
cprov-afkwgrant: your doctests are good, but I wonder if it would be nicer if we could extract the code that locates the key file and unittest it.00:22
wgrantcprov-afk: A good idea.00:23
* wgrant works out how to add unittests.00:23
cprov-afkwgrant: there is on slip when the key file is found via glob, its content is not escaped.00:23
cprov-afkwgrant: we could have a locate_key(root, term) function00:24
wgrantcprov-afk: Well, it's no worse than before. But I suppose it should be improved.00:24
wgrantI misunderstood.00:25
wgrantYou're right.00:25
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
cprov-afkwgrant: np, it's our chance to make zeca a nicer app00:26
thumperspm: why is pqm stopped?04:48
thumperbtw, edge is unusable on IE04:48
spmthumper: actually atm it's not. there's a sourcecode run going  thru. *then* it'll be stopped for try 174 of bac's megamerge04:49
spmthumper: is that a value judgement against IE?04:49
spmyay. naturally as soon as I type I waiting for PQM; it finishes. woot.04:50
thumperspm: I don't suppose you could let the queue through before the cp?05:09
spmthumper: I was just thinking I might do that anyway tbh.05:09
thumperspm: that'd be great!05:09
thumperspm: given the 13! waiting branches05:10
spmthumper: aye!05:10
* thumper goes to put the roast chicken in the oven05:10
spmthumper: actually it's not a CP, is a manual merge; so the "rules" are a bit more lax in that regard.05:11
noodles775Hi sinzui - I just saw your comment on thumper's branch re 'branding vs watermark'. I'll update my renaming branch to do 'branding-apps-portlet' -> 'watermark-apps-portlet' ?05:20
sinzuinoodles775: thanks.I think that is best though not clear to everyone05:20
noodles775OK, will do.05:21
sinzuinoodles775: Are you an insomniac?05:21
noodles775sinzui: heh, nope - just got up but wanted to check with you before you go to bed ;)05:21
sinzuiI should have been in bed an hour ago.05:22
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
wgrantgary_poster: Why is the new buildbot still invisible?05:38
gary_posterwgrant: (I'm not really here  ;-) ) The real reason: that's the way it was set up before.  The reason that it might stay that way for a little bit: we're behind the times on the buildbot debs, and there have been some XSS problems that we need to catch up on.05:40
wgrantgary_poster: I see, thanks.05:41
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
adeuringgood morning08:24
thumper    - Created 0 seconds ago09:19
thumper    ?         ^       -09:19
thumper    + Created 1 second ago09:19
thumperfailing on db_devel builder09:20
thumperplease don't put time in tests like this09:20
thumperelide it out09:20
noodles775thumper: I just had the same failure on ec2test and so fixed it with my landing.09:20
thumpernoodles775: thanks09:20
thumpernoodles775: may have to manually get it into db-devel though09:21
noodles775so it's included in devel 9171.09:21
thumpernoodles775: where did your branch land?09:21
noodles775thumper: so my r9171 with the fix for that spurious time-dependent test failure missed build 23. Do you want me to submit a patch directly to db_devel (as it could be quite a while before the patch goes from stable->db_devel?)09:31
thumpernoodles775: I think the best solution is to wait until is passes on the lp builder, then create a branch of db-devel, merge in stable, and submit that as a testfix09:32
noodles775Morning mrevell - when you get a chance, could you do the normal mailing list moderations?09:32
mrevellnoodles775: sure thing :)09:32
wgrantSome of the production Processor titles suck.10:31
wgrant"artigas (sparc) builds The SPARC architecture binaries"10:32
deryckGood morning, all.11:11
=== danilo-afk is now known as danilos
* wgrant loves Windmill. Tested JS is so much better.11:50
gmbwgrant: I love tested JS (The YUI unittest framework isn't bad, actually). But I don't think that Windmill has got it right, yet. Far too fragile.11:52
deryckwow, did someone just use the words love and Windmill together?11:52
gmbderyck: I was trying to find a diplomatic way of backing away slowly, to be honest with you.11:52
wgrantgmb, deryck: Well... it makes everything nicer than when you have to do manual testing.11:53
gmbThis is true. Up to a point, anyway.11:54
gmbwgrant: Actually, to be fair, once I'd learned to bump all the timeouts up by an order of magnitude whenver I ran the tests on my desktop machine, it wasn't all that bad.11:54
gmbBut it's annoyingly time-consuming.11:54
deryckI have made peace with Windmill and appreciate it when it goes well.  I might hold hands with her, but I ain't in love yet.11:54
deryck:) rather11:54
gmbCan anyone think of a good reason why I shouldn't use datetime.astimezone() when converting a non-UTC timezone to UTC? ISTR there being a reason not to do it (and other code that I've written actively avoids using it), but I can't remember what that reason is.12:01
stubgmb: I think that is fine. I've got an example of that in the pytz documentation at http://pytz.sourceforge.net/12:15
gmbstub: Awesome, thanks.12:16
gmbPerhaps I just didn't know about astimezone() when I wrote the old code.12:16
BjornTgmb: what does the old code look like?12:19
gmbBjornT: Well, I'm just looking at it, and it's basically this:12:21
gmbutc_datetime = other_tz_datetime - timedelta(seconds=utc_offset)12:21
gmbBjornT: Even though I have a timezone name available.12:21
gmbAnd it's in the TestBugzillaXMLRPCTransport rather than actual production code, so I wonder if it wasn't just a quick-and-dirty hack on my part.12:22
BjornTgmb: do you have a unique timezone name?12:22
gmbBjornT: What do you mean by unique? I have the short form of the name available (e.g 'EST', 'CET', 'UTC'). I wonder if that's why I'm not quite happy about doing it this way - I can't guarantee that the tz name will actually make sense to pytz.12:24
wgrantThose aren't at all unique.12:27
BjornTgmb: for example EST is used both in the US and Australia12:27
gmbwgrant, BjornT: Right, yes. Hmm. The long form of the name is also available...12:29
wgrantThat should be unique. But not necessarily lookable up.12:30
wgrant(see the recent rename which kept crashing the wikis until they got a newer pytz)12:30
gmbBjornT: Do you ahve time for a brief call about this? There's a related issue that's bothering me and I'm not sure what's the best way to deal with it.12:30
BjornTgmb: but the plugin doesn't guarantee that the timezone name will be unique, so better not to rely on it, not even in tests12:30
gmbBjornT: Right.12:31
BjornTgmb: sure, we could have a call12:31
gmbBjornT: Cool. Skype?12:31
gmbBjornT: Calling you now.12:32
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
baccan i submit to pqm with [ui=sinzui]?12:49
baci mean, has the regex been expanded to accept non-beuno ui reviewers?12:50
bachmm, looking at recent landings it doesn't look so...12:51
intellectronicabac: i think not. we should arrange that, actually12:51
bacintellectronica: yeah, that would be good.  for now i'll use ui=rs12:52
intellectronicabac: a workaround is to land with ui=rs and the mention the real reviewer later in the message, but let's talk to the losas when we can and change that12:52
bacgreat minds...12:52
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
intellectronicaleonardr: the bug you just edited - do you have any ideas what it might be? also, do you really think it's a bug in lplib (rather than the webservice itself)?12:59
leonardrintellectronica: see my follow-up comment13:00
leonardri think it's a guy who told launchpad to hide data from launchpadlib and forgot that's what he did13:00
intellectronicaleonardr: right, yes, that makes sense. i couldn't reproduce it but haven't thought about that option13:01
=== al-maisan_ is now known as al-maisan
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
cprovmorning, launchpadders!13:48
beunohiya cprov13:48
maxbHi, does anyone have any idea what launchpad uses python-lxml for?13:49
maxb(wondering whether it could be dropped from launchpad-dependencies)13:50
beunomaxb, grep the source and find out  :)13:51
wgrantAll I could find when I grepped last week was lazr.restfulsomething13:52
maxbThere's one mention in a docstring in ./lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/hwdbsubmissions.py which is clearly lying13:53
beunomaxb, sounds like a patch to me13:53
wgrantOne of lazr.restful's tests uses it, but that's it.13:54
* gmb -> lunch13:54
wgrantallenap: Some of those failures were being fixed by intellectronica.13:56
wgrantNot sure if that's all of them, though.13:56
beunointellectronica, are you playing with balsamiq for the bug index?13:57
allenapwgrant: Okay, cool.13:57
intellectronicabeuno: yeah, i'm just trying to finish a mockup for the bugs index13:58
beunointellectronica, awesomeness, looking forward to it13:58
beunohow do you like the software?13:58
allenapintellectronica: If you're fixing any of failures that wgrant mentions <http://paste.ubuntu.com/256336/>, can you point me to a branch that I can merge to see what remains to fix?13:58
intellectronicaallenap, wgrant: what failures?13:59
wgrantallenap: I'm rerunning those tests with devel merged.13:59
* intellectronica looking13:59
allenapintellectronica: See the paste; it has an ec2test summary log.13:59
intellectronicaallenap, wgrant: xx-also-affects-distribution-default-values.txt  is the only one i've fixed. the others, i guess, are a result of the new security changes?14:01
intellectronicabeuno: it's really really good. especially for someone like myself who couldn't draw if my life depended on it14:01
wgrantintellectronica: Looks like it. Most of the rest seem to cascade from Milestone not being found.14:01
allenapintellectronica: Thanks Tom :)14:01
* wgrant reruns those tests.14:02
sinzuibac: I think noodles775, rockstar, or beuno should have a look too.14:07
noodles775allenap: could you take a look at this bugs question (about dup emails): https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/8050814:14
allenapnoodles775: Sure.14:14
noodles775sinzui: what's the branch/mp? (I can't see anything of bac's in +activereviews)14:16
noodles775(nor does my chat history find anything :/ ).14:17
sinzuinoodles775: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/lp3-announcements/+merge/1027514:17
sinzui^ My mistake, I approve the whole MP last night.14:17
noodles775Np - it's already merged according to the status :)14:18
allenapintellectronica: Can you help me out with https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/80508? I am baffled by how LP chooses who to send mail to :-/14:23
* wgrant declares BugTaskEditView to be one of the world's great evils.14:24
intellectronicaallenap: sounds like either a bug or the user is confused by something. you shouldn't receive the email twice14:25
wgrantintellectronica, allenap: The team has a mailing list.14:25
wgrantNothing LP can do.14:25
intellectronicaah of course14:25
allenapwgrant: Ah, because the bug mail machinery can't or doesn't take into account subscriptions to mailing lists?14:26
intellectronicabut that's not quite the same as him receiving the email twice14:26
wgrantintellectronica: It is if you don't do filtering.14:26
intellectronicaallenap: because it doesn't know who's on the mailing list14:26
wgrantallenap: Can't, doesn't, or shouldn't. I think the last.14:26
allenapwgrant: Yes, thinking about it, I agree.14:26
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
bacsinzui: ^^ are you referring to my announcement change?  you want them to do a UI review?  they can, but it's already through PQM.14:34
wgrantallenap: I think BugTaskEditView has got the better of me.14:35
sinzuibac: That is fine. I need it landed to complete distro. I am not a full UI reviewer so someone else should also take a lot14:35
bacsinzui: ok, i'll arrange it today.  my fault for assuming you were.14:36
allenapwgrant: Heh :) I'll have a look.14:36
wgrantallenap: It will not make that field editable :(14:37
allenapwgrant: Odd. I'm just going to answer the mailing list question then I'll have a go.14:38
wgrantallenap: Thanks.14:38
cprovwgrant: hi there, re. your changes on zeca almost done, few tweaks and we can land it. Thanks for working on it.14:40
wgrantcprov: Hrm, so the test methods should contain the function name even though the function is mentioned in the class name?14:42
cprovwgrant: yes, let me find the corresponding guideline reference.14:43
cprovwgrant: https://dev.launchpad.net/TestsStyleGuide#Python%20Test%20Cases -> 'testing alternatives for a LP method'14:45
wgrantcprov: Thanks.14:48
sinzuibarry: EdwinGrubbs, bac, salgado: Update your bugs. please14:48
bacsinzui: i prefer to wait until i know if i have to have another pass after the UI review.14:50
sinzuibac: okay14:51
barrysinzui: nothing to update yet (go pqm, go!)14:52
wgrantcprov: Fixed, pushed, replied. Thanks.14:58
cprovwgrant: no, thank you. Do you want me to land it for you ?14:59
wgrantcprov: Please do.14:59
sinzuisalgado:  look at this list and updat any bugs you fixed or may have change: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bugs?field.searchtext=polls&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMIT15:25
salgadosinzui, UnexpectedFormData: Unexpected value for field 'status'. Perhaps your bookmarks are out of date or you changed the URL by hand?<br />15:25
* salgado appends TTED to the end of the URL and it works15:26
salgadosinzui, ^15:26
sinzuisalgado: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry and search for polls15:27
sinzuisalgado: I think you may have fixed bug 33551615:27
ubot3`Malone bug 335516 in launchpad-registry "Team polls page has no main heading and misuses "recent"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33551615:27
salgadosinzui, I didn't; I only touched pages where the context was IPoll[Option], so ITeam's +polls was left untouched15:29
sinzuisalgado: you just found you next page to fix15:29
sinzuisalgado: bac and barry observed that collections are context objects so I assume you will need to pass a <h1> to the heading-slot15:30
salgadosinzui, I'm not following you15:31
wgrantallenap: Any ideas on BugTaskEditView? It has me confused.15:31
allenapwgrant: Me too, but I'll persevere. It's not going to beat me today :)15:32
allenapwgrant: The milestone widget appears on the main bug page, but not on the +editstatus page (logged in as test@canonical.com). Weird.15:33
wgrantallenap: It beat me yesterday, so I'm going to bed... good luck!15:33
allenapwgrant: Cool, hopefully I'll have something for you when you're back on.15:33
sinzuisalgado: I think the default context-heading will be wrong because polls is affectively the +index for IPollSet.15:33
wgrantallenap: Thanks.15:33
salgadosinzui, oh, right, the +polls page is on IPollSubset, IIRC15:34
* salgado checks15:34
sinzuisalgado: so if you think the heading is wrong, then pass the <h1> to the heading-slot, and it fixes bug 33551615:35
ubot3`Malone bug 335516 in launchpad-registry "Team polls page has no main heading and misuses "recent"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33551615:35
matsubarastub, herb, flacoste, rockstar, cprov, Ursinha, danilos, sinzui, intellectronica: meeting in #launchpad-meeting in 13 min15:48
danilosmatsubara: thanks15:48
cprovmatsubara: thx15:48
intellectronicamatsubara: thanks for the reminder15:48
salgadosinzui, right, I've just fixed that.  should I spend some time redesigning this page or should I do just the mechanical changes plus fixing obvious mistakes?15:55
herbChex, mbarnett, mthaddon: meeting in #launchpad-meeting in 4 min ^^^^15:56
mthaddonthx herb15:56
sinzuisalgado: no redesign. convert to 3.0, fix anything that is easy.  I would limit myself to 1h of UI changes15:57
flacostematsubara: gary_poster will now be standing in that meeting for foundations15:57
matsubaraflacoste, right. I'll update MeetingAgenda. thanks15:58
barryEdwinGrubbs: ping16:15
EdwinGrubbsbarry: pong16:15
barryEdwinGrubbs: hi.  re: label and page_title.  are you sure about this?  page_title seems to work, but not label16:16
sinzuibarry: can you follow up on bug 40360616:17
ubot3`Malone bug 403606 in launchpad-registry "ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40360616:17
mupBug #403606: ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes <oops> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/403606>16:17
mupBug #403606: ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes <oops> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/403606>16:18
mupBug #403606: ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes <oops> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/403606>16:18
barrysinzui: sure16:18
Ursinhathanks barry :)16:18
EdwinGrubbsbarry: label only works if you remove fill-slot="heading" from your template.16:19
barryEdwinGrubbs: i did remove that, and added label='People and teams' but it doesn't pick that up16:20
barryEdwinGrubbs: it's getting the label apparently from the content object16:20
barryEdwinGrubbs: and the Conversion page shows the fill-slot="heading" in there16:21
EdwinGrubbsbarry: for which view is it not working?16:22
barryEdwinGrubbs: if you want, i can push the changes16:23
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I thought the view/label was included by the base layout templates, but I can't find where it gets included.16:29
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: no. It is optional for LaunchapdFormView16:29
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: form-macros converts the label to a <h1>16:30
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: So I think the page you are working on does not use form-macros16:30
EdwinGrubbsbarry: ok, ^^^^ clears it up. The LaunchpadFormView also has a "heading" slot, but since you are not using a form, the label isn't used.16:30
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: you can manually call it to place it as the first element in the main slot16:30
barryEdwinGrubbs: sorry, i'm back now16:35
barryEdwinGrubbs: so i'm inclined to leave the heading slot in there, unless i can figure out why this isn't working16:36
salgadosinzui, beuno, shouldn't <h2>s have some margin-top to make some space between them and what comes above, just like the space between them and what comes below them.16:41
sinzuisalgado: My instinct says yes, but I suspect they do not because we assume they are the first item in a portlet that sets a margin or padding.16:42
salgadosinzui, we have a rule to clear the margin when the h2 is in a portlet16:43
sinzuiI think they should be adjusted to look good, but I would ask beuno's opinion of the change16:44
beunothen yes16:45
beunogood call salgado16:45
salgadobeuno, should it be the same value used for margin-bottom (0.3em)?16:45
beunosalgado, yes16:46
salgadocool, /me changes it16:46
beunothanks salgado16:47
beunosalgado, has the new breadcrumb layout landed yet?16:47
salgadobeuno, layout?  we didn't talk about layout16:47
beunosalgado, UI16:48
salgadobeuno, we have the vhost-specific breadcrumbs for the 'bugs' vhost and the ones for 'blueprints' and 'answers' should land today.  that will get us very close to the breadcrumbs we have on https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/UI/Navigation16:50
barryEdwinGrubbs: sigh.  i don't know if you've been responding.  irc is teh suck16:50
barryleonardr: yes, i will work on that lazr.restful branch16:50
barrysinzui: what do you know about fill-slot="heading" ?16:50
leonardrbarry, great16:50
sinzuibarry: everything16:51
salgadobeuno, but we didn't talk about the presentation of breadcrumbs. I thought noodles775 was in charge of that, but I don't remember where I get that idea from16:51
sinzuiit should be named context-heading. It is not the page heading/title unless we are making the index of an content object or collection16:51
sinzui^ barry16:51
EdwinGrubbsbarry: I'm pulling your branch again, just to make sure I'm not telling you something wrong.16:51
beunosalgado, ah, maybe. noodles775, was that on your plate?16:52
barrysinzui: the UI/Conversion page says to use fill-slot="heading"16:52
sinzuibarry: what object are you working with?16:52
EdwinGrubbsbarry: where is PersonSearchView.16:52
barryEdwinGrubbs: lib/lp/registry/browser/person.py16:52
sinzuibarry: I think is you read more carefully it qualifies that the to +index of a content object, which most pages are nto16:53
barrysinzui: this is for /person and /project16:53
EdwinGrubbsbarry: is that a new part of your branch that isn't pushed up? I only see PersonSearchQuestionsView16:53
sinzuibarry: override the slot. for the +index16:53
barryEdwinGrubbs: let me push an update16:54
sinzuibarry: if there are alternates, (like /projectgroup/+all) then you place a <h1> in main. So that  the context-heading is "Project Groups" and the page <h1> and title is something like Browse all project groups.16:55
barryEdwinGrubbs: r9161 lp:~barry/launchpad/415542-projects16:57
barrysinzui: so wait, you're saying for the object's +index page, you do have to put the label in the template explicitly?16:59
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
EdwinGrubbsbarry: I still don't see a PersonSearchView.17:01
barryEdwinGrubbs: sorry.  it should be PeopleSearchView17:03
EdwinGrubbsbarry: yes, you will need to fill in the heading slot yourself, since PeopleSearchView is not a LaunchpadFormView and probably wouldn't work well as one.17:06
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
barryEdwinGrubbs: agreed.  question though, is this something we should push into LaunchpadView?  not that i'm suggesting doing that right now :)17:07
rockstarsinzui, it has become apparent that I have no idea what I'm doing with menus.  Tell me again why I can't use the menus already created?17:08
sinzuirockstar: Answers never got NavigationMenus17:09
EdwinGrubbsbarry: I don't think it would hurt, but it probably wouldn't be as beneficial, since non-edit pages are more likely to use several templates with the same view class, which means you couldn't specify a distinct label in the view.17:09
rockstarsinzui, okay.  So maybe I need to figure out what the difference is between NavigationMenus and ApplicationMenus17:09
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
sinzuirockstar: It has ApplicationMenus (context/menu:facet/link_name)17:09
sinzuirockstar: We want to remove all ContextMenus17:10
barryEdwinGrubbs: you might be right.  anyway, i'm not going to worry about it and it's good to know i'm not going crazy.  also, moving page_titles is a good thing17:10
rockstarsinzui, and how do I identify ContextMenus?17:10
sinzuirockstar: We are using ApplicationMenu's for inline links. I think this is a waste17:10
barryEdwinGrubbs: i'll respond to your review in a few minutes.  thanks17:10
sinzuirockstar: because the links are often in NavMenus. In many cases I moved the AppMenu links to a mixin, then let the AppMenu and NavMenus define the facet and the links17:11
sinzuirockstar: class AMenu(ContextMenu) <- they are used by the menubox view and template17:12
rockstarsinzui, what do you mean by "menubox view and template" ?17:14
rockstarThere seems to be a vocabulary you're using that I'm not familiar with.17:14
sinzuirockstar: If you do not know about them, then it is clear we do not need them. The menubox draws the combined application and context menu in the 0 and 1 designs17:17
rockstarsinzui, okay.  So I'm not even going to worry about ApplicationMenus at all, because it seems there's no point.17:17
sinzuirockstar: 2.0 switched to NavMenus and AppMenus. I have serious doubts about their overlap17:18
sinzuirockstar: did you move any links inline? Wasn't answers crafting links without using a menu?17:19
rockstarsinzui, it seems like it.  That's a big concern of mine.17:19
rockstarsinzui, I have not moved any links inline.  I haven't yet found a case where I need to.17:19
sinzuirockstar: I know answers did because when I added the FAQ portlet, it failed because the link from the page was trying to go to a context object that did not support the link. The menu will faile if you make a link to an unregistered view17:20
* sinzui cursed answers at that point17:20
rockstarsinzui, yeah, so the FAQCollection stuff is what I'm working on now.17:20
rockstarsinzui, for instance, see https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faqs17:21
sinzuithis outlines the expected way the menus will work: https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/UI/Conversion#Adding%20a%20NavigationMenu17:22
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I'm reading that, and I think I'm confusing myself.17:22
sinzuirockstar: to get to this form., create a FAQLinksMixin and move the appmenu links into it. The appmenu just needs a facet and a list of links17:23
rockstarsinzui, yeah, that's what I was doing.  I'm wondering why we need the marker interface and all that.  It seems like overkill.17:24
sinzuirockstar: You may be special17:25
sinzuirockstar: well faq and answers may be special. I am sure you did not ride the short bus17:25
rockstarsinzui, well, the short bus was for gifted children here (because there were less of them) but I still just walked to school.17:27
sinzuirockstar: To change a context object you can define a menu that will always be present on content object (IFAQCollection, IFAQ, IAnswersCollection, IQuestion) so you no not need a marker interface17:27
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I think that's what I need.17:27
sinzuirockstar: the marker interface is only need to tie a menu to 1 or more views.17:28
rockstarBecause it's always the same.  When I discovered the FAQ views (I didn't know about them before yesterday) I thought they used separate views, but they don't.17:28
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
sinzui^ The show... links are view based, th creation/modifcatiobn links are context-based17:28
sinzuirockstar: so we want to move all the show links in line. If we cannot we create a navmenu on the view. I think this page has links we need to toss.17:30
sinzuirockstar: (+) create a FAQ and (+) Set answer context belong in the action menu (a nav menu on the object)17:31
sinzuirockstar: I do not know where we put (+) Ask a question, maybe inline maybe in the menu17:31
rockstarsinzui, well, I think we need a large button for "Ask a question" like we have "Register a branch"17:32
sinzuirockstar: There are no large buttons in 3.017:32
rockstarYes, I know this, but I don't like it.17:33
sinzuiThere is an involvement portlet that provides that, but is also blurs out intent so I do not think it should be used17:33
rockstarsinzui, yeah.  So much for "only mechanical changes" in answers...  :)17:34
sinzuiThe other links (I) Open questions, (i) Answered questions, (i) My questions, (i) Need attention questions  either go inline or we create a nav menu with a marker interface to add these to the bottom of every page so users can find the related pages.17:35
sinzuimenus are mechanical17:35
rockstarsinzui, so, for the show (Open|Answered|Mine|Need Attention) - How should they be put inline?17:35
sinzuirockstar: when you put the required icons on the links, it becomes easy to see which are actions and which as views17:36
rockstarsinzui, could we have maybe a mid-implementation call then?17:37
sinzuiWe know these links will be appears on most of the lists and _index pages in answers, so I think we want a navmenu attached to the view and we use view/@@+related-pages as the last portlet in main17:38
sinzuirockstar: I am ready17:39
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
mrevellokay guys, I'm off for the day18:01
sinzuirockstar: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr18:12
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
sinzuirockstar: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/7745318:16
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-afk
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
matsubararockstar, thank you!19:48
rockstarmatsubara, no, thank you, and welcome to open source contributions.  :)19:51
beunosinzui, font is a tad big, no?19:56
sinzuitad? wtf? That is huge20:00
sinzuibeuno: I think this is a byproduct of CSS changes. I did not look like that when I landed it...it had to be the same size as the 2.0. I think this is 50% larger20:02
beunosinzui, joey noticed it20:02
sinzuibeuno: The classes uses summary, which is intended for 1 per page. We are using the summary for listing so we need a rule to set the selector context right20:03
=== danilos is now known as danilo-afk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-fud
barryflacoste: i think i got disconnected from our pvt chat20:09
barrybeuno, sinzui is there any good reason why project group searching shouldn't look very similar to project searching?20:09
flacostebarry: you did20:09
beunobarry, none20:10
barrybeuno: i was hoping you'd say that :)20:10
barrybeuno: i might have some screen shots for you soon20:10
beunobarry, I aim to please20:10
sinzuibarry: make it look the same. Please. It is "broken" in that I think it prefers to search for products not projects. look at how the view does the search20:11
* sinzui thinks it is using unwanted params too20:11
barrysinzui: i'm not so sure.  i think it is searching project groups.  if you search on /projects for 'test' you get 4 projects, but if you search on /projectgroup for 'test' you get only the apache project group20:14
sinzuibarry: look at bug 60055 and bug 39092220:21
mupBug #60055: IProductSet.search() and IProjectSet.search() have unused untested optional arguments <registry> <ui> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/60055>20:21
mupBug #390922: lp.project_groups.search doesn't return a result for exact matches <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/390922>20:21
ubot3`Malone bug 60055 in launchpad-registry "IProductSet.search() and IProjectSet.search() have unused untested optional arguments" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6005520:21
ubot3`Malone bug 390922 in launchpad-registry "lp.project_groups.search doesn't return a result for exact matches" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39092220:21
mupBug #60055: IProductSet.search() and IProjectSet.search() have unused untested optional arguments <registry> <ui> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/60055>20:21
mupBug #60055: IProductSet.search() and IProjectSet.search() have unused untested optional arguments <registry> <ui> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/60055>20:21
mupBug #390922: lp.project_groups.search doesn't return a result for exact matches <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/390922>20:21
mupBug #390922: lp.project_groups.search doesn't return a result for exact matches <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/390922>20:21
barrysinzui: it's a bit of a mission creep to address those while doing the 3.0 conversion.20:23
sinzuiWe did commit to add functionality to features we committed to redesign, That is why it is not mechanical20:24
sinzuibarry: allI am asking is that you consider fixing them if they can be done in less that 2 hours20:25
barrysinzui: cool, that's what i was looking for :)20:25
sinzuibarry: consider the pages were did not commit to redesign like answers. rockstar still needs to talk about the layout because the pages have sidebar content that has to move into the main area. He is doing layout work.20:26
sinzuiWe we commit to redesign a page, we are really asking what features to users need this to do for this to be effective, and how do we design that.20:27
rockstarbarry, I'm learning that sometimes we end up doing things we didn't sign up for.  abentley and bzr-pipelines to the rescue!  :)20:27
barrysinzui, rockstar sure.  but given how many pages need to be redesigned, this doesn't seem like a high priority right now20:28
barrysinzui: as we discussed, i think we do the mechanicals we can take care of quickly and then come back around and do deeper redesigns/fixes20:28
rockstarbarry, I don't know what you're working on, but what I'm working on blurs the line between "mechanical changes" and "redesign" to the point of there being no line.20:29
sinzuibarry: yes20:30
barryrockstar: i sometimes stray too, but have to be careful!20:30
sinzuirockstar: you are not asking what features does the user require of this page? That is true redesign20:30
barryrockstar: btw, working on top level collections /projects /projectgroups /people /distros /sprints20:30
barry(2/5 done)20:31
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I guess you're right, but when I think redesign, I think CSS and markup and all that jazz, which is where I'm about to head (hopefully)20:32
sinzuiI have had to change the markup on most pages I have changed. We do not used the excessive table and div markup used in 2.0-20:34
beunointellectronica, working on the edit icon problem. Will send you something to look at within the next 30-40 minutes20:35
sinzuiMy only happy moments are when the changes are so extreme I can throw it all away and use generic-edit.py20:35
intellectronicabeuno: that's excellent, thanks!20:35
rockstarsinzui, yes.  I've eliminated many templates that way.20:43
sinzuirockstar: I did not mention that when I needed narrative about the page, I moved the 1.0 help section into the top-portlet20:48
rockstarsinzui, I don't think I need to do that.20:49
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I'm at the point where I only have four items to do to the team index page, but they are nontrivial. They are the info from karmacache, moving the contact this team link to sidebar, listing members with timezone, and fixing the recently approved query.20:54
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: You have found a good stopping point20:54
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I was also wondering if you had any idea why the google map stopped working. It looks like it falls back on some stubs that don't do anything but prevent errors.20:55
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I too hit the karmacache problem I will not fix it for 3.020:55
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I am not aware that the map stopped working. The page view registers that is needs the small map if the user has not deactivated it20:56
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I must have broke it. It is disabled since this function is set to always return false:     gBrowserIsCompatible = mapping.RETURN_FALSE;20:57
* rockstar goes to lunch20:58
EdwinGrubbssinzui: there's nobody oncall right now. Could you review it?20:59
beunointellectronica, http://people.canonical.com/~beuno/400997.html20:59
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: I would have thought the contact this team link would be easy to move the to sidebar. I am happy for that to be done later. I can do it when I do contact this person21:00
EdwinGrubbssinzui: it's just that it is currently in a view and not in a menu. It shouldn't be too hard, but I'm not exactly sure how hard.21:02
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: As I said. you are at a good point to start landing. You really do not want a branch open for more than two days. We can add the other features net week or the week after21:04
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
intellectronicabeuno: that looks lovely21:15
intellectronicaespecially if the icon will be better aligned with the text21:15
beunointellectronica, so, I don't know if I'll have time to work on this21:18
beunobut I can land the icon, and see if someone else picks it up before I do21:18
intellectronicabeuno: no worries, i'll take care of integrating it21:18
beunointellectronica, will land today then, and re-assign it to you   :)21:19
beunothank you21:19
EdwinGrubbsjoey: ping21:29
joeyhi EdwinGrubbs21:30
EdwinGrubbsjoey: can you check if bug 402747 is fixed for you now? I can't recreate the problem on my workstation and I don't have access to that page on edge.21:31
mupBug #402747: The requested URL /@@popup-window was not found on this server. <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by edwin-grubbs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/402747>21:31
ubot3`Malone bug 402747 in launchpad-registry "The requested URL /@@popup-window was not found on this server." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40274721:31
mupBug #402747: The requested URL /@@popup-window was not found on this server. <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by edwin-grubbs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/402747>21:31
mupBug #402747: The requested URL /@@popup-window was not found on this server. <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by edwin-grubbs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/402747>21:31
joeyhmm sure21:31
joeymup vs ubot321:31
sinzuiTwo men enter, one man leaves21:32
flacostehey, nice post a bug comments AJAX!21:32
* sinzui thinks mup is cheating just like Master Blaster21:32
joeyEdwinGrubbs: so, there's still an error but not the same one. The new pop-up gives me a red error which says "Loading results failed."  nothing further21:33
joeyEdwinGrubbs: let's see if I can send you a screenshot over irc21:33
joeyEdwinGrubbs: actually, how about if I just attach it to the bug21:34
=== Ursinha-fud is now known as Ursinha
barrybeuno: https://devpad.canonical.com/~barry/pgroup.png21:57
barrybeuno: that's project groups ui 3.021:57
sinzuibarry: The icons are missing from the links21:58
barrysinzui: they're supposed to be.  see beuno :)21:58
sinzuibarry: I assume you moves /people?21:59
barrysinzui: all top level pages will be consistent21:59
sinzuiWhat of the alternate views like list all?22:00
beunobarry, I loves it22:00
beunothe description text is too tiny22:00
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
barrysinzui: anything that uses the shared menu will look exactly the same22:01
barrybeuno: do you mean "There are 8 project groups..." part?22:01
sinzuibarry: projects and project groups have a +all view22:01
beunobarry, no, the results' description22:01
sinzuibarry: I fine with removing +all, maybe google will not be22:02
barrybeuno: do you want it the same size as the descriptive text at the bottom, somewhere in between?22:02
joeyUrsinha: do you know who owns ubot3?22:02
Ursinhaubot3`, owner22:02
ubot3`This bot is owned by jussi01 - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots22:02
joeyUrsinha: wondering if we can get it removed or similar so we don't have it competing with mup22:02
Ursinhathe same as ubottu22:02
beunobarry, isn't there a standard CSS style for it?  the answer would be in between22:03
Ursinhajoey, I think ubot3` is better since it recognizes oops urls22:03
barrysinzui: i can redesign +all pages next.  those are different templates.  are there bugs open for those pages?22:03
barrybeuno: i don't think there is yet in style 3.0, that's why i was asking :)  i'll add it22:03
Ursinhabad bad operator22:03
joeybeuno: lol22:03
beunoI knew I shouldn't of created an alias for that22:03
sinzuibarry: no, because I did not consider them separate. They are links the the same view, often with a template that should not exist22:04
barrybeuno: i want to make projects and projectgroups consistent22:04
joeysorry, beuno22:04
joeyI couldn't resist22:04
Ursinhathat was mean22:04
joeyI'll go back into my hole now22:04
sinzuibarry: +all is doing search trickery to the view22:04
beunoI desirved it22:04
joeyflacoste: : I still own the LP channels (I think).  You should appoint someone to look after them probably.  Like the ubot3 vs mup issue.22:05
joeyflacoste: I can make the request to make all the changes to the freenode staff (I think I'm the registered LP contact)22:06
barrysinzui: i'll attack those as part of bug 27320922:06
mupBug #273209: /projects, /distros, /people pages are missing application tabs <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/273209>22:06
sinzuibarry: thanks.22:06
joeyflacoste: but I'm happy to keep them if you don't really care. I know Ursinha will help me. :-)22:07
flacostejoey: ok, i'm making a note of that22:07
sinzuirockstar: ping22:11
barrybeuno: 116% looks good22:11
rockstarsinzui, hi22:11
sinzuirockstar: beuno okayed 'show' links on the top-level colleciton pages. You may want to ask for the same permission for the answers and faq listings22:12
sinzuirockstar: I mean show links in the side portlet, separate from actions, but in the side22:13
rockstarsinzui, yeah, I was planning on having all of this UI reviewed, because it's not really all mechanical anymore.22:13
barryintellectronica: thanks!22:24
beunothumper, hi22:31
thumperbeuno: hi22:31
beunoI just bumped into something interesting22:31
beunois context-less22:31
beunofor the tabs at least22:31
beunobah, not context-less22:32
beunowrong words22:32
beuno"tabs" don't take you anyway22:32
beunoI guess because you don't know where to take me22:32
thumperthat is because they are not enabled22:32
thumperit knows where to take you22:32
thumperbut no other app supports it yet22:32
beunoand there's no link to that anywhere, right?22:32
thumpernot yet22:32
thumperwe are wanting to change the personal listings22:33
thumperbut there are so many edge cases22:33
thumperit is proving difficult22:33
beunogot it22:33
beunook, it's cool22:34
beunothumper, I'm off home, have a 40 minute drive from this hotel22:34
beunoI'll try and catch you for that call22:34
rockstarthumper, standup?23:02
thumperrockstar: yesarooney23:02
thumperrockstar: skype says your not on line23:03
rockstarthumper, I just saw abentley get on.23:03
rockstarthumper, I just called you and hung up.23:04
wgrantCan somebody please ec2test-submit https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/make-zeca-useful? cprov did overnight, but it failed due to the breadcrumb breakage.23:21
beunothumper, up for that quick chat in 10?23:48
thumperwgrant: can you go to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/groff ?23:53
thumperwgrant: I'm wonding about timeouts23:53
thumperwgrant: I know it will follow a different code path for you and me23:53
thumperCP in progress?23:54
thumperbeuno: sure23:54
wgrantthumper: It's fairly quick, but the new templatehas lost the queries/time data.23:54
thumperwgrant: yeah, sinzui knows and I think is fixing23:55
thumperwgrant: but no timeouts?23:55
wgrantthumper: Not even close.23:55
* thumper marks bug fix committed23:55
beunothumper, ready when you are23:56

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