
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
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andresmhah, after yesterdays update I lost my audio output02:01
ipatrolAnyone here?02:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:08
ipatrolWhat about a request?02:09
andresmhwoah, lots of karmic updates in the past 24 hrs uh02:09
andresmhipatrol, request for what?02:09
ipatrolFor people to seed the karmic alpha .iso file02:10
ipatrolWe're down to three peers02:10
kaddikarmic is not released yet, I would imagine that the iso-files also change with every alpha-release, maybe that's why there are so little peers?02:12
ipatrol!ask please seed the karmic alpha iso file on bittorrent so it goes faster, we're down to three peers02:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
ipatrolWhy does ubottu d that?02:12
kaddiit's a bot, you can feed it commands and it'll tell you things :)02:13
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:13
oldude67cause you put a  ! at the beginning02:13
kaddias an example :)02:13
ipatrolso it errors if the command is invalid?02:13
ipatrolhow many gigs does karmic need?02:14
PiciProbably just as much as a normal Ubuntu instaqll02:16
ipatrolWhich is?02:17
kaddihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements this is for Jaunty. It says at least 4 Gb including swap.02:18
andresmhwhat exactly is a *partial* upgrade? I just got a warning to run it  when trying to do an update...02:19
Piciandresmh: Its when package dependencies cannot be sastified because packages are not available.02:21
andresmhPici, i'm not sure i understand.02:21
andresmhwhy would a package not be available?02:22
andresmhavailable in my system or on the repos?02:22
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ipatrolThe seed requests are working: 11 peers02:24
Piciandresmh: Its possible that a package requires a new version of some dependency and that hasn't been uploaded yet02:29
andresmhPici, wouldn't that mean it cannot do the partial upgrade at all? It did it with no pblems02:29
Piciandresmh: It also means that there are other packages to upgrade that don't have that problem.02:30
histoIs it possible to use opengl with sdlmame without X?03:06
ipatrolWhere's the ubuntu BitTorrent tracker?03:20
johnjohn101i just tried booting alpha 4 on my box. it never made it to the Gnome desktop. I think it failed trying to get to the network because of broadcom card I have ethernet plugged into router.03:20
histojohnjohn101: are you tyring to boot off the livecd?03:21
johnjohn101yes. amd64 but I have an intel dual core03:21
histojohnjohn101: what do you mean it failed? did you get an error?03:21
histojohnjohn101: does your cpu support 64bit?03:21
johnjohn101intel 2180 I think so03:22
johnjohn101it come up to a prompt03:22
johnjohn101asking for a user name and then password. I was stumped03:22
histosounds like X didn't start what video card do you have03:23
johnjohn101nvidia 710003:23
histojohnjohn101: should be working with out an issue although it is still alpha.03:24
histojohnjohn101: also if you cpu is hte e2180 looks like its 64bit according to intel.03:24
johnjohn101i'm running suse now.  but it doesn't try to put the nvidia on on install03:24
johnjohn101i guess the live cd won't work. I guess I'll have to install to a spare drive and see what happens?03:25
johnjohn101i had similar problems with mepis FWIW03:25
histojohnjohn101: I would check the cd for errors first.03:26
histojohnjohn101: also youc an try booting in safe graphics mode should be an option on the cds boot menu.03:26
johnjohn101ok i'll check03:26
histojohnjohn101: you'll also be able to check the cd for defects from the boot menu03:27
histokeep in mind its alpha03:27
histojohnjohn101: you should really try with 9.0403:27
johnjohn101i know. it runs great in vmware03:27
histoI can't believe the improvements to boot times etc..03:27
johnjohn101that's what I want to check out03:28
johnjohn101plus I think i'm goinjg to switch back to ubuntu (not a fan of kde 4 or suse gnome)03:28
johnjohn101ok back, no luck  safe graphics failed and the cd had no errors03:43
johnjohn101yeah, it looks like it had trouble with the graphics card03:44
lamalexhey, does anyone know if empathy in karmic will support adium themes?03:52
lamalexor the geolocation stuff?03:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 157398 in gnome-control-center "GNOME default DPI doesn't match X default DPI" [Wishlist,Confirmed]03:57
lamalexanyone know about empathy in here?03:57
ubottuGnome bug 378338 in settings-daemon "Deal with X servers which misreport the screen's dimensions" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]03:59
johnjohn101danaG is that for me?04:01
eMyllerhello. anyone here with kde + 3g?04:01
mac_vDanaG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xsplash/+bug/412598/comments/504:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 412598 in xsplash "Xsplash only uses the default wallpaper during transition to desktop." [Undecided,Confirmed]04:57
DanaGactually, my comment is a combination of both.04:59
DanaGIt not only uses the wrong image... it also flickers.04:59
histoCan anyone install nvidia-glx-173 or nvidia-glx-96 I get a bunch of errors trying to install that package in karmic05:13
histonvm I guess no one can untill its patched05:26
histofor the new kernel05:26
DanaGThe nvidia 96 drivers have been broken for me for like a full year.  Or at least 6 months.05:27
DanaGThey segfault the X server.05:28
DanaGAnd that's even on Jaunty.05:28
histowell they won't even install now05:28
histohell I can't even get them to install on 2.6.3005:28
histomight have got it. Then I have to figure out why sound isn't working05:29
histoNope still failed05:29
DanaG... has nothing to do with it.05:30
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histoNot your problem but mine does05:34
histoYou can't even install 96 now anyways05:34
histohave to go back to 9.04 on this one machine to early to test with the nvidia drivers being broken.05:35
DanaGI was poking fun at what could be taken as a reference to religion.  =P05:35
andresmhfor some reason doing this works: speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:0,0 -twav05:36
histoahh missed the jesus line05:36
andresmhbut no other application can play sound05:36
andresmhany ideas?05:36
andresmhi've tried flash and last.fm05:36
DanaGhmm, are you on 64-bit?05:37
histoI didn't even get to the sound problems after fighting with nvidia drivers for so long05:37
andresmhme DanaG ? no, i'm on 3205:37
DanaGah, not the bug I was thinking of, then.05:37
andresmhso i feel like this is just a configuration issue05:37
andresmhbecause speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:0,0 -twav works05:37
DanaGhmm, is PulseAudio running?  and is it the default device?  (in other words, does just plain 'alsamixer' show you the pulseaudio mixer?05:37
DanaGIf so, try alsamixer -c0, to see if it's just a mixer screwup.  or make 0 be 1 or 2, depending on the cards in the system.05:38
histoAfter so long trying to get Framebuffer to work ughh05:38
andresmhDanaG, this is how alsamixer -c0 looks like: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/285483/tmp/screenshot12.png05:39
DanaGLooks fine enough; what did just plain 'alsamixer' show?05:40
andresmhDanaG, same05:41
DanaGah.  That means that, for some reason, pulseaudio is not being the default card.  That'd explain the lack of mixing.05:42
DanaGWhat's in .asoundrc and .asoundrc.asoundconf ?05:42
andresmhI don't have those files in my home dir05:43
DanaGah, that's fine, I think.05:43
DanaGhmm, I'm not sure what else to do to troubleshoot -- hmm, is libasound2-plugins installed?05:43
andresmhapt-cache policy libasound2-plugins05:44
andresmh  Installed: 1.0.20-1ubuntu605:44
andresmh  Candidate: 1.0.20-1ubuntu605:44
andresmh 05:44
andresmhah i figured it out i think05:45
andresmhin pavuctrl i had to select  Analog Stero Output profile05:45
DanaGgrr, what happened to the "keep authorization" options?06:29
rippsWhat populates the places menu in gnome-panel and nautilus with drives that are mountable? Because I think it starts too early. I need to restart both gnome-panel and nautilus in order for my ntfs drives to show up. Otherwise I just cdrom0 and floppy0 in the menu06:59
rippsOr perhaps, gnome-panel and nautilus are starting too early06:59
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cdE|Woozyhey, how do you add a stacktrace etc from a crash to an existing bug? I tried apport-collect #bug but it only uploaded Dependencies.txt07:34
cdE|Woozyis that even possible or do I need to open a new bug for that?07:34
cdE|Woozyhm, I'm beginning to think it actually wanted to upload the stacktrace etc, but couldn't due to missing permissions. /var/crash/_usr_sbin_console-kit-daemon.0.crash is owned by root, so it can't read it07:38
thekorncdE|Woozy, I think best is to create a new bug report in this case, to get all your information in one place07:40
thekornjust run      apport-cli -c /var/crash/_usr_sbin_console-kit-daemon.0.crash07:41
cdE|Woozythekorn, thanks07:41
thekornif it turns out to be a duplicate of an already existing bug, you can always mark it as such later on07:41
mac_vcdE|Woozy: you dont have the root password?07:44
cdE|WoozyI do, but apport-collect doesn't ask me for anything07:44
cdE|WoozyI've now just filed a new bug, that worked07:47
cdE|Woozygrml, hitting the eject button in nautilus for my sdcard powers down my card reader and I have to re-plug the reader to use it again08:21
amason_cdE|Woozy: sounds like a pretty dodgey reader08:26
amason_i have a $10 one that behaves correctly08:26
cdE|Woozyunmounting works fine, ejecting does not08:26
nhasianI'd like to file a new bug i discovered today but launchpad doesnt seem to be working right now08:41
amason_nhasian: works for me08:41
nhasianwhen i try to file a bug it says:08:42
nhasianTimeout error Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.08:43
nhasiantoday i confirmed that if you install cairo-dock on a fresh install of alpha4 it will kill VLC.08:44
nhasiani tested it on two separate computers.  toshiba laptop with intel gpu and hp laptop with nvidia gpu08:44
amason_nhasian: ok. i guess just wait till its functioning correctly or try tomorrow08:48
nhasiani've found a lot of bugs in karmic so far.  this is the first time i run ubuntu+108:50
alankilafrankly, I'm always astonished at how impossibly broken the alphas and betas tend to be09:01
alankilathat being said, they usually shape up remarkably in the last week or two, suddenly reaching a working status09:01
nhasianalankila, i'm surprised as well.  even the most basic things like gparted are not included in alpha4.  nor is the ability to change sound effects09:06
alankilaOf course, everyone's opinion at what is "most basic" differs a great deal.09:07
alankilabut yeah I think the sound control UI is still plenty broken09:08
nhasianlots of things are broken right now: no themes for gdm, no sound effects for empathy, skype doesnt work09:09
alankilaFor some reason it always mutes all the sounds so I never hear anything until I go turn several volume knobs up...09:09
richardcavellI see that there are some pulseaudio updates.  Can anyone vouch for these?  Last time I installed pulseaudio updates I broke half my sound.  Are these updates going to break the other half or fix the half that's broken?09:09
nhasianrichardcavell, haha who knows09:09
RAOFI don't think they're likely to do either, actually.09:09
nevcairieltest it! thats what alphas are for =)09:09
alankilarichardcavell: yeah I think you'll find nobody vouching for pretty much anything.09:09
nhasianI find this page pretty useful though: http://feeds.ubuntu-nl.org/KarmicChanges09:10
alankilaFor what it's worth, I'm running the latest shit the repositories have to offer and other than having to adjust volume levels and mixer knobs at every boot, I have no other complaints.09:10
alankilaThere is some kind of database of cards nowadays. The UI suddenly allows me to choose between IEC958 output vs. analog output vs. analog multichannel output, which is a healthy development overall.09:11
* nhasian gone to sleep09:12
cdE|Woozyhm, update manager suddenly wants to install exim09:13
floatinghi. how does teh thing go, if i have installed the karmic alpha3 earlier, and as I get those daily upgrades, am I now basically using that alpha 4 automatically ?09:18
alankilafloating: yes.09:19
floatingwill I get updates even up to the beta and official release automatically too, or do I need to do something else later09:20
alankilayou are on track towards the final karmic release, as it progresses.09:20
floatingoh good good09:21
alankilayou can control this stuff from the Software Sources option in Administration at the gnome panel or just poke /etc/apt/sources.list manually.09:22
alankilait may be useful to take a look in that sources.list file. You should see a bunch of lines, but every one that is not commented ought to say something about karmic09:23
wallehi, im testing btrfs with ubuntu 9.10-alpha4 and compression don't seems to work. I have created a btrfs with mkfs.btrfs without options and mounted with -o compression. when i create a file with zeroes both df and du reports the actual size of the file without compression.10:27
walleis there any known issues with btrfs 0.19 and compression or is this an ubuntu issue or am i dooing something wrong?10:27
eagles0513875morning karmic users12:15
om26ercan any 1 tell me that ubuntu moblin remix is gonna be a one time relaese or it is gonna release like regular ubuntu in a cycle of months12:22
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om26erhello folks answer me plz12:30
* Jad tijj12:52
Jaddoes anyone know12:52
Jadwhen the beta realease of ubuntun 9.10 will be released?12:52
Jadno reply :S12:56
Pici!schedule | Jad12:57
ubottuJad: A schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule12:57
Jadthanks Pici12:57
* Jad Tijj13:03
shadeslayerhullo app13:17
shadeslayer50 megs of updtaes13:30
Oli``Hmm CDs and DVDs aren't automatically mounting13:31
BluesKajHowdy all13:41
BluesKajkonvi crashed ...first time that's happen in karmic13:46
BluesKajaha just, checked ..a konvi upgrade13:48
AlmindorI'm getting "Password for 'login' GNOME keyring:" request on console svn operations13:48
Almindorwhy is that?13:48
BluesKajthe svn repos is looking a gpg key aka 'a trusted source'13:49
Almindornever happened before13:50
Almindorit's a sourceforge svn13:50
BluesKajcheck svn gor the gnome key , there should be instructions there how to install it13:50
AlmindorI just press enter, but it's a bit odd it pops up on commits etc.13:50
BluesKajAlmindor, that's all I can tell you , I'm not an svn fan , maybe someone else can help13:52
BluesKajor perhaps #svn13:52
Almindorit seems to me almost like if gnome keyring was interfering with SVN, the funny thing is it asks for the 'login' thing also when it's finished transmiting a commit (which doesn't make sense IMO)14:06
IdleOneI am trying to decide if I should do a fresh install of karmic or an upgrade. I read last night that the file system does not get upgraded and neither does grub. I have run +1 with every release but this release seems to have some very big changes and wondering how to get the most out of the OS. any suggestions?14:24
PiciIdleOne: You can upgrade grub manually if you want, and ext3 can be converted to ext4, but it doesn't enable all of ext4's features when doing so14:25
IdleOnePici, so your recommendation would be not to use karmic right now but if I insist on it I should go with a fresh install14:26
PiciIdleOne: I personally upgraded from Jaunty, and I'm not having any issues. Last boot time was just under 20 seconds.  If you really want true ext4 then you should do a fresh install, otherwise you can upgrade and tweak yourself.14:27
IdleOnewell I guess my question is do I really need true ext4? are the benefits that much greater?14:28
PiciI don't really know14:29
IdleOnethink I will go with the upgrade.14:29
IdleOnethank you Pici14:29
PiciIdleOne: np14:29
BluesKajPici, what are the advantages of ext4 over ext3 ?14:29
PiciBluesKaj: Higher number?14:29
IdleOnewell that right there is a reason14:30
PiciI really haven't looked into it too much.  I know there is some sort of online defrag, but I seem to have forgotten any of the other features.14:30
BluesKajbragging rights ? :)14:30
IdleOnePici, sources.list gets over written correct but do the PPA's I added also get upgraded?14:38
IdleOneI would assume they dont14:38
IdleOnehere we go14:40
PiciIdleOne: I think they're disabled at upgrade, you'll need to renenable and change the release name on them after you upgrade14:40
IdleOnewould be nice if the PPA's got upgraded also ( if they are on launchpad ) with a warning that they are not supported and the option to not upgraded them14:43
joaopintoIdleOne, the performance gain is substantial14:47
joaopintoanswering about ext414:49
IdleOnejoaopinto, so i should of done a fresh install instead of upgrade?14:51
IdleOneto late now the upgrade is started. but I can alsways do a fresh install afterwards14:52
joaopintoyes you should14:52
BluesKajjoaopinto, performance gain ?... please elaborate15:00
joaopintoBluesKaj, please try both on the same hw same install type, you will notice different boot times in the magniture of seconds, dependent on your hw15:01
joaopintoI am sure there are metrics out there, google will elaborate better than my own experience15:02
BluesKajjoaopinto, don't think I'm going to that just for a boot time advantage :)15:20
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
joaopintoBluesKaj, the boot time was just an example, as you may guess there is nothing special with ext4 and boot, except for the improved I/O performance15:23
Oli``Wow. The average home price in Detroit is £7k.15:44
Oli``Less than a new low-end car.15:44
malnilionOli``, you make up for it in life insurance costs :P15:47
mac_vhmm... how long does it take for gnome-power-manager to restart , when $killall gnome-power-manager is run?16:19
mac_vor does it restart on its own?16:40
andresmhmy gnome-app-install is getting stuck doing this: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/285483/tmp/screenshot13.png16:42
andresmhi did apt-get reinstall gnome-app-install but it didn't help16:42
andresmhany ideas?16:42
andresmhI'm trying to install Acrobat Reader. I added (I think) medibuntu repos and then I did sudo apt-get install acroread but I got this error: Package acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:47
gronglNeed help with Karmic Koala WUBI installation16:47
grongldid a fresh install, when I  pick Kubuntu in Windows7 boot menu16:47
gronglI get16:47
gronglunknown command '{'16:47
gronglunknown command 'menuentry'16:47
gronglthen machine reboots again16:48
gronglbefore reinstalling my wubi installation of kubuntu worked just fine16:48
gronglany ideas?16:48
BluesKajandresmh, unfortunately my access to medibuntu is broken , so I assume it's still partly down16:53
andresmhthanks BluesKaj16:54
BluesKajbeen that way for a week now , andresmh16:55
BluesKajI changed domain servers cuz i thought my crappy ISP domain server was to blame , but that made no diff16:59
xray7224my system is being a bit unresponsive =/17:15
xray7224its not using a lot of my cpu or ram17:16
giovanixray7224: what does that mean, eactly?17:16
xray7224just around gnome17:16
giovanixray7224: please run "vmstat 5 5" in a terminal17:16
xray7224its feels a bit sugglish17:16
giovaniand paste the output into pastebin17:16
giovanisluggish for particular operations? moving windows? opening menus?17:16
xray7224opening applications, menu's arn't too bad i guess17:17
xray7224its not something i can't live with17:17
xray7224its just sometime i thought i should kinda note17:17
giovaniok, well the answer is very simple17:17
giovaniyou've heavily using swap17:18
xray7224system moniter is showing swap as 12.6% used17:18
giovaniyeah ...17:18
giovanithat's a significant amount in most cases17:18
xray7224and memory 28.3% cwap17:18
giovaniif new applications are pushed to swap -- you're in trouble17:18
giovanihow much physical ram does this system have?17:19
giovanihow long has the system been up?17:19
xray7224not too long for a linux machine17:19
xray722426 hours maybe ?17:19
giovaniok -- possibly a memory leak somewhere17:20
giovaniyou had all of your ram used at some point17:20
giovaniso the system started to use swap17:20
giovaniyou could try restarting X17:20
giovaniand seeing if this happens again17:20
giovani2GB isn't a ton of ram of a heavily-used moden desktop, with a bloated wm like gnome :)17:21
xray7224mmm i guess17:21
giovanis/ram of/ram on/17:21
xray7224i need to upgrade just getting the cash together :P17:21
xray7224so there isn't too much i can do really ?17:22
giovani2gb ram sticks can be had for $15-25 USD17:22
giovanixray7224: it might've been a one-time situation -- I'd restart X, or restart the entire machine, and see if it happens again17:22
xray7224thanks for your help17:23
* Twigaathy runs without swap at all these days17:25
Twigaathy4GB RAM is enough for me :-)17:26
* kaddi runs karmic on 512Mb RAM and it works incredibly fine :p17:27
giovanikaddi: with gnome?17:27
xray7224i did a full reboot17:27
kaddigiovani:  no kde17:27
xray7224still seems sluggish but its not using any swap at all17:28
giovanikaddi: ok17:28
giovanixray7224: what kind of cpu do you have?17:28
giovaniI'm off to lunch, bbl17:28
xray7224amd athlon 64 x2 5200+ (its 2.7 ghz)17:28
BluesKajxray7224, have you done an autoclean lately , sudo aptitude autoclean17:35
BluesKajit may help17:36
xray7224doing it =]17:36
BluesKajespecially with all the updates17:36
xray7224it free'd 692mb :P im not complaining =]17:37
bjsnidergiovani, what about gnome is bloated?17:37
scizzo-its not bloated17:40
roscoeI am running jaunty on a toshiba laptop i pentium4, intel, chipset 82801, AC'97 audio controller, nVidia Geforce4 420. Would you anticpate any probs in using Karmic beta now?17:40
scizzo-roscoe: its alpha17:41
scizzo-roscoe: not beta17:41
roscoesorry, brain fart17:41
bjsniderwell, he said it was bloated17:41
bjsniderroscoe, that old graphics card won't work17:42
bjsnideryou can't build the nvidia drivers on the .31 kernel yet17:42
bjsniderit might work with nv or nouveau17:42
bjsnideranyway, you'll have graphics issues17:42
roscoebjsnider, OK thanks that is what I needed to know17:42
bjsniderwait, forget nouveau17:43
bjsniderthat's only for newer stuff17:43
bjsnidernv might work17:43
pavka1will be implemented xdmcp into karmic gdm? Today this doesnt work for me...17:53
dotblankwow.. im getting about 40 updates/day!17:55
dotblankhey why are   openoffice.org-help-en-gb openoffice.org-help-en-us17:58
dotblank  openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb openoffice.org-l10n-en-za17:58
dotblankbeing held back?17:58
pavka1dotblank: because moved from upstream?17:59
dotblankpavka1, When can I install them?17:59
malniliondotblank, they probably depend on packages that haven't been updated yet.18:00
bjsniderimpossible. the build system would fail if trying to build something against a package that doesn't exist. try doing a dist-upgrade18:09
natewiebe13anyone know how secure ecrypt-fs acutally is?18:12
malnilionWell, it might partially depend on how secure your password is, but I'd say relatively?18:13
natewiebe13without the variable of password, what would the most secure encryption be (both to the home folder and swap)??18:13
dotblankbjsnider, I fixed it turns out malnilion was rigth but my packages updates only half worked so when I updated it again all was good18:14
malniliondotblank, good stuff, those issues usually work themselves out for me.18:15
malnilionnatewiebe13, I honestly don't know, I'm not a crypto expert.18:16
dholbachUbuntu Global Jam meeting in 30m in #ubuntu-meeting18:30
dotblankhmm why is pidgin still at 2.5.8?18:36
natewiebe13dotblank: usually repos are a week or two behind18:38
natewiebe13hasnt been uploaded yet?18:38
dotblankno its not in the ppa either18:38
xray7224how can i be a ubuntu packager ?18:42
natewiebe13dotblank: no idea.. give it a week or so18:43
natewiebe13but its nice they finally added video support18:43
dotblankwow pidgin depends on every library on the planet18:45
natewiebe13dotblank.. you can get it from getdeb.net, except the site is down atm18:46
Pici!packaging | xray722418:46
ubottuxray7224: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:46
dotblankyea i would but that why im compiling it18:46
cdE|Woozydoes anyone know why "at" now recommends default-mta instead of just suggesting it?18:50
malnilionYep, netsplit.19:09
KamilionHaving trouble changing my console resolution, kernel doesn't seem to accept vga=ask anymore, just babbles about the kernel not being loaded (??).  Any hints? Tried to use fbset, but that says I have no /dev/fb0, even though lsmod shows fbcon is loaded and working19:27
KamilionAll I want is just a simple 800x600 resolution, because with 16 cores, htop's CPU meters scroll everything but 3 lines in standard resolutions.19:29
giovaniconsole resolution?19:30
giovaniare you using a framebuffer?19:30
Kamilionas far as I can tell. Standard 9.10 server install.19:31
giovaniso I don't know why you think your console has a resolution19:31
giovaniit doesn't19:31
Kamilionfbcon is loaded according to lsmod.19:31
giovaniok -- why are you running htop from a local console?19:31
giovanithat's kind of unusual and weird19:31
Kamilionbecause it's the remote console too.19:31
KamilionIPMI 2.0 motherboard.19:32
giovaniremote console? ssh?19:32
giovaniipmi kvmoip is not a long-term monitoring solution19:32
giovaniit's an out-of-band for-emergencies type setup19:32
KamilionIt's not for monitoring.19:32
giovaniuse ssh19:32
giovanihtop is for monitoring19:32
KamilionI just can't read it when I run htop.19:32
KamilionI use htop instead of top/ps/kill/killall.19:33
bjsnidergiovani, you never mentioned exactly what was so bloated about gnome, sir19:33
giovanibjsnider: look at the code19:33
giovanilook at the memory and cpu usage19:33
giovani= bloat19:33
bjsnideri see19:34
Kamilionyeah, yeah, anyway, great, don't care about the politics, I used to be able to vga=314 with 9.04 and everything was fine. Now it's throwing me error messages. Thus, if there is a regression, someone has discovered a solution. Any help in finding a solution?19:35
bjsniderwell, that's certainly...your view19:35
Kamilionvga=ask/mode is gone, so what replaces it now?19:35
KamilionGoogle's turning up zilch for information.19:36
KamilionWell, more to the point, Google's turning up nothing but old vga= information, and whatever has replaced it is simply buried in a non-obvious place19:37
KamilionOkay, thanks to #grub, the new hotness is adding 'set gfxpayload=800x600x32' in the menu entry in grub.cfg.19:46
KamilionLooks like it's autogenerating the grub.cfg from /etc/default/grub, which contains a 'GRUB_GFXMODE=' line. This appears to be exactly what I'm looking for.19:46
giovanibjsnider: of course it's my view ... who's view did you think I was expressing?19:49
KamilionOr there is an alternative, using 'linux16' instead of 'linux' and 'initrd16' instead of 'initrd', which just pass the kernel command line on instead of attempting intelligence19:50
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
lamalexhas anyone has issues with ipod on karmic? banshee isn't finding my ipod20:43
lamalexim guessing it has to do with HAL, but im not sure where to start debugging20:44
malnilionlamalex, this might sound like a dumb question, but libgpod's installed, right?20:54
ipatrolWhy does empathy not have IRC20:58
hggdhipatrol, it has, and it is the telepathy package21:02
ipatrolTelepathy should be installed by default21:07
ipatrolMy installation does not show IRC as an option21:07
hggdhthat may be the case, and would justify a bug on LP asking for it21:11
ipatrolWhat's LP?21:12
ipatrolgimme a sec21:13
lamalexipatrol_: you need to install telepathy-idle21:18
ipatrol_I did21:18
lamalexmalnilion: yah, libgpod is installed- it's definitely a HAL issue21:19
ipatrol_But it ought to be with Empathy by default21:19
lamalexyah, you should file a bug report to depend on telepathy-idle21:19
ipatrol_Why doesn't empathy support /nick ?21:23
ipatrol_or /quote21:23
=== ipatrol_ is now known as ipatrol
hggdhipatrol, telepathy (and -idle) is work in progress. Not all server commands are already available.21:25
ipatrolCan we at least start with /quote so functionality is not impeded in the meantime?21:26
hggdhipatrol, the best place for you to ask this would be in the #telepathy channel. The developers tend to be there21:28
ipatrolWait, what dependancy do I have to ask for?21:29
BUGabundoguud evening21:30
hggdhipatrol, I understood you wanted /quote supported21:31
hggdhBUGabundo, boas, sir21:31
BUGabundoboas sr Carlos Da Villa21:32
hggdhthere goes my last name, butchered to pieces ;-)21:33
BUGabundowho said it was your last name ? ;)21:34
hggdhheh. I did not *say* it. I just said it had been butchered21:39
ipatrolhggdh: yes, I want /quote added21:39
ipatrolIt ought to be fairly simple21:39
hggdhipatrol, then, again, #telepathy is the best channel for that21:39
hggdhand I am pretty sure patches will be accepted, mostly if they are simple21:40
BUGabundoOMG OMG OMG my world is over. Pidgin stop working with Ctrl+TAB GRRRRRR21:40
ipatrolhggdh: telepathy is a sub-package of empathy, which lacks a channel21:42
guntberthow can I remove/add an applet to the notification area?21:43
hggdhipatrol, telepathy is the provider for IRC. If /quote is going to be implemented, it will be there21:44
joaopintoquote should be trivial to implement21:45
bjsniderBUGabundo, but it isn't the evening where i am21:45
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=== spander is now known as lupine_85
BUGabundoctrl tab back after pidgin restart22:06
BUGabundoI would go crazy in 30 mins if I didn't have this22:06
simba_after an update a few weeks ago the sound in my head-phones stopped working (Eee 1008ha running UNR), i was thinking it will get fixed in the next few updates...but nothing yet......i've found a setting in audio preferences to swich between headphones and front speakers....any idea of what triggers that switch when inserting headphones?22:08
mac_vBUGabundo: time to move over to empathy :)22:09
BUGabundono no no22:10
BUGabundotime to move to pidgin 2.622:10
DanaGEmpathy is pathetic with IRC.  And severely lacks features.22:11
BUGabundoDanaG: more then pidgin??22:11
DanaGPidgin is great with irc, as long as you have irchelper and ircmore.22:11
* mac_v loves xchat22:12
* simba_ loves xchat to22:12
BUGabundoDanaG: true22:13
mac_valteregoa is high ... hmmm... ;)22:15
alteregoawhats up with  xfs_fsr?22:15
* Kamilion prefers kvirc for his IRC client... :)22:24
bjsniderBUGabundo, is there lots of cool stuff in pidgin 2.6?22:25
BUGabundono idea22:25
bjsnideroh, i thought you'd upgraded to it22:25
BUGabundostill haven't got my hand on a build for karmic22:25
BUGabundojoaopinto won't build me one :(22:25
DanaGI'm using somebody's PPA for Jaunty.22:25
bjsnidersir, which one is that, sir?22:26
DanaGlemme check.22:26
bjsniderDanaG, do you attend cal poly SLO?22:26
bjsniderah, john madden loved all of those cal poly guys22:26
bjsnidersaid they were the toughest football players there were22:27
BUGabundoDanaG: and does it work? we need to change a few libs22:29
DanaGI don't have any buddies with voice capability to test it with.22:29
dingBauldrick, nothing new in 2.6.1 except framework for video etc later22:31
dingoops BUGabundo22:31
BUGabundoding: ?22:31
dingi put it on my eee22:32
BUGabundoBauldrick: LOLOL22:33
bjsniderbut wait22:33
bjsnidergnome switched from pidgin to empathy because of voice and video22:33
bjsnidernow that pidgin has them, why would anyone use empathy?22:33
dingduh, reading back should have been to bjsnider22:33
BUGabundobjsnider: ehehe22:34
BUGabundognome never changed22:34
BUGabundothey never had a default IM client22:34
BUGabundo_we_ did22:34
BUGabundoand we changed _because_ of bad upstream relations22:34
dingit's only the framework for future features (and fragile at that i hear)22:34
bjsnideri don't think that's correct22:35
* ding goes back to sandwich22:35
BUGabundobjsnider: dude you really need to start believign me22:36
BUGabundoinstead of disagring on every topic22:36
scizzo-bjsnider: BUGabundo is correct with this22:37
bjsniderwell, i'm just remembering what i've read22:37
scizzo-bjsnider: there are differences between empathy and pidgin....where pidgin before was gaim22:37
scizzo-bjsnider: sounds like you read what you want to hear22:38
BUGabundoscizzo-: aint I always!?22:38
BUGabundoscizzo-: ahahahah22:38
scizzo-BUGabundo: well even the best can be wrong...22:38
BUGabundoI'm Perfect22:39
BUGabundoI'm never wrong22:39
BUGabundounless I'm sleep typing22:39
BUGabundowhich has been happening more and more latelly :)22:39
bjsnidergnome adopted empathy as its im client as of 2.24. say so here: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS9658660550.html22:40
bjsniderwhen i asked i one of these channels why they adopted this client instead of pidgin, i was told it was because of voice/video22:40
BUGabundobjsnider: but does it says what they used before?22:40
bjsnideri don't think they used anything before22:41
bjsniderthey had nothing, and they adopted empathy because i guess they wanted something22:41
ipatrolEven when given nearly a gig, the alpha is still pretty jerkey22:41
* ding tries to remember what warty had...22:41
scizzo-bjsnider: telepathy22:42
scizzo-bjsnider: like I said before you are reading what you want to read not what is the truth22:42
bjsnidertelepathy is a communications network, not an im client22:42
scizzo-"Empathy uses Telepathy for protocol support and has a user interface based on Gossip." that is the reason22:43
aboSamoorI think that empathy still lacks many usability issues, I installed pidgin. Empathy's voice most of the time is not working and pidgin features are superior to empathy's22:43
scizzo-"Empathy has replaced Pidgin as the default instant messaging client, introducing the Telepathy framework."22:44
scizzo-and that is taken from www.ubuntu.com/testing22:44
scizzo-now do you believe me?22:44
IdleOnehey is Empathy going to have voice/video support for yahoo?22:44
bjsniderscizzo-, i believe that ubuntu decided to use empathy as the default IM client. that was not my point. i was talking about gnome22:45
scizzo-bjsnider: well then ask the #gnome channel for that22:45
IdleOnenever mind, I need to learn to look in the pool for water before jumping in22:46
douglasawh-workis there like an ubuntu off-topic room?22:48
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.22:49
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone know problem with flash audio in firefox 3.5?22:56
BUGabundoAndre_Gondim: nops. works ok for me and FF 3.722:58
BUGabundoon 64bits22:58
Andre_GondimBUGabundo, 3.9?22:58
dajhornAndre_Gondim: It has been sporadically breaking and working for me as PulseAudio changes.22:58
Andre_GondimBUGabundo, 3.722:58
BUGabundoAndre_Gondim: yep, Firefox 3.722:58
BUGabundoMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20090820 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Minefield/3.7a1pre ID:2009082015471522:58
dajhornAndre_Gondim: Install the latest 64-bit flash from the Adobe web site to your home directory.  Don't use the flash-helper program.22:59
Andre_Gondimdajhorn, ok, i will try22:59
dajhornAndre_Gondim: Remember to remove any old .so flash files from /usr or anywhere else you might have them.  Flash has had recent security vulnerabilities.23:00
BUGabundodajhorn: you are assuming he has 64bits, right?23:00
dajhornBUGabundo: Yes.23:00
BUGabundodajhorn: all of them patched to the latest version23:00
BUGabundodajhorn: are you new here or something? *never* assume nothing23:00
BUGabundomuch less _ask_ users to *rm* system files!23:00
BUGabundoapt should take care of that, instead23:01
dajhornBUGabundo: Nope.23:01
dajhornBUGabundo: Removing the flash helper doesn't get all unmanaged libflash files.23:01
BUGabundodajhorn: if it doesn't then it's a bug. please file it!!!23:02
dajhornBUGabundo: lol23:02
guntbertwhat is the sensible reaction when update-manager (on daily) tells me: "not all updates can be installed, run a partial upgrade" ?23:06
bjsniderno big deal23:06
bjsniderjust follow thru23:07
BUGabundoguntbert: DON'T run partial updates23:07
guntbertBUGabundo: ok, just what I thought, then the obvious choice would be "close" :-)23:08
BUGabundoguntbert: or use aptitude safe-upgrade and if all goes well check aptitude full-upgrade23:09
guntbertBUGabundo: good idea - as its only a VM for testing I'm not too concerned in *this* case but want to know for the future too - thanx23:11
alteregoahouston i got a problem23:17
alteregoawhats up with  xfs_fsr?23:17
bjsnider"whats up with" is not a complete problem report23:18
alteregoai eat a straight banana23:30
IdleOnebjsnider: is right. That is a very bad formulation of a question23:35
IdleOnebut I do have an answer23:35
IdleOnexfs_fsr is not a symmetrical name23:36
TwigaathyInteresting... my SATA port multiplier works *much* better under 2.6.31 than 2.6.28... wonder if something major changed :o23:36
Twigaathy(Lower CPU use and not just massing IO wait everywhere)23:36
bjsnideryou mean esata, or internal?23:37
TwigaathyeSATA + port multiplier23:37
TwigaathyeSATA itself is just SATA with a funny shaped connecto23:37
bjsnideri wonder if you had an IRQ problem23:38
Twigaathyperhaps... this is on two different machines....!23:38
TwigaathyI'll have to take a peek at things when I shift the box back to the other machine23:38
BUGabundoTwigaathy: my e-sata won't even start :(23:40
TwigaathyBUGabundo: lame :/ what motherboard/addin card?23:41
BUGabundoTwigaathy: my laptop :\23:41
Twigaathyfunny chipset?23:41
alteregoawhy pcs still uses irqs? there is dma and busmaster23:43
alankilaIRQs are needed to tell when the operation is complete?23:44
alankilait's just a signaling mechanism. How would you do it otherwise, poll memory to find when DMA has written the last byte?23:45
alankilait's worth noting that there are optimizations against the linux kernel systems that do something like that: if you have too many IRQs it will bog you down. IRQs are suitable for low-latency work, but there's a penalty to servicing them and thus cost in bandwidth.23:45
bjsniderwell, there are a lot of graphics driver issues with irq assignments23:47
alteregoaalankila, using polling23:47
alankilapolling is a higher latency strategy.23:47
alteregoait reduces adress lines or something23:48
joemIn 9.10, the option to turn on certain alsa switches is gone in the volume properties. Does anybody know how to tell alsa to play output through the line-in port? There isn't an option anymore.23:48
alteregoai just think the key is simplify the architecture23:48
alankilayes, but a simple but slow architecture is not very attractive proposition for people who do software deployments. They don't care about the complexity, they stare at benchmarks.23:49
alankilanot to mention that it isn't suitable for laptops that can't have the CPU polling stuff all the time in order to react to anything. They really want to turn the CPU off for macroscopic intervals.23:50
alteregoaalankila: thats why new programs are written in c# or java or such languages23:50
alankilasome are, but not all.23:50
kavurthi guys, what does "blocked updates" mean in Kubuntu KpackageKit?23:52
alteregoathe cache is consuming over 2/3 of the cpu23:52
alankilaanyway, I thought the lapic and whatnot fixed the number of IRQs to something like hundreds? And PCI has standardized the whole thing to generic configuration space stuff that seems quite robust. Last time I ever dealt with IRQs was with ISA boards. Is this really a problem today?23:52
alteregoano, i had zorro in the past23:52
bjsnideralankila, still a problem23:53
bjsnidertwo important devices can still mistakenly be given the same IRQ23:54
alankilabut that has to be XT-PIC stuff, which is pretty much obsolete today?23:55
alankilaI thought with the new IO-APIC you just have one IRQ per device and that's that23:55
binarymutanthas anyone in here got the new ati (proprietary) drivers to work?23:55
bjsnidernot sure what you mean by that23:55
alankilaat least this system doesn't share any IRQ and the maximum IRQ number is 2923:55
bjsnideralankila, there's an easy way to check. do cat /proc/interrupts23:56
alankilayes, I just did.23:56
alteregoai hate to assign interrupts with those isa cards23:57
bjsniderbinarymutant, i don't believe fglrx builds on the 2.6.31 kernel yet23:58
binarymutantbjsnider, they released a new version a couple of days ago23:58
bjsnideri think that one has support for 2.6.2923:58
binarymutantah :(23:59
binarymutantno wonder it didn't work23:59
alankilaI remember that my old laptop had exactly one IRQ and it assigned almost every device on that line. But it worked just fine. There is a way to figure out which board signaled the interrupt condition and my understanding of this is that it's quite robust... so even that just worked for me. But hey, maybe I was lucky.23:59

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