
DragnslcrI'm not sure if you can have applications access an open wallet without using a password. I think I only have Kopete using kwallet00:00
marcokde 3.5 has support'00:01
kaddiEagleScreen: if memory serves me right, you can also select "always allow access to wallet, then you only need to enter your wallet password once at boot and all other program can access it freely.. it just isn't really secure that way :p00:01
Dragnslcrmarco- if it support for KDE 3.5 hasn't ended yet, it will fairly soon00:02
Aqui1aDoes anybody know if it's possible to boot from CD on a Sony Vaio laptop?00:04
LuisJaof course...00:05
LuisJajust change boot order at the start of the boot00:05
LuisJato cd-rw dvd00:05
Aqui1aI've done that. I made 'internal optical drive' number one00:05
Aqui1aIt still skipped it altogether, and went on to boot Windows00:06
BluesKajAqui1a, are you sure that is you cdrom drive ?00:06
Aqui1aNo lol00:07
Aqui1abut none of the other options could be it00:07
Aqui1aSo I'm guessing that it is my DVD Drive00:07
BluesKajwell you need akubuntu iso image burned to a cd-r or cd-rw00:09
Aqui1aYou're probably right...00:11
BluesKajyou can download the livecd iso and burn it in windows then pop it in your optical drive :) and you should be able to boot the live cd00:11
BluesKajback into the drive00:11
* BluesKaj is beginning to repeat00:11
Aqui1aNo need00:12
Aqui1aI fully understand00:12
marcowill Kde be (one day) the default WM in Ubuntu?00:12
_genuser_Hello People.00:13
_genuser_I'm having issue getting sound to work.00:13
BluesKajmarco, no kde is a desktop environment for kubuntu, like gnome is adektop envirniment for ubuntu00:15
MsMacoif ubuntu used kde, what would happen to kubuntu?00:16
kaddiit would use gnome :D00:17
* kaddi feels like she deserved that parting message, also it probably was random :p00:17
BluesKajnothing MsMaco ,  kubuntu is kde00:18
MsMacoim aware00:18
MsMacobut with what marco asked00:19
BluesKaj!kde | MsMaco00:19
MsMacoif ubuntu switched to kde....what would be the point of kubuntu?00:19
ubottuMsMaco: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde400:19
MsMaco*sigh* i know. i have commit access in kde and a handful of patches in kubuntu00:19
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors00:19
MsMacohmm nice that that factoid now tells you which package to install00:20
MsMacoim just sayin... marco asked if ubuntu would switch to kde. hypothetically, if that were to happen (which...er...no), then either kubuntu would need to use a DE that doesnt start with a K or would have to go away00:21
_genuser_guys can someone help debug sound issues?00:21
_genuser_amarok fails to playing saying jack can't start.00:22
BluesKajwhich kubuntu version _genuser_ ?00:22
_genuser_jaunty, 9.04.  kde
BluesKajalsa-utils installed ?00:24
_genuser_BluesKaj: I don't remember manually installing it. I would say no.00:24
BluesKajjack is something i've avoided over the yrs ...it's too messy for my simple mind to comprehend00:25
_genuser_BluesKaj: in other distros, I've also avoided JACK. I haven't really had a need to mix multiple audio sources. But I'm not sure how to debug an k/ubuntu installation.00:26
BluesKajdealing with alsa, pulseaudio and media settings difficult enuff00:26
_genuser_BluesKaj: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils says it's already installed.00:26
BluesKajhave you checked alsamixer in the terminal ?00:27
_genuser_BluesKaj: alsamixer fails. snd_ctl_open failed.00:27
_genuser_probably sound driver problem...00:27
MsMacokubuntu doesnt include jack by default...00:28
BluesKajalsa uses the driver , pulseaudio is the default sound server in kubuntu now00:28
MsMaconuh uh00:28
MsMacokubuntu doesnt include pulseaudio00:28
MsMacoonly ubuntu does00:28
_genuser_BluesKaj: ok rebooting. I just realized the vmware didn't connect my soundcard. thanks for helping me debug.00:28
MsMacokubuntu uses phonon as an abstraction layer to make writing video/audio apps easier00:29
* BluesKaj shakes his head ...nm00:29
phhMsMaco: software mixing is done by alsa ?00:29
MsMacoBluesKaj: it is very common to see pulseaudio on kubuntu though00:29
MsMacophh: alsa doesnt do software mixing unless you use dmix as the device00:29
MsMacophh: pulseaudio does software mixing in ubuntu, and i assume phonon must know how to do it too00:30
phhMsMaco: dmix is the default setting for a long a time now00:30
MsMacoBluesKaj: the reason its common is that java depends on it00:30
BluesKajok then why is pulse audio installed on my setup, when i never installed it separately00:30
phhMsMaco: phono is just a library, no daemon, it won't do any mixing00:30
MsMacobecause java depends on it00:30
MsMacophh: then i have no idea how the mixing works00:30
MsMacoand im pretty sure dmix isnt the default device...i recall doing a writeup on my blog when pulseaudio went into ubuntu on how to change to dmix since a few apps (like mythtv) couldnt do pulseaudio and would block on it without dmi00:31
MsMacounless its changed in the last year...00:32
BluesKajpulesaudio afaik has replaced esd , and it doesn't work in some cases, such as pci soundcards that have fallback driver modules00:32
MsMacofallback driver modules?00:33
MsMacobut yes, its the esd replacement00:34
BluesKajyes quasi-kernel modules as it was explained , sort of like X is now and depends on HAL. That's as much as iI can recall about the article I read00:35
MsMacoand im sure kubuntu doesnt include pulseaudio because ive been there when an audio developer and a few kubuntu developers were arguing about "blah blah pulseaudio causes bugs!" "so report the bugs!"00:35
BluesKajMsMaco, I agree about the bugs , cuz it was working unders test a while ago , but now pulseaudio hands off to this " fall back" which has the same name as my soundcard00:37
Paddy_EIREIs this in any of the repositories yet http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Styles/GtkStyle00:38
MsMacoone of the complaints about pulse is that when phonon realizes it cant lock the sound device and has to use pulse instead it says something like "Intel ALC883 failed. Falling back to PulseAudio" and then users think it means their hardware broke00:39
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MsMacoaudio guy and i both went "er...so fix phonon's notification strings?"00:39
BluesKajwhich makes me think it's some kind of audio-kernel module associated with my soundcard00:39
Sertsewhat do you make Konq work w/ gmail?00:40
BluesKajSertse, which kubuntu version ?00:40
BluesKajthe newer kubuntu versions have fixed the problem with gmail ..mostly00:41
MsMacoKonqueror is just kinda ..umm....boo00:41
MsMacoi think Arora (the maybe-replacement for Konq in 9.10...undecided so far) works with it00:42
MsMacoor well...i think a lot of us just use firefox instead00:42
MsMacoSlashdot was the reason Riddell asked "can we replace Konqueror?"00:42
BluesKajarora and rekonq are boring browsers :P00:43
aqui1aHi :)00:44
* BluesKaj is running chromium-browser00:44
aqui1aIt worked lol00:44
BluesKajthe iso ?00:44
aqui1aSuccessfully installed00:44
aqui1aand I also got my wireless network working too. Double fun.00:45
kaddithat's lucky!00:45
BluesKajyeah , that's afirst :)00:45
kaddiok, no I need to ask.. is it possilbel to disable ctrl+c for konversation? -.- I seem unable to not hit it every 2 hours -.-00:53
kaddithat would be an exception I need to set with global shortcuts, no?00:53
BluesKajctrl+c ...are you copying something ?00:56
kaddiBluesKaj: no I just keep accidentally hitting that combination.. I seem to be magically attracted to it, which then kills the program.00:57
kaddiKonversation is the only program that I unintentionally close with that shortcut00:57
BluesKajI use it all the time to copy highlighted text but it doesn't kill konversation00:59
MsMacokonversation doesnt have settings -> configure shortcuts ?00:59
BluesKajTV time ..BBL01:00
kaddiit does, but it is not set to ctrl+c, it was set to ctrl+q, but I removed that some time ago01:00
=== marvelous is now known as wonderful
kaddii thought it was a setting from kwin or something?01:01
kaddiok, well I'm off to bed, too.. so see you all later.01:04
m0u5eall my gtk icons look like the gnome default, is there a way to change them?01:13
heinkel_111i believe it is possible to upgrade kubuntu (8.10->9.04) from the DVD download using sudo apt-get dist upgrade01:28
heinkel_111i am looking for some kind of confirmation01:28
heinkel_111anyone seen any documentation about upgrading from the dvd anywhere?01:28
=== aqui1a is now known as Aqui1a
m0u5eall my gtk icons look like the gnome default, is there a way to change them?01:33
m0u5ealso, all my applications in my previous session startup by default, how do i disable this "feature"01:33
nejodeheinkel: you can only upgrade using the alternate CD, not the desktop Live CD version01:34
m0u5ehow do I apply my KDE theme to my gnome applications, this is really frustrating01:34
heinkel_111nejode: yes..or the dvd i assume01:35
heinkel_111i have done this once before but memory is failing a little01:35
heinkel_111i think the process is as follows> modify sources.list so dvd is sole source01:36
heinkel_111then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:36
nejodeheinkel: in the DVD, can you see the debs in alphabetically arranged directories?01:37
heinkel_111after that, enable the other repositories and sudo apt-get update01:37
heinkel_111and sudo apt-get upgrade01:37
heinkel_111should finish it01:37
m0u5ealso, how do you install applications in kde? does kde have its own version of the add / remove application manager in ubuntu?01:38
MsMacoif youre using 9.0401:38
MsMacoif an older version: adept01:38
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MsMacoin the kicker menu, go to computer, then there's a KPackageKit option01:39
MsMacom0u5e: ^01:39
nejodeheinkel: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading  ...half way down the page01:39
m0u5eMsMaco: thx01:40
m0u5eMsMaco: do yknow how to fix gtk apps from looking like crap?01:41
heinkel_111nejode:  answer is yes i can see the alphabetically ordered folders01:41
MsMacouhh.... choose a different theme in systemsettings -> appearance01:41
MsMacothere should be a GTK section of the appearance thingy01:41
MsMacoyou can make it force gtk apps to mimic the qt theme01:41
heinkel_111nejode: if I understand correctly the method described on that webpage kicks off a somewhat graphic upgrading program01:42
heinkel_111nejode: i want text-based, to get apt feedback when things go wrong01:43
MsMacosudo do-release-upgrade01:43
kavurtcan someone tell me how to install and setup compiz in kubuntu?01:46
nejodeheinkel: well man, sudo apt-cdrom add , comment out all other entries in your souces.list01:47
nejodeand sudo aptitude dist-upgrade...01:48
nejodebut you should do sudo aptitude update first of course01:49
nejodeI've never done it that way, just speculating01:49
m0u5eMsMaco: i cant find it under settings :(01:54
MsMacom0u5e: is it 9.04 or 9.10?02:00
MsMaco9.04 should have it02:00
m0u5eMsMaco: weird now its appearing... 6__6; maybe its something I installed02:02
m0u5eMsMaco: thx for the help :)02:02
duncananyone know how Kubuntu 9.10 is shaping up?02:03
BluesKajduncan, join #ubuntu+1 to find out02:04
MsMacoduncan: pretty :)02:06
MsMacoduncan: and i think networking may be sorted now too02:06
heinkel_111upgrade time, back to whine about problems later ;-)02:27
axiomSecond time trying to upgrade to KDE 4.3.0, still get no window decorations.  .kde folder was deleted.  Advice?02:36
=== pulse is now known as pulseations
=== adam is now known as Guest95147
Guest95147hey all03:05
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duncananyone been able to get PIM synced with google?03:16
duncanas far as contacts and calendar03:16
=== amigo is now known as Guest15733
maemarocomo estan todos03:20
maemarohow are  you every body03:21
yvan300hello all, i'm new to kubuntu and would like to know how to enable desktop effects03:30
TrebaczApplied updates from Kubuntu backports for the first time to Kubuntu 4.3 my window decorators have disappeared03:32
TrebaczI can get them to reappear on a session per session basis by executing "emerald --replace &" at the command line03:33
TrebaczOnce I restart the window decorators are missing again. I'm assuming I have some odd conflict in my configuration and would like to fix the root cause03:34
Trebaczxorg.log dosn't report anything unusual. Did a lot of web searching on the issue, but couldn't find a match for my issue. Thoughts?03:38
xsebsxhey there, i am on a wireless connection, i set up my cisco wtr160n router when i had windows originally, but i've gotten rid of windows since then, my problem is, i downloaded nicotine and though i can connect to the soulseek server i cannot connect to other users, when i try to download a file, it says cannot connect on the status, anyone can help me out?04:26
darthanubisxsebsx: this has NOTHING to do with kubuntu04:34
darthanubisforward your ports like the soulseek page details04:34
amason_wtf is soulseek ?04:35
xsebsxwell, this never happened before when i had windows04:35
xsebsxi didnt change the connection settings04:35
darthanubisrepeat, has NOTHING to do with Kubuntu04:35
xsebsxtheres no firewall04:35
darthanubisso your wap is NOT a firewall?04:36
darthanubisamason_: google it like everyone does04:36
=== jason is now known as Guest60370
amason_darthanubis: no thanks. i just won't try and help.04:37
darthanubisno sweat04:37
darthanubisnothing to help with04:37
xsebsxok then04:39
xsebsxthe other thing was04:39
xsebsxi've no sound on totem04:39
xsebsxwhen opening mp3s04:40
darthanubisxsebsx: have you been using linux for only 30minutes or so?04:41
darthanubisseeing as you have no idea what kind of router you have is not a good place to start04:42
xsebsxno, however on this computer I have been using linux for only a couple of days, originally i had no sound and had to fix that04:42
darthanubisAnd of course your router/gateway has a firewall04:42
xsebsxi know what kind of router i have, i have a cisco wtr160n04:42
xsebsxwireless router04:42
darthanubisit is a WRT160n04:43
darthanubismade by Linksys a Cisco owned company04:43
xsebsxthats exactly the same only caps04:43
darthanubisand it IS a firewall04:43
darthanubisno its not04:43
darthanubiscan't you even scroll up to see you misspelled it and got the functionality wrong?04:44
darthanubisAdvanced wireless security and SPI firewall protection designed to help safeguard your home network and computers from most Internet attacks.04:44
xsebsxgreat, how do i shut that off04:45
darthanubisI like to help people who at least take the time to READ their manual, you know, do your homework.04:45
darthanubisI'm not going to setup your network after I educate you about it, then play your mp3s for you, but happy reading. I'm sure someone will spoon feed you, but not I04:46
xsebsxyou might want to go to www.freedomainradio.com04:47
=== promulo1 is now known as promulo
fedelHi everybody.05:05
fedelI tried to update KDE to KDE4.305:05
fedelI inserted a a URL in source.list and run apt-get update and upgrade05:06
fedelit returns: The following packages have been kept back05:07
fedeland 66 packages were not update05:07
fedelWhat can I do?05:07
fedelhum...now...I run aptitude upgrade and it works. Why?05:08
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Psi-JackSo, oddness happened, and my sound card is now showing up in the wrong order.05:38
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juristanybody home06:18
juristекарны бабай06:19
pheonixhi lore07:35
pheonixhi lore_07:35
pheonixhello phil_07:55
pheonixhello phil__07:55
phil__i have a doubt07:56
phil__After I upgrade to 9.10,watch online video,the player no sound after a period of time the07:59
eMyllerhey people08:01
eMyllercan i 'upgrade' from my stable jaunty to kk alpha 4?08:01
phil__But the voice of the computer itself, what's this all about08:01
eMyllerif yes, how would i do it? i'm wondering if i just have to add kk's sources list to my jaunty08:01
frost_Hia, Anyone able to check this post out please, and see if they got any solution ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1175102&highlight=XFi08:03
phil__Who can help me? Thinks08:05
=== pluto is now known as Alexandria
phil__- -08:15
=== eli_ is now known as Elirips
eMyllercan i 'upgrade' from my stable jaunty to karmic alpha 4?08:34
xsebsxhello, i am new to kde, how do you get the taskbar to display only the windows of the current desktop according to which desktop divider you click on?08:35
eMyllerxsebsx: right click the task manager bar and find this option08:37
eMyllerxsebsx: ops, go to 'settings'08:38
eMyllerit's there.08:38
xsebsxeMyller: I can't find that08:42
xsebsxonly options regarding to where the widgets are positioned08:42
xsebsxand where the taskbar goes and should it hide08:42
eMyllerxsebsx: these are the *panel* options08:42
eMyllerright click an empty area on your taskbar and go to "Task Manager Settings"08:44
eMyllermake sure you actually have a task manager in your panel.08:44
xsebsxeMyller: how do i make sure of that?08:46
xsebsxi mean08:46
xsebsxwhat's the difference08:46
eMyllerxsebsx: are you seeing any window entry in the panel?08:47
xsebsxi mean to talk about the wee bar horizontally set whereupon the k menu rests on its leftmost end08:47
eMyllerxsebsx: hit ctrl+f2 (to go to 2nd desktop) then right click and empty area on your panel, where the windows should be listed in.08:48
eMyllerxsebsx: then tell me what options you see08:48
xsebsxeMyller: that's my problem though, that no matter what desktop i'm on the windows remain listed leaving not that empty spot you speak about08:50
eMyllerah, ok. got it.08:50
eMyllerso, follow this:08:50
eMyller1) unlock the widgets, it they're locked08:51
eMyllerclick that button in the panel's corner, to access its options08:51
xsebsxwidgets are already unlocked08:52
eMyller3) *hover* the windows list. you should see a little green arrow in the left side of the windows list. click on it08:52
xsebsxleft side?08:53
eMyllernow you might see those options i told you about08:53
xsebsxi got lost in the hover08:53
eMyllerxsebsx: hover the windows list with the panels options active.08:54
eMyllerit's a special viewing mode, that you can grab the widgets in the panel and move them around08:54
eMylleryou can also find this *very little* green arrow in every widget you hover08:55
eMyllercheck if you find the task manager's one08:55
xsebsxi'm not talking about widgets here though08:56
xsebsxi'm talking about the horizontal bottom bar08:56
xsebsxthere's a widget on it that shows the desktops08:57
eMyllerxsebsx: i know08:57
eMyllerxsebsx: did you follow what i said?08:58
eMyllerxsebsx: did you go through the green arrow?08:59
eMyllerk :)08:59
eMylleryou can find those same options if you right click an empty area of the widget. it might be easier now.09:00
=== joseph is now known as laughingbubba
QuantumKaoshi guys, how do i find out what wireless card driver i have installed?09:50
Silurianok i have kubuntu installed on a pc of mine and now i would like to put ubuntu server on instead the problem is the cd won't boot any ideas]09:52
MadAGuhey guys anyone knows how to use dolphin instead of nautilus with firefox?09:55
=== stefan_ is now known as monox
QuantumKaoshi guys, how do i find out what wireless card driver i have installed?10:14
monoxQuantumKaos: open your case and look at the label.10:15
monoxQuantumKaos: or try `lspci`10:15
QuantumKaosmonox: :D10:19
syntaxhow do you install the new konversation on ubuntu if you got the old one10:29
apparleplz suggest a GPS software10:53
=== thebase is now known as Guest48167
CedricWoStohey, I would like to know which irc channel you use as for web programming and php ?11:12
CedricWoStofurthermore, which tech news sites do you check ?11:12
CedricWoStoty :)11:12
tsimpsonCedricWoSto: this is not a general chat channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic11:14
CedricWoStosorry about that11:14
u19809hi all, my shiretoko 3.5 browser is unable to preview pdf files ... what might be wrong ?11:19
* Lacsap doing something else11:20
combocan someone tell me how to activate DVI connector to my monitor (samsung syncmaster 740BF). i have installed AIGLX already, here is my xorg http://wklej.org/id/136942/ what part modify to use DVI instead analog connector11:23
WouterdtI've installed Kubuntu on a PC, a TV is attached trough a DVI -> HDMI cable12:25
Wouterdtnow I've got some overscan, is there a way to compensate that?12:26
vitalbluehi to everyone, is there anyway to install a plugin in firefox to play audio streams (as web-radio)?12:29
vitalblueI tried the webpage in konqueror and it works but i can't configure it in firefox12:29
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tolonugahi. 9.04/x86 kubuntu: wifi ins't working for me, it seems to be the ath5k driver. In the hardware manager I can click "Accept" when asked if I want to use madwifi instead, but as a result nothing happends - after a reboot still ath5k module is loaded instead of madwifi. is there a manual way to trigger the ath5k/madwifi choice?12:38
carwashHi, how can i enable "big desktop" with two monitors in kubuntu. The display system settings panel finds both monitors, but they are placed on top of each other in the placementview.12:41
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houcinesalut tt l monde ya t il kelkun ki parle français g besoin d'aide12:41
tolonugaif you have an nvidia graphic card, it comes with a settings tool by nvidia, that works great for me. I think ati has something similar. if you have a different graphic card: sorry, no idea.12:44
carwashsorry, i forgot to say I have an ATI-card. using amdcccle (previously fglrxsettings) i can only set it up to use the screens as two independent x screens, not as one big desktop12:45
tolonugahmm, after I manually "rmmod ath5k" I can run the hardware tool to switch to madwifi driver. and it works - It connects to my local wifi (wrt54gl with wpa2-psk) fine and gets an ip, while ath5k claimed to do that as well and timed out during dhcp - didn't receive anything. known bug?12:46
tolonugasorry carwash, I only know the nvidia tool in detail, where you can enable "twinview" which is one big desktop spanned across two screens (or one a copy of the other, whatever you prefer).12:48
carwashI just noticed a new ati-driver today12:48
carwashI'll try that12:48
tolonugaI want to configure kubuntu to load "ath_pci" when it boots. I could put a modprobe into rc.local scripts, but I guess there is a better way?13:02
soulchildI still have no truetype font when typing in KDM on KDE 4.3, nobody's got the same problem ?13:05
=== fred_ is now known as Guest2090
maitehi all13:26
maiteneed some help with the execution of pcscd13:27
norpan111I just installed kde with "kubuntu-desktop",, can i just uninstall gnome now? i want to keep using kde13:28
norpan111it betas gnome by far :D im in love again13:28
maitecould someone help me please?13:28
norpan111And how do i uninstall gnome ?13:29
maitei don't figure out why "pscsd -f" works fine but the daemon by itself (pcscd) doesn't13:29
shadeslayer!purekde | nameiner13:29
ubottunameiner: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:29
shadeslayermaite: look above13:30
=== randy is now known as Guest44587
maiteabove, where?13:31
norpan111shadeslayer,  i love your theme13:33
shadeslayernorpan111: :)13:33
shadeslayer!purekde | maite13:33
ubottumaite: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:33
norpan111shadeslayer,  if you remember =)13:34
norpan111maite,  thats for me?13:34
maitehehehe nop, I haven't talked about anything like that13:34
norpan111maite,  i have no "system" in my K-menu13:34
maiteI was just asking about a problem with the pcscd13:35
norpan111favorites, apps computer recentlu used and leave13:35
norpan111How do i shut off my pc in kde? i really cant find the shutuff option, not even restart option13:35
shadeslayernorpan111: K > Leave13:36
maitethe thing is that when I execute "sudo pcscd -f", it works OK, but when I launch the daemon, doesn't work at all13:36
norpan111shadeslayer,  there is no "shut down" option13:36
norpan111shadeslayer,  ok there is now.. there wasnt yesterday lol13:36
maiteI actually can see that the process is running,...13:36
maitebut for reasons that I ignore, when I call pcsc_scan, complains about the daemon, not responding13:37
norpan111shadeslayer,  should i have "k-menu - system " ??13:37
norpan111I dont have that in m kmenu13:37
maitewho could I ask about this?13:38
norpan111Try #WHY?!13:38
norpan111If there is no... make one :d13:38
Picinorpan111: Thats not helpful.13:40
maiteyeah, ok...13:40
Picimaite: You could try asking in #ubuntu as well, as this package doesn't seem to be KDE specific.13:40
maiteok, I see13:41
maiteI'm on it...13:41
[-Haza-]Hey folks Im trying to set my JAVA_HOME as a system variable (before i used to set it only for my user in the ~/.bashrc file). Am i right in thinking that i have to set the JAVA_HOME in /etc/.bashrc ?13:49
[-Haza-]I need to set this as a enviroment variable as i have to load an application that requires the JAVA_HOME variable using sudo13:50
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thomas___is there a guide to configure my wireless network in kubuntu 9.04 somewhere?14:00
thomas___[-Haza-]: I think the difference between the two solutions is to set JAVA_HOME for all users or just for one user14:02
thomas___[-Haza-]:  it makes sense to do it in /etc/.bashrc if you want the superuser to see the JAVA_HOME14:03
thomas___[-Haza-]: disclaimer: I am not an expert on this but...14:03
[-Haza-]thomas___: Yeah, before i set it for a sinle user in the users home/.bashrc file14:04
[-Haza-]that worked okay14:04
[-Haza-]but as i said before i need it to be set as an enviroment variable so i can sudo and app14:05
[-Haza-]For example.. i have to more my tomcat server over to port 80. Port 80 can only be binded by the superuser. tomcat requires the JAVA_HOME to be set... so sudo ./start (starting tomcat) returns an error stating that JAVA_HOME is not set :)14:06
canendid something change in kmail (kde 4.3) last update that would be causing it to refresh all folders?14:06
caneni am using disconnected imap14:06
BluesKajhiyas all14:10
thomas___is there a guide to configure my wireless network in kubuntu 9.04 somewhere?14:20
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 thomas___14:22
thomas___bazhang: thank you...reading now14:22
thomas___bazhang: it does look a little bit hacksy, though14:24
bazhangthomas___, its how to configure manually.14:25
thomas___bazhang:  yes, but I think my first attempt should be with the out-of the box solution. However it seems like it is no longer Knetworkmanager, so I need to figure out how to start correctly14:26
bazhangthomas___, by out of the box solution do you mean the gui tools?14:26
thomas___bazhang: yes14:27
MakuseruI just got four security updates, and now my wireless doesn't work. Is there anyway to fix this?14:38
BluesKajwhich network manager , Makuseru?14:39
MakuseruBluesKaj: "knetworkmanager" I wish I could use the old one, it worked so much better. This new one has given me nothing but problems.14:41
BluesKajMakuseru, what OS are you on ?14:43
MakuseruBluesKaj: Kubuntu 9.04.14:44
BluesKajare you on the widget-network-manager?14:45
MakuseruI wasn't aware there was a widget for knetworkmanager, I just use the one that lives inside the system tray.14:46
shadeslayerMakuseru: thats the nm-applet from gnome14:48
Makuserushadeslayer: What?14:49
shadeslayerMakuseru: see the release notes for KDE 4.3 on kubuntu.org14:49
user60hey guys if your bored try facebook zombies :D - http://apps.facebook.com/zombies/links.php?r=719927515&nref=st14:51
Makuserushadeslayer: I don't see anything about the network manager there.14:52
thomas___Makuseru: I think you are looking for plasma-widget-network-manager14:53
shadeslayerMakuseru: This archive includes a new network manager application, run "knetworkmanager" (the Plasmoid is just a dummy currently).14:53
MakuseruThat's what I am running.14:54
thomas___it seems like i just figured out how to use it14:54
MakuseruIt's what is giving me all these problems and not letting me connect to a wireless network.14:54
thomas___shadeslayer: the plasmoid is not a dummy, is it?14:54
shadeslayerthomas___: yes it is14:54
MakuseruIs there no way to go back to the old network manager?14:55
norpan111shadeslayer,  what theme are uself using right now?14:56
thomas___shadeslayer: there you go... i ripped out the network plug and reconnected through the 'dummy' plasmoid14:57
shadeslayernorpan111: the same14:57
thomas___which seems to substantiate my claim that it is not a dummy plasmoid14:57
shadeslayerthomas___: :o14:57
shadeslayerthomas___: its on the kubuntu.org site....14:57
norpan111shadeslayer,  ok =) i think the color-scheme did not fit so well14:57
norpan111shadeslayer,  its was different darkness between window boarder and all the black inside the window..14:58
norpan111shadeslayer,  if i choose the right colour-scheme that is..14:58
shadeslayernorpan111: its all about figuring what you want14:58
MakuseruSo does noone have any information on how to fix these wireless problems?14:59
thomas___shadeslayer...however I will not claim that it is the most informative widget , it is just a black dot on my screen14:59
norpan111shadeslayer,  im really really bad at that ;D14:59
thomas___Makuseru: well, I just solved mine, but what exactly is your problems then?\15:00
shadeslayerthomas___: hehe,well i think all the backend is the same just the frontend was replaced15:00
thomas___i googled and read quite a lot so maybe i have an idea15:00
Makuseruthomas___: Well when it upgraded to 4.3.00 my current network manager plasmoid said it could cause a system crash and that I should install "knetworkmanager" instead, so I did that, and now its just an icon that's in the system tray, and it won't connect to any wireless network.15:01
thomas___Makuseru: I also found knetworkmanager disfunctional15:02
thomas___I just upgraded to KDE 4.3.00 as well15:02
thomas___however I did not get the warning you received, Makuseru15:02
thomas___so I dared to use the plasmoid plasma-widget-network-manager15:03
thomas___and I configured my WPA2 network15:03
MakuseruI have no clue how to do any of that.15:03
thomas___and so far... 30 mins testing and counting, not crashed15:03
MakuseruAnd I tried to install that but apparently its already installed "plasma-widget-network-manager is already the newest version." I just don't know how to run it.15:04
thomas___Makuseru: you are just where I was about 40 mins ago :-)15:04
thomas___Makuseru: right click on the desktop > add element, plasmoid (or something like that, I am not using english version so not sure what the precise wording is)15:05
thomas___from the list, find the network plasmoid icon15:06
thomas___Makuseru: it looks like a graphitti N in blue color15:06
MakuseruThat's the old one that changed when I upgraded.15:06
thomas___is it? I just installed it an used it and it seems to work, as I told you15:08
thomas___Makuseru: so proceed at your own risk15:08
MakuseruThe icon when its in the panel changes, it's a cellphone, and when I hover over it it says "Network Management is changing, this is highly unstable and will crash your desktop.  Until Further notice please use KDE4 knetworkmanager instead"15:08
thomas___Makuseru: but I guess you know the rest of the drill then15:09
MakuseruAnd it doesn't behave like it use to, I have no settings for networks or anything, it appears to do nothing at all.15:09
thomas___Makuseru: the behavior you describe is nothing like what I have observed, we may be looking at different versions or different systemss15:09
MakuseruWhen I right click on it instead of a menu dropping down like it use to I just get "network manager settings" and when I click that it just opens and tells me keyboard shortcuts15:10
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thomas___or different widgets alltogether, using the same icon...15:10
MakuseruI guess ill just have to go back to windows.15:11
BluesKajMakuseru, may i make asuggestion : try wicd network manager, it will ask you if youwant to uninstall the kdenetwork manager ..choose yes , then it proceeds to install wicd15:12
MakuseruBluesKaj: Alright, will try that now.15:12
BluesKaj!info wicd | Makuseru15:12
ubottuMakuseru: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB15:12
BluesKajI use it on all our linux machines15:13
MakuseruOk, its installing now.15:13
canenkmail is killing my server. anyone have a similar experience with the latest update?15:14
MakuseruGreat, now its not finding any wireless networks.15:15
QuantumKaoshi guys i cannot rm a directory, command is "sudo rm /media/Archive/BackUp" output is "rm: cannot remove directory `/media/Archive/BackUp/recup_dir.8': File exists"15:16
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MakuseruSo when is the next kde update? And will it have fixes for the ridiculous state of wireless right now?15:21
QuantumKaosMakuseru: whatz ur wireless issue?15:22
MakuseruQuantumKaos: the last batch of updates broke my wireless, nothing even recognizes my network anymore.15:23
QuantumKaosyeah, sometimes u dont have to run all the updates15:23
QuantumKaosdid u update the kernel or just the nm?15:24
Makuseru I updated what ever update manager told me to.15:24
norpan111Whats the best Im client for kubuntu?15:24
Makuserunorpan111: Pidgin15:25
norpan111Makuseru:  not empathy? the one thats coming with next release? 9.10 ?15:25
thomas___Makuseru: it still puzzles me that our case should be so different, what kind of hardware and what kind of wireless network are you trying to connect to?15:26
thomas___I am on a toshiba satellite U405-S2826, FYI - it is a laptop15:27
Makuseruthomas___: A bran-new HP laptop (AMD dual core, nvidia graphics, atheroes wireless chipset) And what do you mean what kind of wireless network?15:27
thomas___Makuseru: I read some postings about problems for WPA2 support, but that is exactly what I have working right now15:28
thomas___so the problem does not appear to exist anymore15:29
thomas___I have Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)15:29
MakuseruWell I've always had wireless problems, the first time I got it and installed ubuntu on it wireless didn't work, the second time I installed it did, and I haven't done anything to it since then since it worked and I didn't want to mess it up15:29
MakuseruBut now these updates broke it.15:30
MakuseruAnd I really don't want to reinstall, or put windows back on it, but it looks like that's what im going to have to do.15:30
thomas___Makuseru: can it be something related to the network card itself switching on and off?--> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93066715:34
thomas___i got to gogood luck,15:36
BrianEWith Kopete can you set-up Buddy Pounces? Performing an action when a contact does something...15:48
combohello there, how can i remove from my system installed with "sudo sh *.run" *.run file ?16:01
BluesKajcomb try , sudo dpkg -r  *.runfile16:09
BluesKajcombo try , sudo dpkg -r  *.runfile16:10
trojanHow-to enable tags, rating and comments in dolphin on KDE 4.3 ?16:12
BrianEtrojan: That's not a question16:14
BrianEYou might as well have said "I like orange pancakes"16:15
DragnslcrSure it's a question. There's an implied "Does anyone know" at the beginning16:17
BrianEThere's not16:17
DragnslcrIt's pretty common for people who have a language other than English as their native language16:17
BrianEI know.16:17
BrianEIt annoys the hell out of me ;)16:17
=== beef is now known as Clown
=== Clown is now known as Clownshoes
ubsafderi changed screen how do i set the highest resolution ?16:21
BrianEubsafder: In the KDE Menu, choose "Computer" then "System Settings"16:22
BrianEThen choose "Display" under "Computer Administration"16:23
BrianEIt's there in the drop-down beside "Size" ;)16:23
Clownshoeshi. I am in need of some assistance. this here is not 1 simple question, it is a rather long journey. It all starts with fixing microphone, but There are allot of small issues on the way. First of all. I have found a temporary way to fix mic which involves deactivating drivers, rebooting, then activate them again without rebooting. Now when running lsmod when the microphone is working I get this output snd_pcm  99464 "used by" 3 ctxfi,snd_pcm_oss, whil16:25
Clownshoes running lsmod when mic is not working i get "used by" 2 at the same line. anyone able to join me on this journey ?16:25
ubsafdercan i start that from a comand line ?16:26
Clownshoesactually is was the line that say only "ctxfi" not the line with oss. but the issue is the same16:27
Clownshoesmore info. http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=17bac6b194888068ccd9382f8f3416b67ad8cdba16:28
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kaddihello everyone :)16:42
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msichalhow was called the grub config file?17:03
msichalwnd where it is?17:03
msichalneed quick answer17:03
DerHorst/boot/grub/menu.lst ?17:06
phhor /boot/grub/grub.cfg if you use grub217:06
kaddiphh, that's good to know :)17:06
larsaaaaHi! When I surf a webpage, I usually scroll with the keyboards arrow keys, however, when the pointer hover a flash element, the keyboard will no longer work... any suggestions but to scrap flash?17:08
Psi-Jack_I've found an issue I'm not fond of.. I use smplayer for video playing, and smplayer's telling me my mplayer is obsolete.17:12
kaddiPsi-Jack_: yeah I got that too. I'm currently using the following ppa for mplayer and don't get that message anymore: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/rvm/mplayer/ubuntu jaunty main17:13
Dragnslcrlarsaaaa- pretty sure that's a Flash issue. Flash grabs keyboard input and doesn't normally pass it back to the browser17:14
larsaaaaDragnslcr: ye, its definetly on of the billion flash bugs, just thought it might be a workarround for it, thanks for the answer though17:15
Psi-Jack_Heh cute.17:15
Psi-Jack_w32codecs has no installation candidate.17:15
kaddiPsi-Jack_:  also see here: https://launchpad.net/~rvm/+archive/mplayer17:15
kaddilarsaaaa: I'm pretty sure that is a feature and not a bug, meaning it won't be fixed.17:15
ubsafderon kubuntu can i put the task bar on the left or the top ? if so how ?17:15
kaddiubsafder: kde4?17:16
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ubsafder4.3 i beleive17:16
kaddiubsafder: click the cashew of the taskbar, a menu will appear, there is an option to move them around. (it has 4 arrows pointing in different directions in front of it)17:16
larsaaaakaddi: might be, but how can a hijack of ones keyboard be called a feature... must be hell for blind people trying to use the keyboard...17:17
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ubsafderi am not trying to move widget but the entire task bar17:19
kaddiubsafder: yes. My kubuntu isn't english so I don'17:19
kaddit know how it's called exactly17:19
ubsafderbut it is possible right ?17:20
kaddiclick the cashew/yellow thingie and you will get a big black bar appearing besides your taskbar17:21
ubsafderyes i have it17:21
kaddiin that bar the one option should be called width, it can change the widht of your taskbar, yes?17:21
kaddiand the option above that option should let you drag the taskbar to another corner17:22
ubsafderbut i want the bar to be vertical on the left of my screen17:22
kaddiubsafder: click that option and drag it to the left side of your screen and it shuold change from horizontal to vertical17:24
Dragnslcrubsafder- the panel settings is called Screen Edge17:24
ubsafderok got it17:24
kebomix1How to change font size of Gnome app. in KDE Desktop?17:24
kaddikebomix1: check out systemsettings -> appearance ->gtk styles and fonts. You should  be able to change your own gtk font and it's size.17:26
trojanSomeone knows how to enable tags in Dolphin?17:29
trojanI can not find it on Google17:29
kebomix1 kaddi: i use kde 4.3 and in style tab    there is GTK+  , only choose style not to configure fonts !17:30
kaddilet me check.. it's right below in kde 4.217:30
dwidmanntrojan: it appears to be there in 4.3 at least. select a file and then do "change tags" in the information panel17:31
kaddikebomix1: on both my systems I have "GTK + fonts" on the same page as "GTK+ styles" just underneath it. If that is not the case with your PC, I'm sorry I don't know how to do it.17:33
kebomix1okay ; thanks :)17:33
kaddikebomix1: is that a general issue or do you just want to change your Fonts in one application? I know that Firefox gives you the option to change the fonts under settings17:34
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kebomix1kaddi: i want to change it on pidgin ; font is very small17:35
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kaddikebomix1: maybe check that gtk-qt-engine is installed on your system or check this link out: http://userbase.kde.org/KWin#Make-Firefox-use-smaller-font17:40
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kebomix1kaddi: i'm downloading it17:43
kebomix1is there force quit on kde  ?17:48
Psi-Jack_xkill? ;)17:48
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bhabalinuxcould anyone tell me how i can connect online through dsl?17:57
bhabalinuxI have to do every time 'sudo pppoeconf'17:57
bhabalinuxand when I do plog, it says request denied and connection terminated17:58
kebomixwell ; it doesn't make any sense17:58
bhabalinuxis there any way we can make a dialup like in windows?17:58
bhabalinuxit takes a long time to get connected17:59
kebomixbut increased pidgin and firefox font ; just want to increase menu font also !17:59
kaddikebomix: maybe try changing the style then. It determins size and color of menus etc18:00
PolitikerNEUHello, does anybody know an easy tutorial for kdenlive?18:03
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bhabalinuxcould anyone help me regarding getting online?18:04
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* ^Donna_Vicenza^ is back.18:23
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Clownshoeshi. I am in need of some assistance. this here is not 1 simple question, it is a rather long journey. It all starts with fixing microphone, but There are allot of small issues on the way. First of all. I have found a temporary way to fix mic which involves deactivating drivers, rebooting, then activate them again without rebooting. Now when running lsmod when the microphone is working I get this output "ctxfi"  84136 "used by" 3 , while when running ls19:06
Clownshoes mic is not working i get "used by" 2 at the same line. anyone able to join me on this journey ?19:06
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kebomix "could not create python script engine for the widget"  how to fix this error on plasmoid?19:49
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jpaisoi, alguem pode me ajudar?20:37
kaddi!es |jpais20:37
ubottujpais: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:37
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tarballs20:46
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:46
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JuJuBeeAnybody ever had to deal with bluebird and an LG DVD/RW Drive?20:54
aqui1aHello. I've recently installed Kubuntu :) and have a question. When I first visited YouTube and played videos, the sound worked fine. Now it doesn't work at all. Does anybody know why this is? :)21:02
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aqui1aHello. I've recently installed Kubuntu :) and have a question. When I first visited YouTube and played videos, the sound worked fine. Now it doesn't work at all. Does anybody know why this is? :)21:08
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aqui1aAnyone have any suggestions?21:17
Shoulahi want install kde 4.3.0 on kubuntu 8.1021:26
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Dragnslcraqui1a- might be the same bug in the audio system that I've hit. Have you used any other sound programs (Amarok would be my first guess) since it stopped working?21:35
DragnslcrShoulah- I don't think there are any KDE 4.3 packages for 8.1021:36
aqui1aI have indeed lol I used Amarok with a song a friend sent me21:36
aqui1aand it work21:36
aqui1aIt just seems to be Flash which isn't working21:36
DragnslcrTry exiting Amarok, then see if Flash starts working21:37
aqui1aNope, still doesn't work21:38
aqui1aneither in Firefox or Konquerer21:38
DragnslcrMight be some other program that broke it. Have you rebooted since Flash stopped working?21:39
DragnslcrHm, I dunno21:41
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:41
DragnslcrCould try those links, see if anything there helps21:41
aqui1aOk :)21:44
yvan300hello anyone there?22:04
kavurtyvan300: ask if you need something22:13
_genuser_Hello People.22:13
yvan300kavurt: well, i'm new to kubuntu and would like to know if you could point me to a customization tutorial22:13
kavurtyvan300: what do you want to customize?22:15
yvan300kavurt: ok, firstly, in gnome i used awn but is there a plasmoid similar to that?22:16
yvan300kavurt: ??22:19
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veremest kto zhivoy22:22
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kavurtyvan300: I don't know. I never used awn22:22
yvan300kavurt: ok22:23
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veremкто говорит по русски?22:25
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:26
sumanhow do i add key bindings to konsole?22:35
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melomanehi, i installed kbuntu karmic alpha 4, and when i want to open my ntfs partitions i get this error: an error occured while accessing 'my drive', the system responded: org.freedesktop.hal.device.volume.invalidmountoption: the option 'locale=en_US.utf-8' is not allowed for uid=100022:45
melomanei tried dolphin with root too, but the problem exist22:45
apparlemelomane: I think you will find more help at  #ubuntu+122:47
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:47
apparlehi guys22:47
melomaneapparle: ubuntu+1 is the name of the channel?22:47
melomaneapparle: on freenode>22:47
melomaneapparle: ok, thanks, i will try22:48
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heinkel_111after compiling which install command is better and why: sudo make install or checkinstall?23:14
heinkel_111after compiling, which install command is better and why: sudo make install or checkinstall?23:14
heinkel_111missing (,) made a little difference ;-)23:15
phhheinkel_111: checkinstall, the package manager will be aware of this installation23:17
heinkel_111phh: why are some howto documents recommending install then? anything checkinstall does not do right?23:18
phhdon't know23:18
melomaneinformation about ntfs partitions are not in fstab , to be loaded at start up. so where r they kept that we can open them when we click them in file manager?23:19
phhthey are mounted on the fly23:19
melomanephh: does ntfs-3g is used?23:20
melomanephh: i got problem with them,i guessed i may do sth with them if i know where are they done23:20
melomanei can mount them manually, but dolphin gives a strange error23:21
phhoh, can't help on that23:21
melomanephh, anyway thanks23:21
apparlemelomane: how do you mount them manually23:22
melomaneapparle : sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/somewhere23:23
melomaneand then i can use it23:23
melomaneapparle: as i searched it seems its not sth related to karmic23:23
apparlemelomane: then put the line in fstab and forget it23:24
phhthat's a way.23:24
melomaneapparle: if i do this, does it open the drive when i click on its name in dolphin? or i have to manually browse for the folder which the drive is mounted23:25
apparlemelomane: I mean just mount the device at startup so ...........dolphin doesn't hav to mount it23:25
apparlemelomane: yes it will do23:25
melomaneapparle: good, so i do thiis23:25
melomaneapparle: but there is another problem23:26
apparlebut you knwo how to configure fstab??23:26
melomaneapparle: yes to some extend23:26
melomaneapparle: for my second hard disk, fdisk doesnt show details, bt dolphin shows every partion's label23:27
melomaneapparle: how can i mount them?23:27
apparledo you see it by 'blkid'23:27
apparlemelomane: I suggest you see this23:27
apparle!fstab | melomane23:28
ubottumelomane: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:28
melomaneapparle: great thanks, i read tuxfiles before, but not the one at ubuntu community, i'll do that, and thanks for that command, never heard about that before, i always used fdisk23:29
apparlemelomane: make sure you remove locale=en_US.utf8 from that ntfs line or you will get the same error23:29
melomaneapparle: in fstab entry u mean?23:33
apparlebecause as you said earlier you are getting error related to that locale...23:34
=== io is now known as Guest69176
apparlemelomane: another suggestion .........why don't try adding the user id 1000 to use that locale......I don't know how to this23:35
ricardo_hola holaa23:49
kaddihola! :)23:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:50
ricardo_es si23:51

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