
kaddiI actually one person on #kubuntu yesterday complaining that his google was hijacked.. but somehow "free.google.com" doesn't return much related to the multisearch. I'm reading up now :)00:00
aboSamoormphill, yeah, I tried it00:00
mphillaboSamoor: did it work for you?00:01
aboSamoormphill, yeah, it worked but I did not like it00:02
virtualdi just got a clicking noise from my hard drive :(00:02
mphillaboSamoor: do you just run gnome-shell?00:02
aboSamoormphill, I just followed the instructions available on the project website00:02
aboSamoormphill, yeah, i just tried gnome-shell00:02
BluesKajDanaG, just some older kernels and recovery and w7 in the menu , no dupes00:04
BluesKajhad to check the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file for the list00:05
DanaGI seem to have two different os-prober thingies going on.00:09
DanaG### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###00:09
DanaG### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_otheros ###00:09
DanaGodd... the second one is not in the package manager.00:11
aboSamoordid anyone know what is the window manager that chromium use ?00:12
BluesKajwindow manager ?00:13
aboSamoorBluesKaj, does chromium use metacity or compiz ?00:14
Twigaathyyou mean the google chrome OS whatsit?00:14
BUGabundoboth are OT for this channel00:15
BluesKajchromium is a browser aboSamoor00:16
BluesKajthe chrome-OS isn't out afaik00:17
BUGabundoonly a few leaked screenshots00:17
BUGabundoFYI "fta: next !ubuntu daily build of #chromium for x64 will be native, no more ia32-libs craziness (starting with"00:19
aboSamoorBluesKaj, ok, I meant the browser, I thought it use different window manager other than compiz, because clicking on the title bar gives different options,00:20
BluesKajaboSamoor,browsers don't use window managers in the same sense as apps do , but they can be affected by themes etc00:21
DanaGhmm, any idea when/where we can get the new pidgin easily (already packaged)?00:21
aboSamoorBluesKaj, I was just thinking how much useful to implement a file manger using chrome browser !00:22
DanaGUsage: add-apt-repository [options]                              Options:  -h, --help  show this help message and exit00:23
DanaGwow, how useful.00:23
BUGabundoDanaG: archive and ppa!?00:23
DanaGah, you can specify ppa:name but not release.00:25
BUGabundoits expected to match yours00:26
BUGabundono idea what it does when it doesn't exist on the PPA00:26
DanaGSilently goes on, and then lets you get 404 on apt update.00:27
TarkersHello, I'm looking for a little help with my sound in Karmic01:23
TarkersAnyone around to answer some questions?01:24
TarkersLooking for help with soundcards, anyone around?01:30
=== danbhfive1 is now known as danbhfive
duncananyone know how Kubuntu 9.10 is shaping up?01:58
arandduncan: perfekt?02:02
kavurthas anybody tried compiz on kubuntu karmic? can you refer me a link for instructions?02:03
duncanarand, :) is it better off than older Ubuntu versions?  as I remember in the past KDE implementation in Ubuntu was quite bad02:04
dotblankkavurt, should work like normal. no?02:04
kavurtno it doesn't02:04
dotblankwell hmm im not a kubuntu  guy so I wouldnt know02:04
scizzo-there are issues with compiz and ubuntu now02:05
BluesKajkavurt, compiz runs fine on my setup..of course itdepends on your hardware etc02:06
kavurthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion I followed the instructions in this link. I installed packages. when I say compiz --replace, the title bars disappear02:07
kavurtBluesKaj: can you check the link I gave? Is it what you did?02:08
BluesKajkavurt a long time ago , yes ..and i've upgraded since02:11
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz02:11
EagleScreenanyone using Ubuntu here? please tell me if folder '/usr/lib/python' exist in karmic02:23
BluesKajkavurt, I prefer to use the compixz fusion gui icon , it has more options02:23
scizzo-EagleScreen: it is there02:25
scizzo-EagleScreen: nothing in it for me though02:25
EagleScreenscizzo-: can you check if it is a link to other folder?02:28
scizzo-EagleScreen: nope its only a dir02:30
JimmioYay! The koala is kicking major butt so far. Pulse crashed once, and one other thing is an annoyance, asking for password to mount system partitions, but otherwise it seems smooth. Is it safe to use as my main OS?02:59
EagleScreenthe anser is no03:03
PiciThats one of those 'if you have to ask' questions.03:06
amason_Jimmio: do you have children, pets or loved ones ? If your prepared to have them eaten by the software, then its fine as your main OS. Otherwise no03:07
arandamason_: see what you did, now we've permanently lost a prerelease tester! ;)03:12
amason_arand: i don't think he/she was prepared to sacrifice their loved ones.03:13
amason_if they can't even give that up, do we really want them as a tester =)03:13
duncanhmm, anyone know how to sync KDE PIM with gmail?03:29
JimmioHello all, is there a manual way to edit keyboard shortcuts? The GUI version Segfaults.03:36
crdlbJimmio: gconf-editor, but the location varies03:40
boss_mcis eclipse staying at version 3.2?03:54
kklimondaboss_mc: there is a 3.4 package but it's terribly broken03:55
boss_mckklimonda: alas!03:55
kklimondaeclipse is a pita to package.03:55
boss_mckklimonda: I can imagine, it's pretty anti-policy (i.e. it doesn't even pay attention to update-alternatives....)03:56
kklimondawe are most likely going to remove it from ubuntu alltogether - I know that it's totally unmaintained in debian and they are also considering removing it.04:00
boss_mckklimonda: would we then have to install it from the eclipse site?  as a java program that *should* not be too hard...04:08
kklimondaboss_mc: well, it's just a .tar.gz package that you have to unpack somewhere04:10
DanaGugh, great, now my menu in SCIM is missing all the icons.04:29
DanaGSo instead of having nice icons to indicate languages... there's just a long, plain text list.04:29
kklimondai guess you could report it as a bug - it may be a valid use of icons04:30
DanaGthough I've also been having other oddities with SCIM -- such as menus being un-skinned (that is, default gtk color and shape).04:31
DanaGhmm, how do I get esound socket clients to work with PA?04:40
dtchenDanaG: as long as module-esound-protocol-* are loaded, you should be fine04:51
DanaGhmm, only -unix is loaded, not -tcp.04:51
DanaGThe app itself is xoscope.04:51
DanaGIt doesn't appear in pavucontrol, and errors out if I try padsp.04:51
dtchenthese versions strings are horrid04:53
DanaGhmm, so xoscope must be doing something odd.04:55
bsnider_dtchen, surely all of that isn't necessary04:56
bsnider_why the f4f16ab1?04:56
dtchenbsnider_: that's the sha1 hash04:56
dtchen0819 is ambiguous04:57
bsnider_well it's a date04:57
bsnider_but why ubuntuaudiodev1 and 0ubuntu104:57
DanaGsocket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0)         = 304:57
DanaGconnect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=@"/tmp/.X11-unix/X0"}, 20) = 004:57
DanaGread(3, 0xaaf780, 8)                    = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)04:58
DanaGI've left out a bunch of lines.  Looks like an X protocol issue?04:58
dtchenbsnider_: 0ubuntu1 is the package revision, and ubuntuaudiodev1 is the ppa revision of the package04:58
bsnider_right but why not just say ppa1?04:58
DanaG(xoscope:8365): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/glib/giounix.c:406Error while getting flags for FD: Bad file descriptor (9)04:59
DanaGodd, and it seems to flicker a bit in pavucontrol.05:00
dtchenbsnider_: we want to clearly denote _which_ ppa05:03
dtchenbsnider_: apt-cache policy pulseaudio doesn't tell someone which ppa a package is from05:03
DanaGPerhaps that's a bug in itself.05:04
DanaGwasn't there some apt-cache command that was somebody's name?  I think it started with A.05:05
DanaGwow, just a mere rebuild fixed xoscope.05:05
dtchenfail. ./usr/lib/libpulsecommon-UNKNOWN.UNKNOWN.UNKNOWN.so05:10
dtchenthat is so not useful05:10
micahganyone seen anything like an offset of the cursor with where the actual place is?05:11
billybigriggeri'm gonna break, i'm gonna break my, i'm gonna break my rusty caaaaaage.........and run05:41
billybigriggerrip mr. cash05:43
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule06:20
TarkersHello, anyone around?06:37
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:40
TarkersGood point.06:41
TarkersMy problem is, I have my onboard sound card and a usb soundcard for my headphones, I used to be able to switch between the two in Jaunty but since upgrading to Karmic it's defaulted to using my usb card at all times and I can't find any way to switch to my onboard soundcard.06:42
dtchenTarkers: install pavucontrol and set the default there06:43
TarkersExcellent, worked perfectly.06:45
DanaGtime for bed for me.06:48
mac_vwhat is the alert volume for? i.e. what does it control?06:57
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:34
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:35
spocommand 1 & ; command 2 & ; command 3&  nor  command 1; command 2; command 3  &   --- neither of these work for putting three subsequential commands in background07:49
hificommand1 & command2 & command307:50
dotblankhave you tried screen?07:50
hifiadd trailing & too07:50
eMyllercan i 'upgrade' from my stable jaunty to karmic alpha 4?08:50
x1250eMyller, sure: update-manager -d09:11
eMyllerx1250: no update-manager here :|09:12
x1250server version?09:13
x1250eMyller, here are the instructions: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha409:14
eMyllerx1250: i already read that; i'm on kubuntu, my kpackagekit is broken due to versions incompatibility09:15
eMyllerx1250: i just changed every "jaunty" match in my sources.list to "karmic". running a dist-upgrade now, it's downloading 1.4gb of data. hope i took the right way.09:15
x1250you didn't, there are (usually) some quirks that the update manager takes care of.09:17
x1250why don't you try ALTF+F2: update-manager -d09:18
x1250or... do-release-upgrade -d09:19
eMyllerx1250: dont have update-manager here, it's kde; and do-release-upgrade says "No new release found" here :P09:20
gnomefreakeMyller: you have to have jauntyt sources in .....list09:21
x1250ahhh, yes09:21
* eMyller wonders what are these 'quirks'09:21
gnomefreakdo-release changes them on thier own. ther eis also a update-manager-kde09:21
x1250eMyller, take a look at the update-manager code09:21
eMyllergnomefreak: so i'd have to switch back to jaunty in sources list?09:21
eMyllerx1250: lol09:21
x1250eMyller, yes, then try again09:22
gnomefreakeMyller: well did you start the dist-upgrade yet?09:22
eMyllergnomefreak: it's running. downloads bunches of packages right now.09:22
x1250you can cancel it, no problem with that.09:22
eMyllercancelling :)09:23
gnomefreakeMyller: leave it the way it is just make sure no PPA's or any other non-official sources are there09:23
x1250naah, update-manager is better, dist-upgrade can break things09:23
gnomefreakx1250: at this point either can. the biggest reason for breakage is the non-official repos09:23
x1250well, yes, sure, at this stage anything is possible :)09:24
eMylleranyways, i dont have update-manager here :P09:24
* eMyller is scared09:24
x1250eMyller, there is a kde version09:25
gnomefreakeMyller: update-manager-kde IIRC adept is used most of time. it should be safe09:25
* gnomefreak has never said adept and safe in same sentence before :(09:25
eMyllerkde's one is kpackagekit now, and it's unavailable for me09:26
eMyllercuz i just installed the karmic's one, it breaks in jaunty (my case) :(09:26
eMyller"No new release found", with "jaunty" in sources list. aw.09:27
enycHey hrrm   whyfor has karmic seemingly gone to the  2.6.31 (-rc stage) kernel  ?09:27
* enyc been testing different kernel versions using portable kernel packages. on 8.04 // 9.04 09:27
x1250eMyller, why don't you just sudo aptitude install update-manager-kde and upgrade?09:29
gnomefreakeMyller: use either dist-upgrade or adept. mvo what is best on KDE for upgrades. oh BTW i hate dist-upgrade for upgrading dists.09:29
eMylleroh, thanks. that's exactly what i was using.09:29
gnomefreakx1250: not sure if it works like our version. I dont remember that far back thats why i just asked m_v_o09:30
eMyllertrying to downgrade kpackagekit to jaunty's version09:30
eMyllerinstalling synaptic...09:31
x1250for what?09:31
x1250if you want to do it old school, go with aptitude.09:31
eMyllerx1250: downgrading? dunno how to do this with aptitude :|09:32
gnomefreakjust install update-manager if you want to go that route. forget synaptic09:32
eMyllergnomefreak: already installed now :)09:33
gnomefreaksynaptic is not the best way to updgrade09:33
gnomefreakits pretty much the same as dist-upgrade09:33
eMyllergnomefreak: i was about to downgrade kpackagekit through synaptic09:33
x1250eMyller, yea, use update-manager, but just for the record: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade09:34
eMyllerthen i'd use kpackagekit to try upgrading kubuntu09:34
eMyllerx1250: full-upgrade to downgrade? Oo09:34
gnomefreakok thats alot more steps and hopes that it is still in synaptic09:34
gnomefreaksynaptic same as adept in the sense on what they do09:35
x1250eMyller, no, its aptitude's better version of dist-upgrade. /j #debian && /msg dpkg why aptitude09:35
eMyllerx1250: oh, good to know.09:36
eMylleranother question: can i run this upgrade through update-manager and keep the downloaded packages?09:36
eMyllergnomefreak, x1250: i'd like to reuse the packages in another linux box :)09:38
x1250packages should be in /var/cache/apt/archives/, unless update-manager deletes them after upgrading.... I don't know if it do that when cleaning up. It shouldn't I guess.09:39
eMyllerx1250: last time i used it it did :|09:39
eMyllerlast year09:39
eMylleri think09:39
x1250anyway, I think you should create a local repo mirror, or make a dvd, never done it tho.09:40
eMyllerx1250: i'll do that if things go well here09:40
eMyllerx1250: i'll follow my own post: http://emyller.net/offlineapt/09:41
x1250http://emyller.net/blog/offlineapt/ I guess :P09:42
eMyllerdamn, http://emyller.net/blog/offlineapt/09:42
eMylleryep :P09:42
eMylleraaw. update-manager is stuck on "Calculating the changes...". ×.×09:43
gnomefreakdo it from the wiki but stop after adding packages to folder and than just save the folder to USB or cd or DVD what ever you want09:43
gnomefreakeMyller: not stuck just takes a while09:44
eagles0513875morning gnomefreak09:44
gnomefreakmorning eMyller09:44
gnomefreakmorning eagles051387509:45
eagles0513875how are you doing09:45
gnomefreakeagles0513875: im alright just trying to get email cleaned up before my flight09:45
gnomefreakhow are you doing?09:46
eagles0513875nice well im fighting with my desktop though :( once it goes into screen saver mode it doesnt wanna wake back up again09:46
eagles0513875i think i have an issue with my video card or the driver needs updadting09:46
eagles0513875not too bad back in europe arrived yesterday09:46
gnomefreakeagles0513875: sounds more like a bug in gnome-screen-saver (not sure package name but that is fairly close)09:46
eMyllerhmm... actually update-manager set sources.list to 'karmic' and disabled the third-party repos09:46
eagles0513875im on win on this desktop09:47
eagles0513875on lin09:47
gnomefreakeMyller: yes that is why we perfer users to use it09:47
eMyllergnomefreak: for this reason only? :P09:47
gnomefreakeagles0513875: last i checked (around thurs/friday my screensaver still didnt work09:47
gnomefreakeMyller: no that is just one of the many helpful things it does09:48
eMyllerah. sounds good. :)09:48
gnomefreakit downgrades any packages higher than intented packages ect...09:48
eMyllerthanks gnomefreak, x1250 :D09:49
gnomefreakeMyller: np09:49
eagles0513875gnomefreak: you talking about on windows vista or linux09:49
gnomefreakeagles0513875: Ubuntu sorry i dont have a handy Win XP pc.09:50
eagles0513875only reason my desktop is win is cuz im a gamer09:50
eagles0513875i know some games work but others dont :(09:50
* gnomefreak might play a card game once every 3 months :)09:51
* gnomefreak really needs to find someone to do this for me but not for a while09:52
x1250I play with cinelerra :D, and kdenlive today too!09:52
gnomefreakeagles0513875: your a KDE man right?09:52
eagles0513875the one time i did try cinelerra it would always crash on me even kdenlive09:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: how did you upgrade Jaunty -> Karmic?09:53
eagles0513875if anything i am gonna be using a vm but i did upgrade from jaunty to karmic but was having issues so i did a clean install09:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: ah didnt know you installed it. i remember you trying to upgrade but dont remember if you finished09:54
eagles0513875ya i did09:54
eagles0513875but reinstalled cuz of issues09:54
eagles0513875im reluctant to duel boot with it on my mac09:54
eagles0513875due to the networking stuff still being kinda screwey on it09:54
eagles0513875at least for wifi09:54
gnomefreakIIRC there is a wiki/official ubuntu page on upgrading in kde and gnome09:56
eagles0513875ya but for proper testing wouldnt a clean install be better09:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yes unless you are testing upgrading :) but most people in here dont test for official reasons (normal users)09:56
x1250not necessarily, a lot of people don't reinstall at all09:57
eagles0513875that is true x1250 but for me i always seem to have issues09:57
eagles0513875when upgrading09:57
eagles0513875especially when there are big changes for instance when upgrading i noticed grub doesnt get upgraded to grub 209:57
gnomefreakx1250: they dont but should unless doing real testing or for other reasons that they have. clean install makes testing better.09:58
gnomefreaki test upgrade install and upgrade using disk09:59
gnomefreakjust cant recall my pssword for the site :(09:59
x1250maybe, but not for upgrades. To test upgrades, best thing is to just upgrade :)09:59
gnomefreakwhen testing a new release its always best to have only official packages or bugs are not really helpful10:01
x1250I'm using karmic as my main box, so I need this thing running. I can't really reinstall.10:01
gnomefreakx1250: you messed up than. karmic can break as in not start up10:02
x1250gnomefreak, I don't reboot :)10:02
x1250well, not a lot.10:02
x1250If I'm not feeling lucky I take a look at ubuntuforums.org before I reboot10:03
x1250it saved me a gdm trouble some time ago hehe10:03
gnomefreakx1250: the mailing list is much better to look at since its wrote by the official dev or team10:05
x1250mmm, you're right, I'll take a look there too, thanks10:07
aboSamoorcompiz is not working anymore after startup, any idea how to trace the problem ?10:25
nztal-what channel might i go to, to see if a certain device is currently supported under karmic ?10:25
nztal-probably this one ?  i'm wondering if anyone can tell me where i can look up if the Novatel Ovation MC760 is supported under karmic10:26
nztal-support would be in a newer release, not jaunty for that device10:27
aboSamoorwhat is the package that contains gconfd-2 ?10:33
* maxb points aboSamoor at packages.ubuntu.com10:33
indushi can anyone tell me if xspalsh is visually different from usplash11:36
gnomefreakindus: yes it adds a splash screen to grub11:38
gnomefreakindus: apt-cache show xsplash    should answer it11:38
indusgnomefreak: hmm its in already? i dont see anything.also i had a blue color grub boot menu before, but now its back to black color11:39
indussays grub 1.96 huh11:39
indusa splash screen to grub hmm, somehow i dont understand what that is11:39
gnomefreakindus: yeah the black is now standard IIRC. we had a wiki on grub splash screens but not sure if updated for grub211:40
scizzo-I don't dare to test grub211:41
gnomefreakscizzo-: 1.96 == grub211:41
gnomefreakyeah i dont get it either since it is stable release11:41
scizzo-I got 0.97 installed11:41
gnomefreakscizzo-: thats grub 1 and you are on Jaunty than since updates should have updated you to grub211:42
induswhy did they change the blue color to black again? also, it boots directly now ,thats scary for a new user if he wont see grub menu11:42
gnomefreakindus: you can disable the auto boot there was a email about it to devel list11:43
scizzo-gnomefreak: the standard grub package is the updated package?11:43
gnomefreakand devel-discuss list11:43
gnomefreakgrub: Installed: (none)11:43
gnomefreakoh what the hell11:44
indusgnomefreak: yah i know,but i hope this is not default behaviour in final, new users have to go through the new grub 2 config omg11:44
gnomefreakgrub2: Installed: (none)11:44
gnomefreakhow am i booting :(11:44
gnomefreakindus: it is default nad will be that way11:44
scizzo-gnomefreak: hehe....good question11:44
gnomefreakindus: let me see if i have meail still11:44
gnomefreakemail even11:45
indusi did read that mail( from brian murray) ??11:45
gnomefreakindus: dont recall if it was brian or colin11:45
scizzo-gnomefreak: but from what I know is that grub is not updated since there where known thingys with it going from jaunty to karmic or something like that11:45
indussomeone had pasted in the forums11:46
gnomefreakscizzo-: ok last i heard they had done it but i guess they recalled that idea11:46
scizzo-gnomefreak: it should be the deps of ubuntu-desktop right?11:48
gnomefreakscizzo-: Depends: grub-pc11:49
gnomefreakscizzo-: no grub package depends on *-desktop11:50
scizzo-gnomefreak: aaaa11:50
gnomefreakone of the other packages in its depends not named with grub might11:50
scizzo-gnomefreak: I wonder if it will read the old config though11:50
gnomefreaktry apt-cache rdepends ubuntu-desktop11:51
gnomefreakthat will show you reverse depends on ubuntu-desktop11:51
scizzo-aaa ok thanks11:51
gnomefreakif something in there depends on grub that is different11:51
gnomefreaknow why it changed from blue to black is a great question and i wish i knew answer11:52
gnomefreaki was bzr was fixed i kind of need it, makes life easy for me to build packages but i need bzr-builddeb but is set to be removed :)11:54
gnomefreakbe back smoke11:54
nztalanyone know how to show grub2 menu on boot instead of it being hidden activated by escape ?12:06
gnomefreaknztal: yes it is in ubuntuforums as well as the mailing list i just dont remember off hand12:07
nztalthanks i'll look in the forums12:07
nztalthank you12:08
cortex|sknztal: in /boot/grub/menu.lst add # before "hiddenmenu"12:13
nztali'm using grub2 though12:13
industhat list should NOT be edited12:14
industhere is no /boot/grub/menu.lst now anyways12:14
nztalit was edited to do a splash screen image.  its working fine. people are instructing people to edit it for various reasons12:14
nztalyes that is what i thought.  i simply wish to see my grub2 menu on boot12:14
indusi mean now its some grub.cfg which should not be edited it seems12:15
nztaloh, well people are definitely modifing it these days12:15
induswell,it changes automatic on reboot again12:16
nztalif grub2.cfg should not be edited what file do you reference for changes ?12:16
nztalgrub.cfg rather12:17
induswait 1 sec12:17
cdE|Woozynztal, /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/*12:17
nztalooh.  thank you cdE|Woozy.  karmic is my first experience with grub212:17
cdE|Woozysudo update-grub after you made any changes, this generates /boot/grub/grub.cfg from those files12:17
nztalupdate-grub or update-grub2 ?12:18
cdE|Woozyupdate-grub should work12:19
nztalok thank you12:19
cdE|Woozyhehe, update-grub2 just calls update-grub :)12:20
nztalthank you for the help12:20
gnomefreakthere 2 grub2 bugs filed12:23
SocahHello. I got fallowing problem. I have grub2, and 2 distros atm - gentoo and ubuntu testing. I had once ubuntu 9.04, ubuntu testing and arch.  Now, after installing gentoo, I just want to update grub, so as mentioned in doc's I need to run update-grub2. And I do so, it detecs ubuntu12:36
Socah testing, and gentoo as it shold. After this, I enter /boot/grub/grub.cfg, and this new file doesn't contain gentoo,  but my old oses that  doesn't exist - arch, ubuntu 9.04, and ubuntu testing that exist. Anyone could give me a hint, what I did wrong?12:36
Ian_Cornesudo update-grub ?12:44
Ian_Cornemaybe it didn't have rights to write that file12:44
Socahit writes file, in fact I moved old grub.cfg12:44
Socahso there were no file, and it was created12:44
cdE|WoozySocah, is this the entire grub.cfg you pasted?12:52
AnAntHello, how can I change boot splash from xplash to usplash ?12:53
shadeslayerAnAnt: whats the problem with xsplash? ( im installing it btw )12:54
cdE|Woozyit's missing several lines from 30_os-prober and 40_custom which might indicate that they were never used, although they should have been12:54
AnAntshadeslayer: nothing, except that I dunno how to make a theme for xsplash12:54
AnAntshadeslayer: did you see my comment on the PC beep bug ?12:55
shadeslayerAnAnt: um nope.... can you paste the link?12:55
shadeslayeralso i accideently installed kubuntu-grub-splashimages and i cant remove it12:56
cdE|WoozyAnAnt, xsplash is only started after X has come up, everything before that should still be done by usplash at the moment12:56
AnAntcdE|Woozy: are you sure ?12:57
AnAntcdE|Woozy: ok, I'll check again, thanks12:57
cdE|WoozyAnAnt, the plan is to start X as early as possible (which doesn't happen at the moment) and then use xsplash on top of X to display the boot splash, completely replacing usplash. as long as usplash is installed, it should paint the usual theme until X is started12:59
* shadeslayer hopes they get there asap13:00
AnAntcdE|Woozy: have you got info about making xsplash themes ?13:00
diverse_izzuewhen using two screens, how can i determine on which screen my gnome panel is?13:01
cdE|WoozyAnAnt, I don't know whether there is a draft for making those themes already, but xsplash itself doesn't do more than load a hard-coded image and fade it in and out for now. so even if there was some documentation on how to make xsplash themes, I don't think you could actually test them yet13:03
gnomefreakscizzo-: grub-pc is installed grub2 is a meta package thats why it says not installed13:03
shadeslayerhow do i use apt to force a package remove?13:03
SocahcdE|Woozy: almost, some comments are cutted out13:04
AnAntcdE|Woozy: I think that it is xsplash that starts here , because I get Ubuntu's splash theme when I boot (Ubuntu with some colorful progress bar), and my own usplash theme when I shutdown13:05
cdE|WoozyAnAnt, have you tried running sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash?13:06
cdE|WoozyI think the images are stored in the initrd, sometimes there is an old image somewhere causing this inconsistency13:06
AnAntoh , yes, you're right !13:07
cdE|WoozySocah, are those comments mentioning 30_os-prober and 40_custom?13:07
AnAntcdE|Woozy: yup, that done it13:08
SocahcdE|Woozy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255707/13:08
AnAntshadeslayer: LP 41479513:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414795 in linux "PC beep no longer works in Karmic alpha4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41479513:08
shadeslayerAnAnt: ok13:10
mac_vAnAnt: Bug #290204 , that because the pcskr is blacklisted13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290204 in gnome-session "Annoying beep on shutdown using "System -> Shut down..."" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29020413:10
mac_vAnAnt: it was blacklisted in the recent update, because users were complaining13:11
shadeslayerAnAnt: ill just test that out13:11
shadeslayerwhat idk is how to remove kubuntu-grub-splashimages :P13:12
AnAntmac_v: but even if it is blacklisted, if I modprobe pcspkr, it should work13:12
cdE|WoozySocah, hm, maybe there is something in /var/log/syslog that could indicate why os-prober doesn't find any of your other installations13:12
AnAntoh, maybe the conflict is because new PC beep is using proper sound system, so some conflict happens ?13:12
mac_vAnAnt: pulse has several problems as of now , nothing audio works properly13:13
AnAntmac_v: so this bug I am experience is a pulseaudio problem rather than a kernel problem ?13:14
mac_vAnAnt: yeah13:14
AnAntok thanks13:14
shadeslayersuppose i install grub,just using apt-get install grub,it will not rewrite the mbr right?13:20
mac_vshadeslayer: you mean grub2?13:21
shadeslayermac_v: actually,i installed kubuntu-splash-images,and now i cant remove them since it searches for menu.lst13:22
mac_vhmm... kubuntu i dont know13:23
shadeslayermac_v: so if you can help me remove that package without removing grub2 its well and good,or ill install grub and then remove the package and the reinstall grub213:23
shadeslayerok so ill just install grub remove the package and reinstall grub213:24
AnAntshadeslayer: please set the status of the bug to confirmed13:37
AnAntshadeslayer: is pcspkr currently modprobe'd on your system ?13:37
AnAntshadeslayer: I mean, did you test already ?13:37
shadeslayerAnAnt: yeah,isnt working13:38
AnAntshadeslayer: even if you rmmod pcspkr ?13:38
shadeslayerAnAnt: im not a authorized person to do that13:38
shadeslayerAnAnt: yep13:38
AnAntshadeslayer: did you use alsamixer to unmute PC Beep13:38
shadeslayerAnAnt: yep13:39
fiXXXerMetIf I have a local repo mirroring (using apt-mirror) karmic, karmic-backports and karmic-updates, will this keep the packages up to date with the alpha releases?13:48
xray7224hey guys13:50
mac_v!hi | xray722413:51
ubottuxray7224: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!13:51
fiXXXerMetIf I have downloaded karmic alpha 3, can I just do a dist-upgrade to upgrade to alpha 4?14:01
shadeslayerfiXXXerMet: i dont see why not14:02
BluesKajhiyas all14:11
mac_v!hi | BluesKaj14:11
ubottuBluesKaj: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!14:11
BluesKajheh , thx14:12
xray7224i got a hi from the bot too14:12
aboSamoorpulseaudio exits suddenly then gnome-settings-daemon crash after that, does any one face the same problem ?14:12
mac_vxray7224: but BluesKaj is more here than the bot , ;p14:12
xray7224smexy stuff14:14
BluesKajaboSamoor, my pulseaudio doesn't even work the media audio test falls back to my soundcard driver according the message that pops up14:15
BluesKajoops 'scuse the poor punctuation14:16
xray7224i donno whether i should update14:16
BluesKajaboSamoor, my pulseaudio doesn't even work , the media audio test falls back to my soundcard driver, according the message that pops up14:16
mac_vaboSamoor: pulse is very buggy atm , so expect everything ;)14:17
xray7224yay buggy :D14:17
sparrhow broken is karmic these days?14:17
aboSamoorBluesKaj, What I noticed that before when pulseaudio crash the music player does not play any more, today pulseaudio crashing does not affect the music player, but I can not change the sound level using the function keys anymore, now trying to run pulseaudio again affect the music player and no more sound is available14:17
xray7224broken enough its fun :P14:17
* xray7224 points out im a bad source since im still not on it14:18
BluesKajxray7224, I still have sound on all the media palyers etc , they just don't use pulseaudio as the soundserver ..now i think this situation os restricted those with pci souncards , not the onboards14:18
sparraugust and february are usually when I start pining for debian testing due to 4 months of package lag in ubuntu...  +1 starts looking really inviting14:18
xray7224i believe i shall update today14:18
mac_vBluesKaj: sometimes you can go into sound prefs and mute and unmute the volume it helps too14:19
aboSamoorbut what is the relation between pulseaudio and gnome-settings-daemon ?!14:19
mac_vaboSamoor: BluesKaj the root cause is Bug #411962 , the audio gets locked ,14:19
sparrim gonna look at the package upgrade list, see if any of my favorite bugs have been fixed14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411962 in pulseaudio "Pulse audio queues audio and gets locked to the app PID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41196214:19
mac_vaboSamoor: the settings daemon crash is not related AFAIK14:20
sparrkvirc is fixed...14:20
xray7224im gunna update14:20
mac_vaboSamoor: there is a seperate bug for that14:20
xray7224im bored =]14:20
* shadeslayer tickles xray7224 14:21
* aboSamoor subscribing, thinking of quiting studying to follow the large stack of bugs he has 14:21
* xray7224 jumps on shadeslayer 14:21
sebsebsebSyka: hi14:22
mac_vaboSamoor: Bug #321041 , provide a backtrace if you can , they dont have one yet , see comment #2214:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321041 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in xkl_process_error()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32104114:22
shadeslayerxray7224: want to play a game? join #jswolfbot :)14:23
C-S-Bsebsebseb: carry on14:23
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:23
sebsebsebC-S-B: well indus won't join hmm14:23
sebsebsebnot much to say really on the Ext4 topic other than14:23
sebsebsebbest to clean install14:24
sebsebsebfor the full support14:24
sebsebseband i'll   tell loads of people to clean install  once  9.10 is out, since Ext4 is so worth it :)14:24
shadeslayersebsebseb: ++++++++++++++14:24
Sykawell, I installed the Alpha 4 the other day14:24
SykaEmpathy is bad D:14:25
sebsebsebSyka: well   I  been playing in a vm,   i'll install properly later14:25
sebsebsebthat new GDM I am not so keen on14:25
sebsebsebI used to hate KDM14:25
sebsebseb,but now  the KDE 4 version of KDM, wow that looks nice14:25
aboSamoormac_v,  I deleted my .gconf today to try to see if there is any cause that my gconfd-2 eating the cpu14:25
SykaI haven't seen the new GDM14:25
shadeslayersebsebseb: join the group14:25
sebsebsebalso  I coudn't get into  the  log in screen window for  GDM  without crashing, but hey karmic is alpha14:26
sebsebsebso bugs14:26
aboSamoormac_v, now, gconfd-2 works fine with metacity and compiz and gnome-do cpu bug stopped14:26
mac_vaboSamoor: huh ?14:26
sebsebsebshadeslayer: why don't you like it?14:26
shadeslayersebsebseb: i thought you liked KDM?14:27
aboSamoormac_v, I think this most of the bugs comes from bringing settings from old versions [9.04] to run in newer development versions14:27
* shadeslayer likes the new KDM14:27
sebsebsebshadeslayer: yes I like the new KDM,   the old one I didn't like14:27
sebsebsebor is it just the way Kubuntu has done it hmm14:27
mac_vaboSamoor: i'v cleaned the gconf too , but this happened to me only once till now14:27
SykaKDE, ew. I've had nothing but issues with it14:27
sebsebsebSyka: yeah I don't like KDE  that much,  it's ashame that KDE 3 is on the verge of dieing14:28
shadeslayersebsebseb: oh ok,i havent tried out GDM since gnome usually screws up KDE (thats for you Syka )14:28
mac_vaboSamoor: also , i dont shutdown my system often , so that maybe once reason i see less of the crash14:28
sebsebsebSyka: however some of the KDE apps are pretty  good to have in Gnome as well :)14:28
SykaNew GDM is ew14:28
aboSamoormac_v, I expect that pusleaudio is buggy, but the problem that I have to log out to return things as it was, is there any way to keep applications open while restarting X ?14:28
SykaIt's... a step backwards14:29
SykaAnd I hate KDE apps. They're always the hardest to use and make my Eee at school chew though battery14:29
nevcairielJust wait until the new GDM gets a proper skin, and it'll look good again =)14:30
shadeslayernevcairiel: you mean never?14:30
mac_vaboSamoor: AFAIK , nope... but you can use save session , to restart the apps automatically14:30
Sykawell, honestly, it's a login.14:31
Sykawe need to step back and realise that you only see it for 20 seconds14:31
PiciIts a rewrite iirc.14:31
aboSamoormac_v, i want to keep my self loggin to the IRC channel all the time14:31
sebsebsebgood news with Karmic though is  that,   logout and shutdown is back in the system menu, where it's meant to be,   that's where it is in upstream  Gnome.    Ubuntu's/Canonicals   edited  fusa (fast user account switcher)  wasn't that bad really,  altough the changes weren't part of upstream Gnome,  however it pissed me off big time,  how as a result of it they removed shut down and logout from the system menu,  where as I already put it's14:31
sebsebsebmeant to be.  Also I hope people here can understand why,  as someone who has been shutting down from that menu,  since  Fedora Core 2, back in 2004.14:31
shadeslayernew skin for 9.04 Ubuntu.....oh wait itll be released in 9.10......or in 10.04.....or never :P14:31
sebsebsebthen  Ubuntu since second release in 2005 for me14:31
mac_vaboSamoor: not possible ;)14:31
SykaNo! I liked it in FUSA14:31
mac_vsebsebseb: dont worry ,its just temporary14:32
sebsebsebmac_v: what is?14:32
mac_vsebsebseb: FUSA is eing reworked14:32
arandSyka: but it's still 20 secs of _every_ single computer boot (unless you auto-login)14:32
sebsebsebmac_v: uhmm?14:32
sebsebsebmac_v: as long as shutdown and logout are in the system menu  where they are meant to be  :)14:32
BluesKajxray7224,  install update-manager -d if you don't already have it then use it the runbox , it'll offer to update to a newer OS ..it's the best way to go about upgrading14:32
Sykaarand: True14:33
sebsebsebSyka: I liked 8.10,  how  it had shutdown and logout in the system menu :)   ,but  also a fusa,  which  is good14:33
mac_vsebsebseb: the present one you see on the panel is user-switch-applet  , FUSA is in development , when it is done no option will be in the system menu14:33
aboSamoormac_v, thanks :), recently I read an article on reddit that windows restart the graphics stack without closing applications, it is just the screen flicker [not sure though, because i don't use windows]14:33
Sykasebsebseb: I skipped 8.10 D:14:33
Sykasebsebseb: I had 8.04 netbook remix and then 9.0414:33
sebsebsebmac_v: hmm,  well  in that case, as long as  it's the same as upstream Gnome, then it should be alright  I guess14:33
Sykasebsebseb: UbuntuEee, rather14:33
mac_vaboSamoor: are you referring to the updates without restart? link to article pls?14:34
mac_vsebsebseb: nope , the shutdown will only be in FUSA14:34
Sykasebsebseb: I only really started using Linux about four months ago. Before then it was my Eee only, as my laptop had an ATI, and I've heard horror stories14:34
sebsebsebmac_v: hmm  well in that case,  as long as there is a way to add it back to the system menu, without  also having to remove FUSA,   and i'll be happy I think14:34
Sykanow I have a custom build server/gaming/monster C:14:35
mac_vsebsebseb: i think you can trun it on from gconf , the FUSA only changed the setting sin the gconf to not show the options14:35
Sykahaha. I love the "Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system" at the top there14:35
sebsebsebmac_v: oh14:36
scizzo-Syka: its true also14:36
Sykascizzo-: Yes, that is right14:36
sebsebsebmac_v: well in that case, as long as I know how to add it back, I should be happy :)14:37
Sykascizzo-: But hey, better than 7. That won't even boot in my VM14:37
Sykascizzo-: Won't detect the disks*... it boots, and then the mouse lags14:37
sebsebsebmac_v:  ,but I don't know how,  except for removing fusa14:37
BluesKajyup, one must bear in mind the consequences of the bleeding edge :)14:38
KarmicSyka: If you're unexperienced it may break your system, but if you know how things work under the hood then you should be fine14:38
SykaKarmic: Epic username GET.14:38
aboSamoormac_v, rereading the article again, it seems works for updates. http://www.osnews.com/story/21999/Editorial_X_Could_Learn_a_Lot_from_Vista_Windows_7. I don't like his way of writing it does not seem objective14:38
sebsebsebmac_v: anyway  I see,  so   it isn't fusa at the moment in  9.04,   I guess that explains  the  suckyness14:39
sebsebsebmac_v: 9.04 I meant karmic alpha414:39
fiXXXerMetIf I booted into a live CD and modified the sources.list file to use my local mirror, and the used usb-creator to created a usb bootable stick, will it copy over my modified sources.list file?14:39
mac_vaboSamoor: the web is open to such c$$p , :/14:42
mac_varticles just aernt clear!14:43
BluesKajfiXXXerMet, do you mean will it create a new sources.list ?..."copy over" is an ambiguous phrase14:43
fiXXXerMetBluesKaj: Yes, you're right.  Will it create a new sources.list file based on my changes?14:43
SykaaboSamoor: What14:44
SykaaboSamoor: That guy obviously has no idea what he's doing14:44
aboSamoorSyka, I am also does not have idea why restarting X has to close all my applications. I tried in the past x clone server but it was not easy to use so I can keep my applications open whenX crash14:45
SykaaboSamoor: It does it because they are X applications - they need X running. But, if X is crashing, something is up14:46
malnilionI'm ready to take the plunge for Karmic (and am an experienced Ubuntu/Linux user), but I'm having trouble connecting to repos for some reason after the dist upgrade begins.  Any ideas?14:46
SykaaboSamoor: I have never had X crash on me. Sure, gnome-panel, but that's always happening14:46
Sykamalnilion: Fresh install C:14:46
aboSamoorSyka, from user point of view there is no difference between running level 0 and that one before X14:47
BluesKajsave a copy of your edited souces.list on the web like in a gmail or some such and if the newone isn't what you want then just copy the text from the saved one.14:47
SykaaboSamoor: I',14:47
BluesKajer fiXXXerMet , see above14:47
malnilionSyka, easier said than done, I'm running a Eee netbook with no disc drive :P14:47
SykaaboSamoor: In my experience, Windows drivers crashing kills the entire laptop and I have to remove the battery, so it's not a Linux thing. Why is X crashing?14:48
malnilionSyka, and while I have a thumb drive, I know of no thumb images that are currently available14:48
Sykamalnilion: You have a Windows box lying around?14:48
malnilionSyka, yep, this netbook has XP14:48
Sykamalnilion: This is about the only thing I use it for now. Download the regular ISO image, and use a windows app called UNetBootin to make your USB drive bootable14:49
Sykamalnilion: Then restart, let it boot off the USB and kazam, Karmic14:49
malnilionHehe, okay, I'm following what you're saying.  "Burn" the iso onto the USB?14:50
Sykamalnilion: No, use UnetBootin14:50
malnilionOh, okay, so the app boots a saved iso or something?14:50
Sykamalnilion: http://sourceforge.net/projects/unetbootin/files/UNetbootin/356/unetbootin-windows-357.exe/download14:51
Sykamalnilion: It copies it to the USB drive and makes it bootable14:51
aboSamoorSyka, mac_v  I made a mistake :). X does not crash on machine, I can not remember that, usually I needs to log out just to return pulseaudio or gnome settings daemon sane, so I loose my applications I do that. I usually kill processes and run them again with same parameter but that does not work, so logout is the only reliable solution I have. sorry for my misunderstanding14:51
malnilionSyka, is it possible to install Karmic over the current install?14:51
Sykamalnilion: I would wipe and then reinstall, much easier14:52
kristian42Sometime around alpha2 the mouse on my laptop stopped working after resume from suspend. Anyone know if this is a known issue ?14:53
sebsebsebmac_v: well this is a rather good read when  it comes to the  fusa stuff,  and regarding  9.04  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1094627.html14:55
mac_vsebsebseb: users will *always* resist change even if is good for them , the unknown/new thing is always scary!14:56
sebsebsebmac_v: depends what the changes are,  also  aren't Linux distros  and opensource/freesoftware  meant to be all about choice?   Well this stuff isn't choice.14:58
BluesKajmalnilion, there is an alternative if you are on 9.04: install update-manager -d if you don't already have it , then use it the runbox , it'll offer to update to a newer OS ..it's the best way to go about upgrading14:58
mac_vsebsebseb: there is a choice , its just people dont want to look!14:58
sebsebsebmac_v: there is no button or something that I can press,  that  puts this stuff to  how I want it,  like 8.1014:59
mac_vsebsebseb: simpler , dont upgrade ;)15:00
sebsebsebmac_v: you say maybe I can edit gconf  to  get what I want.   Have I even done stuff with gconf before hmm, well how to access it?15:00
malnilionBluesKaj, I think I'm probably taking a very potentially messy approach, but I simply decided to edit my sources.list and see if that'll bypass my problem.15:00
sebsebsebmac_v: newer is not always better sure,   but  I can  virtual machine older versions as well if I want to, for example,  and other distros for that matter15:00
BluesKajmalnilion, yeah that's the way most of us do it by using the karmic ppas repos , but not knowing the approach you like to use I suggested the non terminal/cli approach to upgrading :)15:02
malnilionBluesKaj, wait a sec, you mean I should be using the ppas, rather than official, repos?15:03
BluesKajI used it on our laptop on Mon and it worked fine15:03
sebsebsebmac_v: I think  Canonical   cater a lot  to  brand new users,  and  that's  where  sometimes some of us that have used it for a while bump into issues,   this fusa and system menu  thing in my case.   Oh sure it's great to cater for the new users,  win market share against Windows :),  however  it's not that good  to upset experiended users,  even if  it's only over little things,  fusa and system menu thing for example.  Also some people15:04
sebsebsebare more forgiving over these things than others,  in fact  one guy left Ubuntu, because with  9.04  they haven't followed upstream Gnome properly and such.15:04
mac_v!offtopic | sebsebseb15:04
ubottusebsebseb: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.15:04
malnilionBluesKaj, oh well, here's to hoping *goes to get a beer*15:04
sebsebsebmac_v: maybe a little,   but I have good points there I think :)15:05
mac_vsebsebseb: as i said , people will always resist change , its inherent15:05
scizzo-sebsebseb: I believe you are flaming actually15:05
BluesKajmalnilion, well some are ppas and some aren't ..sorry for the confusion15:05
sebsebsebscizzo-: I am expressing an opinion :)15:06
scizzo-sebsebseb: all I have seen so far is complaints15:06
* sebsebseb has a feeling that karmic will be pretty good though, by what he has seen15:06
scizzo-if there are functions and so on missing...then launchpad is there for that purpose to give you the ability to add wishlist items....also you can use brainstorm for that15:07
=== kavurt is now known as yukan
sebsebsebscizzo-: ok15:13
* arand feels that brainstorm is dead15:13
sebsebsebarand: why?15:15
arandsebsebseb: Well, there are quite a few suggestion there, but it seems the thing that happens is they get popular and a bunch of votes, and then just falls into forgetfulness.15:17
sebsebsebarand: yeah and it also has silly suggestions here and there15:18
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
arandsebsebseb: a lot, so I can see why devs might not like spending too much time there, since it's a pretty low s/n ratio, I guess.15:21
sebsebsebarand: s/n ratio  what you mean?15:22
sebsebsebarand: what do you mean?15:24
sebsebsebah ok15:24
arandsebsebseb: a lot of irrelevant/impossible/incomprehensible ideas, and unfortunately no really good way to separate out the good ideas (lot of votes normally seems to indocate a very _general_ idea not necessarily a very good one...)15:27
mac_varand: brainstorm is just a ideabox , if some devs is interested in developing it he will else its not used :(15:27
sebsebsebmac_v: he/she :D  #ubuntu-women15:29
alankilaI think that in general ubuntu's style to change things around is a healthy development. Almost all human culture tends to stagnate under the weight of its legacy, which comes from adding new stuff but generally not removing obsolete stuff. It's nice to see that people experiment, change & adopt new ways, and part of the process is destroying the old ways, I think.15:29
alankila(what, me off-topic?)15:29
sebsebsebalankila: the old ways  Microsoft,  closed source software :D   yeah  Linux and other opensource/freesoftware is  getting there more and more on the desktop, as time goes on,   already has other major markets,  servers,  desktop,  mobile phone, etc,  (what, me off-topic?)15:31
arandmac_v: yea, but I think that for bstorm to remain popular it has to offer more than the slim off-chance that your idea might be taken aboard...15:31
sebsebsebalankila: uh by mistake I put desktop when I said markets that  Linux dominates on15:32
sebsebsebalankila: well  mobile phones  I should of said are going to be going a lot more LInux15:32
sebsebsebalankila: ,but the super computers and such, yep Linux for a lot of them :)15:33
alankilaWell, that wasn't what I was talking about, but never mind.15:33
sebsebsebyeah people not wanting to change, but change being good?   or something on those lines?15:34
sebsebseband a lot of the newer stuff is based on the older stuff?15:34
sebsebsebor you meant code  getting bloated, because having to have support for older  hardware for example?15:35
alankilaThat point already had an exposition. No... I'm thinking that it's a healthy and refreshing to see people change things like how you log out of your desktop in name of having found a better way to do it. The worst thing that can happen is listen to us old beards complain that the old way to do stuff was better. That stifles all progress.15:35
sebsebsebsure, but newer is not always better15:35
mac_varand: unfortunately no. since this is a community its either you do the hacking and give back or any idea which the devs are not interested is just a rant[i use it very loosely]15:36
alankilaStill, it's always possible to screw things up, and right at this point we will have anecdotes flying around, I think.15:36
diverse_izzuewhat's the recommended way of requesting an upgrade to a newer version of a package?15:37
alankilaHowever, I believe everyone learnt some lessons in the last decade, given that the habitual response to conflicting desires of the user base is no longer "let's add a configuration option for that".15:37
sebsebsebin a way  opensource/freesoftware is going back to the old ways of doing things,  when  proggrammers shared code with each other,   but then  along came  closed source companies  such as Microsoft to mess that up,  but  the tide is turning/changing :)15:38
sebsebseb!ot  |  alankila  sebsebseb15:38
ubottualankila  sebsebseb: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.15:38
sebsebsebindeed we are,  and  I don't want to join there right now15:38
shadeslayeranyone experiencing the cover flow not working? instead the windows just slide in and out?15:45
shadeslayerby deafult it works but not when i start customizing the desktop effects15:45
shadeslayerill try rm -rf .kde one last time15:47
shadeslayermake the mv ,kde15:48
shadeslayerugh..works for like 5 min and then doesnt work again16:00
xray7224ive just updated16:27
natewiebe13xray7224: congrats16:35
xray7224thanks =]16:35
natewiebe13i just updated too16:36
JamalFanaianHello :P)16:36
JamalFanaianSo I'm trying to figure out if a bug has been reported that started happening after updating last night... but I can't figure out how to explain it16:37
JamalFanaianHere is a screenshot of it: http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/7197/notify.png16:37
JamalFanaianI have an ATI card but I'm not using fglrx (I guess I'm using the radeon drivers? I'm not sure..)16:37
natewiebe13weird.. mines still working great16:37
natewiebe13im using nvidia16:38
natewiebe13with nvidia 190.18 drivers16:38
JamalFanaiannatewiebe13: hm... so it may be a driver issue16:38
JamalFanaianhow do i find out what driver / version i'm using?16:38
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: what video are you on?16:38
natewiebe13i dont know for ati16:38
PiciJamalFanaian: Do you have desktop effects enabled?16:39
JamalFanaianPici: no, this computer can run it but it makes it run too slow16:39
loonyphoenixdpkg -s xserver-xorg-video-ati16:39
loonyphoenixshows your video driver16:39
loonyphoenixunless you're using fglrx16:39
loonyphoenixwhich is the one you install through driver manager16:40
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: i'm not using fglrx16:40
JamalFanaianVersion: 1:6.12.99+git20090629.f39cafc5-0ubuntu616:40
JamalFanaianthat's the version for xserver-xorg-video-ati16:40
Piciloonyphoenix: No. xserver-xorg-video-ati is installed by default when xorg is installed.16:40
PiciIts a dependency through xserver-xorg-video-all16:41
loonyphoenixYeah, I understand16:41
loonyphoenixAnyway, I'm on Intel so I can't help:)16:41
JamalFanaianoh :\16:42
JamalFanaianit happens with gnome-do too16:42
JamalFanaianand if i try to run glxgears the scren is just blcak16:42
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: your desktop is so like mine :)16:43
loonyphoenixI have gnome-do too16:43
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: hehe :)16:43
PiciJamalFanaian: grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you what modules that xorg is using, you'll either have fglrx or radeon/ati listed there, or something else entirely.16:43
JamalFanaiangnome-do is awesome16:43
loonyphoenixdo you have the bug where you can't open home folder with it, though?16:43
JamalFanaianPici: it lists radeon16:43
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: haven't tried16:43
JamalFanaianno it worked fine16:43
JamalFanaiani can't see what i'm typing though ><!16:43
JamalFanaianoh wait no it didn't open16:44
JamalFanaianit says starting home folder and then it just goes away16:44
loonyphoenixgood to see i'm not alone)16:44
loonyphoenixthat's what happening here too16:44
loonyphoenixhow do I open 7zip files? can fileroller do that?16:46
Piciloonyphoenix: install the p7zip package and then file-roller will be able to handle those files.16:47
loonyphoenixnever mind I think i know16:47
loonyphoenixyeah, that's what I found, but thanks anyway)16:48
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: what's that font you're using?16:50
suitDoes anyone have TOR installed and running properly on Karmic?16:51
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: Droid :)16:53
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: ttf-droid is the package16:53
JamalFanaiani found it last night, it's so nice..16:53
JamalFanaianit's the font used in the android phones16:54
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: I tried it, but it didn't look as nice for me...16:54
JamalFanaianso any clue how i can report this bug accurately?16:54
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: i would play wiht the font sizes16:54
JamalFanaianin my desktop it looked weird at anything smaller than 10, but on my laptop anything bigger than 9 looks bad16:54
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: report it with ubuntu-bug notify-osd :) attach the screenshot and all will be undertood.16:56
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: I'll try playing with it, thanks16:56
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: ah thx16:57
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: but it happens with a lot of things...16:57
JamalFanaianthe brightness dialogs do it16:57
JamalFanaianit's like everything that uses opengl or something16:57
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: so you say you don't have desktop effects enabled? what if you do enable it, does the bug persist?16:58
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: let me try16:58
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: <lame joke>I'd like to see me try to stop you from over here :)</lame joke>16:58
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: anyway, if it's a system-wide video-related bug, I'd report it with ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-ati17:00
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: ok i'll try that17:01
JamalFanaiandesktop effects won't enable for some reason :(17:01
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: i've never used ubuntu-bug before.. this is kind of nice :)17:02
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: well that's weird. have you fiddled with video configuration in any way?17:02
loonyphoenixyeah, but it needs a gui imo...17:02
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: it is a guy o.O17:03
loonyphoenixJamalFanaian: oh, and by the way, sorry to ask, but it's always good to make sure :) have you tried rebooting?17:03
JamalFanaianloonyphoenix: yeah i have lol17:04
loonyphoenixokay :) just checking17:04
loonyphoenixgui = graphical user interface. you know that, don't you?17:04
loonyphoenix(ubuntu-bug is a guy, not a gal :) )17:05
loonyphoenixand yeah, now that I think about it it does have a dialogue where you hit okay... but that's it17:05
Q-FUNKanyone here who works on the language writing support packs for Karmic?17:06
kaddiwill grub2 be automatically installed when jaunty is upgraded to karmic? Or only for clean installs?17:07
loonyphoenixkaddi: I think you'll have to upgrade manually if you want to17:08
kaddiloonyphoenix: right now it is not installed when I upgrade to the alpha. I was wondering about the final release (should have said that :p )17:08
kaddiwill it be the same?17:09
Q-FUNKkaddi: only on new installs.17:09
loonyphoenixkaddi: i was talking about the plans I heard about for the final release17:09
Q-FUNKupgrades remain with grub117:09
kaddiloonyphoenix:  ok, good to know :) thanks17:09
kaddithanks Q-FUNK  as well :)17:10
alankiladamnit, xapian. I thought we would be rid of this nuisance. You barely squash one beast and another takes its place, as if it were a law of nature that package installations have to be slow.17:42
Samuel-NotAFKWhen 10.04 LTS is released, I'm going to install from CD and never change OS ever again.17:45
nevcairielever? LTS isnt *that* long :p17:46
malnilionYou might miss out on new features...17:47
Samuel-NotAFKThat's why God invented backports.17:50
Dark-Starhi guys! I'm searching for the xorg.conf file and the xorg server logs on my (x)ubuntu 9.10 system. Can't find them in /etc/ nor /var/log/... any pointers?17:55
buckymaybe in /etc/X11   maybe not if you haven't created one yet17:56
billybigriggerthey don't exsist17:56
billybigriggeror *it* doesn't exist is more like it17:57
Dark-Starok so how do I find out which xserver xorg uses, which options (like xaa etc.) are set? and how do I change these options?17:57
sebsebsebSamuel-NotAFK: new file systems,  clean install for full support :)17:57
shadeslayeromg....66MB of KDE upgrades17:58
Samuel-NotAFKsebsebseb: ext4 will remain the standard file system until the next LTS17:58
shadeslayerwell i hope they resolve the issues im having :(17:58
sebsebsebSamuel-NotAFK: maybe and maybe not17:58
buckythat's a good question Dark-Star,  where do you set options like XAA billybigrigger17:58
kaddishadeslayer: srsly? I'm gonna get my cable back out again then :p Even thought wifi is working17:58
sebsebsebSamuel-NotAFK: BTFS for example17:58
Dark-Starmy problem is: I have an old ATI chipset and I'm hitting 100%cpu for things like moving any window. All hints I found on the net are about setting xserver options, but I can't do that without the xorg.conf :-(17:58
Samuel-NotAFKsebsebseb: Perhaps.17:58
Samuel-NotAFKsebsebseb: I've made my prediction.17:58
billybigriggerbucky, what is XAA?17:59
billybigriggersomething to do with intel or radeon i take it? :)17:59
sebsebsebSamuel-NotAFK: also you say  when  10.04 comes out  and never clean install,  right, but  9.10 final will have default Ext4 support17:59
Dark-Starati mobility M6 to be exact18:00
billybigriggernvidia user here18:00
sebsebsebSamuel-NotAFK: I just want to say,   saying  that  you will never clean install is a bit silly,   since as we  just descussed file systemes, but  also  your hard disk could fail,  and then you install again on another hard disk,   or  you  might get another computer that you want to install on as well18:00
shadeslayerkaddi: yeah... http://pastebin.ca/153530118:01
kaddinice :/18:01
* kaddi goes checking her karmic18:01
nztaluse nvidia on my laptop, and ATI at home.  i'm able to install the ATI drivers as they are available at home, and i had to install the official nvidia (installer to get up and working here)18:01
shadeslayerkaddi: there was a hash mismatch error at first....updated again and it was gone18:01
buckybillybigrigger:  X Acceleration Architecture   Option "Accel"18:02
shadeslayerkaddi: btw have you tried the cover flow alt+tab thing with the slide back decoration? can you confirm if cover flow stops working after 15 min or so?18:02
nztal9.10 even if it were not to have default ext4 support, i'm pretty sure it would be an optional filesystem18:02
kaddishadeslayer: cover flow? what is that?18:03
sebsebsebnztal: sure same here, since it's an optional file system for 9.0418:03
nztalcompiz effect18:03
natewiebe13nztal: optional if you do custom partitioning, also nvidia 190.18 drivers work from the ppa18:03
shadeslayerkaddi: :o18:03
natewiebe13cover flow works for me18:03
shadeslayerkaddi: K > system settings > desktop > Effect for window switching18:03
=== yukan is now known as kavurt
nztalnatewiebe13, i thought i had latest nvidia which are 185 series from downloading the public installer.  is there something yet else thats newer ?18:03
malnilionSamuel-NotAFK, you realize that backports are only released by God until the version is deemed deprecated, yes? :P18:04
shadeslayernztal: yeah , 190.x Beta18:04
nztalooh thank you18:04
shadeslayernztal: you will have to compile them18:04
nztali wouldn't mind trying those  could you reference the PPA for me18:04
shadeslayerwhich is easy peasy18:04
shadeslayernztal: no PPA18:04
shadeslayernztal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99097818:04
nztalthank you18:05
sebsebsebshadeslayer: with that also being the name for a distro18:05
nztali'll give it a shot.18:05
* shadeslayer hands nztal a forum link18:05
shadeslayersebsebseb: ??18:05
shadeslayersebsebseb: oh easy peasy?18:05
sebsebsebshadeslayer: easy peasy is  based on  whatever Canoncial had before for netbooks or whatever18:05
sebsebsebshadeslayer: unoffical yep18:05
* shadeslayer cant help loling18:05
sebsebsebshadeslayer: http://www.distrowatch.com there's a page for it, and Ubuntu and Kubuntu of course, but  also other distros18:06
kaddishadeslayer:ok I do know cover flow, it's just not an english system. :D What is the slide backn decoration you mentioned? A theme or another desktop effect?18:06
sebsebsebshadeslayer: by the way I hope you already know about that site :)18:06
shadeslayersebsebseb: of course :P18:06
shadeslayerkaddi: its in the desktop settings dialog under the second tab on the top,search for " SLide Back "18:07
sebsebsebshadeslayer: it comes with  codecs and such  already instaled18:07
shadeslayersebsebseb: i think ive heard of it,never gave it alot of attention18:08
sebsebsebshadeslayer: I  guess now days it's just way better to use  the  Ubuntu netbook remix18:08
sebsebsebshadeslayer: or maybe not way better18:08
shadeslayersebsebseb: the most important thing i would like in 9.10 would be native mp3 support,i lose half my linux converts when i mention no native mp3 support18:09
natewiebe13nztal: use this: https://launchpad.net/~thefirstm/+archive/karmic-testing18:09
sebsebsebshadeslayer: they can't just do that, because of patents or whatever18:09
spo Is there a good dvd ripper that rips the whole dvd without trying to shrink the dvd?   k9copy tries to shrink the dvd while ripping it... i think all other ubuntu based ones do something similra to trying to re-encode or shirnk dvd ... i think the best solution is  dvd decrypter under wine even though dvd decrypter is outdated18:09
shadeslayersebsebseb: yeah,i know18:09
natewiebe13netbook remix is garbage18:09
sebsebsebshadeslayer: and  it's easy to take care of the  mp3 suppourt and avi and  that,   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:09
natewiebe13just use standard ubuntu on a netbook18:09
shadeslayernatewiebe13: not the kubuntu one18:09
kaddishadeslayer: the one that lets windows glide back if they are not in focus?18:09
shadeslayerkaddi: yep18:09
sebsebsebnatewiebe13:  why do you think  that, to both things?18:09
DanaGodd.. my SCIM panel thingy is totally unthemed.18:09
kaddiok, got it :D18:10
shadeslayerspo: try dvdrip18:10
shadeslayer!info dvdrip | spo18:10
ubottuspo: dvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.10-0.2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1388 kB, installed size 3084 kB18:10
natewiebe13remix doesnt support the new intel video card18:10
natewiebe13plus im used to standard ubuntu18:10
sebsebseb!intel |  natewiebe1318:10
Twigaathyspo: if you don't mind decrypting the DVD images again with vlc or whatever.... ddrescue is useful18:10
ubottunatewiebe13: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.18:10
kaddishadeslayer: woah... my graphics obviously aren't made for this. this just looks hilarious... which probably isn't what the developper was looking for :p18:11
shadeslayerkaddi: lol18:11
natewiebe13nztal: are you going to try the 190.18 drivers?18:11
sebsebsebnatewiebe13: and they got intel fixes in Karmic  it seems18:11
nztalnatewiebe13, i'd rather use the beta installer, then use a PPA unless its something well established as having been trusted.  it nice to have things in sources.list, but i'm guessing they are not screened at the same level of scrutiny as official releases18:11
shadeslayerkaddi: can you get cover flow?18:11
nztali am natewiebe1318:11
natewiebe13nztal: im using that ppa in karmic as of now18:11
natewiebe13the 190.18 installer broke xorg for me18:11
sebsebsebnatewiebe13: Intel graphics cards are bad  apparnatly though18:12
natewiebe13they are18:12
natewiebe13thats why i use nvidia and dont use a netbook :P18:12
kaddishadeslayer: cover flow is the one where the windows go from left to right, not the one where they appear to be on a stack, right? If so yes, I can use both.. (but it's been less than 15minutes, just enabled back slide)18:12
DanaGI use ATI, and I like it.  =þ18:12
sebsebsebnatewiebe13: yeah  Nivida has  good Linux suppourt,   however the driver is  closed source so hmm18:12
DanaGI use super-tab as radial switcher thingy.18:12
kaddishadeslayer: and it's nowhere near as smooth as it is on this pc :'(18:12
natewiebe13kaddi: works just fine for me18:13
DanaGHmm, try comparing a GeForce 4 MX to a Radeon 7500... the latter will thoroughly trounce the former, in terms of usability.18:13
shadeslayerkaddi: yep to the first question18:13
natewiebe13DanaG: just use an nvidia 260 with 216 cores.. thats what i recommend to anyone (they are now $200)18:13
sebsebsebDanaG: ATI have some open source drivers as well?18:13
DanaGYup.  And open-source specs.18:14
natewiebe13flgrx are open?18:14
DanaGNope,  but 'radeon' is.18:14
sebsebsebDanaG: good :)18:14
kaddinatewiebe13: I installed karmic on my 6 year old laptop with an old integrated intel chip for graphics.. It's totally normal, that animations don't run as smoothely on it as they do on my new laptop, I guess :p18:14
natewiebe13okay.. didnt know that18:14
sebsebsebDanaG: to the drivers being open and the specs18:14
DanaGWell, the 4MX is in an old spare computer... but I'd at least like to have an (even slow would be fine) compiz... as it is now, nvidia legacy just segfaults.18:14
natewiebe13nztal: let me know how you turn out18:15
nztalnatewiebe13, thanks for the ppa i'll give it a shot.  dont want xorg broken.18:15
natewiebe13no probs.. ppa works 100% for me18:15
sebsebsebkaddi: well I guess it depends on  the  card  if there are issues or not with it18:15
sebsebsebkaddi: rather than cards being  from a particular company,  and then as a result having problems, all of them18:16
nztalnatewiebe13, seems to have alot more than the beta nvidia driver.  do you know whos ppa it is or if its well established.  i thought i might only download the beta nvidia driver rather then let a update / dist-upgrade (upgrade) to occcur18:16
sebsebsebkaddi: in fact I just stated the obvious there18:16
kaddisebsebseb: there are definitely issues with the card in question, I have to disable ksm to get any visual output with the new kernel ;)18:17
sebsebsebkaddi: what's  ksm?18:17
* shadeslayer waits for the upgrades to come through..... 18:17
natewiebe13nztal: i have all of his updates installed.. dont have problems.. what you could do, is just download the .deb files, or add to sources and use synaptic18:17
nztalcan you download individual deb files from a PPA ?  could you give me a hand with that ?  i didn't know that was possible18:18
natewiebe13first make sure you're at the ppa18:19
kaddisebsebseb: can't find the bugreport now.. I meant kms, sorry18:19
shadeslayernztal: its only one command to compile the drivers and one to kill KDM and youre all done18:19
nztalshadeslayer, ok.  i'll try the installer.  it didn't break xorg for you ?18:19
kaddisebsebseb: I need to boot the kernel with nomodeset to get any output18:20
nztali have all the dependancies needed for the installer to complete18:20
shadeslayernztal: nope18:20
nztali'll have that a shot instead shadeslayer thanks so much :)18:21
shadeslayernztal: i have a 8600 M GT if that helps18:21
natewiebe13shadeslyer: using 9.10 or 9.04?18:21
shadeslayernatewiebe13: 9.1018:21
nztalmine is a 8200 mobile, support starts at 8000 for the beta18:21
* shadeslayer thought that would be obvious since hes in #ubuntu+118:22
shadeslayerapparently not.....18:22
natewiebe13haha.. just checking18:24
shadeslayerkaddi: ping18:25
kaddishadeslayer: pong18:25
shadeslayerkaddi: sorry to bother you but does plasma-desktop start automatically on login?18:25
kaddishadeslayer: you want to know of cover flow is still working? :p18:25
shadeslayerkaddi: that too :)18:25
natewiebe13cover flow is working here18:25
shadeslayernatewiebe13: have you enabled slide back?18:26
natewiebe13let me check18:26
nztalbeta works fine here, nvidia, i had all the dependancies needed since i originally got into X by installing the manual installer method.18:26
kaddishadeslayer: coverflow is working great :p The plasma-desktop question is relevant to the latest updates or in general? I haven't updated yet18:26
nztalthanks shadeslayer18:26
shadeslayerkaddi: thatll be general...before the updates18:26
shadeslayernztal: no problems18:26
xray7224hmm guys i can't connect to a windows 7 via smaba its asking for a password but the windows 7 machine isn't setup to ask for a password18:27
natewiebe13shadeslayer: you're talking compiz right?18:27
spoi try running dvd::rip  frontend. I start a new project, but then everything is greyed out, all the buttons and options18:27
kaddishadeslayer: wouhou.. it just crashed when logging off..18:27
natewiebe13nztal: must have been a bug in the installer when i did it.. it was the day that 190.18 was released18:28
shadeslayerkaddi: yayy18:28
spooh i figured it out18:28
kaddishadeslayer: it's just like windows, lol. Automatic reboot :D18:29
natewiebe13shadeslayer: slide back in ccsm?18:30
shadeslayernatewiebe13: never gonna happen :P18:30
kaddinatewiebe13: pure kde here ;)18:30
natewiebe13that'd be why18:30
natewiebe13boo kde.. its to "plastic" for me18:30
shadeslayernatewiebe13: Pure KDE luv here18:31
natewiebe13gnome [woot]18:31
shadeslayernatewiebe13: gnome with no audio18:32
natewiebe13gnome with audio [woot]18:32
natewiebe13never had an audio problem18:32
shadeslayernatewiebe13: gnome with no new theme supposed to be relased in 9.0418:33
natewiebe13i use creative xfi with alsa/pulse and no probs18:33
natewiebe13"gnome with no new theme supposed to be relased in 9.04" rephrase?18:33
* shadeslayer wins18:33
kaddishadeslayer: plasma starts fine here, with the widgets and the previous windows and panels and all18:34
shadeslayerkaddi: ok try adding the microblogging client for fun and log in back again :P18:34
natewiebe13shadeslayer: well.. its funny how we're experiencing some kde problems but not gnome?18:34
shadeslayernatewiebe13: thats cuz i screwed around with too many settings18:35
kaddishadeslayer: it's still added from trying to figure out how thtat thing is supposed to work ;)18:35
natewiebe13i mess with settings all the time.. so i dont think anyone wins here18:35
shadeslayerkaddi: lol18:35
xray7224hmm i really need accsess to the windows 7 machine =/18:35
* shadeslayer shakse natewiebe13 hand18:35
sposhadesslayer, you suggest i use my console to run dvd::rip ?   the frontend of dvd::rip is mostly for re-encoding and cannot  easily do just dvd ripping, right?18:36
shadeslayerspo: um yeah18:36
natewiebe13spo: i just use wine for dvdshrink.. its easier18:36
shadeslayerwine? ugh...18:37
natewiebe13bah.. its not that bad18:37
shadeslayernatewiebe13: not another war again....18:37
sponate, dvdshrink produces poor quality dvds  .... dvdrebuilder uses cce, whcih is much better18:37
sposahd, what is wrong with wine?18:38
shadeslayerspo: backdoor entry for trojans and viruses if not used carefully18:38
natewiebe13used dvdshrink for backing up lotr extended, very small quality difference with a 62" lcd18:38
shadeslayerits like rm -rf,used with or withouht sudo :P18:38
sposo wine has sudo root access?18:39
xray7224no one can help with samba then ?18:40
shadeslayerspo: sure does if you run it with sudo,or thats what i read 2 months ago on the forums18:40
natewiebe13xray7224: im using samba18:40
shadeslayerxray7224: apart from the !samba thing....no :P18:40
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:40
sposhadesslayer, yeah but wine is installed under a user.... ie  the .wine directory is under a user  and that user is not sudo'ed automatically18:40
xray7224natewiebe13, im trying to connect to windows 7 and i keeps asking me to login18:40
natewiebe13xray7224: trying to connect to a share?18:42
spoxray, you have to put a plaintext password on your ubuntu box   either through fstab or through fstab with a credentials file18:42
nztali notice in karmic my laptop meter does not estimate any time remaining, just percentage remaining.  can anyone think of a solution to get some kind of countdown meter ?18:42
nztalfor battery18:42
spoxray, you have to add a user to windows 7 that matches that user and password, if you have difficulties you might  need to change "Everybody" user to allow full access     ... or instead of securities tab try share tab  but there should be a permissions settings under share tab not just security18:42
nztali had to manually define a ntfs-3g for my windows partition, because i didn't want to have to type a password every time i booted, just because i keep windows around to update firmware and bios18:42
nztalin /etc/fstab18:43
natewiebe13nztal: i thought it has to use some of the battery to estimate the time remaining.. it usually takes a few minutes on my laptop to show that..18:43
DanaGhmm, in win7, make sure "password-protected sharing" is off.18:43
nztallot of people putting windows 7 on their computers.  wont that expire in october ?18:43
nztalnatewiebe13, ooh ok thank you it might have too much remaining juice18:44
DanaGwin7 will officially be released then.18:44
natewiebe13nztal: thats why you wait for a vlc to come out..\18:44
natewiebe13thats what i did with vista18:44
nevcairielThey could also have a proper license from MSDN18:44
natewiebe13anyone use 2mandvd?18:45
* shadeslayer wonders what would happen if MS started a open source OS18:45
natewiebe13they wouldnt18:45
shadeslayeryeah.....it would still suck18:45
kaddiyeah but you might be able to find and fix the bugs you're experiencing :D18:45
xray7224i sware the connect button on ubuntu one doesn't do anything18:45
nztali dont normally choose to boot into windows.  i suppose windows 7 might be nice, but i'm not sure i'd pay the heft price tag, just to have latest greatest "its still windows no matter what version" on my laptop.  tinkered with it on my fatheres office computer, it has issues like any other windows18:45
shadeslayerkaddi: like a average person would do that,and ms would commit that bug to their code18:46
natewiebe13kaddi: file a bug report18:46
shadeslayerbtw does anyone take bug 1 seriously?18:46
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)18:46
natewiebe13nztal: its 3 times faster than vista18:46
nztali just keep my bios and firmware updated18:46
nztaloh ?  i probably dont notice these things.  i really just need it for bios updates, firmware, and should i find work that would require a actual windows installation18:47
natewiebe13only thing i need windows for is steam18:48
natewiebe13mainly tf218:48
shadeslayer13 min to complete upgrade yayy :)18:48
kaddimy wifi is dead again...18:48
shadeslayerkaddi: :o18:48
* kaddi suspects a loose connection in the usb-hubs :/18:48
shadeslayerkaddi: have you tried wicd?18:48
nevcairielWin7 is actually rather nice, i do require windows for my work, and i run win7 now. It outperforms any windows before it by alot. Of course its still a windows and all, but its going a bit in the right direction of things. Good that i can still run linux on my home-laptop :D18:49
natewiebe13or nm18:49
shadeslayeroh h/w problem18:49
DanaGheh, with my laptop, I can make a FreeDOS boot USBstick to flash it.18:49
shadeslayernatewiebe13: actually,thats the only gnome thing in my KDE :P18:49
nztalcan anyone assist me in determining whether a specific usb 3g device is functional in karmic ?  its got a launchpad url, and it says fixed, though i dont understand the descriptor past "fixed" and am unsure if its actually been applied to the ordinary repos, or to proposed ?  could someone take a look at that page ?18:49
kaddishadeslayer: I've been running wicd for years now... :) both actually, the stick gets recognized, but I suspect the driver or the software isn't supporting mysteriously vanishing and reappearing software ;)18:49
shadeslayerthe devs put it there....*mumble*mumble*18:49
DanaG"wifi dead again" -- wait, usb wifi?  what card?18:49
shadeslayerDanaG: looks USB :)18:50
DanaGI had issues with a Netgear WG111 (piece of .... well, it sucked.).18:50
natewiebe13shadslayer: nm used to be horrible, jaunty it actually got usable18:50
shadeslayernztal: can you hand me the link?18:50
DanaGIt tended to get scalding hot, and shut down.18:50
shadeslayernatewiebe13: i agree ( used gnome for 2 months )18:50
natewiebe13DanaG: i had the same issue18:50
DanaGI had to ndiswrap the Windows drivers and set it to max-powersave mode.18:51
natewiebe13i switched to a pci wireless N card.. $40 CAD from tigerdirect18:51
kaddiDanaG: dwl-g122 , it gets recognized in lsusb, but wicd says no wireless connections found and the card isn't listed in ifconfig18:51
nztali can't seem to minimize my xchat.  can't get to my browser to where the link is :/18:51
DanaGhmm, anything in dmesg?18:52
DanaGtry googling for the USB ID.18:52
natewiebe13shadeslayer: i used kde for about 1 month, went back to gnome.. guess we're just opposite.. meh we're still using linux [thumbs up]18:53
natewiebe13anyone use mts files?18:54
kaddiDanaG: rt73usb: probe of 1-4:1.0 failed with error -1718:54
shadeslayernatewiebe13: 2x[thumbs up]18:54
shadeslayerDanaG: i think the module was not loaded18:54
nztalshadeslayer, if i understood more about filing bug reports.  i'd be able to better offer information, i will work on that later, got some handy urls from #ubuntu-bugs.  its embarassing when you leave information, and that information doesn't show much technical detail overview.  i often dont know how to generate any logs, for whatever device it is i'm having trouble, or giving someone other than a description for application bug18:54
blueskaj-laptopfinally, a nice day for sitting outside , only a few weeks of summer left in this part of the world18:54
nztalshade finally able to switch to my browser.  here is the url, i appologize for the delay.  i was stuck in xchat :)  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7804141#post780414118:55
shadeslayernztal: hehe,well theres a handy help page at launchpad,give it a read some time18:55
nztalooh ok18:55
DanaGI don't like the way gnome-shell seems to be going, though.18:56
DanaGI mean, where are all my panel applets?18:56
shadeslayerblueskaj-laptop: all rain here :D18:56
DanaGI like being able to have the system monitor applet -- no others are as nice as the Gnome one.18:56
blueskaj-laptopI know some of you gnome fans are fearful of kde but konverstion is ever so much better than xchat :)18:56
TwigaathyAnd irssi beats both those ;)18:57
nztalDanaG, what is gnome shell ?  i'm not sure i understand what it is18:57
blueskaj-laptopshadeslayer, bummer :( , but i know the pain .18:57
shadeslayerTwigaathy: irssi ftw18:57
shadeslayerblueskaj-laptop: hehe18:57
natewiebe13mts anyone?18:57
fiXXXerMetAfter doing an apt-get dist-upgrade on 9.10 alpha 3 and rebooting, grub isn't booting.  How can I reinstall grub?18:57
shadeslayerfiXXXerMet: ooh its easy18:57
shadeslayerfiXXXerMet: i did it today :P18:58
nztalshadeslayer, were you able to take a look at that to see if its functional under karmic ?  no worries or pressure though, i can wait as long as needed18:58
DanaGgnome-shell is gnome 3.0 work-in-progress.18:58
shadeslayerfiXXXerMet: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide18:58
nztalooh got it.  yes i lost the ability to drag icons to my top panel.  right click will send them there though18:58
shadeslayernztal: yeah,im kinda overloaded :P hold on ill have a look18:58
nztalshadeslayer, take your time.  i'll be here for a good 30 minutes or so18:59
kaddiDanaG: this is my dmesg output: http://nopaste.com/p/aoNt3OVUG something is obviously crashing18:59
shadeslayerfiXXXerMet: you just need to chroot into the system and run update-grub & grub-install18:59
shadeslayernztal: This bug was fixed in the package linux - 2.6.31-4.2019:00
shadeslayernztal: means that the patch was included in that kernel19:00
DanaGusb 1-3: USB disconnect, address 719:01
DanaGhmm, is it on a powered hub?19:01
DanaGLooks like perhaps a loss-of-power issue?19:01
nztalfiXXXerMet, there are instruction for doing that -- chrooting into / and getting any os probed and applying the grub-install to your device.  i found a tutorial on a ubuntu help page googling for that last night19:01
blueskaj-laptopfiXXXerMet, the default time out is 0 for some reason after upgrading. If you have a live cd then you can access your /bootgrub/menu.lst and change timeout to 5secs or so then your grub menu should appear at boot up19:01
shadeslayernztal: run : uname -a : to see what kernel you have and reopen the bug report to report any problems19:01
nztaloooh awesome19:01
fiXXXerMetnztal / shadeslayer / blueskaj-laptop:  Going to try all of these options.  Will let you know what works.19:02
kaddiDanaG: what is a powered hub? They are inbuilt usb-hubs in my laptop, but as mentioned before, i think they have a loose connection19:02
DanaGhere's something annoying: package qt4-qtconfig .... command qtconfig-qt4.19:02
nztali'm at 2.6.31-6 so as long as there is no problem, hopefully there wont be.  the device should happen to work19:02
DanaGhmm, you could try moving it to an extension cable?  beats me.19:02
shadeslayernztal: yeah19:02
* shadeslayer wonders why nickcolor is coloring all the nicks as red19:03
nztali used an alternate of the daily build to get karmic installed on my laptop the live cd would render no graphics.   since i could get to a terminal, the nvidia installer saved me.  i had the necessary documentation locally on my hard drive, for the packages needed for that to work19:03
shadeslayerblueskaj-laptop: except for yours,yours is pink :P19:03
blueskaj-laptopshadeslayer, pink hmm ... never knew i was a commie19:04
kaddiDanaG:  it's working with an extension cable, it would just be nice to be able to disconnect and reconnect the stick, otherwise I can't get wifi on the laptop :p19:04
shadeslayerblueskaj-laptop: maybe the script likes  your nick :P19:05
blueskaj-laptopshadeslayer, pink on irssi eh, you must be using the designer version :)19:07
shadeslayerblueskaj-laptop: http://imagebin.ca/view/rvVstdVx.html19:09
kaddishadeslayer:  what font are you using for menus?19:10
shadeslayerkaddi: purisa19:10
kaddihehe, looks like we had the same idea :p19:10
kaddiI thought it looked familiar XD19:11
shadeslayeri really like that font19:11
kaddime too, but it gets "to much" when you use it for everything19:11
shadeslayerkaddi: really? i liked it so much everything is purissa19:11
kaddishadeslayer: I was using as a font in konversation on time and that was definitely to much.19:12
shadeslayerkaddi: btw warning : broken packages as of now :)19:12
shadeslayerkaddi: for :   kdelibs-bin kdelibs5 kdelibs5-dev libplasma319:13
kaddishadeslayer: my wifi ain't wokring no risks :p19:13
natewiebe13where does ubuntu mount image files?19:15
kaddinatewiebe13: chances are it is at /media/iso19:17
natewiebe13no its under archive://19:18
natewiebe13which is weird19:18
Picinatewiebe13: How did you mount it?19:18
Picinatewiebe13: Please do not crosspost your questions both here and #ubuntu.  If you are running Karmic then you need to keep your questions in here.19:19
natewiebe13Pici: im on karmic and jaunty, i was trying to answer for a guy, the way that you would mount an iso are the same on karmic and jaunty19:30
natewiebe13but im curious myself why its showing in archive://19:30
natewiebe13i mounted with "archive mounter"19:30
Picinatewiebe13: Karmic and Jaunty are not the same, nor do they run the same version of Gnome19:30
natewiebe13Pici: why is it showing in archive:// and just so you know.. mounting an iso gives me the same result in both 9.10 and 9.04 even thought they are different versions of gnome19:31
scizzo-natewiebe13: this occurs on both the systems?19:32
scizzo-natewiebe13: and you have checked under /media/ ?19:33
natewiebe13so i figured it would be the same idea for both karmic and jaunty.. Pici is just being a prick.. no its not under /media19:33
Picinatewiebe13: Excuse me? I'19:34
Picinatewiebe13: Excuse me? I'm just making sure that you're following our channel policies.  There is no need for name calling here.19:34
Pici!codeofconduct | natewiebe1319:34
ubottunatewiebe13: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/19:34
natewiebe13i knew id get told on that one.. next time dont come across guessing like that19:35
natewiebe13im having the same thing on both19:36
natewiebe13usually support is better on this channel becuase #ubuntu if filled with novice users19:36
scizzo-natewiebe13: and you have checked ~/.gvfs/ ?19:37
natewiebe13i'll check19:37
scizzo-natewiebe13: no matter what if you have karmic then you go here otherwise its in #ubuntu....19:37
natewiebe13Pici: plus you dont need to tell me that karmic and jaunty are the same19:37
natewiebe13*are not19:38
natewiebe13scizzo-: thanks, thats where it is.. its just getting linked by archive://19:38
xray7224im having issue connecting to windows 7 using samba it keeps asking me for the username and password yet windows 7 has it setup not to requre that19:54
suitCan anyone explain to me what an {a} or {u} behind a package when installing/removing via aptitude means? Example: "The following packages will be REMOVED: language-support-translations-en{a}"19:55
Spirits-Sightdoes any one where I can find the change from mythbuntu 9.1019:56
skazi21101can somebody give suggestion to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/41608220:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 416082 in linux "cd-drive don`t work after reboot" [Undecided,New]20:15
billybigriggerdo you see the device now?20:17
billybigriggercheck your fstab20:17
billybigriggermake sure the UUID's match?20:17
skazi21101ubuntu don`t see it20:18
skazi21101billybigrigger: what you talking about?20:19
billybigriggeropen up /etc/fstab20:21
billybigriggerfind the line that has your cd or dvdrw, and find its UUID20:21
billybigriggerthen make your way to /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and see if its listed20:21
DanaGumm, cd drives depend on what's inside them.20:21
DanaGfixed disks and CD drives are different.20:21
billybigriggerno uuid for cd drives20:22
skazi21101there is this entry in fstasb20:22
billybigrigger/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       020:22
skazi21101yap. i have20:22
billybigriggerpaste your fstab line here20:23
billybigriggerjust the single line, not the whole fstab20:23
skazi21101i don`t have /dev/scd(or scr or sdb)20:23
skazi21101just a minute20:23
skazi21101/dev/sg0        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       020:24
billybigriggerlook in /dev/ does sg0 exists?20:24
skazi21101but when i try to mount device. it says that its not block device20:25
billybigriggerdo you have anything inside the drive?20:25
skazi21101dvd disk20:25
billybigriggerand what happends when you $ cd /media/cdrom020:26
billybigriggerand do an ls20:26
skazi21101i`m not so stupid as you can think. nothing in /media/cdrom020:26
skazi21101oh i forgot20:27
kaddiskazi21101: do you have a cdrom under /dev/?20:27
skazi21101when system see cd-drive it sayd that it connected to /dev/scr020:28
skazi21101kaddi: where else it can be connected&20:28
billybigriggermount /dev/scr0 to /media/cdrom then20:28
kaddiskazi21101: maybe do a ls -l cdrom* and ls -l dvd* and see what device they point to20:28
kaddiin /dev/ that is20:29
skazi21101billybigrigger: there is no /dev/scr0 it was when ubuntu see my cd-drive20:30
skazi21101now there is no this device.20:30
shadeslayerhmmm i have a black screen with no plasma and just krunner20:31
kaddialt+f2 plasma-desktop isn't helping?20:31
shadeslayerany idea on getting plasma-desktop to load up automatical;y20:31
shadeslayerkaddi: apart from that....20:31
kaddiah, well, you never know ;)20:32
shadeslayergetting it to autostart20:32
DanaG"sg" is scsi generic -- not a block device.20:37
freinhardanyone else with broken graphics on intel? (855gm)20:47
aboSamoorit seems that after gnome login the background is resized twice. By the way, I experience more than 5 flickers in the startup while after alpha2 I did not any flickers !21:07
shadeslayerhmm.....my keyboard types in caps when the caps lock is off and in normal case when its on 0.o21:10
blueskaj-laptopcan someone else check www.medibuntu.org||:80 , this is the  ' Any Ubuntu Release and keyring" url21:11
DanaGmmm, gotta' love the hideously ugly flickery xsplash.21:12
shadeslayerDanaG: i have xplash,but it doesnt start....usplash all the way21:13
DanaGxsplash is the default-wallpapery thing that appears before and after the login screen.21:13
DanaGIt's especially noticeable if you change the gdm wallpaper to something different.21:13
shadeslayerDanaG: i have kdm21:13
DanaGhmm, I was commenting more for aboSamoor.21:14
shadeslayerbtw there was a command to reconfigure the keyboard......21:14
blueskaj-laptopok, medibunu is obviously down ..bbl21:14
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aboSamoorDanaG, I had a different wallpaper so I thought maybe changing to the default one will eliminate the problem, but it seems independent.21:16
DanaGyeah, it's just more noticeable, because it flickers to different images instead of the same one.  It's pretty awful.21:16
aboSamooranyway, I can remember how cool to have non-flickering login21:16
DanaGyou can dpkg-divert xsplash out of the way...21:16
DanaGsudo dpkg-divert --local --add --rename /usr/bin/xsplash21:17
DanaGand if you see them fix it some time, do the same command but with remove instead of add.21:17
dtchenfor people itching to test pulse 0.9.16-test5, it has been available since early AM today in the ~ubuntu-audio-dev ppa21:45
dtcheni'll e-mail ubuntu-devel-discuss shortly21:45
blueskaj-laptopdtchen, a new pulseaudio?21:46
mac_vdtchen: what does the "alert volume" in the sound prefs control?21:47
mac_vlogin sounds?21:47
dtchenmac_v: system sounds21:48
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: yes, 0.9.16-test521:48
mac_vshadeslayer: xsplah is still in development , when done , it will start from boot21:48
blueskaj-laptopdtchen, what's your experience been with it so far ?21:49
mac_vdtchen: the xchat pings and other errors/warnings , right?21:49
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: given how i just uploaded it fifteen hours ago, well, it hasn't had enough time to shake out21:50
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: generally positive, however.21:51
blueskaj-laptopdtchen, right, understood :)21:51
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: a vocal minority seems to abhor flatvol, but whatever.21:51
hggdhdtchen, ping -- PV?21:51
dtchenhggdh: "PV"?21:52
dtchenhggdh: sure21:52
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mac_vdtchen: is Bug #411962 fixed?21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411962 in pulseaudio "Pulse audio queues audio and gets locked to the app PID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41196221:53
blueskaj-laptopdtchen, i'm still a bit confused , why I was getting error messages that said pulseaudio is not working , falling back to cmedia - soundcard..yet I have no sound probs whatsoever . Is the soundserver using a kernel module that detects my pci card output or... ?21:55
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: are you using a fresh install of kubuntu with or without pulseaudio?21:56
blueskaj-laptopI  have pulseaudio listed in systemsettings/media and it makes difference whether it's installed or not, I still have good audio on my pc. This laptop is working ok and I'm not really concerned about it atm.21:59
blueskaj-laptopno difference22:00
blueskaj-laptopdtchen, my pc is an upgrade to karmic, not a fresh install22:01
redvamp128okay I have a question about upgrading-- I have 9.04 installed on 2 partitions Grub is on Sda1 -- the one I want to upgrade is on SDb2 will an upgrade move my boot to the upgrade or will it just edit/add itself/change on Sda1-- I would prefer to keep grub on the first drive.22:03
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: that error really looks like the pulseaudio daemon wasn't running22:05
dtchenblueskaj-laptop: i'll be uploading qt4-x11 to the ~ubuntu-audio-dev with a priority change to phonon to place alsa secondary (after pulseaudio) if pulseaudio is detected at install22:06
redvamp128anyone have any idea if an upgrade will change where the boot files are ...22:08
redvamp128at one time the boot was on that dive but I installed on the sda1 over my hardy with 9.04 and it put grub there which is where I want it.22:09
dtchenredvamp128: if it doesn't retain your current setting, it's a bug. please file one.22:10
dtchenmeaning, although i tested with a quite similar config and it worked for me, you might trigger some heisenbug22:11
redvamp128I was just wondering before I was going to do it seems though that when it did/was on the second drive grub was slower22:11
redvamp128Sda1 is a 40gig 72,000rpm drive and Sdb1 is a 20gig 54,000rpm drive22:11
redvamp128Initially I had hardy on the 40 and decided to install Jaunty on the 20 to make sure it was stable.... and when I found out that it worked flawless I installed over my Hardy on the 40-22:12
redvamp128So now I have 2 Jaunty's and was thinking about upgrading the 20gig to Karmic -- but the main concern was would it change the placement of my Grub22:13
blueskaj-laptopdtchen, ok i'll make sure pulse is installed before upgrading from the ppa you posted, thanks again :)22:15
redvamp128okay another stupid question--   to upgrade--  boot to that install -- make sure it is set to normal releases.. then terminal -- upgrade-manager -d  and karmic should then show up on the upgrade manager22:15
TwigaathyThe system works!22:15
Twigaathy!bug 41563222:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415632 in evince "evince fails to open all PDF - grey screen" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41563222:16
blueskaj-laptopredvamp128, alt+f2 then type  upgrade-manager -d , then the GUI should show up, but make sure you have  upgrade-manager -d installed first.22:23
DanaGdtchen: the PulseAudio pm-utils script seems to  be blocking suspend.22:25
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DanaG    ps -C pulseaudio -o uid= | tr ' ' '#'22:25
DanaG            echo set-sink-mute $j true | sudo -H -u \#$i pacmd &> /dev/null22:25
DanaGThat gives ##100022:26
DanaG... i.e. there are two pound signs.22:26
BUGabundohey everyone22:26
dtchenDanaG: ok, i'll kill the tr22:27
DanaGMight want tr -d ' '22:27
DanaGotherwise you'd get # 100022:27
DanaGhmm, for my odd behavior of my USB sound card... since that's upstream, where would I file the bug?  alsa-project, or kernel.org?22:28
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo 22:29
dtchenDanaG: either22:29
BUGabundohey my guud friend22:29
BUGabundomiss you !!!22:29
* BUGabundo [[]]] cwillu22:29
BUGabundosooooo is pidgin 2.6 packged22:30
DanaGspeaking of koala:  http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/funny-pictures-cat-is-koala.jpg   =þ22:30
BUGabundoor will I have to use getdeb one from joaopinto?22:30
DanaGyeah, random single off-topic bit.22:30
DanaGhmm, getdeb one doesn't have voice and video.22:30
BUGabundoDanaG: ehehe22:30
DanaGthere's somebody's ppa with pidgin 2.6.0 for Jaunty.22:30
BUGabundoI have the oficial pidgin team ppa22:30
joaopintovv is not in because it would require library upgrades22:30
joaopintowhich could break other things, like empathy22:31
BUGabundo     1:2.5.8-1ubuntu2~pidgin1.9.10 022:31
BUGabundo        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages22:31
BUGabundojoaopinto: who the heck cares about empathy?22:31
joaopintoBUGabundo, :P22:31
kavurtI installed empathy on Kubuntu. When I try to call someone it crashes. Can something be done?22:41
joaopintokavurt, yes, you can check if its already reported on launchpad, if it's not, report it22:47
kavurtjoaopinto: I already reported. But I wasn't sure if it's a bug. Thanks22:48
melomanehi, i installed kbuntu karmic alpha 4, and when i want to open my ntfs partitions i get this error: an error occured while accessing 'my drive', the system responded: org.freedesktop.hal.device.volume.invalidmountoption: the option 'locale=en_US.utf-8' is not allowed for uid=100022:48
melomanei tried to pen them with dolphin as root, but the problem exists22:49
joaopintokavurt, if it crashes, it's a bug22:50
BUGabundonot really22:51
BUGabundocould be user bad conf22:51
kavurtwhat do you mean?22:51
redvamp128sorry had to reboot got the latest kernel update for jaunty-- So in order to upgrade the 20gig Jaunty to Karmic-- get all the updates-- make sure it is set for normal releases in the update manger-- then terminal -- type "update-manager -d" and karmic should then show up right (just want to make sure that is the way to update) Should I also switch off the restricted drivers??? I had a nightmare of a Hardy to intrepid where I had t22:52
simba_so i have been running karmic UNR for a coupple of weeks now......in the beginning everything worked perfectly....but after a coupple of updates i cant get sound out of my head set any more....main speakers work if headset is not plugged inn....any ideas?23:21
histoIs blacklist.conf not working in karmic? I tried adding intel_agp and agpgart to it but it still gets loaded.23:41
histoI need to get them blacklisted so I can boot with my other video card.23:41
histowell i've added i915 to the blacklist i'm going to reboot now. Hopefully It will work.23:43
histoI have serious doubts though brb23:43
histonope still getting kernel panic.23:48
histoGod this is so annoying.23:48
robin0800histo: run sudo depmod -a and sudo update-initramfs -u23:50
historobin0800: prior to rebooting?23:51
DanaGI also had to dpkg-divert the i1915 module out of the way.23:51
robin0800histo:  yes23:51
historobin0800: let me try again. I thought it used the blacklist.conf on boot23:52
histoty robin0800 it worked I thought it read the file on boot aparently not.23:57
histoupdate-initramfs did the trick23:57
robin0800histo: your welcome23:58

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