
whiteshepDoes anyone know if ACLs work in Ubuntu?05:44
* xivulon fighting with grub207:36
StevenKxivulon: Hi! I saw what I did earlier with wubi, and screenshotted it.07:52
StevenKxivulon: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/wubi.jpg07:52
StevenKxivulon: That is with the change evand made to replace - with ' '07:52
evandStevenK: do you still have that VM/machine up?  Can you pastebin the contents of the Wubi log file? %TEMP%\Wubi-rXXX.log07:55
xivulonStevenK having a look07:55
xivulonps on grub2 it now loads the kernel and initrd files, but it jams as soon as the 'boot' command is executed07:56
xivulonhints welcome07:56
xivulonStevenK, evand: the wubi option in what was umenu is shown IFF:  self.info.cd_distro.min_iso_size < cd_drive.total_space_mb*1024*1024 < self.info.cd_distro.max_iso_size07:57
xivulon^ that was to avoid showing the option for a DVD07:58
xivulonis UNR ISO beyond those limits?07:59
StevenKNo, it's 712MB07:59
StevenKBut I'm running it off a 2GB USB key07:59
xivulonI guess we need to have a better way to detect a DVD08:01
xivulonwouldn't it be possible to have a flag in .disk/info? or is there a file only used in a DVD?08:01
xivulonevand ^08:02
StevenKPerhaps the DVD identifies itself as such in .disk/info anyway08:02
xivulonStevenK for the time being use http://paste.ubuntu.com/255588/08:04
xivulonStevenK as far as I am aware of the .disk/info of a DVD is identical to the CD one08:04
xivulonI guess that the size of casper/filesystem.squashfs is a better indicator than the size of the device containing the file08:08
xivulonStevenK, just to confirm, are the files extracted into the USB key? I assume you do not have an ISO in there.08:08
StevenKxivulon: Yes, using USB creator08:09
xivulonhmm ok I hope that the loopmount function in grub2 works well then or we will need to fix bug #24310508:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243105 in wubi "When Wubi is installed from CD, ubiquity crashes at the end of the installation" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24310508:13
xivulonevand ^08:14
evandxivulon: indeed, I would suggest we change it to check the size of the squashfs.08:16
evandindeed, we'll sort that out if need be08:16
xivulonTheMuso, when you have some time, can you please check the status of raid support in lupin?08:17
xivulonAnd also please check whether the current accessibility page is still ok08:18
evandxivulon: speaking of the accessibility page, I noticed that you anchored the items to the page itself, rather than the frames08:18
xivulonevand another long standing issue is creating bookmarks for wubi, but that requires the default bookmarks to be configurable08:19
evandwhich results in the items sometimes being offset from the frames08:19
xivulonehm bookmarks for /host08:19
jerroomehello, I would like to install ubuntu on machines by modifying the grub entry with another kernel, initrd and preseed file. After the machine has booted, it's downloading additional tools, but when it has to partition hd, it never finds any. does anyone have an idea how to manage that ?08:23
evandxivulon: can you not just stick it in ~/.gtk-bookmarks ?08:28
xivulonthat I think is created on first login08:29
evandxivulon: I imagine it can already exist.08:29
xivulonso I need to change the home skeleton08:29
evandbut yeah, sticking it in skel would replicate it to every user.08:30
xivulonlast time I looked at it, the default bookmarks were hardcoded08:30
xivulonmain issue at the moment though is that grub2 gets completely stuck upon boot08:32
xivulonand  I am not sure how to debug that08:32
evandjerroome: I would need to see logs from an install attempt to better understand the problem you're experiencing08:33
evandxivulon: I'm not sure either.  Have you tried modifying grub2 to see where it fails, or perhaps there's a more verbose debug mode?08:34
SocahHello. I got fallowing problem. I have grub2, and 2 distros atm - gentoo and ubuntu testing. I had once ubuntu 9.04, ubuntu testing and arch. Now, after installing gentoo, I just want to update grub, so as mentioned in doc's I need to run update-grub2. And I do so, it detecs ubuntu testing, and gentoo as it should. After this, I enter /boot/grub/grub.cfg, and this new file doesn't contain gentoo, but my old oses that doesn't exist - arch, ubuntu 9.04,12:32
jerroomeevand: I found the problem, I was using the kernel and initrd of a server iso, but used the repository of an alternate iso12:44
jerroomethank you12:44
_rubenran into some issues after a fresh intrepid pxe install: i had a seperate /boot partition, but grub was looking for its files in /boot instead of / ... after fixing that, it couldnt find /boot by its uuid, changed it to its label in fstab, cant find it either .. strange14:17
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evandkirkland: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/255749/ - one more and then we're set15:20
evandI've tested it with the above patch and the copy of user-setup I just uploaded and thankfully everything works15:20
evandI think long-term we might want to consider inventing a cryptswap filesystem type in partman and having something check the value of user-setup/encrypt-home and set all swap devices to be formatted as cryptswap.  I'll run that by Colin when he returns from vacation.15:22
evandif you can get a new ecryptfs-utils out today, I should be able to have new CDs produced by the evening (UTC) and then I'll send an email to Kees asking him to poke holes in it.15:25
kirklandevand: i'll push one now15:55
kirklandevand: hmm, that patch doesn't apply cleanly15:57
* evand checks15:57
evandIt's against lp:~ecryptfs/ecryptfs/ecryptfs-utils/ r45415:58
evandshould I be using another location?15:58
kirklandevand: hang on15:58
kirklandevand: it's pastebin that corrupted it15:58
kirklandevand: or your pasting, rather15:59
evandprobably the latter15:59
kirklandevand: converted tabs into whitespaces15:59
kirklandevand: can you push a branch?15:59
evandwill do15:59
kirklandevand: bzr branch lp:ecryptfs15:59
evandkirkland: lp:~evand/ecryptfs/installer-support16:06
kirklandevand: thx16:16
kirklandevand: i'm curious...  when is swap a ram device?16:17
evandon the live CD :)16:17
kirklandevand: heh :-)16:18
kirklandevand: that's just odd16:18
kirklandevand: you're swapping memory to memory :-)16:18
kirklandevand: or am i misunderstanding?16:18
kirklandevand: uploading to karmic now16:19
evandI'm not entirely sure on why it's there.  I suspect it's part of the horror that is aufs, though.16:21
kirklandevand: how much longer are you around?17:30
evandprobably a few more hours17:31
kirklandevand: cool, i'm hoping you'll push a new iso build once the ecryptfs-utils changes make it in the archive17:31
evandindeed, I've got my eye out for it17:33
kirklandevand: okay, uploaded, awaiting build17:36
kirklandevand: sorry i got distracted/delayed until now17:36
evandno worries17:36
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3385 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):17:42
CIA-33ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: user-setup17:42
CIA-33ubiquity: 1.27ubuntu8.17:42
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3386 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.99.917:52
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