
=== danilo-afk is now known as danilos
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
Ursinhathanks ubottu15:00
* Ursinha looks at matsubara16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is matsubara.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
matsubaraWelcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.16:00
matsubara[TOPIC] Roll Call16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Roll Call16:00
matsubaraNot on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us!16:00
matsubarastub, cprov, herb, rockstar, intellectronica: hi16:00
matsubarahi mthaddon16:01
mthaddonmatsubara: herb won't be attending these meetings any more since he's no longer a LOSA16:01
Ursinhait's true16:02
matsubaramthaddon, indeed!16:02
matsubaralet me update the page16:02
mthaddonmatsubara: most likely Chex will be his replacement (given he's on the same timezone that herb was on)16:02
Ursinhahi Chex, welcome!16:02
matsubaramthaddon, all right thanks16:02
matsubarahi Chex, welcome16:02
Chexall: thank you16:02
matsubaraok, everyone is here16:03
matsubara[TOPIC] Agenda16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Agenda16:03
intellectronicahi Chex, welcome16:03
matsubara * Actions from last meeting16:03
matsubara * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:03
matsubara * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm)16:03
matsubara * DBA report (stub)16:03
matsubara[TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting16:03
Ursinhamatsubara, you'll may want to s/flacoste/gary_poster in that page16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  * Actions from last meeting16:03
matsubaraUrsinha, already done16:03
Ursinhamatsubara, thanks16:03
matsubara  * ursinha to chase mars about OOPS-1307J16 and file a bug about it16:03
matsubara  * matsubara to file a bug for OOPS-1315A25316:03
matsubara    * Filed https://launchpad.net/bugs/41370616:03
matsubara  * sinzui to file bugs for OOPS-1318S626, OOPS-1321EB223 and OOPS-1318EA416:03
matsubara  * gary_poster to chase librarian-gc failure and report back to the list16:03
matsubara  * matsubara to ask stub to email the dba report to the list16:03
matsubara    * stub sent the dba report to the list16:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 413706 in launchpad-foundations "InvalidURIError using %s as the search term in the global search" [Undecided,New]16:03
matsubarahi Andre_Gondim, welcome16:04
Andre_Gondimthanks =]16:04
matsubarahi sinzui, did you file those bugs?16:04
matsubaraUrsinha, no news about that oops? shall I remove the action item?16:04
Ursinhamatsubara, do that, I'll file a bug if that happens again16:05
matsubaraUrsinha, thanks16:05
* sinzui has no screen16:05
matsubarare: the librarian-gc failure, it was disabled that week, that's why we had a script failure email to the list16:05
gary_posterstub is working on that as his next task16:06
mthaddonI think there's a CP pending approval for that16:06
sinzuimatsubara: I did file bugs16:06
matsubaragary_poster, mthaddon: cool. thanks16:06
stubThe next bit of work on the librarian may be related - depends on what happens with the cherry pick and test run ;)16:06
Ursinhagary_poster, this is bug 410576, right?16:06
sinzuiOOPS-1315A253 is soyuz16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410576 in launchpad-foundations "Librarian-gc discovered file missing from disk" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41057616:06
matsubarasinzui, thanks. if you have them handy, could you priv msg them to me?16:07
sinzuibug 41317416:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413174 in launchpad-registry "API AssertionError creating a release" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41317416:07
gary_posterUrsinha, that's not my understanding.  hm, that's a dupe.16:07
Ursinhagary_poster, a dupe? is there another?16:08
Ursinhathis one is set as Critical... I'll talk about it in the next section :)16:08
sinzuimatsubara: OOPS-1318EA4 is new. It relates to another bug that I intend to fix in 3.0 I will file and assign it16:09
matsubarathanks sinzui16:09
gary_posterUrsinha: either dupe or related: bug 41374916:09
ubottuBug 413749 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413749 is private16:09
Ursinhagary_poster, let me see16:10
Ursinhamatsubara, you can move to the next section and we keep discussing there16:10
matsubaraok, thanks Ursinha and gar0t016:10
matsubara[TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:10
MootBotNew Topic:  * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:10
matsubarathere you go Ursinha16:10
Ursinha+branches timeout has a fix already committed, and also that horrible 'specications' bug is fix committed as well16:11
Ursinhaso, two issues to ask: foundations and registry16:11
Ursinhasinzui, I can see a lot of these ExpatErrors, that are bug 403606, does barry said something about fixing that?16:11
Ursinhagary_poster, bug 410576 is Critical but I see there's no activity for almost a week now, is that really critical?16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403606 in launchpad-registry "ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40360616:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410576 in launchpad-foundations "Librarian-gc discovered file missing from disk" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41057616:11
Ursinha(in this meantime, I'll check bug 41374916:11
ubottuBug 413749 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413749 is private16:11
gary_posterUrsinha: I believe it is high: afaik, the criticality is what mthaddon describes in his comments to that issue.  This is what stub is going to next.16:12
sinzuiUrsinha: barry has not provided any insight into the issue yet. I cannot estimate it16:12
stubIts critical because it is part of the impending librarian collapse.16:12
sinzuimatsubara: bug #4164816:13
mthaddongary_poster: it's critical - LP will blow up in 20 days or so if it's not fixed (as the librarian will run out of space)16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 41648 in acpi "Sleep and hibernate fail on Acer Ferrari 3400" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4164816:13
matsubarasinzui, hmm that doesn't look like a lp bug16:13
sinzuimatsubara: bug #41648316:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416483 in launchpad-registry "deletion of series and milestone must remove structural subscriptions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41648316:13
matsubaracool. thanks sinzui!16:13
sinzui^ points the the related bug too16:13
gary_postermthaddon, stub: (procedural, apologies) what does critical mean then?  I thought it meant drop everything, while afaict this is a do it within 10 days?16:13
Ursinhagary_poster, mthaddon, we have two bugs here, bug 410576 and bug 41374916:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410576 in launchpad-foundations "Librarian-gc discovered file missing from disk" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41057616:14
ubottuBug 413749 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413749 is private16:14
Ursinhagary_poster, that's my question as well16:14
mthaddongary_poster: I think if we know it's going to blow up all of LP in a short period of time, that's critical16:14
gary_posterafaik 413749 is the (a?) symptom of 410576.  stub, mthaddon, can you please correct me?16:14
stubgary_poster: It is my top priority, as we need to know the genuine rate of disk consuption for the librarian so we can accurately predict when new disk has to be purchased and installed by, or soyuz has to decrease their consumption by16:15
gary_posterstub thank you16:15
mthaddongary_poster: it's related, but fixing the librarian-gc will buy us more time, not fix it forever16:15
gary_posterok, gotcha16:15
gary_posterSo Ursinha, it is critical, and we should be moving to in progress, at least, within a day or so.16:16
Ursinhagreat gary_poster, thanks a lot16:16
matsubaraUrsinha, anything else re: oops and critical bugs?16:17
Ursinhasinzui, could you poke barry again about that bug? I can do that as well if you want :)16:17
sinzuiI will16:17
Ursinhathanks a lot sinzui16:17
cprovstub: we have to adjust the removal of BPRs to be more aggressive.16:17
daniloscprov: can you (i.e. Soyuz team) provide data flacoste asked for in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/413749 so we've got raw numbers there as well?16:17
ubottuError: This bug is private16:18
mthaddoncprov: any idea of how much space that would buy us?16:18
cprovdanilos: sure, I can try.16:18
stubcprov: Bug 413749 has a soyuz task, so you may want to triage it.16:18
ubottuBug 413749 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413749 is private16:18
matsubaragarbo-hourly failed on the 17th even after spm adjusted the check to 12 hours. stub do you know what's up?16:18
stubmatsubara: I wasn't aware of that.16:19
cprovmthaddon: can't tell exactly, but I issue the queries for estimating few other scenarios than 1 month quarantine for BPR files16:20
matsubarathere's a "Scripts failed to run: loganberry:garbo-hourly" email sent to the list on the 17th. could you investigate and reply to that email?16:21
matsubarastub, ^16:21
Ursinhacprov, can you follow up later on that bug then, please?16:21
cprovUrsinha: sure16:21
Ursinhathanks cprov16:21
matsubara[action] cprov to follow up on bug 41374916:22
MootBotACTION received:  cprov to follow up on bug 41374916:22
ubottuBug 413749 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413749 is private16:22
ubottuBug 413749 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413749 is private16:22
matsubara[action] stub to investigate garbo-hourly failure after spm adjusted script checking to 12h16:22
MootBotACTION received:  stub to investigate garbo-hourly failure after spm adjusted script checking to 12h16:22
matsubara[action] sinzui to poke barry about ExpatError OOPSes (bug 403606)16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403606 in launchpad-registry "ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40360616:24
MootBotACTION received:  sinzui to poke barry about ExpatError OOPSes (bug 403606)16:24
* sinzui eagerly awaits an assessment16:24
matsubaraI think that's all for this section16:25
matsubarathanks everyone16:25
Ursinhathanks a bunch sinzui16:25
Ursinhaand everyone else :)16:25
Ursinhado ahead matsubara16:25
matsubara[TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm)16:25
MootBotNew Topic:  * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm)16:25
danilosmbarnett for the agenda as well? :)16:25
Chex- Buildbot now hosted from the DC16:26
Chex - Multiple Cherry Picks this past week16:26
Chex - Will be beginning to implement recommendations from SplitIt Sprint before too long16:26
Chex - Codebrowse needed restarting more than usual this week (see IncidentLog)16:26
Chex - Incident with edge rollout breaking as one app server refused to stop, and interaction with the session DB being trashed - see Incident Report and most likely discussed earlier in the meeting16:26
Chex - LOSA sprint this week to get new LOSAs (Chex, mbarnett) up to speed16:26
matsubaradanilos, good catch. thanks16:26
Chexand thats it for us, unless there are any questions??16:26
gary_posteryay buildbot in DC! :-)16:27
danilosyeah, great stuff, looking forward to everything else that enables :)16:28
danilos(like the production branch in buildbot *grin*)16:28
matsubarathanks Chex16:28
matsubara[TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  * DBA report (stub)16:28
stubOur disk usage is going steadily up. Nothing alarming yet, but it did prompt me to turn on the long-running-transaction killer. Non-system transactions running over 3 hours will now be killed. This should alleviate database bloat, which adversely affects everything. It will also stop processes that block on long running transactions from blocking too long (like the garbo).16:29
stubI've bumped up the default statistics target to 250. We have twice over the last several months had a query chewing up huge amounts of disk space in temporary tables, and my best guess as to why is bad query plans. The higher statistics target should make this less likely.16:29
* Ursinha misses the oot thing16:29
Ursinhaquestions for stub?16:29
danilosstub: ok, so that means that fixing langpack exporter is now critical for us, right?16:30
stubdanilos: I can turn it off if necessary. I'm not sure what effect is has on the langpack export.16:31
stubWill all of them be affected?16:31
danilosstub: most of the runs will16:31
danilosstub: I've made it critical for us, it should be a simple fix, it'll only require cherrypicking16:32
stubdanilos: ok. I'd like that issue raised to high or critical. I'll turn the check to 8 hours which will cover the current longest transaction I'm seeing in the graphs.16:32
danilosstub: it was high and scheduled for 3.0, now it's scheduled for asap :)16:32
stubPlease add a note to the CP request that the limit needs to be put back.16:32
danilosstub: sure, thanks16:32
Ursinhathanks stub16:33
Ursinhaand danilos16:33
matsubarathanks stub and danilos16:33
stubdanilos: Bug number?16:34
danilosstub: bug 41169716:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411697 in rosetta "Language pack export has very long running transactions" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41169716:34
matsubara* In-team handling of OOPSes (Danilo)16:34
danilosok, a long paste follows16:34
* matsubara hands the mic to danilos 16:34
danilosBreaking news from the team leads call!  Read all about it!16:35
danilosMany of the duties Diogo and Ursula had you spoiled with (like trawling OOPS summaries and error logs and matching/filing relevant bugs) is what QA contacts in each team should do (generally, it was considered that this is what they should have been doing anyway).16:35
danilosAccording to Gary, Diogo is happy to continue maintaining oops-tools (and relevant infrastructure, which will stay in Foundations turf), but everybody else is invited to contribute and take interest in the tools if they want something added.16:35
danilosSimilarly, if someone finds it hard to go through numerous places to see all the possible problems (i.e. going through several OOPS summaries, error-reports list, etc), they are welcome to improve our infrastructure for aggregating these.16:35
danilosI am personally hoping that once we pick a release manager for 3.0, (s)he'll take care that all QA contacts are on top of their game. Perhaps we can have Ursula and Diogo continue as is until RM for 3.0 is appointed.16:35
danilosAny suggestions on what should change in the format of the meeting to make sure this is not a regression compared to what we do today?16:35
gary_poster(eh, that summary came out in such a way that I feel I should have talked with matsubara first.  sorry, matsubara, and feel free to correct the summary about your personal position)16:36
matsubaragary_poster, it's correct :-)16:37
danilosgary_poster: (I was just being careful not to put words in matsubara's mouth, I should have talked to him first, but there just wasn't the time between the teamleads call and this meeting :)16:37
gary_postercool :-)16:37
danilosanyway, how should the meetings be run from now on? matsubara, you want to keep running them?16:38
gary_poster+1 if you are willing matsubara16:38
matsubaradanilos, yes, I talked to francis about it and Ursinha and I will still run the production meeting16:38
danilosanybody else has any comments? everybody, this means more work for you and less for matsubara, Ursinha :)16:38
Ursinha+1 from me16:39
stubHow to teams claim an oops? The benefit of a central monitor and this meeting is when teams disagree on who the problem belongs too.16:39
matsubarabut it'd be nice to have help from the QA contacts doing the daily oops analysis and help with triage16:39
danilosstub: that's for the release manager to worry about IMO, but in general, we should be having bug attached to all the OOPSes16:39
stubWho creates the bugs?16:40
Ursinhadanilos, that's the idea16:40
Ursinhastub, it depends16:40
Ursinhastub, for instance, afaik, translations has been creating its own bugs for some time now16:40
Ursinhachecking the summaries daily16:40
danilosstub: in general, we might be able to improve tools to split summaries by vhost initially16:40
stubI'm just wondering how we avoid them being dropped on the floor because, say, translations thinks an oops is a foundations issue and vice versa.16:40
Ursinhadanilos, matsubara has the idea of using page ids16:40
Ursinhafor splitting16:40
danilosUrsinha: right, that might be a good one as well16:41
stubsplitting the reports into areas of responsibility would address my concern I think.16:41
danilosUrsinha: actually, it's perfect16:41
cprovokay, running the risk to sound like an idiot,  who are the current QA contacts ? TLs ?16:41
Ursinhacprov, the people that attend this meeting16:41
stubTLs until they delegate ;)16:41
matsubaracprov, everyone who attend this meeting weekly16:41
daniloscprov: it means it's you! :)16:41
matsubaracprov, actually it's bigjools, but he's away today16:42
cprovfantastic! thanks.16:42
Ursinhadanilos, :P, bigjools actually16:42
danilosheh, ok... in general, I think this is best done by a team lead16:42
danilos(and soon enough, I'll be replacing henninge as the translations QA contact)16:42
Ursinhadanilos, it was TL's call when they pointed the QA contacts16:42
danilosUrsinha: I know16:43
gary_posterhm.  question.  if we *all* trawl oops, is that a collective time loss?16:43
Ursinhabut that can be changed for this new experiment16:43
Ursinhagary_poster, if we separate per teams, not that much16:43
UrsinhaI believe16:43
danilosso, matsubara, can we have an action for me to discuss with Ursinha and you how we can split OOPS reports into per-team summaries?16:43
Ursinhaper "teams"16:43
gary_posteroh I see16:43
danilosgary_poster: right, see above16:43
gary_posterok thanks16:43
matsubara[action] danilos, Ursinha and matsubara to discuss oops summaries split per team16:44
MootBotACTION received:  danilos, Ursinha and matsubara to discuss oops summaries split per team16:44
danilosmatsubara: thanks16:44
Ursinhagary_poster, we in fact have a new feature on oops-tools that associate a bug to a exception type (matsubara correct me if I'm wrong here)16:44
Ursinhathis helps a lot16:44
danilosubottu: thanks for nothing (just so you don't get used to praise only)16:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:44
Ursinhasometimes you freak me out ubottu16:45
danilosanyway, that's all settled afaiac16:45
matsubaragary_poster, Ursinha: now we have a feature on oops-tools that once an oops is linked to a bug, subsequent oopses of that same type are already linked to the bug report16:45
Ursinhagary_poster, if you click the oops, most of them have a bug associated, on top left16:45
daniloswe'll be reporting back, everything stays as is until we've got better oops reports, but do expect changes soon16:45
matsubaramakes analysis much easier16:45
Ursinhabug report?16:45
matsubaranext step is to add that info to the summary16:45
gary_posterheh.  ah I see cool16:46
gary_posterthanks Ursinha, matsubara16:46
matsubaraall right. thanks danilos for bringing this up16:46
Ursinhaah, I got that16:46
matsubaraand thanks everyone16:46
Ursinhathanks everyone16:46
matsubaraThank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See https://dev.launchpad.net/MeetingAgenda for the logs.16:46
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:46.16:46
matsubara1 min late. sorry about that16:47
gary_poster:-) thanks matsubara16:47
Ursinhathanks matsubara and everyone!16:47
gary_posterthanks Ursinha :-)16:47
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-afk
=== danilos is now known as danilo-afk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-fud
=== Ursinha-fud is now known as Ursinha
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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