
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
lamalexkenvandine: is empathy in karmic going to have geolocation/adium theme support?03:58
kenvandineadium theme yes04:00
kenvandinenot geolocation04:00
lamalexkenvandine: do i need to install the webkit libs myself? adium isn't currently an option04:01
kenvandineit doesn't say adium04:01
kenvandinethe dep is there04:01
kenvandineif you have an adium theme installed04:02
kenvandineit will just appear in the theme selector04:02
lamalexinstalled how? i guess the they changed the ui04:02
lamalexyou used to pick adium then give a path04:02
kenvandinethey did04:02
kenvandineextract theme there04:02
lamalexthanks buddy04:02
kenvandineit is much better now :)04:02
kenvandinei have one in my ppa04:02
kenvandinehuman theme04:02
lamalexoh yah?04:03
kenvandinebut there is license issues :/04:03
lamalexi dig renkoo 2.0 but ill go check out your human one04:03
kenvandinewell, waiting for a proper license from the original dude04:03
kenvandinelamalex, so where do you live?04:03
lamalexkenvandine: philly04:03
kenvandineyeah, i was out that way... sort of04:04
kenvandineup near milford04:04
lamalexive got no idea where milford is, I assume north east of here though04:04
kenvandinewhere NY, NJ and PA meet04:05
kenvandinei think about an hour from philly04:05
lamalexahh ok04:05
kenvandine40m from scranton04:05
lamalexyeah probably an hour or 90 mins04:05
lamalexoof ken, this is ugly.. did the design team give this a +1?04:07
bratscheWhat is adium?04:13
lamalexmac osx chat program04:14
lamalexbasically the mac pidgin04:14
bratscheOh, okay.04:14
bratschekenvandine: dude!04:14
bratschekenvandine: I think I fixed the flickering issues.04:14
kenvandinei saw that04:15
kenvandinei have it installed :)04:15
kenvandinehaven't tested04:15
bratscheTest that shit out!04:15
lamalexthe g-p-m flicker jawn?04:15
kenvandinelamalex, the design team created it :)04:15
kenvandinewell hacked it04:15
kenvandinebratsche, i will test that shit out!04:15
lamalexi hope it's rendering wrong for me04:16
bratschekenvandine: xsplash feels so unbelievably useless on my laptop since I installed the SSD.04:16
bratscheMy desktop loads so fast that xsplash fades out almost as soon as it appears.04:16
* kenvandine wants an ssd04:16
* lamalex wants an ssd04:17
bratscheIt was useless even before the SSD, but this drive really rubs salt in my wounds.04:17
* kenvandine reboots04:17
kenvandinebratsche, woot... no flicker!04:21
* kenvandine sees a release in our future :)04:22
bratscheWe've got logo, throbber, user switched from root -> gdm, and flickerless awesomeness.04:24
kenvandineoh, we still need to do the setuid stuff04:24
bratscheOh, and the background scaling stuff.. but now that the flicker is solved then maybe we can try to use mt's original idea for this instead.04:24
bratschekenvandine: Oh yeah.. I forgot about that.04:25
bratscheCan we do that in the morning and then throw out a release guaranteed to thrill the ladies?04:25
bratscheI need to get one more review on this merge request, but I'm not sure who is willing to review it.04:26
bratschekenvandine: I finally figured out how I have so few points in the xsplash project.. most of my commits were on my laptop where I forgot to set bzr whoami.04:27
bratscheI was like.. how do I have almost no points here? :)04:27
kenvandinewhoami is important :)04:27
bratscheSo some commits give me credit in LP, and some say they're by this mysterious guy named cody@beamish04:28
kenvandinegotta watch out for that guy, he is shady04:28
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djsiegel1DanRabbit: pign15:48
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mac_vdjsiegel_: seems we are loosing bugs > replacement Bug #416605 ?20:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 416605 in hundredpapercuts "background Style options are confusing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41660520:50
djsiegel_DanRabbit: where are the ones you just reported?20:50
DanRabbitthat's one20:50
mac_vdjsiegel_: ^ thats his20:50
djsiegel_DanRabbit is a new papercutter20:50
djsiegel_Dan, please milestone that to r720:50
DanRabbitI'm attempt to, but I'm not sure how :D20:51
mac_vDanRabbit: done ;)20:52
mac_vDanRabbit: i think both can be dealt in the same bug20:53
DanRabbithaha, david told me to do 2 :D20:55
SiDimac_v: heya20:55
DanRabbitI wasn't sure20:55
mac_vdjsiegel_: are we short of bugs again?20:56
djsiegel_mac_v I am putting r7 progress report together20:57
djsiegel_and invalided some20:57
djsiegel_DanRabbit: where is the bug for preferred apps?20:58
DanRabbitOh, I don't think I filed that one20:58
DanRabbitI got distracted by the backgrounds20:58
DanRabbithold on20:59
mac_vdjsiegel_: the milestones are a bit in dissarray , there are a few in milestone 1/2/3 which havent been completed yet , shall i arrange them , so that all the initial milestones are done?20:59
djsiegel_mac_v, no, it's ok20:59
djsiegel_the milestones are rough guides21:00
mac_vdjsiegel_: my fear is , the bugs might get left out , we have to keep tabs on the ones not done , felt it might be better this way... no probs though21:00
djsiegel_mac_v, we're going to push really hard for U dev week next week21:01
djsiegel_and there is a bug jam right now21:01
djsiegel_I think21:01
djsiegel_I meant to catch up on that today21:01
mac_vdjsiegel_:  you havent yet contacted nautilus mailing list about Clean up > Arrange 21:01
mac_vjust a reminder^21:01
beunodjsiegel_, I've started using gnome-do again, and, let me say, I can't believe I stopped using it21:02
djsiegel_good to hear21:03
djsiegel_I stop using it all the time too21:03
* mac_v finds gnome-do docky lacks configuration ;)21:03
djsiegel_beuno: make sure you tell lamalex (current Do maintainer)21:03
djsiegel_mac_v use AWN!21:03
beunolamalex, thank you21:03
mac_vdjsiegel_: hehe , i use cairo-dock21:04
djsiegel_or that!21:04
DanRabbitdjsiegel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/41662421:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 416624 in hundredpapercuts "Preferred Applications is a little confusing." [Undecided,New] 21:06
DanRabbitDocky is the Mac of Docks. It just works. Sexily.21:06
djsiegel_DanRabbit: can you also please forward that bug upstream?21:13
DanRabbitHow do you do that?21:14
lamalexthanks for what?21:17
* lamalex read the backlog21:18
djsiegel_ok guys22:29
djsiegel_mac_v beuno DanRabbit http://tinyurl.com/mbpmob22:29
djsiegel_Ubuntu Developer Week is coming up (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek)22:29
djsiegel_those are the paper cuts that may need work22:29
DanRabbitSchool is coming up too :(22:33
DanRabbitI'd rather have papercuts.22:33
lamalexubuntu developer week is always at the worst time22:34
lamalexright when school starts back up22:34
DanRabbitno kidding22:34
lamalexhave wanted to attend since the first one, always have classes22:35
* SiDi is in holidays from end of May to beginning/middle of September. Love french universities !22:36
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