
almostautomatedhbekel: yes00:00
danbhfivebox: did installing OSS remove anything?00:00
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almostautomatedhbekel: not sure what that maps to on the keyboard though00:00
hbekelalmostautomated: the left alt key00:01
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almostautomatedhbekel: will try00:01
boxdanbhfive, i don't know, it might have overwritten some stuff for all i know.00:01
GuidMorrowwhy is there no amd64 wine package00:01
jiffewill gfs/ocfs slow down the more nodes I add to it?00:01
illikawnubuntu server sparc doesnt detect a cdrom :(00:01
boxGuidMorrow, 64bit wine is all messed up and not wort trying, hence no 64bit package00:01
sphenxesIs it possible to encrypt a partition (FAT 32) under Ubuntu using Truecrypt and open this partition latter under windows xp?00:02
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boxGuidMorrow, if you want to compile it yourself there are instructions on the wine wiki, but it won't be easy, and the product will be inferior00:02
almostautomatedhbekel: no dice. same situation  and besides the default PS1 I've used the git PS1, both have the same issue00:02
* almostautomated tries a diff term00:02
danbhfivebox: did you use a package?00:03
boxdanbhfive, i don't think so, it was some script provided by oss00:03
danbhfivebox: did you run the uninstall with that script?00:04
boxdanbhfive, i think so? this was a while ago. gimme a minute.00:04
hbekelalmostautomated: does echo $COLUMNS correspond to your terminal width in characters?00:05
almostautomatedikanobori: well xterm doesn't even take the keys as command mode keys and instead gives me nifty pretty little characers :P00:05
superjoelI want to extract 2 different types of tags in a xml file with awk or sed or grep.. what is the best way to go around this?00:06
danbhfivebox: yeah, I think you gota look at that script, since that could have made any sort of change.  You are beholden to that script00:06
ikanoborialmostautomated: Isn't your alt key mapped to compose or something?00:06
boxdanbhfive, sorry, i used a deb package, and i did uninstall it.00:06
almostautomatedhbekel: yes00:06
hbekelalmostautomated: for xterm to work with alt, hold ctrl+click on xterm and check metaSendsEscape00:06
danbhfivebox: which package?00:06
scott1okay newbie here I have a audio mixer with a usb out that I want to record with in ubuntu any help here?00:07
boxdanbhfive, http://www.4front-tech.com/release/oss-linux-4.1-1052_i386.deb00:07
boxthe one from the oss site00:07
almostautomatedikanobori: one sec I'll pastebin the key setup00:07
scott1any good audio recording programs recomended with ubuntu?00:07
VanionHaving problem with my sound , I'm able to listen to music etc but can't hear/talk trough voice programs like Teamspeak , Skype etc... someone know how to fix?00:07
hbekelalmostautomated: pastebin your current PS1 too, just to make sure00:08
almostautomatedhbekel: checked the metaSendsEscape; no change00:08
danbhfivebox: yeah, I don't know, sorry00:09
boxscott1, you want simple stuff or a pro tools substitute?00:09
boxdanbhfive, i'll keep working on it, thanks00:09
hbekelalmostautomated: left_alt+b doesn't work in xterm?00:09
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scott1pro tools sub not as extrordanary00:09
almostautomatedhbekel: sorry, I meant that it now sends, but the prompt issue happens there as well00:09
kamokowHi, I installed Apache 2 on my Ubuntu 9.04 machine. I used "sudo apt-get install apache2". Anyways, I was wondering if it just always stays on (and starts up with my system). If so, how do I turn it of, if not, how do I turn it on when I reboot?00:10
scott1just know I hate windows00:10
boxscott1, http://ardour.org/00:10
sorteal_workArdour is very nice!00:11
boxscott1, it's in the repos00:11
danbhfivekamokow: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop         will stop it.  But I think it will restart at reboot.  I don't know how to stop if for longer than that00:12
kbpnah it stops forever00:12
almostautomatedhbekel: && ikanobori::  here's my bashrc  the currently active prompt is the git prompt at the very bottom, the same issue happens when using the default installed prompt listed higher up in the source.  I'll get those key bindings now00:12
kamokowok, thanks guys ^_^00:12
kbpuntil reboot00:13
Quincyubuntu refuses to detect my webcam(CIF Single Chip) in Firefox(for youtube)00:13
Quincyanyone can help me with that please?00:13
hbekelalmostautomated: where?00:13
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:14
komapserver irc.lifenet.su00:14
almostautomatedhbekel: && ikanobori::  DOH!  forgot to paste the link::  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d1b5623d900:14
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ToStItOsis the channel for wine #wine or something else?00:15
bastidrazorToStItOs, #winehq00:15
Quincybastidrazor,can you help me?00:16
bastidrazorQuincy, i don't know anything about webcams.00:16
Quincyhmm okay00:16
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:16
ToStItOsbastidrazor: thanks00:16
almostautomatedhbekel: && ikanobori::  Here's the xmodmap and bind -P output  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d46f3532100:17
Vanionhaving sound problems... can hear music etc from speakers but i'm not able to hear/talk trough a voice program like ventrilo skype and teamspeak...00:21
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hbekelalmostautomated: the effective PS1 looks ok. in you xmodmap setup both left and right alt are equivalent00:21
crankharderwhat package do I install to get the nvidia 6xxx 64bit drivers installed?00:21
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almostautomatedhbekel: so neither of those two things looks to be the issue?  I've just installed rxvt-beta... I'll try it one there00:22
hbekelalmostautomated: you are not using color?00:23
almostautomatedhbekel: I am using color00:23
almostautomatedsame thing in rxvt00:24
crankharderanyone know how to launch Add/Remove Applications from the cmd line?00:24
hbekelalmostautomated: that suggests it's a readline thing00:24
bastidrazorcrankharder, doesn't the restricted drivers or hardware drivers offer any?00:25
almostautomatedhbekel: I did do the correct 'set -o emacs'   yes?00:25
hbekelalmostautomated: bash is in emacs mode by default00:25
crankharderbastidrazor: i dunno, I dont have a panel -- upgrading the kernel screwed everything up00:25
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hbekelalmostautomated: unless your VISUAL or EDITOR are set to vi00:25
almostautomatedhbekel: I just wanted to make sure I was in the right mode :)00:26
bastidrazorcrankharder, ah, you installed the drivers manually?00:26
oli1hello, I just bought a packard bell easynote and I've got everything set up fine except for the sound which doesn't work at all, here is some info oli@pb:~$ cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* | grep Codec00:26
oli1Codec: VIA VIA VT170200:26
oli1Codec: Conexant ID 2c0600:26
oli1Codec: Generic 10de ID 300:26
FloodBot3oli1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
almostautomatedhbekel: how can I check that ?00:26
RPG_MasterIs their anyway I can make DigiKam integrate better with GNOME?00:26
DaZ-RPG_Master, qgtkstyle00:27
Cigeok, so I recently installed conky on my laptop and made a config file, which works fine.  The only problem is that when conky loads at bootup it appears windowed, and covers part of my taskbar.  If I restart conky it works fine, but how do I make it work at startup?00:27
cake_bakerseems like my problem is more ext4 related than anything else00:27
cake_bakerit's fix in the last linux kernel release00:27
crankharderbastidrazor: well the ubuntu packge didn't work for years, i got in a habit of doing that00:27
RPG_MasterI think I have that :(00:27
oli1does anyone have experience setting up ubuntu on packard bell laptops?00:27
Paddy_EIRERPG_Master, http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Styles/GtkStyle00:27
hbekelalmostautomated: shopt00:27
scott1okay I download ardour how do I install it?00:27
hbekelalmostautomated: no sorry, it's set -o00:28
prince_jammysset 0i00:28
prince_jammysbut yeah, set -o00:28
RPG_MasterPaddy_EIRE: How do I install it? I put in the commands and it didn't install :(00:28
bastidrazorcrankharder, you could just use the driver you already have.. reinstall the same way or try to let ubuntu give you a driver. which version of ubuntu are you on?00:28
Quincyis there something that i can like..use a static image as webcam?00:29
Paddy_EIRERPG_Master, just a moment.. I am not on ubuntu at the moment00:29
almostautomatedhbekel: vi is not on... one sec I'll paste it00:29
RPG_MasterPaddy_EIRE: ok then, I can wait :)00:30
almostautomatedhbekel: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d14bf7afb00:30
hbekelalmostautomated: no need to paste, look for emacs00:30
almostautomatedit is on00:30
Cigebasiaclly every time I boot my computer I have to type in "killall conky" and then cd /home/(user)/scripts and then sh multi_conky.sh to start both my conky scripts.00:30
Quincyis there something that i can like..use a static image as webcam?00:30
prince_jammysthat's the default. set -o vi if you want the other.00:30
amx109when i try to enable desktop effects, all i get is a 'desktop effects cannot be enabled message'. the proprietary ATI drivers are installed via the 'hardware drivers' preferences. how can i get more detailed information on why its failing, so that i can fix it?00:30
Cigehow do I make it so that when multi_conky.sh loads automatically It will appear like it does after I launch it with the command line?00:31
Paddy_EIRERPG_Master, could you do "apt-cache search gtkstyle" in a terminal to see what packages it returns?00:31
hbekelalmostautomated: bash --version ?00:32
bastidrazorcrankharder, since 8.04 i've had excellent nVidia support from the ubuntu offered drivers00:32
almostautomatedhbekel: 3.2.4800:32
RPG_MasterPaddy_EIRE: I am putting in the command... And it does nothing :|00:32
hbekelalmostautomated: please try with a simple PS1="> "00:34
Paddy_EIRERPG_Master, have a look here they even have installable packages for both 32 and 64 bit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83478400:34
almostautomatedhbekel: it is sort-of nice to know it wasn't just something real basic that I missed00:34
almostautomatedhbekel: I'll do longer but simple since it Couldn't really test if it didn't move00:35
almostautomatedhbekel: OK, let me take back that last bit...  I used 6 '>' and it worked00:36
bruce89hey ho00:36
almostautomatedhbekel: guess I need to do some PS1 testing00:36
Cigeright now at startup my computer uses sh /home/christopher/scripts/multi_conky.sh to launch conky, but when it does that conky does not appear on the background, but rather as a window able to cover up others.  However if I manually killall conky and then relaunch it, it works perfectly fine.  Is there a reason that it does not work at startup?00:37
legend2440scott1: no need to download ardour its in the repos. you can install it from synaptic or sudo apt-get install ardour  in terminal00:37
almostautomatedhbekel: gtg for about 10 minutes, thank you very much for the help so far, I'll check the PS1 when I get back00:37
DistI have put ubuntu on a usb drive so i can get back into ubuntu (win 7 install stopped GRUB working), yet when i boot with the USB stick in it says BOOTMGR missing, whats the solution?00:37
RPG_MasterPaddy_EIRE: Thanks :)00:38
falco1c'e qualcuno?00:38
RPG_MasterNow how do I run it?00:38
Paddy_EIREclick it RPG_Master  :)00:38
Paddy_EIREah.. try looking in system>preferences RPG_Master00:39
Sertsehi, how do I make Konq properly work w/ gmail?00:39
Paddy_EIRESertse, ask in #kubuntu00:40
Sertsegot it00:40
RPG_MasterPaddy_EIRE:  Not seeing it...00:40
tmaeus-ksomeone knows how to create a window (not win32) with c++ under linux?00:41
tmaeus-ksomes like a frame in java00:41
Paddy_EIRERPG_Master, I am not entirely sure as I am not on linux right now and I am in the middle of a download so it will be a while before I can offer any proper support00:42
RPG_MasterPaddy_EIRE: I think I just figured it out :)00:42
JyxtDist: simply copying the ubuntu iso to a usb drive will not work00:45
almostautomatedhbekel: sorry about that.  I guess my next step is to comment out the PS1 stuff in my rc and go from there00:46
hbekelalmostautomated: just a sec...00:46
kamokowhow do i go about getting .htaccess and .htpasswd working in apache2?00:46
JyxtDist: look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick00:46
Jyxtthey have a software that does all the work for you00:47
chase1hello, i am trying to install ubuntu 8 via live cd on a toshiba satellite laptop and i'm having some errors. when i boot up it gives me the choice of going to win xp or ubuntu, and when i choose ubuntu i get a command line.  i have not encountered an installation menu or anything00:47
kamokowchase1: are you using GRUB or did you reinstate the Windows MBR?00:48
LinuxGoldcan I run Virtual Machine without X? (windows XP guest)00:48
Kevin`hi, I have a problem with email. evolution is not showing all the new messages I get (if I send one to myself, it won't show up), but it's added to the Inbox file by evolution00:49
hbekelalmostautomated: please try with http://pastebin.com/m2cda5e3400:49
QuincyMy webcam doesnt work properly in firefox,it works in every oother program just not firefox00:49
DistI have put ubuntu on a usb drive so i can get back into ubuntu (win 7 install stopped GRUB working), yet when i boot with the USB stick in it says BOOTMGR missing, whats the solution?00:49
kamokowmore information on the model of the webcam please00:49
Paddy_EIRE!grub | Dist00:50
kamokowDist: Installing things on USB drives will cause problems sometimes00:50
ubottuDist: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:50
JyxtDist: i answered you above00:50
sharperguyIs there any way of getting rid of the noise that headphones make when there is nothing playing?00:50
Jyxtsimply copying an iso to usb drive will not work...follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick00:50
Distsorry Jyxt i didnt see that, thanks00:50
kamokowsharperguy: what is the noise like?00:50
Paddy_EIREsharperguy, Medication :P00:50
shovonHi, has anyone had this problem where the wireless card detects access points, but fails to connect?00:50
Jyxtubuntu has a nice tool called usb-creator that does all the work for you00:50
Disti did use unetbootin00:50
Quincykamokow: its an CIF Cingle chip00:51
Quincyaccording to Webcamstudio00:51
Uhuruhi everybody00:51
Kevin`sharperguy: it's from electrical noise. if you plug into the back you probably won't get it. i've heard grounding the jack/cable can help, but i'd try shielding it00:51
Kevin`anyone help with my email?00:51
sharperguyPaddy_EIRE, lol! kamokow, like a crackling/buzzing.00:52
Paddy_EIREsharperguy, tried turning the mic volume down in your volume control00:52
kamokowsharperguy: you cant really get rid of it, if its plugged into external speakers, try plugging it directly into the computer00:52
sharperguyKevin`, Ah thanks. I've plugged it into the only port on my laptop. I guessed it was electrical interference just wondered if there was an easy way to get rid of it00:52
almostautomatedhbekel: nope.  I commented out the previous one and put in the one you pasted with an export, started a new terminal, and same issue.00:52
hector__my hard drive has 300GB, with ubuntu in it i want to make another partition to save files00:52
Uhurudoes any one know how to calibrate the screen rotation on a tablet Pc? actually i have a lenovo x200 tablet and  so far i did not find any solution of my poroblem in the internet00:53
Kevin`sharperguy: lowering the volume CAN help sometimes, depending where it happens00:53
bastidrazorhector__, gparted liveCd .. you'll need to have the drive unmounted00:53
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:53
kamokowhector__: You can also use the Ubuntu Live CD00:53
hector__but my files are gonna be remove__00:53
Kevin`sharperguy: have pcm high and master volume low00:54
sharperguyKevin`, Well it is louder when the volume is at max, but theres no difference between 0 and 7500:54
kamokowhector:__: they shouldnt get removed...00:54
hbekelalmostautomated: hmm, then i'm out of ideas… btw i'm on bash 4.0.28, and a lot of prompt display bugs are mentioned fixed in the changelog from 3.x to 4.x00:54
danbhfive1sharperguy: I get some noise on my desktop when a usb is plugged into a certain port00:54
Uhuruand i´m using ubuntu 9.0400:54
Quincyso kamakow think ya can help me?00:54
zagabarHi. I am having an odd problem. My server is running ubuntu hardy and it was doing fine. However, my dad accidentally tore out my network cable, and the ethernet cart wasn't screwed static, so it might have moved some in the PCI slot. The problem is that when I plugged back the cable, internet failed to start. I rebooted the server and it still failed to start. No one could ping the server and the server could ping no one. when I resta00:54
hector__ok so what type of partition should i choose_00:54
Kevin`can someone help me with my email? (see above)00:54
kamokowQuincy: My only advice is looking for a driver for it00:54
kamokowhector__: It depends what you are using it for00:54
Quincykamokow: that isnt the problem because the webcam itself works00:55
hector__just to save files00:55
Quincyjust not in firefox wich is a pain in the ass if i am gun record videos to YT00:55
Uhurudid someone see my question above?00:55
danbhfive1hector__: do you want to share with a windows install?00:55
almostautomatedhbekel: Thank you very much for the assistance!  I'll try upgrading the bash after narrowing down the prompt.00:55
hector__and if so00:55
danbhfive1hector__: then just do ext300:55
hector__i want to learn00:55
kamokowhector__: do ext3 or something00:55
hbekelalmostautomated: upgrading to bash 4 will be a disruptive update, beware00:55
Kevin`Quincy: so it's not working in flash00:55
kamokowhector__: however, if a windows partition needs to see it to, that wont work so use NTFS00:56
QuincyKevin` that is kinda the problem,yea00:56
almostautomatedhbekel: oh :(  guess I'll concentrate on the PS1 before diving in too deep then.  Thanks for the warning!00:56
Uhuruhow to calibrate screen rotation on Lenovo x200 tablet running under ubuntu jaunty?00:56
hector__ok thankss00:56
hbekelalmostautomated: it brings along readline 6.0, so all programs linked against it will require a rebuild, or you'll have to keep readline 5 around along with 600:56
kamokowhector__: have fun with your patitioning ^_^00:57
oldude67zagabar, shut the computer off, take the side off the computer and make sure the network card is in all the way, then see if it works, if not the end of the cord could be bad as well.00:57
almostautomatedhbekel: either that or use the vi bindings :)00:57
hector__ok thanks man00:57
hbekelalmostautomated: if it's a prompt redisplay issue, it will cause trouble in vi-mode as well00:57
kamokowhector__: be sure (just in case) you back up any really important files00:57
zagabaroldude67: Okay, I will try that.00:58
almostautomatedhbekel: well, what's interesting is the test that I did (back-up three words) worked in vi mode00:58
DistOK i have been reading through that page on installing from USB, and it seems to use the live usb creator i need to run the live CD, the problem is i dont have a CD, which is why i wanted to use USB00:58
Distand unetbootin doesnt seem to work00:58
kamokowsee you guys in abit im gunna go get dinner00:58
hbekelalmostautomated: then it's even stranger…00:59
Kevin`Dist: I would boot the iso in kvm or similar and either do the usb thing, or install to the usb drive00:59
EkliantehCan anyone tell me how to use Truecrypt to encrypt a usb stick AND have Truecrypt on the stick as well to prevent having to reinstall it on every computer I go to?01:00
shovonHi, my wireless usb adapter detects wireless access points, but never connects.01:00
almostautomatedhbekel: Let me reverify that just to be sure01:00
maciushey i just bought a new video card and wondering am i just able to install it manually and ubuntu will reconize it or do i have reset xorg? im assuming it'll have problems booting since there are different drivers on my system01:00
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EkliantehCan anyone tell me how to use Truecrypt to encrypt a usb stick AND have Truecrypt on the stick as well to prevent having to reinstall it on every computer I go to?01:01
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maciushey i just bought a new video card and wondering am i just able to install it manually and ubuntu will reconize it or do i have reset xorg? im assuming it'll have problems booting since there are different drivers on my system01:02
almostautomatedhbekel: yep it just worked...  opened new terminal, set -o vi, [ESC] [3] [B], and I'm three words back01:02
danbhfive1Uhuru: I looked a bit.  Looks like people have a bunch of trouble.  Here is a thread with allot of discussion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=907936         Later pages are later in time01:02
maciushey i just bought a new video card and wondering am i just able to install it manually and ubuntu will reconize it or do i have reset xorg? im assuming it'll have problems booting since there are different drivers on my system01:02
shovonMy wireless usb adapter detcts wireless access points, but never connects. Any help?01:03
shovonmacius: what's the previous driver?01:03
almostautomatedhbekel: Well, I gotta go get food prepped and served so it is something for later.  Thank you very much for trying.01:03
shovonmacius: what's the previous driver?01:03
UqbarEklianteh: you'll have to make two partitions on the USB stick: one without encryption, to carry truecrypt, and the other encrypted. or you could have just one nonencrypted partition in which to store the encrypted filesystem in a file, but this might be slower.01:03
shovonmacius: is it an ati card?01:03
Uhurudanb: thanks01:04
hbekelalmostautomated: well, keep digging...01:04
EkliantehUqbar, may I pm?01:04
danbhfive1Uhuru: and you may want to watch this page (see if it gets updated): http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_9.04_(Jaunty_Jackalope)_on_a_ThinkPad_X20001:04
lakotajamescompiz stopped working.  Help?01:04
almostautomatedhbekel: it's one of those challenges best served with good liquor  ;)01:05
shovonlakotajames: Tell us more.01:05
hbekelalmostautomated: indeed01:05
UqbarEklianteh: I'm going to bed, sorry. but just google along the lines of my previous answer and you'll find your way pretty soon.01:05
JyxtEklianteh: you could do 2 partitions, one small one to contain truecrypt the other encrypted to hold your data...or you could keep it all unencrypted  and just use encrypted files etc...truecrypt is very versatile01:05
zagabaroldude67: You are my saviuor! It worked. :D01:05
UqbarJyxt: heh01:05
lakotajamesshovon:  I don't know  any more.  It used to work, then it randomly stopped.  I went to the appearance thingy, and changed desktop effects to  none, then changed it back to extra, and it says they couldn't be enabled.01:06
EkliantehI'd like to have the encrypted partition.  Is there a way to make Truecrypt autorun whenever I insert the stick?  And if so, how do I make it work on windows, linux, AND mac?01:06
JyxtEklianteh: i believe what you asking...the autorun and working on 3x OS is beyond the scope of this irc chat room01:07
JyxtUqbar: oops, didnt see your answer there :P01:07
Uhurudanbhfive1: thanks a lot, i have already takena look on theses pages but i´m still hang01:07
EkliantehTrue.  My apologies01:07
JyxtEklianteh: but really part of encryption is not letting 'them' know your running encryption...ie counter-intelligence no01:08
Jyxtbe better to run the hidden files part of truecrypt...keep it all plaintext, put a bunch of 'normal' looking files and hide your data in those01:09
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m1dlghow do I fix my drive permissions? I can't open my USB DVD drive, and I don't have any other and this has been a problem for a while. sudo chown user:user /media/? doesn't work but does on a couple of HDD's I sometimes plug in. I can't get it to work persistently though01:09
kamokowIm back01:10
kamokowm1dlg: you could use ALT+F2 then gksudo nautilus01:10
Distfound out why my unetbootin didnt work in creating a USB ubuntu installer01:10
kamokowthen change the drive permissions01:10
`brandon`Hello, i am trying to use a file but it says ImportError: no module named twisted.internet01:10
xenoterracidehow do I set the domain for a machine?01:11
`brandon`any idea's on what i can do?01:11
Distturns out that even though it doesnt mention it, it only works on a FAT32 formated USB stick01:11
xenoterracideright now it shows up as host.localdomain01:11
Distmy stick was formated as NTFS01:11
danbhfive1Uhuru: yeah, makes sense.  It looks like no one has gotten it working.  If you need that feature, you should just use windows for the time being.01:11
kamokowxenoterracide: is there a network setup that you want to join. Or do you want to set one up01:11
xenoterracideI suppose join... but I'm really just looking for a file to edit01:12
xenoterracidethis is on server01:12
JyxtDist: reformat to fat32?01:13
m1dlgkamokow - I don't get the icon there to edit. I can't give it permission if it's not there.01:13
spohave any of you beat or gotten very far in nethack or hack?01:13
spoor rogue?01:13
illikawni prefer mud01:13
illikawnand circlemud at that01:13
kamokowm1dlg: run nautilus, navigate to your dvd drive then right click -> properties -> permissions01:13
Jyxtmud is pretty broad, in thats not a game its a genre so to speak01:14
hbekelxenoterracide: grep the init scripts for hostname and domainname, maybe?01:14
Jyxtsame with circlemud :P01:14
Jyxtwhile nethack is an actual game01:14
m1dlgIf the DVD drive showed up I would, it's not there until I have permission to mount it01:14
Jyxtm1dlg: edit your /etc/fstab to allow users to mount the drive?01:14
kamokowOh, I see, i misunderstood your problem, sorry01:15
marcelo_ I have some type conversions on my code and g++ is not issuing warnings that it should, even though -Wall is enabled, Is this the right flag for type conversion? Is there any flag to turn every warning in error?01:15
m1dlgjyxt - how?01:15
hbekelspo: not sure if nethack is even designed to be beat :)01:15
Uhurudanbhfive1: right, however as I real am allergic to windows, I´ll try to forget the screen rotation option hopping that one day developpers will furnish us some script or some ¨ready to use¨ packages for that01:15
Slartmarcelo_: afaik -Wall should warn about all the stuff it can01:16
heaterIf anyone has some time i am having a few Eclipse Problems.01:16
Jyxtm1dlg: do nano /etc/fstab and look for a line like01:16
Jyxt/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,ro 0 001:16
danbhfive1heater: whats the problem?01:16
Slartmarcelo_: although I'm not sure a type conversion is supposed to give a warning.. unless it's implicit01:16
Jyxtsomething like that...and add: users to the noauto,ro part so it looks like noauto,ro,users01:16
paissad-hphi everybody !01:17
heaterWell currently i have downloaded Eclipse 3.5 I am not using the dev package, but when i create a java project it gives me this error "Problems occurred while trying to save the state of the workbench.01:17
heater  Could not write metadata for '/testJava'.01:17
heater  /home/austin/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/testJava/.markers (No such file or directory)01:17
bruce89marcelo_: there are lot more flags for that than just -Wall01:17
FloodBot3heater: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
Jyxtthough i have no experience with usb drives...in theory it should be the same01:17
SnakDochey anyone have any idea y i get logged off every so often ?01:17
paissad-hpi would like to use vnc from my laptop to my server-destop station , here is what i did01:17
paissad-hproot@paissad-server:~# ps ax | grep -i vnc | grep -v grep | pastebinit -01:17
Jyxtm1dlg: if it still doesnt work, use the uuid of the drive (unique id of the usb drive) instead of its /dev address which can change01:17
paissad-hpso we can say that there"s a vnc server01:18
Slartmarcelo_: you could try -Wextra... that turns on some extra warnings that -Wall doesn't enable01:18
paissad-hpbut the matter is that when i type 'vncviewer paissad-server' from my laptop , here is what i got01:18
marcelo_Slart, When I compiled the code on fedora, I got lots of issues, but here on ubuntu I am get no warning at all even though -Wall is enabled ... don't know why.01:18
paissad-hpvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused01:18
paissad-hpUnable to connect to VNC server01:18
paissad-hpYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.01:18
Jyxtget uuid like so: blkid /dev/mnt/point/of/device01:18
FloodBot3paissad-hp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:18
paissad-hpwhere am i wrong01:18
Jyxtlike blkid /dev/sdc501:18
marcelo_Slart, I will try.01:18
th0rpaissad-hp: you are trying to connect as root?01:19
Slartmarcelo_: not really sure why that would be... well.. have a look here.. lots of switches to play around with http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html01:19
m1dlgJyxt, TheUSB drive is a combination drive with a HDD and a set of card readers too, the HDD is visible and the DVD is a burner01:19
paissad-hpth0r,  no,01:19
m1dlgJyxt, I still have issues do I need a reboot?01:19
kamokowI need to use a recovery disc to install windows (dont ask why >_>), but I dont want to erase Ubuntu. Any workaround so I can do this?01:19
heaterdanbhfive1: have any ideas?01:19
th0rpaissad-hp: then why is the root xstartup being executed?01:19
danbhfive1heater: no, sorry01:19
heaterdanbhfive1: ok thanks any way :)01:20
Slartmarcelo_: oh.. I just found a switch called -Wconversion ... that might be what you're looking for01:20
paissad-hpth0r, the pastebin is the output from the server01:20
th0rpaissad-hp: and the root .Xauthority01:20
m1dlgJyxt, If the lines relating to my XP HDD and the DVD drive would it 'fix' it with new lines?01:20
paissad-hpth0r, it's debian, but my laptop uses ubuntu,01:20
nownoti have a ntfs raid 5, how can i mount this in ubuntu 9.04?01:20
heaterif someone else can help with an eclipse problem, http://paste.ubuntu.com/255469/01:21
th0rpaissad-hp: right....but I don't think vnc will run on the root account...not sure, but don't think so01:21
TarkersAnyone know what channel I should join for help with sound problems in Karmic Koala?01:21
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blue0488can anyone help I wan't to get a win game to work in wine can anyone help?01:21
Jyxtm1dlg: reboot not necessary...01:21
bastidrazorTarkers, #ubuntu+101:21
th0rpaissad-hp: if I recall correctly, there is a config option that needs to be changed for that01:21
bazhangTarkers, #ubuntu+101:21
Jyxtm1dlg: what is the /dev/s## address of the device?01:21
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Jyxtand can you mount it with root? you just need to mount it with user for permissions etc?01:22
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m1dlgJyxt, OK, I killed the drive, and started it again, it still fails. the text is as follows01:22
=== Guest52158 is now known as GeeLo
m1dlgyt#Entry for /dev/sdc5 :01:22
FloodBot3m1dlg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:22
SnakDocanyone have any idea y i get logged off every so often ?01:22
paissad-hpth0r, i runned vnc server as root maybe, but i started the computer as a simple user (not root)01:22
nownotanyone? please01:22
th0rpaissad-hp: are you logging into vnc as root?01:23
Ben64you should start vncserver as a user, not root01:23
marcelo_Slart, Thak you lots of warnings now.01:23
Ben64otherwise your entire vnc session would have root privileges01:23
Slartmarcelo_: you're welcome01:23
paissad-hpth0r, no, i'm loggin as simple user from my laptop,01:23
th0rBen64: right....and if you start vnc as root you have to log in as root.01:24
brad_I did a tar from my computer to my windows box, then opened the tar in winrar and it shows some file missing01:24
m1dlgJyxt, does the mess I sent help? it's part understandable01:24
brad_is that just winrar ?01:24
blue0488can anyone help I want to get a win game to work in wine can anyone help?01:24
paissad-hpth0r, http://pastebin.com/m10f3bf2701:24
Ben64th0r: but starting vnc as root isn't a great idea01:24
Jyxtm1dlg: sort of...did you edit /etc/fstab at all? if so remove your edits01:24
th0rpaissad-hp: no...if you have to log in as the same user who started vncserver01:25
Ben64paissad-hp: have you set vncpasswd for whatever user?01:25
m1dlgJyxt, I only added the ,m1dlg and the no to auto01:25
nownotso ntfs raid 5, how do i mount under ubuntu?01:25
paissad-hpBen64, not yet01:25
Ben64well if unable to connect, the server might not be running vncserver01:25
SnakDoc<paissad-hp> but the matter is that when i type 'vncviewer paissad-server' from my laptop , here is what i got01:25
Jyxtm1dlg: when you plug it in...what exactly happens? ubuntu automounts it, but as a normal user you cant do anything with it?01:25
TC84_I need help with Ubuntu 8.0401:26
Jyxtm1dlg: yeah take out your edits...you dont add your username, it was 'users' but nvm01:26
Ben64paissad-hp: try "nmap paissad-server -p 5900-5910"01:26
SnakDocanyone have any idea y i get logged off every so often ?01:26
th0rBen64: agreed01:26
th0rpaissad-hp: you can't start the vnc server as root and then try to log in as a user01:26
paissad-hpBen64, what does this do ?01:26
paissad-hpth0r, ok01:26
Ben64makes sure you have vncserver running01:26
mdgTC84_: what's up?01:26
TC84does anyone know how to make the display take up my entire screen on an IBM thinkpad?  it's currently framed about an inch in from all sides01:26
Ben64TC84: increase resolution01:26
Ben64!resolution | TC8401:27
ubottuTC84: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:27
TC84it's at the max it'll let me go to01:27
gogetamdg: did my guide help anyone today :)01:27
paissad-hpBen64, paissad@paissad-hp:/media/work/tmp/cdiscount$ nmap paissad-server -p 5900-5910 | pastebinit -01:27
Ben64well you gotta go more max01:27
mdggogeta: hey !01:27
m1dlgJyxt, the HDD opens and displays as a folder, the dvd does nothing. I have Disk Mounter on my panel and that shows the drive is there, I tell it to mount and it pops up with the error I don't have permisson to mount the drive.01:27
Ben64cause black borders = too small res for screen01:27
mdggogeta: I just got here - so no not yet :)01:27
gogetai see01:27
TC84I will try that01:28
MsMacomdg: may i pm?01:28
th0rpaissad-hp: you also have to set a vnc password with the command vncpasswd01:28
TC84is it gonna boot me from here?01:28
Ben64paissad-hp: try "vncviewer paissad-server:2"01:28
TC84I'm somewhat new to linux I dunno a whole lot about the console01:28
cantomaguys, anyone could try to use acrobat reader from windows in linux .. is this possible in any way?01:28
Ben64TC84: you do have to restart X to change resolution01:28
Jyxtm1dlg: strange that it would mount the HDD but not the DVD01:28
Ben64well.. to add a new res01:28
MsMacocantoma: there is an acrobat reader for linux01:28
paissad-hpBen64, it works !01:28
MsMacocantoma: its called acroread01:28
mdgMsMaco: ??????? do i know you?01:28
m1dlgJyxt, http://pastebin.com/m158f2ca301:28
cantomaMsMaco, doesn't bring the latest01:28
TC84so typing that into the console will restart it and let me change settingss?01:29
Ben64paissad-hp: :)01:29
MsMacocantoma: oh01:29
cantomaMsMaco, i cannot play embedded mpg on it01:29
MsMacomdg: no, was just going to mention a channel you may like01:29
Ben64paissad-hp: just try not to run vncserver as root, not very safe01:29
cantomaMsMaco, the one for windows can01:29
MsMacocantoma: oh01:29
paissad-hpBen64, ok i won't do that anylonger01:29
Jyxtm1dlg: and this is your only DVD drive?01:29
Jyxtm1dlg: if it is, change this line01:30
TC84ok I'm sure I"ll be back shortly lol01:30
m1dlgJyxt, Iseem to have the same problems witrh other devices sometimes too. I have over 20 HDD's and onl;y some hit this error.01:30
TC84thanks guys01:30
mdgMsMaco: why me specifically?01:30
cantomaMsMaco, the one for linux only support videos from realplayer .. and realplayer doesn't support mpeg videos .. there is a big thread around this .. so basically i want to have acrobat from windows in linux01:30
TC84ok stupid question01:30
Jyxtm1dlg: to look like this /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,ro,users 0 001:30
Jyxtm1dlg: exactly like that01:30
TC84how do I load the console lol01:30
MsMacocantoma: maybe wine then01:30
m1dlgJyxt, I had same issue with other internal DVD, but I also have firmware bug on it so removed it too.01:30
bastidrazorcantoma, doesn't vlc play .real01:31
Ben64cantoma: acrobat != realplayer01:31
Jyxtm1dlg: after you edit that line with those changes...try the command01:31
cantomaBen64, check your multimedia part of acroread01:31
mdgTC84: Menu -applications - terminal01:31
Jyxtmount /dev/scd0 /some/mount/point01:31
cantomabastidrazor, its for embbeded movies01:31
Ben64don't have acroread01:31
nownotso i do dmarid -r and get /dev/sdc: nvidia, "nvidia_jdbdefff", raid5_ls, ok, 2930277166 sectors, data@ 0 and the same for /dev/sdb and dev/sda, how can i mount this raid partition?01:31
mdgTC84: you welcome :)01:32
ultraputzanyone know anything about what happens when upgrade breaks whole-disk-encryption?01:32
MsMacomdg: because your nick looks similar to mjg's and mdz's i looked at your whois, and i thought based on your name you may be intersted in #ubuntu-women...but knowing how the internet can be when the word "women" is said i wanted to say that in a pm01:32
ultraputzget password prompt, enter it, drops to busybox in initramfs01:32
cantomaBen64, so don't check01:32
bastidrazorcantoma, totem with ubuntu-restricted-extras and gstreamer01:32
SnakDocanyone have any idea y i get logged off every so often ?01:32
cantomabastidrazor, embedded movies in pdfs01:32
Ben64cantoma: you could try getting wine and installing acrobat01:32
cantomabastidrazor, does totem shows pdfs01:32
mdgMsMaco: I now understand why you took that route01:33
Zelfjetry foxit reader instead of acrobat01:33
Zelfjesave heaps of resources :)01:33
bastidrazorcantoma, not that i know of.01:33
m1dlgjy the DVD drive span up when I saved it, the icon for it disapeared from the mounter tool on the panel and I got an error telling me that /mnt/cdrom? didn't exist01:33
MsMacomdg: i have no idea how to explain that reasoning in here without saying the w word though01:33
Zelfjetheres even nicer opensrc free pdf thingies01:33
mdgMsMaco: I just use this computer because its already setup01:33
m1dlgJyxt,  the DVD drive span up when I saved it, the icon for it disapeared from the mounter tool on the panel and I got an error telling me that /mnt/cdrom? didn't exist01:33
cantomaBen64, i will have a look if wine run acrobat reader01:33
Jyxtm1dlg: sorry go here and look at line16 make yours look like that01:34
cantomabastidrazor, nowadays you even have 3D objects running in pdfs01:34
Jyxtthen try mount /dev/scd001:34
cantomabastidrazor, movies is something that started in 199801:34
bastidrazorcantoma, best of luck.01:34
MsMacomdg: well if you wanna join us in that channel, feel free01:35
m1dlgJyxt, mount: mount point /media/cdrom0 does not exist01:36
tommyok so that didn't work01:37
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tommy_ok so that didn't work01:37
Ben64m1dlg: sudo mkdir /media/cdrom001:37
tommy_TD84  <----01:37
Jyxtm1dlg: yes what Ben64 said01:37
Ben64tommy_: which laptop is it?01:38
tommy_thinkpad iSeries01:38
GaduI tried installing a newer version of java for my firefox. After it finished I check the java version in firefox extensions and it has not changed. Any suggestions?01:38
gogetaBen64: it normaly make that dir as a tmp when it automounts for a old school mount you gotta make it :)01:38
tommy_it just made the screen go blank01:38
Ben64gogeta: mine always exists : /01:39
heateri figured out my eclipse problem, if someone can just help me set permissions would be helpful01:39
tommy_I restarted and theres still a 1" frame around my window01:39
Ben64tommy_: need more info of laptop, like exact model number01:39
mdgtommy_: how old is your laptop?01:39
danbhfive1heater: wow, I was guessing it wasnt a permissions problem, since it was in your /home.  weird.  Anyway, you can use the chown command, and chmod01:40
tommy_IBM ThinkPad iSeries 130001:40
tommy_not sure on age... celeron 70001:40
tommy_sooo prolly 2000ish01:40
heateryea it is odd, but i went to the directory that it was having problems and tried to make the directory myself and it wouldn't let me...odd, so then is it "chmod user ."01:40
phoenixzIm using nmap on a server and I have X11 in the results, is this VNC?01:41
tommy_I picked up a bunch of them for sale and kept this one for myself to tool around on cause I wanna learn to use linux01:41
=== danbhfive1 is now known as danbhfive
tommy_due to a complete hate towards windows01:41
Gaduheater: sudo chown username:username -R /home/username01:41
Gaduthat will make sure everything in your home folder will belong to you01:41
m1dlgJyxt, FIXED!"!01:42
tommy_I went to the screen resolution setting and it's an unknown display type, won't let me change the res at all01:42
mdgtommy_: my first laptop was a Thinkpad 310ED, 166 Mhz! Whew!01:42
Jyxtm1dlg: user can mount it?01:42
m1dlgThanks guys :)01:42
danbhfiveheater: if you ls -al ~/workspace     I can help you craft a specific command01:42
mdgtommy_: had the same problem you are having01:42
tommy_my first was a compaq contura 386 66 mhz01:42
Gaduheater: be sure to replace username with your actual username of course =P01:42
tommy_or was it 33 mhz, can't remember01:42
d1gitalhello all, I have just installed Exaile, but when I try to start it, it hangs at the Exaile splash screen.  I get no interesting output when ran form terminal and it has to be killed -KILL to get the splash off my screen.  Has anyone else seen this?01:42
Jyxtm1dlg: one suggestion...type blkid dev/scd0 and copy that output into /etc/fstab01:42
heaterhaha yea i did01:42
tommy_how did you resolve issue mdg?01:42
danbhfiveheater: Gadu 's command is a good start actually01:42
m1dlgJyxt, I now will play, have tto decrypt and rip this one. Thanks01:42
Jyxtreplace the /dev/scd0 with uuid=THE NUMBER YOU JUST GOT01:42
Jyxtsince you mentioned playing with alot of HDD's...dev/s## addresses change but uuid's dont01:43
heaterdanbhfive: yea thanks, im going to see if eclipse has problems now01:43
heaterGadu: yea lol01:43
Ben64tommy_: 650mhz?01:43
mdgtommy_: unfortunately, I couldn't....becauase it was so old01:43
Jyxtso instead of /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 auto noauto,ro,users 0 001:43
tommy_ben64: celeron 700 mhz01:43
Jyxtit'll be UUID=blahblahblah /media/cdrom0 auto noauto,ro,users 0 001:43
cantomabastidrazor, i realise that Evince @ http://live.gnome.org/Evince/RoadmapPDF is planning to add Multimedia (Sound, Movie) feature .. but this could take years and depends of the developers rhythm01:44
mdgtommy_: which ubuntu you running?01:44
tommy_I went to bios and enabled "automatic screen expansion" but it didn't change anything01:44
m1dlgJyxt,  I did that and got /dev/scd0: LABEL="NEW" TYPE="udf"  instead.01:44
tommy_mdg: 8.0401:44
heaterthat fixed the problem, awesome, thanks for your help guys01:44
tommy_tried 9.04 but it kept screwing up on me01:44
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heaternow lets see if i can get the Qt plugins imported properly01:44
Ben64tommy_: gimme a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:44
Ben64you can pastebin it01:44
tommy_lol PM me I have no idea how to do that01:45
mdgtommy_:  you running compiz?01:45
tommy_not sure what that is01:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:45
tommy_this is my first boot up of linux ever01:45
Jyxtm1dlg: try ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid01:45
tommy_other than DSL that I had on a flash drive for an old clunker I was screwin with01:45
nmvictorcan someone please help me with a link to Gecko,Mozilla html engine used by wine to read .chm file.tried looking for it in vain01:45
mdgtommy_: My first linux was DSL01:46
Jyxtm1dlg: then look for the one that correspponds to /dev/scd0 or whatver01:46
anunakimy first linux was SuSE Linux01:46
anunakic.a. 200001:46
tommy_lol nice, it's kind of an intriguing concept01:46
tommy_I had to give it a shot01:46
mdgtommy_: maybe Compiz > general settings > Display?  Guys, what do you think?01:46
tommy_what is compiz though?01:46
phoenixztommy_: 3D desktop, special effects, etc..01:47
Jyxtm1dlg: its not *that* big a deal really...just remember that sometimes if you have alot of devices plugged in it might change teh /dev/address assignment01:47
Ben64tommy_: compiz is pretty effects01:47
anunakicompiz is what makes windows users move to linux01:47
phoenixztommy_: something to drewl over, sometimes its even usable!01:47
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MsMacotommy_: compositing window manager01:47
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* phoenixz still wonders about the usability of the 3d rotating desktop cube and wobbly windows, even though they look awesome :)01:47
tommy_would that be in the Add/Remove programs ?01:47
heateranunaki: lol01:48
MsMacotommy_: look up videos on YouTube01:48
MsMacotommy_: its in the default install01:48
Ali_nzhow, or what tool would you use to identify a lan cable out of a bunch? one end of the lan cable is unterminated, otherwise I would just use cable tester......01:48
d1gitalphoenixz: i've gotten so used to wobbly windows i feel like my computer is broken without them.01:48
phoenixzd1gital: I imagine, but still what exactly makes it more usable?01:49
tommy_I'm kinda lost, sorry guys01:49
MsMacoAli_nz: before installing, put labels on the two ends with "A" and "A" or something so when you are looking at one, you can find the other easily01:49
m1dlgJyxt, If I can live with the problem I've had for so long, I can live with the address problem. it's no issue. that command doesn't make reference to the dvd so I'll play with what I've got. when the next release is out I'll buy a new drive and have a fresh instal. the upgreade is what stuffed this machine up but I ran out of 1TB drives so I can't do much till then.01:49
mdgtommy_: did you do a full install or are you running a live CD?01:49
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Jyxtcompiz can run on top of say xfce?01:49
Ali_nzMsMaco: they are already installed01:49
MsMacotommy_: system -> preferences -> appearance -> desktop effects01:49
tommy_downloaded the iso, burned it, installed, and now here I am01:49
Jyxti know in gentoo compiz is its own wm01:49
edbianI'm trying to install ubuntu and ubiquity is getting stuck at the "partition editor" stage.  The progress bar pops up and loads completely but the screen never changes from the keyboard layout01:49
m1dlgJyxt, Many many thanks for your kind help. really appreciated.01:49
Jyxtm1dlg: glad to help :)01:49
MsMacoAli_nz: doh. umm....boo. yeah that sounds like the way to do it. and then label them when you figure it out so you dont have to do it again01:49
Dr_WillisJyxt:  compiz replaces teh window manager. so it could intheory run with xfce by replaceing xfwm (the xfce window manager)01:49
m1dlggood night01:49
edbianJyxt: It is also true in ubuntu.01:49
Dr_WillisJyxt:  compiz 'is' a window manager.01:50
tommy_I don't want to change the desktop01:50
tommy_I want to increase the screen size01:50
MsMacotommy_: what are you trying to...01:50
d1gitalphoenixz: i dont knoe really.. i mean, i assume that if i had these magical little information panes on a real deask, i wouldn't want them to wobble.01:50
MsMacotommy_: you want to change the resolution?01:50
tommy_won't let me01:50
dtcrshrhi everyone. im following this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=873749, but i dunno how to remove the libflash i already got. on synaptic iv made a search for flash, lib, i got some results, but none checked. did the steps on the final, that seemd to work but still got no sound.. any clues?01:50
MsMacotommy_: if you open a terminal and run "xrandr" does it list the resolution you want?01:50
Ademandoes anyone know how i can recover from a segfault when dpkg is processing libc6 triggers?01:50
Jyxtwell i guess im confused on terminology then...like im running fluxbox now...if i want to run compiz i cant run fluxbox...compiz runs as its own wm...havent tried to get compiz to run under fluxbox, would be nice01:50
Ben64MsMaco: he's got a laptop, resolution is set too small, won't let him increase. The screen has a border because of it.01:50
tommy_it's 800x600 or 640x48001:51
tommy_800x600 is the only one that works01:51
MsMacoBen64: thanks for the summary01:51
tommy_and I'm framed on all 4 sides by an ince01:51
tommy_wasn't sure if there was a way I could manually adjust this or not01:51
Ben64i believe that laptop supports a max of 1024x76801:51
MsMacotommy_: if you run "xrandr" in a terminal (appliations ->accessories -> terminal) what resolutions does it list?01:51
tommy_it does01:51
Jyxtits one or the other not both...why im asking if i could run compiz under xfce...running xubuntu on my desktop01:51
MsMacoBen64: also good to know!01:51
tommy_let me check and get back to you in one sec01:51
edbianJyxt: Most likely, yes01:51
edbianI'm trying to install ubuntu and ubiquity is getting stuck at the "partition editor" stage.  The progress bar pops up and loads completely but the screen never changes from the keyboard layou01:51
Ben64i'm just not an expert on modelines01:52
Ben64or i'd have it fixed in a second01:52
=== richard is now known as Guest59384
tommy_it says max of 800x60001:52
MsMacotommy_: ok, does it say the refresh rate?01:52
tommy_I have another computer identicle to this one right next to me with xp on it01:52
JyxtBen64: maybe you need to update your gfx driver? on my desktop i had max resolution of 1024x768, updated the gfx card driver and now i can push 1600x1200 :)01:52
tommy_let me see what the res is on that one01:53
tommy_refresh rate is 60hz01:53
mdgin linux mint there is an option "Screen Resolution" - is that present in 8.04?01:53
MsMacoBen64: man xrandr ;) its what im going off of now01:53
gogetamdg: i tested my fix btw even with wifi off in bios ubuntu still powers up wifi gotta love overrides01:53
d1gitalhello all, I have just installed Exaile, but when I try to start it, it hangs at the Exaile splash screen.  I get no interesting output when ran form terminal and it has to be killed -KILL to get the splash off my screen.  Has anyone else seen this?01:53
Ben64Jyxt: i'm not having the issue :)01:53
mdggogeta: that's great to know!01:53
MsMacomdg: the trouble is that X doesnt recognize 1024x768 as being possible on that screen. we're going to convince it that it is01:53
Guest729hey, can anybody here help me find out what my machine dedicated ip address is if i install ubuntu onto it? also im using a wireless router could anybody help me with this also?01:53
JyxtBen64: oh...hehe hard to follow sometimes i here :P01:53
NFischerim looking for a tool to create a customized ubuntu live-cd01:53
Brando753anyone know what font and filter this was made with? it was made in gimp. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/7517/unknownn.jpg01:53
alexnetHello #ubuntu! What do the permissions on a file need to be in order for CRON to run it?01:54
Dr_Willismdg:  i got a screen resolution tool in system -> prrferances (or was it admin) here.01:54
Ben64Jyxt: np i know. 1200-1500 people in one channel is a lot01:54
gogetamdg: yea great for compaq users who cant go in bios and fix it01:54
_cbBasic NoMachine (freeNx) question.  Install it on Ubuntu Server or Ubuntu Destkop. If I install it on Ubuntu Server do I need to install a gui (Am familiar with Citrix but that may be the wrong frame of reference)01:54
d1gitalGuest729: ifconfig01:54
JyxtGuest729: sudo ifconfig will tell you your IP?01:54
nmvictorNFischer: remastersys would do01:54
Dr_Willisalexnet:  a script would need to be 'executable'  'chmod +x whatever'01:54
JyxtGuest729: but thats not a 'dedicated' IP...your router would handle that01:54
tommy_1024x768 is what XP is running at01:54
MsMacotommy_: ok try this: xrandr --newmode "1024x768_60.00"   63.50  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync01:54
tommy_and it fills the entire screen01:54
NFischernmvictor, thx01:54
alexnetDr_Willis, 'who' is running the script if CRON runs it? Me?01:54
tommy_oh jeez code01:54
tommy_I'm nervous01:54
d1gitalGuest279:  checkip.dyndns.org if you're looking for an internet-facing IP01:54
tommy_copy n paste that ?01:55
Guest729but how would i find the machine ip01:55
MsMacotommy_: yeah01:55
tommy_k one sec, if it bombs out I'll be back in a few01:55
Guest729i tryed this yesturday all it gave me was an ip that looked like
MsMacotommy_: might need to pout quotes around  "63.50  1024 1072 1176 1328  768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync" .. im not sure01:55
d1gitalthats your machine ip01:55
tommy_just went to the next line down01:55
Guest729i need the internet ip01:55
Guest729so when i install cpanel01:55
MsMacotommy_: ok. what does xrandr call your screen?01:56
Guest729i use http://ip:208601:56
MsMacotommy_: LVDS maybe?01:56
Ben64Guest729: do you have physical access to the machine01:56
d1gitalthe internet-facing one is your router's IP to the rest of the worls, you will need to configure DMZ/NAT in your router if you need dedicated ports for that machine]01:56
tommy_with quotes it went to the next line down01:56
Guest729its right next to me01:56
tommy_w/o it gave me the xrandr opts list01:56
Ben64Guest729: then use the 192.x.x.x address01:56
MsMacotommy_: ok then with quotes was right. ill have to remember that01:57
edbianIs there a linux tool to check ntfs partitions?01:57
Guest729i want to turn it into a web server, so other people will need access to it aswell01:57
tommy_Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 60001:57
tommy_default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm01:57
tommy_   800x600        60.0*    56.001:57
tommy_   640x480        60.001:57
tommy_  1024x768_60.00 (0x50)   63.5MHz01:57
tommy_        h: width  1024 start 1072 end 1176 total 1328 skew    0 clock   47.8KHz01:57
FloodBot3tommy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
MsMacotommy_: when you run "xrandr" alone what name does it give for the screen?01:57
Ben64edbian: not a reliable one afaik01:57
Ben64windows does a better job at that01:57
MsMacotommy_: ok so its "default" ... alright01:57
edbianBen64: Thanks01:57
tommy_floodbot got mad at me lol01:57
MsMacotommy_: xrandr --addmode default 1024x768_60.0001:57
JyxtGuest729: you need your public IP?01:58
d1gitalhello all, I have just installed Exaile, but when I try to start it, it hangs at the Exaile splash screen.  I get no interesting output when ran form terminal and it has to be killed -KILL to get the splash off my screen.  Has anyone else seen this?01:58
Guest729i guess so01:58
tommy_no response01:58
MsMacotommy_: that should associate the 1024x768 with your screen01:58
Guest729so other people can access my server01:58
MsMacotommy_: no response = no error01:58
JyxtGuest729: you can do a traceroute to google01:58
Guest729but, im behind a wireless router01:58
Jyxttraceroute www.google.com01:58
d1gitalnot to be rude, Guest729, but if one does not know how to find one's own IP, one should probably not be setting up a webserver.01:58
MsMacotommy_: then "xrandr --mode 1024x768_60.00"01:58
Ben64Guest729: then the ip would be the same as your ip01:58
Guest729how do i link the 2 together?01:58
Jyxtand the 2nd or 3rd ip that shows is yhour public01:58
MsMacotommy_: and that *should* switch you to that one01:58
Ben64Guest729: whatismyipaddress.com01:58
tommy_ok wait01:58
Guest729yes ive tryed that bit01:58
tommy_after typing  xrandr --addmode default 1024x768_60.0001:58
Guest729i got that bit01:58
Guest729but i somehow need to link the to together01:59
nmvictord1gital: how about reinstalling, i have wine working correctly in my ubuntu 8.10, are you in 9.04?01:59
tommy_it gave me an option for 1024 x 768 in the screen res config01:59
Ben64Guest729: link what two together?01:59
JyxtGuest729: you need to setup port forwarding in your router then01:59
tommy_but when I clicked it and hit apply nothing changed01:59
Guest729i dont no how to do that but, people have said port forward, but i dont no how to01:59
MsMacotommy_: that was the point :)01:59
MsMacotommy_: aww01:59
tommy_we're moving in the right direction01:59
d1gitalGuest729:you need to forward port 80 to that 192.x.x.x address.01:59
JyxtGuest729: and thats dependnat on your router...which is?01:59
dtcrshrwell, opera is now working, i got sound on youtube, but firefox dont.01:59
Guest729my router is a netgear01:59
MsMacotommy_: if you do the "xrandr --mode 1024x768_60.00" does it give any errors?01:59
dtcrshrhow do i use the same plugin of flash on opera to firefox?01:59
Guest729i dont no how to port forward01:59
Guest729could somebody help me with this02:00
MsMacotommy_: thats the command line equivalent to the screen config gui02:00
JyxtGuest729: what kind of router do you have02:00
Ben64Guest729: why run a server and cpanel on a home based server?02:00
MsMacoBen64: development?02:00
d1gitalnmvictor: yes i am using 9.04  however i am trying to install Exaile media player.. not wine.02:00
tommy_no it gives me ntohing but a > on the next line down02:00
Guest729because its got to run a few websites02:00
Guest729and i like cpanel02:00
JyxtGuest729: see this link02:00
tommy_like it's waiting for more input02:00
Guest729i have a netgear @ Jyxt02:00
Ben64Guest729: but i doubt your connection would be fast enough to support much more than a small website02:00
Jyxtonce there just click the link for your specific model...then follow directions02:01
mdgd1gital: how did you install exaile?02:01
Guest729seems fast to me02:01
tommy_msmaco: all it did was give me a > prompt on the next line down02:01
MsMacotommy_: maybe if you say: xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768_60.0002:01
Guest729i have a 100mbps02:01
d1gitalmdg: sudo apt-get install exaile02:01
Ben64Guest729: somehow i doubt that02:01
Guest729thats the plan i took out02:02
GianMarnotte a tutti02:02
mdgd1gital: is this a fresh install - have you updated and added Medibuntu repos?02:02
nmvictord1gital: exaile media player is what i mean, sorry about the wine, have been having issues with it so i probably just came as i was typing.reinstall exaile or start it from terminal with exaile command so you can see any errors02:02
tommy_msmaco: xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed02:02
d1gitalGuest729:  damn. my company's web server isnt even on 100mbps... i have my doubts.02:02
LunixedJust now i rebooted into Ubuntu 9.04 and its x server does not start02:03
LunixedWhat to do ?02:03
MsMacotommy_: oh boo. :( lets try going to #ubuntu-x02:03
wookienzhi, have a SATA HDD plugged into a PCI raid card. The raid card has two dirves plugged into it. One drive is being recognized, the other is not. Nothing on fdisk -l. It is possibkle the drive is faulty since i took it out of a RAID 5 array as it failed. Just trying to see if it is the drive or the sensititive raid array.02:03
Guest7291 sec02:03
Lunixedsome applet error it shows if i do startx02:03
MsMacotommy_: theyre the graphics driver guys02:03
tommy_be right there02:03
JanCI think the "easiest" way to solve problems with resolutions not being recognized is still adding a modeline in xorg.conf ツ02:03
d1gitalmdg: fresh install. i have not added those repos.. i'll look into that.02:03
Guest729i have 50mbps02:03
nejodeGuest729: http://portforward.com/02:03
Guest729would this not be fast enough02:03
mdgd1gital: probably best to let it get all its updates  - 200+02:04
JyxtGuest729: see this link and follow directions02:04
kermithow do i make compiz start automaticly when i boot?02:04
tommy_it's emptt02:04
nmvictorkermit: add it  to sessions02:04
LunixedJust now i rebooted into Ubuntu 9.04 and its x server does not start , when i do commandline login and do startx i get some applet error...What to do to get a normal login..Is it the problem with xserver ?02:04
Guest729Jyxt ive tryed those links, but, i cant even get into the router ive tryed both passwords it just wont let me in02:04
Guest729what would i do now?02:05
edbiankermit: PM me02:05
d1gitalmdg: why does it require a separate repo, though? i would think that the ubuntu repos should have a working deb.. adding anyway.02:05
Ben64d1gital: licensing issues and stuff02:05
nmvictorkermit: sorry, to Admin>Services02:05
Lunixedsomeone help me..02:06
LunixedJust now i rebooted into Ubuntu 9.04 and its x server does not start , when i do commandline login and do startx i get some applet error...What to do to get a normal login..Is it the problem with xserver ?02:06
d1gitalBen64: oh i see, kinda like the whole Iceweasel thing. that drove me crazy when i first installed debian.02:06
mdgLunixed: how long you been running 9.04 on this computer02:06
Lunixed10 days02:06
Ben64d1gital: yeah kinda02:06
Ben64but it's easy enough to add medibuntu02:06
Ben64and sooo worth it02:07
Guest729anybody no what i can do?02:07
Guest729ive tryed both passwords none work02:07
LunixedIt was workign perfecly fine till before 30 mins mdg02:07
Ben64Guest729: reset router02:07
wildnfreeLunixed: what did you do before re-booting?02:07
Guest729and that will work fine?02:07
nmvictorkermit: i think System>Preference>Sessions  is more editable02:07
Lunixednothing..was doing my project in Netbeans02:07
Ben64it will set everything back to default02:07
Ben64including passwords02:07
mdgI think there should be an option when you boot to chose the last good configuration...02:07
kermitnmvictor: i dont have 'sessions'02:07
eggyhey - I'm tryen to dual boot between Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows 7; I've got two sata drives, I installed Ubuntu on the primary, then I powered down and setup the secondary disk as a primary installed windows on it - all seems well, but Grub is NOT picking up sdb (hd1,0) device.map shows it though.. Any ideas?02:07
wildnfreeLunixed: Why did you reboot?02:08
MsMacowildnfree: hello :)02:08
LunixedTo test the program in windows02:08
wildnfreeMsMaco: Hi there!02:08
nmvictorkermit: whats your system, ubuntu jaunty or intrepid?02:08
kermitnmvictor: jaunty02:08
LunixedIs there any way to get the last known good configuration02:08
eggyAlso, I run grub as root, in Ubuntu it picks up hd1, but not when I boot up :s02:08
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me... does someone know how to start the installer of the cd rom from ubuntu 8.10 instead open it?02:08
Hilikushey guys02:08
wildnfreeLunixed: What configuration did you do in your last session in Ubuntu 9.04?02:09
bruce89kermit: it's session preferences now02:09
mdgUm_cara_qualquer: the live CD?02:09
Hilikusi updated my kernel today to 2.6.28-15 and my nvidia restricted driver stopped working02:09
nmvictorkermit  System>Preference>Sessions should be available. The main menu02:09
Lunixednothing much...installed lamp-server02:09
edbianIt's "Start-Up apps" now02:09
d1gitalmdg: i added that repo, did apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and didnt get any updates.. am i missing something here?02:09
bruce89kermit: Oops, I meant startup applications02:09
kermitmy rc.local isnt getting run, it's in the etc/rc.d .. i dont understand why02:10
Guest59384can we watch a movie here on this ubuntu os?02:10
Lunixedmdg : installed lamp-server only02:10
Ben64Hilikus: you need to update nvidia with kernel02:10
mdgd1gital: did you get the medibuntu key?02:10
d1gitalmdg: yes02:10
HilikusBen64: ok and how do i do that?02:10
nmvictorinstall vlc, mplayer gxine or codecs for totem and you wont have to ask that02:11
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz02:11
Ben64Hilikus: how did you do it last time02:11
Lunixedcan i have my last known good configuration in ubuntu 9.04 ?02:11
Guest198hi, i just reset my router, neither passwords (password , or 1234 work)02:11
Guest198no what do i do02:11
HilikusBen64: iirc last kernel update it just worked02:11
tommy_ok even though I set the res at the new option of 1024x768 in the gui menu, it did nothing, and xrandr still says I'm running at 800x69902:11
mdgd1gital: there should be a log file in the update program to tell you what was updated and when02:11
edbianLunixed: You need to edit the file that stores what applets you have loaded.02:11
Ben64Hilikus: i mean, how did you install nvidia02:11
edbianLunixed: PM me :)02:11
Ben64Hilikus: if you did it through synaptic, it should have done it all for you02:12
nmvictoreggy: did someone help you dual boot issues?02:12
tommy_Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 1024 x 76802:12
Ben64Hilikus: if you installed it yourself from the file at nvidia.com, you will need to do that again02:12
tommy_it's an option now, I just don't know how to switch to it02:12
Hilikusno, i didn't install it manually. it was from the repo02:12
Guest198hi, i just reset my router, neither passwords (password , or 1234 work)02:12
Ben64tommy_: try CTRL+ALT+-02:12
Guest198wat now02:12
Ben64tommy_: on the numpad02:12
wildnfreeLunixed: With the amount of information you are able to supply me, I can only recommend 2 options: First is to undo any changes you made in your last session, The second is to back-up all your data (probably not much in 10 days) and re-install Ubuntu 9.04 - then keep a good record in future of any configuration changes you do.02:12
tommy_it's a laptop there's no num pad lol02:13
d1gitalmike@vera:~$ sudo cat /var/log/apt/term.log | grep exa02:13
d1gitalSelecting previously deselected package exaile.02:13
d1gitalUnpacking exaile (from .../exaile_0.2.14-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...02:13
d1gitalSetting up exaile (0.2.14-0ubuntu2) ...02:13
FloodBot3d1gital: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:13
Ben64yes there is, use function keys or whatever02:13
wildnfreewhoops! I didn't get that reply to Lunixed quite in time. :-(02:13
tommy_i cycled through it a few times02:14
tommy_nothing bigger than what I've got now though02:14
Ben64tommy_: it went smaller though?02:14
edbianwildnfree: I pm'd him02:14
nmvictoreggy: http:pastebin/f3ff536cf02:14
tommy_should I see what it does if I connect an external monitor?02:15
d1gitali think i'm going back to commandline mplayer. never gave me any problems. exaile wont run and rhythmbox just sucks.02:15
wildnfreeedbian: thanks - I can't type fast enough for some ;-)02:15
mdgd1gital: have you tried moc?02:15
LunixedAhh.....someone told me to pm on the main chat....Please I forgot your nick...Sorry tell me again :)02:15
edbianwhere is the file that holds the data for what applets are in the panel?02:16
d1gitalmdg: i have not02:16
MsMacotommy_: external may require booting with it plugged in02:16
tommy_i'm so lost02:16
Lunixededbian, you right?02:16
mdgmoc= music on console02:16
tommy_yeah I think it does for this model02:16
nmvictord1gital: too bad, more info on what you've tried so far might help02:16
Dr_Willisedbian:  some file in .gnome2 or .gconf* i imagine02:16
mdgd1gital: starts by typing mocp02:16
MsMacoedbian: you can remove applets through gconf-editor02:16
edbianMsMaco: He doesn't have GUI02:16
tommy_and it would require me putting my battery in which I'm entirely too lazy to do02:16
MsMacoedbian: oh02:16
MsMacoedbian: ok then ... well theres a cli version... gconf-tool i think02:17
d1gitalmdg: hmm perhaps this will help diagnosing all media players on my system.. mocp tells me i have no valid sound driver02:17
MsMacod1gital: lsmod | grep snd02:17
mdgd1gital: hmm.....02:17
MsMacod1gital: any output? or just takes you backto a prompt?02:17
mdgd1gital: you using pulseaudio or someting else?02:17
FirstSgti tried to install apache2 via the Synaptic Package Manager, it seems like it worked, but the entire /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is blank.  What happened?02:18
d1gitalMsMaco: 16 lines of output..02:18
MsMacod1gital: then youve got sound drivers02:18
d1gitalmdg: pulseaudio02:18
=== hades__ is now known as dcosta
danbhfiveFirstSgt: fyi: mine is empty too02:18
tommy_this is getting obnoxious02:18
mdgd1gital: I don't think moc can use pulse audio02:18
MsMacod1gital: if you try "paplay" and then a music file name...hear anythig?02:18
tommy_if it's an option why can't I switch to it now?02:18
FirstSgtdanbhfive: at least I know im not alone.  first time i've installed apache with a blank conf :)02:19
d1gitalmdg: come to think of it, i dont think sound was working on youtube earlier either02:19
t0mm0Gaah! whats the ubuntu canada room name...02:19
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca02:19
tommy_does the fact that it lists my refresh rate for 1028x768 at 59.9??02:19
tommy_it's 60 for all the rest02:19
t0mm0Thanks Ubottu02:19
MsMacotommy_: i dont think so...02:19
funkjaIs it true that when running gnome, xorg.conf is not the only thing configuring my X server?02:20
mdgd1gital: if you doubleclick your sound icon on your panel bar, you can choose different options - have a look02:20
mdgd1gital: that's double left click02:20
MsMacofunkja: xorg.conf is completely unnecessary to get a working X server for all versions of X in the last yaer and a half02:20
bruce89funkja: hal does a fair bit02:20
Dr_Willisfunkja:  thats not really 'gnome' related. :) the newest X org stuff also uses HAL to do some autoconfiguration02:20
tommy_I mean I was really surprised to turn this thing on and have everything working flawlessly, including the internal wifi02:20
nmvictorcould someone be knowing where configuration files for vlc could be lying in my system?02:20
Dr_Willisfunkja:  i can delete my xorg.conf and get a working system02:20
tommy_only thing thats really bugging me is the display02:20
d1gitalmdg: 3 pulseaudio options, an OSS and an ALSA02:20
MsMacod1gital: does sound work *at all*?02:21
MsMacod1gital: like if you run "speaker-test" do you hear static?02:21
superjoelis there a way to get my sed output in an array?02:21
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  try 'locate vlc | less'02:21
y2kkmachello, everyone02:21
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  theren theres user configs that can override the system defaults02:21
bruce89nmvictor: dpkg -L vlc02:21
MsMacosuperjoel: to use in a program? well youd want your program to parse the outpt and insert the stuff into an array02:21
EagleScreenanyone using Ubuntu here? please tell me if folder '/usr/lib/python' exist in jaunty02:21
d1gitalMsMaco: system->preferences->sound->test works, but speaker-test gives alsa error,  unable to open slave02:21
superjoelMsMaco, kind of..02:22
funkjaSo, I have a laptop with a docking station and 2 external monitors. I have an intel based graphics card and am running the intel-pga driver. If the System->Prefs->Display won't make it work right, what should I use to hack it to work?02:22
bp0is there an installer for windows, like wubi, that will install ubuntu to its own partition like the cd installer?02:22
Ben64EagleScreen: i bet everyone is using ubuntu here02:22
danbhfiveEagleScreen: not for me02:22
Dr_Willisd1gital:  no.. its all got pythion#.# for the version #'s02:22
MsMacod1gital: "ps -ef | grep pulse" oes it say pulseaudio is running?02:22
bruce89Ben64: 'fraid not02:22
Dr_Willisoops that was for EagleScreen  :)02:22
Um_cara_qualquerfolks, how can i start the installer of ubuntu 8.10 in the linux mint?02:22
Dr_Willispython2.4/      python2.6/      python-support/02:23
Dr_WillisUm_cara_qualquer:  Huh?02:23
hackulatorhas anyone else had problems getting their mic to work in ubuntu?  It "works", but I cannot get it to record anything above a barely audibly whisper, and yes I have adjusted the normal volume/sound settings02:23
nmvictor bruce89:  Dr_Willis: thanks02:23
MsMacoUm_cara_qualquer: you want to run the installer...from an already installed system?02:23
Um_cara_qualquersorry about my english :P02:23
Ben64hackulator: you sure it's in "microphone" not "line-in" ?02:23
Um_cara_qualquerlet me explain beter02:23
mdgUm_cara_qualquer: if you mean from live cd - click the installer icon on the desktop - there is no command line install option, except for ubuntu alternate install02:23
superjoelMsMaco, The thing is that there are spaces in the values that screws up my attempts on making an array02:23
MsMacoUm_cara_qualquer: its not the english...its the "doesnt sound possible"02:23
tommy_ok guys I give up for now, I'm gonna try they folks over at #ubuntu-x some other time when people are actually on there02:23
tommy_thanks for all your help though!02:23
y2kkmacDoes anyone here have experience using ubuntu on a powerpc mac?02:23
wildnfreehackulator: Yes - same here. All bugs I found listed had been ignored02:23
d1gitalMsMaco: ps -ef | grep pulse gives tons of info.. ps -A | grep pulse shows 2 pulseaudio processes.02:24
Um_cara_qualquerheh yeah yeah, but wait:02:24
Dr_Willisy2kkmac:  on my old imac-dv yes.. and the experience was 'bad' :)02:24
mdgy2kkmac: I do!02:24
Dr_Willisy2kkmac:  that  imac is now a doorstop.. :)02:24
MsMacod1gital: one of em is like : maco      3536     1  0 12:07 ?        00:00:16 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog02:24
MsMacod1gital: with your username and different pid?02:24
hackulatorBen64: I am relatively sure, and just i case I adjusted the line-in settings as well without and effect02:24
wildnfreehackulator: which Ubuntu are you using02:24
mdgy2kkmac: My G4 imac runs fine02:24
y2kkmacDr_Willis: what about getting it to work from an external hard drive (firewire)?02:24
Um_cara_qualqueri have the ubuntu on a cd... and i'm running linux mint here... i want to install ubuntu... but when i click on the cd icon... it opens instead start the installer02:24
hackulatorwildnfree: 9.04 32 bit02:24
Ben64hackulator: but using a mic on a line-in can do that02:24
MsMacoUm_cara_qualquer: boot from the cd02:25
wildnfreehackulator: I'm 9.04 64bit02:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about booy02:25
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:25
MsMacoUm_cara_qualquer: put it in the drive and reboot02:25
Ben64because mics and mic jacks are usually mono, while line-in is stereo. try plugging it into a different port02:25
d1gitalMsMaco: mike      3696     1  0 Aug07 ?        00:25:23 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start02:25
mdgUm_cara_qualquer: you have to boot the cd02:25
Um_cara_qualquero_O could be that obvious?02:25
y2kkmacmdg: I'm using a 320 gig firewire drive installed from a powermac g5 and it works fine on every powerpc except for my imac g502:25
MsMacod1gital: ok yay02:25
MsMacoUm_cara_qualquer: you may have to do the "press F2 for setup" thing to tell it to use the CD drive...but yeah02:25
hackulatorBen64: I am relatively sure because of the big picture of the microphone next to the port I have it plugged in to....also, it always worked fine from there when I was using windows02:25
Ben64hackulator: oh02:26
mdgy2kkmac: do you have more than one firewire port ?02:26
y2kkmacmdg: I have two02:26
mdgUm_cara_qualquer: your welcome :)02:26
mdgy2kkmac: did you try them both?02:26
Ben64hackulator: you adjust recording volume and recording source?02:26
funkja I have a laptop with a docking station and 2 external monitors. I have an intel based graphics card and am running the intel-pga driver. If the System->Prefs->Display won't make it work right, what should I use to hack it to work? Can I make the changes in my xorg and tell HAL to not do anything? Or is the better way to manually configure HAL in some way?02:26
y2kkmacno, I did not, good idea02:26
hackulatorBen64: yes02:26
mdgy2kkmac: plus do you clear pram first02:26
Ben64hackulator: volume control -> File -> Change Device -> Capture02:27
Ben64hackulator: right?02:27
Dr_Willisfunkja:  theres also the special keys on the laptop to toggle external displays you may want to try02:27
wildnfreeBen64: I tried the mic port and it provides sound to my speakers but won't record regardless of which sound server I use.02:27
MsMacofunkja: with 9.04 my attempts at a secondary screen with desktop spread across on an intel graphics card were not possible due to limitations of the driver. in 9.10 it works02:27
y2kkmacmdg: that's the shut down, plug in the cable and press the power button at the same time, right?02:27
d1gitalMsMaco:... what does this mean?02:27
MsMacofunkja: cloning the display is possible, but not using both to show different things02:27
mdgy2kkmac: no02:27
funkjaMsMaco: is there a way to use the updated driver in 9.04?02:28
MsMacod1gital: it means pulseaudio is running. if you try "paplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" does it do anything?02:28
nmvictorbruce89: ok i just need the file on which i can revert vlcs interface to default from skin02:28
y2kkmacmdg: what is it?02:28
Hilikusi updated my kernel today to 2.6.28-15 and my nvidia restricted driver stopped working02:28
MsMacofunkja: its more than just the X stuff thats updated...its the kernel modesetting stuff too02:28
d1gitalMsMaco: it works.02:28
bruce89nmvictor: I'd have thought something in home would be where that is set02:28
Hilikusanyone else have had this happen?02:28
hackulatorBen64: not sure which menu you mean there is no "file" on my volume control panel02:28
MsMacod1gital: ok then pulseaudio's ok02:28
funkjaMsMaco: Right.02:28
bruce89nmvictor: something like ~/.vlc or whatever02:29
mdgy2kkmac: was looking to verify - you hold down the Ctrl + Alt + R I think and it makes that chime02:29
Ben64hackulator: double click the volume icon on the panel02:29
MsMacofunkja: maybe try 9.10 from livecd and see if that works for you?02:29
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  user settings are in some .vlc dur in the users home dir. NOT system wide settings02:29
y2kkmacmdg: okay, I'll try that02:29
funkjaMsMaco: Okay02:29
mdgy2kkmac: let it do the chime 2 or 3 times before you continue on02:29
funkjaMsMaco: Isn't it still in beta?02:29
wookienzwhen i hot swap the drives on my raid card  i am seeing the dmesg report that the link is up. Im not seeing the drive appear under fdik -l. Any ideas?02:29
MsMacofunkja: alpha 402:29
MsMacofunkja: note im onlysaying to try the live cd.02:29
evilbugrecommend a good command line web browser please.02:30
MsMacofunkja: i have made no recommendations about installing. though it seems fairly stable to me. but then ive been using since alpha 1 and usually run alpha versions of ubuntu, so im used to it02:30
hackulatorNBen64: I click the volume icon and then the "volume control" button, double clikcing my volume icon just mutes the sound02:30
Dr_Willisevilbug:  if you search the package manaer.. theres only like 3 or 4 of them. :)02:30
nmvictorDr_Willis: so where exactly can i have innterface settings changed?and thanks bruce8902:30
dtcrshrhow di i refresh my wireless connection via command line?02:30
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  I got a .vlc dir and a 'skins' dir in .vlc02:30
mdgy2kkmac: its command, option , P and R keys = hold down all at the same time02:30
evilbugDr_Willis: i was looking through them but wasn't sure which would be better.02:31
wookienzdtcrshr: iwconfig then wloan0 up or down.02:31
funkjaMsMaco: Okay02:31
funkjaMsMaco: Thanks.02:31
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  theres also a .config/vlc it seems with setting files. :)02:31
Cosmic_Karmahow do i stop firefox from turning all gray?, is it firefox issue or ubuntu issue?02:31
nmvictor Dr_Willis:  path to .vlc directory coz i have quite a number of them02:31
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  locate vlc | less let  me find those...02:31
wookienzCosmic_Karma: ubunutu02:31
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  i have a .vlc dir in the users home dir.....02:31
edbiannmvictor: That is what a program does when it is non-responsive.  All programs have the ability to turn grey02:31
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  i also have a vlc dir in the users .config/vlc dir02:31
d1gitalis it possible to run gnome and kde simultaneously... not because i want to/it would be useful.. but because i think I just did.02:31
edbiand1gital: It is not possible02:32
Cosmic_Karmawookienz, how do i turn it off?02:32
hackulatorBen64: I click the volume icon and then the "volume control" button, double clicking my volume icon just mutes the sound02:32
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  looks to me like thers a .config/vlc/vlcrc and vlc-qt-interface.conf file02:32
edbiand1gital: gnome and kde are both desktop environments.02:32
wookienzyou cant, i think it is ubuntu saying - wait a sec im busy.02:32
dtcrshrthanks wonderful02:32
wildnfreeCosmic_Karma: What are you doing when firefox turns grey? It will turn grey with some videos whilst waiting for the download to work.02:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha02:32
jribedbian: should be able to, no?02:32
Dr_Willisd1gital:  if youa re not carefull you can accidently run nautilus while in kde.. and have the gnome 'desktop'  running on top of the kde 'desktop' and get some confuseing things going on.02:32
d1gitaledbian: i have a kde background, and a kde panel at the bottom, but metacity is still on my windows and i have a gnome-panel at the top.02:33
Dr_Willisd1gital:  nautilus also has a option to NOT take over the 'desktop'02:33
nmvictor Dr_Willis: thanks, let me check and get back. edbian: i dont get you02:33
tuxforce_i guy02:33
jribedbian: though what d1gital just said is different than what I had in mind...02:33
Hilikushow can i reinstall the nvidia driver?02:33
jribHilikus: /why/?02:33
Dr_WillisRunning nautilus in kde, or konqueror in gnome can  be 'confuseing' :)02:33
edbiand1gital: Well I suppose it you can run programs from both at the same time...02:33
y2kkmacmdg: and then, do I just hold down option to choose the startup disk?02:33
edbiand1gital: It's sort of a grey area.  What is "gnome"02:33
dtcrshrwookienz: and how do i force the refresh on the network admin? via gui?02:34
superjoelAt the end of this sed -n 's|<screen_name>\(.*\)</screen_name>|\1|p' I would like to add an new line.. but just adding \n at the end just makes it freak out.. please help :)02:34
d1gitaledbian: i gu02:34
Hilikusjrib: it is not working after today's upgrade to 2.6.28-1502:34
mdgy2kkmac: I never booted from firewaire , but I would guess so...02:34
Cosmic_Karmaim tryin to  do like 5 things at once, but earlier i just had multiple instances open and fell asleep02:34
edbiand1gital: ?02:34
jribHilikus: "not working"?02:34
d1gitaledbian: i guess it's more of a theory question then.   all i did wa run plasma from within a gnome terminal02:34
zvacetd1gital : http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/kde02:34
Hilikusjrib: yes. it doesnt load. ubuntu reports that it couldnt load the module on bootup and i have to start in lowres mode02:34
wookienzdtcrshr: my limit of knowlege is via command line taking the conection up adn down using "iwconfig wlan0 down"02:34
oshua86guys when i try to play a DVD in ubuntu 9.04 it comes out all scramble. why is this happening?02:35
jribHilikus: thought dkms was supposed to handle all that... how did you install it?02:35
edbiand1gital: I guess that's as close as you're going to get to running both at once lol.  Look here to learn about all of the different components: http://xwinman.org/02:35
dtcrshrit didnt worked, i got this:02:35
jrib!dvd > oshua8602:35
ubottuoshua86, please see my private message02:35
Hilikusjrib: the driver? i don't know, i've been using it for a while. i don't remember. but it was probably the standard way. i didn't manually install it or anything02:35
mdgoshua86: make sure you have libdvdcss instaslled02:35
dtcrshriwconfig: unknown command "down"02:35
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jribHilikus: system -> administration -> hardware drivers let you remove and reinstall the driver?02:35
kermitweird my window manager dissapeared02:36
wildnfreeCosmic_Karma: It will be a page you were viewing.02:36
mdgkermit: what were you using?02:36
mdghi Lunixed !02:37
Lunixedhi  mdg02:37
wildnfree Cosmic_Karma: Kill all your open pages, and start up firefox clean.02:37
Hilikusjrib: "no proprietary drivers are in use in this system". i have 2 items in the list for nvidia but when i try to activate it it just doesn't do anything noticeable after i type my password. i already restarted and same thing02:37
LunixedIt was solved by just reinstalling gdm :)02:37
Cosmic_Karmawhat is the setting called in ubuntu to turn it off though, only did it since i ran all hardy updates02:37
nmvictorDr_Willis: thanks, found a file vlcrc in .config/vlc  that might help. now i need to change interface from skin to something.could you please confirm with your ./config/vlc/vlcrc with grep. i need to edit the line intf=skin202:37
kermitmdg: it must have happened when i ran compiz02:37
kermitmdg: i was using gnome02:37
mdgLunixed: thats good news02:37
Lunixededbian aolved it :)02:37
Lunixedyeah :)02:37
wookienzdtcrshr: what are your wlan deives?02:37
Hilikusjrib: both say this driver is not activated02:38
jribHilikus: purge the appropriate nvidia-glx* package in synaptic I guess.02:38
mdgkermit: are you all cli right now?02:38
jribHilikus: what version of ubuntu?02:38
Hilikusjrib: jaunty02:38
kermitmdg:  no no, i just mean my windows have no borders or anything to drag around or resive them with02:38
edbiankermit: "metacity --replace&"02:38
kermitmy iwlagn is buggy, it often seems to lock up until i put my laptop on standby then back on02:38
kermitedbian: thanks!02:38
edbiankermit: NP02:39
Cosmic_Karmawildnfree, do u what is the setting called in ubuntu to turn it off though, only did it since i ran all hardy updates, i tried that before and it still does it02:39
edbiankermit: If it worked then they should return normally after you reboot02:39
mdgwhat option turns off  the borders like that?02:39
dtcrshrwookienz: i got an atheros ar242x02:39
wildnfree Cosmic_Karma: What do you mean by "turn it off"? The grey screen just means it is waiting for something.02:40
y2kkmacmdg: still hasn't worked02:40
wookienzyeah but what does you wireless connection looklike? wlan0? wlan1? ie like eth0 eth102:40
dtcrshrwookienz: wlan002:40
wookienzok well as far as i know iwconfig should work, it may be a sep package... try ifconfig wlan0 down02:40
mdgy2kkmac: you did say it was a PPC and you were trying to run PPC Ubuntu from the other drive right?02:40
kermitedbian: hmm it seems i cant get metacity running with compiz now.. before either both were running, or compiz at least had window management02:41
y2kkmacmdg: yes. I get to the first stage ubuntu bootstrap, and then it spits me back to the startup disk chooser02:41
Hilikusjrib: ok i removed them. should i reboot before reinstalling?02:41
wookienzdtcrshr: iwconfig by itself will shwo all the wireless connectiond02:41
edbiankermit: compiz should be calling metacity02:41
mdgy2kkmac: ... doing research... hold on...02:41
edbiankermit: They can run both at once02:41
edbiankermit: Do you have ccsm installed?02:41
jribHilikus: nope02:41
kermiti'm just runnig compiz at the command line, is there another way to start it or with options?  i sware that worked before though02:42
kermitedbian: a what?02:42
dtcrshron iwconfig i got lo, eth0 and wlan002:42
shovonMy wireless usb adapter detects my network, but doesn't connect. Any help please?02:42
edbiancompiz config settings manager02:42
Hilikusjrib: so i just reinstall the same packages i removed or there's another way to install the restricted driver?02:42
kermitedbian: yes02:42
dtcrshron wlan0 it sais ieee 802.11g, essid: off/any/ mode:managed02:42
wildnfree Cosmic_Karma: It is related to something you have been browsing which is doing some heavy file transfer over the internet and is waiting for a response. You could try upgrading to another version of firefox.02:42
edbiankermit: Look at the "window borders" plugin02:42
jribHilikus: use Hardware Drivers02:42
mdgy2kkmac: from what I'm seeing, hold the option key and if there is a bootable partition it should show up02:42
Cosmic_Karmawildnfree, wookienz said it was a ubunut setting and it never did it until recent updates,i'm sure theres gotta be a way to trun it off right, just very annoying02:43
shovonmy wireless adapter can see my network, but can't connect, did anyone have this problem before?02:43
kermitedbian: i dont see that plugin02:43
Cosmic_Karmawildnfree, ok will try that then tahnks02:43
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 (ps2 emulator) to work in linux? i need help w/ figuring out how to install it and what dependencies i need02:43
edbiankermit: Should be in there...02:43
a94060shovon, i got the same problem02:43
edbianI'm not sure?02:43
wildnfree Cosmic_Karma: It is a script running from something you have been browsing.02:43
kermitedbian: window decoration?02:43
dtcrshrshovon: im on the same issue02:43
y2kkmacmdg: I do that and a disk with a little picture of Tux shows up. I select that, and it goes into the first stage ubuntu bootstrap02:44
kermitedbian: window decoration did it, thanks again!02:44
a94060I am actually running 9.04 eeebuntu. I have installed drivers,using wicd because gnome doesnt work02:44
edbiankermit: NP02:44
shovondtcrshr: tell me what's your wireless card.02:44
edbianThat's the one02:44
dtcrshron this machine im talking on irc im on the wireless network.. cant see why i cant find the networks on ubuntu02:44
nmvictor kermit: try installing sccm(simple compiz configuration manager)  or compiz configuration settings manger(ccsm) just sudo apt-get install ccsm or sudo apt-get install sccm02:44
dtcrshri got an atheros ar242x02:44
swapyhello guys02:44
erocan someone help me get flash for the amd 64 ubuntu02:44
mdgy2kkmac: is it a western digital drive?02:44
a94060dtcrshr, you are running vanilla ubuntu? or you are on an eee?02:44
swapyhelp me out02:45
swapysmall question02:45
alexnetWhat command lists Groups in existence?02:45
y2kkmacmdg: it's a G-drive. I'm not quite sure what exactly is inside, though02:45
Dr_Willisalexnet:  cat /etc/group perhaps02:45
shellwhat's the discussion on?02:46
swapyi am downloading debian iso but i am confused  see which torrent i should download http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.2a/i386/bt-dvd/       is debian of 5dvds ?02:46
alexnetDr_Willis, thank you02:46
Hilikusjrib: nvidia (180.44): Installing module.02:46
Hilikus  Kernel headers for 2.6.28-15-generic are not installed.  Cannot install this module.02:46
Dr_Willisswapy:  debian? go ask in #debian or read the debian docs/homepage02:46
dtcrshrim on hardy 8.04.3 lts02:46
MsMacoalexnet: cat /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d :02:46
jribHilikus: guess what you have to do :)02:46
swapyits small question02:46
Hilikusjrib: i know what's wrong now. i don't have linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic02:46
drcheezensteinCan someone help me with a repositorie problem with unbuntu 7.10?02:46
MsMacoalexnet: thatll get just that column02:46
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mdgy2kkmac: try holding down the T key....02:47
Dr_Willisswapy:  and yes the full repo set of debian is several dvd worth of stuff you dont need.02:47
a94060ohh ok dtcrshr02:47
y2kkmacmdg: what does that do?02:47
jribHilikus: yeah, I've actually seen that as the reason dkms fails in the past.  Maybe make sure you have the metapackage for linux-headers installed02:47
mdgy2kkmac: Firewire Target Disk Mode02:47
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alexnetMsMaco, cool, mucher easier to ready, thanks.02:47
y2kkmacmdg: isn't that for treating your computer as a hard drive?02:47
dsdeizls -l | grep folder_name, this is how to see the total size of a folder right?02:47
drcheezensteinAnyone know why I am getting an error when I try to update my laptop?02:47
Hilikusjrib: what is it called? just linux-headers?02:48
MsMacodrcheezenstein: what error?02:48
majukdrcheezenstein: Not smiling enough.02:48
jribHilikus: not sure offhand02:48
dsdeizor is there like a total_bash_function folder_name ?02:48
a94060dsdeiz, what do you mean?02:48
mdgy2kkmac: oops yes,your right02:48
OnyxIs anyone here using Chromium?  I'm trying to get the "dev build" tab from opening when the program is launched.  Any ideas?02:48
NFischerHow do i change language in one application i.e. Home Bank?02:48
Hilikusjrib: got it. thanks a lot02:48
dsdeiza94060: just wanted to see the total size of a folder through the terminal.. hehehe02:49
mdgy2kkmac: do you see anything when you press Command V when trying to boot?02:49
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  check the 'lsbytesum' script at  the following....02:49
Dr_Willispastebinit  lsbytesum02:49
alexnetSo if I wanted to issue a recursive chown starting in the directory my prompt currently displays and applying ownership to all its permissions... will this work?  me@mybox:~/somefolder$ sudo chown -R me:somegroup .*02:49
drcheezensteinMsMaco: its telling me the repositories are old or not functioning02:49
a94060dsdeiz, du -h folder_name02:49
MsMacodrcheezenstein: what version of ubuntu?02:49
dtcrshrwhat is this roaming mode?02:49
pznHi, How do I enable getty in hvc0 in ubuntu? used to debian that has /etc/inittab... any hint?02:49
drcheezensteinMsMaco: I cant install or update anything Ubuntu 7.1002:49
dtcrshron network admin sais that my wireles connection is on this mode02:49
MsMacodrcheezenstein: ah yeah that one's end of life02:49
dtcrshrbut if i try to set it manually, it dont show any networks02:49
MsMacodrcheezenstein: there are no more updates for it02:49
drcheezensteinMsMaco: anyway around it?02:50
MsMacodrcheezenstein: havent been since june02:50
MsMacodrcheezenstein: you can upgrade to 8.0402:50
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drcheezensteinMsMaco: Will the upgrade through update manager work? or do I ned to do it through a cd?02:50
MsMacodrcheezenstein: "sudo do-release-upgrade" should upgrade to it02:50
drcheezensteinMsMaco: Ok Ill do it and report back02:50
a94060do you guys know of any irc support for eeebuntu?02:51
prince_jammysdsdeiz: du -s dir_name02:51
Dr_Willispzn:  theres some config files that spawn getty for each tty## somewhere.. saw the the other day when someone was asking about it.02:51
y2kkmacmdg: yes, and then it continued to boot into osX02:51
mdgy2kkmac: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=76756102:51
dsdeiza94060: cool, thanks02:51
a94060you are welcome,that will give it in human format (aka megabytes) dsdeiz02:52
drcheezensteinMsMaco: any idea why I have to use the installtion cd to boot this computer because when I dont use it it says Operating system not found02:52
a94060drcheezenstein, bootloader is messed up02:52
Dr_Willispzn:  check   /etc/event.d/02:52
drcheezensteinThis Pc stopped letting windows get installed so my gf let me have it and linux works02:52
a94060drcheezenstein, there is a very nice tutoal on how to fix it on ubuntuforums,let me get you the link02:53
nmvictordrcheezenstein:whats you boot loader?02:53
drcheezensteingrub now02:53
drcheezensteinbut even after I reinstalled it02:53
pznDr_Willis: ok, found it. thanks!!!02:53
drcheezensteinthe computer still says that I have to use the cd to get the bootloader to work02:53
dsdeizdu -sh works for me, thanks guys!02:53
oshua86jrib, I installed everything that was in the documentation but i still get scramble DVD play02:53
drcheezensteinI mean it still wont load the bootloader02:53
MsMacodrcheezenstein: try installing grub from the cd?02:53
a94060you are welcome dsdeiz ,can i ask what the s does?02:53
prince_jammysdsdeiz: lloks like -h implies -s02:53
a94060drcheezenstein, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24113&highlight=grub+restore02:53
LunixedThere used to be an applet in my panel which showed my username and my pidgin status and shut-down reboot etc options. its gone now .How do i get it back . I am not getting in add to panel.Please help :)02:53
majukdrcheezenstein: Are you sure your BIOS is booting to the correct hard drive when you try to boot to Ubuntu?02:54
FloridaGuywhen runing windows xp in virtualbox...should i still use a antivirus for windows?02:54
mdgy2kkmac: post #5 in particular - what do you think?02:54
Guest87595i'm trying to install ednet to my computer for use in my class but when i put in the command line i keep getting error no such file or directory02:54
a94060FloridaGuy, yes,id reccomend it. Because code is still executing in windows environment02:54
drcheezensteinI think it might be the bios when I checked it there was no option for the hard drive at all02:54
FloridaGuya94060, ok thanks02:54
mdgFloridaGuy: you got windows XP running in vbox?02:54
dsdeizhmm, i only wanted the summary in readable format :D du -h returns a lot when there are subfolders >.<02:54
nmvictordrcheezenstein: http://pastebin.com/f4291a04a fixes that Grand Unified Boot Loader(GRUB)02:55
a94060dsdeiz, does that happen even with typing in the foldername after?02:55
FloridaGuymdg, yeah02:55
mdgFloridaGuy: you using vbox from repos?02:55
wildnfreedrcheezenstein: if what MsMaco suggests doesn't seem to work, try re-installing grub from a 9.04 install CD. They've been having problems with grub on Karmic02:55
MsMacowildnfree: w're talking about hardy02:55
jriboshua86: try another dvd02:55
MsMacowildnfree: well he's using gutsy...but upgrading to hardy since gutsy's end-of-life02:55
FloridaGuymdg, no...from... virtualbox.org02:55
dsdeiza94060: it did when i tried it02:55
mdgFloridaGuy: how much ram did you give it?02:55
prince_jammysdsdeiz: doh, i tried on a dir with no subdirs :)02:56
a94060ohh ok dsdeiz ,intresting http://oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=d/du02:56
drcheezensteinI think the problem is that the bios isnt recongizing the hard drive but the cd lets it boot up02:56
prince_jammysdsdeiz: so, yeah -sh02:56
MsMacowildnfree: by the way, karmic stuff *should* be in #ubuntu+1 so if you see people asking about it, send 'em there02:56
MsMacodrcheezenstein: thatd be problematic, yeah02:56
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FloridaGuymdg, i have 512...i gave windows 19202:56
drcheezensteinis there anything I can do short of buying hardware?02:56
y2kkmacmdg: I have to go do something. I'll be back later02:56
LunixedThere used to be an applet in my panel(new Ubuntu 9.04) which showed my username and my pidgin status and shut-down reboot etc options. its gone now .How do i get it back . I am not getting in add to panel.Please help :)02:56
mdgFloridaGuy: okay - I'm getting ready to setup winxp in vbox too02:56
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Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  check that 'lsbytesum' script i posted - it prints out the size in MB. thats it. :)02:56
mdgy2kkmac: okay.  Good luck :)02:56
prince_jammysa94060: you know that's just 'man du', right?02:57
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dsdeizDr_Willis: cool, 'awk' B-)02:57
a94060haha prince_jammys I wont lie, i am not sitting on linux right now =P02:57
FloridaGuymdg, have fun...i gota get usb working....did vbox just for my printer02:57
wildnfreeMsMaco: thanks - I'm still learning my way round Ubuntu Server ;-)02:57
JimmioHello everyone! I just installed 9.10 A4, and other than a few minor annoyances, is it okay to use as a main OS? I mean, PulseAudio crashed once... and the keyring is a little annoying, but otherwise everything works.02:57
dsdeizi'ma store this.. thanks02:57
mdgFloridaGuy: what kind of printer?02:57
MsMacodrcheezenstein: bios update?02:57
Dr_Willisdsdeiz:  i use that as part of my prompt. Got it from the bash prompt howto i think02:57
MsMacoJimmio: #ubuntu+102:57
prince_jammysa94060: :)02:58
drcheezensteinmsMaco: How doI go about doing that?02:58
MsMacoJimmio: but yeah ive been using since alpha 1 without much issue02:58
NASAIs there anyone up to helping a beginner try to get my native resolution working on an ati card?02:58
LunixedThere used to be an applet in my panel(new Ubuntu 9.04) which showed my username and my pidgin status and shut-down reboot etc options. its gone now .How do i get it back . I am not getting in add to panel.Please help :)02:58
FloridaGuymdg, canon pixma ip260002:58
MsMacoJimmio: well... my main issues seem to be fixed in the most recent kernel02:58
a94060drcheezenstein, usually when you go into bios, it will list the hard drives. Check if your hard drive is detected. If it is,that means something is wrong with bootloader02:58
spowhen i firest installed or used "screeN' it entered a graphical setting setup whereas i could setup things like making screen run by default when someone logs in... how do i access that setup menu?02:58
mdgFloridaGuy: oh, no experience with canon02:58
sn0nanyone on the latest 9.10 (guessing stupid question)?02:58
drcheezensteinok after I finish this upgrade im going to check my bios02:58
dtcrshrwookienz: i did iwlist wlan0 scan, got no results. but on ifconfig and iwconfig my wlan0 is there02:58
Dr_Willisspo:  that setup suprised me also.. thats some ubuntu specific addon. :)  It may be mentioned at the ubuntu screen wiki page.02:59
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen02:59
MsMacoa94060: he just said his bios doesnt show the hard drive02:59
mdgDr_Willis: I love screen!02:59
wookienzdtcrshr: i have reached the level of knowloedge, i dont have it installed presently and remembering from a few years agao in my bad war driving days!02:59
a94060MsMaco, oops,i must have missed that comment02:59
sn0ncan someone with firefox open, in the US, confirm their spellcheck for me? mine was EN_AU, as opposed to EN_US...02:59
drcheezensteina94060: Its not in the boot order03:00
FloridaGuymdg, $30 printer...prints photo's just as good as if they were developed from the photo store03:00
dtcrshroh ok03:00
drcheezensteinjust usb harddrive dvd drive etc.03:00
sn0njust wondering if i should submit a bug03:00
swapyguys in ubuntu 64 bit do 32 bit softwares work?03:00
a94060drcheezenstein, is it an scsi drive or something hooked up aside from ide/sata?03:00
mdgFloridaGuy: nice!!!03:00
biovoresn0n: its only a bug of opinon03:00
drcheezensteina94060: not sure what kind of drive it is its a laptop harddrive if that helps at all03:01
dtcrshrhi everyone, i got an issue with wireless on my ubuntu hardy 8.04 lts. I have wlan0 both on iwconfig and ifconfig, but i cant see any networks, with iwlist wlan0 scan. how do i check if theres something wrong? im actually on irc with the wireless connection on other pc.03:01
Dr_Willisswapy:  it can03:01
FirstSgtanyone know how to get apache to ignore the uri query string and just serve the file as asked?03:01
mdgsn0n: where do I find specll check in firefox?03:01
sn0n... when i select US during installer and it selects EN_AU for firefox, i'd say its a bug....03:01
a94060drcheezenstein: im not sure then. You are able to boot it with the install cd though?03:01
sn0nmdg, in a textbox.. just right click.. its the bottom option..03:01
a94060drcheezenstein: are you sure its not just the live environment?03:01
FloridaGuyi think im going to add windows 7 beta2 to vbox03:01
FirstSgte.g. http request for index.php?id=5 will actually look for the file index.php?id=503:01
spomdg, how do you access screen's menu setup?03:01
MsMaco!bug | sn0n03:01
ubottusn0n: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:01
sn0nMsMaco, please learn to READ..03:02
drcheezensteina94060: No its not the live environment, its actually on the hard drive I goto boot from first harddrive and it boots up03:02
mdgspo: your talking the console application Screen right?03:02
FirstSgti dont even know what to google for03:02
drcheezensteina94060: I dont even have a live cd its a text based one03:02
a94060ohh ok drcheezenstein thats intresting.03:02
a94060drcheezenstein: im trying to think what else is could be...03:02
MsMacosn0n: you said your spell check was not matching what you set as your location in installer and that you thought it was a bug. so i was saying to report it03:02
sn0nMsMaco, i was asking if someone else can confirm before i do.03:03
Dr_Willisspo:  thats not really a normal screen thing. thats somthing ubuntu added.  ubuntu wiki page on screen dont say.. may want to chedk the forums. Ill look into it tonight at work also. The screen wiki page is very out of date.03:03
MsMacosn0n: im in the US and mine did en_GB instead of en_US by default03:03
nmvictordrcheezenstein:mind telling me some more info about your problem,kinda lost track03:03
edbianIs there anyway to repair a NTFS harddrive in linux?03:04
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MsMacosn0n: so im going with "yeah it picks the wrong one...but which one it picks is not consistent"03:04
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spomdg, yes03:04
a94060edbian: im only aware of chkdisk in windows03:04
MsMacoedbian: no03:04
MsMacoedbian: only windows can repair windows filesystems03:04
sn0nMsMaco, so its doing it for you also,... hmm.. ok, i'll search and see if a bug is already opened...03:04
majukdrcheezenstein: Dude, if the hard drive boots when you select it in the LiveCD and NOT when you boot normally, it's GOT to be a BIOS problem.03:04
FirstSgtanyone have suggestions for a google term to use? you know, a lmgtfy... anything would help :)03:05
mdgspo: I see Dr_Willis answered something for you to - I'm kinda outa the loop....03:05
edbianMsMaco: a94060: Thanks03:05
drcheezensteinnmvictor: my problem im discussing now is that I have to use the ubuntu text based installation cd to boot from my hard drive, the bio does not recongize it, this was my girlfriends laptop untill windows died on it so now the onlything I can get to work is linux03:05
majukdrcheezenstein: Blah, no, that's wrong, could still be a bad GRUB install.03:05
drcheezensteinmajuk: I agree with you its a bios problem03:05
a94060i agree with majuk ,there is nothing else. The hard drive is obvioulsy being detected03:05
a94060try reinstalling grug drcheezenstein03:05
majukdrcheezenstein: But my BEST GUESS is BIOS03:05
drcheezensteinmajuk: well this installation cd has worked on all my other computers03:05
majukdrcheezenstein: Then it's probably BIOS. Get in there and find the boot order03:06
a94060drcheezenstein: what model laptop is it?03:06
drcheezensteinmajuk: there was no non usb hardrive optin in the boot order unfortuantely03:06
mdgspo: can you restate your question?03:06
drcheezensteina94060: Acer Aspire 368003:06
majukdrcheezenstein: Yea, you say that, but I don't believe you.03:06
kermitwhen i push nfs writes over iwlagn it freezes up.. i lowered the wsize, maybe that'll help.03:06
a94060drcheezenstein: there is no cds in any drives or anything right?03:07
kermit(lots of nfs writing, like 400MB)03:07
drcheezensteina94060: Ive tried it without the installtion cd the first time I installed it03:07
a94060drcheezenstein: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/32162603:08
spomdg, screen has a graphical console setup when you first run "screen" in ubuntu03:08
nmvictordrcheezenstein: how about upgrading Bios if you feel thats the problem though giving the exact message displayed on the screen when you boot without the CD will give us the proper playfield03:08
drcheezensteina94060: after that it just said No operating system found03:08
a94060i know its a windows site,but look at the cause. the hard drive isnt corrupt,so it has to be mbr damaged03:08
drcheezensteinnmvictor: No Operating System Found03:08
mdgspo: I'm not sure I follow....03:08
a94060drcheezenstein: im very sure that it is mbr which is damaged somehow03:09
drcheezensteina9040: mbr?03:09
superjoelcan you guys see anything wrong with this line -> sed -e 's/\&\#229\;/å/g' file.xml03:09
mdgspo: describe what you are talking about?03:09
a94060master boot record drcheezenstein03:09
heateralright, for anyone that has time i have an Eclipse and Qt integration problem03:09
a94060basically grub03:09
drcheezensteina94060: so reinstall grub?03:10
majukdrcheezenstein: a94060: I agree, although I'm still not convinced the BIOS isn't to blame.03:10
nmvictordrcheezenstein: whats the source of that message, if its GRUB then BIOS is good,and grub might also be good except fro some configurations or your partition table03:10
a94060sorry,did u say anything drcheezenstein ?03:10
arquebusheater: #eclipse  #qt03:10
majukdrcheezenstein: a94060: so reinstall grub?03:11
ldleworkHey guys, GParted will not show me my SD Card, any ideas?03:11
a94060thanks, and yes drcheezenstein that would be te best bet03:11
ldleworkOnly my main sda03:11
drcheezensteinnmvictor: As soon as the splash screen for acer goes off the only message I get is Operating system not found03:11
BearshareHow do I get inside rooms after I've been banned?03:11
newserhello, anyone can help me with this? I would like to know how to access my computer using remote access. Thanks03:11
majukBearshare: Beg03:11
drcheezensteinnmvictor: this is from a fresh install from a cd ive used on my other computer with no problems03:11
a94060<ldlework>,check the upper right corner, you should see the other hard drives in a dropdown03:11
IdleOneBearshare, you dont03:12
BearshareNo, for reals03:12
drcheezensteinnmvictor: no other partitions on the drive03:12
domino141i have a CD with photos and when i try opening a folder in it it tells me i don't ahve the permission to open that folder03:12
domino141what's going on?03:12
ldleworka94060, nope03:12
swapyguys its noob question but i am little bit confused03:12
IdleOne!ot > Bearshare03:12
ubottuBearshare, please see my private message03:12
heaterarquebus: eclipse 3.5 and qt403:12
domino141"The folder ocntents could nto be displayed"03:12
mdgspo: you mean the text that shows when you start up screen?03:12
BearshareThat doesnt help03:12
drcheezensteinnmvictor: I did a system rescue and reinstalled grub and to no avail it did not work03:12
Bearsharebut ok03:12
a94060<ldlework> are you sure the card is detected03:12
swapywhat is difference between x86       x64       and x86_x64 what it means03:12
heaterarquebus: there are channel dedicated?03:12
ldleworka94060, I can otherwise use the card no problem03:12
arquebusheater: Im refering to the freenode channels of #qt and #eclipse03:12
nmvictordrcheezenstein:try reinstalling grub or repairing it with instructions in the link i sent you.03:13
swapy what is difference between x86       x64       and x86-x64 what it means03:13
domino141 i have a CD with photos and when i try opening a folder in it it tells me i don't have the permission to view the contents of that folder! help03:13
a94060ldlework: i dont know what to say then03:13
majukswapy: x86_64 = x6403:13
heaterarquebus: i realize that now, i just wasn't thinking lol, im an idiot, thanks!03:13
a94060ldlework: you do not see it shown in the top either right?03:13
ldleworka94060, its an open bug in Ubuntu03:14
a94060an open bug?03:14
pburlesonCurious about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd-dfsg/+bug/31094903:14
newserdo I need to have a static IP on my computer in order to access it from another network using remote desktop connection? Or is there any other choice?03:14
drcheezensteinnmvictor: could you send it one more time please?03:14
mdgspo: your .screenrc file holds all the setup settings for screen03:14
pburlesonSays Hardy is unaffected, but a scan from McAfee still declares it as vunerable03:14
ldleworka94060, as in a bug which as yet to be resolved03:14
a94060ohh ok ldlework ,link to bug report?03:14
swapymajuk, then why they have mentioned x86 there too does it mean that we can install both 32bit or 34bit via that cd03:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spanich03:15
a94060newser: your best bet would be to do static ip03:15
nmvictordrcheezenstein: http:pastebin.com/f4291a04a03:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:15
ldleworka94060,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27534503:15
obickeummm... firefox just broke (no add-ons left, and crashes if I try to even view the add-on interface) after my system update (it had been about a month or so since I had done one). Does anybody know if this is a known issue?03:15
nmvictordrcheezenstein: http://pastebin.com/f4291a04a03:15
newsera94060, but If I do not have one, is there any other way I can access my computer?03:15
majukswapy: No. It's just the naming convention they chose. x86 is 32 bit, x86_64, x64 or amd64 are all 64 bit.03:16
CipherSome chane for samba in this server ?03:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:16
a94060newser: is this a dynamic isp address?03:16
sn0nobicke, firefox is unstable as pie the last few releases, look for a new browser.03:16
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:16
edbiana94060: You can do it via dhcp.  But your IP address will probably change so you'll have to keep checking what your IP is03:16
Hilikusi have my top gnome panel on my right screen and my bottom gnome panel (taskbar) on the left. how do i move the top one to the left screen?03:16
newsera94060, yes03:16
Hilikusi'm using twinview03:16
nmvictordrcheezenstein: i could take you through if you go thatway03:16
a94060newser: you may consider a service like no-ip.com which offers dynamic redirection. You get a hostname too03:16
a94060intresting ldlework03:17
a94060i did not know that,sorry03:17
swapymajuk, thanks man03:17
majukswapy: No problem. ;)03:17
mdggood night all o/03:17
ldleworkanyone give me a one-liner to format /dev/mmcblk0p1 to FAT32?03:17
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ldleworkin fdisk maybe?03:17
a94060ldlework: what version of gparted do u have?03:18
majukIdleOne: mkfs.fat32 /dev/XXXXX03:18
newsera94060, someone told me that it could be possible to use a program that would be checking an email account constantly and with a message it would email back the IP to a programmed email address. Do you think is it possible?03:18
obickesn0n: thanks... but there's no avoiding FF for me unfortunately.03:18
a94060ldlework: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/29803703:18
swapymajuk, ohh now i get it t64 bit supports both 32 bit and 64 bit appz so its x86-x6403:18
a94060the last post says it is fixed in 0.4.403:18
swapythanks man03:18
IdleOneldlework, [22:18:26] <majuk> IdleOne: mkfs.fat32 /dev/XXXXX   SIDE NOTE. I think perhaps you might want to capatalize that l :)03:19
majukswapy: Yup. :)03:19
sn0nobicke, sure there is.. .Chromium works.. Empiphany ?03:19
a94060yess i agree with IdleOne ,its hard to find your name03:19
drcheezensteinnmvictor: when you perform an distribution upgrade does it fix your grub by any chance?03:19
ldleworkIdleOne, never!03:19
obickesn0n: right... but I need to test webdev in FF03:19
a94060newser: Im not sure of such a thing, but if you are looking for something like a static ip, a hostname would help more03:19
sn0nobicke, use Empiphany ;-)03:19
obickesn0n: thanks03:20
majukIdleOne: Yea, I was so peeved his first letter was a 'l' I didn't even bother repeating myself. :P03:20
sn0nor any other browser that uses gecko03:20
a94060ll brb03:20
ldleworka94060, shouldn't GParted like get an update via Ubuntu repos?03:20
IdleOneldlework, np03:20
ldleworkIdleOne, ldlework@vector:~/devel/wbfs$ sudo mkfs fat32 /dev/mmcblk0p103:21
ldleworkmke2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)03:21
ldleworkmkfs.ext2: invalid blocks count - /dev/mmcblk0p103:21
IdleOneldlework, I was just kidding anyway03:21
nmvictordrcheezenstein: cant really tell.but why not upgrade grub in an attempt to fix it if thats what you want the dist upgrade to do?any problem with the instructions?03:21
majukldlework: Well that's the wrong command. mkfs.fat3203:21
newsera94060, ok, well the thing is that I just want to access my home pc from somewhere else. Such computer connects via wireless, so I know it is hard to set it up. I have no knowledge on networking, so I just need to know if I can make it somehow03:21
ldleworkmajuk, sudo: mkfs.fat32: command not found03:22
IdleOneldlework, sudo mkfs.fat32 /dev/XXXX03:23
IdleOneno :03:23
majukldlework: my bad, mkfs.vfat03:23
newseror is there a free application such as logmein?03:23
swapyguys where is ext4 filesystem in ubuntu     i found that its already introduced03:23
lstarnesswapy: it's available in 9.0403:23
majukldlework: Teach me to double check before running my mouth03:23
drcheezensteinnmvictor: No problems Im only doing the upgrade because the repos are dead for 7.1003:23
IdleOnemajuk, lol me to03:23
swapylstarnes, thanks03:24
spoScreen has a setup menu that you cna run  , it is called screen-profiles03:24
ldleworkmajuk, nah, initial attempts are fine, as long as they are a successful means :)03:24
Stupendousstevedrcheezenstein: There are repos for old releases03:24
Stupendousstevewell, one03:24
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.03:24
nmvictordrcheezenstein: definately if you upgraded that wont fix because their wont be a problem anymore, i mean the new distribution will come with its own GRub.ok, yes it fixes03:25
swapyguys by default does ubuntu have a partition editor i didnt get it03:25
IdleOneswapy, gparted03:25
majukswapy: fdisk is the CLI partition editor03:25
IdleOneswapy, it will appear as partition editor in the menu03:25
C-S-Bgparted > fdisk03:25
jvargassomeone running adobe photoshop CS4 on ubuntu 9.04 ??03:25
swapywhare is gparted?03:26
C-S-Bi think you have to isntall it03:26
majukMajuk > C-S-B03:26
IdleOneswapy, sudo apt-get gparted03:26
swapyi think i have to install it03:26
C-S-Bits only included on the boot disc03:26
Stupendousstevefdisk is better, gparted is easier03:26
IdleOneswapy, sudo apt-get install gparted03:26
nmvictorswapy: Gparted, only available in the install CD.you can install it by typing sudo apt-get install gparted03:26
Stupendousstevecfdisk is als o an option03:26
swapyok thanks man03:26
IdleOnepartition editor wars in #ubuntu-offtopic03:26
swapyi will try both03:26
spodr-willy , it is called screen-profiles03:27
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Jkesslerhow do i add directories for index with the locate command?03:27
a94060hello,sorry for the disconnect03:27
ldleworkmajuk, any idea what the option for "unformatted" partition is?03:27
ldleworkIf that makes any sense03:27
tammieJkessler: all directories are included by default, but the locate database is only updated daily. To force an update  of the db use 'sudo updatedb'03:28
Hilikusi have my top gnome panel on my right screen and my bottom gnome panel (taskbar) on the left. how do i move the top one to the left screen?03:28
majukldlework: lol, I don't really understand what you're talking about. You mean you want to blank the disc?03:28
Jkesslertammie:  i built a fileserver for a company and they have one drive for the system, one for their data and one for a daily rsync backup, just in case03:28
ldleworkmajuk, I believe so =x03:28
Jkesslerlocate doesn't search the data or backup drives03:28
ldlework"make a new primary partition of type "unformatted""03:29
majukldlework: Not really sure.03:29
edbianlocate literally searches files03:29
majukldlework: Why do you want it unformatted? I don't get it.03:29
ldleworkbecause some other tool is going to chop it up03:29
a94060ldlework: just use dban on it03:29
tammieJkessler: if they are mounted when the database is updated they should be included03:29
Jkessleri did a sudo updatedb03:30
Jkesslerno luck03:30
Jkesslerthis computer runs 24/7 and is only rebooted if an update decides it needs a reboot03:30
newseris there any free service for remote desktop control?03:30
majukldlework: Well you can clean it with dban, but if something else is going to partition it and what not, there's really no need.03:30
a94060newser: vnc...if you are on windows terminalservices03:31
C-S-Bnewser: vnc03:31
mdgspo: any luck with screen?03:31
newseris it only terminal based?03:31
edbianIf I run "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda" will that create a new ext3 fs on that drive?03:32
alexnetWhat does this mean? sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0740, should be 044003:32
majukedbian: NO03:32
edbianmajuk: How can I reformat without using gui?  Is that the wrong command?03:32
Michaelsudo as I recall is your system administrator03:32
paissad-hpwhen i run aptitude update, i have this error, but i don't know how to solve this03:32
paissad-hpW: GPG error: http://mirror.noreply.org jaunty Release: Les signatures suivantes n'ont pas pu être vérifiées car la clé publique n'est pas disponible : NO_PUBKEY CFF71CB3AFA44BDD03:32
cellofellowalexnet: means that sudo enforces certain rules on the /etc/sudoers file which aren't met. How do fix that I don't know, as you need to use sudo to fix it.03:32
paissad-hpi did this -- > gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 94C09C7F03:33
paissad-hpbut this does not work03:33
a94060alexnet: can u use sudo chmod?03:33
cellofellowalexnet: you can try sudo chmod 0400 /etc/sudoers03:33
paissad-hphow can i solve that, thanks in advance03:33
edbianalexnet: STOP!!!03:33
nmvictoralexnet: filepermission for the sudoers file, are you in live CD?03:33
edbianalexnet: are you using visudo -f /etc/sudoers?03:33
alexnetI ran a sudo chmod statement that was followed by a *, did i accidentally change the permissions for my entire computer including the chmod command itself?03:33
majukedbian: fdisk for partitioning in the CLI. Or parted, if you're awful at life.03:33
MichaelI believe you have to log out and know how to logon to your sudo username of which i do not know how to do yet03:33
edbianmajuk: I'm pretty good at life03:34
MichaelI am just starting a cisco academy program in Anchorage AK03:34
majukedbian: Then you'll be an fdisk man!03:34
a94060alexnet,what was the exact command?03:34
drcheezensteinnmvictor: hey will it fix grub even though im doing it through update manager?03:34
majukedbian: You create the partition with fdisk, then format it with mkfs03:34
alexnetIt was  sudo chmod -R u+xw /*03:34
alexnetwait.. there was no Slash in teh original command03:35
a94060alexnet, yea you are done03:35
alexnetlol I see03:35
a94060ohh okat,then what directory were u in when u ran that?03:35
edbianmajuk: So if I want 1 big ext3 partition: sudo fdisk /dev/sda   ???03:35
nmvictordrcheezenstein: whichever way you choose to upgrade,an upgrade is an upgrade.just pray more and doubt less.03:35
Jyxtalexnet: with just the * you only did the dir where you were03:35
edbianmajuk: Is fdisk menu driven?03:35
alexnetWhat about with /*?03:35
majukedbian: Yup.03:35
Jyxtif you were in / then yes you changed all permissions...butif you were in /home you did only /home/*03:35
a94060alexnet: that would have been the whole system03:35
majukedbian: 'm' will display the options.03:35
alexnetI ran them both, and canceld them both after awhile03:35
swapyguys does ubuntu have widgets like vista has?????03:35
MsMacoswapy: try screenlets03:36
swapyhow can i install them ?03:36
alexnetWell my chmod broke right after i ran it... so i guess I have boned myself pretty bad then?03:36
MsMacoswapy: or if you use kubuntu, theyre called plasmoids03:36
drcheezensteinnmvictor: thanks bud I appreciate the help03:36
edbianswapy: Yeah.  Look at "screenlets" or "gdesklets" package03:36
a94060alexnet: id agree with you03:36
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 (ps2 emulator) to work in linux? i need help w/ figuring out how to install it and what dependencies i need03:36
nmvictoralexnet:its hard fixing the sudoers crap,especially if you are in live CD,are you?03:36
nmvictordrcheezenstein: anytime buddy03:36
alexnetnmvictor, i dont know what that means... im not running off of a CD, i installed it. (does that answer?)03:36
a94060drcheezenstein: did u fix your problem with the booting?03:37
nmvictor alexnet: yea,so where exactly is the problem?03:37
drcheezensteina94060; not sure yet waiting for this upgrade to finish to find out03:37
a94060ahh alright drcheezenstein03:37
alexnetWell I guess my problem is sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0740, should be 0440   assuming the whole rest of the box isnt crashing in burning as well03:38
alexnetBecause I think that error may be inidicative of some deep system damage i've caused.. thought i hope not03:38
drcheezensteinwill be back to let you guys know Im going to exit pidgin to see if it helps speed things up03:38
OBiiThey, im new to ubuntu and just wanted to ask, what PDF readr are ppl using? Ive been trying xpdf and the original one ("Document viewer").. and neither are good.. was looking online and some ppl talked about some kpdf but i dont get how to install it, it says its included in kde but then..03:38
edbianOBiiT: I just use "Document viewer" cause I have so few pdf's.  You can get kpdf from the repos.  You don't need KDE to run it.  "sudo apt-get install kpdf"03:39
aivancan anyone help me with resetting my video card drivers?03:39
a94060alexnet: you wont realize the damage right now of permissions. The default ones are usually set on each file,you have generalized them now to whatever value you selected03:39
a94060anyone know of some good eee linux support places?03:40
aivani just tried to install ati catalyst and now my display is all messed up03:40
nmvictor OBiiT: sudo apt-get install kpdf should wor i think, though their s also Adob reader for ubuntu(linux)03:40
swapyguys i want a http file tranfser    software like hfs      this one http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/          i want to share files on lan so please suggest one03:40
buckyalexnet: maybe you should make a new distro that have world wide write and read on /etc03:40
alexneta94060, are you suggesting that I go ahead and reformat?03:40
aivananyway to reset the drivers?03:40
a94060alexnet: well,it depends what you have. Im not sure actually. If you can afford to start from scratch,why not =]03:41
jbob_alexnet: you can boot into recovery mode an fix the permissions for the /etc/sudoers file but all the other wrong permissions may cause strange errors and/or security holes03:41
OBiiTit says Package kpdf is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:41
nmvictoralexnet:i think a94060 is right, given you choices.03:41
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a94060alexnet: if you are just messing around,what id advise you to do after the first fresh install is simplly back it up. incase u do something,you can just untar it back like before03:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:42
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:42
nmvictorOBiiT: the other package is kde, if you insist,you can install kde then kpdf.kde and gnome will reside peacefull on you linux box.but that is if you must really get kpdf,you could try adobe03:43
OBiiTbut yeah, it works fine with adobe reader.. thanks03:43
a94060if i would like to compile drivers for a wireless card, what would i need?03:43
OBiiTyepp adobe is fine :)03:43
IdleOnea94060, build-essential is the package03:44
swapyanwser my question guys03:44
IdleOneswapy, patience03:44
swapyguys i want a http file tranfser    software like hfs      this one http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/          i want to share files on lan so please suggest one03:44
a94060IdleOne: well the thing is, I am going to try again to setup ubuntu on eee03:44
alexnetWell here's the thing.. this box sits in my basement and runs tools for a small dev team... all of whom have their access restricted by ssl and iptables allowing only their specific IPs... so I'm okay with the OS-related security holes remaining until something else justifies a reformat... the question is can i get basic functionality back? All of the private tool websites hosted03:45
alexnetby this box appear still be working.03:45
a94060well alexnet, you could backup the data such as the iptables and the website03:45
tuxwulfEasy question... if a network is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/28, what is the subnet mask?03:45
a94060u could get by without reformatting,just expect to see errors like what u sa03:46
swapyhow to navigate to desktop any shortcut key in ubuntu to hide all windows and switch to desktop??03:46
a94060tuxwulf: hosts03:46
Piciswapy: ctrl-alt-d03:46
giikerswapy: Ctrl Alt D03:46
tuxwulfa94060: Tthanks. That's what I figured but wanted to check...03:47
a94060ahh okay,google =]03:47
swapyguys i want a http file tranfser    software like hfs      this one http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/          i want to share files on lan so please suggest one03:47
alexnetOkay well i'll stop messing with permissions.. and since i still have https access i'll go rescue all my sites and data... and then i'll come back here for a lesson on how to not destroy my linux box again.03:47
a94060alexnet, the best way would be to enable interactive mode03:47
giikerswapy: they have the source, if you did not about it03:47
a94060chmod -Ri could have helped,also rereading commands03:48
swapygiiker, means?03:48
nmvictorswapy: try Google,maybe shes got some idea.03:49
swapynmvictor, i tried03:49
swapygiiker, how to compile all source and install in linux?03:49
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opdynamiksQ: I have XChat and for some reason each time I log in & connect to freenode I have to do the /msg NickServe identify thing, it won't use my stored password in the XChat Network settings03:50
nmvictorswapy:i dont seem to understand you http transfer, if you wanted ftp i'd suggest Filezilla,for http?cant think of any application i've heard of03:50
the_dark_warrioIs it possible to install BrOffice on Ubuntu?03:51
icarus-cthe_dark_warrio:: if there is .deb package or the source,  yes.03:51
boss_mcopdynamiks: hfs claims to run under wine03:52
mrmacI'm wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to host Cyber Cafe type WirelessLAN03:52
boss_mcopdynamiks: whoops, wrong name!03:52
icarus-cnmvictor:: that thing is like a web application to "share" files03:52
boss_mcswapy: hfs claims to run under wine03:52
the_dark_warrioicarus-c: There is in fact a plethora of .deb packages, but I guess the last time I installed, I've got a lot of bugs too (because of the already installed openoffice)03:52
mrmaclike, any way to host a webserver, so that when people use a webbrowser, they are initially directed to the server's webpage03:52
di||itantemrmac: look into the tomato firmware, you can set it up on a Linksys wrt54gl and accomplish that03:53
FirefisheDuring bootup, during pre-mount, pre-journal-commit phase, I notice something.   It's not a 'problem' in the usual sense, but rather one in the aesthetic sense.  It's a typo, wherein there's a boot message that says "update needing tables" .  It should really say "tables needing updating" and I'd like to know a way--on the command line--that I could find out where this message is so I can fix it.03:53
mrmacokay, great, thanks.  i'll check that out.   =]03:53
nmvictoricarus-c: swapy was requesting of a http transfer app, cant think of any.got any ideas?03:53
FirefisheI'm using Jaunty 9.0403:54
buckygiiker: For programmers: download sources (created with Turbo Delphi).03:54
icarus-cnmvictor:: no03:54
swapynmvictor, thanks man u are trying to help me03:54
buckyit's a nice windows program.. just one exe03:54
giikerbucky: yeap that's what I meant03:54
icarus-cswapy:: "ubuntu"03:54
swapyit was awesome app03:54
nmvictorswapy: no problem03:54
XerranAnyone know if Ghost can image and restore ubuntu?03:54
swapyicarus-c, so please suggest an app alternative to hfs03:54
poent_Whats the best app to play dvd's? the one included in 9.04 is missing the "dvd source" codec03:55
tuxwulfXerran: Of course03:55
giikerswapy: I also used to use that app :(03:55
IdleOnepoent_, install libdvdcss203:55
di||itantepoent_: you just need to install the dvdcss libs03:55
swapyok hfs guys have provided source from that can i make app for linux?03:55
poent_groovy thanks03:55
Firefishepoent_:  I spend a bit of time on this.   It depends on what kind of dvd, too.  My new dvd of the movie "Coraline" won't allow menu navigation in any player.03:55
IdleOneswapy, you can run hfs with wine03:55
Xerrantuxwulf: so basically just boot with the ghost cd right?03:55
Firefishe!medibuntu | poent_03:56
ubottupoent_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:56
swapyok what for this www.voidtools.com     best app ever for windows ever03:56
swapyfastest search03:56
Pici!offtopic | swapy03:56
ubottuswapy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:56
tuxwulfXerran: That's correct. Tthere is even a linux version of ghosting software03:56
swapyubottu, im trying to find alternatives bro03:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:56
Xerrantuxwulf: what do you recommend?03:56
gogetatuxwulf: or just use dd03:56
gogetatuxwulf: dd into a img file03:57
tuxwulfXerran: Well, if you're not the experimenting kind of person I'd recommend go with what you know.03:57
a94060is there anyway i can use the xp bootloader  to decide between xp and linux?03:57
FirefisheWhat log do the system bootup messages exist in?03:57
nmvictor ubottu|03:57
buckyswapy: if that doesn't work out then you can do it the linux way... but you have enough network savy to set up your nic to a static addy that's not reserved for dhcp by your dsl modem and don't use webmin http://www.howtoforge.com/setting-up-subversion-with-webdav-post-commit-hook-and-multiple-sites-on-jaunty-jackalope-ubuntu-9.0403:57
gogetatuxwulf: thers a way so it only does the data blocks to03:57
di||itanteFirefishe: dmsg03:57
a94060Firefishe: use the dmesg command i think03:57
tuxwulfa94060: Yes, you can do that, but only if your linux is installed on a Win partition03:58
gogetatuxwulf: so your image isnt as big as the drive03:58
boss_mcswapy: locate does the job, only faster :-)03:58
IdleOnenmvictor, ubottu is a bot03:58
tuxwulfgogeta: Yes... there are many more ways to do this, but I figure, lete's keep it simple...03:58
a94060i was reading about a method where i could use dd to copy the bootloader?03:58
di||itantea94060: yes03:58
a94060i want to do it because i have the windows drive encrypted03:58
swapyboss_mc, thanks03:58
gogetaa94060: dd copys everything03:59
nmvictorIdleOne: i know03:59
di||itantea94060: more specifically the MBR03:59
a94060well,at least the mbr i meant03:59
IdleOnenmvictor, well then why are you spamming03:59
a94060so i would install grub to the partition03:59
gogetaa94060: but i typo can be bad be very carefull03:59
a94060and then dd it into a file?04:00
a94060*the mbr04:00
gogetayou dd into a image04:00
Ben64can't you just set it up to boot linux from within windows?04:00
Xerrantuxwulf: thx04:00
Ben64like sysinfo32 i think04:00
a94060well,i want it seperatly =]04:00
swapywhat is use of tomboy notes?04:00
nmvictorIdleOne: wanted to get the msg you gave me to someone, cant remember the command.trying out ain't spamming, is it?04:00
tuxwulfXerran: np, have fun04:00
poent_if i'm getting some minor lag when opening windows and applications do you think it could be the video driver?04:00
gogetathen you can just dd the mbr04:00
giikera94060: you can, just have to know the exact HEX addresses04:00
edbianswapy: They're just virtual sticky notes.04:00
StupendoussteveBen64: No, linux does not use the ntloader that windows uses04:00
IdleOnenmvictor, use /msg ubottu test to try it out04:00
Xerrantuxwulf: i have been experimenting with clonezilla but I am unsure on the restore04:00
a94060hex address?04:00
Ben64Stupendoussteve: pretty sure there's a way to do it04:01
gogetaas i said use with care04:01
edbianpoent_: Wrong channel bud04:01
gogetadd into the wrong drive and well04:01
tuxwulfme too, I better go back to work....04:01
a94060hha gogeta04:01
Ben64found it with my google-fu04:01
pburlesonHow can I find out how a package was configured and compiled for Ubuntu?04:01
nmvictor swapy: tomboy is just for notes04:01
gogetaa94060: its happond to people04:01
a94060well,how big is grub bootloader?04:01
pburlesonlike the ./configure and make commands used?04:01
a94060how many kb04:01
edbiana94060: So large that it doesn't fit in the MBR (which really isn't that big at all)04:02
di||itantea94060: the first 512 b of the drive04:02
a94060alright,thank you04:02
a94060so if i copy that 512b into a file04:02
StupendoussteveBen64: NTLDR can load a linux bootloader, but it is not simple to configure04:02
a94060and add it as an entry, i am done then04:02
nmvictorIdleOne: thanks message long overdue, and your name,are you also a bot?why IdleOne?04:02
Ben64Stupendoussteve: looks like 3 steps from that site i linked04:03
gogetaBen64: grub for windows is a project to make it easy04:03
di||itantea94060: dd if=/dev/hdx of=MBR-backup bs=512 count=104:03
bazhangnmvictor, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic04:03
poent_edbian: but the lag is within ubuntu lol04:03
gogetaBen64: it uses the windows boot.ii04:03
a94060alrighty,thank you di||itante04:03
giikera94060: sorry, I was thinking about CMOS04:03
delamani can not remote connect to my mysql database.  i have tried to edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf "bind-address" but not luck,,, im using jaunty,,, any ideas04:03
Ben64gogeta: yeah..?04:03
IdleOnenmvictor, I am a bot04:03
a94060its all good, di||itante  answered it perfectly,thats what im lookng for04:03
giikera94060: to copy into n image file type this:04:04
gogetaBen64: yea it uses grub4dos and uses the boot.ini to start it04:04
Ben64gogeta: uh-huh04:04
gogetaBen64: that how i used to boot my usbhdd with ubuntu on it04:04
giikersudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/home/user/mbr_backup bs=512 count=104:04
Ben64gogeta: ok? still not seeing whats bad about it04:04
aubreanyone have any experience getting tsm to work on 64-bit Ubuntu?04:05
gogetaBen64: what grub4windows04:05
di||itantea94060: as standard practice, i backup my mbr and partition table of all my systems. It makes disaster recovery much easier04:05
gogetaBen64: dd can be bad04:05
giikera94060: sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/home/user/mbr_backup bs=512 count=104:05
Ben64using windows' bootloader to load linux04:05
Ben64anything can be bad04:05
kermitgiiker: why do ppl always say to use dd instead of cat?04:05
a94060haha Ben6404:05
a94060thats a smart idea backing up all mbrs04:05
Ben64kermit: dd is super awesome04:05
kermitor head in that case04:06
giikercat? what do you mean?1 you can't  use cat to copy o restore an image04:06
giikerkermit: cat? what do you mean?1 you can't  use cat to copy o restore an image04:06
nmvictorhow do you achieve that, the MBR and partion table Backup?04:06
nmvictor a94060:how do you achieve that, the MBR and partion table Backup?04:06
buckydelaman: are you behind the same modem? can't connect from ?04:06
poent_sudo apt-get update04:06
poent_this isnt a terminal04:06
IdleOnepoent_, :)04:07
=== poent_ is now known as Poent
lulzhuntrar?ADCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 004:07
loshergogeta: do you want to say some more about why/when dd is bad?04:07
gogetalosher: 1 typo and  boom04:07
IdleOnegogeta, that's not a typo04:08
Ghoti_losher: dd is powerful, but sudo dd can nuke a hard drive if you're not careful.  Kinda like rm.04:08
gogetalosher: your refomating04:08
Poentnice bucky04:08
MsMacoi use it to nuke hard drives...04:08
di||itantekermit: cat requires more resources and dd is more flexible04:08
icarus-cdd can be bad if you want to clone a partition and you use UUID to identify the partition04:08
buckydelaman: if your host and server are no behind the same modem you have to port forward... try connecting with telnet and read through this thread http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?132,190869,19086904:08
delamanbucky: i am at home trying to connect to a remote computer mysql,,,, the remote computer is behind a router....... my i ssh to the remote computer i can not even connect like this "mysql -u root -h -p"04:08
IdleOnegogeta, never mind me :|04:08
buckydelaman:  you need to port forward on the remote end04:09
Ghoti_delaman: the mysql server needs the port forwarded to the computer running the server04:09
Ben64dd can be used to test cpus :) "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null" <-- nobody try that unless you want 100% cpu usage04:09
losherI suppose, but then, all the filesystem commands are pretty unforgiving...04:09
icarus-cBen64:: why not /dev/random :P04:09
Ben64icarus-c: not enough random data in there04:10
Ben64takes forever to build up entropy04:10
Jyxtentropy takes forever to build and it goes away very quickly04:10
Ben64urandom would work though04:10
Ghoti_Ben64: I was about to ask about urandom04:10
Ben643330236928 bytes (3.3 GB) copied, 3.99654 s, 833 MB/s <-- /dev/zero \\\\\\ 11197952 bytes (11 MB) copied, 2.49775 s, 4.5 MB/s <--- /dev/urandom04:11
di||itantekermit: also, how can you tell cat only to read the first 512b of a file04:11
icarus-caha, linux is just amazing, it is still perfectly functional even with 100% cpu usage04:11
Ben64icarus-c: if you set priority of that to maximum, stuff would be bad though04:11
AndorinI just grabbed gtkpod, and I like it so far. How do I set it to where gtkpod opens automatically when I connect my iPod to my PC, instead of Music Player?04:12
kermiticarus-c: xp has terrible scheduling04:12
Ghoti_s/terrible// # fixed04:12
Ben64but yeah, linux is generally smarter than windows at memory management, cpu, and just about everything else04:12
icarus-cnot really. even  XP SP3 still worse04:12
FirefisheI'm using Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04.  When I log into X, nm-applet brings up my wireless card and connects to my wlan router effortlessly.  However, when I don't log into X--as I sometimes do--and go straight to a terminal, when I use iwconfig to attempt to connect to the 'net, it doesn't work.  My hardware parameters are here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255512/ .04:12
kermitdi||itante: well, head in that case..  i havent found cat to take more resources04:12
edbiandi||itante: Are you trying to write to the MBR?04:13
Ghoti_Is there iPod Touch support in Linuxland yet with a nonjailbroken 'pod?04:13
icarus-clinux "revives" my old lappy04:13
Firefisheicarus-c: As it often does :) Yay!04:13
di||itanteedbian: no someone else wanted to copy it04:13
rCXWhat does recursive copy as in "cp -r" mean?04:13
giiker   hell linux made my 600 mhz run like a horse comparing to xp04:13
icarus-crCX:: copy through directories04:14
gogetarCX: use to copy enitre dirs04:14
di||itantekermit: evne then you have to use two commands head and cat to accomplis what only dd does04:14
edbianrCX: That folder and all folders and files in that folder04:14
Ben64i thought it had to be "cp -R" to copy folders and everything within04:14
xanguaGhoti_: better ask apple why they take much effort in making their ipod/iphon no interact with 3rd software04:14
Ben64oh nvm, -R and -r are both the same04:14
ctmjrFirefishe: what commands are you using to connect?04:14
icarus-cxangua:: rockbox it man04:14
xanguaicarus-c:  ¿¿04:15
icarus-cxangua:: http://www.rockbox.org/04:15
=== bana is now known as AnG
cbcbillinghi all! is there a way to update gnome 2.22 on hardy?04:15
Ben64xangua is correct. Apple hates interoperability.04:15
AndorinI just grabbed gtkpod, and I like it so far. How do I set it to where gtkpod opens automatically when I connect my iPod to my PC, instead of Music Player?04:15
Ben64They have purposefully killed support for applications that worked under linux04:15
Ghoti_xangua: if I wanted to bang my head against a wall, I'd start a vi/emacs debate; I was just wondering if progress had been made from the side of the equation from which progress might be expected.04:16
giikerBen64: you mean inneroperability04:16
xanguaooh i've already seen it04:16
Ben64no :S04:16
Firefishectmjr:  Things like:    sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "ssidnameInQuotes"04:16
xanguais it aviable in spanish  ¿¿ Ben6404:16
Firefishectmjr:   Also:  sudo dhclient wlan004:17
giikerBen64: I meant they luv inneroperability04:17
Firefishectmjr:  Things like that.  I've tried everything to try to get the system to recognize the wireless card --laptop, btw-- and I'm stumped.04:17
cbcbillinghi all! is there a way to update gnome 2.22 on hardy?04:17
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:18
syntacin bash scripting, how can i force a counting variable to have at least 3 digits? for instance: 001, 002, 003, ...04:18
* icarus-c does LAMPPP04:19
JahaHello people04:19
icarus-cpython,php,perl  :P04:19
kermitsyntac: printf %03d $var04:19
Firefishectmjr: I'm not certain why only nm-applet seems to do anything right.04:19
MK-ubuntujMyles, I used http://articles.slicehost.com << to setup the LAMP04:19
MK-ubuntuso take a look04:19
AndorinI just grabbed gtkpod, and I like it so far. How do I set it to where gtkpod opens automatically when I connect my iPod to my PC, instead of Music Player?04:20
Korrenin 9.04 i created an ext4 fs that will be used for strictly storage and i'd like to get rid of the journal. I've run 'tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sdc1' and it recovered some space but I'm not sure if it's all the space.. is there a better way to remove the journal or should I just recreate the fs w/o the journal?04:20
spoif i connect to an account via ssh , then i run screen,    and the ssh connection terminatates,   screen will still be running and be okay, i guess04:20
jMylesMK-ubuntu: It seems that "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" does the whole thing now04:20
WhiteCrowEmergency please help me ( i can not speak EN very will i hope Excuse me  for this) pls see this for my probleam04:20
tammieFirefishe: nm doesn't use /etc/network/interfaces. If you want to have network connectivity without logging into X then you have to dump network mangler and go with ifup/ifdown04:20
jMylesspo: that's right.04:20
ctmjrFirefishe: run top in terminal and see if network-manager is running if it is kill it04:20
Jahaso I made a live disk on a usb stick of UNR and booted up in it with my asus eee pc 900win. I ran into a weird problem04:20
icarus-cAndorin:: Nautilus -> Edit -> Preferences -> Media04:21
WhiteCrowEmergency please help me ( i can not speak EN very will i hope Excuse me  for this) pls see this for my probleam  http://imagebin.ca/view/ENKvcpA.html04:21
giikerspo: when you come back and reattach it will take yo right where you left off04:21
Firefishectmjr: Now?  Won't that kill my irc session?04:21
xanguatry nautilus>edit>preferences>support Andorin04:21
loshersyntac: internally, 001 is the same as 1. The difference is just how you print it e.g. printf "%03d\n" 3   Try it yourself...04:21
Jahathe mouse was very jumpy when no apps were open but it seemed fine with an app running04:21
icarus-cKorren:: meh... how on earth you want to remove the journal04:21
Korreni don't need it.. basically i want ext2 with the benefits of ext4 (save the journaling)04:22
Jahacould it just be because it was running off the usb or is it something else does anyone know?04:22
Andorinicarus-c and xangua: Neat! Ty.04:22
syntackermit: thanks!04:22
Korrenunelss you can suggest a better FS type for storage that has MINIMAL overhead04:22
Korrenspace is premium04:22
adroelhaloo everybody04:22
majukHey adroel!04:22
syntaclosher: i had file1, file2, ..., file10, ... but file10 kept showing up before file2 in `ls`. not what i was wanting to happen which is why i'm adding the 00 prefix04:22
WhiteCrowEmergency please help me ( i can not speak EN very will i hope Excuse me  for this) pls see this for my probleam  http://imagebin.ca/view/ENKvcpA.html04:22
icarus-cKorren:: and i assume you have read about ext4 draw backs?04:22
ctmjrFirefishe: not now when you login to console mode and want to set up the wireless with iwconfig04:23
kermitKorren: vfat is probably quite minimal04:23
di||itanteKorren: depending on the files you store you ma be able to further streamline by configuring the block sizes too04:23
WhiteCrowoasisfai: can u help me04:23
Firefishectmjr:  I want to have one way to connect, and I want X to 'play nicely' with the method I choose.  Is this even possible?04:23
Jahahas anyone else experienced the same thing?04:24
nmvictoranyone have an idea how to repair a flash disk?Appears in nautilus side-pane as unmounted USB drive.gparted recognizes it ofcourse as device file /dev/sdb but unpartitioned and without a filesystem.whenever i try to add a new partition,doesn't work any help?.04:24
adroelASK!!! i just want to install ubuntu 9.04 but i confuse which is the best should i use, ext3 or ext4, i got a 160 GB SATA hardisk04:24
loshersyntac: Understood. you can use the printf to generate the filenames you need...04:24
majuknmvictor: What, specifically, happens when you try to partition/format it?04:24
icarus-cadroel:: ext4 is fast, but may introduce data lost (google it)04:24
Firefishectmjr: NetworkManager is running, along with nm-applet and nm-system-settings04:25
edbianadroel: It's basically personal preference.  Research it! : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext404:25
syntaclosher: any particular reason why file10 displays before file2 in ls?04:25
di||itanteadroel: ext3 is more mature04:25
kermitsyntac: use rename04:25
prince_jammyssyntac: they're sorted as strings, not numerically04:25
syntacprince_jammys: ah04:25
Testudoadroel: I've been using EXT4 for some time now. I appreciate the speed, and while there is a risk of dataloss, I haven't had any trouble with it. I'd recommend it :)04:25
Firefishectmjr: Do I need to install anything?04:25
icarus-csyntac:: 1 is smaller than 204:25
prince_jammyssyntac: better to use leading zeros04:25
edbianadroel: di||itante ext3 enjoys fine wine.  ext4 had a fit last night because his tummy hurt.04:25
icarus-csyntac:: in character04:26
ctmjrFirefishe: if network-manager is running it has control of the interface if you want too control it you have to stop network-manager04:26
WhiteCrowoh god , somebode help me i confounded for this04:26
loshersyntac: it's a standard problem, and your solution (adding zeroes) is the standard solution...04:26
xsebsxhey there, i am on a wireless connection, i set up my cisco wtr160n router when i had windows originally, but i've gotten rid of windows since then, my problem is, i downloaded nicotine and though i can connect to the soulseek server i cannot connect to other users, when i try to download a file, it says cannot connect on the status, anyone can help me out?04:26
di||itanteedbian: right! use ext3 or for that matter XFS04:26
adroelOK thanks for the advice dude!!!04:26
edbiandi||itante: lol04:26
Firefishectmjr: I've done this before, but it's been ages using ifup/ifdown manually.  How can I set the system to use the interfaces instead of NetworkManager (...Mangler, 'scuse me) ;)04:27
nmvictormajuk: in gparted,records a pending operation but with the Apply button still disabled.I've used Gnome Format and it says permission denied.then says something like the devices should be mounted rw [read/write] or i must be root.does work when im root, thus the rw stuff could be the problem.04:27
syntaclosher, icarus-c, kermit, prince_jammys: thanks all! got it working04:27
icarus-clol. anyone has look at WhiteCrow 's problem ?04:27
giikeri have been using ext4 and no probs upto now04:27
kermitsyntac:  rename 's/file([0-9])$/file0$1/' file*04:27
icarus-cgiiker:: me too :P04:27
icarus-cgiiker:: since i never crash04:28
di||itanteFirefishe: why not just uninstall network manager04:28
majuknmvictor: Don't those cards have a lockout like old 3 1/4" floppies? Possible that got switched?04:28
giikericarus-c: :04:28
giikericarus-c: :)04:28
pelliconGtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0 how to fix it?04:29
majukWhiteCrow: I see nothing wrong in the screen shot you put up.04:29
giikerme neither?04:30
WhiteCrowmajuk: see this prosses go to healt in 10 min04:30
kermiti think WhiteCrow wants to know what to do with the selection box for grub04:30
Firefishedi||itante: Currently, kde 4.3--which I'm using just now--as well as gnome--uses NetworkManager's nm-applet application to connect to the 'net.  nm-applet handles encryption well, and my system is encrypted.  There are times I want to just use the terminal, so I prefer to use iwconfig at those times.04:30
nmvictormajuk: sorry, meant ...doesn't work when im root, thus the rw stuff could be the problem.its a flash disk,LG.dont know what to do, how do i mount it as read and write and how do i mount without a filesystem?04:30
ctmjrFirefishe: make sure net-work manager is not loaded at boot04:30
ImmortalKennyIs anyone here familiar with Jolicloud?04:30
giikerWhiteCrow, is it the panel?04:31
edbiannmvictor: You might want to try "fdisk" instead of gparted"04:31
Firefishectmjr:  What file do I annotate to have that not boot up at start time?04:31
WhiteCrowgiiker: ??04:31
pelliconfdisk is a dangerous cmd04:31
nmvictoredbian:what arguments on fdisk, please?04:31
edbiannmvictor: fdisk is menu driven04:31
edbiannmvictor: to start it "sudo fdisk /dev/<yourFlashDrive>"04:32
majuknmvictor: 'm' to see the options04:32
ctmjrFirefishe: are you using gnome and is it loaded now?04:32
giikerWhiteCrow: can you elaborate?04:32
WhiteCrowgiiker:  see new my screenshot pls04:32
edbiannmvictor: Make absolutely sure that you have the correct /dev/XXX or your will alter the partitions on your hard drive or something04:32
Firefishectmjr: No, kde 4.3.  As far as the system trays in either desktop environment go, to me, nm-applet works identically.04:32
giikernmvictor: make sure you do this right or you might loose data04:33
WhiteCrowgiiker: pls 2 min wite for upload screenshot04:33
edbiannmvictor: I'll do my best to hold your hand.  I'm not amazing at fdisk but I think I can do this04:33
tuxwulfAnybody know about OpenOffice?04:34
prince_jammysdrama, suspense, #ubuntu04:34
edbiannmvictor: If you're trying to figure out what /dev you should be using just look at "sudo fdisk -l"  (which isn't dangerous at all)04:34
edbiantuxwulf: Yeah04:34
edbiantuxwulf: Just about everybody here04:34
prince_jammystuxwulf: better to just ask about the specific problem you have04:34
fuzzybunnyhey everyone for some reason whenever I switch songs in Rhythmbox the volume gets really low and then I raise it but if I switch songs it will reset back to the lower level. I have looked at all the volume controls and can't seem to figure out why it keeps resetting. Has anyone else experienced this?04:34
giikerWhiteCrow: are you havng problems when booting up?04:35
tuxwulfOkay. Pardon me, I never saw anybody about it. In OpenOffice Base, how to show relationships between tables?04:35
WhiteCrowthis my ver kerenel04:35
nmvictor edbian:),i have run that and say /dev/sdc doesnt contain a valid partition table04:35
edbiannmvictor: Than that's what we want to edit: "sudo fdisk /dev/sdc"04:36
giikerWhiteCrow: you are having problems with grub04:36
Poentis 9.04 jaunty?04:36
majukPoent: Si04:36
prince_jammystuxwulf: try #openoffice.org if you don't get an answer here.04:36
WhiteCrowyes when i boot i can't see my last ver my krenel04:36
edbianPoent: Yes04:36
nmvictoredbian:why not take me through that, mind if i PM04:37
Firefishectmjr: Still in gui land.  Is there something you wanted me to do?04:37
edbiannmvictor: PM away!04:37
drcheezensteinnmvictor: checked my bios turns out the hard drive was excluded from the boot order for some reason04:37
drcheezensteinnmvictor: so it works but Im having trouble getting my wireless to work04:37
FirefisheNice nick drcheezenstein...original :)04:37
majukdrcheezenstein: TOLD YOU SO!04:37
nmvictorwireless drivers install otr update04:37
giikerWhiteCrow: elaborate please, what happens after boot up04:38
WhiteCrowgiiker: http://imagebin.ca/view/C0Sf9P.html04:38
drcheezensteinmajuk: :-p04:38
drcheezensteinIm having this problem now where I installed the broadcom wireless drivers and it brought up the wireless options on the network button, but it wont connect to my network! so then I tried to reinstall the drivers and now its not even showing up on the network button04:39
=== paris_ is now known as paris
Firefishedrcheezenstein: broadcom....I've had some exeperience with those.04:39
giikerWhiteCrow: can you get out of those msgs?04:40
drcheezensteinfirefishe: any suggestions?04:40
Poentso i got libdvdcss2 installed but the default video player included with ubuntu still isnt playing the dvd. It's wanting to search for a suitable plugin and can't find it, even with the added repositories. Any ideas?04:40
Firefishedrcheezenstein: Are you in gui or command line?04:40
majukdrcheezenstein: You probably need to get the new firmware from the Broadcom website.04:40
drcheezensteinfiefishe: gui04:40
Firefishegnome or kde or what?04:40
xangua!medibuntu | Poent04:40
ubottuPoent: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:40
Poentgot that installed too04:40
Firefishedrcheezenstein: majuk's correct, the latest drivers are suggested for newer hardware04:41
WhiteCrowgiiker: hey dude would u like to ssh my sys to Make this04:41
Firefishedrcheezenstein: Also, what version of ubuntu?04:41
FirefisheYou know, isn't there a way to automate the broadcom driver compile-and-install process?  On the command line?04:42
drcheezensteinfirefishe: 8.04 lts or whatever04:42
ctmjrFirefishe: i need to figure out what you want to do your on a computer that has network setup but you want to control it thru a console and you cannot is this correct and your using the computer now?04:42
giikerPoent: check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683&highlight=Direct+Rendering04:42
giikerit worked forme,but it's  along read...04:42
giikerWhiteCrow: sorry can't do that04:43
edbianI just installed ubuntu and it took 25 minutes!04:43
WhiteCrowgiiker: ok tnx04:43
xanguacongratulations edbian04:43
edbian! :)04:44
giikercongs edbian04:44
Xerranedbian: do you do alternate or regular?04:44
Firefishectmjr: That is correct.  I'm on the computer--an Asus G50Vt laptop--now.  Right now, I have to log into either kde or gnome, using nm-applet (NetworkManager) to connect through the gui.  If I don't login to X, and try to use iwconfig in a terminal, it doesn't seem to work, not even using ifup/ifdown.  Judging by what you're telling me, NetworkManager is "mangling" ifup/ifdown when it's installed?04:44
parisare binary files that've been installed using apt kept and archived?04:44
XerranI prefer the alternate CD installs of Ubuntu04:44
giikerWhiteCrow: i am able to do it but rather not to.04:45
parisI'm thinking of moving from 32bit to 64bit but redownloading all the apps is going to be tedious04:45
xanguaparis: apg-get ¿¿ yes04:45
parisbesides, 64 bit ports of all applications may not exist04:45
parisxangua: what?04:45
nownoti have this board http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188035 with a NVIDIA nForce 730i northbridge that supports raid 5, is there a way to do hardware raid 5 with this and if so is there somewhere i can read on how to do this04:45
Poentxangua: i already went through the medibuntu setup for jaunty. still unable to play it using either mplayer or the default media player04:45
parisxangua: oh, yeah.04:45
majukFirefishe: In my experience, you have to start the device with ifconfig *first*, then start the wireless portion with iwconfig04:45
losherparis: anything installed via apt is usually kept in /var/cache/apt/archives04:45
WhiteCrowgiiker: im confounded04:46
xanguabut they are not the same packages paris, or are they ¿¿¿04:46
edbianxangua: How do you write upside down question marks??!?!04:46
wildnfreeparis: you can install 32 bit applications on 64 bit by using force-architecture04:46
prince_jammysyou be pastin some non-ascii04:46
prince_jammysshame on you04:46
Firefishemajuk: That might be salient.  I didn't use ifconfig anything at all.04:46
parislosher: cool04:46
xanguaedbian: latinamerican keyboard :(|)04:46
edbianxangua: Oh :(  I don't have one of those04:47
WhiteCrowکسی این جا  کمی فارسی بلده04:47
XerranAnyone had luck with eSATA and Linux?04:47
surendra-isI have installed Ubuntu 9.04 and updated with additional softwares like lotus notes, SAP etc .. now i want the same to be installed in another system04:47
majukFirefishe: Yea, I did the same thing for a week, wrestling with iwconfig wondering why it wouldn't DO anything. lol04:47
surendra-isdo i need to have a fresh installation .. or can i copy this system ??04:47
xanguaPoent: do you tried with VLC ¿04:48
wildnfree!hindi | WhiteCrow04:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hindi04:48
edbiansurendra-is: You can copy the system.  Use dd04:48
Firefishemajuk: Well, it *may* (or not) be as simple as that, so I should probably try the simple way, first.04:48
PoentDoes vlc support dvd playback?04:48
melaniejFirefishe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52736504:48
majukFirefishe: indeed.04:48
WhiteCrowwildnfree: no persian04:48
xanguaPoent: for me is better than totem (the default)04:48
ctmjrFirefishe: ok this what you need to do first reboot the computer in console mode and run top see if network-manager is runnimg if it is then kill it then run theses commands if it is unencrypted, hold on will pastebin them04:48
giikernownot: check here http://www.lpmagazine.org/prt/view/pdf-articles.html04:48
surendra-isedbain : i can't get u .. will u please explain04:48
giikerand donwload the one with the title mision critical04:48
Firefishectmjr: k, thanks04:49
wildnfree!persian | WhiteCrow04:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about persian04:49
giikerbyt Ian Walker04:49
Firefishemelaniej: Thank you for that link, I'll go through it.04:49
ctmjrFirefishe: http://pastebin.com/m762b6544 if it works and you are happy with it you can remove network-manager completely04:51
losheredbian: surendra-is: dd is only guaranteed to copy disks correctly if the source & destination disks have identical geometry....04:51
bazhang!ir | WhiteCrow04:51
ubottuWhiteCrow: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.04:51
david_Help. I am trying to format my computer with DBAN and start fresh.  GRUB loads up before the bootdisk is noticed.  What can I do to format entirely?04:51
Firefisheoooh, pretty arabic letters!  I love my kvirc!04:51
WhiteCrowubottu: yes but not good ubuntu.ir04:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:51
=== theGussi is now known as Gussi
gwildordavid_, change your boot order in the bios..04:52
prince_jammysdavid_: ensure in your BIOS that you boot from CD first04:52
majukdavid_: Change your boot options in BIOS04:52
nmvictoredbian:please see my PM04:52
david_I tried pressing F8 is there another buttton?  this is an older dell from around the y2k04:52
gwildordavid_, but if you are just 'starting fresh' you dont need dban, and installer cd will do what you need04:52
gwildordavid_, esc, f1, f2, f11, f12... try them all, just run your finger across the whole top row04:53
prince_jammysdavid_: it varies. you should get a quick message telling you what key. try delete04:53
losherdavid_: so what's on the disk that it needs DBAN? Terrorist cells & child pornography?04:53
david_cool thanks04:53
prince_jammysdavid_: yeah, do that, but also try the delete key04:53
Firefishectmjr: If I get rid of network-manager completely, will things still be configurable from the gui when I want it?  I still want graphical tools that work equal to the command line stuff.04:53
giikerlosher: :]04:53
david_hehehe I dunno about that04:53
prince_jammyschild terrorist porn04:54
melaniejFirefishe: no...you can have one or the other04:54
nownoti have this board http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188035 with a NVIDIA nForce 730i northbridge that supports raid 5, is there a way to do hardware raid 5 with this and if so is there somewhere i can read on how to do this04:54
swapyhelp me for this04:54
giikerpornstart terroritsts04:54
swapyRXTXcomm.jar goes in /jre/lib/ext (under java)04:54
swapylibrxtxSerial.so goes in /jre/lib/[machine type] (i386 for instance)04:54
swapyMake sure the user is in group lock or uucp so lockfiles work.04:54
giikernownot: here04:54
FirefisheI'll brb....gonna try something04:54
losherdavid_: my point is that it's complete overkill for any but the most extreme situations...04:54
giikernownot: check here http://www.lpmagazine.org/prt/view/pdf-articles.html04:54
swapywhere is jre/lib dir04:55
giikernownot: click the one with the title mision critical data04:55
majuknownot: No, it's software RAID5, not true hardware driven. You're better off using mdadm and disabling the BIOS RAID settings.04:56
giikerswapy: Java?04:56
ctmjrFirefishe: no they will not the only thing you can do is stop network-manager from starting at all then decide what one you want to use at the time or kill it when you want to run the console04:56
SJrWhy isn't bitchx included in Ubuntu, what did they do, and how can I stop it?04:56
swapygiiker, i dont know if i hve java installed or not04:56
prince_jammysSJr: it's been discontinued04:56
nownotmajuk: you mean my board only supports raid 5 software? or ubuntu does04:57
swapygiiker, RXTXcomm.jar goes in /jre/lib/ext (under java)04:57
swapylibrxtxSerial.so goes in /jre/lib/[machine type] (i386 for instance)04:57
swapyMake sure the user is in group lock or uucp so lockfiles work.04:57
ctmjrSJr: am pretty sure bitchx is dead04:57
WhiteCrowgiiker:  my Problem is Gray  page , this still in 10 min !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I do not know what i do04:57
prince_jammysSJr: it ain't in the repos no more04:57
swapygiiker, java -version04:57
swapyjava version "1.6.0_0"04:57
swapyOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu11)04:57
swapyOpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode)04:57
FloodBot2swapy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
majuknownot: Your board. I have the same northbridge. They say it's 'RAID capable' because it can transmit to all the SATA ports simultaneously.04:57
swapyi have java04:57
darkscrypti get this error when i try to do apt-get install04:57
bazhanghttp://dy.fi/afb  <--- SJr04:57
darkscryptE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:57
losherSJr: just download and compile it yourself. Or switch to xchat or chatzilla or one of the other irc clients...04:58
PoentVLC is working great, thanks for the help guys04:58
majuknownot: But there's no hardware RAID driver. It has to be software driven.04:58
nownotmajuk: sigh, well that sucks04:58
giikerswapy: have you ckecked using synpatic?04:58
majuknownot: Actually, I've been running a RAID5 array for 3 years and haven't lost a single file.04:58
majuknownot: *software RAID504:58
nownotmajuk: software?04:58
SJrfail enough, I think it's time go04:58
WhiteCrowgiiker: see again this page http://imagebin.ca/view/ENKvcpA.html http://imagebin.ca/view/JMg6K5x.html04:59
nownotmajuk: speed issues?04:59
majuknownot: Not at all.04:59
prince_jammysswapy:  /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- over here, apparently, if that's what you're asking.04:59
nownotmajuk: yeah i looked at mdadm and it looks easy to get going05:00
majuknownot: And I've worked with it. Swapped 2 drives, expanded from 3 to 5 disks, and never even had a hiccup.05:00
tonyyarussoDoes anyone use Charter cable here?  I'm trying to figure out how to get my brother connected.05:00
majuknownot: Yea, it's pretty simple. Personally, I liked the way LVM worked on top of RAID. Let me find the howto I used to set it up for you.05:00
swapyprince_jammys, yes man you got what i wanted to say05:01
=== clarence is now known as xnockout
prince_jammysswapy: welcome. stay out of trouble.05:02
swapyi have installed openjdk and openjre05:02
swapybut not getting dir05:02
swapyplease help05:02
majuknownot: Bunnies, I can't find it.05:02
prince_jammysswapy: do you want the generic link for installing java in ubuntu?05:02
legend2440darkscrypt: can you paste your  /etc/apt/sources.list?05:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:02
ntiyis there anyone familiar with gdb?05:02
darkscryptlegend2440, yeah just a sec05:02
prince_jammys!java | swapy : here, in case you need this:05:03
ubottuswapy : here, in case you need this:: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:03
losherntiy: I use it for debugging. What do you need to know?05:03
ntiyI am trying to debug some fortran code05:03
ntiygfortran being used as a compiler05:04
xanguaswapy: why not JRE ¿¿05:04
ntiywhen I do print variable in gdb05:04
darkscryptlegend2440, http://paste.ubuntu.com/255533/05:04
ntiyit doesn't print05:04
ntiycomplains that the variable is not known. I will reproduce a message in a sec05:05
swapyxangua, ok should i install jre05:05
drcheezensteinok can anyone help me get my wireless working?05:05
drcheezensteinmajuk: you have any expierinace getting broadcom wireless cards working on laptops ubuntu 8.04?05:06
legend2440darkscrypt: did the error message include something like  Failed to fetch http://some url?05:06
legend2440darkscrypt: which one?05:07
losherntiy: if it only happens with some variables and not others, it may be that the optimizer has eliminated the variable. Try turning off optimization?05:07
darkscryptlegend2440, all of them05:07
darkscryptlegend2440, it must have appeared every time it checked for something05:07
ramanhow can i add karmic koala multiverse05:07
drcheezensteinCan anyone help me get my wireless working? the drivers ubuntu installed dont seem to be working05:08
legend2440darkscrypt: i'm thinking gutsy repos have been discontinued. gutsy is pretty old now05:08
Skexinsorry if i'm in the wrong place..but i'm having issues with a broken package05:08
legend2440legend2440: not positive though05:08
darkscryptits just a server i haven't changed it in a few years legend244005:08
Ozzahcan somebody pleas help! I wanted to install gnotepad+, and I needed pango, cairo, glib, and gtk+ so I installed those, compiled gnotepad+, and ever since ALL the writing on my screen is just boxes. After I restarted, all text everywhere is just blocks. I needed gnotepad+ to do my assignment due tomorrow, and now I can't even do it in gvim or anything... AHH! :'( :'( :'(05:08
ramanhi drcheezenstein why dont u upgrade to latest stavle version to jaunty05:08
ntiyyes you are right. only with some of them. how do I do it? I use -O005:08
darkscryptlegend2440, what  could i do to update that..i've got alot of critical data and the server really shouldn't be shutdown05:08
drcheezensteinraman: I would but I dont have cds to burn with05:09
nownotmajuk: its alright05:09
spowhen using "screen" , the screen ' f1-f12 keys binding overlaps the ability to use the keys for some other program like in htop to set options05:09
mitschhi folks, could someone please give me a little help upgrading samba? got a problem with samba and windows vista... :(05:09
nownotguess im stuck w/ software raid05:09
SatyaI had intel 2.4 drivers but i removed it and installed 2.6 i am getting white screen what can i do?05:10
darkscryptSatya, you could try metacity --replace05:10
nownotmajuk: well how do i know if a board has software as opposed to hardware05:10
jesse_is anyone having a redirection problem with google?05:10
drcheezensteinis there a way to upgrade to the latest one from the terminal?05:10
=== jesse_ is now known as Guest60508
ramanu can upgrade05:11
Guest60508i do a search and click on one of the links and i get redirected to shopica05:11
Ozzahhello? boxes everywhere... my system is now completely unusable. anybody?05:11
prince_jammysOzzah: have you tried to reset your X with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?05:11
losherntiy: check the compiler documentation. I know with C code I used to work with, we just lived with it. Occasionally, I would resort to changing the source code to reference a variable in the code so the optimiser couldn't optimise it away. But it's a pain doing that. And when all else fails, the pros use print statements for debugging....05:11
Ozzahprince - trying that now... brb05:11
Skexini'm having issues with a broken package that won't resolve itself in the synaptic package manager05:12
prince_jammysOzzah: you'll have to restart X after doing that. It'll automatically backup your xorg.conf, just in case.05:12
ramansudo update-manager -d05:12
legend2440darkscrypt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases  this says gutsy end of life was  April 18, 2009. sorry i'm not familiar with servers . there must be a way to upgrade05:12
pretendercan anyone suggest a vlc skin that makes vlc progress and video appear in the one window.  I'm running a netbook05:12
MsMacolegend2440: sudo do-release-upgrade05:12
=== patx is now known as PATX
darkscryptlegend2440, its really regular ubuntu just used as a server05:13
MsMacolegend2440: that should bring you up to 8.04 which is an LTS05:13
ntiywell I was always using print for debugging. but decided to familiarize myself with gdb05:13
xanguaSkexin: wich package ¿¿05:13
ntiythanks anyway05:13
xanguatry to downgrade Skexin05:13
MsMacolegend2440: that means the server edition is supported until...201305:13
myselfhas anyone gotten pcsx2 (ps2 emulator) to work in linux? i need help w/ figuring out how to install it and what dependencies i need05:13
Ozzahprince - it only took half a second, I'm restarting now05:13
prince_jammysOzzah: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart05:13
prince_jammysor ctrl-alt-backspace if you have that enabled05:14
MsMacodarkscrypt: umm i meant to say that to you05:14
Ozzahprince - it's restarted... still boxes. Even at the login screen05:14
darkscryptMsMaco, say what to me?05:14
MsMacodarkscrypt: "sudo do-release-upgrade" to move up to 8.04 which is supported until 2013 as a server05:14
prince_jammysraman: /join #ubuntu+105:14
MsMaco!caps | raman05:14
ubotturaman: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:14
xanguaraman: please don't scream05:14
ramanok guys05:15
Guest60508would someone mind doing a search with google for anything and seeing if it will connect them like it normally should?05:15
spoec2-cost means something related to virtual hardware selling of useage?05:15
Skexinxangua: its acetoneiso05:15
bazhangraman, #ubuntu+1 for karmic NOT here05:15
agoriuqHi everybody05:15
Guest60508I don't know if this is just me, or if google is cracked or something?05:15
prince_jammysGuest60508: you think google is down?05:15
tuxwulfMy Google is just fine05:16
prince_jammysGuest60508: works fine05:16
agoriuqHas anyone upgraded to 9.04 )05:16
Skexinits a broken dependency05:16
tuxwulfMust be your Google is gaga05:16
Skexinand i'm on 9.0405:16
Guest60508prince_jammys: not down exactly, but any search result that i try to connect to, redirects me to bs sights like shopica, etc05:16
CygniaHi everyone; when I do sudo apt-get upgrade, when there's a kernel upgrade, it holds it back; how do you upgrade the kernel without having to use the Update Manager? Thanks.05:16
di||itanteCygnia: apt-get dist-upgrade05:16
Guest60508prince_jammys: weird. i wonder why this is happening...05:17
OzzahI still have boxes05:17
CygniaThanks di||itante. Much obliged.05:17
prince_jammysGuest60508: ah. reminds me of windows malware05:17
rocky_how do I remove an account from sudoer?05:17
tuxwulfGuest60508: Ah, I had something like that a while ago... What was it...05:17
fotisHelp! I finish my kernel setup and now I don't understand this fakeroot make-kpkg  - -initrd - -append-to-version=-mw4 kernel_image kernel_headers05:17
Guest60508other search sites like yahoo work fine...05:17
tuxwulfGuest60508:  Yes, it was some form of malpractice, and nott a lot to do about it05:17
di||itanterocky_: visudo05:17
fotiscan anyone help me?05:17
andresmhdo you know if it's possible to run Java applet on Aurora?05:18
prince_jammysrocky_: preferable consulting man sudoers before you edit the file05:18
Guest60508tuxwulf: I'm running virtual box on top of windows, so could it be a windows virus?05:18
rocky_well, looking at the file, what I wanted done was already done05:18
di||itanteprince_jammys: indeed05:19
tommy_who wants to help me config my resolution settings?05:19
tuxwulfGuest60508: .. Perhaps, but at the time I had something liek that it was out on the www; a traceroute revealed packets at some router going completely the wrong way05:19
ctmjrGuest60508: you using a proxy?05:19
rocky_you see, some idiot on our server started calling a person who I am TRYING to talk out of suicide started calling him gay........ needless to say, I glined him, but he has ssh access.....but thankfully it isn't sudo >:D05:19
Guest60508ctmjr: no I'm all vanilla on my connections05:19
prince_jammysGuest60508: browser hijackers, i believe they're called.05:19
prince_jammysthey redirect certain URLs to bogus search sites.05:20
tommy_I need help getting my modeline settings for my lcd can anyone help?05:20
fuzzybunnyHas anyone ever encountered a problem where as soon as you click on the option to hibernate/suspend the computer completely locks up?05:20
Braxtoncan anyone help me? my sound is not working05:20
stager1ye browser redirects are built into verizon modems we called them walled gardens05:20
sposo,  linux mint is a subproduct of ubuntu?05:20
di||itantetommy_: google for modeline generator05:20
Braxtonit was working in windows XP now its not=(05:20
tommy_it gives me bunk values05:20
Skexinso is there anyone that could help me with my broken packages?05:20
prince_jammysspo: not exactly a subproduct. i think it's a derived distro.05:21
Guest60508prince_jammys:  yeah that's what is happening. i'm checking if it also happens in my windows top layer05:21
tommy_it says 1024x768 at 0hz05:21
prince_jammysie. it's not supported by ubuntu05:21
tommy_it can't be right05:21
bazhangspo, mint is a derivative and not supported here05:21
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:21
Guest60508yeah. This happens in windows, and in my virtualbox ubuntu05:21
Braxtoncan anyone help me? my sound is not working05:21
tommy_hold on brb05:22
losherSkexin: which packages....05:22
Guest60508I'm going to reboot (my family has probably filled this computer with viruses... Any suggestions on what's gone wrong/ how to fix??05:22
xpotQuestion: anyone what would cause firefox to studder?  (ie: it seems sluggish or freeze, just kidding type of effects, and has been that way for as long as I can remember, I was hoping updates would fix it but never seems to)05:22
rocky_xpot, too much flash?05:22
Skexinlosher: acetoneiso05:23
xpotrocky_: not sure what you mean05:23
di||itantexpot: sometimes a profile can get bunged up. Try creating a new profile and running it under that new one05:23
rocky_flash is *U***** slow on linux05:23
Guest60508it also happens in both IE and Firefox in windows05:23
losherSkexin: ok, close synaptic, open a terminal, and try 'sudo apt-get remove acetoniso'. What does it say?05:23
wes__having trouble establishing wireless connection amd ait radeon running 64bit05:24
xpotdi||itante: I will try that thank you.05:24
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:24
Ozzahall my gui fonts are showing as boxes... does anybody know how to fix this? my system is completely unusable.05:24
xpotrocky_: I do have a few tabs open... could be flash related sites.05:24
Skexinlosher: couldn't find package acetoniso05:24
=== rocky_ is now known as rocky|
ctmjrGuest60508: try this see if it helps http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=157905:25
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:25
agoriuqDid anyone experienced 9.04 yet ?05:25
losherSkexin: the package name is wrong. What was it in synaptic. Can you remember?05:25
di||itanteagoriuq: yes05:25
Skexinlosher: its acetoneiso05:26
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:26
wes__strugggling trying to est. wireless connection running amd64 and ati radeon05:26
Skexinlosher: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:27
SkexinE: Unable to lock the download directory05:27
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:27
Skexinlosher: same error I get when I try to update anything05:27
PrankyI am not able to update and upgrade in gutsy.05:27
di||itanteSkexin: you are trying to use more than one instance of apt05:27
wes__satya: we read the first 5 posts pal05:28
Skexindi||itante: so what do i do to fix it?05:28
chrisssCould someone try and help me connect to wi-fi please?05:28
ctmjr!7.10 | Pranky05:28
ubottuPranky: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.05:28
SatyaThen help me05:28
di||itantestop them and run only one05:28
wes__chriss: im in the same boat bud05:28
losherSkexin: did you close synaptic? Usually that msg means you're trying to run apt at the same time as synaptic...05:28
Ozzahcan somebody pleas help! I wanted to install gnotepad+, and I needed pango, cairo, glib, and gtk+ so I installed those, compiled gnotepad+, and ever since ALL the writing on my screen is just boxes. After I restarted, all text everywhere is just blocks. I needed gnotepad+ to do my assignment due tomorrow, and now I can't even do it in gvim or anything... AHH! :'( :'( :'(05:28
Skexinlosher: yes i closed it05:28
Prankyubottu, so what should I do?05:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:28
edbianOzzah: Are you using the package manager?05:29
chrisssI can see the network, and when I connect to it, it asks me for my password. My password is 6 digits long, but ubuntu only allowss 5, and then 11 or something.05:29
ctmjr!upgrade | Pranky05:29
ubottuPranky: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading05:29
Ozzahedbian: for some things, yes, for others no05:29
chrissswes__: Are you on an eeepc 1005ha as well?05:29
edbianOzzah: You should use it as much as possible05:29
IdleOnePranky, what error are you getting?05:29
losherSkexin: ok, run ps ax | egrep 'apt|dpkg|synaptic'  to see if any dpkg processes are still running05:29
di||itanteOzzah: from the command line do a sudo apt get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:29
Ozzahedbian: gnotepad+ wasn't on aptitude05:29
edbianOzzah: The point of it is to avoid dependency hell05:29
edbianOzzah: Ok, that I understand05:30
wes__chriss: well im having trouble even getting a wireless scan going what program are you using to connect?05:30
PrankyIdleOne, Err 404 not found05:30
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:30
legend2440Pranky: Gutsy repos have been discontinued. upgrade to Hardy05:30
chrissswes__: Program? Just the ubuntu thing on the top right. Although I had to install a .deb file to get it to recognize wi-fi points.05:30
IdleOnePranky, your doing sudo apt-get update?05:30
IdleOnePranky, follow legend2440 advice05:31
Ozzahdi||itante: I just did that... still the same problem05:31
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:31
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bazhang!repeat | Satya05:31
ubottuSatya: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:31
di||itanteOzzah: did anything get installed or upgraded05:31
aj_hi does anyone know of a way to automatically rescan library in banshee media player?05:31
tommy_ok who can help me real quick05:32
chrisssSomebody help? My wireless key to connect to my network is 6 digits, but the wireless network authentication only allows me to connect if it's 5, 10 and 13.05:32
chrisssOr is the "Key" not my wireless password?05:32
Ozzahdi||itante: it filled the screen with some stuff... it looked like it was downloading stuff, but it may have just been updating the list from the rep05:32
SatyaOk bot05:32
Ozzahdi||itante: I restarted X after, and I still have boxes05:32
tommy_I've got Ubuntu running at 800x600, thats all it will recognize, I've got DSL runnng on an indentical laptop next to me at 1024x768, who can help me steal the settings05:32
MK-ubuntuhi, i'm a 9.04 and 9.10 user but when i use gnome terminal to open MC(midnight commander) the Korean encoding gets cut..05:33
di||itanteOzzah: did you do the apt-get dist-upgrade05:33
MK-ubuntuI was wondering if anyone is on that..05:33
Skexinsorry...i crashed05:33
Ozzahdi||itante: yes, nothing happened.05:33
Skexinlosher: lets see what it says after a fresh reboot again05:33
losherSkexin: ok05:33
ctmjrtommy_: on the good box look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:34
di||itanteOzzah: run apt-get check05:34
tommy_it's a live cd05:34
tommy_I can't find it05:34
wes__what do i enter in terminal to show current connected wireless card?05:34
Skexinlosher: looks like it fixed itself this time05:35
Ozzahdi||itante: it took half a second05:35
Ozzahdi||itante: nothing fancy happened05:35
Skexinlosher: rebooting didn't help last time...lol05:35
di||itanteOzzah: so you have a project due tomorrow?05:35
Skexinthanks anyways:)05:35
losherSkexin: so are you all set now?05:35
Skexinlooks like it05:35
Firefishectmjr:  Hello, I'm back.05:35
whiteshepHello all. :)05:35
tommy_there is no x11 folder05:35
losherSkexin: cool. one down, 10,000,000 to go....05:35
ctmjrFirefishe: did it work?05:36
Skexinlosher: lmao...i know what you mean05:36
prince_jammystommy_: capital X05:36
Ozzahdi||itante: I have to do a buttload of stuff for my post-graduate supervisor for tomorrow. I already delayed it from monday to tomorrow because I was having C compiler problems... but now I have nothing to show him. I took the day off work to do this stuff, and now I can't even do anything05:36
Braxtoncan anyone help me? my sound is not working05:36
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:36
=== dani is now known as Guest73158
tommy_lol thanks05:36
Firefishectmjr:  I'm on cable now, and I have network-manager and network-manager-gnome, network-manager-kde, and some kde 4.3 plasma widgets (that don't work yet anyway) removed.05:36
alazyworkaholicI want to save a lecture playing in firefox to disk. That's no problem if it's regular video. However, it seems the lecture (I think it's still .swf) plays as slides with accompanying audio rather than video. When I download the file from Page Info - Media I just get a ~10KB file that shows the play/pause buttons & a blank slide. Can't find anything good in /tmp either after playing it in the browser. Is anyone familia05:36
Ozzahdi||itante: I need to do it in ubuntu because I need to use gnuplot to confirm my results are accurate05:36
tommy_how do I view the file now05:36
di||itanteOzzah: Ok , so here is what I would do...05:36
prince_jammystommy_: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf , for one.05:36
Ozzahdi||itante: I would prefer not to... but if it's the last resort then I can just format and reinstall05:37
Firefishectmjr:  Well, apt isn't caching my .deb files for some reason (I really want to change this), so I had to resort to an ethernet cable ;) hee05:37
prince_jammystommy_: sudo nano if you intend to edit it05:37
tommy_just need the display settings05:37
di||itanteOzzah: uninstall everything you installed to get the program to install05:37
Ozzahdi||itante: except that would waste about 2 hours05:37
prince_jammystommy_: then nano/less, or even cat might do.05:37
Ozzahdi||itante: I already tried that... about 15 minutes ago. All versions of GTK and GLIB have been removed05:37
Firefishectmjr:  I tried to reinstall network-manager, et al, but I couldn't connect.  ifconfig didn't work either, and I rebooted just to see if I could get everything working.  No dice.05:37
agoriuqHi di||itante05:38
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:38
di||itanteOzzah: did you reintsall them05:38
Ozzahdi||itante: no05:38
tommy_the file doesn't exist05:38
tommy_it keeps making me make a new one05:38
agoriuqHi di||itante. Can you talk ?05:38
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whiteshepDoes anyone know if ACL's work in Ubuntu?05:38
di||itanteOzzah: what was the program you needed to run05:38
Guest73158Hi, can somebody told me, how to check installed version for ntfs-3g package?05:39
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:39
=== wonderful is now known as vorian
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:39
losherOzzah: well it *sounds* like a font problem. Or worse, some kind of corruption. Since you're dead in the water anyway, might wanna try reinstalling X1105:39
=== techp is now known as purvesh
Psi-JackSo, oddness happened, and my sound card is now showing up in the wrong order.05:39
tommy_ctmjr: that file isn't in the folder05:39
di||itanteOzzah: dont do that yet05:40
legend2440tommy_: make sure its  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   capital X in X11. linux is case sensitive05:40
Ozzahdi||itante: well I *originally* needed (wanted) to use gnotepad+ to do C coding remotely through SSH. Turns out gnotepad+ isn't that fantastic after all. I'm used to using notepad2 for windows, and wanted something similar. If I had known all this would've happened I would've just stuck with text-editor but now it's too late05:40
di||itanteOzzah: what was the name of the program05:40
tommy_yes I know I'm in X1105:40
tommy_there's no xorg.conf tho05:40
Firefishectmjr:  Any ideas?05:40
legend2440tommy_: oh ok05:40
Ozzahdi||itante: gnotepad+, which needs gtk+, which needs glib, pango, atk, etc.05:40
ctmjrFirefishe: open a terminal and run sudo iwlist scan05:40
spomv works by only rm'ing old sourced files after they are copied right...  that is how it works05:40
di||itanteOzzah: was gnotepad in .deb package form05:40
Firefishectmjr:  k, doing it now05:41
tommy_I got X, Xresources, app-defaults, fonts, pwm, rgm.txt, rxvt.menu, and xsetup05:41
purveshcan any 1 help me to install the drupal in ubuntu 8.1005:41
Ozzahdi||itante: No. I wouldn't have spend an hour trying to compile gnotepad+ if it had a deb file!05:41
tommy_no xorg.conf tho :-?05:41
SatyaHow do i open a text file in command prompt05:41
di||itanteOzzah: Are you using gnome or kde05:41
Firefishectmjr:  Okay, done.05:42
ctmjrSatya: nano05:42
Ozzahdi||itante: I use gnome. I would happily switch to KDE if it would fix the problem - but even the log in screen has no fonts, so I don't think that would fix it05:42
di||itanteNo, do this05:42
legend2440tommy_: in terminal   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  should create a very basic  xorg.conf05:43
ctmjrFirefishe: what does it say under wlan0? paste it if it has an output05:43
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tommy_it's not going to be able to create anything I'm running purely off CD05:43
di||itanteOzzah: For all the packages you installed to satisfy gnotepad do a apt-get remove packagename and then to dpkg --purge packagame for each05:43
Firefishectmjr:  Lots.  Let me pastebin it.05:43
tommy_there's no writing capability05:43
newseranyone knows if there is an app to access a NAS HDD over the internet for ubuntu?05:43
di||itanteOzzah: Then reinstall the gtk packages05:44
the9a3eediHi. I'm currently running gnome on ubuntu 9.04, and I wanted to start a new session with the same user but on a different window manager (without exiting from gnome). I know this is possible because I did it before with other linux distros, but for some reason I can't seem to do it on ubuntu. Any ideas what IU need to do?05:44
SatyaHow do i disable graphics effects via command line05:45
legend2440tommy_: can you paste the xorg.conf file from the computer you are trying to fix the resolution problem on?05:45
tommy_same location?05:45
losherOzzah: the list of packages you installed should be in  /var/log/dpkg.log in chronological order, if that helps...05:45
Ozzahdi||itante: how do I get a list of installed packages?05:45
legend2440tommy_: yes05:45
tommy_gimme two secconds05:45
Ozzahlosher: lol, thanks :)05:45
di||itanteOzzah: just do the ones you installed for gnotepat05:45
legend2440!paste | tommy_05:46
ubottutommy_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:46
Firefishectmjr:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/255545/05:46
tommy_yeah I know05:46
Firefishectmjr:  The essid is to throw off the locals ;)05:46
SatyaHow do i disable graphics effects via command line05:46
RPG_MasterHow to I do the useragent switch thing... with out the plug-in05:46
tommy_there's not one there05:46
spacebison1?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 005:46
wes__bot: running ati on a new toshiba but couldnt troubleshoot wireless setup please assist..05:47
losherOzzah: egrep installed | /var/log/dpkg.log    Of course, remove them in reverse order...05:47
tommy_nevermind found it05:47
legend2440tommy_: are you running from live cd on that one too?05:47
tommy_no no05:47
tommy_I got it05:47
RPG_MasterMy aunt needs it to set up her internet... they only support IE05:47
billeniumHow do i raise my volume through CLI?05:48
purveshhelp me....!05:48
Dexterbillenium, alsamixer05:48
SatyaI have removed intel 2.4 driver and installed intel 2.6 driver for my internal graphics card now only white screen appears when i log in plz help me05:49
tommy_legend: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255546/05:49
ctmjrFirefishe: thats fine do not blame you did you put in your wep key looks like you need to05:49
mrpinkyhi :D i have two sound cards installed, but my sound is coming out of the wrong one :( how can i specify the other one to be the default? i found "default mixer tracks" in system -> preferences -> sound, but that doesn't seem to change the default card05:49
Ozzahdi||itante: Ok, I've apt-get remove'd all the packages that were left over, and reinstall libgtk2.0-dev which installed a bunch of them as dependencies... I've restarted X with ctrl+alt+backspace, and I'm still haveing box fonts05:49
Firefishectmjr: wpa-psk actually05:49
tommy_get it?05:49
legend2440tommy_: yes05:49
wes__pretty simple question please assist cant connect wirelessly or even run a wireless scan..05:49
di||itanteOzzah: did you do the dpkg --purge for all of them05:50
tommy_my problem is I have a 1 inch boarder around my screen05:50
Firefishectmjr:  can we go pm with this, please?05:50
melaniejpurvesh: http://www.google.com/search?q=drupal+for+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a05:50
tommy_it's not fullsized for the lcd05:50
brummbaerare there any nice gui tools for accessing windows shares on a network from within Jaunty?05:50
legend2440tommy_: there is no driver option in that file . what video card you have?05:50
tommy_it's a thinkpad05:50
Ozzahdi||itante: yes05:50
tommy_no idea05:50
tommy_how would I find out05:50
Firefishectmjr:  never mind05:50
legend2440tommy_: you running jaunty?05:50
syntaxhow do you move more then one file to a foldier in terminal without typeing in every name for the file..05:50
purveshmelaniej, thanx for reply05:50
newseris there something similar to mionet on ubuntu?05:50
Firefishectmjr:  I have to input a key somewhere, eh?  Will that current setup even take wpa keys?05:51
Ozzahdi||itante: but it didn't do anything... it just said something like "ignoring request to purge [...] which isn't installed"05:51
legend2440tommy_: ubuntu 9.04?05:51
SatyaDisabling effects in command line05:51
tommy_9.04 was crashing05:51
tommy_I kept losing characters in txt and menus05:52
legend2440tommy_: if you open  system>administration is there a hardware drivers option in there?05:52
ctmjrFirefishe: sorry my pm's are on ignore you need to put the key in it connects when you had network-manager installed right?05:52
Ozzahdi||itante: is there some sort of a font service or something, that may have not started because of some error?05:52
Firefishectmjr:  Yes05:52
SatyaHELP ME05:53
di||itanteOzzah: not likely, have yoou rebooted05:53
stlsaintdoes anybody know of any software that i can use to record live video with to my computer via digital camera05:53
legend2440tommy_: if you open it is there a driver listed you can activate?05:53
Firefishectmjr:  Although, at this point, I've forgotten where I wrote the thing down, it's long and complicated (as it should be), so I'll have to reset my modem first, so I can access the web inteface again--and this time write the thing where I can find it! ;)05:53
tommy_none listed05:53
stlsaintlike for church services?05:53
Ozzahdi||itante: a few times... doing it again now (though I don't think it will change anything)05:53
tommy_I was able to mess around with xrander earlier and get it to atleast have an option to turn it to 1024x76805:54
Ozzahdi||itante: is there no way to do a repair install from the original cd?05:54
mrpinkyhi :D i have two sound cards installed, but my sound is coming out of the wrong one :( how can i specify the other one to be the default? i found "default mixer tracks" in system -> preferences -> sound, but that doesn't seem to change the default card05:54
tommy_but it would throw an error everytime I tried to set it to active05:54
di||itanteOzzah: Ok, then since you are on a deadline, I would boot to a live cd, install all the stuff you need and get your work done, save it to a USB stick. Then fix it later05:54
tommy_thats why I thought it was the modeline or something05:54
legend2440tommy_: ok in terminal type   lspci | grep -i vga  to find out what video card you have05:55
Firefishectmjr:  I used nm-applet to connect, and it worked flawlessly.  I really want a system that can be manipulated on CLI *and* via gui to the ifconfig and iwconfig and  wep/wpa interfaces.05:55
di||itanteOzzah: Kinda, it depends on how your partitions are set up05:55
Firefishectmjr:  Would removing dhclient's software and using dhcpd change the ifup/ifdown use priority?05:55
Ozzahdi||itante: I was having the same thoughts... thanks for trying05:55
tommy_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Motion, Inc. SM712 LynxEM+ (rev a0)05:56
Firefishectmjr:  I seem to remember experimenting with dhclient and dhcpd once before, in Intrepid early on, if I remember correctly.05:56
stlsaintlegend...its lspci -l | grep vga05:56
di||itanteOzzah: the only other thing I would try to fix it is, apt-get clean, this forces a redownload of the packages you reinstalled. You could have installed a package that got corrupted05:56
stlsainti think...thats what worked on mine05:56
ubuntuwhere can I download Alsa drivers for my Intel Corporation 82801G?05:56
ctmjrFirefishe: am not sure about that i allways was dhclient hold on a sec05:56
Firefishectmjr:  Holding, tower ;)05:56
di||itanteOzzah: then you would have to uninstall and reinstall them again05:56
tommy_did you see it05:57
tommy_did everyone fall asleep?05:58
spowith dual core ,  a load average of 1.50 is 3/4 of 100%  or is it  50% overloaded?05:58
Bearsharewho here is a top dog in #ubuntu-offtopic05:58
ubuntuI'm running on Live CD now, where can I find ALSA drivers for my Intel Corporation 82801G. I already installed the build essentials but I can't download alsa drivers for my laptop.05:59
Dayofswordsi'm a dog, does that count?05:59
losherBearshare: man, you're annoying....05:59
BearshareOh yeah05:59
BearshareWHY IS THAT JAGOFF05:59
BearshareWant to get your rear kicked?05:59
Firefishedon't feed trolls, losher ;)06:00
* Dayofswords is staring at the caps with pain06:00
Bearsharewell do you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!106:00
losherFirefishe: you're right of course...06:00
Bearsharego slosh around some semen in your mouth, losher06:00
FirefisheAh, /ignore - ance is bliss ;)06:00
losher!ops | please take care of Bearshare06:00
ubottuplease take care of Bearshare: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:00
prince_jammysop gangbang06:01
tommy_you still there legend06:01
Jyxtwow lots of insanity going on06:01
* losher says thank you ops06:01
veinorHas anybody had any luck getting wireless on the Eee 1008HA to not be crappy via ndiswrapper?06:01
brummbaeri still say irc should have a 'tase user' function.06:01
ctmjrFirefishe: this is what i have for wpa-psk http://pastebin.com/m465c334 never used it hope it helps need to leave06:02
tommy_30000 volts going through the space bar06:02
Firefishek ctmjr, thanks for your help06:02
tommy_I think legend gave up on me06:02
mrpinkyat least somebody replied to you06:03
TechwraithLooks like I logged in right when a flamewar was happening06:03
brummbaerso anybody familiar w/ networking an ubuntu machine to access share from windoze? sorry to repost, but it's been a while, thought i'd refresh.06:04
legend2440tommy_: still here06:04
tommy_lol yay!06:04
silv3r_m00nI am using live cd....how to get the list of hard drives/partitions ?06:05
silv3r_m00nlike dev/sda etc06:05
tommy_I thought I could just steal the settings from DSL because it has no problem displaying 1024x768, Ubuntu wont though on the same computer06:05
prince_jammyssilv3r_m00n: fdisk -l06:05
prince_jammyssilv3r_m00n: that's a lower case L06:05
veinorI've been trying various stuff with ndiswrapper, but I can't get the signal strength on my wireless above 50% despite the fact that this other laptop right next to it has it at 90%06:05
veinorand I ca't even get ndiswrapper to load06:05
legend2440tommy_: open synaptic and see if  xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion is installed06:06
tommy_gonna have to explain how to do tha tone06:06
silv3r_m00nprince_jammys: any other way.......06:07
silv3r_m00nit doesn't tell the partitions sizes06:07
legend2440tommy_: open system>admin>synaptic and see if xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion  has a green box next to it06:07
tommy_I dunno much bout linux yet06:07
prince_jammyssilv3r_m00n: it does over here06:08
tommy_k on it06:08
silv3r_m00nit says device boot start end blocks id and system06:08
silv3r_m00nnow where is size ?06:08
prince_jammyssilv3r_m00n: i get: Disk /dev/sda: 163.9 GB, 163928604672 bytes06:08
loshersilv3r_m00n: yes it does, the "blocks" column is the partition size in 1k blocks06:09
Techwraithtommy__: <hint> you can sort the entries in there by the column with the checkboxes in them06:09
=== Paddy_EIRE is now known as Paddy_NI
Techwraithtommy__: <hint> Or you can search for "xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion" by hitting the search button06:10
silv3r_m00nlosher: doesn't appear to be06:10
silv3r_m00ndividing that by 1024 or 1024*1024 doesn't give the correct gb siz06:10
tommy_haha well I did it the hard way06:11
tommy_but yes it's green06:11
silv3r_m00nok I have ubuntu installed on 1 of those partitions ...how can I check which ?06:11
loshersilv3r_m00n: ok, run it & paste the output to www.pastebin.com06:11
legend2440tommy_: ok06:11
dickfeynmanhi all.... i'm having a problem with my dell inspiron heating up too much and shutting down(I run ubuntu)... can somebody help me ?06:11
tommy_is there a command line I could use in dsl like xrandr?06:12
Flannelsilv3r_m00n: "GB" is 1 billion bytes when concerned with harddrives.06:12
legend2440tommy_: open system > preferences is there a Display option in there?06:12
tommy_no the only way I can adjust that is by going to "resolution setting"06:12
tommy_or scree resolution I mean06:12
tommy_under settings06:12
legend2440tommy_: that doesnt work?06:12
tommy_it won't let me go higher than 800x60006:13
tommy_I screwed around in xrandr and made a new mode for 1024x768 but I couldn't get it to work still06:13
tommy_it gave me an option to click on 1024 after I did it but it still would be at 800x60006:14
silv3r_m00ncan I scan for bad sectors like this >> sudo e2fsck -cc /dev/sda6    ?06:14
tommy_here I'll paste you exactly what I did and tell me if you know anything else I could do06:14
silv3r_m00nhow without the -cc option06:14
silv3r_m00nor with a single c06:15
silv3r_m00nwhat is the difference between single c and double c06:16
tommy_still there?06:16
kpkudihow do i run tint2 after it is installed...i just get bash:tint2: command not found06:17
=== Paddy_EIRE is now known as Paddy_NI
loshersilv3r_m00n: modern drives do their best to conceal bad blocks from the kernel. Just do a regular fsck & check the SMART data for the drive separately.06:17
silv3r_m00nmeans ?06:17
tommy_legend: http://paste.ubuntu.com/255557/06:17
tommy_wasn't an option at first, got it to recognize and an option, but still couldn't get it to activate06:17
silv3r_m00nwhere can I get that smart data ?06:18
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loshersilv3r_m00n: are you talking to me. You need to use my name...06:18
silv3r_m00nlosher: oh sure...06:18
silv3r_m00nlosher: I mean I did a fsck...it gave no error06:18
silv3r_m00nlosher: so how to actually find how many bad sectors are there06:19
tommy_I assumed it was the values in need of adjustment thats why I was going to try to steal them from DamnSmall but I dunno where to find them06:19
tommy_there's no xrandr code06:19
loshersilv3r_m00n: you have to read the SMART data on the drive. apt-get install smartmontools gsmartcontrol06:19
computer_how do i find out what folders/files are being shared over a network?06:20
silv3r_m00nany issues with the e2fsck -cc /dev/sda6  thing ?06:20
computer_how do i find out what folders/files of mine are being shared over a network?06:20
xim_hey whats that really good hard drive recovery program that copies sector to sector to get the data off?06:21
legend2440tommy_: i would try this   http://www.perimeterless.org/?p=10606:21
tommy_thanks I'll check it out06:22
silv3r_m00nlosher: any issues with the e2fsck -cc /dev/sda6  thing ?06:22
tommy_I'm talkin to another fellow in ubunu-x at the moment06:22
loshersilv3r_m00n: then see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.    See Reallocated Sectors Count for why you cant tell bad blocks using fsck06:22
IsmAvatarMy trash can is showing the "full" icon, but it's empty06:22
IsmAvatarany idea how I'd fix that?06:23
losherxim_: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html06:23
silv3r_m00nlosher: what does this mean >> end_request : I/O error , dev sda , sector 24250541206:24
whiteshepDoes anyone here have experience with ACLs?  I need a quick check to make sure I'm setting this right.06:25
Skexini'm back >.<06:25
loshersilv3r_m00n: well, it means there was an error accessing sector 242505412. The drive will normally remap a failing sector automatically. What kind of drive is it?06:25
Skexindoes anyone know anything about using wine to play games installed through an iso?06:26
silv3r_m00nlosher: its my new samsung n110 notebook06:26
silv3r_m00nlosher: netbook*06:27
silv3r_m00nlosher: 160gb hdd06:27
legend2440IsmAvatar: click  the Trash icon so it opens and then  press ctrl+h keys  any hidden files in there?06:28
silv3r_m00nlosher: does that mean it's a bad sector ?06:28
IsmAvatarlegend2440: Negative06:28
Skexinlosher: his me up when you finish with them please:)06:29
loshersilv3r_m00n: ok, so it's not a ssd. So everything we said above about SMART & fsck still applies. If you look thru the output of dmesg it should tell you the brand of disk. Then you can download the manufacturers diagnostic disk and run extended checks on the drive06:29
Skexinlosher: hit*06:29
silv3r_m00nlosher: but , all this isn't supposed to come up in a new machine right ?06:29
losherSkexin: what's up?06:29
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legend2440IsmAvatar: that happened to me before but i think it rectified itself after a reboot06:29
Skexinlosher: i used gmount to mount an iso to my desktop for easy access06:30
IsmAvatarlegend2440: I don't think I've reboot yet. I'll try that.06:30
Skexinlosher: i'm done with the iso, now i can't get the files off my desktop....06:30
loshersilv3r_m00n: it shouldn't, but you wouldn't be the first person in the world to take delivery of a brand new PC that had a hardware problem...06:30
kamokow When I use .htaccess and .htpasswd then try to login it just creates a loop of requiring me to enter the username an password. I know that the .htaccess and .htpasswd work (because I have used them elsewhere, then transferred them here, then edited the .htaccess to point to the right file). But yea, it just goes through a loop. Any ideas on how to fix this?06:30
kamokowAlso, sorry, using Apache2 running 9.0406:30
losherSkexin: do you mean you can't delete the files?06:31
silv3r_m00nlosher: so instead of trying to scan my hdd .....i shud go and fight with the shop right ?06:31
Skexinlosher: yea06:31
Skexinlosher: they have a lock on them...06:31
silv3r_m00nlosher: I just need a way to popup all errors infront of them ...06:31
loshersilv3r_m00n: I would download the manufacturers diagnostic disk and run extended checks on the drive first.06:32
Skexinlosher: I thought they would go away when i unmounted the drive, but they didn't06:32
xim_losher does ddrescue copy on the physical level rather than the filesystem level?06:32
insertableHey all. At partitioning time during an Ubuntu 8.10 Server installation a slave drive was partitioned as RAID but nothing else set up after that in regards to RAID. Would it be okay to format the slave drive without losing data on the primary drive? (Sorry if this doesn't make sense)06:32
losherSkexin: who says they have a lock on them?06:32
=== greyz` is now known as greyz|nn
IsmAvatarlegend2440: Thanks, that solved it06:33
Skexinlosher: there is a little lock on the icon, and it won't let me delete them...when i check the properties, it says the owner is root06:33
legend2440IsmAvatar: ok good06:33
losherSkexin: that's probably cause you mounted the iso as root. Open a terminal and use 'sudo rm <file>' to delete the files (carefully!)06:34
silv3r_m00nlosher: -cc option does a read write test...so that shud be able to reveal something06:35
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
noobMy bluetooth mouse stop working after bluetooth update06:35
noobi tried so many ways but still no luck06:36
silv3r_m00nnoob: then downgrade the update06:36
losherxim_: it reads block by block, and does retries, and skips over blocks that won't read...06:36
noobhow can i?06:36
Skexinlosher: cannot remove : no such file or directory06:36
loshersilv3r_m00n: you can show them the smart data if it shows errors...06:36
losherSkexin: do an ls -l first. Do you see the files?06:37
noobSilv how can i downgrade bluetooth upgrade? I switch fedora to ubuntu06:37
silv3r_m00nlosher: they don't know how to plug a headphone jack06:37
silv3r_m00nlosher: I installed smartmontools ...now how to use it ?06:37
silv3r_m00neverytime I write the netbook image to my usb pen drive and then boot and then do check installation media........it says 1 file corrupt..why ?06:38
noobanyone can help me plz ?06:38
silv3r_m00nnoob: you used synaptic ?06:38
Skexinlosher: i just typed ls -l and i got a list of what looks to be included in my root folder06:38
TarkersI need help switching which sound card I'm using in Ubuntu06:39
loshersilv3r_m00n: the easiest is to do sudo gsmartcontrol & click on view details -> attributes (or error log)06:39
noobi have kensington bluetoth mouse, it was working it before but after the update it doesn't06:39
TarkersI used to have my monitor speakers working from my onboard sound but since upgrading to 9.10 it's defaulted to my usb card.06:39
silv3r_m00nlosher: gsmartcontrol not installed...its not in synaptic06:39
noobi want to downgrade my bluetooth update06:40
computer_how do i find out what folders/files of mine are being shared over a network?06:40
loshersilv3r_m00n: google for it. It's worth it. Much easier than the CLI smart tools...06:40
losherSkexin: wanna pastebin the ls -l output?06:41
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HighLordObsiwaddap y'all06:41
legend2440silv3r_m00n: http://blog.shadypixel.com/monitoring-hard-drive-health-on-linux-with-smartmontools/06:41
Skexinlosher: what do you mean?06:41
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losherSkexin: cut & paste the output to www.pastebin.com then tell us the url...06:42
loshersilv3r_m00n: http://www.getdeb.net/app/GSmartControl06:42
Skexinlosher: http://pastebin.com/m5ba5fa8406:43
losherSkexin: cd Desktop, then ls -l again. Now do you see the files?06:44
Skexinlosher: no06:44
silv3r_m00nlosher: how the change the theme of applications running as root06:45
legend2440Tarkers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Configuring%20default%20soundcards%20/%20stopping%20soundcards%20from%20switching06:45
Skexinlosher: its like they are just a ghost of the files on my desktop x.x06:45
noobis there any way to grab bluetooth version from live cd?06:45
loshersilv3r_m00n: no idea, I don't use the gui stuff much...06:45
losherSkexin: tell me the name of one of the 'ghost' files....06:46
Skexinlosher: setup.ico06:46
losherSkexin: ok, type: cd .. ; find . -name setup.ico06:47
Um_cara_qualqueranyone knows how to use the "UNetbootin" to make a installer pen drive?06:48
DigitalKiwiUm_cara_qualquer: google does06:49
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:50
Skexinlosher: my terminal gave me a bunch of file name spam followed by : Permission denied06:50
losherSkexin: sigh. Try sudo find . -name setup.ico06:51
computer_how do i find out what folders/files of mine are being shared over a network?06:51
JimmioHello all. Is there an easy way to make a partition automatically mount when Ubuntu starts?06:51
computer_jimmio, i think so06:52
Flannel!fstab | Jimmio06:52
ubottuJimmio: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:52
JimmioFlannel: I was hoping easier than editing a file and hoping permissions are right, etc.06:52
Skexinlosher: nother06:52
Skexinlosher: nothing*06:53
computer_i guess u can run a script to auto mount it on start06:53
loshercomputer_: depends how they're being shared. nfs? samba? something else? In general, the answer is NO.06:53
FlannelJimmio: Oh, fstab isn't all that scary.06:53
DigitalKiwiediting files is scary?06:53
losherSkexin: then I think you're right, they're ghosts. Try restarting the server, or rebooting?06:53
JimmioFlannel: It isn't scary, no. But it is a PITA.. changing owners, groups, permissions, ugh.06:54
Skexinlosher: lol....i guess my standard solution from now on should be 'try rebooting'06:54
urthmoverHow do I figure out if my computer identified an internal mic upon bootup?  will something show up in the dmesg?06:54
legend2440tommy_: what did you do?06:54
Skexinlosher: lmao i fixed it06:55
losherSkexin: well, it *does* solve 99% of problems, sadly (or maybe that's happily)...06:55
tommy_changed the xorg.conf06:55
losherSkexin: how?06:55
tommy_forced it to 1024x76806:55
DigitalKiwiSkexin: rebooting to fix everything is very windows like06:55
DigitalKiwi#ubuntu approves06:55
Jimmiourthmover: You could probably open Sound Recorder and try it, couldn't you?06:55
Skexinlosher: i opened my desktop folder and hit F5 to refresh06:55
tommy_13.3 inches has never looked so big!06:55
Skexinlosher: it cleared them all out...lol06:56
Skexinlosher: god....simple solutions drive me insane sometimes...06:56
* DigitalKiwi goes back to scary text files http://omploader.org/vMXJtYw06:56
whiteshepCan anyone give me some help with ACLs?06:56
Skexinlosher: and agreed...very windows like06:56
losherSkexin: so they *were* ghosts. Be grateful *something* worked, And you learned a bit of CLI along the way...06:57
urthmoverfigured it out the mic was on mute in the volume control06:57
losherok, I'm done. G'night channel...06:57
Skexinlosher: yea...they were stubborn ghosts...and CLI?06:58
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urthmoveryay .... today update manager somehow busted my grub   but doing a find  root   setup fixed things   ....it sure is nice when troubleshooting and the straightforward steps for resolution just fall into place  thanks ubuntu06:58
Skexinlosher: have a good night man....thanks for the assistance06:58
losherSkexin: Command Line Interpreter06:58
moorthyvsmHello guys06:58
Skexinlosher: i gotcha06:58
moorthyvsmhow are you doing?06:58
Skexinwell...i'm out06:59
lakotajames1hi guys.  where does firefox store the homepage information?07:03
poentwith the user profile i believe07:03
poentin the mozilla-firefox folder07:03
dividebyzer01anybody here wanna help out a newb to Ubuntu?07:03
Flanneldividebyzer01: Best way to get help is to just ask your question.  If someone knows the answer, they'll answer.07:04
dividebyzer01gotcha, well I have a windows application that I need to run. I read that wine is decent at running most simple windows apps.07:04
dividebyzer01my problem is the file is a .rar07:04
lakotajames1poent:  where is that folder?07:05
zeeblehi. how do i get google chrome/chromium on ubuntu?07:05
dividebyzer01I installed the unrar-free software but when I go to extract it, the folder is empty. I can see the files but it doesnt extract the files07:05
Ben64dividebyzer01: try unrar instead of unrar-free07:06
lakotajames1poent: the mozilla-firefox folder?07:06
poentone sec07:06
dividebyzer01one sec07:06
Jyxttry 7zip better...but i think thats windoze only so nvm07:06
JimmioFlannel: Would you happen to know the type I need for ntfs? Is there an auto or ntfs-3g?07:06
poentlakotajames1: it should be under your /home directory:07:07
dividebyzer01it opens with "File Roller"07:07
leaf-sheepzeeble: https://launchpad.net/chromium-browser07:07
zeebleJimmio: just ntfs is fine07:07
zeebleleaf-sheep: thanks07:07
leaf-sheepzeeble: There are no Offical "Google Chrome" for linux.07:07
zeebleleaf-sheep: yeah, was looking for unofficial debs. via the chromium07:08
Flannel!ntfs | Jimmio07:08
ubottuJimmio: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE07:08
lakotajames1poent:  which file is it in?  I'm looking for it in a machine I'm ssh'd to.07:08
dividebyzer01I right click and click "extract" and extract all. it just makes a blank folder07:08
dividebyzer01no files07:08
FlannelJimmio: ntfs-3g (that page explains all about mounting ntfs automatically, obviously enough)07:08
Ben64dividebyzer01: try it in command line07:09
dividebyzer01in the terminal?07:09
Ben64"unrar x foo.rar"07:09
Ben64yeah... terminal. menu -> accessories -> terminal07:09
alec868i changed my display settings trying to connect to a tv, i changed my resolution and now i cant get it back. how do i fix this?07:09
dividebyzer01I forgot how do you change folders in terminal again?07:10
dividebyzer01<-- total noob still07:10
roachycd foldername07:10
Ben64cd = change directory07:10
Dextoriondividebyzer01 cd foldername07:10
roachyor cd ..07:10
zeeblecd /path/to/directory07:10
Flannel!cli | dividebyzer0107:10
ubottudividebyzer01: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:10
roachyis up a level07:10
roachyto find out the directory you are in pwd07:11
dividebyzer01didnt know if cd was a DOS only thing or not07:11
lakotajames1I'm trying to find the firefox homepage via terminal.  help?07:11
poentlakotajames1: are you looking to just remove the homepage or do you want to edit it?07:11
lakotajames1poent:  I just want to know what it is.07:11
dividebyzer01how do you CD into a folder that has a space in the name?07:12
poentthe file is going to change per install. it should be something like llLsls.default07:12
lakotajames1ok, thanks :)07:12
Ben64dividebyzer01: either use quotes, or put a \ before the space07:12
zeebledividebyzer01: type tab, it will tell you what to do07:12
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dividebyzer01k what was the unrar command?07:13
Ben64unrar x file.rar07:13
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moorthyvsmeda, evide nokku07:13
alec868how do i get my resolution back?07:14
moorthyvsmariyathilla alec07:14
dividebyzer01hmm.. the folder is still empty07:14
kpkudiwhat is the command to run syntapic as root in obmenue07:14
dividebyzer01it said "7 Failed"07:14
alec868moorthyvsm: ? i dont understand07:14
moorthyvsmdai pundavaya KP07:14
moorthyvsmsorry, I might be using wrong language...07:15
moorthyvsm(11:43:59) alec868: how do i get my resolution back?07:15
dividebyzer01Ben64: any idea?07:15
Ben64you got some weird rar?07:16
alec868moorthyvsm: ok, yes wrong language07:16
moorthyvsmyou mean ur screen resolution?07:16
zeebleleaf-sheep: good stuff. got it installed.07:16
dividebyzer01i dont think its 'weird'? lol07:16
zeeblechromium ie, so thanks07:16
leaf-sheepzeeble: Great. :307:16
alec868moorthyvsm: yes, i changed it, and now the resolution i use is no longer an option in my display settings07:16
moorthyvsmwhat's the OS version Alec?07:17
lakotajames1poent:  ok, I found that folder, but I have NO IDEA which file it is in.  could you tell me please? :P07:17
dividebyzer01ben64: it just has a .exe and some .doc files07:17
poentI'm not sure lakotajames1 sorry :-(07:17
poenti was just looking for it and didnt see it07:17
lakotajames1hmm.  ok.07:17
lakotajames1thanks anyway.07:17
moorthyvsmAlec, Try this07:18
moorthyvsmSystem > preferrences >> Screen Resolution.07:18
dividebyzer01anybody know why my unrar wont unpack anything?07:19
Ben64dividebyzer01: try another rar?07:19
needhelp1im having some issues.. everytime there is updates to kernel it keeps adding to my grub menu.. how can i stop that? i want it to update the current and stop adding new entrys to the grub07:19
alec868moorthyvsm: i dont have that.07:19
noobneedhelp lol07:19
moorthyvsmTry to change it:-(07:19
noobi have same question07:19
moorthyvsmDivide, what's the exact command you are using?07:20
FloodBot3noob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
alec868i dont have a screen resolution option. i opnly have display settings07:20
Fragsworthwhenever I run a flash video at full screen in firefox my CPU goes haywire. I have a core i7, so it's not a crappy CPU... is this typical?07:20
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KazuhiroUm is security.ubuntu.com having issues at the moment?07:20
moorthyvsmoh.. I don't have any idea in 9.0407:20
alec868oh well07:21
dividebyzer01well I'll come back later and ask again07:21
Someoneistry using internet explorer to run your flash games07:21
r00t_ninjais it possible to use cryptcat or socat as a sort of proxy?07:21
noobhow can i delete all the entries from grub ?07:21
PrometheusCompleahh....i need help... I just ran update manager and now Pandora wont load07:21
newseranyone knows on any application that can help me organize my documents and keep them updated?07:22
Someoneisand i need some help.. how do i install madwifi-ng driver patches? http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=madwifi-ng how do i install them using terminal?07:22
leaf-sheepFragsworth: Don't run it in full screen, me think.07:22
poenthow do i stop music from playing out of both my headphones and the main speakers ?07:22
darlekI have a former ubuntu hdd connected to usb but I can't see root only home dir.  Says superblock error but otherwise /home is okay.  How to read root of drive?07:22
noobneedhelp1 check this out07:23
noobi found useful07:23
majuk1Uhhh... anyone ever heard of Open Arena causing network failure?07:23
Someoneisnd i need some help.. how do i install madwifi-ng driver patches? http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=madwifi-ng how do i install them using terminal?07:23
spoat the end of a line you can put a & to make the command run in the background, but what if you have two other commands that are pended with ";"  , then you cannto do   command 1 & ; command 2 & ; command 3&  nor can you do command 1; command 2; command 3  &  ... because neither of them work07:24
Flannelnoob, needhelp1: no, that's the wrong way to go about "cleaning" your grub menu.  If you want those entries gone, just use your favorite package manager to remove their corresponding kernel packages (linux-image-[version])07:24
lakotajames1poent: I found it :D  in case you wanted to know, it's prefs.js07:24
lakotajames1poent:  Thanks :D07:24
noobFlannel let me see07:25
xim_ok i got ddrescue working, whats a good program to recover deleted/quickformatted files from an ntfs partition?07:25
Someoneisim having a error installing driver patches07:25
darlekSomeoneis, try http://blog.hyperandy.com/2008/11/01/atheros-ar242x-ubuntu-810-ibex/ , that helps run madwifi so maybe that can direct you to fix it07:25
Someoneisthanks bud, let me check it out07:25
KazuhiroAny ubuntu.com admins about? The security.ubuntu.com website is crapping out...07:25
PrometheusCompleis anyone else having problems with PANDORA?....07:26
MyrttiKazuhiro: that's because of the new kernel update07:26
darlekSomeoneis, I realize it's for ibex not jaunty but the instructions might help or not correct anything you're doing (helped me tons)07:26
leaf-sheepKazuhiro: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://security.ubuntu.com/07:26
Kazuhiroshit, trying to get a network install done....07:26
noobflannel  i am in  package manager and now where should i go?07:27
darlekI'm getting """I/O error, dev sdb, sector 6507:27
darlek[  104.274533] EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock""" any ideas?07:27
needhelp1Flannel: i can only find one installed instance in synaptic07:27
xim_noob, try searching for kernel (just guessing)07:27
moorthyvsmdo a file system check using a live CD07:28
leaf-sheepnoob: Run "uname -sr" to see what kernel you have.07:28
Flannelnoob: find your linux-image- packages, and remove the old ones.  I recommend keeping at least one old, known good one.  In case you find a problem with the most recent kernel07:28
Flannelneedhelp1: of linux-image-*?07:28
moorthyvsmDarle, o a file system check07:28
needhelp1Flannel: yeah07:28
moorthyvsmDarle, do a file system check07:28
moorthyvsmAny one know good AV for Ubuntu 8.10?07:28
Flannelneedhelp1: There should be a few at least.  linux-image-generic, and then linux-image-[long version]-generic07:28
xim_moorthyvsm, clamav... although the only point in it is scanning windows files that might go back and hurt windows again, linux has no viruses really07:29
roachy@moorthyvsm - you shouldn't need it....but you might want to look at chkrootkit07:29
noobits Linux 2.6.28-11-generic, I want to keep kernel07:29
noob.14 kernel giving me some problem07:30
needhelp1whats the newest kernal out?07:30
moorthyvsmRoach, I don't think chkroot kit,07:30
Someoneisi got a error, when i unzipped madwifi i typed this in but got no directory cd madwifi-hal-
roachy@moorthyvsm viruses need elevated permissions to take effect.  you can install clamav though if your running an antispam or perimter box and want to scan incoming files07:30
moorthyvsmI feel installing Avast is cool one!07:30
leaf-sheepneedhelp1: 2.6.28-15-generic07:30
darlek"""fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb"""07:30
needhelp1do i do mark for removal or complete removal?07:31
darlekmoorthyvsm, "fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb"07:31
PrometheusComple2 questions: why does "compputer janitor" remove all .deb packages like FLASH, and why did the most recent JAVA update break code?07:31
moorthyvsmwhat's the exact command you are using?07:31
moorthyvsmcan you just paste it here?07:31
Someoneiscd madwifi-hal- i got no file directory after extracting, help07:31
noobI have macbook pro and 2.6.28-15 kernel giving me problem in bluetooth mouse so i decided to keep 2.6.28-1107:31
poentlakotajames1:  thanks for letting me know!sorry it sounds like i lead you a little astray07:31
xim_needhelp1, complete removal removes the settings for a package as well as the package itself07:32
joshstroblhey does anyone know a place to get vertical Ubuntu banners supporting it? I'd like it for my site07:32
needhelp1xim_: so i should.. ?07:32
darlekmoorthyvsm, I tried "sudo fsck /dev/sdb" and "sudo e2fsck /dev/sdb" and also "sudo e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sdb"07:32
xim_needhelp1 sure it probably doesnt matter in this case, but thats the difference07:33
moorthyvsmhere is the mistake Darl07:33
moorthyvsmwhat's the "fdisk -l" result?07:33
needhelp1so i should do completely?07:33
spocommand 1 & ; command 2 & ; command 3&  nor  command 1; command 2; command 3  &   --- neither of these work for putting three subsequential commands in background07:33
joshstroblhey does anyone know a place to get vertical Ubuntu banners supporting it? I'd like it for my site07:33
xim_needhelp yes07:33
xim_PrometheusComple, check if other flash works07:33
PrometheusCompleYES IT DOES YOUTUBE WORKS07:34
noobhow can i delete kernel image from packet manager?07:34
noobplz help07:34
Phelixhey all07:34
Someoneishow do i compile a package i downloaded? i downloaded madwifi and extracted it and im at the directory in terminal07:34
needhelp1xim_: and this will remove it also from my grub list?07:35
K1LL9i need help with Ubuntu 9.04 desktop edition07:35
Someoneisshut up prometheuscomple07:35
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:35
K1LL9i have attached a USB external hdd, but i cant mount the drives07:35
FlannelSomeoneis: Please don't be rude.07:35
darlekmoorthyvsm, nothing.  The drive I'm trying to use is connected to usb, so I ran "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb | pastebinit"07:35
maciushey i just put in a new video card and got the fglrx driver running and everything :D lol , but um im getting lag when im resizing a window? is that something to worry about :S?07:36
AlexiaHi am having problems with my sound. The volume is EXTREMELY low, I have ubuntu 9.04 installed and realtek integrated audio07:36
needhelp1Flannel: this will remove it from my grub as well?07:36
Someoneissorry, but i find it rude when people speak in caps07:36
darlekmoorthyvsm, http://pastebin.com/f2cca467207:36
K1LL9i need help mounting a external usb device07:36
godmodegrafixsomeoneis: hahahahhahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA07:36
xim_PrometheusComple, !shout07:36
Flannelneedhelp1: removing the linux-image-[version] packages will, yes.07:36
Phelixcan anyone help me set up openvpn?07:36
nmvickyKILL9:what sort of help?07:36
godmodegrafixi just think it's...annoying07:36
Someoneisnow can someone tell me how i can compile a package i extracted?07:36
AlexiaI tried the gnome-volume control and searched through google as well but I cant figure out how to fix any suggestions?07:36
K1LL9nmvicky, i cant mount my usb partions on my external lacie hdd07:36
moorthyvsmKILL, can you show me the df -h results?07:36
roachyPhelix: what's the problem?07:36
Flannelgodmodegrafix: Is there something we can help you with?07:36
xim_needhelp1, i dont know about that, flannel says it will, im just telling you in this case the two options mean pretty much the same07:36
poentPrometheusComple: are you using 9.04?07:37
Alexiasomeoneis: i can help you in just a second07:37
leaf-sheepgodmodegrafix: That's really unnecessary.07:37
K1LL9moorthyvsm, is that a fdisk -l ?07:37
PrometheusCompleall of you are giving useless "help"...you all just say "reinstall flash" or "run this command" and neither work.....this room is 100% useless07:37
Someoneisalright, thanks07:37
Flannelxim_, needhelp1: go ahead and complete removal.  You don't need to keep remnants around.07:37
noobi am in the packet manager07:37
nmvickyKILL9:yea, paste the df -h results, might give some start point07:37
darlekKILL9, that's mine, I want to find out why I can't mount a root from a usb connected drive07:37
moorthyvsmgive df -h07:37
noobhow can i find grub menu list ?07:37
AlexiaGive me just onesecond to reload the chatroom brb07:37
Phelixi keep getting a fail when i restart the server07:37
xim_Flannel, do you think the kernel files would have any settings anyway?07:38
xim_just wondering07:38
moorthyvsmcoz, it might have mounted in /Media07:38
roachy@Phelix - site ->site?07:38
majuk1Is there a support channel for Open Arena?07:38
majuk1Because it's pwning my router.07:38
leaf-sheepnoob: Did you try the latest kernel (2.6.28-15) and see if the bluetooth works for you? It does for me. It may require some configuration first.07:38
roachyOr a problem starting the daemon07:38
Flannelxim_: It's not just "settings" but no, I don't think they do, but I honestly don't know.07:38
moorthyvsmNoob, /boot/grub/menu.lst07:39
Ben64oh, mr caps "PANDORA" guy left07:39
moorthyvsmNoob, /boot/grub/menu.lst07:39
xim_Flannel, i see07:39
Ben64i've never used pandora, but seems to work well on my system07:39
Ben64Hello, toupeiro!07:39
noobmoorthyvsm: well that will only remove the list, but how can i delete image completely so i can save hard drive space07:40
toupeiroHow are things going?07:40
K1LL9nmvicky, this is the result from df -h07:40
xim_ok i got ddrescue working, whats a good program to recover deleted/quickformatted files from an ntfs partition?07:40
Ben64Things are going, toupeiro.07:40
Someoneiscan any one help me compile my madwifi package?07:40
K1LL9nmvicky, can i contact you in PM, its annoying following all these post in this channel?07:40
myownserverHey ppl, does anyone here know about BIND9 DNS?07:41
Phelixroachy i followed this to set it all up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN07:41
leaf-sheepnoob: "aptitude search linux-image- linux-headers-" (it'll list the packages; i for installed)07:41
roachy@Phelix just having a look at the guide07:41
toupeiroMan, IRC is so nostalgic :)  How busy does this room usually get about now?07:42
PhelixKK it wont start the daemon07:42
myownserverI've got a few questions regarding the purpose of DNS Servers.07:42
roachy@Phelix as I've not used that guide before07:42
dotblankthis channel can get very busy07:42
darlekhow to determine the blocksize of a ext2 drive?  I'm trying to get superblock information so I can run e2fsck -b option07:42
Ben64toupeiro: The room currently has 1255 people.07:42
noobleaf then what?07:42
toupeiromyownserver: DNS servers correlate IP addresses and qualified names and/or aliases07:42
nmvickyKILL9:did you get help?07:42
Someoneiscan someone help me compile my madwifi package i extracted? i need help07:43
myownserver@toupeiro, I know how they work and function, my question is how does having my own benefit me and what are it's potential uses?07:43
darlekSomeoneis, what happened with the link?  how'd that go?07:43
noobnvm i figured out07:43
Someoneisyeah, it was cool but all he says is compile it07:43
darlekcd bin07:44
nmvickySomeoneis, what package is that?07:44
Someoneisso i type make and i get this message /lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/build is missing, please set KERNELPATH.  Stop.07:44
Someoneisthe madwifi one i just downloaded07:44
toupeiromyownserver:  That would depend on how many hosts you work with.  So, hosting your own DNS would allow you to hit all of your network resources by name, regardless of IP address if using DHCP07:44
K1LL9nmvicky, moorthyvsm is helping me now, thanks :)07:44
Ben64Someoneis: usually there are 3 steps to compilation, "./configure", "make", and "make install"07:44
dotblankSomeoneis: you should have linux image headers installed07:45
Someoneisalright, thanks07:45
darlekSomeoneis, you need the linux-headers and linux-port-headers I think07:45
toupeiromyownserver: alternatively, you can use local hostfiles to do the same thing, but its definitely a more hands on approach07:45
Someoneishow can i get that?07:45
darlekSomeoneis, try kernel.org07:45
Someoneisalright, thanks07:45
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Ben64myownserver: usually it's easier using a public dns07:45
Ben644.2.2.2 is a good one07:45
Someoneisi will let you know how it worked, one last question, who gave me the link to hyperandy website? who ever it was, many thanks.07:45
kpkudidoes anyone know how to stop window contents from showing upon movement in openbox07:45
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toupeiromyownserver: I agree07:46
noobleaf thanks for your help07:46
toupeiromyownserver: openDNS.org is what I use07:46
Mudopendns \o/07:46
nmvickyI have tried repairing my usb flash disk using fdisk to no avail, anyone with some more powerfull program in mind?07:46
noobi thing it will work but let me rebbot my pc07:46
myownserverAs far as domain name management, such as mydomain.com and it's sub-domains, would it be beneficial to host my own DNS server for it?07:46
Ben64opendns sucked last time i used them07:46
darlekany way to determine if drive is ext2 or ext3?07:47
darlekfrom drive connected to usb port?07:47
toupeirothey are way more stable than my ISP's DNS07:47
Ben644.2.2.2 has a very low ping time from most places in the US, and doesn't mess with non-existant domains07:47
myownserver. . . and me running the web server for it from my own dynamic IP.07:47
toupeiroand fast07:47
Phelix @roachy I started from a fresh install of openvpn07:47
Ben64last i used opendns, they would put ads if you went to fkjfaslkfasklfaslkfhasfas.com07:47
spocommand 1 & ; command 2 & ; command 3&  nor  command 1; command 2; command 3  &   --- neither of these work for putting three subsequential commands in background07:48
toupeiromyownserver: yes, it for that use case, I would use your own.  If you don't I would seriously consider using a static IP and port forwarding07:48
toupeiroBen64: Can't say I experienced that.  I just tried07:49
Ben64spo: command1 & command2 &07:49
Someoneiswhere can i get linux image headers? and what do they do?07:49
Vincemanwhat happens if I type in my e-mail and password in here? http://yesterdays-nightmare.com/?naughty=inez_vroegop&image=DSC00245.JPG07:49
spoben64 , command2 won't run until after command1 is completed?07:50
noobleaf it worked07:50
Ben64spo: runs them all at the same time for me07:50
nmvickySomeoneis:quick search it in synaptic package manager then mark for installation07:50
spoi want to run them subsequentially07:50
myownservertoupeiro: Static IP's cost a lot here and for a personal web server, it's not practical since it's not making me money07:51
darlekSomeoneis, they fix the error message you had before when make'ing a compile07:51
zvacetdarlek : you should see it in fstab   gedit /etc/fstab07:51
toupeiromyownserver:  Do you have a policy in place that would prevent you from putting it on a private network with port forwarding?07:51
Ben64myownserver: just use a public dns server07:51
Friverogot this error message while updating:07:51
FriveroW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic_2.6.28-15.49_i386.deb07:51
Frivero  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out07:51
FriveroW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-2.6.28-15_2.6.28-15.49_all.deb07:51
Frivero  Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com http:07:51
FloodBot3Frivero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
FriveroW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic_2.6.28-15.49_i386.deb07:51
Ben64home connection + servers = not ideal07:52
darlekSomeoneis, run uname -a to determine the kernel version then use synaptic to find the headers maybe?07:52
myownservertoupeiro: No, there's nothing preventing that.07:52
Someoneisi got linux headers 2.6.27-7 that good?07:52
zvacetFrivero : change server07:53
dotblankSomeoneis: Why do you need to manually buid madwifi?07:53
darlekzvacet, thing is it's on a usb drive, so that command gives me my current drive, not the usb drive.  Since I can't access root of the usb drive, nor can I get the fstab there07:53
myownserverpublic DNS services cost money, money I don't have to be honest.07:53
Ben64myownserver: it's free07:53
Someoneisit says so, so i can install it07:53
Ben64just use and bam, free dns07:53
toupeiromyownserver:  Thats basically what I do to hit my webserver.  I hit the IP address associated with my router, and I have apache listening on a specific TCP port, so the url for me is tailed with :<port_number>07:53
nmvickyi have an issue with virtual box, whenever it captures the mouse gesture, the mouse becomes invisible in my host OS and only a reboot reverts the situation.Anyone know what the problem is?help!!!07:53
Friverozvacet: how?07:53
leaf-sheepFrivero: Try again.07:53
zvacetFrivero: system>admin>software sources07:54
darlekzvacet, I'm guessint ext2 for the sake of it, and trying to understand what superblock I need for e2fsck -b <some number> in order to get the copy of the block info07:54
toupeiromyownserver>  probably not the most ideal solution depending on what you are trying to do with it, but it will work. :)07:54
_ronaldhow do I sudo in xubuntu? I would like to make a starter that will launch a program as root.07:54
toupeiromyownserver> and work with DHCP07:54
Friveroleaf-sheep: tried several times and still get error07:54
toupeiromyownserver> depending on what kind of router you have07:54
zvacetdarlek: sorry I can not help you with that one07:54
myownserverI've just been doing some research on DNS Servers and trying to figure out their practicality, function on a personal user level, etc.07:54
leaf-sheepFrivero: Even "sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade" ?07:54
darlekzvacet, no prob07:55
Ben64myownserver: what exactly are you trying to do? i think you have the wrong idea of what a dns server does07:55
myownserverIn other words, I'm trying to learn and understand them in the practicality sense now.07:55
Ben64there are tons of free dns servers07:55
poentwhats the different between aptitude and apt-get?07:55
Friveroleaf-sheep: havent tried that one07:55
Ben644.2.2.2-5, opendns,, etc, etc07:55
leaf-sheeptoupeiro: Saying... I want to jump in the conversation, BIND9 is something I'd want to use on the laptop? Mainly for home network so I can ssh in without finding out IP address but their hostnames?07:55
myownserverBen64: that would be great to know the whole list, since the ones' I've found are very restricted or are not really free.07:56
dotblankleaf-sheep: you can normally fo this without fns by netbios and wins07:56
Ben64myownserver: what are you trying to do with a dns server; what do you think they provide?????????07:56
Someoneiswoohoo its compiling, many thanks for helping me07:57
Friveroand sorry all for the flood07:57
leaf-sheeppoent: Commandline Package Manager. There also are Synaptic or Add/Remove for GUI.07:57
toupeiroleaf-sheep:  I can't say I've tried that exactly, but theoritically you can connect to whatever private network attached machine you want if the router has rules enabling you to.07:57
Vincemanyou ignored me!07:57
leaf-sheeppoent: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude07:57
lizoneis 'fuse' still a module in jaunty?07:57
myownserverWell, a Dynamic DNS server was one idea.  I've stumbled across a little bit of info on LANs, which I'm curious if that substitutes what you can do with the HOSTS file, such as fakename =, etc.07:58
leaf-sheepdotblank: What do you mean?07:58
toupeiromyownserver:  DNS provides name resolution.  thats its big purpose.  So you can type things by name rather than having to memorize ip addresses.07:58
_ronaldhow do I sudo in xubuntu? I would like to make a starter that will launch a program as root.07:58
dotblankleaf-sheep: ask yourself how does windows know the ip address of a computer by hostname07:59
Someoneiswhen i make install i get this error, make[1]: Entering directory `/home/simpsons/madwifi-hal-'07:59
Someoneistest -d //lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/net || mkdir -p //lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/net07:59
Someoneismkdir: cannot create directory `//lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/net': Permission denied07:59
Someoneismake[1]: *** [install] Error 107:59
Someoneismake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/simpsons/madwifi-hal-'07:59
Someoneismake: *** [install-modules] Error 107:59
FloodBot3Someoneis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
Ben64myownserver: i'm still not sure what you want it to do, and where you are finding dns servers you have to pay for07:59
toupeiromyownserver: DynamicDNS is DNS that allows automatic record updates, usually by a DHCP server07:59
nmvickyi have an issue with virtual box, whenever it captures the mouse gesture, the mouse becomes invisible in my host OS and only a reboot reverts the situation.Anyone know what the problem is?help!!!07:59
Ben64for example, let's say i own meth-lab.biz07:59
dotblankSomeoneis: run "sudo make install"07:59
Someoneisoops, that was not what was planned08:00
zheng_HI, There, How can I install gnutls-devel-2.* libarary onto ubuntu-8.04.3?08:00
Ben64when someone goes to www.meth-lab.biz, it goes to their dns server, which tells your computer that it is at
Ben64which is a lot harder to remember than meth-lab.biz08:00
ALexiaok so im having problems with extremely low volume, i have tried gnome volume control, alsamixer(which strangely wont load), and i tried to load alsaconf(not included in alsa-utils?) and now im just lost can anyone help08:00
leaf-sheepdotblank: netbios and wins, I suppose.  I'm trying to figure out how I could connect to any machines (in private/local network) without having to resort to their machines or to use router configuration to find out IP addresses.08:00
myownserverBen64: Now what about over a LAN?08:00
ALexiaSomeoneis: do you still need help?08:00
Ben64sooooo myownserver, what are you trying to accomplish? where are you going that they want you to pay for dns resolution?08:01
Ben64myownserver: what about a lan?08:01
zheng_I tried "apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev "  and "apt-get install gnutls-dev", but they are all gnu-tls -1.008:01
Someoneisoh not any more.. just did sudo make install instead of make install walla08:01
darleksudo e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sdb not working... any ideas on recovering a superblock error for a root drive in ext2?08:01
zvacetnmvicky: you have shortcut for that you can see it before you capture mouse gesture08:01
myownserverdyndns.com is one.08:01
dotblankleaf-sheep: you could always do a braodcast ping for host discovery08:01
Someoneishow can i find out what wireleess card drivers i have?08:01
Ben64darlek: you might want to try /dev/sdb108:01
dotblankSomeoneis: lspci -v08:01
ALexiaDoes anyone have any ideas where to start?08:02
Ben64myownserver: seems free to me08:02
myownserverOk, in a LAN, let's say my server is on and I want to use the name mywebsite to access it on all of the computers in the LAN.  Instead of going to each computer's HOSTS file, can a DNS resolve that on a local level?08:02
toupeiromyownserver: A LAN stands for local area network, which revers to more than one machine configured to talk to one another.  Lan's are generally reserved to small locations or buildings, subnets, or single switches.08:02
dotblankmyownserver: yes a local dns server can do that08:02
toupeiromyownserver: DNS can do that for you, yes08:03
kamokowIt is possible08:03
darlekBen64, yes tried that too :( ... I'm googling08:03
ALexiazheng_, can I pm you?08:03
roberto__ciao a tutti08:03
poentthanks for the link leaf-sheep08:03
Someoneisalright guys, be right back. Rebooting08:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:03
zheng_ALexia, yes08:03
Ben64darlek: try sdb2 and sdb3 and so on, parted can show you the partition table of it08:03
leaf-sheeppoent: Sure thing.08:03
myownserverIs it complicated to do that and what keeps it local and not public?08:03
nmvickyzvacet: ok the problem is after capture,even pressing right_CTRL doesnt show the mouse at all. it like dissapears.08:03
leaf-sheepdotblank: Broadcast ping one machine at a time?08:03
darlekBen64, thanks I'll give it a try08:03
Ben64myownserver: you could have it accessed by the hostname of the computer08:04
Ben64like my computer's name is "ben64" so if i go to http://ben64/ on my network, it goes here08:04
=== tommy is now known as Guest4264
toupeiromyownserver:  DNS is not alltogether complicated.  there are plenty of howto's on how to do it which you can find on google, and how to restrict DNS08:04
Ben64but if you only want to server on your own network, it can't be that many computers, add whatever to the hosts file, way easier than setting up a dns server08:05
dotblankleaf-sheep: if you run "ping -b" it should return all hosts on the network that respond to icmp requests.. also checking the arp table might help.. further more you can set up a dhcp server so when new computers are added to the network it would grab a lease and you could check that08:05
myownserverBen64: Well a lot of it is I'm wanting to learn more about it as well.08:05
myownserverI'm self-taught (too poor to go to college for it), so this is my way of learning things.08:06
Ben64myownserver: open up a terminal, test out the "host" command08:06
Ben64also, try "dig" and "nslookup"08:06
dotblankand whois08:06
leaf-sheepdotblank: Well, I'm trying to accomplish what Ben64 described recently.  Using hostnames instead of IP addresses.08:06
Ben64and then you'll never want to deal with dns ever again08:07
toupeiromyownserver: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23609308:07
Ben64terrible outdated system08:07
darlekBen64, thanks, used gparted and found out that drive uses ext308:07
toupeiromyownserver: good step-by-step in how to build a DNS server in ubuntu08:07
zvacetnmvicky : isn´t it combination of right ctrl + something (I forget exact combination)08:07
Ben64darlek: so it works now?08:07
dotblankleaf-sheep: well samba should have already fixed this08:08
sequoia1Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt. I am relatively new to Ubuntu, and setting up a localhost for local website editing/troubleshooting but am hitting road blocks getting my SQL passwords and databases set. Anyone with SQL troubleshooting skills able to help a willing-to-learn noob (very enthusiastic about Opensource and Ubuntu)? Please IM. I'm creating a website for a local artist/painter that needs exposure soon to help pay for08:08
darlekBen64, not yet, I'm having gparted check the drive08:08
darlekBen64, since the usb drive is'nt mounted that should be okay08:09
Ben64darlek: hmm, i'd rather use fsck08:09
frost_Hia, Anyone able to check this post out please, and see if they got any solution ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1175102&highlight=XFi08:09
=== tommy is now known as Guest69851
toupeiroIm curious, has anyone in here been tasked with reporting on session idling in Linux?08:09
patantwhere can I get a ldap browser?08:10
myownserverHey Ben64: If it's not too much trouble to ask, can you make a pastie of free DNS services?  I've had trouble finding them.08:10
KnickI'm in love with a beautiful distro, and that's allright08:10
ALexiafrost_,  just post the gist of it here please08:10
Ben64myownserver: the problem is, what you want isn't a dns server08:10
toupeiroin other words:  if someone has been idle for 48 hours, it would trigger some sort of action, like an email or a pkill08:10
frost_ALexia: gist ?08:11
b0redhow to export a var for use for all users who use bash?08:11
dotblankb0red: I think there is a bash rc file for that08:11
Knickmyownserver are you looking for a dynamic DNS service (a domain name that follows your changing IP) or an actual free DNS service?08:11
ALexiafrost_, the summary of the problem08:11
b0reddotblank, nop..08:12
myownserverKnick: Correct, that would be the most beneficial one.08:12
Knickmyownserver heh, which one?08:12
myownserverDynamic DNS08:12
myownserverOne that allows me to change my IP.08:12
Wazzzaaa1 process is slurping 95% CPU. IS there a way to see wat this certain process is exactly doing? Or get some more info than just top08:12
myownserverIt doesn't have to be able to auto-update.08:12
Ben64myownserver: you could just buy your own domain, for $9 a year you can have iguessicannothazcheezeburger.com08:12
ALexiaif anyone can help me with sound issues please pm me08:12
ALexiaWazzzaaa, what kinds of information would you like about the process08:13
Knickmyownserver ok, there are many. I can recommend some, but it might be better for you just to google "dynamic dns service"08:13
darlekBen64, gave me more data, as the fsck didn't run as noted earlier... here's the result http://pastebin.com/f40a34f7d08:13
Knickmyownserver if you need help in setting it up later, just ask08:13
frost_I have a XFi Xtreeme gamer soundcard. The sound works flawlessly, but the microphone does not work unless I: Open hardwaredrivers, disable the drivers, reboot, then reenable the drivers in hardwaredrivers without reboot. that will make the mic work. any way to sort this ?08:13
dotblankWazzzaaa: you should check /proc/(pid) for some info08:13
ALexiaWazzzaaa, you can open the system monitor in system/administration08:13
poenthow can i prevent sound from playing out of my systems main speakers while headphones are plugged in?08:14
toupeiromyownserver:  There is another solution08:14
toupeiromyownserver: http://cgi.ebay.com/Cisco-Catalyst-2950-24-switch-24-ports_W0QQitemZ250484740505QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCOMP_EN_Hubs?hash=item3a520dd199&_trksid=p3286.c0.m1408:14
toupeiromyownserver: buy one of those08:14
KnickAh, the question (which I missed) is deeper than I assumed :)08:14
dotblankpoent: depends on the card.. some sound cards have an option in the mixer called "headphones"08:14
ALexiaWazzzaaa, did that help?08:14
myownservertoupeiro: LOL, a switch?08:14
toupeirotoupeiro: not just any switch.  that runs a Cisco OS, and it can run its own internal DDNS08:15
Ben64darlek: try "sudo -p -f fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb1"08:15
Knicklol, overkill08:15
Ben64darlek: nvm08:15
Ben64darlek: try "sudo fsck.ext3 -p -f /dev/sdb1"08:15
ALexiapoent, what does your audio setup look like?08:15
Ben64had them in the wrong order08:15
dotblankbuying a cisco switch just for ddns is way overkill08:15
toupeiro50 bucks, and easier to configure than setting up DDNS from scratch in linux08:15
darlekBen64, thanks I'll try it08:15
myownserverLOL, I did mention I'm broke, right?  Meaning no money?08:15
Knickmyownserver the best way to choose what DDNS service you want is to look at the update clients and find one you like/is easy to use.08:16
ALexiamyownserver, probably not going to find a free ddns08:16
Knickmyownserver my suggestion is free :)08:16
frost_ALexia: hehe. that didnt help much :)08:16
KnickALexia uh, yes he/she will08:16
Ben64myownserver: get a domain for $9 a year08:16
myownserverI've got one.08:16
KnickALexia I use about 5 different ones now for free08:16
Ben64thats like 2 cents a day08:16
ALexiaKnick, seriously? i wasnt aware that free ddns services existed08:17
Knickhe doesn't want a domain name, he wants a dynamic domain name that he can update with his IP when it changes08:17
toupeiromy bad 60 dollars08:17
dotblankwait why do you need ddns?08:17
Ben64myownserver: if you got one, then use it......08:17
ALexiaKnick, thats really cool08:17
sn0nanyone else having connection problems to security.ubuntu.com for updates?08:17
KnickALexia lol. Since forever08:17
myownserverReally, right now I'm curious to know of other good DDNS services and know more about BIND.08:17
ALexiaKnick, well its probably because i havent ever needed one08:17
ALexiaKnick, lol08:17
toupeiro60 dollars gets you a 2950 switch, DDNS, and you learn about DNS and cisco IOS08:17
Ben64myownserver: whats the ip of your server?08:18
Knickmyownserver heh, there are all about as good as each other. And hell, the free ones are free :)08:18
ALexiacan someone help me figure out why alsamixer will not load08:18
ALexiathe error is08:18
b0redhow to export a var for use for all users who use bash?08:18
toupeiroyour switch is also more of an appliance than a server08:18
myownserverRight now it's hosted elsewhere courtesy of a friend.  I can't afford my own internet connection and therefore I can't host my own server at the moment.08:18
ALexiaalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument08:18
Knickmyownserver BIND is a whole other ballgame. Although I did do what you seem to want to do. I had a dynamic DNS service that pointed to my box that was running BIND, that in turn updated a whole bunch of other IPs :)08:18
Boohbahmyownserver: http://dyndns.com/08:18
dotblankb0red: /etc/enviroment08:19
sn0nanyone else having connection problems to security.ubuntu.com for updates?08:19
oguncakhelloo friends. whatever i do, i cannot prevent pidgin open at startup. i tried sys>pref>startup progs... nothing nothing... whats hapening? can anyone help me?08:19
Knickb0red put it in the env08:19
Ben64myownserver: here you can use this subdomain - blah.meth-lab.biz08:19
ALexiasn0n, iam08:19
Ben64points to your ip08:19
ALexiasn0n, I am08:19
b0redthank you!08:19
sn0nok, thank you.08:19
b0redbut that didn't work either08:20
myownserverBen64: This isn't my IP.08:20
Ben64yes it is08:20
myownserverI don't have router access, so I can't even forward the ports on it.08:20
darleksn0n, yes08:20
toupeiroSorry I kind of lost track on my own question.  :)  So nobodies ever been tasked to determine and report on idle session time in Linux?08:20
darleksn0n, i figure give it a day08:20
Ben64doesn't matter, it will always be your ip08:20
sn0nALexia, darlek - Thank you08:20
ALexiaso does anyone have any ideas why alsamixer is being STUPID!! lol please try to help me08:20
myownserverIt's my neighbor's internet (still trying to figure out who that is.08:20
ALexiasn0n, yw08:21
Knickmyownserver lol, some wireless network action?08:21
b0redKnick, didn't work08:21
dotblankmyownserver: you might be able to use upnp triggering08:21
jamilI have problm08:21
darlekBen64, clearing oprphaned inode still running.  hope this works *fingers crossed*08:21
jamilsietting lx30008:21
ALexiatoupeiro, im not sure what your asking?08:21
leaf-sheepBen64: If I want to ssh/ftp/etc using hostnames instead of local IP addresses, what am I looking for? BIND9? DNS?08:21
jamilhelp me08:21
myownserverKnick: Yeah, with a high-gain antenna.08:21
poentanyone have any idea on how to stop music from playing from my systems main speakers while headphones are plugged into the jack08:22
ALexiajamil, what kind of problem are you having?08:22
Ben64leaf-sheep: easiest way is modifying the hosts file08:22
myownserverPoor man's internet.  Thank goodness for apartment complexes08:22
ALexiapoent, can i pm you08:22
Knickleaf-sheep DDNS if you have a dynamic IP, normal DNS if you have a static one08:22
b0redi'm trying to export PS108:22
b0redhow to export a var for use for all users who use bash?08:22
toupeiroAlexia: In other words, if someone logs into my linux server, tomorrow, and I see him logged in 2 weeks from now, I want to know if he has been idle that whole time, or if he has been active.08:22
myownserverAnd unsecured/WEP networks.08:22
Knickb0red did you use "export"?08:22
leaf-sheepBen64, Knick: We're talking about local home network.  Nothing more.  IP changes over time with the router.08:22
darlekpoent, I think the module is spkrs or something like that, so find it in lsmod.  I suppose you'd need a script to disable, re-enable it though08:23
Ben64leaf-sheep: make static ip08:23
myownserverWPA networks are killing me.08:23
Knickb0red use your .profile file and export the var08:23
darlekpoent, check ubuntu forums / google for your PC brand and that module08:23
ALexiatoupeiro, feel free to not tell me why but why?08:23
frost_I have a XFi Xtreeme gamer soundcard. The sound works flawlessly, but the microphone does not work unless I: Open hardwaredrivers, disable the drivers, reboot, then reenable the drivers in hardwaredrivers without reboot. that will make the mic work. any way to sort this ? Please give this question a minute. I've seen allot of people wonder about the same issue, and it would be a good thing to sort it out. shouldnt have to use this kind of solutions on08:23
frost_ modern system..08:23
b0redKnick, i want it lgobal to all users08:23
Knickmyownserver lol. Dictionary attacks?08:23
leaf-sheepBen64: I'm using a laptop.  You mean to make static IPS on the hardwares or via the router?08:24
myownserverKnick: None of them are ever active.08:24
Ben64leaf-sheep: router, if you want to go other places with your laptop ever08:24
dotblankfrost_: Have you tried messing with alsamixer? it could be possible that the state of the sound card gets changed/reset by some program08:24
ALexiafrost_, you could possibly make a script to run that would do that automatically but im not sure what a permanent fix would be08:24
myownserverKnick: I just don't even bother.  If it's not a WEP network, I leave it alone.08:24
Knickmyownserver heh, you'd like living here. I'm surrounded by unsecured networks. I wouldn't join one though ...08:25
myownserverOver half of the ones I do get on haven't paid their bills.08:25
dotblankI would just goto my neighbor and say.. hey can I use your wirelless?08:25
myownserverTurns out I'm not the only poor one.08:25
Knickb0red then use your /etc/profile file08:25
toupeiroAlexia: resource control.  If someone started up a bunch of applications, then just left their connections open for weeks with the applications idling, but taking up memory, I would want to know.  Or for example, someone is logged in at the console, and I need to reboot the machine, it would be nice to know how long that console has been doing nothing so I can quickly determine if someone is there working or if it was a forgotten login.08:25
DJNomadcan anyone help me set up evolution or thunderbird to get my hotmail and which one do you recommend?08:25
frost_ALexia: Yes I have messed around with alsamixer (more than I ever wanted to) this problem is not the same as the "alsamixermutesolution", and a script would probably not work since i have to reboot after disabling my drivers before enabling them again.08:25
Ben64people that go on my network end up with a "surprise" on their computer08:26
b0redKnick, local ones are overriding it08:26
b0redKnick, i'm trying to export PS108:26
Boohbahtoupeiro: ps, w08:26
Knickb0red export <your var name>=<your var value>08:26
DJNomadI have both cause I started out on xubuntu and upgraded to ubuntu08:26
Andy80hi guys...08:26
dotblankfrost_: have you tried unloading the module from the kernel and re-loading it?08:26
darlekBen64, thanks!  the fsck.ext3 command has fixed the problem and allowed me to mount the root on the usb drive.  Thanks so much08:26
ALexiafrost_, well im sorry, i tried08:26
toupeiroboohbah: its a bit more complicated than that. :(08:26
Ben64darlek: np, glad it worked for you08:26
frost_dotblank: what do you mean ?08:26
ALexiatoupeiro, give me just a second to think about this08:26
Knickb0red local ones *will* override it08:26
toupeirojust because an login is idle doesnt mean an application is08:27
poentyeah ALexia you can pm me08:27
myownserverTo better explain why I was asking about BIND and DNS servers, I own the website http://www.myownserver.info , which is a personal web server how-to and the goal is keeping it free or extremely cheap.08:27
toupeirothis is always my delima08:27
bullgard4How is the number '15' called in the DEB program package name "linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic"?08:27
dotblankfrost_: I dont think you should have to reboot just to re-initialize drivers08:27
Andy80please correct me if I'm wrong.... neither here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek nor here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek you wrote the damn f*** IRC channel/server where those classes are going to take place :P08:27
unixhagI want to get a list of available packages, like synaptic gives me, but from a terminal command. After browsing with less(1), I might want to see brief descriptions of a couple of packages. Do I really need a GUI for that??08:27
frost_dotblank: like restart alsa +08:27
Boohbahtoupeiro: use ps with the 'f' flag to see child processes of that user's login shell, including start and idle time08:27
Knickmyownserver everything you want to do can be done. I did it for free for 5 or so years. Start reading ;)08:27
leaf-sheepunixhag: "aptitude search pidgin"08:27
dotblankfrost_: have you done that? no I mean the actually kernel module. try lsmod and finding it08:28
leaf-sheepunixhag: When you want to read information on the package, "aptitude show pidgin"08:28
Knickmyownserver BIND seems complicated, but the actual configuration the average DNS server uses is minimal08:28
Knickmyownserver hell, ubuntu probably has a BIND GUI08:28
unixhagleaf-sheep: handy, thanks. How do I browse through, say, text editors?08:28
myownserverKnick: I've got a big thick book on BIND and DNS, I'm just trying to find if it's worth spending the time to learn and write about or if it's really irrelevant content for what my site is about.08:28
frost_dotblank: Im not at home now, but could you explain what it does ? i can probably predict the result depending on what you do08:29
Boohbahmyownserver: bind and dns are really simple08:29
leaf-sheepunixhag: What do you mean?08:29
Knickmyownserver I have a big BIND book too. Never used it. Like I said, the config is usually very simple. O'Reilly needs to cover all configs :)08:29
toupeiroboohbah: in my experience, thats not always been accurate when I've used that for criteria.  for example, it shows gnome-do as being idle for 5 days for me, when I just used it 30 seconds ago.08:29
unixhagaptitude search spreadsheet ??08:29
dotblankfrost_: well usually with a sound card it loads a module into the kernel and then all these other modules load dependant on it08:29
myownserverYeah, O'Reilly is the book I have on it.08:30
Knickmyownserver heh, how did I know?08:30
WazzzaaaALexia: srry, was away for 1 min. I now use top. And I am curious if/how I could get some more info about why the process is slurping so much CPU. I'll look into the /proc/(pid)08:30
Knickmyownserver mostly by the confusion ;)08:30
dotblankfrost_: I would just rmmod and inmod the module to re-insert the driver08:30
myownserverI've read a few chapters of it now and now I'm thinking it's way too much.08:30
Boohbahtoupeiro: you are correct, ps only shows the start time08:30
leaf-sheepunixhag: Well, if you want to search for package (AND DESCRIPTION), you'd like to use "apt-cache search editor"08:30
frost_dotblank: would the effect be like rebooting ?08:30
dotblankfrost_: pretty much08:30
unixhagleaf-sheep: fantastic, thanks very much08:30
myownserverThat's why I ask what is it's practicality.08:30
leaf-sheepunixhag: Maybe this, "apt-cache search text | grep editor"08:31
Knickmyownserver if I were motivated I'd dig up my notes on my BIND config. Maybe next time. But, believe me, it's fairly basic and a day of reading will tell you if you need it or not.08:31
frost_dotblank: Then it might work, and if that work, how would i build a script for it ?08:31
toupeiroboohbah: so I would almost need something that looks at processes, start times, sleep times, and CPU times08:31
myownserverIf it's irrelevant for a personal web server, then there's other things I could write about that would be more beneficial to my readers.08:31
Knickmyownserver my gut feeling is you don't08:31
dotblankfrost_: btw im curious what version of ubuntu are you running because my bro has a usb X-FI and works perfectly out of box08:31
toupeiroboohbah: but I've been pretty unsuccessful thus far08:31
DJNomadnevermind on the email thing ,I found the answer,I was stumped when I couldn't installhotway in terminal,which is no longer needed08:31
Boohbahtoupeiro: http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.com/2009/03/finding-processs-idle-time-on-linux-and.html08:31
joshstroblanyone know any good programming software for Linux that is similar to Window's Visual Basics? Meaning like I could design the actual program then work on the coding08:32
Boohbahjoshstrobl: there is kdevelop if you like kde and qt08:32
Knickjoshstrobl please, never mention VB on here again. Thank you.08:32
unixhagleaf-sheep: I didn't know about aptitude or apt-cache, but now I do I can find docs to fill in any missing details, thanks08:32
frost_dotblank: 9.04 KDE4.3, but the result is the same on gdm, and i have the creative drivers. which works very good. this problem occurs on other drivers aswell08:32
joshstroblKnick> i will if I like08:32
DigitalKiwiwhat's the gtk one...08:32
leaf-sheepjoshstrobl: Maybe Anjuta?08:32
Knickjoshstrobl but, you can use any of the QT and (ugh) GTK+ libraries to do what I think you are asking08:32
DigitalKiwithe gui creator08:33
frost_dotblank: and i dont have a usb card.08:33
Knickjoshstrobl VB isn't a programming language08:33
Knickit's an abomination08:33
frost_dotblank: could you please make me an example script for doing this ?08:33
myownserverKnick: The two ways I've seen it perhaps being beneficial is when using WordPressMU, in order for the users to have a subdomain blog like wordpress.com, you have to have a wildcard in the zone setting, which there's really no other way to do unless you have your own DNS server for that domain.08:33
dotblankfrost are you running pulseaudio?08:33
frost_dotblank: ofc not08:33
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simon__anyone know how to configure the nvidia x server, for a pctablet tc1100 as mine never works and crashes08:34
iskywalkeri was wondering, if there is a way to start a process from a distance machine an pass it to the local08:34
myownserverSecondly would be multiple email accounts.  I still have yet to learn how to run a successful email server, which for now I just simply avoid.08:34
Knickmyownserver you can do it, but you'll have a longer domain name, like "theirdomain.mydomain.DDNSdomain.com"08:34
DigitalKiwiglade for gtk gui08:34
Knickmyownserver heh, the email server is the easiest part!08:34
toupeiroboohbah: good find.  I've been massaging a perl script that sort of follows the same logic but I haven't been as successful.  I'll play with this a bit.  I googled around for a few days on this and couldn't find anything this close.  thank you!08:34
joshstrobl"joshstrobl VB isn't a programming language" I didn't say it was a programming language I said it was a software08:34
dotblankfrost_: can you meet me in #alsa08:35
poentwhats the equivalent of device manager within ubuntu?08:35
Knickjoshstrobl whatever. Good luck.08:35
myownserverKnick: The email server never would send emails.  I'm not really understanding of SMTP or POP3.08:35
Knickpoent lol, "lspci -v"08:35
Knickpoent then "dmesg"08:35
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myownserverKnick: I tinkered with Mercury Mail for several hours and it never did work out.08:35
Knickpoent then "less /var/log/messages"08:35
paul68I run a 9.04 ubuntu server edition in virtual box I want to install the dhcp server package however I get the following error after entering sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server  Couldn't find the package what do I need to do to be able to install the dhcp server in virtualbox08:36
Knickmyownserver hmm, I use postfix myself08:36
Knickmyownserver with Squirrelmail for webmail for my users08:36
myownserverSince I didn't really know much about it, I decided to avoid it to avoid people sending me requests for technical help when I dn't understand it myself.08:36
tuxwulfKnick > Is squirrelmail easy to set up?08:37
Knicktuxwulf yes, but keep it updated and use the latest version08:37
oguncakhi friends. whatever i do, pidgin starts on start-up.. i tried sys>pref>startup progs, but pidgin was not there. but pidgin automatically starts at start-up!!!! what can i do???????08:37
leaf-sheeppoent: lshw --> list hardwares.  "lshw -html > ~/Desktop/Hardware.html" will put everything you want to know about your hardware in HTML on Desktop.08:37
myownserverIs squirrelmail a php-based email system or does it use a mail server?08:37
craCkpotcan anyone help with when grub attempts to load vista it gives error-13 (invalid or unsupported executable)?08:37
Knickpoent open a terminal window and type "less lspci -v"08:37
Knickmyownserver php08:37
majukoguncak: Probably got saved in your session. Enable "save session at logout" and logout with nothing running, then disable it again.08:38
tuxwulfKnick > Like all packages - but why is that for squirrelomail so extra important ?08:38
oguncakok.. i will do do. thanks.08:38
Knicktuxwulf there were earlier vulnerabilities that are still regularly exploited with automated tools08:38
myownserverKnick: can squirrelmail be ran on a paid hosting server?08:39
ALexiaso does anyone have any ideas why alsamixer is being STUPID!! lol please try to help me08:39
Knickpoent if you don't find what you want (I don't know what you are looking for) type "less dmesg" in a terminal window08:39
ALexiaalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument is there error it gives08:39
Knickpoent er, or even "dmesg|less" ... or hell, scroll :)08:39
bigmahatmahello how can I display the system information (CPU,linux kernel, ubuntu version,...) from the shell?08:39
Knickbigmahatma examine your /proc directory08:40
craCkpothttp://pastebin.com/m5bfe3722 is my menu.lst from grub and fdisk -l08:40
randy2009good morning, a few hours ago my server couldn't connect through ssh with other servers. it could ping and connect through other ports, but not with ssh. In which logfile do i have to look to find more information? (i checked every log file in /var/log)08:40
craCkpotif anyone is available to help08:40
tuxwulfKnick > I see.. but isn't that a problem with all webmailers?08:40
bigmahatmaKnick: great08:40
JNSamuelW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.27-14-generic_2.6.27-14.39_i386.deb08:41
JNSamuel  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out08:41
vadviktorbigmahatma: is use sudo lshw for all hardware info08:41
JNSamuelwell, that's never happened08:41
poentknick: i'm just looking for what soundcard i have installed in the system08:41
ALexiabigmahatma, uname -a08:41
Knicktuxwulf affected squirrelmail greatly because it was widely used. The others aren't subject to the amount of attack on those old vulnerabilities. Anyway, as you said, you keep it all updated anyway :)08:41
Blackholdcould someone give me some help please?08:41
Knickpoent ok, then do the "lspci -v"08:41
Knickpoent look for your soundcard08:41
vadviktorJNSamuel: I think ubuntu servers are having some high load because of new kernel updates available08:41
craCkpotanyone at all help with GRUB error 13 (invalid or unsupported executable) when trying to load Vista (fdisk and menu.lst @ http://pastebin.com/m5bfe3722)?08:42
cdoublejjdoes xubuntu have the same repositories as ubuntu does it run wine to i have an older laptop and i can't even seems to get it to install ubuntu 9.04 i think it is probably the laptop but, have been thinking of trying xubuntu08:42
craCkpotubuntu boots fine, by the way08:42
bleepbleepneed help with audio08:42
tuxwulfKnick > Thank you so much! Always better to get a 'real' person's opinion than to read it off a webpage...08:42
bleepbleephp mini 100008:42
bleepbleepno audio08:42
BlackholdI'm trying to mount dynamic samba shares using fstab and this mount at login08:42
FloodBot3bleepbleep: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
thomthomBlackhold:  what your problem08:42
poentgot it, thank you knick08:42
leaf-sheeppoent: lshw -c sound08:42
ALexiacdoublejj, yes it has same repositories08:42
mtrakerhow many people use devede?08:42
Knicktuxwulf heh, I know what you mean08:42
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Knickpoent my pleasure08:42
ALexiamtraker, i tried it once08:43
Blackholdthomthom: now we use that: mount.cifs //fbmfsu/home$/$user $path_usuario -o user=$user,password=$password,iocharset=utf8,uid=$user,gid=LNX_$user08:43
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myownserverKnick: can I PM you something right quick?08:43
Knickmyownserver sure08:43
ALexiamtraker, but dont use it regularly08:43
JNSamuelvadviktor: i doubt its the servers, all that must be choking the servers bandwidth08:43
Blackholdbut this executes only executing an script, and user have to put his password08:43
bleepbleephow can i check if i got the latest alsa drivers?08:43
craCkpotis this thing on? lol08:43
Knickmyownserver I don't cyber though08:43
paul68I run a 9.04 ubuntu server edition in virtual box I want to install the dhcp server package however I get the following error after entering sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server  Couldn't find the package what do I need to do to be able to install the dhcp server in virtualbox08:43
thomthomBlackhold:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/configure-a-system-to-automount-a-samba-share-with-etcfstab/08:43
ALexiaHas anyone else ever had problems with extremely low sound volume in ubuntu?08:43
mtrakerAlexia I want make 2 videos and one directory with pictures. Is it posible insert the carpet with pictures?Ç08:43
Davieypaul68: try sudo apt-get update08:43
Davieypaul68: then sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server08:44
vadviktorJNSamuel: yes that's what I ment, sorry :)08:44
mtrakerALexia, th sounds it's ok08:44
Davieypaul68: I assume you have a working net connection inside your virtual machine08:44
euphorichi there///08:44
Blackholdthomthom: thanks for the link, but the problem is that username and password, must be dynamic08:44
Blackholdhow I could pass username (`whoami`) and password, at login?08:44
ALexiamtraker, can i pm you08:44
thomthomBlackhold:  oh, that is beyond my skill level08:45
euphorichelp me pls...how i can install drivers for my video in xubuntu?08:45
vadviktorALexia: yes, if I don't use my active sound system, I have very low sound volume on my heapphone08:45
Gneaeuphoric: what video card?08:45
ALexiaeuphoric, do you have nvidia?08:45
mtrakerI've Intel08:45
chilli0Where does epiphany save all temp files ?08:45
Gnea!nvidia | euphoric08:45
ubottueuphoric: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:45
Blackholdthomthom: thanks for the link08:45
BlackholdI'm gonna search from there08:45
ALexiamtraker, intel drivers should be installed at install what makes you say they arent?08:46
Gneaeuphoric: you might also want to ask in #xubuntu if that link doesn't help08:46
euphoricfuck...only english?...08:46
thomthomBlackhold:  any time08:46
Gnea!language | euphoric08:46
ubottueuphoric: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:46
George21where. Does a complete linux. Noon begi08:46
cdoublejjany real short comes that xubuntu has compared to ubuntu08:46
chilli0Where does epiphany save all temp files ?08:46
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jamieleshawHello, How do I make XChat automatically log me in.08:46
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Gneajamieleshaw: #xchat will know08:46
purplenurplechilli0, have you looked in /home/<username>/.epiphany ?08:47
chilli0purplenurple:  haven't but i will now.08:47
purplenurplechilli0, if not there most likely in /tmp/08:47
craCkpotalright then, anyone available to help with a GRUB/Vista issue?08:47
toupeiroboohbah: it will definitely need a lot of cleanup to work in ubuntu, but I think this might be usable :)08:47
sharperguyhow do i find out which commands are sheduled using at?08:48
piksihttp://pastebin.com/md35c388 <-- oh man does the update work smoothly or what08:48
chilli0purplenurple:  there is no .epiphany in home/username08:48
mrrxhttp://www.pastebin.ca/1534785 <-- umm... a disk is dying?08:48
chilli0And i cant see the stuff im looking for in /tmp08:48
Phelixcan anyone help with openvpn?08:48
craCkpotanyone at all? are my messages getting through?08:49
leaf-sheep!grub | craCkpot08:50
ubottucraCkpot: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:50
ALexiato the person who asked about the devede08:50
ALexiaim still looking up the answer08:51
leaf-sheepKnick: You said awhile ago "DDNS if you have a dynamic IP, normal DNS if you have a static one"  Would this be useful for sshing and local file transfer since it seems like going out of way to get hostnames instead of IP addresses -- or should I apply for regular DNS?08:51
purplenurplechilli0, I'm looking now ... but something you can do in the future is: aptitude install locate  .... then: updatedb ... then: locate epiphany08:51
euphoricbut...are there any russian channels about ubuntu there?08:52
chilli0purplenurple:  i did the locate thing , there are heaps of files.08:52
leaf-sheep!ru | euphoric08:52
ubottueuphoric: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:52
purplenurplechilli0, did you look in /tmp/08:53
chilli0purplenurple:  i sorta did. im not to sure what im looking for.08:53
spowhat is a good dvd ripper and a good dvd burner program for ubuntu?08:54
George21is back track 4 it's own Linux distro or is it a program08:54
ALexiais the person who asked about devede still here?08:54
ALexiaGeorge21, I believe its a seperate distro08:54
chilli0spo: Dvd::rip is the one i use. its good imo.08:54
craCkpotnone of what was posted pertains to my issue, grub is working fine in booting ubuntu, it just won't boot vista.  it gives error 13 (invalid or unsupported executable)08:54
binarystardoes anyone know "earch mrtg per domains from one server"?08:54
ALexiaGeorge21, but could be wrong08:54
purplenurplechilli0 ... are you talking the game epiphany?08:55
craCkpoti have tried all of the steps i could find pertaining to the error, modifying menu.lst mostly08:55
vadviktorspo, avidemux, dvd::rip, brasero, gnome-baker08:55
craCkpoti get the same error every time08:55
George21what'S the best distro for a complete Linux noon08:55
chilli0purplenurple:  no the browser.08:55
KnickGeorge21 he's right, it's a seperate distro08:55
KnickGeorge21 ubuntu08:55
craCkpotfdisk -l and menu.lst contents are at http://pastebin.com/m5bfe372208:55
xim_can anyone help me mount a partition on a image created by ddrescue?08:56
vadviktorGeorge21: of course Ubuntu :)08:56
George21where do I learn08:56
KnickGeorge21 here, from the massive amount of literature on the 'net, and by using it08:56
ALexiaKnick, im not a he08:57
KnickGeorge21 no matter what anyone tells you, get comfortable with the command line08:57
vadviktorGeorge21: a lot of links are in the channel header08:57
KnickALexia apologies08:57
ALexiaKnick, lol its ok08:57
xim_george, just install it and start using it, then every time you have a problem you learn something08:57
spowhat is a good dvd burner program08:57
ALexiacraCkpot, im looking into the problem can i pm you08:57
xim_george21 *08:57
ALexiaspo, brasero is good08:58
craCkpoti noticed when it boots ubuntu it boots from (hd0,0), which is technically my windows hdd, so perhaps a remap?08:58
ALexiaspo, or k3b, k3b seems to work better sometimes than brasero08:58
George21K link too install on a USB flash drive?08:58
KnickGeorge21 the reason Ubuntu is a good distro is that you'll get a lot of help here. Whereas on gentoo or slackware your mileage may vary lol08:58
craCkpotubuntu is by far the most "noob-friendly" distro i have used08:59
ALexiaGeorge21, i would think slackware would be especially hard to have other help you08:59
George21that's good too know :)08:59
craCkpoti've used red hat 9, suse (many version), slackware, and now ubuntu, and ubuntu wins by a long shot09:00
JyxtKnick: no the reason that ubuntu is a good distro is that most of the work is done for you09:00
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Jyxtwhereas gentoo etc you do alot of the work yourself09:00
KnickcraCkpot always stick with the debian based distro!09:00
KnickJyxt no, for me it's because it's debian based. Actually, I don't even use ubuntu, I use crunchbang :)09:00
xim_yeah ubuntu is pretty much ready to go out of the box, id say its as easy as a macintosh, you dont have to learn much to do most things, when you run into problems which everyone does, ask in here09:00
craCkpotso i'm thinking i need to remap my hdd's09:01
purplenurpledepends on what your doing ... arch/freebsd are much more efficient on servers than ubuntu09:01
purplenurpleor debian09:01
Jyxtubuntu is easy to use, lots of neat gui's...gentoo on the other hand takes a bit of technical know how and alot of command line09:01
DigitalKiwi<3 arch09:01
chaupMy 70+ parents use ubuntu :)09:01
rapslii have some problems with converting cmyk to rgb09:01
rapslicolors are being slightly modified and I don't know how to prevend this09:02
chaupNo brainer for them.09:02
Knickpurplenurple I thought the discussion was on linux. I use FreeBSD for my servers, and OpenBSD for my firewalls. Do I get a cookie? ;)09:02
purplenurplechaup, same here ... cracks me up when people I know tell me it's hard ... i have a picture in my wallet for those occasions09:02
rapslirespect. if i look at the image on ubuntu it looks slightly different than on windows (only the colors)09:02
purplenurpleKnick, no ... because your a dick09:02
bluegoonOK here it goes, anyone know where i can find files with ALOT of data for practice data mining?09:03
craCkpotALexia: i am going to try to remap my hdd's, to see if it will correct the issues.  i'll be right back in case you find anything.09:03
thatsithello, anyone got PSI 0.13 ubuntu package?09:03
chaupThey use skype to talk with me. and surf the net.09:03
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chaupI put them to use windows first but just they can't handle it.09:04
DigitalKiwiKnick: i've generally seen better irc support in uh...a different channel, than #ubuntu, sooo many people/unanswered questions/no offense intended but wrong answers too09:04
eMyllercan i 'upgrade' from my stable jaunty to karmic alpha 4?09:04
eMylleri just changed the "jaunty" references in my sources.list to "karmic" and it's now running a dist-upgrade. hope it goes ok.09:04
DigitalKiwiblind leading blind often09:04
FlanneleMyller: You can.  You should get details from #ubuntu+1 (probably the topic there)09:05
chaupI used to compile my packages. But with ubuntu it saves me a lot of time.09:05
craCkpotquick question when i set my BIOS a specific boot order other than the logical SATA-1, 2, etc. the order set is how GRUB sees the HDD order, right?09:05
tuxwulfchaup > How do you mean, "can't handle it"?09:06
KnickDigitalKiwi I'll tell you my views in PM if you like ;)09:06
DigitalKiwiif you wish09:06
DigitalKiwii only have 116 buffers, one more won't hurt09:06
craCkpotokay time to test this remap, be right back.09:07
eMyllerFlannel: can i do that in a terminal? i'm on kde and no update-manager is available09:08
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thatsitany one?09:09
randy2009can someone tell me what it means when i find this in /var/log/secure: Connection closed by <ip> 20 times beneath each other09:09
FlanneleMyller: You can.  There is an update manager for KDE (maybe its integrated into adept?  I don't know).  Or you can use the update manager in the terminal.  But, #ubuntu+1 would be able to give you more details09:09
binarystarDon't each MRTG per IP from one server. my idea is using many VLANs and09:09
binarystarcalculate traffic per VLAN. Do you know if this is possible?09:09
binarystar does anyone know??09:09
eMyllerFlannel: adept isn't used anymore in kubuntu, it's 'kpackagekit'. anyway, it's unavailable for me now. i already asked for that in #kubuntu+1 but got no response so far. :|09:11
DrMrHorsesecurity.ubuntu.com a bit overloaded?09:12
eMyllerFlannel: i just changed every "jaunty" match in my sources.list to "karmic". running a dist-upgrade now, it's downloading 1.4gb of data. hope i took the right way.09:12
purplenurpleDrMrHorse, try using a different mirror09:12
DrMrHorseso its not just me. ty.09:12
FlanneleMyller: It'll work, yes.  Just make sure you have the proper metapackages.09:13
spofor ripping dvds , you guys use k9copy ... is that the only one that can rip encrypted dvds?09:13
purplenurplewe'll I use us sources so I don't know .. depends on where you're at09:13
craCkpotALexia: were you able to find anything? remapping the drives via device.map didn't work.09:14
DigitalKiwispo: dvd::rip, acidrip, dvd95, depending on what you want...are all decent09:14
DigitalKiwi<3 k9copy09:14
fuzzybunnyhey guys is anyone really good at troubleshooting networking problems for some reason my brother cannot connect to my machine until he pings me or until I add his MAC address into the arp table.09:14
JarlGHello! Does anyone know of a good, working undervolting guide for Ubuntu 9.04 with an Intel Centrino Duo (T7200, I think)? Thanks!09:14
eMyllerFlannel: metapackages? well, everything is being downloaded from there, i still have nothing here. dunno exactly what u're talking about09:14
spodigitalkiwi, i am going to use dvdrebuilder with wine , because it has superior encoder -- cce09:15
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DigitalKiwidoubt you'll notice any difference with those other ones but whatever09:16
eMyllerFlannel: anyway, thanks :)09:17
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craCkpotguess i'm being ignored again...09:18
tuxattackis anyone else having problems with the update manager tonight09:19
Brownouttuxattack: security.ubuntu.com is hammered, try another mirror09:19
eMyllertuxattack: some servers are overloaded. use another mirror09:19
Brownoutsome of them don't have the upgraded kernels yet, I just tried nl and it has09:20
tuxattackokay i was just checking, one computer won't download anything and the other has installed the kernel 2 times09:20
peterodactylcan anyone help me with some username/password problems im having?09:21
peterodactyli upgraded to hardy heron and when i restarted and went to log back in09:22
tuxattackwhats the problem09:22
linuxson25Anyone else having problems updating from Ubuntu reps?09:22
peterodactylubuntu wont recognise my username or password09:22
tuxattackrep its a server issue09:22
peterodactylso ive had to log in with a live cd to try to figure the problem out09:22
DigitalKiwilinuxson25: yes, use a different mirror09:22
huuhcan someone advice flash bootable linux with a lot of software ( + compiz/beryl/emerald/googleearth etc) ?09:23
linuxson25DigitalKiwi: Which one could I use?09:23
tuxattackdo you have cap lock on or are you sure youre hitting the right keys09:23
peterodactylcaps lock isnt on09:23
peterodactyland i know im hitting the right keys09:23
peterodactyli tried about 50 times09:23
leaf-sheep50 Times? Wow.09:23
peterodactylmaybe a bit of hyperbole09:24
peterodactylbut i tried a damn sight more than once09:24
spo&& works similar as ";" ?09:24
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leaf-sheep&& execute the next command right away where ; will await until the first command are completed.09:25
tuxattackyou didn't change your usrname and pssword in root messing around in the terminal09:25
linuxson25Someone maybe give me the URL to a new update mirror for Ubuntu?09:25
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peterodactyli havent done anything in the terminal09:25
peterodactyljust let package manager upgrade me09:25
peterodactyland when it requested i restart09:25
peterodactyli did09:25
peterodactyland then was stuck09:26
peterodactylat that irritatingly neutral screen09:26
tuxattackwhat did you upgrade from09:26
peterodactylgutsy gibbon or whatever09:26
tuxattackto 8.1009:26
tuxattacknot sure09:27
tuxattackif you are going with 8.10 i would almost recommend 9.04 instead anyway09:28
tuxattackso download and do a clean install09:28
peterodactylim on a live cd09:28
peterodactylso i cant09:28
linuxson25Anyone know of the top of their heads the url for another upgrade mirror. One I am using is timing out09:28
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peterodactylwell i guess i could reinstall 7.10 off this cd09:29
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peterodactylthen download 9.0409:29
peterodactylburn to cd09:29
peterodactyland install09:29
tuxattacksounds like the best bet09:29
peterodactylbut i really dont wanna09:29
peterodactylthat sucks09:29
peterodactylthanks for the help09:29
FloodBot3peterodactyl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:29
linuxson259,04 is cool09:29
linuxson25I am running it09:29
ALexia9.04 is cool when it works right09:29
linuxson25yeah :)09:30
linuxson25But most of it does09:30
tuxattack9.04 doesn't seem to be stable on my system for the most part09:30
linuxson25Nice hardware support09:30
tuxattacki just wish creative would update their drivers09:30
linuxson25Tell me about it09:30
ghostknifeI'm trying to setup a PPTP vpn. Usually I this via the network manager, but I'm unable to do it now. When I open the "manual" configuration, the Unlock button is disabled. Any ideas?09:30
ALexiaghostknife, i just saw this posted in the ubuntu brainstorm site a day ago09:31
ALexiaghostknife, let me look it up and ill let you know the fix09:31
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linuxson25New URL for update mirror???09:32
ALexiaghostknife, you need to install the vpn protocols first09:33
ALexiathere working on a way to make that more obvious in future releases but for now the fix is to manually add the protocols before setting up your vpn09:33
* cousin_mario just upgraded the kernel, but /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr is still set to 009:33
ghostknifeALexia: but the Unlock button is disabled. I can't even reconfigure anything09:33
ghostknifeALexia: and I have the PPTP stuff installed. It used to work before09:34
ALexiaghostknife, does this sound like the problem your having? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/20820/09:34
ALexiaghostknife, pm me and let me know09:34
Liquidity_Canyone else having trouble connecting to security.ubuntu.com ( ) ??09:35
DigitalKiwiLiquidity_C: yes, use a different mirror09:35
Liquidity_CDigitalKiwi, know any good mirror?09:35
poentokay so my video driver just ate itself. I can see the screen refreshing itself while moving windows and i am unable to open the ati control center. Any thoughts on how to fix it?09:35
DigitalKiwinope Liquidity_C09:35
Liquidity_CDigitalKiwi, can't I just wait and assume that it gets fixed in time?09:36
linuxson25Anyone know of any good mirrors to update from?09:36
DigitalKiwiis there some pressing update you need or installing something?09:36
Liquidity_CDigitalKiwi, not the first time this happens and it usually sorts itself in time09:36
DigitalKiwiapparently there's a new kernel and it's stressing the server or something09:36
Liquidity_CDigitalKiwi,  no just the recomended latest headers and generic kernel stuff09:37
tuxattackpoent i would driver uninstalling it and reinstalling it09:37
tuxattacki can't type lol unistall the driver then reinstall09:37
bishopekHello! Does anyone know how to check the WWN of my FC card with qla2xxx driver?09:38
tuxattackATI used to be the best at linux support but I've had better luck with nvidia lately09:38
ALexiaghostknife, did you look at that url?09:38
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linuxson25Yeah, been having the same problem with the mirror. Saw its got new kernel headers in the update09:40
blip-wasn't there some package that automatically pulled in all the requirements for a lamp stack on 8.10 ?09:40
linuxson25Need that, cause I had problems with my newest kernel, ended up deleting it. So I need to update09:40
linuxson25This going to be sorted soon?09:41
Liquidity_Chttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors <--- for those who can't wait for the ubuntu mirror to get back up!09:42
hawaiihimI have a peculiar question about network.  When can I go for assistance?09:42
linuxson25Thanx Liquidity_C!! Appreciate09:42
Liquidity_Clinuxson25, any time09:43
blip-hawaiihim, maybe here or in #networking09:43
hawaiihimits on ubuntu09:43
vldwhere is keyboard indicator kde 4.3???09:43
Liquidity_Chawaiihim, go ahead, just ask and we will se what happens :-)09:44
blip-there's a 4.3 now ?09:44
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blip-nice.  I tried 4.1 and then 4.2... but eventually I just couldn't cope with not having the speed of navigation I wanted... so switched over to xfce09:45
blip-the plasmoids thing is just a mess.  nice, but so messy09:45
hawaiihimthank you.  (I am using Ubuntu 9.04)  Recently I have not been able to access the internet in ubuntu... yet I can access it via XP running in virtualbox.  That is how I am talking to you now, via a virtual machine.09:47
Liquidity_Chawaiihim, wireless or wire?09:48
Boohbahhawaiihim: what did you change to break it?09:48
L3dPlatedLinuxhow could i find if something else ( left over config files or something is blocking a port) ?09:48
hawaiihimnothing to my knowledge09:48
BoohbahL3dPlatedLinux: what?09:48
Liquidity_Chawaiihim, unless you have not already, match the network settings on ubuntu to the settings in the VirtBox. Not uncommon to miss som minor thing09:49
L3dPlatedLinuxidk I am having trouble with port 21 and nothing is to what i can find is blocking it but no go now with that said i have port 20 and 21 forwarded to the ftp in question09:50
Silurianok i have kubuntu installed on a pc of mine and now i would like to put ubuntu server on instead the problem is the cd won't boot any ideas]09:51
QuantumKaoshi guys, how do i find out what wireless card driver i have installed?09:51
hawaiihimHow does one go about doing that09:51
Liquidity_Chawaiihim, just compare the details on the VirtBox (ip, mask, gateway etc.) to the settings on your ubuntu machine09:52
Liquidity_CQuantumKaos, System > Administration > hardwaredrivers09:53
hawaiihimhmmm, according to my machine I do not have eth009:55
Liquidity_CSilurian, check the boot order on your machine, usually by pressing F12 or something at bootup09:55
Siluriani did check that and cdrom is first09:56
Silurianis there a way to start the install from inside kubuntu09:56
spothere are many dvd rippers, but k9copy is the onyl one that can rip encrypted dvds, right?09:56
Liquidity_CSilurian, bad cd? does other cd's work?09:56
ALexiaspo thats not ture09:56
ALexiaspo thats not true09:56
spoalexia, then what else can09:56
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Liquidity_Chawaiihim, what? where did you find that?09:57
Silurianyeah they do09:57
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Silurianbut this is the second one for server i have made09:57
Liquidity_CSilurian, try making a new cd first, burn it slowly, sounds like something weird with the cd to me from here09:57
Siluriancould be09:57
Siluriannow i need to go buy another cd09:57
Liquidity_CSilurian, I fought with my 9.04 cd for two hours, then I made a new one burning it at low speed and it ran like a charm09:58
hawaiihimon the taskbar there is the networking icon... when I click on that I can look at my connections.  I used to eth0 but no longer09:58
Silurianwhat speed you recommend09:58
ALexiawhat would the command gpasswd -a random audio"   do?09:58
Liquidity_Chawaiihim, from the same menu select 'edit connections'09:58
llutzALexia: "man gpasswd" tells you09:59
Liquidity_CSilurian, depends on the burner, better safe then sorry though, i often use 24x for important install cd's09:59
ALexiallutz, i know im just being lazy i didnt want to read through the manual09:59
ALexiallutz, lol09:59<