=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [00:47] JontheEchidna: you have to install pkgbinarymangler for that akonadi issue to arrise [00:47] aah, right [00:50] so I'd assume it's a binarymangler bug? It worked in the past and the whole symlink situation has been there for a while [00:51] it may be dh_strip [00:51] true [00:51] or even "strip" [00:54] strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-unneeded debian/akonadi-server/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi fails [01:00] dunno why but it doesn't like the file being owned by root [01:00] I'm not sure why we do that hard linking anyway instead of just a copy [01:03] it would need to do a hard link in the postinst for it to actually remain a hard link [01:13] JontheEchidna: uploaded [02:50] Riddell: if you're still around, would you mind sponsoring bug 416077? [02:50] Launchpad bug 416077 in kpackagekit "Please update KPackageKit in 9.10 from to 0.4.2" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/416077 [02:51] once the archive reorg comes around, I can stop bugging people for uploads :D === Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz === milian_ is now known as milian [11:27] hi [11:30] does anybody know who is managing launchpad i have a problem [11:31] with my accounts i haver created silly as i am 2 accounts with the same username [11:31] #launchpad [11:34] thx [11:53] Riddell: once installed I get the config button appearing over ublog even though I've configured it [11:56] davmor3: ok, report a bug and I'll look at it at some point [11:56] thx Riddell worked fine [11:58] Riddell: Ah hang on there is a bunch of update the live fs must be behind again [11:58] seele: do you have an opinion on how the kpackagekit "install" and "uninstall" buttons should work? [11:59] foomatic-db: Recommends: cjet but it is not installable [11:59] naaching printing breaks again [11:59] Riddell: yeap livefs manifest reads 20090817 so there might of been a fix already in. I'll wait to file till the iso is up-to-date [12:07] Riddell: is the behaviour for the notification applet to only notify once from an application. Using bonjour I pinged myself and that appeared in a popup. however when I continued to type that didn't appear even though the chat window still didn't have focus. The icon for kopete is spining. Is this correct behaviour? [12:09] davmor2: yes I think that's the current kopete behavious [12:09] behaviour [12:09] hopefully message indicator patches will appear to make it use the message indicator [12:10] Riddell: okay that's alright then. Should quassel also use the m-i? [12:10] not yet [12:10] only konversation for now [12:11] I've patches for kmail too but they're waiting on a libindicate update [12:12] Riddell: okay I might have a look at that after. Shutting down kopete with bonjour on has once again closed pidgin on jaunty. That could get annoying :) [12:13] pidgin crashed? [12:16] Riddell: just checking if it crashed now but it looks like it just got shut [12:17] iz gnome bug :) [12:21] I'll try it with empathy on another system and see if it has the same issue [12:52] Riddell: remind me: do we preffer to use upstream tarball as-is (no recompress/change pathanmes) or do we care about warnings like this: [12:53] and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why pastebins are a good thing :) [12:55] haha, true :) [12:58] Lure: pastebin this time? [13:00] Riddell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/256308/ [13:01] * Lure needs some IRC proxy somewhere :-( [13:07] Lure: use upstream tar as is [13:07] there's no need to change the top level directory name in a tar the tools can handle that fine [13:07] * ryanakca hopes that Kobby's upstream is only on vacation and hasn't vanished... no commits to Kobby for over two weeks... :/ [13:08] Riddell: thanks === Riddelll is now known as Riddell [13:45] hmm, I just launched Arora as usual and a notification asked me to install some extra packages(libtunepimp5-mp3, libk3b6-extracodecs and flash), is that really intended? [13:46] aren't those the restricted-extras [13:46] smarter_: yes, most people want flash [13:46] I'm okay with flash, but the two others are Amarok stuff [13:46] and K3B === smarter_ is now known as smarter [13:47] oh it just suggests all the kubuntu-restricted-extras packages you don't have installed [13:47] here, it can make the user think that these packages are actually used by Arora [13:47] chances are if you can put up with flash you can put up with mp3 [13:47] and it crashed before installing anything too [13:47] uh oh [13:48] * smarter gets the traceback from the crash file [13:48] it worked fine for me last night [13:48] JontheEchidna: kpackagekit uploaded [13:48] JontheEchidna: if you're fed up waiting for archive re-org you could always apply for main hint hint [13:50] http://pastebin.com/m159c7ab8 [13:50] wibble, no idea what's going on there [13:51] smarter: please report on launchpad to install-package [13:51] python-apt code is confusing [13:51] okay [14:33] Sweetness, KDE4 integration for OOo hit [14:34] JontheEchidna: oh oh oh? [14:34] where? [14:34] karmic proper, install openoffice.org-kde [14:35] yay. [14:35] we need to ensure openoffice.org-kde gets installed if ooo is installed then by default. [14:36] kpk still busted [14:36] rgreening: how so? [14:37] Riddell: try updating and then run kpk and update.. some error about _dict missing in aptBackend.py [14:38] oh glatzor's fault then, not kpackagekit itself :) [14:39] possibly [14:39] there's already a bug with about 3 dupes against packagekit [14:39] ooo is ssssooooo purrty now!!!!!!!! [14:39] openoffice.org-kde oO [14:39] :) [14:39] even for jaunty ?? [14:40] wait ... i have this installed already [14:40] ooh this OO thing really works [14:40] :D [14:40] yay for shtylman! [14:40] ooo loads quicker on my netbook than my more powerful Laptop [14:40] hahah [14:40] * JontheEchidna has a bunch of stuff what needs upgrading, so he hasn't seen the sexy yet [14:41] oh, and yuriy too Riddell for the icon porting [14:41] kicka$$ work :) [14:42] mmm, pretty icons [14:43] the window sorta doesn't repaint when a file dialog is open [14:43] the tab widget doesn't seem to be oxygen [14:44] hmm.... File/Open doesn't default to a sensible default dir... and does some weird stuff [14:44] hehe but look pretty [14:45] Anybody know if one can get a list of TODO translations for KDE apps without having to sort through https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+lang/fr ? [14:47] Riddell: kgraphviewer is just about to the last item on the boost1.35 transition. Any luck getting it to build? [14:49] ScottK: I don't recall, did I try? [14:50] oh yues it had some gcc issue didn't it [14:53] none of the right-click stuff in the file dialogs work :( [14:53] trash, delete, properties, etc [15:06] Riddell: I think the install-package thing for amarok/k3b/arora misses some sort of "don't ask me again" option [15:07] As I don't use Flash from the repo but instead use the beta 64bits version which I manually installed, I get asked about installing flash at every restart of Arora. [15:09] smarter: yes I've been meaning to do that [15:10] ideally arora would be more intelligent and ask only when it needed flash [15:10] yes, that'd be better [15:11] it already has a plugin(ClickToFlash) to detect flash and load it only when the user clicks on a button which replaces the flash object [15:11] not sure if that can be extended to popup a window [15:12] I'm not sure what's the best way to present the "don't ask me again" option, maybe add an "Ask me later" button ? [15:17] ScottK: kgraphviewer uploaded [15:20] Riddell: the icon clicky things like in the plasma widgets manager? [15:21] seele: currently it's a down arror which gets coloured when you click on it [15:21] hmm === Pici` is now known as Pici [15:23] seele: it's changed since jaunty and I see the item on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo is marked Done so maybe problem solved [15:23] although I think it needs a tool tip [15:24] Riddell: Great. Thanks. [15:25] Riddell: It looks like openoffice.org-kde landed in Universe. Any chance you could promote it? [15:26] already done, waiting on publisher [15:27] Kewl [15:30] Riddell: Next on my list is a new snapshot of knetworkmanager. Thoughts on that? [15:31] ScottK: yes that would be good, wstephenson was asking for daily builds recently to stop him getting out of date bug reports [15:43] thanks rgreening [15:43] * yuriy should really update a few more and commit the stuff sitting on my desktop [15:44] * rgreening agrees [16:02] anybody working on uncomplicating the amarok packaging yet? [16:12] Riddell: mind if I do a sync request for libtag-extras? Debian's seems to be superior to ours [16:14] I don't really see anything different that we would want to give debian, it's mostly just doing things such as package descriptions differently [16:15] oh, except the watch file [16:16] it's broken anyway, no loss [16:29] JontheEchidna: go for it [17:08] Riddell: arora is having ssl issues with planet.ubuntu.com [17:10] davmor2: no problems here [17:11] might be a first run thing it didn't happen the second time [17:27] oops, I notice a mistake in my akonadi merge [17:28] it's pulling in a whole mysql server again [17:29] * JontheEchidna adds the difference to KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES where it belonged [17:32] Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/256432/ [17:34] hi there ;) [17:34] any idea why do some python apps works and some other fail loading QtCore ? [17:35] with exactly the same code, and the code being in the same path ? [17:38] Tonio_: nope, example? [17:38] JontheEchidna: thanks, that was next on my todo list :) [17:38] Riddell: update-notifier-kde [17:39] Tonio_: works for me [17:40] Riddell: http://pastebin.ca/1536575 [17:40] Riddell: I run a fresh new install from this WE [17:41] Riddell: /usr/lib/pyshared/python2.6/PyQt4/QtCore.so is on the disk [17:41] mffffffff [17:42] Riddell: you probably have a different configuration than the default (or lett's say a new install...) [17:42] Riddell: see bug 407418 [17:42] Launchpad bug 407418 in software-properties "software-properties-kde does not start, (QtCore Error)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/407418 [17:42] Riddell: I'm not the only one complaining afaics [17:44] Riddell: oh I'm running amd64.... [17:44] Tonio_: what's in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/ ? [17:44] Riddell: __init__.py __init__.pyc uic [17:45] Riddell: that's all I have [17:45] Riddell: link missing possibly ? [17:45] Tonio_: try removing that directory [17:50] Riddell: works [17:52] Riddell: python-kde4, python-qt4-common do provide this folder [17:52] Riddell: should we fix the packages then ? [17:52] Riddell: the weird thing is that it only affects amd64 arch... [17:55] yes it should be fixed [17:55] I doubt it only affects amd64 [17:55] why does my keyboard keep putting in double spaces? [17:55] Pressing it twice? [17:55] ;-) [17:56] I fixed the build-deps on kgraphviewer so it's building now. [17:58] Riddell: hum what wold be the good fix for this python thing ? simply drop the folder from the package ? [18:13] Riddell: hum python-kde4 the guilty afaics [18:18] Tonio_: I think Debian was recently working that. You might look if they have a fix. [18:19] ScottK: yep [18:19] ScottK: I was never able to understand how python install files... [18:19] ScottK: looks kdebindings the builty [18:19] guilty [18:19] It's a bit complex due to the way we try to support multiple python versions. [18:22] yup [18:23] Riddell: kubuntu_06_pykdeuic_install_path.diff [18:23] Riddell: looks like the problem is w Riddell: in fact the problem is due to the fact you mention a patch in your last kdebindings upload, but it ain't there :) [18:31] Riddell: missing bzr add probably === santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal [19:16] ooo! there's gonna be a Qt workshop in VA next month [20:03] maco: sponsored by trolltech or someone else? [20:04] hmm, #kubuntu-ca is empty :( [20:05] ummm... [20:05] ICS [20:05] its called Qt Quickstart [20:15] ryanakca: where are you in .ca? [20:17] spstarr: Kingston, Ontario. [20:17] east of me :) [20:17] yes [20:17] you told me yesterday heh [20:51] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/416614 [20:51] Ubuntu bug 416614 in kopete "Kopete doen't start, throws a "Bus Error" in command line" [Undecided,New] [20:51] Now I'm ussing pidgin :( === Blizzz is now known as Blizzzek === Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz === Blizzz is now known as Blizzz|[] === Blizzz|[] is now known as Blizzz [22:34] So the Debian doods are using the libmysqld-pic package for a mysqld.la compiled with -fpic. (I'm merging with Debian) [22:34] The only thing is that libmysqld-pic is in universe [22:35] which is a bit weird since the rest of the source package is in main [22:37] I can move it then [22:37] ok, cool [22:38] the merge just needs a bit of polishing and it'll be done too [22:39] moved to main, will be there in an hour or so [23:04] looks like packagekit needs a rebuild for the new python-apt [23:14] ryanakca: peter from dooble is poking me again, did you get anywhere with packaging? === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [23:18] ryanakca: I told him you'd do it this weekend, I get the impression he'll be very disappointed if you don't :) [23:36] policykit-kde is history, now merged into kdebase-workspace [23:37] cool [23:43] glatzor: incase you care, policykit-kde is history, now merged into kdebase-workspace [23:45] Riddell, hello. sorry, but what is the kdebase-workspace? [23:45] Riddell, dantti mentioned that polciykit-1 support will land soon [23:45] Riddell, do you have got any plans about this? [23:46] glatzor: one of the main KDE packages, KDE 4.3 includes policykit-kde as part of its release [23:46] great [23:46] glatzor: yes I see him and people from fedora are looking into it [23:46] it is also used by other native kde applications? [23:46] kpackagekit and k3b I think are the only ones that use it [23:49] glatzor: there's some code in branch for kde polkit 1.0, do you have 1.0 packages somewhere I can test it against? [23:49] not yet. I was focusing on fixing bugs in the 0.4.x branch [23:50] dantti was saying he couldn't get polkit 1.0 working on debian and this was blocking him from working on it [23:50] Riddell, perhaps I will nag you tomorrow about an upload sponsorship [23:50] aren't you a core-dev yet? :) [23:51] I am not even a motu :) [23:51] * DAskreech laughs [23:51] I love FOSS [23:52] When being a master of the universe is considered lower rung [23:52] Riddell: that SoC stuff for policykit kde is just trunk/4.4 right? === word_ is now known as word [23:52] yuriy: what soc stuff? [23:55] kde authorization library [23:55] prebuilt buttons and kcm functions for policy kit [23:59] Riddell: yea...never got around to the tab :(