
mandarahi again! Another question. If I add some files to "Ubuntu One" folder and delete it afterwards, would it also be deleted on server? In another words is it just a mirror of "Ubuntu One" folder?00:27
jblountmandara: yes and yes00:30
mandarajblount, is there currently any documentation so I don't need to ask you all the time?00:33
jblountmandara: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne00:34
mandarajblount, great, that's what I was looking for!00:36
jblountmandara: Happy to help :)00:37
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thisfredyo, #ubuntuone12:51
jblountthisfred: yo13:15
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statikyay, bindwood should be uploaded today14:55
urbanapetcole: ping14:56
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountOr does it? Respond with "me" or similar if you want to mention what you are working on.15:00
statikDONE: karmic features review with mattgriffin. a bunch of code review. published contacts module in desktopcouch. worked on moving to the packaged version of storm. tried to move spawning branch forward. several branches failed in pqm.15:01
statikTODO: help with reviews, bindwood packaging fixes from asac review and hopefully get bindwood uploaded to universe today, couchdb 0.9.1 packaging for debian, work on domain move, catch up with aquarius and rodrigo on contact syncing.15:01
statikBLCK: None.15:01
aquariuser, me15:01
urbanapeDONE: Noodled on multi-file downloads. Made a TV appearance with Amber and Lex in the afternoon.15:02
urbanapeTODO: On-call reviews currently underway: tcole, jdobrien15:02
urbanapeBLOCK: nada15:02
urbanaperodrigo_ go go go15:02
rodrigo_• DONE: Tomboy sync prefs changes. Some more openSUSE packages (erlang deps). Added better error reporting to couchdb-glib and evo-couchdb. File bugs for missing evo-couchdb fields. Added 1st version of the contacts picker widget to desktopcouch15:02
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. More openSUSE packaging. Change tomboy syncing prefs interface to show many servers. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses15:02
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:02
rodrigo_jblount: go15:02
jblountDONE: work on modal dialog thingies, some triage of what to accomplish next15:02
jblountTODO: Finish modal dialog thingies, work on "machine names" bug15:02
jblountBLOCKED: nope15:02
jblountvds: rocknroll!15:02
vdsDONE: landed approved branch, still working on the branch to track sync datetime15:02
vdsTODO: finishe the mentioned branch, review mark's branch15:02
vdsBLOCKED: no15:02
vdsteknico: go15:02
teknicoDONE: pair programming with thisfred on couchdb oauth, some bugfixing, reviewing markgsaye's mammoth branch, trying Spreed with vds and markgsaye15:02
teknicoTODO: finish reviewing markgsaye's mammoth branch, more pair programming with thisfred15:02
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:02
tekniconext: aquarius15:02
aquarius⚀ DONE: go on holiday, come back from holiday15:02
aquarius⚁ TODO: piston oauth in snowy; learn about process groups; work out how to listen to _changes feed and write daemon to do so and kick off replication; fix test problems with design-docs-load branch; review desktopcouch changes from past week15:02
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: none15:02
jblountMEETING ENDS15:03
aquariusrodrigo_, contacts picker widget? ooooo! where can I see screenshots of this marvel?15:03
aquariusrodrigo_, did the design team come up with mockups?15:03
rodrigo_aquarius: it's quite basic, just using CouchWidget -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/desktopcouch/gtk-contacts-picker15:04
rodrigo_aquarius: no mockups AFAIK, so we should ask for some15:04
statikaquarius, rodrigo_: what do you guys think about adding a conflict resolver tool? so that when contacts are synced we can say "5 contacts had changes on both sides, click here if you want to decide which version is right"15:05
rodrigo_statik: the pair tool could do that, yes15:05
statikurbanape, bindwood should work with firefox 3.6 right?15:05
rodrigo_statik: but how will it know?15:06
aquariusstatik, I like the idea of it, sort of, but it's a contacts conflict resolver tool, not just conflict resolver15:06
aquariusrodrigo_, couch stores conflicts in the db15:06
statikaquarius, yes exactly15:06
urbanapeaquarius: it should, but lemme check what we put down as min/max versions15:06
rodrigo_aquarius: ah, right15:06
rodrigo_then, a generic conflict resolver should be possible to do15:06
urbanapeaquarius: we made the max version 3.5.* Just an oversite.15:06
statikurbanape, maxVersion is 3.5.*, and i'm wondering if it should allow 3.6 (and how to specify it)15:07
statikasac caught this in his code review15:07
aquariusoversight, yeah15:07
urbanapeaquarius: I wonder if we can just leave out maxVersion.15:07
urbanapeand only constrain on the minimum15:07
aquariusis that even allowed?15:07
urbanapedunno, hence my wonder15:07
statiklooks like we are only supposed to list 3.6 support if we have tested it15:08
aquariusis 3.6 going into karmic? (even if not default)15:09
statikrodrigo_, can you put the conflict resolver tool on your list of things to do before karmic UI freeze?15:09
rodrigo_statik: yes15:09
aquariusstatik, what are the chances of us getting design team time before karmic freeze to look at conflicts stuff? I am scared stiff of displaying a window to people saying "look this has changed now you have to deal with it". It's potentially a horrid user experience15:10
statikaquarius, i think there is a ppa available with 3.6 but I doubt it is going into karmic proper. i'm going to leave maxversion as 3.5.* for now15:10
statikaquarius, we should be able to get design team help. i'm inspired by how OS X has a little tool that pops up when there are conflicts syncing your address book and shows you  both versions and lets you pick which record you want15:11
statikor it lets you ignore the whole thing and let the resolution happen automatically15:12
aquariusstatik, ah, I haven't seen that. that'd be useful inspiration, by the sound of it, and Design can put together something better :)15:12
statiki wouldn't like something that refused to sync if there were edits on both sides, but i would like something that let me go look at the 5 records that conflicted and potentially helped me merge them15:13
statiki wonder if I can screencast it15:13
rodrigo_statik: I like josm (Java OpenStreetMap editor) conflict resolution, it allows you to select the value for each conflicting field15:14
statikrodrigo_, that sounds even better15:14
rodrigo_I'll do some screenshots next time I find a conflict15:14
rodrigo_even though the UI is horrible (java :) ), the idea is quite good15:14
pfibigerhere's osx's (actually isync's) conflict resolver15:14
statikooh even better, one with a screenshot. thanks pfibiger15:16
urbanapejdobrien: your updown-w-login branch was marked as superceded. Does it no longer need testing/approval?15:49
urbanapeor was that an older version15:50
jdobrienurbanape, there's a new one15:50
urbanapeI'm testing this one: https://launchpad.net/~jdobrien/ubunet/updown-w-login/+merge/1027915:50
urbanapelooks like it's still in play15:50
jdobrienyes that's the new one15:51
urbanapek, thanks15:51
jdobrienvds, in funambol_cared, how much of this is modified stuff?15:53
jdobrienvds, I mean, how much of it did we tweak?15:53
vdsjdobrien: only configuration files15:54
rodrigo_till: do you have a list of the fields for contacts akonadi supports?15:59
markgsayeyup, thx16:01
markgsayerodrigo_: I see Kontact (Jaunty) has a suffix field16:01
markgsayeor rather "Honorific Suffixes" field ;-)16:02
rodrigo_right, then it might make sense to have it in the top level16:02
markgsayeyup, I16:02
markgsaye've added it16:02
rodrigo_markgsaye: in evo, I can just add a X-COUCHDB... field16:03
statikrodrigo_, i don't see evolution-couchdb in karmic yet, are you sure it got uploaded?16:07
rodrigo_statik: yes, it is uploaded16:07
* rodrigo_ re-checks16:07
rodrigo_statik: there is a evo-couchdb package in karmic project in LP, isn't that created when it gets uploaded16:09
statikrodrigo_, yes i think so, but apt-cache policy does't show it and i haven't seen it in +new16:10
statikrodrigo_, who did the upload?16:11
rodrigo_statik: jonathan riddel afaik16:12
statikrodrigo_, can you check with him to be sure?16:13
rodrigo_statik: indeed, it doesn't show up at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/amd64/+search?text=couchdb16:13
rodrigo_statik: although apt-get source evo-couchdb gets 0.1.4-0ubuntu2, which seems to be only been the one I submitted to REVU16:15
rodrigo_statik: ah, riddel didn't upload it, it's now uploaded16:16
rodrigo_and apt-get source was getting the version in my private PPA it seems16:17
rodrigo_statik: what's that +new url?16:18
statikrodrigo_, it is https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue, it shows things that are waiting for an archive admin to approve16:30
statikso a new package that is uploaded would be in that queue until an archive admin approves it16:31
statikthen it would show up in the real archive16:31
rodrigo_so, now it should show up, since riddel just uploaded it, right?16:32
statikyes, it should show up there soon16:34
rodrigo_ok, /me monitors the page16:35
statikbzr builddeb is confusing me. it keeps pulling an upstream tarball from launchpad PPA, and I don't see how it even knows about that18:38
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statikrodrigo_, i am getting an AttributeError when trying to run your contacts picker branch22:43
rodrigo_statik: oh, which error?23:08
statikrodrigo_, i just put it in the merge proposal. line 54 in contactspicker.py complains that it can't set attribute. I totally don't understand why it is complaining there23:11
rodrigo_hmm, I'm getting it also now, although it worked this afternoon23:12
rodrigo_  File "desktopcouch/contacts/contactspicker.py", line 54, in __init__23:13
rodrigo_    self.contacts_list = CouchWidget(self.server_ip)23:13
rodrigo_AttributeError: can't set attribute23:13
rodrigo_is that the same one you get?23:13
* rodrigo_ wonders if something changed while upgrading a little while ago23:13
rodrigo_I only see a few python-* packages having been upgraded, so that can't be23:14
rodrigo_statik: oh, yes, you're getting the same (now I see the comment on the review)23:19
rodrigo_I really don't know what the problem is, really23:23
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rodrigo_statik: ah, found it, it's using the same name as the property!23:35
rodrigo_statik: not sure why it worked this morning, or maybe I added the @property after testing, that might be23:35

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