
pooliebut i'm ok with making it a dependency of bzr, we don't aspire to have every feature working on a bare python install00:00
denyswith a _bare_ install, I can give you encrypted bzr server connections00:01
denyssurely, that's an improvement (even if minute)00:02
poolieso is that the main difference in your view?00:02
denysyes - so far, it is something small that improves security and THEN makes possible authentication over an encrypted channel00:04
dashi'm using bzr 1.17 and after doing 'bzr shelve' I get this: "bzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('missing parent', 'new-5')]"00:09
dashunshelve seems to work OK, but it worries me a little. :)00:10
dashanything I can do to diagnose or fix this?00:10
lifelessdash: are you shelving only some changes?00:10
lifelessdash: also file a bug00:11
dashno, all of them00:12
lifelesswhat does bzr status show, if you can show me?00:12
denyshmm... my more general question has not been answered: how do I get a request to change something in the server e.g. in the connection (socket)?00:12
lifelessdenys: there isn't any way to do that at the moment, the server doesn't assume a socket even exists00:13
lifelessdenys: which is why I started talking about framing etc00:13
dashlifeless: mmm, this is proprietary code, so i probably can't show it to you verbatim00:13
denyslifeless: I know, but should I give up or is there value in trying to make that work?00:14
lifelessdash: feel free to transform the filenames00:14
lifelessdash: I want the structure00:14
dashbut it's just 4 files modified, 3 files added, no pending merges, mucho unknowns00:14
lifelessdenys: and whether specific items are directories or files00:14
lifelessdenys: well, I don't see a lot of value, but if you do I'm happy to help you figure it all out.00:15
pooliedenys, i thought i answered that, or at least pointed in the right direction00:15
pooliemake the objects link to each other on the way up00:15
poolieso then the request can tell the socket to start encryption00:15
lifelessdenys: the reason I don't see a lot of value is that unlike e.g. SMTP, bzr's protocol aims to layer on transports that are already encrypted. SMTP though, defines a wire protocol for talking on a socket.00:16
pooliehowever, i really wish we could understand each other about ssh :-(00:16
lifelessoh wow00:17
lifelesscopyright law fail00:17
denyspoolie: there's a lot that I just can't do with with ssh that could be done if I have free reign.  but I have to play with the cards I get.00:17
lifelessdenys: what sort of things?00:18
dashlifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256004/00:18
poolielifeless: mm i saw, that's a bit awful00:18
denyslifeless: I can't sell it to admins00:18
lifelessdenys: it doesn't need system users though, or even to be on port 2200:18
pooliemind you it'd probably be infeasible to run such a service _at all_ in au or uk because of libel law00:18
denysI can't sell restricted shells00:18
lifelessdenys: it doesn't even need a shell00:19
pooliethe SMH restaurant reviewer was sued for criticizing a restaurant00:19
denyslifeless: you cannot reason it.  this is not a reasonable requirement . it just is. and I have to deal with it.00:19
lifelessoh; so you're saying that when you say 'ssh', your sysadmins think 'open ssh, PAM, passwd files and shells', but when you say 'https' they think 'some custom code I don't need to worry about' ?00:20
denysthey worry about it, but at least they have pretty goof hanlde on that00:21
lifelesseven though those two things are totally interchangable? [there are system web servers that offer shells and ssh servers that simply don't...]00:21
poolieah :)00:21
* poolie made the classic mistake of assuming the requirements were rational00:21
denysi have spent 3 years of lobbying :-(00:21
denyswhat I have got is pretty good compared with we what we had before00:22
lifelessone possibly thing to do would be to make bzrs be bzr+ssh :)00:23
lifelessand just not tell anyone00:23
denyslifeless: you don't work at a university ibviously00:24
lifelessdenys: I used to00:24
poolieeven if it's not externally visible at all, they're going to object if you're running a standard protocol at the top layer, but not if you're running a hand-crafted protocol?00:25
* poolie wonders where you draw the line00:25
denyslifeless: last time we did domething that the security officer didn#t approve of, he cut the entire university network00:25
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
lifelessdenys: wow00:25
poolieif it's ssh but you must send the string 'cest la vie' before you start is that ok?00:25
denyspoolie: no dice00:26
poolieso that probably explains the confusion00:26
pooliei think at least some other it departments would actually prefer people use standard secured protocols00:26
lifelessits a form of conflation00:26
lifeless'ssh' is being conflated with implementations that have various implications00:27
pooliei've heard, years ago, of ssh being banned in favor of telnet00:27
pooliei'm not sure if it was that they wanted to sniff your traffic, or just fear of the new00:27
denysthey may eventually come that conclusion themselve, but it CANNOT be thrust upon them00:27
AfCpoolie: fear of the new00:28
AfCdenys: [and, that's very astute]00:28
pooliedenys: so, ok,00:29
igcpoolie: the quick references cards did move some weeks back, yes00:29
pooliei'd like to help you out here but i'd also like something that makes sense for other people00:29
poolieand i think that's more likely to be builtin ssh00:30
pooliehow about if you write a small separate program that works just like ssh but is not actually ssh00:30
lifeless'uses the same encryption as ssh'00:30
pooliein other words it opens an ssl connection, sends a username and password, then runs a server process00:30
poolieno, not the same protocol00:30
poolieso from bzr's point of view it will be 'program that gives me a connection to the server'00:31
poolieand 'program that starts the server in inetd mode'00:31
denyspoolie: I don't think that forcing EVERYTHING into the same mold is necessarily a good strategy.  I'd like to see where we can take the bzr protocol.00:31
denysthe other consideration is: how hard is it to set up00:32
denysI can guarantee you that setting things up on the university server is unbelievably hard00:32
pooliei can believe it00:32
pooliei'm reminded of getting an hp-ux account with no compiler and not even any cursor key support in the shell00:33
pooliethat gets very very tedious00:33
poolieanyhow, if you put up clean patches, we can certainly look at them00:33
denysmy tack is to promove virtual servers - but I still have to ackonoledge the authentication rules set up by the univesity00:34
pooliei think your requirements here are weird enough they're not necessarily what we'd generally recommend00:34
pooliebut maybe it will turn out to be generally useful00:34
denysmy requirement are not weird. they are just what we have to deal with in france00:34
poolielifeless & others: so on another topic, i'm wondering if rather than 1.18final we should do 2.0beta1 today00:34
pooliewith the format set00:34
poolieacknowledging we'll need more bug fixes, but we may not need anything other than bug fixes00:35
pooliewell, some things like selected-file commit may need to be fudged as bug fixes; they arguably are00:35
lifelesspoolie: uhm00:35
lifelesspoolie: I really think we're confusing people by changing the release labelling before 2.000:35
lifelessthere isn't a stable that we have been patching00:36
lifelessso I'm very much in favour of 1.1800:36
poolieto take a step back00:36
lifelessand only changing the labelling at 2.000:36
pooliewe could release 1.18final00:36
poolieoff that branch00:36
poolieand then immediately release 2.0b1 at the base of a new branch00:36
lifelessnot to mention that we still haven't figured out how to make 2.x beta releases sort properly in the debian archive00:36
pooliewhat's wrong with 2.0~beta1?00:37
poolieyou can't have tildes in the upstream version?00:37
lifelessa ~ means sort before00:37
lifelessbut its not part of the python version spec00:38
lifelesswhich you said you wanted to follow00:38
poolieistm (2, 0, 0, 'beta', 1) === 2.0~beta100:38
pooliewhat is the problem?00:38
lifelessthat works for me I think00:39
pooliesurely that's the commonsense way to represent it in both systems?00:39
lifelesswell, I'm only aware of ~ having this sort before meaning for dpkg specifically.00:41
lifelessI think its fine to start using it elsewhere, but it doesn't follow on its own from the starting point of using python identifiers ;)00:41
lifelesspoolie: has it been 4 weeks since we released 1.18rc1?00:41
pooliei seem to be having a bad morning for communication00:41
poolieit's been a week and a half00:41
lifelessthen I think we should wait ;)00:42
poolieyou said00:42
poolie> lifeless: not to mention that we still haven't figured out how to make 2.x beta releases sort properly in the debian archive00:42
pooliei think i answered that00:42
pooliei don't think we have to use the tilde anywhere else00:43
pooliein source or windows exe files it can be just 2.0beta100:43
pooliefor rpms iirc they already have a special sort algorithm that treats 'beta' as meaning 'before'00:43
poolielifeless: btw i suppose you implicitly fixed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/413584 ?00:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 413584 in bzr "TestStacking failures when default format is 2a" [High,In progress]00:50
pooliei marked it fixed00:52
lifelessso did I:P00:53
AfCbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-gtk/bzr-gtk/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()00:57
pooliebzr info?00:57
AfCAll I was trying to do was `bzr pull`00:57
lifelessAfC: is that a checkout ?00:57
lifeless / bound branch00:57
AfCpoolie: Repository checkout (format: 1.14-rich-root)00:57
AfC  repository checkout root: .00:57
AfC        checkout of branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr-gtk/bzr-gtk/trunk/00:57
AfClifeless: yes00:58
lifelessAfC: ok, so this is a bug00:58
AfCbzr 1.17 brand newly installed00:58
lifelesswe're not matching urls correctly00:58
lifelessbzr unbind00:58
lifelessbzr bind http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-gtk/bzr-gtk/trunk00:58
AfC&& pull?00:58
lifelessthen you'll be back to normal00:58
lifelessand can use bzr update again00:58
fullermdBug?  Isn't that just what you'd expect to do when pulling a checkout over http?00:58
AfC[sometimes I think that you guys should kill "checkout" and only offer branch & bind.00:59
lifelessfullermd: no, the %7E != ~00:59
fullermdSure, but what's that matter?00:59
AfCor, only offer branch ^W checkout & bind, etc]00:59
fullermdIf you're trying to pull INTO a http://something, you'd expect locking failure since it isn't writable.00:59
lifelessfullermd: it fails the test in bzr.pull for master == source url00:59
lifelessfullermd: trust me :) look in malone if you want the gory details00:59
fullermdWell, maybe there's another bug there, but it *SHOULD* fail writing over HTTP regardless of any other matching.01:00
AfCI was trying to *pull*01:00
lifelessfullermd: pulling from the master of a bound branch pulls locally only01:00
fullermdIn a checkout.  Which means the branch you're trying to write to is across HTTP.01:00
AfCAnd then I recalled I really ought to "update"01:00
lifelesscan we please not paint the chicken a new colour right now?01:01
fullermdIt WHAT?  That sounds like an insane level of DWIM...01:01
AfC(/me hates the fact that sometimes you do that as one step, sometimes two. eg push pull asymmetry, etc. I think in trying to make it easier we just made it more confusing)01:01
lifelessfullermd: I'm not defending it, but its been there for years; and the url mismatch is causing the error AfC is getting01:01
* fullermd never heard of that before.01:02
lifelessfullermd: its part of the original bind patch I think01:02
AfClifeless, poolie: thanks Robert & Martin. Fixed.01:02
* AfC relocates01:02
lifelessbrb, fooding01:54
lifelessdash: sorry, distractions02:13
lifelessdash: so, uhm shelve is failing02:14
lifelessand you're doing shelve --all ?02:14
dashusing shelve1 at the moment in bzrtools02:14
dashlifeless: well i hit 'f' at the first prompt so basically02:14
lifelessto humour me, could you try shelve --all?02:14
lifelessalso are there any pending merges?02:15
dashno pending merges02:15
dashsame error using --all02:15
lifelessdefinitely file a bug02:15
dashexcept it says new-6 now, don't know if that's related to pulling new revs since i tried last02:15
lifelessyou've modified another file probably02:15
dashthe parent of this branch is an svn branch, don't know if that's relevant02:16
lifelessit might be; but the shelve operation is all local so shouldn't be02:16
dashguess i'll try this with 1.18rc1 too02:17
mozmckDo the nautilus extensions work on ubuntu 9.04?  I installed from source and I can't get olive to run and nothing shows up in nautilus.02:24
mozmckThis is what I get when I try to run olive-gtk:  Traceback (most recent call last):02:26
mozmck  File "/usr/local/bin/olive-gtk", line 89, in <module>02:26
mozmck    import bzrlib.plugins.gtk.ui as ui02:26
mozmckImportError: No module named gtk.ui02:26
spivmozmck: sounds like you hvaen't got the bzr-gtk plugin installed03:10
mozmckspiv: that's what I installed from source: bzr-gtk-0.96.203:19
mozmckI'm running bzr 1.17 from the ppa deb package03:19
lifelesshow did you install it03:20
mozmck./setup.py install I think.03:20
lifelessit may have installed to something not on your python path03:21
mozmckoh, how would I find that out?  where is the python path?03:21
lifelessif you touch one of the source files03:22
lifelesslike __init__.py03:22
lifelessand install it again, you can see the path it installs the python files to03:22
mozmcktouch it?03:22
AfC$ touch path/to/filename.py03:23
mozmckah, changes the timestamp.  Then how do I find it once installed?03:24
lifelessthe installer outputs stuff03:24
lifelessread what it outputs :)03:24
lifelessand now03:25
lifelesspython -c "import sys; print sys.path"03:25
mozmck'/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages' is at the end of the printout03:26
lifelesspython -c "import bzrlib; print bzrlib.__path__"03:27
lifelessso, this is a python limitation; by default it doesn't really know how to deal with different locations like that03:28
lifelessI suggest moving /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/gtk to /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins/gtk03:28
mozmckah, so I need to tell it to install in /usr/lib somehow03:28
mozmckI'll try that03:29
mozmcklooks like that worked.  The first time I tried to run olive it gave a different error than it was giving, but now it runs.03:33
mozmckso should the nautilus stuff work after I log out and back in?03:33
* igc lunch03:34
lifelessso, it feels like every tweet gets a new spam follower04:32
bialixigc: hi04:44
igchi bialix04:45
igcbialix: is qinfo better now?04:45
bialixigc, what version of PyQt/Qt you're have?04:45
bialixsimilar problem with layout and in quncommit04:46
igcbialix: PyQt 4.4.4, Qt 4.5.004:46
igcbilaix: jaunty04:46
igcbialix: I'm seeing crap layout in quncommit - I'm yet to try tuning that, I just wanted something working first04:47
bialixwhat strange combination!04:47
igcbialix: qinfo is ok for me though04:47
bialixI think PyQt should be 4.5.x too04:48
bialixweird weird weird04:48
bialixwait a sec04:48
bialixigc: http://imagebin.ca/view/RdaTOA.html04:49
bialixthis is what I see by default04:49
bialix"move tip to" group should not be elastic. progress widget should be04:49
igcbialix: ok04:50
lifelessvila: hi :P04:50
bialixigc: there is several places that needs fixing in quncommit, unfortunately I have urgent work...04:51
igcbialix: karmix will be pyqt 4.5.2, qt 4.5.1 by the look of things04:51
* vila snores04:51
bialixigc: how about next plan: I'll merge quncommit as is but make it idden command04:51
igcbialix: if you can, let me fix it in the next hour or two04:52
igcbialix: can the 0.14 release wait another few hours?04:52
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bialixigc: I will do release tonight in my tz, ~ +12 hours from now. But you'll be sleeping04:52
igcbialix: cool. I have another 2-3 things to clean up so I'll have them up for review asap04:53
igcbialix: I won't get to the qconfig nicer diff/merge tool selection so it will need to come later04:54
bialixigc: also, why for you need this code in do_start:04:55
bialix280+ cwd = urlutils.local_path_to_url(os.getcwd()) + '/'04:55
bialix281+ if cwd != dest:04:55
bialix282+ args.append(dest)04:55
bialix283+ self.process_widget.do_start(None, 'uncommit', *args)04:55
bialixigc: never never never never never use bare os.getcwd()!!!04:55
igcbialix: ah - ok04:56
bialixbut I think that code is useless04:56
bialixyou need just append branch location04:56
bialixand most important!04:56
bialixquncommit should operate on working tree root, not branch root!04:56
bialixbecause if you have light checkout you've got wrong thing04:57
bialixsee qmerge as example04:57
igcbialix: but it needs to work on a treeless branch04:57
bialixqpull then04:57
bialixigc: yes, it should04:57
abentleyspiv: re: bug 250451, break-lock never suggests a URL, so I don't think your wording is an improvement.04:58
igcbialix: ok, I'll take a look04:58
bialixigc: but if there is tree it should uncommit in the tree to update dirstate04:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250451 in bzr "break-lock suggests wrong URL for smart-server branches" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25045104:58
bialixigc: lib/html_log.py?04:59
bialixis it exisiting code from somewhere else?05:00
igcbialix: code I use in explorer05:00
igcbialix: we could use qlog widget if I knew how05:00
bialixwe have htmlize function in util.py instead of cgi.escape05:00
bialixbut maybe it does not matter right now05:01
davidstraussThis was a fun bug to run into today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/41593605:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 415936 in bzr "Merge into new branch produces strange log" [Undecided,New]05:01
bialixigc: ok, so I've made almost full review over quncommit05:02
igcbialix: thanks for the fast review05:02
bialixigc: I need to go to work, I'll check mails but will be busy05:02
igcbialix: ok. Thanks05:03
bialixigc: qinfo is not critical for 0.14?05:03
igcbialix: well, it breaks in explorer when users ask for Location Information on anything without a WT :-(05:04
bialixnow qinfo better05:04
bialixbut anyway something wrong when I'm resizing it05:05
igcbialix: resizing is ok on Ubuntu fwiw05:05
bialixigc: perhaps I'll merge it anyway and we polish it later05:05
bialixwanna my screenshot?05:05
igcbialix: please - it's a step forward definitely05:06
bialixigc: http://imagebin.ca/view/21L7Di.html05:07
bialixigc: I'm just resize it by vertical up and dowm05:08
igcbialix: might be a bug in QFormLayout in Qt 4.405:08
lifelesspoolie: ping05:08
lifelesspoolie: something is going wrong with your merges to bzr.dev05:08
lifeless1.18 is in there twice, and this morning hno reporting that changes from 1.18 are listed under 1.1705:08
bialixigc: maybe, but it looks ugly nevertheless05:09
bialixok, time runs out05:09
* bialix disappears05:09
igcbye for now05:09
xiaohuiHi, when I use *bzr push* to my branch on lauchpad.net, it shows that the"Unable to obtain lock lp-45207760:///~xiaohui/opencog/moses/.bzr/branch/lock05:12
xiaohuiheld by xiaohui@bazaar.launchpad.net on host crowberry [process #10793]05:12
xiaohuilocked 13 hours, 41 minutes ago05:12
xiaohuiWill continue to try until 05:11:09, unless you press Ctrl-C05:12
xiaohuiIf you're sure that it's not being modified, use bzr break-lock lp-45207760:///~xiaohui/opencog/moses/.bzr/branch/lock05:12
xiaohuibzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)": "05:12
lifelessbzr break-lock lp:~xiaohui/opencog/moses05:13
xiaohuiI use the *bzr break-lock lp:~/xiaohui/opencog/moses* but is unuseful05:13
xiaohuithen it returns an error:bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: a float is required05:16
lifelessxiaohui: what is your bzr version05:16
lifelessI believe that was a bug that we have fixed05:16
xiaohuimy version is 1.1405:17
lifelessI'm quite sure that that is fixed05:17
spivxiaohui: upgrade your bzr, or use "nosmart+lp:~xiaohui/opencog/moses" (I think) as a workaround.05:20
xiaohuiwhat is the *nosmart*  mean05:21
spivIt disables most of the interesting smart protocol code, and just does direct file accesses.  It's roughly equivalent to sftp.05:23
spivIf I'm remembering correctly, it also avoids that bug in that version of bzr.05:24
xiaohuihmm, it doesn't work05:27
xiaohuiso I have to upgrade the bzr05:27
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
xiaohuianother error:05:38
xiaohuiso what should I do? update the version of bzr05:38
xiaohuibzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~/xiaohui/opencog/moses": No such person or team:05:38
xiaohuiwhy it said no such person or team05:39
lifelessyou've mispelt the url05:41
lifelessyou added a / between ~ and x05:41
xiaohuioh , my fault05:41
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
vilahi all07:07
abentleyWith bzr trunk, bzrtools tests are failing due to dirstate locks that did not fail previously: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/256159/ Any ideas?07:47
vilaabentley: does that involve some transform_tree ?07:50
vilaabentley: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/transform_tree/+merge/10440 may be related ?07:51
abentleyvila: No, it doesn't involve that.07:51
vilaI' don't that's been merged yet tough07:51
vilaabentley: by the way, what TZ are you in right now ? 8-}07:52
vilaabentley: well, your pastebin shows a 'transform_tree' in the traceback, so have a look at lifeless patch maybe that's what you need07:53
abentleyPerhaps America/Caffienated.07:53
vilaabentley: may be I should have said merge.transform_tree07:54
lifelessabentley: you may find my merge request put up a couple hours ago fixes them07:54
lifelessit fixed something like 1/2 the tests in bzr.dev that had been annotated as not being safe on windows07:54
spivabentley: thanks for pointing out my thinko in that bug title.07:54
abentleyspiv: np07:55
lifelessabentley: if it doesn't fix them, you can make them pass by calling thisTestFailsStrictLocks()07:55
abentleyvila: Okay, I could have sworn it was failing when opening the tree.07:55
vilaabentley: I've seen your announce for bzrtools-1.18 but no new commits on lp:bzrtools (and no tag either), that's what you're working on right now ?07:56
vilaabentley: hehe ,np, get more caffeine :0D07:56
abentleyvila: did that just before posting to IRC.07:56
vilaabentley: excellent, pulled07:57
abentleylifeless: Your patch fixes my problem.07:58
poolie1hi vila?08:23
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vilahey poolie108:23
poolie1how's stuff?08:25
vilagood ! ;-D08:26
mdkeis there anyway that I can tell bzr merge to always prefer the source tree if it encounters a text conflict?08:28
poolie1mdke: no, but it'd be a nice feature to add08:37
spivmdke: "bzr revert -r:parent `bzr conflicts`" or something like that would be a rough approximation.08:38
mdkepoolie1: I'll file a bug I guess.08:47
poolie1vila, beyond the stuff in the metronome mail i'm thinking about branching off 2.0 tomorrow08:47
poolie1and then asking for only bug fixes into that08:47
poolie1what do you think?08:47
mdkespiv: thanks, should I run that after the merge or instead of it?08:47
vilapoolie1: checking mail08:47
vilapoolie1: right, I agree, 1.18final today and 2.0 tomorrow08:49
vilaespecially since karmic now passes the full test suite :-D08:49
poolie1or monday08:49
poolie1that's good08:49
poolie1it'd be nice to fix some more of the critical 2.0 bugs firs08:49
vilapoolie1: yeah and check with jam too08:51
mdkespiv: the merge command I'm running which gives me the conflicts is "bzr merge -r 147..150 ../intrepid" - any idea how I could adapt your formula to suit that?08:52
lifelesspoolie1: I'm fine with branching soon; just not 'releases' :)08:55
lifelesspoolie1: by which I mean, 'do you want me to branch 2.0 when I get up tomorrow'09:02
poolie1oh that'd be nice09:02
mdkespiv: nevermind - I've figured out that I can avoid the conflicts entirely by merging some earlier revisions first. Thanks for the help anyway though09:05
poolie1oh i did mention that already09:09
* igc dinner09:16
hno lifeless: A small piece of information missing from your 2a format switch announcement.. which version are minimum required to use 2a repositories.09:20
lifelesshno: 1.16 is the bare minimum, but its had _many many_ bugfixes since then09:21
lifelesshno: I would recommend the absolute latest version you can get - 1.18rc1 at the moment, and 2.0 for sure once thats released, as there are still major bugs related to 2a.09:22
lifeless(not in correctness, in performance regressions in various corner cases)09:22
lifelesshno: the headsup announcement was preventative for folk tracking trunk; we assume those folk know this stuff somewhat :)09:22
poolie1omg i just looked at the new project homepage https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr09:33
poolie1that is really nice09:33
bob2tad verbose09:35
poolie1mm the bit about packaging does not scale well09:35
vilapoolie1: I had the same reaction yesterday evening09:36
bob2ah, looks less insane on a small monitor09:37
bob2on 24" the downloads stuff falls the bottom of the packages list09:38
hnolifeless: I would not bet on it..  memory quickly fades on in which version a format was added, and even quicker on which versions may have had serious bugs in the format...09:40
lifelesswe'll make a serious song and dance about it when 2.0 is actually released.09:41
lifelessbob2: and they say size doesn't matter.09:42
hnoregarding the new project page.. I agree that the packaging do not scale. Currently overly overbose, and sorted "wrongly". Should have most recent distribution first, and only list the current release per distribution by default with the full history collapsed.09:45
marcchrI have a problem merging from a bzr-branch into a svn-checkout. I get "AttributeError: 'Revision' object has no attribute 'foreign_revid'"09:48
marcchrbzr branch spam /tmp/test-zr; [modify something in test-zr and commit]; in spam: bzr merge /tmp/test-zr gives the error09:51
marcchrspam is the svn checkout09:51
poolie1marcchr: probably your copy of bzr-svn is out of date with bzr10:04
poolie1otherwise please file a bug in bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn10:04
vilalifeless: care to have a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/selftest-fixes/+merge/10364  ?10:05
marcchrbzr-svn 0.6.4 is the latest if I'm not mistaken?10:05
marcchrpoolie1: ok, I will file a bug10:06
marcchrpoolie1: I'm using bzr 1.1710:06
poolie1ok good night all10:09
vilapoolie1: good night !10:11
fullermdOoh, ...544432 for the 1.18 tar.  How cute.10:26
vilafullermd: Is that the size ?10:28
fullermdNo, the lplibrarian dir.10:28
* fullermd tosses ports updates out into the aether.10:32
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spirov92hey, a quick question...11:28
spirov92if I in a branch I make a link to another branch(say, a module) how will bzr handle it?11:28
spirov92I mean a symlink11:28
bob2as a symlink11:30
spirov92but if the module folder has a .bzr folder, will it try to version it?11:30
bialixigc: are you still around?11:31
bialixigc: question about quncommit11:31
igchi bialix11:32
bialixhi igc, I have some time to look at quncoomit11:32
bialixit looks better now11:32
fullermdspirov92: The symlink isn't dereferenced.  It's just stores as a symlink.11:32
bialixigc: I just wonder about terms, like tip11:32
bialixigc: why you're using idiom "move tip to"?11:33
igcbialix: would you prefer another name like "head"?11:33
bialixigc: this is not blocks me from merge, but if you have couple of minutes, I'd better ask11:33
bialixigc: no, I mean why we talk about moving tip and not about uncommit actually?11:34
bialixigc: e.g. we can show revision details under first radiobutton11:34
bialixand put the label for radiobutton: Uncommit last revision:11:35
bialixigc: actually I have troubles to correctly translate tip, and it does not seem bzr uses "tip" term internally or in the docs11:35
igcbialix: firstly, I think 'tip' is fine ...11:36
igcfrom core-concepts in the User Guide: The last revision is known as the *tip*11:36
bialixigc: ok, I did not know this11:36
bialixso I can translate tip as "last revision"?11:37
igcbialix: yes11:37
bialixI understand that "tip" is short and nice word in English11:37
bialixas many others: pull and push11:37
igcbialix: also, we need to display what revisions will be removed anyhow so there seems limited benefit in displaying that in advance11:37
igcbialix: I thought pretty hard about that and ...11:38
bialixit so nice to be Englishman and speak in so wonderful language11:38
igcI've been through several designs on paper over the last few months thinking about quncommit11:38
bialixigc: what if I want uncommit 100 last revisions?11:38
bialixwhat I'll see in confirmation dialog then?11:39
igcbialix: we'll display those just like the CLI does11:39
igcbialix: that would be very unusual, of course11:39
bialixon CLI any long info go out of my console11:39
bialixthis becomes problem for GUI11:40
igcbialix: 99% of the time it's just one revision - to fix the commit message, bug metadata, etc :-)11:40
bialixyou just can't have an infinite tall dialog, do you? ;-)11:40
bialixigc: so if this is 99% cases, why not show ther details right in the quncommit window?11:40
igcbialix: I guess we could use a scrolling panel or the qlog widget11:40
igcbialix: I'm ok with doing that11:41
igcbialix: I just don't think it's mandatory11:41
igcto land this11:41
bialixigc: no of course.11:41
bialixigc: +1 on land the last version11:41
igcbialix: thanks. Did you want to merge it or I?11:42
bialixigc: I'm just want to discuss with you how it could be improved, especially re better UI for translations to other languages11:42
bialixigc: if you can, merge n push it yourself11:42
igcbialix: no problem. I do think it can be improved11:42
igcbialix: but that can come later11:42
bialixyes, of course11:43
igcbialix: what about my qbind tweak?11:43
bialixbut later I forgot what I'm thinking right now11:43
bialixqbind tweak sounds ok conceptually11:43
* bialix looks at qbind patch now11:43
igcbialix: there have been a few threads re that on the main bzr list so ...11:44
igcI thought we'd make the GUI better at least11:44
bialixigc: can we just dump this discussion about quncommit to new bug report?11:44
bialixso I don't forget about it later?11:44
igcbialix: sure. Also, qexport should be cleaner now though ...11:44
igcbialix: I suspect it's still not perfect wrt lightweight checkouts11:45
igcbialix: but it ought to be a small tweak from here I hope11:45
bialixrats, what's going on with lp?11:50
bialixigc: what you mean when said: "there have been a few threads re that on the main bzr list so ..."?11:51
igcbialix: about checkout vs branch+bind11:52
bialixI'm lack context. This is related to qbind?11:53
igcbialix: yes. Basically having a bind checkbox on qbranch is desirable11:54
igcbialix: until then, it's nicer if qbind defaults to the parent if never bound before11:54
bialixigc: there is combain qgetnew11:55
bialixit do everything and makes you sandwitch11:55
igcbialix: right, but it's worth improving qbind anyway11:55
* bialix looking at qbind actually11:55
igcbialix: I'm yet to warm to qgetnew11:55
* bialix is not fun of qget new11:56
bialixigc: qbind patch is ok for me11:58
bialixigc: perhaps I'll look at qexport improvements later11:59
bialixigc: if you have any specific plans about releasing bzr-explorer let me know beforehand, I need to update translations12:02
garyvdmHi all12:27
* garyvdm was looking for jam12:27
bialixHi garyvdm12:28
bialixtoo early for jam ,I guess12:28
luksbah, this reminds me why I stopped caring about bzr development12:39
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bialixluks: ?12:49
luksbialix: nothing, I just read about the 2.0 branching and having a patch submitted at the start of 2.0dev cycle, it reminded me how non-Canonical patches are handled12:52
luksit's very demotivating12:52
bialixluks: I'm still under impression of discussion about review processes, I was guess it's relates12:53
bialixluks: yeah, it seems better way to ensure your patch will be merged is to poke people in this chat12:54
fullermdIt IS rather disencouraging.12:58
fullermdAlso makes one want to skip NEWS entries.  You know it'll just cause conflicts that have to be manually fixed anyway, 2 releases later when it's applied.12:59
garyvdmHi bialix/luks13:17
garyvdmHmm my irc is dodge. I can see bialix said hello to me here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/20/%23bzr.html , but not in my irc client, and I was signed in....13:17
bialixyour client seems timed out and reconnect then13:18
garyvdmluks: :-(  You should raise that as an issue.13:19
bialixI've heard this from luks beginnign from 200713:19
luksgaryvdm: it's not something I care that much about, it's just sad that bzr is even a GNU project, but the development process is far from the open source standard13:22
fullermdWell, I wouldn't go that far...13:23
luksI would :)13:23
fullermdBut that's more a statement on the state of the 'open source standard'.13:23
lukswell, I wouldn't say a word if patches were ignored and there were no releases13:24
luksbut the issue is very visible with monthly releases13:24
garyvdmbailix: Anything important that you want me to look at for 0.14?13:35
bialixgaryvdm: I guess everything is ok13:36
bialixluks mentioned slower startup of qcommit13:36
bialixI see this too13:36
fullermdI came across some annoying behavior in qlog that I'm not sure is a bug (or how to describe concisely if it is)...13:36
bialixI guess the problem in new treewidget stuff13:36
luksthat's not easy to fix, I guess13:36
bialixgaryvdm, luks: I'm still mulling the idea, but I have a feeling that we need either threads for long running stuff or launch subprocess to do heavy work and implement some sort of rpc13:37
fullermdClicking on a rev in the list selects it, but there's no way to un-select it.13:37
bialixand implement multi-pass visualisation for things13:37
bialixgaryvdm: no, I remember13:38
luksbialix: well, that will not make it faster, just more responsive13:38
bialixgaryvdm: problem with misadded13:38
fullermdWhen you expand a branch in the history, it redraws the window, and adjusts placement to show the selected row, if there is one.13:38
bialixluks: if we populate the widget in qcommit with simplke data and then add more data, e.g. icons13:38
fullermdSo, if you've selected a rev, scroll around a while, then expand a branch, *pow* you're dragged way the heck away from what you just expanded.13:38
bialixfullermd, garyvdm: I think it was fixed recently?13:39
garyvdmMy irc seems very delayed.13:39
garyvdmbialix: bug 414729.13:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414729 in qbzr "problem with "misadded" items in treeview widget" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41472913:39
bialixgaryvdm: yes13:39
bialixgaryvdm: I found the way how to hide this items from qcommit13:40
bialixbut not from qbrowse13:40
garyvdmfullermd: Thats has been fixed.13:41
fullermdHm, guess so.  Can I borrow this time machine sometime?13:41
garyvdmfullermd: in rev 90213:42
bialixfullermd: you're always welcome13:42
fullermdDoubly irritating since I was at 901   :p13:42
bialixgaryvdm: here where I've started http://pastebin.com/m1cee14313:42
garyvdmbialix: re bug 414729: we can just filter out the item in the FilterProxyModel.13:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414729 in qbzr "problem with "misadded" items in treeview widget" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41472913:43
bialixgaryvdm: we need the list of misadded for qcommit to implicitly commit them13:44
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garyvdmbialix: I just checked on this: The FilterProxyModel affects what is displayed, but not what is passed to the command line. - So that would be the place to do it.13:48
bialixgaryvdm: that's nice!13:49
garyvdmbialix: You will see in the FilterProxyModel that we allways show an item that is checked, so you will have to override that.13:49
garyvdmbialix: I'm going to do some profiling of qcommit. I be afk from about 4pm to about 8pm UTC+213:51
bialixgaryvdm: I'll start prepare release after 8pm UTC+213:51
bialixand will be in iRC13:51
davertronhi, I'm getting "Cannot lock LockDir" when I try to pull from a remote repo due to a permission denied error trying to write to .bzr/branch/lock; however, if i go look at that directory, my user belongs to the right group and that group has write permission on that directory. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?13:55
garyvdmluks, bialix: In what situations is qcommit load slow. It is quick for me.13:57
davertronalso, another interesting thing is that the parent branch isn't the directory where I get the error from13:58
bialixgaryvdm: it's not slow as "really sloooooooooooooow". it's just now slower than before treewidget landed13:58
bialixqbrowse too13:58
garyvdmluks, bialix: If you have a situation that is slow, please email me a .callgrind.13:59
garyvdmdavertron: please will you pastebin the last entry of ~/.bzr.log13:59
davertrongaryvdm: from the directory i'm trying to pull from or the one i'm pulling to, or does it matter?14:01
garyvdmdavertron: there will only be one on your computer.14:02
garyvdmdavertron: are you on windows?14:02
davertrongaryvdm: sorry, I'm pulling from a totally different machine, does it matter if it's from the machine i'm pulling to or the machine i'm pulling from?14:02
davertrongaryvdm: nope, on ubuntu14:02
garyvdmdavertron: The machine that you ran the bzr command on.14:03
davertrongaryvdm: http://pastebin.ca/153628514:04
davertrongaryvdm: nm, I think i figured it out14:06
davertronlooking at wrong machine i think14:06
garyvdmdavertron: Cool14:06
davertroni was looking at the permissions on the remote machine, instead of the local machine14:06
davertronshould have noticed the "file:///" stuff...14:07
davertronthanks :)14:07
vilaFinally no more './bzr selftest --no-plugins' that fail to test core plugins, welcome `BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site ./bzr selftest` :-D14:19
* beuno is going to release loggerhead today so it can get updated for karmic14:20
vilafullermd: funny qlog bug huh ? Drove me nuts too but garyvdm fixed it as soon as I mentioned it :-D (Of course the pity is I mentioned it after having suffered a lot :)14:23
vilaCan someone remember where we wanted to display the plugins path ?14:25
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bialixvila: nice14:34
vilabialix: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/412930-plugin-path/+merge/10458 pending review :-D14:34
vilabialix: Even if you don't vote, I'll appreciate your comments regarding windows,14:35
bialixvila: I'll try to look tonight14:35
bialixfrom home14:35
vilaI've read a couple of bug reports but what needs/can/shouldn't be done on windows is a bit unclear to me,14:35
vilain particular, is there a clean way to have a 'site' directory for shared plugins ?14:35
vilaa directory where plugins can be installed and used by all users14:36
vilaIf I read the current code correctly we don't even try to define one for win32, I've respected that but I've also read various incoherent reports on that14:37
davertronman, still running into permissions errors trying a bzr pull...everything looks like it's going fine, but then i get a "Permission denied" on .bzr/repository/upload/598ikvm63uwlti81qibp.fetch", even though I own that file and have read/write permissions on it14:41
davertroneverytime i run "bzr pull", i get a new file that is created in that directory and the same "permission denied" error14:41
davertronhttp://pastebin.ca/1536340 output from last entry in ~/.bzr.log14:44
viladavertron: you're working under /usr/local/lib ? With what login ?14:48
davertronthis is a repo that someone else intitally set up14:49
davertronso that's why i think i'm having the issues with it14:49
davertroni don't think they did a good job of setting permissions on the damn thing14:49
vilathe permission denied is related to the containing directory (upload) do you have write access there ?14:50
davertroni do14:50
davertronin fact, the file that it claims "permission denied" on is created in that directory14:50
davertronwhenever i run "bzr pull"14:50
bialixvila: vso what is your question?14:50
bialixvila: do you read bzrlib/plugin.py?14:51
vilahmm, yeah, right, sorry, look under the packs directory, that should be the target and the place where you lack access14:51
vilabialix: I patched it heavily yes, did you read my merge proposal ?14:51
viladamn, I just realized I dind't preserve the 'no site directory for win32' bit :-/14:52
bialixvila: sorry, I'm busy right now14:52
vilabialix: np14:53
bialixvila: I'll read your patch tonight, from home14:53
davertronvila: yeah, i just ran a chmod -R g+w on the whole .bzr dir14:53
davertronthat seems to have gotten me a little farther14:53
davertronthe perms on this repo are just all hosed14:53
davertronthe guy who created it obviously didn't set perms correctly for anyone else to work on it14:53
davertroneven though it's a damn production deploy repo14:53
davertroni'll just have to keep mucking with the stupid perms14:54
davertronand try not to take the site down :p14:54
viladavertron: may be you should just stop working in /usr/local but install there from root14:54
vilaYou already have a shared repo on another server right ?14:54
davertronhe didn't really set that one up right either :)14:54
davertroni had to muck with that for a bit so I could push to it14:55
viladavertron: no need to mess with permissions in two different places no ?14:55
davertronnow i'm mucking more to pull14:55
davertronwell, bzr doesn't preserve all perms does it?14:55
viladavertron: rm -fr the damn thing :-) (Kidding put it aside instead)14:55
davertronvila: heh14:55
davertronvila: i'll just rm -rf this other developer instead... :P14:55
davertronhe's got different perms on the different repos, so he probably screwed it all up himself just to get it working in production14:56
davertrondifferent groups own different things14:56
davertronit's a mess :)14:56
emmajanebeuno, ping.15:02
beunoemmajane, hi15:02
emmajanePM ok?15:02
emmajaneexcellent. :)15:02
beunoigc, night!15:10
beunoI forgot to CC you on an email for the bazaar web page design15:10
beunofwding now!15:10
vilabeuno: wrong window ? :-D15:11
beunovila, no!15:11
beunoit's public  :)15:11
vilabut who is 'you' in 'CC you' then ? :)15:12
beunovila, igc15:12
beunoI'm just lazy15:13
vilaright, makes sense, was a bit ambiguous, thought it was for emmajane :)15:13
* emmajane is apparently off in another world and requires explicit pinging to see windows. :)15:14
beunojames_w, hi15:30
james_whey beuno15:30
beunojames_w, how are you?15:30
james_wgood thanks, how about you?15:31
beunopretty good15:31
beunosprinting, as usual  :)15:31
beunojames_w, I need your super powers15:31
james_wwhere are you this time?15:31
beunojames_w, buenos aires, but sprinting anyway  :)15:32
beunowith the Ubuntu One guys15:32
james_wah, cool15:32
beunojames_w, I've released a new version of Loggerehad15:32
beunoso we can get all the changes into loggerhead15:32
beunojames_w, can you upload to ubuntu and/or karmic?15:33
beunojelmer doesn't seem to be around15:33
james_wI'll work on it15:33
beunojames_w, THANK YOU15:34
beunoI'm in London for the last 2 weeks of Sept15:34
beunoplease come by to say hi and claim your beer15:34
james_wbeuno: I like the new project overview pages, thanks15:42
beunojames_w, ah, I'm happy to hear that15:43
beunoa fe wmore changes in the pipeline, but it's roughly what it will look like15:43
james_wa lot less scrolling and hunting15:43
beunojames_w, how does the navigation feel?15:48
james_wbeuno: better I think, though the fact that what were the tabs are now much less prominent threw me15:50
james_wplus I just noticed "Submit code" goes to what I presume is the wrong place15:50
beunojames_w, yeah, still working out the quirks15:51
james_wI certainly find it much more attractive, but I know you're interested in more than that :-)15:51
james_wand I still have quibbles with merge proposals15:51
beunoyes, merge proposals is the next thing I'm working on for the 3.0 re-design15:51
beunowill CC you on the email, if you like15:51
beunoit will go to the launchpad-dev list, if you're subscribed15:51
james_wI'm not, but I think I will do so now15:52
james_wthere's a mail I need to send to it, but I can't remember what right now15:52
james_wI can't find a bug for this "Submit code" thing, I'll file it now unless you know it's known15:52
beunojames_w, it's been submitted to PQM already15:53
james_wah, excellent15:53
vilabeuno: 'last bugs reported' and 'last bugs touched' lists should be longer or an access to a longer list should be provided,16:26
vilaI think the bug mentioned by james_w above is the one filed by lifeless less than a day a ago, and commented by me less than half a day ago, and yet, it's nowhere to be seen...16:27
beunovila, yes, we're trying to figure out that page16:28
vilabeuno: I understand, that's why I throw my 2 cents remark :)16:28
vilaha, here it is: bug #41612516:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416125 in launchpad "product homepage's submit code link leads to +filebug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41612516:28
vilaha err, not sent to pqm then, were you talking about a different one ? james_w ? beuno ?16:29
beunovila, the fix should be visible tomorrow16:30
vilabeuno: don't you mark the bug Fix committed or at least in Progress ?16:30
vilaor is it just a dupe ?16:30
beunovila, it should be in progress16:30
beunoI'll ask  :)16:30
vilanot really important. I was just wondering16:31
beunovila, feedback is very useful, thank you16:31
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ddaaanyone has figured out yet how to use the "parent diff" feature of reviewboard?17:30
ddaait's driving me totally nuts17:31
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mtaylorsadness has happened!17:36
mtaylorErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "Absent factory for ('lua-20081111233858-hzs0ti8sqjaycvlp-16', 'monty@inaugust.com-20081111233949-xwxzzzus31nn99aa')")17:36
ddaaMh okay it SEEMS to expect the following17:47
ddaadiff = ancestor::prev..:last17:48
ddaaparent-diff = base-of-first-diff-for-this-review-request..ancestor::prev17:49
ddaaThe problem I'm tying to solve is: How to feed reviewboard updated diffs when the branch to review merged changed from its base branch.17:50
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bialixvila: why not: bzr --only-user-plugins selftest ...18:51
rockstarvila, tarmac just puked on me with the following error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/256461/18:55
rockstarIt happened trying to commit from a heavyweight checkout.18:56
bialixrockstar: are you using 2a?18:58
rockstarbialix, I am indeed.18:58
bialixyour server need upgrade maybe18:58
rockstarbialix, the server is Launchpad.  While we might be behind a bit, I don't think that's the issue, since I've been dealing with Launchpad all day.18:59
bialixerror tells that some bzrlib does not understand your format19:00
bialixeither your local installition or server19:00
bialixcheck /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib then19:00
rockstarbialix, I'm on bzr.dev19:02
bialixrun bzr info -v then19:02
bialixare you sure that /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib is bzr.dev?19:05
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bialixgaryvdm: ping19:17
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garyvdmbialix: Hi20:08
sveinungis this the correct place to ask questions about bzr builddeb?20:30
sveinungI have checked out, built and installed the latest version from the bzr branch on launchpad20:31
sveinunghow do I make it use the Debian date?20:31
sveinungwhen importing20:31
sveinungI see the code is there20:31
sveinungbut I cant find an option to enable it20:31
sveinung(I look at bzr help import-dsc)20:32
sveinungwhen I say Debian date I mean the one from the changelog20:32
james_whmm, it's not hooked up to the UI is it?20:32
james_wit's something I added later, and I didn't think it should be default20:34
james_wnow I'm not so sure20:34
sveinungjames_w: Ok, thanks20:34
sveinungso I should modify bzr builddeb if I want it?20:34
james_wpatches welcome :-)20:35
verterokjoin #twisted20:51
sveinungjames_w: is changelog-time an Ok name for an option?21:10
james_wI guess21:10
james_wshould the default just change instead?21:11
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sveinungI must admitt I was kind of confused when it used todays date. But I have looked at the autoimported branches at launchpad so I'm not sure if that is what will be least surprising for other people21:13
sveinungso I don't know21:13
james_wI think it might be better21:15
james_wI can't really remember my reasons now :-)21:16
sveinung(the it that might be better was to change the default, right?)21:18
sveinungjames_w: is the test suite run during the building of the debian package?21:46
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sveinungjames_w: I found out how to run the test suite on my own. Merge request sendt22:42
johnjosephbachirif i have a lone checkout with no surrounding repo, but then make a repo, make a branch there, and then physcially move my checkout into the repo and bind it to the branch, will it [a] work, and [b] actually take advantage of the repo data?22:57
bialixa - yes, b - you need to run reconfigure22:58
* johnjosephbachir looks at documentation for reconfigure23:00
johnjosephbachirbialix: thanks!23:00
bialixbzr help reconfigure23:00
johnjosephbachirbialix: hmm, even after doing that, my old reconfigured checkout (which i then turned into a branch) is  double the size of a fresh new branch23:02
bialixbzr reconfigure --use-shared ?23:03
* johnjosephbachir reads the documentation more thoroughly......23:04
johnjosephbachirbialix: perfect.23:05
Noldorinlifeless: ping?23:18
james_wthanks sveinung23:25
sveinungnp :)23:25
james_wI'll review tomorrow23:25
lifelessNoldorin: hi?23:27
Noldorinjust checking you were there :)23:27
Noldorinlifeless: i'm trying to hack the source into outputing ftp commands now23:28
Noldorinbut it doesn't seem trivial without altering the source for the actual ftp lib23:28
Noldorinany ideas here?23:28
lifelessif you want to log the exact commands tcpdump, or wireshark, or similar tools might be better suited23:28
lifelessI was suggesting just getting close :)23:28
Noldorinhmm, good point23:30
Noldorinmight just use wireshark.23:30
Noldorindoes the windows ftp client support ftp scripts?23:30
Noldorinthe reason i'm wanting to replicate is purely out of laziness :)23:32
NoldorinRNTO /texdotnet/.bzr/repository/lock/held23:43
NoldorinFTPResponse: 550 /texdotnet/.bzr/repository/lock/held: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.23:43
Noldorinlifeless: that's what we expect, right?23:44
gonerihi igc23:44
igchi goneri - I haven't forgotten your patch btw23:44
goneri(yes, I'm watching you :D)23:45
igcgoneri: just flat out on non fast-import stuff yesterday23:45
goneriigc: I rewrite the second patch. There is just two tiny patches now.23:45
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
lifelessNoldorin: thats the behaviou, yes23:53
Noldorinlifeless: so there's a rename command before that which failed?23:54
Noldorinrenaming /lock/held to something else23:54
Noldorini presume23:54
lifelessbut if theory is right it isn't actually erroring :)23:54
lifelessits just not working23:55
Noldorinjust wanted to double check that23:56
Noldorinin the wireshark log23:56
denysI am unable to run the full test suite.  it always eventually errors out with "error: can't start new thread".  is there a trick I should know?23:57
lifelessis that with or without your patches?23:57
lifelessand on what platform?23:57
denyswithout and on gentoo/linux23:58

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