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blue0488can anyone help I want to get a win game to work in wine can anyone help?01:24
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chrisccoulsonmpt - tut tut, spaces in folder names ;)02:15
TheMusochrisccoulson: Totally agree.02:19
TheMusoI think spaces should be invalid characters in file names.02:19
chrisccoulsonheh. i was referring to the current discussion on UF. have you seen that?02:20
kklimondachrisccoulson: I'd comment on this discussion but it's dangerously close to feeding trolls ;)02:33
TheMusochrisccoulson: no haven't seen it.02:34
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123998202:34
TheMusomeh forum? I don't care.02:35
TheMusoThere is only a couple of forums I frequent, and they are not Linux related. Most Linux forums are too bloated, with too much crap to wade through.02:35
chrisccoulsonbasically, the short story is "developers are all stupid and ubuntu one is useless because someone put a space in the folder name"02:35
TheMusoThe two forums I frequent are very slim and allow you to find what you want fast.02:36
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure if the discussion is serious or not02:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not a big forum fan either02:36
ccheneyusing spaces in dir names should not be done by the OS, but thats just my opinion (and apparently the opinion of ~ 62% of UF)02:41
ccheneyusing them even in directories users create isn't a particularly good idea02:41
ccheneyIFS is a pita to use02:41
kklimondaccheney: but most users shouldn't really care about terminal and problems connected to it02:41
ccheneyif you don't know what IFS is look it up in man sh02:41
ccheneymost users don't use linux02:42
ccheneyonly something like 4% of users do02:42
TheMusoHalf the problems in shell scripts related to quoting arrise from characters that shouldn't be allowed in file names IMO.02:43
ccheneytab complete works fine for just simple command line stuff, but using scripts would be a pita02:43
kklimondaccheney: fwiw I think that people who are going to use terminal to mess with files in their ~/ are most likely smart enough to figure out how to work around space issues02:44
ccheneyTheMuso: yep, its a pita to deal with invalid characters in names02:44
ccheneykklimonda: even using IFS correctly (which is what you have to do) can be problematic at times02:44
ccheneyunless you end up wanting to write your scripts in perl or python i suppose, but yea spaces really cause pain for shell scripts02:45
TheMusoI even remember seeing bugs filed against programs in C that behaved badly with spaces in file names.02:45
kklimondaccheney: I haven't had any problems with spaces sine I've stopped using ls ;)02:45
kklimondabut then I use python for most scripts more advanced than iterating over all files in folder02:45
kklimondaccheney: folders with spaces looks nicer, more natural and that's it imo.02:46
kklimondaccheney: should we also ban parenthesis and exclamation mark?02:47
kklimondasquare bracket should also be gone as it can cause problems for some users..02:48
TheMusoI think the only characters that should be allowed are upper/lowercase leters, numbers, dots, dashers, and underscores. :)02:49
kklimondaI kinda thought the same few years ago02:49
kklimondaI had folders named like Machinae.Supremacy.-.Arcade_200802:49
kklimondabut now I think it looks ugly ;)02:49
TheMusoAnd looks are all that is important of course.02:50
kklimondaTheMuso: I'm certainly not going to name my files and folders to easy developers' job.02:52
TheMusoEach to their own.02:54
ccheneywell i know for certain you can't iterate over a directory with a space in the name without munging with IFS at minimum03:11
ccheneykklimonda: users can name their dirs whatever they want, apps shouldn't use spaces in their own stuff though, which was what my argument was, if the user wants to inflict pain on themselves so be it ;-)03:11
kklimondaccheney: for i in *; do something; done works just fine03:12
ccheneydoesn't if there is a space in the dir name03:12
ccheneyor at least not with normal shells03:12
ccheneyoh maybe it might work for the special case of *03:12
kklimondaccheney: you hav eto quote it later obviously but it works03:13
ccheneybut something like for i in `generated list of dirs` won't03:13
kklimondaccheney: the only problem is when people do something like for i in `ls .`; do; done03:13
ccheneyi've had the problem not with ls . but in other generated lists of dirs before03:13
ccheneysince the space is the considered the separator by default, which is why i said maybe * does something special i didn't know about03:14
* ccheney is getting hungry, off to find food03:15
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AlexiaHi im having a problem with the volume, I have ubuntu 9.04 jaunty and realtek hd integrated audio07:32
Alexiathe volume is EXTREMELY low07:32
AlexiaI have tried alsamixer and of course the gnome volume control applet neither of which work07:32
mac_vAlexia: #ubuntu for help07:33
mvohey glatzor :)08:04
glatzormorning mvo!08:05
glatzormvo, In the latest PackageKit apt backend I implemented a safe upgrade feature, which allows to install also upgrades which would require the installation of further packages08:20
mvoglatzor: nice08:20
mvoglatzor: btw, is there a way to attach additional meta-data to a aptdaemon transaction? something like the gboject.set_data() (or will that work)? so that I can create the transaction in one place, add meta-data (like a app-icon and the name (that may be != pkgname)) and get that from the GetTransactions command later?08:22
mvo(I could of course use a tid: metadata mapping, but it would be cool to have it directly in the transaction)08:23
glatzorThe AptTransaction is a gobject.GOBject08:24
mvoglatzor: what I mean is that I create a transaction with e.g. "commit_package()", attach data and later (in a independant part of the app or even in a seperate one) use ActiveTransactionsChanged to get the data again. I will have two different objects, so there needs to be some dbus magic I guess to make that work ?08:29
glatzorwe could also use a singelton transaction cache in the client module08:30
glatzormvo, the client.get_transaction(tid) could look up the the transaction in a cache08:31
mvoglatzor: yeah, I played with that and added a very simple cache08:31
mvoglatzor: I just need to figure out when to destroy them again - do you want me to commit my approach or do you have something (almost) ready already :) ?08:32
mvoglatzor: that will also solve (partly) the problem that the bus limits for the matchers is pretty low08:32
glatzorI would like to kill the transaction on the server side. but I haven't looked at removing them manually from the bus.08:34
huatsmorninge everyone09:37
asackenvandine: are you susbcribed to xsplash bug tracker?10:12
asacmvo: welcome back man"!!10:12
mvohey asac!10:12
asacapt-get dist-upgrade is crashing for me ;)10:12
mvoasac: segfault?10:12
asacit started on saturday ;)10:12
asaclet me check if its still the case10:12
asaci definitly have a .crash file still10:12
mvoasac: does it make a difference if you move away /var/cache/apt/*.bin ?10:12
mvoasac: please file a bug with it10:13
asacmvo: i cannot file a bug with it.10:13
asacapport refused to do that10:13
mvowe need a --force option there :/10:13
mvoI had the same problem in the past10:13
asactoo bad it doesnt crash anymore. not sure what changed. it crashed all the time the other day (even after reboot)10:14
asaclet me copy the .crash file somwehere10:14
asacmvo: how does it feel to be back to work?10:14
mvoasac: I wouldn't have minded to stay on leave for another two weeks ;) - but its also nice to write code again :P10:15
asaci can guess that10:16
asacmvo: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~asac/_usr_bin_apt-get.0.crash10:16
asacguess you need to apport-unpack and then gdb against it10:16
asaci think it was some kind of database state10:16
asacwhat a shame that it doesnt work anymore10:17
asaci guess it was update-manager in the background updating the apt databases10:17
mvoYou don't have permission to access /~asac/_usr_bin_apt-get.0.crash on this server.10:17
* asac wants to uninstall it ;)10:17
asacmvo: can you see my home?10:17
asacmvo: you should be able to log in through launchpad et al10:17
mvothat works10:17
mvolet me see if I can login10:18
asacmvo: try again10:18
asacmvo: it rememberd the minimal permissions of the local crash file10:18
mvohave it now10:18
mvopermissions I guess10:18
* asac hopes that something gets out of it ;)10:19
* asac cannot killall apt-get 10:20
asaccannot ctrl-C it either :)10:20
asacits a remote ssh thing though10:20
apacheloggerasac: ahoy, so kubuntu is probably going to ship a simple installer appliation for firefox, so it becomes easier to obtain firefox, while we will stick with konqueror by default (at least for now that is) ... but what is needed to use the official firefox logo? get permission from trademarks@mozilla.com? also, since it is not any kind of free, wouldn't it need to go to restricted anyway?10:29
maxb.oO ( simpler than 'apt-get install firefox' !? )10:32
mvoasac: hrm, hrm, bt is full of ??10:44
mac_vmvo: about the gnome-codec-install bugs, they are just bugs right ,as in not working properly rather than ,"that was how they have been designed" ?10:48
mvomac_v: I did not had a chance to test it yet, but yes, it sounds like bugs10:48
mac_vmvo: hmm... ok... sure no probs, i just wanted to invalidate the papercuts tasks associated :)10:49
asacmvo: too bad10:54
asacapachelogger: a simple installer application?10:55
asacapachelogger: what does that mean?10:55
asacwhy dont you make that install the packages?10:55
asacjust use the packages from the archive and you should be fine wrt to trademarks (assuming we will get approval for our slight adaptions this time again ;))10:56
apacheloggerasac: http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/kubuntu-firefox-installer2.ogv10:57
asacapachelogger: so you install the package?10:58
asacapachelogger: should be ok. one question we should figure though is if -gnome-support package would work in theory on kubuntu10:58
asacotherwise firefox has no xdg mime database integration10:58
asacwhich is a bit of a suboptimal user experience10:59
apacheloggerasac: IIRC it does10:59
asacapachelogger: then be sure to install -gnome-support package too10:59
asacor i can make that a recommends again10:59
asac(if thats not the case)10:59
apacheloggercurrently it installs firefox with all recommends, so that gets in10:59
asacapachelogger: i will check with my trademark contact if he has anything to say about the use of the firefox logo in the installer ... but i wouldnt think its a problem11:00
asacapachelogger: i think i moved it to suggests after getting pressure from the kubuntu folks11:00
asacif the integration finally works11:01
asace.g. kde admin tools modify xdg database in such a way that gnome-support works11:01
asacwe can move it to recommends11:01
apacheloggerneed to take a look at that11:02
asacalso you dont install ubufox ... which is a suboptimal expereince on ubuntu ;)11:02
asacmvo: ... qt frontend for apturl :)11:02
asacbug bug11:02
apacheloggerwell, I am quite sure it installs ubufox at this point11:02
asacright i think i didnt demote that yet ;)11:02
apacheloggerthough as it looks we will get started on a kubuntu firefox11:02
asacyep 3.5 has recommends11:03
asacapachelogger: someone needs to write a qt frontend for this apturl11:03
asacmvo said its fairly trivial11:03
asacwith that all that synaptic stuff wont get pulled in again11:03
apacheloggeryeah, I was looking at it some time ago, seemed easy enough to do, but i was lacking motivation ... but since I am even considering firefox to become default for the kubuntu netbook edition it seems like a good idea ;-)11:05
asaci think its the right decision to make firefox easier accessible for kubuntu users11:06
asacapachelogger: this installer entry in the menu ... will it go away when firefox is instlaled?11:06
apacheloggerasac: that is the idea ... though I need a sensible approach to it11:06
apacheloggerthe installer package can't simly conflict firefox, because that would most likely remove firefox in favor of the installer upon upgrades to 9.1011:07
apacheloggerthough it works just fine in a non-upgrade scenario :)11:07
asacmaybe putting a Replaces: ...-installer in the firefox package would help11:08
asacand using the same .desktop file name11:08
asacnot so sure how that behaves or if there are bugs in dpkg that would cause issues on upgrades of -installer pcakage later on11:08
apacheloggerwell, I think conflicts+replaces in firefox would overrule the conflicts in the installer11:09
apacheloggerso as I see it once firefox is installed the installer would not get in at any point, since both declare conflicts but firefox actually replaces the installer11:09
asacapachelogger: what i meant was a Replaces without a Conflicts ;)11:11
asacand installer/firefox sharing same .desktop file name11:11
apacheloggerasac: well, they do not need to share the same desktop file to have a replaces ;-)11:12
apacheloggerIf one package is to be installed, the other must be removed first - if the package being installed is marked as replacing (see Overwriting files and replacing packages - Replaces, Section 7.6) the one on the system, or the one on the system is marked as deselected, or both packages are marked Essential, then dpkg will automatically remove the package which is causing the conflict, otherwise it will halt the installation of11:15
apachelogger the new package with an error.11:15
apacheloggerasac: I suppose a replaces in firefox would work :)11:15
asacapachelogger: what i meant was a Replaces: without a Conflicts11:19
asacso the -installer package stays on system, just the .desktop file is dominated by the firefox package one if instlaled11:20
apacheloggerasac: though, that would not have much benefit over having the package removed, would it?11:21
asacapachelogger: if users remove firefox, they get the installer back ;)11:22
asacbut no. there is not much of a benefit11:22
asacexcept that you dont need to worry about apt suddenly thinking the -installer package might be more important11:22
apacheloggerasac: please poke me once you hear back from the trademarks contact, Riddell tells me I need a package dispensation from TB to get the package with firefox logo into main, since the logo is non-free11:27
apacheloggerI'll start the main inclusion process with the globe icon from mozilla vcs for the time being11:28
Riddellbratsche: do you know about xsplash?11:39
asacapachelogger: yes. do that11:50
asaci wouldnt expect the icon to be a problem11:50
asacapachelogger: actually the icon is already shipped inthe app-instlal-data package afaik11:50
asacjust refer to that one11:50
asacif the size is ok11:50
mvoRiddell: I think bratsche does, didn't he wrote most of it?11:59
mvoasac: apturl UI> no time yet :(11:59
asacapachelogger: ^^ ;)12:01
asacmvo: didnt you drop all your specs and have plenty of freetime ;)?12:01
mvoasac: eh, sort of ;)12:05
mvoasac: I got some more actually (the crashdump one suddenly appeared)12:05
asacanyone here with hardy instlal?12:13
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Riddellmvo: that's why I'm asking :)12:25
asacArneGoetje: i wanted to enable devmode today12:30
asacArneGoetje: are you there?12:30
mvoRiddell: :)12:31
asacArneGoetje: ok enabled devmode. so pass "devmode" as forth argument for karmic until after beta. and tell me when the first packages are in the ppa so i can verify a few12:36
kenvandineasac, i am13:18
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mvohm, what was the magic again to make Gdk-CRITICALS a breakpoint in gdb?13:27
pochumvo: G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals13:28
mvopochu: rock! thanks a lot13:29
pochuthat will cause a SIGABRT iirc13:29
pochumvo: np :)13:29
mvopochu: yep, exactly what I need13:29
asackenvandine: what was the question i asked :-P?13:33
kenvandineif i was subscribed to xsplash bugmail13:34
kenvandinethe whole dx team is13:34
kenvandinewhich includes me13:34
asacah ;)13:37
mac_vguys , Bug #387796 ,has been wrongly marked as fix released , since the icons wont be shown[default is to not show the icons] unless the latest patch is applied13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387796 in nautilus "Display application icons for "Open With" entries in the context-menu" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38779613:49
mac_vmpt: ^ shall i change the status?13:50
mptmac_v, yes please13:56
mptchrisccoulson1, I'm surprised that kind of "omg spaces" discussion is still going on after the 1980s13:56
chrisccoulson1mpt - yes, me too. i'm mostly indifferent on the matter really, but it seems a lot of people don't like spaces13:57
chrisccoulson1i think the thread starter just wanted an excuse to rant though13:58
mptwhere "a lot" < 0.1% of the user base13:58
chrisccoulson1yeah, i agree13:58
chrisccoulson1he did make me laugh when he said that ensuring filenames don't have spaces in is a good developers number one priority13:59
mac_vchrisccoulson1 mpt:  bug # pls :)14:01
chrisccoulson1mac_v - we're referring to a topic on UF discussing ubuntuone, not a bug ;)14:01
mac_vchrisccoulson1: oh... nevermind then :)14:02
mpt_chrisccoulson1, that's common Bugzilla behavior :-)14:04
ArneGoetjeasac: karmic langpacks go directly into the archive. I belive with devmode enabled, we will get a whole bunch of new languages for mozilla trans;ations. Do we need them to be in the -base langpacks first? Then I would need to generate new -base langpacks manually.14:13
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bratscheRiddell: Hi.14:26
Riddellyo bratsche14:26
asacArneGoetje: i would reall yprefer to do a ppa round ... otherwise we might end up with all firefox broken for all languages but en-US14:26
bratscheWhat's up?14:26
asacArneGoetje: i just want to see how bad it is ;)14:26
Riddellbratsche: xsplash, someone (presumably me) needs to do a KDE equivalent14:26
ArneGoetjeasac: heh14:26
asacArneGoetje: you think you can  do a manual run ?14:26
Riddellbratsche: so I need to know what starts and what stops xsplash and any other useful information14:27
bratscheRiddell: Bummer.14:27
ArneGoetjeasac: I can14:27
asacso yeah. we need a -base update for sure. but lets do a manual run first, so we can see how bad it is14:27
ArneGoetjeasac: lemme see the schedule...14:27
bratscheRiddell: It's started by gdm scripts.. if you see /etc/gdm/Init/Default and /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default those are what launch it.  It listens to dbus signals from the desktop to know when to exit, and it runs on a timer for like 10 or 15 secs in the event that something goes wrong and it doesn't receive the signals.14:28
ArneGoetjeasac: oh... there is a Launchpad export due today... I can request it to be a full export and then to a ppa run first.14:28
asacArneGoetje: that would be great. at best keep the bits in case we need to rerun (e.g. because of bugs in the script or something)14:29
ArneGoetjeasac: of course14:29
asacArneGoetje: also please double check that you dont pass devmode to anything != karmic ;) ... but i guess thats clear14:30
asacbut since its going to ppa we would probably notice ;)14:30
ArneGoetjeasac: how about the ff3.5 templates?14:30
asacArneGoetje: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/rosetta/po2xpi/revision/4814:30
asacthats the commit i did14:30
asacArneGoetje: i think you have to manually upload the template once.... seems launchpad didnt eat them14:31
asaci remember something vaguely of doing the first .xpi upload manually or something. maybe check with jtv14:31
asachttps://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/xulrunner-1.9.1 -> not existing14:31
ArneGoetjeasac: what to do with the existing firefox template?14:32
asacArneGoetje: as we discussed. just keep it. the new one will be with full version14:32
ArneGoetjeasac: ok14:32
asacor doesnt that match what you remember?14:32
asacArneGoetje: i think we also wnated to copy those over that have no upstream .xpi14:33
ArneGoetjeasac: it does. just want to make sure. :)14:33
asacsure thats what we want14:33
asacArneGoetje: i think malay and the ones that are whitelisted should be copied over at least14:33
asacthats ast14:33
asacand oc14:33
asacPLUS malay14:33
ArneGoetjethe whitelist is where?14:33
asacin the data/.../whitelist.txt file14:34
nocturnHi, can anyone tell me if Karmic will have telepathy-idle (IRC) in main?14:34
asacArneGoetje: but first check what we need to do to get the template uploaded14:34
bratscheRiddell: Doesn't KDE already have some kind of splash screen?  Someone told me it does.14:34
asacArneGoetje: i can produce them manually for you if you need to upload manually14:34
asacArneGoetje: then we can copy stuff over before we do the first upstream import i guess14:34
ArneGoetjeasac: did the ff3.5 and xul1.9.1 source packages contain the en-US.xpi? and did Rosetta eat that one?14:35
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Riddellbratsche: yes, ksplashx (which doesn't have any dependencies outside of xlib)14:36
Zdranocturn: Seems seb128 is not here atm14:36
asacArneGoetje: i think it ate them yes.14:36
Zdranocturn: probably you'll have to ask when he is back14:36
Riddellbratsche: if xsplash is started by gdm, surely there's not much time for it to be shown  before gdm is up?14:36
ArneGoetjeasac: ok. then I can manually copy over the ff3.0 translations and after that import new upstream xpis.14:37
asacArneGoetje: i just remember that jtv said something about doing the first manually14:37
bratscheRiddell: gah.. I wish I knew about that before, I would never have wasted my time. :)14:37
bratscheRiddell: Okay so here's the whole picture..14:37
asacArneGoetje: right. if the template is set i think thats the right approach. but at best only copy those over that have no upstream xpi14:37
asaci am not sure how launchpad behaves if you copy them over first ... maybe the upstream upload will never override anything14:38
ArneGoetjeasac: ok, I upload the upstream ones first and then only copy over the rest14:38
asacyeah sounds reasonable14:38
asacArneGoetje: do you know if the copy will drop strings that have no matching id in the tempalate (thats what we want i guess)14:39
bratscheRiddell: We'll be changing the startup sequence in the near future so that in most cases you don't see usplash, and we get into X early in the bootup sequence.  That's when xsplash gets started by /etc/gdm/Init/Default (I think, unless someone tells me otherwise).. and system startup is happening.  When that's done and the gdm greeter is ready to be shown then xsplash gets a signal from gdm greeter and hides itself.14:39
ArneGoetjeasac: should I copy over all languages w/o xpis? or only the ones you mentioned?14:39
nocturnThanks Zdra, will do that\14:39
ArneGoetjeasac: yes, not matching strings will be ignored14:39
asacArneGoetje: i think all14:40
asacthe ones i mentioned have high prio though14:40
ArneGoetjeasac: ok, will do that now.14:40
asacbecause those are whitelisted or known to have translations completed14:40
asacArneGoetje: do you have the template?14:40
ArneGoetjeasac: which template?14:40
asacArneGoetje: its xulrunner-1.9.1 and firefox-3.5 in case you can find them in the upload queue14:40
Riddellbratsche: why is it any slower to loda gdm greeter than  it is to load xsplash?14:40
asacArneGoetje: the templates that got eaten14:40
ArneGoetjeasac: lemme see14:41
asacArneGoetje: if not - and if we need to do the first template upload manually - we need to produce them manually14:41
asacjust let me know. but maybe they are just dangling in some moderation queue14:41
Riddelltedg: did you the new libindicate version that agateau needed?14:42
bratscheRiddell: The idea is that since we're starting X earlier, some of the system startup that was happening under usplash is now happening under X.  So we start gdm greeter once all that is ready, I believe.14:43
bratscheRiddell: But I'm not familiar with the startup sequence stuff.  Keybuk, or anyone from Foundations team would know the answers to this.14:43
RiddellKeybuk: so if xsplash is started by gdm, why not just start gdm greeter?14:44
ArneGoetjeasac: template is in the queue, need to manually approve it14:45
ArneGoetjeasac: template name and translation domain should be "firefox-3.5" and "xulrunner-1.9.1" respectively?14:47
ArneGoetjeasac: ok... approving14:47
* asac hits reload14:47
asacguess it takes a bit?14:47
asachttps://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/firefox-3.5 yay ;)14:47
asachmm 3.5 is there ... (not imported) .. 1.9.1 still missing14:48
asacnow there too14:48
asacArneGoetje: http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.5.2/linux-i686/xpi/ ... there are the upstream .xpis14:49
* asac checks what the po2xpi thing actually does when multiple versions now show up14:50
asacshould work:14:51
asactranslation_domain_dirs=`ls -d $SOURCE_DIR/xpi/*`14:51
asacArneGoetje: ^^ ... so it should work oob ;)14:51
asacif they get exported as SOURCE_DIR/xpi/firefox-3.5 etc.14:51
tedgRiddell: Yes, but it also involved splitting things apart and renaming things.  So kenvandine was going to look at it, and then ping you.14:52
kenvandinetedg, that is next on my plate this morning14:52
tedgRiddell: It's done from my perspective.  But it turns out the distro team has higher standards than I do :)14:52
Riddellkenvandine: what's the crack?14:53
tedgkenvandine: Cool, ping me if you notice anything fishy.14:53
ArneGoetjeasac: looking at the upstream xpis... I see there is a ta-LK.xpi ... we don't have that code in Rosetta AFAIK14:53
ArneGoetjeasac: nor do we have a locale for that one14:54
kenvandineRiddell, anything tedg does is like crack :)14:54
ArneGoetjeasac: (that's Tamil in Sri-Lanka, btw.)14:54
asacArneGoetje: yeah. i remember that tamil folks were happy to have a translations.14:55
asacArneGoetje: how is the process of starting a new langauge? does that require some tamil guy driving it?14:55
ArneGoetjeasac: well, we can put it into the tamil language-pack... but users won't be able to use it without a proper locale...14:55
asacotherwise i think we can skip that translations until someone from sri-lanka starts a full ubuntu translation14:55
asacArneGoetje: yeah. they can set LANG=ta-LK though14:56
asacArneGoetje: let me know how we can do /not do this14:56
asaci would love to have that in  ... and maybe we can enable the locale and make it fallback for other apps to normal "tamil"?14:56
ArneGoetjeasac: hum... ok, I think that's not our problem... so I just try to import it into Rosetta first14:57
asacdo that for now14:57
asaceverything else comes later ;)14:57
ArneGoetjeasac: ok... downloading...14:57
rodrigo_tracker inclusion thread is getting too long :D15:05
rodrigo_on d-d-l15:05
mac_vkenvandine: is there a wiki or a documentation about  xsplash? i cant find any info anywhere15:07
chrisccoulson1rodrigo_ - yeah, i've seen that15:08
chrisccoulson1what are your opinions on tracker?15:08
kenvandinemac_v, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo15:09
kenvandinemac_v, xsplash is just part of the boot experience15:09
mac_vkenvandine: i'm aware of the boot/demo wiki , but no sure how to customize it or change the settings15:10
kenvandineand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/BootExperienceProject15:11
kenvandinethere isn't a way to customize it yet15:11
kenvandinenot sure how customizable it will be15:11
mac_vkenvandine: well i wanted to change settings in my system , nothing major , thanx for the link :)15:12
kenvandinethink of it like usplash, which isn't really customizable15:12
kenvandinexsplash will be easier to change though...15:12
asackenvandine: any update on the testsuite from erlang MIR?15:13
kenvandineit just isn't defined yet, as to how15:13
mac_vkenvandine: usplash *is* customizable ,15:13
kenvandinei think we are adding a command arg to set the background image15:13
kenvandinemac_v, not easily15:13
kenvandineasac, no... i will check on that15:13
mac_vhehe , ;)15:13
asackenvandine: no problem. just wanted to remind you that the MIR is stuck on that part ;)15:14
mac_vkenvandine: BTW, is xsplash an Ubuntu project?15:15
kenvandinemac_v, yes, part of ayatanna15:16
rodrigo_chrisccoulson1: well, for only indexing, it seems a bit useless for me, since I never search for files the way it allows you to do it15:17
mac_vhmm... nice :)15:17
rodrigo_chrisccoulson1: but I think as a central storage for desktop apps, it makes sense15:17
rodrigo_chrisccoulson1: specially if we add couchdb support to it, so that all data gets replicated :)15:17
chrisccoulson1yeah, that sounds good. i would probably use it for indexing and searching as well though. 0.6.95 in ubuntu currently sucks a lot though, so i don't use it now, although i would if it worked well15:19
chrisccoulson1i did start maintaing some packages of the 0.7 branch, but they've stagnated for a little while now15:20
asacawe: good morning ;)15:20
aweasac: good afternoon!15:21
awein the middle of a mtg, will ping you when i'm done...15:21
rodrigo_chrisccoulson1: 0.7 is a WIP, and changing a lot, so better to wait, I think15:25
chrisccoulson1rodrigo_ - yeah, i've been following the development of it quite closely. i started maintaining some packages to have some idea of how the packaging would evolve (seeing as it's likely to be me who packages it ;) ), and to test it and fix bugs too, but i just ran out of time in the end.15:30
tedgrodrigo_: Adding couchdb support to tracker would also be cool as other things (U1) could add index data there even if the files weren't brought down locally (small disk scenario)15:32
rodrigo_tedg: yeah, it's ion my TODO list :)15:32
tedgrodrigo_: Cool :)15:32
rodrigo_just need to make the TODO list shorter to get to it, but it will happen sooner or later :D15:33
ArneGoetjeasac: upstream xpis uploaded15:33
asacArneGoetje: did the template import work?15:34
asacseems so15:34
ArneGoetjeasac: do you want to adjust the priorities for the firefox/xulrunner templates?15:42
asacArneGoetje: we can make xulrunner prio higher.15:43
asacbut once stuff is enabled they will see that its partly untranslated and will soon understand it i guess15:43
ArneGoetjeasac: I mean the 3.5/1.9.1 templates should have a higher priority than the old ones for karmic...15:44
mac_vkenvandine: not sure if you are aware of this , but xsplash flickers once or twice and shows the user gtk_color_scheme's window background color , or should i file a bug about it?15:44
asacArneGoetje: yeah ... thats for sure15:44
asacwe can also add a note to the old templates that those are not the current default15:44
kenvandinemac_v, we know, but a bug report would be nice15:45
mac_vkenvandine: just asked since you commented in a bug saying xsplash is still in development :)15:46
ArneGoetjeasac: ok, once I'm finished with all the imports, I will do that15:46
chrisccoulsonhey bryce, xtrace is pretty useful (I got it working now)18:58
chrisccoulsoni can't trigger the error i'm trying to catch now though :(18:58
brycechrisccoulson, heisenbug eh?18:59
chrisccoulsonit seems so!18:59
brycechrisccoulson, sometimes that happens when the issue is a race condition18:59
chrisccoulsonand i don't have much experience debugging these kinds of issues either ;)18:59
brycechrisccoulson, try throwing some sleeps at your original (non-xtrace) code19:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, i could do19:00
chrisccoulsonjust as i say that, it has crashed now under xtrace!19:01
chrisccoulsonbryce - the documentation for xlib lists the errors that XGetWindowProperty can throw, and BadMatch is not one of them - but I'm seeing BadMatch randomly (and the xtrace log is showing this too)19:04
chrisccoulsondo you know what conditions would trigger this errror?19:04
chrisccoulsonthe bug i'm looking at btw is bug 32104119:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321041 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in xkl_process_error()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32104119:06
chrisccoulsonand a backtrace leading up to that crash: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30283660/Stacktrace19:07
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
chrisccoulsonheh, bratsche - this g-s-d crasher i was talking about last week is somehow exposed by xsplash19:19
chrisccoulson(i've got no idea why though)19:19
bratscheAny idea what window this is that's crashing?19:20
chrisccoulsonit calls XGetWindowProperty on the xsplash window at the start of the session, and that returns an error which is not expected. and it's always the xsplash window that this falls over with :-/19:20
chrisccoulsonbratsche - http://pastebin.com/m7770486619:21
chrisccoulson0x00400004 is xsplash19:21
chrisccoulsonas shown earlier in the log here: http://pastebin.com/m338d322919:22
chrisccoulsoni'm completely confused now19:22
bratscheYeah me too.19:23
chrisccoulsonthis is starting to cause me some sleepless nights, and the number of duplicates is increasing daily19:23
chrisccoulsoni think it's time to rebuild Xorg with some debug statements in after dinner ;)19:23
bratschechrisccoulson: How can I duplicate this?19:26
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i'm not sure. for me, it happens repeatably on login if the session fully loads with xsplash still running. that doesn't happen often though because my VM is pretty slow, and xsplash seems to disappear before the panel loads. in this case, i don't see the crash19:27
bratschechrisccoulson: Stupid question, but what is the klavier stuff?19:27
chrisccoulsonit's all to do with keyboard layout profiles, and allows you to set per-window layouts and stuff19:28
chrisccoulsoni'm not 100% sure exactly how it works, but all i know is that it is used by g-s-d in the keyboard plugin19:28
chrisccoulsoni'm having to learn how it works though19:28
brycechrisccoulson, BadMatch is a common function return #define value in xserver19:29
brycechrisccoulson, there's also a similar one for xkb19:29
chrisccoulsonbryce, thanks. i'm not sure what the call is doing wrong to trigger it though19:29
chrisccoulsonit seems undocumented in xlib for XGetWindowProperty19:30
brycechrisccoulson, grepping through xserver code, BadMatch shows up all over the place19:31
chrisccoulsonbryce - i'll have a look in a minute, and see if i can pinpoint where i think it might be occurring19:31
brycegrep returning lots of instances in libx11 as well19:32
brycehmm, XErrorDB...19:34
bryceXProtoError.8: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)19:34
chrisccoulsonbryce - am i right in thinking that when i do a GetProperty call from a client, that this is handled by ProcGetProperty() in dix/property.c ?19:35
brycechrisccoulson, hmm that's a bit vague, but in poking around under the hood it looks like it might return that if for instance you passed a float instead of an int, or so on19:35
brycechrisccoulson, not sure but sounds like a feasible assumption19:36
bryceyou could stick some print statements in there to check19:36
chrisccoulsoni can see a code path in ProcGetProperty() that could return this error, but i can't see how it should happen19:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think my next step is to rebuild with some print statements19:37
brycechrisccoulson, have you looked at man XGetWindowProperty?19:39
chrisccoulsonbryce - yeah, i looked at that19:39
chrisccoulsonBadMatch is not documented as an error that this call can return19:39
brycehuh, yeah you're right19:40
chrisccoulsonlooking at the code path, dixLookupDrawable is called from dixLookupWindow with type=M_WINDOW. BadMatch is returned if this type does not match the type of the returned drawable19:41
bryceit's mentioned for some of the other calls but not that one19:41
chrisccoulsonbut i'm speculating here now, i need to rebuild it with some print statements19:41
bryceok well solid hypothesis so far though, that's good19:41
bryceonce this is sorted, bug me and I'll make sure we update the man page and notify upstream19:42
asacbryce: could you first ask upstream about bug 401055 ...19:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401055 in firefox "[MASTER] Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox-3.5' received an X Window System error (BadWindow)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40105519:43
asacits the XError I showed you in berlin if you remember ;)19:43
asaci have a band aid, but would like to ask upstream why XQueryTree now gives BadWindow19:44
chrisccoulsonheh, we're flooding bryce with X errors now ;)19:44
asacif they have an idea that would be great. could be that its some window not properly cleaned and query iterating over it19:44
asacmine is old ;)19:45
bryceasac, ok19:45
bryceasac, weird.  Well the libx11 code is like a maze of twisty passages, I don't see where XQueryTree can generate a BadWindow.  I'll just forward the issue upstream.20:04
asacbryce: thanks. please add the right x package to the bug too20:05
asacbryce: would like to wait with bandaid in case they want more info20:06
bryceasac, if you can produce a smallish test case that upstream could use to reproduce the issue, it would likely help20:06
asacno way20:07
brycewell, otherwise, I've a sense my upstreamed bug is going to just end up lost in the pile of xserver bugs20:07
asacyou can ask folks directly ;)20:07
asacits firefox. i dont think they want firefox to be broken like that ;)20:07
bratschebryce or chrisccoulson: Do either of you know much about what's going on in compiz when it starts?  xsplash starts before compiz and once compiz starts xsplash disappears and then reappears.  Do either of you have some clues whether it's possible to solve this, and where I might look?20:08
asacat least get a first input. if they have no clue we apply bandaid and i will let mozilla upstream deal with it20:08
asacbryce: ^^20:08
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i'm not sure. i'm not running compiz here20:09
chrisccoulsonbut yes, you're right - xsplash is running before the window manager20:09
chrisccoulsonwhich is something that the phases of gnome-session try to avoid20:09
brycebratsche, are you sure xsplash is running, or that it's just whatever was left on the framebuffer when xsplash exited?20:09
chrisccoulsonright, i've got to disappear for some dinner20:10
mclasenbratsche: I guess it is compiz mapping the cow20:11
bratschebryce: I'm sure it's running.. because once the rest of the session has loaded the xsplash changes its window opacity.20:12
bratschemclasen: Sorry, what is the cow?20:13
mclasencomposite override window20:13
mclasenor overlay, maybe20:13
brycebratsche, then could it be xsplash and compiz both trying to update the screen and stepping on each other's toes?20:13
brycesorry, I'm just throwing out random ideas at this point, I don't have any useful advice20:14
bratscheI don't really know how window managers work yet, tbh, so I'm not sure how to fix this yet.20:14
bratschemclasen: Is the COW created with XCompositeGetOverlayWindow?  The man page says if it hasn't yet been mapped then this will map it.20:26
bratscheNot sure if this is the same thing.20:26
mclasenyeah, I guess that is it, but my memory of the issues with that is vague20:27
bratscheCool, I'll at least look in this direction and see what happens.  Thanks!20:27
bryceasac, done.20:29
bryceasac, firefox no longer is showing the busy cursor when I click form submit buttons, while it reloads the page20:34
chrisccoulsonbratsche - have you triggered the crash yet?21:01
brycechrisccoulson, asac, please review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/XError which I've just drafted to help document how to debug X client errors.21:33
brycechrisccoulson, asac, since you two have gone through the process many times before, I hope you would each add some nuggets of wisdom to it.  (seb128, maybe you too)21:34
chrisccoulsonbryce - i'll take a look at that shortly.21:35
chrisccoulsonbratsche - i'm not sure if this is coincidence or not, but i just rebuilt xsplash with a call to gtk_window_set_decorated to turn decorations off, and i'm not seeing the crash anymore21:36
chrisccoulsonso, it seems definately related to something which happens when the WM loads21:36
bratscheWell, fuck me.  When it was doing set_fullscreen(true) then it wouldn't work right.. so when I stopped doing that and turned off decorations it fixed the other problems and now it does this.21:37
bratschechrisccoulson: This all seems like way more trouble than a stupid splash screen is worth. ;)21:39
chrisccoulsonheh, yeah ;)21:39
chrisccoulsonit does seem like a lot of effort currently21:39
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
chrisccoulsoni'm sure that the bug isn't really with xsplash - just that it does something different to expose the real bug21:40
chrisccoulsoni'm not exactly sure how the WM works really - it reparents all the windows it decorates doesn't it?21:41
bratscheI don't think compiz does.. but I might be wrong.21:41
chrisccoulsonah, i'm using metacity here21:41
bratscheYes, I think metacity does.21:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, metacity does reparent - i just checked the xtrace output for xsplash with and without decorations from metacity21:45
chrisccoulsonand i don't see a ReparentNotify for the non-decorated case21:45
bratscheIs there some way to grep a file through bzr revisions? :)21:45
chrisccoulsonbrb, i have food to eat21:45
Zdradoes someone knows if karmic is going to ship with  pulseaudio >= 0.9.1621:45
Zdraoh, it is already there it seems21:46
bratschechrisccoulson: I think I got rid of the flickering here.22:16
chrisccoulsoncool, how did you manage that?22:16
bratschechrisccoulson: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bratsche/xsplash/composite-overlay-hack/revision/4622:22
bratschePull down that branch and play around with it if you have any time.  Let me know if it seems to get rid of the flicker for you.22:23
chrisccoulsonthanks bratsche - i'll have a look at that when i get the chance22:36
chrisccoulsonprobably not tonight though22:36
bratschethat's cool.22:40
chrisccoulsonyay! gnome-system-tools and system-tools-backends have been ported to polkit-123:02
chrisccoulsonthat will please pitti when he's back23:02

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