
LnsFor your idle reading pleasure: http://blog.logicalnetworking.net/index.php/lnsblogs/the-false-focus-of-technology-in-educati?blog=500:28
sbalneavSigh.  Haven't solved the problems yet, but I *do* understand them a lot more :)05:32
joshiggins_hi #edubuntu10:51
Pliskjoshiggins_: Hi Josh!10:53
joshiggins_Plisk: What TZ you in?11:07
Pliskjoshiggins_: GMT+3, you ?11:08
joshiggins_Its very quiet11:11
PliskUK ?11:11
Pliskyea, quite a bit11:11
joshiggins_Yes UK11:11
Plisknice, quite a lot of ppl i talk and see recently from UK :)11:12
sbalneavMorning all14:38
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highvoltagemorning sbalneav14:46
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=== vd|dev_null is now known as squidly
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
dgroosHi All23:23
dgroosWhile working on a thin client I open Synaptic from the menu.  It asks me to authenticate, I put in my password and it doesn't accept it, and up pops the authentication dialog box, again.23:25
dgroosHOwever, if I type sudo synaptic in the terminal, put in my password, synaptic opens!23:26
dgroosIf I'm sitting at the server, I CAN open synaptic via a menu with no problem.23:27
dgroosthis started a week or two ago--time blurs.23:28
dgroosany ideas?23:28

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