
ftalinks in liferea are almost invisible with a dark theme00:12
BUGabundoredenting "fta: next !ubuntu daily build of #chromium for x64 will be native, no more ia32-libs craziness (starting with"00:19
ftaBUGabundo, if you want but it's not yet in the ppa00:21
ftai'm doing a final build locally00:21
BUGabundono need00:21
BUGabundoI'll pull it tomorrow00:21
BUGabundoI wonder if I can make it work on debian00:21
BUGabundowhat version should I use?00:21
BUGabundokarmic? hardy?00:21
ftano idea00:22
micahgasac: so the new TB3 also has xulrunner integrated vs separate?00:28
asac_micahg: yes. unfortunately libxulification isnt complete yet00:34
asac_BUGabundo: 3g should be fixed in dailies00:35
micahgok, also, what are plans for TB3 in karmic?00:35
asac_BUGabundo: but i guess i already said that ;)00:35
asac_micahg: no idea.00:35
BUGabundoasac I started mine *before* upgradeing :)00:35
BUGabundoit complained about a lib depency00:35
BUGabundoand then upgraded00:35
micahgok, when is a good time to tlak about that?00:35
BUGabundoasac I didn't catch you saying that before00:36
asac_micahg: i am not sure if we should put it in or even make it the defalt ;)00:36
micahgnow they are talking RC1 around karmic release time00:36
asac_tbird moves real slow00:36
micahgthey're kicking it into "high" gear00:36
asac_would be great, but they kicked it a few times alrewady ;)00:36
asac_but yes. i think they are kind of forced to do that00:36
micahgthey're dropping most of the remaining missing features and focusing on a stable release with what it has00:37
micahgand planning an update soon theraeafter with the rest00:37
micahgif release will be in Nov/Dev, maybe we can do a tb2/tb3 in karmic with tb the defau;t?00:38
asac_micahg: we dont have a default in karmic00:38
asac_its just in main. not on CD00:38
micahgah, ok00:38
micahgso, can we throw tb3 in univers?00:39
asac_default is probably defined through the "thunderbird" meta package (which isnt a meta package in tbird 2 fwiw)00:39
asac_i am not sure00:39
asac_i mean. we probably could00:39
asac_but i am not sure we want to do that00:40
micahgI guess it depends how fast TB will start moving00:40
micahgthey're talking agile00:40
asac_talk is cheap ;)00:40
micahgright, which is why I'll keep watching :)00:40
asac_i think we are quite well prepared to act swiftly if we have reason to believe that it should go in00:41
asac_maybe we should call for more extensive testing somewhere00:41
* micahg is afraid to test00:41
* micahg has 11 mail accounts in TB00:42
asac_imap? or pop?00:42
BUGabundoI won't leave my kmail00:42
asac_then its not really dangerous ... backup your complete .mozilla-thunderbird directory and use tbird 3 ;)00:42
micahgok, so no worry of deleting one message deleting all the mail on my IMAP server?00:43
asac_i would hope not00:43
BUGabundodoes thay happen ?00:43
micahgok, BTW, I think I know what the problem was earlier00:43
asac_of course you never know ;) ... but that applies all the time00:43
micahgmy company just switched from mbox to maildir00:43
asac_did it go away?00:43
micahgI think TB didn't handle the switch weel00:43
BUGabundowell kmail used to corrupt them on arrival00:43
BUGabundoor mess stuff on server do to antispam filtering00:44
asac_micahg: and then got a huge memory leak? or are you talking about something else?00:44
BUGabundoso it *can* happen00:44
micahgcurrent TB usage is normal00:44
micahgyes, memory leak00:44
asac_kmail is crack00:44
asac_dont use that00:44
micahgI think it happened when TB started to d/l all the headers from the new maildir files00:44
BUGabundoI love it00:44
asac_micahg: why would tbird get problems due to that?00:44
asac_micahg: did the imap structure change completely?00:44
BUGabundobest email client after mutt00:44
micahgfolder structure was the same, but maildir instead of mbox00:45
micahgidk why that would do anything00:45
micahgshould I file a bug?00:45
micahgI can't prove that was it, but that was the only weird thing00:45
asac_maybe just a server restart and dangling connections or so?00:45
asac_micahg: if you know how to reproduce then yes00:45
asac_otherwise probably no ;)00:45
BUGabundoasac did you look up on that bug I filed on FF 3.7?00:46
asac_no ;)00:46
BUGabundoits q regressiong from early 3.500:46
BUGabundoor maibe even 3.000:46
asac_dont see a bug there yet00:46
asac_where was it filed?00:46
BUGabundolet me do a quick test on todays daily00:49
BUGabundoasac I know you don't like it00:49
BUGabundobut can we rename 3.6?00:49
BUGabundoit messes my gnome do to have two minefield00:50
ftadamn, system sqlite is still broken00:53
ftaok, i will drop it for now, i want to update the ppa00:53
micahgasac: if there's a bug for something upstream, and I have the same problem, should I file a bug in our tracker as well?00:55
ftagrrr src/third_party/sqlite/preload-cache.patch00:57
asac_micahg: as you wish. i would think we have enough bugs. otoh it might help to catch dupes00:57
* micahg found it in our tracker bug 127960 :)00:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 127960 in firefox-3.0 "Unresponsive script dialog usability problems" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12796000:58
micahgbut this has 2 issues00:58
micahgthe second issue is mine00:58
BUGabundoSegmentation fault (core dumped)00:59
BUGabundooh great00:59
BUGabundonew FF chrash00:59
asac_micahg: so link it with the upstream bug ;)00:59
BUGabundoasac is this going to be like this up to release?00:59
micahgok, what about the other issue01:00
micahgabout not warning users01:00
micahgsince we can't link 2 upstream bugs to one report right now01:01
asac_i only see one problem: wrong button order / image01:02
ftaso it's either no sqlite3Preload, or no system sqlite01:02
micahgthe other is a request to warn users they may lose their work01:02
asac_i dont know. for me that sounds related. "improve the dialog" ;)01:05
BUGabundoasac fta: I still get the fullscreen bug with todays daily :(01:05
micahgwill do01:05
asac_if they track it independently upstream we can open a new bug or add two upstream bugs ... i think that works01:05
micahgasac: something like this won't be fixed in 3.0 at this point, right?01:06
BUGabundobed time01:08
BUGabundobye guys01:09
micahgalso, is it bad for me to request wanted on things in bugzilla?01:09
asac_micahg: depends ... we should look at them in detail first01:27
asac_if its important etc.01:27
asac_anyone i am out ... talk to you tomorrow01:27
micahgasac which Q are you answering?01:28
ftaasac, http://codereview.chromium.org/173033 (see the last comment)01:57
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gnomefreakdoes anyone else have profiles for firefox-3.1 and 3.2 in .mozilla?09:17
asacgnomefreak: could be that those are old10:06
gnomefreakasac: yeah thought about that after asking sorry10:07
eagles0513875morning asac10:09
gnomefreakoh crap what is the exception called for new packages :(10:13
gnomefreakah FFE10:13
asaceagles0513875: hi10:19
gnomefreakas do mee a favor and comment on bug 356274 im tired of repeating myself to them10:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356274 in seamonkey "[MASTER] Please update seamonkey to latest 1.1.17" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35627410:19
gnomefreaki got 5 or so replies in email today10:19
eagles0513875gotta love that lol10:19
gnomefreakoh update. today in about 3 hours im logging off until friday the soonest. i have to fly to NY city for a family meeting (sounds stupid but is important) i already complained to my uncle about it but its about him retiring. flight leaves in closer to 10 hours but have things to do beofre i leave10:22
* gnomefreak way too head of where i should be this morning :(11:29
gnomefreakhe has a bot greet him when he joins a channel or due to op status but nice either way :)11:30
gnomefreak631+ emails and i just checked them maybe 30 minutes ago11:36
gnomefreakwe should really replace default email from evo to tb11:48
gnomefreaki know gnome app wins over all11:49
asacgnomefreak: you said you dont fly anymore at somepoint12:08
asacdid health improve?12:08
asacor just no long distance flights?12:08
gnomefreakasac: i have no choice uncle sent out the tickets and i cant drive and get there in time12:09
gnomefreakunless i have to i try to avoid all flying now12:10
gnomefreakfiling bug #2 on grub212:10
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found12:10
asacgnomefreak: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa12:10
asacall seamonkey builds are there12:10
asaccan you verify them?12:11
gnomefreakasac: i know they need to hit universe though12:11
asacif not all. at least a few12:11
gnomefreakasac: ive been testing it since i built it12:11
asacgnomefreak: yes. we can send them out quickly. but someone should confirm that they work on lets say hardy ;)12:11
asacgnomefreak: did you test hardy and jaunty?12:11
asacthose two would be great12:11
gnomefreakjaunty and karmic12:11
asacwe could skip intrepid12:11
asacgnomefreak: can you setup a hardy chroot?12:12
asacinstall seamonkey from archive.. test that it works12:12
asacand upgrade to ppa and test that it works?12:12
gnomefreaki dont have a hardy install atm12:12
asaci will then get it rolled today12:12
asacgnomefreak: debootstrap12:12
asacdebootstrap hardy /tmp/hardy12:12
gnomefreakasac: i have PPA enabled seamonkey: Installed: 1.1.17+nobinonly-0ubuntu112:12
asacbut thats karmic12:13
gnomefreakasac: yeah i know :) i just havent set up my chroots yet12:13
asaci will see if i can find someone else12:13
gnomefreakand yes all builds are there12:13
asacgnomefreak: the lightning update was just for karmic, right?12:14
asacgnomefreak: ok so dont work on hardy ... rather work on seamonkey 1.1.18 now12:15
asacnext week tbird .23 will get out12:15
asacso i guess they already tagged sm too12:15
asacif not, just go ahead and do nothing12:15
gnomefreakasac: thats all i built and tested for (lightning/subird)12:15
asacorig is in your ppa right?12:15
gnomefreakasac: yep12:15
gnomefreakasac: i have to wait for 1.1.18 release before i can do anything with it, do you have a date on the release12:19
asacgnomefreak: tbird is thu12:23
asacgnomefreak: didnt they tag it already?12:23
gnomefreakasac: i havent gotten anything that said it was tagged. where would i find it?12:24
asacyeah ... they didnt tag it12:24
asacgnomefreak: on a mozilla cvs checkout you can do cvs status -v client.mk | grep SEAMONK12:25
asacto see all the tags12:25
gnomefreaki asked for hardy testers on bug.12:25
asaccvs status -v client.mk | grep SEAMONK | pastebinit12:25
asaccvs status: CVS password file /home/asac/.cvspass does not exist - creating a new file12:25
asacgnomefreak: i have davmor in #ubuntu-testing ... he will test it on hardy too now12:25
asacafter lunch12:25
gnomefreakasac: ok thanks12:26
gnomefreakim getting errors with cvs status -v client.mk | grep SEAMONK12:27
gnomefreakCVSROOT environment variable is not set for some damn reason. it should use default12:28
asacgnomefreak: you have to do that on a cvs checkout12:37
asacit wont work on a tarball12:37
asacas we strip the .cvs dir12:37
asacerr CVS/ dir ;)12:37
gnomefreakasac: oh i have to check it out first right?12:40
gnomefreakasac: how would i check out just that branch?12:41
asaccvs -d $PSERVER (get that from the net) co mozilla/client.mk12:43
gnomefreakok think i got it. checking status command12:51
gnomefreakasac: thanks that worked12:51
gnomefreakok thats all for me just one more round of updates and im gone. i will have laptop with me to check email13:06
asacfta: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/164-ubuntu-network-manager-team-offers-daily-builds-for-trunk-aka-0.8-now.html13:33
asace-jat: can you code python or something?13:44
asac(i assume i already asked that)13:44
e-jatasac: a bit .. ;013:52
e-jati didnt realise u already ask me :)13:52
asace-jat: its about the translation export to mozilla tree structure ;)13:53
* e-jat thinking wanna add the NM trunk or maintain with the stable one..13:53
e-jatasac: owh ok ..13:53
e-jatasac: what can i help u?13:54
asace-jat: if you are using karmic the trunk isnt much riskier ;)13:54
asacfor jaunty it should be ok, but i dont know yet ... have to wait for initial feedback13:54
asace-jat: i think i know the algorithm now ... just need someone to implement it ;)13:55
e-jatasac: maybe i can give a hand ..13:55
e-jatif u say so ... adding it to source list now .. :)13:56
asace-jat: should be ok ... just dont clean your apt cache so you can downgrade in worst case ;)13:56
e-jatasac: ouch ..13:57
e-jati always clean my cache :(13:57
asace-jat: run apt-get install --reinstall network-manager libnm-util1 libnm-glib0 modemmanager before adding the ppa13:57
asacin that way they get redownloaded and should be in cache again13:58
e-jaterk ..13:58
asacif not it doent mtter13:58
e-jati already add it ..13:58
asace-jat: are you karmic user?13:58
e-jatasac: yups13:58
e-jatim karmic user13:58
asacthen there is not much of a risk13:58
asacyou already run trunk ... just not the latest daily ;)13:58
asacand there is more fixed on trunk atm13:58
e-jatic ..13:59
e-jatso how can i help for the translation ?13:59
asace-jat: ok. so in the end you will have a script to produce LANG.xpi files from the launchpad exports. so it makes sense to start with that stage i think14:00
asace-jat: we dont have your language yet in the lang packs ... so i just give you some other language .xpi for now14:00
asaclet me check ;)14:00
e-jatasac: ok ..14:01
e-jate.g MALAY.xpi ?14:03
asace-jat: yes. we will get MALAY.xpi soonish ;)14:05
asacfor now i packed you pseudo .pxi for ffox + xul pt-BR there14:05
e-jatc00l .. i will let the malay translation team not this news :)14:06
asace-jat: i enabled devmode now ... so next langpack update will enable all translations in karmic14:06
asacanyway. let me write down some initial instructions on the algorithm ... as i think it would work14:07
e-jatyeah .. thats better .. at least i have a guideline to follow ..14:07
e-jatasac: brb .. just upgrade the dist-upgrade NM .. reboot for a while ..14:08
ejatasac: im back ..14:14
ejatcool .. NM rock my broadband :)14:15
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
ejat!ping asac14:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ping asac14:17
asacejat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Translations/ExportUpstreamFormat14:22
asacejat: yeah we fixed broadband finally again ;)14:22
asacejat: ok i added info on the testfiles too14:24
asaci think there are plenty of things not clear ;)14:24
asacbut we can work through it step by step ;)14:24
ejatok .. thanks for the wiki ..14:24
ejat1`st i need to share with the team 1st .. its better go by groups :)14:24
asacthe test files are for mozilla 1.9 branch so you can start to get the mozilla trunk CVS tree as we need the full upstream checkout14:24
asacejat: well. i dont think anyone can implement this without direct feedback from me14:25
asacif you can get more in here that would be helpful yeah14:25
asacespecially if someone likes scripting14:25
ejatyeah .. i will ..14:26
asacejat: but in the end one person probably needs to implement it ... if its not you then get someone else please ,)14:28
ejatasac: ill try my best ..14:31
ejatso what i need to do is to follow the BR example right?14:32
ejatwe also plan to have the Mozilla week here ... :)14:34
asacejat: yes. i tried to outline the algorithm ... the example files are the Br ones14:35
asacthe idea is to write a script with the arguments as in the wiki14:35
ejatic ..14:36
asacejat: we are copied firefox 3.5/xulrunner 1.9.1 template now14:52
asacthen we will import upstream xpis14:52
asacand copy over all the other translations from firefox 3.014:52
asacso you will get your translations there too14:52
asacwill take a bit until templates are imported and the copying has happaned (most likely 1-2 days)14:53
asacejat: have you tried the instructions for how to test your translations=?14:53
asacyou should make yourself familiar with that if you want to fix the translations next week ;)14:53
ejatnot yet ...14:53
asacthose are the instructions on how to manually do what we do automatically14:54
asaconce we have the xpi2upstream script we should check how we can make the overall process easier14:54
ejatok .. thanks a lot for all the brief ..14:55
ejatn info ..14:55
asacejat: no problem. once we have xpi2upstream you should be able to run the upstream team easily. lets get there soon ;)14:57
asacejat: your translations will show up on next run though ;)14:57
asaci will ping you with a ppa where we will stage them for the first run14:58
asacfta2: i tried to give you some propaganda ;) ... hope that doesnt trigger bunch of folks coming here and asking you to run their dailies ;)14:58
fta2did anyone complain about chromium x64?14:59
asacnope ;)14:59
fta2asac, where?14:59
asaci will test that tomorrow when i am back ;)14:59
asacfta2: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/164-ubuntu-network-manager-team-offers-daily-builds-for-trunk-aka-0.8-now.html14:59
ejatnice propaganda :)14:59
fta2asac, can't connect15:04
asacfta2: must be a local problem ;)15:07
asaceven planet can connect to my side15:07
asacscroll down two entries15:07
asacfta2: nm bot sends out a separarte mail for NM dailies ... does that mean its a different job? can we run them in the morning? e.g. most nm stuff lands in the eveining15:20
fta2it was a manual run, but it could be distinct, if you prefer15:21
fta28am ?15:21
asacfta2: 6am UTC? yeah. thats nice time ;)15:23
asaci think 7am would be golden shot15:23
fta27am my time it is15:24
mac_vasac: i think you are right , when you said a few days ago , people just rant! without knowing what > https://bugs.launchpad.net/null/+bug/387444/comments/715:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 387444 in ubufox "Needs To Suggest Installing Flash When You Go To Youtube" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:25
asacfta2: 7am our time is fine too ;)15:25
sadik123see..i  have loaded ubuntu 9.04 amd desktp...with ekiga 3.2.0 as defualt which dosent have autoanswer mode....15:40
sadik123how to enable it15:41
sadik123see..i  have loaded ubuntu 9.04 amd desktp...with ekiga 3.2.0 as defualt which dosent have autoanswer mode....how to ena ble it...or  kindly advise me how to load other sipclient which has auto-answer mode in ubuntu 9.0415:43
asacsadik123: thats a #ubuntu question15:44
asacnot mozilla related15:44
sadik123asac:  how to diable the title bar in mozilla in ubuntu 9.0415:44
asacsadik123: you had that question in mind before i said this is for mozilla related things?15:45
asacsadik123: what is the title bar?15:45
asacin view -> toolbars you can disable the location and the bookmarks bar15:46
sadik123title bar which will display as ubuntu-mozilla firefox in the top15:46
asacthats the window decoration15:46
asacyou cannot disable it15:46
asacyou can go to full screen mode with f1115:46
asacthat will make it disappear and ffox taking full title bar15:47
asacerr full screen ;)15:47
sadik123yes...but once again if we press f11..it comes15:47
sadik123asac: i need to disbale it using gnome or about:config15:48
asacyou cannot disable the window decoration without losing the ability to move windows15:50
asacand so on15:50
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asacfta2: now that the daily run is postponed could you manually kick it off _now_ ?16:13
asacsince yesterdays upload had a bad version etc.16:13
micahgI just wanted to double check, if they have flashplugin-nonfree and adobe-flashplugin installed, which should I have them remove?16:59
micahgasac: ^^^17:03
micahgasac: if we're not going to have the flash packages conflict, I think we have to have ubufox available for all firefox releases17:21
asacmicahg: if they are on 64-bit they need flashplugin-installer17:25
asacotherwise they can deicide17:26
micahgah, that's why I can't see the partner package :)17:26
micahgbut, for FF3.5 on Jaunty, people can't choose which flash plugin17:26
micahgsince there's no ubufox17:26
micahg*new issue17:26
jcastrofta: woo 64 bit!17:33
micahgjcastro: don't get too excited, it's nspluginwrapper17:43
jcastromostly I was excited over the space savings17:44
ftajcastro, hi18:22
ftajcastro, space savings?18:22
jcastrofta: doesn't this drop the requirement for ia32libs?18:28
ftait does18:28
ftabut it may still be needed for something else18:29
jcastrofta: in the future what do you think about having packages for popular webapps for chromium like we do for prism?18:37
ftajcastro, what do you mean? a prism based on chromium rather than on gecko??18:38
jcastrofta: so you know how you can launch "chromium-browser --app=http://launchpad.net"18:38
jcastroit's basically the same thing as prism18:38
ftajcastro, well, i'd like to have chromium in the repo 1st18:40
jcastroyeah I was just thinking outloud18:40
jcastrohow would it go in the archive? They're not really making chromium releases afaict18:41
ftathey have their channels, somehow18:41
jcastroyeah I just have a hard time following what branch goes with what channel18:42
jcastrobut if you know how it works then that's good enough, heh18:42
ftaasac, all umd stuff rejected, still over quota :(18:46
asacfta: hmm. didnt know we got rejected once19:01
asacdo you remember the question id i opened ;)?19:02
asacok prodded19:04
asacfta: can you kick off a NM daily now that we have more build cycles ;) ... just so i know that everything is now fine?19:04
ftajust did it, ~5 min ago19:04
asacah great19:04
* asac checks mail19:05
* asac notes that i didnt make it quiet yet19:05
asacnice ... all spinning: https://edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive/trunk19:06
asaclet me check if git clone --quiet does the right thing19:06
asachmm. thats very quiet ;)19:07
ftahm; the logs are not quiet at all19:07
asac20:05  * asac notes that i didnt make it quiet yet19:08
asac tar --exclude=.git -cvzf19:10
asaci guess the v is the problem19:10
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
asacjdstrand: can you please publish  the seamonkey bits from -security PPA?19:23
asaci finally got someone to confirm that hardy is good so all should be fine19:23
jdstrandasac: sure19:24
jdstrandasac: done19:34
asacjdstrand: thu will be tbird .23 release19:34
asacso probably in your evening as usual19:34
asaci guess we should do a just in time release to avoid a friday release19:35
asacfta: quota bumped according to our soyuz friends19:36
ftaasac, yep, i poked #lp19:45
asacfta: tarball creation now less verbose20:00
asachmmm lpia fails somehow20:03
pace_t_zulufta, asac, y'all around?20:32
micahgpace_t_zulu: what's up?20:51
pace_t_zului was going to ask if chromium has any chance of getting into main20:52
asacpace_t_zulu: its not even in the archive yet21:38
dtchenfta: any (better) luck with pulse in the ~ubuntu-audio-dev ppa?21:38
pace_t_zuluasac: thanks21:39
ftadtchen, i didn't know such ppa even existed21:39
ftapace_t_zulu: what good would it do?21:39
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
pace_t_zulufta: just wondering when it would be mature enough21:42
pace_t_zulufoolish question21:43
ftait's not even feature complete21:43
asacone cycle in archive universe would be minimum i guess... also we need to understand security procedures etc.21:43
ftadtchen, i see udev in that ppa, is that wise?21:48
dtchenfta: it's just an ACL race fix that the pulse developer recommended but keybuk rejected21:49
dtchenfta: that fix is already in upstream udev; keybuk apparently would rather a new udev version be rolled than backport that fix21:49
dtchenfta: it's unlikely to help you if you don't use surround sound profiles21:50
ftadtchen, well, i can give the ppa a try, do i need to reboot? (i hate rebooting)21:57
dtchenfta: no, just "killall pulseaudio"21:57
dtchenassuming you don't have anything custom-created by hand in ~/.pulse, PA will just respawn automatically21:58
ftai hate scrollkeeper updates22:06
ftazillions of xml namespace errors22:06
ftaand it takes ages22:06
asacneeds a rewrite22:06
asaci am sure22:06
asacsame for bzr-builddeb22:06
asaci thought about forking bzr-builddeb as bzr-builddeb022:07
asaci guess builddeb2 would offend folks as it might claim its newer/better22:07
asacbut its intended to be just stable ;)22:07
asacand not changing ;)22:07
dtchenyeah, scrollkeeper is a DoS. i tend to walk away and get coffee.22:07
ftaasac, something changed in bzr-builddeb recently?22:08
asacsomething changed and broke stuff .... but not intentionally - bug 41557222:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415572 in bzr-builddeb "bzr-builddeb --export-upstream uses bzr revision from changelog and not from config/command-line" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41557222:09
ftadtchen, it's far worse22:14
ftadtchen, always openarena, after a few seconds, it gets jerky, ~1 sec /w sound, ~1 sec /wo22:15
ftajust 10 players in the room22:16
ftawith more, it's jerky for a minute or 2, then the sound is completely gone, and it's impossible to exit the game (/wo killing it)22:17
dtchenfta: and this is using the pulse sdl backend, correct?22:18
dtchenfta: any difference if you use only the alsa sdl backend?22:23
dtchenalso, is this with the default config, i.e., glitch-free enabled, etc.?22:23
BUGabundohey guys22:24
BUGabundoasac: bad news for you: NM and MM still fail to work22:25
BUGabundofta: chromium 64 bits on debian crashes a log :)22:25
ftaBUGabundo, well, rebuild it, or file bugs22:43
ftadtchen, same with libsdl1.2debian-alsa22:44
dtchenfta: ok, thanks22:48

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