
ultraputzanyone wanna help debug whole disc encryption gone bad after standard update? (not dist upgrade) ?02:08
ultraputzbrings up key prompt, gets key, then drops to initramfs02:08
ultraputzi've seen it do this before, somethign to do with the disk uuids getting munged02:08
asdfadsadfshow do i remove xubuntu03:19
Darth_Tuxasdfadsadfs you mean xfce4?03:21
ultraputzanyone know what to do when update breaks lvm encryption ?03:22
asdfadsadfsnah i dont think so?03:23
asdfadsadfsi just installed it yesterday, and it's screwing with my other os (windows)03:24
asdfadsadfsmy problem is that03:24
asdfadsadfsi go on the xubuntu's login screen03:24
asdfadsadfsi type in my username / password03:24
asdfadsadfsand for some reason03:24
asdfadsadfsit just stops03:24
Darth_Tuxasdfadsadfs, so you want to remove it without replacing it?03:26
asdfadsadfsi just want to delete xubuntu03:30
Pres-Gasultraputz, what updates came down the pipe?03:44
=== majuk1 is now known as majuk
_ronaldhow do I sudo in xubuntu? I would like to make a starter that will launch a program as root.07:57
turtle_g'day all; can anyone give me some insight why I can't update the linux kernel and/or it's headers via the update manager? is there some secret I don't know?08:35
TheSheepwhat's the error?08:42
turtle_on initiating: not all updates can be installed - Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible. This can be caused by: a previous update which didn't complete, problems with some of the install software, unofficial packages not provided by Ubuntu, normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu08:46
cdoublejjso are there any short comes of xubuntu 9.04 compared to ubuntu 9.0408:51
turtle_not that I have discovered so far cdoublejj08:52
cdoublejjsame thing just lighterfrom what i'm understanding08:52
cdoublejjalmost too good to be true08:52
turtle_I run it on my eeepc08:52
turtle_interested to see what kubuntu is like08:52
cdoublejji just know there waiting to rip me steal my wallet and take my girl friend :) j/k08:52
turtle_lol no08:53
turtle_life is bliss since I dumped windoze08:53
cdoublejjmy toshiba 2805 s202 is a wii bit to old for ubuntu i'm beginning to think08:53
turtle_all I need to do now is work out why my kernel wont update08:53
cdoublejjoh hell i love windows too08:53
cdoublejji think i like mac08:53
cdoublejjin gerneral i like computers08:54
cdoublejji like gaming so my work horse is windows08:54
cdoublejjbut linux is much nicer for email machines and exploratory machines like my linux box08:54
=== majuk1 is now known as majuk
bakhtiaranybody help that how i access samba data10:57
JarlGHello! When using Ubuntu my laptop runs fairly hot, though with XP it does not run as hot. Do You think Xubuntu will run cooler than Ubuntu? I have a Centrino Duo processor, as well as 2gb ram, so hardware shouldn't be a problem - perhaps compability? Thanks!10:59
homebrewciderhalfway through printing jobs, my printer stops printing, pauses for a while then spits out the page half printed, then a lsusb command shows no printer at all,anyone had this problem?11:53
Darth_Tuxhi sudobash15:24
MTec007im sure there is a way to resize the xfce desktop from terminal.. but i cant figure out how15:31
MTec007does any one know how to do that?15:32
Darth_Tuxyou mean edit the config file?15:32
MTec007no actually resize the desktop15:33
Darth_Tuxhmmm, not sure how to from cli15:33
MTec007ok. i have a computer that is constantly forgetting to save the resolution15:34
MTec007it sets the largest res. even though i change it back down to 1024x768x85Hz15:34
MTec007(on restart)15:35
MTec007you have any ideas on that?15:36
Darth_TuxMTec007, i would look into how to edit xorg.conf15:36
Darth_Tuxbe sure to save the file as a backup before editing it15:37
MTec007it has the same exact xorg.conf as this computer and this one works.15:39
Darth_Tuxyou can try removing the resolutions you dont want15:40
MTec007actually it doesnt have any resolutions15:40
Darth_Tuxhmmm, i havent looked at that file in a long time15:40
MTec007:) its ok15:41
Darth_Tuxmine has them, but i am not using xubuntu atm15:42
MTec007my wife will have to get over it, and change the resolution back whenever it needs restarted until i figure it out lol15:42
Darth_Tuxdoes it go to big? like 1280x something?15:42
MTec007like 1600x120015:43
Darth_Tuxlol, that could be a problem15:43
MTec007no good for browsing the web15:43
Darth_Tuxno it wouldnt be15:44
MTec007she can change it though .. until i get it fixed15:44
MTec007i wonder if theres a problem with the resolution versus the 85Hz that it doesnt save the resolution i set15:45
MTec007i'd hate to not use 85Hz though15:45
Darth_Tuxnot sure, have you checked the forums? or in #ubuntu?15:46
MTec007i searched google.. there was too much non relevant stuff15:47
MTec007maybe ill try different wording15:47
Darth_Tuxthat usually is good, but try the ubuntu channel, just kinda skirt that you are running xubuntu15:48
MTec007also the login screen looks to be using 1600x1200 as well15:50
Nerd42Hey I'm installing Xubuntu via Wubi on my own box (this is a public computer I'm typing on now) and the installer appears to have gotten stuck15:52
Darth_TuxMTec007, did it do that as a live CD?15:52
Darth_TuxNerd42, wubi?15:52
Nerd42It''s at 95% and says, "Running post installation trigger initramfs-tools"15:53
MTec007i dont know15:53
Nerd42Darth_Tux, http://wubi-installer.org/15:53
Nerd42Anyway I want to know what that means and whether I should turn my machine off15:54
Darth_TuxMTec007, you should check, you can copy the config file from the live session and put it in the installed one15:54
Darth_TuxNerd42, that looks very cool, but i have never used it15:55
Nerd42Maybe I should ask on ##windows in case this is a Wubi issue15:56
Nerd42Wubi is kind of unique15:56
Nerd42It's NOT a virtual machine ... just a virtual hard disk15:56
Darth_TuxNerd42, really looks good15:56
Nerd42that you can actually boot to in your windows boot menu15:56
Darth_Tuxi dont have a windows install to do it on15:57
MTec007lol i dont either15:57
Nerd42I've been a MicroBorg drone since MS-DOS 6.2 and it's about time I got linux on one of my own boxes15:57
Nerd42but i got a hard drive that has alot of data I don't wanna lose and I have no money for a DVD burner atm15:57
Nerd42its an NTFS drive15:58
Nerd42and I don't wanna get rid of windows, as there are a number of specialized programs and games I use that are windows-only15:58
Nerd42Wubi seems like my best option15:58
Nerd42But the xubuntu installer seems to be stuck at that message, "Running post installation trigger initramfs-tools"15:58
Darth_TuxNerd42, dual boot is another option15:59
Nerd42Darth_Tux, not without re-installing windows15:59
Nerd42or repartitioning15:59
Nerd42or probably both15:59
Darth_Tuxpartitioning would be all15:59
Nerd42but then I'd lose my data15:59
Darth_Tuxi doubt it16:00
Nerd42i cant make an existing partition smaller can I ?16:00
Darth_TuxNerd42, of course16:00
Nerd42o rly? wow16:00
Darth_Tuxyou shrink windows16:00
Nerd42well, I wanna do Wubi for now16:00
MTec007i've used gparted to do that a few times before16:00
Darth_Tuxgparted works really well16:00
Nerd42ok but like, at the moment I'd like to see if I can get Wubi to work though16:01
Nerd42might try repartitioning another time16:01
Darth_Tuxunderstood, that i cant help with16:01
Nerd42ok you know nothing about why a regular xubuntu installer would stop at that point?16:03
Darth_TuxNerd42, it could be a bad image, a bad burn16:03
Nerd42oh really ...16:04
Nerd42wait a second though16:04
Darth_Tuxit is xubuntu right?16:04
Nerd42two things occur to me that's why that might not be the case. You might be right, but only if your theory accounts for both these16:04
Nerd421. I successfully installed xubuntu on microsoft virtual PC on another computer a few weeks ago from this burned disc16:04
Nerd42(could be scratched now I guess)16:05
Darth_Tuxcould be, not sure16:05
Nerd422. This point at which the installer seems to have stopped is after the disc is no longer being used16:05
Nerd42and I think there was some kinda checker that checked the integrety of the install disc before the installer ran, right?16:05
Nerd42Yes, it is Xubuntu16:06
Nerd42i have an older computer, too slow for GNOME16:06
Nerd42OK so, do either of those invalidate your theory or should I turn off my machine, uninstall Wubi, and reinstall Wubi with a freshly downloaded xubuntu install disc image?16:07
Darth_TuxNerd42, i am not sure16:08
Darth_Tuxthe wubi site suggest the ubuntu forums and irc16:09
Nerd42oh ok16:11
MTec007Darth_Tux: i found the command, sudo xrandr -s 1024x76816:25
MTec007where would i put that command so that it gets executed at login16:25
MTec007and how would i get past the needing root powers?16:26
Darth_Tuxyou would put it in a file that has that permission16:26
Darth_Tuxthe one i dont recall atm16:26
MTec007Darth_Tux: $HOME/.profile ?16:37
Darth_TuxMTec007, no16:38
Darth_Tuxasking in another channel MTec007, just a sec16:40
Darth_TuxMTec007, try putting it >>> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc16:45
xyloxanybody has hardinfo installed? it shows load average as zero, anybody has the same issue?16:51
MTec007it didnt work16:54
petrielhello, what can be the reason of that i can not use the alt+enter combo to get the actual file name in mc17:30
Dark-StarHi! I'm currently trying to debug some slow xorg graphics on xubuntu (9.10) and I can't seem to find the xorg.conf and/or xorg log files. Any pointers?17:33
Pres-GasOkay, so there were mailings in the xubu list about feature freeze and long term goals from Steve Dodier and not much replies.  Did any further discussion happen in another part of the series of tubes?19:39
samphippencan I install xubuntu into a 2*10^9 (2 decimal gigabytes) ssd?20:27
TheSheepwith some stripping20:31
samphippenTheSheep, apt-get remove before installing?20:32
samphippenwill that stop it from installing packages I've explicitly removed20:32
TheSheepno, I don't think so, I'd rather do a xubuntu-server install, remove some things from it, then install the pieces of xubuntu you want20:33
samphippenwill xubuntu server fit into 2gigs with a gui?20:34
TheSheepxubuntu server doesn't have a gui20:35
samphippencan I install one?20:36
samphippenmebs should go with damn small linux20:36
TheSheepI don't know exact figures, but I think freshly installed xubuntu is something around 3GB20:36
TheSheepor archlinux20:36
samphippenhow large is a fresh debian?20:37
TheSheepno idea20:37
tuxminatorHi, the battery meter is acting really strange for me, I have a Asus EEE PC 701 and xubuntu 9.04. My battery meter has been showing 8% for like 30 minutes. it is very inacurrate21:24
tuxminatori have acpi utils installed21:25
Nerd42Help I'm in Xubuntu and my ... bars aren't showing up21:52
th0rNerd42: a parole will do that for you21:53
Nerd42like, that thing at the top of the screen that has Applications and the little firefox icon and the icon for the network and the Quit button21:53
Nerd42and the ... task switching bar thing at the bottom of the screen isn't there either21:53
th0rNerd42: open a terminal and type 'ps ax | grep xfce4-panel'21:53
th0rsee if the panel is running21:54
Nerd42that's prolly it21:54
Nerd42it say, "18390 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep xfce4-panel"21:54
th0rif it isn't running try just running 'xfce4-panel &'21:54
th0rNerd42: yeah...it is NOT running21:54
Nerd42OK the taskbar panel is back21:55
Nerd42but the Applications isn't21:55
Nerd42it say "System restart required" in a baloon now21:55
th0rNerd42: You probably have to rebuild the panels. Try a restart and see if the panel starts now. If not, you will have to start it manually and then save the session at logout21:55
Nerd42OK thanks :)21:56
Nerd42you mean linux doesnt start a new session every time you shut down?21:56
Nerd42I thought the whole point of restarting was so it would do that21:56
* Nerd42 apologizes for ignorance - has been a windows/MS-DOS only user for most of life21:57
th0rNerd42: yes, but xfce has a save session checkbox when you log out. If it is checked then when it starts back up it will start (or not start) whatever is running at shutdown21:57
Nerd42oh I see21:57
Nerd42how do I start the top panel?21:57
th0rNerd42: right click on the bottom panel, create a new panel, and put it at the top of the screen.21:58
th0rNerd42: use Fixed Position when you create it, and put it in the middle of the top of the screen21:58
Nerd42isn't there any easy way to reset to the default Xubuntu panel settings?21:58
th0rNerd42: not that I know of...once you lose it...you lose it and have to rebuild it all21:59
th0rNerd42: good news is...it doesn't take long to rebuild it21:59
Nerd42... that SUCKS21:59
Nerd42looks like I need to put that in as a feature request21:59
Nerd42anyway how do I shut down and get a new session?22:00
Nerd42oh wait you said, make top panel manually, ok i'll try that22:00
th0rNerd42: add Action Buttons to the panel...that is the shutdown button22:00
th0rNerd42: and the menu is the XFCE Menu item22:01
Nerd42LOL ... the aciton button just quits the panel program22:02
Nerd42hey check out this sexy error message I just got http://pastebin.com/d6734bae222:04
Nerd42You know what ... I think this OS may be like, fundamentally broken22:19
knomeNerd42, ?22:19
Nerd42First of all, it hangs in post-install, so I have to remember to unplug the computer from the internet during install or else it crashes and my whole install is screwed22:20
Nerd42Second, the update manager hangs/freezes, so after waiting about an hour, I shut the computer down using the GUI, and accidentally left the "save next session" checkbox on, while the frozen update manager is still running, and while I've asked it to open terminal three times with no response22:21
knomethat sounds like problems in your networking, not the OS22:21
Nerd42Now, I have shut down and restarted twice, both times but every time, the xfce4-status bars don't show up, I have three terminal windows and the update manager open at startup.22:22
Nerd42It's not up to me! and the OS shouldn't crash no matter WHAT the network does!22:22
Nerd42I've NEVER, EVER had a windows XP INSTALL crash in mid-install due to network issues. That's ABSURD22:22
knomeplease calm down.22:23
Nerd42the OS installer shouldn't crash no matter what the network does - just to be clear22:23
Nerd42ok its not my network ok, its a "take it or leave it" situation on the networking side of things22:23
knomethere are bugs and they are worked on, if they are first reported, then confirmed and triaged.22:24
Nerd42yeah it just seems like every time I try to actually do anything with linux, no matter what the distro, I run smack dab into them22:24
knomewhich version of xubuntu are you trying to install? have you tried the alternate installer?22:25
Nerd42i only managed to get here to talk to you because i had the sense to type "firefox3" in the terminal22:25
Nerd42whats the alternate installer?22:25
Nerd42I'm installing viaWubi22:25
Nerd42*via Wubi22:25
Nerd42I'm using Wubi22:25
knometry installing from a cd22:26
Nerd42Hell no22:26
knomeyou will experience a lot less hassle.22:26
Nerd42This is a windows machine22:26
Nerd42I'm trying to get linux on here on a trial basis22:26
Nerd42So far it hasn't been going too well22:26
knomeright, so before you say you have had no problems installing xp, try installing it inside an other os (preferably windows) first22:27
knomeyou can also try ubuntu with the cd - it works as a live cd22:27
knomethat way you don't even need to install it22:27
knomejust boot from the cd22:27
Nerd42so you think this is a Wubi issue?22:27
* Nerd42 has used livecds before22:28
knomeit might be, but i'm not familiar with wubi a lot. i know there is some problems with it, and this might be one of those.22:28
Nerd42the livecd thing is cool, i gotta admit, except that it won't mount NTFS partitions easily22:28
knomentfs partitions are not exactly suggested to be used with linux.22:29
Nerd42is there some patent preventing access to NTFS drives? even just to read and not write?22:30
Nerd42or is it just that whatever NTFS support that is Richard Stallman friendly just sucks?22:31
knomethere are more powerful file systems than ntfs.22:31
Nerd42knome, I don't care!22:31
Nerd42at least not at the moment22:32
knomealso, ntfs was created by microsoft and its specifications were not published for the public22:32
Nerd42If I was dealing with a new computer, and had a DVD burner that works which I could backup all my files on, that might be different22:32
knomethat means the linux developers have had to backward-engineer the support - it's like solving the mastermind22:32
Nerd42but this is an old piece of junk, thus i'm running xubuntu instead of ubuntu22:32
Nerd42o i c22:32
Nerd42have they done it or not?22:33
Nerd42Ugh ... what I really need to do at this point is delete Xubuntu and Wubi the hell off my computer22:34
knomeit's been done, yes, but the support is not 100% stable even now, i think.22:34
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:34
Nerd42then I might come back to the problem at some point with a repartitioning solution22:34
Nerd42rather than Wubi22:34
knomethat would be a better approach, yes.22:34
Nerd42I'd need to do it in wuch a way that the data on my NTFS partition is totally safe and not at risk22:35
Nerd42*such a way22:35
Nerd42is that doable?22:36
knome(x)ubuntu won't touch your ntfs partition, if you don't specifically ask that on install time (or later)22:36
Nerd42uhhhhhhhhh, but my NTFS partition fills the entire hard drive22:37
knomeyeah. i'm not sure if resizing is possible.22:37
Nerd42unless it is, I probably won't be joining the linux / free software OS community for at least another two years.22:38
Nerd42as this computer is all I've got22:38
knomethat's sad to hear.22:38
Nerd42pfft, what can I say, if the engine can't pull the cars, the train schedule is screwed22:39
Nerd42wait a second22:39
Nerd42Dangit why can't somebody make a Linux + WINE livecd ?22:40
Nerd42I really wanna see what WINE can do!22:40
knomeyou can browse the wine appdb.22:40
Nerd42but I mean SEE not just read about22:40
knomewell, you can always ask people for experiences22:41
knomewine works well, but it needs more resources than running the apps with native windows system, as it needs to emulate windows22:41
knomeif you are thinking about playing a lot of games, wine might not be the best solution.22:42
Nerd42you know, maybe I ought to give this thing one more try22:42
Nerd42knome, well Windows XP would be the solution for games22:43
Nerd42reactOS is kinda getting there ... slowly ... like an iceburg22:43
Nerd42Maybe the new Google Chrome OS will be the first modern OS that doesn't suck22:44
knomeyep. i have to say, though, that my experiences on dualboot are not really that great. i did windows+linux dualboot long time a go for a while (i was still mostly a windows user) and i just used to run windows even if i wasn't going to play games22:44
knomethere are many OS's that don't suck already. it just depends on what you need, what is your computer/that particular os experience and also a bit about what kind of pc/hardware you have.22:45
Nerd42I was gonna try and setup Frets on Fire inside this linux today22:45
knomexubuntu doesn't suck the slightest bit for me.22:45
Nerd42like which?22:45
Nerd42that's because you don't live in the real world22:45
Nerd42you live in Linux Land lol :)22:46
knomei can do whatever i need/want to and achieve it better and faster than in any other OS22:46
knomei work in the IT industry and i definitely have experiences about windows also.22:46
Nerd42this kind of thing ... ought to just WORK22:46
Nerd42otherwise it shouldn't leave beta status22:47
Nerd42this is supposed to be all stable here22:47
knomethere are things in windows that doesn't work. there are a lot of them.22:47
Nerd42not the OS installer...22:47
Nerd42the windows XP installer is actually pretty good22:47
knomeagain, you have not ran the windows installer from inside another OS22:48
Nerd42does inside earlier versions of windows count?22:48
knomenot really.22:48
Nerd42and inside virtual machines?22:48
knometotally not.22:48
Nerd42come to think of it ... this Wubi + xubuntu thing really ought to work22:48
knomeactually there is no way to even do that with windows. windows is always installed from the cd.22:49
Nerd42the only thing that isn't working here is some kind of quirk about the xfce desktop environment, because Wubi's mostly been tested for UBUNTU standard22:49
knomepeople are working on it, and for most people it works22:49
knomeyou're wrong - xfce isn't causing wubi not to work.22:49
knomeit is just an another package to install22:50
Nerd42i'm saying, Wubi is causing xfce not to work22:50
knomehave you installed ubuntu with wubi, and did it work?22:50
Nerd42Yeah for about two minutes22:50
Nerd42I haven't not installed ubuntu, only xubuntu22:51
Nerd42I have not installed ubuntu, only xubuntu22:51
Nerd42you know what, it's probably just something screwed up in the update manager that one time22:51
knomeok, so how can you know it's not something in your hardware making wubi not work right and because of that, break xfce?22:51
knomepeople have installed xubuntu with wubi with no problems.22:52
knomethat's a fact. wubi is not breaking xubuntu/xfce either.22:52
knomethe problem is somewhere else.22:52
Nerd42Probably some important package got corrupted ... and its one that xfce-panel depends on.... or something22:52
Nerd42that's probalby it22:52
knomethat's really really unlikely.22:52
Nerd42well if its my hardware, then the bottom line would be that Windows works with my hardware, and linux doesn't, therefore I must use Windows.22:53
knometry to install xubuntu from the live cd and compare your experiences - it might turn out to be totally different22:53
knomeyes, but that doesn't mean linux is broken.22:53
Nerd42LOL um you're ignoring my actual situation as described above22:53
knomeno, i'm not.22:53
Nerd42i.e. I don't have a spare hard drive lying around22:53
knomeif you can't, then don't. but you should.22:53
Nerd42and no way to backup right now22:54
knomei'm sorry you can't22:54
Nerd42seems to me that if the installer fails due to a network issue, that would mean ipso facto that the installer is not STABLE22:55
Nerd42which is unrelated to wubi22:55
knomewubi is not 100% stable.22:55
Nerd42and other people not using wubi have had that problem22:55
knomewubi IS NOT the (x)ubuntu installer22:55
Nerd42i'm not talking about the wubi installer i'm talking about the xubuntu installer22:55
Nerd42it hangs at 95%22:55
knomeit's a software/installer made to work in/with windows22:56
knomeyes, but as you launch the installer from wubi, it's not really like you're doing a completely clean/normal installation22:56
Nerd42not at the point it was hanging though22:56
Nerd42o ... k ...22:57
knomewhen installing from wubi, the installer uses what wubi has done.22:57
Nerd42i didn't launch the installer from "wubi" ... i launched the xubuntu installer from the windows XP boot menu22:57
Nerd42o i c22:57
knomethose parts might have been erroneous in your machine for reason or another.22:57
Nerd42but this network problem is related to wubi .. how?22:57
knomemaybe a bug in wubi or a hardware issue22:57
knomei don't know.22:57
Nerd42OK look how bout I try the install ONE MORE TIME22:58
knomei've not seen or written wubi neither do i know how it is supposed to work22:58
Nerd42and be REAL CAREFUL when running the update manager22:58
knomehope you will have better results this time22:58
Nerd42I guess I can just turn the computer off cold since I don't have to worry about screwing up the xubuntu file system LOL22:58
knomewell, the file system is inside your windows partition, if i've understood correctly how wubi works..22:59

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