
dashuakwwii, Ah no worries.  Thx. :)01:37
mrdoobmac_v: you there?03:07
mac_vdashua: hmm... you made the border darker , it works but the think the lighter one was better ,can pixmaps be used for the bottom border? to avoid the jagged edge?05:39
mac_vi think*05:39
mrdoobgood morning11:18
mrdoobmat_t: so there you have the lit version11:37
mrdoobHopefully people can see that there is more on that design than "Oh! it's purple!", and hopefully people will do their own colour version that suit better Ubuntu.11:38
thorwilmrdoob: your user list is damn sleek and it connects to the background thanks to the well placed shadow. instead of being somewhat of an alien object11:46
mrdoobyeah, shadows make things easier11:48
mrdoobthan spotlights11:48
mrdoobI'm not 100% happy with it how the panel looks tho, not totally resolved11:50
mrdoobbut it can be worked out11:50
thorwillast time i tried to open a psd in gimp it wasn't possible at all11:53
thorwilbut this one opens in gimp 2.6.611:53
thorwilas result i mainly see green from Layer 4 and a mix of elements, though11:54
thorwilmrdoob: is Layer 4 supposed to have some special layer mode / effect applied to it?11:56
mrdoobuh, I can't remember which one it is, and I don't have photoshop here :S11:57
mrdoobplus, gimp doesn't have folders11:57
mrdoob(as far as I know)11:57
mrdoobI usually only name folders11:57
mrdoobhow the he..11:58
mrdoobok ok, I'll leave gimp alone11:58
thorwilyes. that's why i ask, because i can only guess a feature that gimp can't map was used11:58
thorwilLayer 4 is just a complete fill in olive green with some variation in the middle and top right11:59
mrdoobthat's supposed to be like that11:59
mrdoobIt's just a texture11:59
mrdoobto give some colours12:00
mrdoobit's supposed to be used in overlay or something like that12:00
mrdoobthat was originally a sand picture12:00
mrdoobthat I blurred a lot12:00
mrdoobIt should be bigger (if you move it to the left)12:01
mat_tmrdoob: hi12:11
AnAntHello, is there an intention to make a theme for new GDM in ubuntu ?12:12
mat_tAnAnt: yes, we're just about to start working on it12:12
mat_tmrdoob: I love the depth and the gdm styling, the bg color is "a bit" over the top :)12:13
mat_tmrdoob: would be nice to see a version with a more gentle background12:15
thorwili'm working on one12:15
AnAntmat_t: is there a repository or wiki that I can look at ?12:15
mat_tAnAnt: are you interesting in helping with technical implementation or design?12:16
AnAntmat_t: I want to make a theme, but I dunno how12:17
mat_tthorwil: great12:17
AnAntmat_t: what do you  mean by technical implementation ?12:17
mat_tAnAnt: I'd probably ask thorwil or mac_v to help you get started12:18
AnAntthorwil: is your work available online ?12:18
* mat_t > lunch12:19
AnAntI want to know how to make a theme for new GDM12:19
thorwilAnAnt: are you familiar with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot?12:19
mrdoobmat_t: I'm not going to do anything more. Feel free to play with gimp/photoshop to reach a version that you like.12:20
AnAntthorwil: ah, looking at it now, thanks12:20
mrdoobmat_t: but glad to know you liked the style12:21
AnAntthorwil: these are just mockups, right ?12:23
AnAntthorwil: aren't there any actual themes that I can take as an example ?12:27
AnAntusplash isn't used at startup anymore ?12:29
thorwilAnAnt: sure. but i'm not sure about changes and incompatibilities between the used gdm versions12:30
AnAntthorwil: where can I get them ?12:31
thorwilAnAnt: can't help you with that12:31
AnAntwell, is there a wiki where I get info how to make a theme for new GDM ?12:32
thorwilAnAnt: i would simply search for gdm documentation and check whether it applies to the version that will be shipped with karmic12:34
mac_vAnAnt: AFAIK the new theme is not very customizable , it is hardcoded12:36
mac_vgdm *12:36
AnAntmac_v: ah, you mean those themes will be hardcoded into GDM ?12:37
AnAntso branding won't be easy12:37
mac_vAnAnt: the gdm code had been changed more than a year ago by upstream, ubuntu had not implemented the new gdm to allow users select the themes , the gdm graphical tool is being done as an ubuntu initiative > Bug #39529912:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395299 in gdm "gdm 2.26 has no graphical configuration tool" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39529912:39
mac_vAnAnt: so users, as of now, wont be able to easily toggle gdm themes12:40
AnAntmac_v: aha, thanks12:40
AnAntmac_v: does that also apply to boot splash ? I read on this wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot), that it won't be usplash, but rather X based12:41
mac_vAnAnt: yes default is only xsplash ,  but you can change it ;) to usplash if you want , the xplash coding isnt fully clear ... BTW, what is it you are actually looking for?12:43
mac_vAnAnt: changing only for personal use ? or to make themes for users?12:44
AnAntmac_v: for users12:46
AnAntmac_v: I'm working on a distro based on Ubuntu12:46
mac_vAnAnt: if you want to change the default for your distro , you could do that , but the users selecting/changing the themes for gdm is not easy ; xsplash i'm not sure12:48
mac_vAnAnt: which distro, may i ask ?12:50
AnAntmac_v: so, how can I change boot splash from xplash to usplash ?12:51
mac_vAnAnt: i'm not sure of that, most of others here wouldnt know the technical details either , you could ask #ubuntu+1 ,someone might know12:52
AnAntok, thanks12:53
mac_vAnAnt: my guess would be just replace xsplash with usplash12:53
mac_vmrdoob: gave up on the boot ? ;p12:54
mat_tmrdoob: no worries, thanks a lot for your input!13:25
mac_vmat_t: could you add some intro to this page? as to how it should be directed and stuff > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Login13:28
mat_tmac_v: there you go13:38
mac_vmat_t: thanx :)13:39
mac_vmat_t: you might wanna inform the mailing list about this page, to get more ideas13:40
* mac_v going to be killed soon ;p13:41
mrdoob1mac_v: no no, haven't give up the boot. It's just that I have other things to do, learning Android/OpenGL ES at the moment :D13:44
mrdoob1mat_t: you're welcome, I hope I was any use13:44
=== mrdoob1 is now known as mrdoob
thorwilmac_v: i said you should talk with mat_t, not get him to do all the work ;)14:23
mac_vthorwil: sssh!14:24
mac_vthorwil: actually i didnt know what direction he would want :( , also the mail to the list is out of my league14:25
mat_tthorwil: that was just ctrl+v, not to worry :)14:47
* mac_v was feeling bad for over-burdening mat_t :/14:50
* SiDi yawns14:53
* mat_t does not undertake any tasks that actually involve work14:54
mat_t(with few exceptions)14:54
SiDilike, when it's Canonical who asks ? :P14:54
mac_vmat_t: could you send the mail to the list about the gdm ideas? :)14:57
* mat_t has a bit of a weak spot for sabdfl, true14:57
mat_tmac_v: no14:57
mac_vah well...14:57
mat_tmac_v: I'll get kwwii to do some work when he gets back from his undeserved holidays14:58
mac_vmat_t: he was here yesterday14:59
SiDimat_t: we can manage to not let him leave France, and then you're forced to work14:59
mat_tSiDi: sounds great15:00
SiDiThat's... bright15:08
* thorwil wonders if SiDi is, too15:09
mac_vthorwil: needs more shadow15:09
mac_vfor the logo15:09
mrdoobthorwil: maybe you should put your iteration under the comments to avoid confusion15:11
mrdoobinteresting edit by the way15:12
mrdooba shame the throbber (however it's spelled) is lost in the f0f0f0 range :S15:12
thorwilmrdoob: dang, i actually meant to place that after the comments15:13
mrdooba benefit of using only black/grey version of the logo15:15
mrdoobis that the integration with the environment is cheap, if you think about light refraction15:16
mrdoobin your design the logo perhaps doesn't fit much because the environment doesn't get affected by it15:16
mac_vthorwil: hehe... i think the boot fits perfectly for mint linux15:16
mrdoobmeaning this: http://graphics.ucsd.edu/~henrik/images/imgs/cbox_spectral.jpg15:17
thorwilmrdoob: i tried all white. didn't work. all black is too harsh15:18
thorwilmrdoob: there actually is slight coloration from the background on the logo15:18
thorwilmrdoob: you wouldn't see much in the other direction with real objects in such a setting15:18
mrdoobwell on the bottom15:19
mrdoobI should have also shared the 3D file I did for generating the background...15:19
mat_tthorwil: uh, everything but green please... :)15:19
mrdoobwhat's with the competition with Mint?15:19
thorwilmat_t: no lighter brown tones, no orange, no yellow. no purple or pink. to cold tones and now also no green15:20
mrdoobmat_t: sounds like a proper client15:21
mrdoobthorwil: an idea I had to avoid all the colour bullshit thing would be to make it multicolour15:21
mrdoobsomething like this15:21
mrdoobmore subtle of course15:22
thorwilmrdoob: i have been a proponent of a 2 or 3 tone approach since long. actually my edit contains green, beige and blue tones15:23
mrdoobops... str_replace("buillshit","annoyance");15:24
thorwilmrdoob: no, it was right and now is wrong ;)15:24
mrdoobsvn revert15:25
thorwili thought a bit about a non-center position for the logo. golden section. following account selection would be tricky to layout, though15:26
mrdoobthat is tricky if you don't have much control of the target resolution15:27
thorwilmrdoob: you mentioned a 3d file. blender?15:27
mrdoobcenter is safe15:27
mrdoobthorwil: unfortunatelly 3dsmax :(15:27
mrdoobI could have done it in blender, I haven't used to it yet, can I import .svg to blender?15:28
mrdoobuhm, right, I wasted more time installing illustrator for converting the .svg to .ai and then importing on .max than learning blender and importing .svg15:29
thorwilnot sure about that15:29
thorwilfirst steps into blender are hard15:29
mrdoobbut it isn't much, it's a wall/floor with round connection15:29
mrdooband 3 lights15:30
mrdoobat first I had the logo in 3d too, but I redid then I rendered the background alone and redid the logo/shadow on photoshop15:30
mrdoobto have more control15:30
thorwiljust yesterday i started to do the same in blender15:31
thorwillight setup showed to be tricky15:32
thorwilhave to cut and get other things done :/15:32
mrdoobknow the feeling :)15:37
mrdoobnatewiebe13: hello16:17
mrdoobhow did you ended up doing the video?16:21
natewiebe13i didnt care about quality, just about getting the point across16:24
mrdoobnatewiebe13: oh, didn't know blender could do that16:40
mrdoobthe problem is, I don't think you make it clear enough to show your point16:40
mrdoobthe boot eats 80% of your video16:40
mrdooband that's the fastes boot I did16:40
mrdoobso your part goes too fast and is hard to understand what you're trying to communicate16:41
mrdoob(I think)16:41
natewiebe13i know.. i havent had time to change it yet.. i had 10 minutes to throw something together and throw it up16:57
natewiebe13when i have time. im going to redo it16:58
FLOZzHello all  _o/17:11
natewiebe13mrdoob: have you seen MadsRH edit to your iteration 6?17:23
mrdoobI'm starting to think that it's way to saturated17:24
natewiebe13a bit, but it think that the ubuntu logo needs to be colored and not just black17:33
natewiebe13kind of like thorwil's edit17:33
natewiebe13but i very much like the mockup17:33
natewiebe13mac_v: i like your splash's19:58
natewiebe13mac_v: but i think you should do an orange one.. MadsRH's is too dark/saturated, if you were to do an orange one.. i think it would be the best.. but good job btw.19:59
mac_vnatewiebe13: mat said he didnt want tan or brown  , and orange falls a bit close , anyway ,if the design team wants to do an orange one the surely could do one , but they seems to have some other plans20:07
natewiebe13yeah.. i really dont like what they've been spitting out20:08
natewiebe13madsrh and mrdoob have the best ones (also said by many comments) why dont they just listen to the community?20:08

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