
doctormohey BiosElement, thanks for making a start02:52
doctormothe first one is always the slowest02:52
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
BiosElementdoctormo, More then welcome. And I noticed that. >.>04:02
doctormoBiosElement: So I'm here to just pumb you full of enthusasm for continuing to write the course to the end.04:07
doctormoYou can do it!04:07
doctormoGo man go!04:07
BiosElementhaha, That's the plan.04:09
sadik123how to enable automode in ekiga which comes along with ubuntu 9.04 amd desktop14:56
=== doctormo is now known as Martin_Owens
paultag'lo bodhi_zazen, pleia2, Raidsong :)20:44
pleia2g'day paultag20:45
Martin_OwensHey paultag, welcome to the hub of course writing and educational classes for Ubuntu.20:45
paultagRighto Martin_Owens :)20:45
pleia2Martin_Owens: eek, is this your new nick? :)20:46
Martin_Owenspleia2: I'm eger to start dishing out classes to people like paultag to show them how to make classes. BiosElement not been in touch?20:46
paultagpleia2: Hey, I like Martin_Owens better :)20:46
Martin_Owenspleia2: No, I changed it for paultag, he gets confuised ;-)20:46
pleia2oh, phew20:46
paultagpleia2: Martin_Owens: Is this what came of the UBT Learning team?20:46
pleia2Martin_Owens: I haven't heard from BiosElement, no20:46
pleia2but I'm trudging through the desktop stuff, should get some stuff up on bzr tonight20:46
Martin_Owenspaultag: No, this is a collaberation between a number of factions in the ubuntu community.20:47
Martin_Owenspleia2: That sounds awesome :-D20:47
paultagMartin_Owens: awesome.20:47
=== Martin_Owens is now known as DoctorMO
DoctorMOI'm here representin' the Local Community teams, physical class room teaching and as a link to deviant art ubuntu artists.20:48
DoctorMOpleia2 is from the irc classrooms.20:48
paultagDoctorMO: I am also with the Ohio LoCo, and head of the North East branch of the Ohio LoCo20:48
DoctorMOAnd well everyone is from different places, it's forming a nice balance of views and needs.20:49
paultagOh hey there TuxPurple, missed you when I said hi :)20:50
TuxPurplehi paultag, i was away. Just got back :)20:50
DoctorMOpaultag: So, about that scripting class... :-) If I can convince you to follow our (not yet completly written) class on how to make classes, can I pencil you in?20:50
paultagDoctorMO: Without a doubt20:50
paultagDoctorMO: if I get the hang of it I'll start moving some of my older notes on Linux to classes20:51
DoctorMOpaultag: OK first thing, have a read up on this irc log, BiosElement is currently still reworking these notes into a class, so for now http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/14/%23ubuntu-learning.txt20:52
paultagI remember that day!20:52
paultagI started that, I changed to pault45420:52
paultagand then Raidsong did it too :)20:53
DoctorMOKeep in mind the bzr branch here: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-learning-materials look at the classes already written to fill in the gaps and see what your notes can improve on.20:53
paultagDoctorMO: OK. If I was to do that, would I branch and commit, or will that change to group membership and keep it on one branch so you don't have to merge20:54
pleia2paultag: you should lurk in #ubuntu-us-pa - we have some western PA people you might be able to work with sometimes20:57
pleia2western pa is lazy :)20:57
DoctorMOpaultag: I'd like to merge, so branch and commit21:08
paultagDoctorMO: OK21:08
DoctorMOpaultag: What I want to do is get a system of peer review in place, so publishing in the main branch and utilmatly on moodle has some quality control. But we don't limit in-development work so bzr really work for us in that way.21:10
paultagRighto. Sounds good DoctorMO21:11
paultagDoctorMO: let me read this a few times over, then I'll come up with a few drafts. I'll poke you :)21:18
DoctorMOpaultag: OK, your going to draft a new class on bash/command line scripting right? (just to confirm)21:20
paultagDoctorMO: Yes. How tight should I limit this?21:20
DoctorMOpaultag: Try and teach concepts first and then try and challenge. If you can get some games and such to push the concepts all the better,.21:21
DoctorMOSee the classes so far as examples, they're fairly tight21:21
paultagDoctorMO: OK. I think I'll show something like what I wrote a while back21:21
paultagDoctorMO: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sabre-dev/sabre/sabre-dev/annotate/head%3A/scripts/sabre-backend.sh <-- an amaroK plugin to monitor a Bluetooth phone to control the media playing :)21:23
paultagDoctorMO: I think I can build up to that in one lesson. Not too complex21:23
DoctorMOGreat, also read the introduction to scripting I gave. If I haven't mentioned bang lines then do so. That sort of conceptual thing is invaluable.21:25
paultagDoctorMO: Not a problem. I'll draft something up, then if you don't mind we can take it apart, and find where the errors lie21:25
paultagDoctorMO: RE Compliance21:25
DoctorMONo problebs, I'll remove myself from your way :-D21:27
paultagbah! I always love help, but just want to make sure I understand the rules before I go and make a mistake under the guise of knowing what I'm doing :)21:28
MTeckDoctorMO: take a peak at this - I didn't check license but it might be perfect for ya - http://freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html21:46
DoctorMOMTeck: I'd reply, but you've gone. If the author can be persuaded to license from Gnu Public License to CC-BY-SA then it's good to use as a dirivitive source. But it's currently got a preface restriction which means we can't move it over ourselves. See the FAQ on the FSF website:http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3-faq.html21:50
DoctorMOthat's more for the log than for MTech I guess21:50
DoctorMOI'm starting to really dislike the NC creative commons option, so many ubuntu artworks have NC terms even though the artists never plan to relicense their works for profit. Talk about cutting off FOSA collaberation22:00
DoctorMOpleia2, bodhi_zazen, paultag: I've commited the user authentication class that I'll be teaching this week. Blog updated etc.22:50

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