
=== marvelous is now known as wonderful
Ahmuck-Srsomething odd's going on with the server.  photos that are copied to the folder are not all there03:49
Ahmuck-Sri've got a raided drive, and every now and then it says drive numbering has changed.  could this be the cause, it's not mirroring correctly ?03:49
sbalneavyeah, sounds like data corruption.03:55
sbalneavYou've got backups, yes?03:55
sbalneavIf not:03:59
sbalneav1) stop writing right now.04:00
sbalneav2) take a backup04:00
sbalneav3) take another backup04:00
sbalneav4) fix raid array04:00
sbalneavNew builds for Sabayon being published in my ppa04:05
mhall119sbalneav: is Sabayon for Gnome only?04:07
sbalneavmhall119: yep04:20
mhall119anything like it for XFCE?04:20
mhall119I assume Sabayon just works on gconf?04:21
sbalneavDoes gconf magic, allows you to place default files in home directory, some mozilla and openoffice defaults too.04:23
sbalneavEvening ace04:54
=== wonderful is now known as vorian
=== Plisk_ is now known as Plisk
alkisg!seen LaserJock14:41
ubottuI have no seen command14:41
sbalneavMorning all14:42
sbalneavalkisg: That cool command is only in #ltsp14:42
alkisgGood afternoon. Bah, the bot here sucks :-/14:43
sbalneavnot in the ghetto ubuntu channels where they can't run a decent bot :)14:44
alkisgTo be fair, this one also has some nice things, like...14:46
alkisg!info sabayon14:46
ubottusabayon (source: sabayon): system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 117 kB, installed size 3044 kB14:46
Ahmuck-Srhas anybody here seen the progress  made on the sabayon editor, lockdown, and deskto editor ?16:27
sbalneavper your question, no.16:42
sbalneavAt least, not entirely16:42
Ahmuck-Srsabayon working now is a great achievement imho.  kudos to you16:43
sbalneavFirefox and OpenOffice.org are part of the the "new breed" of applications that don't simply read their config files, but need to write to them too.16:43
sbalneavWhat you would be able to do with firefox would be to provide a "user.js" file for some defaults/16:43
sbalneavAnything in your .xsession-errors about sabayon-apply?16:44
Ahmuck-Sri know that some peeps, lns, alkisg (?) had been working on something similar.  sabayon works great for what it's doing but i'm wondering about the expandability of it16:44
* Ahmuck-Sr grumbles about applications changing the way things worked16:44
sbalneavAFAIK, they're reviving TCM which controls terminalsm not profiles.16:44
sbalneavbut where's their website?16:45
* alkisg has no part in tcm-ng16:45
Ahmuck-Sranywho, the whole menu is wonderful16:45
Ahmuck-Srthe lockdown is wonderful16:45
Ahmuck-Sri'm wondering how far now sabayon can be taken.  i understand it is a complicated beast16:46
* alkisg would like to develop a user-manager coupled with locked down capabilities some day...16:46
sbalneavYes it is.16:46
Ahmuck-Sri guess i'm looking down the road, and wondering if a push shouldn't be started to get a flexible type of user/group/class, etc manager with plugin in options for apps16:48
Ahmuck-Srfor example, i'd like to be able to lock scribus options to start, ie page size, margins, auto text frames, etc.  (dont' even know if this is possible)16:48
alkisgAhmuck-Sr: sure, that's what I'm thinking about, but what do you mean "push"? Push who?16:49
sbalneavIt can be taken as far as people have time, and effort, to move it.  I'm basically committed to becoming an upstream contributor for sabayon16:49
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Unless you'd like to write something new from scratch, I think sabayon's it.  :)16:50
Ahmuck-Sralkisg: in general, a push in that direction16:50
* alkisg thinks developers are needed, not pushing :)16:50
Ahmuck-Sri think sabayon is wonderful, and i'll be using it to death, but i'm wondering how complicated it is to modify16:50
Ahmuck-Sralkisg: i think you misunderstand "push" in the context i'm using it in16:51
Ahmuck-Srpush == define direction16:51
alkisgYeah I get what you mean..16:51
alkisgThere's a lot of "defining directions" in edubuntu, and only a little "implementing" - like sbalneav does16:51
sbalneavI've been over this about 1*10^999999999 times16:51
mhall119|workI bet that's exageration16:51
sbalneavPeople can "push" all they want.16:51
sbalneavButt. In. Chairs. Writing. Code.16:52
sbalneavTHAT gets things done.16:52
mhall119|workAhmuck-Sr: why don't you start a Launchpad project and start making blueprints16:52
Ahmuck-Srlot's of us have no coding ablities at all16:52
sbalneavMy butts in my chair working on Sabayon.  Lets concentrate on THAT for the moment.  Like I say, anything in your .xsession-errors?16:52
* mhall119|work 's butt is coding for employment at the moment16:53
Ahmuck-Srbut we understand teachers, administrators and their needs, and what it's going to take to get it into the school systems16:53
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: And lots of us who do don't want to have to start projects from scratch again, but would rather fix things that are already there.16:53
sbalneavCan you see anything in your .xsession-errors file regarding an error from sabayon-apply?16:54
Ahmuck-Srdoes sabayon save settings, ie, proxy settings in firefox?17:11
Ahmuck-Srone of the things were going to encounter is needing a proxy for all kids under 18, but customized bookmarks for children between age groups, ie, 0-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-1817:13
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: AFAIK, proxy's are not saved by sabayon, but, as I indicated before, you COULD use sabayon (i think) to distribute a custom user.js file.17:14
sbalneavOr, even better, and much more fool proof: just set up transparent proxying.17:15
Ahmuck-Srwe've got a box with ipcop and transparent proxy.  our isp offers two different types of proxy, one for adults, and one for kids17:23
* Ahmuck-Sr thinks that a custom user.js file might be best17:24
Ahmuck-Srmhall119|work: blueprints for classroom managment?17:24
Ahmuck-Sr59,000, however this table is possible for about 300.0017:31
mhall119|workAhmuck-Sr: blueprints for whatever management tool you want17:41
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: did you get my pastebin?18:14
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Yes.  Doesn't appear that the profile for "user" was found.18:58
Ahmuck-Srnot sure what that means18:59
sbalneavWhat's the contents of /etc/desktop-profiles/users.xml, and what zip files do you ahve in that directory?18:59
sbalneavWell, you're logging in as "user" right?18:59
Ahmuck-Srno, as myself.  i did a search and replace and replaced me with user19:18
sbalneavok, so what does the contents of your user.xml look like?19:19
Ahmuck-Sroften we get parents in that have trouble getting their kids to quit.  i'm thinking i can terminate their session with iTalc19:33
sbalneavok, so you said you were logging as yourself, which you've mapped to "user" in your pastebin.  In the users.xml, you've got users "class1, class2, and class3" mapped to the profile.  So unless you also add YOURSELF as using the profile, you won't get it.19:33
Ahmuck-Sri logged in as class119:34
Ahmuck-Srso i need to add myself so class1 can see the profile?19:34
sbalneavok, I'm confused.19:34
* Ahmuck-Sr knows19:34
sbalneavWhen you pasted the .xsession-errors, you pasted as yourself, correct?19:35
Ahmuck-Srcreated profile "Children"19:35
Ahmuck-Srthen added users class1 - 319:35
Ahmuck-Srthen booted thin client, and logged in as class119:35
Ahmuck-Srprofile is default, not modified with sabayon19:35
Ahmuck-Srah, yes19:35
Ahmuck-Srpasted as myself.  so ur wanting the thin client .xsession-errors19:35
sbalneavok, and could you then paste class1's .xsession-errors so I can see if there's any errors from sabayon-apply?19:36
sbalneavAh, that's better.19:40
sbalneavMainThread 2009/08/19 12:16:02.4299 (sabayon-apply): Applying profile '/etc/desktop-profiles/Children.zip' for user 'class1'19:40
sbalneavMainThread 2009/08/19 12:16:02.7594 (sabayon-apply): Fatal exception!  Exiting abnormally.19:40
sbalneavMainThread 2009/08/19 12:16:02.7606 (sabayon-apply): Traceback (most recent call last):19:41
sbalneav  File "/usr/sbin/sabayon-apply", line 111, in <module>19:41
sbalneav    profile.apply (is_sabayon_session)19:41
sbalneav  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sabayon/userprofile.py", line 392, in apply19:41
sbalneav    delegate.apply (is_sabayon_session)19:41
sbalneav  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sabayon/sources/mozillasource.py", line 454, in apply19:41
sbalneav    target_pref.read()19:41
sbalneav  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sabayon/sources/mozillasource.py", line 664, in read19:41
sbalneav    self.parse()19:41
sbalneav  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sabayon/sources/mozillasource.py", line 718, in parse19:41
sbalneav    (match.start(), match.end(), key, value))19:41
sbalneav  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/sabayon/sources/mozillasource.py", line 76, in dprint19:42
sbalneav    debuglog.debug_log (False, debuglog.DEBUG_LOG_DOMAIN_MOZILLA_SOURCE, fmt % args)19:42
sbalneavTypeError: not enough arguments for format string19:42
sbalneavSo, looks like there's a munched dprint somewhere19:42
sbalneavmozillasource.py line 7619:42
Ahmuck-SrALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1429:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card19:44
Ahmuck-SrALSA lib pulse.c:272:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused19:44
* Ahmuck-Sr thinks that's my sound issue19:44
Ahmuck-Srwell, i'll be here, but need to step away for a bit and get some pressing issues elsewhere corrected19:44
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: ok, found the bug.19:50
sbalneavI'll fix it, and push a new version19:50
Ahmuck-Sru r so kewl19:50
alkisgYey! After struggling for some hours, I finally got gnome-app-install to recognize my edu-app CD as an add-on :) http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/temp/gnome-app-install.png21:07
* alkisg wishes there was documentation on how to build such an add-on CD :-/21:09
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Ping21:09
sbalneavHey, should be a 0ubuntu3 package for sabayon21:10
Ahmuck-Srwhat is your app?21:10
sbalneavif you've got a minute, give it a go, see if it works.  Hopefully sabayon-apply should succeed now.21:11
sbalneavMy PPA?21:11
sbalneavHave you added it to your sources.list yet?21:11
sbalneavIf you do that, then you'll just get the updates as I make 'em21:12
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: see custard ?21:25
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: working on it21:25
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: See my response?21:27
sbalneavNot even worth worrying about until we see source.21:27
Ahmuck-Srsource posted21:28
sbalneavAh, ok, he's just done it.21:29
sbalneavAt this point, I've got 3 months worth of work invested in Sabayon.21:29
sbalneavIf I stop working on it now, to try to learn a new codebase, we won't have anything for karmic.21:29
Ahmuck-Sri wouldn't advise ditching sabayon yet21:30
sbalneavSo at this point, I'm just going to continue on with getting Sabayon going.21:30
sbalneavAfter karmic's out the door, then we can evaluate what'll be better.21:30
Ahmuck-Srwell, i wasn't saying one was better than the other, and i'm using sabayon right now21:33
Ahmuck-Srno go21:33
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: no change on client21:35
sbalneavClean out class1's .xsession-errors with a :> .xsession-error, log out and in again as class1, and pastebot the .xsession-error21:36
sbalneavprolly another crasher in there.21:36
sbalneavI'm at work, and we're running hardy here, so I can't test it myself until later.21:36
sbalneavhey dgroos21:45
sbalneavYou available tonight?21:46
dgrooshowdy sbalneav!21:46
dgroosWell... it's my wife's birthday :)21:46
dgroosWhat you working on?21:46
dgroosJust kidding21:46
sbalneavWell, as someone who's been married 18 years, I can sympathise that that would be more important :)21:47
Ahmuck-Srwife's birthday == !available21:47
dgroosSabayon :)21:47
sbalneavOld joke:21:47
sbalneavTwo Vikings are sitting in a pub21:47
dgroosAh good, a Viking Joke for a Minnesotan!21:47
sbalneavOne says to the other: "I want to perform a deed that will be remembered and talked about for the rest of my days!!"21:48
sbalneavOther viking says: "That's easy: just forget your wife's birthday"21:48
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: LOL21:49
dgroosYes, in our 21 years married I've made more than 1 memorable act :)21:49
sbalneavFixed ONE bug in that line, now there's another one.21:49
dgroosHow's Sabayon going?21:49
sbalneavWell, we're definitely making progress21:49
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: OK, how you feel about a little direct editing? :)21:49
sbalneavlets go to:21:49
dgroosIt has been exciting.21:50
sbalneavand open up mozillasource.py21:50
sbalneavright, and now joshiggins (hi josh, I see you there) has another new toy to play with21:50
dgroosYes, hi Josh21:51
Ahmuck-Srbeen there21:51
Ahmuck-Srer there already21:51
dgroosand Ahmuck-Sr.21:52
sbalneavlets go down to line 71721:52
sbalneavand just comment out the two lines that compose the dprint21:52
sbalneavjoshiggins: I'd love to look at custard, but I'm far enough into sabayon that at this point, it makes more sense to   continue that on for the moment.21:53
joshigginsNo problem21:53
Ahmuck-Srjoshiggins: i've tested it, and it crashes21:54
joshigginsA good sign21:54
joshigginsAny message?21:54
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: # iirc ?  for commenting out21:55
Ahmuck-Srjoshiggins: not sure yet.  when it didn't worked i purged it21:55
Ahmuck-Srjoshiggins: will it work on a system that has sabayon on as well?21:55
sbalneav# is correct21:56
Ahmuck-Sror is there a conflict21:56
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: and now save ?21:56
joshigginsAhmuck-Sr: Shouldn't conflict...21:56
sbalneavjoshiggins: Did you just write this?21:56
sbalneavOr has this been in development for a bit?21:56
joshigginssbalneav: I wrote some scripts a while back but packaged it up recently with a GUI in Gambas21:57
sbalneavYou committed to the idea of gambas?  Or if we were to look at getting a python/glade interface going, would that be ok with you?21:58
sbalneavReason why is: gambas isn't in main21:58
joshigginssbalneav: Sounds like a better idea21:59
sbalneavSo if we switch at some point to custard, it means pulling in/having to promote a bunch more packages.21:59
joshigginsYeah I see what you mean21:59
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Any improvement?22:00
sbalneavI'm definitely interested.  I'll have a look at it tonight, for sure.22:01
sbalneavI think I saw someone ask.  GPL?22:01
joshigginsYes its all GPL22:01
sbalneavAnd the really *big* question: you in this for the long haul? :)22:01
sbalneavWell, that's a + in custard's favour then :)22:02
sbalneavHere's what I'd suggest we do:::::22:02
sbalneavwhy are my keys reeeepeating sometimes?22:02
sbalneavLets get sabayon working to the point where we have SOMETHING for karmic.  Getting a brand-new-never-seen-before package in the door at this point's going to be next to impossible.22:03
Ahmuck-Srno change22:04
sbalneavStill dying on that line in xsessiooooon-erros?22:04
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Email me your .zip profile in /etc/destop-profiles, so I can play with it tonight.22:06
Ahmuck-Srno change22:06
Ahmuck-Srpm ur e-mail22:06
sbalneavit's pretty public :)22:06
Ahmuck-Srjoshiggins: what i saw about using the .config files is what interested me22:07
sbalneavjoshiggins: then, post karmic, lets re-do the interface python/glade, and we'll want to switch to Xephyr from Xnest.  Xnest's "dead upstream", and Xephyr handles more of the X extentions than Xnest does.22:07
sbalneavIf custard's going to fit the bill, lets push to get it ready to rock-and-roll for the LTS release.22:08
joshigginsSounds like a plan22:08
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: i've a question, does sabayon deal with kde apps?  and other adds?22:08
sbalneavno, sabayon's Gnome only22:08
dgroossbalneav: I've got commitments through much of tomorrow but can put in an hour or two starting at 5:30 or 6:30 tomorrow morning.  Also, can do an hour or two tomorrow night.  I think you are in the same time zone as I? (4:08 PM here).22:09
sbalneavI'm in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada22:09
sbalneavTomorrow night would be fine.22:09
dgroosYes, I've seen your sig--I'm in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA22:10
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: u going to the conference in september?22:10
dgroosGood, I'll get on line...22:10
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: Which, Ubuntu?22:10
dgrooshmmm... let me show my ignorance--which conference?22:10
Ahmuck-Srjoshiggins: would custard allow me to do kde and gnome ?22:10
sbalneavNah, rocket man doesn't like me anymore :)22:10
joshigginsAhmuck-Sr: yes, as long as everything is put in .dot files in the user's home dir22:11
alkisgjoshiggins: how do you deal with paths? E.g. if a configuration file contains /home/username1, does that change to /home/username2 when it's applied to user2?22:12
alkisg(e.g. wallpaper=/home/username1/firefox_wallpaper.png ==> wallpaper=/home/username2/firefox_wallpaper.png)22:12
joshigginsalkisg: put simply, not yet22:13
joshigginsi'd imagine that paths such as that should use $home in place of username1,2 etc22:13
Ahmuck-Sri saw it psoted in ltsp yesterday22:13
sbalneavOkay peoples, I'm heading off home for dinner.  Be on in the evening.22:13
sbalneavAhmuck-Sr: I'll look at your profile, see if I can duplicate your error.22:13
Ahmuck-Sralkisg: weren't u or lns working on something?22:14
sbalneavKeep watching (the skies|my PPA)22:14
alkisgjoshiggins: that would be ideal, but unfortunately when a user sets the wallpaper, $HOME isn't used...22:14
Ahmuck-Sri'm stepping out for a bit myself22:14
alkisgciao sbalneav22:14
joshigginsalkisg: ah, okay....22:14
alkisgAhmuck-Sr: no, Lns is working on tcm-ng, and I'm thinking of starting a task-based profile editor, but it's months or years away...22:15
Ahmuck-Srtask based ?22:15
* Ahmuck-Sr looks up tcm-ng22:15
alkisgYeah, to avoid problems with paths etc22:15
alkisgE.g. a specific plugin to change the gnome-wallpaper, another one for kde wallpaper,22:15
alkisganother one to clear the firefox cache etc22:16
Ahmuck-Srisn't a desktop just a desktop in ubuntu22:17
Ahmuck-Srkinda "unified" or "ubuntu-fied"22:17
alkisgubuntu != kubuntu22:17
alkisg(gnome != kde)22:17
joshigginsalksig: if these paths are stored in text files( e.g. dump of gconf tree) surely a script could run through and replace occurences of username1 with username222:19
alkisgjoshiggins: the problem is that search and replace won't know the context, where to actually do the replacing22:19
alkisgSo if a user is named "a" and the second user "b", there's going to be a problem... :)22:20
alkisgbanana => bbnbnb :D22:20
joshigginsalksig: Ah yes, we're assuming each username is going to be unique22:21
joshigginswhich wouldn't work22:21
dgroosalksig--not following all you are saying, can you manage privledges by groups, such as a 'level1' group, level2 group etc, then just move students in and out of groups?  or, is that kind of the way the Sabayon works?22:22
alkisgdgroos: applying the profiles is a totally different problem22:23
dgroosThat way one could just manage users with a program such as 'users and groups'.22:23
dgroosI'm thinking about how Apple does it with their Workgroup Manager.22:23
dgroosThey may have changed it since I used it regularly 3 years ago.22:24
alkisgdgroos: yeah, that's what I was thinking, e.g. see here a mocup i've made: http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/temp/users-manager.png22:24
dgroossecond to last column PID, last GID?22:26
alkisgYeah but columns should be configurable, so not really important22:26
alkisgUsers should be able to be read from passwd or ldap etc...22:26
Ahmuck-Srmanage groups, users, machines22:27
Ahmuck-Srand appliations22:27
dgroos'read from' = 'authenticate'???22:27
joshigginsthis seems like its rolling 3 utilities into 122:28
alkisgI meant that the program should be able to retrieve the user list from either /etc/passwd, or ldap, or other sources22:28
Ahmuck-Sri had an outline once, but i'm a bit sleepy and tired currently22:28
dgroosTeachers like parallel structure--less to learn...22:28
Ahmuck-Srserver boots, identifies machines & hardware22:29
alkisgjoshiggins: yes, I think that profile management is better if integrated with users/groups management22:29
* alkisg is a teacher22:29
Ahmuck-Sruser manager or group manager allows lock of certian devices22:29
Ahmuck-Srapplications, etc.22:29
Ahmuck-Srwe hit the problem of managing groups and on occasion an errant user22:29
Ahmuck-Srso user needs to belong to multiple groups22:30
dgroosalkisg: cool--what/where do you teach?22:30
alkisgdgroos: Greece, Ioannina22:30
joshigginsalkisg: I'd agree with that22:30
alkisgjoshiggins: the problem is that users-admin is C-based, and won't easily support plugins, and isn't easily extensible22:31
alkisgSo a new users manager should be written first, and the profile-editing plugins would come later...22:31
alkisgFedora has such a manager, but it's too distro specific :-/22:32
dgroosalkisg: At the University?  Computer science might I guess :)22:33
alkisgdgroos: no, secondary schools (12-18 y.o.), and yes, I teach computer-related lessons22:33
joshigginsI'm currently at secondary school in England22:35
dgroosalkisg: cool.  You have a link to your program and can it localize in English or Spanish?22:35
dgroosjoshiggins: you teaching or studying there?22:36
alkisgdgroos: it's not a complete program yet; I was just trying out pygtk. It'll take me months to write such a program22:36
Ahmuck-Sri understand pardus has an editor as well as suse22:36
Ahmuck-Srare they distro specific as well?22:36
joshigginsstudying there, although the ICT faculty is a joke22:36
dgroosI actually meant info about your school/classes.22:36
joshigginsWell I'm studying ICT here, 1 year left22:37
dgroosjoshiggins: cool, secondary in England is 15-18 year olds? or ?22:38
joshigginsyes, I'm 17 :)22:39
dgroosalkisg: actually, I was asking if you had a link to a page telling about your school (by program I meant your department or curriculum or classes).22:40
alkisgAh ok sorry22:40
alkisgWell I don't have one specific school - in Greece most schools are public, and some teachers go to a different school each year22:41
alkisg...and all of them have the same classes22:41
dgroosjoshiggins--you know, one thing so cool about irc (ok I'm a newB) is that it provides a space for us all to meet, and what one thinks and says is what matters :)22:42
dgroosjoshiggins: nice to have you at #edubuntu, hope you stick around.22:43
dgroosalkisg: teachers move around here as well, though not so much.22:44
joshigginsdgroos: Nice to meet you, I've been using irc for 43 mins now :)22:44
alkisgdgroos: here's some stuff about the greek edu system: http://www.ekep.gr/english/education/deuterobathmia.asp22:44
dgroosAlso, every teacher has his/her own curriculum, more or less, but the educational goals--called 'standards' at the moment, are mandated as are testing.22:45
alkisgdgroos: at some point teachers here go to a specific school until they retire; but in my city there are too many informatics teachers, and I'll need maybe 20 years to be appointed to a specific school :( (I've been a teacher for 10 years so far)22:45
dgroosalkisg: thanks I'll check it out.22:46
joshigginsalkisg: Do you use Linux for teaching?22:46
alkisgYes, I've been using ubuntu/ltsp in the last 2 years, in 2 different schools22:47
Ahmuck-Srwe do22:47
dgroosYour situation is similar to here then, for ICT teachers, that is.  Sorry to hear about that.22:47
dgroosjoshiggins: cool, someone even newer than I! ;)22:48
dgroosAhmuck-Sr--ever get your server going again after the power outage in the community space you have developed?22:49
Ahmuck-Sryes, i'm on it :)22:49
Ahmuck-Srordered to fast, and ordered the wrong psu, so i was down a week22:50
Ahmuck-Srand a half22:50
Ahmuck-Sr*shrugs* ... it works now.  mostly22:52
joshigginsAhmuck-Sr: back to sabayon now?22:53
dgroosand I'm heading home.  Nice chatting.22:53
Ahmuck-Srjoshiggins: for the time being, yes22:54

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