | less08:25
tonytiger123thanks again guys08:25
C-S-B_linuxson25: it would be /dev/sdX for that iirc08:25
jon_high9000current ip address is netmask is
lobakActionParsnip, thanks08:25
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: network is
firecrotchtonytiger123: No prob :) Have fun sorting through that mess08:26
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: broadcast is
linuxson25C-S-B_: Oh yeah...thanx08:26
zeltak_C-S-B_: http://pastebin.ca/153349808:26
poentrgr that thank you08:26
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: fairly standard class c lan08:26
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: giving 254 clients08:26
jon_high9000ActionParsnip: Thanks.08:27
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: np08:27
C-S-B_zeltak_: in desperation try rm -r /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/autokey08:27
C-S-B_zeltak_: then try the previous commmand again08:28
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: if you write the numbers in binary one under the other and perform a bitwise AND then you will see how it is calculated ;)08:28
zeltak_ok will try that C-S-B_08:28
C-S-B_ActionParsnip:  you're explaining subnetting? you go beyond the cod08:29
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: give a man a fish and he eats for a day08:29
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: give a man a fishing rod and he'l break it up for firewood08:30
ActionParsnipC-S-B_: or swap it for a fish08:30
eokejon_high9000: You may also find this command useful in the future "ipcalc" changing the ip address and subnet as necessary.08:31
jon_high9000ActionParsnip: I tried to enter a manual static ip address through Network Manager and it wouldnt accept gateway address for some reason thats why i am using etc/network/interfaces.08:31
JacenHi all. Hoping someone here can help me. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspire 4720z laptop. A few updates ago, the volume control wheel stopped working. Anyone have any idea what's going on?08:32
Ace__when i try to play a video in vlc player or default video player it starts and then suddenly closes08:32
C-S-B_jon_high9000: network manager is a funny one, keep trying it, it does work. sometimes the focus moves08:32
firecrotchJacen: Did it work in 8.10? Ever work in 9.04?08:32
JacenYes to both.08:32
eokejon_high9000: When you're in the cell changing the gateway make sure you press enter in that cell before you click the ok/accept button on the dialog.08:33
Ace__when i try to play a video in vlc player or default video player it starts and then suddenly closes, can anyone help?08:33
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: thats what i use08:33
firecrotchJacen: from the terminal, run the program xev - it will open a white window - and move the wheel up and down, and pastebin the output08:33
jon_high9000ActionParsnip: ok. :)08:34
C-S-B_zeltak_: how you getting on?08:34
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: if you use static ip and remove network manager your bootup will be faster as nm doesnt have to load and do nothing and you dont have to wait for dhcp to complete08:34
zeltak_mmm i removed the dir but im still getting errors. btw C-S-B_i really appriacte your help, thx again08:34
zeltak_anyway here is the output:http://pastebin.ca/153350908:35
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: plus if you wanna change ip address you can ssh in, change the ip, restart networking and then ssh to the new ip address08:35
Ace__when i try to play a video in vlc player or default video player it starts and then suddenly closes, can anyone help?08:35
zeltak_C-S-B_: funny thing. after i remove the dir and issue the force remove the dir is regenerated somehow08:36
ActionParsnipAce__: launch vlc from the terminal, you will get useful output when it crashes08:36
Jacenfirecrotch: http://pastebin.com/d253ee47908:36
jon_high9000ActionParsnip: I`m doing this to get a secure way to download bittorrents.08:36
Ace__it doesnt crash till i play the vid though ActionParsnip08:36
Ace__its a .mpg file08:36
C-S-B_zeltak_: have you tried finding the autokey files and removing that?08:37
ActionParsnipAce__: just make it crash when launched from terminal, you can read what it says then and websearch to hopefully fnd a solution08:37
zeltak_ill try that now08:37
silv3r_m00nhi there08:37
C-S-B_zeltak_: it's dirty08:37
mysteriousdarrenwhat happens when a movie works and then the color is off? ive tried changing the preferences and such but it troubles me08:37
silv3r_m00nis it possible to check for corrupt files and replace them with correct ones , may be from synaptic ?08:37
lollo3011ehi, maybe i'm not the first one that ask this, i've searched on google and this thing bothers to much: the ubuntu 9.04's popup notify window, is here any way to set the timer? i mean, it's stuck there on the top right for 5 seconds, and for me it's too much time! how can i set it to like 3, or 2 seconds?08:38
cornjulioxin windows, exlplorer will automatically truncate a folder/filename if its too long to display, so that all the icons are pretty much uniform, is there any way to get Gnome to do the same?08:39
majuksilv3r_m00n: If it's a bad problem, you're probably better off doing a reinstall.08:39
silv3r_m00nmajuk: I wrote netbook img to pen drive and upon checking the the media for errors ubuntu says 1 file corrupt08:40
majuksilv3r_m00n: What format partition is it?08:40
scxtchi have problems with video streaming?08:40
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: depends how you mean by corrupted files08:40
Taintedsidecan som1 help me? I have some problems with address solving08:40
C-S-B_Taintedside: whats the prob, just ask!08:41
silv3r_m00nI plugged in the usb drive and on the first ubuntu menu clicked check drive for erros and it said 1 file corrupt ........i proceeded with installation which has finished fine08:41
majuksilv3r_m00n: Ah. Maybe /var/log/messages would tell you what file?08:41
silv3r_m00nmajuk: how will it tell me which file08:41
silv3r_m00nI am checking the installation media for errors08:42
TaintedsideI installed Ubuntu on a old Laptop, anything is set up properly (DNS, Gateway, Ip Address, wireless network) but I still cannot access internet08:42
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: once you find out what file was corrupted you can use apt-file or websearching to find the package, then reinstall it08:42
Taintedsideis there anything I did not consider properly?08:42
lollo3011sorry, no1 answers me, so i repeat the question: the ubuntu 9.04's popup notify window, is here any way to set the timer? i mean, it's stuck there on the top right for 5 seconds, and for me it's too much time! how can i set it to like 3, or 2 seconds??08:42
poentdo i access a samba share the same way i would access a shared folder over a windows network?08:43
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: on the installation media how do I find which file is corrupt ....08:43
C-S-B_Taintedside: can you run ifconfig08:43
majuksilv3r_m00n: Maybe fsck?08:43
spidlalollo3011: what window do you mean ?08:43
C-S-B_poent: yup.08:43
silv3r_m00nfsck the installation media ?08:44
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: you need to ceck the fsck log08:44
majuksilv3r_m00n: Sure.08:44
C-S-B_spidla: i think he wants to reduce the display time of notifications08:44
Taintedsidesure i can08:44
shortcircuitWould someone please tell me how to build modelines from my EDID block on Ubuntu 9.04 amd64?08:44
silv3r_m00nmajuk: command ?08:44
poenti'm not seeing the shared computer or folder in the network08:44
lollo3011you know, the one appear on the top right of the  screen when you connect to a network, or some other notifications08:44
TaintedsideC-S-B_: Sure I can08:44
spidlaC-S-B_:  OK maybe the gnome configuration editor ?08:44
stoojIs linux-headers-2.6.24-24-virtual for machines that are hosting VMs or for VMs themselves? Should I install that rather than 24-server inside a VM?08:45
linuxson25C-S-B_: Hi. I did as you said...but somehow, this system just doesnt wanna get rid of the kernel?? Even tried manually editing the grub at startup, edited the startup command as to which kernel was to be used, and still it boots up the one I want to get rid of??08:45
Jacenfirecrotch: Still with me?08:45
linuxson25C-S-B_: Thought I had uninstalled it??08:46
C-S-B_linuxson25: whats uname -r say?08:46
shortcircuitread-edid is apparently only available in i386.  There's a bug report on its absence, and the bug is listed as fix released, but it doesn't show up in canononical, universe, multiverse, security or -proposed.08:46
linuxson25C-S-B_: Well, I manually sellected an older kernel, so that command is not gonna help right now08:47
nh2spidla, lollo3011: he means the new notifications in Jaunty08:47
hemanth Is there a svn plugin for geany , so that i can directly upload the code to svn:// ?08:47
majuksilv3r_m00n: I mean, if you're feeling frisky with it, fsck -a -t $FORMAT /dev/XXXX08:47
kiminaiseahany clustering guide for SSI ?08:47
spidlanh2: yeah I know.. I am searching for solution in gnome config editor08:47
C-S-B_linuxson25: tbh, seems like a whole lot of trouble for your sound, you should be able to fix the sound without this...08:47
BuGo_laptopi have forced synaptic to use firefox 3.0.13 ant as i start firefox it is 3.508:48
majuksilv3r_m00n: That's gonna try to autocorrect and could wreck the whole shebang. But it could fix it.08:48
BuGo_laptophow can i switch back to 3.0.13?08:48
linuxson25C-S-B_: lol...yeah, so I have been told. Been going at this for a while now08:48
C-S-B_linuxson25: all your kernels are stored in /boot and are refernced to by /boot/grub/menu.lst08:49
majuksilv3r_m00n: Cripes, no, fsck -t $FORMAT /dev/XXXX -a08:49
C-S-B_linuxson25: you can edit and delete all that by hand08:49
majukMy bad, can't tell my man sections apart.08:49
BuGo_laptopi hate siretoko...08:50
C-S-B_majuk: the section at the front looks like a trunk, the back look peachy. any more help with man sections just ask me.08:50
linuxson25_C-S-B_: But if I just manually edit this in gedit, wont the kernel source still be on the system? I need to purge it or something to get rid of it completely, so I can download and install a fresh one :)08:50
C-S-B_kernel source? are you compiling it ?08:51
majukC-S-B_: I'm a visual learner.08:51
stochasticcan anyone tell me how to prevent my external USB drive from Auto-mounting when I plug it in?08:52
rashed2020What does it mean if Ubuntu drops me into a busybox shell?08:52
C-S-B_rashed2020: bad things...08:52
rashed2020C-S-B_: Like..?08:52
C-S-B_rashed2020: something stopped it booting properly. try dmesg | tail08:53
rashed2020C-S-B_: I should mention I'm booting with a new initramfs08:53
JacenCould anyone else help me? The volume control wheel on my laptop no longer changes the volume. The little tooltip comes up, showing the volume bar moving back and forth but the volume doesn't actually change. I'm using 9.04. It worked before but stopped a few updates ago.08:53
spidlalollo3011: sorry , no luck .. there used to be an apps/notification-daemon entry in gnome configuration daemon but it is missing in jaunty08:53
C-S-B_rashed2020: you prob missed a module you needed for booting08:53
linuxson25_C-S-B_: No, just trying to get rid of the kernel completely, so I can download a new, "fresh" one....cause just removing and installing it again in Synaptic doesnt do the sound trick that I am looking for08:53
majukrashed2020: Like it can't find any of your hardware because it's a bad initramfs08:53
lollo3011spidla, thx anyway :)08:54
C-S-B_linuxson25_: well apt-get purge <package> should work.08:54
rashed2020C-S-B_: I didn't really edit it though. I was just playing around. I unpacked the one I had, then repacked it. So I'm guessing something has gone wrong when I was packing it?08:54
C-S-B_rashed2020: does it have a different name/08:54
linuxson25_C-S-B_: Allready tried that, didnt work. After removing it, it just says that it cant find the file08:55
C-S-B_linuxson25_: or you could delete it /boot08:55
rashed2020C-S-B_: Nope, I actually just moved what I had packed over the old one. Exact same name.08:55
C-S-B_linuxson25_: that way you know the kernel is gone08:55
C-S-B_rashed2020: what did dmesg | tail say?08:55
rashed2020Nothing relevant (I rebooted so I don't have what it says exactly, but I'm positive it was nothing relevant. Just some networking stuff).08:56
zeltak_C-S-B_: haleluya! the "dirty" fix worked :)08:56
majukzeltak_: It always does.08:57
C-S-B_zeltak_: glad to hear it!08:57
majukzeltak_: And it /feels good/.08:57
BuGo_laptopwhy firefox-3.0 is firefox 3.5 and firefox-3.5 is firefox 3.5?08:57
C-S-B_zeltak_: now go wash your hands and dont tell anyone08:57
zeltak_LOL....well the ap-get system came back from the dead :)08:57
BuGo_laptopWTW is wrong with updates today?08:57
zeltak_thx again C-S-B_you saved me today..now i can intsall work related stuff08:58
spidlaBuGo_laptop: whats wrong?08:58
C-S-B_zeltak_: we both know youll be tux racing though...08:58
zeltak_more like xmoto but yeah :)08:58
JacenAnyone have any idea what the problem may be? The volume control wheel on my laptop no longer changes the volume. The little tooltip comes up, showing the volume bar moving back and forth but the volume doesn't actually change. I'm using 9.04. It worked before but stopped a few updates ago.08:58
BuGo_laptopspidla, it upgraded my firefox and somehow managed to fcuk things up so i cannot revert firefox to older version08:59
C-S-B_zeltak_: i dont know xmoto? just installed warzone 2100 though, that's kickass. apart from jaunty and open al sound08:59
rashed2020C-S-B_: find . | cpio --dereference -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /boot/INITRDNAME    is what I used. Anything look funky?08:59
spidlaBuGo_laptop: ouch I tried a few versions of firefox last days and I had no problems08:59
zeltak_xmoto is a motor bike game...graphics are not that good but very addictive..i think u can dl it at getdeb.net08:59
BuGo_laptopspidla, no matter what version i force on synaptic it is still firefox3.509:00
BuGo_laptopand firefox 3.5 is not good enough09:00
C-S-B_firefox3.5 > firefox 3.0 < chromium09:00
Jacenwell, thanks anyway folks. I managed to fix it myself. :) G'night all09:01
spidlaBuGo_laptop: ou I forgot ... I am using non-distro package09:01
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:01
=== ohol1ks is now known as chol
poentso i just got samba set up and i can see the folder on the ubuntu network of the same computer thats sharing the folder... but the windows computer on the same network doesnt see it09:01
C-S-B_rashed2020: im not sure to be honest, i dont build my own, it's usually scripted...09:01
rashed2020C-S-B_: That's alright. Thanks.09:02
C-S-B_poent: have you tried browing to the ip from windows?09:02
BuGo_laptopspidla, where can i find those packages?09:02
dragon`what is that09:02
spidlaactually its a precompiled tar.gz archive .. its not a DEB09:02
xlqthree floodbots?09:03
oldude67xlq had a netsplit09:03
spidlaBuGo_laptop: its from www.mozilla.org site09:03
xlqYou need floodbots for that?09:03
oldude67i guess09:03
spidlaBuGo_laptop: I am running 3.5.2 version with no problems09:04
rashed2020Aren't the floodbots supposed to be on the other side of the split? Where there are no services?09:04
BuGo_laptopspidla, one question. icon and name are correct or just plain world icon and name - shiretoko09:04
oldude67we didnt say they was smart bots..09:05
poentC-S-B_: i cant even ping it09:05
C-S-B_poent: ouch. then you have a networking issue...09:05
poenti ping 0.5 and 0.9 replies with "Destination host unreachable"09:06
poenttheir on the same router, same subnet, same workgroup...09:06
stochasticcan anyone tell me how to prevent my external USB drive from Auto-mounting when I plug it in?09:06
nh2spidla, lollo3011: I just created https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/80313, we'll see if there is an answer09:07
poentThe windows computer i'm using can see the rest of the network. But the one running samba only sees itself09:08
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marie-joHello ! I have installed ubuntu Jaunty (64) on a laptop HP Pavillion DV6 1225 sf. It works fine, I have sound now, but I got a problem when trying to configure a wifi connection : I type the password for the acces point, and when I reopen the window of the configured connection, the password has changed !!! It semms to have been written in hexadecimal... Is it normal, or is it a bug ?09:08
ReReHi I would like to know is it possible to convert a HD video to SD?09:08
rashed2020marie-jo: That's normal.09:09
marie-joThanks Rashed09:09
spidlaBuGo_laptop: Shiretoko is a codename for new version .. I tried this as a package from some repo09:09
lollo3011nh2 (i was afk) ty :) we'll see09:09
marie-joRashed, can you tell me more ??09:09
spidlaBuGo_laptop: but correct stable version has a normal firefox icon09:09
rashed2020marie-jo: What do you need to do?09:09
rashed2020to know*09:09
spidlaBuGo_laptop: actually I wasnt so familiar with shiretoko version... It is uncomplete09:10
marie-joWhy does it changes ??09:10
poentso what do i need to do to make the ubuntu computer see the rest of the windows network?09:10
C-S-B_spidla: shiretoko_is just the rebranded firefox 3.5 its the same..09:10
zKintaroQuick question about tsclient in fullscreen mode. How do I minimize it and use my desktop?09:11
rashed2020marie-jo: I'm not sure. I'm guessing it's so people don't just click there and see your password right away.09:11
spidlaC-S-B_: looks different to me .. more plugins were unusable in Shiretoko09:11
oldude67zKintaro, change the display size is what i did.09:12
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:12
marie-joThanks Rashed, bye !09:12
rashed2020zKintaro: CTRL+ALT+DEL09:12
zKintaroi run it fullscreen09:12
spidlaC-S-B_: but my current version is 3.5.2 and shiretoko is 3.5 maybe this does the trick09:12
rashed2020marie-jo: Np!09:12
zKintaroi used to be able to CTRL-ALT-LEFT (or right) and just move to another workspace09:12
rashed2020zKintaro: CTRL+ALT+DEL09:12
BuGo_laptopspidla, it feels uncomplete....09:12
rashed2020zKintaro: I meant CTRL+ALT+ENTER09:13
C-S-B_rashed2020: lol at your help...09:13
oldude67rashed2020, that was not nice09:13
rashed2020lol no it was an honest mistake09:13
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spidlarashed2020: but idea :-)09:13
spidlarashed2020: bad idea :-)09:13
rashed2020I really did mean CTRL+ALT+ENTER09:13
C-S-B_rashed2020: whats that even do?09:13
rashed2020zKintaro: Did that work?09:13
oldude67ok we will let it slide this time..:)09:13
=== Lingerance is now known as Lingus
spidlaBuGo_laptop: try the one from mozilla.org .. it is not prepackaged for Ubuntu. but it is working09:14
rashed2020C-S-B_: CTRL+ALT+ENTER? That's like the default key combo to exit full screen apps09:14
spidlaBuGo_laptop: no compiling, just extract09:14
bakhtiar_anybody tell me about autofs in ubuntu09:16
zKintarothanks, its CTRL-ALT-ENTER09:16
rashed2020zKintaro: NP. ( oldude67: =P)09:16
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sickedguys could anybody help me out with Joomla??09:18
phaitouri've got a quick question about updating from intrepid to jaunty.  when i performed a do-release-upgrade the kernel didn't update (based on uname -r)... did i do something wrong?09:19
sickedphaitour: no, it is normal09:19
ReReHi I would like to know is it possible to convert a HD video to SD?09:19
phaitourso how do i upgrade the kernel?09:19
phaitouror is that not important?09:19
sickednone who could help me with Joomla?09:19
phaitourisn't the kernel the biggest part of the upgrade?09:20
ReReHow do I upgrade kernal09:20
ReRewhat is kernal?09:20
ReRelike popcorn?09:20
sickedphaitour and Rere : or you make one that fits for yourself or you wait for the next official release09:20
phaitourso there wasn't a kernel update between intrepid and jaunty?09:21
sickedphaitour: evidently no09:22
phaitourhaha ok, thanks sicked09:22
AdvoWorkHi there. ive just done "df" and it says: /dev/mapper/main-root 97%  this may be a silly question, but how can i tell what locations is within that location?09:22
phaitoursorry i don't know anything about joomla09:22
phaitourotherwise i'd help :P09:22
sickedi've had a kernel upgrade yesterday..09:22
phaitouryou manually did it?09:22
ReReHey what is a kernal?09:22
sickedphaitour: no, i just updated and upgraded from terminal,09:22
sickedand a new kernel was available:)09:23
oldude67!kernel | ReRe09:23
ubottuReRe: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:23
phaitouradvowork: i've manually walked through the file system before in your situation. not sure if it's smartest thing to do, but i go to root (ie cd /) and then do  'du --max-depth=1 -h'09:23
AdvoWorkphaitour, why not smart?09:24
phaitourit's kinda manual09:24
phaitourbasically you go to root look at which folder uses how much memory09:24
phaitourand then walk down the tree09:24
phaitouri'm sure someone out there has a program that probably does this for you09:24
phaitourbut i just don't know about it09:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about stuff09:24
phaitourit works though09:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cmds09:24
phaitourhope that helps advo09:26
phaitourthanks sicked09:26
poenthow do i go back and add a login password to samba once it's been setup?09:27
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sickedphaitour: you welcome09:28
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linuxson25C-S-B_: Hi, sorry...had to go on a call-out quick....09:29
C-S-B_!mark shuttleworth09:30
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com09:30
linuxson25C-S-B_: You were saying about deleting the /boot dir?09:30
AdvoWorkdf -h shows: /dev/mapper/main-root 20G   20G  637M  97% /  how can i increase that 20gb?09:30
C-S-B_linuxson25: no! just the unwanted kernel09:30
linuxson25C-S-B_: Oh...lol...ok. Then just download a new one and install it with synaptic?09:31
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C-S-B_linuxson25:  but still, you're likely to achievenothing...09:31
linuxson25C-S-B_: So this just brings me back to square one then? Ah man.....09:32
AdvoWorkcan i not just find out the total amount of space ive got left on my HD? not just partitions?09:32
C-S-B_linuxson25: if you are usinfg stock kernels, uninstalling and installing etc is unlikely to fix your sound09:33
insaanAdvoWork, why don't u use the disk usage analyzer09:33
linuxson25C-S-B_: Then what is keeping mys sound from working in the one kernel? But works in an older version? There a file or module somewhere that has been compromised and needs to be re-installed?09:33
linuxson25C-S-B_: Using stock kernels I suppose09:34
AdvoWorkinsaan, ive used df -h and discus but its giving me loads of partitions, strugling to work out the whole space left etc09:34
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C-S-B_linuxson25: you can mount a module with modprobe.09:35
insaanAdvoWork, must u use df ? y don't u try: Applications > Accessories > Disk usage analyzer09:35
C-S-B_linuxson25: is pulseaudio running?09:36
C-S-B_linuxson25: are you unhappy using the older kernel for which sound does work?09:37
linuxson25C-S-B_: I tried that yesterday....used the cat /proc/asoun/card0/codec#* | grep Codec command, but it just gives me a dir not found error09:38
goki__If I mistakenly asked for a apt-get install on some packages, how can I tell apt-get to stop trying to install them every time I install anything else?09:38
linuxson25C-S-B_: Not too sure if there is need to NOT like it?? LOL. Still a bit used to working with Windows, so I dont know exactly what is up with the different versions of kernels?09:38
C-S-B_if you lsmod, you can see what modules are loaded. maybe you can see if theres one missing?09:39
linuxson25C-S-B_: Updates or something? Plus, I am still trying to get rid of the faulty kernel, so I dont have to manually select it in GRUB when booting up09:40
C-S-B_you can change the default grub selection09:40
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gnosiswhat IRC client does ubuntu use by default?09:40
C-S-B_or remove the option from grub09:40
C-S-B_gnosis: it doesnt09:40
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C-S-B_gnosis:  i use x-chat09:40
gnosisC-S-B_: .... really? then you install it. alright09:41
linuxson25C-S-B_: Ok, will do that. But wont it upgrade eventually again to the newer kernel?09:41
jony123i cant find libopenal in the repo09:41
DJonesgnosis: Probably, xchat, pidgin or irssi (for command line)09:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:41
jony123is it sp,ewjere e;se09:41
C-S-B_it will ask to replace the menu.lst, you can tell it not to.09:41
gnosisDJones: alright thanks you09:42
linuxson25C-S-B_: Hmmmmm....Ok. Will keep fiddling around. Try and get my sound back to normal. Thanx for all your help09:43
xlqjony123: libopenal1, libopenal-dev09:44
AdvoWorkinsaan, im not at the box though, only doing it via ssh09:45
jony123E: Couldn't find package libopenal109:46
patrikHi, are there any web hosting software (like gplhost or ispconfig) you guys would recommend?09:46
gnosisRaizk: *prod*09:47
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monziehello all09:53
goki__There MUST be a way to tell apt-get to just forget about packages it thinks you wanted to install, and leave things alone?09:54
monzieHow do I install KDE4 + KDE4 dev env on Kubuntu 9.04?09:54
DaDa|UrkaMS-Exchange Calendars with Lightning/Sunbird - is this possible?09:54
poenthow can i mount a windows partition on the same drive thats mounted? I see the recovery partition... but not windows09:55
ejvsudo mount /dev/sd__ /mnt/<mountpoint> -t ntfs09:56
ejvpoent: you can see all your available partitions by doing: sudo fdisk -l09:57
bakhtiar_here is problem in entering in chat room09:57
bakhtiar_any solution for entring chat room09:58
oldude67bakhtiar_, try /join #room09:58
bakhtiar_did on this way but any proper solution09:59
elteseHello people. Im on the 7.04 Feisty Fawn Live CD (it was the only one available to me) and Im gonna install it on a new PC. Is it easy to upgrade to 9.04 ? I havent got any cd's available.09:59
C-S-B_eltese: you might have trouble10:00
poentejv: i only see two partitions10:00
Myrttieltese: get a new cd. seriously.10:00
C-S-B_eltese: you could use it to download the new one and make a jaunty bootable usb or cd10:00
oldude67eltese, download one from ubuntu10:00
DJoneseltese: Its not as easy to upgrade from 7.04 to 9.04 because 7.04 reached its end of life in october, it would be quite messy to upgrade10:00
eltesehmms okay. Gonna see if I by some miracle have some cd here. :p10:01
chessnutmushroomguys which ports do i need open for mysql access?10:01
poentwhy can i only see 2 partitions when i have windows, ubuntu, and the recovery partition?10:02
ejvpoent: pastebin please10:02
oldude67bakhtiar_, you could edit your network list and add the channel you want to go to in there.10:02
ejv!pastebin | poent10:02
ubottupoent: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:02
llutzchessnutmushroom: 330610:02
chessnutmushroomtcp only?10:03
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llutzchessnutmushroom: nope, both. grep -i mysql /etc/services10:03
Megra_chessnutmushroom, yes, tcp10:03
chessnutmushroomno joy10:03
Megra_chessnutmushroom, tcp 330610:04
chessnutmushroomservices, ta10:04
poentejv: paste fdisk -l?10:04
ejvyes plz10:04
elteseHmms well this presents me with somewhat of a problem. Im on the live CD as I said. And Ive only got 1 dvd in my PC :P So it will be a tad difficult for me to burn another cd image :)10:04
llutzchessnutmushroom: changed mysql-config to listen to a different port?10:05
oldude67eltese, do you have a pen drive?10:05
chessnutmushroomERROR 1130 host blah is not allowed to connect to this mysql server10:05
elteseNot nearly big enough to store an .iso10:05
chessnutmushroomno llutz10:05
Myrttieltese: mini.iso is about 15M10:06
llutzchessnutmushroom: change your user-db, host-settings10:06
oldude67eltese, then you can add to it once you have it installed.10:06
bartho_can somebody say me where i can find the mysql folder on ubuntu? where the mysql data is saved.10:06
Myrtti!mini | eltese10:06
ubottueltese: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:06
poentejv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/254999/10:06
Dextorionchessnutmushroom, do your mysql database reside on your local machine? or a remote machine?10:07
ejvso poent you only have one hard drive in your pc, and based on this one unknown partition and NTFS, this is very odd, how/where did you install10:07
chessnutmushroomremote machine10:07
poentejv: i used wubi10:07
dcahi friends ... i cannot view slideshows in my mozilla10:07
chessnutmushroomi was trying to access it from another machine on the same subnet10:07
dcahope some one will help10:08
Dextorionchessnutmushroom, then your user must have privileges to connect remotely. default is only local access if i recall correctly.10:08
dcai have installed the swfdec10:08
chessnutmushroomok thanks10:08
dcaand adobe also10:08
chessnutmushroomhow do i list mysql users?10:08
ejvpoent: I'm sorry I have no experience using wubi to install ubuntu, I'm not sure how it installs to the disk; using a typical ubuntu livecd, however, you'd split the 250G into 3 or 4 partitions, some for ubuntu, some for windows10:08
elteseMyrtti and oldude67 : Thanks for your help guys but my pendrive is nowhere to be found.. I guess I just could do it the hard way and install 7.04 and then download 9.04 there, burn it and install all over again10:09
ejvpoent: if no one chimes in here, I suggest posting on ubuntuforums.org, or looking thru the present threads/documentation.10:09
rashed2020Can anyone tell me what rootdelay does?10:09
Dextorionchessnutmushroom, select * from mysql.user;10:09
oldude67eltese, you have to upgrade one release at a time you cant just go from 7.04 to 9.0410:09
zambawhat's the program resolvconf?10:10
poenthmm, alright. I think that wubi installs grub and then configures it to mount a folder within the windows partition. Which seems to keep it from showing up.10:10
elteseoldude67:  yes I am aware of that. What I meant was once inside 7.04 i can download the 9.04 .iso and burn it, reboot and install that instead .10:10
poentthanks for the help either way ejv10:10
grawitypoent: Not really a folder - just a single disk image. Loop device.10:10
chessnutmushroomta, how do i make it readable from the xterm10:10
chessnutmushroomis there a switch?10:11
ejvpoent: sry I couldn't be more of a help ;)10:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moblin10:11
ejvrashed2020: rootdelay, does what is sounds like.10:11
om26er1can any1 tell me a bit about ubuntu moblin remix?10:11
poentgrawity: do you know if using wubi prevents me from mounting the windows filesystem that the ubuntu image is on?10:12
ejvrashed2020: the purpose of the rootdelay parameter is to cause the kernel to delay for the number of seconds you specify, before mounting the root device.10:12
grawitypoent: Nope. In fact, when using Wubi, the filesystem where Wubi is installed on, is automatically mounted under /host10:13
Dextorionchessnutmushroom, should be in quite readable format already. Try just to select the User field or something. select User from mysql.user;10:13
Dextorionchessnutmushroom, that should atleast give you the usernames.10:13
RaizkHi, I'm a Linux newbie and was wondering how I can run something as root.10:14
ejvRaizk: sudo10:14
insaansudo something10:14
grawityRaizk: In Ubuntu, you use the 'sudo' command. Like this: sudo nano /somefile10:14
ejvi love how the responses get progressively more detailed after mine....10:14
Raizkahh, ok. Thank you10:14
grawityejv: The least detailed ones are typed the fastest.10:15
grawityRaizk: If you ever need a shell with root privileges, use 'sudo -i'10:15
Dextorionchessnutmushroom your welcome10:15
ejvI was accurate, regardless ;)10:15
insaangrawity, is 'sudo -i' the same as 'su' ?10:17
grawityinsaan: No.10:17
grawityinsaan: 'sudo' asks for _your_ password.10:17
grawityinsaan: And sudo can also be configured to only allow certain commands, and so on.10:18
bernardlychanhey how do i get the ip of someone on irc?10:18
grawityinsaan: 'su', on the other hand, requires you to know the root's password, and that the root account be unlocked. (Ubuntu comes with a locked root account.)10:18
grawitybernardlychan: /whois someone10:18
insaangrawity, thanks ... I use the same password that's y I thought there's no difference :D10:18
bernardlychanty grawity10:18
ejvsomeone ban grawity for helping too many people! ^_^10:19
grawityinsaan: Other distros (including Debian) ask the user to set a root password during install - and admins use 'su' to get root shell. ('sudo' is gaining popularity, though.)10:19
insaanlol ejv10:19
bernardlychangrawity...  how?10:19
bernardlychanit doesn't say ip, next to their name it says (unidentified)10:19
grawityinsaan: On Ubuntu, root account is locked (unless you unlock it manually), and sudo -i (or sudo -s, or sometimes sudo su) is the only way.10:19
grawitybernardlychan: You mean 'unaffiliated'?10:20
obhkI've got amsn installed, but when I press Alt-F2 to run the application, I can only get amsn_received, it doesn't know amsn (although the command 'amsn' works in bash).  Any idea how to solve this?10:20
grawitybernardlychan: In freenode IRC network, users can request a cloak that will hide their address.10:20
ejvmy favorite part of sudoers: %<group> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL10:20
bernardlychanpm grawity10:20
grawitypacketcase: Okay.10:20
insaangrawity, thanks for the info10:20
grawityejv: %users :)10:20
ejvgrawity: as long as I'm the only one, certainly! :)10:21
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rashed2020Is there a text editor in busybox?10:25
grawityrashed2020: Try 'nano' or 'vi' - but I doubt that'll work....10:26
rashed2020Yeah, neither of them work.10:26
llutzrashed2020: try e310:26
insaangrawity, how do u hide ur address ?10:27
rashed2020llutz: Nope =(10:28
grawityinsaan: I connect through a server that I'm an admin of.10:28
grawityNot exactly "hiding".10:28
grawityinsaan: In freenode, if you want to hide your IP address, you can ask for a cloak in #freenode10:29
grawityinsaan: It would make the server show 'unaffiliated/insaan' instead of the real address. (But this only works in freenode.)10:29
AlexanderSupertrhey guys, can someone plz tell me what is the name of the application aligned to right border of desktop i this image? : http://imagebin.ca/view/iRxawe0.html10:29
* grawity dislikes cloaks.10:29
rashed2020Or if you wanna kick it old school use BNC!10:30
llutzAlexanderSupertr: gkrellm10:30
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JarlGHello! I was wondering if there exist any easy steps to get a cooler laptop with Ubuntu 9.04. I've tried undervolting, but I thought it was a bit too advanced - I'm quite (very) new to ubuntu..10:31
AlexanderSupertrllutz: thanks. :)10:31
oldude67AlexanderSupertr, just sudo apt-get install gkrellm and set it the way you like it.10:31
grawityrashed2020: I dislike BNCs too. I see no reason to stay connected 24/7 - I cannot respond anyway.10:31
AlexanderSupertroldude67: yes i'll do that now.10:31
rashed2020grawity: Logs are the only reason I like BNCs. But they're horrible vulnerable.10:32
grawityrashed2020: Logs? screen+irssi.10:32
Ali_nzany ddrescue experts here? i create a *.bin file of a disk with two partitions but need to know how to mount it now!10:32
rashed2020grawity: Never got the hang of irssi =/ I really should learn how to use it one of these days, though.10:34
grawityirssi also has irssiproxy, can be used as a simple bouncer.10:34
syntax_in http://imagebin.ca/view/iRxawe0.html what mp3 player is that10:34
rashed2020Stupid ubuntu. I'm trying to break it on purpose so that I can screw around but it didn't want to break. Now I'm trying to boot it and it's broken.10:34
llutzsyntax_: read name of that pic10:35
AnthraxZAHey there, anyone here10:35
rashed2020llutz: Isn't that actually just a theme for xmms?10:35
AnthraxZAjust need some help with sarg please10:35
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grawityAnthraxZA: Just ask your question.10:35
kermit2some linux* automatic updates failed and now i keep getting a warning whenever i use add/remove programs, is anyone else getting that problem/10:35
llutzrashed2020: i doubt that10:35
rashed2020AnthraxZA: Debian Sarge?10:36
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grawity_rashed2020: Speaking of old school, hi from pIRCH9810:36
AnthraxZAI have sarg installed and when ever I try and run a scheduled job through webmin it says no reports10:36
AnthraxZAand an output of sarg -z gives me a whole bunch of permission denied10:36
rashed2020grawity: lol, you mean speaking of UGLY10:36
janisozaurhow do i enable high resolution font in console mode? (with ubuntu server)10:37
grawityrashed2020: Yeah. It isn't that ugly when run on Wine, actually.10:37
jussi01AnthraxZA: sarge? you need to be in #debian then.10:37
grawityjussi01: sarg, not sarge.10:37
Dextorionllutz, rashed2020 Audacious was a fork of xmms10:37
noiimy ethernet connection has been cycling on and off every few seconds for the last couple of weeks in 9.04, anyone seen this problem before?10:37
AnthraxZAno sarg10:37
jussi01oh, oops :D10:37
AnthraxZAsquid analyzer10:37
rashed2020jussi01: I thought it was Sarge, too. Apparently we like jumping to conclusions :P10:37
AnthraxZAany ideas guys?10:38
rashed2020Damn you all shut up I'm trying to get some work done but I can't help it.10:38
rashed2020I like it this time of day. None of the strict people are here.10:38
Dextorionrashed2020, hahahah.. im in the same situation!10:38
noiilike this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113783510:39
jussi01rashed2020: *ahem*10:39
rashed2020Dextorion: What are you doing?10:39
insaankermit, did u get a has checksum failure ?10:39
Dextorionrashed2020, im supposed to take Suns java cert. So im reading! that 1000 page study guide book.10:40
jussi01Dextorion: rashed2020 please keep on topic.10:40
_pattonI'm having serious difficulties with the internet connection. What driver is used for the network card - how do I find that out ubuntu 9.0410:40
Dextorionrashed2020 getting absolutely nowhere10:41
kiminaiseahhi, it is possilble to work 2 apache nodes for 1 task10:41
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icerootkiminaiseah: why you want this?10:41
C-S-B__patton: lspci -vv10:42
_pattonC-S-B: thanks10:42
kiminaiseah@iceroot slow query10:42
C-S-B__patton: or lsusb if its a usb device10:42
icerootkiminaiseah: then optimize your website/script10:43
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:43
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:43
kiminaiseah@ iceroot oh i see.. thanks anyway10:44
terrordronetürk varmı10:44
lostabeerhi guys, will the live cd remember what I installed if I added a program to it? where does it get saved to? to the CD?10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ICETEA10:44
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents10:45
terrordroneadasd :D:D10:45
icerootkiminaiseah: apache will uses for everyconnection one thread, so if you have 2 visitors, apache will use 2 threads (and 2 cpus if you have)10:45
ethi, is there a list of kernel versions for ubuntu releases available online (like, which release uses which kernel version)?10:46
icerootet: on the german wikipedia i saw something like that10:46
kiminaiseah@ iceroot it couldnt possible use all apache thread to execute a task?10:46
icerootkiminaiseah: why? just do a GOOD website10:47
icerootkiminaiseah: which isnt using so much cpu10:47
rashed2020Where is vi stored?10:47
kiminaiseah@ iceroot i mean for a single task? or scale the number of apache to execute a task10:47
rashed2020or located, rather.10:47
icerootrashed2020: whereis programname10:47
grawityrashed2020: The binary? 'which vi', or 'type vi'10:47
icerootkiminaiseah: maybe have a look at #httpd  but i dont think so10:48
kiminaiseah@ iceroot because im helping my friend with her work, shes having problem when querying a milliion of recored10:48
wizzhow to manage my start up application?10:48
icerootkiminaiseah: you mean sql10:48
kiminaiseah@ iceroot, no, not in the mysql query, she query on sql it only takes 4 secs, i had already setup thier mysql cluster10:49
icerootkiminaiseah: optimize your sql-querys. this is the right way. the wrong way is to use more hardware-power10:49
icerootkiminaiseah: 4 seconds for a query?10:49
kiminaiseah@iceroot, yup10:49
icerootkiminaiseah: think of a redesign :)10:50
kiminaiseah@iceroot my other friend telling to redesign the code and aapproach,10:50
icerootkiminaiseah: apache is not the problem, the problem is the programdesign10:50
Ali_nzhow do you mount a specific partition inside a image of of whole disk?10:51
kiminaiseah@iceroot oic... hmm...10:51
grawityAli_nz: You will need to manually specify the start offset - take a look at 'losetup10:51
kiminaiseah@iceroot i had tried her script with 10 cpu clustered node it works seamless10:52
Ali_nzgrawity: man losetup?10:52
grawityAli_nz: Yep.10:52
Ali_nzhmm, yeah its close to what I tried : sudo mount -t ntfs -o loop /storage/mapson.bin /mapson10:53
icerootkiminaiseah: it doesnt matter how much cpus you use if the programmer has no skill10:53
Ali_nzbut that didnt work10:53
icerootkiminaiseah: sorry but taht must be a very bad programmer10:53
icerootkiminaiseah: or a gigantic website like youtube, google oder something like that10:53
grawityAli_nz: It seems that mount also accepts offset= in options, too10:53
kiminaiseah@iceroot hmm.. :( she's newbie in programming10:54
Ali_nzgrawity: but where the heck do I get the offset in bytes?10:54
icerootkiminaiseah: yeah, so give her some good tutorials for php, sql and so on10:54
grawityAli_nz: Try running fdisk -l yourimagename10:54
dcaadobe flashplayer not working eventhough it is installed..10:54
dcaplease help10:55
kiminaiseah@iceroot she dosent use OOP approach10:55
iceroot!details | dca10:55
ubottudca: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:55
dcaiceroot, ubottu  : Version of ubuntu :9.10  browser : Mozilla 3.0  adobe falsh installed: install_flash_player_10_linux:deb10:56
Ali_nzYou must set cylinders.10:56
Ali_nzYou can do this from the extra functions menu.10:56
Ali_nzDisk /storage/mapson.bin: 0 MB, 0 bytes10:56
Ali_nz240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders10:56
Ali_nzUnits = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes10:56
Ali_nzDisk identifier: 0x7287d61d10:56
Ali_nz              Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:56
Ali_nzPartition 2 has different physical/logical endings:10:56
Ali_nz     phys=(1023, 239, 63) logical=(5167, 239, 63)10:57
BoohbahAli_nz: don't do that10:57
icerootdca: 9.10 is ubuntu-alpha  use #ubuntu+110:57
kiminaiseahuse patsebin10:57
Ali_nzyeah I know - it wasnt meant for channel10:57
dcaiceroot, sorry i didnt get u10:57
rashed2020So no one has any idea how to change /proc/cmdline when in busybox?10:58
Gneadca: he said that support for the 9.10 version of ubuntu is in the #ubuntu+1 channel, not here10:58
icerootdca: you are using ubuntu 9.10 which is an alpha-version10:58
icerootdca: this channel doesnt support alpha-version, you will get support at #ubuntu+110:58
dcaiceroot, Gnea : i am extremely sorry... mine is 9.0410:59
dcasorry for the confusion10:59
icerootdca: so you installed flash with apt-get10:59
icerootdca: and firefox cant handle youtube (please test youtube)10:59
dcano i downloaded the package from adobe site.. when my browser pointed that10:59
icerootdca: use apt-get10:59
iceroot!flash | dca11:00
ubottudca: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:00
dcaiceroot, u tube is not working11:00
icerootdca: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree     after that, restart firefox and you can "enjoy" flash11:00
Gneadca: downloading from the adobe site breaks flash in ubuntu, you need to use the ubuntu package for it to work11:01
dcaiceroot: thanks.. do i have to uninstall the current installed adobeflash11:01
icerootdca: how you installed it? was it a deb?11:02
dcaiceroot, yes11:02
icerootsudo apt-get remove nameofdeb.deb11:02
icerootthen install flashplugin-nonfree11:02
dcaokay! let me try it out...11:03
noiimy ethernet problems started intermittently, but now i can't stay connected to the web long enough to do anything11:03
iceroot!details | noii11:04
ubottunoii: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:04
noiimy ethernet connection has been cycling on and off every few seconds for the last couple of weeks in 9.0411:04
kiminaiseahchiiiiiz hello11:04
Ali_nzgrawity: this worked in that I didnt get a error : sudo losetup -o243712 -r /dev/loop0 /storage/mapson.bin11:04
noiilike this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113783511:04
Ali_nzbut /dev/loop0 is a icon with a cross on it?11:05
Dayofswordsis irc.ubuntu.com's #ubuntu link right to freenode's #ubuntu ?11:05
grawityDelano1: irc.ubuntu.com _is_ Freenode.11:05
grawityAli_nz: /dev/loop0 is a loop device. You now need to pass it to 'mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/something'11:06
chiiiiizI do use Firefow as a browser. When downloading pdf files, I ask it to open them with evince. But still it asks me everytime if I do want to use evince to open it, and tells me that I can change this behaviour in the Firefox prefs... Any idea on how to remove this message, and let him directly download and open th file?11:06
noiiiceroot: any thoughts?11:06
dcaiceroot, Sorry friend.. i did all those11:07
dcastill its not working11:07
dcaiceroot, do i have to restart my pc, i restarted mozilla11:07
DayofswordsChiiiiz:change it in the tools> options > applications and look for pdf files and change the behavior11:08
dcaiceroot : sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree was the command i used11:08
norpan111I dont really need support, i just wondering if you heard anything abut the new theme in 9.10 ?11:09
norpan111ubuntu+1 is rather dead. :P11:09
Total_OblivionHello:) Is there any book/guide to help you learn ubunu to a v.good extent?11:09
elteseHow do I create a bootable cd disk within ubuntu 7.04 ?11:10
norpan111Total_Oblivion,  v.good?11:10
Total_Oblivionvery good11:10
Total_Oblivionto an expert degree11:10
norpan111ok my bad11:10
Dayofswordsvery good i think he means11:11
Total_Oblivionno problems:)11:11
norpan111You beginner to linux?11:11
Total_Oblivionif there is a step below beginner that's me11:11
norpan111There is linux for dummies book in the librarie11:11
norpan111pretty useful11:11
oldude67eltese, you will have to use one of the burning programs in gnome, i believe its brasero11:11
oldude67eltese, make sure its a bootable disk.11:12
elteseIf I wanted to burn 9.04 for example should I choose create from image or create from file ?11:12
Dayofswordsi have linux for dummies from library actually, it has fedora though11:12
dcaiceroot, Gnea : Please help... Flashplayer not working even after installing  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:12
chiiiiizDayofswords: it was that simple... thanks11:12
depsnine;ASD lol11:13
pixie79hi, how do i mount a ext4 file system? when i set the type to ext4 or ext4dev it says unknown file system type. I formated the device ok11:13
netsurf3pixie79, are you using jaunty?11:13
netsurf3some of the other kernels dont have support11:13
amarillionCan anybody recommend a program for storing passwords securely?11:14
mudithi, how can i see a movie related Info in ubuntu,11:14
muditlike bitrate, smapling rate etc11:14
Dayofswordsoh there is always the Ubuntu pocket reference guide book  at http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/11:14
pixie79netsurf3: yes11:14
rugeHey folks, got me a display problem :/11:14
muditmore like quicktime pro in mac/windows !11:14
muditruge what graphic card ?11:15
rugeFor some reason nvidia-settings will not select the max resolution possible on my screen. If i manually edit the xorg.conf the screen ends up going out of range.....11:15
rugeits an nVidia GeForce 9400GT11:15
rugemy 2nd screen si fine11:15
rugemy 1st screen however cant go anything beyond 1152x864.. while the max is really 1600x120011:15
muditruge wonderful, i lost some hair around this problem11:15
muditwht ubuntu ur running ?11:16
netsurf3pixie79, i dont really know then. is your kernel stock?11:16
* Dayofswords wishs he had a second screen... for second screen things... like.......stuff11:16
rugeDayofswords: I own 2 CRTs worth about $20 each11:16
JediMasterhey guys, ever since upgrading to 9.04 back when it came out my laptop's screen has been "jumping" with black lines whenever anything significant redraws the screen. The laptop is only 18 months old, it's got an ATI RS690M chipset and is using the radeon driver in Xorg.11:16
mudithmm, i had this problem with ubuntu 8.0411:16
pixie79netsurf3: no it was an amazon ec2 image, looks like it doesn ot have the kernel module11:17
JediMasterIs there an easy way to force it to try the ati open source driver instead of the radeon one? as there's no xorg.conf now11:17
muditruge i installed nvidia drivers manually11:17
rugeI used hardware manager11:18
rugewhen I had linuxmint i tried the latest nvidia driver and it bombed on me11:18
kbpI'm in Australia. I use au repositories but it's just 10KB/s connection (e.g. apt-get update) ---> is this normal??? Ubuntu should invest more money in the bandwidth/speed of the servers11:18
rugebut ubuntu seems more friendly11:18
rugekbp: hello fellow australian11:18
zvacetkbp:_ change server11:18
grawitykbp: I don't think those mirrors are owned by Ubuntu.11:18
kbpruge: hello mate11:18
Dayofswordsi cant figure out how to setup a second screen even though i have a another moniter card and a second moniter11:18
lanzellothhey guys i'm trying to replace firefox 3.5 without removing firefox 3.011:19
rugeDayofswords: both your monitor cards only have one VGA out?11:19
JediMasterkbp: I've had 25 MegaBytes/sec from uk mirrors (yes, that's more than 200Mbps - 1Gbps net connection on a hosted server)11:19
muditanyway, i need to see video information in my ubunut like bitrate11:19
Dayofswordsyes, why?11:19
muditwhat software whould i use ?11:19
kbpgrawity: it's Get:10 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/restricted Sources [3156B]   so definitely from Ubuntu11:19
lanzellothafter installation i did:   sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox; sudo ln firefox-3.5 firefox    and that doesn't do it11:19
rugeDayofswords: hmm sounds rare nowdays11:19
Dayofswordsone vga out is built in11:19
rugeBut hmm.... this damn video card lol11:19
Dayofswordsanother is a card i got at a garage sale11:20
rugeDayofswords: I thought that video cards built in the mobo are useless after the installation of a new gfx card11:20
muditruge here >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69969311:20
kbpJediMaster & zvacet : thank you for your info I gonna change to UK servers then :)11:20
oldude67Dayofswords, thats funny i got my whole system at a garage sale for 3 dollars..lmao11:20
zvacetlanzelloth: see if  http://ubuntuzilla.com/ helps11:21
rugemudit: thanks budd11:21
muditbut that is for 8.0411:21
lanzellothzvacet, ok11:21
Dayofswordsruge: idk, i have yet to figure out how to use the card11:21
rugeDayofswords: my onboard gfx is rendered useless now that I have a video card installed11:21
JediMasterkbp: bear in mind that my webserver was probably within walking distance of the mirror it was downloading from, and very likely had a fibre link most of the way there11:22
zvacetkbp: I think you have option "best server"11:22
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rugemudit: whats odd is that my nvidia can set the correct resolution for my 2nd display, but not my 1st...11:22
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ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1211:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid11:22
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:23
rugemudit: and any attempt to change that resolution manually fails...11:23
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muditruge, this happened after an update ?11:23
rugemudit: this is a fresh ubuntu install, just installed nvidia driver11:23
kbpJediMaster: i'm on wireless ISP and it's max 1Mbps so if it's at about that speed and I will be happy with it , no need a super super fast connection one (but also not 10KB/s like at the moment...)11:23
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kbpzvacet: do you know where can I change the options? I'm still googling it11:24
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zvacetkbp:system>admin>software sources11:24
rugeill show you my xorg.conf?11:24
Dayofswordshey, i'm doubting this can happen without some technical editing and coding, but can you change the icon at the top left of ubuntu to your own logo?11:25
kbpzvacet: thank you :) I got it11:27
sposamba has problems accessing a remote windows drive,  it says  cannot access Remotedirectory Cannot allocate memory11:27
zvacetkbp:  8-)11:27
mixer_qualcuno che smanetta con 1394 e miniDV?11:29
DJones!it | mixer_11:30
ubottumixer_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:30
Kartagisusing ubuntu, how can I find out what the ram frequency should be?11:31
lanzellothis the reason we use ./script.sh to run scripts on current dir because . is not in $PATH ?11:32
mloutlanzelloth: correct11:33
lanzellothmlout, ok cool11:33
netsurf3hey can someone help me my desktop turns into a slideshow when the system is performing medium IO activity and freezes for seconds at a time when under heavy load. the system is a lvm with luks encrypted home, root and swap. The root is ext4 if that makes a difference and the system is quadcore so even if kcryptd is using 100% of one core the system should be responsive still and not lock or lag the gui noticably like it does currently. This didnt happ11:34
netsurf3en in ubuntu hardy and the system then was responsive even under extream hdd load. This problem also happens when copying from luks drives to non-luks drives so i assume it has something to do with the encyption layer11:34
friendishanhow do i do this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25150911:34
mloutlanzelloth: . shouldn't be in $PATH for security reasons i believe11:34
grawitykbp: Even if the address is under 'ubuntu.com' domain, the server itself is not necessarily owned by Ubuntu.11:34
grawitymlout: it's kinda okay if it's at the end of $PATH11:34
grawitykbp: They might just use *.archive.ubuntu.com for consistency.11:35
lanzellothmlout, that's what I thought11:35
kiminaiseah@friendishan edit /etc/sysctl.conf11:35
friendishanok i am a noob11:36
trothigarfriendishan, sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf11:36
kiminaiseah@friendishan use your favorite editor eg. gedit /etc/sysctl.conf then copy the ff and save into it11:36
Kartagisusing ubuntu, how can I find out what the ram frequency should be?11:37
kiminaiseahthen at terminal type $sudo sysctl -p11:37
grawitywithout the $.11:37
friendishanu mean i need to copy from net.core11:38
hbekellanzelloth: if anywhere, . should be at the very end of the PATH. beware that a leading or trailing : is equivalent to ., as well as an empty field (i.e. ::)11:39
lanzellothhbekel, ic. But I think i'd leave it without .11:39
lanzelloththis is so annoying11:40
friendishankiminaiseah what shud i copy and paste and where11:40
hbekellanzelloth: probably best11:40
lanzellothi'm trying to replace firefox with 3.5 without removing firefox 3.011:40
kiminaiseahfriendishan the following in the forum11:41
norpan111I love u...11:42
friendishankiminaiseah from # Tweaks "to" net.ipv4.route.flush = 111:42
KartagisStarting motherboard sensor monitoring daemon: No Hardware Monitor found!!11:42
Kartagishow can I get a hardware monitor?11:42
kiminaiseahyup everything with =11:43
kiminaiseahyou will see notification if the param will not work by executing sudo sysctl -p11:43
bullgard4If System > Administration > Services >(Services Settings) > Database server (mysql-ndb) is asserted, what program will Ubuntu 9.04 call at booutup time?11:44
friendishanhope that will work thanks every1 and kiminaiseah11:45
mixer_hi, i'm italian, sorry mi English11:45
mixer_ i'have one problem for my miniDV canon11:45
mixer_ function for Kino is ok :D11:45
mixer_ but for ustream.tv no!11:45
mixer_to get it to work, I should emulate the ima DV camera. Software: vloopback, dv4l etc. .. I managed to install but do not work, why?11:45
kiminaiseahyour welcome dont hesitate post any concern here & @ the forum11:45
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mixer_hep my?11:46
mixer_1322 user but not help me?11:47
grawitymixer_: If nobody answers, it means nobody knows what is the problem.11:48
grawityAnd don't forget that many of them are away...11:48
Gm_DKhi... i have install a second audio card in my pc and want the new one to be default, i have checked with aplay -D plug:1,0 wav-file that sound is comming trougth... what file shall i make changes in to, to make card 1 default? ( im using 9.04 )11:48
lanzellothdoes ln ever copy a file?11:49
jriblanzelloth: ln creates links, cp copies files11:49
grawitylanzelloth: ln only makes links.11:49
mixer_someone must be there!11:50
lanzellothcd /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.2/; sudo ln firefox-3.5 firefox         i did that and it seems it copied firefox-3.5 to firefox11:50
grawitylanzelloth: It made a link.11:50
grawitylanzelloth: Hardlinks look like copies, but they actually point to the same data. If you change one, all other change too.11:50
lanzellothit doesn't have the l in front it's just -r-x...11:51
grawitylanzelloth: Only symlinks have 'l'11:51
jriblanzelloth: because you created a hard link.  Think of files as just an inode number pointing to some space in memory.  You created two files with the same inode11:51
grawitylanzelloth: Hardlinks are technically the same thing as normal files.11:51
lanzellothand simlink are just for folders?11:52
grawitySymlinks are for everything.11:52
lanzellothok ic11:52
lanzellothis there any indication of a hardlink in the file?11:53
Kartagishow can I get a hardware monitor?11:53
QuantumKaoshaving trouble with opening my removable HD linux gives this output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/255039/ by following it i tried to chkdsk from windows and the ms-dos prompt says "cyclic redundancy error", this HD is full of important stuff, how do i avoid losing it? thanks11:53
grawitylanzelloth: In 'ls', there is a number showing how many links point to that data.11:53
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linduxedi found out that ctrl+A takes you to the beginning of the line in BASH, is there a key combo that takes you to the end of the line?11:54
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grawitylinduxed: Tried the 'End' key?11:54
lanzellothgrawity, ic, damn, shame on me, all those "linux tutorials" never explained that, and I never checked11:54
jriblinduxed: ctrl-e, google "bash readline"11:54
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lanzellothso where is this number stored? in the file?11:54
grawityIt's stored in the file list11:55
grawityThe same place filenames and permissions are stored.11:55
jriblanzelloth: you can even get these bindings in gtk apps if you change your key theme to Emacs11:55
xamoxhow can I have a user change directories automatically upon login? I tried just putting 'cd /media/directory' in the .bashrc file, but didn't seem to do anything. Any ideas?11:55
linduxedgrawity: thx11:55
chuxxsssanyone got an iphone to work with ubuntu?11:56
bullgard4If System > Administration > Services >(Services Settings) > Database server (mysql-ndb) is asserted, what program will Ubuntu 9.04 call at bootup time?11:56
lanzellothjrib, not sure I got what you mean? you mean you can grab the number easily with a keystroke in emacs mode?11:56
grawitylanzelloth: I think he was replying to linduxed.11:56
llutzxamox: put it in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile11:56
jriblanzelloth: no I mean you can press ctrl-a to go to the beginning of text fields in gtk applications as well, not just bash, if you enable it11:57
lanzellothso what is this file list? does it get generated at startup?11:57
grawityjrib: s/lanzelloth/linduxed/11:57
linduxedgrawity: haha11:57
grawitylanzelloth: The file list is stored in the disk.11:57
grawitylanzelloth: I think it's called "File Allocation Table", or whatever.11:58
lanzellothdoes windows use this thing as well?11:58
grawityof course.11:58
grawityAll file systems must have some kind of a list of all files.11:58
lanzellothdoes mime type go there too?11:58
abranchesxamox: what you put in .bashrc will be executed every time you open a shell. to login, edit the bash_profile, as llutz told you11:58
Kartagiswhere can I get the hardware monitor mbmon needs?11:59
grawitylanzelloth: No, MIME types are determined automatically every time they're needed.11:59
cumulus007Hi, I want to block all websites except one website11:59
mloutWhere do i need to install the first script in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=847773 for ubuntu 9.04?11:59
StivoHello. Can someone tell me about the Ubuntu server lifecycle?11:59
mlout(laptop powersaving)12:00
lanzellothgrawity, hmm makes sense, storing mimetypes in that file list only makes as much sense as using the file name to determine format12:00
jribStivo: what do you want to know about it?12:00
lanzellothooooh burn windows!12:00
grawitylanzelloth: Could you explain why exactly Windows has to "burn"?12:00
lanzellothi mean like12:00
lanzelloth"oh snap!"12:00
Stivojrib: If I install a server, I don't want to have to reinstall the OS every year just to make sure I can still get updates and patches.12:00
lanzellothtake that widows12:00
jribStivo: it's supported for 3 years after release.  LTS releases are supported for 5 years12:01
jribStivo: actually it may just be 18 months, hmm12:01
Stivojrib: In Fedora, when you update it actualy updates you to the next version release without any interaction... I'm looking for that from Ubuntu.12:01
chuxxsssanyone got an iphone to work with ubuntu?12:01
jribStivo: sure you can upgrade between releases.  Some interaction may be required though. If you make changes to configuration files that are updated, apt will ask you what you want to do12:02
jrib!upgrade > Stivo12:02
ubottuStivo, please see my private message12:02
QuantumKaosalright... how do i recover data from a CRC corrupt removable HD?12:02
lanzellothgrawity, wait I think you got that12:03
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lanzellothgrawity, i mean because (I think) windows only use the filename to figure out the format12:03
grawitylanzelloth: It all depends on the program.12:04
grawitylanzelloth: On Linux, Nautilus (the GNOME file browser) also cares a lot about file extensions.12:04
lanzellothgrawity, does it check the extension first by default?12:05
lanzellothnvm it does12:05
grawitylanzelloth: I'm not sure in what order, but it does check.12:05
xamoxllutz, abranches, I put it in my .bash_profile in the /home/user/ directory but still nothing.12:05
rashed2020Anyone know how long it takes to compile a kernel in a VM?12:05
grawitylanzelloth: One of the reasons is performance; other is ambiguity. Imagine that you have a file that starts with 'PK'. It may be a text file, or it may be a ZIP archive.12:05
grawitylanzelloth: But without looking at the extension, it is impossible to see if it's just a plain zip archive, or if it is OpenOffice document, or if it is a Java application packed in JAR, or if it is something entirely different that happens to use .zip archives.12:06
grawitylanzelloth: Reading the insides of that archive would be too time consuming - and checking the extension is fast.12:06
StivoDoes Ubuntu support the ICH9R chipset RAID?12:07
hbekelgrawity: there's the 'file' command as well12:07
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JediMasterwhat drivers should I be using for Xorg with a: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]12:07
grawityhbekel: There is. But 'file' is invoked manually - not every time you open a directory in Nautilus.12:08
grawityhbekel: Imagine opening your music library with something that only uses "magic numbers" and such things. Would be slow.12:08
abranchesxamox: really? it should work. how are loging in? in a terminal? when you press CTRL+ALT+F1 per example12:08
tokamhello, is it possible to load the module dm-mod under the ubuntu amd64 livedisc? root@ubuntu:~# modprobe dm-mod12:08
tokamFATAL: Module dm_mod not found.12:08
lanzellothgrawity, wait then checking the mimetype might need you to read the entire file12:08
xamoxabranches, yeah, should their already be a .bash_profile in that directory? I had to create one.12:09
grawitylanzelloth: MIME types can be determined by contents, or by file extension, or by both.12:09
lanzellothgrawity, ic. I'll read up on this... one day12:10
abranchesxamox: you have to create the file. it should be as simple as puting     cd /directory     in that file.12:10
xamoxabranches, I did. it's in the user directory. All that .bash_profile has it in is cd /media/music/12:11
Ali_nzthe more I use linux data recovery tools the more i love it12:13
Ali_nztestdisk and photorec are awsome12:13
DextorionAli_nz, just out of curiosity.. can you recover data on a usb drive with those?12:14
abranchesxamox: it should be working. check if you're really editing the correct file. while loged in with the user you want, do     nano ~/.bash_profile12:14
Ali_nzDextorion: I would say so12:14
Ali_nzbut i am no expert12:15
Dextoriongot a pen drive that quit..12:15
JediMasterIn 9.04 how do I switch from the xorg radeon driver to the radeonhd driver? Is there a way of doing it without creating an xorg.conf?12:15
DextorionAli_nz, thats cool. just thought i ask12:15
rashed2020I know photorec is for recovering deleted files, not saving dead drives. Don't know about testdisk though.12:15
Ali_nzDextorion: start with ddrescue12:15
Ali_nzthen work on the image12:15
Ali_nznight all12:16
DextorionAli_nz: alright. i'll do that. thanks12:16
Kartagis how can I find out what's causing my screen to black out? it started happening after I upgraded RAM but did a memtest, it's fine12:17
gmachineI am out of space (no wisecracks). Gparted shows sda2 extended file system with a size of 6.51 GB but none is used; sda5 ext 3 is 6.18GB and 6.04GB is used with 145.75 MB free; sda6 is the swap of 337.27mb. I have never used more than 2 GB for an Ubuntu install. How can I figure out why so much space is taken? This is V. 9.04 or whatever.12:17
apparleCollege blocks word like 'proxy' so I can't download this http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libproxy/libproxy0_0.2.3-0ubuntu5_i386.deb Plz download it (only 35KB),rename it and send me plzzzzzzzzzzz12:18
xamoxabranches, I am pretty sure. I have a user called pac, I am editing /home/pac/.bash_profile, I checked the ownership and it is set to pac, and group pac.12:18
Dayofswordsapparle, i'll help, give me a moment12:19
AcidBurn123is there an app to convert from mpg to mov12:19
gmachinewhat is mov12:20
xamoxAcidBurn123, ffmpeg12:20
xamoxI think ffmpeg will do it12:20
user01Hi everybody! I already asked this question, but got no answer... What is the separate "Unifying Logic" layer in the layer cake for? I mean we got RIF, isn't that enough?!12:20
JediMastermplayer will12:20
xamoxdoesn't mplayer just use ffmpeg?12:20
grawityxamox: I don't think so12:20
user01...ok, wrong channel :-D12:20
InCubaTorhelp.... when i go to places in the taskbar and try to open a location..... it opens with vlc-mediaplayer..12:20
AcidBurn123xamox: so?12:21
xamoxabranches, then I tried adding alias 2music = 'cd /media/music'; 2music  to that .bash_profile, but it's a no go.12:22
arsenehi 512:22
JediMasterI'll ask the stupid noob question again, how do you change what driver Xorg loads when there's no xorg.conf?12:22
AcidBurn123is there any program in ubuntu that's a "universal video converter"?12:22
abranchesxamox: try editing the file /etc/profile and add something like        echo  "Logged in"12:23
grawityAcidBurn123: ffmpeg, and mencoder.12:23
jribJediMaster: you create one12:23
apparleDayofswords: got the file from grawity12:23
abranchesxamox: the file /etc/profile acts the same way as the ~/.bash_profile, but for all users12:23
Kartagiswhat do I need to find out temperature with gkrellm?12:23
InCubaToranyone???? help.... when i go to places in the taskbar and try to open a location..... it opens with vlc-mediaplayer.. what is going on?12:23
JediMasterjrib: bleh12:24
AcidBurn123grawity: does it also support converting from flv to mov?12:24
jribJediMaster: hmm?12:24
adreanoi am new to ubuntu & have aproblem12:24
sebrockIs needed to have a WM installed with a vncserver?12:25
JediMasterjrib: well it's currently blank, is there any way to "dump" the current auto generated config to a file?12:25
grawitysebrock: You need to have X installed (obviously). But a window manager isn't that much required.12:25
jribJediMaster: why aren't you just using System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers ?  It will handle this stuff for you12:25
Kartagishow can I find out what's causing my screen to black out? it started happening after I upgraded RAM but did a memtest, it's fine12:25
JediMasterjrib: yeah right, there's no drivers listed in there at all12:26
jribJediMaster: what card?12:26
heterosankariadreano: yes, tell more about it12:26
adreanoi cant hear sound12:26
xamoxabranches, I added that and it printed logged in12:26
JediMasterjrib: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]12:26
MySecondChoiceISI was reviewing a website called "EchoSign" the websites basic premise is to provide users with the ability to electronically sign a contract. Now my I have a double barrel question is it not easy to forge these signatures and also What legal recourse could I take if contractual obligations were not obliged with someone's E-signatures?12:26
jrib!ati > JediMaster12:27
sebrockgrawity, well vncserver installs the neede X libs I think. I can connect and see a background and mouse, but I have no terminal (this is a headless ubuntu server machine)12:27
ubottuJediMaster, please see my private message12:27
jribJediMaster: see if that has anything helpful12:27
adreanoi have pro amd12:27
grawitysebrock: Does the VNC server have any kind of startup script? You could try putting xterm in that.12:27
grawitysebrock: I'd personally just use X11 over SSH.12:27
JediMasterjrib: been there done that =( the machine freezes as xorg starts with the binary driver with corrupt orange/black lines everywhere12:28
abranchesxamox: well, maybe your default shell isn't bash. it's rather strange, but while logged in with that user do   echo $SHELL12:28
jribMySecondChoiceIS: ask echosign about how they implement the signing.  Ask a lawyer about legal issues.  If you want to learn more about cryptographically signing something though, check out gpg and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_signature .  Read about rsa too...12:28
adreanoits built in card ati12:28
Kartagishow can I find out what's causing my screen to black out? it started happening after I upgraded RAM but did a memtest, it's fine12:29
MySecondChoiceIS<jrib> MySecondChoiceIS: ask echosign about how they implement the signing.  Ask a lawyer about legal issues.  If you want to learn more about cryptographically signing something though, check out gpg and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_signature .  Read about rsa too...12:29
sebrockgrawity, I have tried that. says command not found (tried terminal/xterm). I have to use VNC for this matter. SSH does not work very good in this case.12:29
jribMySecondChoiceIS: are you a bot?12:29
Fox_1_people how have the dict file format specification document and/or the tool by which I can create dict file and fill it?12:29
MySecondChoiceISlol no12:29
grawitysebrock: 1) Do you have xterm installed, 2) Why not?12:29
sebrockgrawity, /home/sebastian/.vnc/xstartup: 11: terminal: not found12:29
sebrock/home/sebastian/.vnc/xstartup: 13: twm: not found12:29
jribJediMaster: check bugs.ubuntu.com?12:30
grawitysebrock: It's 'xterm', not 'terminal'12:30
xamoxabranches, Ahh, I think that is it!  when I created the user I did useradd instead of adduser and it didn't create that for me. How do I tell it to use Bash instead?12:30
grawitysebrock: twm also is a separate thing.12:30
JediMasterjrib: took a quick peek, there's a few people complaining about the same card, no fixes/replies though12:30
sebrockgrawity, 1) I have it installed 2) Long story, something is funny with the X11-terminal of mac. It does not update the screen12:30
grawityxamox: chsh -s /bin/bash username12:30
sebrockgrawity, I have tried both as I said12:30
grawitysebrock: /usr/bin/xterm?12:30
sebrockIll try12:31
abranchesxamox: ah, nice. you can edit the /etc/passwd file. in your user's line, change /bin/sh to /bin/bash12:32
sebrockgrawity, thank you!12:32
xamoxabranches, grawity, that worked! Thanks for all your help.12:32
sebrockI was actually thinking the same thing but just forgot about it12:32
superbokihow would i play a png sequence with mplayer?12:32
abranchesxamox: you're welcome :)12:32
adreanosound card problem12:33
adreanocan any one help12:33
=== MySecondChoiceIS is now known as TheBrAinFukler
niko!patience | adreano12:34
ubottuadreano: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:34
adreanoi searched but no result with updates12:35
Kartagiswhat do I need to find out temperature with gkrellm?12:35
adreanobuilt in card ati12:36
adreanorealtic alc 88812:36
llutzKartagis: most likely lm-sensors and hddtemp12:37
adreanohey everybody no can hear me!!!!12:38
grawityadreano: We can hear you.12:38
adreanowhat i can do else?12:39
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
superbokigot it: mplayer mf://*.pn12:39
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 to work on linux? i need help12:40
adreanomy sound card installed properlly but no sound even i tried volume up & down?12:41
legend2440!sound | adreano12:42
ubottuadreano: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:42
maxiei need some help about some config issues with a new grapic card,anyone that can spare some time 2 help me a little?? -_-12:42
=== larry is now known as Guest63074
maxiequiet it sundly was here-_-12:46
Dextorionmaxie: ask your question and find out.12:46
maxiei need some help about some config issues with a new grapic card,anyone that can spare some time 2 help me a little?? -_-12:46
oguncakhi friends. i use an msi vr330 notebook. as i installed ubuntu automatically detected my wireless card and connected to internet. but i think the connection speed is a bit low. i wonder if I have to install my card's win-xp driver via ndiswrapper. would it be a nice choice?12:46
thomas_Hey my arrow keys on my laptop don12:47
thomas_don't work and I was wondering if there is an easy way to make numpad presses emulate arrow keypresses12:47
SurendraHi ..12:48
SurendraI am new to linux environment, I have installed a Ubuntu server and a ubuntu desktop ..12:48
Surendranow i am planning to install one more ubuntu desktop ..12:49
wxjeacenxfce4 will be the best choice12:49
abranchesoguncak: have you tried that wireless card with windows? I don't think the connection speed will be very different12:49
Surendramy plan is to update these two desktops from the server12:49
Surendrawill some one inform me the process12:49
abranchesoguncak: but if you really want, you can install the ndiswrapper drivers just to test it12:49
gpraveenhi all I have windows-xp and want to install Ubuntu . is there any issue?12:50
wxjeacenno issues12:50
wxjeaceninstall it12:50
=== jeremy_c_ is now known as jeremy_c
chervacan someone tell me why after a restart one of my partitions has bad super block  and if I change a flag on that partition everything returns to normal12:50
Kartagishow can I find out what's causing my screen to black out? it started happening after I upgraded RAM but did a memtest, it's fine12:50
oguncakyes i did. and i think it was faster then. i think i should remove the automatically installed driver first. and then install it via ndiswrapper. how can i find which driver ubuntu is using now.. and how can i remove it?12:51
gpraveenwxjeacen: no is there any space issue that we should keep for Ubuntu12:51
swapyhello guys12:51
Guest63074daviey: hello12:51
Surendrahi wxjeacen12:52
maxiesomeone here that can help me with a grapic card config issues??12:52
swapyhow to change my lan mode i have 100mbps lan i want to change to 10 half mode12:52
swapyyes maxie12:52
Dr_Willis!info ethtool12:52
ubottuethtool (source: ethtool): display or change Ethernet device settings. In component main, is optional. Version 6+20080913-1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 240 kB12:52
llutzswapy: use ethtool12:52
swapyis it available by default?12:53
herenbdyI have this external HDD (/dev/sdc), with a screwed up FAT32 partition in the front, and the rest is unallocated12:53
Dr_Willisethtool (source: ethtool): display or change Ethernet device settings. In component main, is optional.   <--- Its in MAIN. Not installed by default12:53
Surendrahow to update Ubuntu desktop from Ubuntu Server ?12:53
herenbdygparted is stuck on "SEarching /dev/sdc partitions"12:53
herenbdyso I can't actually fix my extermal..12:53
Dr_WillisSurendra:  you mean upgrade 'server' to 'desktop' ?12:54
swapySurendra, indian?12:54
Dr_WillisSurendra:  then clarify  what you mean.12:54
Surendrai hv one Ubuntu server and one Ubuntu Desktop12:54
Surendrano net connection to the desktop12:54
Surendrai mean internet connection12:54
Dr_WillisYou could use aptoncd,  I guess..12:55
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline12:55
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD12:55
deanyIs there a specific reason ubuntu server uses the generic kernel same as desktop now and not the"server" kernel?12:55
swapyethtool is already the newest version.       its already installed12:56
Dr_Willisserver kernels are for some specific/special hardware cases I recall.12:56
swapywhere is it12:56
Dr_Willisswapy:  its a command line tool.12:56
Dr_WillisNot everything needs a GUI  :)12:56
un|matrixhow do i test a binary to see what architecture it was built for?12:56
swapyDr_Willis, in windows i had 1 software that would  repiar my connection every 10 seconds is there any software for linux ubuntu12:57
rashed2020Anyone know how to make an initramfs?12:57
Dr_Willisun|matrix:  i was thinkign the 'file' command may do that.12:57
SurendraUbottu : we are working in SAP .. can i install SAP GUI on wine ?12:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:57
Dr_Willisswapy:  what in the world would be going on that a connection would NEED to be 'repaired' every 10 seconds?12:57
swapyrepair means repair command12:58
herenbdyI have this external HDD (/dev/sdc), with a screwed up FAT32 partition in the front, and the rest is unallocated. Gparted gets stuck on "Searching /dev/sdc for partitions", so I can't actually fix this external HDD, how can I fix this?12:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about initramfs12:58
swapythat refreshed dns clears it12:58
swapyand all12:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkinitramfs12:58
ankushvlc does not supprt rv30 so vedio from the online stream doesnt come up and real player only plays the vedio not the sound..any  way around it?12:58
Dr_Willisswapy:  your dns servers shouldent be changing that fast.   or your gateway12:58
Untouchab1eMaybe I'm just too used to OpenSUSE, but is it really that complicated just to update Firefox?12:58
Dr_Willisevery 10 sec would make  many things quite unuseable id imagine.12:59
xzanxorHi everyone12:59
Dr_WillisUntouchab1e:  just install the firefox 3.5 package and run it from the shirikto icon.12:59
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY12:59
Dr_WillisUntouchab1e:  thats all i did to get ff3.512:59
Untouchab1eHmm, I heard that wasnt a good idea since then you have two versions of Firefox coexisting12:59
Dr_WillisUntouchab1e:  thats why they have 2 diffretn names...13:00
un|matrixDr_Willis: thanks that's exactly what i was looking for (can't believe i can never remember this command -_-)13:00
Dr_Willisthey run side by side fine here.13:00
Dr_WillisI can even run boh at the same time13:00
oguncakhow can i remove my already wireless card driver? i do not know which driver ubuntu is using now!!!13:00
hybr1derhi how do i remove autoconnect for an interface in ubuntu?13:00
=== Mike is now known as Guest41877
xzanxorCould someone help me with a couple of problems I've had since moving to Jaunty? The main issue is with an external CD/DVD RW drive I have; I don't think it's mounting properly. The light comes on, the disk spins briefly, the computer doesn't recognise it's there.13:00
Dr_WillisUntouchab1e:  just keep the 2 seperate. dont  try to remove 3.0, and dont (no idea how its done) try to upgrade the existing 3.0 to 3.513:00
Untouchab1eDr_Willis: Thanks for the tip..13:01
Untouchab1eDr_Willis: But what about Ubuntuzilla?13:01
swapyguys i have only 1 network adapter    eth0 then what is pan013:01
Untouchab1eI heard that is a way to do it13:01
Dr_WillisUntouchab1e:  seen a few people in here recently that SOMEHOW (using some web packages?) tried to upgrade 3.0 to 3.5 not 'just install 3.5 alongside 3.0' and they broke things big time.13:01
Dr_WillisUntouchab1e:  never heard of ubuntuzilla13:01
hybr1deroguncak: try using synaptic package manager?13:01
oguncakwhat will i type for seraching?13:02
kavurtUntouchab1e: if you want to install the latest version of firefox, try ubuntuzilla. it's the easiest way13:02
maxiegrapic card config issues here!!! some help please!!-_-13:02
Untouchab1eDr_Willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1241772&highlight=Firefox+upgrade13:02
Untouchab1eDr_Willis: read the bottom post13:02
xzanxorDoes anyone have any suggestions about getting an external DVD RW drive to mount?13:03
oguncakwhen i install my wireless driver via ndiswrapper, it says "impossible to detect if hardware is present". what can i do for this error?13:04
Untouchab1eoguncak: what wireless card do you have?13:04
oguncakit came with my laptop inside. i do not know!13:05
Surendraany one works on SAP over here13:05
Untouchab1eoguncak: my point is just that you might not have to use ndiswrapper13:05
Untouchab1ebut it depends on the card13:05
hybr1deroguncak: try typing ifconfig -a in console and see if you find anything related to your wireless card13:06
xzanxorCould someone tell me how to get my external DVD RW drive to mount properly? I plug it in, the drive switches on briefly, then just switches off again without being recognised by the computer.13:06
xzanxorIs it a question of finding the right driver?13:07
aaron11why are there 3 bots13:07
oguncakok, but still i dont know which driver ubuntu is using!!! after ifconfig -a, it gave some results but nothing related!!!!13:07
thomas_Hey, due to my broken arrow keys on my laptop is there any way to get my system to treat numpad keypress as arrow keypresses e.g when I press numpad 2 its as if I pressed down arrow.13:07
Mezwin 5013:07
maxieneed help with config my grapic card because i was getting this: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.  then i do as it say and run it as root and get this: Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".13:08
maxieVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.13:08
maxie                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver13:08
maxie                  line.13:08
maxieBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'13:08
maxieNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'13:08
maxie ... what is wrong (or what is not wrong) and what do i need 2 do 2 get it 2 work 100% (have 2 screen i would use on this card but i only get one 2 work)13:08
grawitythomas_: Disable NumLock?13:08
JediMasterjrib: this fixed it for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1174943&highlight=screen+flicker&page=313:08
xzanxorSo, nobody can suggest anything for mounting an external DVD/CD drive?13:08
chessnutmushroomhas anyone setup joomla?13:09
maxie....what is floodbot do 2 me??13:09
JediMasterjrib: basically new -ati and -radeon drivers and this in the xorg.conf: Option "AccelMethod"  "XAA"13:09
hybr1derogunac: some laptops have a power button for the wireless card, are you sure it has power?13:09
JediMastermaxie: don't paste multiple lines here, use http://pastebin.com or similar13:10
oguncakyes it has and it is on13:10
superbokixzanxor: mount -h and mount?13:10
chessnutmushroomhow do i allow access to /var/www/html for an FTP user?13:10
xzanxorsuperboki: What do you mean?13:10
maxieJediMaster: i have not that good memory 2 remember url like that xD13:10
chessnutmushroomits says cannot change directory when i log into ftp13:11
grawitymaxie: pastebin.com isn't that hard.13:11
maxiewhatever because it's seems noone gonna help anyway-_-13:11
maxiei have try like 3-4 times already-_-13:11
superbokixzanxor: http://www.linuxconfig.org/HowTo_mount_cdrom_in_linux13:12
hybr1deroguncak: google your laptop and see if you can find any information about you wireless card and search for it in the synaptic manager or on your laptops support page13:12
oguncaki found it now.. it is rt7313:12
deanyxzanxor, mine mounts itself (when you insert a cd/dvd)13:12
oguncakand in synaptic it seems uninstalled13:12
oguncakbut still i can connect to internet!!!!!!! how can it happen?13:13
herenbdyoguncak: are you using a wireless connection, or ethernet cable?13:13
xzanxordeany: mine doesn't, is the problem.13:13
herenbdyoguncak: if you're using a wireless connection.. it seems to be working fine :13:13
herenbdyoguncak: if you're using a wireless connection.. it seems to be working fine :p13:13
xzanxorsuperboki: thanks, having a read of that.13:13
oguncakwireless i am using13:13
deanyxzanxor, lsusb output?13:14
xzanxorBus 001 Device 002: ID 04f2:b12e Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd13:14
xzanxorBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub13:14
xzanxorBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:14
xzanxorBus 004 Device 002: ID 03f0:171d Hewlett-Packard Wireless (Bluetooth + WLAN) Interface [Integrated Module]13:14
xzanxorBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:14
xzanxorBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:14
FloodBot3xzanxor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:14
FloodBot2xzanxor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:14
oguncakubuntu must be using a wireless driver.. but i can not see which!!! and acc to my laptop, my network driver is not installed via synaptic!!! should i install it?13:14
herenbdyoguncak: if your wireless appears to be working, I wouldn't mess with it13:15
xzanxordeany: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255087/13:16
oguncakbut it is strange my friend!!!13:16
oguncaki want to know how!!!!!!!!13:16
herenbdyoguncak: ubuntu ships with a lot of default drivers13:16
deanyxzanxor, is chicony the device then13:16
oguncakwould it not be more healthy if i installed the true driver?13:16
xzanxordeany: no, I actually have no idea what that is. Nothing else is plugged into any USB port and the output is the same when I unplug the device.13:16
JimmioHello all, I just upgraded my kernel. How do I change to /boot/grub/menu.lst to reflect the changes? I manually edited this file to add a Vista entry... Any ideas?13:17
hybr1deroguncak: you might be using the only true available driver13:17
herenbdyJimmio: isn't that done automatically?13:17
deanyxzanxor, sounds like its not detecting it.  what version ubuntu ?13:17
aaron11register #ubuntu13:17
xzanxordeany: yeah, I didn't think it was. 9.04.13:17
Jimmioherenbdy: I told it to keep the current one on the drive as I manually edited it.13:17
suitI get the following error when trying to compile: 'checking for openssl directory... configure: WARNING: Could not find a linkable openssl.  If you have it installed somewhere unusual, you can specify an explicit path using --with-openssl-dir'13:17
deanyxzanxor, is it powered by AC or usb?13:17
b0le_Is this an appropriate channel to ask about fglrx? I just installed it, and when my computer boots the monitor goes on standby, until I switch VT. If I switch back to X's vt it works properly again. This is with Jaunty (should be fully up-to-date), and fglrx installed with the "hardware drivers" utility.13:17
oguncakallrihgt.. i dont like things to be covered but i think i will keep on standing sitll :(13:17
wxjeacenHi all:13:18
Dr_WillisJimmio:  you compiuled your own kernel?13:18
suitNow, I could easily do that but I'd rather know how to fix that problem. As in, it should recognize the right location by itself. How do I do that?13:18
linuxson25can anyone direct me to a good wiki or site on compiling a kernel from source?13:18
xzanxordeany: it has an AC power jack but it comes on fine just from USB.13:18
wxjeacenis anyone here use aix?13:18
deanyxzanxor, I personally have a liteon usb lightscribe, usb powered and its awesome :)13:18
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:18
deanyxzanxor, tried in other ports?  aside from that, Im not much help13:18
xzanxordeany: it's kind of recognising it now - lsusb shows Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 IDE Adapter13:18
JimmioDr_Willis: No, I edited menu.lst and I can't figure out how to update it to reflect the current updated kernel13:18
Dr_WillisJimmio:  'update-grub' command.13:19
xzanxordeany: I think I get what's going on. It's an internal drive that I took from an old laptop and put into a USB adaptor. it seems to recognising the adaptor but not the drive.13:19
wxjeacenhi ,is anyone here uses AIX??13:19
Dr_Willis!info aix13:19
ubottuPackage aix does not exist in jaunty13:19
Pici!offtopic | wxjeacen13:19
ubottuwxjeacen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:19
deanyxzanxor, do you have windows you can test it on13:20
wxjeacenaix ???13:20
wxjeacenanybody uses AIX??13:20
wxjeacenall right13:20
FloodBot3wxjeacen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:20
asteriskmonkeyfor some reason keyboard strokes dont pass though to serially conencted devies... anyone else have this issue in 9.x?13:20
JimmioDr_Willis: Ran sucessfully, but the file doesn't reflect the most recent kernel, only the oldest one.13:20
Piciwxjeacen: No. This is Ubuntu support, not AIX support. Try ##aix, or ##unix or #ubuntu-offtopic13:20
xzanxordeany: good idea. I'll give that a try.13:20
wxjeacenall righy13:21
wxjeacenall right13:21
Dr_WillisJimmio:  normally when one updates the kernels via the package manager it auto runs that command anyway.13:21
wxjeacenanybody know xlc for linux ubuntu?13:21
xzanxordeany: cheers! I'll be back later if I haven't had any success.13:21
Dr_WillisJimmio:  odd that its not doing it.13:21
Dr_Willis!info xlc13:21
ubottuPackage xlc does not exist in jaunty13:21
JimmioDr_Willis: Most recent is 2.6.28-15... file reads 2.6.28-1113:21
xzanxordeany: thanks : )13:21
zamolxeshello. I'll have to do stuff on some boxes in a remote place without internet access. I'dd like to have a full 9.04 repo mirror on my laptop. what's the sanest way of doing this?13:21
Dr_WillisJimmio:  hmm. i got 2.6.28-14 here...13:22
wxjeacenxlc compile for linux ubuntu ,anybody knows?13:22
JimmioDr_Willis: Do an update, it JUST installed. It found 11,13,14, and 15 on my PC xP13:22
Dr_Williswxjeacen:  if it can compile on linux.. it should compile on ubuntu.13:22
Dr_WillisThe following packages have been kept back:13:23
Dr_Willis  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic13:23
Dr_WillisHmm. been a lot of kernel updates recently13:23
lusepuster_hello -  using jaunty, I just installed the newest google earth - but it is next to unusable,  since it is incredibly slow and the earth view overlays everything else on the screen including windows and menus. Lenovo laptop, Ubuntu Jaunty, Intel Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS graphics card...13:23
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 to work on linux? i need help13:24
ankushstreaming media..only audio coming in vlc only vedio coming in real player  both coming in movie player(totem) ..but i dnt know how to record it in it13:24
lusepuster_Is there any settings and stuff to tweak, or do I just have to live with it not working?13:24
Dr_Willismyself:  yes i have.  i tried it the other day from the repos.13:24
asteriskmonkeyanyreason keyboard wouldnt work in minicom or serial port terminal?13:24
Dr_Willismyself:  dident do anything fancy to get it working.13:24
wxjeacen<Dr_Willis> I wanna to use IBM compiler in ubuntu ,how can i get the source code of xlc for linux??13:24
JimmioDr_Willis: I noticed that... Any ideas here? I don't think I should try to edit this myself... too much of a pita if I break it13:24
myselfdr_willis you can get it from a repo?13:24
Dr_Willismyself:  oh wait.. that was pcex i think..  the PS1 emulator..13:24
lesshaste I am using mount -t cifs, how can I make the directory read/writeable by a normal user? it seems to mount it read only13:24
Dr_Willistoo many similer names.13:24
myselfyeah its pcsx213:24
myselfda one for ps2! :D13:25
Dr_Willisnot even gotten ps2 emulators to work properly under windows myself ..13:25
myselfit works fine under windows for the most part13:25
myselfbut i dont like logging into windows13:25
Dr_Willismyself:  the ps1 emu in the repo worked amazingly well for me.  I was suprised13:25
JimmioDr_Willis: Is the UUID the drive partition? If so I should be able to just change the 11's to 15's...13:26
Dr_Willisdoing a dist-upgrade now Jimmio13:26
wxjeaceni am doulbt that if there is someone can program here.13:26
Dr_WillisJimmio:  if you dont understand what the UUID is.. i would NOT be touching the menu.lst then.13:26
Dr_WillisJimmio:  is there really somthing you Need in the newer kernel?13:26
Dr_WillisJimmio:  UUID defines the 'disk to use' sort of a special unique # for each filesystem13:27
JeoTheLeoI just downloaded the new system updates on jaunty and now I can't log onto it13:27
JeoTheLeohappened before and now it happened again13:27
Dr_Williswxjeacen:  go to the xlc homepage and download it? ive neer even heard of xlc.13:27
JimmioDr_Willis: I was just checking what it was, I've used the UUID features before to mount a partition of mine on startup. Who knows? Maybe it was a ID of that file, like an MD5 of sorts, better to ask then break everything.13:27
JimmioDr_Willis: I'm going to restart.13:27
wxjeacenall right...13:28
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
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Dr_Willisis there some special reason for all the kernl updates the last week?13:28
ikanoboriDr_Willis: Security issues.13:28
icerootDr_Willis: yes, root-explout13:28
suitDr_Willis: there always is :)13:29
ikanoboriDr_Willis: Two kernel explots.13:29
icerootDr_Willis: all kernel 2.4.0 - 2.6.x have root-exploit13:29
ikanoboriOne to do with SELinux/Pulseaudio, one to do with the way sockets are implemented.13:29
elteseHi ! Im having some problem opening a .sh file on ubuntu 9.04. The file in question is directly on the desktop and I can't seem to locate it via terminal13:29
Dr_WillisOh there was 2 different ones>? i recall reading about one.. but must of missed the 2nd13:29
ikanoboriDr_Willis: Yes, two different one.13:29
icerootDr_Willis: i only know one too13:29
grawityeltese: Your desktop is ~/Desktop/13:29
Dr_Willisthen again.. i got a big 3 user system here. :) so its not a big deal for me.13:29
suiteltese: try 'ls -a ~/Desktop/' and tell me if you see it13:29
icerootDr_Willis: heise only mentioned one and heise is a good resource :)13:29
lusepuster_eltese, seems odd, have you navigated to the Desktop folder? KNow it's a stupid querstion but...13:29
ikanoboriOh wow, it even seems there are 3.13:30
ikanoboriOh no, this one is old.13:30
Dr_Willisikanobori:  bad things always come in 3's ? :)13:30
lusepuster_!hi > patrickchoo13:30
ubottupatrickchoo, please see my private message13:30
eltesesuit: Yes I see it if I run that command13:30
Dr_Williswell i updated/upgraded/dist-upgraded.. :) now to reboots to make me uber-safe. heh.13:30
JeoTheLeoerrrm, so is there a solution to my problem?13:31
elteselusepuster_: Not a stupid question, and yes. Or rather I think I have, Might be mistaken :p13:31
lusepuster_eltese, then you have located it13:31
iceroothttp://www.h-online.com/security/Linux-kernel-vulnerability-fixes--/news/114021   only one root-exploit13:31
icerootin the kernel13:31
lusepuster_eltese, "cd ~/Desktop" and then run a "ls"13:31
lusepuster_eltese, yous ee it?13:31
ikanoboriThis is one: http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=6820 and http://threatpost.com/blogs/researcher-uses-new-linux-kernel-flaw-bypass-selinux-other-protections13:31
tuxforcei need for merge 2 text file only for difference13:32
ikanoboriA null pointer reference and the way sockets are handled.13:32
elteselusepuster_: gonna check13:32
tuxforcehow i can do it ?13:32
ikanoborituxforce: Use diff.13:32
icerootikanobori: ah ok, thx13:32
tuxforceikanobori, diff on shell ?13:32
qnixIs it possible to get more recent kernel than linux-image-2.6.24-24 under hardy ?13:32
ikanoborituxforce: ^^13:32
tuxforcei search for tutorial on google13:32
tuxforcefor diff13:32
ikanoborituxforce: Or just `man diff`13:32
suiteltese: If you see the file, you located it. :) You can make it executable by running 'chmod a+x ~/Desktop/yourfile.sh' and then run it via 'sh ~/Desktop/yourfile.sh', if you want to use the terminal.13:33
asteriskmonkeyno on ever had serial port issues where they can see information but cannot use the keyboard?13:33
xanderdudehey guys, is there a way to send messages to firefox from the command line?13:33
lusepuster_Bump - is there anything I can do to improve Google Earth performance on my laptop (intel graph card), compiz/metacity about equally bad), or should I just scrap it?13:33
tuxforceikanobori, is there a UI  for diff ?13:34
JeoTheLeoI just downloaded the new system updates on jaunty and now I can't log onto it13:34
xanderdudesomething like AppleScript for ubuntu?13:34
lusepuster_tuxforce, vimdiff - but I don't  know much about it13:34
JeoTheLeohappened before and now it happened again13:34
ikanoborituxforce: Probably.13:34
Uqbarlusepuster_: disable "atmosphere", it kills performance on Intel graphics cards13:34
outoftimehey all - every time i wake my computer from sleep, it can't get an IP address when (re)connecting over wireless - this happens whether or not I'm connecting to the same network as before sleep - anyone heard of that?13:34
eltesesuit and lusepuster_ : there we are :) thanks for all the help :P If u want I can give beta invites to the game in question13:34
ikanoborilusepuster_: vimdiff needs prior knowledge of vim.13:34
suiteltese: And what would that be? You awakened my interest.13:35
lusepuster_ikanobori, it works through gvim afaik . gvim doesn't require vim-knowledge13:35
eltesesuit: Heroes of Newerth13:35
lusepuster_eltese, same here...13:35
tuxforceikanobori, KOMPARE13:35
suitAwww, heard of that! That would be great13:35
tuxforceikanobori, ??13:35
tuxforceikanobori, ^^13:35
elteseWell Ive got 3 invites, just priv me your mail and I'll send them13:36
ikanoborituxforce: I don't know.13:36
lusepuster_Uqbar, but there is still the problem that the image field overlays other windows and menus...  Wrong settings somehow?13:36
lusepuster_hi > eltese13:37
=== a3 is now known as a2
JeoTheLeoI just downloaded the new system updates on jaunty and now I can't log onto it13:37
kaddihello :)13:37
kaddiis there a way to find out when ubuntu was last installed on a system from CD?13:37
Uqbarlusepuster_: I don't know about that. generally I've found that stuff that uses OpenGL won't play nicely along compiz.13:37
JeoTheLeohappened before and now it happened again13:37
yareckon_grrrrr.... the problem with gstreamer is that it doesn't work so good13:37
lusepuster_Uqbar, yeah me too - but seems to be the same problem with plain Metacity13:38
Uqbarlusepuster_: BTW I don't know if this is still true, but one year ago compiz did set the environment variable LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT to true, thereby preventing opengl stuff from drawing directly, which has a significant performance impact at least on Intel cards13:38
JeoTheLeook, here's another question, how do I restore my last working settings?13:39
kaddiJeoTheLeo try pressing alt+ctrl+f2 and log into console, if you can log in successfully that means it is an issue with gnome, I once had the issue that I had no more space left on my home partition and that made it freeze, maybe if you free up some space it'll work?13:39
lyhana8hi, did anyone manage to use gtalk sidebar extension in firefox ?13:40
Uqbarlusepuster_: I'm not sure using plain metacity will prevent compiz from running. I just switched to openbox and have been happy since.13:40
JeoTheLeoI doubt that's the reason, I have a 40Gb partition made solely for ubuntu13:40
JeoTheLeoand I just installed it a couple of days ago13:40
JeoTheLeoubuntu that is13:40
lyhana8see here : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/470813:40
JeoTheLeoI updated to jaunty, and today updated again13:40
Uqbarlusepuster_: check whether LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT is set13:40
JeoTheLeoit loads then gives me a dark purple screen and then black and goes on like that for a minute or so then stops13:41
lusepuster_Uqbar, where do I check this?13:41
JarlGHello! I just did "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-lgrfx" in order to be able to modify my GPU settings, but after a reboot I am now unable to enter the interface. I am stuck with artifacts after the "loading GRUB" is done. How would I fix this? My CD does not have a 'rescue system'-mode. Thanks.13:41
Uqbarlusepuster_: in any terminal emulator inside the same session. launch a terminal and then echo $LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT13:41
lusepuster_Uqbar, by using metacity --replace, I should be pretty  sure compiz isn't  running - or  what?13:42
deanyJeoTheLeo, sounds like a video driver issue13:42
Uqbarlusepuster_: I don't know13:42
lusepuster_Uqbar, thanks13:42
kaddiJeoTheLeo you could move your gnome settings to a backup folder from console and try loading with the default settings13:42
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  yes.. compiz replaces metacity and visa-versa its one or the other.13:42
deanyJeoTheLeo, try recovery mode and choose fix X13:42
IledenI have Ubuntu Netbook Remix installed on my Acer Aspire One, and the suspend/resume was working ok at first when I tested it. After installing some additional software, the suspend has however now stopped working - it gets stuck showing just a blinking cursor at top left of the screen. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?13:42
kaddiJeoTheLeo I do not know how to reverse the settings, it might be possible but I can't tell you how ;)13:42
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  you may want to install/run the 'fusion-icon' tool - it can manage that also a little nicer.13:43
lusepuster_Uqbar, echo $LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT gives an empty reply13:43
JeoTheLeodeany, I tried recovery mode13:43
lusepuster_Dr_Willis, I actually do have Fusion Icon installed :-)13:43
Uqbarlusepuster_: so now compiz shouldn't be running13:43
kaddiJeoTheLeo you might also try to create a new account and see if the new account will work. The command for that should be "adduser"13:43
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  use it then instead of teh command line. :)13:43
JeoTheLeoI'll try that13:44
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  it sets some other settings as needed i recall. makes it work better/easier13:44
Uqbar(IIRC metacity can work along with compiz, as a decorator)13:44
JeoTheLeoanything else to try?13:44
grawityUqbar: IIRC, Compiz does use Metacity by default.13:44
lusepuster_Dr_Willis, so you say enabling fusion-icon  makes  things run smoother than command line compiz/metacity?13:44
Uqbarso using metacity doesn't necessarily imply you're not using compiz13:45
deanyJeoTheLeo, might be compiz failing to load, tried metacity --replace from console?13:45
kaddiJeoTheLeo from commandline login restart gdm "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" and see if that will throw any errors that might indicate a problem. You could also check the logs /var/logs/gdm for information13:45
lusepuster_Uqbar, that is strange. Compiz is running but echo $LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT gives empty line as reply13:45
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 to work on linux? i need help13:45
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  yes, i find it makes chabnging compiz stuff easier.13:45
kaddiis there a way to find out when ubuntu was last installed on a system from CD?13:45
JeoTheLeodeany, nope13:45
JeoTheLeokaddi, ok13:46
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  i get blank for that echo also.. and i am using compiz.. at least im pretty sure i am. ;)13:46
* Dr_Willis enables the wiggly windows13:46
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
JeoTheLeolol @ wiggly windows13:46
SerbThughello. How can I install javaplugin for Firefox while using ubuntuzilla13:46
JeoTheLeoso do I type metacity--replace?13:47
deanykaddi, the oldest folder on my hd is the /mnt folder, thats around the same date jaunty was released (and I installed) might be something to go from13:48
deanykaddi, ive never used /mnt , only ever /media13:48
chessnutmushroomwhat are good options for web development editors?13:49
xanderdudeis there a way to send messages to firefox from the command line?13:49
b0le_Is this an appropriate channel to ask about fglrx? I just installed it, and when my computer boots the monitor goes on standby, until I switch VT. If I switch back to X's vt it works properly again. This is with Jaunty (should be fully up-to-date), and fglrx installed with the "hardware drivers" utility. (hope I am not being too impatient / asking again too soon)13:49
* Dr_Willis wonsers what ubuntuzilla even is...13:49
Dr_Willisxanderdude:  what sort of messages?13:49
soulwarpI enjoy Ubuntu very much and I am looking forward to seeing the 9.10 version13:49
DJoneschessnutmushroom: Do you mean html editors similar to frontpage?13:49
kaddideany the date from /mnt would fit, thanks. It's close enough, I only needed a rough time estimate13:49
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  i got compiz enabled that that   echo $LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT   is blank here.13:49
xanderdudelike, i want it to refresh and open tabs with urls i want. from a script or something13:50
chessnutmushroomi wondered what people use for php etc under linux13:50
lusepuster_Dr_Willis, Uqbar echo $LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT gets blank  no matter if I use compiz or metacity13:50
Dr_Willisxanderdude:  you can do some of that stuff from the command line check teh firefox  command line arguments.13:51
Dr_Willislusepuster_:  whats it supposed to say? Ive never heard of that variable befor. :)13:51
xanderdudei want to automate some stuff. if i could make vim functions that tell firefox to reload, that alone would make my life super easier13:51
chessnutmushroomdo people just use vi?13:51
xanderdudeDr_Willis: ok, thx13:51
Dr_Willischessnutmushroom:  vim normally.. i use it all the time. Yes.13:51
TecR0ci like nano compared to vi13:51
JediMasteranyone here managed to tether their iphones to ubuntu via USB?13:52
xanderdudei use vim for absolutely everything i code.13:52
Dr_Willisnano is like using a nailclipper compared to the  swissarmyknife that is vi. :)13:52
lusepuster_Dr_Willis, Uqbar said  I shoud test irt...13:52
PrankyHow to mount cd drive in ubuntu 9.0413:52
Untouchab1eThe "Weather Report" panel widget.. is there a way to add more locations?13:52
lusepuster_Uqbar, I tried enabling openBox and you're right, Google Earth runs much, much better here13:52
chessnutmushroomcool, ta13:52
chessnutmushroomvim supports php syntax does it?13:53
lusepuster_Uqbar, still would like to be able to use one window manager though...13:53
Dr_Willisvim supports more syntax highlighting  for langages and stuff ive NEVER heard of. :)13:53
Dr_Willischessnutmushroom:  be sure to install the vim-full package.13:53
suitI think vim even supports klingon13:53
PrankyHelp Help !!!!!! How to mount cd drive in Ubuntu 9.0413:54
kaddiPranky doesn't it show up in your nautilus?13:54
lusepuster_Pranky, it's supposed  to auttomount...?13:54
Dr_WillisPranky:  by hand.. 'sudo mkdir /media/THECDROM'  'sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/THECDROM -t iso9660'13:55
xanderdudemm, firefox doesn't seem to have many command line options :(13:55
Dr_Willissr0 can cary from onesystem to another.13:55
x-eagle_Are there any good downloader for ubuntu linux?13:55
Guest87032hello, I am lookin for profesional in ubuntu who is very good about sound troubles. The think is i bought new desktop with vista, and i instaled ubuntu str8 away i got it home. The troubles started when i could not hear the sound. I tryed forum in ubuntu, but it did'nt get me much help, cose i'm not able to find outinformation what it was askin for (name of sound card etc.) I had a huuuge fight about it with my girlfriend, so i have a desperate need for he13:55
Polyculturehey there, I'm working at a kubuntu 9.04 machine here and have a brother mfc206c printer installed13:56
Dr_Willisxanderdude:  theres more then what firefox --help shows.. but i dont rember them or where i saw them at. perhaps check firefox homepage/dev pages13:56
Polyculturehowever, the kde printer applet tells me 'cups-missing-filter' when i try to print something13:56
Polycultureany idea how to fix this?13:56
Dr_WillisPolyculture:  there may be some extra ppd packages you need to install.13:57
icerootPolyculture: #kubuntu13:57
Prankykaddi, It showing me, but given en error message of unable to mount location13:57
Polyculturewhat does ppd stand for?13:57
Dr_Willisperhaps check the forums for that exact printer model. I had to install some extras once for one of my printers13:57
Dr_WillisPolyculture:  printer somthign definition. think of it as 'drivers' for the cups system for a printer13:57
Dr_Willischeck cups.org for info onthat exact printer also.13:58
kaddiPranky did you try the command Dr_Willis gave you?13:58
kaddi*the commands13:58
rekDr_Willis: nvidia proprietary drivers don't work on 9.04 i can't see it in system administration hardware drivers help........13:58
PolycultureDr_Willis: i already istalled a cups-something-extra package containing the right driver for my modekl13:58
xanderdudeDr_Willis: oh I see. will check them, thx13:58
=== Ubuntu is now known as Mc-Kay
THRHOPE4LINUXmaybe it doesnt work 4 ure card?13:59
Prankykaddi, yes, it says unknown sr013:59
rekit workd on 8.0413:59
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THRHOPE4LINUXtry instaling package manually13:59
Dr_WillisPranky:  your cdrom may be some other /dev/XXXX device then.13:59
Uqbarlusepuster_: I'm sure you can achieve the same performance with metacity disabling the compiz decorator, but I haven't looked into a way to accomplish this since I've always liked openbox better anyway13:59
Dr_Willisls -l /dev/cdrom13:59
Dr_Willislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Aug 18 04:32 /dev/cdrom -> sr014:00
PolycultureDr_Willis: the thing is it worked with the prior ubuntu version14:00
morecowbellhow do i install opera? can't find it in the package manager14:00
rekUqbar: : nvidia proprietary drivers don't work on 9.04 i can't see it in system administration hardware drivers help........14:00
Polyculture[checking cups.org]14:00
Dr_WillisPolyculture:  no idea on that. I just plug my printers in and they work.. its like black-magic :)14:00
Guest87032so 1366 and there is nobody who want help with my desperate situation about not workin sound! Come on guys, please!14:00
grawitymorecowbell: Start with http://deb.opera.com/14:00
THRHOPE4LINUXrek: in stall manually14:00
Dr_Willismorecowbell:  or get it fro  the opera homepage.14:00
THRHOPE4LINUXrek: from synaptec14:00
morecowbellok thanks14:00
lusepuster_Uqbar, sure... I'll try some more...14:00
PolycultureDr_Willis: all right, that you nevertheless14:00
needhelpHello, problem with video camera capturing. When I try to capture video from a DV camcorder, the picture looks buggy. What could be wrong?14:01
rekdid apt THRHOPE4LINUX14:01
Uqbarlusepuster_: and what is true for google earth also hold true for other major productivity software like... darkplaces or other FPSs :-)14:01
Dr_WillisPolyculture:  best bet. check forums to see if others have had issues..  check cups.org see if any changes to the drivers have been made.14:01
rekPici:  Dr_Willis: : nvidia proprietary drivers don't work on 9.04 i can't see it in system administration hardware drivers help........14:01
lusepuster_Uqbar, haha, I believe you - I'm not much of a gamer though14:01
Uqbarubottu: nvidia > rek14:01
Dr_Willisrek:  they work for me.. then again.. i always do clean installs.. got a Nvidia 8800gtsxxx here.14:01
ubotturek, please see my private message14:01
doc_brownI'm reading a guide on setting up Samba here.  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/  What does it mean to "uncomment" certain lines?  Step 3/4... ?14:02
reknvidiaa gts214:02
grawitydoc_brown: Some lines in the Samba config start with a #14:02
di||itantedoc_brown: to remove the "#" from the beginning of the line14:02
doc_browngreat, thanks14:03
grawitydoc_brown: That # tells samba to ignore that line completely -- so that it becomes only important for humans reading the file. In short, a comment.14:03
di||itanteif the "#" is there the line is ignored14:03
iwobbleshi ppl :) whats with firefox ?? i've lost all the buttons and can't email anymore from some sites ,,, ??14:04
rekdoesn't woek14:04
reknot for jaunty!!!!!14:04
aff-tarhi all14:05
markustach zusammen. ich kann unter kubuntu kein java oder jre installieren14:05
markusnutze dafür die "Systemsteuerung"14:05
DJonesrek: Is your nvidia card an old one? my laptop has on old geforce2go which doesn't get picked up by hardware drivers14:05
DJones!de | markus14:05
ubottumarkus: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:06
markushab dort als Suchbegriff jre eingegeben und beim installieren meldet er fehlgeschlagen.14:06
rekgts 2 32b14:06
aff-taranybody knows what apps in karmic may use skype chat (except skype itself and pidgin)14:06
markusups... sorry14:06
DJonesrek: Sounds similar to mine, i've not spent much time trying to fix it, i keep meaning to download a karmic cd to test that and see if it works with that14:07
rekfor me14:07
rekcan i instal karmic?14:07
rekin 8.04 all was perfect14:07
NeXstaRhi, could anyone please assist me in reverting my display settings in ubuntu jaunty thru the terminal, would be much appreciated thanks....14:07
aff-tarI've done14:07
Dr_Willisrek:  its yur system -- install what you want.. this was a clean install of Jaunty you are having issues with?14:07
* Xenoxx rolls 2 6-sided dice: 5 114:07
* Dr_Willis missed what video card rek had exactly14:08
Al1hi, i desperetly need some profesional to help me with sound. It is not workin and is not muted!14:08
slacker-One of my servers had a kernel panic last night. Here's the log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/254848/ Any suggestions? I don't even know what to search for on launchpad...14:08
rekwait Dr_Willis lspci14:08
misse-I need to disable hilights in english speaking channels.14:08
Dr_Willismisse-:  check the docs for your irc client?14:09
misse-especially those with a lot of support chats14:09
reklspci|grep video14:09
rek02:0a.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)14:09
CAiROis there a way to find out how many ram modules i have in my notebook without opening it?14:09
rekno nono sorry14:09
misse-Dr_Willis: I know how to, I'm just.. lazy I guess.14:09
Dr_Willisrek:  so basically you dont know what video card you got in the system?14:09
ken_I need help in connecting to the internet.  I have installed ubuntu 9.04 andthe gnome-network-admin package.  My modem is via a usb connection and called Sagem fast 800.14:09
heatmzzrOn a USERS directory, how should the permissions be? Should the owner be the user and the group root?14:09
slacker-CAiRO: check the invoice14:09
grawityheatmzzr: The group should be the user's primary group.14:09
reknVidia Corporation NV15 [GeForce2 GTS/Pro] (rev a3)14:09
rekdr wilis14:10
Dr_Willisheatmzzr:  on ubuntu each user hsa their own group also14:10
Al1i had a huuuge fight about not workin sound with my girlfriend cose she think, it was huge mistake to install ubuntu. Please help me to save relationship and sex life!!!!14:10
enzotibCAiRO: try: sudo lshw -short -class memory14:10
needhelpHello, problem with video camera capturing. When I try to capture video from a DV camcorder, the picture looks buggy. What could be wrong?14:10
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe
reklol Al114:10
Dr_Willisrek:  egads.. thats an old card I think. :) you may just need to manually install the oldest nvidia drivers they got.. or that thing may no longer even be supported by the nvidia driver and now uses the 'nv' driver.14:10
deanyAl1, try ubuntu-sexlife14:10
rekegads Dr_Willis ?14:10
heatmzzrSo in ubuntu, it should be OWNER=heatmzzr-heatmzzr and the group should be heatmzzr also???14:11
NeXstaRhi, could anyone please assist me in reverting my display settings in ubuntu jaunty thru the terminal, would be much appreciated thanks....14:11
Dr_Willisrek:  im pretty sure a 'geforce2' is a rather OLD card...14:11
rekegads = old ?14:11
Al1Ubuntu know about my sound card, but it is not workin for some reason. Some help!14:11
JarlGI just did "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx", and after restarting I cannot boot because of artifacts. I am stuck on the login screen, which I cannot even see. How do I fix my system? Thanks.14:11
heatmzzrI'm getting error about 644 permissions in my home directory14:11
deanyfor what file/folder, heatmzzr14:12
rekDr_Willis:  if i buy a card i must by a pcie ?14:12
slacker-no pity for kernel panics? Mhh..14:12
Al1Come on guys, i don't believe there is nobody, who is not able to help with my sound problem!14:12
heatmzzrdeany: my home directory when I restart the computer14:12
b0le_JarlG: if you switch VT (control+alt+F1) and then back (ctrl+alt+F7) can you see login screen?14:12
DJonesDr_Willis: It is an old card, this was the bug i filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/363380 the 96.. driver should work for me according to nvidia site for my geforce2, but I've not had chance to do anything about it14:12
rekAl1: turn up the volume14:13
Al1Prove me that linux is about free sharing of information!14:13
JarlGB0le, thanks, I will try it now.14:13
Al1rek: if it will be that easy a wouldn't be here14:13
deanyheatmzzr, Ive only ever seen permission errors when using .netrc and ssh keys14:13
Dr_Willisrek:  from that URL i posted it says that card is supported by the --> The 71.86.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs:14:13
JarlGb0le, it did not work14:14
JarlGStill artifacts14:14
Dr_Willisrek:  so 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71 '14:14
heatmzzrdeany: this one said dmrc14:14
Megra_Al1, who said linux was easy ? it's free, quite good, but not perfect14:14
deanyheatmzzr, ive changed my default perms to not allow world readable home folders14:14
rekAl1:  wht card?14:14
NeXstaRhi, could anyone please assist me in reverting my display / resolution settings in ubuntu jaunty 9.04 thru the terminal, would be much appreciated thanks....14:14
Dr_WillisMegra_:  command not found.14:15
=== jon is now known as Guest19686
Dr_WillisMegra_:  :)14:15
Al1Megra_:  I know it's not easy, but i thought i get help easyer14:15
Megra_Dr_Willis, wrong window indeed xD14:15
rekDr_Willis:  i've alredy have glx-71 !!14:15
=== histo_ is now known as histo
Dr_Willisrek:  no idea then.. try runnign the nvidia-settings tool (gksudo nvidia-settings)14:15
gnubierek; http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_18897.html  this says gforce2 go is supported in the 96.43.xx driver14:15
Al1so is somebody to help me here with sound?14:16
deanyI hate it when people leave just as i`m about to give them a solution14:16
JarlG"sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" does not work correctly for me. Now I can't login, because of artifacts on the loginscreen. Can I revert the installation?14:17
Dr_Willisrek:  could go through the list of ndvidia drivers..   try one.. reboot. try gksudo nvidia-settings, if it works.. good.. if not  remove via command line.. try next.. reboot.14:17
Al1At least help me to find out the name of my soundcard14:17
Dr_WillisAl1:  that would begin with the lspci command normally14:17
gravyfacetrying to streamline my remote file copying -- is there a way to specify the group id for files/dirs transferred via scp?  Copy from/to Ubuntu 8.10 Server14:17
gnubieAl1; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html    working though this got my sound going14:18
Al1 Dr_Willis: and which of that all list is my soundcard name?14:18
aff-tarjoin #skype14:18
swapyi want to change gui looks of ubuntu where can i get best guides or help?14:18
histoswapy: on the forum there is an entire section dedicated to eye candy14:19
Snake23swap: gnome-look.org14:19
cairo__is there a way to find out how many ram modules i have in my notebook without opening it?14:19
Snake23swapy: gnome-look.org14:19
Dr_WillisAl1:  no idea.. proerly a line that says sound somewhere on it.14:19
deanychanging to Dust and using liberation fonts is all I need :)14:19
Al1gnubie: thanks14:19
PolycultureAl1: look for a line starting with 'Audio device'14:19
needhelpHello, any familar with capturing from a video camera ?14:20
dcaiceroot, hello are u there14:20
Dr_Willis lspci | grep Audio14:20
swapySnake23, thanks14:20
Dr_Willis00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)14:20
Al1 Polyculture: I thought that as well, but which of that is sound card name?14:20
Dr_WillisLooks like i got a  nVidia MCP6114:20
Snake23swapy: :)14:20
JarlGI installed the xorg ati driver, and restarted. Now I can't even see the login screen because of artifacts. How can I fix this? Do I have to reinstall the OS?14:21
PolycultureAl1, what does this line say on your screen?14:21
seanius_anyone running ubuntu on an hp mini 1035/1036?14:21
Dr_Williscairo__:  i noticed that  the 'parted magic' live cd, and (or) 'System rescue' Live cd (both i got today from the disrtowatch.com site) have some extensive 'what hardware do i have' tools.14:21
jillsmittmy ATI in ubuntu is poor14:21
Dr_Williscairo__:  not sure what the tools names were.. or if they are in the ubuntu repos.14:22
Snake23JarlG:  restart your computer in recovery mode14:22
JarlGSnake23: I've tried recovery mode, and all it's settings.. :/14:22
JarlGSnake23: Unless you have any command I'd have to use14:22
di||itantecairo__: as root from the cmd line run "lshw | less"14:22
Snake23then type : sudo aptitude purge xorg-driver-fglrx14:23
tw3akUrb0x1I'm totally shocked !!!! , I got a "POPUP" on my linux box then got redirected??? hey, I'm using 3.0 firefox any advise?14:23
rekno dr_willis first u must have the driver in use14:23
rekDr_Willis: -71 supports my card14:23
Al1Polyculture: Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP73 High Definition Audio (rev a1)14:23
rekDr_Willis: how can i use my epson attached to my alice gate?14:23
drugbalanceyo people I wanna know when ubuntu mounts (in rc.d) /usr partition and other partitions like /home /var etc... I need it to use truecrypt while my linux box is booting. I wanna fix booting process to make it ask me for a passwd from crypted partytions...14:24
PolycultureAl1: so I presume its an nVidia MPC73, right14:24
drugbalanceand... where system mounts /usr when it's booting ?14:24
sy1Good Evening14:24
sy1HOw is every one ?14:25
swapyi want any software development forum  for windows  please telll me if u know any14:25
JarlGSnake23: What this command does, is that it purges the driver from my system?14:25
Snake23JarlG:  yep14:25
JarlGSnake23: Thanks! Let's hope it works! :)14:25
GiddorahAny grub-experts?14:25
rabbit1is this the place for newbie questions?14:26
drugbalanceswapy, you won't believe I hadn't ever seen any forums about windows programming )14:26
bazhangrabbit1, yes14:26
xand_hello all, is anybody having a sound issue since yesterday (reproduces only noise), even before the last kernel update ?14:26
tw3akUrb0x1Giddorah: what's your prob?14:26
sy1Hi I need to know how to get my webcam to work with ubuntu 9.0.4 ?14:26
swapysoftware development forum at least14:26
rabbit1bazhang, what's the command for changing my account/admin password?14:26
sy1I am using a logitech14:26
Giddorahtw3akUrb0x1: Grub refuses to install with the Ubuntu-installer. Tried both the Desktop-CD and the Alternative-CD14:26
nmvictordoes anyone know how to repair an LG flash disk?14:26
drugbalanceswapy, only one flow on hackers forums but there was only lame s**t about win sock programming - nothing interesting14:26
bazhangsy1 check the supported webcams list14:26
bazhang!webcam | sy114:27
ubottusy1: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:27
Dr_Willisrek:  alice gate?14:27
rabbit1bazhang, oh.. just found something in the UI14:27
bazhangrabbit1, changing your user password? did you misplace it?14:27
rekhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1151528  Dr_Willis same problem... yep alice gate router14:27
rabbit1bazhang, no..  I know the current one, I just want to change it14:28
tw3akUrb0x1there are many ways to install grub you could install it manually... cp grub to a cd and then run setup  to install to the hard drive where you want it but also remember to edit menu.lst14:28
rekbazhang in 9.04 we are unabe to use propietary drivers we need help...14:28
BrianEIs it possible to setup Dolphin so a single click highlights, double click runs/navigates?14:28
boss_mcswapy: there are specific language fora (#C++ for example)14:28
rekhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1151528  Dr_Willis same problem... yep alice gate router14:28
bazhangsy1, did you check that link? please keep it in channel (ie not PM)14:28
rabbit1bazhang, under users and groups..    I think I figured it out14:28
Dr_Willisrek:  no idea.  - the printer servers i have all had ipp:######## type entries i would tell cups andit would see/use the printers14:28
pelliconwho can help me ?14:29
rekwell know problem of jaunty so???? Dr_Willis14:29
rabbit1bazhang, thanks, bye14:29
bazhangpellicon, ask the channel a question14:29
jedc!ask pellicon14:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask pellicon14:29
kannan4khi i am install ubuntu 8.10,i have install the perl from the debian dvd.After that it makes a broken depedency,again i click to remove the perl that asks 1GB memory worth softwares goin to removed! wat can i do14:29
bazhangsy1, please keep in channel (dont PM)14:29
Dr_Willisrek:  about a router/printer or what?  i think the conversation is jumping around a bit too much for me to follow.14:29
kannan4kany one help me14:30
BrianEkannan4k: Don't remove Perl. It's a key part of your system's operation in Ubuntu and should not be removed14:30
jedcask you question pellicon14:30
bazhangkannan4k, debian into ubuntu? why would you do that14:30
kannan4kto get the perl package14:31
kannan4ki install that14:31
rekdr_willis to print something14:31
bazhangkannan4k, ubuntu has them. you should never mix debian packages with Ubuntu ones14:31
BrianEkannan4k: Ubuntu has Perl installed14:31
kannan4ki don't have the internet,so i install from debain disc14:31
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 (playstation 2 emulator) to work on linux? i need help14:31
rekDr_Willis: problems in jaunty we need to use the driver they must fix the problem14:31
JarlGSnake23: Thank you very much! Your solution worked perfectly!14:31
bazhangkannan4k, well your system is seriously compromised now14:31
Snake23JarlG:  :)14:32
kannan4kwat can i do14:32
sy1Could please help me with the webcam ?14:32
Dr_Willisrek:  for the various print servers ive used i just use the gnome (or kde) printer manager and let it scan the network..  theres several differnt protocalls the print servers can use in addation to samba.   No idea on any specific issues with that  router.14:32
sy1I am really new to ubuntu 9.0.414:32
pelliconmy hostname hyb have been change to hyb.local.why?14:32
bazhangsy1, have you read the link I gave you?14:32
jedckanna4k you need uninstall them, then install ubuntu ones14:32
SerbThughello. How can I install javaplugin for Firefox while using ubuntuzilla?14:32
sy1 Logitech14:33
sy1QuickCam Communicate14:33
FloodBot3sy1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:33
kaddiSerbThug why use ubuntuzilla?14:33
SerbThug`cos of updated14:33
JarlGSnake23: Do you mind if I ask you what the 'aptitude' command does / what is it's function? :)14:33
kannan4kjedc: wheni go to uninstall it asks for remove 1 GB worth softwares14:33
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras  sy1 this one14:33
SerbThugI don`t have to wait for ubuntu builds, kaddi14:33
grawitykaddi: It is one of the easiest ways to get Firefox 3.5 in Jaunty.14:33
sy1I have quickcam communicate14:33
kaddigrawity apt-get install firefox-3.5 would be easiest, no?14:34
jedcSerbThug, tools->addons in firefox14:34
sy1but the link goes to http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html14:34
SerbThugjedc: and then?14:34
sy1what should I do Bazhang14:34
grawitykaddi: That would be - but it won't have the official branding, will install side-by-side with firefox-3.0, and create lots of confusion.14:34
jedcSerbThug, which plug in do you want?14:34
kannan4kBrainE: I install a dependency of the perl that cause the broken dependency14:34
SerbThugjedc: java plugin14:35
GiddorahCould anyone please help me installing Ubuntu? It fails on the grub-installation step. Saying "Grub has failed to install on hd0. This is a serious error."14:35
pelliconwho can help me14:35
jedcSerbThug, from a terminal type "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin"14:36
kaddigrawity I see, thanks :)14:36
sy1bazhang there a few drivers there14:36
sy1but I do now know which to download14:36
swapyguys suggest me a good forum on software development14:36
jedc! ask | pellicon14:37
ubottupellicon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:37
jedc!ask | pellicon14:37
xand_hello all, is anybody having a sound issue since yesterday (reproduces only noise), even before the last kernel update ?14:37
bazhanghttp://www.linux-archive.org/ubuntu-user/289762-logitech-quickcam-communicate-stx.html sy1 check this14:38
StupidWeaselHumm is there a channel for Rythmbox? Or should I ask my questions in here?14:38
pelliconin my ubuntu-9.04 shell,woami=\hostname,why?14:38
rekbazhang Dr_Willis i'mm installing envyNG14:38
sy1bazhang I will look at it 1st14:38
sy1let me see if i can get it to work14:38
sy1Thanks a million14:38
vesaythHello. Does anyone have any idea why I cannot ping my home server even though I can access the websites running on it? It is running Jaunty 64 bit. Before it stopped working, I connected to it through openvpn and added an entry to push the local domain and then restarted the openvpn service, which is when the issues began to occur.14:39
=== Fox_1_ is now known as linux_am
StupidWeaselHumm, does your router or server ignore pings?14:40
StupidWeaselLots of routers do my default.14:40
vesaythStupidWeasel: I'm honestly not sure, I never had a reason to ping it before14:40
dfadsfhola tengo un problema con la maquina virtual box que no me deja abrirla14:40
dfadsfque puedo hacer14:40
SerbThugjedc: won`t work14:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=a1ba5d7f295e2c16219551db05f06d5c&t=646946&page=2 sy1 and this14:41
vesaythStupidWeasel: I only started trying to ping it when my openvpn connection to it stopped working14:41
MikeAffecHello peeps (thought ill install an irc)14:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp14:41
dfadsfque puedo hacer14:41
bazhangdfadsf, #ubuntu-es por espanol14:41
StupidWeaselHumm, i'd check your router configuration whilst you wait for a proper reply from one of the brainboxes in here.14:41
boss_mc!es | dfadsf14:41
ubottudfadsf: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:41
kaddito slow :p14:41
JeoTheLeoanyone know about the dark purple screen that flashes for a while before coming to a hault?14:41
sy1bazhang can the webcam link with the amsn ?14:42
vesaythStupidWeasel: Unfortunately i don't have physical access at the moment - the server is in Florida and I am in Mississippi >.>14:42
bazhangsy1, no idea never used msn14:42
sy1or pigdin ?14:42
jedcSerbThug, what happens?14:42
SerbThugnothing, it won`t display java apps14:42
SerbThugand I don`t see it under about:plugins14:43
rekdoesn't work hep bazang there's a problem in 8.0414:43
rekin9.04 sorry14:43
StupidWeaselAhh, it's behind a normal residential router though right vesayth?14:43
techie_Hello Guys ! Need help14:43
vesaythStupidWeasel: Correct, but it has the dd-wrt firmware14:43
bazhangrek, address your question to the channel, if someone knows they will respond. Please be patient14:43
StupidWeaselMmmhmm, I use dd-wrt as well. Fairly sure it defaults to ignoring pings.14:44
sy1I had cheese booth14:44
sy1that works14:44
techie_will Jaunty support my 512 MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD4570 graphic card14:44
StupidWeaselYou might be able to telnet into the router from your server.14:44
StupidWeaselAnd change the setting there?14:44
needhelpHello, any familar with capturing from a video camera ?14:44
vesaythOk, so it probably ignored pings even before my openvpn issues started14:44
vesaythI don't know if I have telnet set up for that14:45
vesaythfor that router14:45
sy1how to link cheese with pigdin ?14:45
grawitysy1: Pidgin does not support video.14:46
CrocoJethi for all ! How can I find device sound in ubuntu ? is something like /dev/???14:46
itrwDiscuss anything anonymously without registering an account at the only place on the Internet where grammar, spelling and punctuation actually matters: http://www.anontalk.com/ (or https://www.anontalk.com/ for immediate encryption). A definite bookmark for every smart Internet user! No annoying ads and 100% privacy.14:46
CrocoJethow can I found my default device sound at ubuntu 9.04 ?14:48
sy1grawity do you know any other software that will support voice and video ?14:48
sy1I have ekiga14:48
CrocoJetfound = find14:48
sy1I think that one work14:48
sy1right ?14:48
CrocoJetsy1, better skype for linux14:48
vesaythIn fact, I'm fairly confident I don't have ssh set up for my router14:49
StupidWeaselYou should have telnet by default.14:49
StupidWeaselSo unless you've disabled that, it's still enabled. SSH is disabled by default.14:49
sy1skype is not free right?14:49
grawitysy1: It is not.14:49
StupidWeaselFree as in free beer?14:50
StupidWeaselOr free as in freedom?14:50
grawitysy1: But it doe[BsBut if you still want it - it works on Linux too.14:50
grawitysy1: It's only free as in money (you do not have to pay anything)14:50
StupidWeaselYea. Skype is free-beer free.14:50
StupidWeaselBut closed source.14:50
llutzyou'll pay skype with parts of your privacy14:51
Dr_Williswife and her grandson talk on skype all day long.. :)14:51
bobbob1016If I want to up grade my HDD, I can just copy all the files, right?14:51
vesaythis there a specific port i should be using to telnet into my router?14:51
vesaythThe connection seems to be timing out14:52
Jyxt22 by default14:52
vesaythI thought 22 was ssh?14:52
Jyxterr 2314:52
Jyxtbeen years since ive thought about using telnet14:52
sy1hei all thanks for your help14:53
sy1I got to go14:53
sy1bye bye14:53
StupidWeaselBye sy1.14:53
vesaythstill seems to be timing out =\14:53
StupidWeaselSee you around =314:53
Dr_Willisim suprised the router supports telnet14:53
Al1could somebody help me with user settings? In option User privileges i can't tick the list what i want. How should i do that?14:53
sy1bazhang bye bye14:53
StupidWeaselvesayth: You may have disabled it without thinking then.14:53
vesaythDr_willis: it's running dd-wrt14:53
grawityJyxt: Speaking of telnet, I have seen someone in ##linux asking how to use rlogin.14:53
StupidWeaselshould be simple "telnet [IP Address]" from your servers commandline.14:54
Jyxtvesayth: is this router not local? chance the device is offline?14:54
vesaythStupidWeasel: I don't know why I would have, I just reset the router recently and the only things I did to it was changing the local domain and forwarding several ports14:54
Kartagisanybody can help me with gkrellm?14:54
soulwarpI am using this type writer to communicate with the television screen, but what is the box that ejects the cup holder for?14:54
vesaythJyxt: I can still access the web server running behind it so it can't be offline14:54
* StupidWeasel rolls eyes14:54
theatrosoulwarp, what?14:55
* Trijntje laughs14:55
* Jyxt snickers14:55
Al1How can i chand user privileges in User Settings? It won't let me do it!14:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i18n14:55
jribdoes anyone know how to "shift-insert" on a macbook (there's no insert key)?  I'm looking for some obscure key combination that works by default, not rebinding a new one14:55
theatroAl1, you want to do what exactly?14:55
MsMacojrib: what does shift+ins do?14:56
StupidWeaselBack later my waskly wabbits. I'm going to go play Crunch! with my brother.14:56
jshi. I saw that on karmic amd64, flash is used using nspluginwrapper? why that? is there a reason the native version isn't used?14:56
jribMsMaco: pastes current X clipboard14:56
Kartagisjrib, ctrl+v?14:56
MsMacojs: #ubuntu+114:56
jsMsMaco: ?14:56
PiciMsMaco: paste, it works in Windows too14:56
DexterFI need a distro with proper german i18n for a friend, kubuntu fails miserably here. what's the situation with ubuntu?14:56
MsMacojrib: middle mouse click?14:56
Al1tick use audio devices14:56
jsMsMaco: ah, ok :)14:56
jribKartagis: that uses a different clipboard.  i need to triple click on the touchpad which is annoying14:56
Jyxtjs not sure about ubuntu, but i know gentoo amd64 uses native build (recent since adobe put out a 64 bit flash plugin)14:56
Al1 theatro: use audio devices14:56
MsMacojs: the native version isnt released as final, i think14:56
vesaythyeah I can telnet in through port 80 and it forwards to my web server, which doesn't help me since that doesn't give me access to the whole machine14:56
jsMsMaco: yeah, but karmic uses a lot of alpha sw ;)14:57
MsMacojs: adobe only allows the final versions in the partner repo14:57
jribMsMaco: touchpad means triple click and also that it pastes where the mouse cursor is instead of where my text cursor is14:57
MsMacojs: adobe wont allow it14:57
MsMacojrib: triple click??14:57
jsMsMaco: huh?14:57
jribMsMaco: three finger click --sorry14:57
MsMacojs: adobe will not allow non-final versions of flash in the repository14:57
* jillsmitt http://itmages.ru/view.php?action=view&id=8668&key=4864e014:57
MsMacojs: that is their contract14:57
jsMsMaco: not even in the alpha repository?14:57
MsMacojs: no because then people would expect it to be in the released version of karmic14:58
jsflash really should just die…14:58
theatroAl1, when you run user settings does it ask you for password for administrative tasks?14:58
jseven moonlight is better14:58
MsMacojs: youtube has an html5 version available..14:58
Dr_Willisyes.. flash should dry up and die...14:58
Dr_WillisMsMaco:  thats a good sign. :)14:58
MsMacojrib: ooo you have one of the no-button touchpads?14:58
jsMsMaco: that unfortunately doesn't work with ff3.5 as it doesn't use theora :(14:58
jribMsMaco: it has one button :/14:58
ltcabral_how can i add my script to path to be able to run it from anywhere?14:58
jon_whats the best firewall program for ubuntu?14:59
vesaythI've been saying the same thing about MP3's as Ogg Vorbis is a much better format14:59
Al1theatro: yep, i give it and that's it14:59
vesaythbut I don't see that happening14:59
Dr_Willisltcabral_:  make a 'bin' directory in the users home dir.. when you next login it should add anything in that bin toyour default path14:59
jsworked fine on safari, though. way better than the flash crap.14:59
MsMacojon_: iptables is built in. if you want a gui, try gufw. if you just want a simpler command line interface, try ufw14:59
GiddorahSigh... Why isn't Ubuntu working?14:59
jon_MsMaco, ok thank you14:59
SmdGuys how do i reformat my ext3 drive to a ntfs14:59
GiddorahI mean... All other os'es work, just not Ubuntu14:59
jribMsMaco: command-click may or may not work for middle click but that does something else more important for me right now and I'd prefer it not involve the mouse anyway :)14:59
jsMsMaco: is there any way to get flash working with pulseaudio?15:00
guestadminGiddorah: anything specific15:00
vesaythSmd: sudo apt-get install gparted if you don't already have it15:00
MsMacojs: it should work automatically...15:00
dareGiddorah: one of thousands of possibilities..15:00
skmidry Uninstalling pulseaudio on my Jauntified laptop killed the sound15:00
theatroltcabral_, you can make a ~/bin directory and add ~/bin to your PATH15:00
vesayththen go to system -> administration -> partition editor15:00
SmdGparted says i cant unmount or anything lol its all greyed up15:00
MsMacoGiddorah: youre gonna need to be a bit more specific than "doesn't work"15:00
skmidryany tips on how to get alsa working again?15:00
Giddorahdare: But why did the last version work to install, but not 9,04?15:00
ltcabral_theatro: if i put the script in ~/bin does it add to path automatically?15:01
dareGiddorah: there are thousands of possible reasons. i cannot know which one15:01
jsMsMaco: sure doesn't. it tries to use alsa, fails, uses /dev/dsp and blocks everything15:01
=== Smd is now known as A
GiddorahMsMaco: I've been here since last night trying to get my installation to work, but it just simply will not install grub.15:01
* Dr_Willis points out that the default .profile allready adds ~/bin to the default path - if it exists.15:01
karexHI, i want to ask about SSH and `sshd'. How to make sshd inactive (stop) at login?15:01
ltcabral_ok thanks15:01
Dr_Willisltcabral_:  it does it automacially.. put scripts in ~/bin  :)15:01
vesaythSmd: are you trying to reformat the drive that you have running ubuntu?15:01
MsMacoskmidry: google up "jaunty faq" and click the ubuntu linux tips & tricks blog.. i have instructions on there15:01
=== A is now known as SMD
guestadminAnyone know why I can ONLY send files (AIM Linux) to my mothers windows computer (After deleting her firewall) but no one else?15:01
SMDVesayth: YEp LOL!15:02
SMDeverything must go15:02
dareGiddorah: I assume you have tried these steps already? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435115:02
vesaythsmd: then you're pretty much going to have to download the livecd for GParted and then reinstall Ubuntu15:02
jribMsMaco: ha, I started pressing random key combinations and Fn-shift-enter seems to do it!15:02
MsMacojs: which version of ubuntu? it should have routed to pulseaudio instead of dsp when it tried to use alsa directly...15:02
MsMacojrib: alrighty then15:02
SMDu sure15:02
vesaythsmd: or even just reinstall Ubuntu, it can reformat for you through there15:02
=== greyz is now known as greyz|sleep
MsMacojrib: maybe fn+enter is insert15:02
SMDhmmm thats effort15:03
=== magnetic_ is now known as foolano
vesaythsmd: 100%, you can't reformat a drive to another format without wiping the operating system on it15:03
SMDill use wine to gi want to wipe the os15:03
vesaythespecially from ext3 to ntfs15:03
MsMacovesayth: you can upgrade ext2 to ext3 or ext3 to ext415:03
SMDi need a program that is its own os15:03
MsMacoOH to a different family...yeah..no15:03
SMDlike magicpart did15:03
vesaythright but he wants ntfs15:03
vesaythI assume so he can access the drive from windows as well15:03
dareSMG: gparted does not work?15:03
MsMacoSMD: do you want to use ntfs as your system partition for ubuntu? or just a shared-data partition?15:04
MsMacoSMD: there are some weird bugs if you use ntfs for the system partition...15:04
SMDjus for windows15:04
SMDi got ubuntu on a good live server now15:04
SMDbut i need ms for work :(15:05
MsMacoSMD: and you are trying to convert to windows without losing the data on the system?15:05
darentfs-3g is too buggy for even non-os partitions, none of my files written with it in ubuntu show up in windows..15:05
SMDi dontcare about the data lol15:05
MsMacoSMD: oh..in that case.... windows's install cd can format a drive15:05
SMDit says it cant lol15:05
MsMacoSMD: they got rid of that?15:05
SMDall greyed out15:06
guestadminAnyone? Ive noticed to send AIM Linux uses ports 3813, 3836, 3859, 3919...etc random, only my mother can receive file transfers. Where do I start?15:06
SMDwindows 7 wont do it for some reason lol15:06
MsMacoguestadmin: no ports are blocked by default, so no need to be looking at that15:06
dareActually, the bug where ntfs-3g written files do not show up in windows has only appeared in vista/win7, they work with xp..15:06
MsMacoguestadmin: try toggling the option to route file transfers through AIM's servers15:06
jsMsMaco: karmic alpha 415:06
skmidryMsMaco: Will do. Tx.15:07
MsMacodare: that's because ntfs on xp and ntfs on vista/7 are diffrent filesystems15:07
guestadminMsMaco, thats what I dont understand, I couldnt send her anything untill I deleted "online Shield Firewall"15:07
dareMsMaco: i guessed so15:07
guestadminMs Maco:...ok looking15:07
MsMacojs: hmm dunno. but that's a #ubuntu+1 question. im running karmic too, but im using open source flash15:07
SMDim gonna try to format whith setuo.exe one last time15:07
Giddorahdare: Yes15:07
MsMacoguestadmin: what is "online shield firewall"?15:07
MsMacoguestadmin: maybe your other networking equipment (like router or modem) has a firewall? ubuntu has no rules by default though15:08
karexHI, i want to ask about SSH and `sshd'. How to make sshd inactive (stop) at login?15:08
Dr_Willisguestadmin:  you mean 'disable the windows firewall' :)15:08
dareMsMaco: which filesystem would you recommend that both win7 and ubuntu can natively use? fat32? :-D15:08
Picikarex: At login or at boot?15:08
MsMacodare: thats about it, unfortunately :-/15:08
Dr_Williskarex:  use some of the sysv tools to disable the sshd service from runlevel 2 normally15:08
Dr_Willis!info bum | karex15:08
ubottukarex: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB15:08
GiddorahI guess Ubuntu isn't for me. Thanks for all the help everyone who has tried! :)15:09
MsMacodare: there's no ext2 driver for newer-than-xp15:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about prftctr15:09
guestadminMsMaco: I meant Online Armor sorry15:09
Dr_WillisI couldent find any ext2 driver  for win7 that worked...15:09
rblstcan anyone help me set up dual screen with intel 82852/855GM card in jaunty?15:09
karexPici: at boot (maybe)15:09
rayno_bHi there, I need to forward all connections to an ubuntu server on a specific port to another IP address.  Can anyone assist me with this?15:09
Lol___can anyone help me where with bad alloc error while playing videos on vlc15:09
MsMacoDr_Willis: there isnt one. the win-ext2 driver is xp only15:09
guestadminDr_Willis: I completely uninstalled it15:09
Picikarex: sudo update-rc.d ssh remove15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about perftctr15:10
MsMacorayno_b: do you know iptables syntax?15:10
Picirashed2020: What are you looking for?15:10
rashed2020Anyone know what perfctr does? I can't find any good sites on it15:10
guestadminMsMaco (She is Windows 2000 tho)15:10
rayno_bMsMaco - A little - with webmin's help.  I know how to do NAT, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.15:10
Lol___can anyone help me where with bad alloc error while playing videos on vlc? this is exact error http://pastebin.com/m7e7646e15:10
guestadminDr_Willis: She is Windows 2000 tho, Ive never been able to try with someone on linux15:10
rashed2020Pici: Perfctr. I wanna know what it is and how to install it (Sysadmin class *blegh*). I was up all night compiling kernel after kernel trying to get it to work with no use.15:11
MsMacoguestadmin: so maybe the firewall issue's on her end?15:11
Dr_Willisguestadmin:  i dont use windows much any more.. but if the firewall blocks stuff.. then it blocks stuff.. what was the actual question? I forgot what it was.15:11
karexPici: is your way and Dr_Willis' way the same?15:11
vesaythSo I don't seem to be able to telnet in to my home router through the default port or any other ports that I could think might've worked. I don't suppose I have any other options?15:11
Picikarex: Thats what bum does essentially, so yes.15:11
kaddihi, i'm looking into collecting debug info for the random intel-related freezes I get on this machine.  https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test I found these instructions, but I have 2 questions as I use kubuntu. The first one would be in step 4: How can I change my settings so that kdm is always started with intel_debug=batch on boot? and second in step 7: what is the kdm equivalent of requesting the following logs:15:12
kaddisudo cp /var/log/gdm/\:0.log dri_debug/gdm.log15:12
rblstcan anyone help me set up dual screen with intel 82852/855GM card in jaunty?15:12
Picirashed2020: From a quick look, it looks to be something thats only included on the sparc kernels.15:12
th0rvesayth: might try ssh instead of telnet?15:12
guestadminDr_Willis: Basically i cannot transfer any files, except to her, not to any other windows or mac, Im guessing AIM1 uses an old set of ports that most computers wont recogniz?15:12
darevesayth: I don't think your router exposes telnet interface over the internet15:12
vesaythth0r: I don't currently have ssh enabled on that router15:13
grawityguestadmin: There is no such thing as "old set of ports that most computers wont recognize"15:13
grawityguestadmin: It might be a difference between the old and new AIM clients though.15:13
nmvictor1hi, i got a problem with vlc in my ubuntu 8.10 system.I changed the interface from native to skin and it worked for a good until recently where it starts with an error loading the skin and displays a choose skin file dialog.15:13
guestadmingrawity: Well there goes my theory ;)15:13
MsMacoguestadmin: try the through-AIM-servers thing15:13
Dr_Willisguestadmin:  theres other ways to transfer files  then AIM. I dont use any of the IM clients - so cant help. I tend to  use the drop.io web site to transfer files   to other people.15:13
grawityguestadmin: What IM client are you using?15:13
rblstcan anyone help me set up dual screen with intel 82852/855GM card in jaunty?15:14
armenceIf I downloaded some sources using the package manager, where can I find the sources?15:14
guestadmingravity: Hmm I did get it to work on atleat hers tho with AIM 6.5, I use AIM 1.515:14
rayno_bHi there, I need to forward all connections to an ubuntu server on a specific port to another IP address.  Can anyone assist me with this?15:14
grawityguestadmin: Any reasons for using such an old thing?15:14
guestadmingrawity ;) newest supported official Linux client15:15
karexDr_Willis: where's sshd in this list (BUM)?15:15
grawityguestadmin: Why not, for example, Pidgin or Empathy?15:15
Dr_Williskarex:  openssh, or sshd. i think15:15
grawitykarex: openssh-server15:15
IdleOneDr_Willis, I tried drop.io ( saw you mention it a couple days ago ) it is a little limited in file size. have you tried Pando and do you know if there is a linux version?15:15
Dr_Willislogically the thing with 'ssh' inthe name.. hehe15:15
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  no idea. i rarely need more then the 200mb drop.io limit.15:16
guestadmingrawity: Like the old basic interface better, Im not one for newer stuff, still a terminal addict as well15:16
MsMacorayno_b: try "sudo ufw enable" then edit /etc/ufw/before.rules  you want to add a line starting with "-A ufw-before-forward" following a pattern like http://www.meffie.org/albums/misc01/squirrel_maco_and_jorge.jpg15:16
MsMacorayno_b: no wrong link15:16
FloodBot3MsMaco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:16
grawityguestadmin: Hmm. Could you try sending something to me, for example?15:16
guestadminMsMaco: where is the AIM servers tig?15:16
rblstcan anyone help me set up dual screen with intel 82852/855GM card in jaunty?15:16
MsMacorayno_b: copy and paste fail! http://www.hackorama.com/network/portfwd.shtml15:16
guestadmingrawity sure15:16
grawityguestadmin: grawity@gmail.com, send anything random15:17
rayno_bWill try MsMaco - Thank you.15:17
Dr_WillisBUM has 'Allows users to securely log into the machine remotely'  "ssh"   -> thats the one for ssh. :)15:17
guestadmingrawity ?I can send email, just not "AIM File Transfer" ;)15:18
karexgrawity, Dr_Willis, Pici: there's only ssh: Allows users securely to log into the machine remotely (?)15:18
grawityguestadmin: Um, that is my AIM account :)15:18
Dr_Williskarex:  thats what it says here in BUM.   for me.15:18
grawityguestadmin: I do have an older one, just 'grawity', in case AIM doesn't accept that one.15:18
Picikarex: Yes, thats the ssh service.15:18
guestadmingrawity, ah, ok15:18
Dr_Williskarex:  seems rather clear thats the SSH service .15:18
MsMacoguestadmin: edit accoutn -> advanced15:18
MsMacoguestadmin: check "always use AIM/ICQ proxy server"15:19
grawityMsMaco: He's using the official AIM client, not Pidgin.15:19
MsMacograwity: oh. O_o uuhhhh15:19
guestadmingrawity "Desi......"Will send shortly15:19
Sweet_limei get timeout error message on ubuntu 2.6.28-15-server when I am trying to copy files over LAN ? any Idea how to increase timeout?15:20
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:20
marvitcome va?15:20
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:20
Dr_WillisThe Official AIm client for Linux - is so old.. its scary.. im suprised it even works.15:20
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:21
guestadmingrawity sending15:21
bazhangmarvit, #ubuntu-it for italian15:21
vesaythI don't think I could ever use the original AIM client ever again - Pidgin just works so great even in Windows15:21
grawityguestadmin: Well, it seemed to work.15:21
=== Guest28763 is now known as notwist
vesaythit's nice having everything consolidated into one client also15:21
* grawity changes something.15:21
* Dr_Willis wonders if meebo.com can send files via AIM15:21
Sweet_limei get timeout error message on ubuntu 2.6.28-15-server when I am trying to copy files over LAN ? any Idea how to increase timeout?15:22
IdleOnevesayth, are you able to send and receive files from pidgin to aim or yahoo clients for windows?15:22
Mean_Adminso I think I'm trying to load a driver using modprobe, but I get FATAL: Error inserting snd_atiixp (/a/path/): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)15:22
karexHI, how to enable USB autosuspend? adding usbcore.autosuspend=1 at boot cmdline doesn't seem to work15:22
vesaythIdleOne: Yes15:22
IdleOnevesayth, did you do anything special? I can't send or recieve files in yahoo15:23
Mean_Adminand dmesg is saying snd_atiixp: Unknown parameter `model'15:23
guestadminMsMaco, seems my version is too old for those settings :( but thanks15:23
vesaythIdleOne: Nope, always worked right out of the box for me15:23
MsMacoguestadmin: those were pidgin directions15:23
rblstcan anyone help me set up dual screen with intel 82852/855GM card in jaunty?15:23
guestadminMaMaco ah15:23
MsMacoguestadmin: i didnt know anyone used aol's linux client15:23
thiebaude!dual screen15:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual screen15:23
guestadmingrawity: hmm and you use pidgin?15:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualscreen15:24
grawityguestadmin: Yes15:24
Sweet_limei get timeout error message on ubuntu 2.6.28-15-server when I am trying to copy files over LAN ? any Idea how to increase timeout?15:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual15:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about duel15:24
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:24
dualI'm here15:24
armenceCan anyone tell me where sources are stored?15:24
dualBut I'm afraid I can't help with dual screen15:24
thiebaudeIdleOne, there is a program that sets up dual screen, but i dont know the name of it15:24
jonny_b1Hi all,FireFox 3.5 continuously crashing.flash block and script installed but still the same15:24
Piciarmence: What kind of sources?15:24
grawityarmence: Might be /etc/apt/sources.list, depending on what you want.15:25
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1215:25
guestadmingrawity: Interesting, well I'm stumped I have so far found no logical pattern in the transfer problems15:25
thiebaudei got it15:25
armencePici: Source files for my libc15:25
vesaythtry this15:25
vesayth!dual monitors15:25
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:25
thiebauderblst, you try xrandr?15:25
Piciarmence: They're not on your computer, you'd need to apt-get source packagename or if you just want to compile something else that needs the headers, use the build-essential metapackage.15:26
Sweet_limei get timeout error message on ubuntu 2.6.28-15-server when I am trying to copy files over LAN ? any Idea how to increase timeout?15:26
armencePici: I got the glibc-source package...15:26
armencePici: I just can't find where the files are15:26
Piciarmence: dpkg -L glibc-source15:27
savidThis is really weird.  I can't restart compiz using "compiz --replace" because I get an error,   but I can restart compiz by going through the appearance preferences tool.   I looked at the source code for how the appearance prefs dlg does it,  and all it does is call "compiz --replace"  :-P15:27
ltcabrali added a script to ~/bin and reloged but it didnt take effect: says its not found!!15:27
raymondjtothhi there how i get new build of firefox installed for ubuntu 9.0415:27
armencePici: thanks15:28
raymondjtothneed the fixes15:28
Snake23savid: "killall compiz && nohup compiz &" should work15:28
rblstcan anyone help me set up dual screen with intel 82852/855GM video card in jaunty?15:28
raymondjtothauto update dont give me update for it15:28
theatroltcabral, is it executable?15:28
IdleOnerblst, try xrandr15:28
raymondjtothany oned15:28
raymondjtothsee my text15:28
theatroltcabral, echo $PATH returns ~/bin ?15:29
ltcabraltheatro: yes... i can run it but using full path15:29
raymondjtothguess not15:29
IdleOneraymondjtoth, yes15:29
Sweet_limei get timeout error message on ubuntu 2.6.28-15-server when I am trying to copy files over LAN ? any Idea how to increase timeout?15:29
raymondjtothIdleOne what i do15:29
ltcabraltheatro: not really... /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games15:29
sebsebseb!ff35 |  raymondjtoth15:29
ubotturaymondjtoth: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY15:29
Snake23Sweet_lime:  what do you mean by "over LAN"15:29
theatroltcabral, run this: source ~/.profile and try to run the script again15:29
rashed2020Guys, how do I make it so my menu.lst specifications are carried on to the next kernel installation15:30
IdleOneraymondjtoth, be patient, ask your question in one post and not spread out over 20 lines and be patient15:30
savidSnake23,  should... but I get the same error when I even run compiz by itself:  http://dpaste.com/82146/15:30
ltcabraltheatro: bash: /home/users/luist/.profile: No such file or directory15:31
rblstthiebaude, IdleOne: yes, i'm trying it with xrand: http://pastebin.com/d217c1d6e15:31
raymondjtothIdleOne,  were how to install it15:31
raymondjtothbot page dont give inbstall15:31
theatroltcabral, ah thats why15:31
AntiStrangeHow long are posts on pastebin sites stored?  specifically pastebin.com15:31
thiebauderblst, ok15:31
IdleOneraymondjtoth, use Synaptic package Manager15:31
grawityAntiStrange: I think you choose when pasting - day, month, forever.15:31
raymondjtothIdleOne,  ok i see 3.0 checked do i want to uncheck that then 3.5 checked15:32
theatroltcabral, in .profile there is a code snipet that adds ~/bin to your path if the directory exists15:32
raymondjtothi see both15:32
Al1Can somebody tell me y I can't change user setting and how should i do it?15:32
ltcabraltheatro: ok so how do i add it manually?15:32
savidSnake23,  so for whatever reason, I can't restart compiz via cmdline,  but the appearance prefs can restart compiz just fine...   I'm trying to be able to restart from cmdline because I need compiz to reload my xmodmap from time to time15:32
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: you can install shiretoko from the repo15:32
IdleOneraymondjtoth, no15:32
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: the version of Shiretoko is basically Firefox 3.5  except for  it not having the Firefox logo15:32
raymondjtothIdleOne,  and sebsebseb want to do it right never did browser update15:32
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
grawitysavid: What does compiz say when replacing manually? Have you tried killing it first?15:33
raymondjtothi want firefox logo also15:33
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: the version of Shiretoko that is in the repo is what I just said15:33
=== Cripps is now known as eurythmia
theatroltcabral, cp /etc/skel/.profile ~15:33
raymondjtothsebsebseb,  how i do that15:33
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: the Firefox that came with 9.04  won't  be upgraded to  Firefox 3.5  or  later in 9.0415:33
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto15:33
raymondjtothsebsebseb,  then how i do it15:33
raymondjtothso i do it right15:33
savidgrawity:  http://dpaste.com/82146/    yes, I've killed it15:34
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: you will however  have a  later version of  Firefox by default when the next   version of Ubuntu is released at the end of October15:34
raymondjtothsebsebseb,  i like to keep up with uptodate stuff15:34
raymondjtoththat why im aksing15:34
Al1How can i change a Users Settings?15:34
ltcabraltheatro: thanks... ill relog again15:34
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: well  Ubuntu  tends to always be a bit behind when it comes to later versions of major packages,  but  there are ppa's for most major stuff anyway,  not for this however as far as I know15:35
Al1how can i change Users Settings?15:35
theatroAl1, you want to add a user to the audio group?15:35
kitplyhi everyone, i have detected a security exception. relating to the OS logon password in ubuntu 8.10. i actually typed a wrong login password by omitting a special charecter at the end15:35
raymondjtothsebsebseb,  how i get the ppa for intel wireless update driver15:35
kitplybut still ubunt was able to log me in15:35
raymondjtothi have a dell e1505 and like all the new driver i cqan get15:35
raymondjtothcan sorry typo im austic person15:35
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: ppa's for Intel wireless drivers,  not sure about that15:35
Pici!latest | raymondjtoth15:35
ubotturaymondjtoth: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.15:35
kitplythe password with the special charecter and without it at the end works15:36
thiebaudePici, i agree15:36
sebsebsebPici: oh didn't know that factoid existed thanks,  that seems like a good factoid15:36
raymondjtothsebsebseb,  should i use pre release stuff15:36
Picisebsebseb: Its quite handy.15:36
Al1theatro: no i want to tick use audio devices in user privileges and it won't let me15:36
kitplyis nt this a security exception, or is this a know bug in ubuntu15:36
grawitykitply: How long is your password (including the characters)?15:36
sebsebsebPici: the factoid you mean?15:36
Picisebsebseb: Indeed.15:36
raymondjtothPici,  should i use pre release for newest driver15:36
grawitykitply: And does the same trick work in console logins?15:36
Piciraymondjtoth: Not if you want your system to be stable.15:36
Al1Prasak: cose i can't hear sound15:36
kitplygrawity: it works for synaptic also15:37
raymondjtothpici i love to have all the new driver15:37
grawitykitply: How long is it?15:37
raymondjtothso im uptodate and have all the fixes\15:37
sebsebsebPici: yep  it will be useful15:37
raymondjtoththis is 2 pc15:37
ltcabralwhat permissions should i give to my script in ~/bin???15:37
Piciraymondjtoth: Linux is not Windows, new drivers on Linux are often untested.15:37
grawityltcabral: Read and execute.15:37
g3org3sHello .. i have a server running ubuntu desktop ... i want to acces it remotly, see the desktop , how can i do taht ?15:37
grawityltcabral: 0755, probably.15:37
raymondjtothpici understand i love to get new one on linux to try15:37
theatroAl1, can you run user settings with gksudo ?15:37
kitplygrawity: its about 11 charecters including the final special char15:37
grawitykitply: I have a bad feeling it gets trimmed to a certain length....15:37
raymondjtothso can get it fixed and tell other how to15:38
th0rg3org3s: vnc15:38
grawitykitply: What is that special char?15:38
ltcabralgrawity: only i am executing the script tho15:38
lightnesshi one question: in my wireless settings i have something called " Wireless -- Bridge" what is it?15:38
Al1Prasak: what is that?15:38
kitplygrawity: it is an exclaimation15:38
g3org3sth0r can you give me some details ? or link ? plz ..15:38
raymondjtothpici is the prerelease the new driver?15:38
Piciraymondjtoth: We cannot support drivers outside of our repositories.15:38
Piciraymondjtoth: I don't know what you mean by 'prerelease'15:38
th0rg3org3s: just a sec15:38
g3org3sth0r thank you =)15:38
raymondjtothpici prerelease15:39
kitplyGrawity: is there a max limit to the password ubuntu accepts15:39
Piciraymondjtoth: What prerelease?15:39
=== bayu is now known as Co
raymondjtothpre-release pici15:39
rashed2020Anyone kind enough to write me a teeny tiny awk script?15:39
th0rg3org3s: http://www.homecncfun.com/blog/2009/05/20/how-to-setup-a-full-graphic-login-via-vnc-on-ubuntu-jaunty/15:39
thiebaudehi jono15:39
rashed2020Actually, nvm. That wouldn't help.15:39
kitplygrawity: or is it that an exclaimation mark at the end is nullified ..15:39
Piciraymondjtoth: I don't know what you are referring to.  Where are you seeing this?15:39
raymondjtothin software source15:39
raymondjtoth!pici prerelease15:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pici prerelease15:40
raymondjtoth!pici pre-release15:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:40
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:40
Piciraymondjtoth: stop15:40
raymondjtothpici ok15:40
thiebaudewrong one15:40
Piciraymondjtoth: Do you mean the proposed repository?15:40
g3org3sth0r tahnks ... working on it :)15:40
raymondjtothpici pre-released i mean15:41
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: You can install Firefox 3.5 or later directly from Mozilla into 9.04, but not much point really I guess,  since it's  recommended to  only  get stuff from outside the repo when you  have a valid reason to.   and   as far as I know about the only differences between   Firefox  3.5  directly  from   Mozilla   and  Shiretoko  from the repo,   is   the name,  user agent string  (Shiretoko rather than Firefox),  and  the logo.15:41
grawitykitply: It seems to be. I don't know why, though.15:41
kitplygrawity: is this a known bug or something. can this be rectified?15:41
jonohey thiebaude15:41
=== Co is now known as co
raymondjtothpici pre-released15:41
raymondjtothunder update to check15:41
Al1theatro: i don't know what is it15:41
Piciraymondjtoth: Thosre are untested. You can enable it, but it will pull in other untested software and may not even include updated software for your devices.15:42
grawitykitply: I suggest submitting a bug report in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ because I'm interested too. (There seems to be a limit of 10 characters)15:42
rob0917is xubuntu supported here ?15:42
thiebaude9.10 is pre-release15:42
raymondjtothpici o ok can i try these unsupported update15:42
Picirob0917: It is, but you'll probably find more specific xfce related xubuntu support in #xubuntu15:42
kitplygrawity: for another user on the same machine i have a password that is 12 charecters long!15:43
Piciraymondjtoth: Thats up to you, I cannot make that decision for you.15:43
raymondjtoth!raymondjtoth unsupported update15:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
raymondjtothpici what is unsupported update15:43
Piciraymondjtoth: Stop putting exclamation points before your statements.15:43
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: as for backports and proposed,  most users  really don't need those enabled15:43
kitplygrawity: but it doesnt accept wrong passwords15:43
=== co is now known as Co
raymondjtothpici pre-released15:44
grawitykitply: What if you use a different character instead of !15:44
Piciraymondjtoth: What?15:44
kitplygrawity: let me try it out15:44
raymondjtothpici what is unsupported update15:44
theatroAl1, take a snapshot of your version of this please and put it to imagebin.org    http://www.techotopia.com/images/0/03/Ubuntu_linux_user_privileges2.jpg15:44
karexHI, how to enable USB autosuspend?15:44
Piciraymondjtoth: Its for packages that were released in a new version of Ubuntu that were copied into your version of Ubuntu.15:44
Pici!backports | raymondjtoth15:44
ubotturaymondjtoth: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:44
kitplygrawity: nope it gives authentication failure. for an @ symbol15:45
raymondjtothpici so pre-release is new build of drivers right15:45
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: drivers tend not to get updated in the repos at all,  well   the Ubuntu repos only do security updates15:45
kitplygrawity: i guess this could be a bug15:45
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: the standard ones15:45
Piciraymondjtoth: Not necessarily.  There is no guarantee that there are new drivers in that repository.15:45
raymondjtothbut oici there in pre-release right if any15:46
g3org3sth0r i encountered a problem as i tried using nomachine before .... there you go http://pastebin.com/m41cb8ce515:46
resnoI am trying to grep a bunch of folders, for specfic text file. I dont know the name, how should i do it?15:46
Piciraymondjtoth: They go into 'pre-release' as they're being tested, so they might break your system.15:46
Piciraymondjtoth: Once they're approved, they move into -updates15:46
wxjeacen_man grep15:46
raymondjtothpici so pre-released is new driver ok might try them15:46
th0rg3org3s: synaptic is trying to fix nx...uninstall nx...you won't need it at this time15:47
Piciresno: grep -R 'string' /path/to/files/*15:47
thiebauderaymondjtoth, i got something for you, http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html15:47
resnothanks Pici15:47
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: newer is not always better,   also if things  aren't on a stable final  release,  well expect  to  get issues with that maybe15:47
g3org3sth0r can u give me the command to do that plz ?15:47
thiebauderaymondjtoth, lastest isn't always the greatest15:48
bullhoundhow to make a exe file ask for my permission??15:48
raymondjtothi now but fix stuff15:48
th0rg3org3s: try 'sudo apt-get remove nx'...but I am not sure what package exactly you installed15:48
theatroltcabral, everything ok now?15:49
noiiI've been describing a problem I've been having with my network connection under 9.04 recently here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7805637#post780563715:49
th0rg3org3s: whether that command works or not...we can for the time being ignore the error messaqe you got as it won't affect us at this time.15:49
raymondjtothok ty15:49
ltcabraltheatro: yeah just made it work properly.. thanks very much15:49
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: not sure about Intel wireless, but   one way round problem  wireless  cards,  that tends to work  (or  well  would work if people know what to do)   is  using ndiswrapper and  the Windows driver,   of course doing it natively  (using a program that is wirtten for Linux in this case)  is  better    really  than  using  Ndiswrapper,   but  I guess whatever works15:49
noiishould I be trying to work out how to file a bug report next?15:49
th0rg3org3s: on the remote server you type 'x11vnc -display :0'15:50
raymondjtothsebsebseb,  how i install the new ubuntu 9.04 intel wireless driver15:50
th0rg3org3s: then on the local machine you type 'vncviewer <serverIP>:0'15:51
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: and don't   expect  some driver  for your Intel wireless in the backports or propsed repo,  that's not how Ubuntu works15:51
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: Is there one?  Do you know for sure that there is a driver for Linux?15:51
raymondjtothsebsebseb, intel show ones15:51
Piciraymondjtoth: We are not intel.15:51
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: Is it for Ubuntu 9.04?15:52
th0rbullhound: please don't send PMs with your question15:52
bullhound[thor] ok15:52
bullhound[thor] can u tell me how to do that?15:52
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: If you  install drivers from outside the Ubuntu repo,  you can also bump into problems.15:53
TyZzanHmm... im new to ubuntu and so far im quite impressed :)15:53
th0rg3org3s: there are two 'vnc's' if you will...x11vnc shows the desktop that the user at the other end is working on. vnc4server can be used instead, and will create a totally separate desktop for the remote user15:53
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: also if drivers are closed source,  only the companies that made them, can suppourt you with them properly15:53
th0rbullhound: there are no exe files in linux15:53
raymondjtothsebsebseb i see there one for linux15:53
saeed_a useful link15:54
thiebauderaymondjtoth, does your current video driver work?15:54
FloodBot3saeed_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
raymondjtoththie i love all new driver15:54
bullhound[th0r] i mean the exe files get executed automatically with wine15:54
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: Have you even been to  system >  admistaration > hardware drivers,  to  see if there is a driver available?    Altough I think that's mainly for  Nivida and  ATI graphics cards, but still.15:54
raymondjtothsebseb i got a ipw394515:54
asushi all15:54
asusneed help15:54
g3org3sth0r im following :) .. trying and insttalling15:54
th0rbullhound: not sure how to do that in gnome, I don't use gnome so am not real familiar with it15:54
FloodBot3saeed_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
DJones!ops | saeed_15:55
ubottusaeed_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:55
asusi need help15:55
sebsebseb!details |  asus15:55
ubottuasus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:55
raymondjtothsebseb i got a ipw394515:55
thiebaudesaeed_, stop spamming15:55
raymondjtothnothing comes up15:55
asuswhy i can/t install matlab2009a on ubuntu8.1015:55
th0rg3org3s: the vncviewer is installed by default, so unless you want to run separate desktops on the server you have x11vnc and vncviewer ready to go15:55
sebsebsebthiebaude: he got kicked15:55
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: the driver or the card?15:56
thiebaudecool, thanks15:56
asusno problem15:56
raymondjtothsebsebseb drivers15:56
asusi can install on ubuntu9.04.15:56
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: in  hardware drivers in Ubuntu  it's there?15:56
asusbut not on 8.1015:56
asusseb seb seb ,why??15:56
raymondjtothsebsebseb nothing15:56
g3org3sth0r i use the command on my computer , didnt work , proposed to isntall vnc4...15:56
g3org3snow finishing the tutorial you sent me15:56
asusi have .hard ware,.15:56
asussebsebseb,give me your email15:57
sebsebsebasus: uhmm?   you can install program on 9.04, but not 8.10? or did you mean the other way round15:57
sebsebsebasus: No I don't think so15:57
sebsebsebasus: to giving out an email just like that15:57
asusyes ,i do install on 9,04,but can't install on 8.10..15:57
asusi can run matlab2009 on 9,0415:57
raymondjtothseb understand me15:57
jimi_ist jemand hier?15:58
th0rg3org3s: can you ssh to the remote computer, the server?15:58
thiebaudejimi_, nein15:58
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:58
=== Josie is now known as Josie-lunch
sebsebsebasus: so  you  had 9.04 on, and then downgraded to 8.10  (upgraded in certain ways :D )15:58
g3org3sth0r i just rebooted it ask asked ... now , i connect with vncviewer <serverIP>:0 ??15:58
g3org3sth0r oh i need to start it first after rebbot ?15:58
th0rg3org3s: no...wait.15:58
asusnop,i have 2 hard drives.15:59
th0rg3org3s: first question, is the server there near you where you can get to it?15:59
sebsebsebraymondjtoth: ok the driver is avaialble in hardware drivers in Ubuntu?15:59
asusi have 2 operation system ,one is 8.10.anthoer one is 9.0415:59
asussebsebseb,my 8.10 have AWN,15:59
g3org3sth0r no ... its in a server room ... i bought it online16:00
sebsebsebasus: your  dual booting 8.10 and 9.04, or you got Windows on there as well,  by the way  how come  you still got 8.10?16:00
asusdrive have no problem16:00
th0rg3org3s: ok...can you ssh or telnet to it? You need to get to a cli prompt on the server and start x11vnc with the command 'x11vnc -display :0'16:00
sebsebsebasus: you can't install programs in 9.04, because the package manager is broken?16:01
asusbecause 8,10 support chinese .my 9.04 have no chinese input16:01
g3org3sth0r i am connected to it thry putty ... from my windows pc , and i have ubuntu on my laptop16:01
mjjselamun aleyküm16:01
sebsebsebasus: that seems odd,   I   am pretty sure that 9.04  should have Chinese language support as well16:01
g3org3sth0r i will try now x11vnc -display :016:01
Mean_AdminI got some modproble issues where apparently, "snd_atiixp: Unknown parameter `model"16:01
th0rg3org3s: if all goes well, you won't really see anything happen on the server, you will just go right back to the cli prompt16:01
g3org3sth0r do i need to sudo it ?16:01
th0rg3org3s: no sudo16:01
asusand now ,I'm use xbuntu ,to chat with you.still have no chinese language support16:01
asusyes ,9.04 have no awn,not good16:02
sebsebsebasus: on the Live CD,  there are loads of languages that can be selected16:02
Al1I have NVIDIA X Server. The problem is that every time i turn on comp i need set resolution. How should i save it forever?16:02
sebsebsebasus: you can also have AWN   in 9.0416:02
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy16:02
g3org3sth0r *** x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: ":0", it cannot continue.16:02
g3org3s*** There may be "Xlib:" error messages above with details about the failure.16:02
th0rg3org3s: once x11vnc is running on the server, go to the laptop and issue the command 'vncviewer <serverIP>:0'16:02
sebsebsebawe:   maybe Pici or someone like that should upgrade that factoid still talking about gutsy,   well it says it's in multiverse for Gutsy, so I guess  same thing for 9.0416:03
sebsebseb!find awn16:03
ubottuFound: awn-applets-c-core, awn-applets-c-extras, awn-applets-python-core, awn-applets-python-extras, awn-manager (and 11 others)16:03
sebsebseb!info awn16:03
ubottuPackage awn does not exist in jaunty16:03
thiebaudeasus, language support from the menu16:03
asuscan i?i have no good network,i 'm access internet by  ->pppconfig,-->,"pon "16:03
th0rg3org3s: sounds like there is no X on the server. On the server give the command 'ps ax | grep X' and see if you find a line with /usr/bin/X :016:03
Picisebsebseb: I'll take a look at it16:04
asusyou know,i've not good network support.16:04
g3org3sth0r 4167 pts/0    D+     0:00 grep X16:04
=== Fringe is now known as guy2
kitplygrawity: i have filed a bug #4154430 in launch pad16:04
sebsebsebPici: good :)   by the way last time I looked the  !windows factoid had some mistake in it16:04
platypus03hello, is it true that the default 32bit generic kernel only supports 3GB of RAM? I've looked around and people seemed to have solved it by using a server or PAE kernel16:04
g3org3sth0r that's all i got16:04
asussebsebseb,did you hear me?16:04
=== guy2 is now known as Fringe
th0rg3org3s: if that is all you got then there is no X11 on the server, which doesn't surprise me. Usually a commercial server won't have a desktop environment installed16:05
thiebaudePici, how do i report a factoid mistake?16:05
g3org3sth0r please tell me i can isntall it ?16:05
kitplygrawity: #41543016:05
felipe__@find zebrahead16:05
sebsebsebasus: I think  it's called awn-manager what you want to install into 9.04,  by the way  some people say Cairo dock is better16:05
kitplysrry this si the bug number16:05
asusok.i try16:06
Picithiebaude: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots#Using%20Ubottu16:06
th0rg3org3s: I don't know...don't know what distro (if any) the server is running, and don't know if you have true root access to the server.16:06
th0rg3org3s: that really is an issue you should take up with the people you rented the server from16:06
sebsebsebasus: you don't need to pm   that,   you can do your thanks and such in here16:06
g3org3sth0r i have root access .. its an ubuntu destop 8.1016:06
th0rg3org3s: Just a sec16:07
platypus03anyone know what the limit on memory is for the ubuntu 32bit generic kernel?16:07
g3org3sth0r tyt :)16:07
sebsebsebasus: I would prefer to do the Ubuntu stuff with you, in here16:07
Total_Oblivionhow can i port forward deluge?16:07
th0rg3org3s: try this....a quick and easy shot....type 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'16:08
sebsebsebasus: Also a lot of the time it can be good to ask a qustion in here,   rather than pm, for differnet answers16:08
th0rg3org3s: if it works it will have to download a bunch of stuff16:09
g3org3sth0r 240 mb of updates/intall stuff , i just launched it :)16:09
bill_i some help with gnomepilot ... i have ubuintu 9.04 and installed the app gnomepilot and i dont see it anywhere in the menu16:09
thiebaudeasus, and other people might be having the same problem as you, or can learn16:09
sebsebsebasus: I am not sure how to answer that question, so better to ask in here16:10
th0rg3org3s: not sure if it is necessary, but I would reboot the server after the install is complete. Then log back in, and at the prompt issue 'ps ax | grep X' and see if you find a line with /usr/bin/X :016:10
g3org3sth0r okay :) will do that ... hope you are staying around for a while :p16:10
asus my OS,which i use now,is installed in a 8 GB flash disk,but the system can't detect the massive hard drive which in in the coumputer16:11
asus<asus> when i install this xbuntu,i took away the hard drive.16:11
raginghawkhejhej.. tänkte. kan man kolla om någon har suttit vid datorn medans man har varit på jobbet och datorn har varit påslagen. bara en svart skärm från att kunna pillra på.16:11
asusnow ,can any hank mount my hard drive ??16:11
norpan111raginghawk,   här får man bara prata engelska16:11
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:11
th0rg3org3s: for a bit. Have to tell you there are a lot of things that can go wrong as we try this...so be prepared <smile>16:11
sebsebsebraginghawk: kind of interesting Swedish off topic there16:11
norpan111Yeah thats what i just told him ;D16:11
Pici!se | raginghawk16:11
raginghawkok.. thanks.16:11
ubotturaginghawk: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se16:11
sebsebsebPici: beat me to it :D16:11
platypus03anyone know what the limit on memory is for the ubuntu 32bit generic kernel?16:12
bill_platypus03, 4 gig16:12
norpan111raginghawk,  is it just a black screen? u can not do anything?16:12
platypus03bill_, you would assume so but its locked at 3GB16:12
platypus03lots of others have this issue16:12
Sonata-ArcticaBye bye beautiful! Bye bye beautiful!16:12
raginghawknorpan111, its like a black screensaver16:12
kermosplatypus03: that's because your peripherals also need memory16:12
kermosplatypus03: Imagine you have a cake, 4 gigs in size16:13
raginghawkin swedish its called skärmsläckare16:13
duerFanyone know how to get a localized version of firefox on Jaunty ?16:13
bill_platypus03, depends on the board and chipset ... most will see 3GB ... some will see up to 3.25GB ....16:13
kermosplatypus03: now your video card may have 512 megs of RAM, to address that memory, 512megs of addressable space need to be reserved for that16:13
platypus03bill_, is it using part of that memory for video?16:13
kermosplatypus03: your just reduced it from 4 gigs to 3.5 gigs16:13
bill_platypus03,  the difference between 3GB and 4GB is that much for performanced16:13
bill_plat if you have onboard it might be16:14
platypus03bill_, I understand however I am running some VM's within it16:14
platypus03and I need to dedicate a decent chunk of system memory for it16:14
kermosplatypus03: add hard drive controllers to that (for hard disk DMA access), etc. you can quickly hit 3 gigs on a 32-bit system16:14
g3org3sth0r ... still installing ... :)16:14
rashed2020Why does it only reserve memory for peripherals when you hit the limit? Why not when you're using 2 gigs for example?16:14
kermosrashed2020: memory is ALWAYS reserved for peripherals16:14
th0rg3org3s: yeah....it will take a while.16:14
=== Sordrann is now known as Sordran
bill_platypus03,  i would use the 64 bit version of ubuntu if i wantedf to see all of the 4GB16:14
kermosrashed2020: rather, it's not memory that is reserved, but address space16:14
g3org3sth0r ... i really appreciate the help ... :)16:15
platypus03bill_, that's what I thought, just wanted to make sure before going forward16:15
kermosrashed2020: you only have X amount of address space, your peripherals, kernel, ram, applications all have to share this16:15
rashed2020kermos: Oh, ok that makes sense. I thought it was actual memory that was reserved when you have 4 gigs.16:15
bill_platypus03,  no problem16:15
th0rg3org3s: when it is completed we will do some quick checks and then try a remote login. If it all works, go back to that url I sent you and follow it to make the vnc automatic at bootup16:15
IdleOneHow do I make a desktop launcher for a python script?16:16
g3org3sth0r alright :)16:16
kermoseven with PAE, peripherals will still be placed at the top of the 4 gig range (OS may or may not use PAE after all)16:16
kermosbesides the extra table indirection sucks with PAE16:16
kermosuse 64-bit instead16:16
th0rg3org3s: and what we are installing is xfce, not gnome. So if you want it to look like your laptop you will have to install gnome (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop). But it will take a lot longer16:16
mrechi, is there any commandline wpa/wifi configuration tool available?16:16
platypus03kermos, the system is pretty damn bare bones, i assumed at least 128 would be used for video, it has no other peripherals and one HD16:16
bill_i have ubuintu 9.04 and installed the app gnomepilot and i dont see it anywhere in the menu16:16
kermosplatypus03: how much vid mem? 128 or more?16:16
platypus03im trying to figure out what possibly else is eating up the mem16:17
kermosplatypus03: also, kernel and user space are separated, on a 32-bit system, never expect to see more than 2 gigs for user space16:17
kermosthat's my general rule writing software16:17
platypus03kermos, understood on that front16:17
g3org3sth0r isisnt that the command i just used ?16:17
th0rg3org3s: not quite...notice the missing 'x' "ubuntu" not "xubuntu"16:18
Jyxtmrec: wpa_supplicant is command line16:18
ipatrol6010I have the live CD open, installation is at 82%16:18
platypus03bill_, can you launch the binary manually?16:18
norpan111Can u delete icons?16:18
platypus03like from a shell16:18
g3org3sth0r sorry ... hehe16:18
norpan111cuz my iconset does not affect everything.. it used to do16:18
norpan111but it dont anymore16:18
bill_plat no idea16:18
ruben23hi..anyone  have idea how do i repair my window switching tool on ubuntu16:18
bill_platypus03,  no idea16:19
norpan111Got any idea why btw?16:19
bill_platypus03,  how would i do that ?16:19
ruben23its not working at all-->it just stop working16:19
Total_OblivionHow can i port forward deluge?16:19
platypus03biil_ it's called gnomepilot?16:19
bill_platypus03,  yep called gnome pilot16:19
bill_platypus03,  yep called gnomepilo16:19
bill_platypus03,  yep called gnomepilot16:19
platypus03bill_, try opening a shell and running gnome-pilot16:19
platypus03does it launch?16:19
kermosplatypus03: well your hard drive also reserves memory for DMA. So does your CD/DVD drive. I forget off the top of my head though how much16:19
norpan111The icon-package gnome-colors does not affect system-wide anymore. Is there a way to fix that?16:20
kermosplatypus03: sound card may also reserve addressable space for DMA16:20
ruben23hi..anyone  have idea how do i repair my window switching tool on ubuntu16:20
bill_platypus03, command not found16:20
platypus03kermos interesting, i have no cdrom on here, sound is onboard16:20
ribothi ubuntu, when i went to a video site flash was to be to installed in firefox, and there were three alternatives....i chose gnash, and youtube doesnt work!16:20
norpan111ribot,  try google install flash ubuntu16:21
norpan111Several threads about it16:21
bill_platypus03,  command not found16:21
Mean_Adminribot: you can get one from adobe's site16:21
platypus03bill_, ok let me read up on the package16:21
ruben23hi..anyone  have idea how do i repair my window switching tool on ubuntu16:22
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/16:22
ruben23with multiple screen16:22
arber4444hi does anybody know how to put a live cd intro usb on ubuntu 99.0416:23
arber4444ubuntu 9.0416:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:23
norpan111how do i install from this "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnome-colors-packagers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main16:23
norpan111I add the line to source.list then what?16:23
arber4444i meant not16:23
vavari have 2 raid controller cards (the same) providing 2 sata connections each. one of them just seems to have crashed. can i restore the connection to the disks without a reset?16:23
norpan111Where do i find installed data16:23
Mean_Adminnorpan111: then you apt-get update16:23
arber4444i want another program16:23
arber4444erd commander16:23
norpan111Apt-get update?16:23
iiiii@arber4444 go to system administration16:23
platypus03bill_, if you have this, try launching it "System -> Preferences -> PalmOS Devices"16:23
ipatrol601099%, goodbye16:24
VletCan anyone suggest a mailing list server that isn't a tremendous pain in the butt to configure?16:24
Mean_Adminnorpan111: that's only an indication to where to get a software16:24
norpan111Mean_Admin,  acces denied16:24
platypus03bill_, that should launch gnome-pilot16:24
Mean_Adminnorpan111: sudo16:24
norpan111ok thnks ;D16:24
norpan111and then its all installed?16:24
bill_platypus03,  ok found it ... looks like that do it16:24
Mean_Adminnorpan111: no no16:24
platypus03bill_, cool, not very intuitive naming eh?16:24
bill_platypus03, that should do it ...but ill have to check at it latger16:25
Mean_Adminnorpan111: that line was a reference to where toget eventual software16:25
Mean_Adminnorpan111: what website/person told you to add that and what are you trying to get?16:25
bill_platypus03,  yeah true16:25
norpan111Mean_Admin,  im trying to get "gnome-colors" icons16:25
norpan111Mean_Admin,  and on gnome-look there was this ubuntu-ppa link16:26
norpan111so i got "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnome-colors-packagers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main16:26
Pici!enter | arber444416:26
ubottuarber4444: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:26
arber4444i want to install erd commander 2008 its live cd and i dont have any idea how to do that on ubuntu16:26
platypus03kermos, so lets say I had 2GB of ram in this box to begin with, why did ubuntu show I had 2GB available, when I moved to 4, it suddenly used up 1G of that for peripherals16:26
arber4444i want to install erd commander 2008 its live cd and i dont have any idea how to do that on ubuntu on usb16:26
Mean_Adminnorpan111: do you know about 'sudo apt-get install NameOfSoftware' ?16:27
EagleScreencan i configure pbuilder to use debootstrap instead of cedebootstrap?16:27
Piciarber4444: Er. Isn't ERD Commander a boot disk in itself? From microsoft?16:27
kermosplatypus03: Ok, say you have 2 gigs of RAM, and 1 gig of space that is used for peripherals, kernel, etc. Your total addressable space usage is 3 gig out of 4 gig. Everything fits neatly.16:27
arber4444and i want to put it on usb16:28
Piciarber4444: Then what does that have to do with Ubuntu?16:28
kermosplatypus03: now you upgrade to 4 gigs of RAM. You still have 1 gig needed for peripherals and OS. Now your total needs are 5 gig addressable space but you only have 4 gigs available. *something* has to give....RAM is the one that looses.16:28
arber4444of curse dosent have do to anything16:28
mrecI'm surprised what a mess WPA wlan is in linux whow16:28
arber4444but youre not understanding me16:28
platypus03kermos, but before I put in 4, I had just 2G, it showed me 2G in 'free' for example16:28
mrecis there any way to stop the wpa_supplicant process in ubuntu?16:28
Piciarber4444: Well, this channel is only for Ubuntu support. Perhaps ##windows would be a more appropriate place to ask?16:28
arber4444i need erd on usb16:28
kermosplatypus03: Yes, because there was no conflict16:28
kermosplatypus03: With 4, there is a conflict16:29
jonny_b1about:crashes does not work in my firefox...it says invalid url16:29
platypus03kermos, ah, there we go16:29
arber4444ok it dosent metter16:29
platypus03curious how I track down what was competing for space16:29
kermosplatypus03: you're trying to squeeze 5 gigs of stuff into 4 gigs of addressable space. Just not going to work :)16:29
platypus03sigh, I need to move to 64bit for more addressable space16:30
kermosplatypus03: using a PAE enabled kernel may give you the full 4 gigs, but you'd be better off just going to 64-bit16:30
platypus03yeah PAE is shoddy from my past experience16:30
kaddijonny_b1 what were you trying to do?16:31
norpan111Mean_Admin,  yes16:31
kermosplatypus03: PAE simply adds an extra layer to the page table which means 1 extra look up by the MMU for every memory access16:31
norpan111 Mean_Admin  i know about that one16:31
jonny_b1kaddi: my fire ofx is crashing all the time and i want to get a crash report as diableing extensions etc had no effect16:31
platypus03kermos, unfortunately I need to run windows in a VM for specific applications and they're all java based so it's killing my virtual memory space, i need to allocate more of my system mem to it16:32
norpan111Mean_Admin,  what about it?16:32
Mean_Adminnorpan111: excellent, well when you apt-get a program, the program is looked for in a list of places and that line was part of the list16:32
kaddijonny_b1 have you tried safe-mode? or a new profile?16:32
Mean_Adminnorpan111: so that line you added means you can 'apt-get' stuff from the server at that address16:32
norpan111so i should do "sudo apt-get install gnome-colors16:33
Mean_Adminnorpan111: give it a try16:33
norpan111Mean_Admin,  i dont know package name16:33
kermosplatypus03: ugh, honestly for that I'd really recommend a 64-bit system with 8 gigs of memory. That way both OS' have plenty to go around16:33
jonny_b1kaddi: works fine in safe which i used for troubleshooting but the normal keeps crashing,tell me about this new profile thingy?16:33
Mean_Adminnorpan111: yeah,... I don't know the reason they gave you the deb repository in the first palce16:33
platypus03kermos, I was afraid of that but you're definitely right, I came in here hoping I could get around rebuilding :)16:33
platypus03ah well16:33
Mean_Adminnorpan111: but try auto-completing with tab, so something like sudo apt-get install gnome-[tab] or something16:34
platypus03thanks for the assistance kermos16:34
kermosthere is no replacement for displacement. RAM is displacement in the software world :)16:34
mrecdoes anyone know a way how to stop wpa_supplicant?16:34
platypus03thanks again16:34
kaddijonny_b1 basically you can run firefox --profilemanager which will show the profile manager, there you can create a new virgin profile and start it, to see if it is a problem with your profile that is causing the crashes, but since you already now, that it is on of the addons, that is causing the trouble, I thinik that is unnecessary16:34
Total_Obliviondifference between ubuntu gentoo and suse?16:35
th0rTotal_Oblivion: they use different letters16:35
lesshasteI am getting this all the time in dmesg "CIFS VFS: Send error in SETFSUnixInfo = -5" for my samba mount. Anyone know about this error?16:35
jonny_b1kaddi: no its not an add one as they are diasbled and it still crashes16:35
Mean_Adminmy sound worked in 8.10 and works no more in 9.04, how can I downgrade ALSA to some previous versions ? or at least the drivers16:35
Total_Oblivionth0r: aha.16:35
kaddijonny_b1 have you checked the themes? maybe go back to the default theme and see if the problem persists16:36
jonny_b1kaddi: its on default theme,i followed the mozilla trouble shooting16:36
Mean_Adminnorpan111: usually though, they should give a .bz or tar file that you would just drag&drop into your Appearence window and it would install the icons16:36
=== charles is now known as pitoow
johncHow can I enable Flash on Ubuntu in Firefox? I already installed all the flash packages.16:39
kaddijonny_b1 from what I gather it is a known bug, that firefox does not collect information on ubuntu. the line "about:crashes" is not working for me either and there are bug reports pointing this out since hardy.16:39
kain_flash worked out of the box when i installed it through synaptic16:40
=== Jare_ is now known as Jare
coz_johnc,  "all" of the flash pacakages?   how did you install this?16:40
norpan111Mean_Admin,  but when i did, the icons did not affects everything, like firefox icons and system icons16:40
johnccoz_: via synaptic16:40
jonny_b1kaddi: ok,how do i change the profile then to see if it works16:40
coz_johnc,   ah   did you just install  ubuntu -restricted-extras ?16:40
kaddijonny_b1 I can't really help you with this. Maybe try #ubuntu-mozillateam or the support channel of Firefox16:40
Mean_Adminnorpan111: sometimes they're just added to the icons that can be used in a custom appearance16:41
johnccoz_: this was after an upgrade, so I don't remember whether or not I had that package installed.16:41
Mean_Adminnorpan111: take a look you like in the list and 'customize' it (once you do, go to the icon tabs and choose the new ones)16:41
jonny_b1kaddi: okthanks for your help16:41
coz_johnc,  ok how ar e  you testing  if flash is working16:41
kaddijonny_b1 run "firefox --profilemanager" in command line in the window that opens select "create new profile" and start firefox16:41
johnccoz_: Imho, it is a bug, for the simple reason that the package is installed and the description of the package says that it should work.16:41
=== HACKER10011 is now known as aaron11
johnccoz_: youtube16:42
jonny_b1kaddi: thanks16:42
coz_johnc,  go here   http://www.newgrounds.com/toon/ and see if any toon plays16:42
norpan111Mean_Admin,  yeah i did, before everything was affected when change of icon.. but not now16:42
kaddijohnc have you installed java?16:42
kakashi_I upgraded from intrepid to jaunty, now all my video players are broken, I get this error "X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)"16:42
norpan111Mean_Admin,  i dont know why, like firefox icons etc16:42
johnccoz_: it doesn't.16:43
Mean_Adminnorpan111: sorry, I've KDE, staritng to forget GNOME16:43
norpan111should be same icon theme ;D16:43
Mean_Adminnorpan111: try other icon sets ? I don't know what to say, customizing the look is the easiest way to get icons to change, as far as I know16:43
Mean_Adminnorpan111: lde 4.3 ?16:44
coz_johnc,  mm   ok open sysnaptic again...hit search...type in  ubuntu -restricted-extras    right click that pacakge and  "Remove completely"   then  restart X properly then reinstall the package16:44
norpan111Mean_Admin,  lde 4.3?16:44
=== m0rph3us is now known as m0rph3us_
rimenI have 2 questions, would someone help me here16:45
Mean_Adminnorpan111: I meant KDE 4.316:45
coz_rimen,   well you to ask the questions first :)16:45
norpan111Mean_Admin,  ok16:45
Mean_Adminnorpan111: you should try it :P16:46
=== All is now known as Guest7630
rimenfirst: I wona know, If I start some application from terminal, pidgin for example, how could I close the terminal without closing the application that was run from it...16:47
jedimindhey has anyone's pidgin stopped working all of a sudden (as of last night's updates?)16:47
Guest7630For third day i am trying to get my sound workin. I Am Desperate for help. PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODY!16:47
johnccoz_: ok, it is removed.16:47
rimensecond: what is the best CLI based IRC program16:47
mbeierlrimen: it's called "nohup".  start the program with that in front : "nohup pidgin &"16:47
grawityrimen: 2) irssi!16:48
scunizirimen: irssi is a favorite of many16:48
IledenPlease hel... my window title and resize-handes and such just disappeared from ubuntu netbook remix16:48
rimenthanks a lot16:48
grawityrimen: 1) a few ways. First is to use nohup:  nohup pidgin &16:48
johncrimen:  irssi is popular, but rcirc is easier to modify.16:48
coz_johnc,  ok reinstall that16:48
Guest7630is there somebody to help me with sound please?16:48
grawityrimen: Second way is:    ( pidgin & )16:48
scunizirimen: use it with "screen"..16:48
Guest7630i tryed every single forum possible...16:48
Mean_AdminGuest7630: describe the problem16:48
grawityrimen: Third way is:     pidgin &     and then 'disown'16:48
johnccoz_: that is tiny, tiny package.16:49
johnccoz_: but it is done.16:49
mbeierlIleden: did toy make a change, or did they just go poof?16:49
rimennohup works fine, thanks again16:49
mbeierlIleden: try starting a terminal and enter "metacity --replace&" and see if they come back...16:49
=== raven is now known as Guest999
Guest7630Mean_Admin: Basicly the soundcard is in system. It recognize it, but there is no sound whatsoever16:49
Mean_AdminGuest7630: there is some """""""basic""""" troubleshooting, I'll link you up to it16:51
rimen_irssi works fine16:51
bruno123Quake Live is supposed to have mac/linux support today.  But web site still says only Windows supported.  Buggers!  Anyone know anything about this???16:51
Mean_AdminGuest7630: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544916:51
Iledenmbeierl: I don't remeber doing any changes, might have installed some packages. I'll try the metacity command... but while I can open a terminal from the UNR home launcher, I cannot type anything there...16:54
diddyWhat does this mean? The following packages have been kept back:16:54
mbeierlIleden: right - so the window manager has crashed then.  The "I can open a window but cannot type" is very typical of having lost your window manager16:55
Iledenmbeierl: I'm using a text terminal via crtl-alt-fX, but those can't connect to X16:55
Iledenmbeierl: ok... how do I get it back? :)16:56
Sertsehi how do you chnage the webkit in konqueror?16:56
mbeierlIleden: a "backdoor" way to get the window manager alive again is to use "ctrl-alt-f1" to get to a text-based login, do the login, then "export DISPLAY=:0.0" then "metacity --replace&" from there16:56
sebsebsebSertse: you don't   Konqueror uses KHTML,  Webkit is based on KHTML16:56
jerome71Bonjour à tous16:56
firecrotchdiddy: it means that the dependencies of a package have changed, and in order to satisfy those, a new package must be installed.  if you do apt-get dist-upgrade it will do this for you16:56
sebsebseb!fr |  jerome7116:57
ubottujerome71: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:57
mbeierlIleden: not sure if NBR gives the text consoles though.  you will see a black screen with white text asking you to log in after you press ctrl-alt-f1 if it does16:57
diddyfirecrotch, thx16:57
iceroothow to see the time in ubuntu with timezone?16:57
sebsebsebSertse: Epiphany will use Gecko by default, but it can use Webkit instead by the way16:57
coz_johnc,  sorry I had a phone cal16:58
zfehey folks16:58
Total_Oblivionanyone knows of cygwin?16:58
zfei'm using ubuntu16:58
johnccoz_: I am reinstalling the flash-plugin installer.16:58
sebsebsebTotal_Oblivion: of course16:58
zfeand i need to write an ubuntu image to an usb drive16:58
zfehow can i?16:58
johnccoz_: that should work.16:58
mbeierlanyone know how to make gtkpod use rhythmbox instead of "xmms" to play a file?16:58
coz_johnc,  ok16:58
sebsebsebTotal_Oblivion: interesting software, offtopic for this channal though16:58
zfe(the drive must be bootable, since i need it to reinstall)16:58
icerootTotal_Oblivion: i guess anyone in this channel knows something about it16:58
coz_johnc,  are you installing the adobe flash?16:58
sebsebsebiceroot: nah I think loads of people here won't know about it16:58
johnccoz_: yes16:58
Total_Oblivionon what channel can i tal kabout it?16:58
coz_johnc,  ok16:58
firecrotchzfe: My recommendation is to use unetbootin16:58
johnccoz_: all the open source stuff is still crap, AFAIK.16:59
sebsebseb!ot |  Total_Oblivion16:59
ubottuTotal_Oblivion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:59
zfefirecrotch, i'm on ubuntu already16:59
PiciTotal_Oblivion: ##windows , #cygwin or #ubuntu-offtopic16:59
icerootsebsebseb: sorry english is not my foreing langugae, so i often use anyone, anybody, someone, somebody and so on in wrong meanings16:59
Iledenmbeierl: I do have the consoles. the export DISPLAY followed by metacity worked! Thanks! Now I'll have to see if it works after restart...16:59
coz_johnc,  I am not a big  pusher of open source  as many are  ,,, if it works it works is generally my phylosophy :)16:59
firecrotchzfe: My advice still stands :)16:59
johnccoz_: I think cooperation is a good idea, but that our monetary system does not support that.16:59
mbeierlIleden: the window manager (metacity) just crashed for the one session, it /should/ automatically come back after reboot17:00
sebsebsebjohnc: most open source is great,  also  companies can make money from it17:00
IdleOne!ot | johnc coz_17:00
ubottujohnc coz_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:00
johnccoz_: as they say in the Zeitgeist movie: "We are continuously at war with each other".17:00
Iledenmbeierl: the thing is, I tried rebooting previously, and it didn't help... but I'll rty now.17:01
mbeierlIleden: what I just showed you was my back-door workaround to get me to a functional UI again so I don't have to reboot if I don't want to.  rebooting should always bring back the window manager17:01
mbeierlIleden: it sounds like the window manager got removed from the start up series then17:01
Iledenmbeierl: also, I didn't get the top menu back17:01
mbeierlIleden: what about bottom panel?17:01
Iledenmbeierl: no bottom panel in UNR :)17:02
mbeierlIleden: if both failed - that's gnome-panel and it's also failing to start then.17:02
Pseudo_BobOn a scale of one to ten, how ridiculously hard would it be for a second-day Ubuntu user to apply this patch to banshee: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=434237#c15 ?17:02
Templar_XionFor x11 over SSH  when you run an app such as xclock, does xclock run on the server and the X display is forwarded to the client?17:02
mbeierlIleden: right - it's been a while since I've used it.  from a terminal try "gnome-panel --replace&" and see what happens17:03
Iledenmbeierl: gnome-panel worked. Now let's see if this survives that restart...17:03
Pirate_Hunteron a server install, how do i get programs to start on boot or once i log in?17:03
Iledenmbeierl: away for a sec ->17:03
mbeierlnp good luck :)17:03
Pseudo_BobI really want to get podcasts working on my iPod, but the current version of Banshee has a bug that doesn't put podcasts in the actual podcast folder on the iPod.17:04
OEPPirate_Hunter, gnome sessions would be good for GUI programs launching on login17:04
grawityOEP: _Server_ install.17:04
Pirate_HunterOEP: on a server install, cli only17:04
OEPI gotcha17:04
=== Josie-lunch is now known as Josie
coz_johnc,  did that work?17:07
johnccoz_: will restart browser17:07
tuxbuddyTo All17:07
tuxbuddyCan anyone help with setting IRC Chat Server17:08
tuxbuddyIRC Chat which can support 10000+ users17:08
tuxbuddy1000+ users17:08
tuxbuddyI have installed ejabberd17:08
tuxbuddyAnd need web Chat Client17:09
OEPPirate_Hunter, I don't know how great this is but tagging on a program to .bashrc does work for onlogin stuff -- usually in linuxes there is an rc file you can edit to get programs to run on bootup17:09
tuxbuddyAnyone who can help me with IRC Chat server17:09
johnccoz_: no, it didn't.17:09
tuxbuddy Anyone who can help me with IRC Chat server17:09
johnccoz_: in about:plugins, it says it is installed.17:09
OEPtuxbuddy, look at unrealircd17:09
AmbientShadePirate_Hunter: cp the application into /etc/init.d?17:09
OEPtuxbuddy, I've used it for quite some time and it's pretty solid17:09
tuxbuddyOEP..Can we have a talk17:10
Pirate_HunterOEP:  oooh mentioning rc reminded me of xinitrc might try doing it from there thanx17:10
aholmesHi all. I'm trying to connect to a wireless hotspot that has an authorization step (password) before allowing internet traffic with ubuntu, but when connected I'm not automatically forwarded to the login page. I can't seem to manually type in the address either (not found) any ideas?17:10
OEPPirate_Hunter, welcome :)17:10
coz_johnc,   then I am puzzled...did you install other flash packages  like the open source one ?17:10
OEPtuxbuddy, I'm a little busy heh17:10
Pirate_HunterAmbient will check on that still not sure if that is the way17:10
johnccoz_: no, I didn'.t I ask because I am puzzled too. I am a fairly advanced user of Linux.17:10
Kurlontuxbuddy: I've maintained 1000 connections using NGRICD on FreeBSD 4.11 using a 386... it shouldn't be that difficult on modern hardware running a modern kernel.17:10
coz_johnc,   ok then I will back off from this since I dont have another possible solution for you   .. you could also try the #linux channel if no one here has any ideas :)17:11
Iledenmbeierl: both metacity and gnome-panel are still gone after restart (but thanks to you, I can now get them back manually)17:11
guntberttoday's update (jaunty) generated an error: "dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" - how do I handle that?17:12
kaddijohnc have you checked the location your flash is supposedly installed to in FF?17:12
johnccoz_: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+question/1804 <- same problem17:12
kaddiit might just be looking at the wrong folder?17:12
EagleScreenguntbert: that error has to have more details17:12
mbeierlIleden: so somehow the startup of them has been removed from the session manager.  Try going into the gnome-session-manager and see if they are missing altogether, or just disabled17:13
dragonrigsdoes anyone know why im baned17:14
Pirate_Hunter!offtopic > dragonrigs17:15
ubottudragonrigs, please see my private message17:15
TimothyAI just installed a new ubuntu, and threw apache2 on it. and immediately I get this crap; apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}17:15
TimothyAstarting to get sick of that issue17:15
bastidrazordragonrigs, ask in #ubuntu-ops or #freenode17:15
hbekelTimothyA: garbage in, garbage out17:15
TimothyAhbekel; and how do you propose for me to fix this issue?17:15
TimothyAIt's been haunting me through 9 ubuntu installs already17:16
TimothyAthe same dang thing over and over17:16
hbekelTimothyA: tried looking what's inside that variable?17:16
mbeierlTimothyA: how did you install apache?17:16
hbekelTimothyA: maybe that user name doesn't exist on your system?17:16
TimothyAmbeierl; apt-get install apache217:16
guntbertEagleScreen: not really, the rest seems to be  consequences  - but I'm gonna prepare a pastebin - /var/log/apt/term.log seems to be the correct log file?17:16
Pseudo_BobHey so I've got this really weird problem with my sound where only the white jack of my sound card has any output, and it's extremely quiet and staticky.  Anyone have suggestions?17:17
Iledenmbeierl: there's only only gnome-session-properties available, but that does provide a list of startup programs. they aren't on the list, but I don't remeber seeing them there previously either.17:17
EagleScreenguntbert: dpkg.log also can be interesting17:17
coz_Pseudo_Bob,  did you open a terminal and type    alsamixer  to see if anything is muted or volume turned down?17:18
Pseudo_Bobcoz_: Yeah, it's all up.17:18
guntbertEagleScreen: ok17:18
coz_Pseudo_Bob, mm   not sure then   did you go to the #alsa  chaneel and ask?17:18
TimothyAmbeierl; any idea?17:18
Pseudo_Bobcoz_: Nope, I'll do that.  Is it the same server as #ubuntu?17:19
coz_Pseudo_Bob, yep :)17:19
coz_Pseudo_Bob,   just type   /join #alsa17:19
Pseudo_Bobcoz_: Thanks17:19
mbeierlTimothyA: no... I had done an aptitide install apache2 and it "just worked"17:19
edbianTimothyA: You might want to try lighttpd as a work around17:20
mbeierlIleden: System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications ?17:20
Iledenmbeierl: yes, thats the same17:20
TimothyAlighttpd isn't an option17:20
hbekelTimothyA: how do you start apache?17:21
LingusIs there any simple way of building a .deb package?  I'm used to Arch/Pacman's PKGBUILD/makepkg, and find all the tutorials unecessarily complicated.  I don't have X on the Ubuntu machines.17:21
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)17:22
bastidrazorLingus, configure make checkinstall17:22
TimothyAhbekel: apache2 -k start17:22
guntbertEagleScreen: please see http://pastebin.com/f662de19b17:22
mbeierlIleden: hmmm... I don't have a window manager or gnome panel there either.  I wonder where these get started after all ?!?17:22
muhammadalisiddineed help regarding fetchmail configuration17:23
crankHello, how can i install new icons? I'm using openbox17:23
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:23
mbeierlTimothyA: your various attempts at installing apache2 - were they on new, clean systems, or the same system, upgraded per release?17:23
Iledenmbeierl: good question :)17:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lamp-server17:23
hbekelTimothyA: tried 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start' instead?17:23
benjoldersmaare there any rss readers that integrate with jaunty's notifyOSD?17:23
mbeierlIleden: for now you /could/ try adding custom start programs for metacity and gnome-panel in that startup programs17:23
muhammadalisiddihey can anyone help me17:24
muhammadalisiddii need help on fetchmail configuration17:24
edbian!ask | muhammadalisiddi17:24
ubottumuhammadalisiddi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:24
mbeierlmuhammadalisiddi: not sure.17:24
Iledenmbeierl: as a workaround, thats a good idea17:24
Lingusbastidrazor: Thanks, trying checkinstall now17:25
TimothyAhbekel; . . . . . . .17:25
TimothyAthat is an WORKAROUND17:25
TimothyAand it f*cks things up in the long run17:25
hbekelTimothyA: what?17:25
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me the name of the cli application that allows me to change when hds can be checked either by day,month etc?17:25
TimothyAsince you have to chmod 777 anything you want served up by apache17:25
TimothyAelse it will go "waaah! I can't read it! handfeed it meh! waaaaaaaaah"17:25
hbekelTimothyA: no you don't, you just have to configure it CORRECTLY17:25
EagleScreenguntbert: try sudo dpkg --configure -a17:25
TimothyAi thought the default configuration would just allow me to set it up and forget about it until I do anything serious with it17:26
TimothyAright now, it can't even set itself up out of the box17:26
guntbertEagleScreen: will do17:26
hbekelTimothyA: think again, then17:26
mbeierlIleden: iirc, these things are started as part of some sort of gdm sequence... somewhere in a directory under /usr or something ... give me a moment to search some more17:26
TimothyAfor even the MOST BASIC ACTION17:26
TimothyAlike... STARTING UP17:26
PiciTimothyA: Please calm down.17:26
jribTimothyA: you can ignore that.  It's because of the way debian/ubuntu setup the apache2.conf17:26
TimothyAjrib; which is basically "break it"?17:26
OEPI need udev help. I need a script to run when any flash drive is plugged in. At some point I need to know the mounting point of the flash drive. Anybody have an idea?17:26
mbeierlTimothyA: did you try aptitude purge apache2 then installing it?  Maybe there's just a bad config file somewhere are re-setting it might help?17:26
jribTimothyA: it's not broken.  apache2 should start on its own after install.  Use "sudo service apache2 start"17:27
TimothyAmbeierl; this is an entire new ubuntu setup17:27
tedsthey imma n00b programmer17:27
TimothyAapache2 was the first thing that was installed17:27
tedstwanna learn and assist in dev17:27
mbeierlTimothyA: and no errors in install?  Distro?17:27
TimothyAno errors in install17:27
TimothyAubuntu 8.017:28
thiebaudetedst: not here17:28
jrib!enter | TimothyA17:28
ubottuTimothyA: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:28
PiciTimothyA: apache2 -k is not the proper way to start apache2 on Ubuntu. use /etc/init.d/apache2 start or invoke-rc.d apache2 start17:28
guntbertEagleScreen: still the same http://pastebin.com/d702f523217:28
TimothyAi know, i friggin know. but it didn't come up in my mind until I pressed enter17:28
TimothyAPici; then why did they include that option?17:29
hbekelTimothyA: btw, apache listens on port 80 by default17:29
TimothyAhbekel; of course it does, it's an HTTP server17:29
TimothyAit would be silly if it would listen on 65536, wouldn't it?17:29
hbekelTimothyA: that should give you a hint as to why sudo is required17:29
mbeierlTimothyA: grep "APACHE_RUN_USER" -r /etc  resulted in this for me /etc/apache2/envvars:export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data17:29
woodyjlwI dont like yahoo or gmail or msn for email and I want to find a linux email that is free, something@linux.com dosnt have to be linux but would like it to be handled by linux, currently running ubuntu 9.04 is there @ubuntu.com emails?17:29
silv3r_m00nhi there17:29
EagleScreenguntbert: your update-grub fails17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution17:30
PiciTimothyA: Because that is how the package was coded.  Theres no real reason to patch that feature out.17:30
mbeierlTimothyA: and  grep www /etc/passwd17:30
FloodBot3mbeierl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
TimothyAmbeierl; I'm getting the same17:30
EagleScreenguntbert: try $ sudo update-grub17:30
guntbertEagleScreen: will do17:30
silv3r_m00non my samsung n110 notebook on which I installed ubuntu today is now showing ... end_request : I/O error , dev sda , sector 242505412   <<what does this mean ?17:30
jribTimothyA: you need to use the init.d script, not start apache yourself.17:30
TimothyAjrib; sometimes I need to do an quick reboot17:30
TimothyAbut even then, usually after reboot, apache won't boot up any way17:30
jribTimothyA: sudo service apache2 restart.  Or sudo service apache2 reload. Whatever you want to do17:31
amx109when i try to enable extra visual effects via the 'appearance' setting, i get a 'cannot enable desktop effects' message. can any one help me figure out why this is?17:31
TimothyAuntil I explicitly tell it to boot up through the sudo blabla17:31
hbekelTimothyA: do you know what a "priviledged port" is?17:31
jribTimothyA: so does using the service command work or not?17:31
hbekelhbekel: and you still call using sudo a "workaround"?17:31
TimothyAjrib; apparently it does. but I'm supprised why nobody ever mentioned that anywhere :|17:31
guntbertEagleScreen: you mean "expr: non-numeric argument" ? I'm gonna look into that then, I have just been called away, thank you for your time and input17:31
Iledenmbeierl: hey, I remember what *might* have caused this. earlier today I did switch first time to the regular ubuntu desktop using desktop-switcher, added some workspaces, and switched back. everything worked fine, but it's possible I didn't do a reboot until a while ago, and it was after boot that the problem came up17:32
TimothyAhbekel; when I'm logged in as root.... yes?17:32
mbeierlTimothyA: apache needs to start as root, and then it drops down to www-data.  All your web files need to be owned or at least readable by www-data17:32
* TimothyA is still configuring his box, so that is justified17:32
silv3r_m00nanybody ?17:32
hbekelTimothyA: oh, i thought you weren't allowed to do that around here :)17:32
Iledenmbeierl: (workspaces have to be added via the regular ubuntu desktop, or so I read from the forums)17:32
jrib!helpme | silv3r_m00n17:32
ubottusilv3r_m00n: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience17:32
TimothyAhbekel; guess what? I normally don't do, like I just said17:32
n00buntu64how can i get TS to work on ubuntu 64bit pls?17:32
woodyjlwis there a linux alternative to gmail yahoo and msn email and search engines?17:32
n00buntu64i read the steps & it might as well not be english :(17:33
edbiansilverraindog: /dev/sda is a harddrive.  I/O means input output.  Your computer is having trouble reading your hard drive17:33
mbeierlIleden: so you're switching between the regular desktop and the NBR "easy" desktop17:33
edbianwoodyjlw: You want a linux alternative to google?  Why not use google?17:33
edbiann00buntu64: What is TS?17:33
OEPteamspeak maybe?17:34
Iledenmbeierl: I did a single switch only in order to add the workspaces, and I use NBR desktop17:34
n00buntu64teamspeak, sorry17:34
n00buntu64i've got the client installed, but my friends tell me i'm garbled17:34
n00buntu64i can hear them clearly tho17:34
Iledenmbeierl: but that switch, or adding the workspaces, sounds like something that might have caused this...17:34
mbeierlIleden: so you very well might have found a bug in the desktop switch helper - it might not toggle back and forth cleanly...17:34
edbiankillall opera does seam to do it.  What is the terminal command that is more powerful?17:34
woodyjlwgoogle and yahoo and msn always try to hijack17:34
n00buntu64sorry, brb, gtg AFK for a min17:35
jribTimothyA: well it's documented in /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian which all good debian/ubuntu admins read :)17:35
edbianwoodyjlw: Your browser is being hijacked and you're running linux?17:35
thiebaudewoodyjlw: are you on windows?17:35
woodyjlwubuntu 9.0417:35
edbianthiebaude: I have never heard of a browser hijacker that runs on linux17:36
woodyjlwyahoo screwed up my search and there home page is m.yahoo17:36
OEPn00buntu64, I don't know that just sounds like a mic problem to me; does the mic work in other apps?17:36
kaddiwoodyjlw have you tried resetting your default searchpage/homepage?17:36
woodyjlwrunning firefox so dont know how they did it17:37
thiebaudeedbian: i haven't, but in windows one time my home page and desktop was changed17:37
n00buntu64OEP: yes; i can use it in windows fine17:37
nullrenif /var/root existed previously as a directory with files and other dirs inside of it, how would `sudo cp .file /var/root` destroy it by turning /var/root into a copy of .file?17:37
woodyjlwI did and it says www.yahoo.com but it takes me to m.yahoo17:37
edbianthiebaude: They run rampant in windows ;)17:37
OEPn00buntu64, what about other apps in ubuntu though?17:37
Iledenmbeierl: I'll go check if there's somthing about this already on the net, now that I have a hunch.17:37
n00buntu64haven't tried, i rarely use mic in other apps's, what can i test it in?17:37
thiebaudeedbian: yes very true, on a unsecure OS17:37
Iledenmbeierl: wish I knew what went wrong there :)17:37
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xzanxorHi, I have a CF card with reader plugged into the USB port. I deleted all the files from it and have emptied the trash repeatedly, but it's still claiming there's only a little free space on the card even though it says it's empty. Help?17:38
thiebaudeedbian: thats why nothing windows touches my hard drive17:38
di||itantenullren: you overwrote the dir with a file17:38
thiebaudeonly ubuntu17:38
OEPn00buntu64, I was thinking skype if you've installed it or just search apt for a basic recording app... I agree on the fact there's not much else to use it for :o)17:38
xzanxorI've tried emptying the trash through the terminal, too, and no error message.17:38
nullrendi||itante: that is true17:38
jribnullren: it shouldn't17:38
woodyjlwI am mostly mad at yahoo lol but now just looking for a linux option for email. just switched to ubuntu in the last few months and love it17:38
n00buntu64brb, seeing if i have sound recorder installed17:39
=== Cy-4- is now known as Cy-4
kaddiwoodyjlw could you check if you have a file called user.js in your mozilla profile? (its in home/.mozilla/firefox17:39
n00buntu64sweet, i do, testig recording now17:39
edbianwoodyjlw: email providers don't give platform specific email.  Yahoo mail works equally as well on windows as it does on linux17:39
di||itantejrib: if thats the comand he used it performed perfectly17:39
Mean_AdminI can't load a driver using modprobe and I'm getting " 4589.853865] snd_atiixp: Unknown parameter `model'" from dmesg, Someone tried to help me earlier, but I'm under too many layers of retardation myself17:39
benjoldersmarss for notifyOSD? anyone?17:39
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nullrenjrib: it shouldn't and i can't seem to replicate it. but it happend and i have no idea why.17:40
Johnny_boyhi every one :D im new at ubuntu and im here for help making my desktop like this picture http://tuxenclave.wordpress.com/2007/11/23/ubuntu-customization-guide-v2/17:40
Johnny_boysomeone cam help me making it ? :)17:40
jribdi||itante: mkdir a; touch file; cp file a; ls file17:41
n00buntu64tested it in sound recorder, and it's real quiet, yet in windows i can be heard clearly when i record on there, or talk in teamspeak17:41
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
IdleOneJohnny_boy, that link has a howto17:41
Johnny_boyye but im an newb :S :(17:41
thiebaudeJohnny_boy: follow the instructions17:41
jribdi||itante: that outputs "file" for me17:42
IdleOne!eyecandy | Johnny_boy17:42
ubottuJohnny_boy: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:42
Johnny_boyi cant even the terminal commands17:42
nijmDoes anybody know why flash player is so slow? It never used to be this slow on this machine. It is especially rubbish at playing videos...17:42
edbianwoodyjlw: m.yahoo.com is yahoo mobile17:42
OEPn00buntu64, not garbled then? well that's a start...17:42
jribdi||itante: mkdir a; touch file; cp file a; ls a   # what I meant17:42
xzanxorHi, could anyone help me with the removable media problem? I have deleted all the data on the CF card, it says 0 files, but it still says it only has a few MB free. I've tried emptying the trash repeatedly, both in Nautilus and the command line, no errors. How can I delete the data properly?17:42
Johnny_boyubottu no ty im just looking for the thingey that is in the bottom off the picture17:42
jribnullren: did you use -T ?17:43
Johnny_boythe dock that has internet and hardrive icons and som more17:43
jribnullren: cp won't even let me do it with -T17:43
nullrenjrib: no options, just `sudo cp .file /var/root`17:43
edbianJohnny_boy: That's called "AWN" or "Avant Window navigator"17:43
woodyjlwI cant find home/.mozilla/firefox but I am still new to linux.        I know it is the mobile  yahoo but in preferences default is http://www.yahoo.com/17:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awm17:43
nullrenjrib: i know. that's why this is so frustrating17:43
edbianJohnny_boy: It's in the repos17:43
Johnny_boywhats repos :P.. agen (im an noob)17:44
jribnullren: searh neighboring history for commands acting on /var/root?17:44
woodyjlwit is redirecting me to m.yahoo.com17:44
edbianwoodyjlw: Any file that starts with a "." is hidden.  To see them go to a nautilus window and look at the view menu17:44
IdleOne!info awn17:44
ubottuPackage awn does not exist in jaunty17:44
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:44
di||itantenullren: was /var/root a link17:44
n00buntu64any recommendations, i've even tried followig the steps on the TeamSpeak forums and no luck17:44
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe in Hardy.17:44
MsMacoJohnny_boy: repos = repositories. large stores of software on a server which your desktop software (such as applications -> add / remove) knows how to fetch and install17:45
Johnny_boyedbian you got som site that shows how to install it ?17:45
nullrendi||itante: if it was, i don't know where the original would be. this is just play 9.04 ubuntu.17:45
OEPn00buntu64, (haven't used TS in ubuntu) but I'd be goofing with the settings.17:45
edbianJohnny_boy: Go to System -> Admin -> Synaptic17:45
silv3r_m00nhow to scan a hard drive for bad sectors ?17:45
di||itantenullren: look in /root to see if the orig stuff is there17:45
MsMacoJohnny_boy: look for avant-window-navigator in synaptic17:45
n00buntu64if i linked the forums info, would it make more sense to you to what i was trying to do?17:45
IdleOneJohnny_boy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7204293&postcount=517:45
Johnny_boyedbian what shull i search for there ?17:45
MsMacoJohnny_boy: avant-window-navigator17:46
n00buntu64it's got me doing all this stuff i've never done before, i'm too used to GUI vs CLI17:46
Al1_hello, i am using Ubuntu 9.04 with firefox and whenever i try to upload photos to facebook firefox crashes, can someone help me?17:46
edbianJohnny_boy: Synaptic is your window to the repos.  It lists every package in all of the repos you have enabled.  Search "avant" or "AWN" or something.  You'll find it.  BTW avant only works if you have compiz running.17:46
nullrendi||itante: problem solved :) /var/root was a link17:46
di||itantenullren: cheers17:46
MsMacoedbian: i keep repeating the package name17:46
jribdi||itante: good catch17:46
The_Lord_Of_The_what are the names of the bots here?17:46
OEPn00buntu64, I have to head out in a sec so I'm not much help17:46
di||itantenullren: just remake the link if you need it17:46
jribThe_Lord_Of_The_: ubottu and the floodbots17:46
MsMacoJohnny_boy: just put your mouse over the list of packages and start typing "avant" and itll jump to it17:46
Johnny_boyedbian i have compiz running :D :)17:46
grawityThe_Lord_Of_The_: ubottu is the only bot.17:46
MsMacoJohnny_boy: click the checkbox next to it, then hit apply17:46
di||itantejrib: ths17:46
n00buntu64kk, hope you have a good one OEP17:46
edbianMsMaco: Sorry I don't read while I'm typing17:46
OEPn00buntu64, but the fact that your mic works in sound recorder is good to know17:46
Johnny_boywell il go and look if it works :)17:46
n00buntu64it's real quiet tho17:47
edbianJohnny_boy: Good luck17:47
Dramoshi i use ubuntu 8.4 , when i try to update :17:47
MsMacoThe_Lord_Of_The_: ubottu17:47
n00buntu64like i'm taking across the room in a raised voice17:47
Johnny_boyedbian ty :)17:47
* The_Lord_Of_The_ finds ubottu stupid17:47
xzanxorAnyone? I'm using 9.04, trying to delete data from removable media, says there are 0 files but the space isn't freed up. Have repeatedly tried emptying the trash, both in Nautilus and the command line, no luck.17:47
grawityThe_Lord_Of_The_: Would you care to explain your reasons?17:47
hbekeln00buntu64: with mic boost enabled?17:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:47
n00buntu64hbekel: yes17:47
edbianxzanxor: unmount it and remount it properly17:48
Al1_hello, i am using Ubuntu 9.04 with firefox and whenever i try to upload photos to facebook firefox crashes, can someone help me?17:48
n00buntu64xzanxor: you try formating the media card?17:48
IdleOneThe_Lord_Of_The_, you can go to #ubuntu-bots and yell at ubottu all you want17:48
n00buntu64what device was it in before?17:48
swapyguys  i have changed resolution of my monitor using nvidia settings but at each logon the resolution turns back to default17:48
swapywhat to do17:48
xzanxorn00buntu64: How do you do that in Ubuntu? Scuse the n00b question.17:48
Anon116my pussy is all wet17:48
di||itanteAli_: sounds like your java plugin is crashing it17:49
Al1_di||itante: i thought as much but i dont know which to use17:49
n00buntu64err, if it's like a hard drive, use gparted, or another hard disk manager17:49
n00buntu64or use the device it's meant to be in to format the media card17:49
Johnny_boyi got it working ! :D ty so mutch ! :D17:49
edbianJohnny_boy: NP17:49
n00buntu64xzanxor:  what device was it in before?17:49
woodyjlwnautilus window ?  cant find it sorry like I said still new to ubuntu and linux17:49
xzanxorn00buntu64: A PDA.17:50
di||itanteAl1_: I use the one from Sun17:50
swapyguys  i have changed resolution of my monitor using nvidia settings but at each logon the resolution turns back to default17:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus17:50
xzanxorn00buntu64: But I've used it in the same setup with the same reader before now and never had any problems.17:50
Al1_di||itante: is that in the repo?17:50
edbianwoodyjlw: Nautilus is the file manager.  The windows equivalent is "windows explorer" open your home folder from places.  That starts a nautilus window.  Alternatively start a terminal and type "nautilus" to start nautilus17:50
Teknoenieany AD enterprise users here?17:50
Teknoeniespecifically, mounting CIFS shares using AD credentials?17:51
di||itanteAl1_: sun-java6-plugin17:51
swapyguys  i have changed resolution of my monitor using nvidia settings but at each logon the resolution turns back to default17:51
di||itanteAl1_: YES17:51
n00buntu64was it a bberry? something for HTC?17:51
n00buntu64sometimes enabling encryption; on say a blackberry; will lock it to that device it came out of17:51
Al1_di||itante: yes i have that installed... that seems to be the error17:52
Anirban1987How to map my http://mail.techdarpan.com to ghs.google.com by editing zone records. my existing zone record : http://pastebin.com/d4acb761717:52
xzanxorn00buntu64: Dell Axim X50V, but I don't think it matters since as I say, I've read the data on this card with the reader many times on different computers.17:52
DramosHi guys I use ubuntu 8.4 and I want to upgrade to 9.4 I have the ubuntu disk alternative when trying to update I get an error, and when I try to update from internet, I get only partial update and also gives me error, I can do?17:52
FloodBot3Dramos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
n00buntu64put it back in the PDA disable any encryption; format it one last time than try in computer reader17:52
mbeierlTeknoenie: I use likewise open and cifs with ad creds.  you need to be quite choosy about which software you use as the ubuntu 9.04 cifs does not have proper kerberos ticket support17:52
xzanxorn00buntu64: Gonna try looking at it on a windows machine, then reformatting it if that's no good. Thanks for your help!17:52
n00buntu64something's happened since than that you can read it now17:52
edbianDramos: What is the error?17:52
di||itanteAl1_: YO GAT ME17:53
Strife89Hello, I'm trying to find the package gstreamer-0.10 in Synaptic, but not having much luck with the choices I see. I'm trying to compile Farsight 2 0.0.14 and configure keeps telling me the package isn't present. Can someone point me in the right direction.17:53
di||itanteAl1_: oops... you got me17:53
Teknoeniembeierl: I have likewise authenticating find, but automount with CIFS doesn't work17:53
mbeierlno it will not17:53
Al1_di||itante: hmm i tried uninstalling it and ff still crashes17:53
DramosHi guys I use ubuntu 8.4 and I want to upgrade to 9.4 I have the ubuntu disk alternative when trying to update I get an error, and when I try to update from internet, I get only partial update and also gives me error, I can do?17:53
Teknoeniembeierl: what Ubuntu version are you using?17:53
n00buntu64how can i up the sound level on my mic to be heard when i use sound recorder, and teamspeak pls? here's the info i've tried following http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Sound17:54
mbeierlTeknoenie: the cifs support is laking in kerberos ticket support.  the only way I could make it work was with gvfs-mount17:54
woodyjlwok in the home folder but nothing here says anything about mozila17:54
edbianDramos: What are the errors?17:54
mbeierlTeknoenie: 9.04 likewise 517:54
di||itanteDramos: do it onlin from the update manager, not from the cd17:54
edbianwoodyjlw: Go to view -> Show hidden files17:54
edbianwoodyjlw: Then you will find .<name> folders17:54
n00buntu64PST pls, text going by faster than i can read :(17:54
silv3r_m00na little back I was getting errors like this >> end_request : I/O error , dev sda , sector 242505412    , I restarted my system......how scan for such errors17:54
edbianwoodyjlw: Including .mozilla17:54
Teknoeniembeierl: I'm using the same thing, and like you said CIFS isn't working17:54
edbiansilv3r_m00n: Run e2fsck from a live cd17:54
Teknoeniehow are you getting around this?17:54
thiebaudeAl1_ do you have sun-java6-jre installed?17:55
edbiansilverraindog: "sudo e2fsck /dev/sda"17:55
Al1_thiebaude: yes i do17:55
Strife89Hello, I'm trying to find the package gstreamer-0.10 in Synaptic, but not having much luck with the choices I see. I'm trying to compile Farsight 2 0.0.14 and configure keeps telling me the package isn't present. Can someone point me in the right direction?17:55
mbeierlTeknoenie: gvfs-mount smb://server/share will work17:55
DramosHi guys I use ubuntu 8.4 and I want to upgrade to 9.4 I have the ubuntu alternate disk , when trying to upgrade  I get an error, and when I try to update from internet, I get only partial update and also gives me error, I can do?17:55
Dramosthe error is:17:55
Dramoswait a sec plz17:55
swapyhelp me17:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package17:55
thiebaudeAl1_ did you restart firefox?17:55
edbian!ask | swapy17:55
ubottuswapy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:55
Al1_thiebaude: multiple times17:55
anoneemousecan anyone here help me to set up alsa sample rate for a specific soundcard?17:56
swapyguys  i have changed resolution of my monitor using nvidia settings but at each logon the resolution turns back to default17:56
Teknoeniembeierl: Yeah, I know that works, I'm using it here, but that's not suitable for the general "id10t" errors the users generate17:56
swapyubottu, guys  i have changed resolution of my monitor using nvidia settings but at each logon the resolution turns back to default17:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
seria-mauhi. can i expect problems with hardy and an LG GH22LP20 drive?17:56
edbianswapy: I think you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:56
mbeierlTeknoenie: I know it17:56
Johnny_boynow im back agen.. and i have an big problem :P i cant get the program to show the "dock"17:56
edbianswapy: But don't ask me anything else.  I don't really know17:56
n00buntu64swapy:  did you save your settings, and get a request to authenticate by putting your your password?17:56
Strife89I know this isn't really Ubuntu specific, but I'm hopeful. I'm trying to find the package gstreamer-0.10 in Synaptic, but not having much luck with the choices I see. I'm trying to compile Farsight 2 0.0.14 and configure keeps telling me the package isn't present. Can someone point me in the right direction?17:56
n00buntu64i'm running dual head here and that's all i had to do17:56
silverraindogedbian: typeo ?17:56
swapyi pressed on apply17:57
Teknoeniembeierl: seriously, this is where GNU/Linux falls to pieces.  it should work, the documentation states it should work17:57
robert__does ubuntu always update to the latest version of gnome?17:57
silv3r_m00nedbian: it's a netbook , no live cd...shud I run from recovery menu that comes in grub ?17:57
swapybut cant save in xconf.org file as it said u are not allowed17:57
edbiansilverraindog: Yes sorry17:57
mbeierlTeknoenie: so what I have is a script that runs on log in and does a gvfs-mount of their home dir for them17:57
n00buntu64reconfigure resolution separately and close, enter password to save changes17:57
Johnny_boyi have the prog now but i cant get it to start :/17:57
mbeierlTeknoenie: yes, and no.17:57
edbiansilv3r_m00n: That just runs a ram test.  I suggest using unetbootin17:57
Johnny_boyand compiz is running17:57
n00buntu64beyond me, sorry swapy17:57
edbianIt's in the repos I believe17:57
Teknoeniembeierl: I'm just ranting17:57
robert__silv3r_m00n, you can plug in an external disc drive if ya need to17:57
silv3r_m00nedbian: can I run badblocks?17:57
silv3r_m00nrobert__: don't have any at the moment17:58
edbiansilv3r_m00n: IDK I 've never used badblocks17:58
mbeierlTeknoenie: it's the ubuntu distro that chose to ship a more stable, older version of cifs, one which does NOT have kerberos support17:58
edbiansilv3r_m00n: Probably not a bad idea17:58
bzil_hey, how to get videos on my ipod !?17:58
kermit1why does my touchpad scrolling work for a few minutes after i boot or come off standby, then stop working?17:58
silv3r_m00nedbian: but is it fine to run badblocks while ubuntu is running17:58
edbianJohnny_boy: from a terminal "avant-window-navigator&"  use tab completion I'm not positive about the name17:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sync17:58
edbiansilv3r_m00n: IDK17:58
robert__silv3r_m00n, they're 70 bucks at wal mart or maybe amazon might have a great deal. do you have a flash drive?17:58
edbiansilv3r_m00n: If not it will warn you17:58
Teknoeniembeierl: what!?! Ubuntu is the poster child for all things GNU/Linux! I know so! The intertubes told me. ;)17:58
Johnny_boysomeone here knows about AWN and how to get it to work ?17:58
mbeierlTeknoenie: but I hear your pain - I've been butting up against this for a while trying to get a school's linux and windows environments closer to each other17:59
robert__does ubuntu always update to the latest version of gnome?17:59
=== kermit1 is now known as kermit
edbianJohnny_boy: Look at my post17:59
Lartza_I can't burn iso to cd with brasero17:59
edbianJohnny_boy: from a terminal "avant-window-navigator&"  use tab completion I'm not positive about the nam17:59
Teknoeniembeierl: I'm working on the same thing for a University17:59
woodyjlwok no file says user.js that I can find and I just dug threw the .mozilla folder17:59
Lartza_Always fails, her eis the log http://pastebin.com/d581e668a17:59
mbeierlTeknoenie: even poster children have warts that get air-brushed out17:59
edbianrobert__: Ubuntu automatically updates all of the software that was installed by the package manager17:59
edbianwoodyjlw: I don't remember who was asking you about that17:59
ldleworkHow can I determine where the configuration file for XMonad was installed if I installed the package via Synaptic or apt-get?17:59
Johnny_boyedbian in terminal ? shull i wright avant-window-navigator& ?17:59
_M4rk_hello, is it possible to put the server time forwards 1 hour without having to put in a complete new timestring?18:00
seanius_anyone running ubuntu on an hp mini 1035/1036?18:00
robert__edbian, does that include gnome desktop?18:00
woodyjlwoh lol18:00
TeknoenieThe problem with the script is that it is then a pain to modify it after it's been deployed if you move their homes18:00
edbianwoodyjlw: Next time if you're looking for a folder the "locate" command comes in handy :)18:00
mbeierlTeknoenie: Gerald Carter over at likewise is an excellent resource...18:00
edbianJohnny_boy: That's right18:00
woodyjlwyes thanks18:00
edbianrobert__: Yes18:00
Johnny_boyedbian ok il try18:00
TeknoenieI thought I could get around this.. oh well, that was my plan to (to use a script)18:00
=== mint is now known as cowboy
robert__edbian, thanks18:00
edbianrobert__: Unless you got your gnome-desktop packages from source code18:00
norpan111Mean_Admin,  what did u say18:00
silv3r_m00nedbian: does this >> end_request : I/O error , dev sda , sector 242505412  mean a bad sector ?18:00
Johnny_boyadbian u shudd get an medal ;D ty alot :D18:00
norpan111Mean_Admin,  i saw that my name was highlighted, did not find the msg18:00
robert__can i install linux onto my palm centro?18:00
mbeierlTeknoenie: where you thinking of using the pam mount?  or ... ?  What are you attempting to do?18:00
Lartza_It fails on simulation or burn always, not able to even start the burn18:00
=== cowboy is now known as Guest95963
edbiansilv3r_m00n: If I remember right.  Anything that badblocks returns in a bad block18:01
Mean_Adminnorpan111: em, I haven't said much in the last hour I think, so maybe sorry if I'm reponsible for false communication :) :P18:01
Johnny_boynow its the thingey on the right left :P18:01
edbianLartza_: Try gnome-baker18:01
Guest95963Howdy, anyone know how to make the desktop back ground rotate through a set of pictures?  like a slide show.18:01
Johnny_boyno on the left :P18:01
Lartza_edbian: WIll try18:01
silv3r_m00nedbian: no its not badblock output18:01
_M4rk_hello, is it possible to put the server time forwards 1 hour without having to put in a complete new timestring?18:01
Teknoeniembeierl: We're looking to do single sign on.  GNU/Linux hosts bound to AD, file/printing through CIFS/Samba with autofs, but no luck thanks to this "bug"18:01
silv3r_m00nit came suddenly while I was running ubuntu18:01
Teknoeniembeierl: everything except the autofs stuff is working18:02
Lartza_edbian: In what package is it?18:02
mbeierlTeknoenie: autofs - ok got it18:02
woodyjlwso is there any free email servers that are hosted by a linux distro?  would be cool to have a @ubuntu.com email or something along that line18:02
edbiansilv3r_m00n: I don't know what the error means18:02
norpan111Mean_Admin,  this was an hour ago18:02
edbianLartza_: "gnome-baker"18:02
Lartza_No the package seems to be without -18:02
edbianLartza_: O!  Sorry :)18:02
=== Guest95963 is now known as Cowboy9
Lartza_Downloading now will see what it does18:02
Johnny_boyanyone knows what i need to get the look on the left on this picture ?18:02
edbianwoodyjlw: IDK!  Good question!18:03
Mean_Adminnorpan111: at some point, I asked for help concerning a driver and before that, I think I recommended you give KDE 4.3 a whirl18:03
Johnny_boyedbian u know all ! :P18:03
Teknoeniembeierl: ahh! the joys of enterprise linux18:03
Johnny_boyanyone knows what i need to get the look on the left on this picture ?18:03
mbeierlTeknoenie: did you go open or buy enterprise for likewise?18:03
Cowboy9anyone know how to bake the desktop image rotate through a group of pictures?  like a slide show?18:03
edbianJohnny_boy: I'm flattered but that simply isn't true :)18:03
Teknoeniembeierl: open18:04
mbeierlTeknoenie: what until you try to use groups18:04
Teknoenieentprise linux/linux in the enterprise18:04
edbianJohnny_boy: A lot of configuring ;)18:04
mbeierlTeknoenie: I mean wait..18:04
norpan111Mean_Admin,  last time i installed kde, it was all wierd.. I installed like "sudo apt-get install kde-desktop" ??18:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chuck18:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:04
Mean_Adminnorpan111: I think so yeah18:04
Johnny_boynone ?18:04
DramosHi guys I use ubuntu 8.4 and I want to upgrade to 9.4 I have the ubuntu disk alternative when trying to update I get an error, and when I try to update from internet, I get only partial update and also gives me error, I can do?18:04
mbeierlTeknoenie: you do not get nested groups either18:04
Dramosthe error is18:04
woodyjlwguess I can keep googleing till I find something lol18:04
Mean_Adminnorpan111: 4.3 is a huge improvment over 4.218:04
Teknoenieoh i know18:04
norpan111Mean_Admin,  how do i know i get 4.3 when i sudo apt-get ?18:04
Dramosor been able to calculate the update18:04
ubottuIt's spelled Ubuntu! with a U! *Ubuntu*!18:04
DramosAn unresolved problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:18:04
DramosE: Error, pkgProblemResolver:: Resolve generated cuts, this may be caused by held packages.18:04
Dramos  This can be caused by:18:04
Dramos  * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu18:04
Dramos  * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu18:04
FloodBot3Dramos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
Mean_Adminnorpan111: 4.2 had me uninstall it after 1 day, it was as unstable as our economic system18:05
norpan111Mean_Admin,  haha :D18:05
edbianMean_Admin: ha ha ha18:05
edbianDramos: Don't flood silly18:05
Mean_Adminnorpan111: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/08/install-kde-43-in-ubuntu-jaunty-904.html18:05
Teknoeniembeierl: the open product is extremely crippled, but I just need the AD credentials passed to CIFS to do transparent mounts.  If gvfs-mount does it, so should all other tools18:05
mbeierlTeknoenie: there seems to be quite the history of broken cifs in ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/236830 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29820818:06
Cowboy9anyone know a program that will make your desktop a slide show?  I have looked everywhere18:06
Mean_AdminCowboy9: kde 4.3 :P18:06
norpan111Mean_Admin,  stupid thing is i have 9.10 =) but ubuntu+1 is rather dead18:06
mbeierlTeknoenie: gvfs-mount does indeed work.18:06
norpan111they never anwer questions18:06
Mean_Adminnorpan111: whacha mean ?18:06
Mean_Adminman I am so preaching kde 4.3 today18:06
Teknoeniembeierl: I've gone down the rabbit hole wrt to the bugs.  It just sucks.18:06
ldleworkHow can I determine where the configuration file for XMonad was installed if I installed the package via Synaptic or apt-get?18:06
Mean_Adminnorpan111: oh right18:06
norpan111Mean_Admin,  yeah18:06
mbeierlTeknoenie: but then I put all the printers on Linux, and do network discovery for printers.  The poor windows users just need to go out and discover the smb shared printers on their own :(18:07
Cowboy9mean_admin how do I get kde18:07
nerdy_kidhow to make CPU freq scaling show in Gnome Power Manager?18:07
MsMacoCowboy9: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop18:07
norpan111Mean_Admin,  i think kde looks wier18:07
Mean_AdminCowboy9: pretty much http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/08/install-kde-43-in-ubuntu-jaunty-904.html18:07
TeknoenieThere is also a bug where, at least in my environment where I have sub domains under our domain tree, if you don't specify --disable hostname on the command line when joining it assumes the default domain18:07
Mean_Adminnorpan111: it's really nice, I mean, it's much more OS 2.018:07
Cowboy9Mean, what will I be giving up to use KDE?18:08
MsMacoCowboy9: he's telling you to use kde instead of gnome (a different desktop environment) because it has more features18:08
Mean_AdminCowboy9: hard disk space ?18:08
norpan111Mean_Admin,  some screenshots it looks more like an older OS... dont know why.. like incomplete18:08
MsMacoCowboy9: you can use the same apps in both. i still use firefox and pidgin and gwibber in kde18:08
Lartza_HOw do you use gnomebaker? HOw can I burn my iso?18:08
MsMaconorpan111: have you see kde 4.3?18:08
=== yoni is now known as CrAzYoNi
mbeierlTeknoenie: have not hit that one ...  I've got a small school (k-8, 4 pcs per class = ~36 computers)18:08
MsMaconorpan111: or 4.2 even?18:08
norpan111MsMaco,  4.2 yes xD18:08
Johnny_boyedviant :S wen i close the terminal the dock dissepears :( ?18:09
Cowboy9msmaco mean is KDE better?  why does everyone use gnome as the default?18:09
norpan111MsMaco,  the file explorer looks wierd i think18:09
Mean_AdminCowboy9: oh man, sorry, kde 4.3 is the visual part of your operatin system, it's not really a valid choice for ''make your desktop a picture slideshow'', I said that half-jokingly, sorry18:09
nerdy_kidhey guys, cant find the gconf key to show CPU frequency scaling in GNome Power Manager18:09
MsMacoCowboy9: ubuntu uses gnome as default. kubuntu uses kde as default18:09
Johnny_boyedvian :S wen i close the terminal the dock dissepears :( ?18:09
MsMacoMean_Admin: oh thats not one of the options?18:09
* MsMaco looks in settings18:09
Johnny_boyedbian :S wen i close the terminal the dock dissepears :( ?18:09
di||itanteldlework: dpkg --listfiles packagename18:09
MsMacoMean_Admin, Cowboy9: thats an option18:09
Mean_Adminnorpan111: it's actually pretty neat, I mean, it's very smooth and stylish, look at some youtube videos18:10
norpan111Mean_Admin,  i will! but will i get double of all apps?18:10
norpan111Mean_Admin,  like two of everything18:10
MsMacoCowboy9: kde is more configurable than gnome, so to prevent people getting confused by seeing too many options, some distros default to gnome.  most offer kde as well though18:10
Mean_AdminMsMaco: it can totlally do it, à la OS X18:10
norpan111Mean_Admin,  like i see all gnome apps same as kde apps.. so its very much18:10
Mean_Adminnorpan111: no no18:10
n00buntu64anyone use teamspeak in linux pls?18:10
xtrmzerohi, i have a dual boot system: windows and ubuntu (gnome interface). i`m new with linux and i have tried to use the winamp 2.0 skins on audacious and now it doesn`t work anymore...18:10
Mean_Adminnorpan111: it's seriously just an interface18:11
Mean_Adminnorpan111: a skin, if you will18:11
xtrmzeroplease help a noob :D18:11
MsMaconorpan111: like i said, i use pidgin in kde18:11
norpan111ok =)18:11
norpan111I use empathy18:11
Lartza_Gnomebaker failed to burn my iso18:11
Cowboy9Msmaco, is there a program that will rotate pictures on the desktop like a slide show for gnome?  that might be the simplest solution.18:11
Lartza_so did brasero18:11
MsMaconorpan111: ok so you can use empathy in it :P18:11
Lartza_But the iso is fine18:11
Mean_AdminCowboy9: actually there is, I remember installing one in the old days18:11
Mean_AdminCowboy9: lemme find it again18:11
MsMacoCowboy9: i dont know of one...but i also havent used gnome in a while so im out of the loop on hacks for it... maybe devilspie?18:12
Mean_AdminLartza_: faulty disk ?18:12
norpan111I must join ubuntu+1 for this BUmmer18:12
Lartza_And what is BurnFree btw?18:12
Cowboy9I googled but could not find it.18:12
nerdy_kidwhat are schemas in gconf?18:13
Cowboy9I'm going to try kde in a few weeks, I just don't have time right now.  Wanna read up on it and give myself a few hours to learn it.18:13
Mean_AdminCowboy9: I think http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=51018:13
Johnny_boyhow do  i do with after wrighting this in terminal avant-window-navigator& so i can close the terminal without the AWN closing ?18:13
robert__can i install linux onto my palm centro?18:13
dinahi all18:13
Mean_AdminCowboy9: but really, googling "gnome slideshow desktop" should be plenty18:14
Cowboy9Thanks mean_admin.  And I did google... hmmm but not that. will try again.18:14
Johnny_boycan someone help me (a) ?18:14
* TimothyA bangs his head on the wall18:14
Lartza_THe cd propably wasn't blank blanking it now18:14
elmarikonHas anyone got an idea how to set a 'global' audio delay?18:15
TimothyAhow would I let apache read user-created files that are in the same group...18:15
elmarikonlike for all audio that goes out....18:15
Lartza_Started to burn fine finally18:16
hareshhello is there any alarm clock like i can use it as my wake up call18:16
Lartza_haresh: Yes, not sure what18:16
hareshcan u guys dont mind help me ?18:16
dscastrowho have already saw nic mac change itself?18:17
Lartza_haresh: Propably some music player can do it with mp3s or internet radio18:17
hareshhaha kiezz thanks18:17
mbeierlTimothyA: ok, start over for me... what is going on: you installed apache2 and when you go to start it with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start it fails?18:17
dscastroi rebooted my notebook and mac had changed!18:17
hareshand yeah will like to ask how can i install steam in my linux ?18:17
Lartza_haresh: I recon I have saw that in some of my players18:17
robert__can i install linux onto my palm centro?18:17
Lartza_haresh: Not sure about steam18:17
hareshhumm kiezz thanks18:18
Lartza_Propably you can get steam but cant play games?18:18
hareshi am new to this18:18
Johnny_boyhow do  i do with after wrighting this in terminal avant-window-navigator& so i can close the terminal without the AWN closing ?18:18
Lartza_haresh: Wait playing might work too18:18
hareshi know but its abit laggy18:18
Cowboy9mean_admin thanks, I got the file, now being a noob, I have no idea how to install a file like this.  I have only used synaptic.18:19
woodyjlwAH! now I feel dumb lol fixed my www.m.yahoo.com myself just by clearing history on firefox !  now I see old yahoo again  :)18:19
Lartza_haresh: YOu need to upgrade your computer or tune wine then18:19
Ridderstrying to install the nvidia drivers on my pctablet tc1100, and i used envyng to do it, as i couldnt get it to work with the normal hardware install driver method, but i still get the same problem, on reboot i get this error message "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode, the following error was encountered. you may need to update your configuration to solve this. (EE) NVIDIA(0): failed to load the NVIDIA kernal module! (EE) NVIDIA(0) ***Arborting*** (EE)18:19
RiddersScreen(s) found, but none have a usuable configuration. guys i really need help with this, been having this problem for ages18:19
Lartza_haresh: ANd try to use the latest dev and latest stable wine18:19
hareshi am using acer b30018:19
hareshdev ?18:19
Johnny_boyhow do  i do with after wrighting this in terminal avant-window-navigator& so i can close the terminal without the AWN closing ?18:19
Lartza_developement version18:19
hareshhow can i know what Dev am i using18:19
Lartza_Stable is 1.0.x18:20
Cowboy9dina ask your question18:20
jseiser& exit18:20
jseisercommand & exit18:20
mbeierlJohnny_boy: nohup avant-window-navigator&18:20
Lartza_haresh: Your computer model tells me nothing18:20
hareshhumm sorry for the worng info18:20
StupidWeaselHumm folks, is there any way to make the Rythmbox (sp) library search look at "location" as well?18:20
Lartza_haresh: But it won't matter much18:20
Cowboy9i just down loaded a file from source forge, how do I install it?18:21
Lartza_Cowboy9: What type?18:21
hareshhow do i do a full sys update ?18:21
jribCowboy9: what is it exactly?18:21
StupidWeaselI tend to organize a lot of my music in a directory structure - which I cant search through at the moment.18:21
jseiseropen up the file.. I assume its a tar file18:21
jseiserand read the read me18:21
Lartza_haresh: sudo apt-get upgrade18:21
Johnny_boymbeierl :D mveierl will it start wen ubuntu start to now ?18:21
jribharesh: use Update manager18:21
Lartza_haresh: or see jrib18:21
Cowboy9jirb lartza  -- http://sourceforge.net/projects/gdchange/18:22
Lartza_YOu should get updates available to the try if you are connected to the internet18:22
Lartza_I need to go no18:22
mbeierlJohnny_boy: that starts the command and leaves it running until you shut it down.  it does not make it start again after next reboot :(18:22
Lartza_THe burn finishes soon and then I need to fle18:22
robert__can i install linux onto my palm centro?18:22
Lartza_haresh: Good luck18:22
=== larry is now known as Guest29625
jseiserCowboy9, tar xzf gdchange-0.2.1.tar.gz18:22
Dandre1I just have got a second screen for my laptop. it is recognise but I don't have the twice display functionnality18:22
Johnny_boymbeierl is there away to make it start att startup ?18:22
jseiserwill open the tarball18:22
StupidWeaselAnyone know of a rhythmbox channel?18:23
Dark_WolfHow can I join my ubuntu box to a Win2003 domain?18:23
di||itanteJohnny_boy: System > Preferences > Startup Applications... Put AWN in there18:23
jseiserand there is probably a read me inside it18:23
resnorobert__: i imagine someone has done it, you should search on google for that18:23
Cowboy9jseiser, I am a noob, what does that mean?18:23
mbeierlJohnny_boy: if you are using gnome... yes do what di||itante said :)18:23
jseiser.tar.gz is like a .zip file on windows18:23
jseiseryou have to open it18:23
jseisertar xzf filename.tar.gz in a terminal would open it up18:23
jseisergiving you a folder named after the file18:23
jseiserthere is more than likely a file called README in it18:23
jseiserthat would explain how to install it18:24
Cowboy9jseiser ok,  will check it out.18:24
jseiserbut be warned, installing things from source doesnt allow apt-get to track it/remove it or update it18:24
Dark_Wolfjseiser, wouldn't it more likely be the INSTALL file?18:24
jseiserDark_Wolf,  that to :p18:24
=== Nicky is now known as Guest98402
jrib!compile > Cowboy918:24
ubottuCowboy9, please see my private message18:24
Cowboy9jseiser, how do I fix that18:24
Johnny_boydi||itante how do i add awn then.. were do i find it ?18:24
di||itanteJohnny_boy: "which awn"18:25
haresh./ #gos18:25
Ridderstrying to install the nvidia drivers on my pctablet tc1100, and i used envyng to do it, as i couldnt get it to work with the normal hardware install driver method, but i still get the same problem, on reboot i get this error message "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode, the following error was encountered. you may need to update your configuration to solve this. (EE) NVIDIA(0): failed to load the NVIDIA kernal module! (EE) NVIDIA(0) ***Arborting*** (EE)18:25
RiddersScreen(s) found, but none have a usuable configuration. guys i really need help with this, been having this problem for ages18:25
haresh./j #gos18:25
jseiserCowboy9, this post.. shows how to make the source install into a .deb file so apt can remove it18:25
grawityharesh: /j #gos18:25
Johnny_boydi||itante the "AWN" that u sedd i shudd put there..18:25
Dark_WolfSo... I've set up the smb.conf to join the domain and I've used net join --workgroup=BDDevelopment --server=MAGNESIUM --user=Administrator, and I get "Cannot join as standalone machine"18:25
Cowboy9jseiser... this is so involed!  all I want is my desktop background to be a slideshow... LOL.. wow.18:26
di||itanteJohnny_boy: no silly, from the cmd line type "which awn"18:26
hareshis gos a good linux to use ?18:26
Cowboy9I like running linux.  It is better then windows in some regards but it is a full time job!18:26
jseiserCowboy9, google  is your friend lol - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61249818:26
Cowboy9jseiser... I don't have time for this.18:27
grawityCowboy9: "All I want" doesn't mean it is an easy thing to do.18:27
xtrmzerohi, i have a dual boot system: windows and ubuntu (gnome interface). i`m new with linux and i have tried to use the winamp 2.0 skins on audacious and now it doesn`t work anymore...18:27
Johnny_boydi||itante okey ty :)18:27
xtrmzeroplease help a noob :D18:27
Cowboy9jseiser, thanks for you help.  I may look at this again on the weekend.18:27
jseiserCowboy9, http://lifehacker.com/400505/rotate-desktop-backgrounds-in-ubuntu as well18:28
resnoask! |xtrmzero:18:28
^ThE_BuRKhallo.. want to forward some ports to vpn and use the rest via my usual gateway... anybody??18:28
jseiserif you were not using gnome its kinda easy lol18:28
Dark_Wolf!ask | xtrmzero18:28
ubottuxtrmzero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:28
Cowboy9jseiser, thanks, I will book mark and look at it later.  have a great week.18:28
resnoi can never get it right, Dark_Wolf18:28
jseiseryou to18:28
clustyi recently changed my video card in my sistem18:28
clustynow i am stuck with a intel 945 card18:28
clustyi did a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and got basic x running18:29
clustybut no GLX exntension18:29
clustyany other way besides full system restart?18:29
Johnny_boynow the last tingey :) does someone know of an funny program like webcammax ? or even. does it go to install webcammax on ubuntu ?18:29
di||itanteJohnny_boy: assuming that awn is the name of the program, that command will tell you where it is installed, then you add that path to the startup application manager command field18:30
jseiseri think its avant-window-navigator18:30
Johnny_boydi||itante ye ive done that ... ty :)18:30
Johnny_boynow the last tingey :) does someone know of an funny program like webcammax ? or even. does it go to install webcammax on ubuntu ?18:30
hareshhow do i update my wine ?18:30
jseiserharesh - how did you install it18:31
resnoharesh: depends on how you installed it. via a package, use the package. othersiwe apt-get upgrade wine18:31
jseiserif by source.. you have to download the latest tarball and install - if you added the repository just sudo apt-ge tupdate18:31
resnoharesh: ah, its sudo apt-get update ;)18:31
jseiserI work at apc repair shop... i literally just had a company bring in 15 laptops18:32
jseiserall infected with the same damn fake antivirus program18:32
jseisergotta love job security18:33
resnojseiser: does that have anything to do with linux?18:33
IledenI'm using Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and metacity and gnome-panel have stopped loading at startup. I can manually enable these from commandline. The problem might have occurred because I switched once to regular ubuntu desktop and back, and enabled some workspaces. I tried searching the web for help, but all I could find was a workaround to customly add the metacity and gnome-panel as "new" startup programs. I would like to find out what's actually wrong with my start18:33
TheSimkinis there a procedure one can follow for changing video cards?18:33
Picijseiser: You can join #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat.18:33
TheSimkini'm going from the on board video to a pci-e ati card.18:33
txussI'm going to install an X Window System over a PII Ubuntu server, I think recent gnome or KDE would kill it (low resources)18:33
txussIs there a lightweight one'18:34
TheSimkinubuntu detects a video problem, asks me to use generic or to create new for this hardware, but either option seems to do nothing.18:34
jseiseris a full DE18:34
TheSimkini create config, restart, and it fail18:34
vanjuxaits new 2009 trance music! wanna listen? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKJ8IftBv0818:34
vanjuxaits new 2009 trance music! wanna listen? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKJ8IftBv0818:34
FloodBot3vanjuxa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:34
jseiserotherwise, any window manager would work, openbox, fluxbox, awesome, dwm etc18:34
cantomaguys, any pdf reader capable of playing multimedia(sound, movie) embedded in a pdf apart from acroread?18:34
vanjuxaits new 2009 trance music! wanna listen? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKJ8IftBv0818:34
txussjseiser: Thanks, I'll look for them, I only need an X system taha can be accesed remotely for some apps that require X1118:35
resnothanks Pici :)18:35
hareshi still cant update it18:35
resnowhere is the list of commands for the irc line?18:35
jseiserxwinman.org - explains a lot of window maangers18:35
jseiserresno, '/help'?18:36
hareshplease help me18:36
hareshthanks in advance18:36
thomc_Is there a way to prevent some of my hard drives from spinning up at boot?18:36
jseiserharesh, if you installed it with the repo, and sudo  apt-get update isnt working18:36
sparris there a GUI (or even curses) package manager that allows sorting by popularity contest stats?18:36
jseiserthen their is probably not a newer version in the repo18:36
=== jamur2_ is now known as jamur2
verbalsparr, Mint linux has a package manager with popularity stats18:37
hareshi got it when i installed the gos18:37
jseiserthen sudo apt-get update18:37
jseiserif nothing newer is present18:37
jseiserit came update it18:37
lily_shuhi guys, how can i remove old linux kernel? there's many old kernel when i turn on my computer? thanks18:37
jseiseryou have options, but they also have problems18:38
hareshi just check thir site18:38
hareshmine is 1.0.018:38
jseiserinstall from source or add the wine repo from wine18:38
hareshthe leatest is 1.1.2718:38
Chousukealpeb: just remove the linux-image-whatever packages corresponding to the versions you want to remove.18:38
jseiserlily_shu, http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/17/remove-ubuntu-kernels-you-dont-need/18:38
joaopintoharesh, you need to use a wine repository, the official version will not be updated18:38
Chousukelily_shu: that was to you.18:38
=== richard is now known as Guest97890
Chousukealpeb: sorry, missed ;P18:38
hareshfinehow do i do that18:38
jseiserthose support ubuntu, I do not know about gos.18:39
jseiserthere channel may be able to help you from there18:39
HACKER10011 AaronMT: hi my name is aaron too18:39
joaopintoHACKER10011, this is not a chat channel, do you have a question ?18:40
sparrverbal: i mean one for apt on ubuntu18:40
lily_shuChousuke : thanks18:40
HACKER10011how do i make blender 3D work on ubuntu18:41
HACKER10011it allways has an interference18:41
kermossudo apt-get install blender18:41
jseiserHACKER10011,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Blender18:41
kermosworks pretty well for me =P18:41
kermosHACKER10011: without additional information *what* goes wrong, nobody can help you further18:41
HACKER10011no the graphic problem18:41
verbalIs there a way to fix the no disk error when starting Wubi?18:41
HACKER10011the desktop bleeds through18:42
TeknoenieHACKER10011: if you have an nvidia card install the nvidia-glx driver for your card.  If ati install the fglx driver for your card18:42
HACKER10011how do i find wich card i use18:42
skaipilotanyone know how to fix NTLDR missing with windows recovery console?18:43
majukHACKER10011: lspci18:43
HACKER10011oh ok18:43
HACKER10011i gota go now18:43
kaddiskaipilot http://support.microsoft.com/kb/31872818:43
Chousukelily_shu: just remember not to remove your running kernel :P18:44
Chousukelily_shu: uname -a will tell you the version you're running18:44
jetscreamerjust copy it over18:44
skaipilotkaddi, thanks for the link, that's windows 2k, but i've got it sorted for xp actually just after i asked18:44
hareshhe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:44
hareshhow to go by this18:44
sqwableIs there a way to fix the no disk error when starting Wubi?18:44
majukskaipilot: Copy ntldr and and ntdetect.com18:44
kaddiI'm no psychic.. you never said which version you were using ;)18:45
eth01|iphonewget http://2gbiten.routemancvialon1.in-addr.arpa/int-file/irc.key18:47
sqwableis there a 64bit wubi or something? im running 32bit windows though..18:47
eth01|iphoneer ignore18:47
norpan111kde 4.3 is really nice really18:48
norpan111i just dont like the fonts18:48
norpan111And can the window boarder change?18:48
kaddinorpan111 this is #ubuntu ask either in #kubuntu or #ubuntu+1 :p18:48
silentdaHello. I can't view videos in firefox or other browsers from brightcove player.... is this due to a conflict in plugins, or what?18:49
vanjuxaIf u wanna listen new 2009 Trance music : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKJ8IftBv0818:49
sqwablewtf.. why does wubi 8.10 run but not 9.04 :(  do not want18:49
stercorIs there a program that logs off users after a specified period of time?  Except, of course, unless ALSA is running. ;-)18:50
sebsebsebsqwable: Wubi is a bit bad for varous reasons, your better off doing a proper partitioned install.18:50
JarlGHello! I have a intel centrino duo prosessor (T7200 I think), and I was wondering if anyone knew any good undervolting guides? I'd really like to lower my temperatures, so I'd be really thankful for any suggestions! Thanks. :)18:50
PiciJarlG: Thats not really on-topic for this channel.  ##hardware would be a more appropriate place to ask.18:50
sebsebsebPici: I was going to suggest ##hardware :)18:51
JarlGOh, excuse my ignorance. :) Thanks!18:51
sqwablesebsebseb, bad in what way? (I've had a wubi install of ubuntu on my laptop for months, didnt notice anything bad)18:51
silentdaHas anyone else encountered problems viewing videos online which use the Brightcove player? Where might I go to resolve this?18:51
guntbertEagleScreen: just to report back with my "update error": you were right about the error from update-grub, I tried then locating the error - and "suddenly it was gone" :-), I don't know what happened, but now its ok again, thank you18:51
__theIdiotBoxhello everyone18:52
sebsebsebsqwable: things can mess up,  and then you can't boot up  Ubuntu, if  Windows mess's up  badly enough  Ubuntu will as well,   it  will  probably run a bit slower  than a proper partitioned install18:52
=== bogie_ is now known as bogie
kaddisqwable there is a problem with wubi-jaunty when you try to install it in a different language than the one installed on your windows.18:52
__theIdiotBoxany vi guy out there? how to do a vertical split of the current window...similar to using :sp for a horizontal split?18:52
sebsebsebsqwable: if  your Ubuntu install mess's up you can't just stick in a Live CD, and  gain access to your data18:52
sebsebsebsqwable: with Wubi18:53
rittyan1Hi all. Can I tweak networkmanager's interval between attempts to associate with a wifi network?18:53
__theIdiotBoxrittyan, i guess yes18:53
rittyan1__theIdiotBox: I cannot find any more info :<18:53
sqwablesebsebseb, those are good points.. I guess I will do a proper install after checking if all my hardware is supported (I already have a partition from my removed fedora 11 install)18:54
__theIdiotBoxrittyan1, not even from google? okey ...lemme goog it 4 u18:54
sebsebsebsqwable: not that difficult to set up a proper dual boot set up,  but even better get rid of Windows,  or   run it inside Ubuntu in a virtual machine,   depending on how much RAM you have, and what apps you want to run18:54
sqwablesebsebseb, the only reason I use windows is for the games I play18:55
sebsebsebsqwable: removed Fedora 11 why?  and left some kind of partition behind hmm?18:55
lily_shui have eeepc 1000HE. with windows my battery life is about 7 hrs and with UNR is about 5:30 hrs. is there any configuration to get most of the battery with UNR?18:55
LMJgot a NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A DL not recognised by growisofs : media is not recognized as recordable DVD DL. but I can use it to read regular CD/DVD. How I can burn my 6GB ISO on my DVD+R DL please ?18:55
sqwablefedora 9,10 and 11 broke the rt2500 wireless drivers18:55
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:55
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:56
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:56
sqwableI have to check if ubuntu has better support, Ive been using windows for serveral months now... I need to go back18:56
Pici!msgthebot | Sonybuntu18:57
ubottuSonybuntu: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:57
bullgard4Synaptic: "The Deb program package 'mysql-server-5.0 includes the ndb-cluster binaries." What does 'ndb' stand for?18:57
sqwableI removed fedora by simply removing the lvm partition and editing grub menu.lst so it doesnt show the option to boot the non existent partition18:57
sebsebsebsqwable: certain Windows games  people can get working  rather well in Wine  these days, or the commercial for money,  Crossover Games/Office  or  maybe the commercial for money Cedega.    Also Virtualbox 3.0  and such are getting there  for  3D games support  it seems,  but   people say 3D  Windows games are slow in Virtualbox.   There are also good native Linux games, you just need to know where to get them from.18:57
ruben23hi having two desktop function for switching on my ubuntu not functioning18:58
ruben23how to re enable it18:58
Sonybuntucan i install grub to the mbr of hda and put menu.1st on hdb?18:58
ruben23or re setup it18:58
ruben23or maybe re install18:58
sqwableYeah, I cant wait untill/if virtualbox 3d gets dx9/10 support..18:58
sqwableI gotta play _now_ :)18:58
sebsebsebsqwable: it has that now or was that 8 hmm,   well  you can try 3D gaming in it now if you want18:58
sqwableI think its dx7-8 only now18:59
sebsebsebsqwable: probably won't have much luck though18:59
__theIdiotBoxrittyan1, still googling...no useful info as yet....18:59
sqwablebut it is really cool that they are making it work18:59
sphenxeswhen i was using ubuntu 8, i can found a applet at the top left corner, where I can start my (DSL. wireless) connection. What is the name of this applet and where i can found it?19:00
rittyan1__theIdiotBox: same here19:00
Flare183!fixmbr | Sonybuntu19:00
ubottuSonybuntu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:00
MiraiWarren0_0sphenxes: network_manager?19:00
sphenxesMiraiWarren0_0, i will give a try19:01
lukushi - does anyone know why i'd have an activesync service listening?19:01
lukusis the activesync port associated with a common program?19:01
Sonybuntuor do i have to put /boot on hda19:02
silici0im running ubuntu 9.04 with dual monitor in a vaio laptop without compiz, and alot of stuff that runs videos are just crashing19:02
silici0vlc, webcam, totem19:02
ericPin what menu does one enable proprietary drivers?19:02
silici0stuff like that19:02
ruben23hi i cant switch betwwen 2 desktop screen on my ubuntu desktop19:02
ruben23how do i correct it19:02
ericP(a friend is installing on a Dell with an NVidia card; selecting nvidia 180 doesn't change the driver)19:02
sebsebsebsqwable: yeah and there's http://www.reactos.org   been around quite a lot of years now, but development is slow,  so still alpha.   ,but  yeah eventually  loads of people won't  need  Windows anymore, espesailly if  a lot more apps  go online,   off  topic now, and I think this is a nice ending for it19:02
Flare183ericP: System Menu, Administration menu, Hardware drivers19:03
__theIdiotBoxericP, sys->admin->hardware drivers19:03
resnoericP: system>hardware drivers19:03
ltcabralhow do i unzip a file.tar.gz to an specific folder?19:03
Flare183ruben23: Are you using compiz?19:03
__theIdiotBoxltcabral, tar zxvf <filename>19:03
sqwablesebsebseb, oh, reactOS theyre still working on that? :P19:03
ltcabral__theIdiotBox: how about the specific folder :P19:03
sebsebsebsqwable: yep :)19:04
ruben23and also AWN19:04
resnoltcabral, tar zxvf folder/<filename>19:04
Flare183ruben23: So, you want to have a four sided cube, is that what your asking?19:04
silici0ubuntu without compiz, has a lot of bugs19:04
resnoltcabral, tar zxvf <filename> <desitnation>19:04
resnomy mistake19:05
ltcabralresno this way ill be unzipping the file that is inside folder/ and not to folder/ or im wrong?19:05
sqwablecool reactOS can handle dx519:05
ltcabralresno hm... ill try that19:05
Flare183silici0: Not true.19:05
sebsebsebsqwable: more and more apps go online, and then eventaully  will get to a stage where people just need a simple  OS with a browser,   and  then who needs Windows?19:05
silici0well 2 laptop that i test and video stuff doenst property work19:05
ruben23Flare183:yes and also a desktop switching windows19:05
sqwablesebsebseb, windows lite/cloud/web3.0 will takes its place then19:05
ericPFlare183, __theIdiotBox, resno, sys admin drivers shows nvidia 180, allows him to select, but activate gives a momentary "downloading" progress box before returning with no apparent affect19:05
xtrmzeroi tried to use winamp 2 skins with audacious, it worked fine but now it doesnt work anymore19:05
silici0using dual monitor without compiz19:05
Total_Oblivionwhen a play a vid file on VLC i have some distortions on the picture. and some times the picture freezes whlie sound keeps playing. why is that? graphics card issue?19:05
dael99i need someone to review a project (VBar)19:05
xtrmzeroanyone know why?19:06
guntbert!ot | dael9919:06
ubottudael99: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:06
Flare183!ccsm | ruben2319:06
ubotturuben23: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:06
__theIdiotBoxericP, apparently doing a reboot might fix it..if it downloade and installed the drivers19:06
ascheelAnybody know the easiest way to throttle downloads?19:06
sebsebsebsqwable: ReactOS and Wine  use some of the  same code or whatever,  check out there site properly  if  you  want,  it  explains stuff19:06
Pici!offtopic | sebsebseb sqwable19:07
ubottusebsebseb sqwable: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:07
SonybuntuI want GRUB files (device.map, etc) on my IDE hard disk, but I want GRUB to be on my SATA hard disk. Is this possible or will i have to put /boot on my SATA disk?19:07
AutocompliantHey, can someone give me a hand with installing a program?19:07
comrade_tuttleHey everyone, I'm new to Ubuntu and for some reason i can't get my video card to run sound on any of my programs. It will play sound to media files and on firefox but that is all. I have Pulse audio installed and have moved all the streams over from the mother board to the sound card and still nothing. Does any one know a fix for this?19:07
archive23firefox = slow, GFX card = GForce GTX 260m 1GB DDR319:07
sebsebsebPici: indeed  and  was about to kill it19:07
archive23is this the fault of nVidia (y/n)19:07
ascheel!ask | Autocompliant19:07
ubottuAutocompliant: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:07
Pseudo_BobHey, I tried to install the ATI driver in Envyng and when I rebooted I got asked to log in on an all-text screen, then after a few seconds that went away and there was nothing but random colors.19:07
Flare183!envy | Pseudo_Bob19:07
ubottuPseudo_Bob: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver19:07
ruben23ubottu: but why my my two screen not functioning, how do i correct it19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
archive23ruben23, do you have the latest drivers?19:08
__theIdiotBoxruben23, ubottu is just a bot19:08
Flare183!dualhead | ruben2319:08
ubotturuben23: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama19:08
sebsebsebsqwable: off topic  the end,   back to support or whatever,   in  my case  Karmic alpha4 stuff :)19:08
AutocompliantI'm not sure what 'cd' Means in: `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type     `./configure' to configure the package for your system.19:08
Total_Oblivionwhen a play a vid file on VLC i have some distortions on the picture. and some times the picture freezes whlie sound keeps playing. why is that? graphics card issue?19:08
archive23Autocompliant, cd @ terminal = change working directory19:09
ruben23yes i have19:09
archive23Autocompliant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:09
OEPTotal_Oblivion, sometimes video codec problems will do that19:09
Pseudo_BobUgh.  Well, I tried installing the driver from the ATI website, but it wouldn't install because it only lets you download the 64 bit version for some reason.  What else should I try?19:09
Flare183sebsebseb: Well, support for that version of ubuntu, is in #ubuntu+119:09
CrAzYoNiHi all,19:09
guntbert!compile | Autocompliant19:09
ubottuAutocompliant: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:09
sebsebsebFlare183: I know19:10
CrAzYoNiFrom cli\terminal\tty how can I know what Ubuntu version do I have number & nickname?19:10
archive23Autocompliant, using the terminal will make your life with linux easier19:10
Flare183sebsebseb: Alright.19:10
PiciCrAzYoNi: lsb_release -a19:10
CrAzYoNikk, thanks for the fastest respond Pici  :)19:10
archive23ruben23, all I have is the dual head link that was posted here, I'm sorry :'(19:10
g3org3shello ... i have an ubuntu desktop server .. i was trying to isntall xubuntu on it , then the nework manager setting were modified and i couldnt connect to it ... so now im on a rescue mode, how can i put the old settings back so it will work again ?19:10
ascheelAnybody know of a way to throttle bandwidth system wide in Ubuntu (don't want to throttle it at the router)19:11
archive23ruben23, but beware of firefox on ubuntu, it tends to be slower then on winXP19:11
bruno123hi all, when I try to open a text file that is saved in .rtf format I get the following message:  "filename.rtf" is an executable text file.  How can I make it so that OpenOffice opens these documents types by default?19:11
sebsebsebFlare183: I don't need any suppourt for it at the moment,  plus  doing something with a virtual machine first,  then later do a proper install19:11
comrade_tuttleIf any one can help me that would be rad, I'm even will to try using remote desktop access to see if maybe it's a PEBKAC issue, i just want my box running like it should. Please help.19:11
Flare183sebsebseb: Ahh ok.19:11
bruno123comrade_tuttle what is the issue?19:11
^ThE_BuRKhallo.. want to forward some ports to vpn and use the rest via my usual gateway... anybody??19:11
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:11
* Flare183 pokes comrade_tuttle 19:11
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Remember me?19:12
comrade_tuttleSound won't run for any program besides media files and fire fox.19:12
comrade_tuttleFlare183: whats up dude, what ever you did it last night it got sound running on firefox atleast19:12
archive23nvm that, ^ThE_BuRK, just checking if ubottu was responsive19:12
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Awesome!19:13
=== buddha is now known as Seidos
JarlGI've got a ATi X1600 Mobility, where could I download a driver with a working Catalyst Center? Thanks.19:13
bruno123comrade_tuttle have you checked all of the sliders in your volume control (actually make sure each is visible to you and test each one)???19:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:13
comrade_tuttleFlare183: Yeah, I mean I'm a step closer but still playing deaf on Nexuiz and Super Tux... :(19:13
guntbert!msgthebot | archive2319:13
ubottuarchive23: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:13
^ThE_BuRKrouting anyone???19:14
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Yeah.19:14
bruno123 hi all, when I try to open a text file that is saved in .rtf format I get the following message:  "filename.rtf" is an executable text file.  How can I make it so that OpenOffice opens these documents types by default?19:14
archive23of course guntbert, I'm sorry19:14
guntbertarchive23: :)19:14
comrade_tuttleBruno123: on alsa or pulse19:14
__theIdiotBoxbruno123, use open with and chosse open office19:14
archive23bruno123, does it say "display" in the choicebox ?19:14
Flare183bruno123: Right click it and click properties, then click the Open with tab, and click openoffice.org19:15
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Let me know if anyone else gets it working.19:15
archive23wow shitload of support for easy questions lol :p19:15
comrade_tuttleFlare183: Will do man19:15
AceKingHow can I change permissions to be able to add and delete from a memory card for a camera?19:15
bruno123comrade_tuttle I have had issues with programs that dont like pulseaudio or need to be started with "padsp"19:15
Flare183AceKing: sudo chmod -R 777 <path to memory card>19:16
bruno123Flare183 __theIdiotBox I want to make it the default that anytime I double click on rtf document it ALWAYS opens it with OpenOffice.  I dont think the "open with" makes that permanent does it?19:16
Flare183AceKing: the path would normally be like, this: /media/disk19:16
comrade_tuttlebruno123:Do i need to install that or just run it in the terminal19:16
AceKingFlare183: Thank you!!19:16
Flare183AceKing: Your welcome.19:16
archive23ubottu, why don't man pages contain cool pix?19:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:17
bruno123I think you may need to install it.  type padsp from terminal and it should tell you.  I have to use it to be able to use Teamspeak and COD2 under wine together at the same time19:17
Flare183!ot | archive2319:17
ubottuarchive23: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:17
^ThE_BuRKhallo.. want to forward some ports to vpn and use the rest via my usual gateway... anybody??19:17
archive23very well...19:17
archive23I second the question of ^ThE_BuRK btw....19:18
bullgard4Synaptic: "The Deb program package 'mysql-server-5.0 includes the ndb-cluster binaries." What does 'ndb' stand for?19:18
jonny_bhi people,ifound athread before about disabling a touch pad while typing but cant find it now19:18
archive23(even if I don't have VPN yet)19:18
^ThE_BuRKarchive23, itshidden.com ... its free19:18
g3org3show can i know if my disks are mounted ?19:18
archive23free != reliable ;)19:18
=== s is now known as dragonis
gonzzorWhat is the "right way" to configure wireless networking without using a GUI?19:19
archive23but I'll look into it nevertheless19:19
Pseudo_BobIn the BinaryDriverHowTo for ATI, it says to enable the accelerated ATI graphics driver, but when I open Hardware Drivers it says there aren't any proprietary drivers in use on the system.19:19
Flare183g3org3s: df19:19
=== dragonis is now known as katherine
^ThE_BuRKarchive23, true.. but means bt not f*cking with my bandwith19:19
bruno123Flare183 , __theIdiotBox  right click select open with works but is not permanent.  I want to be able to double click rtf type docs and it AutoMagically opens it by OO everytime.  Suggestions??19:19
=== katherine is now known as _ice_
matykhi, i am wondering if you guys could help me out here so heres the deal i have installed ubuntu on my windows drive like the same partition you know where it goes into C:\ubuntu\ etc the new feature in the latest ubuntu, now i will like to grab a file from this ubuntu whilst i am on windows on that machine from searching the internets i came accross that i could get a ext2 broswer but i only could get this to work on a part19:19
^ThE_BuRKgonzzor, iwconfig19:19
Pici^ThE_BuRK: Please mind your language here.19:19
^ThE_BuRKPici, sorry19:20
=== _ice_ is now known as Guest19744
ukubuntuHi all, I tried to dl the Karmic alpha 1 from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-1/ but19:20
unstoppablegod damn foul-mouthed niggers!19:20
gonzzor^ThE_BuRK: Yes, but persistent..19:20
delamanim haivng trouble upgrading here are the results of 'sudo apt-get upgrade' http://pastebin.com/d58fd533219:20
ukubuntuit is not available19:20
archive23^ThE_BuRK, you just gave me an awesome idea, for that, I'm going to eat pizza in the name of you19:20
comrade_tuttlebruno123: i typed it in and it just dropped me down to a new line19:20
=== Guest19744 is now known as ice_dragonis
Flare183unstoppable: That was very uncalled for.19:20
g3org3sFlare183 http://pastebin.com/m327e17c0 does that mean they are mounted ?19:20
sebsebsebukubuntu: it's alpha4 now,  and  #ubuntu+1  for Karmic talk19:20
silentdaHas anyone encountered problems viewing videos online which use Brightcove player? It's all over the internet, and I can't see videos which use it :( http://www.brightcove.com/en/19:20
guntbertbullgard4: from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-cluster-overview.html: MySQL Cluster integrates the standard MySQL server with an in-memory clustered storage engine called NDB. In our documentation, the term NDB refers to the part of the setup that is specific to the storage engine, whereas “MySQL Cluster” refers to the combination of MySQL and the NDB storage engine.19:20
unstoppableI couldn't resist19:20
Flare183bruno123: On the permissions tab, uncheck the Allow executing of this program19:21
unstoppableFue por mis tourrettes de charla19:21
AceKingFlare183: can you look at this? I did what you told me but it didn't seem to work.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/255293/19:21
ukubuntuopps, I am  so behind, thanks sebsebseb19:21
MsMacounstoppable: tourrettes doesnt affect typing19:21
Flare183unstoppable: You could be banned for such.19:21
^ThE_BuRKgonzzor, iwconfig is persistent...19:21
unstoppableque me disculpen19:21
OEPIs anyone skilled with udev? I'm still trying to make a script run on device attachment that scans the stick for viruses... at least does anyone know if I could do this through FUSE instead of udev?19:21
unstoppablepara mi tourrette me causa eso19:21
bruno123comrade_tuttle then it must be there already,  try running a program that is not working by typing padsp then the executable file name in terminal...see if you get sound19:21
Flare183AceKing: I know, what's wrong.19:22
gonzzor^ThE_BuRK: During reboot?19:22
matyk is it possible to mount root.disk in windows?19:22
unstoppabletambien echo la culpa a eso por mi racismo en contra de los negros de mierda19:22
^ThE_BuRKgonzzor, w819:22
__theIdiotBox!es| unstoppable19:22
ubottuunstoppable: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:22
ukubuntuthanks sebsebseb, I am downloading now :)19:22
MsMacounstoppable: tourrettes do not affect typing, except maybe that hands may twitch19:22
Flare183AceKing: On the card itself, there is a little slider thing that says lock. Unlock it.19:22
gonzzormatyk: Depends on what filesystem you are using..19:22
MsMaco__theIdiotBox: unstoppable is just spouting off racist swearing in spanish19:22
bruno123Flare183 thanks that did it :-D19:22
sebsebsebukubuntu: alpha4?19:22
inhottebПривет. А русский канал какой?!19:22
unstoppableno I am not19:22
Pseudo_BobIs it possible that I just won't be able to find drivers for my graphics card?  Because the first 3 things I've tried haven't worked...19:22
MsMaco__theIdiotBox: just as they were doing in english before19:22
matyk by filesystem you mean like exts ntfs19:23
ukubuntuyes sebsebseb, alpha4 :D thx19:23
matyk  i mean ex219:23
bullgard4guntbert: Thank you for answering. Apparently you cannot resolve the acronym ndb either?19:23
gonzzormatyk: http://www.fs-driver.org/19:23
didahello.how many ubuntu user around the world19:23
sebsebsebukubuntu: yeah  it seems quite nice, by  what I seen so far19:23
g3org3sFlare183 http://pastebin.com/m327e17c0 does that mean they are mounted ?19:23
comrade_tuttlebruno123: just tried running Nexuiz with that command and no sound19:23
silentdaCan anyone suggest where I can go to figure out how to view videos online which use Brightcove player? It's all over the internet, and I can't see videos which use it :( http://www.brightcove.com/en/19:23
Flare183g3org3s: Yes.19:24
sebsebsebukubuntu: not seen everything yet since...  nevermind off topic for here19:24
^ThE_BuRKgonzzor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118819:24
matyki installed fs-driver im confused of what it did though19:24
FloodBot3inhotteb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:25
guntbertbullgard4: sorry, no19:25
Pici!ru | inhotteb19:25
ubottuinhotteb: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:25
bullgard4guntbert: Thank you, anyway.19:25
jiohdiI downloaded KDE and changed session to KDE, but where do I find the setting for wifi?19:25
gonzzor^ThE_BuRK: Isn't there a proper way except doing a rc.local thing?19:25
bruno123comrade_tuttle okay.  Here is another question, when you go to volume control--->preferences it should show you what "sliders" or controls are checked to be visible.19:25
matykwith fs-driver how do i get it to use root.disk :S19:25
bruno123comrade_tuttle what do you have selected?19:25
FactranHello ! I would like to know if "Listen music player" and "jack audio server" are compatible ? Does someone uses that ?19:25
AceKingFlare183: It's one of those mini SD flash cards that I have to put into a bigger card.. it looks like the part for the lock is missing19:26
^ThE_BuRKgonzzor, it should be yes19:26
EagleScreenjiohdi: in knetworkmanager19:26
=== vorian is now known as rofl
Flare183AceKing: Uh oh, that's not good.19:26
g3org3sFlare183 i want to remove network manager ... when i type 'sudo apt-get remove NetworkManager' it says E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/19:26
g3org3sE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.19:26
jonah1980hey can anyone help. i had wrong resolution with gma 500 so i tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1213416&highlight=gma+50019:26
jonah1980but it didn't work, tried to remove what i installed but now Xserver/KDM won't start!!19:26
cptwinderI have an annoying problem I'm hoping someone can help me with.  I have several Ubuntu 9.04 machines and Debian 5.0 server that have '\' characters in their /etc/issues.net files. When I ssh into them the \ gets duplicated so I see \\ I can't remember if this started when I upgraded the Debian boxes or the Ubuntu.19:26
Factrang3org3s: put "sudo" in front of the comand19:26
jonah1980so stuck at terminal19:26
bruno123comrade_tuttle should be stuff like Master, PCM, Front, etc19:26
AceKingFlare183: Thanks for helping. At least I know what it is now19:26
Flare183AceKing: No problem.19:27
kermithas anyone had their CPU get stuck in a low speed?   i tried standby, hibernate, and waiting a while, and it's still stuck.19:27
Flare183g3org3s: sudo aptitude remove NetworkManager19:27
Factrang3org3s: oups sorry19:27
bruno123comrade_tuttle you there?19:27
Flare183bruno123: He times out sometimes.19:27
comrade_tuttlebruno123: master, PCM, PCM Front, Line-in, CD, Microphone, PC Speaker, Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack,19:27
Factrankermit: is there something on your bios for that ?19:28
delamanis this normal for /boot ? http://pastebin.com/m4b40cb9b19:28
matyki installed fs-driver im confused of what it did though19:28
JustBluehey guys ;)19:28
matykwith fs-driver how do i get it to use root.disk :S19:28
comrade_tuttlebruno123: ^^^^ you see it19:28
Factrandelaman: why do you think it's wrong ?19:29
AutocompliantThe instructions for installing this plugin for Pidgin say "2. Type `make' to compile the package." but when I type "make" into the Terminal I get the error message: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."..... What am I doing wrong?19:29
comrade_tuttleoh and quick question do i actually have to drop 20 bucks for this username? or is this IRC client free19:29
kermitFactran: no, it was full speed earlier, then just got slow.. it wasnt very warm either19:29
bruno123comrade_tuttle try seeing what sliders are selected for others sound device too (alsa, playback , etc)19:29
Flare183delaman: I don't see nothing wrong with it.19:29
Flare183comrade_tuttle: No.19:29
bruno123comrade_tuttle free as far as i know19:29
Flare183comrade_tuttle: Xchat for linux is free19:29
Factrankermit: did you install some stuff ?19:29
matykwith fs-driver how do i get it to use root.disk :S?? help19:29
delaman Flare183:  "The upgrade needs a total of 15.7M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 10.4M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'."19:29
bruno123comrade_tuttle pay for nothing is my motto19:29
=== carlos is now known as Guest13419
kermitFactran: no19:29
unstoppableFreenode sucks19:29
comrade_tuttleOk because every now and then i get a message saying this name isn't registered19:29
unstoppableno trolling allowed here19:29
=== Guest13419 is now known as gdg
Flare183unstoppable: Don't make me call the ops.19:30
comrade_tuttlebruno123: cheers to that19:30
bruno123forget about that for now comrade_tuttle19:30
unstoppabletrolling is good for the soul19:30
bruno123comrade_tuttle are you using speakers or headphones19:30
unstoppableand is what holds our society together19:30
jiohdiI have an acer laptop, when I switched sessions managers to KDE I found nothing for wifi, where do I find the settings?19:30
comrade_tuttlebruno123: i have a 2.1 speaker system hooked up19:30
MsMacoPici: ^^^19:31
FactranI would like to know if "Listen music player" and "jack audio server" are compatible ? Does someone uses that ? I don't succeed to make them work together.19:31
Flare183bruno123: He has two sounds cards. One that is made into the motherboard, and the other that is connect via PCI19:31
Pseudo_BobWhat is the command "alien" from?19:31
delamanFlare183: i ask because on my distro (Archlinux) i get this result http://pastebin.com/m4e202d21,,,, the previous result is from a friends computer19:32
moymoyaudio/video stops when i resize windows =[19:32
MyrttiMsMaco: ohai19:32
__theIdiotBox!offtopic| unstoppable19:32
ubottuunstoppable: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:32
MsMacoMyrtti: HI!19:32
Flare183__theIdiotBox: His gone.19:32
Flare183delaman: Yeah, I understand.19:32
mbeierlPici banned him...19:32
AutocompliantThe instructions for installing this plugin for Pidgin say "2. Type `make' to compile the package." but when I type "make" into the Terminal I get the error message: "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."..... What am I doing wrong?19:33
__theIdiotBoxFlare183, yeh thats better...was creating a mess here19:33
comrade_tuttlebruno123: if you need to see anything I am willing to connect via remote access. anything to get sound working19:33
Flare183__theIdiotBox: Tru19:33
g3org3sFlare183 "Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "NetworkManager" but i am sure that its booting with my system and preventing it from connecting .. any ideas ?19:33
^ThE_BuRKgonzzor, sorry thats the only way that i found... apart from making a script to run at startup manually... which  is as bad as doing it all by hand19:33
delamanFlare183: what can i do? make /boot bigger ?19:33
Flare183delaman: Partiton manager maybe19:33
bruno123comrade_tuttle I guess my advice is that you need to make visible/enable all of the sliders, switches, and options for all your sound devices and then experiment.  I have seen it before where a PCM2 had to be turned up, or a switch enabled/disabled for headphones etc.  Best for you to troubleshoot at your end.  Also the folks at #alsa chat are very helpful.19:33
Flare183g3org3s: I have no idea.19:33
Flare183__theIdiotBox: True*19:33
Seidosmoymoy: are you using totem?19:34
MsMacoAutocompliant: maybe there's a "./autogen" or "./configure" you have to do first? also, make sure you have build-essential installed first19:34
AutocompliantI did ./configure19:34
Autocompliantthat worked fine19:34
=== ^ThE_BuRK is now known as burkoff
g3org3sFlare183 how can i reload my old startup setting then ?19:34
bruno123comrade_tuttle can you tell more about your specific hardware, mobo, sound card19:34
Flare183Autocompliant: Try make all then19:34
moymoySeidos: doesn't matter what i use.. once i start resizing a window any audio or video starts skipping and eventually stops19:34
__theIdiotBoxAutocompliant, pidgin right?19:34
MsMaco__theIdiotBox: pidgin plugin19:35
Flare183g3org3s: :S I don't know how.19:35
tbryantI'm having problems updating my 9.04 install to the latest software (kernel, specifically) :: http://pastebin.ca/153414419:35
DarkOne_Network Manager Question, shows Auto eth0 as "never" connected but I AM connected NOW?!!!19:35
Seidosmoymoy: what Ubuntu?19:35
__theIdiotBoxMsMaco, ohh yeh ...thanks for reminding19:35
Flare183bruno123: Give him your lspci output via pastebin.19:35
AutocompliantI'm trying to put the "pidgin-musictracker-0.4.19" plugin on19:35
moymoySeidos: it's a minimal install.. i'm using pekwm instead of metacity19:35
Seidosmoymoy:  do you have desktop effects enabled?19:35
MsMacoAutocompliant: there's a pidgin musictracker package19:35
moymoySeidos: nope19:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity19:35
AutocompliantIs there?19:35
Flare183!wm | Seidos19:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm19:36
moymoySeidos: i don't use metacity19:36
Seidosmoymoy: I do.  I need to learn about it.19:36
jonah1980please can someone help me, i installed some packages but they removed other ones i need, is there a way to find out which to put back??19:36
MsMacoAutocompliant: 0.4.13 in jaunty, 0.4.19 in karmic19:36
comrade_tuttlebruno123: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255304/19:36
AutocompliantNot exactly sure what that mean Maco19:36
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:37
MsMacoAutocompliant: what version of ubuntu are you on?19:37
MsMacoAutocompliant: 9.04?19:37
MsMacoAutocompliant: if so then pidgin-musictracker version 0.4.13 can be found in system -> administration -> synaptic19:37
papadopcanyone experiencing network problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.28-15 ?19:37
bruno123comrade_tuttle you running fresh install of ubuntu 9.04, upgrade from 8.x or what?19:37
MsMacoAutocompliant: do you *need* version 0.4.19?19:37
g3org3sI was installing xubuntu desktop, when i rebooted, my server didnt connect to the internet ... something with the network manager ? anyone can help plz ?19:37
__theIdiotBoxpapadopc, no19:37
AutocompliantWell I don't have the music tracker at all19:38
Seidosmoymoy: why don't you use metacity?19:38
tbryantI'm having problems updating my 9.04 install to the latest software (kernel, specifically) :: http://pastebin.ca/153414419:38
__theIdiotBoxpapadopc, whats the problem, btw?19:38
MsMacoAutocompliant: ok so you can go to system -> administration -> synaptic and look for pidgin-musictracker19:38
comrade_tuttlebruno123: fresh install of 9.04 from XP sp3. Just installed it yesterday19:38
Guidbuntuwth I keep getting an error "Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock", yet there's nothing locking the database19:38
xuHello. I'm an Ubuntu newbie. I installed version 9.04 for AMD64. Is it possible to have x-chat, texlive and flash plugins for this version?19:38
joaopinto!aptlock | Guidbuntu19:38
ubottuGuidbuntu: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:38
Flare183Autocompliant: Update your package list.19:38
papadopcno network connection through a static ip19:38
MsMacoAutocompliant: then click the checkbox next to it and press the apply button. itll download and install for you19:38
__theIdiotBoxxu, cant u get it from the base repo?19:38
=== carlos is now known as Guest97123
papadopcconfirmed by someone else, but his fix didn't work for me19:38
xu__theIdiotBox: no19:38
MsMacoxu: yes, just look in system -> administration -> synaptic19:38
__theIdiotBoxxu, i think its available19:39
haf1ztanghello guys19:39
__theIdiotBoxhaf1ztang, hello19:39
haf1ztanghow do i learn about linux?19:39
AutocompliantThat was way easier then doing it manually -.-19:39
bruno123comrade_tuttle see if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114651319:39
__theIdiotBoxxu, you hust have to enable/add proper repos19:39
grawityhaf1ztang: you experiment, read manuals, and use Google.19:39
xu__theIdiotBox: which repos in particular?19:39
MsMacoxu: or open a terminal and put this in: "sudo apt-get install texlive-full xchat adobe-flashplugin"19:39
Flare183haf1ztang: Ask stuff about it.19:39
haf1ztang__theIdiotBox: how do ppl use linux in working environtment?19:39
AutocompliantI only know a small amount of Terminal stuff, my brother programs for Gnome Do - so I catch a little bit of it here and there19:40
__theIdiotBoxhaf1ztang, google is your friedn...and use ircs19:40
bruno123One suggestion in that thread comrade_tuttle is select Open Volume Control. Select the Switches tab and make sure that the Digital/Analog switch is disabled.19:40
MsMacohaf1ztang: with a mouse?19:40
__theIdiotBoxhaf1ztang, almost all servers are on linux, globally19:40
MsMacoAutocompliant: always check the repositories first. then when security updates happen, you get them19:40
comrade_tuttlebruno123: unfortunetly I've already tried that to no sucess19:40
MsMaco__theIdiotBox: well...not almost all...but around 1/219:41
haf1ztangand i want to learn about linux..how do i start?19:41
__theIdiotBoxhaf1ztang, to get a solid understanding of CS/OS learn it19:41
proqhow do I change the language setting of my system from the commandline?19:41
xuMsMaco: E: Couldn't find package xchat19:41
MsMaco__theIdiotBox: the 60+% stat is for apache...some linux boxes use lighttpd...some unixes use apache...so....19:41
__theIdiotBoxMsMaco, >50%19:41
Guidbuntujoaopinto, it's still locked19:41
MsMaco__theIdiotBox: thats the apache stat. apache runs on commercial unix and windows19:41
Seidoshaf1ztang:  do you have linux installed on a computer that you can use?19:41
AutocompliantWill do, Thanks for the help MsMaco19:41
haf1ztangSeidos: im running on ubuntu19:41
__theIdiotBoxMsMaco, not web servers ...in general....19:41
Flare183comrade_tuttle bruno123: join my fireflare channel, I'll see if I can still help.19:42
Seidoshaf1ztang: are you serious?  or are you being funny?19:42
bruno123comrade_tuttle read comment from pr_ark on page 219:42
haf1ztangSeidos: im serious19:42
papadopcanyone with a static ip configuration in 9.04?19:42
comrade_tuttleFlare183: how do i do that19:42
Flare183comrade_tuttle: /j #FireFlare19:42
MsMacoxu: system -> administration -> software sources. make sure universe is enabled19:42
sebsebsebFlare183: not allowed to promote  your own channal in here19:42
sebsebsebto late19:42
MsMacoSeidos: why would you think haf1ztang is joking...?19:42
haf1ztangSeidos: i want to learn how linux works..the function..everything19:42
Flare183sebsebseb: .....19:42
JarlGWith the standard, open-source GPU Drivers, would I be able to modify the clocks of my ATi X1600 Mobility? How would I do it? Thanks!19:42
bruno123im there Flare18319:43
Flare183!traffic | sebsebseb19:43
ubottusebsebseb: NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!19:43
xuMsMaco: yes it is enabled19:43
MsMacohaf1ztang: you want to learn how to use the linux desktop?19:43
Seidoshaf1ztang: I think patience is key.  Linux is huge.19:43
MsMacoxu: "sudo apt-get update" if this is a new install then19:43
sebsebsebFlare183: there are channal promotion rules for this channal,   but also the network19:43
Seidosin my view19:43
__theIdiotBoxgotta go...c ya guys...have a good day...19:43
proqFlare183: you just spammed the channel with 6 lines because someone else used 2?19:43
haf1ztangMsMaco: not just linux desktop. i want to learn about linux..the system..19:44
Flare183No. I didn't :)19:44
Seidoshave a good one __theIdiotBox19:44
bruno123comrade_tuttle did you read second page and the possible solutions19:44
MsMacohaf1ztang: well if you want to get technical, linux is only the kernel...a collection of drivers, a scheduler, and bit to allocate memory19:44
sudobashyeap so learn the kernel first19:45
SeidosI typed man kernel last night, hehe19:45
MsMacohaf1ztang: so youre gonna need to be more specific.  im guessing you dont mean to memorize every line of the kernel and work on the drivers just yet19:45
xuMsMaco: yes it is a new install. after issuing that command it works (from the cli). thanks!19:45
MsMacoxu: no problem. it just didnt have a list of packages yet19:45
MsMacohaf1ztang: i suggest starting out with learning your way around the desktop and learning the basic commands needed to admin a desktop system. once youve got that down, if you want to learn system administration, youll have the necessary base knowledge19:47
MsMacohaf1ztang: start with the Official Ubuntu Book or the Ubuntu Pocket Guide (the latter is a free pdf)19:47
haf1ztangMsMaco: is that possible for me learn unix in linux?19:48
g3org3sHow can i restore the old startup setting on my server ?19:48
MsMacohaf1ztang: when its time to learn system administration stuff, the Linux Professionals Institute Certification study books are good for teaching you more obscure commands and the differences between different distros like Red Hat and Debian or Ubuntu19:48
icarushow do i make ubuntu more secure19:48
MsMacohaf1ztang: many of the commands are the same, but some file will be in different places19:48
tbryantI'm having problems upgrading my kernel in 9.04 >> http://pastebin.ca/153415919:48
sudobasha firewall19:49
matykhow do i mount root.disk in windows i keep been told software to mount linux partitions but i have no linux partition its just ROOT.disk in my ntfs drive19:49
Flare183!firewall | icarus19:49
ubottuicarus: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist19:49
stefgicarus: secure against what?19:49
archive23icarus, "ubuntu secure" @ google, works wonders19:49
Piciarchive23: Thats not an answer in this channel.19:50
Flare183!im | sudobash19:50
ubottusudobash: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:50
Flare183!lol | sudobash19:50
ubottusudobash: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.19:50
MsMacohaf1ztang: for example, i work on openafs. on solaris, kerberos goes in /etc/csw/bin/ but on suse its in /usr/lib/mit/bin/ and on red hat /usr/kerberos/bin/19:50
theatromatyk, is this some sort of linux inside windows thing?19:50
danhsdoes anyone have any recommendations on xorg stability?19:50
MsMacohaf1ztang: er /opt/cws/bin/ for solaris, sorry19:50
danhsI can't friggin stand firefox graying out then maybe freezing and forcing a reboot19:50
guntbertmatyk: are you using wubi?19:50
danhsshould I be using metacity instead fo compiz?19:50
icarusi want to know if there are security issures i am not aware about (and yess i already have firestarter)19:50
matyktheatro yes19:50
sudobashstupid noob19:50
matykyes wubi19:51
danhsthis x.org crap is such a pain in the ass tho19:51
haf1ztangMsMaco: how come u can master is that ?19:51
haf1ztangMsMaco: how come u can master in that ?19:51
sebsebsebmatyk: Wubi can be bad in certain ways, better off doing a proper partitione install :)19:51
haf1ztangMsMaco: u must be spending much time19:51
matyk:( so its not possible?19:51
MsMacohaf1ztang: openafs is my day-job19:51
MsMacohaf1ztang: so i have to learn these unix systems for work. today im working on aix.19:52
JarlGIs there any form of software or driver that would make me able to configure the clocks of my ATi X1600 Mobility? Perhaps a working Catalyst Center? Thanks.19:52
AkranisIS ubuntu any good at software raid 5?19:52
ltcabralwhy theres always a file with same name and a ~ in the end?19:52
stefgdanhs: running jaunty and having intel video ?19:52
danhsstefg: intrepid, nvidia19:52
Piciltcabral: gedit creates those as backup copies when it is used as an editor.19:52
IdleOneMsMaco, I think he wanted to know how he can become a master. either way your fu is stronger then mine19:52
haf1ztangMsMaco: proud of u19:52
matyksebsebseb so is it not possible access files from root.disk?19:52
stefgdanhs: shouldn't be a problem19:52
danhsstefg: xorg issues on jaunty scared me too much19:53
ltcabralPici: ah ok thanks19:53
haf1ztangMsMaco: hw do you start anyway?19:53
guntberticarus: what is your concern?19:53
PiciMsMaco, haf1ztang: Mind moving this to #ubuntu-offtopic ?19:53
danhsstefg: I agree!  I would expect it'd be great....but I don't have stable x.org.....I was hoping someone could point out a major culprit to me19:53
danhsstefg: maybe compiz is not worth the trouble19:53
haf1ztangPici: sory19:53
MsMacoPici: sure19:53
matyksebsebseb ?19:53
stefgdanhs: what's the problem? i found intrepid pretty stable with my gt860019:54
MsMacoIdleOne: i was accounting for the time required19:54
IsmAvatarHow can I get subversion 1.6? Canonical only seems to offer
sebsebsebmatyk: I don't  mess around with Wubi :)  since I know better19:54
xui don't understand why i'm able to install xchat from apt-get but not from synaptic19:54
matyksebsebseb :( but i need one or two files19:54
danhsstefg: I get occassional freezeups....and firefox will gray out a freeze often....not sure why.....19:54
matyksebsebseb  do not want to reboot19:54
danhsbut I have to reboot machine from x issues19:54
Seidosdanhs: if it's any consolation compiz doesn't work for me.  if I enable it my desktop freezes.  I haven't tried it since new intel driver update though19:54
Zxcvbis there a way to blacklist a device from being handled by gvfs-gphoto2?19:54
matyksebsebseb  must be a way to mount *.disk?19:54
danhsSeidos: :-/19:54
tbryantI'm having problems upgrading my kernel in 9.04 >> http://pastebin.ca/153415919:54
danhsI think that's probably the answer.....19:54
stefgdanhs: that's not necessarily a X problem. Did you run a memtest recently?19:54
danhsstefg: nope19:55
danhsstefg: memtest?19:55
danhshow do I get the bot to give me info19:55
sebsebsebmatyk: can you repeate the whole of your issue, even though I probably can't help as such,  the issue is up there some where19:55
Seidosdanhs: I like compiz.  When I enable it my desktop seems zippier19:55
sebsebseb!bot |  danhs19:55
ubottudanhs: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:55
IdleOne!msg | danhs19:55
ubottudanhs: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:55
papadopcanyone having network problems after upgrading the kernel in 9.04?19:55
IdleOneooops sorry danhs wrong factoid19:55
matyksebsebseb  I just want to access somefiles inside root.disk ..... is this so hard :(19:55
stefgdanhs: it's in the default booting options (esc at boot). Best to let it run overnight19:55
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matyksebsebseb  I have ubuntu installed inside windows19:56
TyZzani just wiped vista19:56
IdleOnedanhs, /msg ubottu query19:56
sebsebsebmatyk: I think what you want to do can be done,  but  I am not sure how,   yeah that's the good thing with a proper partitioned install, if something happens to Ubuntu  and you can't just  log into it normally,  stick in a Live CD, and get your data19:56
danhsIdleOne: thanks19:56
danhsstefg: so memtest is a really long event?19:56
danhscan't run it while doign other stuff simultaneously?19:56
sebsebsebmatyk: yes I know what Wubi is,  and it's, because of your kind of issue, plus other things, why Wubi isn't that good19:56
danhsstefg: run on bios level or grub?19:56
guntbertmatyk: right now you have a windows problem. To windows that "file system" is just another file19:56
IsmAvatarHow can I get subversion 1.6? Canonical only seems to offer
matykisnt there some program that can mount .disks files for me?19:57
stefgdanhs: it test the computers ram ... it's a binary for itself (you'd call it bios level, tho it's not correct)19:57
guntbertIsmAvatar: why do you need 1.6?19:57
g3org3sI have a fresh ubuntu desktop, i need to install vnc on it via putty, what is the easiest and fastest way ? ( it doesnt have X)19:57
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IsmAvatarguntbert: For SvnAnt to work propertly19:57
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hajmolai'm running dual displays with nvidia-settings manager. But when I try to put backgrounds on them, it'll take one image and stretch it across both displays.19:57
VCoolioIsmAvatar: this repo seems to have it https://launchpad.net/~anacrolix/+archive/ppa19:58
IdleOne!vnc > g3org3s19:58
ubottug3org3s, please see my private message19:58
danhsstefg: omg!  this blog says it's 2 days!19:58
hajmolais there any way to have one image per monitor?19:58
stefgdanhs: and firefox greying out could be a flash issue19:58
darlykaiserhello every one19:58
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out19:58
darlykaiserthere is any plan to erase ubuntu 9.04 to get ubuntu 8.10?19:58
QuantumKaoshi guys, when i copy a file it always says "could not change permissions for" what does it mean? how do i solve it?19:58
g3org3sIdleOne but i should install X first ?19:59
guntbertIsmAvatar: listen to VCoolio, and I see I did ask a silly question, sorry :-)19:59
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv19:59
danhsstefg: yea, I know firefox and flash issues.  I upgraded to 64bit 10whatever.....19:59
danhsI get firefox issues when I ahve too many tabs open19:59
danhswhich is really annoying to me oto19:59
stefgdanhs: just let it run while you sleep... it's ok to quit memtest when you wake up if no errors are reported19:59
xand_hi folks, can anyone please tell me why i cant choose a capture source through alsamixer ? (Jaunty on a cx20561 chip)19:59
guntbert!downgrade | darlykaiser19:59
ubottudarlykaiser: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.19:59
danhsstefg: you know what?  it'd make sense if it's a memory issue, if too many tabs means that it's hitting bad memory block.....20:00
guntbert!enter | danhs20:00
ubottudanhs: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:00
archive23Pici, it worked for me (and believe me it's easier regarding that question :p)20:01
stefgdanhs: and examine dmesg and the logs... i can't tell you what exactly you are looking for... takes a bit of hunting instinct20:01
darlykaiserubottu: I have Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop but everytime i boot20:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:01
darlykaiserit freezes20:01
needhelpHello, I have ~10GB (60minutes) of moviefiles in a folder. How can I burn it into one DVD ?20:01
murkkis there support to configure ip address aliases via a configuration directory rather than using the /etc/network/interfaces ?20:02
stefgdanhs: and check cpu-temp (when did you last put the vaccuum clwaner inside your case ? :-)20:02
Spike1506i c there are new ati drivers for linux, how long does it asualy take to make it into ubuntu?20:02
danhsstefg: errr year ago or something20:02
flintwingelneedhelp: you will need to reduce the quality or resolution... try handbrake20:02
joaopintoSpike1506, there are ATI drivers for linux20:03
kami1hi guys20:03
xtrmzerohow do i get rid of the lines from my boot up screen that show all the kernel versions?20:03
xtrmzeroi have a dual boot20:03
Spike1506joaopinto, i know that, i was just wondering when the new (just released) drivers will make it into ubuntu20:03
danhsstefg: does dmesg rotate on every boot up?20:03
QuantumKaoshi guys, when i copy a file it always says "could not change permissions for" what does it mean? how do i solve it?20:04
stefg!grub | xtrmzero20:04
ubottuxtrmzero: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:04
guntbertxtrmzero: are you talking about the grub menu?20:04
g3org3sHow can i install X without messing with my network settings ?20:04
joaopintoSpike1506, on the next release, drivers are not upgraded on the stable release except for critical bug fixes20:04
stefgdanhs: yes.... but you have the logs in /var/log20:04
Spike1506joaopinto, the current driver in 9.04 is a unstable one ;)20:04
needhelpflintwingel: yes, how do I reduce the quality so it just fits a DVD? couldn't find any apps named "handbrake" in synaptic20:04
kami1I use Hardy 8.04 and fixed all bugs that I came across and now everything works great except microphone - it's working but the sound quality is bad can anyone help me please ?20:04
scuniziaarg!  when doing a "file/save/Browse for file" nautilus doesn't give me ability of choosing a network shared location that I already have mounted.  Where do I find it in the file system?  It's not in "media".20:05
stefg!intelhda | kami120:05
ubottukami1: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:05
joaopintoSpike1506, it was find stable enough to be on the release20:05
flintwingelneedhelp: what version of ubuntu?20:05
xtrmzeroguntbert: yup. i dont know how to open it...or where to find it....me. noob:D20:05
hatter243g3org3s, AFAIK X doesn't mess with network settings... It has the network-manager applet but that only fiddles with network devices that aren't already defined in /etc/network/interfaces.20:05
danhsstefg: yep, I was reviewing logs there20:05
needhelpflintwingel 9.0420:05
coz_kami1,   you might want to go to t he #alsa channel if no one here can help20:05
stefgkami1: it might as well just be that you need the 'boost' switch20:05
g3org3shatter243 how do install that ? plz ..20:06
papadopcis there a channel for network problems?20:06
hatter243!gnome | g3org3s20:06
ubottug3org3s: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.20:06
bruno123webcam works with cheese but not skype?  Any suggestions????20:06
guntbertxtrmzero: so you want to have only (say) 2 kernels and not 5 or 6 to choose from?20:06
g3org3shatter243 i tried isntalling xubuntu-desktop ... it messed up with network settings my server wouldnt connect .. will taht do the same ?20:06
stefgbruno123: uninstall skype ? :-)20:06
PP188hi all20:07
stefg!skype | bruno12320:07
ubottubruno123: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga20:07
papadopcg3org3s: did you update the kernel too?20:07
PP188does anyone know where i can add this parameter PEERDNS=no ?20:07
darlykaiserany person?20:07
g3org3spapadopc no i didnt do that .. i have 8.04 , fresh install20:07
PP188this parameter is for dhclient not changing the name server20:07
guntbert!downgrade | darlykaiser, it is not supported20:08
ubottudarlykaiser, it is not supported: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.20:08
xtrmzeroguntbert: i have around five (i never tried to count them) since i have dual boot i dont think i need all of them since i use only one20:08
kami1stefg: I don't really know what this boost switch do but my microphone is loud enough just the sound quality is bad20:08
xtrmzeroam i wrong?20:08
bruno123stefg the solution is to get rid of skype, is that what you are saying?20:08
papadopcg3org3s: is it a static ip configuration? it's broken20:08
PP188can anyone help me?20:09
kami1ubottu: thanks I'll take a look20:09
stefgkami1: ok, then it seems it's no analog level problem .. see the intelhda howto, you might need modprobe parameters (check mic cable as well)20:09
darlykaiserubottu: so how to work into a good 9.04... It's frozen20:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:09
g3org3spapadopc .. i dont know :/ its a server at server farm , OVH ... i am reinitialising the server now on distance and i dont want to make the same msitake twice :/ i jsut want to acces it thru vnc20:09
flintwingelneedhelp: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=91920:10
papadopcg3org3s: maybe this will help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-set-a-static-ip-address-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html20:10
NeXstaRhow do one check how much space is left on one hdd's in jaunty ?20:10
stefgbruno123: the problem with skype is that it is closed source, so noone can fix a (probable) bug with your webcam in ubuntu but skype-programmers. see the howto, it's got a section on video troubleshooting20:10
flintwingelNeXstaR: System->Administration->System Monitor20:11
stevekhello all ,, I havea dell 3115cn netowrk printer that works great within the lan using lpd:// ,, but i cannot print to it from outside  using http:/// or ipp:///  any ideas?20:11
NeXstaRthanks flintwingel20:11
g3org3spapadopc but gnome is not installed , there is no X , can i install X without the network manager?20:11
guntbertxtrmzero: no, I agree - I only wanted to understand your need. please install startupmanager, then go to system/administration/startup-manager, "advanced" tab, and choose "limit kernels..."; I suggest you keep one "old" kernel (just in case), so would limit it to 220:11
needhelpflintwingel thanks, I will try that20:11
papadopcg3org3s: you can uninstall networkmanager after that20:12
g3org3spapadopc that's the problem ... when i install it ... my server will crash after installing network manager, and wont connect to internet again .. times out on my putty20:12
girasquidIs there a way to only upgrade a single package using apt-get? I need to install something from the karmic repositories, but I don't want to updaet everything on my system to be bleeding edge20:13
joaopintogirasquid, doing that may break your system20:13
xtrmzeroguntbert: thanks. i`ll install it now20:13
joaopintogirasquid, to an unrecoverable status20:13
papadopcg3org3s: uncheck networkmanager during the install20:13
girasquidjoaopinto: ah - so there isn't a way to say "only upgrade this one app and it's dependencies"?20:13
g3org3spapadopc and how do i do taht ? :/ sorry for being a noob ..20:13
joaopintogirasquid, no20:14
joaopintobecause the dependencies may overwrite other stable dependencies20:14
stefggirasquid: chances are that the dependencies are not satified.... but you can still d/l the .deb and install it with sudo dpkg -i  fobarr.deb20:14
Seidosmy power/log off/log on button is gone from the taskbar.  I think I should get it back, any ideas?20:14
tbryantI'm having problems upgrading my kernel in 9.04 >> http://pastebin.ca/153415920:14
guntbertxtrmzero: have fun :)20:14
papadopcg3org3s: not an expert either20:15
g3org3spapadopc okay :) thanks alot for the help20:15
g3org3sHow can i install gnome without the network manager?20:15
xtrmzeroguntbert: done. rebooting now to test it. thanks again20:16
NeXstaRhow to remove programs that i dont use but leave their dependancies ?20:16
gwildorapt-get remove whatever20:16
guntbertxtrmzero: not sure if it will work "at once though"20:17
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xand_hi folks, can anyone please tell me why i cant choose a capture source through alsamixer ? (Jaunty on a cx20561 chip)20:17
gwildorapt-get will leave the depends until you say apt-get orphan  NeXstaR20:17
needhelpHow do I install a .deb file?20:17
g3org3sHow can i install gnome without the network manager?20:17
stefggwildor: or apt-get autoremove something .... can be annoying20:17
Kartagisneedhelp dpkg -i file.deb20:17
IdleOneneedhelp, double click it20:18
kami1q3org3s: If you install gnome with NM and install wicd it will remove NM20:18
guntbert!deb | needhelp20:18
ubottuneedhelp: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.20:18
Flannel /lastlog jussi0120:19
stefg!apt | needhelp & NeXstaR20:19
ubottuneedhelp & NeXstaR: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:19
g3org3skami1 but the problem is that if i install gnome it will take over my network settings and i wont have acces to my server anymore :/20:19
chocotuarI'm trying to compile my project with the arm-g++ (for the openmoko phone) compiler, but the toolchain's compiler can't seem to find my system libraries (like iostream and queue, etc) and I don't remember how to make it use them. any suggestions?20:20
kami1q3org3s: hmm I'm quite new :) just had this idea20:20
stefgg3org3s: just install gnome-panel and nautilus. That will pull in all the necessary dependencies, but not network manager20:20
stefgg3org3s: the olf gnome-network-admin ist still available20:21
jseiseranyone here patched dwm from source before? I wwant to apply the bottomstack patch, and the p0 < bottomstack.diff executes, as does the make install clean20:22
jseiserI just dont have a bottom stack when I run dwm20:22
needhelpflintwingel I have no installed handbrake, but how do I use it? I have over 50 files in each directory (one dir should go to one DVD), but handbrake only lets me open 1 file at time. Do I have to manually open each file, calculate which settings each file should have to get the total to be 4GB (fit on one DVD) ?20:24
=== wagner_mezaroba is now known as wagner
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JarlGDoes ubuntu require Defragmenting?20:26
papadopcanyone having network problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.28-15?20:26
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stefgJarlG: Ususally not (if you are not running a mail server)20:27
JarlGstefg: Thanks! :)20:27
camshronanybody have ubuntu lock up on them often?20:29
stefgJarlG: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5922420:29
needhelpHello, I have ~10GB (60minutes) of moviefiles in a folder. How can I burn it into one DVD ?20:29
lanzellothI turned off conky "killall conky" and it still stays on the desktop although not updating20:30
Mean_AdminI'm trying to load a driver with modprove and I get failure and dmesg tells me : [ 4589.853865] snd_atiixp: Unknown parameter `model'20:30
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shelljoin /tremolus20:30
warrior89#help como instalo yui20:30
JarlGstefg: Again, thanks. :)20:31
g3org3sstefg will taht give me X so i can vnc to my server ?20:31
stefgg3org3s: X-libs and a working X server are 2 different things. if that is a headless server you'll just want something like tightvnxserver20:32
warrior89hola a todos necesito instalar YUI como le hago20:32
stefgg3org3s: tightvncserver that is20:33
lstarnes!es | warrior8920:33
ubottuwarrior89: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:33
oldude67!es | warrior8920:33
talntidHi all. I have 100% disk space usage -- and am having trouble finding somewhere to trim space from -- ideas?20:33
tbryantI'm having problems upgrading my kernel in 9.04 >> http://pastebin.ca/153415920:33
xand_hi folks, can anyone please tell me why i cant choose a capture source through alsamixer ? (Jaunty on a cx20561 chip)20:33
di||itantetalntid: log files20:33
g3org3sstefg its an ubuntu desktop server ... i still need tightvncserver?20:34
talntiddi||itante: deleted them all20:34
warrior89hello all, how install yui in ubuntu20:34
talntiddidn't seem to free up any space, even though i had a 14gb rinitd.log20:34
darlykaiserok I'll put xubuntu20:35
di||itantetalntid: how did you delete it20:35
JarlGIs there a way to modify the clocks of my ATi X1600 Mobility? Perhaps a working Catalyst Center - driver? Thanks.20:35
talntidrm <filename>20:35
stefgg3org3s: gnome has it's own vnc-server called vino. This requires a running X desktop. but if you only want remote access you can spare out full blown xorg20:35
di||itantetalwhat does df -h say20:35
di||itantetalntid: df -h ?20:35
talntid                       15G   15G     0 100% /20:35
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GuidMorrowhey ... is it possible to run a virtual machine and boot my windows partition from ubuntu (here)?20:36
huseyinnhi, how can i upgrade 8.04 to 9.04 ? thanks20:37
warrior89help, how install YUI in ubuntu20:37
g3org3sstefg i just need to be able to use my server's desktop ... basically for winamp under wine , what's the easiest solution?20:37
Fevsyes pappy20:37
stefgg3org3s: using audacious :-)20:37
di||itantetalntid: you have a 15gb drive and deleted a 14gb file?20:37
Fevsg3org3s, VNC or similar20:37
g3org3sstefg tahnks .. googling :p20:37
GuidMorrowhow do I get firefox 3.5.2 put on this thing anyway20:37
needhelpHello, I have ~50 videofiles which totals up to ~10GB (60minutes) of movie in a folder. How can I burn it into one DVD ?20:38
stefg!info audacious | g3org3s20:38
ubottug3org3s: audacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-4ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1139 kB, installed size 3868 kB20:38
FevsGuidMorrow, apt-get gimme pr0n-surfer20:38
talntiddi||itante: that's what i'm not understanding. this is a Xen environment, and i'm not sure how all the file systems work 100%...20:38
talntidand the #xen channel is dead20:38
g3org3sstefg ohhh noooo :p i cant , i need it for shoutcast and plugins , i absolutly need winamp :p i just need a desktop environnemnt , like my home ubuntu pc :/20:38
The_Jaghi all20:38
lanzellothGuidMorrow, you want to install ff 3.5?20:38
di||itantetalntid: oh, IDK20:38
huseyinn!upgrade januty20:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgrade januty20:38
Fevsg3org3s, VNC20:38
di||itanteneedhelp: do you have a bluray burner?20:39
camshronsome "community" now i realize why people like windows better!20:39
huseyinn!upgrade hardy to januty20:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:39
g3org3sFevs yes ... but i have an ubuntu desktop wihtout gnome ...20:39
Fevsnot januty, jaunty20:39
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:39
Fevsg3org3s, so?20:39
Ben64g3org3s: xmms is very similar to winamp 2.x20:39
g3org3sFevs installing gnome is messing with netowrk settings = machine unreachable20:39
Mean_Adming3org3s: amarok?20:39
The_Jagis there a solution for flash in firefox? I mean when I go into a website which has some flash videos in it firefox become stuttery20:39
needhelpdi||itante: no, only DVD-burner20:39
GuidMorrowis there not a firefox 3.5.2 amd64 package available?20:39
needhelpdi||itante: I need to shrink the filesizes somehow so it fits20:39
di||itanteneedhelp: what format are the files20:40
Fevsg3org3s, VNC doesn't rely on gnome. Or you mean you have no WM at all?20:40
g3org3sMean_Admin nope ... plugins i need only work on winamp :/20:40
tscmgahow do i know my computer is power by battery or ac power?20:40
Ben64GuidMorrow: what version ubuntu20:40
needhelpdi||itante: .avi20:40
lanzellothThe_Jag, it's not firefox it works fine for others20:40
GuidMorrowBen64: jaunty20:40
Ben64needhelp: try devede20:40
Fevstscmga, see if it's plugged in20:40
g3org3sFevs all iwant , is have a desktop on my ubuntu reachable via vnc .. i dotn care what the method is lol20:40
Mean_Adming3org3s: what can you possibly need ?20:41
The_Jagso what could cause the problem in your opinion? i have no clue20:41
di||itanteneedhelp: .avi is a compressed format already, you will not achieve enough compression to get those on one dvd20:41
stefgg3org3s: however, if you don't need a local desktop you can run tightvncserver. that'll allow you to install wine and winamp and stuff. No use for a local xorg20:41
Fevsg3org3s, easy. You don't even need the wm running to reach it20:41
guntbert!upgrade | huseyinn20:41
ubottuhuseyinn: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:41
needhelpBen64: thanks, I'll try devede20:41
g3org3sFevs can i config it via putty ?20:42
Fevsg3org3s, yep20:42
Ben64needhelp: np20:42
g3org3sFevs can yo uassist me plz on taht one ?20:42
Fevsg3org3s, someone might have to walk you through it. Not me though :)20:42
needhelpdi||itante: so you think I have to use many DVD's for them, even if its total only 1 hour ?20:42
FevsI have to go20:42
vividhow can i change the default window manager from compiz to metacity in 9.0420:42
Ben641 hour should fit easily onto a dvd20:42
GuidMorrowneedhelp: a DVD should hold 2 hours of video20:43
g3org3sFevs tahnks alot :) im doing some reading now :)20:43
Ben64GuidMorrow: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/160-FAQ-Where-can-I-get-firefox-3.5-for-Ubuntu.html20:43
QuantumKaos"could not change permissions for" the output i got everytime i copy a file to a folder, any idea? how do i solve it? thanks20:43
PbizzelSPneedhelp: sound isnt working on my box20:43
huseyinnguntbert, thanks20:43
needhelpGuidMorrow: yes, but the videofiles are ~10 GB20:43
Ben64needhelp: doesn't matter starting size, only length20:43
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g3org3sFevs just tell me , is that what i need http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121980520:43
Fevsg3org3s, it isn't too hard. Someone on here will have done it a million times20:43
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di||itanteneedhelp: if you want to just put the files on a dvd then yes, If you want to make a movie dvd then no, youll need authoring for that ant the authoring will do the compression as necessary, but, its gonna look like poop20:43
Ben64what if one of your videos is 1920x1080? that would take up a lot of room, but will be scaled down to fit a dvd20:44
Fevsg3org3s, yep, exactly20:44
lanzellothdoes anyone use conky?20:44
GuidMorrowneedhelp: if you're in the process of transcoding the files while burning the DVD it should shrink to fit where it'll only occupy around ~2.5GiB of space20:44
The_Jagis there a way to change the path in which pdf printer printed files go to?20:44
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lanzellothhow do I make conky not cover my icons on desktop20:44
Fevslanzelloth, yes20:44
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PbizzelSPanyone able to help me figure out why my sound isnt working on my desktop...?20:45
Matr|Xi have problem with m0ount windows partation20:45
Fevslanzelloth, ah, I don't use desktop icons though :)20:45
Matr|Xand grub20:45
Matr|Xi have renstall grub after installing windows20:45
lanzellothFevs, ok, btw what does the 'background' option do?20:45
lanzellothFevs, I just don't get what they mean by forked20:46
jochenhhey@all! I've problem with syncing my phone with ubuntu. multisync doesn't stop syncing, so every sync is a failure...20:46
firecrotch!fixmbr | Matr|X20:46
ubottuMatr|X: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:46
gwildorlanzelloth, without the fork, or backround, the app is tied to the terminal, if you close the terminal, you close the app... if you fork it, or backround it, it is not tied to the terminal anymore20:47
Fevslanzelloth, look at #5 here: http://conky.sourceforge.net/faq.html20:47
papadopcanyone having network problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.28-15 ?20:47
Matr|Xi had lost ,y grub after install windows20:47
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:47
di||itantepapadopc: no20:48
lanzellothgwildor, Fevs thx!20:48
Matr|Xand i resntall grub20:48
Matr|Xnow i cant find wiondows partation20:48
Fevslanzelloth,  no worries. It's a good page for me too :)20:48
rachithow to move a folder to different directory keeping original unaffected20:48
PbizzelSPi just want my sound to work, ive tryed looking for drivers, even read some info about OOS but its an older box, but the no sound is killn me20:48
Guest30630hay una forma de reiniciar el xorg.conf20:49
papadopcdi|||itante: do you have a static ip configuration?20:49
firecrotchMatr|X: Your windows partition is probably hd(0,0)20:49
Fevsrachit, copy it. cp20:49
bastidrazorrachit, cp -r /path/to/folder /new/path/to/folder20:49
rachitfevs : thanks20:49
firecrotchMatr|X: sda1 is referred to as hd(0,0) in Grub20:50
guntbertgwildor, lanzelloth: but a background process will still be killed when the terminal session ends, to keep it running after a logout you need either nohup <progname> or you use screen20:50
Matr|X/dev/sda1   *           1        2040    16386268+   7  HPFS/NTFS20:50
PbizzelSPis there a head person in this chatroom?20:50
un|matrixis there a DVD burning software on linux that actually works? you know, without screwing up every DVD?20:51
FevsPbizzelSP, me20:51
guntbertPbizzelSP: no there isn't, what is your problem?20:51
lstarnesPbizzelSP: #ubuntu-ops is the channel for the operators of this channel20:51
Matr|XDisk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes20:51
Matr|X255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders20:51
Matr|XUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes20:51
Matr|XDisk identifier: 0xd875d87520:51
Matr|X   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System20:51
FloodBot3Matr|X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
Matr|X/dev/sda1   *           1        2040    16386268+   7  HPFS/NTFS20:51
PbizzelSPya a answers.20:51
lstarnesPbizzelSP: most of us here are able to help others20:51
crashflowbrasero does the whole burning thing quite well20:51
PbizzelSPokay my sound if craped out20:52
leaf-sheepPbizzelSP: Don't seek OPS for help.20:52
FevsI've never made a coaster with ubuntu ....20:52
di||itanteun|matrix: I never have issues with k3b20:52
PbizzelSPive reinstalled, checked for drivers...20:52
vividdoes anyone know how to make metacity the default window manager in 9.04?20:52
un|matrixdi||itante: just screwed up my last DVD 5 minutes ago20:52
pirxhi! i have a laptop with ubuntu and am about to install XP on the side. dual boot. XP will install itself (alone) in the MBR i guess, so how do i "install" dual booting, i have to boot with the live CD and somehow re-install grub?20:52
Matr|Xsome body help me by commands to fix my problem20:53
PbizzelSPthe whole nine, i goto my sound properties and it have a crapton of different mixers i guess you would call them20:53
di||itanteun|matrix: wierd, is everything clean20:53
Matr|Xplz help20:53
PbizzelSPi select one it says its busy, select another sound comes out but its static20:53
rssllcrI am using ubuntu 9.04 and have a nvdia 6200 graphics card I am using a DVI cable to my LCD computer monitor how to I know if my display is set to 720P that is what my monitor supports?20:53
GuidMorrow!somebody | Matr|x20:54
ubottuMatr|x: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
Matr|Xi have aproblemwith my windows partation20:54
leaf-sheep!grub | pirx20:54
ubottupirx: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:54
xand_hi folks, can anyone please tell me why i cant choose a capture source through alsamixer ?  (Jaunty on a cx20561 chip, hda_intel)20:54
un|matrixdi||itante: i have a DRW-1608P2S dvd writer... does it have any known issues on linux?20:54
Matr|Xi cant see the windows partation20:54
lanzellothguntbert, ic20:54
Matr|Xis not mounted20:54
Matr|Xand when i mount it its gives me errors20:54
=== burk_ is now known as ^ThE_BuRK
Mean_AdminMatr|X: you may need to mount it in /etc/fstab20:55
^ThE_BuRKhallo.. want to forward some ports to vpn and use the rest via my usual gateway... anybody??20:55
Matr|Xplz tell me20:55
Mean_Adminhaha! bro ?20:55
Matr|Xmy work on windows all my work20:55
Mean_Adminwell, for starters, couple of things about /etc/fstab, one second now20:55
Matr|Xand if i lost windows partation then i lost my job20:55
GuidMorrowhow do I install a .tar.bz package20:55
Mean_AdminMatr|X: you probably didn't20:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testdisk20:55
Mean_Adminwait a second20:55
Matr|Xyes im sure ubuntu is great20:56
Matr|Xso i trust ubuntu on my work20:56
guntbert!enter| Matr|X20:56
ubottuMatr|X: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:56
^ThE_BuRKMatr|X, k3b... and then you can make a backup disk.. :P20:56
^ThE_BuRKhehe enter.. the matrix.. :P20:57
Matr|Xwhat is k3b20:57
guntbert!compile | GuidMorrow20:57
ubottuGuidMorrow: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:57
Matr|Xwb the birk20:57
FloodBot3Matr|X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
^ThE_BuRKMatr|X,  its a cd burning program20:57
skrapasorhow do i know what chipset my wusb54g network adapter has?20:58
^ThE_BuRKskrapasor, lspci20:58
PbizzelSP*tear* no1 knows? or a location where i can find information on my sound issues... sorry that i spaced it all out before, but i have tracked down drivers, even installed some sound packages, but nothing all static20:58
guntbert!who | Matr|X, btw20:58
ubottuMatr|X, btw: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:58
TyZzanHey can anyone programme here ?20:58
guntbert!ot | TyZzan20:59
ubottuTyZzan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:59
Matr|X!tab guntbert http://paste.ubuntu.com/255341/20:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:59
nyaaI can program but I can't programme, because I'm not european =(20:59
fmnhi all20:59
^ThE_BuRKdont have to be european to program..20:59
wastednyaa: lol!20:59
augustus_hi all too21:00
rssllcris there a program I can use for linux that can make avchd dvd21:00
skrapasor^ThE_BuRK: doesnt work21:00
guntbertMatr|X: you can use <tab> to autocomplete a nick, I cannot help with your problem at the moment, sorry21:00
papadopcanyone having network problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.28-15 ?21:00
=== wasted is now known as wasted_
PbizzelSPguntbert: could u help me with my sound problems?21:01
^ThE_BuRKskrapasor, sudo lspci gets you a list of all your hardware21:01
Matr|Xthx gun21:01
guntbertPbizzelSP: sorry, sound is not my speciality :-)21:02
darlykaiserI have another question21:02
PbizzelSPguntbert: any direction u could point me to a sound guru21:02
darlykaiserhow to access windows from xubuntu?21:02
guntbert!sound | PbizzelSP have you seen this21:03
ubottuPbizzelSP have you seen this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:03
^ThE_BuRKdarlykaiser, do you want your files or play games?21:03
LinuX2halfhi, how do I print?21:03
LinuX2halfI want to print a document and I want to know how to set it up21:03
rssllcrI just wanted to know if you can play sound files through your computer pbizzeisp21:03
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:03
darlykaiser^ThE_BuRK: Access my flies21:03
harecanadaI have never used Quassel IRC before. Am I a loud to ask a Ubuntu question?21:03
guntbert!ask | harecanada21:04
ubottuharecanada: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:04
GuidMorrowQuassel? Isn't this Freenode21:04
MsMacoGuidMorrow: yes21:04
papadopcis there a way to disable dhcp in ubuntu?21:04
MsMacoGuidMorrow: quassel is the client in kubuntu21:05
darlykaiserI'm trying to access my files on windows vista from xubuntu, anyone?21:05
harecanadaHow do I remove Compiz ? I'm running Ubuntu Jaunty.21:05
tbryantI'm having problems upgrading my kernel in 9.04 >> http://pastebin.ca/153415921:05
^ThE_BuRKdarlykaiser, mount the filesystem with sudo mount partition mountpoint21:05
derenrichpapadopc: yes21:05
jseiseranyone have any experience patching dwm?  I am having trouble applying the bottom stack patch.21:05
g3org3sWhen i type : sudo gedit /etc/xinetd.d/vnc , i get an error : admin@r27047:/etc/gdm$ sudo gedit /etc/xinetd.d/vnc21:05
g3org3scannot open display:21:05
g3org3sRun 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options21:05
pirxleaf-sheep: thanks!21:05
^ThE_BuRKdarlykaiser, eg sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windoze21:06
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VeroiTunes stopped21:06
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:06
augustus_i installed xboard/ gnu chess but i cant change the windows size - anyboby know about it?21:06
guntberttbryant: it seems your disk is full21:06
hbekeljseiser: trouble? what does patch say?21:06
skrapasor^ThE_BuRK: yes lspci lists pci devices, this is a usb device. lsusb tells me the usbid which i needed21:07
^ThE_BuRKskrapasor, sorry i thought it was a pci device21:07
wasted_darlykaiser: before you run that mount command make sure you know what /dev/sda1 is. ide drives are usually prefixed hd wheres sata is sd (of memory serves correct)21:07
leaf-sheepskrapasor: Try --> sudo lshw -c network21:07
gnosisHello, my friend recently installed Ubuntu. He implemented "fusion-icon" in the terminal, and his screen went white. Then he restarted and is receiving errors when trying to boot into ubuntu.21:08
darlykaiserthank you wasted21:08
guntbertg3org3s: not exactly for your problem - but *never* run a GUI program with sudo, use gksudo instead21:08
skrapasorleaf-sheep: im good21:08
wasted_darlykaiser, no prob21:08
MsMacognosis: ctrl+alt+f1, login in, pkill fusion-icon21:08
MsMacognosis: sounds like compiz isnt working right with his graphics controller21:08
MsMacognosis: ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to where he logged in21:09
gnosisMsMaco: alright, we'll try that21:09
pirxhow do i make it so that i dont have to enter a password for my keyring to connect to my WLAN each time i boot my laptop?21:09
gnosisMsMaco: do this at what point?21:09
nohupgood afternoon :)21:09
MsMacognosis: after logging into the desktop21:09
gnosisMsMaco: doesn't get that far21:09
MsMacognosis: thatll stop the fusion-icon and should either leave you with metacity (the default window manager) or no window manager21:10
nohupthis is probably not the best channel to ask this.. but i'm looking for a visual (analog+digital) circuit simulator for linux... does anybody know of one ?21:10
gnosisMsMaco: it gets stuck right after GRUB21:10
nohup(one hat actually works.. so ktechlab is out of the question)21:10
hbekelgnosis: get stuck? what error?21:10
un|matrixi love launchpad... it's so useful! 1) report a bug 2) get bug marked as invalid 3) ??? 4) no profit whatsoever21:10
darlykaiserI don't have /dev/sda1 according to my xubuntu lines21:10
MsMacognosis: grub?? um ok then hit "esc" to get to the grub menu, hit "e" on the first option, so you can edit. hit "e" on the very long line and backspace out "quiet usplash" then hit enter then hit "b" to boot21:10
gnosishbekel: um, it says a lot of things. it doesn't actually stop21:10
MsMacognosis: should let you see the errors or where its hanging21:10
hbekelgnosis: explain "gets stuck" then21:11
guntbertnohup: try in #ubuntu-offtopic21:11
gnosisMsMaco: i'll try that21:11
gnosishbekel: um, i think it repeats itself.21:12
nohupgnosis: will do, thanks :)21:12
GuidMorrowwhat file format does the package manager understand21:12
MsMacoGuidMorrow: deb21:12
GuidMorrownot .tar.bz or .tar.gz21:12
guntbertg3org3s: are you ssh ing into that machine?21:12
jseiserhbekel, the patch says to run p0 <nameofpatch in the directory21:12
wasted_darlykaiser, do you know what type of harddrive you have?21:12
jseiserwhich I do, and it gives no errors, I then run make install clean21:13
jseiserget no errors.21:13
jseiserwhen i launch dwm I do not have a bottom stack21:13
hbekeljseiser: have you tried that?21:13
bonhofferhow can i upgrade 7.04 to 9.04 -- from command line?21:13
bonhofferdo i need to do 8.10 first, then 9.0421:13
g3org3sguntbert i am using it thru putty21:13
jseiserI was wondering if I need to run the patch, compile, and then copy the config.def.h to config.h and then compile again?21:13
jseiserI am back at work or I would still be trying things. lol21:13
hbekeljseiser: you have compiled a new dwm after patching, right?21:14
Bramhello, I have a really stupid question, how do I launch this soft (the widget factory) http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=94653&file1=94653-1.png&file2=94653-2.png&file3=&name=Black-Diamond ? I'm not able to find the entry or the binairy anywhere and yes it's install21:14
guntbertbonhoffer: its a stepwise process, see !upgrade21:14
jseiserran the patch, then make install clean - launch dwm21:14
hbekeljseiser: and it build fine?21:14
bonhofferguntbert, stepwise -- meaning 7.04 to 8.1021:14
guntbertg3org3s: you local machine is windows or linux?21:14
hbekeljseiser: where did you install it to?21:14
jseiserdwm is in a 'dwm' folder in my home directory21:14
jseiserand it runs fine, I can even modify the config.h, and recompile and it works.21:15
guntbertbonhoffer: 7.04 - 7.10 - 8.04 ....21:15
jseiserbut trying to get the patch working is the only issue.21:15
bonhofferguntbert, thanks21:15
augustus_is it possible to change the windows size in xboard, or rather in gnu chess?21:15
darlykaiserwasted: I know where is my hdd but it says that the partition is not ordered21:15
GuidMorrow[Error] You tried to install a file that does not (or no longer) exist.21:15
bonhofferi can't upgrade to anything: http://www.pastie.org/58765221:15
benc1how can I find out the memory consumption of a python script?21:15
guntbertbonhoffer: you're welcome, read the links from ubottu - and good luck21:15
jseiserpatch is here - http://bsdgroup.org/files/dwm-5.6.1-bstack.diff - i was wondering if It is maybe modifying the config.def.h and I need to copy the changes to config.h and recompile21:15
g3org3sguntbert my local is windows , but i have a laptop with ubuntu right next to me :D21:16
jseiserbenc1, can you check the system monitor or top or htop while running the script?21:17
guntbertg3org3s: on windows you will have to install an X server (like cygwin/X) and then tell putty to "tunnel X connections"21:17
wasted_darlykaiser, could you dump the command you put in and the full error you receive?21:17
rachit_viti am installing drupal on lamp should i login as root or normal user21:18
g3org3sguntbert and on ubuntu ?21:18
darlykaiser$ sudo fdisk -l21:18
talntiddi||itante: I had to reboot after that log delete, for it to take effect21:19
gnosisMsMaco: ok, we've done as you suggested. It stops on a blank screen with a flashing cursor21:19
scott_ino2how can i be sure other than glxinfo, that im using the radeonhd driver?21:19
papadopcanyone having network problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.28-15 ?21:19
talntiddi||itante:  df -i showed the right information, but df -h did not. I rebooted, and they both show the same now :)21:19
benc1jseiser: how can I tell which one is the script?21:19
MsMacognosis: but not a login one?21:19
jseiserby the name I would assume.  What script are you running?21:19
MsMacognosis: any visible errors or anything? how long did it take to boot? 2 seconds? 20? a minute?21:19
gnosisMsMaco: oh, now it' progressed. it says "sda: sda1 sda2 <"21:19
guntbertg3org3s: do you mean from ubuntu to another linux machine?21:19
darlykaiserwasted: $ sudo fdisk -l21:20
MsMacognosis: er...thats a little odd21:20
hbekeljseiser: the patch adds one line to config.def.h, it's likely you will have to add that line to your config.h in the layouts struct as well.21:20
gnosisMsMaco: nevermind, it's contiued again.21:20
g3org3sguntbert yes , ihave one at home , adn the other one is the server , not here21:20
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wasted_darlykaiser, are you formatting or mounting?21:20
darlykaiserwasted: it says at the end Partition table entries are not in disk order21:20
AJC_Z0How do I clear the buffer of balloon message from the notification area in the panel?21:20
jseiserthat is what I was thinking.21:20
wasted_darlykaiser, thats ok if they are not in disk order21:20
darlykaiserwasted:i want to mount21:20
jseiserafter that, I just run another make config clean correct21:20
Mean_AdminI'm trying to load an audio driver with modprobe and I get failure and dmesg tells me : [ 4589.853865] snd_atiixp: Unknown parameter `model'21:20
wasted_darlykaiser, if you want to mount you need to use a different command21:21
hbekeljseiser: not sure what make config clean means for dwm, sorr21:21
darlykaiserwasted: like what?21:21
wasted_darlykaiser, step one is to know if you have an ide, scsi, or sata harddrive. then you would use..21:21
wasted_darlykaiser, sudo mount21:21
guntbertg3org3s: from an ubuntu machine you just type ssh -X <remoteuser>@<remotemachine>, test it with xeyes :-)21:22
hbekeljseiser: i'd just add the line and make again21:22
jseiserI will try that.. work is over in 20 minutes :D21:22
gnosisMsMaco: it appears to be repeating itself again.21:22
jseiserthank you again.21:22
rachit_vitcan any one help me..should i login as root or normal user for installing drupal21:22
wasted_darlykaiser, err sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/myhdd21:22
GuidMorrowwth! why does it keep saying "firefox 3.0.13"?!21:22
wasted_darlykaiser, where sda1 can be a great multitude of things all depending on what type of harddrive you have21:23
g3org3sguntbert host key verification failed :/21:23
MsMacoGuidMorrow: because thats what youre running..21:23
lstarnesGuidMorrow: how did you install it?21:23
jseiserrachit_vit,  - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Drupal21:23
MsMacoGuidMorrow: are you tring to install 3.5.2?21:23
MsMacoGuidMorrow: if on 9.04 "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5"21:23
MsMacoGuidMorrow: itll be in the menu as shiretoko (just so you can tell firefox 3.0 and 3.5 apart)21:24
darlykaiserwasted:it says can't find myhhd in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab21:24
Ward_YCan someone please help me install mupen64-rr I-ve just about everything, but it won't compile21:24
lstarnesWard_Y: what error messages do you get?21:24
wasted_darlykaiser, http://preview.tinyurl.com/6law65   <- heres info about partition order btw21:24
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wasted_darlykaiser, what kind of harddrive do you have?21:24
guntbertg3org3s: there should be more output, please pastebin it - do you know how to pastebin (not paste)?21:24
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebininit21:25
gnosisMsMaco: it says "Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block <#>"21:25
guntbert!pastebin | GuidMorrow21:25
ubottuGuidMorrow: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:25
darlykaiserwasted a regular one on my laptop21:25
MsMacognosis: oh dear. try booting from a live cd and running fsck on it.21:25
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit21:25
gnosisMsMaco: alright21:25
MsMacognosis: also possible the hard disk is going :-/21:25
wasted_darlykaiser, built in?21:26
MsMacognosis: if fsck cant fix it, thats probably bad hardware21:26
ednosI'm having trouble downloading files via FTP--using ANY FTP client, the download stops part of the way through21:26
ignasciohi everyone21:26
ednosAnyone have an idea how to figure out what's happening there?21:26
darlykaiseran hp21:26
gnosisMsMaco: it's a brand new hdd21:26
Ward_YIstarnes: It first said it couldn't find SDL but I found out how to fix that, and now I can't find libavifile (I have it installed) and when it says to compile I say yes and it sasy it had an error while compiling21:26
lstarnesWard_Y: do you have the -dev library for libavifile?21:27
ignasciohows things here?21:27
MsMacognosis: if a disk is gonna go, its gonna go within a year of purchase or after like 521:27
GuidMorrowpastebinit doesn't work, I entered the command but...21:27
guntbert!ot | ignascio21:27
ubottuignascio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:27
g3org3sguntbert there you go http://pastebin.com/m40214a41 ( im following this tutorial : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1219805)21:27
gnosisMsMaco: k, thanks, hopefully this will work21:27
wasted_darlykaiser, built in or external?21:27
DrDuckCould someone explain to me how to compile programs in ubuntu? Particularly C, as I'm having issues. I'm really not used to the linux/ubuntu platform. I'm a formal windows user, but have moved on to linux because supposedly it's a more natural environment for programming! Thanks21:27
MsMacoDrDuck: first make sure you have build-essential installed21:27
darlykaiserwasted built in21:28
DrDuckMsMaco: I do21:28
wasted_darlykaiser, and ubuntu is installed on it?21:28
MsMacoDrDuck: know how to do a makefile?21:28
ednosDrDuck: type cc mysource.c -o myexecutable -Wall?21:28
MsMacoDrDuck: the usual steps with automake are "./configure && make && make install"21:28
lstarnesDrDuck: the steps can vary though21:28
MsMacoednos, DrDuck: and -Werrors21:29
ignasciovideos are frezzing in firefox ubuntu, any ideas?21:29
darlykaiserwasted: yes, because i've transformed ubuntu into xubuntu21:29
Isaacariahfor scripting & program writing in ubuntu, which would be the better language to learn, perl or python?21:29
guntbertg3org3s: thats not the one I wanted, please show me the one with "host key verification failed"21:29
ednosDrDuck: are you trying to compile someone else's package, or are you trying to compile your own C program?21:29
MsMacoIsaacariah: perl is still the sysadmin favourite, but newer sysadmins are going for python... and much of ubuntu's tools are python21:29
DrDuckMsMaco: all I've done thus far is write a simple program using gedit, called samp.c, I've also tried to compile it with the terminal but no luck21:29
Isaacariahis there much of a pro/con difference between the two?21:30
xand_can't set a capture device in alsamixer, can anyone please help me out ?21:30
MsMacoDrDuck: gcc -Wall -o samp samp.c21:30
lstarnesIsaacariah: you should probably learn both, but if you have to choose one, python may be better21:30
Isaacariahim talking from someone who's a microsoft VB6 programmer, looking to learn a language I can use on ubuntu21:30
MsMacoDrDuck: should compile samp.c and output "samp" as the executable21:30
skyleris there a reason my flash videos are choppy?21:30
MsMacoDrDuck: will also show all warnings21:30
lstarnesIsaacariah: perl has more third-party packages while python is more object-oriented and works better for applications21:30
DrDuckMsMaco: gcc: samp.c: No such file or directory21:30
DrDuckgcc: no input files21:30
skyleri have the appropriate drivers im pretty sure21:30
Isaacariahobject oriented, like it21:30
MsMacoDrDuck: are you in the directory where you saved it?21:30
lstarnesDrDuck: what are you compiling?21:30
wasted_darlykaiser, sorry I seem to be confused. are you trying to mount a partition or a harddrive21:30
DrDucksamp.c is on my desktop btw if that means anything21:30
skylerim on an eeepc using ubuntu 90421:30
MsMacolstarnes: DrDuck's own code21:30
MsMacoDrDuck: so cd ~/Desktop21:31
ednosDrDuck: you need to be in the same directory as the file, so type "cd Desktop"21:31
gnosisMsMaco: it's getting the same error21:31
IsaacariahIll give Python a look then, im guessing I can use it to script AND to write applications with a GUI21:31
MsMacoDrDuck: so youre in the same directory21:31
lstarnesIsaacariah: perl also is somewhat object-oriented, but it's done in a differentway21:31
g3org3sguntbert http://pastebin.com/m6dde6221:31
lstarnesIsaacariah: perl also has packages for GUI applications21:31
MsMacognosis: fsck is giving the error?21:31
Isaacariahlstarnes, thanks, youve been very helpful21:31
IsaacariahI think ill take a look at python21:31
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DrDuckmiles@ubuntu:~$ cd desktop21:31
DrDuckbash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory21:31
skylermsg <twotwenty>21:31
MsMacolstarnes, Isaacariah: the note taking app "Zim" is written in perl21:31
ednosDrDuck: use captial D21:31
MsMacoDrDuck: capital D21:31
ednosDrDuck: it's case-sensitive21:31
gnosisMsMaco: no, we tried to boot the liveCD but it gives the same error21:31
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DrDuckahh ok i've changed directories to desktop now21:32
lstarnesIsaacariah: you might also want to look at ruby21:32
MsMacognosis: what? grub shouldnt even come up if youre booting the live cd21:32
opuxisaacariah: +1, perl's OO is really ugly21:32
darlykaiserwasted: mount a partition21:32
lstarnesGuidMorrow: how are you starting it?21:32
papadopcanyone having network problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.28-15 ?21:32
ednosDrDuck: now try that gcc command; when you're done, type ls, which should show a new file, "samp", which you can run with ./samp21:32
skylerdoes anyone have the same problem?21:32
lstarnesopux: perl does have frameworks for OO such as Moose21:32
lstarnescarlos: /join #ubuntu-es21:33
gnosisMsMaco: grub doesn't come up. The CD comes up, we choose "english" then "try ubuntu without making changes to computer" with the "safe graphics mode" set21:33
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DrDuckMsMaco:  Okay nice!21:33
Ward_YIstarnes: when I try to manually compile mupen it gives me this as an output http://pastebin.org/1005521:33
opuxlstarnes: I did paid job in both languages21:33
gnosisMsMaco: it's giving the same error as when we tried to boot from GRUB21:33
DrDuckMsMaco:  I hope I can remember how to do all of that in the future! :D21:33
rachit_viti am installing drupal got struck in between..what to put in site email address as i am installing on local host21:33
lstarnesWard_Y: that looks like it may be a bug in the program's source21:34
guntbertg3org3s: thats what I expected: since you connected to that server with ssh the last time something happened. If you are certain that all is well (no "man in the middle") you can delete the first entry in .ssh/known_hosts21:34
DrDuckdidnt mean to do that lol21:34
LinuX2halfhow do I know whats eating my resources?21:34
* star3am hallo21:34
MsMacognosis: ok and then after the cd is booted?21:35
Ward_YIstarnes: I think your right, do you know how to fix it?21:35
guntbertg3org3s: "something happened"=ssh server reinstalled...21:35
rachit_vitsome plz help21:35
skylerregular video work fine, but anything in flash is choppy and slow21:35
MsMacognosis: you open a terminal after the desktop on the cd comes up?21:35
LinuX2halfI check on the system monitor and the CPU reaches over 80 percent when I'm transferring to a site21:35
* star3am .. how can i get someone to su to root ? i added them to sudo group, and added %sudo to sudoers ? 21:35
hbekelrachit_vit: i'd just use someuser@localhost, mail will be delivered locally21:35
gnosisMsMaco: it doesn't get that far21:35
lstarnesWard_Y: I don't.  Ask the developers of that program21:35
MsMacognosis: or does it not get to the desktop after you choose to boot in safe graphics mode?21:35
gnosisMsMaco: it gets stuck while booting21:35
lstarnesstar3am: ubuntu does not use su21:35
gnosisMsMaco: the latter21:35
lstarnesstar3am: the default group for using sudo is named "admin"21:36
Henrik__rachit_vit: Pick some random user@localhost21:36
DrDuckMsMaco:  what does ls stand for??21:36
MsMacognosis: hmm weird.21:36
MsMacoDrDuck: LiSt21:36
lstarnesDrDuck: LiSt21:36
OEPWhat is a way that I can find where a usb stick will mount in my udev rules?21:36
guntbert!sudo | star3am21:36
ubottustar3am: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:36
lstarnesstar3am: try sudo -i instead21:36
MsMacoDrDuck: also, mv = MoVe, cp = CoPy21:36
star3am<lstarnes> adm ? maybe .. i have no admin group ?21:36
Henrik__Oh, too late. iPod Touch is not the fastest device to type on with only One gand21:36
g3org3sguntbert yes true ... it was reinstalled :) but can you help me with this last step so i can just connect with tightvnc ? thru xp or any other vnc client :)  http://pastebin.com/m1bfb3f9321:36
HishamDrDuck: rm =remove :P21:36
lstarnesstar3am: is it the server edition of ubuntu?21:36
DrDuckMsMaco:  How do I delete programs I no longer need? also I dont like having my programs on my desktop :< Is there a way I can change where they're saved?/21:37
rachit_vithbekel:can i give my gmail id in that21:37
opuxdrduck: janitor21:37
MsMacoDrDuck: instead of -o foo use -o /home/drduck/foo if you want them in your home directory21:37
star3am<lstarnes> hey tx that sudo -i worked21:37
hbekelrachit_vit: not sure how drupal delivers mail21:37
ednosDrDuck: click on Places > Home and make a folder in your home directory21:37
MsMacoDrDuck: personally, i use /home/maco/src (shortcut: ~/src) to hold sourcecode21:38
lstarnesstar3am: make sure that you ONLY use root powers when it is absolutely necessary21:38
star3amlstarnes: yup server .. mean one too :) moving from gentoo .. i wonder why sometimes :p21:38
ednosthen in the terminal, you can use cd ~/whatever-you-named-it21:38
lstarnesstar3am: using sudo for individual commands is preferred over sudo -i21:38
DrDuckThank you!!21:38
star3amlstarnes: tx, good advice, wanna close ssh root ..21:39
rachit_vitcan any one tell me while installing drupal in "enter site email" can i use my gmail id21:39
lstarnesrachit_vit: I believe so21:39
opuxdid anybody see this before?21:39
DrDuckMsMaco:  I might to ask you this over again another day if I forget, so hopefully you're usually around ^_^21:39
opuxtar: ./home/bsb/prj/vaio-kernel/kernel-source-2.6.3/drivers/usb/storage/datafab.h: File shrank by 17592186044416 bytes; padding with zeros21:39
MsMacostar3am: if you want to know *why* sudo on individual commands is preferred, its because there's an audit log saying what you did as root that you can refer to if things break21:39
IdleOnerachit_vit, i dont see why not21:39
Henrik__What does 'su -k' do?21:39
guntbertg3org3s: I'd rather make certain first that you can connect to the remote machine at all and that X apps are working four you - you know vnc traffic is not encrypted, so ssh+X is a better solution21:39
MsMacoDrDuck: copy and paste the log into a textfile?21:39
opux17TB 8-()21:39
MsMacoHenrik__: ends your sudo session21:39
xand_can't set a capture device in alsamixer, can anyone please help me out ?21:39
LoneWlfanyone with some mad skillz that can mayhap assist me with troublesome linux issue that has crept up of late?21:40
rachit_vitIdleone:let me try and see21:40
gnosisMsMaco: we could try a fresh install?21:40
LoneWlfThe machine begins to stack processes after some indeterminent amount of time21:40
MsMacoHenrik__: you know how you can type a second sudo command and not need the password? thats because there's a timeout. -k ends it so the password will be required next time21:40
star3amMsMaco: tx for the tip, appreciated21:40
lstarnesHenrik__: I odn't think su has a -k option. Did you mean "sudo -k" ?21:40
g3org3sguntbert okay .. so how so i remove the keys ? can you give me the command plz ? :/21:40
LoneWlfdoesn't allow new logins21:40
MsMacognosis: sure21:40
* star3am (Y)21:40
DrDuckMsMaco:  How could I do that?21:40
Henrik__MsMaco: That's what I thought, but had to make sure! Thanks!21:40
MsMacoHenrik__: er...oh yeah i thought you were asking about sudo21:40
domino14i want to remotely (over ssh) mount a hard drive that is easy to locally mount, i just select it from the list in gnome21:40
LoneWlfthis begins to be problematic as there are minutely crons on the box21:40
MsMacoDrDuck: copy and paste?21:40
domino14how do i know what device it is21:40
LoneWlfits starting to put big holes in my stats *cries*21:41
domino14or what is currently mounted?21:41
Henrik__lstarnes: I meant sudo then!21:41
MsMacoDrDuck: thats the same as windows, m'dear ;)21:41
Henrik__Just remembered seeing that in a program21:41
guntbertg3org3s: on the local machine type gedit .ssh/known_hosts21:41
nh2(how) can I restart gconf-daemon without restarting my whole session?21:41
lstarnesHenrik__: it removes the timestamp so that the password is required for the next use of sudo21:42
g3org3sGuaguasi[work] and i dlete everything in it ?21:42
gnosisMsMaco: it's unlikely that mint 7 won't give the same errors that ubuntu gives?21:42
g3org3sguntbert and i delete everything in it ?21:42
domino14how do i know which devices are currently mounted from /etc/fstab?21:42
guntbertg3org3s: one moment21:42
lstarnesdomino14: mount21:42
bankixGood eavening.21:43
nh2ok, "killall gnome-settings-daemon && gnome-settings-daemon &" did the trick21:43
LoneWlfSo thats it then, I'm invisible? *sighs*21:43
MsMacognosis: mint is just ubuntu with a different theme and java and flash preinstalled21:43
MsMacognosis: hardware incompatibilities are the same21:43
guntbertLoneWlf: we see you21:43
lstarnesLoneWlf: it might be a rouge cron job21:44
domino14i want to mount a drive that i usually mount with the GUI really easily21:44
gnosisMsMaco: alright thanks21:44
domino14it doesnt show up in /etc/fstab21:44
MsMacognosis: maybe fedora?21:44
shenhaZhi all, would you tell me how i can create ubuntu usb live from mac os x?21:44
domino14i dont know what the name of it is, under the gui it just shows up as 310 GB or something21:44
domino14its my windows partition21:44
domino14anyone know?21:44
gnosisMsMaco: he likes the shiny compiz cube (and related effects)21:44
MsMacognosis: you can do that on fedora and suse21:45
SeidosI'd like to write a program in python.21:45
guntbertg3org3s: every "line" starts with |1| and ends with =, delete the first entry please, the save (ctrl+s) and leave gedit21:45
ednosdomino14: when it shows up in the gui, open a terminal and type `mount` to see what's been mounted21:45
MsMacoSeidos: package diveintopython will pull down the text of the book Dive Into Python21:46
domino14ednos: i would, but im not at my computer right now, im remotely logged in21:46
domino14theres no way to see what the gui has been seeing?21:46
=== reddragon420[Lin is now known as reddragon420
gnosisMsMaco: that may be the way to go21:46
bankixSeidos: This is not the python scripting channel I fear...21:46
ednosdomino14: is it an IDE or SATA drive?21:46
shenhaZhi all, would you tell me how i can create usb live from mac os x?21:46
domino14its a newer computer, i have no idea.. sata?21:47
IdleOneMsMaco, description says it is for experienced programers21:47
rs122how can I install a driver for a printer that comes with rpm packages?21:47
ednosit's a hard disk in your computer, right?21:47
domino14whatever my linux partition is currently running, its teh same hard drive21:47
g3org3sguntbert it worked,  asked for password , supplied it , and now im in :) now ?21:47
domino14ednos:  yes21:47
ednosah ok21:47
IdleOneMsMaco, you think a beginner could use that?21:47
ednosdomino14: and it's probably mounted now?21:47
domino14the linux partition is21:47
MsMacoIdleOne: i dont recall how its descriptions do...21:47
hbekeldomino14: via ssh?21:47
ednosdomino14: how about the windows one?21:47
MsMacoSeidos: maybe http://www.openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ if youre a beginner21:48
domino14ednos: i don't think so. i usualyl mount that by clicking on it in the gui, and entering my password21:48
domino14its one single hard drive with a windows partition21:48
domino14and a linux21:48
gekkeranyone know of a good guide for people moving from an RPM-based distro to ubuntu?21:48
MsMacoSeidos: thats a textbook used written by a local highschool teacher who uses ubuntu in the classroom to teach pthon21:48
GuidMorrowis there an x86-64 WINE version available21:48
LinuX2halfwhy when I'm watching a video the video stops and give other clips from the end21:48
guntbertg3org3s: now for the fun, in the remote machine type xeyes, watch.... you can stop the program with ctrl+c21:48
rs122hi, i've a printer driver in rpm and i want to know to to install it.21:48
domino14/dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)21:48
ednosdomino14: type mount and find out which partition (/dev/sd-something) is your linux one21:48
domino14thats the linux one21:48
ednosdomino14: ok21:49
bankixshenhaZ: Do you have a windows emulator (parallels) installed perhaps?21:49
guntbert!rpm | rs12221:49
ubotturs122: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)21:49
ednosdomino14: type ls /dev/sda*21:49
LinuX2halfwhats that suppose to mean21:49
MsMacoIdleOne: "dive" is sort of the definitive python book though21:49
SeidosMsMaco: I already started reading diveintopython off the website.  I think I downloaded the book but I wanted to read green on black so I wouldn't strain.  I will join the python channel.  Thank you21:49
ednosdomino14: /dev/sda1 is probably windows21:49
domino14/dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda3  /dev/sda521:49
domino14sda5 seems to be swap21:49
LinuX2halfthe video stops and give me the clip from the end.21:49
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:49
domino14ednos: how do you know?21:49
IdleOneMsMaco, will look at it also, thanks for the link btw21:49
shenhaZbankix, i have only hackintosh21:49
domino14mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab21:49
ednosdomino14: I don't, it's a guess--are sda3 and sda5 mounted?21:49
domino14only sda2 is mounted21:50
rs122can any of you tell the instructions for installing an rpm please?21:50
LinuX2halfI begin to wonder if the video is suddenly broken21:50
ednosdomino14: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/somethingyoucreated21:50
g3org3sguntbert X11 connection rejected because of wrong authetication Error cant open display: localhost:10.021:50
ednosone way to tell is to use fdisk21:50
rs122thanks guntbert21:50
bankixshenhaZ: I don't know if there is a native mac app, but there is a windows programm called UNetbootin(.sf.net) which makes bootable usb sticks.21:50
domino14fstab only has info aboud /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 (swap)21:50
domino14dev/sda2 is ext21:50
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:50
rs122thanks all21:50
guntbertg3org3s: did you start ssh as root?21:51
ednosdomino14: try mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /some/mount/point21:51
g3org3syes im logged in as root ,t he only account ..21:51
ednosdomino14: make sure you created a directory to mount it in21:51
_UsUrPeR_Can someone point me towards Ubuntu drivers for me ServeRaid-6I RAID card? Ubuntu is saying it can't detect any hard drives when installing 9.04 :(21:51
domino14ednos: what directory does it use when i do it via the gui?21:51
g3org3sguntbert yes im logged in as root ,t he only account ..21:51
mloutdoes the nvidia closed source driver affect battery life positively or negatively?21:51
MsMaco_UsUrPeR_: use the alternate cd, not the live cd, if you want RAID support21:51
xand_can't set a capture device in alsamixer, can anyone please help me out ?21:52
ednosdomino14: it creates and erases one in /media21:52
_UsUrPeR_MsMaco: Ok, thanks. :D21:52
ednosdomino14: /media/VOLUMENAME usually21:52
bankixshenhaZ: If you can start unetbootin in your windows emulation, maybe you can write an ubuntu stick.21:52
bankixshenhaZ: Never tried this on my mac.21:52
rs122ubottu: what can i do to install this driver by Canon? (a printer)21:52
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:52
GuidMorrowhelp I can't install flash it says wrong architecture "i386"21:52
domino14thank you, that worked!!21:53
shenhaZbankinx: ok, thx21:53
guntbertg3org3s: don't run graphical apps as root generally, do you mean you are logged into the destktop session as root?21:53
ednosdomino14: no problem21:53
g3org3sguntbert yes ... but i think there is no X on the server ...21:53
terrordronedo u know HTML keylogger people ?21:54
_UsUrPeR_MsMaco: are you positive that RAID hardware is only supported from the Alternate installation CD?21:54
rs122isn't it must be very simple to install any driver designed for linux?21:54
guntbertg3org3s: I was asking about the local session21:54
MsMaco_UsUrPeR_: 100% positive21:54
bankixrs122: They pointed you to alien which converts the rpm to deb which you can install.21:54
domino14btw fdisk -l lists the partitions with their filesystems, and yes /dev/sda1 was HPFS/NTFS21:54
g3org3sguntbert yes local is root , logs in automatically , fresh install21:54
MsMaco_UsUrPeR_: though im not guaranteeing that all RAID hardware is supported21:54
MsMaco_UsUrPeR_: jsut that the absolutely none of it is supported on the live cd21:54
ednosdomino14: thanks21:54
guntbert!root | g3org3s *don't do that*21:54
ubottug3org3s *don't do that*: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:54
tabletopdoes anyone know anything about trinity core 221:54
_UsUrPeR_MsMaco: is there a list of RAID devices supported that I can reference?21:54
rs122there is anything to do to install that driver?21:55
MsMaco_UsUrPeR_: maybe on ubuntuhcl.org .... otherwise, google around21:55
MsMaco_UsUrPeR_: i dont know how up to date that site is21:55
_UsUrPeR_msmaco: ok thanks :)21:55
g3org3sguntbert its just an old laptop ... i dont care much about it ...21:55
bankixrs122: Yes. Convert it via alien first. Then install using dpkg.21:55
guntbertg3org3s: please add another account, add it to the admin group and work with that account from now on - the ubuntu system is built to not use the root account for log in21:56
rs122bankix: i'm trying that now21:56
stefg_UsUrPeR_: are you certain that you want a hardware raid-controller? mdadm is going raid just fine and at 0 cost21:56
domino14my computer remotely was only on cuz my dad was using it.. is there a way to pop up a message saying "sup dad"21:57
guntbertg3org3s: but you said "i think there is no X on the server" - so what did you want to do with vnc?21:57
rs122bankix: where is the alien pack is located?21:57
LinuX2halfwhat plugin do I need to install to my sea monkey to have the best security?21:57
stefgg3org3s: you might want to read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15170321:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ia3221:58
bankixrs122: You'll find alien in the list of installable packages. See synaptic.21:58
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)21:59
GuidMorrowwhy is the flash player plugin only 32-bit? I thought they had put out a 64-bit plugin already!21:59
icarushow do i resize my drive as is?21:59
ednosdomino14: if he's in a terminal, and you have root access, you can echo to it21:59
g3org3sguntbert long story short ... i have a server , running ubuntu desktop, i tried installing xubuntu desktop, it messed up with my network settings , the server wouldnt connect to the internet, so i have to reinitialise it , now its fresh again , i want to be able to acces it thu vnc, see it as a desktop, use it as a desktop, but apparently there is no display thing on it .. because its a commercial server the dont install it , taht's what i'v22:00
kermitwhy is my CPU stuck at 1/3 full speed?  and i do mean stuck, not just low due to ondemand, i can't change it with any cpufreq setting.22:00
rs122bankix: just the alien or all of those other stuff that included with it?22:00
ednosicarus: gparted22:00
bankixrs122: You need to install all dependencies to get a specific package.22:01
ednosicarus: google it, get the LiveCD, boot from it, and there's a nice little GUI tool to resize partitions. It works with NTFS, too.22:01
rs122bankix: a funny word dependencies!22:02
bankixrs122: They're dependencies, because one package depends on parts or functions of another. Without installing the dependency, it would't work.22:02
guntbertg3org3s: ah ok, you don't need a display on your server - back to the immediate problem, there seems to exist a local authentication problem - did you add another user yet?22:02
g3org3sguntbert man ... i have no idea how to do taht .. im not that good in ubuntu .. i jsut want that vnc running asap :s22:02
bastidrazorkermit, cpufreq-info  .. what governor is selected?22:03
rs122bankix: yeah, but it was a funny word for me22:03
bastidrazorkermit, under 'current policy'22:03
Foxany faithful pidgin users here, I can't get it to work22:04
kermitbastidrazor: i tried them all22:04
kermitFox: yes, whats the problem?22:04
guntbertg3org3s: ok, the please replace every occurence of "gedit" in you tutorial with an editor that work on the CLI (nano is easy I hear) and follow through22:04
=== Qster_ is now known as Qster
g3org3sguntbert i tried it with nano .. i had an error too :/ i paste binned it to u ?22:05
* guntbert has trubles typing whole words :-)22:05
Foxkermit: I can't add any buddies. It says that they can't be added to the server22:05
rs122bankix: can you tell me what further i do with all the RPM's?22:06
snikkerhi, i've got a problem with wireless, it's connected, but doesn't browse... can you help me?22:06
g3org3sguntbert there you go again http://pastebin.com/m336b62e122:06
bankixrs122: Sorry, but you'll have go through the documentation (manpage).22:06
rs122bankix: how?22:06
kermitFox: what protocol?22:07
IdleOners122, what are you trying to install?22:07
Foxkermit: I still a noob, by protocol I am assuming you mean domain. I have a yahoo email, and I want to add a buddy from gmail.22:08
rs122IdleOne: i'm trying to install rmp's for Canon printer driver with alien and another tool22:08
IdleOners122, what canon model?22:08
rs122can you tell how do i open the documentation for alien?22:08
yelloowfirers122: Do you use sudo when using alien?22:08
bankixrs122: man alien22:08
g3org3sguntbert i think its working .. i tried it from ubuntu , rebooting now ...22:09
dre360alien --info22:09
guntbertg3org3s: you did work as root on the server too? please paste the output of ls -l .nano_history (you can use <tab> to autocomplete file names)22:09
yelloowfirers122: sudo alien (I forgot the rest)22:09
guntbertg3org3s: hey. great22:09
rs122it's like an p1000 model22:09
GuidMorrowhow do I install an i386 interpreter on here22:10
Foxkermit: what to you mean by protocol?22:10
evilbugi have x64 xubuntu 9.04 installed on a 2,2 macbook pro and i would like some help on getting a dual monitor setup or at least having the option to disable the laptop monitor when i have another connected.22:10
ed112aHi all, it has been years since I used any linux distro so forgive me for being so rusty when it comes to commands. I want to search my whole hard drive for a particular file but I can't remember the filename on its extension. What command and parameter would do the job best? Thanks for in advance for any help.22:10
ednosFox: protocol and domain are different22:10
guntbertGuidMorrow: a *what* ???22:10
syntaxdid anyone get a update for ubuntu for today and what was it about22:10
evilbugi'm using the default ati driver.22:10
ednosFox: "protocol" means (in Pidgin) AIM, GTalk, Jabber, Yahoo, etc22:10
ed112aSorry I know its extension22:10
GuidMorrowI tried to install adobe flash player and it said "wrong architecture"22:10
zambai'm looking for a tool to map and visualize a network.. it needs to be web based..22:11
GuidMorrowfor some reason what Adobe had on they site was for Intrepid Ibex22:11
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: I had this, at terminal try: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:11
rs122bankix: I don't see instructions just some description and such22:11
Foxednos: ok I am using Yahoo protocol I think. Does that mean I can't IM people using the Google Talk protocol?22:11
guntberted112a: find / -name "*.<extension>"22:11
GuidMorrowi'm running package manager22:11
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Hum...22:12
ednosFox: correct22:12
ednosFox: if all you want to do is talk, get a GMail account and add your buddy, it's free22:12
kermitFox: maybe gmail requires you to add the buddy on their website first before you can use it with pidgin22:12
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: I think i can solve, wait22:12
bankixrs122: Sorry, but I don't remember the exact usage of allien. The manpage should help.22:12
ed112aguntbert, thank you!22:12
ednoskermit: Fox is on Yahoo22:12
GuidMorrowis there an amd64 flash plugin22:12
IdleOners122, it would be easier and less time consuming for to find a printer that is supported by linux http://www.linuxprinting.org/22:12
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Adobe flashplayer 10 x6422:13
kermitSyntaX: i got an update yesterday that didnt work right.. something about linux*22:13
yelloowfireI will see were to get22:13
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guntberted112a: good luck22:13
syntaxoh ok22:13
rs122ok all, I will first try to look at http://www.linuxprinting.org/22:13
GuidMorrowyellowfire: what's that one22:13
FoxThank you both, I appreciate. I will start a gmail account22:13
guntbertGuidMorrow: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash ?22:14
g3org3sguntbert i dont know how to do that ... all i know is that it created new file and saved it there , i rebooted , started vnc, it was already running , but i cant connect now .. connection failed :/22:14
IdleOners122, it is a ip1000?22:14
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_install_linux_051508.tar.gz22:14
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: It's on Tarball, the best one i found...22:15
kermithas anyone else had their cpu get stuck (yes i tried changing cpufreq settings) in the lowest speed?22:15
rs122IdleOne: I think it's P1000 but I really need to check22:15
IdleOners122, the exact model number would be more helpful yes22:15
rs122IdleOne: sorry it's IP100022:16
IdleOners122, seems this person has managed to get your model working http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=260566&postcount=422:17
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Ops, the link is broken. At synaptic, search: nsplugin and remove the flashplugin-nonfree, if it is instaled.22:17
GuidMorrowwhat's nsplugin22:18
G-NorrisAnyone i could try to help here.22:18
guntbertg3org3s: sorry, I gotta go, please ask the channel again22:18
rs122IdleOne: thanks22:18
IdleOneG-Norris, hang sround sooner or later someone will ask a question22:18
G-NorrisI know yall always say that22:19
TerabyteI've got a PC with nothing but an ethernet connection on it, can I install ubuntu over the internet?22:19
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: nsplugin is the flash plugin. Have a risk of have it installed, but damaged, so, is better remove.22:19
rs122IdleOne: I will try22:19
G-Norrisyes you can22:19
G-Norristera you can22:19
TerabyteWhat should I do norris?>22:19
ednosG-Norris: I got one for you--FTP downloads hang on my Wubi install, irregardless of software (wget, firefox, filezilla, gftp, Nautilus)22:19
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: nsplugin true name is flashplugin-nonfree.22:19
G-Norrishld on22:19
ednosG-Norris: they download between 2KB and 4MB of octave-3.2.2.tar.bz2 before stopping22:19
G-NorrisCan i have a channell operator22:19
G-NorrisI need a chanel op22:20
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: now, you must find a way to get libflashplayer.so (PS: MUST use Firefox, or will not work!!!)22:20
IdleOneG-Norris, #ubuntu-ops22:20
stefg!install | Terabyte22:20
ubottuTerabyte: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:20
Ben64not that hard to find libflashplayer.so22:20
IdleOneTerabyte, you want to do a net install? I don't believe you can with ubuntu but I could be wrong22:21
GuidMorrowI thought ubuntu used .deb package22:21
stefgTerabyte: not even USB available ?22:21
IdleOneGuidMorrow, it does22:21
nexacehello - i am having problems conceptualizing how to mount a raid array in ubuntu. since my 'fdisk -l' shows the drives individually, can i just mount one of them?22:21
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Ubuntu USe, but flashplayer on .deb is rare. I GOT THE SOLUTION.22:21
Ben64GuidMorrow: but flash for 64 isn't in repos afaik22:21
Ben64GuidMorrow: what cpu do you have22:21
rs122IdleOne: I couldn't find libxml1 with synaptic22:21
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: OK, listen22:21
Ben64yeah but which22:22
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: At therminal, tip: sudo apt-get remove -y nspluginwrapper flashplugin-nonfree mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla22:22
DecnikovUmm... Hi? I need to figure out why no sound device works on my PC, seeing as how it did yesterday.22:22
ldleworkCan anyone PLEASE inform me how to correctly run something during boot BEFORE Session login. So the app is /running/ /during/ the login screen.... Please I cannot figure this out and "update-rc.d myscript start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 .22:22
g3org3sAnyone knows how i can install gnome without the network manager ?22:22
Ben64GuidMorrow: or actually, gimme "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i lahf"22:22
Ben64g3org3s: why?22:22
nexacei am having problems conceptualizing how to mount a raid array in ubuntu. since my 'fdisk -l' shows the drives individually, can i just mount one of them?22:23
IdleOners122, hmmm you right it doesnt seem to be in synaptic22:23
mphillIs Ubuntu ever planning to put Xen back in into the repos?  KVM seems almost useless compared to all the support and sofware out there for Xen.22:23
g3org3sBen64 because when i do that .. it changes my network settings and my server wotn connect to internet anymore22:23
ldleworkCan anyone PLEASE inform me how to correctly run something during boot BEFORE Session login. So the app is /running/ /during/ the login screen.... Please I cannot figure this out and "update-rc.d myscript start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . " Is NOT working for me>22:23
Ben64g3org3s: you can set a static ip with it22:23
g3org3sBen64 how ?22:23
DecnikovThis is kinda pointless me being here.22:23
Ben64g3org3s: *click* -> manual configuration22:23
DecnikovGod I miss windows.22:24
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Dis it?22:24
stefgnexace: bad idea ... run sudo 'mdadm --detail --scan' first to check for known raid arrays22:24
Terabytesee i have no cd drive and no flopy drive, i have a usb slot, and a network connection. i can't see the one i want?22:24
Terabytewhich option?22:24
g3org3sBen64 its a server at a farm .. and it doesnt have X :/22:24
nexacestefg: which is the bad idea? mounting one or raid in general?22:24
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Did it?22:24
Ben64g3org3s: ah interesting22:24
stefgnexace: mounting physical partitions which are part of a raid array22:24
GuidMorrowBen64: Can't run command "cat" : "flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt rdtscp lm 3dnowext 3dnow rep_good pni cx16 lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy"22:25
Ben64g3org3s: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/22:25
rs122IdleOne: so  where it could be installed at?22:25
IdleOners122, looking...22:25
Ben64GuidMorrow: ok, your cpu can support flash 64bit22:25
ldleworkDoes anyone know how to run a flipping boot script?!22:25
nexacestefg: mdadm returned no data22:25
Ben64so all you need to do is remove all flash's (as someone explained how above) and get the 64bit flash from adobe's site22:25
rs1222. Download Driver22:26
rs122open terminal22:26
rs122cd to your preferred download directory22:26
rs122For ip1000:22:26
rs122$ wget http://www.mafia.or.id/bjfilter/bjfi....50-2.i386.rpm22:26
FloodBot3rs122: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
rs122$ wget http://www.mafia.or.id/bjfilter/bjfi....50-2.i386.rpm22:26
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Ok, you are SURE who don't have ANY flashplugin instaled (Principaly SWFDEC, it is buggy!!!)22:26
needhelphi, how do I merge many small avi-files to one big ?22:26
IdleOners122, I believe you can install libxml2 and it should work22:26
stefgnexace: so the array wasn't created on this machine / installation ?22:26
g3org3sBen64 its laready static :/22:26
nexacestefg: honestly i dont completely understand it, but the raid array seems to exist in or near the BIOS as can enter setup before any booting occurs22:26
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: If have an plugin installed BOOM!!!22:26
Ben64g3org3s: so problem solved? :S22:27
Out_Coldso i just randomly noticed that compiz isn't running for some reason. can someone take a look at this and suggest any ideas? http://pastebin.com/m7a40db7622:27
g3org3sBen64 no ... i installed xubuntu-desktop ... when it restarted nm , the server wouldnt connect to the itnernet :/ i had to reintialise it22:27
ednosG-Norris: do you still want someone to ask you questions?22:27
Ben64g3org3s: well why are you installing xubuntu-desktop on a server without a monitor?22:28
rs122IdleOne: it's already marked installed22:28
g3org3sBen64 yes exactly .. i want to be able to use the desktop on that server , thru vnc22:28
bastidrazorOut_Cold, possibly check in #compiz too. they might have answers if none are found here.22:28
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Do you instaled a flashplayer before?22:28
IdleOners122, ok then continue with the how to22:28
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: If no, you're reay.22:29
stefgnexace: oh, i see. you've got to diffentiate between diffent kinds of raid. There's software-raid (handled by mdadm), fake-raid (involving 'stupid' hardware and a driver) and smart hardware-raid /a controller doing all the raid controlling and just presenting a single disk to the OS). Which one do you have ?22:29
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: If no, you're ready.22:29
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: ???22:30
rs122"2. Download Driver" is confusing cause it says "ubuntu:/usr/share/man$ $ wget http://www.mafia.or.id/bjfilter/bjfi....50-2.i386.rpm22:30
rs122bash: $: command not found" in the terminal even with the whole url22:30
test34I have a usb device that can give you the temperature and humidity, it get detected when I plug it in (see http://pastie.org/587777), but I don't know what to do next, what program to use?  I tried agetty and cat without success22:30
g3org3sBen64 any ideas ?22:30
stefg!raid | nexace22:30
ubottunexace: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:30
Ben64g3org3s: maybe install X without xubuntu-desktop?22:30
IdleOners122, dont copy the $22:30
g3org3sBen64 and how can i do that ?22:31
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Googling, eh? If you searched "adobe flashplayer x64 ubuntu", the third one :-)22:31
rs122IdleOne: http://www.mafia.or.id/bjfilter/bjfilter-common-2.50-2.i386.rpm22:31
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: Do that one, will work!!!22:32
hackulatorhey, I'm trying to get my microphone working, but even though I have my microphone volume turned up almost all the way, the mic input is VERY quiet, to the point that you can barely hear anything I say22:32
ubuntumaniaim trying to install the demo of ut2004 (unreal tournament 2004) and the request is asking me if i want to install symbolic links to a directory in your path. first i have no idea what that means and second, when i click no the installation is aborted. Can anyone help me install ut2004 so i can play my favorite game for the first time on linux?22:32
Terabytei'm building a router, should i use ubuntu server edition? or the normal one, does server have a GUI>22:32
rs122IdleOne :HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found22:32
Ben64g3org3s: not sure, haven't done it on ubuntu before22:32
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ldleworkCan anyone inform me how to correctly run something during boot BEFORE Session login. So the app is /running/ /during/ the login screen.... Please I cannot figure this out and "update-rc.d myscript start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . " Is NOT working for me>22:32
rs122IdleOne: a computer problem i guess22:32
Ben64Terabyte: server has no gui22:32
Waer-Veritatis_CThis may seem like a basic question - In Smuxi how can I obtain a channel list?22:33
tbxrunning 9.04; just rebooted because X locked hard; upon login, now all the contents of ~/ are visible on my desktop, which is *super* annoying.... how to fix this?22:33
* ldlework wonders how this question is so damn elusive22:33
rs122IdleOne: i've a similar files locally but i don't know how to use them here22:33
seria-mauany idea why k3b/brasero fails when i try to write dvd-r? k3b error msg: WRITE@LBA=0h failed with SK=3h/ASC=0Ch/ACQ=80h]: Input/output error  and this looks similar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93227122:34
stefgTerabyte: you could look at ebox, which has a module for routing/firewalls... but to be honest i'd prefer a custom tailored distro like Endian, IPcop or m0n0wall22:34
stefg!ebox | Terabyte22:34
ubottuTerabyte: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox22:34
IdleOners122, this is what i meant by it would be easier to go out and buy a supported printer. Canon is not linux friendly and refuses to be22:34
* yelloowfire think were is GudeMorrow?!!22:34
ldleworkAnyone know how to do boot scripts?22:35
stefg!boot | idlew22:36
ubottuidlew: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:36
kermithow can i disable cpufreqd? i think its what is making me have to reboot22:36
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yelloowfireGuidMorrow: ...22:36
sponixanyone in here modified the Install CD lately, I need to literally add a handful of files and still have it bootable and so on .22:36
kermiter, cpufreq.. its not a module i can remove, i just want it off22:37
jerkmanhehe Vista pre install failed!! http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/5089/dellfailedm.jpg22:37
stefgsponix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization22:38
ldleworkstefg: Does this run them BEFORE the login screen? So this script has run before someone has logged in?22:38
helluesi am usimg22:38
hackulatoranyone have any idea why i would be unable to get my microphone input volume above a whisper?  I have the microphone volume turned almost to maximum22:38
yelloowfireJerkman: Vista fail at failing too :-D22:38
ldleworkBecause I'm currently doing this, and the script only runs after logging in22:38
helluesi do chm2pdf --book x.chm22:38
helluesi tokok that errors22:38
mezquitalehackulator, what version of ubuntu youre using?22:38
jerkmanyelloowfire: you ever seen anything like that before?22:38
helluesssgmantation fault22:38
sponixStefg: have that open in firefox right now, looking for someone with experience, that can recommend a certain method22:39
helluesexit value 3558422:39
hackulatormezquitale: 9.0422:39
stefgldlework: rc.local is paert of the boot process22:39
kekekeim getting this error when trying to compile xmlrpc, what should i do: /usr/bin/ld: XmlRpcCpp.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC22:39
yelloowfireJerkman: SURE :-D22:40
helluesi try to convert chm file to pdf22:40
mezquitalehackulator, check "system-->preferences-->sound" and make sure everything is configured to the devices you are using22:40
helluescan someone help me22:40
jribkekeke: isn't that something that should be in the repositories?  Why are you compiling?22:40
helluesi installed html doc22:40
mezquitale!ask |hellues22:40
ubottuhellues: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:40
helluesand chm2pdf22:40
jrib!enter | hellues22:40
ubottuhellues: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:40
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mezquitalehellues, all on one line22:41
tbxrunning 9.04; just rebooted because X locked hard; upon login, now all the contents of ~/ are visible on my desktop, which is *super* annoying.... how to fix this?22:41
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kekekejrib i'm very new to linux, i'm just following a guide and i'm getting errors :(22:41
jribkekeke: a guide for what?22:41
perscitusHow do you enable SHMConfig in jaunty?22:41
kekekeinstalling xmlrpc to later install a webgui for rtorrent22:41
helluesi try to convert chm files to pdf . I installed htmdoc and chm2pdf and i use chm2pdf --book x.chm. I took error segmentation fault exit value 3558422:42
jrib!synaptics | perscitus22:42
ubottuperscitus: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad22:42
helluesanyone face that ?22:42
spohow do you access the setup confirguation for screen, that allows things like making screen start after login?22:42
jrib!software > kekeke22:42
ubottukekeke, please see my private message22:42
stefg!screen | spo22:42
ubottuspo: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen22:42
perscitusjrib.->  the word comprehensive is used to much since it doesntactually give that22:42
th1kekeke, why do you want to compile xmlrpc? can't you use the Ubuntu precompiled package?22:42
kermithow is possible i dont have grub installed when i boot with grub22:42
jribperscitus: it tells you how to enable shmconfig for sure...22:42
IdleOners122, I found another link which claims to make ip1000 work. http://mambo.kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~takushi/#canon USE AT OWN RISK and make sure to follow the instructions for your model22:42
ldleworkstefg: adding my command to /etc/rc.init did not cause it to be running during the login-screen for ubuntu22:43
perscitusjrib.->  it's an old help that doesnt apply to jaunty22:43
jribperscitus: yes it does.22:43
moymoyhow do you get the command `export` to work with -exec with the `find` command?22:43
kekeketh1 i didn't know there was a precompiled package lol22:43
yelloowfirekermit: IS IMPOSSIBLE don't have grub...22:43
th1kermit, you can install grub from outside the file system e.g from a livecd22:43
stefgldlework: rc.local !22:43
perscitusjrib.->  Actually, it doesnt,22:43
kermityelloowfire: when i type 'grub' it says i dont have it22:43
th1kekeke, open Synaptics Package Manager and search for xmlrpc22:43
ldleworkstefg: sorry my appologies, that's what I meat. and that's what I used22:43
jribperscitus: well we can say "yes", "no" forever or you can tell me why you believe that22:43
yelloowfirekermit: Maybe you can install using a arch linux live CD...22:43
th1kekeke, or use "aptitude search xmlrpc"22:43
perscitusjrib.->  If it applied then the files it says to edit would be available. Since jaunty doesnt have them, then it doesnt apply22:44
kekekethanks doing ti right now22:44
GuidMorrowFlash Player 64 installed22:44
kermitth1: so the installer had it but my system didnt?  how has it been updating the boot settings when theres a new kernel?22:44
jribperscitus: no, you create the file...22:44
jribperscitus: try it first22:44
perscitusjrib.->  it doesnt say that22:44
yelloowfireDuring setup (/arch/setup , keyboard already is EN-US) do the "install grub" one.22:44
th1kermit, update-grub just updates the grub menu.lst file, its not like lilo where the bootloader has to be reinstalled everytime you change its config file22:44
stefgldlework: the environmet isn't set at that stage. use absolute paths... /bin/ls, not just ls22:44
yelloowfirekermit: During setup (/arch/setup , keyboard already is EN-US) do the "install grub" one.22:44
akatsukiI got ubuntu, then I got fluxbox, then I got gtk-chtheme for font conventions, yet the fonts look really foul (not that they didn't with regular ubuntu) but they're even worse here, I've managed to attach Xft.dpi:96 and I have to revert to gnome-panel to fix up the fonts, which is temporary only for that session, how do I fix the fonts so that they're clean looking?22:44
jribperscitus: It doesn't say the file should already exist either.  Trust me, that's up to date22:45
jribperscitus: the commands given will create the file22:45
hackulatorI tried messing with the setting in the sound preferences but it made no difference, my microphone is still only recording at a barely audible whisper22:45
th1kermit, having said that update-grub is part of the grub package. maybe you have grub2 installed22:45
GuidMorrowehhh ... how do I clean downloaded packages that I haven't installed22:45
ldleworkstefg: I'm doing "/usr/bin/synergys -n ubuntu --config /etc/synergy.conf"22:45
yelloowfireGuidMorrow: IMPOSSIBLE22:46
gwildorGuidMorrow, sudo apt-get clean22:46
jribGuidMorrow: see the "clean" and "autoclean" sections of « man apt-get »22:46
kermitth1: oh, 'update-grub'.. maybe  i had that.. thats badly named.   ohh the boot loaded can always find the file in the filesystem? wow, i thought it was only working with maybe 250 bytes of code on the boot sector.22:46
perscitusjrib.->  and how do you suppose I type all that into the config file?22:46
akatsukiHalo-ru: implementation defined, should focus on #asm or #gcc, C doesn't truly define inline assembly syntax/code.22:46
stefgldlework: what's that command supposed to do?22:46
akatsukiI got ubuntu, then I got fluxbox, then I got gtk-chtheme for font conventions, yet the fonts look really foul (not that they didn't with regular ubuntu) but they're even worse here, I've managed to attach Xft.dpi:96 and I have to revert to gnome-panel to fix up the fonts, which is temporary only for that session, how do I fix the fonts so that they're clean looking?22:46
jribperscitus: with your fingers?  Or copy and paste.22:47
yelloowfirekermit: ...22:47
yelloowfirekermit: No words...22:47
perscitusjrib.->  click and drag doesnt work22:47
ldleworkStart a synergy server on the computer so that I can share keyboard/mouse between it and my windows machine. The problem is that unless I'm logged into ubuntu, the server doesn't get started and so I can't use my window's machine (the client)22:47
th1kermit, those 250 bytes are enough to load /boot/grub/stageX which doesn't change22:47
jribperscitus: then use your fingers22:47
LunixedI am using linux system . double-clicking a jar file opens in openjdk run time and in terminal executing "java -jar a.jar" opens with openjdk run time. How do i start the jar from terminal in sun java runtime ?22:47
ldleworkstefg: Its a software KVM switch22:47
th1and then stage1 loads stage2 which knows how to parse the file system and find menu.,lst22:47
perscitusjrib.->  cant select22:48
stefgldlework: that probably requires an X server already running22:48
jribperscitus: You can read and type.  But hold on i'll upload it somewhere for you...22:48
zvacetGuidMorrow : if you didn´t install them and they are in home directory or on desktop just mark them with cursor and right click move to trash22:48
perscitusjrib.->  never mind... flash drive to the rescue22:48
CanadianLinuxI just installed a fresh jaunty. Grabbed the latest catalyst drivers, I just want to set my monitor to run at 75hz, I have a LCD at 1440x900. It only gives me the option of having 60hz... can someone give me a hand?22:49
jribperscitus: http://dpaste.com/82435/plain/22:49
jribperscitus: wget that and rename it22:49
LunixedI am using ubuntu 9.04. double-clicking a jar file opens in openjdk run time and in terminal executing "java -jar a.jar" opens with openjdk run time. How do i start the jar from terminal in sun java runtime ?22:50
Pseudo_BobWell I give up.22:51
Flare183Lunixed: javac <jar file name>22:51
Flare183I think22:51
Pseudo_BobI can't get my drivers working.  I can't get sound working.  This is not my thing.22:51
Lunixedthats to compile Flare18322:52
perscitusjrib.->  I used my flash drive. And Ctrl-A in gedit.22:52
LunixedFlare183, it dos not run22:53
Flare183Lunixed: I don't know.22:53
Lunixedok Flare18322:53
perscitusjrib.->  click and drag doesnt work22:53
craCkpotokay i have a unique issue and i was wondering if anyone could help point me in the right direction22:54
stefgldlework: reading on synergy .... putting that in rc.local is useless. i ask myself what the differnce between that software and a vnc/rdp/nx server ?22:54
CanadianLinuxI just installed a fresh jaunty. Grabbed the latest catalyst drivers, I just want to set my monitor to run at 75hz, I have a LCD at 1440x900. It only gives me the option of having 60hz... can someone give me a hand?22:55
ldleworkstefg: its for when you have two computers sitting next to each other22:55
rewti use synergy22:55
ldleworkstefg: its a virtual KVM switch, not a remote desktop client22:55
Baptisteis an ethernet interface only recognized as eth* with ifconfig?22:55
craCkpotcanadianlinux, last i knew LCD's don't use refresh rate22:55
rewtldlework, virtual KM switch, not V22:55
Baptistebecause I only get ath0 & wifi022:56
ldleworkstefg: I believe this is the answer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=970564&postcount=522:56
Baptisteno eth022:56
Baptisteand I'm wondering if the network card is even recognized22:56
craCkpotthey matter to CRT monitors because they have to refresh the image x times per second22:56
LunixedI am using linux system . double-clicking a jar file opens in openjdk run time and in terminal executing "java -jar a.jar" opens with openjdk run time. How do i start the jar from terminal in sun java runtime ?22:56
craCkpotLCD pixels stay on until turned off22:56
stefgIdleOne: right. it has to go to the gdm init (so starts when X starts)22:56
CanadianLinuxYea its using 60, The monitor supports 75. I plan on playing quakelive tonight on linux. I prefer playing at 75hz22:56
CanadianLinuxI can in XP22:57
IdleOnestefg, ?22:57
craCkpotare you using the DVI (digital) connection?22:57
CanadianLinuxIm assuming I have to add a modeline to my xorg.conf... thing Is I dont know what im doing22:57
IdleOnestefg, I think you meant ldlework  it's an L not I22:58
craCkpotthen you don't have to concern yourself with it22:58
stefgIdleOne: right ... ldlework (stupid nick)22:58
CanadianLinuxalright, you are sure craCkpot? I wont notice any flicker while playing?22:58
deanyLunixed, set the default java to sun java22:58
craCkpotLCD monitors ignore refresh rate22:58
CanadianLinuxits more for the vga?22:58
CanadianLinuxoh ok22:58
craCkpotif you're using the analog (blue) connector then it would matter22:59
CanadianLinuxnah its the white22:59
craCkpotits more a CRT thing22:59
CanadianLinuxalright thanks man, better than messing my xorg and getting a black screen anyways :)22:59
Lunixeddeany, how ?22:59
craCkpotfrom random googling: So, what if you have an LCD monitor? You can safely ignore the refresh rate setting. Changing this number in Control Panel has no effect on an LCD.22:59
ldleworkstefg: thanks, for the help!22:59
ldlework...and the insult22:59
deanyLunixed, sudo update-java-alternatives22:59
craCkpotanywho, back to my problem22:59
CanadianLinuxcool thanks for helpin a noob craCkpot23:00
craCkpotno problem, glad to help23:00
ScootlesCan someone help me. I'd really like to stick to ubuntu on my laptop, however, I can't get my wifi card working so it's really tempting me to just delete it.23:00
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.23:00
kaddiScootles: I couldn't get my card to work with network manager, however it works great with wicd, maybe try that out :)23:01
craCkpotMy Issue: I am trying to dual boot vista and ubuntu 9.04, everything installs properly but i run into an issue with the bootloader (Grub)23:01
GuidMorrowwhere do I find all of the video codecs? I can't play FLV files for some reason23:02
tbxkaddi: watch out - I have had issues with wicd abruptly deciding that it can not, in fact, see *any* wireless networks.23:02
=== Mike is now known as leachim6
tbxkaddi: that said, wicd has features that network manager lacks.23:02
leachim6I updated jaunty to the latest....23:02
leachim6and now I can't shutdown...23:03
leachim6it hang on shutdown...23:03
craCkpotit seems to stem from the fact that windows sees my IDE drive as the first drive (its where the vista bootloader is) and linux sees my 80gb SATA drive as the first HDD (its where windows is installed)23:03
kadditbx: I have been using it for close to a year now, while I have had these problems as well once in a while, network manager simply would not see my wifi network23:03
kaddiSo wicd definitely is the best solution for me :) But it might not be for other people.23:03
tbxkaddi: yeah - I actually keep both debs locally and find that I have to replace-install.23:04
craCkpotany ideas anyone?23:04
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kadditbx: really? I just use wicd, haven't had any issues for a couple of month now... everything just keeps getting beter ;)23:04
leachim6is there a known issue with the latest jaunty updates?23:04
leachim6that breaks shutdown23:04
leachim6can someone help please :(23:05
craCkpotScootles: I don't know if this will help you but I had the issue in my early linux days and I remember using NDISWrapper to wrap around the windows driver and make it work in linux.23:05
kaddicraCkpot: what exactly was your problem?23:05
leachim6me too...23:05
leachim6broadcom is nasty23:05
kaddileachim6: have you tried to shutdown using the shutdown command in terminal?23:05
leachim6kaddi, yeah23:06
tbxrunning 9.04; just rebooted because X locked hard; upon login, now all the contents of ~/ are visible on my desktop, which is *super* annoying.... how to fix this?23:06
leachim6"shutdown -h now"23:06
kaddiand nothing happens?23:06
leachim6kaddi, no it runs through all the way to shutdown23:06
leachim6and I get "acpid: stopped"23:06
ScootlescraCkpot, the problem is that the only driver I can find for my wifi card is a .sys file and not .ini23:06
leachim6and then it hangs23:06
leachim6I think you mean .inf23:06
craCkpot.ini is not a windows driver23:06
hackulatorI'm unable to get my microphone to record anything above a whisper, any ideas what my problem might be?  I have tried adjusting the volume settings23:07
Scootlesyeah, .inf is what I meant23:07
nexacedoes ubuntu have some sort of rdp program that allows for remote desktop viewing?23:07
craCkpoti believe .sys is an acceptable driver extension23:07
Scootlesalright. Let me check it out23:07
craCkpotokay let me see if i can adequately describe my problem23:07
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kaddileachim6: I'm sry I can't help you with that. sounds like a bug, maybe check out launchpad.net23:08
tbxnexace: yes, there is - I am trying to remember the name of it - one moment.23:09
papowhere can I see packages which are currently being build or waiting in the queue?23:09
bbooqqIs it OK to use existing partition (currently, with Fedora core 5) for Ubuntu 9.04 not to backup and restore the existing data?23:09
tbxnexace: it's called "vinagre"23:10
nexacethanks tbx ill check it out23:10
craCkpotMy problem seems to stem from the fact that Windows and Linux see different HDD's as the first disk and thus puts the MBR in 2 different places23:10
^Alitahi to all23:10
shammI'm having problem trying to install libvirt-bin, googled for it and can not find the solution.23:10
xand_can't set a capture device in alsamixer, can anyone please help me out ?23:11
^Alitai'm in trouble with xawtv: it shows images, but i can't hear anything23:11
xOrphenochxwhat do you need it for shamm?23:11
kaddicraCkpot: so? you get an error message when you try to boot? you can't boot into linux? you can't boot into windows?23:11
shammx0rphenochx: Virtual Machine23:11
craCkpoti can boot into windows, linux won't boot23:11
xOrphenochxno, i mean what do you need that package for?23:11
kaddicraCkpot: because it is not listed in grub? or what happens when you try to boot into it?23:12
shammto run Virtual Machine Manager apps23:12
superbokisomebody familiar with x264 compiling?23:12
craCkpotgrub gives error15 when i try to boot linux23:12
xOrphenochxhave you installed virt-manager?23:12
superbokii managed, but missing avi and mp4 support23:12
xOrphenochxyou mean for encoding or decoding, boki?23:13
shammxOrphenochx: libvirt-bin is prevent virt-manager from being installed.23:13
papo^Alita: There may be several reasons for this. Elder cards need a physical connection to the sound card, or the gain of the tv card (not the main volume) may be muted23:13
Shibaif I wanted to install every available 32-bit compat library on Ubuntu 9.04 how would I go about doing that?23:13
GuidMorrow...does anyone know where I can find all the video codecs?23:13
shammecho /dev/null > /my/damned/mind23:13
xOrphenochxreally? cause that doesnt even sound like one i have23:13
craCkpotokay, which partitions actually need to be set to active (boot), any partition with an OS installed?23:13
GuidMorrowor at least convert it where videos can become playable23:13
superbokiGuidMorrow: use vlc or mplayer23:13
xOrphenochxgimme a minute to check my system23:14
perscitusAnyone know how to fix click&drag in synaptics?23:14
Guest38444not me23:14
shammxOrphenochx: I'm running ubuntu-server x64 with xubuntu-desktop23:14
xOrphenochxoh well ill be damned, it is a package23:14
^Alitapapo: where i can tune the3 card volume? i've got a pinnacle pctv23:14
GuidMorrowmissing H.264 plugin23:14
xOrphenochxwhich version of ubuntu?23:14
shamm9.04 jaunty23:15
xOrphenochxhave you updated doing apt-get update? that package should be available23:15
papo^Alita: if you open the volume control, you may see several tabs23:15
xOrphenochxi had it a month or so ago before going to karmic23:15
shammxOrphenochx: that is my default practice ;)23:15
^Alitai see, but it don't appear23:15
papo^Alita: one for the sound card and another one for the tv card23:15
perscitusAnyone know how to fix click&drag in synaptics/touchpad?23:15
GuidMorrowcouldn't find vlc-player23:15
shammmaking sure I got latest updates -- checking23:15
papo^Alita: Hm ok, one second, I need to check23:15
xOrphenochxgot me, can you pm me the output of apt-get install virt-manager?23:16
edbianI am trying to install ubuntu on a friend's laptop and it keeps getting stuck at the partition editor.  It loads all the way but it never changes from the Keyboard layout screen.  Any ideas?23:16
papo^Alita: which pinnacle tuner card is this?23:16
kaddicraCkpot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto should tell you all you need to know on grub.. I'm looking for more specific instructions23:16
craCkpotim gonna try to play around with EasyBCD23:17
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GuidMorrow!language | smartasstronaut23:17
ubottusmartasstronaut: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:17
^Alitapapo: pctv 10023:17
perscitusGuidMorrow.->  no language issue there.23:18
papo^Alita: the USB thingie?23:18
nyaalifes a beach and all but its spelled astronaut lol23:18
nyaaunless he's smart as a stronaut23:19
^Alitapapo: pci card23:19
papo^Alita: ok23:19
perscitusAnyone know how to fix click&drag in synaptics/touchpad?23:19
amdFANBOYhey whats the best gmail notifier.  i just want to know when i get a new email.  tried a few and i cant seem to get them to work right.23:20
guest_¿Qué versión de ubuntu estas usando?23:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:21
StupidWeaselHumm I seem to be having problems with public/private keys.23:21
papo^Alita: are you using the saa7133 module?23:22
StupidWeaselThe error I'm getting is "Agent admitted failure to sign using the key." however I am sure that the public key is the same on the server that I have here.23:22
vixhow do i check my motherboard voltages in ubuntu23:23
deanywtf.  picasa uses wine?23:23
Untouchab1eIm currently dual booting Vista and Ubuntu but I am now going to Install Windows 7.. I havent had my Ubuntu install for long and I was just wondering if its worth it trying to reinstall GRUB somehow? For some reason I guess its complicated?23:24
DaZ-Untouchab1e, it's not23:24
^Alitapapo: just a moment, i verify23:24
majukUntouchab1e: Did you not get it to work last night? You asked this exact same question.23:24
StupidWeaselIf you still have your install CD it's only a couple of commands from the recovery console Untouchab1e  :)23:24
majuk!fixmbr | Untouchab1e23:25
ubottuUntouchab1e: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:25
shammhow do I add user to a group?23:25
StupidWeaselHumm, Anyone have any suggestions? I've totally remade the keys on the client.23:25
^Alitapapo: with lsmod appera several saa713423:25
amdFANBOYhey whats the best gmail notifier.  i just want to know when i get a new email.  tried a few and i cant seem to get them to work right.23:26
papo^Alita: I would check dmesg output. You can for example run "dmesg|grep saa7134" and paste that to pastebin23:26
jiffehmm, man ccs_tool describes an update command, but that command doesn't actually seem to be available23:26
ChaorainI need a new router and I want a wireless one. I want one that can connect to another wireless router. i.e. router A connects to internet and router B(my new router) conects to it wirelessly and my desktop connects to router B with a wire. Is there a list of routers that can do this?23:26
majukamdFANBOY: I've never found a gmail notifier that worked correctly. Seriously.23:26
jiffeI'm pretty sure it used to be23:26
superjoelanyone that can help me with a regexp problem I am having with sed in my little bash script? :)23:27
amdFANBOYmajuk: wtf!23:27
Chaorainsupercoel, did you check #windows?23:27
papo^Alita: I don't know this specific card, some really do have to get attached to the sound card using an audio cable. If you would need that but don't have it, it's not gonna work, no matter what we try23:27
amdFANBOYmajuk: thanks!  i guess i'll wait another 6 months :-)23:28
Chaorainsuperjoel, did you check #windows?23:28
majukamdFANBOY: I dunno, every one I've ever used misreported unread message counts, delayed alerts, the whole thing.23:28
Ritzeriskanyone know of a compiz / fusion or something alike for windows xp i have to use it at work dam gates23:28
superjoelI did check #windows..23:28
amdFANBOYmajuk: have you tried the firefox plugin?23:28
^Alitapapo: can i paste it to pvt, isn't long23:28
perscitusSeriously, Someone help me.23:28
perscitusAnyone know how to fix click&drag in synaptics/touchpad?23:28
StupidWeaselHumm, is there a better channel to ask my ssh key problem in?23:28
x404xcan i setup a news server to host headers only and filter them for spam ? which news package is best suited for this and easy to setup ?23:28
majukamdFANBOY: Yea, but if you're going to use that, might as well just keep GMail open in a tab, yea?23:29
papo^Alita: yeah but only if it's just a couple of lines23:29
bbooqqIs it OK to use existing partition (currently, with Fedora core 5) for Ubuntu 9.04 not to backup and restore existing data?23:29
^Alitapapo: i think it isn't necessary to use a cable, when i was using windows it works well23:29
papo^Alita: ok then it's fine23:29
amdFANBOYyeah i do actually, but i'm always going back and forth to check it.  makes me nuts.  actually gmail-notify in the ubuntu repos might work.  i just need to try to configure it a bit better.23:30
QuietShamanHelp! Running jaunty....the standard menu toolbar (ie. the file,edit,help bar)in all applications is too dark in most apps for me to read well...I have some visual impairment....running different themes does not change that dark, low contrast toolbar. Once I click and the drop-down opens up, all is fine....but the idle toolbar is VERY hard for me to read. Any suggestions on how to tweak it for more contrast??? Thank you all in23:30
QuietShamanadvance for any help23:30
perscitusPLEASE, help me. Anyone know how to fix click&drag in synaptics/touchpad?23:30
^Alitapapo: that is23:30
majukamdFANBOY: That's what I used a while back. Like I said, it marginally worked and was often delayed beyond reason (5+ minutes before I got the alert). And the message count was /never/ right.23:31
majukamdFANBOY: But it's been a little while since I tried it. May be better now.23:31
amdFANBOYmajuk: huh,  cause for me it pops up instantly.  at least it seems that way.  like instantly.23:31
majukamdFANBOY: I got my G1, it tells me pretty much instantly when I get email. :D23:31
majukamdFANBOY: Yea, the Google phone.23:32
shamminstalling Windows 7 Ultimate in Virtual Machine...23:32
archmanusb won't auto mount, how can i see where (sdb or whatever) it is? so i can mount it. lsusb says: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 054c:02d2 Sony Corp. PSP23:34
eboyjrHello people of Earth... Umm I created a user with usename 'eboyjr' and deleted it, but I want to create it again with the same username but it will not let me. I am using the GNOME Add User Dialogue.23:34
majukarchman: Plug your USB key in, then look at the output of dmesg23:34
majukarchman: Once the disk settles, it'll tell you what /dev/ its assigned to.23:34
bastidrazorarchman, when you plug a usb thing in .. type dmesg | tail23:34
cake_bakeri've got quite a strange problem, i dunno where it comes from ...23:36
cake_bakerthunar is slow as hell to show files23:36
_cbBasic NoMachine (freeNx) question.  Install it on Ubuntu Server or Ubuntu Destkop. If I install it on Ubuntu Server do I need to install a gui (Am familiar with Citrix but that may be the wrong frame of reference)23:36
cake_bakeri've check iptables rules ... and it's empty23:36
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about empathy23:36
cake_bakerand hosts is as it must be23:36
ubottuThunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease23:37
GuidMorrowthis is annoying, how do I make VLC not open videos in individual windows23:37
majukcake_baker: What kind of network shares?23:37
cake_bakeri don't have network shares ...23:37
cake_bakerit's local folders ...23:37
archmanmajuk, dmesg is huge, where should i look23:37
majukcake_baker: Then iptables has nothing to do with it.23:37
majukarchman: The end.23:37
cake_bakerthe loopback interface isn't blocked at all23:37
cake_bakerit has ... if you block the loopback interfaces .... it's slows as hell ...23:38
cake_bakerbut it isn't blocked on my laptop ....23:38
archmanmajuk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255431/23:38
majukcake_baker: lol, and if it's unblocked, it's still slow as hell?23:38
archmanthat's it23:38
cake_bakerand dunno why ...23:38
x404xis there a good simple guide to setup a news server locally on ubuntu 9.04 ?23:38
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:38
Chaorainis there a way two connect two routers wirelessly23:38
cake_bakeri've check the hosts file and iptables rules as adviced on forums on the internet23:38
majukcake_baker: You're not giving it long enough, I don't think. After about 2 minutes, the message you're seeing would be followed by more output.23:39
amdFANBOYmajuk: i think the gmail notifier firefox plugin works perfectly.  you see it on the bottom right of the screen and you gotta log in there.23:39
BlueLagunaDo the jobs in /etc/cron.daily get executed the same time everyday or 24 hours after it was last executed?23:39
amdFANBOYthe other one works too23:39
majukSorry, that was for archman ^^23:39
archmanmajuk, bastidrazor, any ideas?23:39
edbianIs there a text based installer for ubuntu?23:39
jasonfunkIs there something in Gnome that will try to configure my displays instead of letting X take care of it all?23:40
cake_bakernope majuk ....23:40
cake_bakeri've read a looooot ....23:40
LinuxGoldedbian: apt-get23:40
edbianUbiquity keeps getting stuck at the partitioner. Any ideas?23:40
amdFANBOYgmail-notify i mean, in the repos.  but i'd rather have it in firefox, so i'll use the plugin.23:40
edbianLinuxGold: text-based replacement for ubiquity23:40
stroyanvix:  You could load the "lm-sensors" package.  Then run "sudo sensors-detect".  Use "sudo modprobe" to load the modules it tells you to.  Then run "sensors".23:40
eboyjrHello people of Earth... Umm I created a user with usename 'eboyjr' and deleted it, but I want to create it again with the same username but it will not let me. I am using the GNOME Add User Dialogue. Deleting the /home/eboyjr directory does not work.23:40
cake_bakeri can tell that mosts people speak about a bug (back in 2007 .... so not my case), iptables and hosts file23:40
cake_bakerhaven't seen anything else till now ...23:40
cake_bakerif you can lead the path ... ;)23:40
archmanmajuk, well, usb is plugged 10mins already23:41
edbianIs there a text based version of ubiquity?23:41
archmanwhen i rerun dmesg, it's the same at the end23:41
majukcake_baker: Well your dmesg output shows it's disconnecting periodically. Could be a problem with the USB port or something23:41
majukDamnit, archman23:42
archmani disconnected it more times, that's it23:42
archmanwhy should i wait, what's the purpose?23:42
cake_bakerno problem for the hl ;)23:42
majukHang on, I'll plug in my USB stick and show you the output23:42
LinuxGolddo virt-machine utilitize 3d hardware?23:43
vixstroyan: that didnt work23:43
archmani don't think so, LinuxGold23:44
=== NAkeidosan is now known as TimothyA2
vixlmsensors cldnt get my voltages23:44
archmanfor vmware23:44
majukarchman: Immediately after inserting : http://dpaste.com/82462/23:44
LinuxGoldok hanks archman23:44
LinuxGoldthanks even.23:44
x404xtom hanks ?23:44
GuidMorrowthanks for nothing, ubuntu almost kernal-panic'd23:44
majukarchman: 30 seconds later: http://dpaste.com/82464/23:44
archmanstrange :S23:45
archmangiving me the same23:46
archmanall the time23:46
majukarchman: Yea, I dunno what would cause yours to cycle like that.23:46
majukarchman: Not using some crazy hub or something?23:46
archmanhehe no23:46
archmanmini usb cable23:46
archmanany other way to locate it?23:47
majukarchman: Ah! Well is there a PC mode setting on the PSP?23:47
archmansure, it's on23:47
archmanUSB mmode23:47
archmanturn it off?23:47
majukarchman: Hmmm.... wierd.23:47
x404xi have found mini usb plugs are often poor and might give intermittent connection23:47
majukarchman: Yea, I dunno, maybe turn it on /after/ plugging it in? That doesn't make a ton of sense though.23:47
x404xis there a light on the usb thing that flikkers or something ?23:48
archmanmajuk, tried all that stuff, and it randomly works after a few attempts, but that stuff is s**t :D23:49
archmantnx anyway =)23:49
majukarchman: lol, yea, oh well, as long as it works!23:49
archmanf that23:49
majukIn the ear.23:49
ultraputzis anyone else having any trouble after recent upgrade with encrypted system disk ?23:51
archmanmajuk: rebooting, brb23:51
ultraputzafter installing most recent update, i restarted the machine to find busybox23:53
ultraputzerror was ẗarget filesystem doesn have /sbin/init23:53
ultraputzwhich it did before the udpate.23:53
br34lwhen i use update-manager, reload the list, there are 3 updates (linux-headers-generic,linux-image-generic,linux-libc-dev). i click on install but nothing heappens23:54
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kaddibr34l: open a command line and type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and the updates should get installed23:54
br34lkaddi: k, i try it23:55
almostautomatedQuestion::  Are emacs command mode bindings 'flakey' in ubuntu using default gnome-terminal settings, or am I messing something up?  Here's what is going on::23:55
almostautomatedStart terminal; verify bash is what started, 'set -o emacs', 'echo word1 word2 word3 word4[right-alt+3][right-alt+b]' and the cursor is sitting _within_ my prompt.23:55
archmanmajuk: worked after a reboot straight away: with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255437/23:55
archmanbut why? XD23:55
br34lkaddi: yep, ty23:56
majukarchman: Sweet. Guess you weren't holding your face right.23:56
ikanoborialmostautomated: gnome-terminal is often flaky.23:56
ikanoborialmostautomated: Does this also happen in other terminals like urxvt or xterm?23:56
majukarchman: Well, before I think it was detecting it as something /other/ than mass-storage. Because it never made it to that step.23:56
majukBut I couldn't say why.23:56
hbekelalmostautomated: right alt is the compose key for me23:57
archmanso i need to reboot when i want to mount, magnificent :D23:57
almostautomatedikanobori: I hadn't tried any other terminals.23:57
majukarchman: Maybe just temporary insanity.23:57
majukarchman: Maybe it'll be good from here on out.23:57
ikanoborialmostautomated: Try that first, to see if it's something with gnome-terminal :-)23:57
hbekelalmostautomated: do you have non-printing characters in your PS1?23:57
almostautomatedhbekel: how can I determine which is meta for sure?23:57
majuk...but I'd keep the fix in mind. ;)23:57
archmanmajuk, well, now that i know it's sdb1, can i use that for mount?23:57
hbekelalmostautomated: run xmodmap23:58
majukarchman: Yea. Ubuntu may have even auto-mounted it for you.23:58
almostautomatedhbekel: will do.  ikanobori, I'll try a different terminal, do you recommend one that is in the default install?23:58
majukarchman: But if not, yes, you can mount sdb1 directly. Don't forget to unmount it before you yank the cable, though.23:58
boxhey, i installed OSS and then tried to go back to pulseaudio but everything is all goofed up. my gnome-volume-control is gone from the tray, and i can't get sound to work, though i have pulseaudio selected in my sound options. any ideas?23:59
archmanthanks, majuk23:59
majukarchman: np later23:59
ikanoborialmostautomated: Any will do, other then gnome-terminal.23:59
hbekelalmostautomated: did you modify PS1?23:59
almostautomatedhbekel: Meta_L (0xcd)23:59
hbekelalmostautomated: is that mod1?23:59

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