
jjohansen1ghostcube: is that the windbond-840 module? or the winbond module in staging?00:07
ghostcubew83627ehf  kernel modul00:10
ghostcubeW83667HG chipset on an asusu p5q-pro 00:11
ghostcubeloads fine in rc5 but in rc6 is telling me device busy or not ready00:11
jjohansen1ghostcube: dkms?00:11
ghostcubeno 00:12
ghostcubejust wanted to mention it its not the biggest bug ever :) but i dont get why its not loading heh00:13
jjohansen1ghostcube: can you file a bug, and mark it as a regression00:13
ghostcubeyeah i can do so where to file ? to l aunchpad ?00:14
jjohansen1ghostcube: yeah if you run ubuntu-bug -p linux00:15
jjohansen1it will gather all the information (logs, etc), and automate most of the bug filing process00:15
ghostcubeok so i will boot up into rc6 and do the command :) can this be tomorrow i dont know if i can file tonight00:17
ghostcubethx and see you 00:17
jjohansen1ghostcube: when ever is convenient for you00:17
ghostcubeok :)00:18
praveencan anyone tell me how do I find the offset from two given addresses. They both are void* and I can't subtract them03:03
LeadingEdgeEntrelooking for 7 figure thinkers leadingedgeentrepreneurs.com03:25
FjodorHi guys. Does anyone know what happened to the gspca driver in the 2.6.31-rc series from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa ?05:28
mcasadevallapw, sparc patches resent, look for [patch] SPARC config patches07:05
amenoFjodor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=779420508:24
amenoit has been confirmed, that the configs are not synced, but not if anyone is fixing it or when :/08:25
amenoi did not dare to whine too much though :)08:26
apwameno, i am aware of he issue08:44
apwits not that the configs are not sync, but that the wrong series config is being used and mainline has changed the name of a couple of the main top level options08:45
apwwhich triggers whole subsystems to dissappear08:45
amenoah ok, someone else here told me the "out of sync" story08:46
amenoso its not as trivial as i thought08:46
amenocan we help somehow?08:46
smbI guess we just need to find either a way to have a special mainline builds config for older kernels (not using kms by default) or switch to karmic configs instead. But that might prevent testing from Jaunty (and earlier) environments08:50
apwyeah the logical first step is to try a build using those karmic configs and see if that fixes the underlying issue09:05
apwas smb says that may trigger the kernels not being useful on jaunty without manual configuration09:05
apwin that case we would at minimum need hints on what to do when using them on the mainline builds wiki09:06
NCommanderapw, bah, shoot me w.r.t. to the SPARC patches, something has gone freaking horribly wrong :-/09:06
NCommanderapw, I don't get why it failed in the DC and not for me, I removed the modules it wanted ... *sigh*09:06
apwNCommander, its like that09:21
NCommanderapw, ?09:26
apwNCommander, i was just saying life tends to go wrong11:06
apwQ-FUNK, morningg11:06
lagaapw: don't mean to psuh anything, it'd just be nice to know for planning: will there be another kenrel upload with that AUFS config change before beta?11:07
apwthe change is commited, so it'll be in the next kernel upload11:10
apwthat'll likely be whenever the next -rc is out11:10
Q-FUNKapw: weren't we working on some old regression that affects SCx200 geodes, at some point?11:38
apwQ-FUNK, couldn't say any more, too long ago11:38
Q-FUNKapw: bug #24130711:40
ubot3Malone bug 241307 in linux "kernel oops during bootup in LTSP" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24130711:40
Q-FUNKstill unresolved11:41
apwindeed.  there are a number of bugs unresolved11:45
apwthe issue there is that although we know the patch which triggered it, its not trivial to back out11:45
apwits the kind of thing where someone with the h/w would be in the best position to fix it11:45
apwto work out what in the new code is tripping the oops11:46
apwwith that info we could then quirk the code for the machine i assume11:47
Q-FUNKapw: I have the hardware, but I lack the knowledge to hack on kernels.12:06
apwis that your bug?12:06
apwQ-FUNK, what was the latest kernel you tried on this thing?12:52
Q-FUNKapw: good question.  some 2.6.28 IIRC12:52
apwmigth be worth trying a karmic kernel, as there appear to be yet further a20 updates12:56
apwin the latest kernels, which seem to talk about issues on more embeded systems which don't have a keyboard controller12:57
apwand the bit you commented out included that controller setup12:57
Q-FUNKapw: noted. might be worth commenting that on the bug as well.  it'll make it easier for me to pass the info around.12:59
apwrtg is this valid:13:45
apwifeq ($(disable_d_i),)13:45
apw        $(DEBIAN)/rules do-binary-udebs;13:45
apwas in .orig.gz + diff upload mode the rules is not going to executable13:46
apwnormally we run things like perl <foo>13:46
apwso i'd expect us to be using make -F13:46
rtgapw, you could try $(MAKE) -f $(DEBIAN)/rules do-binary-udebs;13:46
apwright, that would seem appropriate replacement13:47
smbI try that immediately13:47
apwwell with $(DEBIAN) too13:47
apwsmb, take the one from main debian/rules file13:47
apwrtg in karmic we would be ok, as we have that file +x and we are still makeing -sa kernels13:48
apwbut i think the issue will be there too13:48
rtgapw, how odd13:48
apwi have the feeling that buildd chmod +x debian/rules then run it13:49
apwso we have gotten away with it before hand13:49
rtgapw, how about debian/debian.env ? 13:50
apwthat we generate during the build, so its got whatever perms it has when we make it13:50
apwso its unaffected by the -sa !-sa thing13:51
rtgapw, only if the 'clean' target is run13:51
rtgotherwise its part of the diff13:51
apwhrm yes you are right13:52
apwi wonder if it needs to be -x13:52
rtgapw, its likely the buildd runs 'clean' first, but I'd have to check for sure13:52
smbapw, I replaced that make call and am rerunning the build now13:52
apwoh yes they do13:52
apwrtg i'll confirm that by uploading netbook13:53
smbapw, btw, I run clean first as well13:53
apwyes but thats before the diff stage13:53
apwthe -x on the master version is my fault13:53
tseliotamitk, mjg59: do you know why the touchpad resolution is reported as 1x1 in the kernel? Here's the relevant kernel commit which introduced the resolution: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mingo/linux-2.6-x86.git;a=commitdiff;h=ec20a022aa24fc63d3ab59584cb1e5aa9a21d46c;hp=d7ed5d883c09c5474f842dcb148515dfaef2a56713:53
apwbut it rasises an issue that an upload version won't work cause they get lost anyhow13:53
apwso it'll be like you are seeing13:54
apweven if its fixed in the git tree13:54
smbI will get to tun both variants, atm the patches change +x to debain/rules stub and -x on debian.master/rules. Probably debian/rules needs the +x13:56
apwi am pretty sure the the buildd process has to chmod +x debian/rules13:57
apwdue to the orig+diff handling and there being on requiorement on language for debian/rules13:57
smbSounds like a reasonable bet13:58
apwhense we have never noticed this internal connection before13:58
apwi only thought of it cause i am looking at the whines as i make the netbook upload to test13:59
apwdpkg-source: warning: executable mode 0775 of 'debian/debian.env' will not be represented in diff13:59
smbyeah, there has been much whining ever14:00
loolapw: dpkg-buildpackage will always chmod debian/rules; search for chmod in /usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage14:12
loolThat's the only executable file from the diff.gz14:12
apwlool, thanks, that meets my expectations14:12
rtgapw, whats that apt proxy/cacher package that you use?14:26
apwi use apt-cacher-ng, seems to be almost painless14:26
smbme too14:28
apwrtg, i was looking at the imx51 branch on karmic that you rebased14:31
apwit seemed you were deleting the whole of debian and debian.master then crteating debian.imx5114:31
apwthat seems counter intuitive, is that just a hang over?14:31
rtgapw, no, it seemed the best way to avoid _any_ conflict in the debian directory14:32
rtgthose commits will always be on top14:32
apwbut by definition it creates a git conflict on the remove commit14:32
apwand i thought the point of the split was that the new stuff would always be in debian.<branch> and couldn't conflict14:33
rtgyou know, I remember thinking about that yesterday, and now you've reminded me.14:33
rtgso if newfiles are created in debian.master, then we'll have issues with theremoval, right?14:34
apwor if they change too, i believe you will get a change/remove conflict14:34
rtgshit, guess I'd better fix that14:34
apwon the netbook branch i just left it in there14:34
apwand added the change to add DEBIAN=xxx14:34
rtgI use tab completion, so I try to get rid of duplicates14:35
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
apwrtg ahh i see, that is annoying for me too :/14:35
rtgapw, ok, thanks for spotting that14:35
apwits a work in progress all round14:35
rtgbjf, that means more mucking about in your dove branch14:36
smbYou still might call it master.debian and master.whatever14:36
smbI meant master.debian and soemthing like arm.debian14:37
rtgsmb, indeed, one could. 14:37
bjfrtg, i'm shocked!14:37
rtgI shocked that you're shocked!14:38
smbbjf, Hard to believe :)14:38
bjfsmb, indeed :)14:38
ogrartg, how is the imx51 renaming going, looks like i might have a livefs build server later today 14:38
ograi'd like to build images with the properly named packages ;)14:39
rtgogra, the kernel is renamed, but I have been ignoring the headers package naming issues for now.14:39
rtgogra, I still need to do the -meta package as well14:40
ograwell, imx51 will have to replace the existing imx51 headers packages14:40
ograelse we end up with a massive mess14:40
ogracurrently there exist header packages in the archive due to the fact that imx51 was built in karmic from the main package for quite a while14:40
rtgogra, those packages should get reaped eventually14:41
ograso we have to be cautious these get properly replaced ... and indeed however yu name them, dont forget upgrades ... 14:41
ograit will likely be a hell of conflicts/replaces you need14:42
ografor the kernel itself meta should take care as long a meta is named like in jaunty (which i think we agreed on)14:42
ograso there noting special is needed14:43
rtgogra, meta names are likely part of a LiveCD seed, aren't they?14:44
ogranot seed, but yes, they get used in the liveimage14:44
ogra        armel)  14:45
ogra                        case "$SUBARCH" in 14:45
ogra                                imx51)14:45
ogra                                        LIST="$LIST linux-babbage"14:45
ograthats the imx51 snipped from the livefs builde14:45
ograits just a matter of renaming it to linux-imx51, one line change 14:45
rtgogra, didn't we switch from -babbage to -imx51 ?14:45
ograthe tricky part is debian-installer14:45
rtgah, never mind14:46
ografor A4 i tried linux-babbage :) 14:46
ograbut that ended up with a mess with the headers 14:46
bjfsmb, where am I in your queue? (the FSL patch redo) (I'm not pushing, i'm just asking in case I get asked)14:58
smbbjf, Something around #2 or #314:58
bjfsmb, timewise, you think this week or next?14:59
apwameno, the latest mainline daily was built with karmics config, perhaps you could see if that has the bits you expect in it14:59
smbbjf, I try to get the abstract stuff in place to use it with the arm branch too. Rather this14:59
bjfsmb, ok15:00
apwsmb, we gonna have as separate source upload for arm in jaunty like we do in karmic?15:01
amenoapw: yes, looks like drivers/media was compiled in \o/ will test it now...15:01
smbapw, Yes, it seems we need that too15:02
apwsmb the patch stack in the abstracted-debian contains the changes to let the name come fromt he changelog15:02
rtgbjf, its actually also on my list of things todo, buts its lower down after Karmic and LTS backports stuff.15:02
bjfsmb, is there anything I can help you with w.r.t. FSL15:02
apwbut you want to get with rtg to make sure you have the latest naming jiggles right15:02
smbapw, Yeah, another reason to get that going first15:02
smbapw, Yep, my intention. I got an eye on his discussions too15:03
apwsmb the netbook branch looks good with the new layout15:03
bjfrtg, what's on your todo?15:03
rtgbjf, Jaunty FSL15:03
smbbjf, Not that I can say now. I likely will run in issues when actually pulling your patches15:03
smbbjf, But I will get back to you then15:04
bjfrtg, oh :-)15:04
apwsmb, just awaiting the PPA builds of it to confirm its a builder15:04
bjfsmb, ack15:04
apwsmb, thats with your little fixy applied for the udeb problem15:04
smbapw, Ok, mine here seems to run now for quite a while15:04
smbapw, So it looks somewhat good, but I wait for it to fionish15:04
apwsmb, about 10 mins from done i'd say here.  and its buildng in a buildd env as a better test15:05
smbrtg, If you say Jaunty FSL, are we about to collide with things?15:05
rtgsmb, yep, its gonna take some hackery and git futzing15:05
rtgI was gonna wait until netbook/master settled15:06
smbrtg, Actually it sounds as you are about to go for the same things as I wanted15:06
apwsmb, yeah sounds like a 100% duplication rather than a clash15:06
rtgsmb, if you've time, then feel free15:06
rtgI'm still working on Karmic dove, then -meta, then LTS, then ....15:07
apwsmb, i can work with you based on my netbook experience here in theory15:07
smbrtg, Probably not the same. I get confused by the fact that the patchsets for imx51 are from fsl as well15:07
_rubennot sure if this is a -kernel thing, but any clues as to why a partition wouldnt show up under /dev/disk/by-label and by-uuid, it is present under by-id and by-path15:12
apw_ruben, it would depend on whether it has a uuid and label, they are often filesystem format specific15:19
apwit there needs to be space allocated to it in the fs format not all do15:20
apwthose files are made by udev15:21
Frank83Greetings Guys. Yesterday my Update Manager downloaded a Kernel Update (uname -r = 2.6.28-15-generic) but now today the Update manager is showing me again that I should update the kernel to... 2.6.28-15? Is that normal or is this a fix of the previous kernel?15:21
_rubenapw: hmm .. it has both a label and uuid according to blkid, its an ext2 partition15:22
apwthen its most likely an issue with udev15:22
apwhrm, can you paste the output of /sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdX115:25
apwwhere X matches your disk15:25
mjg59Frank83: -15 is the ABI version, not the package version15:26
mjg59Frank83: Some updates may keep the same ABI15:26
_rubenInvalid output format udev. Choose from value, device, list, or full15:26
apw_ruben, what version of ubuntu are you on15:26
smbFrank83, Normal in the sense we had -15 accepted from proposed and today a now version from sercurity came, with the same abi number15:26
Frank83mjg59, Ah, Thanks. That I didn't know. I'll download it, then.15:26
Frank83mjg59, If I made a change to this kernel (Installed Compat-Wireless package to support my Wireless), will this update roll back those changes?15:27
smbmjg59, While you are around. Did you get the feedback about acpi_video and _DOD and _DOS? Though there seems to be much change upstream15:28
_rubenapw: fresh intrepid upgraded to jaunty (my pxe env doesnt do jaunty yet) .. but the problem was there in intrepid as well i think15:28
mjg59smb: Yes, there's a discussion in upstream bugzilla15:28
smbFrank83, No, it includes it15:28
apwFrank83, did you install compat-wireless by installing linux-backports-modules ?15:28
Frank83apw, Negative. I installed it from the source page of the project.15:29
tseliotmjg59: shall I take it as a no?15:29
smbFrank83, Oh, in that case it might replace it again15:29
smbFrank83, Have you tried backports-modules?15:30
mjg59tseliot: Sorry, I didn't highlight15:30
Frank83smb, Okay. I'll take that into account. No, I haven't tried those, didn't even know of their existence until you mentioned it. What do they do?15:30
mjg59tseliot: At a guess, the hardware doesn't support it?15:30
smbFrank83, That package contains the code from compat-wireless put into a separate dir, so it supersedes the normal kernel drivers15:31
smbFrank83, And is preserved on updates15:31
tseliotmjg59: is it possible that the kernel doesn't know about the resolution? (just asking)15:31
apwsmb, my netbook build failed, seems the debug crapola isn't quite right15:31
apwworking on it now15:32
Frank83smb, Wow, that will save me a lot of time! Thanks! Wonder why I didn't find / saw that in the project page15:32
smbapw, My build is still running, odd, as if the concurrency_level is wrong...15:33
Frank83smb, If this kernel update breaks up the compiled compat, then I will install the modules. Installing the modules over the compiled compat doesn't look like a good idea to me.15:34
apwrtg, this bit in the karmic stuff that handles the ddebs15:35
smbFrank83, You should find it it aptitude. or "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty"15:35
apw        mv ../$(dbgpkg)_$(release)-$(revision)_$(arch).deb \15:35
apw                ../$(dbgpkg)_$(release)-$(revision)_$(arch).ddeb15:35
apw        grep -v '^$(dbgpkg)_.*$$' $(DEBIAN)/files > $(DEBIAN)/files.new15:35
apw        mv $(DEBIAN)/files.new $(DEBIAN)/files15:35
apwrtg, that looks wrong to me... i think that bit should be debian/ throughout15:35
apwif you agree i'll fix it15:36
Frank83smb, I will search for those. Many thanks for the help. :-)15:36
smbFrank83, you're welcome :)15:36
smbmjg59, Do you happen to have the bugzilla number for that discussion?15:37
mjg59smb: Not offhand15:37
rtgapw, I think you're right. its the first time the debug packages have been built.15:37
apwyep ... will get this bugger built eventually, and fold the changes back to karmic15:38
smbmjg59, Ok, np. Just wanted to make sure you got the info that allowing _DOS or _DOD in both places as a valid video device got the backlight working for that one guy with the acer laptop15:38
rtgapw, test it locally by 'sudo mkdir /CurrretnBuilding ' in your chroot15:38
rtgbut spell it right15:38
apwrtg heh, yeah15:39
rtgit makes  mammoth file foreach flavour, roughly 500MB15:39
rtgwhich is why I don't do it very often15:39
mjg59smb: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13577 I think15:39
ubot3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 13577 in Power-Video "Broken backlight control on Acer Aspire 8930G due to buggy DSDT/ACPI Video" [Normal,Resolved: code_fix] 15:40
smbmjg59, sounds similar. Though the reporter here had a 6920G, but Acer seems to be consistent in that respect15:45
smbmjg59, In the case I had the problem were multiple definitions but only one had _DOD *and* _DOS defined as the code required. All others only had only one. So changing the if cases to allow one or the other in video and video_detect solved that15:48
amenoapw: the current vanilla image looks ok and the module i missed before works15:54
amenothe headers and source package seem broken though15:55
ameno1,4kB is a bit small for a kernel source package ;)15:55
ograits just good compression :P15:56
mdzogasawara: bug 388923 needs to be unwound...looks like a lot of unrelated bugs have been marked as duplicates of that bug16:03
ubot3Malone bug 388923 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38892316:04
mdzogasawara: I've added code to apport to handle the nvidia-common case already16:04
mdzbut there are some others mixed in there16:04
ogasawaramdz: ok thanks, I'll take a look16:04
mdzogasawara: when I come across an apport-package bug, I generally try to extract the error message from DpkgTerminalLog.txt and put it into a comment, so it's easier to triage onward16:05
mdzogasawara: eg, I just did bug 39090516:06
ubot3Malone bug 390905 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: podproces post-installation script zwrócił kod błędu 1 (dup-of: 388923)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39090516:06
ubot3Malone bug 388923 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38892316:06
mdzogasawara: I'm using bug 386042 as the master bug for this one: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule: line 42: printf: write error: Broken pipe16:09
ubot3Malone bug 386042 in grub "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38604216:09
mdzand 385771 for the update-grub merge failure16:12
ogasawaramdz: I'd been using bug 269539 for the update-grub merge failure16:15
ubot3ogasawara: Error: Could not parse data returned by Malone: The read operation timed out16:15
mdzogasawara: oh, thanks. sorry about that16:17
Q-FUNKogasawara: howdy! would you happen to have a kernel for me to test drive?16:25
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: unfortunately not yet, fails to build and I haven't been able to dig through the log yet16:25
Q-FUNKogasawara: oh?  just disabling that config option makes the build fail?  16:26
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: I had to disable quite a few config options which turned that config option on16:27
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: but I'm not sure why those would then result in a failed build16:27
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: hence me needing to look at the build log16:27
Q-FUNKogasawara: interesting.  something tells me that sending your logs to Al Viro might be a good idea, as it seems that his recent changes feature a number of interesting regressions, this panic on Geode being only a small fraction of the lot.16:28
Q-FUNKogasawara: if nothing else, it could prevent some seriously broken code from being included in the 2.6.31 final release16:29
Q-FUNKkeeping the LKML in the loop might also be appropriate, in this particular case, me thinks.16:29
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: indeed16:30
ogasawaraQ-FUNK: I was having some git issues yesterday so I just want to make sure the failed build wasn't a result of that16:30
ret with kernels > 2.6.28-12 when I'm done installing them I continue to get `avc_has_perm_no_audit kernel panic not syncing'16:44
retthen the keyboard becomes nonresponsive.16:45
retwhat ought i do16:45
jjohansenret: do you have selinux enabled?16:46
retjjohansen: I do16:46
jjohansenret: my guess is you need updated policy16:46
retjjohansen: how would I go about this?16:47
jjohansenret: have you tried pulling in the latest policy, you could also try audit-to-allow16:48
jjohansenhrmm, or something like that its been a while since I looked at that16:49
jjohansenret: ubuntu-hardened is a better channel to ask selinux questions in16:49
mdzbah, why is it kernel-team@lists instead of ubuntu-kernel@lists like everything else?16:53
retjjohansen: eh, looking at the config shows that its been mucked with16:55
retaudit2allow --verbose returns nothing ;\16:55
retlooks like its fixed though.16:56
rtgbjf, amitk: repushed Karmic fsl-imx51 with updated the debian abstraction according to apw.17:04
rtghmm, garbled structure sentence17:05
apws/according to/as suggested by'17:06
ograso i can blame you for all the breakae now ? cool ;)17:08
* ogra tickles apw 17:09
* apw falls off his chair17:09
mdzogasawara: do you have a master bug for the "missing /boot/grub" errors?17:12
mdzlike bug 39472917:12
ubot3Malone bug 394729 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.45 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 388923)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39472917:12
ubot3Malone bug 388923 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38892317:12
ogasawaramdz: for that one I don't.  I've usually been going back and forth with bug reporters to find they've uninstalled grub somehow and mark them invalid17:14
mdzogasawara: that's weird, uninstalling grub shouldn't remove /boot/grub I don't think17:15
ogasawaramdz: or I've seen the case where they don't have their /boot partition mounted and it fails with the same issue17:15
ogasawaramdz: have you started using a master bug?17:22
mdzogasawara: no17:22
mdzogasawara: are there any others which are common enough that we should add bugpatterns for them?17:25
ogasawaramdz: aside from what I have documented in that wiki, I haven't seen any17:25
mdzogasawara: only a few of the ones on the wiki have bugpatterns that I see17:26
mdzogasawara: thanks for adding 386042, I think that one warrants a bugpattern17:26
ogasawaramdz: I can do the bugpattern for that if you haven't already 17:26
mdzogasawara: doing it now17:27
ogasawaramdz: awesome, thanks17:27
mdzogasawara: done17:28
amitkrtg: ack17:28
mdzogasawara: I'm not sure what to do with the --fsys-tarfile ones17:29
mdzthose are definitely not kernel bugs, but it's hard to tell where they belong17:29
mdzI've been putting them on no package for now17:29
mdzbut probably we should bugpattern them17:29
mdzgetting more reports isn't helping17:29
rtgamitk, bjf: there are some more fsl packaging changes coming down the pipe. Steve L was not happy with libc-dev and headers package names.17:30
ogasawaramdz: what's the master bug for that one?17:30
ogasawaramdz: at least we can group them together first17:30
mdzogasawara: I don't think there is one.  I think it means the disk filled up17:30
mdzogasawara: we could set up a master bug, or we could just point people to a wiki page17:31
mdza lot of these would have been redirected to grub or initramfs-tools if the user were running karmic17:31
smbrtg, I assume those will be in your preview branch at some point. Then I can pick those up when I do the dance for Jaunty17:31
rtgsmb, I'll shove them into the core repo later today, as soon as I sort out the naming issues.17:32
ogasawaramdz: I'd maybe lean towards pointing to the wiki page17:32
mdzogasawara: I've come across a few duplicates of bug 78478, which isn't on the wiki page yet and doesn't have a bugpattern17:32
ubot3Malone bug 78478 in grub2 "Package: linux-image-2.6.20-5-generic fails to install" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7847817:32
smbrtg, Ok cool. I make sure I closely follow that lead17:33
ogasawaramdz: whoa, 2.6.20 :)  I actually hadn't seen that one yet.17:33
ogasawaramdz: I'll add it to the wiki and get the bugpattern17:34
mdzogasawara: I believe that's the case where someone installs grub2 (pre-karmic)17:34
mdzand update-grub is /usr/sbin/update-grub17:34
mdzbut /etc/kernel-img.conf still points to /sbin/update-grub17:34
mdzogasawara: I think we need to write some code to automatically extract the error message from DpkgTerminalLog.txt before submitting the bug17:37
ogasawaramdz: that would be awesome to have it injected in the bug description17:37
mdzogasawara: the fsys-tarfile error is a nasty one, because it can be legitimate17:41
mdzyou get that error if a package is trying to overwrite a file in another package, e.g.17:41
ogramdz, flash-kernel on armel uses the symlinks 17:41
ogasawaramdz: so we should have a master bug then17:41
ogra(just seeing your mail)17:42
mdzogasawara: the actual error depends on what precedes that in the log17:42
mdzin this weird case we're seeing, there is no error message preceding it17:42
mdzUnpacking linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic (from .../linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic_2.6.28-13.44_i386.deb) ...17:42
mdzdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)17:42
mdzdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic_2.6.28-13.44_i386.deb (--unpack):17:42
mdz subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 217:42
ogasawarahrm, not exactly helpful17:43
mdzthat "Done." indicates the preinst finished successfully (I don't know why the kernel preinst does that but it does)17:45
ogasawaramdz: I pushed a bugpattern for 78478 but used "Could not find postinst hook script [update-grub]." as the reg exp17:58
ogasawaramdz: but it seems it could also use "The provided postinst hook script [/sbin/update-grub] could not be run."17:58
mdzogasawara: I've not had much luck making a bugpattern for the above...it's finicky about multiline patterns17:59
mdzogasawara: did you test that pattern?17:59
mdzit contains square brackets, which are regex metacharacters18:00
mdz./test-local <bug number> will tell you if it matches a particular bug18:00
ogasawaramdz: I'm going to uncommit it18:00
Fjodorameno, apw: Thank you for explaining18:02
Fjodorapw: Is there any timeline for when it is resolved?18:03
apwFjodor, for what to be resolved?18:04
apwFjodor, too many threads going on18:05
Fjodorapw: Oh sorry, I should have mentioned :-$ The problem with 2.6.31-kernels from kernel-ppa not having a lot of media/video modules18:05
apwtry the latest daily18:05
apwthat i build with the karmic configs, ameno seemed to think it was better18:06
Fjodorapw: Ok, great! Thank you :-)18:06
amenobetter yes, but did you read my two lines afterwards too? :)18:06
amenoapw: ^18:06
apwyou'll ahve to repeat them18:07
amenoapw: the headers and source package seem broken though18:07
amenoapw: 1,4kB is a bit small for a kernel source package ;)18:07
mdzogasawara: I've escalated bug 269539 with the foundations team because it has so many duplicates18:07
ubot3Malone bug 269539 in ucf "package linux-image-2.6.27-3-generic failed to install/upgrade: "Conflicts found! Please edit `/var/run/grub/menu.lst' and sort them out manually."" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26953918:07
ogasawaramdz: thanks18:08
apwameno, yep aware of those, thats a systemic problem in karmic builds, am working on testing the fixes for that right now18:08
mdzogasawara: bug 391519 is another of those weird "failed to run depmod" with no error messages. do you have a master for that?18:08
ubot3Malone bug 391519 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 388923)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39151918:08
ubot3Malone bug 388923 in linux "package linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic 2.6.28-13.44 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38892318:08
mdzwe saw it during the sprint18:08
mdzcjwatson was looking at it18:08
mdzbug 330834 is another18:09
ubot3Malone bug 330834 in linux "Depmod segfaults when configuring linux-image-2.6.28-8-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33083418:09
Fjodorapw: So hopefully the next daily could have those packages fixed? I don't care about the source, but I need the headers...18:09
apwFjodor, hopefully yes18:09
mdzogasawara: 407420 is the one that we found during the sprint; if you don't already have a master, I suggest we use that one18:09
Fjodorapw: Great :-)18:10
ogasawaramdz: nope I don't have a master bug for that, I'll add 407420 to the wiki18:10
mdzogasawara: bzr commit -m 'Add bugpattern for bug 407420 (failed to run depmod)'18:11
ubot3Malone bug 407420 in linux ""Failed to run depmod", no clear reason why" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40742018:11
mdzogasawara: we need a tool which scans open bugs for those which match apport bugpatterns and marks the duplicates automatically18:19
apwrtg, we have a bug in our abstracted stuff, which is stopping the headers and source being made correctly18:28
apwi have a fix in testing, which i'll push shortly to master18:28
apwbut you will want to apply the same fix to your arm copies of debian.master18:28
apwas they are disconnected now right?18:28
rtgapw, fsl-imx51 is descended from master, but mvl-dove is not yet18:29
apwit has a complete copy of debian.master as debian.imx51 which will need fixing too18:30
apwwill get the patches up shortly18:30
dhillon-v10hi guys18:30
dhillon-v10apw: how are you18:31
apwnot bad, holidays soon :)18:31
dhillon-v10apw: so what are you working on now18:32
rtgapw, guess he had no patience18:40
apwor no network :)18:40
rtgapw, so, what are the issues in Karmic debian.master ?18:41
apwthere appear to be 3 issues18:42
apw1) debian/files is always debian/files (the ddeb issue)18:42
apw2) we cannot call $DEBIAN/rules for udebs18:42
apw3) packages are built in debian/name, we broke the indep targets here18:42
apwi am just testing the indep one on karmic then will push them so you can see18:42
apwthe last one is way my headers are empty on my mainline build18:43
rtgapw, the other thing we need to figure out is how to build libc-dev for armel from the distro kernel package18:43
apwwhy does it have to come from the distro one?18:44
apwhrm is that cause we need just one common one for armel?18:44
rtgapw, there can only be one libc-dev, and the distro kernel package is what userspace is built against18:44
apwrtg that looks like it may be a simple edit18:47
apwif you check out debian.master/control.stub.in18:47
apwits directly in there with a list of architectures18:47
rtgapw, perhaps, I was just looking at it. the other thing we shold change while we're at it is SRCPKGNAME-libc-dev, SRCPKGNAME-headers-PKGVER-ABINUM.18:48
apwyeah if there are names which must not change they should not have that in them18:48
rtgapw, correct18:49
apwdid we decide what the _all name is for the headers on the brnaches?18:49
rtgapw, we;ll have to distinguish linux-headers ackage names through the ABI. for example, I've started fsl-imx51 at 100.18:49
apwoh nng.  so non-overlapping ABI for those branches?18:50
rtgtoo many dependencies on the package name layout18:50
apwfair enough18:50
apwi hope 100 abi bumps is sufficient :)18:52
rtgyou and me both!18:53
apwso 200 for dove, and onwards to victory18:53
rtgthats my plan18:53
apwrtg, ok those changes seem ok so i've pushed them to karmic master19:08
rtgapw, what does printdebian do for us?19:12
rtgperhaps stuff in debian*/scripts/misc ?19:14
apwrtg printdebian allows the build tools to find out where the debian directory is, ie. where the changelog is19:20
rtgapw, is that a standard target?19:20
apwdid i push that, hrm, that was meant to go out as a patch on our list19:20
rtgs'ok, just wondered19:20
apwnope its meant to be something we are going to need for the buildscript.git stuff19:21
apwto find out which of the multiple debian*/changelogs are the real one in this tree19:21
apwso its can annotate it before build etc.19:21
apwi can pull that one out and email it, that was my intent19:22
rtgapw, no, go ahead and leave it19:22
apwwe are going to have 'fun' every time we rebase master ... 19:22
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
devinheitmuellerHello all.  I popped in three weeks ago to see about getting the xc5000 firmware into Karmic (launchpad 403642), and was told it should happen in the next week.  Just wanted to see if I can poke somebody for a status on that (especially since a new version of linux-firmware was spun a couple of days ago and it wasn't in there)21:59
devinheitmueller(according to my notes, on 7/30, pgranger said it would be ready "next week")22:00
=== uukev is now known as ukev
bjf-afkdevinheitmueller, try posting an email to the ubuntu kerne-team mailing list22:24
devinheitmuellerok, worth a try.22:24
devinheitmuellerCertainly the experience has me wondering if anybody is actually reading the launchpad bugs.22:24
bjf-afkdevinheitmueller, we do our best, and we do get to as many as we can22:25
devinheitmueller(since, like most bugs, it appears to be in the exact same state it was when it was opened)22:25
devinheitmuellerYeah, I know you guys are understaffed.22:25
bjf-afkbug 40364222:25
ubot3Malone bug 403642 in linux-firmware "Include xc5000 firmware in Karmic (now properly licensed)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40364222:25
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf

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