
gnarlsmb, No use of hiding08:31
davmor2Morning all,  Sorry about monday and tuesday I was poorly, bad ,ill.  However I feel much better now :)09:42
davmor2sbeattie: any chance of getting a request in before feature freeze?  Can we get kne and unr iso's added to dl-ubuntu-test-iso please :) (kne=Kubuntu Netbook Edition)10:41
davmor2sbeattie: p.s. I'm using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DailySmoke again so you'll be getting a lot of traffic from it11:43
asachi folks12:13
asacneed a hardy install to do a quick verification if seamonkey works from the security ppa ;)12:14
asacdavmor2: hi!12:14
asacthe rest is verified ... just hardy missing12:14
asacits universe no long verification needed ;)12:14
asacjust that it works somehow  ;)12:14
davmor2asac: I can after lunch mid testing on karmic at the moment12:16
asacthat would be perfect12:16
asacdavmor2: you could also test thunderbird from the same ppa while you are at it ;)12:17
asacits going out on thursday12:17
asacbut is in the ppa for a while (staged)12:17
davmor2asac: I'll give you a ping when it's up12:19
SocahHello. Should "sudo update-grub2" generete a proper grub.cfg?12:23
davmor2Socah: it should update the current one12:26
Socahdavmor2: I got 2 OS atm, gentoo and ubuntu testing. I had Once ubuntu 9.04, and arch. After grub-update2 it shows me that he found gentoo and ubuntu, but grub.conf contains only ubuntu and arch12:27
davmor2Socah: you might want to try #ubuntu+1 for that one then or #ubuntu-installer12:29
Socahok, thank you davmor212:29
davmor3testing of empathy and telepathy-idle now off to lunch13:07
davmor3davmor2: ping13:08
davmor2davmor3: pong13:08
davmor3weird no audio notifications in empathy for irc13:09
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davmor2morning fader14:03
faderdavmor2: Howdy... sprinting at the moment so going to be afk a bunch :/14:17
davmor2no probs have fun keeping fit ;)14:17
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davmor2meh installing xp on my AAO for wubi tests the official atheros wifi driver for xp doesn't support wpa D'oh15:53
faderdavmor2: That lousy free operating syst... er, wait16:24
davmor2fader: I wouldn't mind but the wifi, ethernet, chipset, graphics, sound, sd card ports and camera weren't supported out of the box either and they say Linux is hard to install, I beg to differ16:27
faderdavmor2: Yeah, that always irks me16:27
davmor2Mind you the new format feature for usb sticks in karmic is nice :) oh and getting plenty of testing :)16:30
davmor2asac: what was that ppa again please16:39
asacdavmor2: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa16:44
asacanyone in -testing should have that enabled all the time ;)16:44
davmor2asac: not true.  anyone running a stable testing machine should but I don't :P16:45
asackarmic bits are in there too though16:47
davmor2asac: right and it's 1.1.17+nobinonly seamonkey and for thunderbird correct?16:53
davmor2asac: hopefully you just got a mail from to your @ubuntu.com acc17:01
davmor2asac: seamonkey installed and displays planet.ubuntu.com as expected :)17:03
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asacdavmor2: good. maybe try seamonkey mail and then its fine ;)19:02
davmor22 ticks19:03
sbeattiedavmor2: are you using the dl-iso script from the ubuntu-qa-tools package or straight from the bzr tree?19:04
davmor2sbeattie: but a slightly older version I updated it this morning19:05
sbeattieokay. I need to fix it to use zsync files as well (and, really, finish the damn python version I'm working on.)19:05
davmor2sbeattie: the script just gets better :)19:06
sbeattiefor, um, some definition of better. :-)19:06
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davmor2Ah the evil lord fader is here using the dark side of the force19:09
davmor2asac: I've just sent you another mail from seamonkey now19:09
davmor2asac: anything else?19:14
faderdavmor2: Just because I'm imposing and evil doesn't mean I have magical powers.19:21
fader(It doesn't mean I don't, either, so be careful.)(19:21
davmor2sbeattie: will it have a gui with tick boxes to select the iso's you want19:22
* davmor2 runs and hides19:22
asacdavmor2: thanks19:23
asacthats good enough19:23
davmor2no probs glad to help19:23
=== fader is now known as fader|away

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