
koolkatis xubuntu a good os for playing media files? does it have movieplayer and vlc and totem and flash?01:23
knomekoolkat, you can install all of those.01:24
koolkatdoes movieplayer come preinstalled?01:25
knomeyes, one comes, but i can't remember which one01:25
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:25
knomei suppose it's totem.01:26
koolkatwhat is mplayer?01:27
knomeit's a media player.01:27
koolkatis it movieplayer?01:27
knomeyes, it can play videos.01:27
koolkatis it the mediaplayer "movieplayer"?01:28
knomesorry, i don't understand your question. can you try to rephrase?01:28
koolkatthere is a media player called "Movie Player 2.26.1". Is Mplayer the exact same  thing?01:29
koolkatis xubuntu better for virtual machines?01:31
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, better than?01:32
Darth_Tuxprobably about the same01:32
koolkati thought there was less overhead01:32
koolkatless ram used01:32
koolkatram is essential with VM's01:33
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, i usually run the VM from withing Ubuntu or Debian01:33
majukkoolkat: MoviePlayer != MPlayer01:33
koolkatmajuk: what?01:34
koolkatDarth_Tux: what does that have to do with anything?01:34
koolkatI'm talking about the VM itself01:35
majukkoolkat: It's the internet, read it again.01:35
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Darth_Tuxkoolkat, there is not a huge difference between ubuntu and Xubuntu01:35
koolkatshould the VM be xubuntu or ubuntu?01:35
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, which do you prefer?01:36
majukkoolkat: You realize they're all free and if you don't like one, you can download and try the next.01:36
koolkati prefer ubuntu, but if I can save 50 MB of ram, ill take xubuntu.01:36
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, why not look for a lighter distro?01:37
majukkoolkat: If you want to preserve resources, Ubuntu is not the way to go. Any flavor.01:37
koolkatim running multiple virtual machines01:37
koolkatubuntu is the only distro that is easy enough for me to understand01:38
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, there are other rather easy distros01:39
majukkoolkat: Well, then know the difference between flavors (X/K/WEubuntu) is miniscule, pick one and run with it. ;)01:39
koolkatmajuk: don't the differences add up when you're running 3 VM's01:40
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, why run 3 VMs?01:40
koolkatDarth_Tux: what are the easier distros?01:41
Darth_Tuxnot easier than ubuntu, but in the same ballpark, Mepis, AntiX, PClinuxOS just off the top of my head01:41
koolkatwhich is the easiest?01:42
Darth_TuxMepis or PClinux, but AntiX is the smallest of the 301:42
koolkatis AntiX easier than xubuntu?01:43
Darth_Tuxdont know, havent messed with it lately01:43
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, i am sure it isnt that hard though01:44
Darth_Tuxkoolkat, take a look at ithttp://antix.mepis.org/index.php/Main_Page01:45
koolkatand pclinux is a small distro?01:53
koolkatwhy did you mention it then?01:54
Darth_Tuxits good01:55
koolkatantix doesnt have movieplayer01:56
koolkatcan you install it on there01:56
Darth_TuxMplayer or MoviePLayer?01:57
koolkatmovieplayer is a universal mediaplayer01:58
koolkatalmost like vlc01:58
Darth_TuxMPlayer plays most everything01:58
koolkatdoes it play streams?01:59
Darth_Tuxi believe so01:59
acmeincAnyone here have virt-manager experience?04:28
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cmannsaye guys05:05
cmannsEver use unetbootin?05:07
majukcmanns: I have, yes.05:58
cmannswas tryin to make a persistent live cd :306:02
majukcmanns: I only used it for non-persistent bootable USB keys.06:03
majukSo I have no idea.06:03
cmannswell it didnt work both way :306:06
cmannscomplained bout missing stuff, though i found out unetbootin didnt reformat the usb disk :306:06
nikolamhmpf hello, hello07:04
nikolamAll my .txt and text documents with no extension icons suddenly changed their icons to wine cup07:04
nikolamHow do I get back default icon for text document for xfdesktop and thunar?07:05
Besogonnikolam, you can try do it by hand at least. (Actually I dont know how bu there that is full dekribed: http://standards.freedesktop.org/shared-mime-info-spec/shared-mime-info-spec-0.18.html#id2505428)07:28
Besogonnikolam, If you know Russian you could look at http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5_MIME_%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BF%D1%8B_%D0%B2_XFCE_%D0%B8_Gnome07:44
BreetaiAnyone know what to change so when new users are created they are automatically members of the puliseaudio group?07:53
forcesadd the newuser to audio group07:58
pteaguetell me how this makes sense...  i can use nslookup to find a local server, but trying to actually ssh, ping, etc to it & it can't find the host10:33
ablomenpteague, and you use the ip adress to ping it etc?10:36
pteaguei can ssh, ping, etc, but only if i use the ip address...  if i use the hostname it suddenly can't find it even though nslookup retrieves the correct ip address10:37
ablomenwell then there is either something wrong on your pc's dns (check /etc/resolv.conf) or in the dns server it is using10:38
ablomeni guess you have to add the local dns server to your resolv.conf (if you havnt done so already)10:39
pteaguei'm running xubuntu via vmware fusion on a mactel mbp which probably explains it...  what's funny is ssh can suddenly find the host, but ping is still lost10:45
Gm_DKhi... i have install a second audio card in my pc and want the new one to be default, i have checked with aplay -D plug:1,0 wav-file that sound is comming trougth... what file shall i make changes in to, to make card 1 default? im using xubuntu 9.0411:42
emil111Hello, I've been trying to install Ubuntu for days with no luck and now I'm going to try Xubuntu instead. I'm just curious about what are the basic differences? For people involved, it could be a good idea to write this clearly on the website or the wiki13:48
Darth_Tuxhi emil11113:49
Darth_Tuxhow are you?13:49
knomeemil111, the basic difference is that ubuntu has gnome as de but xubuntu has xfce13:49
Darth_Tuxknome, agreed13:49
emil111Hi I'm good thanks14:45
emil111I don't know the difference, but then it may just not matter to me at all. I'm glad to get it inside my pc :)   Can't understand why but ubuntu won't install, I've burned 3 live cd's, alternate install cd, tried wubi, usb boot, everything14:46
Darth_Tuxemil111, i had that problem as well, the GUI is different is the only difference between ubuntu and Xubuntu14:48
SiDiemil111: it doesnt install, but do you get any error message ?15:22
emil111I get errors when burning the cd15:41
emil111I also get an error if I do the "error check for cd" in the ubuntu boot menu15:41
emil111I can boot live and run for hours without trouble. but it won't install15:41
emil111when trying to install, it goes until 36% something, then freezes and some error message regarding disk errors15:42
th0remil111: did you run the chksum on the iso when you downloaded it?15:43
rob0917hello all15:44
yann|workhi - is there a place where I can download a 7.10 xubuntu ?  it is not on old-releases, nor on cdimage/xubuntu/releases/ ...16:40
yann|work(I'm looking for the "alternate" i386 iso)16:41
[John]having trouble here; that last software update seems to have broken my sound capability16:56
bogdan__hello. how can I hide Transmission from the buttom panel?19:29
bogdan__In ubuntu there is an option under the view menu for the tray icon...I can't see it in xubuntu19:30
knomein transmission, edit -> preferences -> tab "desktop", see the first checkbox item19:31
knomei mean, the second19:31
bogdan__thanks, knome19:31
NagilumI have a Voodoo3 2000 connected to a VisionMaster 450, wenn I boot Xubuntu 9.04/9.10 the monitor goes into standby as soon as X starts19:56
NagilumI boot from the live cd19:57
Nagilumwhat would be the easiest way to make this work properly?19:58
majukGet a video card that isn't a decade old? :D19:59
NagilumI was more looking towards a solution that didn't involve a screwdriver20:00
majukWell, when it happens, alt+f1, log into the console and check dmesg and /var/log/messages for clues20:01
majukCould be a bad driver, unsupported resolution, any number of things.20:02
Nagilumyeah, I'm looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log right now20:02
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evilbugi have x64 9.04 installed on a 2,2 macbook pro and i would like some help on getting a dual monitor setup or at least having the option to disable the laptop monitor when i have another connected.22:05
evilbugi'm using the default ati driver.22:06

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